View Full Version : A Dance in Shadows (IC)

2013-05-30, 04:12 AM
You all arrived in the prison of Burgon, each in your own fashion, and to little surprise from those familiar with the Lord Vennick. His temper and xenophobia are legendary in the area.

Burgon is in the middle south, slightly to the east, among the rolling hills, and north of the mountains. It is close to the Elf Road, so named because its smooth black stone stretches up and down the length of the continent, a feat which is attributed to the mobilization of the Black Elves.

Baern Ironhand:

You, oddly enough, did not get thrown in jail for something regarding your drinking. You were sitting in the Blue Oak, having an ale and minding your own, when the doors burst open and a group of guards swarmed in.

"Who here is an Ironhead dwarf!?" the leader shouted.

A dirty man in rags pointed at you and proclaimed "he's one, I 'eard 'im say to tha barkeep!"

Your protests were almost in vain as they dragged you, kicking and yelling, to the jailhouse and threw you in.

The jailer, a tired man named Jerrod, heard your insistence of innocence, and you were placed in a separate wing of the jail than the Ironheads.

Jorgan Blackiron:

You stopped at the town of Burgon along the Elf Road to rest on your travels, but little did you know what would happen.

Your arrest came later in the day. You had heard of many dwarves being taken in, but the general consensus was that the guards were looking for Ironhead dwarves. When they came for you, it seemed that they were sweeping for any dwarf at all, and your affiliation with the Raven Queen definitely stirred a look of contempt on the guard captain's face.

The jailer, a tired man named Jerrod, heard your insistence of innocence, and you were placed in a separate wing of the jail than the Ironheads.

Bjorn Whitefur:

You had been travelling alongside the Elf Road, and had stopped in the town of Burgon to discreetly resupply. This was late in the evening, and you heard troubling talk of all dwarves being rounded up and thrown into the keep prison. Even as you stood there, a column of guards marched through the market square, and grabbed any outsider they could, including you. It would have been foolish to resist, and now here you sit in a prison cell.


Your awakening had left you out in the wilderness for much time, time enough to learn that most races are wary of the artifact people forged by the Dark Elves.

However, this day, you felt compelled by some powerful force to venture forth into the town of Burgon. There, it was not long before the volatile lord's guard had you taken and put into the jail, to decide what to do with on the morrow.


Your wanderings may have been random before, but recently you have felt purpose. This has drawn you closer and closer to the town of Burgon, and finally you find yourself there. You flit about the streets and houses, examining the place. There is a darkness in the air that you can taste. Late in the day, the guards sweep the city for outsiders. You feel calm as you step out in front of them, hands raised, and allow them to take you to the jail.

This is right...


Your books and knowledge were painful to leave, but you knew that if you had stayed, you would have been destroyed.

You wandered far, without purpose, until one day.

You had seen the construct on the road while you walked, and from the books that had given you life you could tell that this moving mechanical being was a creation of the Dark Elves. One had not been seen in hundreds of years, and when they were, they were destroyed quickly. Perhaps there is knowledge to be obtained from it? You had to know.

As you followed it, it was quickly taken by the guards and thrown into jail. As you attempted to figure some way to free it, the guards captured you as well... At least its cell is close to your own.

Leif Kiltre:

Your target was the Captain of the Guard, Pilos Breck, but imagine your surprise when he came for you in the evening. Well, not just you, but any foreigners or strangers to the town. And not just him, but a host of guards to subdue the unruly. If it hadn't been such a small holding, you might have evaded capture, but you really didn't have anywhere to run. Besides, if your crimes are merely being a stranger, perhaps being in jail with your skills will get you closer to your mark...

The jail hall has a door at the east end, and rows of cells on either side of the central passage. It is well lit, the bars are strong, and the straw is fresh. The dwarves are in the first two cells, then Centola and Andesite, then Bjorn and Salphalo, and finally Leif is the last occupied cell.

You all are stirred in the dead of night by the shouts outside, at first faint and few, but then growing in intensity until you hear a full-blown battle outside. One thing disturbs: the screams. The screams are horrible, things of nightmares, and there is more panic in the battle shouts than command or orders. Slowly, the shouts are replaced by sickening crunches and snaps, tearing of flesh, and blood spattering stone. The shuffling of feet and clacking of what sounds like wood or bone upon the floor join in. After what seems like an hour, you hear one final yell, a desperate cry for help, and the pounding of boots upon the ground outside the door to the jail hall. A man smashes into the door, and you hear him fumbling for keys. Suddenly, another crash, and the door flies into the room. You can see a hideous dog-like creature on top of the Captain of the Guard, tearing into his flesh and mutilating his body. It feasts upon his entrails for a while before smelling more meat in the room.

The hound looks at Baern for a second, and then raises its hackles, turns, and lunges at Jorgan, crashing against the bars with a fury.

Batpope Scott
2013-05-30, 04:52 AM
Baern gives a yell of surprise at the hound's sudden attack and mauling of the guard captain and runs up to the bars yelling at the hound when it goes after his fellow dwarf "Hey now, ain't ya got enough meal sitting over there without mauling somebody else?!"

Since he rarely thinks about things being immune to this tactic, he attempts to scare the canine terror away. "Get out of here before I find a way out an' bust ya up!"

Intimidate Roll

2013-05-30, 07:53 AM
Salphalo sits on the damp floor twirling in his fingers, what would appear to be an old leg bone of a rat. Listening to the horrific sounds outside, he twirls the bone faster as they get louder. It snaps from the pressure of his index and ring finger, when the hound crashes through the door. He looks down at the pieces of bone, and tosses them a side.

Standing up he moves to the jail cell door. Trying to get a better look at what’s happening, he presses his face against the bars . As Baern yells at the hound, Salphalo darts his eyes in his direction. He begins lightly tapping on the bars with his fingers while watching things unfold.

Dancing Shadows
2013-05-30, 09:16 AM
Jorgan looks on in horror as the beast eats away at the poor fellows insides. "Oh my. I know that it might have well been this chap's time to die, but did it have to be done in such a horrid way? Well no matter, he is gone now and can't feel the pain. May his soul rest in peace.

As the thing that resembles a dog crashes into his cell door, he falls back against the floor but quickly picks himself up. "Begone foul beast! It be not our time! Return yourself to whatever foul plane spawned ye and leave us in peace. If you try to take a bite out of me, ye may find it be more than ye can chew!"

2013-05-30, 11:20 AM
Centola had been meditating, there being nothing else to do in the cell. The sounds of battle had alerted her, but she stayed where she was.
It was not until the hound crashed into the room that she stood and payed attention. Seeing it crash into the bars she saw opportunity, calling up a series of arcane sigils to the front of her mind and holding them ready to be released in a moment.
Readying an action to use Icy rays on the hound if it gets through the door.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Immobiize on hit, slow on miss

2013-05-30, 03:37 PM
Since part of your profession is dealing with undead, you can tell that this hound has indeed risen from the grave.

The dog, while not intimidated, senses a threat from you now, and turns to crash against your bars, snapping and biting at the (thankfully) sturdy iron.

Your icy beam connects, and you can see the exposed tendons and rotting flesh seize up as the grotesque hound shrivels and falls over, the fight gone from it.

With the immediate threat gone, you all are able to examine the scene. The keyring the captain had lies near his head, two and a half feet from either of the first cells.

Dancing Shadows
2013-05-30, 04:05 PM
"It be just as well that beast was destroyed, it was an abomination. A blight upon our existence, something to be loathed and eridiacted wherever possible. You did well, whoever you are, that was some quick thinking."

Jorgan turns to the guard that is lying on the floor, "If you are still alive and can hear me, I am a healer and I thinks you be in desperate need of them. Let me out and I will help you and then see what I can do for the rest of the people here. I will even join the battle front if needby, I have no love for undead."

2013-05-30, 05:39 PM
When Salphalo sees the icy blast from the cell down from him. His grow wide with excitement.

"OH, I love magic." he claps his hands.

"I can do magic too. Mine is not as pretty as that though. It just goes all over the place.... I hope something else comes crashing in here so you can do it again.... Maybe through that wall this time."

He points to the wall on the far side of the jail hall not paying any attention to if anyone is even looking at him.

2013-05-30, 06:13 PM
Björn Whitefur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=576936)

Snoring mightily through the night, Björn awakes with a start, realizing at last that this is not one of his nightmares. He sighs in relief, that for once the screams and bloodshed are not caused by him, even if they are real this time.

Still groggy, he looks for where the jailers might have put his belongings.

By the time he's fully awakened and lumbered his way to the front of his cell, the gruesome scene was over.

"What in nine hells was that thing?", he asks his fellow prisoners.

Björn ponders his situation. As little as I enjoy captivity, and as convenient a diversion as this is, seems this might be the safest spot in town at the moment. As surely as I'm locked in, whatever those things are are locked out.

Batpope Scott
2013-05-30, 06:18 PM
Baern gave a sigh of relief as the hound fell. "So, on the off-chance 'e is too out o' it to stand? What then?"

2013-05-30, 06:25 PM
The man on the ground does not stir. He has sustained massive damage, and it is entirely possible that he is dead.

2013-05-30, 06:56 PM
"Magic! It never seems to fail me..... Well almost never."

Salphalo raises his hands, and sends a blast of fire towards the jail cell bars.

Burning Spray
Attack: [roll0] vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll1]

2013-05-30, 08:51 PM
Centola leaps backwards as Salphalo calls his magic despite being well away from the blast. Fire had no home in her library, and it had been one of the applications of magic she had never studied.
If you'd just remain calm for a moment I can get us all out without such uncivilized methods.
Centola beckons and the keys fly to her cell and alight upon her outstretched hand. She unlocks her own door and then begins on the other cells.
I assume that your arrests were as unwarranted as my own.
Using mage hand to retrieve the keys.

2013-05-31, 03:19 AM
You can see the bars glow red hot from your flames, but your power was not sufficient to blast them away.

You easily summon the keys, and are able to unlock your door.

There is a distinct lack of sound in the hallway outside. Through the open door you can see a doorway opposite, bashed in and covered in blood. The room beyond is dark. The hallway continues off to the north, and you can see that these two rooms are at one end of it.

