View Full Version : IC: The Sky Island

2013-06-02, 09:40 PM
As the sun sets on your weary train of refugees, a messenger summons you to Duchess Luisa's tent. It's a far cry from the pomp and luxury of the court. Only a few months back, there would have been silk hangings at the entrance and finely woven rugs on the floor. As it is, Marco, formerly the court historian, pulls back the canvas opening that serves as a door, ushers you inside and gives each of you a bowl of water that smells, just barely, of the last of the tea.

Standing in front of the Duchess is a lizard-like person with scales the color of the desert sand. "Tell them what you told me," says the Duchess. She sounds tired.

"The ones who pursue you have eyes ahead, as well as behind," says the lizard. "You see the Sky Island?" It waves a claw-fingered hand to the north; for days now, you've been able to see the shadow of the great mesa rising out of the desert. "An observatory," it says. "The Mountain's Eye. They have been building it a long time. Now it sees everything that passes this way. You won't lose their hunters in that direction."

"We can't change direction," says Marco. "We have barely enough water as it is."

"Agreed." The Duchess looks you each in the eye, one by one. "One way or another, we're going to have to capture that observatory. I won't give you orders, after all we've been through together. But there's nobody else left in this caravan who can do it, if you can't."

"At the speed we're going, we'll be close enough to be spotted perhaps a week from now. But if you take the spare horses and ride fast, you can reach it much sooner. Perhaps you'll get to the top in time. Are any of you willing to make the attempt?"

The lizard looks at you. Its expression is difficult to read. "The mountain's base is seventy of your miles from here. You must travel quickly indeed... most of the way, the ground is flat and rocky, but there is a stretch of sand. No water, in this season... none till the mountain itself."

The Duchess shakes her head. "We have... how many horses that can travel that distance?"

"Only three," Marco replies.

"Take them, if you like," she says. "But they are untrained for war--- none of the cavalry mounts made it out of the city. And... take these."

From a pouch at her waist, she draws three shriveled, yellowish fruit. "Peaches, from the Golden Tree of Sevan, which they say was seeded from the Tree of Life itself. But I have only these three left, and I am not sure how much of their virtue remains."

"At any rate, that is all the aid I can give you."

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-02, 10:33 PM
Alexis Akkarin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=70073)

Alexis shrugged slightly and said "I might be moderately fond of you my lady and I owed you a favor so you got my help in fleeing Sevan when the unpleasantness occurred but I only owed you the one favor. I would ask for gold but with the current situation you don't have enough on hand to cover my rates and with the instability I'm not willing to accept letters of credit.

So, my price for dealing with this observatory is three large favors redeemable by myself or my line against you or your line.


Spend an Inspiration point for Cunning Knowledge.
Diplomacy Roll: [roll0]

IC Speech by Alexis will be in blue

2013-06-03, 07:00 AM
The Duchess smiles slightly. "A nation of merchants, eh? Trust me, if we somehow survive this, none of you will go unremembered or unrewarded... even you, Alexis Akkarin. You may call on me for three favors, within reason. I could swear to commit the heirs of my line to all kinds of outrageous conduct on your behalf, but since it will be years till I could have any who were of age, well, you would accuse me of selling chickens before the eggs are laid. And rightly so."

2013-06-04, 05:51 AM
"I am of course willing to make the attempt Your Grace. And though I understand that others have their own livelihood to consider, I desire no payment, merely the satisfaction is fulfilling my duties." He sipped his tea before continuing. "My only concern is the safety of our people. I can't help but worry that something terrible will happen the moment we leave."
As always, Atalanta the eagle was silent, seemingly oblivious to the importance of the discussion taking place.

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-04, 06:01 AM
Alexis Akkarin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=70073)

"Good enough I suppose your grace, although you should remember that not all species age as rapidly as you humans. For my kind a few decades is nothing and so a debt limited to the lifetime of but a single human is much less valuable.

However the price is met and so my services will be rendered for this mission. The observatory will be rendered harmless before it can spot the caravan."

said Alexis in response to the Duchesses counter offer before the ladies sworn knight reaffirmed his willingness to serve his liege.

2013-06-04, 05:53 PM
Removing his head wrappings as he enters the tent, Gadban refuses the tea. He'd never liked it at full strength and this watery excuse would be even worse.
"This is a mission for the Border Wardens, but the men I have left are needed to screen our passage, but I do nothing but sit my horse and watch the road ahead." he says in a rough voice caused by too many days out in the sand wastes. "If you don't think my going will weaken your guard too much, I'll join this group in their venture Your Grace."

2013-06-08, 11:27 PM
A note is presented in place of a man. The contents are a bit crumpled and wrinkly by many fold. It reeks of faint lavender. It says:

To the fair lady,

I understand that we or those that you summoned including me, are to journey to abort the advantages of their network. It is to say that price does not matter as of now. Currently, the citadel Cumbert has its fair shares of spies looking forward to hinder you. It is not without merit that they have been led in circles for their presence may have a claim in these lands if they are not "indisposed."

