View Full Version : Curious Companions [IC]

2013-06-01, 11:41 AM
Chapter 1: Introductions

http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/6/640x400_2481_Wind_City_2d_landscape_fantasy_pictur e_image_digital_art.jpg

It had happened over night, the bells, the clash and clamor of activity, you cannot recall the last time the city guard had actually worked, let alone fight something. Word in the street was, they had, and lost, severely so.

The street peddlers were out in force this morning, knowing like most, that almost everyone would be taking to the streets in news of what had happened.

Those in the know, had heard the creature attacked, after walking the Long distance, pounding on the great city walls, this is where the city guard did something. Perhaps not the best idea to form outside the city walls and advance on something that was literally damaging the walls, but action nonetheless. And the guard commander was eager to claim the first action for the city in several centuries. His name would be lauded as the city hero.

He was the first to die, leading the charge, which for a commanding officer with no training is surprisingly fresh, was stupid. The monster crushed his skull, and continued to murder and destroy the rest of the platoon. The formation crushed, it looked up to the crenelations where the rest of the city guard were watching and sank into the sand.

But only those in the know heard that, several other stories are running around, about a Copper Dragon who turned evil and lusted for the rich taste of exotic man flesh, or a Giant Sand Scarab had found its way out of the Wasted West.

The next day the council called for those capable to come forth, and you for what ever reason decided you could, at the very least step forth. Having been summoned to the top of the Windmills, you find several others, all different and from the looks of things your companions for this endeavor.

A man steps up to you all, he is clean cut and bears the resemblance to one of the ruling merchant houses, his clothes a deep purple, lined with vermillion, a slightly off putting combination, but noting his obvious noble status.

"Yes, you all are those who replied," he looks over his shoulder at another group, one that has an old kobold with a stick, a Noble looking sorcerer, and a stone skinned woman. "Well except that lot, they are going to do something else, you all are going to find out what attacked us and why. Simple, any questions? None? good." and with that he leaves stopping short and he turns back to you all "I forgot, upon completion of this task you have each been promised 500 platinum pieces. You will be able to claim your reward once you provide proof to the council, via me." he looks at you all with impatient eyes "Well? What are you waiting for, the West wall is that way!" he points to the east, obviously wrong. storming off he walks down the stairway that winds around itself leading to the main floor.

Above you the windmills turn in their never ending cycle.




2013-06-01, 12:28 PM
Escorted by a pair of guards, with a fresh bruise across her face, one of your erstwhile companions, a female elf, stunningly beautiful, wearing white robes, split to allow her legs to move freely, a pair of sapphire earrings, a necklace, and a pair of pouches, one on either side of her hips, and a pair of beautifully worked silver bracers around her arms, looks to the noble, impatience in her eyes, although she speaks the the pair of burly guards, one holding each of her arms tightly.
"Guards, you can go now. After all, I did agree to your task, did I not?"

Part of Liriel's backstory was being captured by the guard right before the start of the game. I am assuming that she is helping to end her sentence.

Looking to the noble, who nods in agreement, the pair of guards release her, and leave. She carefully flexes her arms, clearly glad to be rid of them, as the noble leaves. After he has gone, she looks to the others, eying each of them in turn, clearly evaluating you.

A dwarf, although mithril armor, not adamantine. Feels like he is too good, however. He might be of use, however, as he seems ready for combat. A human wizard, although he seems overly enamored of secrecy. Depending on his observational skills, he could be an issue. A rogue, although his equipment seems a bit... odd, for such. Still, he is unlikely to know me for what I am, and even if he does, he might not care. There are possibilities there. The girl... She is beautiful, but I am not sure why she is here. A mage, but she has no components. Still, she might be a good distraction. The last of them... odd. There is no breeze, but he is surrounded by blowing sand. And is that armor... made out of sand? I have never seen such magic. All in all, an interesting group, but can they be used?
"Much better. Now, I believe we have a task to complete. Shall we? Introductions can be done while we walk."

She turns, and starts heading towards the western stair.

2013-06-01, 12:55 PM
D'nai stands rather relaxed at their would be commander's rambling briefing. In the Merc company he wouldn't have lasted a day as a commander and less as a soldier. This was building confidence in their odd of survival all right. Why had he aggreed to this lunacy again...that's right. To protect his father and the Troupe.

The woman was interesting. Definitely better quality than the company ever got hold of for a night. Maybe she would be more use than to warm a bed or two on the road. If she accepted coming on this mission, he could only hope she was more than a street walker looking for coin and a lapse in sentencing.

The rest hadn't caught his eye much for now. Maybe they would later.

He begins to follow the woman off towards the stairs, For introductions, I am D'nai Yer. A humble performer and ticket taker of the last three years. A member of the only sanctioned Troupe in town, and son of Dhema.

2013-06-01, 01:21 PM
A performer and ticket taker, volunteering to investigate something that took out a platoon? He is either insane, or a liar. Time will tell. An assassin, or thief, perhaps? At least he seems to be interested in me. That could be useful. Although, I really don't want to encourage him. Should not be an issue.

A bit of an extra sashay to her hips, Liriel continues walking, glancing back at the others as she speaks, smiling as she does so, looking perfectly innocent.

"You can call me Liriel. I'm... a Traveler."

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-01, 01:46 PM
Sa'Daron stood at the edge of the group, carefully taking everything in.
This could be very bad or very good. The official was desperate, and a job like this could pay off again and again. On the other hand, they are making me work with these idiots... at least the mage girl looks competent. The other girl... what is her game? I'll have to find out. I've heard of that assassin- he is said to be almost as good as me. Wrong, obviously, but at least I can work well with him. The dwarf looks like the kind of insufferable priest that would insist on honor, but he can always be deceived. Ah well. Money is money.
Sa'Daron steps forward slightly, lowering the veil slightly from his face now that the magistrate is out of sight. "Greetings. I am Sa'Daron. Grab my arm- I'll put us a few miles over the west wall. We'll have enough time to plan as we go down."

2013-06-01, 01:50 PM
So, the mage has a teleport prepared. Useful.

Quirking an eyebrow, Liriel turns to face Sa'Daron
"I trust you have a way to prevent the inevitable plummet to the ground?"
Oddly enough, despite her comment, she does not seem to be too concerned with the fall, idly fiddling with a vial in her belt.

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-01, 02:06 PM
Sa'Daron smirks, saying sardonically, "Trust me. I'll put us a bit more than three miles above the wall- we'll have a bit less than two minutes of fall time. More than enough to assess the situation."
At terminal velocity (about 60 m/s), it takes 1:30 to fall 3 miles, and we will take about 20 seconds to reach that.

2013-06-01, 02:22 PM
If he is foolish enough to try and kill us this way, I will have a surprise for him, and we would be down a few fools, possibly. If not, I will have learned something.

Liriel looks a little annoyed as Sa'Daron chooses not to answer her questions, but, after a moment of consideration, she nods.

"Assuming the others agree, that seems like a decent option, since you do, after all, have a way to not fall to your death."
She moves over to be standing near Sa'Daron, looking up at him, seemingly trustingly.

2013-06-01, 02:38 PM
D'nai smirks a bit to the others. He reaches for Sa'Daron's arm slowly. His eyes turning cold. A cold voice eminating into Sa' Daron's head despite D'nai's lips not moving. If you try to kill us and fail, know you will not be as fortunate as we.With that he relaxes back into his casual demeanor.

