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2013-05-30, 09:03 PM
I feel like starting a new contest, here are the rules

Da rules

You must make at least 10 spells that follow the contests theme
You may make more if you wish, and it is highly encouraged, but not required
the more you homebrew, the more fun you could have
the more you homebrew you will probably have more votes for 1st place
please clearly state everything your spell requires, material components, classes that can cast it, focuses, level, effect, school etc
We're starting simple, with everybodies favorite: Fire, the spell must have something to do with fire, but keep it unique, nobody likes standard *boom* fireball in a contest, what if the opponents brain suddenly catches fire but turns back to normal in just a moment? Causing brain damage and interesting smells, what if the targets blood is infused with fire, making them fast or have a smoky aura?
you must have a cool description of the visual effects of what happens, or the smells, sights, etc. engaging the readers senses
since this is the first contest, its basically in its beta stage, so if changes need to be made they will be made in the second contest (unless they extremely need to be changed)
post your spells below, and all comments will be made in the chat thread
You have until 6/30/2013 pacific time to finish these
if anything is unclear (which im sure it is) post it in the chat thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=285979)

School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

Note: this is my first time making a contest so please please alert me of changes that need to be made

2013-05-30, 11:40 PM
I've got one spell at the moment, but I'll expand upon this as I think of more:

Water to flame.
School (Subschool) [Descriptor] ?
Level: Wizard 2, Sorcerer 2
Components: V, S. (those are verbal and somatic, right?)
Casting Time: ?
Range: Close (10 feet + 5 feet for every two caster levels)
Target: Any water.
Duration: Until somebody puts out the flame.
Saving Throw: None.
Spell Resistance: None.

Upon casting this spell, all visible water - rain, puddles, lakes, oceans, glass bottles full, buckets, et cetera - will burst into flame with a horrendous sulfur smell. The flame can be any number of colors (casters choice) but will always be the same temperature.
These fires can be used as a light source, a cooking flame, or even a Hades style head of flame! (Warning: May cause third degree burns!)

To cast the spell, one must say "This liquid is really lame, turn this water into flame!" while holding both of his or her hands in a combined fist and spinning them in a large circular manner.

Notes: This is my first time even trying to do something like this :smallsmile:

2013-05-31, 02:06 AM
Five spells so far. five to go. Trying to do one per spell level.

Pyrograph: Write, draw, and etch by burning
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Adept 0, Magewright 0, Bard 0, Sorcerer/Wizard 0
Components: S, F
Casting Time: 1 Swift Action
Range: -
Area: -
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hr/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
With a flourish of your hand, the tip of your focus is covered in ruddy flames that allows it to scorch, but do not consume, any flamable material it is pressed against
For the duration of the spell you are capable of writing, drawing, sketching, or otherwise marking any flamable surface (such as wood, paper, cloth, or leather) or one that is visibly affected by heat (such as ice or very ductile metals) with your focus by delicately scorching it. The flames are too cool to do anything more severe than aesthetic damage. The spell can mark damp materials, but imediately ends if the focus is immersed in any non-flamable liquid. This spell can be used for craft (tattoo, drawing, caligraphy) checks on suitable surfaces with a +2 circumstance bonus do to the gentle nature of the flames.
F: A writing implement (a twig, or one's own hand and fingers will suffice)

Calcination, Lesser Burn away the weakness of mindless undead.Necromancy/Transmutation [Fire]
Level: Cleric 2, Wiz/Sor 1, Dread Necromancer 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 min
Range: Touch
Area: -
Target: 1 corporeal undead creature
Duration: 1 year
Saving Throw: Yes
Spell Resistance: Yes
Blindingly white flames wash over your target; burning away the flesh and blackening the bones
By burning away the flesh you bestow the skeleton template to the undead creature, granting it DR 5/bludgeoning. Additionally you ensure that upon its destruction it erupts into a 10 ft. cloud of ash that covers everything in the area.
Creatures that are already skeletal benefit from this spell by increasing their damage reduction by 1.
Once the spell expires the creature is immediately destroyed.

Seal of Discretion Keep a document away from prying eyes.
Conjuration-Abjuration (Creation) [Fire]
Level: Bard 1, Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Area: -
Target: 1 page
Duration: Permanent until discharged (D)
Saving Throw: Yes (Object)
Spell Resistance: No
As you reach the end of the manuscript, the page bursts into flame crumbling to ash in a few moments
You stamp the end of the page with an invisible ward within which a spark of elemental fire is sealed, which will destroy the paper leaving only a fine, easily disposed of, dust. At the time of casting you set the conditions by which the flame is released. Typically if read by any creature without speaking the password (which you set when casting the spell) the spell is discharged and the page destroyed. Alternatively or in addition to a password trigger, the ward can be set according to physical characteristics (such as height or weight) or creature type, subtype, or kind. The seal can also be set with respect to good, evil, law, or chaos, or according to religion.