That is to say that I am willing to join those questing, free of charge, not because that we share the same sentimentality but because I have a personal reason to do so. You will be wondering why I present this letter instead of appearing before you. It is how I operate, you see. Do not worry about it.

Fury of the blades

While the gathering is taking place, a shadowy outline lurks within the tent, Neil keeps himself well-hidden. He had sneaked into the tent after the messenger is giving the note to Luisa, explaining his absence.

2013-06-16, 06:01 PM
You set out into the desert. Akkarin leads, walking silently ahead of your little group; the rest of you soon lose sight of him, but Atalanta the eagle flies back and forth every so often, confirming that he is still there and has seen nothing to endanger you.

In the cool of the night, you make good progress, covering mile after mile of barren, rock-strewn wasteland. Those whose vision is merely human see little--- the moon is waning tonight and gives little light to see by, and though the stars are amazingly clear through the dry and cloudless air, they give little hint of what kind of country you are passing through. Those who can see in the dark see the shadowy outlines of low hills, and the occasional flicker of a night-hunting bird or fox, but nothing of interest.

After about twenty miles, the rock gives way to sand, loose and yielding beneath your horses' hooves. You slow down a bit, navigating between the dunes to keep from slipping, your senses on edge to detect anything creeping up on you from across the sand.

But the attack comes from beneath. A huge mole-like creature surges up from under the sand in the very center of your formation. It is blind, covered in glassy-looking spikes of golden fur; it swims through the sand, propelling itself with great spade-like paws. It sinks its teeth viciously into Bob the mule, tearing at its shoulder [9 damage]. The mule brays loudly in terror.

A smaller mole, perhaps a juvenile, rises up nearby, reaching for Lather Gin's mount, but misses.

[roll initiative and post your actions]

[know: nature DC 15]

The great golden mole is an ambush predator; it was probably lying in wait at a place where the sand dunes might funnel prey towards its hiding place. It is blind, sensing prey by the vibrations they make, which is probably why it went for the louder footsteps of the horses rather than attacking Akkarin.

[DC 20]

Although great golden moles are solitary creatures as adults, they are often found with litters of two to six pups. There may well be more of them.

[DC 25]

The adult mole's fur is encrusted with glassy sand which acts as a kind of crude armor. It is resistant to critical hits and flanking. The young moles are not yet fully protected, but their fur holds another danger--- the glass is easily broken into spikes which can damage anyone who touches them.

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-16, 11:30 PM
Alexis Akkarin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=70073)

When he hears the eagles screech of alarm and the pain filled braying's of a mule Alexis skins back to face his companions. With a single glance he takes in the two mole like creatures and rushes back towards his companions.

Initiative: [roll0]
Knowledge (Nature): [roll1]

Full round action: Run back towards the party. Alexis is [roll2] feet from the party initially and has a movement speed of 50 ft. (so 200 ft. per round of running).

2013-06-16, 11:51 PM
Neil when the party departed, lags behind, to avoid being detected, choosing to stay 20 feet apart to devoid himself the attention. He is currently observing for any surprises in the scene. Laying at the back lines, he waits, getting a knife out for emergency.

Listen - [roll0]
Spot - [roll1]
Hide - [roll2]
Move Silently - [roll3]
Sleight of hand - [roll4]

2013-06-16, 11:53 PM
Sorry for double posting but I forgot to roll initiative.

Initiative - [roll0]

2013-06-17, 12:37 AM
Untrained Knowledge Nature Check: [roll0] (Can only reach a maximum of DC 10 no matter what I roll).
Initiative: [roll1]

2013-06-17, 02:12 AM
Knowledge Nature - [roll0]

Initiative - [roll1]

2013-06-17, 07:33 PM
Neil hides, dropping to the sand.

Lather, Levon and Abd'Gadban delay, waiting for an opening.

Mole pup 1 lunges again at Lathar's horse, which again dances nimbly away from it.

Three more mole pups burst from the desert floor. Mole pup 2 joins the attack on Bob, charging in beside its larger parent and sinking its teeth into the hapless mule's throat. Bob drops to the sand, his thrashing limbs gradually slowing. At least your precious water jugs look intact. [16 damage; Bob is dying at -3hp.]

The third mole pup springs upwards from beneath Levon's horse. The mount, well-trained, holds its footing, but the creature bites savagely at its leg. [One ride check per turn to evade]

The fourth mole pup rises from the sand near Neil's hiding place. It seems to suspect his presence, but can't quite find him; still, it bares its fangs and gurgles, perhaps trying to startle him into a rash move. or shaken]

Alexis runs toward the battle, making excellent time. [let's say two more rounds?]

[I]The largest mole, seemingly in a killing frenzy, turns from the dying mule and strikes at Levon's horse. [One ride check per turn to evade]

[The initiative order should now be clear. Let me know your actions for next round.]

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-17, 08:10 PM
Alexis Akkarin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=70073)

f*cking mole, next time by a couple extra mules. it looks like I will need to buy Bob 2 shortly. I need at least another six seconds of running before I'm in range to make a credible shot, and twelve to eighteen before I would reall be comfortable. bah.