A small nervous smile spreading on his face, I hope we all touch down safely. I don't really have a contingency for massive falls. Maybe my cloak will make a half decent parachute at worst.

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-01, 02:42 PM
"I do, in fact, value my life. Speaking of that, let me find out what is going on over there."
Casting clairvoyance about two hundred feet above and about fifty feet out from the wall where we are going.
Edit: yeah, Daron is a bit of an insufferable douche
Edit edit: sorta like me :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-01, 03:04 PM
Puffing away at a pipe as the noble walks away Gilak can only shake his head in exasperation. "Leave it tae hot headed fools tae make ah mess ah things... Needlessly wastin lives." The dwarf mutters once the noble is out of earshot, turning to his companions. Undoubtedly some of the equipment that the city guard used had come from his shop and Gilak could only hope that it had saved at least a few lives though from the rumors the massacre had been to a man.

As the dwarf walks images, for lack of a better word, seem to fade into visibility. Faint to be sure but visible none the less, superimposed over the dwarf's armor. A belt with a red stone at his waist, a circlet of blue fire with a dragon's face mirroring his own expression, hovering plates over his shoulders, a pair of lenses floating before his eyes, and pale blue mist leaking from his boots.

The dwarf hardly needed to access his second sight to know that the group was an odd one. Several of which would need watching. "Gilak 'Forgefist' at yer service." Gilak states easily catching up to the rest of the group as they walk away from the meeting place. "Smith by trade though ye could say ah like tae take an... Interest in situations like this." He shrugs. "If yer worried aboot ah fall don't ye worry. Ah can carry a few ah ye on the way down if need be."

2013-06-01, 03:39 PM
As the dwarf, Gilak speaks, Liriel looks down at him, and is somewhat surprised by the evidence of magic. She was expecting a fighter, and, instead, he was some sort of magic user, although of a sort she did not recognize. Still, given time, she is sure that she will learn about it.

"Hot headed fools are always getting themselves killed, are they not? It seems to be the way of things. Nice to meet you, Gilak Forgefist, although most smiths that I know don't use their own wares. Good to know that you can catch us, but who will catch you? Still, I think Master Sa'Daron here has a solution to the fall in mind."
She smiles, pausing briefly before continuing
"After all, if he doesn't, he will be joining us on the ground."
Of course, Baalor's smiths were prisoners, but he has no need to know that.

2013-06-01, 03:46 PM
Gilak snorts around his pipe. "If ah smith can't trust his own wares enough tae use em he ain't worth buyin from in the first place. An not much point in offerin tae catch others if ah can't catch meself no?"

2013-06-01, 03:57 PM
Liriel smiles, amused by the dwarf.
"I must admit, I have never brought anything from a smith, but that would be a reasonable quality to have, although, most smiths can't use their products very well. As for catching people, well, one tends to grab onto things when one is falling. You don't seem to have wings, so I assume you have some sort of magic to slow a fall?"

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-01, 04:16 PM
Sa'Daron grins at Liriel. "My question is why you don't have magic to catch your fall. Gravity is bloody annoying!"
Than, he turns to the dwarf. "Greetings, Sir Forgefist. Should we be off?"

2013-06-01, 04:31 PM
Liriel simply looks at Sa'Daron. He, hopefully, gets the message.
"Perhaps we should collect the girl as well? She might prove helpful"
Even if it is only as a distraction

2013-06-01, 04:34 PM
D'nai can't help but let out a small chuckle at the dwarf. This guy he likes, and he is starting to relax a bit. That is until his constant annoying companion decides to point out some information on the group to him. Most of it could be guessed by his own eyes, but suddenly being reminded the before thought bed warmer is an outsider sobers him a bit.

Gilak, you are a funny man. Maybe when this is over, I should introduce you to my father. Teach you tumble, maybe put on some tights, and we could make a star of you on the stage. Your beard would be safe, but we may need to shave the rest of you...no sense ripping out hairs when you take off the tights after all.

2013-06-01, 05:05 PM
Liriel... finds the image of Gilak, the dwarf, as an entertainer... entertaining, and smiles to herself in amusement.

Lix Lorn
2013-06-01, 05:43 PM
"Well, this sounds like it's going to be fun." murmurs Karen, following along behind the others with a slight grin. A raven perches upon her shoulder, his black feathers contrasting her ivory skin, but matching her hair perfectly. "How much are we betting they just want rid of us?"

She doesn't seem to like the idea of teleporting into the sky, though, an expression of distaste replacing the everpresent grin.
"Yeah, you go ahead with that... myself..." she says, before putting two fingers in her mouth, and whistling.

Moments later, a black pegasus swoops down from the sky, landing next to her.
"I'll catch up with you." she says dryly.

2013-06-01, 05:50 PM
Overhearing Karen, the strange girl, Liriel simply looks over to her, wondering how she came to the conclusion that a "volunteer" task could result in trying to get rid of people.

As the pegasus comes up, she looks to it, and then to Karen.
"Nice ride. Sa'Daron, are you ready?""

2013-06-01, 06:02 PM
Liriel smiles, amused by the dwarf.
"I must admit, I have never brought anything from a smith, but that would be a reasonable quality to have, although, most smiths can't use their products very well. As for catching people, well, one tends to grab onto things when one is falling. You don't seem to have wings, so I assume you have some sort of magic to slow a fall?"

Gilak shrugs. "Somethin ah bit better than slowin methinks but think what ye will."

At the suggestion of shaving the dwarf makes what sounds like a snort yet when he sputters enough smoke comes out to completely cover his head for a moment. When the smoke clears the dragon head image upon the circlet seems to writhe in anger. "Ye come close tae me with ah razor fer that an ye might find yer theater missin more than ah few nails..."

2013-06-01, 06:06 PM
"We will see, when Sa'Daron casts his spell, I suspect. Falling is rarely a good thing. Well, unless you are a paladin, I suppose, learning how to have some fun."

I see he is a typical dwarf indeed. Opposed to the idea of shaving. Hopefully, he at least bathes. There is no brimstone here to drown out the smells.

2013-06-01, 06:13 PM
D'nai chuckles and raises his one hand in defense of Gilak. Come now, just a joke. I said I would leave your beard safe from the razor's edge, but the leg beard would need to go. We have to be able to see the tights, and I doubt your hair is thin enough for that. Besides, who knows, you might catch the eye of a pretty lass with a little make up, and a proper stylist for your hair. A nice cologne to mask the smell of a forge, we have done a lot better with a lot worse.

2013-06-01, 06:17 PM
Still smiling, Liriel joins in, considering Gilak carefully.
"Well, he might need more than a little make up, really, with the exception of dwarven females, in which point he probably won't need any. "

2013-06-01, 06:30 PM
With makeup a little goes a long way...well once we get it to show through the facial hair that is. Maybe a nice lilac bath and jasmine cologne would help too. Make him smell a little less like stale sweat and sulfur.

2013-06-01, 06:35 PM
"I didn't say that it wouldn't help, I just said that it would not help enough. I mean... dwarves tend to be beautiful to other dwarves, not so much to everyone else. Hard to fix that one."

2013-06-01, 06:40 PM
D'nai smirks, You underestimate the talents and skills one who has lived on the stage acquires my dear. I could make him handsome enough, he'd awaken in your bed despite himself given enough time and willingness. Not that I think he'd be complaining in the end. Though during his metamorphos, he would wish me to the depths of Baator.

