View Full Version : The Black Order Team B - IC

2013-05-30, 12:15 AM
OOC Thread Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15328153#post15328153)

All except Freddie Silverblood

You stand atop the southern portion of the wall between the Noble's Quarter and the Goblin Quarter. From here you can see the run down slums of the Goblin Quarter - the crude shanties built on top of each other and in the rubble of other once more impressive structures. You can even make out the old breach in the wall that's never been fixed, and beyond it the blasted red earth just outside Citadel.

In front of you, also on the wall, stands a tall menacing woman clad in a formal black and gold longcoat and a similarly styled wide brimmed hat. She has one good arm, her other being strangely gnarled and twisted; but this does not detract from her aura of authority in any way - if anything it only serves to make her appear that much more formidable. She looks each of you over with her icy blue eyes.

"At ease, initiates. I am Sorceress Elwynn Debarre, and for now you've been assigned under my command. I'm glad you were able to join me on time as well - some of your fellow initiates have been... lax, of late. They seem to think that belonging to the Order means respecting no authority - later I will disabuse them of this notion. Harshly.

You however have shown the spark of potential, and as your training is complete, it's time for your first assignment.

It's been decided to patch the breach in the Goblin Quarter wall. Right now it's just a great pile of junk instead of a proper fortification, and that risks not merely the entire quarter, but the security of the entire city. However, each time we try to send a repair unit, interference from the cults makes it impossible.

They kidnap our work crews, burn our supplies and assassinate our guards. That's why you're here. Obviously you can't be expected to root out every demon cultist down there, but I do expect you to find out who's organizing the cults - and take care of them. Any questions?"

She gazes over each initiate in turn, waiting for any queries.

Freddie Silverblood

You stand in the Raiment of Steel barracks in the Goblin Quarter; several soldiers march in front of you off to who-knows-where, and shortly thereafter you're approached by you're commanding officer, an imposing man with one eye, a beard and no hair atop his head.

"Silverblood - I've got an assignment for you, special request from the blackcloaks. They're sending a group of initiates down here to deal with the cults so we can finally patch the damned wall - you're going with them to keep them alive if at all possible. Think you can handle it?"

2013-05-30, 01:22 AM
Feige was listening to every word Ms. Debarre said with extreme nerviosism; after all, it was his first asignment. Even so, that didn't stop him from trying to obtain the most information about his mission.

- Erm... Ms. Debarre, if I may; how unified are these cults? Are we talking about a well organised force or a number of segregated groups always engaged in internal conflicts?

And also, if it's possible; will we have any inside contacts?

2013-05-30, 02:06 AM
For a moment, Jackal seemed immensely interested in staring blankly into the distance, transfixed by what was out there, though few could truly tell what he was looking at. Of course, Jackal had been looking at nothing, thinking about a new experiment he had been working on.

Absently rubbing the area below his right arm, he wrenched his attention back to the present long enough to hear of this mission they had assigned for him. Of course, this caused him to notice the woman standing before him, as well as the anomaly plaguing her arm. This took his attention again, causing him to completely miss what the other initiate had said before him.

Excuse me miss, but that arm of yours, have you ever asked someone to take a look at it? I've been working on an experiment lately that could give you back the use of a second limb, but of course, I have had little success finding a live test subject, so I cannot guarantee success.

When hearing Jackal speak, it is very obvious that he doesn't get out much. His lack of tact seems quite clear to all but him. Spending hours in his lab working on his projects, he doesn't quite pick up on these subtle social cues, such as the fact that a woman with an injured arm may not want to discuss such things. Or the fact that asking about such things with a superior is not going to get him anywhere, but Jackal often lets his curiosity get to him, especially when it pertains to his experiments.

2013-05-30, 08:13 AM
Mistformsquirll"Sir yes sir, may I inquire about the mission sir?"
EDIT: Whoops missed the all except for.

Soras Teva Gee
2013-05-30, 09:03 PM
Rega flicked her tail back and forth in silent irritation and said nothing. Not at her superior, or at their mission, but at the questions. The first wasn't so bad at least it was relevant, though to Rega's thinking if anyone knew who was behind the cultists then the traitorous scum would have be wiped out already. Honestly though who did this other fool think he was?

Still she was evidently going to have to work with these people. That demanded she not open up on them right away. So she waited at ease to be dismissed.

2013-05-30, 09:55 PM
Shyss waited and said nothing. Nothing he might ask would change what had to be done, and it wouldn't make sense for their CO to withhold relevant information hitherto their making a specific inquiry concerning it.

2013-05-30, 11:38 PM
Elwynn smiled, something closer to a shark's grin than the disarming smile you might expect from her. She steps closer to Feige.

"The title is Sorceress if you please, initiate. That said - the cults used to be just scattered groups with no real cohesion. We fought them where we could find them, but they were mostly just irritants... of late though something has changed in the Goblin Quarter. The cults are unified. Organized. Actually dangerous - a threat to Citadel potentially; though right now not a big enough threat to throw the big guns at them.

I don't have to tell you that if the situation gets bad enough the entire district may have to be razed. I'd like to avoid that - I'm no fan of goblins, but most aren't all that bad. Besides, if the Goblin Quarter is burned out the survivors are going to crop up everywhere else, and I don't want that.

As for contacts - there's a former cultist, Sharl, you'll find him waiting for you at the Goblin Quarter Barracks for the Raiment of Steel, you'll also pick up a bodyguard there."

Then she turns to Jackal.

"Initiate, I am a Sorceress of the Black Order, I have most every resource in Citadel at my disposal when and where I desire it - what in the abyss could possess you to think that you could do for me what no master of the arcane in this entire city could? Besides... while... damaged, this arm functions well enough for it's purpose. I'll speak of it no further, and neither will you."

She appraises the initiates once more.

"If there are more questions, ask them, otherwise proceed to the Goblin District Barracks, dismissed."