Additionally the spell has four additional means of discharge: delayed, dismissing, emergency, and instantaneous; any of which may be chosen (except that a same seal cannot be both delayed and instantaneous)

As long as a condition (chosen at the time of casting, as per with the main password) is met by the reader, the piece of paper does not burst into flames after being read.

While on the same plane the spellcaster can dismiss the abjuration component of the spell, causing the letter to be destroyed.

As soon as certain conditions (chosen at the time of casting) is met within 25' of the ward, the ward is discharged. The conditions needed must be clear, although they can be general. If complicated or convoluted conditions are prescribed, the destruction may fail to happen when called on.

As soon as the text has been read the spell is discharged, immediately consuming the paper into a fine dust.

Focus: A signet ring or engraved stone seal costing at least 5gp and carved with your arcane mark.

Phlogiston Extraction A cold/fire one-two attack.Transmutation/Evocation [Cold/Fire]
Level: Shugenja 3, Sorcerer/Wizard 3, Wu-Jen 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round/2 CL (max 10 rounds) (see text)
Range: Short
Area: -
Target: 1 creature or object
Duration: 1 round/level, Instantaneous (see text)
Saving Throw: Yes, Will negates/Fort partial/Reflex half (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
A warm glow emanates from your body even as frost begins to form on your foe as you draw the heat from its body. Ending your incantation you return it to them... with a blast
Each round during which the spell is being cast, your target takes 1d4 points of cold damage. Additionally they gain vulnerability to fire for the duration of the spell. A successful Will Save negates the damage and ends the spell, and a successful Fortitude Save prevents the fire vulnerability. At the end of the casting time the spellcaster launches a gout of flame that deals 1d6 points of fire damage per two caster levels (max 10d6); this is an instantaneous evocation effect. A successful reflex save halves the damage.
Material Component: An ice cube

Purifying Flame, Lesser Arcane healing that hurts the more it heals
Conjuration (Healing) [Fire]
Level:Cleric 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Components: V, M, F/DF
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Close
Area: 10ft spread
Target: 1 tiny fire
Duration: 10 rounds + 1 round/CL (max 20 rounds)
Saving Throw: Reflex negates, Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The fire surges and swells, bathing everyone in a blaze of heat that burns away impurities
This spell deals 2 points of fire damage per round to any creature caught in its effect. A succesful reflex save negates this effect, but prevents the creature from gaining any benefit from the spell.

The fire produces one of the following effects in its targets, depending on how long they withstand the purification process:

1 Round or more:
Fast healing 1/2 rounds spent in the flame for 1 minute
Remove fatigue

5 Rounds or more:
Restore 1 point of ability damage
Reduce exhaustion to fatigue

10 Rounds or more:
Remove Exhaustion
Reduce Taint score by 1

15 Rounds
Delay one poison's effects for 1 day, +1 day per additional round spent in the flame
Cure one disease afflicting the subject

20 Rounds
Gain +1 sacred bonus to all saves for 24 hrs. (Divine Only)
Gain +1 bonus to all saves for 24 hrs. (Arcane Only)

Material: A vial of holy oil and a vial of alchemist's fire (or sleeping fire) both of which are poured onto the targeted fire, as well as a piece of liturgy to a god of fire or healing to be burned.
Focus A tiny sized fire such as a small campfire

Body of Fire incorporeality, gain fire attacks
Transmutation [Fire]
Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Touch
Area: -
Target: Willing corporeal creature touched
Duration: 1 min/level (D)
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
The target's body shimmers and begins to glow as they become a being of pure flame

The subject and all its gear become incorporeal and amorphous. Its material armor (including natural armor) becomes worthless, though its size, Dexterity, deflection bonuses, and armor bonuses from force effects still apply (see special). The subject becomes immune to fire, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, and stunning; but is vulnerable to cold. It can’t attack or cast spells with verbal, somatic, material, or focus components while under the effects of this spell.

The creature gains a fly speed equal to its land speed (maneuverability perfect).

The creature's touch deals (1d6/CL (max 15d6) + Caster's Int) points of fire damage to any object or creature touched.

Objects and creatures touched by the creature have a 50% chance of taking fire damage, unless they can afect or be affected by incorporeal objects. Cold damage ignores incorporeality when affecting target creatures.

A force effect such as mage armor on the target restrains its movement and renders it effectively corporeal. It may still fly, but can affect or be affected by incorporeal or physical entities without regard for its incorporeality.
Material Component: A ball of ectoplasm and a sliver of elemental fire
Pyrokinesis as telekinesis but with an extra burning oomph
Tongues of Flame A mechanism by which to share spells
Radiance of Flame Burn up spell slots to fuel stronger spells

Bonus Round
Bless Flame Make fire or fuel burn with a sacred light inimical to the undead and evil outsiders
Firewhirl A spell for a pyromaniac druid

Milo v3
2013-05-31, 02:32 AM
Obviously a WIP. Just some concepts at the moment.