2013-06-01, 06:44 PM
Liriel laughs, a delightful sound.
"I will believe that one when I see it. He is a bit... short, for me, and no good for cuddling. Regardless of an artist's skills, he must deal with his materials."

2013-06-01, 06:53 PM
Just as a smith can turn ore to metal, or a knife into jewelry, as can a trouper turn a dwarf into the most charming and handsome of creatures. All it requires are patience, skill, and the proper tools...along with a healthy dose of madness to attempt such a task.

2013-06-01, 06:56 PM
"It boggles the mind. A charming, handsome dwarf? Sorry, but I would need to see it to believe it. You might, might, be able to get handsome. But charming? No matter how much you gussied up the dwarf, he would still be a dwarf. Charm... is just not in them."

Lix Lorn
2013-06-01, 06:56 PM
"And are you mad enough? Cause it does sound like something I'd want to see." grins the pegasus knight.

2013-06-01, 07:08 PM
Charm can be faked easily enough, when someone else is writing your lines for you and enough fine wine flows to create a new sea. The hardest part, would be to make certain he spoke according to the script and did not try to improvise his way through the performance.

2013-06-01, 07:11 PM
"The hardest part would be in finding a dwarf that would agree to try and learn how to not be a dwarf. And to get him to drink wine, rather than ale? An impossible task. Now, getting the dwarf to think he is charming could be much more amusing."

2013-06-01, 07:14 PM
All that requires is some ale my dear.

2013-06-01, 07:17 PM
"Unfortunately, by the time that you can get the dwarf to drink the wine, he is too drunk to remember his lines."

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-01, 07:24 PM
Sa'Daron nods. "Lets go!"
With a crack, everyone hanging on to the mage vanishes, reappearing three and a half miles over the west wall.
"I'll stop us when we get about five hundred feet from the ground," Sa'Daron shouts, straining to be heard over the whistling wind. "Three minutes!"

2013-06-01, 07:25 PM
It makes him all the more willing to follow the ques of the stage whisperer. Making my job all the easier. The lilac and jasmine mask the smell of ale rather well. So, as you see, each step furthers the others. As long as our forge master can have his liquor and not let it have him...the plan is a success.

Lix Lorn
2013-06-01, 07:25 PM
Karen leaps onto her steed's back, giving him a loving pat, and they fly to the wall.

2013-06-01, 07:34 PM
As the wind whistles through her ears, Liriel quietly palms her potion, and waits, having spent quite a lot of time flying, before she left her first home, and is used to such things. She is seemingly calm.

"And the point of teleporting up three miles, rather than from, say, one?"

"Performer, you have an odd theory about dwarves and alcohol. In my experience, they tend to go along well. Too well."

2013-06-01, 07:46 PM
D'nai smiles to Liriel. He then looks to the ground for a moment before tucking his arms and legs in. He aligns himself for what most birds would consider a power dive. As the wind begins to rip tears from his eyes, he erupts in a fit of delighted laughter. He then flings his body sharply into a series of flips and spins as he continues to fall. To most it would seem he is having the time of his life, and has done this before...or he is cracked beyond repair.

*edit* to get an idea...he is nailing a 30 on tumble via skill mastery. So picture that result for how well he is flipping and rolling through the air.

2013-06-01, 07:46 PM
"Yer gonna need somethin ah bit stronger than ale or wine tae get ah dwarf close tae that point." Gilak shouts over the wind having put away his pipe at the first signs of falling. "Though ah have tae also question the wisdom of appearing so far in the air. Then again don't matter tae me since ah have me own way ah gettin out ah this." It's difficult to tell but it almost feels as if the dwarf slows for a moment, mist streaming from his boots, before resuming the fall.

2013-06-01, 07:51 PM
Liriel observes D'nai for a moment or two, as he plummets, before addressing Gilak.

"My point exactly, master dwarf. Even if you do get the dwarf to that point, he will be drunk enough to not be able to do anything else. Teleporting here... not so wise, really. But, apparently the performer is having a great time, so there is that."

Liriel is speaking in her normal tone, although it is somehow audible clearly to the group, despite the wind.

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-01, 10:24 PM
The teleporter cracks a grin, the first authentic-looking one you have seen. "This way we can see a ways off into the distance, for purposes of reconnaissance, without using scrying spells, and we also have a bit of time to plan before we hit the ground. So, can anyone see what is going on?"
spot to see damage to the wall, any troops, etc: [roll0]
(Just looking for obvious things)

2013-06-01, 10:30 PM
So... we are three miles up.
No way are we seeing anything at that range.

"You do know that the fight was over, right? The monster vanished? There should not be anything in the area."
Nevertheless, twisting in the air expertly to descent head-first, Liriel tries to see if there is anything of interest below her.
[roll0] spot

2013-06-01, 10:43 PM
D'nai begins to stabilize himself in the air a bit after hearing the others plans. His hand goes over his eye to shield it from the light of the sun as he begins to look about the area. Not really sure what we are looking for. Doubt we will see more than the ground rapidly approaching us, but what the hell...only free fall like this once right?!

Spot: 33 from taking 10 via skill mastery.
Search: 32 from taking 10 via skill mastery.

2013-06-02, 12:28 AM
Zalubar had walked in silence with the people, then eagerly grabbed onto someone for the teleport. Falling like this was dangerous, but exciting. The ground seemed so far away, and the wind was rushing past his face. It stung a little, though.

Zalubar wanted to chime in and talk, but he couldn't think of anything worth saying. He didn't really know much about dwarf dancers, or about the monster that attacked, so he just enjoyed the freedom of the open air, hot sun, and unbound wrists.

That freedom soaked into his core, freeing his mind from such dark and dismal thoughts, the likes of which had utter dominated him during his imprisonment. Feeling much better now, Zalubar had questions. "So, if you want a dancing dwarf, why don't you just make a dancer look like a dwarf? Seems easier than making a dwarf dance. Also, what do these monsters taste like? More importantly, what do we taste like to them? Furthermore, what day is it today?"

Maybe I shouldn't mention demonhood just yet.

2013-06-02, 12:50 AM
D'nai chuckled heartily. It isn't about which is easier. It is about which is funnier, and more worth my while. Why waste good make up and designer clothes on our dear Liriel here? She already has beauty enough to stop a man dead with but a glance. Now, our Gilak here looks like a can of preserved rations on a banquet table. He needs the help, and thus it would be worth my time.

That said, I'd be prepaired to lose a few hours in private with Liriel for company. I dare say, even willing to lose the weight of my purse to the occassion.

2013-06-02, 01:07 AM
Zalubar giggled a little. "Hehehehe. Stop a man dead, you say? I bet she could at that. A vicious glare or something a bit more grizzly. But you might lose more than just a purse of gold with her, eh? Hehehe." Poor sap. Zalubar thought. But he deserves to die, if he dies to that kind of trap.

"On the other hand, there are a few questions I'd like to ask her myself. And maybe the dwarf too. But still, what day is it?"

2013-06-02, 01:15 AM
D'nai' smiled a bit ruefully, Not the kind of look I thought of first my friend. Though, I suppose you are right about my purse. If I were a wiser man, I would know better than to fall so quickly for the temptress breed, but alas my mind falls to them. I love them more than a Dragon does gold, an Elf the forest, or a Fiend to corrupt. They are the poison with which my life is forfeit, and every time, I do drink deepy.