Dancing Shadows
2013-05-31, 03:56 AM
Aye, I be imprisoned simply for being a dwarf, and I assume the fellow in the next cell was imprisoned for a similar crime. Am i right in thinking so? I believe the lord 'ere arrests anyone with arm hair that be thicker than his beard. But seeing his, that isn't hard. Why, I know a few elven lasses that have a bushier beard than him!"

Jorgan stands a little back from the door and folds his hairy arms while he waits for his door to be unlocked. "So what is your story miss; why are you in this dank place?"

2013-05-31, 02:28 PM
Centola talked as she worked, unlocking first the dwarves then the humans.
My reasons are similar, I received only some brief speach on the evils of "treefolk" from the arresting officer. I wouldn't have been here at all were it not for this fascinating contraption.
Having released the others, Centola now stood before the dark elf machine's cage, but does not yet open it.
Hello? Can you hear me? Are you operational?

Batpope Scott
2013-05-31, 06:31 PM
Baern flexes a bit before walking out of his cell. He mumbles to himself "Now where did me weapons get to?"

2013-05-31, 07:19 PM
Salphalo stares blankly at Centola for a moment while she opens his cell door.

"..... A tree? Huh... might want to watch out for fire. I would imagine it does not take to kindly to you.
He points to a piece of burning cloth near the top of his cell.

Salphalo walks out into the hall. He is a tall slender man who is barely out of his teenage years, with short messy brown hair, fair skin, and a scar through his left eyebrow. Seeing everyone there he smiles, and waves.

"Greetings, My name is Salphalo..... I used to have a last name, but I don't remember it"

2013-05-31, 07:27 PM
Björn Whitefur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=576936)

Björn lopes out of his newly unlocked cell and joins the rest of the group around the gruesome scene.

I can't say I have any idea why I'm here. The guards grabbed me and it seemed...unwise to resist them. he looks around and asks if anyone knows where his spear might have been stashed.

Dancing Shadows
2013-06-01, 01:48 AM
Jorgan strides out of his cell straight the guard. "Given what we be knowing about this lord I think he may have stolen our equipment. Someone take a look into the next room to check if there is anybody who, alive or dead, may seek to cause us harm or needs our aid."

He kneels down next to the guard and places two fingers on his neck to check if he is alive. If so he attempts to stablize the poor man, if need be.

Heal: stablize the dying DC15 [roll0]

He then stands up and looks to the kind lady that released him and the strange contraption that is standing next to. "Oh, what is this machine that you speak to, lady? Mayhaps something that can help us out of our current predicement?"

Batpope Scott
2013-06-01, 06:01 AM
Baern looks over the dead man before sighing and nodding at the words of a fellow dwarf. "Aye, that'd be me going." He walks into the other room quietly, attempting to avoid alerting whatever he assumes to be waiting in there.


2013-06-01, 04:01 PM

In the next room you can see mass carnage. All of the Ironhead dwarves were kept here, and from the equal parts of undead and dead, they fought bravely indeed. Unarmed, though, few can withstand the darkness. Blood is smeared in a trail from the room out into the hallway, and runs the length of it.

Otherwise, in the room, there is nothing of note.

At the end of the hall is a great double door, and along the sides of the walls are four more doors, two on each side. All of them are open, and the two closest have smears of blood joining the trail down the hall.

2013-06-03, 11:01 AM
Salphalo walks down the haphazardly peering int to four rooms. When he gets to the end of the hall he presses his ear up to the double doors to hear what might be on the other side.

2013-06-03, 11:04 AM
[roll0]>>>> Perception

2013-06-04, 03:38 PM
In the first two rooms, you see rows and rows of beds, some covered in carnage, some clean. At the end of each bed is a chest, some of which are open.

Of the last two rooms, one is an armory. It is almost empty except for some mundane weapons and armor, and rows of chests, all thrown open except for ten along the far wall.

The other room is what looks like an office, with a fireplace still holding red coals. There is a cluttered desk with chair, an armor rack, a weapon stand, and some cabinets.

The armor rack and weapon stand are empty.


From the other side you hear dragging and scraping, the clicking of claws on stone, and the creaking of bones.

Dancing Shadows
2013-06-04, 03:51 PM
Jorgan calls out to the two that had gone scouting into that room, "What do you two see in there? Anything of import?" He cracks his knuckles and rolls out his muscles. He is very glad to be out of that jail cell, even if he was in there for only a short amount of time.

He would have to pray later for guidance, he had obviously been released for a reason. But for now his immediate concerns where those who had been, hopefully, wrongly imprisoned along with him, the wounded of this castle due to the attack and the undead the seemed to roam these halls. He clicked his neck; he hated undead.

Batpope Scott
2013-06-04, 06:03 PM
Baern calls back enthusiastically, "We got an armory over here. Doesn't look like any o' my gear is here, but it's somethin'."

Baern walks into the armory, looking for a good axe and some armor. He knows he'll need it.

2013-06-04, 06:46 PM
Apparently not.
Centola turns away from the silent dark elf machine, recognizing that escape must take precedence over study at the moment. She resolves to come back for the device if she gets the chance.
The wizard heads towards Baern's voice, hoping that the guards would have a proper channeling orb in the mix, as unlikely as that would be.

2013-06-04, 06:49 PM
Salphalo backs away from the door, and heads into the armory. He scans the walls for anything he can use. He grabs a staff from the corner, and taps it on the ground.

"This should work... I hope this is not a friend of yours nice tree lady."

2013-06-04, 10:24 PM
Björn Whitefur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=576936)

Björn follows the dwarf's voice to the armory and attempts to open the still-closed chests, looking for his items.

If locked, he'll try keys on the keyring the guard had.
Perception check for searching through the stuff: [roll0]
Thievery check if there's any makeshift lockpicking necessary: [roll1]
Athletics check to break anything open if necessary: [roll2]

2013-06-05, 01:36 AM
Although none of the keys on the keychain opened the chests, your deft fingers and a nearby stiletto jimmy open all the chests. The first few contain bags of equipment including axes and hammers, and some stout-looking armor. Each has a number attached it.

In the last ones, you find some truly strange bags of equipment filled with orbs and much thinner armor than any dwarf would wear. Your own bag is in one of the last chests, no item missing. The jailor must have done more than just separate you from the Ironheads.

Dancing Shadows
2013-06-05, 10:38 AM
Jorgan stridess into the next room and then into the armory and conducts a thorough search for his own gear. "I hope my own stuff be here. It would be mighty handy."
If they been taken my holy symbol somewhere else, he thinks to himself, then someone is going to have to answer to me.

He hates the thoughts of someone who doesn't respect all the gods, especially his own, touching an item that is holy. It would be even worse if a faithless had touched it. Now that would be horrible. He grits his teeth in frustation and anguish at the thought.

Preception for a search [roll0]

2013-06-06, 12:57 AM
Björn Whitefur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=576936)

Björn quickly dons his armor and wraps his bearpelt cloak snugly around his shoulders, seeming to draw more comfort and protection from the fur than from the metal scales beneath it.

Much better. You magic types seemed to fare alright against that...thing, and I have...tricks I can fall back on, but I much prefer to fight with bessy, here, than unarmed. he gestures at his Gouge, a fearsome looking spear with an axe-like face on one side.

Now comes the real question: do we bunker up in here and hope this mess blows over, or do we fight out way out? Either way, seems to me authorities will find a way to blame us for all sorts of things we didn't do, but my vote would be to not be here when they come looking.

2013-06-06, 01:20 AM
You all can find your equipment in the chests, I'm not going to be that mean... yet...

An extra loud, splintery CRACK resounds from the other side of the double doors.

There is a slamming noise from the office, and a piece of paper blows into the hallway.

Batpope Scott
2013-06-06, 03:27 AM
Baern dons his armor and knocks on his father's lucky helm before putting it on. Hefting his axe, the dwarf grins widely, looks towards the double doors and states "A little trouble, my axe and a lot o' fun ta be had. Le's get this fight started!"

Dancing Shadows
2013-06-06, 12:28 PM
"Undead to be destroyed. Oh I am going to be enjoying this. I am with you; let us waste no more time and get ready for a battle."

Jorgan shouts the last part out so that the rest of the prisoners can hear him. He moves into postion a little way back from the double doors and prepares to launch a lance of faith at the first undead creature that he sees.

Lance of faith: [roll0] against reflex
Damage: [roll1]
One ally I can see gets +2 to hit this target. I pick my fellow dwarf.

2013-06-06, 07:25 PM
As the cracking of the doors echos through the armory a sense of danger washes over Salphalo. In an instant his demeanor changes from his usual lightheartedness to a more serious one. The air around him begins to crackle with wild arcane energy.

"Let them come."

2013-06-06, 07:54 PM
Björn Whitefur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=576936)

Running to the hall and holding his gouge at the ready, Björn smiles darkly.
Well, that answers that. Aye, friends, let them come indeed.

2013-06-07, 01:21 AM
Having retrieved her orb and, more importantly, her spellbook, Centola returned to the main hall and crossed over to the office. There was very little she could do to the undead, unprepared as she currently was and at the moment she could best help by checking that the noise from within was not the sound of her new compatriots being flanked while they held off whatever was at the door.

2013-06-07, 05:02 PM

Entering the office, you see that a gust of wind has blown open some rough shutters covering a barred window. The window looks into a walled practice yard which is empty, save for some archery targets, but you can see a small door leading into the room beyond the double doors. Some dimly-lit and barred windows are also visible, and through them you can see various humanoid shapes either milling about or attending to a large, indistinct pile in the middle of the room.

2013-06-08, 11:06 PM
With a mighty creak and a metallic scraping Andesite twisted himself into a seated position. The guard's treatment had been too rough for even his sturdy form. He took a moment to assess his surroundings, noting that he was alone and the cell door was now open. Rising somewhat unsteadily to his feet he peered into the hallway, which was empty save for some battered corpses. Voices can be heard nearby and he hesitates for a moment before striding towards them. Whoever he'd been imprisoned with had at least opened his cell door so perhaps they would be kinder to him than those he had so far encountered in the town. Even so, he was wary of strangers, especially when his sword and armor were missing. At the end of the hallway were several people, some readying weapons. Pulling himself up to his full height and attempting to appear hulking, Andesite braced himself for the encounter, finally saying "Hello" with a distinct note of uncertainty.

