View Full Version : Lost Tradition Limitations

2013-05-31, 04:01 AM
Simply, i want to start a discussion to figure out the limitations of the feat lost tradition.

Lost Tradition
*Flavor text*
Benefits: Choose one spellcasting class. You may change which ability score governs spellcasting with that class. That ability cannot be changed.


Special: You can take this feat only at 1st level.

Now. This discussion breaks down into 2 areas. Ability scores, and casting. Its a bit more complicated than it seems.

Ability Scores, the simplest part of the discussion. By Raw, this feat allows: Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intellect, Strength and Wisdom. My question is; since taint is used as a casting stat by some PrCs, can taint/corruption/depravity be selected by this feat? Is there anything else, somewhere, that might count as an ability score?

Spellcasting. Well, lets break this1, down.

Arcane Spellcasting and Divine Spellcasting are obviously in. Lets see what else could be..

Mysteries They behave a bit as spells, but cannot benefit from feats that -enhance- spells. Mystery-users also can qualify for anything with their mysteries that has a non-specific (as in arcane or divine) caster level or spell level. Its on shaky ground for being permitted, but look to invocations below.

Psionic Powers: Well, my take is this. If Psionic/Magic transparency is in play, or the psionic user would have the magic mantle, then I'd say it counts.

Soulmelds: If soulmeld-magic transparency is in play, then it may be just as valid as powers benefiting with transparency.

Invocations: I'd say no right off the bat.. but in the beginning of the feat section of complete arcane it discusses types of spell effecting feats they can and cannot take. Based on that, I believe they can take advantage of the feat. The reasoning is that invocations are spell-like abilities that require somatic gestures. By extension, this opens the door (in theory) for any 'casting' class that uses spell-like abilities with somatic gestures.

Infusions: I could make an argument for this, they benefit from things that would benefit a spell caster, like "+1 level to existing spellcasting class". However, in the first line of the infusion entry: "An artificer is not a spellcaster….." This one line might put the nail in this one's coffin.

Soulbinds: I doubt it, but thought i'd list it incase someone had a clue one way or another. Only thing I can point to is, they can replicate some spells and mysteries, and in such cases their binder level is treated as their caster level.

Utterances: I have my doubts here as well, but I'll simply bring up a certain term; "Effective caster level.", also if we extend the same logic for invocations benefiting, the door may open here.

2013-05-31, 05:19 AM
I'm not sure how useful it is to discuss the RAW of a 3rd party feat. It has no defined place in the rules hierarchy aside from "Please Sir Mister DM, can I have it?" anyway.

But, if we assume that the feat has some validity, there's at least one reading I'm going to call shaky, that on Psionics-Magic Transparency allowing the feat to apply to Psionics. PMT is a decently-defined term that has some specifically listed effects.

The rule is as follows:

Psionics-Magic Transparency
Though not explicitly called out in the spell descriptions or magic item descriptions, spells, spell-like abilities, and magic items that could potentially affect psionics do affect psionics. When the rule about psionics-magic transparency is in effect, it has the following ramifications.
Emphasis mine. The description then goes on to list several things, not including "feats". Which is probably a good thing, otherwise we'd be having arguments about whether Psions can take Persistent Spell and Ocular Spell.

Similar arguments apply to Soulmeld-Magic Transparency.

As for the rest... I'm inclined to say that the feat shouldn't apply to them either, just because they are not spells, and the feat specifies spells. If the subsystems in question have specific clauses that make them count as spells for the purposes of feats, I don't remember them (but I'd like to see them!). It being obvious how the feat would be applied doesn't make it legal. :smalltongue:

2013-05-31, 06:59 AM
Simply, i want to start a discussion to figure out the limitations of the feat lost tradition.

Lost Tradition
*Flavor text*
Benefits: Choose one spellcasting class. You may change which ability score governs spellcasting with that class. That ability cannot be changed.


Special: You can take this feat only at 1st level.

Now. This discussion breaks down into 2 areas. Ability scores, and casting. Its a bit more complicated than it seems.

Ability Scores, the simplest part of the discussion. By Raw, this feat allows: Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity, Intellect, Strength and Wisdom. My question is; since taint is used as a casting stat by some PrCs, can taint/corruption/depravity be selected by this feat? Is there anything else, somewhere, that might count as an ability score?

Spellcasting. Well, lets break this1, down.

Arcane Spellcasting and Divine Spellcasting are obviously in. Lets see what else could be..

Mysteries They behave a bit as spells, but cannot benefit from feats that -enhance- spells. Mystery-users also can qualify for anything with their mysteries that has a non-specific (as in arcane or divine) caster level or spell level. Its on shaky ground for being permitted, but look to invocations below.

Psionic Powers: Well, my take is this. If Psionic/Magic transparency is in play, or the psionic user would have the magic mantle, then I'd say it counts.

Soulmelds: If soulmeld-magic transparency is in play, then it may be just as valid as powers benefiting with transparency.

Invocations: I'd say no right off the bat.. but in the beginning of the feat section of complete arcane it discusses types of spell effecting feats they can and cannot take. Based on that, I believe they can take advantage of the feat. The reasoning is that invocations are spell-like abilities that require somatic gestures. By extension, this opens the door (in theory) for any 'casting' class that uses spell-like abilities with somatic gestures.

Infusions: I could make an argument for this, they benefit from things that would benefit a spell caster, like "+1 level to existing spellcasting class". However, in the first line of the infusion entry: "An artificer is not a spellcaster….." This one line might put the nail in this one's coffin.

Soulbinds: I doubt it, but thought i'd list it incase someone had a clue one way or another. Only thing I can point to is, they can replicate some spells and mysteries, and in such cases their binder level is treated as their caster level.

Utterances: I have my doubts here as well, but I'll simply bring up a certain term; "Effective caster level.", also if we extend the same logic for invocations benefiting, the door may open here.

My general rule for allowing 3rd party stuff is to maintain flexibility and if one person (wizard...who is tier 1) can use it then so can others (warlock who is tier 4 - tier 3).

This feat allows Arcane/Divine magic even more flexibility so what is the problem with giving it to the others? Full casting Arcane and Divine magic are already tier 1 power.