Looking to the sky and then the ground he let's his smile fade. If our friend does not come through for us, I do fear it may be our last day on this earth.

2013-06-02, 02:10 AM
"Bah! Ye can't git no sightseeing done right when yer plummeting like this anyway. Grab on an I'll see aboot slowin us down so we don't end up as makeup fer the sand." Gilak gives a few moments for those that weren't still holding hands to grab on once more before reorienting himself with his feet pointing towards the ground. The faint mist that streams from his boots not only intensifies but also begins to issue out from other seems in the boots and the party can definitely feel a difference as they begin to slow down.

So ya making use of my flight, problem is there's no actual defined rules for flying with anything above light load. From what I see searching its implied that you can still fly just at a reduced rate just like walking with a heavier load. Also I might note that not everyone has a weight nor have their equipment's weight listed.

2013-06-02, 02:11 AM
"If you were a wiser man, you wouldn't judge her based on her outward appearance either. You keep that attitude up, and you'll surely die when the lady you bed with turns into a demon snake and eats you. But I encourage you to act on your instincts regardless. If they get you killed, then you are destined to die anyways. As for this falling... we may die today. But if we do, we deserved it for being tricked. On the other hand, I may be able to escape certain death. Maybe. If not, at least I'll die doing what I love."

Smiling at the ground, he inhaled deeply. He was outside, and free. Today would be a fine day to die, if he was weak enough to do so.

Of course, if the dwarf wants to save me, I guess I'd like to live. The halfling grabs onto the dwarf and smiles at him. "Useful adaptation, Mr. Smith."

My items weigh an negligible amount. I dismiss my armor and shield for now. Then all I have left if a cloak? of charisma and two sticks in my pocket. I added my weight.

2013-06-02, 09:25 AM

Able to see Liriel for what she truly is(isn't true seeing wonderful), you see a sight that is vastly different from what the others see. The delicately shaped face is still mostly the same, although the pair of horns protruding from her forehead is a bit of a surprise. Her ears seems to be angled out more, and be longer, and her eyes red. However, her skin, rather than being white, or red, is a light violet, but looking at it more closely, she is absolutely covered in scars. They are almost unnoticeable, but it is as if someone had tortured her for a very long time. Of course, as your eyes move down, you note the pair of leathery wings, and the tail. Still, even then you wonder what it would be like to be with her, even if only for a night. She is simply incredibly beautiful.
Liriel smiles as D'nai calls her beautiful. She is, of course, but she does like to hear it.

"D'nai, you would need more than just a purse of gold, and more than a few hours. As for looks, come now, do I look like I go around killing people with my eyes? As useful as such an ability would be, sadly, I can't do so."

So, he can see me, can he? I think I would prefer to keep that a secret, for now.
As Zalubar accuses her of being a demon snake, Liriel turns to him, and smiles. To others, it seems a beautiful smile, simple, and innocent, but to Zalubar... the malice is clear.
Telepathy to Zalubar: So, you can see me for what I am. I suggest that you keep that to yourself. After all, there are so many ways a man can die, are there not?
"Sand-Man, I would hardly turn into a demon-snake. Mariliths have far too many arms, and are far too overconfident in their plans. And eating someone? Bleh."
Liriel seems to be disgusted and offended by the suggestion that she would eat someone.

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-02, 11:58 AM
Sa'Daron frowns slightly as comments fly about the mysterious elf's beauty and deadliness and winces at the mention of teleporting demons- several of them had almost killed the teleporter, following him wherever he tried to escape. Something strange is definitely going on here- I think I will have to find out.
"I heard that it was an army of strange creatures. In any case, I'll stop us in about a minute and a half. In the meantime, have some fun- there's no point in me using a teleport spell if you don't take advantage of it."

2013-06-02, 12:02 PM
"We are going to fall a decent distance in a minute and a half. Especially with Gilak slowing us down. As for fun, well, it has been a while since I went skydiving."

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-02, 12:18 PM
"That's the spirit!"
Sa'Daron seems to blur slightly, than begins flipping and spinning just as D'Nai did- but without seeming to move in between positions. Suddenly, he begins to vanish and reappear in random places in between members of the group. Seemingly by coincidence, the mage appears directly behind Liriel, but he whispers to her,
Only for Liriel (and Bel, I guess)
"Who are you?"

2013-06-02, 12:22 PM
For Sa'Daron

"I am Liriel, as you know. For some reason, I think that the sand-man has had a bad experience in his past."

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-02, 12:37 PM
Sa'Daron vanishes and reappears a few more times, before springing into existence directly in front of Liriel.
For Liriel"I suppose that will suffice for the time being."
Saron than appears in the center of the group, calling, "Brace yourselves!"
The group begins to slow, their cloths fluttering as they decelerate to a 'safe' speed, only a few hundred feet from the ground. Inside his head, the teleporter runs through a number of different scenarios, preparing himself to escape at a moment's notice.

2013-06-02, 12:58 PM
D'nai rights himself in the air and prepares to manifest something of his own if their friend doesn't catch them. He hopes that it will be enough to keep him from splattering into the ground below. Then he feels himself slow down to a safe touchdown speed. He moves to clap a hand firmly into Sa'Daron's back.

I say man, that was exhilarating! We should do that again one of these days. Perhaps after a few rounds at a decent pub. I can only imagine what that would be like with a bit of liquid courage in ya system huh?

2013-06-02, 01:07 PM
Feeling the magic slowing her down, Liriel rights herself, preparing to land on her feet.

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-02, 01:25 PM
"I prefer not to use my magic while in an impaired state- I could probably still catch myself, but I doubt I would end up where I wished. I have no interest trying to find my way back from the other side of the earth."

2013-06-02, 02:13 PM
Zalubar leans in to both of them. "Are we plotting a murder?" He grinned at them. "Not the dwarf though, right?" Cackling a bit he moved back away. "Ah, but... It's good you don't turn into a snake-demon and eat people. That would be weird, wouldn't it? But maybe not so weird. Less weird than a demon fish though... I would if they would still be tasty. What day is it?"

2013-06-02, 02:21 PM
As the sand-man accuses her of plotting a murder, Liriel frowns. While she might scheme a murder, she would never do something so ordinary as to plot one.
"Plotting a murder? Why would you even think that? Nevermind, I really don't want to know. As for demon-fish, the abyss is not known for water. Why do you want to know what day it is, anyway, sand-man?"
Liriel is now getting a little annoyed at the man of sand, who has not even introduced himself to date.

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-02, 02:32 PM
"Plotting sounds so... base. And I am sure you wouldn't accuse me of such vile acts. I mean, do I look like the kind of person who would commit crimes?"
Sa'Daron's deep blue veil flutters up, covering his face, and his entire figure blurs as a small spiky deep-blue stone begins whizzing around his body.
"In any case, I suppose we should find out what happened here."

2013-06-02, 02:59 PM
D'nai groans loudly at the prospect of searching the area for clues. That was grunt work, and something the city should have done for them. It would take days of non-stop searching to comb through this mess of a wall. Something he didn't look forward to at all. Though he may be treated to a nice view of a few people in appealing positions while searching...