Batpope Scott
2013-06-10, 04:30 AM
Baern jumped at the sound of the machine speaking and spun to face it with a firm grip on his axe. He stutters out "Woah! W-what're you?!"

Dancing Shadows
2013-06-10, 10:37 AM
Jorgan slowly turns, his hands raised ready to unleash holy fire upon the one that challenged them. "Who be you? Speak quickly lad. I have not much patience!"

2013-06-10, 11:31 AM
Salphalo snaps his head around. As he stares at the construct the arcane energy surrounding him becomes more erratic.

2013-06-11, 07:38 PM
"I was...uh...dungeon?" Andesite stammered, gesturing vaguely behind him. For all he knew these were the ones who had caused the carnage he had walked through. "I'm Andesite. I mean you no harm, I just want to know what's happening here...and where my things are."

Dancing Shadows
2013-06-12, 10:33 AM
Jorgan's feature instantly soften as he realizes this strange creature means them no harm and is just as confused as they are, "We don't know what's happening. We seem to be under attack from undead. They are the reason we were able to escape, but they are also the reason many good men have died today. Your things are probably in the armory", he gesutres to where the rest of them found their items, "Something is trying to break through this door, I advise that you arm yourself and get ready for an attack from more undead."

2013-06-13, 08:37 PM
Another loud, splintering crack comes from the other side of the door, followed by four more, and finally, the doors are bashed open. On the other side, you see an armored figure, wielding a sword, its eyes a glowing malevolent red.

Beyond it, you see two skeletons attending to what seems to be a pile of bodies and dismembered limbs in the center of the room. The room itself is the dining hall, and tables form lines throughout. Off to the right are two bloated walking corpses that seems to be oozing gore, and to the left you can see a pack of four-legged monstrosities prowling by the door on the other end of the chamber.

The figure seems surprised at your presence, and in those precious few moments, you all have time to act.

Roll for initiative!

2013-06-14, 12:02 AM
Björn Whitefur (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=576936)

Björn lowers his gouge and braces himself to charge the monstrosity before them.

Enter Berserker's Charge stance
Initiative: [roll0]

Batpope Scott
2013-06-14, 02:57 AM
Stumbling back around, Baern hefts his axe and growls in preparation for his battle cry.


2013-06-14, 06:54 AM
Re-fixing his gaze to the door. Salphalo lifts his arms high, and wide. The arcane energy swirls, and arcs to nearby objects.


Dancing Shadows
2013-06-14, 10:55 AM
Cursing at himself for having taken his eyes off the door for even a second, Jorgan spins around and attempts to eradicate the vile undead.

I did have a readied action but in case that no longer applies (it was to balst the first undead that moves through the door, the rolls are a few posts back) here is my action.
Blast the armoured figure with Lance of Faith, fellow dwarf gets a +2 to hit on their next attack that is made against the same target (if it hits).
To hit: [roll1] vs reflex
Damage: [roll2]

2013-08-06, 01:36 AM
We're going to play without Baern and Bjorn for now. Things will get less unrealistic soon when the party is more solid.

Before words can escape your lips, the back right door comes crashing open and a green Dragonborn rushes into the room, swinging an enormous two handed axe at the zombie in front of him. He misses, but undoubtedly has the undead's attention.

The hounds in the back of the room seem to see the Dragonborn as a greater threat and run towards him, rotting flesh quivering with anticipation for the kill.

The zombie is marked by the Dragonborn. Jorgan, it is now your turn. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=39213)

Dancing Shadows
2013-08-06, 02:22 AM
Jorgan mutters a curse and then shouts out at the undead, "Begone you vile creatures! Back into ether that you came from!", before unleashing a bout of holy fire upon the skeleton in front of him. He then takes a step forwards so he makes a more tempting target then his frail friend.

Standard: Sacred Flame
Attack vs Reflex: [roll0]
Damage (Radiant): [roll1]
(Salphalo either gains 6 temp hp or makes a saving throw now. Though it is your choice I'd advise taking the temporary hit points.) That was only if Jorgan hit; and I don't think he did.

Move: 5 foot step forwards (so he should be standing just in front of the skeleton

2013-08-06, 08:43 PM
Jorgan's holy flame flows over the creature's armor, but the darkness that emanates from its frightful form leaves it unscathed.

The two skeletons attending to the pile of bodies rush towards Jorgan, the first stopping right at the side of the armored undead and swinging its scimitar. It seems about to hit, but at the last moment Jorgan's shield comes up and it scrapes off to hit the flagstone with a shower of sparks. The other bears down, but its scrabble over the pile of bodies slowed it to where it cannot act yet.

Salphalo, it is your turn. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=39280)

A few notes:
The skeleton missed with 12+9=21 vs AC against Jorgan.
I'll start rolling the attacks in the notes.
The tables and the pile of bodies are all difficult terrain.
The dark squares are large pillars.

2013-08-06, 11:43 PM
Watching the Undead barrel down on Jorgan. Salphalo screams, and an eruption of psychic energy explodes out from him.

Bedeviling Burst
Encounter✦Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action Close burst 3
Target:One or two creatures in burst
Attack:[roll0] vs. Will (Skeleton 1) [roll]1d20+8[roll] vs. Will (Armored Zombie)
Damage:[roll1] (Chaos Power Add Dex mod to damage of Arcane Keyword)
and Push them both back 2 squares

2013-08-07, 09:45 PM
The blast of energy simply passes through the skeleton on the left, but the armored zombie is sent reeling, pushed back by the furious onslaught of Salphalos' wild mind.

In the back, the bloated corpse raises its fists and attempts pummel the Dragonborn, but misses as his target quickly steps out of the way. The corpse then withdraws from the range of its enemy's weapon, and stands aside to give the dogs the front line.

The armored zombie then regains its composure, and moves back to Jorgan to grab him in a deadly embrace.

Zombie Grab:
+10 vs. Reflex; the target is grabbed. Attempts to escape the zombie’s grab take a –5 penalty.
1d20+10: 5+10 = 15

And succeeds, wrapping its claw-like gauntlets around Jorgan's shoulders and lifting him off the ground slightly.

The Dragonborn in the corner then rushes into the space vacated by the bloated corpse, and, bracing himself, swings his enormous axe in a wide arc. It connects with every enemy, sending the dog heads flying into the air, and leaving a large gash on the undead's chest.

The zombie dogs are all re-dead.

You notice that, when near the undead, the Dragonborn has difficulty breathing and aiming his weapon...

The zombie has an aura of -5 to attack when within 1 square of it.
Jorgan, it is now your turn. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=39382)

Dancing Shadows
2013-08-08, 10:54 AM
Jorgan attempts to struggle out of the beast's hands, "Argh! Let go o' me, ye walking maggot house!"

I don't know what DC I have to reach to escape the grab. So anything below this spoiler is a contingency plan for if he does escape though the rolls will be kept in this spoiler. With a natural one I am not escaping. :smallbiggrin:
(Move) Escape:[roll0]+5-5=[roll0]
(Standard) Consecrated Ground: Enemies who start their turn in the burst 1 area take 1d6+2 damage (no save). Allies who start their turn in the area (and are bloodied) heal 3hp. Sustain minor. Move the zone three squares as a move action.

Despite Jorgan being trapped in the zombies grasp he calls upon the power of his goddess to purify this land; he could still cleanse the zombies from this place yet!

2013-08-12, 01:58 AM
The light that emanates from the ground causes obvious pain to the skeletons, who writhe in pain, and attempt to destroy its source with hideous spikes of bone that emanate from their chests!

Skeletons 1 and 2 both attack:

[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] vs AC

1d4+3=7 damage
(forgot you cant roll in edits, sorry)
and ongoing 5 necrotic damage

The first one misses, but the second sinks its putrescent bone spike into Jorgan, and the evil seeps from it into his veins.

Salphalo, it is now your turn. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=39708)

2013-08-12, 08:13 AM
Salphalo steps forward standing next to Jorgan.

He flings his arm in a wide arc, casting liquid fire at your foes.


Burning Spray
At-Will✦Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target:Each creature in blast (Origin square one in front of me. And goin two to the right to catch all 3 undead in the blast.)
Attack:[roll0] (Skeleton 1) [roll1] (Armored Zombie) [roll2] (Skeleton 2) vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll3] to all 3

2013-08-13, 01:40 AM
The burning spray manages to hit only the armored zombie, but it is burned badly by Salphalos' wild magic.

The zombie is now bloodied

Meanwhile, the bloated corpse by the dragonborn steps backward and hurls a gob of its own putrescent flesh at him. It is only narrowly dodged.

Then the armored horror, still clutching Jorgan, holy light searing its flesh, raises its longsword and tries to bring it down upon the troublesome cleric.

Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Damage: [roll1]

Jorgan manages to twist out of the way of the blade as it comes crashing down upon the flagstone, a resounding clang echoing through the hall.

The dragonborn then makes a mighty lunge at the bloated corpse, in an effort to stay out of its vile stench. The huge axe cleaves its way through rotten flesh, and horrid black gore pours out of the wound

The corpse is now bloodied.
Jorgan, it is now your turn. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=39796)

Dancing Shadows
2013-08-13, 11:05 AM
Jorgan calls upon his faith to launch a lance of spiritual energy at the skeleton holding him. After he unleashes his burst of power, without waisting a moment to check whether or not it hurt the foul beast, he, once again, tries to escape from the cursed creatures claws; twisting and writhing about in it's grasp.

Lance of Faith (Standard): [roll0] vs Will
Damage: [roll1] and the Salphalo gets a +2 on their next attack against that target.
Escape (Move): [roll2] :smallfurious:
Sustain (Minor): Consecrated Ground

2013-08-15, 01:50 AM
Your holy bolt streaks by the aberration, illuminating its face and searing the rotten flesh, but does little in the way of actual damage.