Initial distance 910 ft.
Round 1: Run 200 feet towards conflict (710 ft.)
Round 2: Run 200 feet towards conflict (510 ft.).

2013-06-17, 10:49 PM
Recognising the creatures as golden moles, Levon strikes at the adult mole with his swords hoping to drive it off.
"Don't touch the young ones! They're sharp!" There would be time for a zoology lesson when they weren't fighting for their lives.

Ride check to evade: Against adult: [roll0]

Attack with main hand: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack with offhand: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

2013-06-18, 01:45 AM
Jumping from his horse, Gadban quickly lifts his sword, screaming in fury as he attacks one of the smaller mole-things.

Going into a Rage (+4 Str, +4 Con, -2 AC, +2 Will Saves)
Intimidate Check: [roll0]
Greatsword Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Confirm (if required): [roll3]
Crit Damage (if required): [roll4]

2013-06-18, 07:24 PM
Lather Gin's horse finally panics, confused and frightened by the shouts and the smell of blood. It flees across the desert, bearing its unwilling rider off with it. He'll have to make his own way to your destination.

Mole pup 1 pursues, burrowing back into the sand and vanishing from sight.

Neil hides.

Gadban leaps from his horse, swinging his sword down toward mole pup 2. The creature flinches in terror--- and the great blade cuts it nearly in half. [18 damage; dead]

Levon rears up his horse, avoiding the larger mole's attack as he strikes at it with both hands. His right-hand attack goes home, but appears to inflict relatively little damage. His left glances off the creature's thick, sandy fur. Although he rides skillfully, he cannot evade mole pup 3, which bites into his horse's leg. [8 damage]

Alexis runs.

Mole pup 3 continues its attack on Levon's horse [ride DC 23 or 15 damage]

Mole pup 4 loses interest in Neil and swims through the sand toward one of the Duchess's spare horses. It reaches out and seizes the animal, sinking its teeth into its shoulder. [13 damage]

The adult mole, seemingly angered by Levon's blows, rears up from the sand to strike at him. [12 damage]

[Looks like fewer people posting than I thought there would be; means the encounter is a little over CR. Ah well, it's mostly just horses, right?]

2013-06-18, 07:40 PM
At his discretion, he still in hiding when the pup trying to goad him out, it's a sinking feeling that soon passes. A neigh spurs him to counter-attack freely as the horse is served as a decoy. Two sheen flies towards it's prey.

Moving towards pup 4.

Dagger (Main Hand)
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Dagger (Off Hand)
Attack - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]

2013-06-19, 03:37 AM
Unable to avoid the claws of the adult golden mole, Levon winced in pain as he felt them tear through skin and muscle. There was really nothing for it but to continue the assault in the hopes he'd land a lucky strike or two. With a quick silent prayer, that's just what he did, hoping that his swords would get passed the glassy hide of the adult mole.

Ride check: [roll0]

Attack with main hand: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack with offhand: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

2013-06-19, 08:57 PM
Abd'Gadban delays, celebrating his moment of victory.

Neil draws two daggers and throws them at the retreating mole-- but as it turns, it kicks sand into his face, spoiling his attack. At least it still doesn't seem to have noticed him.

Levon, caught between two opponents, tries to maneuver his horse away from the attacking mole pup, but does not quite succeed. The mole rips open his horse's belly, and it collapses to the ground, dead. Mole pup 3 tears and chews at the carcass, gorging itself on fresh meat.

Alexis runs.

The spare horse being savaged by mole pup 4 stumbles over its attacker, impaling itself on the beast's glassy spikes. It stumbles and falls. [16 more damage; dead]

The adult mole rips at the now unhorsed Levon. The paladin strikes back bravely, but unbalanced by his fall, his blows go awry. [take 11 damage]

2013-06-19, 09:03 PM
Tch, it's not everyday you miss like that. Neil continues his assault, grabbing more dagger from his holster.

Attack - [roll0]
Attack - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]
Critical confirm - [roll4]
Critical confirm - [roll5]

2013-06-19, 10:52 PM
Cursing the mole, its mother and its political opinions, language completely unbecoming of a paladin yet justified under the circumstances, Levon struck at the adult mole again. By now, he felt the universe owed him a lucky hit.

Main hand: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Offhand: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2013-06-20, 01:16 AM
Taking a quick glance to see where his companions are, Gadbad roars in anger and dashes towards the adult creature, his cries mingling with those of the Paladin, "You spiky son of a gutless whore! You're gunna die just like that little welp that followed you!"

Rage: +4 Str, +4 Con, -2 AC. Charge: +2 to hit, -2 AC. Power Attack -4.
Greatsword Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm (if required): [roll2]
Crit Damage (if required): [roll3]

Frightful Presence DC: 14

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-20, 05:50 PM
Alexis Akkarin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=70073)[/b]

almost in range. they should be able to hold on long enough.