1. Form to Flame
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

Reshapes fire elementals into animal shapes.

2. Firebug's Ink
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

Allows you to write words out of flame, once the spell is dismissed it leaves ash marks allowing people to still read it if they have decent eyesight.

3. Birth Obsidian (Hopefully Lava is close enough to the theme)
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

Converts lava and magma into obsidian.

4. Burning Seed
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

Taints the targets children into being born with the Fire Subtype.

5. Eternal Pyre
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

Raises a creature with the Fire Elemental and Bone Creature templates.

6. Burning Wish
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

Functions as a restricted wish spell, that can only be used for fire related stuff.

7. Fuse Sandstorm
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

Superheats an existing sandstorm, turning each grain of sand into MOLTEN GLASS.

8. Feast of the Flame
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

You can eat fire as if it was food.

9. Flametouched Flesh
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

Changes your appearance permanently to incorporate fire.

10. Storm of the Flame
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

Changes nearby water into fire, affects rain, puddles, lakes, etc. but not water in people (Still affects water elementals)

11. Burning Basilisk
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

Grants you a gaze attack that sets creatures alight.

12. Ashsteel
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

Allows you to craft things from flame as if it was steel. Sorta functions like Iron Wood.

2013-05-31, 03:12 AM
WiP, needs fluff and descriptions just some rough mechanics atm. I appear to be taking advantage of the theme to give Evocations some love with several dual-school spells.

Spellburn - Sets target's magic alight
Abjurtation/Evocation [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Wu Jen 4, Dragon Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=285350) 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25-ft +5-ft/2 caster levels)
Target: One creature able to cast spells or use spell-like abilities.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

Intoning three words of primal power, and making a three-fold symbol representing the unity of magic in the world, you turn your foe's magical powers against themselves. Brilliant blue fire bursts from their flesh as their very magical power burns within them.

Effect: Target creature takes 2d8 fire damage per spell level of the highest level spell (or psionic power) or spell-like (or psi-like) ability available to them. In addition they lose one memorized spell, spell slot, or daily use of a spell-like/psi-like ability of their highest level determined at random or power points equal to their manifester level until they next regain spells. A successful Fortitude save negates the spell lost and reduces the damage by 1 point per die.

Material Component: A lock of hair from a creature with spell-like abilities or spontaneous arcane spellcasting.

Spellburn, Greater - Sets target's magic alight better
Abjuration/Evocation [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 9, Wu Jen 9
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25-ft +5-ft/2 caster levels)
Target: One creature able to cast spells or use spell-like abilities.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

Intoning the 8 great words of magic's nature and making the nine-fold symbol that unites them and turns them against themselves with the tip of your platinum dagger. With this you turn all the magical force of your opponent against them, causing their very magic to burst from them in the form of flame, part blue-green and brilliant purple-green colors not seen in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Effect: Target creature takes 3d6 damage per spell level of the highest level spell (or psionic power) or spell-like (or psi-like) ability available to them, half of this damage is fire but half is pure arcane energy unaffected by fire resistance or immunity, and an additional 2 fire damage for every spell slot, 5 power points, or daily use of a spell-like/psi-like ability available (if a spell-like ability is at-will or more than 5/day count as 5/day) to them. In addition the target loses one use of each spell-like/psi-lie ability they have, power points equal to the amount required to manifest 1 psionic power of each level available to them, and 1 spell slot or memorized spell at random from each spell level available to them until they next regain spells. A successful Fortitude save reduces the spell loss to 1 spell or spell-like ability of their highest level and reduces the damage to 3d6 damage per spell level of the highest level spell or spell-like ability available to the target, half of this damage is fire but half is pure arcane energy unaffected by fire resistance or immunity.

Focus: A miniature platinum dagger weighing at least 2-lb and worth at least 3000 GP coated in the (dry is acceptable) blood of a creature with spell-like abilities or spontaneous arcane spellcasting.

Burn sorcery - Sets magic affecting you alight.
Abjuration/Evocation [Fire]
Level: Sor 4, Dragon Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=285350) 4
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 Immediate Action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Feeling hostile magic's twining bind around you, you say a word of pure sorcery igniting the very energy that would have affected you burning it away as brilliant fire of the spectrum seen only in worlds of magic sears across your form.

Effect: You may cast this spell in response to a hostile effect. You resist that effect as if you had infinite spell resistance, but take 2d6 damage per spell level of the effect prevented (if it is), half of this damage is fire damage and half is pure arcane energy which cannot be resisted or prevented. You may also cast this spell to immediately dispel one spell effect on you that is vulnerable to Dispel Magic and Spell Resistance, if you do so you take damage as if you had used this spell to prevent it entirely.