The first skeleton is bathed in holy light and weakens, shards of bone falling from its frame. It sees a new threat in this wizard that has approached, and claws out at Salphalo with wicked, bony fingers.

Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Damage: [roll1] and ongoing 5 necrotic damage (save ends)

It pierces his robes and sends swirling evil through his veins...

Then, the second skeleton swings its scimitar at the immobilized Jorgan.

Attack: [roll2] vs. AC
Damage: [roll3] (crit is plus 8 damage) plus 5 necrotic damage

And connects, striking the helpless dwarf in the shoulder.

Salphalo, it is now your turn. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=40018)

2013-08-15, 09:29 AM
HP- 36/46 H.Surge 8/8

Salphalo's face twists with pain as the claws of the skeleton rake his flesh. Then again as the darkness courses through his body.

His face grows cold and angry. The air around him begins to snap violently. Arcane energy arcs from his body snapping at Jorgan's armor.

He waves his hand again laying a torrent of fire upon his foes.

Burning Spray
At-Will✦Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target:Each creature in blast (Origin square one in front of me. And goin two to the right to catch all 3 undead in the blast.)
Attack:[roll0](Skeleton 1)[roll1](Armored Zombie) [roll2](Skeleton 2) vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll3] to all 3

If the 15 vs the Armored Zombie does not hit. I want to use Heroic Effort
Encounter Personal
Trigger: You miss with an attack or fail a saving throw
Effect: You gain a +4 racial bonus to the attack roll or save.
to make it 19 vs reflex. If it does hit than ignore this please :smallsmile:

2013-08-15, 09:37 AM
Forgot to try to save my ongoing. In my last post

2013-08-16, 06:43 PM
Your flames engulf all of the monstrosities before you, and their blackened bones become noticeably more brittle. Chunks of flesh fall away from the armored zombie, but it still maintains its hold on Jorgan.

The bloated corpse in the corner then backs away from the dragonborn while hurling another glob of filth at him. The dragonborn barely dodges out of the way in time as it smack the wall behind him.

The armored zombie swings its sword again at Jorgan.

Attack: [roll0] vs. AC
Damage: [roll1]
The armored zombie is still bloodied.

The dragonborn then whips out a javelin from the quiver on his back and hurls it with all his might at the corpse, to stay away from its evil stench. It connects, and goes straight through the corpse. Gore beings to pour profusely out from around the javelin.

The bloated corpse is now bloodied.
Jorgan, it is now your turn. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=40229)

Dancing Shadows
2013-08-17, 12:13 PM
Seeing how the holy light damages the creature Jorgan uses his lance of faith again hoping that this time he can finally get free and destroy this disgusting being. All the while thrashing around in it's grip and screaming out curses that would make any mother cover their child's ears.

Lance of Faith (Standard): [roll0] vs Will
Damage: [roll1] and the Salphalo gets a +2 on their next attack against that target.
Escape (Move): [roll2] Ha! Finally maybe I managed to escape!
Sustain (Minor): Consecrated Ground
Also, I see that I can add area effects to the map; can either you or I add my consecrated ground effect?

2013-08-21, 01:25 AM
Upon seeing the focus you take into aiming your lance of faith, all three enemies near you you strike viciously.

Skeleton 1:
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1]

Skeleton 2:
Attack: [roll2] vs AC
Damage: [roll3] Critical Hit, full 11 damage.

Armored Zombie:
Attack: [roll4] vs AC
Damage: [roll5]

The blast of holy light, however, finds its target, and the armored zombie releases Jorgan, steps back, and then crumbles into dust, leaving only the items carried by the dread corpse.

The second skeleton shifts into the spot now unoccupied and they both strike again at Jorgan.

Skeleton 1:
Attack: [roll6] vs AC
Damage: [roll7]

Skeleton 2:
Attack: [roll8] vs AC
Damage: [roll9]

And both smash against nothing but Jorgan's unfaltering steel.

Salphalo, it is now your turn. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=40605)

2013-08-22, 07:20 AM
Salphalo again waves his hand letting lose a stream of fire.

Burning Spray
At-Will✦Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target:Each creature in blast (Origin square one in front of me. And goin two to the right to catch both in the blast..)
Attack:[roll0](Skeleton 1)[roll1](Skeleton 2) vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll2] to both

2013-08-23, 01:58 AM
The first skeleton blackens and pieces of bone begin to fall from its frame.

The first skeleton is now bloodied.

The bloated corpse then retreats, and tosses another globule of filth at the dragonborn, and hits, this time hitting him square in the chest. The diseased mass clings and seems to absorb into him, and his arms begin to look tired...

The dragonborn is weakened.

The dragonborn, angry, then charges the corpse and bowls it over, smashing its head on the pavement. The corpse still stirs...

It is now prone. The dragonborn is no longer weakened.
Jorgan, it is now your turn. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=40764)

Dancing Shadows
2013-08-23, 07:58 AM
Jorgan senses the skeleton's strength beginning to waver. Taking the oppertunity he slams his weapon into the crumbling bones of the enemy; using his divine magic to infuse his weapon with both extra power and the ability to cure his wounds.

Healing strike. 2[w]+1 damage and I can spend a healing surge and heal an aditional 4hp (15hp in total) only if it hits though.
To hit: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-26, 08:06 PM
Jorgan's mighty blow sends the skeleton reeling, but only for a moment before it lashes back with its scimitar. Its companion does the same.

Skeleton 1:
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1] plus 5 necrotic damage

Skeleton 2:
Attack: [roll2] vs AC
Damage: [roll3] plus 5 necrotic damage

Salphalo, it is now your turn.

2013-08-26, 11:37 PM
HP 36/46 Surges 8.

A look of anger grows on Salphalo's Face.

"Enough of this!"

He waves his hand again throwing fire onto the two skeletons.

Burning Spray
At-Will✦Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target:Each creature in blast (Origin square one in front of me. And goin two to the right to catch both in the blast..)
Attack:[roll0](Skeleton 1)[roll1](Skeleton 2) vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll2] to both

He then follows up with the other hand throwing another torrent of fire.

Action Point!!
Burning Spray
At-Will✦Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target:Each creature in blast (Origin square one in front of me. And goin two to the right to catch both in the blast..)
Attack:[roll3](Skeleton 1)[roll4](Skeleton 2) vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll5] to both

2013-08-27, 01:15 AM
The fire pours out from Salphalos' hands and engulfs the two skeletons, charring them greatly. The intense heat triggers some evil inside the first skeleton, which explodes in a hail of wicked bone shards!

Your Heroic Effort is used on the second skeleton.

Bone Shards: Close Burst 3
Attack (Jorgan): [roll0] vs Reflex
Attack (Salphalo): [roll1] vs Reflex
Damage: [roll2] Necrotic Damage

Skeleton 1 is dead!

The bloated corpse rises to its feet and swipes at the dragonborn that is causing it so much harm, the fist connecting with a resounding crash. This however only makes the dragonborn angry, and the axe swings through the air. Unfortunately, it misses, hits the pillar behind the corpse, and sends a shower of sparks through the air. He moves into a better position to work his way towards his fellow living beings.

Jorgan, it is now your turn. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=40952)

Dancing Shadows
2013-08-29, 02:03 PM
Jorgan laughs as the skeleton falls and takes a swing with his mighty weapon at the remaining one, "Shoulda surrendered while ye had the chance."

Attack with warhammer (standard)
To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sustain Consecrated Ground(minor)

2013-08-29, 10:38 PM
The skeleton dodges the hammer and answers with its own strike.

Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1] +5 Necrotic Damage (Negated by your resistance)

The swing clangs off of Jorgan's sturdy armor.

Salphalo, it is now your turn.

2013-08-30, 11:07 PM
With another wave of his hand Salphalo attempts to burn the skeleton.

Burning Spray
At-Will✦Arcane, Fire, Implement
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target:Each creature in blast
Attack:[roll0](Skeleton) vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-31, 02:09 PM
You can see the skeleton nearing death as the blackened bones begin to split, but still its evil essence pervades.

The bloated corpse continues its struggle with the dragonborn foe. It attempts to slam its fists into its enemy, but is pushed back and finally cleaved in two by the mighty axe. Filled with an intense vigor after the kill, the dragonborn rushes at the last enemy, his axe raised above his head, gaining deadly momentum with each step.

Jorgan, it is now your turn. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=41307)

Dancing Shadows
2013-09-02, 06:25 PM
Jorgan grits his teeth in frustration and takes another swing at the skeleton.

Attack with warhammer (standard)
To Hit: [roll0] (+5; bringing it to twelve) Vs. Ac
Damage: [roll1]
Sustain Consecrated Ground(minor)

2013-09-03, 01:18 AM
The warhammer misses, but finally the holy presence of Jorgan's aura overwhelms the skeleton and it explodes, sending shards of bone in all directions.

Attacks: Bone Explosion (Burst 3)
[roll0] vs Reflex (Jorgan and Salphalo)
[roll1] necrotic damage

Combat is over, good work!

2013-09-05, 11:51 PM
Salphalo takes a few deep breaths. The Arcane magic snapping in the air starts to recede back to the depths of his soul.

Spending 2 Healing Surges to get to full.

The expression on his face returns to that of a carefree Child.

"Well..... That was interesting."

Dancing Shadows
2013-09-06, 10:21 AM
Jorgan rests his warhammer on the floor and leans on it like a walking stick, "Aye; that it was, and you know what they say. Where there are a few undead there are bound to be some more."

2013-09-07, 12:16 AM
Salphalo stares at Jorgan blankly for a moment. Then wonders off around the room.

Salphalo turns back a Jorgan.

"Well if there are more..."

Then turns his attention to the dragon born. His left eyebrow raises.

"Your not undead.."

2013-09-08, 05:14 PM
The dragonborn looks over the two in front of him for a moment, and then says

"Aye, that I'm not."

He then walks over to an empty table, sits down, and pulls a bottle from his pack. It is first unstoppered and then drunk from deeply.

"Who might you two be, if not undead?"