Initial distance 910 ft.
Round 1: Run 200 feet towards conflict (710 ft.)
Round 2: Run 200 feet towards conflict (510 ft.).
Round 3: Run 200 feet towards conflict (310 ft.)

2013-06-20, 08:08 PM
Abd'Gadban charges into combat... though his sword swing is too clumsy to be effective, it certainly looks and sounds very dangerous. The adult mole and mole pup 4 freeze for a moment, as if sensing a predator nearby.

Neil throws a pair of daggers, and this time, one of them flies true, striking the unsuspecting mole pup 4 in the back. [7 damage]

Levon feels the universe owes him by now... and collects, striking the adult mole across the face with his longsword. [3 damage]

Alexis is almost in range.

The adult mole rushes Levon... but this time, the paladin holds his ground, fending off the attack.

Mole pup 3 rises from the sand in front of Abd'Gadban, its teeth snapping audibly together an inch in front of his boot.

Mole pup 4 finally turns away from the horses, reconsidering its decision to ignore Neil. But it finds him a harder target than the defenseless beasts of burden; he steps deftly aside from its clumsy onslaught.

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-21, 12:15 AM
Alexis Akkarin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=70073)


Initial distance 910 ft.
Round 1: Run 200 feet towards conflict (710 ft.).
Round 2: Run 200 feet towards conflict (510 ft.).
Round 3: Run 200 feet towards conflict (310 ft.).
Round 4: Run 200 feet towards conflict (110 ft.).

2013-06-21, 12:43 AM
As the pup bursts from the ground, Gadban growls, reversing his grip on his sword he aims the point downwards and with all his strength drives it downwards, aiming between the creatures skull and shoulders.

Rage: +4 Str, +4 Con -2 AC. Power Attack: -2 to Hit, +4 Damage.
Greatsword Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm (if required): [roll2]
Crit Damage (if required): [roll3]

Frightful Presence DC: 14

2013-06-21, 07:52 PM
Abd'Gadban stabs downward, but again his eagerness is his undoing, and the poorly-timed blow strikes only sand.

Neil delays, perhaps unused to fighting face-to-face.

Levon delays.

Alexis closes in.

As Abd'Gadban recovers his balance, mole pup 3 takes the opportunity to claw at him. [7 damage]

Mole pup 4 continues its assault on Neil, who once again evades the clumsy beast with ease.

The adult mole, shaken by the barbarian's war cries and frustrated by Levon's continued defiance, digs itself suddenly beneath the sand and vanishes. It doesn't seem like it's gone for good, though--- more as though it prefers to strike from cover.

2013-06-21, 10:10 PM
With the adult momentarily gone from the scene, there was nothing for it really but to move on to the next mole. Thanking the gods momentarily for something finally going their way, he moves and strikes at the juvenile mole attacking Neil.

Main hand: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Offhand: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2013-06-21, 10:23 PM
Neil can still hear the reminder ringing in his ears. Hand to hand is not suitable for a confrontation right now, instead he grasps his another set of daggers. Ok, he found me out. But will his foe be able to prevail after this short period of awe that he shown? As he sidestep another lunge, his hands flourish his daggers.

Melee Attack
Attack - [roll0]
Attack - [roll1]
Damage - Attack - [roll2]
Damage - Attack - [roll3]

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-21, 10:52 PM
Alexis Akkarin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=70073)

Once in range Alexis quickly draws his bow and readies an arrow, waiting to punch an arrow through the eye of the adult Mole once it reappears.

Initial distance 910 ft.
Round 1: Run 200 feet towards conflict (710 ft.).
Round 2: Run 200 feet towards conflict (510 ft.).
Round 3: Run 200 feet towards conflict (310 ft.).
Round 4: Run 200 feet towards conflict (110 ft.).
Round 5: Ready action to shoot Adult Mole when it reappears.
Attack Roll: [roll0], spend an IP on Cunning Insight for Int to Attack.
Crit Confirmation (If necessary): [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2], spend an IP on Cunning Insight for Int to Damage.
Extra dice for Crit Damage Roll (If Necessary): [roll3]
Remember, my opponents should be denied their Dex to AC for the first attack (being unaware of Alexis).

2013-06-22, 03:13 AM
Gadban's lips curl up into a snarl, raising his sword back above his head, he slams it back down at the young mole.

Rage: +4 Str, +4 Con -2 AC. Power Attack: -2 to Hit, +4 Damage.
Greatsword Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm (if required): [roll2]
Crit Damage (if required): [roll3]

Frightful Presence DC: 14

2013-06-22, 04:47 AM
Sorry for double posting.
Critical confirm - [roll0]
Critical confirm - [roll1]

2013-06-22, 07:31 PM
Combat: round 5

Abd'Gadban drives his sword through the skull of mole pup 3. It twitches and goes slack.

Neil and Levon team up against mole pup 4 and finally manage to put it down.

Alexis draws his bow, waiting for a shot.

The adult mole charges up from the sand at Abd'Gadban, but fails to connect.