Freddie Silverblood

"Of course. I don't have a lot of details mind you - you'll have to ask them when they get here, but what I do know is they're hunting for whoevers organizing the cults here. Going to put their head on a spike and hopefully frighten the rest of the scum back into their dank holes.

Your job of course is to keep them alive long enough to do that - standard bodyguarding assignment. And Silverblood... do try to stay alive, eh? The blackcloaks may not think much of us, but we're still worth something. You show them that."

2013-05-30, 11:41 PM
"Yes sir, I will do my best sir."

2013-05-31, 01:47 AM
Hearing the woman berate him, Jackal looked around at his colleagues, seeing the looks of disappointment, though showing no shame, for he felt none.

Oh... right. Sometimes I get a little overexcited when I'm working on something new. I guess it makes sense others can do it, I've just been trying to perfect a new method and I got excited at the idea that I might find a test subject. Alas, I shall have to continue my search. I meant no disrespect miss... errm... Sorceress Elwynn. I'm sure you can understand someone wanting to take any opportunity to learn more about their craft? Even if it's a little different than the methods of others. Of course, I'm ready to begin this mission if the others are. I'm sure that we would all love to get moving.

Seeming to recover from his folly without even really noticing he had made much of a mistake in the first place, Jackal looked to his companions, awaiting their readiness to be off.

2013-05-31, 05:21 AM
Feige, at that moment, felt exceptionally nervious and ashamed of himself.

-(Great, just great. First phrase I say to my superior on my first mission and I manage to mess it up. Nice start, Feige.)

- "I am deeply sorry, Sorceress Elwynn. I will inmediately start the mission!" ; said Feige, already trembling like a leaf.

Soras Teva Gee
2013-05-31, 09:33 PM
First rule of discipline. Keep your damn mouth shut. As these two were receiving an object lesson in right now. Rega carefully kept a smirk off her face and her eyes staring a league ahead though the catwoman's tail still twitched, this time in quiet satisfaction.

"At once Sorceress," She said simply in a calm voice at the dismissal then made ready to leave.

2013-06-01, 01:04 AM
All except Freddie

Elwynn nods to Feige. "It's fine. It's just that once you've climbed this far up the ladder in the Order, one becomes... particular about how they are addressed, you know?"

She pointedly ignores Jackal and instead passes a map to Rega. "I know none of you is likely to have spent much time in the Goblin Quarter, so here is a map to help you get around - particularly I've marked the barracks where you're heading. Move out."

She turns to leave herself going back toward the main tower.

(You can talk on the way to the barracks, or after you arrive.)

Freddie Silverblood

Freddie sees several humans and a catfolk enter the barracks, and you're fairly sure they're your assignment.

2013-06-01, 01:15 AM
After the rest of the group has arrived at the barracks "Excuse me sirs and ma'am" A massive armoured figure says approaching the group and saluting. "I believe I have been assigned to your command for your upcoming mission. I am Private Silverblood." You get the feeling that he would like to know your names too. He also looks slightly nervous.

2013-06-01, 10:49 AM
After seeing the Sorceress going away, Feige felt that titles apparently are very important to these officials. He made a mental note to remember this.

He tried not to make any conversations until getting to the barracks; after all, we'd have to introduce there again in front of our "bodyguard".

After getting to the barracks.
Seeing the new person; Feige felt impressed at the great velocity with which he introduced himself; usually in his social meetings he always had to be the first to break the ice.

Greetings; I am Feige, an initiate cleric.
I pray our mission to be a fruitful one.

Soras Teva Gee
2013-06-01, 11:45 AM
After the Sorceress had left Rega took a moment to familiarize herself with the map. Indeed she hadn't spent much time there, the Leonell family house was in a much nicer quarter of the city as befit their generations of service to it. Still this was where the mission sent her.

"Well then let's make it happen," she said to the group before moving out, keeping all other conversation to a minimum.


Arriving at the barracks Rega hand came up as she returned the private's salute.

"Thank you Private Silverblood, I am Initiate Rega Leonell," she said, "Our assignment here is to track down the cults operating in the area. Martial assistance from the Raiment will be welcome."

2013-06-01, 01:28 PM
After looking over the map to a small extent, Jackal had again assumed his air of distraction. Seeming to move along with the group with only a faint awareness of where he was going, occasionally slowing down, only to notice and hurry to catch back up.

Once they reached the barracks Jackal seemed to begin to notice his surroundings again, recognizing a place he had once served. While he had only served in the Raiment of Steel for about 5 years, he had served in many different areas, often being moved around as commanders decided they no longer wanted to have to deal with the man who would experiment on the dead. Of course, they also did not care much for the son of a doctor from the noble quarter who was obliviously awkward and lacked the respect of a subordinate.

Hearing the man, who was even larger than him and taller than any of his towering companions, Jackal remembered his own days in the Raiment. "Hello Private Silverblood. I am Jack Torson, but call me Jackal, it's what everyone else calls me. I'm an Alchemist, as well as a capable fighter, but I'll be glad to not be the only one to draw enemy attention should we come across a fight.

2013-06-01, 03:48 PM
Shyss notices the introductions occurring and glances up from his intent study of the map.
He gives each person a brief nod before refocusing his attention on the map.

2013-06-01, 11:01 PM
"So initiates, what are my orders? And when do we start?" He looks and sounds nervous as he asks.

Soras Teva Gee
2013-06-02, 12:10 AM
Well this soldier knew his business or so it seemed. Good, she should have no problem working with the private. Something Rega still couldn't say about her own nominal comrades. There was nothing for it though, they were who she had been assigned.

"We start with an informer that we were told was here. The name we were given was Sharl and that he would be here. We will need to speak with him. Preferably in a cell." Rega said to the soldier, then pulled out the map she had gotten from the Sorceress. And opened it to place spread on the nearest table. She thought of what else to do on the way over here.