Dancing Shadows
2013-09-09, 10:33 AM
Jorgan takes a seat with the scaly creature, "We be prisoners of this place. I was imprisoned for the mere crime of being a dwarf. Apparently there is a whole other bit here reserved for my kinsman. I should probably save them soon. But I think that the undead, here at least, aren't a threat anymore for now."

2013-09-09, 08:15 PM
The dragonborn looks at Jorgan, takes a swig from his drink, and then says in a flat voice

"Your brethren are dead. From what I can tell, we are the only living things left in this damned place, aside from whoever managed to hide in the nooks and crannies.

I ran from the keep when the attack started. There's some kind of necromancer heading this legion, and that's where he was last.

So I see our options as go to the keep and try to stop this bastard before he attacks the town, or we run and warn the city guard.

The walls looked heavy with undead while I was running, so there's that. Looks like we have problems no matter what."

2013-09-09, 09:04 PM
Salphalo looks at Jorgan, then at the Dragon Born.

"Problems......" his eyes shifting around the room.


He then walks over to one of the felled skeletons. Reaching down he grabs one of the finger bones. Twisting it in his fingers he jumps up and sits on a table near others.

"This is bad stuff..." a grim look washes over his face. A moment later it snaps back to his carefree demeanor.

"At least our bones are not walking around on their own." Giving a slight laugh he continues to twirl the finger bone.

Dancing Shadows
2013-09-10, 10:57 AM
Jorgan bares his teeth at the mention of necromancers. "Necromancers. Bah! I hate the very stink of them. They violate the most sacred of rites; the one of a soul passing from one plane to the next. I say we destroy this acursed, disgusting chap before he can wreak anymore havoc upon us!"

After thinking for a moment, however, Jorgan's better sense kicks in. He takes a second to let his anger subside before speaking through gritted teeth, "Though I suppose we are not strong enough to take him on all by ourselves, are we?"

2013-09-11, 09:45 PM
The dragonborn leans back and places the bottle back into his sack.

"Well, there's some windows about this building. We could take stock of the situation, perhaps we can make a plan?"

He then stands up, swings the pack onto his back, and walks toward the front of the building, where four narrow shuttered windows are spaced evenly along the front wall.

Dancing Shadows
2013-09-12, 12:20 PM
Jorgan strides up to the windows, "A smart idea! Glad I thought of it!", he peers through the glass; almost pressing his face against it. After taking it all in he ponders for a moment on what he has seen.

Perception! [roll0]

2013-09-13, 12:31 AM
Jorgan sees a surprisingly empty courtyard. The walls have scattered undead milling about, but the path to the gatehouse seems clear. Above the gatehouse is a strange sight, a pillar of red light supporting a floating, glowing red orb.

The gatehouse seems accessible from here, although the gate seems to be closed. It would have to be entered to release the winch holding the door shut.

"The keep is a very short run to the right, straight out the door. We'd have to run, or sneak, in the front. Either way, by my guess, we'd have a fight on our hands."

He notices the red orb.

"What in Oghma's name is that?"

Dancing Shadows
2013-09-20, 10:25 AM
"Something that needs to be destroyed", Jorgan states grimly, "And it isn't getting any more destroyed by our standing here. Shall we go?" He stands by the door, warhammer hoisted onto one shoulder, and listens carefully for sounds of anything closeby on the other side.

Perception: [roll0] This is so low I am going to assume that he heard nothing, regardless of whether or not it is there.

Hearing nothing he pushes open the door and strides confidently through it.

2013-09-20, 07:31 PM
Jorgan sees the very courtyard he was dragged through on his way to prison, and to his right he sees the doors to the keep not fifty feet away. A ghoulish light emanates from the windows, with several flashes punctuating it.

The walls are clearly manned by several undead, but they seem more focused on things coming in than getting out. There are 3 skeletons on the wall nearest to Jorgan, and another 2 on the opposite side of the gatehouse. The gatehouse is approximately 70 feet away.

Here's a map. (http://i.imgur.com/MBuad4P.jpg)

Dancing Shadows
2013-09-23, 12:59 PM
Having no idea how to sneak he decides that he should stroll up to the gatehouse and pretend to look like he belonged. If he looked like he belonged the perhaps the undead wouldn't notice him and he could find some way of getting up to the big shiny, evil red thing.

2013-09-25, 08:18 PM
Jorgan approaches the gatehouse without incident, the dragonborn and Salpahlo following closely behind. The door is slightly ajar, creating a sliver of orange firelight upon the ground. The portcullis is closed, wrought iron bars framing the village beyond.

Dancing Shadows
2013-09-28, 10:42 AM
Jorgan pushes the door wide open with his weapon held high and his face grim and enters the room prepared for whatever confrontation he might face.

2013-09-30, 08:21 PM
Entering the stone gatehouse, you see a single corpse slumped at the foot of a cold fireplace near the door. Along the far wall are empty weapon racks, and a single strong wooden table surrounded by overturned chairs. There is a door towards the back which is open, and shows a spiral staircase going upwards.

Dancing Shadows
2013-10-01, 10:09 AM
Jorgan goes to inspect the body, keeping his warhammer hefted over his shoulder ready to slam down on the potential enemy. He closes the corpse's eyes and mutters a short prayer for him before slowly advancing up the stair case; motion to the others to be as quiet as they can.

Stealth: [roll0]

2013-10-03, 12:58 AM
The body slumped at the foot of the fireplace is what used to be a mage of the court. It has been drained of its life, leaving a gaunt husk. Upon its forehead are four blackened dots, in a strange shape.

. .

You successfully make it to the top of the stairs and open the door, but not without attracting the attention of a black robed figure outside. It turns slowly and faces the group. She wears the trappings of a necromancer, and had been previously gesturing an incantation at the glowing red orb above your heads.

"I... did not anticipate survivors. Are you here to stop me?"

Her voice is tired but firm.

Dancing Shadows
2013-10-03, 12:17 PM
Jorgan tries to reason with this women semi-peacefully. He may have a supsicous feeling about her but she could tell them something about all these undead. "Aye! You best be stopping whatever you be practicing and surrender peacefully or we will be forced to use force to stop you from messing with that. It would definatley be a bad decision on your part to resist the law."

Diplomacy [roll0]

2013-10-04, 01:18 AM
She sighs wearily and shakes her head.

"The law is meaningless here. This means far more than our mortal realm."

She turns her head to the orb, and then back to the party.

"I give you have two options. This orb is a powerful spell, set to turn the entire town beyond the gates into undead thralls. It is complete, and now needs only time. You could fight me, and seeing as you outnumber me and have survived the purge, mostly likely kill me. But the spell will have already reached a critical point and you probably won't be able to stop it. Or, you could let me go down those stairs behind you, and begin the process of unraveling the spell now. Decide quickly, for you have not much time."

Dancing Shadows
2013-10-04, 01:20 PM
Jorgan gasps. She was creating the undead! And now she was planning to turn the poor citizens of this town into mindless undead. Saving these people is more important than stopping her right now. "Fine. You can go. But please don't do stuff like this again; it's rather mean.", he says as he moves and starts to try to unravel the spell.

Use whichever is relevant if they are neccessary.
Acrana: [roll0]
Religion: [roll1]

2013-10-07, 11:52 PM
Jorgan's hold on magic fails him, but after a short prayer to the Raven Queen and a remembrance of his studies, he sets to work unraveling the orb's energy.

Before she disappears down the stairs, she says to the group:

"As much as I appreciate your choice, you know I cannot simply let you stop this in peace."

With a swirl of black, she is gone down the stairs, and you begin to hear the clacking of bone upon stone as undead heed the final word of their master and begin to converge upon your location.

This will work somewhat like a skill challenge. What will you do to prepare for the onslaught in approximately sixty seconds? You may use Salphalo and the dragonborn's skills as well.

Dancing Shadows
2013-10-08, 10:40 AM
Jorgan curses as he knows he shouldn't have trusted her to leave them alone. Trying hard to focus on what he is doing he racks his mind for anything that could perhaps give them a little more time before the undead get here. An idea froms in his head and he allows himself a small smile before shouting out commands to the others in order to prepare for the slowly approaching mass of bones and flesh.

"Close the door, lock it then block it with something!"

That should slow down those vile creatures!
He thinks to himself as he continues to unravel the spell.

2013-10-11, 12:00 AM
The dragonborn runs downstairs and back up, hefting a table with mighty arms. He slams the door shut, wedges a piece of debris in the doorway, and then props the table up against the door with his shoulder and waits.

The red orb swirls above your head, the lower door to the gatehouse crashes open, the clacking of bone and the clanging of metal shod feet assaults your ears as the mob makes its way up the stairs.

A great disturbance echoes. You feel yourself ripped from the Shadowfell suddenly, the Raven Queen's image before you.

"My power is waning. Seek your fellow believers, and aid them in the quest soon to unfold. They posses the sign. I trust you to do what must be done."

You find yourself in a small clearing in a wood. It is most likely the mortal plane... Looking around, you see a red light in the distance, over the trees. A voice whispers to you to go...

2013-10-11, 08:47 AM
"Yes, my Mistress," Shathys hisses as he checks his weaponry (two wickedly curved swords) and subtly rushes to the source of the red light.

Just in case, a Stealth check (using both my camouflage clothing and footpads): [roll0]

Also a Perception check: [roll1]

Dancing Shadows
2013-10-13, 10:41 AM
Jorgan grits his teeth and continues to unravel the spell. His mind, despite trying it's hardest, cannot conjure forth anymore useful ideas to give them those vital extra few seconds. He hopes that what the dragonborn has shifted into place will be sufficent to protect them while he does what is needed of him.

2013-10-15, 01:29 AM

The orb swirls angrily, arms of lightning shooting from it to nearby locations. The hammering at the door grows louder, and the dragonborn sweats and strains to keep the door closed.

"Can't you make that go any faster!?" he shouts.

A map of the gatehouse roof. (http://i.imgur.com/gX9C0r3.png)


You chase the red glow through the trees, barely whispering through the dark woods. You reach the outskirts of a sleepy town, with wooden buildings to your left, and an impressive stone wall to your right. You see figures running towards the gatehouse, which is where the source of the red glow emanates. Also is seen a large red orb floating above the gatehouse, emitting silent lightning onto nearby stone. The gatehouse is much farther than the 30 foot tall wall nearby.