Spreading Flames - Fireball that expands slowly... I wanted at least one fireball derivative.
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 2, Wu Jen 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Medium (100-ft +10-ft/caster level)
Area: 1 square.
Duration: 3 rounds
Saving Throw: Reflex halves
Spell Resistance: Yes

Casting a bit of sulfur powder out from you, as you say the double-charm of the wizard Malkon, you cause red-yellow fire to blossom at your direction, spreading slowly out like a wave of gelatinous flame. Over twelve seconds it spreads to cover an area 25-ft by 25-ft like a fence of destruction before finally vanishing.

Effect: Fire blossomes in the targeted square. At the beginning of each round in the spell's duration the fire moves out from its origin. On the first round the fire moves to all squares adjacent to its point of origin (becoming a ring of the 8 squares adjacent to it) vanishing from the original square. On the next round it vanishes from those 8 squares and moves to the series of squares next out from the origin (becoming 16 squares). On the next round it vanishes (if extended it continues to slowly expand, moving out one square each round). Any creature begining its turn, or entering a flaming square takes 3d6 fire damage + 1d6 per 2 caster levels above 3rd (maximum 10d6 at Lv 17), with a reflex save for half.

Material Component: A pinch of sulfur.

Peer through Flame - See through a fire.
Divination (Scrying)
Level: Dru 1, Shugenja 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wu Jen 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Target: 1 non-magical fire no more than 1 square mile in size
Duration: 1 hour/class level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Passing your hand, grasping firmly ruby powder, through a flame you speak the secret name of the god(dess) of divination. Suddenly you can see with eyes of fire, your sight emanating not only from the eyes in your head but from the magically affected flame as well.

Effect: For the duration of the spell you may see through the targeted fire as if you were in whatever space(s) it occupies; this is in addition to your normal site. To cast this spell you must place your hand (or other limb) into the flame taking a full 1d6 fire damage. If the fire extends to be more than 1 square mile in size this spell automatically ends.

Material Component: 5 GP worth of powdered ruby.

Blazing Eyes - Eyes produce light and can make a fire explode.
Evocation/Transmutation [Fire, Light]
Level: Dru 2, Shugenja 2, Sor/Wiz 2, Wu Jen 2
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 Standard action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute/caster level
Saving Throw: See below
Spell Resistance: See below

Naming the light of fire you bring it into your eyes, causing them to blaze with its brilliant white intensity. As your eyes shine with is sometimes beneficial and sometimes baleful power you can focus it ejecting the power from within yourself into a flame causing the fire to explode with short lived power.

Effect: Your eyes produce bright light in a 60-ft cone, and shadowy illumination for another 60-ft beyond that. In addition at any point during the duration of the spell you may as a swift action fire a ray from your eyes towards a source of non-magical fire within 120-ft. This requires a ranged touch attack against either the fire's AC (if unattended; as an inanimate object this is 5 + size bonus if any) or the touch AC of the creature holding it + 2 for a torch sized object. On a successful hit the fire explodes violently, filling the area within 10-ft of the original fire's square(s) and dealing 1d6 fire damage per caster level (maximum 5d6) to all creatures within the area and extinguishing the original fire. A successful Reflex save halves this damage and Spell Resistance applies against these flames. Using this ability immediately ends this spell.
Light spells counter and dispel darkness spells of an equal or lower level (this tagline is taken from Continual Flame)

Guiding Fire - ghostly flames illuminate target aiding attacks.
Evocation [Light]
Level: Dru 0, Shugenja 0, Sor/Wiz 0, Wu Jen 0
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 Standard action
Range: Close (25-ft + 5-ft/2 caster levels)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

You speak a single word, flicking the flint in your hand with a precise arcane gesture. Suddenly it is gone, leaving only a few sparks behind, and a ghostly blue flame flickers into existence around your target. This flame guides blows towards the creature it illuminates, if only for a brief moment.

Effect: Dim-blue ghostly fire flickers into existence around the target. This fire produces light as a torch, and anyone attacking the target while it is illuminated this way gains a +1 insight bonus to their attack rolls.
Light spells counter and dispel darkness spells of an equal or lower level (this tagline is taken from Continual Flame).

Arcane Material Component: A piece of flint.

Dance of the Efreet Princess - Charm fire elemental creatures.
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Bar 2, Shugenja 2, Wu Jen 2
Components: V, S, Special
Casting Time: 1 full round action
Range: Close (25-ft + 5-ft/2 caster levels)
Target: 1 creature with the fire subtype
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

Invoking the true names of the first sultans of the efreet and dancing the legendary dance of an ancient efreeti princess your body bursts into royal purple flame. This flame, and this dance, serves to compel creatures of fire into your service.

Effect: This spell functions like Charm Person except that it may affect any creature with the fire subtype regardless of type and has no effect on humanoids unless they have that subtype.

Special: To cast this spell you must have at least 5 ranks in Perform (Dance). If you have at least 15 ranks in Perform (Dance) the Will save DC of this spell is increased by 2. This spell may not be stilled, nor may it be cast without its somatic component.

