View Full Version : +60 feet land speed for 10 mins/lvl

2013-05-29, 05:12 PM
Can this work?

"Flash frost spell" on "control temperature" spell to create around you "a slippery layer of ice", as the description of the feats says, and then use "ice skate" spell to move for 10 mins/lvl with +60 feet speed.

I can't see why not to work, but some people may say that a slippery layer of ice is not icy enough surface for the "ice skate" spell to work on that..

2013-05-29, 05:18 PM
I don't see why not. It doesn't seem like the most practical combo, because you have to cast at least two spells to access this increased speed, and you can only travel at that speed in the effected area, but if that's what you want to do, that's a thing you can do. I'd much rather wild shape into some speedy animal for hours per level, possibly a flying one.

2013-05-29, 05:35 PM
oh.. damn.. i thought "control temperature" was moving with me.. I missed that.. well, i just have to find another spell that last for hours or at least minutes, and move with me..

2013-05-29, 05:52 PM
Actually, I think that the problem with control temperature is that it doesn't seem to make ice at all. It seems to just make things be cold. It actually is centered on you, so it'd follow you around wherever you go. I'd probably make use of some different resources though. You're at at least level 5, so you have access to desmodu hunting bat form from MM II. Those guys get 60 foot (good) flight speed, which is neat. If you want, you can up that to 70 feet by tossing heart of air from complete mage on. If you do that, then it'd be wise to also get the superior heart of water, that way you'd get the benefits of both spells, and also have the combination benefit of light fortification. It doesn't get you quite as fast, but you're flying around, so it's probably better. That's how I'd run it anyways. 70 foot (good) flight speed for hours per level seems better than 90 foot speed for 10 minutes per level.

Fouredged Sword
2013-05-29, 06:41 PM
Or you could build an effigy riding bat and have it take the run action each round. I think you get something like the equivalent of 200-300ft fly speed for overland movement.

2013-05-30, 01:29 AM
To eggnack: its not the "control temperature" spell that is gonna make the ice, but the "flash frost spell" metamagic feat on the spell.. If it moves around with me, then its perfect!

Yet, you are right, i could have a riding bat or something, i never thought about it cuz im thinking of an Arcane Hierophant that loves cold..

well, maybe i will do both!

2013-05-30, 03:34 AM
I was thinking something more along the lines of being a riding bat. If you can flash frost a control temperature, then you're at least 7th level. You can go around in desmodu hunting bat form for 21 hours a day, and that form is really sweet. Also, control temperature does follow your around, but I don't know if the flash frost control temperature does. The wording specifies, "when you cast" so I'm inclined to think that the freezing effect is an emanation centered on you, and as per the feat, it only lasts for a round.

2013-05-30, 03:55 AM
Thats my thought too, and im hoping more people will answer to this thread, so we may have something more clear.. At the feat it says "When you cast such a spell...." so, it may means "a spell alter by this feat....". And the 1 round it may means that after 1 round, the slippery surface is gone (but it will be created again if the spell is still there).

I dont want to be a RAW guy, nor a "read as i would like it to be" guy, so im asking others too..

dnd 3.5 really needs a "book of examples"..

2013-05-30, 04:01 AM
Well, you're not casting the spell on the second round. The spell is merely still in effect, which is a different thing. It thus seems likely that this combo would not be effective, though I don't see why you'd necessarily want it to be. If you have access to books as far flung as frostburn, then you can do things with significantly more power. A bear attempting to Frozone up the game does sound pretty amusing though.

2013-05-30, 04:34 AM
Well, i just thought creating a character that would "crate a slippery furface" around him, wherever he goes would be fun..

2013-05-30, 02:06 PM
Might be more effective to use one of the other speed boosts mentioned (or one of the less complicated ones available...there are many), while simultaneously making sure anyone else on the ground can't walk around. Snowshoes plus several of the other Frostburn spells that create snow are always good (even the ones that aren't quite as pwnage as blizzard), but you should also check out drifts of shalm, which I think was PHB2. It just makes squares of difficult terrain, as I recall. The reserve feat for earth in Complete Mage also does something like this, as I recall, though the mechanic didn't seem as large-scale as many spells.

Anyway, my point is that it's really only the difference in speeds between character and opponent that matters (overland movement is another thing altogether), so a more moderate speed boost plus a debuff to enemy speed would be just as effective.

I tend to agree with eggynack, though, on whether this combo works or not. The metamagic effect should resolve on the round the spell is finished casting, and won't be mobile unless the feat says as much (which it doesn't, AFAIK).

Nice concept though. It might be possible to come up with an item/spell combo that does a similar thing. Decanter of endless water is my go-to for fun druid spell/item combos, really, but it's little brother The 0-Level Spell That Could, a.k.a. create water, is also a good candidate. Just come up with a system to spray water onto the now freezing cold ground in front of you as you move. Pretty much in the DM's hands as to whether that would work, though.

If all else fails, frostfell.:smallcool:

2013-05-30, 03:30 PM
nice thought too, but i think i will have to abandon my idea, even if it was working, because, thinking about it later, with control temperature spell to be 20ft/lvl, i think it would be hard to go even near a town unless i dismiss it.. my own party would have trouble walking around unless they had snowshoes or ice skate.. Im glad that control temperature will come together with me, since i want to build a cold character and my party will be happy with endure elements spell (lvl1, 24h duration). And, i guess, dm will be happy to set up opponents with dispell magic :p

2013-05-30, 04:22 PM
A couple notes if you want a cold-themed character (which is an classic idea, too):

- I believe there are items somewhere that grant continuous endure elements. There are rules in the DMG for creating continuous effect items that emulate spells. Otherwise this stands to soak up a bunch of your spells.

- Fluff from previous editions gave elves a wider temperature tolerance than humans, though only to a minor degree. Might be relevant to other party members. Or not.:smallsmile:

- I've seen (or rather heard of) optional rules for minor curses and drawbacks for magic items. An interesting one that a character of mine rolled once was that, while wearing this ring, the air within 10' of her was 10 degrees colder. Not really enough for a straightforward mechanical effect (although vague enough for some nice exploitation), but great fluff. Perhaps you can convince your DM to give you some minor item or effect that creates a similar fluff-oriented effect around your character. A temp difference of 10 degrees is very noticeable; 5 degrees is fairly noticeable. Less than that will be overlooked easily, ruining the fluff. This is akin to the fluff for planetouched (tieflings that smell like brimstone, air genasi with constant wind tousling their hair, etc).

Anyway, good luck.

2013-05-30, 05:12 PM
thank you guys! i won't continue writing here about cold characters, im gonna read in the corresponding threads!