They still don't know where you are... Good. Your spot on the wall, in your little crevice, was a lucky find here after the assault. Every few minutes you were able to pop out and put another arrow into a hulking form... but was it doing any good? You couldn't tell from this far away. Suddenly, something catches your eye... Figures running across the courtyard. And something about their gait suggested more than undead reinforcements. You can see they went to the gatehouse, and after a few moments, all the remaining undead massed as one as soon as the great red orb in the sky started to crackle with energy.

2013-10-15, 11:53 AM
From the shadows, Shathys looks at the wall and the strange red orb. His featureless mask hiding his blue eyes, his mind quickly targetting the top of the gatehouse.

With no further thoughts, he silently moves to the wall itself in hopes to get close to the gatehouse. From his robes he draws a grappling hook to be used if he reaches the gatehouse in time.

I approach the wall, sneaking to a point where no one could see me (Ie. a place that grants me concealment), but as close to the gatehouse as possible. Id doesn't matter if it blocks my vision, since I can use Sensing Eye as a minor action.

Stealth: [roll0]

Once close to the gatehouse, I'll climb its wall to the top using my climbing kit.

Athletics (climb): [roll1]

Dancing Shadows
2013-10-15, 12:48 PM
"These things take time!", Jorgan shouts back, "Just a little longer!"

He grinds his teeth in frustration as he has absolutley no idea how long he needs: It might take a few minutes or a few seconds, he doesn't know. He feels guilty for lying to the warrior but sometimes false hope is better than known. He only hopes that their hope is not false.

2013-10-18, 10:54 AM

Time was short and risks were necessary. Illuvan circled the courtyard, keeping away from the mass of undead whose attention seemed focused onto the red sphere and the humanoid figures atop the gatehouse. As comparatively safe as it might be to snipe from the cover of the outer courtyard, there was clearly conflict afoot, and he needed to lend his hand to whoever sought to thwart the forced of death and darkness.

The wall to the western side of the gatehouse was effectively unmanned all sentries having joined the general movement toward the eastern stairs, and the gap between its parapet and the wall of the gatehouse was only a few short feet. For the few moments he crouched, readying himself to leap, Illuvan stood exposed, though he knew not to whom.

He leapt, his hide gloves finding easy purchase on the worn stone. His cowl fell back from his face as he scrambled, revealing his elven features and the runic blue scrawling of clan tattoos across his face. Though pale, he could not be mistaken for a skeleton, zombie, wight, nor vampire. Hauling himself up, he called out to whoever stood beneath the Red Orb.

"Stay your blades, I pray you. I am Illuvan Snowblood, sworn servant of Sehanine Moonbow and I seek to undo whatever foul magic befouls this place."

Acrobatics check to leap between the parapet and the wall of the gatehouse [roll0]
Stealth to avoid being noticed by the undead across the courtyard [roll1]
Diplomacy (even though I know skill checks aren't necessary for players, it might help you decide how to take his greeting) [roll2]

Dancing Shadows
2013-10-19, 11:02 AM
"This red thing is the most dangerous thing here right now." , Jorgan says without looking around, "It's meant to make people dead and then undead. But the bad undead not the good undead where people are simply not dead." He takes a moment to consider his next words carefully, aware of the rapidly fleeting time.

"If you know anything about stopping evil orbs of necromatic power, great! Help here! Otherwise help my friends stop the undead from getting in the way of my plans."

2013-10-21, 07:35 PM

Like a panther, you make your way to the edge of the gatehouse. The undead, with no tactical direction from an outside source, have all filed into the gatehouse to make their way up. The grappling hook eases your climb incredibly and you easily make it up to the top of the eastern side of the gatehouse. Upon the roof of it you see a dwarf focusing intently on the glowing orb in the sky not ten feet above the stones, and a dragonborn holding the door to the roof closed against vicious hammering from the other side.


You make your way across the darkened walls, but as you are about to jump jump, you are spotted by several undead still in the courtyard. They change their direction and begin to head back up the stairs to the wall, intent on pursuing you up the side of the gatehouse.


As Jorgan finishes his words, there is a splintering crack from the door, a moment of silence, and then the dragonborn is thrown back as the door bursts open, and undead spill onto the gatehouse.

Combat has begun, and there are a few special rules.

I will determine initiative.

Jorgan must use a standard action each round to maintain his dissolution of the orb. This standard action must be done inside the red square.

The orb is floating 10 feet above the gatehouse, so you do not need to worry about moving through it. Coming into contact with it has unknown effects as of now.

The dark grey and light grey alternating tiles are the crenelations of the gatehouse. The dark grey tiles are the merlons, and the light grey tiles are the embrasures. The merlons are six feet high, and the merlons are three feet high.

The walls are ten feet below the gatehouse, and the ground is thirty feet below the walls. Therefore, a drop from the gatehouse to the ground is forty feet.

The four objects on the map are windlasses holding up the gates. These provide partial cover.

Here is the combat map. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=45873) Go ahead and position yourselves on the map by creating a token and using an icon that represents you. Don't worry about initiative for now.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

2013-10-22, 10:17 AM

Once on the top of the wall, Shathys narrowed his eyes under his mask as he silently moved to a more advantageous position. The glowing orb was the red light the Raven Queen showed him, and there were a bunch of undead that scattered. Servants of Orcus. Further, the dragonborn and the dwarf seem to be fighting those abominations instead of leading them.

No reason to not help them in stopping the hordes of Orcus. In Thy name, my Queen.

Since Shathys came from the eastern side, I guess he will position himself at F10. I'm still trying to figure how to add tokens in the map. Any help here? :smallsmile:

Dancing Shadows
2013-10-22, 12:10 PM
Jorgan only hopes that the dragonborn and this newcomer will be able to hold back the tide of undead for now. Unfortunatley he could not help because his attention needs to be focused upon the red... thing.

At the top there are two tabs, one named 'view' the other named 'change map, add or remove tokens' If you click on the later then a button shall appear at the bottom of the screen which says 'add token' :smallsmile:

2013-11-04, 09:57 PM
The undead pour from the door, and the first to bound out are two ravenous hounds like Jorgan has seen before. They run over to the dragonborn, who is rising to his feet, and tear at him savagely with their teeth. He roars in rage and uses his clever footwork to move into a more advantageous position, while keeping the monsters at bay. With a deft flick of his enormous axe, he cleaves the hound nearest him in two, and shifts backwards towards Jorgan, leaving himself as a pillar of steel between the undead and the cleric.

The zombies then swarm from the doorway, surrounding the dragonborn and clawing at him, but his armor deflects their blows with ease.

Jorgan, it is now your turn. (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=47265)

Dancing Shadows
2013-11-05, 11:18 AM
Jorgan glances over his shoulder briefly but quickly turns back to the task at hand not wanting to lose focus. He keeps his breathing slow and steady as he dismantles the spell.

Standard: Dismanlting/destroying/unraveling the spell
Move: Nothing

2013-11-11, 10:02 AM

With both a sword and a dagger ready, Shathys moves swiftly, unnoticed. With a short prayer, Shathys channeled the power of the Raven Queen into the armored zombie as he proceeded to confront him at the most advantageous postition.


With a fast slash of his longsword, Shathys and his opponent disappeared, only to reappear at another side of the battlefield.

Minor: Oath of Enmity vs Armored Zombie

Move: Move to A8, using Cunning Sneak
· Stealth check to remain hidden: [roll0] (using both camouflaged clothing and footpads)

Standard: Sequestering Strike vs Armored Zombie
· [roll1] or [roll2] vs AC
· Hit: [roll3] dmg ( plus Sneak Attack [roll4] plus [roll5] if target was full-hp), teleport target to E6 and I teleport to F6

Note: Since I'm attacking with a longsword, sneak attack makes no effect.:smalltongue:

And... Done (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=48209)!

2013-11-13, 02:35 AM
The great armored fiend is not phased by the relocation, and immediately extends a bony claw-like hand to grab this new vexation in front of it.

Grab: vs Shathys
[roll0] vs. Reflex (escape attempts at -5 penalty)

It swipes at the air where Shathys was but a second before, and comes up empty.

Meanwhile, the dragonborn swings his axe in a furious arc to clear away the undead filth before him, and lets loose a mighty roar. The other rotting hound falls, split in half before his mighty swing, but the soaring blade passes right over the heads of the zombie legion in front of him. Enraged, he lets loose with his a great blast of fire from his mouth, which engulfs two of the zombies before him and they leave nothing but charred bones behind. One of the remaining zombies manages to land a harsh blow on his pauldron.

Jorgan, it is now your turn! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=48484)

Dancing Shadows
2013-11-13, 12:37 PM
Jorgan lets a small smiles pass his lips as hears the sound of battle. Though he doesn't pause to look around he knows that means that they are attacking his comrades or body guards or whatever they are and he has longer to focus on the red glowing thing. He absently mindedly hums to himself the tune of a dwarvish drinking song while he works.

Standard: Unraveling the spell
Move: Nothing

2013-11-15, 11:29 AM

From the other side of the wall, Shathys silently keeps swinging his wickedly curved sword against the armored zombie, leading his opponent exactly where the avenger wants it to be.

Standard: Overwhelming Strike vs Armored Zombie
· [roll0] or [roll1] vs AC
· Hit: [roll2] dmg, I shift to F5 and slide Armored Zombie to the vaccant space.
· Miss: Nothing.

If my opponent drops dead(er), I'll do the following actions afterwards:

Move: Shift to F4

Minor: Oath of Enmity vs Zombie 3

On the other hand, if the Armored Zombie is still fighting me, I'll just stay where I am.

Done! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=48984)

2013-11-19, 09:20 PM
Music for the mood... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIkJGWrGau4&list=PL64213CA3FF13C781)

Shathys' blades slide ineffectively off his enemy's frame, and the zombie takes a lingering, almost gloating pause before lunging to grab its foe.