Essence Burn - Burn your life force to fuel spells.
Level: Sorcerer 3
Components: None
Casting Time: Special (see below)
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

As you cast a spell you allow your natural magical power to burst into the green-purple flames of pure magic fueling your greater sorcery with their energy even as they are fueled by your very life force.

Effect: You may cast Essence Burn as part of casting another spell. By burning part of your vital essence you may retain the spell slot used to cast the other spell, but take untyped damage equal to the spell level of the spell slot retained squared - 5. This damage cannot be reduced or prevented in any way (including regeneration), and cannot be healed until you have regained spells short of with a Wish or Miracle.

Special: You must be a living creature to cast this spell.

Fire Skiff - Make a boat of fire
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Bar 4, Sor/Wiz 5, Wu Jen 5
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 0-ft
Effect: 1 fire boat
Duration: 1 hour/caster level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Placing the obsidian ship before you, you trace the 6 layered heptagram of the physical world around it, all the while chanting the ancient rhymes of the lich-king Alzjen. As you finish the grisly poetry a massive replica of your ship appears before you made of semi-solid flames that generate a pleasant warmth and nothing more.

Bardic version: Placing the ship of obsidian before you sing the song of the efreeti princess Jhillari and her star-crossed love the dao general Tsurain. Tracing strange glyphs said to represent the perils she faced in his name you imbue the ship with power creating a replica of flames burnt large before you.

Effect: You create a gargantuan sized boat made of fire with at least 1 square adjacent to you. The boat cannot be created if there are not enough unoccupied squares for it to occupy. This boat may fly at a speed of 100-ft (poor maneuverability) per round as long as the caster is on the boat and spends a move action to direct it, and it may hover despite its low maneuverability. The boat has 15 hp per caster level, a hardness of 0, and is immune to damage from manufactured weapons, but takes full damage from cold despite being an object and has both cold vulnerability and cold resistance 20. The boat has an AC of 11 + the caster's Int modifier if it has moved in the last round or of 6 if it has not, and a touch AC 5 lower than its regular AC. If actively piloted it uses its caster's Reflex save at -2. The boat may hold up to a number of creatures equal to the caster's caster level (large creatures count as 3 medium creatures, huge as 3 large and so forth), limited by the number of creatures which can fit into its space. The boat cannot deal damage in any way and objects, mindless creatures, unconscious creatures and non-living creatures pass through the boat without affecting it and therefore may not ride on the boat unless held by a passenger. Any creature or object on the boat gains Cold Resistance 20. The fire skiff produces light as a natural fire of its size would.

Special: The bardic version of this spell requires at least 5 ranks in Perform (Vocal) to cast, and if the caster has at least 18 ranks in Perform (Vocal) they may reduce its casting time to 2 rounds. The bardic version of this spell cannot be silenced.

Focus: A miniature boat made from obsidian worth at least 200 GP.

Melt - Melt a target destroying it instantly.
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 8, Wu Jen 8
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Close (25-ft + 5-ft/2 caster levels)
Target: 1 creature or object
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

With a quick derisive movement of your hand, cutting across your chest with a brilliantly cut and clear ruby clenched inside, and a ten syllable word of power, you invoke a great heat into the target causing them to bubble and melt down and boil away into nothing before your eyes.

Effect: You cause the target to melt destroying it instantly. A creature immune to fire, with fire resistance 30 or greater, or an object with hardness 20 or greater takes 2d6 fire damage per caster level instead. A successful Fortitude save prevents total bodily destruction, reducing it to 1d6 fire damage per 2 caster levels.

Focus: A cut ruby worth at least 3,000 GP.

Fire Net - Web of flames restricts movement.
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Shugenja 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Wu Jen 4
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100-ft +10-ft/caster level)
Effect: Fires in a 20-ft radius, 15-ft high
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

Tracing an octagon in the air before you with an index and middle finger, you then connect your thumbs and spread out your fingers to the eight corners of the octagon and say the ancient name of fire. As you do, lines of fire blossom before your eyes filling the designated area with a web-like lattice of flames which serve to entangle and trap enemies.

Effect: You create a web of fire which fills the area. This web does no damage to stationary creatures within the area, but any creature moving through the area takes fire damage. Entering a square in the area costs an extra square of movement, and a creature takes 3d6 fire damage for each square it enters as part of its movement. If a creature moves no more than 5-ft per move action this damage is prevented. Finally creatures within the area suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls and melee damage rolls as avoiding the flames impedes their aim, a creature can choose to ignore this penalty but takes 4d6 fire damage for each attack they make where they do so.

Fires of Fury - Orb of fire sheds light which empowers allies.
Evocation/Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting, Light]
Level: Bard 4, Cle 4,
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Effect: 1 orb of fire over your head
Duration: 1 round/caster level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Raising your holy symbol high overhead you call out a prayer to your god(dess), invoking their power to stir your companions' hearts. A blue-red flame blossoms between your upraised hands, forming into a perfect sphere of shifting fire and shining its light outwards. This light stir the hearts of those it falls upon empowering them to do combat in the name of your god(dess).