"This Sharl is a former cultist so it would be best to cultivate other sources of information starting here. I want this barrack's senior man to collect some information from the men stationed here. This is the Goblin Quarter so I presume you patrol it. We need to know everything that's been happening in this district. Anything 'unusual' in the past few days or weeks, even something that you might normally brush off. We'll need to know where it happened as well. This map will do if this station does not have a better one. If you could deliver those messages, I need to confer with my fellow initiates."

Leaving the soldier to deliver the messages Rega turned her attentions to the other Order Initiates. This Sharl was likely still their best hope so they needed to address that.

"Okay we need to decide how we want to handle this Sharl. Do any of you know any magic to effect the mind. My own talents are more direct, I could leave him senseless on the floor or dead but not make him my friend. Failing that do any of you know have a talent for manipulating people or torture?"

2013-06-02, 01:01 AM
Snaps salute at Rega. "Yes Ma'am". Proceeds to carry out her instructions by finding my commanding officer and relaying her wishes.

2013-06-02, 02:38 AM
Feige felt really surprised at what Rega was saying. Using mind control as the first option didn't sound very ethical. Feige sighed as he realized the kind of people he had been asigned.

(This is gonna be a long day...; he thought.

He then said: Initiate Rega; I do not possess that kind of magic. And in all honesty, mind controlling a contact, who may have voluntarily defied the cults and all the consecuences it implies for helping us, would not be very appropiate in finding a peaceful solution to the problem.

Still, I do understand the goblin tongue; so i may me able of persuading the individuals if anything happens.

Feige felt that even if the Order doesn't care that much about the mission; the goblins, who are probably sick of all kinds of magic-users trying mental tricks on them, would react negatively to it.

2013-06-02, 04:30 AM
Being addressed in a general sense by the tall woman, Jackal seems to focus on the group again, having been looking around the barracks remembering old days here.

"Hmm, well, I do not think it is necessary, but if it comes down to it, I speak goblin and I'm sure I could get someone to talk. I have quite the knowledge of the human body. I know what can cause pain without damaging or killing them. I could torture someone if need be. Or, I might even be able to concoct something that could help. Just something to hurt him enough to get him to tell us everything we want to know. Ooh, I could just experiment on him, nobody much likes being cut up and prodded at. However, I do not think that would be necessary. If he has already come to the Raiment then I doubt he is unwilling to cooperate. All we need do is ask him I would assume. But, like I said, if it really comes down to it, I could probably make him talk."

Seeing the revulsion on the face of Feige even at the mention of mind control, Jackal wondered if the man had the stomach for this type of work. It was obvious the dirtier work must be left to those like Jackal, who cared little about whether he got his hands dirty, as long as he learned something from the process.

2013-06-02, 04:45 AM
At the talk of using torture and magical coercion on their willing contact, Shyss raises an eyebrow.

2013-06-02, 05:09 AM
Freddie Silverblood

You find your CO, Captain Abel, hunched over his desk looking at a map of the quarter. He looks up and raises an eyebrow when he sees you back so soon.

Everyone Else

You are currently in the main room of the barracks - several raiment soldiers, including a few goblins, mill about nearby. One man, overhearing your conversation, helpfully mentions that there are interrogation chambers on the lower level; through the stairs at the back of the barracks.[/spoiler]

Soras Teva Gee
2013-06-02, 10:27 AM
Thanking the soldier for the information Rega decided one of the interrogation rooms would do nicely.

It was interesting the Citadel could still produce bleeding hearts. At some level that was a probably a good thing. But the raging hordes out there would not be stopped by such things. Recalcitrant or not this Sharl had made a choice to sign up with those same forces. She cared not a fig for his fate only what options were open to them to get the info they need.

"In the event all the info we need doesn't drop into our lap like a gift from the Nexus we need to understand what our options are." Rega said to her fellows, "I'd prefer magical verification that whatever information he provides is not a trap. That doesn't seem to be an option so we will have to take our chances. And it seems manipulation would make will for the primary approach. That's preferable when it works the information it is more reliable. We shall keep harsher methods as a back up if they are warranted."

2013-06-02, 12:17 PM
"Captain Abel sir!" Freddie throws a quick salute, "the initiates have requested that all information for the cultists be given to them, and anything unusual unusual occurring during patrols for the last couple of weeks be reported, sir! They also were wondering if we have any detailed maps they could use, sir."

2013-06-02, 03:37 PM
Hearing the information from the guard he assumed bringing people to the interrogation rooms was common practice. Also, although the people didn't seem like the most ethical people ever; he sensed admiration for Rega's diligence.

Also, Feige will try to percieve what the people in the barracks are saying to know a little more about the situation.

If it's required, here's a perception check.
[roll0] I include my bonus of +8 to perception in the roll.

2013-06-02, 07:54 PM
This Rega woman seems keen to take command. I best leave it to her. It seems the entire group is quite capable. I'll provide input should it seem pertinent and offer any help I can, but leave the commanding and directing to others. Jackal thought before letting his mind begin to wander again.

Of course, he thought it was a great idea to put the efforts of a Black Order Initiate squad to the task of rooting out the cultists in order to make repairs to the wall. In fact, he was happy to finally be put to work. It might give him a chance to test out some of his extracts. He was even eager to get to see how well his squad could work towards such a thing, but unlike some of his companions, Jackal had no reason to try to assert his dominance over the others. He was content to follow along and be of whatever use he could to those who did decide they needed to prove their superiority.

Given what he had concluded, Jackal allowed himself to follow the others, thinking again of the several things he had been working on recently. To him, study was everything, and working for the Black Order was mostly a way to obtain the means to learn more, whether what he got out of it be material, test subjects, opportunities to do field research or just the funds.

2013-06-03, 12:45 PM
Freddie Silverblood

"I see. Here, they can use my map. As for information - I can think of one unusual happening off the top of my head that they'll almost certainly want to know about.

Kidnappings. Well over a half dozen of them in nearly as many days, all here in the Goblin quarter. Mostly goblins, at first we thought it was just criminals - then a noblewoman and her husband passing through the district went missing. Found their bodies and the bodies of the goblins with their throats slit three days after the missing persons report came in. Strange markings on each body too, looked like a trio of eyes stacked one on top of another on their abdomens.