Zombie Grab: against Shathys
[roll0] vs. Reflex

The armored zombie grabs Shathy's arm, but the Shadar-Kai twists with a grace and wrenches free, assuming a combat stance once more.

As this happens, there is a pounding of footsteps from the stairwell. From the stairs arise the head and shoulders of a zombie, one of a strange blue color, with mist swarming around it as though it were emanating fog. It stops at the stairs to survey the scene.

From a distance away, by the keep, you hear the most soul-chilling howl you have ever experienced. The dirge of a hundred wailing voices seems to be interwoven with the blackest guttural growl of a nightmare's voice.

The dragonborn, shaken but not stopped, swings his mighty axe at one of the zombies, and chops its head clean off. The remaining zombie swings clumsily at the great armored defender and strikes nothing but air.

Jorgan, it is now your turn, followed by Shathys! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=49878)

Dancing Shadows
2013-11-20, 02:53 AM
Jorgan grimaces at the cry, almost losing his concentration. However he grits his teeth and forces himself to keep focused on the task at hand rather than anything that's happening around. All the other stuff could wait just a little longer, he hoped.

He continues to unravel the spell.

2013-11-20, 09:37 AM

Shathys repeats his maneuver to lead his opponent into a position where the shadar-kai is more comfortable. He swings his sword with simple, but fast movements, stepping aside and being assisted by the short sword of his left hand to fulfill the task.

He senses the noise of the monster nearby, and readies his sword to strike it next.

Standard: Overwhelming Strike vs Armored Zombie
· [roll0] or [roll1] vs AC
· Hit: [roll2] dmg, I shift to E7 and slide Zombie into vaccant space.
· Miss: Nothing.

Move using Body Equilibrium to B8 and make a Stealth check (with the usual -5 penalty) to become hidden: [roll3]

Minor: Oath of Enmity on the other remaining zombie (Zombie 1)

Minor: Far Sight on square C6 to determine my line of sight from that square and see the Blue Zombie.

Move: Shift to E7

Minor: Far Sight on square C6 to determine my line of sight from that square and see the Blue Zombie.

Done! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=49905)

2013-11-21, 02:27 AM
Shathys' blade slides in between the zombie's armor plates and digs deep into the flesh, wearing down the monster's stamina even further. Using his mind's eye, Shathys looks from inside the tower, and sees the back of the zombie just as it leaves and attacks the dragonborn. It strikes with a vicious fury and slams its fists into the dragonborn's chest plate, leaving frosted imprints in the metal. The dragonborn seems to be frozen in place, and he coughs up blood...

The dragonborn is bloodied.

The armored zombie tries once more to snatch the slippery Shadar-kai.

Zombie Grab: at Shathys
[roll0] vs. Reflex

It fails again, and this time raises its longsword to begin its work in earnest.

The dragonborn, eyes mad with rage, roars savagely and slashes at the last weak zombie, felling it in a quick blow. He then turns to the blue zombie, and reaches out with his axe to cleave into the frozen corpse. It tears out a hunk of frosted meat from the ghoul's chest.

The zombie is now marked by the dragonborn.
It is now your turns! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=50001)

Dancing Shadows
2013-11-21, 03:26 PM
Jorgan continues his work of destroying the red orb. He feels guilty for almost just abandoning his fellows out on the battle field but knows what he is doing is the only reason they are still here now so he keeps his iron focus and allows nothing to deter him.

2013-11-21, 03:55 PM

"Thy attacks have no effect on me, abomination," Shathys says as he once again dodges the undead's hand.

For the shadar-kai, this duel, though interesting in some sort of way, was starting to get personal. He keeps swinging the large blade in offense, as keeping the short one in defense.

The blue zombie that appeared lately looked dangerous. If Shathys didn't take care of his opponent soon, the dragonborn will be gone.

Note: I get +1 bonus to all my defenses if the Armored Zombie (my Oath of Enmity target) is bloodied.

Standard: Overwhelming Strike vs Armored Zombie
· [roll0] or [roll1]
· Hit: [roll2], I shift to E8, slide Zombie into vaccant
· Miss: Nothing

Move: Shift to D8

Move: Move using Body Equilibrium to Y7

Minor: Oath of Enmity on Blue Zombie


Done! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=50072)

2013-11-26, 02:20 AM
Jorgan feels the power of the orb waning, and feels a mastery over it that was not present before. It seems easier to understand now, and the movements and prayers to utter to unravel the spell seems easier.

The orb now only takes a minor action to continue unraveling.

Shathy's blades slide across the zombie's armor, and it is not fazed. It raises its longsword and sweeps it downwards in a terrible blow.

The zombie is not yet bloodied.
Longsword vs Shathys
[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] damage

The sword clangs down onto stone where Shathys was not a moment before...

At the edge of the gatehouse, to the west, huge paws grasp the crenelations and hoist an enormous nightmarish shadowy hound of fangs and claws over the wall. Its eyes glow the same demonic red as the orb, and ropy black saliva drips from its maw. It rears back and lets out the same harrowing dirge of a howl that you had heard before. The hound lowers onto its haunches and prepares to attack.

The dragonborn, still locked in mortal combat, seems to have the life drained out of him just by being near the icy corpse attacking him. It rears its hands back and swings them downward onto the dragonborn, smashing into him with great force and sending him reeling. Not far though, as the joins in his legs seem to have frozen. The frost spreads from his chestplate and the terror begins to form in his eyes... He throws his weight behind a swing, but misses.

The hound goes after the heroes, and before the icy zombie.
The dragonborn is greatly hurt and immobilized.
It is the heros' turns! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=50072)

Dancing Shadows
2013-11-26, 05:33 PM
Jorgan smiles as everything becomes so simple to him. Being able to partially focus on the battle he now turns to survey how it has been turning out. Seeing his dragonborn friend faltering under the zombie's onslaught he unleashes a bout of sacred flame at his enemy and hopes his power can shield his ally for just a little longer.

Standard: Sacred flame
Attack: [roll0] Vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll1] (radiant)
Effect: Dragonborn gains 6 temp HP if I hit.

Minor: Unraveling the orb

2013-11-26, 11:18 PM

The cloaked assassin keeps sparring with his opponent, dodging here, parrying there, and finally swinging his sword in a definite strike, attempting to lead the zombie southwards.

Standard: Overwhelming Strike vs Armored Zombie
· [roll0] or [roll1]
· Hit: [roll2] dmg, shift to E8 and slide Zombie into vaccant space

Move: (only if I hit) Shift to D8

Done! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=50829)

2013-12-02, 03:08 AM
The gout of holy flame licks at the cold corpse, harming it considerably. Rotten flesh burns and falls away from the frame of the abomination, and the warmth from the flames seems to invigorate the dragonborn somewhat.
The zombie is bloodied.

The blade strieks true and pierces through the armor, gashing the dead flesh beneath. Thick black blood oozes from the cut, and it seems as though a few well placed hits could take it apart now.
The armored zombie is bloodied.

The black hound charges up to Jorgan and unnaturally is still able to attack. It snaps at the dwarf, and tries to send him toppling.

The hound uses an action point.
Bite vs Jorgan
[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] necrotic damage
On Hit: Target is knocked prone (so for Jorgan, make a saving throw if hit)

Jorgan is able to sidestep the gaping maw, but only barely.

The frozen corpse now swings its rotting fist again at the dragonborn, but is deflected by an expert move. The cold bites again, and the warmth given by the flame fades somewhat.

The armored zombie steps around the corner and swings its longsword once more at its foe.

Longsword vs Shathys
[roll2] vs AC
[roll3] damage

The longsword whistles through the air and lands with a thunk... In the wall. This leaves the perfect opening for Shathys to strike.
A natural 1! You may make an opportunity attack on the zombie.

The dragonborn, no longer immobilized by frost, scrambles away from the frozen corpse to get its breath.

The dragonborn uses its second wind.
It is the hero's turn! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=51608)

2013-12-02, 08:48 AM
After the zombie lowers his guard, the shadar-kai avenger uses that chance to strike fast with his curved sword.

Opportunity Attack: Melee Basic Attack vs Armored Zombie:
· [roll0] or [roll1] vs AC
· Hit: [roll2] dmg

Question: How tall is the wall I'm next to? I want to see if I can get to the rooftop after the duel with the zombie.

Dancing Shadows
2013-12-02, 02:01 PM
Jorgan nearly loses his concentration on the orb when the beast goes to snap him but, due to his iron will, doesn't. He takes a step back away from the hound and unleashes another bout of holy flame at the frozen corpse.

Standard: Sacred flame
Attack: [roll0] Vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll1] (radiant)
On-Hit: Grant 6 temp hp to the dragonborn.
Move: 5-foot step to U3
Minor: Focus on the orb

2013-12-02, 03:11 PM

The cloaked avenger hears the noise to the west, and his shadow senses quickly projects into the battlefield nearby as he steps aside with agility to repeat the previous maneuver on his opponent, to get closer to the wall in case the blue abomination appears nearby.

If that happens, Shathys will be prepared. Just like those forgotten, old times.

Minor: Far Sight on A7 (just to avoid surprises). Passive Perception: 21

Move: Shift to D9

Standard: Overwhelming Strike vs Armored Zombie
· [roll0] or [roll1]
· Hit: [roll2] dmg, shift to D8 and slide Zombie into vaccant

Done! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=51742)

2013-12-04, 02:16 AM
The blade makes its way through another uncovered spot in the zombie's plate, leaving an opening in the mail beneath, and weakening it further.
The wall next to you is ten feet high. The roof above is angled only slightly and could be climbed upon, but not steadily stood upon without great care.

The opening you see is easily focused upon and struck again, this time severely wounding the undead monster. It seems to be coming apart, but still advances with lethal resolve.

Shathys sees his troubled allies, and the dark servants rushing to defeat them...

This time, the flames burst past the fiend and spray wildly into the night. The dragonborn shivers in dread anticipation of the cold that awaits him.

The monstrous black hound moves to Jorgan and pounces at him, jaws snapping viciously.

Pouncing Bite vs Jorgan
[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] necrotic damage, and Jorgan may make a saving throw vs. being knocked prone

The bite just barely grazes past Jorgan's leg...