Effect: This spell creates an orb of blue and red fires about 1' in diameter which floats above the caster's head (moving with them). It produces bright light out to 30-ft, and shadowy illumination out to another 30-ft. Any ally within the 30-ft bright illumination gains a +2 morale bonus to melee attack, melee weapon damage, Will saves, and may make an additional attack at their highest attack bonus as part of an attack or full attack action, this extra attack does not stack with that granted by spells and effects such as Haste. Any ally within the shadowy illumination provided by this spell gains a +1 morale bonus to melee attack and weapon damage, as well as Will saves.
Light spells counter and dispel darkness spells of an equal or lower level (this tagline is taken from Continual Flame)

Time Burns Away - Burn your own future for extra actions.
Level: Sor/Wiz 7, Wu Jen 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Saying a dread syllable, a sound made not be air vibrations but by vibrations of magic itself, and forming a swift sign with the fingers of one hand you burn away your future and past themselves. This energy, drawn from across your life, bursts across you as flames of a hue foreign to the electromagnetic spectrum spurring you into a flurry of super-sped motion, as your life itself burns.

Effect: The caster suffers 1 negative level, if this damage is reduced or prevented Time Burns Away ends with no further effect. This negative level cannot be removed short of a Wish or Miracle spell, but never results in true level loss vanishing 24 hours later. The caster may immediately take 2 standard actions. In addition 1 minute after casting this spell the caster is dazed for 1 round.

Special: This spell may only be cast by living creatures and may not be cast by anything of the undead type even if they are somehow alive.

Soul Furnace - Convert fire damage to buffs!
Level: Sor/Wiz 5, Wu Jen 5, Dragon Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=285350) 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Touch
Target: 1 living creature
Duration: 1 round/caster level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Tracing a sigil of power in the air with one hand you call upon four of the hidden names of fire invoking them to protect the target and imbue him with their power and nature. Energy floods the target, and fires seem to spark in their eyes for a moment, as their spirit in placed in tune with the essence of fire.

Effect: The target becomes empowered by fires, absorbing them into themselves to burst with energy. The target gains immunity to fire and whenever they would otherwise receive fire damage they instead heal 1 hp per 4 points of damage that would be dealt and gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage, and saves versus Fear or Death effects for the duration of this spell for every 10 points of fire damage they would have received. Multiple instances of fire damage do not stack for determining total morale bonus, only the largest morale bonus is used.

Kiss of the Efreet - Wave of fire burns the undead and heals those immune to fire.
Evocation/Conjuration (Healing) [Fire]
Level: Cle 4, Dru 5, Shugenja 4
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 30-ft cone
Area: 30-ft cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex halves
Spell Resistance: Yes

A spell created by efreet fire priests, for their wars against the djinn. Tracing a symbol old as the lore of the gods with your holy symbol and invoking your gods in a prayer in ignan you channel the life giving power of the Positive Energy Plane through the element of fire. As the invocation ends you stretch your arm forward, fingers spread and from your spread finger tips a blaze of rainbow colored flame stretches out burning and healing in equal measure.

Effect: You release a cone of fire charged with healing energy. Any creature within the area takes 1d10 fire damage per 2 caster levels (max 8d10 at Lv 16). Any living (not undead or construct) creature within the area without the Air subtype simultaneously heals the same amount of damage. In most cases this means that the damage and healing are both simply negated, but fire resistance, fire immunity, and fire vulnerability can change this (fire resistance turns this into healing up to their fire resistance, fire immunity turns this purely into healing, and fire vulnerability will cause it to deal a total of 50% damage).

Special: You must be able to speak Ignan to perform the verbal component of this spell (though it may be silenced). This spell may not be cast by creatures with the Air subtype.

Rhythm of Fire - By playing the rhythm of flames you invoke the power of fire into the area.
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Bard 3, Cle 4, Shugenja 4
Components: V, S, F, optional M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 40-ft
Area: 40-ft emanation centered on the area from which it is cast.
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

Effect: You fill the area with the power of fire itself. Creatures with the fire subtype in the area gain a +4 sacred bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution as well as Fast Healing equal to one-fourth your caster level. Creatures with the cold subtype suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls, ability and skill checks, and saving throws within the area.

Focus: A hand drum.

Material Component: Ruby dust worth 100 or 1000 GP. By using this material component you may increase the duration of this spell to one month or one year respectively.

Special: To cast this spell you must play the drum, to play the complicated rhythm required for this spell requires 5 ranks in Perform (Percussion Instrument). If you have at least 18 ranks in Perform (Percussion Instrument) the sacred bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution increases to +6.