That's when we figured it was one of the cults for sure. Everything else has been more or less run of the mill - still plenty of nastiness but a mass sacrifice suggests something big is up. Tell them that and see what they make of it."

All Else

A withered looking goblin with one arm enters the main room from one of the side cloakrooms.

"I uhm, couldn't help but overhear you planning some unpleasantness for me and well, I thought it might be best if I just told you what you want to know like civilized folks, hrm? My name is Sharl, n-no need to get rough or anything - the cults cost me my arm and twenty years of living. I'm willing to go quite far to see them defeated for good, if... if you'll let me help of course."

2013-06-03, 01:01 PM
"Thank you sir, I will relay this information immediately." Freddies salutes and then returns to the initiates.

Freddie walks up to the initiates and salutes, "Initiates, Captain Abel provided us his map" Freddie gives the map to whoever is interested(if no one is interested he can hang onto it). "There have also been a large number of kidnappings, mostly of goblins but a noblewoman and her husband were kidnapped too. 3 days later their bodies were found with their throats slit, markings were on the bodies of three eyes stacked one on top of another located on the abdomens of the victims. Other than that nothing unusual for the district to report."

2013-06-04, 04:56 AM
Feige hears at what the goblins says; and believes it must not be the first time people use such "umpleasantries" on him.

Do not fear. As long as you give the information as accorded; we will be on our way.; Feige explained.

Then, after hearing from Private Silverwood, Feige inmediately thought of either a call of atention or a vengeance. He tried to remember what that symbol might be.

If neccesary, I'll include a knowledge (religion) check:


2013-06-04, 01:11 PM

While you can't pin down anything especially specific, you know for certain that that is a symbol of high favor from Baphomet himself. For sacrifices to be so branded means someone is trying to attract his attention to their murderous activities.

Soras Teva Gee
2013-06-04, 10:24 PM
Tail twitching at the bother of it all Rega stared intently at Sharl but said nothing. If he hoped for an apology he'd be disappointed. That he was even running around irritated her more then would admit. How were they going to win this war without basic security? Best to let the others handle this for the moment while she merely watched.

2013-06-04, 11:12 PM
As they all sat there and stared at the withered goblin, Jackal was staring intently at where the man's arm should be. It was clear he was thinking of the same thing he had been thinking about with their superior, but instead of bursting out with an offer, he seemed to hold back. His reasoning, of course was that he had little use for a goblin to test on, seeing as his experiment was meant for humans. Maybe he could attempt the question later, for now they had a job to do, and as it stood, nobody seemed to be doing much of anything. Seeming to focus much more on the task at hand, the distracted look leaving his face, Jackal spoke up.

"Alright, why don't we go into the interrogation room and get this moving along. I imagine that it will be easier to talk in a private room such as that."

Assuming we go to the interrogation room:
"So, Sharl. What can you tell us about the cults here? We need everything you can tell us. Locations, who their leader is, where he or she can be found, an estimate of their numbers, and of course anything else of significance." Jackal asked in goblin.

2013-06-04, 11:44 PM
Assuming interrogation
Freddie stands there and glowers at the goblin. He won't actively participate unless needed to.
If no interrogation
Freddie stands there and looks closely at the map the Captain gave him. Only half paying attention to the initiates and the goblin.

2013-06-05, 10:26 AM
Feige looked at everybody; and realized that even if he would very reluctantly resort to torture; the interrogation room would give us more than adecuate privacy. No need to include the others in such private matters.

Feige therefore concurred with Jackal's proposal, and gave a calming gesture to Sharl.

If we go to the interrogation room:
Feige, after hearing Jackal's question; will add in goblin:
Also, if you know if these "cultists" have any clear purpose or follow a certain deity.

2013-06-05, 03:50 PM
Sharl looks at the assembled group and puts up his one good hand. "Fine, fine, we'll go to the interrogation room. But I promise you won't need to do anything to get me to talk, I'm happy to tell you everything I know, just.... don't hurt me."

He follows you back and down the stairs to the interrogation room, once there he begins answering Jackal's questions:

"Right, so, I don't know who their leader is, and I don't know where to find them... but; I know where you can find that information. There's a warehouse about three blocks from here - I scoped it out before I came here; it's crawling with cultists and as I recall it was a major hub for one of the cults back before I left.

While I doubt you'll find the leader of the whole operation there, you'll probably find something to link you to them, right? I mean it just makes sense. Worst case scenario you shut down one of the most important hubs of cult activity in the goblin quarter - that's nothing to sneeze at either, right?"

Sharl is clearly jittery and nervous, and waits timidly for another question.

2013-06-05, 04:24 PM
After that, Feige thinks: (That sounds totally like a trap, plus does mentioning a place where cultists may be gathering without the mention of any names whatsoever count as an informant? He must know more...)

Even in his usual trusting spirit; Feige will try to see in Sharl's non verbal actions if he is in fact telling the truth or trying to conceal information.

If neccesary, Sense motive check:
[roll0]; my bonus is +4; not applied.

2013-06-05, 08:50 PM
Freddie continues to stay quiet, glaring at the goblin with suspicion.

Sense motive roll

2013-06-05, 09:02 PM
Jackal thought about this. For an informant, he doesn't know much. What does he know then, if nothing of their leader or any of their locations?

"For an informant, you don't claim to know much. What can you actually tell us? A single location seems a little... well, shifty. What use are you to us if you can't give us any useful information? Even if you are telling us all you know, how do we know you were even ever associated with these cults. You say you scoped out a location that you associate with the cults, but you also put on this attitude that they cost you a lot. It seems to me that someone who had abandoned a cult would not be so willing to return to the area and risk being exposed. The way I see it, either you worked for the cults, and don't know anything, you worked for them and still do, thus leading us into a trap, or you never really worked with them, and thus are useless to us."