He quickly flung his hands over his ears as if to block out a noise. Damn his crystal to the depths of the Abyss. One of these days he would destroy that bastard for these kinds of things. Letting loose a high pitched whistle in his mind like that. Even if he was starting to fantasize a few unmoral things, there was no need for that.

D'nai quickly twisted his fingers in his ears while shaking his head.

Bit of sand in the ears... Just another reason to hate the desert. So, how long you want to poke around building sand castles there Daron? Could take us north of a week to find anything...if there are any clues left from the corpse clean up. If we got a half decent tracker, might be better to just sniff the things heels and figure out where it came from.

2013-06-02, 03:42 PM
Zalubar crossed arms. "Obviously you're not plotting a murder. You two lack the morbid sense of humor I've come to expect from people. Then again, I've spent a while in a prison cell recently, it may be their sense of humor is off. But when we would see people whispering, we would ask them if they were plotting a murder! And then they would reply, 'Yes! Yours!' and then we would all laugh. Well, except a few times they were plotting murders, and then they would instead deny it. So, actually, maybe you guys do know this game. Are you guys actually planning something? Oh no, I guess not. Well maybe? Oh, wait, I don't want know. Let it be a surprise. Oh, but don't kill the dwarf."

A quick glance at the sky, then back to the fake elf creature. "I need to know what day it is, so I know the proper way to do an introduction. I couldn't say 'Hello comrades! You may call Zalubar!' if it was a thursday! No, no, then I would say 'Greetings my fellow potential saviors of our fair city! I am Zalubar! I hope we will all live to see our enemies crushed before us.' I mean, I'd love to be polite, but you won't let me! Am I just to assume it's a Wednesday!"

Glaring at D'nai, he gestured for him to stop picking his ears. "Don't do that, it will only get the sand in there further. And why else do you hate the desert?"

2013-06-02, 03:51 PM
Liriel simply stares at the insane sand-man, wondering if he had spent too much time in prison, or else, if he had not spent enough time in prison. Either way, it had apparently broken his mind.

Sadly, no good responses to that, so the silent stare at the insane caster seems to be in order :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-02, 04:12 PM
D'nai shrugs to the sandman as he stops his false proding of his ears. How much time ya got? Between the sand, heat, almost everything try to kill you, no good places to enjoy oneself...the list goes on and on my cracked little friend. It'd be a shorter list for reasons I can tolerate the desert. I can tell you now it isn't for the scenery.

Slowly, D'nai begins to stretch before wandering away from the group. He doesn't go far enough to break line of sight to him, but enough for some breathing room. If we are going to comb this giant litter box, best to split up. Everyone stay withing sight and earshot of one another. No sense making anyone a tastey morsel of a snack for the wildlife. Unless, of course, you want to make us burry you in a shallow grave to keep the buzzards off our own asses while we work.

2013-06-02, 04:26 PM
"The desert is so beautiful... You're quite mad. Quite mad indeed." Looking around himself he wondered what he should look for, but then he guessed it didn't matter. He wasn't going to actually look for whatever it was they were after. He just wanted to enjoy the hunt on face, the warmth on his skin, and vast welcoming emptiness. "I'll go look go look over there." A short paused later he looked back. "What am I looking for? Demon fish, right?"

2013-06-02, 04:35 PM
"Won't we just need to get a blood sample or something, and then just use magic to track it? Hopefully, that platoon at least managed to scratch it. As for the desert... It is a bit cooler than what I have been in recently, but it is much more hospitable. Still, give me a good forest every time. Sand-man, you are looking for signs of the monster that attacked."

Liriel scans the area, looking for anything interesting.

At this point, beyond RP, I think we need Belgarath.

2013-06-02, 05:03 PM
Zalubar shrugged "Blood. Or monsters. Got it." And with that, Zalubar went off to pretend to look for blood and monsters. He even played with the sand a little.

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-02, 06:24 PM
Sa'Daron raises an eyebrow at the man's obviously planned and fake ramblings, before turning to address D'nai and Liriel, saying, "Alternatively, I could, you know..."
The mage holds up his hand and his ioun stone begins revolving above his open palm.

2013-06-02, 06:53 PM
Liriel quirks an eyebrow at that, facing Sa'Daron.
"You have some sort of magic that will help get us the proof the noble wants?"

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-02, 07:34 PM
Sa'Daron continues playing with his Ioun stone, responding, "I am fairly well versed in divinations, yes. I can probably find the answer given a day or so, with a certain degree of uncertainty. Proof will be more difficult, but once we know the answer we can work backwards."

2013-06-02, 07:38 PM
"Useful indeed, however, we might be able to find some evidence, which might save us a day or so. If we don't find anything, interesting, though..."

Lix Lorn
2013-06-02, 07:51 PM
How long it takes to get there depends on how far it is, but Karen attempts to survey from horseback. A flock of black birds aid her in doing so.

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-02, 10:37 PM
"You can focus on looking for evidence, I'll try to find some information. Acceptable?"
I don't think we can really move forward without Bel at this point

2013-06-02, 10:39 PM
Liriel shrugs, not really caring much either way. After all, when it came for looking for clues, she has nothing to contribute.

2013-06-03, 12:41 AM
D'nai waves off Sa'Daron's comment as he continues to walk off. His hands moving for a moment as he pulls out a cigarette and lights it. The trail of smoke moving in the wind. He makes certain not to get more than 90ft from the group before he starts looking about on his own. Close enough that they can "save" him if he is attacked, but far enough away to keep most from being able to tell exactly what he is doing.

2013-06-04, 02:37 PM
As you pop out of existence in one place, you pop back into existence in another, the air suddenly rushes past your ears as you being to free fall over the majestic city, right on the edge.

A bird sqawks in surprise as you plummet past it, you look and the details of the wall are a little hazy, sand and sandstone is all you can see. Off in the distance you see the Dread Mountains, to the West is the wasted area aptly named the 'wasted west' and off to the east is the glimmering turqoise ocean, with several land masses barely poking out on the horizon, several fishing boats and whalers float into the harbor as you descend on your journey back to the earth.

As you come closer you see massive impact areas in the wall, craters, as if giant maligned fists had tried to push their way through the 30ft rock wall.

You land with but the touch of a feather and the oppressive heat suddenly comes at you know that there is no constant wind cooling you off.

Before you can all separate on your ways, you hear something, those in tune with the desert or the sand know something is coming up from the earth.



DC 29 or >
You know this hulking behemoth to be an Iron Golem. They are constructs made from binding elemental spirits and incredibly hard to hurt.

DC 34 or >
They are immune to magic. (specifically, spells and powers that allow SR/PR)

DC 39 or >
They can breath a noxious fume that saps your life energy

DC 44 or >
Lightning damage causes them to slow as the spell

DC 49 or >
Fire damage causes them to heal instead of take wounds.

And before you know it, 3 massive metallic creatures are plodding along through the sand towards you all, malice in their red eyes.

Top of Round 1
D'nai Yer|32
Angry Golems|-
Zaulbar the Mad|16
Gilak Forgefist|8


For reference:
D'nai Yer - E6
Karen - D4
Liriel - H5
Sa'Daron - C7
Zaulbar the Mad - H3
Gilak Forgefist - F3

D'nai Yer is up.