Become the Flames - Target gains the fire subtype temporarily
Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Wu Jen 4
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 Standard action
Range: Close (25-ft + 5-ft/2 caster levels)
Target: 1 willing creature
Duration: 1 hour/caster level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

Effect: Flames burst across the target dealing 5d8 fire damage to it. The flames quickly dissipate leaving the target visibly changed. Their skin is blackened as if by an extreme heat and they gain the Fire subtype for the duration (including both Cold vulnerability and Fire immunity). In addition the target deals an additional 2 points of fire damage with natural weapons for the duration.

Focus: A rune-carved bone from a dragon with the fire subtype worth 10 GP.

Create Fire Drake - Make a dragon-shaped construct of animated fire... I'll get on the mechanics to this one later.

4th number
2013-05-31, 07:30 AM
I challenged myself to write all 10 in a row, and here they are. I'm pretty pleased with some of the concepts, but they all need some polishing and additional details.

Salix's Burning Bushes
Evocation (Subschool) [Fire, Plant]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 5, Druid 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: Standard action
Target: Plants within a 40ft radius
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Reflex partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: No

Plants within a 40ft radius burst into an eerie green flame and rise up to attack your enemies. The plants attack each enemy within reach every round. Their attack bonus is your caster level + the ability score you use for spell DCs. If the attack hits, the target takes 1d6 damage for every two caster levels, and is lit on fire unless they succeed on a Reflex save.

If Salix's Burning Bushes is cast on an area under the effect of Entangle, Plant Growth, or a similar effect, add 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a successful hit.

The Immolated Man
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Long
Target: 1 willing creature
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Reflex partial (see text
Spell Resistance: No

One of your allies bursts aflame as though doused in lamp oil and lit, but he fights on more fiercely as his enemies are consumed by the fire. The target becomes immune to fire. Whenever they make an attack roll of any kind, if it exceeds the target's touch AC the target takes 1d6 damage per caster level (Reflex half). This damage occurs even if the attack misses.

Korin's Shame
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: 100 miles
Target: A 1-mile radius circle
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

All creatures within the spell's range must make a Fortitude save or take 1d6 fire damage per caster level and be lit on fire.

Spicy Bullet
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Components: V
Casting Time: Move action
Range: Close
Target: 1d4 stones or sling bullets
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: No

When the bullet hits a target, all creatures within 5 feet must make a reflex save or be lit on fire.

School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 0, Adept 1, Cleric 0
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Touch
Target: A cooking vessel
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: n/a
Spell Resistance: No

Any liquid in the affected pot will simmer or boil vigourously, at your verbal command.

Material Component: A chip of charcoal from a cookfire

The Cleansing Flame Of Repentence
School (Subschool) [Good, Fire]
Level: Cleric 9
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: Standard action
Range: Medium
Target: 1 evil creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will partial or Fortitude negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes

Faced with an onslaught of positive feeling from your deity, the target must make a Will save or be instantaneously converted to a follower of your religion. Their alignment changes from evil to good, and they are treated as good-aligned by all spells and abilities. This does not always change their attitude or demeanor, but the conversion is sincere, though they can still commit evil acts and change their alignment over time, as can anyone.

If they fail the Will save and remain evil, they must make a Fortitude save or burst into a bright white flame and die instantly as they are turned to ash my the might of your god.

Divine Focus: The holy symbol of a convert to your religion.

Pet Flame
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Close
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Reflex partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: No

This spell summons an obedient wisp of flame. It takes on the color and shape that you desire, and can be either cool to the touch or dangerous, at your option. Anything that it lights on fire, you can extinguish as a swift action. The wisp flies with perfect maneuverability at your fastest move speed, but cannot rise more than 20 feet above the ground or move more than 30 feet (plus 10 ft/level) away from you.

If you attempt to light creatures on fire with the wisp, they must make a Reflex save.

Wings of the Phoenix
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, M
Casting Time:
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 min/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless), Reflex partial (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The subject grows massive wings of orange flame that extend 15 feet to its left and right. Any enemies that end their turn in those squares must make a Reflex save or take 2d6 fire damage. The subject gains a fly speed of 60 feet (plus 10ft for every 2 levels) and has good maneuverability. As a swift action, it may make a touch attack. If the attack hits, the target takes 2d6 damage (Reflex half).

Searing Claws
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Druid 3
Components: V, S
Casting Time:
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

All of the subject's natural attacks do an additional 1d6 fire damage for every 3 caster levels.