As Jackal spoke, his goblin quite impressive really for a human, he became increasingly animated. His eyes never left those of Sharl and as he was finishing up his dialogue, his two hands began to each rest on the hilt of a greatsword jutting from either side. Of course, even if he were to decide to draw one, he would not do so with both, but this was a stance he tended to assume when he was getting heated about something.

2013-06-06, 04:13 PM
Freddie and Feige

As near as you can tell he's telling the truth.


Sharl practically shrivels into the floor under Jackal's presence.

"It's all I know, I swear! I left the cult over a year ago, they move their operations constantly so you blackcloaks don't find 'em! But I... I knows how they think... I think I know what's going on here but you ain't gonna like it...

They... they ain't just disrupting the wall reconstruction efforts. You heard 'bout the bodies piling up, yeah? I... I seen that before. Someone's trying to grab the big B's attention, and if they succeed you'll have a prince or princess 'o the abyss right here in Citadel.

You startin' to understand the problem m'lords? Imagine the biggest, nastiest, gnarliest demon you ever seen, here, behind the shield. Even... even if the Order can stop it, it'll at least destroy this district, and there's a good chance it could disrupt the shield or break the walls further - either way it's bad news.

And that's assuming B merely grants 'is favor - if he's pleased enough he might just come in person. You don't want that m'lords, not at all."

Sharl tries to pick himself off the ground and regain some dignity, but he's still trembling like a leaf.

2013-06-06, 04:52 PM
Shyss' eyes flick towards the goblin cowering on the floor.

2013-06-06, 11:00 PM
Freddies eyes widen at the mention of demon princes, "If my opinion counts at all initiates, I say we strike quickly and with any and all force we can muster. Preferably BEFORE the demon royalty shows up."

2013-06-07, 01:57 AM
The look on Jackal's face when he heard the reply was somewhere between pride and shock. The former due to the happiness at having gotten more information out of the goblin, the latter due to the possibility of something being summoned within the citadel walls.

Removing his hands from his blades, Jackal began to pace. His excitement was clear in his stance. "Now we're getting somewhere. Who is this big B you speak of? Also, even if they do not seem teeming with life right now, do you remember any other locations you might have contacted cultists?"

Hearing Freddie's suggestion, Jackal looks at him. "Good point. Time is important. Let me see that map you mentioned." Spreading the map over the room's table, Jackal looked back to Sharl, reaching into his bag and removing an inkpen. "Mark on the map the main location you referred to with a circle and any other locations that might be associated with the cults with an x. I want to be as thorough as possible. If we strike one location, it's very possible that the cultists could speed up their plans, and we don't want that." It was odd to see Jackal so enthusiastic, but when he took an interest in something, it had his full attention.

2013-06-07, 04:26 AM
Feige thought for a moment about the current turn of events, and said:

" The Big B may be referrring to Baphomet... the three eyes sign is proof. If Bahomet is in fact in the mix; me must act quickly; before the place becomes a giant labyrinth. I am not a military strategist; so I can't say which plan will work better... so it's up to you.

Feige would have preferred a diplomatic aproach; but that should have been done long ago, now that they may be summoning a powerful demon; this has gotten serious.

2013-06-08, 09:12 AM
Sharl nods at Feige's assessment. "Yeah. You blackcloaks may have the wherewithal to just blurt it out like that but the rest of us..." he shudders involuntarily "You see the reason I'm worried then, yeah?"

Sharl slowly stands and walks over the map Jackal indicated.

"Right, so here's the warehouse" He circles it, just a few blocks from the barracks. "Be careful if you raid it though, like I said, it's crawling with cultists and they won't be happy to see you. I'm sure you already know, but their weapons are going to be crude - daggers, pipes, chair legs; but there are a lot of them, you don't want to get overwhelmed."

He also looks at the map further.

"Here..." he marks a small house near the breach "... I can't guarantee anything, but if I were still with them, I'd bet money this is where they'll fall back to when you hit the warehouse. It used to be a safehouse, and nobody usually bothers it because the actual building collapsed when the wall was breached - what you're looking for is a trap door hidden in the rubble. That said, the cults are rightly paranoid, I can't guarantee they'll go there, merely that's where I'd expect them to go."

2013-06-08, 09:34 AM
Any guards at the bolt-hole?

2013-06-08, 02:54 PM
Sharl looks at Shyss "Probably a couple, assuming it's still in use."

2013-06-08, 03:02 PM
How often are those changed, and at what times?

2013-06-08, 04:36 PM
Sharl gives Shyss a very quizzical look. "The cults ain't an army sir, no offense... they don't do things like 'changing of the guard' and all that. If there's trouble there it'll be a handful of goons hanging around the place just in case anyone gets too interested in it.

If they were that organized, I'd be beyond terrified. Actually no, I'd be dead instead of talking to you, come to think of it. Probably in a most unpleasant fashion." He shakes his head. "They're ah, not exactly keen on traitors to the cause as you can imagine."

2013-06-08, 10:21 PM
Studying the map, and the newly marked locations, Jackal listened to what the others had to say. "Baphomet? Can't say I know much about demon lords or the like. I guess I can just trust in your knowledge should the need arise, Fiege."

Looking back to Sharl, he addressed the goblin. "So, you say there are a lot of cultists at this location. Can you give us a rough estimate of how many? I wanna know what we're up against before we go rushing into this. Also, Freddie and Sharl, I would suspect that you two know this area the best. What do you think is the best approach to this warehouse? Preferably a way from which they are less likely to see us coming."

2013-06-08, 10:59 PM
We could have one or two people secure the bolt-hole, while the rest herded the cultists towards it. A rock and a hard place.