2013-06-04, 05:17 PM
Throughout the long fall, Liriel talked to the others, and looked around.
This vista... is beautiful, if sparse. Nothing like the firey fields of home, nor its craggy mountains, black, but beautiful in a way, nor Nestor's forest. Oh Nestor... I will destroy those that killed you, no matter the cost.
Her eyes seem to harden for a moment, almost seeming to flash red for a moment, but it passes.

As the conversation between the party stalls out as everyone get ready to land, Liriel's green eyes seem to scan the area, looking for whatever had attacked.
Low enough to see, but what is there... is that...
Soon enough, she could see the craters.
Looks almost like Baalor had a temper tantrum here, but he must be in the abyss still, biding his time, waiting for me to reveal myself.
And then the ground arrived, and she landed, flawlessly, already looking around at the desert around her.
The first thing that she notices is the heat, but what would be crippling to a human was nothing more than a minor inconvenience to her, raised in the abyss itself, which was far hotter than this place. She simply brushed her hair carefully out of her face, restoring order to the mass, her hair seeming to return to a state of perfection rapidly.

Almost immediately, she can hear a thumping, coming towards her, and she tenses to run, but it is only a trio of iron golems, immune to magic, and armored beyond her ability to scratch.

Knowing that her skills in such a battle would be of little use, and wanting to observe the others fight, Liriel falls back, and casts a defensive spell, a simple illusion to obscure her location to a degree.

Move to E2, cast blur.
AC 31, 20% miss chance

Lix Lorn
2013-06-04, 06:45 PM
"Well... I guess that'd explain a lot." Karen said, blinking slowly, before grinning. "C'mon, let's obliterate them."

With almost no urging, Crisis the pegasus shoots off, moving at impossible speed as Karen concentrates. As they pass over the golem, she draws two balls of dark, purple energy from the book, which floats in front of her, sending them flying into the golem below, as Crisis makes a sudden turn upwards and into the sky, levelling out at, hopefully, a high enough spot to keep them safe.

Gale's spearhead charge! I move 100ft to get right in their face, make a single attack, which Waste doubles to two (although I nerfed it; it now causes a -2 penalty, like rapid shot), then use my last 20ft of movement to go up.



2013-06-04, 08:54 PM
D'nai sees the approaching enemies and let's out a small sigh. He sees the girl on a pegasus begin to take off and let's out a slow breath. Stupid girl...

His hands clench for moment as he looks around to the group. Time to show off more than I'd like. Hopefully, someone else can give me a hand at this, or else this going to go on a lot longer than any of us can afford.

With that he began to focus his energy. The air around him growing dense for a moment before becoming calm again. Then to the careful observer his legs bulged slightly before he was a blur off towards the enemy. His voice calling back in his wake, Anyone who can stand toe to toe with these things come forward and lend me a hand or else we are all a little more than screwed.

Standard Action: Manifest Defensive Precognition gaining a +4 insight bonus to AC and Saves for 11 minutes. AC= 32 Fort=15 Ref=26 Will=12

Free Action: Channel 2PP into Psionic Enhancement to gain a 5 Foot enhancement to speed and 1/round for 1 minute move as a swift action.

Swift Action: Move 45ft to E15.

Move Action: move 15ft to E18.

2013-06-05, 12:09 PM
D'nai moves up and readies for combat, manifesting a powerful defensive power.

Karen zooms off on her pegasus and strafes the golems, but is unable to hit them, her blasts from her magical tome smacking into the dirt next to them, sending plumes of sand into the air.

Liriel falls back and casts her defensive spell.

The golems move forward, there heads turn and lock onto D'nai never leaving him as they move closer. The two closest attempt to batter you aside, but fail to impact you, either your defensive power was a good call, or the fickle Lady luck was on your side. They both breath out a green noxious gas that fills the air around D'nai, he stiffens and fights back the life sucking power of the first one, but the second one is too much and he feels his essence being sucked away.

D'Nai takes 2 Con damage.



2013-06-05, 01:20 PM
Gilak arches an eyebrow as the golems appear. Ah that would be why they got obliterated ah suppose. "Right then," The dwarf says cracking his knuckles. "lets see what the lot ah ya can do." So saying Gilak's appearance changes slightly once more. The lenses, shoulder plates, and circlet fade somewhat while what little skin that shows on the dwarf seems to become suffused with a bright red glow much like the coals of a forge. As the dwarf steps forward he also rises into the air, right hand bursting into flames as he traces the symbol of a hammer upon his chestplate.

Alas, despite being an artificer he knows so little of golems :smalltongue:

Anyway swift to change essentia around. Standard to infuse Magic Vestment (not sure why I didn't do this from the start) into his armor. Move action to move to F11 10 ft in the air.

2013-06-05, 01:25 PM
That fool, charging squarely into them... I wonder how long he will survive. I should wait here, but... that is not what Nestor would do, and I don't want to be what he would hate, so... Time to see how distracting I can be.

Her fingers flickering rapidly, Liriel speaks a short incantation, and her skin seems to become red, and scaly, like a dragon for a few seconds, before it fades. She also starts moving across the battlefield, heading towards the golems, and the support of D'Nai, although what she could do after getting there, she does not know.

ac 36, if you miss, she gets +2 ac vs later attacks, which stacks.
Note: if you hit her, and your attack was less than 40, she will add 4 to her ac as an immediate(swordsage maneuver)(would know the outcome of the attack roll, but not that of the damage, I think). if you get more than a 40, wings of cover to the rescue.)
20% miss chance
immune to poison
cast dragonskin on herself
Move to E8

2013-06-05, 02:23 PM
Zalubar blinks at the new enemy. "Those are new. Or maybe very old. But I haven't seen them before."

"Or maybe I have but can't remember. Or maybe I just don't want to. But why wouldn't I want to? They seem like fun guys. Not like fungus, no, they seem like something I would like. Oh but they are trying to kill us. I guess we should run, nothing they have that we wan-- oh he ran in. I guess we could leave him to die, or maybe we should help him. Wait... Aren't we supposed to find some kind of proof of something? We could bring him these and tell him they told us things! They maybe he'll let us wander the wastes freely. Oh, but darn, if these are new, errr old... err unknown, maybe they are a symptom of a larger... oh I should summon something... right!"

Channeling the energy of the sands, he conjures a huge blob of angry sand.

Animate Sand, summoning it in the square whose diagonal goes from H20 to J18

"Now where was I? Oh yes! Confuse them! HEY! HEY! THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT IS FALSE! THE PREVIOUS STATEMENT IS TRUE! Uh... A implies B, B and C are mutually exclusive, C implies A. C is true! There. Now they should explode. Or get angry... Or sad maybe. Do golems get sad? Well, I don't know. Let's debate philosophy later, we are supposed to be fighting! Ugh... I don't feel like it though.. Oh. Command the sand. CARL! KILL THE GOLEM! I hope he kills the right one. Oh, I'll just tell him to. KILL THE RIGHT ONE!"

2013-06-05, 03:01 PM
You are an idiot! Trying to get yourself killed by playing the hero eh... Fine mess you got yourself into again. The bastards even managed to hurt you in a way I can't shoulder. If you die here it would serve ya right for all the crap you've been too lucky to avoid in the past.

Without intending to, D'nai began to curse in Infernal at his luck and the damnable attitude of his Psicrystal. It came naturally, for no other language held the swath of profanity or flare for insult that the language of devils possessed.

D'nai's body was still moving despite the pain of the poison in his system. He had a little time to act before he had to worry about its secondary effects. It was best to use it before things didn't matter anymore.

