View Full Version : Missing a Hand

2013-06-01, 05:33 PM
As a DM, my policy on flaws is that I only allow them on a very limited case-by-case basis, where the flaw has to have a material impact on the character.
With that in mind, I would like to know if missing a hand would be a sufficiently significant flaw for a Warblade, with the understanding that regrowing/replacing said hand would also entail forfeiting the feat gained from the flaw. Also, what exactly would be the penalties be for missing a hand, aside from the obvious inability to use two-handed weapons?

2013-06-01, 05:35 PM
I believe the standard -2 to anything involving the use of your hands would be sufficient.

On the other hand (actually in place of the one he's missing :smallbiggrin:), such a character could wield a stump-blade...which is simply fun.

2013-06-01, 05:36 PM
That sounds like more than enough of a penalty. It's probably actually too much. You also lose a ring slot, and possibly the gloves slot. Two handed weapon fighting is at the core of melee optimization, so removing that is enough that you shouldn't add any other penalties, especially on a melee character.

2013-06-01, 05:39 PM
That sounds like more than enough of a penalty. It's probably actually too much. You also lose a ring slot, and possibly the gloves slot. Two handed weapon fighting is at the core of melee optimization, so removing that is enough that you shouldn't add any other penalties, especially on a melee character.

Actually, I believe that you can use both of your ring slots on the same hand (and given that I'm the DM that's exactly how I intend to interpret the rules).

2013-06-01, 05:45 PM
Actually, I believe that you can use both of your ring slots on the same hand (and given that I'm the DM that's exactly how I intend to interpret the rules).
Yeah, that sounds reasonable. I think the glove thing might still be an issue if the item has two gloves. Even if the flaw merely gets rid of the characters ability to use two handed weapons and two weapon fighting, I wouldn't take it on a warblade. That move basically cuts you off of the most important fighting style in the game, as well as a collection of that style's inferior replacements. If a player wants to take that on a warblade, you should probably hand it to him without any extra downsides.

Edit: Actually, you could do that, or you could do the opposite. You could let him use two handed weapons, but stick some nifty penalties on him based on his lack of a second hand.

2013-06-01, 05:56 PM
That sounds like more than enough of a penalty. It's probably actually too much. You also lose a ring slot, and possibly the gloves slot. Two handed weapon fighting is at the core of melee optimization, so removing that is enough that you shouldn't add any other penalties, especially on a melee character.
Not true. IIRC DMG states you can use two rings on one hand.

2013-06-01, 06:01 PM
This sounds like a pretty serious flaw, so be sure that the bonus feat gives you something that will come in handy. Although I've got to hand it to you, it sounds like you've got a good handle on it.

2013-06-01, 06:07 PM
It's only a flaw until someone read berserk. Next thing you know they make a prostetic hand with a canon inside and a magnet to be able to grab two handed weapons with.

mabriss lethe
2013-06-01, 06:10 PM
my gut tells me this thread just turned into a series of anatomical puns. If that's the case, I'm going to leg it back here armed to the teeth.

Joe Eskimo
2013-06-03, 12:30 PM
There is a feat in City of Splendors:Waterdeep called Hand of Tyr. The character forgoes the use or cuts off his hand in return for a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and will saves. The penalties though are many. Can't fight with two weapons, can't wield two handed weapons, takes a -4 penalty on climb, disable device, open lock and tumble checks and surprisingly only gains the benefit of wearing one magic ring even though it was mentioned in earlier posts that you could wear two on one hand.

2013-06-03, 12:43 PM
Considering they're only getting a feat (and the awesome rp opportunities) for this, don't make the penalties too harsh. It only discourages interesting backstories like this.

Being unable to use the hand in combat, i.e. no twf, no two-handed weapons, no shields + a small circumstance penalty to skills which need two hands would be enough.

If you want to add more than that, at least consider making it worth two feats.