2013-06-09, 02:52 AM
Freddie thinks for a moment and then says "Well sirs, I think someone who can blend into a crowd and isn't very conspicuous should probably scout out the bolt hole. If they can achieve that and the information is accurate to the goblin's testimony, we can strike at the bolt hole quickly and with all of us, which should keep the guards from being able to escape and raise an alarm. This would allow us to gain the measure of the cultists basic combat abilities and possibly more information on the main compound. We might be able to requisition some Raiment soldiers to first watch the warehouse while we strike the bolthole, and then to both hide in the bolthole to strike cultists who mange to flee that way, and station them in positions to funnel cultists towards the bolthole or intercept any cultists attempting to escape through another route." Freddie shuffles nervously worried that he may have said too much.

2013-06-10, 12:56 PM
Sharl speaks to Jackal "The warehouse... I can't give you an exact count cause there were probably some inside too, but from the outside I saw at least seven. Considering there were probably more in the building... estimate at least ten probably, could be more, but I wouldn't consider it likely that there'd be less."

Sharl turns toward Freddie giving him an appraising glance. "I think this one is pretty on the ball, I was going to suggest similar measures but... well yeah, what he said."

2013-06-11, 03:21 AM
Jackal looks to Freddie, reevaluating the man. "Hmm, not bad at all. I do see a few minor issues though. Can we get enough men from your barracks for this to be effective, and if so, how will we cover enough of the possible routes to ensure we do not let some through that can alert the rest of the cult? Of course, these are somewhat minor concerns, and I think I like this plan. You seem to have a head for this type of stuff, I think it'd be nice to have you attached to our squad on a more permanent basis." Barely even realizing he had complimented the man, and not even really looking at him, Jackal was getting more excited for this mission the closer they got to combat.

2013-06-11, 02:20 PM
You hear a scream from the front of the building.

2013-06-11, 02:21 PM
Freddie draws his blade and sprints towards the noise!

2013-06-11, 03:07 PM
Shyss follows close at Freddie's heels.

2013-06-11, 07:02 PM
Jackal draws one of his greatswords and follows the others.

2013-06-12, 01:25 AM
Hearing the newfound noise; Feigefollows the others at a safe distance; he's not a frontline fighter after all.

Also, he'll try to locate and identify the noise.

Rolling perception if neccesary (bonus is +8)

2013-06-12, 03:35 PM
As you arrive at the front door, you're greeted by a horrifying smell and a truly terrible sight, you see one of the guard's legs engulfed by one of these creatures:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v213/mistharm/Skullslime_zpsd93a6bb8.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/mistharm/media/Skullslime_zpsd93a6bb8.jpg.html)

Knowledge Religion or Arcana to find out what they are.

The slime oozing from the skull is eating into his leg, and he can't get a good angle to hurt it. Another one enters the burnt-through front door...

Roll initiative!

Skullslime Initiative -


2013-06-12, 03:51 PM
Freddie rushes the slime attacking the guard doing his utmost to avoid hitting the guardsman while he tries hacking it to little bits.

Attack roll
Damage if hits

2013-06-12, 06:18 PM

On my first turn:
Jackal rushes the slime in the doorway, knowing he needs the more open space provided there to swing his massive sword. Then he brings the blade to bear. Attack Roll:[roll1] Damage if hit:[roll2]

2013-06-13, 01:47 AM
Initiative: (no bonus for me)

Feige, looking at the newfound enemies; he will approach Jackal and with a manerism say: "May the fortune smile upon you".

Feige casts Touch of luck (At his next round he will be able to roll his dice twice and use the best result).

Number of Touch of luck for today: 6

2013-06-13, 02:39 PM
Shyss quickly moves to help Freddie, and as he slashes down at the slime, a shimmering replica of his shortsword trails behind his swing.

Initiative: [roll0]
Initiating Shadow Blade Technique (using the higher attack roll):
Attack Rolls: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Cold Damage (if attack rolls are the same): [roll3]

2013-06-18, 07:46 AM
The first skullslime continues to attack the guard's leg, seemingly utterly oblivious to it's new enemies. The guard screams is pain as more of his flesh dissolves into the creature.

Immediately the group is spurred to action, and while Freddie and Jackal have surprising difficulty attacking the creature, Shyss manages to strike true, shattering the skull in a single blow. Almost immediately the green gel of the creatures body begins to dissipate into thin air.

The second skullslime mindlessly drives forward into the fray, attempting to latch on to Freddie...

The second skullslime is going to attack Freddie:

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1] - This is acid damage just FYI, in case you have an immunities/vulnerabilities etc...

2013-06-18, 08:21 AM
Freddie roars in surprise and fear as the slime moves to attack him, he evades it quite handily however, and brings his greatsword down upon it with all the power he can muster.

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage Roll [roll1]
On the off chance I get a critical (a roll of 19 or 20 with the greatsword)
Confirm Roll [roll2]
Critical Damage [roll3]

2013-06-19, 01:03 AM
Jackal growls as the weapon seems to pass right through where the slime should be. Trying to change tactics a little, he aims for the area near the skull, expecting it to be less difficult to cut through.

Attack roll:[roll0]
Touch of Luck second attack roll:[roll1]
Damage roll if hit:[roll2]

2013-06-19, 02:03 PM
Both weapons strike the skullslime at roughly the same moment, tearing the pathetic creature apart and spattering acidic ooze across the inside of the barracks entryway.

Through the wrecked front door you can see an obvious problem... more of the creatures are loose in the district, and there's a fire at the warehouse Sharl had been pointing you too.

2013-06-19, 02:53 PM
Feige puts a very terrified face when he looks at the warehouse and says:
The... the warehouse! It's on fire! Are we too late? We need to see what is happening!

While he says that he will try to see what exactly is happening from his position:

Perception roll:
[roll0] ; bonus is +8; not included.

2013-06-19, 07:09 PM
Freddie looks to the wounded guard, trying to ascertain his condition "MEDIC!" He shouts, looking over as Feige comments about the warehouse.
Perception roll
If he can see the other slimes from his position her rises and charges the closest one, roaring
Charge attack!