These things would need to die now. D'nai knew that more than he knew his own name. He forced his body to blur back with speed beyond that of most. His body spinning fancifully out of the reach of the golems in the process. His head shoot slightly as he focused through the burning in his lungs.

The air under one of the golems shimmered slighty before the sand took on a sheen. That should stop one of them for a moment he thought. His hand covering his mouth as he continued to back off for a bit.

We need to isolate and imobilize them! Anyone capable of putting up barriers to single them out should do so. If we can't contain them, then destroying one will be too dangerous if he buddies can flank us! Once we have them isolated and imobilized all forces need to engage them one at a time to focus damage until it is destroyed.

Swift Action: move back 20ft auto succeeding the tumble check to move half speed out of a threatened area without provoking AoO

Standard Action: Manifest Psionic grease directly under Golem 2 affecting his 10ft square. DC 19 Reflex save or he falls prone. It lasts 11 rounds.

Move action: move back 20 ft to E10

2013-06-05, 03:15 PM
Liriel, incapable of either damaging the golems, or isolating the golems, observes the others, wondering how they would respond to the embattled D'Nai's request.

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-05, 03:35 PM
Sa'Daron smirks at the assassin's foolishness. One less idiot I'll have to worry about. But I should probably help anyways, so...

Sa'Daron claps his hands, shouting out strange arcane words. A huge chunk of rock falls from the air, smashing down on (20+21, G+H) one of the golems, filling a large area with rubble.
[roll0] damage, and make a DC 21 reflex save or go prone.

Lix Lorn
2013-06-05, 04:09 PM
Karen frowns. Some abysmal aim last time had completely ruined her chances, but their armour looked like it would resist her shots anyway, if she didn't place them right...

She took a deep breath, before motioning Crisis to dive again, taking a single shot before rapidly clearing them.

Swoop down, attack just once, then move 60ft away towards allies, then up to 60ft from the ground or so.


2013-06-05, 05:27 PM
Zalubar calls forth his dusty and sandy minion who surges forth attempting to claim some of the iron for the desert, but fails to get past the great Iron Warriors thick armor.

D'nai twists back and summons forth ectoplasmic goop below one of the Iron Warriors, it stumbles but catches itself before falling.

Sa'Daron calls forth a huge ball of rock and smashes it upon the middle Golem, trying to knock it over, it manages to avoid the worst of the comet, which impacts next to it. It does however manager to dent the large construct. It was still standing however.

Karen comes swooping in on her mount aimed at the center golem, which by all accounts was utilizing the same luck as D'Nai had earlier, to miss the thing by a hair, her bolt of energy smashing into the desert floor before D'Nai covering him in a shower of dirt and grit.

The golems moves forward, the center one hesitates for a moment, before stepping forward, he is able to keep his balance and he smashes into the Animated Sand, crushing it beneath its fists with ease, sand showers its brethren as it moves past the now dissolving frame. The souhtern golem moves forward on its steady feet, not able to get within range yet. The northern one charges D'Nai catching him in the chest, sending him to one knee to recover his breath as he does.

D'Nai takes 21 regular damage.
All golems are still standing.

Round 2
D'nai Yer|32
Angry Golems|-
Zaulbar the Mad|16
Gilak Forgefist|8



2013-06-05, 05:37 PM
Noting the actions of the others in one part of her mind, neatly filing away the information, Liriel seems to focus on the golem closest to her, clearly deciding where to strike at it.

Soon, having had enough of this waiting, she charges the top golem, leaping up, and kicking it mightily with both feet before landing on them in front of it.

Her strike, alas, accomplishes absolutely nothing, beyond getting it to focus on her.

Not going to roll attack or damage, since she can deal absolutly no damage here, beyond being a flanking buddy.
Moving to D11
ac 36, fort 12, reflex 13, will 22, 98 hp, if you miss, she gets +2 ac vs later attacks, which stacks.(Pearl of Black Doubt, stance)
Note: if you hit her, and your attack was less than 40, she will add 4 to her ac as an immediate(swordsage maneuver)(Zephyr Dance)(would know the outcome of the attack roll, but not that of the damage, I think). if you get more than a 40, :(
immune to poison

2013-06-05, 06:55 PM
D'nai groans as he skids across the sand with the force of the blow. He sees his help coming and shoves off the sand to tumble behind his foe in the blink of an eye. A devilish smile growing across his lips as he rises up.

The sky around him grows dark. Not enough to block out vision, but enough for normal human eyes to have trouble seeing into it. There is a faint glow from his arms that pass in flashes as he uses the cover of darkness to assist him.

Swift Action: Tumble to C12 without provoking AoO

Full Round Action: Full Attack Golem in D&E 12-13

Main Hand first Attack:
Main Hand Damage: [roll]1d8+2d6+13 + 1/2

Off hand first Attack: [roll2]
Off Hand Damage: [roll]1d8+2d6+13 + 1/2 3d6+26[/

Main Hand second Attack: [roll3]
Main Hand Damage: [roll]1d8+2d6+13 + 1/2 [roll4]

Psicrystal Standard Action: Manifest Control Light Affecting D-H 12+13 and D14 Dimming the light less than Shadowy conditions but not enough to negate low light vision.

The lowered light Triggers my 30% miss chance for all incoming attacks.

Edit: changed position since Gilak and I can't occupy the same space. The movement is still the same distance and still legal. It does not change any of our roll modifiers to my knowledge.

2013-06-05, 07:19 PM
"Oh no! They smashed my ooze! Aww... Carl... Why... Now I have to avenge him..."

Running to catch up was a slow thing for Zalubar, because he had not the time to prepare his Sand Walking ability. However, his spells had reach enough, and he conjured a mighty metal wall out of Iron infused sand and mica.

"There, just like Mr. Rush-In asked. A wall. It won't last though. Brutes punched down Carl, Jim The Wall won't last long either. Maybe they will think Jim is friendly and not attack him though..."

Move to G-6

Wall of Iron (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Wall_of_Iron). If I-10 can have a wall of iron pass through that suqare, start the Wall at K-8 and end it at A-18. If not, start at H-11 and go off the map along the same diagonal line.

Zalubar The Mad's Stats
Zalubar The Mad (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=576476)
M NE Strongheart Halfling Sandsculpter 11//Cleric 11, Level 11, Init +0, HP 68/68, Speed 15 Land
AC 30, Touch 14, Flat-footed 30, Fort +15, Ref +16, Will +19, Base Attack Bonus 8/3
Huge Sand Scimitar 16/11 (2d6+3+4d6 (Acid or Fire), 18/x2)
Huge Sand Scimitar 16/11 (2d4+3+4d4 (Desiccation), 18/x2)
+3 (Force) Sand Full Plate, +3 (Force) Shield, Heavy Sand (+11 Armor, +5 Shield, +1 Size, +3 Deflect)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 24
Condition Immune to Acid.

2013-06-05, 07:40 PM
Gilak bobs momentarily as the golem comes close but settles out as it doesn't attack him. He bobs yet again as he begins to float to the side yet a wall suddenly appears out of nowhere, nearly cutting him off. "Oi oi oi things seem tae be movin eh?" He flips upside-down right fist raised (lowered?) and tries to give a one two punch to the golem.