My Ears Are Burning
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Bard
Components: V, S
Casting Time:
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

Whenever anyone within 1 mile mentions the subject out loud, either by name or by reference, the subject's ears burst into flame, dealing 1 fire damage for each round that they burn (minimum 1).

smoke prism
2013-06-02, 10:39 AM
My entries (I'll polish It all up later)

Name: Illusionery immolation
School:Illusion (phantasm) [Mind-affecting, Fire]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standered action
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft./ 2 levels)
Target: 1 intelligent creature
Duration: permanent, until the target makes a successful save.
Saving Throw: Will disbelief s
Spell Resistance: Yes

*With a gesture and a word the target bursts into flame ...*

*or dose he ?*

Throught the manipulation of the subjects senses, you create a highly realistic illusion of being consumed by fire. Every round the subject must make a will save, or take 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level, due to the realisticness of the sensation. This spell even has effects on subjects underwater, but they gain a bonuse +5 to there will save.

Name: Solid wall of flames
School: Evocation [Fire]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standered action
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft./ 2 levels)
Effect: A wall of fire whose area is up to one 10 ft square/ level or a hemisphere with a radius of up to 1 ft/ level.
Duration: 1 minute/ level
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: none

*After speaking the eight fiery words, a wall of solid fire erupts at a designated point in a stench of sulfur.*

Creates a solid wall of fire.

School: Conjuraton (Creation) [Fire]
Level: Sor/ wiz 2, Drd
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 Immediate action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex
Spell Resistance: yes

*After intoning several words, the very air around you seems to burst into flames.*

When the caster is attacked by in melee by a non-reach weapon, he may use a immediate action to cast this spell. The creature that attacked tje caster must make a reflex save, or 4ake 1d6 points of fire damage per level (maximum 5d6).

(Note: A redux of something that I did in the past, don't know if it counts)

Name: skin of the crucible
School: Transmutation
Level: sor/ wiz 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standered action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: 1 round/ per level
Saving Throw: no
Spell Resistance: no

*After intoning this spell, red smoking runes of protection appear on the caster s skin. *

After casting this spell, the caster gains fire resistances 2/ per level

(May be stretching the definition of relating to fire)

Name: Palm melt
School: Transmutation (fire)
Level: sor/ wiz 0, Bra 0
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 Standered action
Range: personal
Target: Any object that can consevebley fit in you're hand, and has a liquid state when heated (DM's discretion)
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: fortitude negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: No

*As you speek, you feel a burning sensation in you're hand, then the coin in you're hand trickles between you're fingers and pools on the floor. *

As you clench you're hand around the object in you palm, you feel it melt. A magical object is allowed a fortitude save.

(At the DM discretion this can confer a bonuses to intimidated)

Name: Locating flame
School: Divination
Level: Sor/ Wiz 4, Clr 4
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 2 minutes
Range: Same plane of exsistans
Target: 1 named person
Duration: 1 minute/ 2 levels
Saving Throw: no
Spell Resistance: no

*As you finish the spell, you speek the subjects name and the candle flame points in the direction of the subject *

After casting this spell the flame of the candel will point in the direction of a name subject for the duration of tje spell

Focus: A specialy made candel, worth 100 gp

Name:Fire spurt
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

A melee attack causes the casters blood to spurt to the attacker.

Name: liquid fire
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

Creates a jet of liquid flame

Name: Purifying flames
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Class Level
Components: V, S, M, F, DF, XP
Casting Time:
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

As atonement, but earlier and dangerous

Name:Purge the venom
School: Transmutation [Fire]
Level: Sor/ Wiz 3, Clr 3, pla 3
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 1 immediate actiom
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: no
Spell Resistance: no

Inflict fire damage to ones self to get ride of poison.

* You feel a sharp, fiery sting in you're, but you know that you're alright *

You may cast this spell in response to being poisoned. Upon casting this spell the caster takes 1d6/ level points of fire damage. After this the caster may make a fortitude save with a bonuse egual to the damage taken.

Name: Climbing flame
School: Transmutation [fire]
Level: Sor/ Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standered action
Range: personal
Target: you
Duration: 1
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:

* After intoning several mystic words *

2013-06-02, 11:59 AM
I haven't read everyone else's so, I'm just hoping I haven't copied anything.

Anyway, this is what the title made me think of:

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-affecting, Chaotic]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One prepared spellcaster
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes

You burn the target's mind clear, throwing the delicate formulae of magic in their mind into disarray.
If the target fails their will save, they immediately forget one prepared spell of their choice per point by which they failed their will save.

Greater Spellburn
Enchantment (Compulsion)/Transmutation [Mind-affecting, Chaotic]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One prepared spellcaster
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes

As Spellburn, but if the target fails their save, the spell also seeks out the spellbook the target prepared the forgotten spells from, if they have any. All the pages on which the forgotten spells are written immediately take 5 points of fire damage, destroying them if they are made from mundane paper.

2013-12-06, 07:28 PM
Korin's Shame
School (Subschool) [Descriptor]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 9
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: 100 miles
Target: A 1-mile radius circle
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

All creatures within the spell's range must make a Fortitude save or take 1d6 fire damage per caster level and be lit on fire.

ummm ... and this would be why we kill the wizards before they can cast 9th level spells? ... I mean how many millions of creatures exist within a 31,649 sq. mi. area?