Alexis aims carefully, and his arrow goes home, striking the creature in one of its tiny blind eyes. Horribly wounded, the mole seems poised for a last stand. [11 damage]

End of round 5. Please post actions for round 6.

2013-06-22, 07:49 PM
Stepping to the side as the adult creature bursts forth from the sand, Gadban roars, setting his feat and raising his sword, "Now you die you snivelling son of the sands!"
His blade comes down in a diagonal slash, hoping to cut the beasts head in half.

Rage: +4 Str, +4 Con -2 AC. Power Attack: -2 to Hit, +4 Damage.

Greatsword Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm (if required): [roll2]
Crit Damage (if required): [roll3]

Frightful Presence DC: 14

2013-06-22, 08:01 PM
Neil strolls along covertly, picking up his daggers quickly, hiding in the sand.

Spend his round gathering his stuff and hiding.

Hide - [roll0]
Move Silently - [roll1]

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-23, 01:56 AM
Alexis Akkarin (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=70073)

As his first shot flies home into the moles eye Alexis smiles briefly before letting fly another arrow, hoping to finish off the adult as it was the most potent threat.

Initial distance 910 ft.
Round 1: Run 200 feet towards conflict (710 ft.).
Round 2: Run 200 feet towards conflict (510 ft.).
Round 3: Run 200 feet towards conflict (310 ft.).
Round 4: Run 200 feet towards conflict (110 ft.).
Round 5: Ready action to shoot Adult Mole when it reappears.
Attack Roll: (1d20+13)[24], spend an IP on Cunning Insight for Int to Attack.
Crit Confirmation (If necessary): (1d20+13)[27]
Damage Roll: (1d8+4)[11], spend an IP on Cunning Insight for Int to Damage.
Extra dice for Crit Damage Roll (If Necessary): (2d8)[13]
Remember, my opponents should be denied their Dex to AC for the first attack (being unaware of Alexis).
Round 6: Use Invisible Fist ability to go invisible as an Immediate Action, thus denying foes dex to AC. Attack on the Adult Mole (thanks to readied action I am moved to immediately before the Adult Mole in the initiative order).
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Crit Confirmation (if necessary): [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2], spend an IP on Cunning Insight for Int to Extra Dice for Crit Damage (if necessary): [roll3]

2013-06-23, 09:04 PM
Combat: round 6

Abd'Gadban swings too powerfully, overbalancing himself and barely managing to stay upright.

Neil picks up his daggers and waits for the mole to become distracted.

Levon delays.

Alexis flickers and disappears from view. It occurs to him that the great golden mole is essentially blind, and probably relies on its other senses. His arrow buries itself in the creature's glass-encrusted fur, but doesn't seem to do more than annoy it.

The mole roars and rips at Abd'Gadban, who is too busy staying upright to defend himself. [13 damage]

End of round 6. Post actions for round 7.

2013-06-24, 01:10 AM
Snarling again, his frustration at not having already killed this thing is making his anger flare wildly.
Gripping the hilt of his sword tighter, he takes another swing.

I think this is my last round of Rage.
Rage: +4 Str, +4 Con -2 AC. Power Attack: -2 to Hit, +4 Damage.

Greatsword Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm (if required): [roll2]
Crit Damage (if required): [roll3]

Frightful Presence DC 14.

2013-06-24, 07:37 PM
Combat: round 7

Abd'Gadban snarls and strikes the creature in the side. It roars in pain and lunges at him, but as he steps aside, it stumbles, struggles to rise, and finally collapses dead at his feet.

Combat is over.

Between the dead mole's bloody fangs shines a glint of metal--- some kind of jewel or treasure that must have gotten stuck there as it devoured a previous victim.

[I'm assuming you're planning to check it out: description here if you do]

It's an ornate pin for a traveler's cloak, forged of mithril--- hard as steel, bright as silver, it never dims or tarnishes. It's shaped in the likeness of the Heavenly Wain that points the way to the polestar: the emblem of the Order of the North Wind. Apparently at some point a wandering paladin ran afoul of the monster.

Apart from that, there's little of interest about the carcasses, or in this desolate place in general.

You have a few options--- basically pressing on or making camp and resting. I'll post in the OOC thread and you can discuss your decision IC.

2013-06-26, 10:48 PM
Bending down at the side of the recently deceased mole, Levon excised the glinting metal object from between the creature's fangs. Recognising the design of the pin, he pinned it to cloak and said a short prayer for the fallen Paladin.
"Well everyone... Should we move on, or make camp and rest for a bit? Personally, I suggest we move on. The scent of death will attract predators."

2013-06-26, 11:14 PM
Before he hid himself, he dropped a note on the ground. Whoever picks it up and read it says,

Without doubt, confirm your decision and I shall go along with it. I shall make sure that our movement is safe.


2013-06-27, 12:39 AM
Slinging his sword back into the baldrick on his back, Gadban turns and surveys the scene. One Dead horse. Bob the mule thrashing weakly on the ground, dying and Levon's horse bleeding heavily. Not to mention the dead moles.
"Hmph... We need to move. The Paladin is right. All this blood is gunna draw something. I don't want to see what."