2013-06-03, 01:07 PM
TWF with your hook. PF statted a hook-hand as a simple weapon, 1d4 slashing, 20x2 crit, bonus versus disarm attempts, I believe. I presume 3.5 has it statted somewhere, though someone else would have to say. Stormwrack would be the obvious one.

2013-06-03, 01:43 PM
-4 on checks involving manual operations (those which require hands). This includes, but is not limited to:

Disable Device
Open Lock
Sleight of Hand
Escape Artist
Bull Rush checks.
Grapple Checks.
Saves made to catch ledges while falling.
Ability checks to push, pull, or catch things.

Magic users may still cast spells normally, as long as they keep their remaining hand free and functioning. This flaw does not grant a feat when taken by spellcasters or other characters who are not especially dependent on the use of both hands (DM's discretion).

Cannot wield more than one handheld weapon at a time, or use two-handed weapons (unless the creature somehow has two or more hands, even after this trait subtracted one). This includes both melee and ranged weapons.

Cannot make unarmed strikes with the missing limb.

Lacking the use of one hand for an extended period (usually months or years) can reduce some (but not all) of the check penalties to -2, but cannot allow a character to wield two-handed weapons without the use of prosthetic limbs or similar accommodations. This represents the character slowly becoming used to missing a hand, and learning to compensate for his disability. These penalties may not be reduced below -2 without replacing the missing hand.

If the hand is ever replaced or regrown, the character loses both this flaw, and the feat it granted. If the character has already lost that feat or turned it into a different one, he must choose another feat to lose instead.

2013-06-03, 01:53 PM
One other item which hasn't been mentioned yet is that you should resolve how to handle grafts.

Good luck on your endeavor and hopefully you pick the correct hand to be missing, on the off chance that you find the Hand of Vecna.

2013-06-03, 02:15 PM
One other item which hasn't been mentioned yet is that you should resolve how to handle grafts.

Good luck on your endeavor and hopefully you pick the correct hand to be missing, on the off chance that you find the Hand of Vecna.

However, please do not bank on finding the Head of Vecna and thus start the game headless. :smalltongue: (unless you play a construct, then you might be okay)

2013-06-03, 03:35 PM
There is the perk of attaching a chainsaw to your hand, but it only really works if you have a boom stuck to go with it.

Or get a hand with a hidden cannon. Then you need to wield a fullblade.

2013-06-03, 05:02 PM
Missing hand? For a Warblade? If the hand in question is truly unusable, and there are no hook/chainsaw/cannon/magnet schenanigans planned, I would go as far as to say it's worth more than one feat. I'd count this as a double flaw.

2013-06-03, 05:13 PM
Missing hand? For a Warblade? If the hand in question is truly unusable, and there are no hook/chainsaw/cannon/magnet schenanigans planned, I would go as far as to say it's worth more than one feat. I'd count this as a double flaw.

Maybe for a two-hand PA guy or a TWF Sneak attacker, that's serious.

However, a Dex/finesse Warblade, or a thrower, would have little use for the other hand.

Humble Master
2013-06-03, 05:21 PM
I would say that yes they get a feat for having only one hand. The penalty would be the obvious can't dual wield, can't two hand wield and all other logical restrictions for having one hand. As for skills I would say it depends on how long the character has been without his hand. If he only resently lost it then a -4 penalty to skills like Climb, Swim, Open Lock, Disable Device, Use Rope and mabye also Grapple. But if he has never had a hand I would reduce the penalty to -2 because he grew up having to learn how to make do with only one hand.

2013-06-03, 06:12 PM
-4 on checks involving manual operations (those which require hands). This includes, but is not limited to:

*snip* If he only resently lost it then a -4 penalty to skills like Climb, Swim, Open Lock, Disable Device, Use Rope and mabye also Grapple. But if he has never had a hand I would reduce the penalty to -2 because he grew up having to learn how to make do with only one hand.

In my opinion, -4 is too much. -2 makes much more sense, especially since there is an official variant rule for this in the DMG, and the penalties there are -2.