2013-06-20, 10:22 AM
Shyss quickly looks from the flaming warehouse to the rampaging slimes.
If Freddie attacks, Shyss also moves to engage.
Attack Roll (if necessary): [roll0]
Damage Roll (if necessary): [roll1]

2013-06-20, 12:57 PM
Feige will run to the injured guard while screaming:

Everybody try to get into the warehouse! If the summoning is finished we will have problems! We must stop it before it finishes!

Also, he will tend to the guard, saying:

Are you alright? do you need first aid?

In case it is neccesary, here's a Heal check:
[roll0]; bonus is +8; not included.

2013-06-20, 02:48 PM
Feige is unable to see past the smoke and flames, and quickly begins to work on the injured guard instead. With utmost skill he treats the man's injured legs, neutralizing the acid and binding the horrifying wounds left in it's wake.

The guard for his part can only moan in pain.

Feige - Heal check successful!

Shyss and Freddie meanwhile move into the street beyond the barracks threshhold; without hesitation each strikes down a roving skullslime before the creature is aware of their presence.

From outside it is even more clear - the entire warehouse is aflame, and that entire section of the district is in danger of burning down. Something has gone very, very wrong here.

2013-06-20, 03:41 PM
Shyss hurriedly throws words back over his shoulder to Feige while continuing to fight the slimes.
Nobody could maintain a summoning in that,
Shyss gestures towards the warehouse
and these things will have free run of the city if we allow that the warehouse to distract us. People could die.

2013-06-20, 07:38 PM
Freddie looks around
If he sees any other members of the Raiment of Steel he attempts to guide them to secure civilians and cordon off the area infested with the slime creatures. Whether or not that works, if he sees a slime he closes in and strikes at it.

"FORWARD COMRADES! DRIVE THIS SCUM FROM OUR CITY!" He roared, adding in a quiter voice, "If we can contain these things, we will also be positioning men around the warehouse. When the immediate threat has diminished, our group can make our way to the safehouse."

2013-06-21, 06:11 AM
Jackal rushes into the fray outside, slashing at the nearest slime.
Looking around, he tries to discern how the numbers fare. While the Raiment fighters and the Black Order squad were all significantly stronger than the slime, in enough numbers the slime could prove a problem to the quarter. Looking further, he searches for anyone who looks like they might be in league with the creatures attacking the city.

Damage if hit:[roll1]
Perception roll:[roll2]

Jackal thinks hard about what to do next, There's no way we can get into a burning warehouse. I don't know much about rituals, but I would guess that fire might be a part of the ritual. Unfortunately I have no idea how we could put out a fire of that size. Maybe Fiege knows more about how these types of rituals are performed.

Jackal looks over his shoulder after swinging at the creature before him and yells to Fiege, "What do you know about rituals like this? Is there something or person we should look for to stop it?"

2013-06-21, 08:40 AM
Feige thinks for a moment and tries to understand the ritual; and the phase it might be in.

Here's both an arcana and a religion check (using my knowledge about Baphomet)

[roll0]; arcana bonus is +2
[roll1]; religion bonus is +2; not included in either.

2013-06-22, 07:09 PM
Another pair of slimes fall as the group moves further into the street.

Chaos, panic and skullslimes are everywhere, with goblin citizens scrambling to and fro trying to hide, escape or fight back.


Unfortunately you haven't the slightest idea. For all you know the fire could be an accident, a result of the ritual, part of the ritual, an intentional distraction or a coincidence.

2013-06-22, 07:53 PM
Growling at the lack of troops during this moment of crisis, Freddie starts trying to take command of the civilians, organizing the ones fighting into groups and focusing on using them to protect the unarmed civilians, and directing the civilians towards the barracks. all the while smashing any skull slimes in the area.

I'm hoping diplomacy isn't required to instill order, and if it is I get a nice juicy bonus for being in uniform and visible in a crisis ;), but just in case


2013-06-24, 06:10 PM
Jackal, still waiting for a reply from Fiege, rushes another slime.

Attack Roll:[roll0]
Damage if hit:[roll1]

"What can we do? We need to get closer to that warehouse and see if we can figure anything out." Jackal calls out to nobody in particular, before moving in the direction of the warehouse.

2013-06-25, 01:13 AM
Feige scratches his head profusely, and screams:

I have no idea what they are doing! Baphomet's rituals don't usually involve fire, he's the god of minotaurs and labyrinths; i don't get it! We need to go closer!

Then, Feige follows jackal, and gets to him. He says:

May Shelyn's luck smile upon thee.

Casting: حظ Touch of luck حظ
Number of ToL for the day: 5

Now Jackal can have a double roll, and choose the best result.

2013-06-25, 02:34 AM
Now that you're outside in the street further you can make out a shape in the distance, down the alley - headed directly toward you. At first it's indistinct through the smokey air, but as it gets closer you can see a writhing mess of slime and tentacles - very much like a skullslime but larger, and instead of a singular skull at it's center, it has at least a dozen clustered together looking at all angles.

You can see the monster's acid is powerful enough to be carving a path in the street as it oozes it's way along.

From inside the guardhouse a handful of Raiment troopers stack up on Freddie.

"What... what do we do?! The whole district's going to the Abyss!" One of them blurts out.


The last skullslime in easy reach goes down with a wet 'thock', being split neatly in twain. It gyrates disgustingly as it dissolves. Out of the corner of your eye you too can see the behemoth slime sliding down the street.


Sorry I didn't explain that well enough - most of the civilians are further out in the district - you can see them, but organizing them would require going past this enormous slime monster first. You do however have a pair of troopers with you now though; a couple others can be seen cowering in the doorway of the barracks, and of course there's the injured man from before who probably won't be helping anyone anytime soon.

2013-06-25, 04:54 AM
Feige will try to calm the people to unite against the monsters. Unity is a must when dealing with this kinda things.

Everybody stay organized! The ones with ranged capabilities attack that giant thing; don't get close to it! The close-quarter soldiers attack the smaller ones and protect the casters, ranged and civilians!

If necesary , here's diplomacy:
[roll0]; raw bonus is + 6; and because there are more than 10 people hearing me; my Inspired speaker gives me an extra +2.

