View Full Version : Using Wizadry 8 as a campaign ?

2013-05-30, 01:50 AM
How do you feel about old school dungeon crawler games, for pen and paper? The maps may need grid work and monsters translated, but allot of the lore and the gameplay maps are easy to translate .

Sample map from actual game


2013-05-30, 02:09 AM
... All of a sudden I feel very old. Someone calling Wizardry 8 "old"? Yeah, I'm positively ancient! :smalleek:

Be it how it may, the maps of those games are easily salvageable and useable. I've certainly considered it before, and I've seen it used for great effect. Some of those games did have designers and architects working on them, and my skills just don't compare to theirs.

Using the game's world as your setting, however, might present a few challenges. If it is something more developed, such as Elder Scrolls', you shouldn't run into many problems. If it isn't... Well, I prefer to create my own world and use the game's cues as background.

2013-05-30, 02:19 AM
Well maybe, would be no different then doing this in eberron or forgotten realms, as when it comes to backdrop stuff, and Wiz8 was designed around the fact that it had been so long from wiz7 that it was almost a stand alone game in its own right.

that and the fact it doesn't do the usual, you met in a bar, but rather, you are all on a space ship, and it crashed landed. Really cuts out all the, how do we know each other stuff, and makes it, well your all survivors and hire swords, so who cares about your unique background you have nothing of your past on this new planet you landed on AND you fit all the usual D&D archtypes, and rather focuses on personality of surviving the freakishly large crabs near the treasure chest you see.

Although the looting system could be a problem, as Wiz 8 has so MUCH of it, but at the same time, most of it is garbage loot, or throwing bomb like weapons.