2013-06-27, 07:21 AM
After regaining some control of the spooked horse, Lathar noticed someone trudging through the desert, he rode up to him, "What business brings you out to this desert?" He glossed his eyes over the man who's gaunt and limber body had seemed to have surprising strength.

2013-06-27, 10:30 PM
A small caravan wound through the wastes. Two camels, two mules, and a black cloaked figure, stained with desert dust, keffiyah wrapped tight around his face.

Amun Al-Rashid fumed silently. "Find a small group in the desert," the duchess had instructed him. It was not supposed to be a difficult task, he had done it before countless times. But this group had proven elusive, and unlike his usual quarries, they were not hiding. Worse, he could not smell the winds, and the desert whispered wrong here...

Still, her gold was good, and her promise better.

Amun jolted out of his reverie to the sound of approaching hooves. His hands went to the hilts of matching curved blades.

A lone figure approached on horseback, moving at a panicked gallop. The rider appeared to be struggling to bring it under control. Amun relaxed. Not the sign of a bandit ambush, certainly.

Presently, the figure came nearer and addressed al-Rashid, demanding to know his business.

"I am seeking." Amun said. Noting the rider's lone state on a panicked horse, he continued, "What business have you in the wastes, alone, and ill supplied, with naught but the djinn and witch winds for your companions?"

2013-06-28, 06:17 AM
"I am Lathar Gin, diplomat of the fair Duchess. I did not come here on my own but our caravan was attacked by the wild animal life and my horse spooked. I would say the same to you that it is not wise to travel alone."
Lathar Gin straightened, his armor and the shield on his clanging against his back. "Now I shall repeat once again, what is your business here?"

2013-06-28, 04:52 PM
"Most fortuitous," replied al-Rashid, "My business is with you."

Amun reached into the recesses of his robes and pulled out a sealed scroll, which he tossed to Lathar.

"Verify it. From the duchess, she sends her regards. I am to accompany you on your mission. I was told that I was seeking a larger group however. Where are our companions?"

2013-06-30, 03:46 PM
Lathar checks the scroll, it is definitely her handwriting. he thinks to himself "They are just over this dune where I came from. Follow me there." Lathar motioned the horse to go back to where they were camping.

2013-06-30, 08:18 PM
Digging his spurs into the sides of his camel, Amun followed Lather to meet his companions

2013-06-30, 09:04 PM
Camouflaged within the sands, Neil lifts his lids, half-groggy from persistent watch. From afar, he could hear hoofs clattering. Two new riders comes into the picture. They do not seem to be meaning any ill but he still had his hands on his dagger. Deciding to have his perception stalk them for the time being, he stalls until they are not astride on their mount for some "legal inspection."

2013-07-03, 07:45 PM
Alexis, Abd'Gadban, Levon and Neil:

You leave the scene of your bloody confrontation with the moles and ride on through the dark, passing through the sand dunes and then over mile after mile of dry, rock-strewn plain.

Finally, as the sun begins to rise, you make camp, setting up tents and sun-shades to shield you and your mounts from the heat of the day. You set a schedule of watches, sip warm, musty-tasting water from your supplies and eat whatever rations you have in your packs, then try to snatch a few hours of sleep.

As evening comes, you can feel the temperature begin to drop a bit as the sun drops toward the western horizon. It's almost time to pack up and go.

Lather Gin, Amun Al-Rashid:

It's about this point that you finally ride into the camp. Neil, on watch, observes you as you approach. Amun has an edgy feeling: the winds seem unfriendly, and there is a foreboding stillness in the desert air.

It is twilight, beginning of day 2; you are at mile 40 of 80. (Following the southland custom, the people of Sevan measure their days from evening to evening.)

Survival, DC 15:

The wind is picking up, and the growing darkness in the eastern sky isn't just twilight. There's a sandstorm blowing in. You'd guess you have about a minute to prepare before it hits. Such storms aren't usually dangerous, but they are hard to move through and once it hits, you'll barely be able to see five feet in front of you. Luckily, they travel fairly fast, so you will only be trapped for a few minutes.

Survival, DC 25:

There is something unnatural about this storm. Its size and strength seem fairly normal, but it's appeared far too quickly and is traveling in the wrong direction for the usual winds here.

Know: religion, DC 25:

You concentrate on the sound of the wind, opening your ears to spirit voices. The desert air is filled with whispers, rustling like a chorus of crickets: death-death-death-death, Azrael who is unbound, Azrael who is never cheated, Azrael who knows the day of your death. You recognize the name. In the south, this is the name they give the Angel of Death.

[What are you up to? Oh, and roll initiative]

2013-07-03, 08:26 PM
"I have returned, I apologize for my horses issue, although I have come across this man in the desert and has an official letter from the queen. Any assistance would help us reach our destination." He look around wondering what other creature may come forth in the desert. He and Amun were lucky to have not encountered any enemies yet but luck usually runs out.

