View Full Version : Silly Lack of Armor Check Penalty

2013-05-31, 04:42 PM
Anyone think it's funny that no clothing has an armor check penalty? A Queen wearing a Royal Outfit with layers of petticoats takes less of an armor check penalty than a rogue wearing Studded Leather Armor when trying to go for a swim. You'd think that even the stereotypical wizard's robe or some of the goofy things spellcasters wear in the book art would incur an armor check penalty or interfere with somatic components more than a simple Chain Shirt would.

Not really anything gamebreaking by any means, just silly.

2013-05-31, 04:49 PM
One for the Dysfunctional Rules thread perhaps ?

2013-05-31, 04:56 PM
Good idea, and done.

2013-05-31, 05:09 PM
You could always apply one for a given outfit.

2013-05-31, 05:13 PM
You could always apply one for a given outfit.

Common sense has no place in making new house rules. We need to see it in ink.

2013-05-31, 05:47 PM
You could always apply one for a given outfit.

As long as you're at it, would you like to add some house rules covering the drawbacks of capes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R2aW03pwL0)?

2013-05-31, 06:09 PM
I like cloaks. lindybeige had a nice ramble on cloaks at one point. They're easy to slip off, if you're worried about them being caught, you can attach them with clips so that they fall off if tugged. Modern blazers and sportcoats deserve an ACP though; maybe -3 or so.

2013-05-31, 07:19 PM
I like cloaks. lindybeige had a nice ramble on cloaks at one point. They're easy to slip off, if you're worried about them being caught, you can attach them with clips so that they fall off if tugged. Modern blazers and sportcoats deserve an ACP though; maybe -3 or so.

But remember, that Armani is masterwork, so chop a few points off the ACP.:smallcool:

2013-05-31, 07:36 PM
And this is when Circumstance penalties can rear their heads.

Noble Outfit? -4 penalty to the normal array of physical skills.

2013-05-31, 07:40 PM
Anyone think it's funny that no clothing has an armor check penalty? A Queen wearing a Royal Outfit with layers of petticoats takes less of an armor check penalty than a rogue wearing Studded Leather Armor when trying to go for a swim. You'd think that even the stereotypical wizard's robe or some of the goofy things spellcasters wear in the book art would incur an armor check penalty or interfere with somatic components more than a simple Chain Shirt would.

Not really anything gamebreaking by any means, just silly.

I've heard this argument before... (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0025.html)

2013-05-31, 09:53 PM
I like cloaks. lindybeige had a nice ramble on cloaks at one point. They're easy to slip off, if you're worried about them being caught, you can attach them with clips so that they fall off if tugged. Modern blazers and sportcoats deserve an ACP though; maybe -3 or so.

I seem to recall him mentioning that his friend tripped over his cloak. Maybe we can add a trip chance to any adjacent allies.

2013-05-31, 10:27 PM
Ties should have at least -5. I swear they try to kill me.

Jeff the Green
2013-05-31, 10:43 PM
Ties should have at least -5. I swear they try to kill me.

Not far off. They're forbidden in a lot of workplaces because they're a serious hazard. And not just to the wearer; they're prone to getting nasty stuff on them, which you don't want to be carrying around if you're an ER doc.

2013-05-31, 11:08 PM
Ties should have at least -5. I swear they try to kill me.

That is why all good paladins wear clip-on ties when going into battle. :smalltongue:

2013-05-31, 11:24 PM
Ties should have at least -5. I swear they try to kill me.

You must make a Con check to avoid suffocation.

2013-06-01, 12:18 AM
You must make a Con check to avoid suffocation.

Extra brutality: Necklace of Choking disguised as a tie.

2013-06-01, 12:21 AM
Extra brutality: Necklace of Choking disguised as a tie.

I thought they already were.