2013-06-25, 08:16 AM
"Listen to the Initiate soldiers" Freddie says(OOC isn't that another +2 for assisting a check?). "And Initiates? I vote we hit that large, extra ugly one from range."
Freddie then looks around for an unattended ranged weapon. Or any thing he could throw at the big ugly thing, cursing under his breath, and vowing to purchase a nice strong bow after his next paycheck.

Perception for any unattended weapons
If there are any little slimes in the immediate area attack them, or if the big one closes enough to be within 20 or so feet of the caster within the next round get in between it and the casters and ready an attack.

Attack roll with POWER ATTACK(just in case big ugly shows up)

Messed up my attack rolls. rerolling in OOC

2013-06-25, 12:46 PM
Shyss looks at the nearest raiment soldiers and gestures to Freddie.
We need ranged weapons.

2013-06-26, 02:24 AM
Jackal looks at the others, seeing their apprehension at the thought of charging into melee with the large acidic gelatinous beast. Unfortunately for Jackal, he had no ranged weapon readily available. "I know it seems like a bad idea, but we're going to have to close to melee with that thing. It won't be pleasant, but it's the only way to defeat it." Before waiting for a response from those nearby, Jackal rushes towards the slimy beast.

If I am close enough to make it to the big creature with a charge and have an unhindered path to do so:
Attack Roll:[roll0]
Second Roll from Touch of Luck:[roll1]
Damage if hit:[roll2]

If I'm not close enough to attack the creature:
Jackal moves his speed towards the creature, then pulls one of the bottles hanging from his sash to his lips. As soon as the liquid passes his lips, he grows a considerable amount, the greatsword in his hands now larger than a man. He now towers above those around him, making them look small by comparison.

2013-06-26, 02:30 AM
If I was able to charge the creature:
Assuming it is affected by crits, critical confirmation:[roll0]
Assuming Touch of Luck still applies, second roll:[roll1]
Extra damage if confirmed:[roll2]

2013-06-29, 12:16 AM
Feige easily handles the panicking civilians rushing toward the barracks; and while they're still terrified, they manage to get inside the barracks in a somewhat orderly fashion. The two soldiers outside immediately draw their crossbows and fire them at the massive ooze:

Soldier 1: Attack: [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Soldier 2: Attack: [roll2] Damage [roll3]

Jackal rushes in, seemingly heedless of the danger - and scores an immense, telling blow immediately, causing the oversize skullslime to reel in pain as an enormous chunk of acidic goop is hacked off it's body. Following Jackal almost immediately is Freddie, replicating the damage to the creature's other flank, leaving the enormous slime much smaller and less imposing than it once was.

The effect is immense and immediate, and the massive ooze begins to collapse all at once, but not before attempting to spit a skull directly at Freddie's head!

[roll4] Damage [roll5] - This is basically it's dying attack; you guys managed to mash it in a single round.

2013-06-29, 11:18 AM
The skull hits low, bouncing off of Freddie's breastplate(Yay for high AC!), Freddie looks at the dying slime for a few seconds and then says to Jackal,"Well we sure kicked it's ass." He then turns around and tells the soldiers to help protect the civilians, turning back towards the initiates "well I think it would be a good idea to hit the safe house about now. Whatever they were planning seems to have gone wrong, what with their base on fire and random squishy things roaming wildly."
He then stands there and thinks for a second before having a Eureka moment. He asks the initiates to wait for a moment and runs back into the compound looking for Sharl.
Assuming he finds Sharl
He asks Sharl to accompany him to the entrance where they first saw the slimes and asks "So do you have any idea what these things are?"

If he doesn't
He checks on the wounded soldier, and then jogs back out telling the initiates "Sharl is gone. Which means we should probably hit the safehouse about nowish."

2013-06-29, 02:55 PM
Feige sees the giant monster fall and Freddie and Weikel victorious he felt a very Strong relief.

"Well, this is what happens when you commute with Baphomet"; he muttered to himself.

Now, attending at the people: and the already dissolved puddles of ooze, broken buildings and people panicking, he said to his co-workers:

Well, we should help clean this mess... What should we do? Should we bring them to the camp to receive medical assistance?

2013-06-30, 09:51 PM
As the giant skullslime begins to dissolve, Jackal leans on his greatsword with a smug look on his face. "That we did Freddie. I'm glad to have such a warrior at my side. And of course a cleric of luck never hurts." Jackal says looking to Freddie and then over to Fiege.

Looking back to the dissolving slime, the look on Jackal's face changes and curiosity crosses it. Moving up to the dead body, Jackal removes a vial from his bag and scoops up some of the acidic ooze left behind by the creature, examining it with much interest. Tuning out most of what is happening around him, Jackal begins to mutter to himself. "I wonder if I could find some use for this..."

Craft Alchemy check to determine what the ooze is/if it could be of use: [roll0]

I'm not exactly sure, but I might also add my Alchemist level to that roll. It's not too well explained on the SRD, but if so it's another +1 on top of what is already added.

2013-07-04, 05:58 AM
Sharl is found inside the barracks, understandably hiding under table.

When asked about the skullslimes he just shakes his head. "I've no idea I'm afraid. I'd never seen their like before, so either they're new creations or they've been hidden from the rank and file for a long time. Either way, I definitely don't like what this suggests."


Jackal is able to determine this slime is a common acidic compound and could be easily enough bottled and used as a common flask of acid if so desired. There's enough material here for at least a dozen flasks, provided you have glass containers for it.

2013-07-04, 09:16 AM
Freddie jogs back to the initiates, "Well Sharl didn't recognize these things. We're probably going to have to alter our plan. We can no longer count on Raiment support, they'll probably be too busy attempting to restore order in the district. So new plan, hit the safe house fast and hard." He looks at the initiates, "You fellows wouldn't happen to have any magic that could knock people out would you? I'm not exactly equipped for the whole prisoner thing."