Initiative Check [roll0]

2013-07-03, 08:53 PM
Hide - [roll0]
Move Silently - [roll1]

Before Battle

Initiative for future encounters - [roll2]

Neil sneaks around, brandishing his dagger, near the neck area when he's behind the foreigner. He knew Lathar but he cannot say the same for Amun.

Who are you? Are you a foe or an ally?

Neil inquires roughly.

2013-07-04, 12:25 AM
Amun chuckled softly. He had smelt the subtle wrongness in the desert and readied himself. When the voice spoke up behind him, twin glittering blades were suddenly in hand, wicked tips pointed at the stink emanating from behind him.

"And here I thought we could be civilized. Lathar has the duchess' note. You are good, I will give you that. Stealthier than me. That would make you Niel then, the duchess warned me of a certain flair for the dramatic. You could read the note, or we can throw down, and I am not in the mood to incur more debt today. Were I a foe I'd not walk so brazenly into your camp with your companion. That leaves one option, and I am friend so long as my contract holds." Amun spoke softly, nodding in Lathar's direction.

He paused for a moment, listening.

"But perhaps we should put a hold on that for now. Night is falling, and the the witch winds howl, this is hardly the time for squabbling."

Know Religion [roll0]
Survival [roll1]

Edit: +4 to survival from synergy and item, would have bought if i knew the actual funds, 25 total, lets me know this is no normal strom

2013-07-04, 12:54 AM
Neil calmly poke back. Aren't you the auspicious one for having the skills of the wilderness? But no, I am not here to mince temporary alliances. I shall verify the document there. I trust you...for now.

For a movement so unlike for him for the first time, he retracts his knife, his gait is straight, not having the signs of typical mercenary. He stops where Lathar is.

You sure he is clean? Let me see that paper.

2013-07-04, 01:03 AM
Slipping out from under his sunshade, Gadban stretches before slinging his swords baldrick over his head and shoulder, adjusting it before slipping the blade into it.
Even though he's used to sleeping rough out in the sand wastes, it doesn't mean that he's come to enjoy the hard, uncomfortable ground.

Looking up as Lather and the other person arrive in camp. "So yer back? Thought you'd turned coward on us." he chuckles before looking at the other person, already 'persuading' Neil to put his knife away.
"Forgive the sandlouse... Hiding under the dunes does something to ones mind if you know what I mean. But still, you have not given your name, friend." he finishes, his scared, sunburnt face crinkling up into a scowl-like smile.

Initiative: [roll0]
Survival Check: [roll1]

2013-07-04, 02:49 AM
"It's good to see you back Lathar. I was concerned that we might not have seen you again."
Levon turned to the stranger to greet him.
"Greetings stranger. I'll leave it to more lettered eyes to determine the validity of your letter. But, if we are to travel together this night, then it is fitting that we know each other. I am Levon Avakian of the Order of the North Wind."

Initiative: [roll0]

Survival: [roll1]

Knowledge (Religion): [roll2]

2013-07-04, 03:07 AM
Initiative - [roll0]
Survival - [roll1]
Knowledge (Religion) - [roll2] Only up to DC10 for common knowledge.

2013-07-04, 07:17 AM
He handed Neil the letter. "Aye, the handwriting and signature can only be from one person, that person being the Duchess herself." He turned to Gabdan, "Unfortunately stopping a horse that is on a full terror run is not something I am accustomed to stop so easily. Ha, don't fear too much Levon, I am far tougher than I appear." Lathar unmounts his horse. "and that'll be enough running away out of you, Mr. horse."

2013-07-04, 11:31 AM
"My name is Amun al-Rashid, of the southern lands. You might have heard the name." Amun replies. "By chance I stumbled across your duchess in the wastes, and having heard my reputation she sent me to assist. I am a specialist of sorts in infiltration and removal of high priority targets."

Turning his head, Amun listened to the winds again. "There is a sandstorm coming, a fierce one, and there is something very much wrong about about it."

*Now, assuming I have read the knowledge check rolls properly, with ad hoc +2dc for being completely foreign, a knowledge local check of al-Rashid reveals...

DC 16
Humans are squishy and vulnerable to pointy objects

DC 21
Reputation as "The Mercenary that cannot die"

DC 26
They say he has made a pact with the angel of death for immortality, and where he goes, Azrael does follow

2013-07-04, 05:25 PM
Yes, it seems so. Alright then, no more surprise attack in the future until then.

Neil accedes to Lathar's claim.

Sorry, never heard of you. Clearly, all my life was bloodshed and there was never the time for extravagant access of book-keeping.

2013-07-04, 08:56 PM
Combat round 1

The air grows eerily still as the storm sweeps towards you. The sky darkens. And then the curtain of sand sweeps over you, choking and blinding. Gritty particles infiltrate every loose flap in your clothing. And there are whispers in the air... strange voices you can only half hear. They don't sound friendly.

Neil, Amun and Lather Gin are poised and ready to react. [You win initiative. At current vision penalties, good luck trying to find the opponents, but you can ready actions.]