5 ft step to F12, assuming I'm in range from there and out of range of the other golems due to the iron wall. I'm also assuming these golems won't count towards Heart of the Elemental since while they're powered by elemental spirits they aren't subtyped presumably?

HP: 123/123 AC: 27 (28 if only threatened by one enemy)
Attacks bypass adamantine
Attack [roll0]
Base Damage [roll1]
Fire [roll2][roll3]
Attack [roll4]
Base Damage [roll5]
Fire [roll6][roll7]

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-05, 09:25 PM
Sa'Daron sighs at the ineffectiveness of his last spell and resolves not to use his higher valences against magic-resistant foes. Instead, he points his finger, unleashing a torrent of small metal spheres at the golem closest to him.
rocks fall for [roll0] bludgeoning damage
Sa'Daron (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=575918)
male CN human Teleporter 11//Spellthief 11, Level 11, Init +7, HP 98/98, Speed 30 feet
AC 28, Touch 19, Flat-footed 25, Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +11, Base Attack Bonus 8/3
+1 murderer's glove touch attack +12 (steal spells, aport, )
(+3 Armor, +4 Shield, +3 Dex, +2 Natural, +6 Misc)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 23
Condition buffs: greater mage armor, shield, flight, displacement (usually all)
displacer field: +14

Hostile teleport:
Hostile Teleportation (Ex): A teleporter can use teleportation spells and abilities against an unwilling target, and need not accompany them on their journey. When you use a Conjuration (teleportation) spell or effect that normally requires its targets to be willing, you can attempt to affect unwilling targets as well. Unwilling targets receive a Will save; if they fail, they are teleported.

Furthermore, when using a Conjuration (teleportation) effect which has a target of "You and touched objects or other willing creatures" you may choose to exclude yourself from the effect.

This ability does not extend to spells gained from other spellcasting classes.

Lix Lorn
2013-06-07, 09:32 PM
Karen screams in fury, hair writhing without care for the wind as she tries to strike the infuriating things again, making another pass, once again launching two screaming blasts of blood-red power.

Third verse same as first.


2013-06-11, 12:36 PM
Liriel moves into position, and the golem swipes at her as she does, but it misses by a large margin, even for Liriel.

D'Nai tumbles through the golems legs and lunges at it, only gaining a glancing blow with one strike. He manages to get past the behemoths armor, scoring a great gouge with his psionic power.
I moved you to where you would flank, Forgefist is actually perfectly positioned for flanking you.

Sa'Daron summons stones from across the universe which pummel the golem before him, which was not able to dodge any of the oncoming assault, its armor did however, prove valuable by deflecting away the falling objects.

Forgefist attempts to strike at the golems head but miserable fails, almost hitting himself, but just missing at the last moment.

Karen comes swooping down upon her pegasus and nails the golem in the back with one of her orbs of power, the energy splays across its armor, sizzling and spitting as it ate it's way through the thick plating.

Zaulbar summons a massive wall of iron, which springs from the sand, merging together to block the other two golems.

The first golem looks to D'Nai and slams him twice in the chest, nocking him down to one knee. The one behind the wall, slams two fists into the wall, denting and destroying it with ease. The other one, lifts one foot, and then looks down, forgetting the greasy sand beneath it, and subsequently falls on its face.

The cracks and gouge on the golem before the wall seem to meld together, smoothing and bonding as if the construct was healing.

D'nai takes 27 damage x 2, for 54 total.
Golem in black is prone.
Karen is in same position (shes flying about, so it is vague right now)

Round 3
D'nai Yer|32
Angry Golems|-
Zaulbar the Mad|16
Gilak Forgefist|8



2013-06-11, 01:06 PM
Seeing a foe fallen, Zalubar decides he wants to try to keep the poor man down. Moving for a more clear shot, Zalubar makes his way under the shade of as tree and calls for the sand to stab up into the fallen golem.

Move to G6 for Line of Sight to Golem, also to get closer to the fight...
Sudden Stalagmite (http://therafimrpg.wikidot.com/sudden-stalagmite) DC: 22

[roll0] Poking damage.

Zalubar The Mad

Zalubar The Mad (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=576476)
M NE Strongheart Halfling Sandsculpter 11//Cleric 11, Level 11, Init +0, HP 68/68, Speed 15 Land
AC 30, Touch 14, Flat-footed 30, Fort +15, Ref +16, Will +19, Base Attack Bonus 8/3
Huge Sand Scimitar 16/11 (2d6+3+4d6 (Acid or Fire), 18/x2)
Huge Sand Scimitar 16/11 (2d4+3+4d4 (Desiccation), 18/x2)
+3 (Force) Sand Full Plate, +3 (Force) Shield, Heavy Sand (+11 Armor, +5 Shield, +1 Size, +3 Deflect)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con 8, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 24
Condition None
Spell like at wills
Fog Cloud
Hail of Stone (Iron, Stone, Sand)
Fist of Stone
Cone of Cold (Acid)
Wall of Stone
Meld into Stone
Stone Shape
Greater Stone Shape

2013-06-11, 01:58 PM
Liriel, upon considering the damage D'Nai seems to be taking, considers her options.
I could simply continue as I am, although once he dies, there is little point in doing so, since I can't scratch it. Alternatively, I can try and draw its attention, and get it to leave him alone, giving him a chance to kill it. It would also earn me his goodwill, which might be handy. I could also retreat, but there is nothing to be gained there.

Having finishes, she starts fishing around in her pouch, before coming up with a vial filled with liquid.

She also announces clearly to the others, and the golem.
"Ah, here it is! The rust-monster venom. Now, an arm or a leg..."

Than, somehow, the others receive a mental message, almost like a caress in their minds.
Unfortunately, I have no such venom, but it should keep the golem's mind on me, rather than on those that can actually harm them.

No grease or anything, sadly.
ac 37, fort 14, reflex 13, will 22, 98 hp, if you miss, she gets +2 ac vs later attacks, which stacks.(Pearl of Black Doubt, stance)
Note: if you hit her, and your attack was less than 41, she will add 4 to her ac as an immediate(swordsage maneuver)(Zephyr Dance)(would know the outcome of the attack roll, but not that of the damage, I think). if you get more than a 41, :(
immune to poison

Waxillium Lande
2013-06-11, 04:46 PM
Sa'Daron groans. Looks like I'll only be good for distractions this fight. Pity I'm a bit rusty with my creation conjurations, but...
Sa'Daron waves his hands, chanting, before pointing at the ground under the golem's feet, which becomes slippery and smooth.
A grease spell covers a solid surface with a layer of slippery grease. Any creature in the area when the spell is cast must make a successful Reflex save or fall. This save is repeated on your turn each round that the creature remains within the area. A creature can walk within or through the area of grease at half normal speed with a DC 10 Balance check. Failure means it can’t move that round (and must then make a Reflex save or fall), while failure by 5 or more means it falls (see the Balance skill for details).
Sa'Daron (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=575918)
male CN human Teleporter 11//Spellthief 11, Level 11, Init +7, HP 98/98, Speed 30 feet
AC 28, Touch 19, Flat-footed 25, Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +11, Base Attack Bonus 8/3
+1 murderer's glove touch attack +12 (steal spells, aport, )
(+3 Armor, +4 Shield, +3 Dex, +2 Natural, +6 Misc)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 23
Condition buffs: greater mage armor, shield, flight, displacement (usually all)
displacer field: +14