The icy zombie moves up to pursue its quarry, and swipes with a frozen fist. It smashes against the dragonborn again, sending frosty tendrils down to his feet and cementing them in place. The blow sends the dragonborn coughing up blood, and it spatters and freezes upon his armor. Grim but determined, he unleashes a shove which sends the monster to the ground. He will not allow it to stop the spell.

The armored zombie then swings again at its pestering foe.

Longsword vs Shathys
[roll2] vs AC
[roll3] damage

The zombie finally gains some advantage against his opponent, delivering a blow so strong and well placed that Shathys expends great strength and effort turning the blade away.

It is now the heros' turns! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=52002)

Dancing Shadows
2013-12-04, 12:03 PM
Jorgan ignores the big puppy trying to lick his boots and takes a step closer to his friend. He lays his hand upon his shoulder, mutters a brief prayer, and uses himself as a conduit for the divine healing energies which he has access to.

Standard: Cure Light Wounds
Effects: The Dragonborn regains HP equal to his healing surge +4
Move: U4
Minor: Retain Focus

2013-12-04, 01:42 PM

Shathys hisses when the blade of the zombie manages to connect a hit on his shadow body. He decides to hurry things up a little, putting his short sword away, and repeating the maneuver with the long sword wielded two-handed as he steps around his opponent and connects a deadly slash.

Minor: Withdraw the short sword I hold in my left hand so I can wield the longsword with both hands (+1 dmg for versatile weapon)

Move: Shift to C9

Standard: Overwhelming Strike vs Armored Zombie
· [roll0] or [roll1] vs AC (Critical hit!)
· Hit: [roll2] 17 dmg, shift to C8, slide zombie into vaccant

Done! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=52097)

2013-12-05, 01:20 AM
The holy light fills the dragonborn with renewed strength, and he gives you a quick, grateful glance before readying to deliver another blow to the corpse in front of him.
The dragonborn is still bloodied.

With a piercing blow, the sword slides through another gap in the armor, going deep into the flesh of the monster. It seems to drain of force, and falls to the ground in a heap.
Make a perception roll in the OOC.

The hound attempts another bite at Jorgan.

Pouncing Bite vs Jorgan
[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] necrotic damage, and Jorgan may make a saving throw vs. being knocked prone

The bite strikes home, and the teeth crash into his armor, draining him of stamina.

The frozen zombie stands up and swings a fist at the dragonborn, but misses. It is responded to with an axe to the face, cutting open a deep gash, and some fancy footwork moving the zombie to a more advantageous position.

It is the heros' turns! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=52150)

Dancing Shadows
2013-12-05, 01:12 PM
Jorgan howls in pain as the hound bites into his leg, sending waves of unholy energy through his body. Thankfully his armour reacts instantly; lessening the pain to a certain degree. "OI! YOUMANGYMUTILLHAVEYOURFURFORMYCOAT!", he yells out, almost unintelligibly, as he swings his hammer into the mut.

Saving throw Vs. being knocked prone. [roll0]
Standard: Healing Strike
Attack: [roll1] Vs. AC
Damage: [roll2] (Radiant)
Effect: Jorgan spends a healing surge and heals 15hp
Move: Nothing
Minor: Focus on the orb

2013-12-06, 09:00 AM

After the lethal cut the shadar-kai did to the zombie, he proceeds to expand his sight sense on the rooftop. Perhaps he could snipe the blue abomination from above.

However, as the dragonborn and the dwarf are likely to be in danger, Shathys decided to make a more drastic approach. He quickly moved to the other corner, extended his gray hand aiming to the blue zombie, and invoked the shadow powers of the Raven Queen.

"The Mistress calls upon thee, foul abomination. In her chambers of Judgement She shalt sentence thy existence."

The zombie, now surrounded by a shadow mist, is pulled eastwards.

Minor: Sensing Eye targetting the square on the rooftop of B6 (until the end of my next turn I can use that square to determine my line of sight).

Move: Move to A4 using Body Equilibrium

Standard: Abjure Undead
· Close Burst 5, targetting Blue Zombie: [roll0] vs Will
· Hit: [roll2] radiant dmg, pull the zombie to z5 and it's immobilized until the end of my next turn.
· Miss: Half damage and pull zombie to w6

Note: [roll1] Screwed up this roll. The Blue Zombie is not targetted by my Oath, so Shathys only gets the first roll. :smallredface:

Done! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=52270) (The map shows what happens in case of a miss)

2013-12-11, 02:08 AM

Both attacks miss, Jorgan's hammer flying wild, and the shadow mist clings only fitfully to the zombie's frame, dragging it only a few feet. However, that blackened mist surges with intensity and flows into the frozen corpse's frame, and the animation disappears from its limbs as it falls to the ground, motionless.

The black hound snaps again at Jorgan, jaws gnashing furiously.

Bite versus Jorgan
[roll0] vs. AC
[roll1] necrotic damage, and Jorgan makes a saving throw against going prone

From around the corner shambles an unexpected sight, the armored zombie. It is weakened from its last encounter but somehow has reanimated through some unholy magic. It reaches Shathys and readies its longsword.

The armored zombie is back! It does not attack this round.

The dragonborn breathes a sigh of relief at the expiration of the freezing zombie and turns its mighty axe blade to the hound. His swing also goes wide, and he readies his axe for another blow.

It is the heros' turns! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=53093)

Dancing Shadows
2013-12-11, 03:13 PM
Jorgans armour clangs as the beast bites down on it; but fails to break through. He takes a step back and a breath to compose himself; not allowing himself to flag nor falter. He then mutters a brief prayer for the dragonborn whilst he continues on with his work.

Standard: Healing Word
Effect: The Dragonborn can spend a healing surge and heal an additional 1d6 HP
Move: 5 foot step to V4
Minor: Continuing to unravel the orb
Done! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=53158)

2013-12-11, 09:02 PM

"Thy fate has not been decideth yet," mutters Shathys when the armored zombie rises again and returns to fight him. In response, he steps aside and attempts to lead his opponent to a more advantageous position, a trap to be flanked by either the dwarf or the dragonborn.

He wields his curved sword with both hands and makes a quick swing aiming at the abdomen of the undead warrior as he shifts back.

Minor: Oath of Enmity vs Armored Zombie (just in case)

Move: Shift to z4

Standard: Overwhelming Strike vs Armored Zombie
· [roll0] or [roll1] vs AC
· Hit: [roll2] dmg, shift to y3, slide Zombie into vaccant

Done! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=53191)

2013-12-17, 02:15 AM
The dragonborn looks much healthier with the light of the prayer flowing through him.

The dragonborn is no longer bloodied.


The zombie crumples to the floor once more, but after only a few short moments, it rises once more and swings its sword at Shathys.

The zombie has died, and then risen again.
Longsword versus Shathys
[roll0] vs AC I got these rolls mixed up, sorry! They both hit anyway...

The deadly hound snaps once more at the meddlesome cleric.

Bite versus Jorgan
[roll2] vs. AC
[roll3] necrotic damage, and Jorgan makes a saving throw against going prone

The dragonborn deftly maneuvers the hulking beast into a more advantageous position with a swift strike from his axe.

It is the hero's turns! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=53796)

Dancing Shadows
2013-12-17, 12:24 PM
Jorgan grits his teeth in pain as the beast's fangs find a weak spot in his armour and sink into his flesh. He takes another step back and fills himself with yet more divine energy before letting it out in a massive burst designed to engulf both creatures in the holy light.

Move: 5-foot step to W4
Standard: Channel Divinity: Turn Undead (burst 2)
On hit: Target is immobilized (I can push both targets if I hit them but am choosing not to)

Attack Vs. Hound: [roll0] Vs. Will
Damage Vs. Hound: [roll1] (miss half damage)

Attack Vs. Zombie: [roll2] Vs. Will
Damage Vs. Zombie: [roll3] (miss half damage)

Minor: Continuing to focus on the orb
Done (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=53835)

2013-12-17, 01:51 PM

Shathys hisses in pain as the zombie's attack pierces through his defenses. He wields his sword in both hands as he dances around his opponent, attempting to move to the dwarf's side.

Standard: Overwhelming Strike vs Zombie
· [roll0] or [roll1] vs AC
· Hit: [roll2] dmg, shift to x4, slide Zombie into vaccant

Minor: Draw my Short Sword with my left hand

Done! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=53848) (I guess the attack roll wasn't high enough)

2014-01-14, 08:21 PM
The holy light engulfs both the hound and the armored zombie, damaging them both. The armored zombie, however, shrivels and blackens. Its limbs become too weak to support it, and it falls to the ground, drained of energy.

The armored zombie will not rise again.

Shortly after this, Jorgan feels a great weight being lifted from him, and the orb dissipates in a swirling vortex of red glowing matter.

The hound stops its attack after seeing the orb collapse, and attempts to bound away, no longer interested in the fight.

The dragonborn attempts to chase after it, axe raised, but the swinging blade does not draw the creature's attention.

It is now the hero's turns! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=53848)

Dancing Shadows
2014-01-16, 03:50 PM
Jorgan smiles as the orb is cleansed from this realm. "You see that beastie?", he yells at the dog, "You should have given up while you had the chance!" And with that he launches a lance of faith after the fleeing pup.

Lance of Faith
Attack: [roll0] vs. Reflex
Damage: [roll1] (radiant)
Effect: Shathys gains a +2 to hit the beast

2014-01-16, 04:28 PM

Shathys realizes the Hound is the only one remaining, so he doesn't hesitate in moving past the dwarf and and then quickly dashing with unnatural shadow-like steps.

He attempts to catch the hound off-guard and the short sword on his left hand finds a weak spot.

Minor: Oath of Enmity vs Hound

Move: Move from y3 to u1

Standard: Angelic Alacrity. I shift from u1 to s4 and attack the Hound (using the short sword)
· [roll0] or [roll1] vs AC
· Hit: [roll2] dmg plus I use Sneak of Shadows to add [roll3] dmg (26 dmg total).

Done! (http://pyromancers.com/media/view/main.swf?round_id=56904)