Abd'Gadban and Alexis are caught off-guard by the fury of the storm. [You lose initiative, or didn't roll]

[This post isn't the whole of round 1. If you lost initiative, you can wait around to see what you're facing. If you won, you can post an action now, or delay until the opponents act.]

2013-07-04, 09:13 PM
Smelling the malice in the sands, Amun scours his brain for what might possibly ride the winds this night.

Know Nature

I'll finish my action when I know what I am up against. I hope scent gives me some idea.

curses, my bad one!

2013-07-04, 09:36 PM
Realizing the lashing winds will not allow him to pinpoint the location of the enemy by scent, Amun tries to hear them over the howling of the simoom.


"Azrael shroud me in your wings this night, for I prepare myself to do your will. Give into my hands your hungry scythe, and into your waiting arms I shall drive a feast." Amun mutters a prayer into the winds.

Turning towards the others, he shouts to be heard over the tempest

"It is Jinn! We are beset by Jinn!"

Shifting to a defensive stance, seeming to sinuously dance through the storm, he forced his way towards Lathar Gin, so that they can flank when a foe becomes more detectable.

"The storm provides opportunity. They cannot see us either, and this is how I work best," thought Amun, as he vanished into the night, preparing to strike out at the jinn.

Shfiting to child of shadow stance. With movement i have concealment, dunno if that stacks with the storm. At minimum it lets me use hide if these buggers can see in the storm.

So, to recap, make alot of noise, then vanish and move to throw foes off as to his location

Hide [roll1]
Move Silent [roll2]

Readied action: Rabid Wolf Strike, with knowledge devotion bonuses

attack, if applicable, +2 for flanking if necessary



if attacked, account for DR 5/silver or magic

2013-07-04, 11:15 PM
Lather Gin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=585378)

"Looks like I'm going to have to bring them in. Hey YOU! MR/MS Djinn and/or Djinns! Hiding in the storm is foul play have at thee!" Lather Gin focuses for a second, the helm on his head glinting and creating a shallow thin barrier of light around him. Lather Gin takes a full-defensive stance.

Lather uses his swift action to relocate essentia to his crystal helm lowering his attack and lighting greave damage but increasing his AC to 20. He uses his stance to increase to a total of 23.

2013-07-04, 11:57 PM
Well said, comrade!

Neil mock salute Amun, then uses the resources as cover, to chill until the storm calm.

Readied his attacks if he find the perfect timing to land it.
Hide - [roll0]
Move Silently - [roll1]

2013-07-05, 07:33 AM
Combat round 1, continued

Amun stands alongside his companion, waiting for the enemy to show themselves. The wind mutters to him: "death comes for all, death is not cheated, death is not bargained with..." Wrapped in shadows, he waits...

And finally, a sword whistles out of the sandstorm, a long curved blade with a razor edge, gleaming through the dust. The creature wielding it must have been invisible to have gotten this close without being spotted. It is a Jinn, but one that stands twice the height of a human--- whether by nature or some sorcerous art, he cannot tell. The sword it strikes with is as long as a normal warrior's lance.

Amun: [6 damage and fortitude save DC 14. Your readied action fails because the creature is large and so has reach; you aren't in melee range and would take an AoO getting there.]

Lather Gin sees the Jinn strike at his companion. As the sword lands, there is a great crack of thunder from the heart of the storm, and a bolt of lightning arcs towards him, bright as a piece of the sun. [20 damage, or reflex, DC 18 half]

Neil hides.

Midway through round 1: Alexis and Levon may act

2013-07-05, 09:43 AM
"Gah there you are!" Lathar saw the lightning bolt arc out, he pressed foward towards the djinn and slashed at him.

Lathar Gin (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=585378)

Reflex Save [roll0]
Lathar takes a 5 foot step, a swift action to reinvest his essentia, another free action to activate his incarnum radiance ability (+1 to hit for 3+con rounds (6)) and tries to nova hard using arcane channeling and dumping all of his quick spark alchemy (3 uses).

Concentration Check [roll1]
Attack Roll [roll2]
Sword Damage [roll3]
Lightning Damage[roll4]

2013-07-05, 08:55 PM
Middle of combat round 1

Alexis, Levon, and Abd'Gadban delay.

Beginning of round 2

[Since everyone who lost initiative delayed, everyone now moves before the monster. Everyone should post actions, except Lather Gin, who already posted; his action will resolve in this round. We're returning to our regular 1/day schedule. I will resolve your round 2 actions about 24 hours from now.]

2013-07-07, 02:40 PM
"Do not speak to me of death, unliving one," hissed all rashid as he rolled with the slash. The wound was barely a scratch but cold numbness seemed to radiate out from the injury.

"I am the blood of Sullieman, and my pact holds true. I will send you to Azrael's dark halls where you can confirm that. Tell me Jinn, you have no soul nor hope of paradise, does that give you less to lose than me or more this night?" Amun spat at his assailant, before springing up besides the Jinn, blades flickering with desert flames.

five foot step, followed by burning blade and flashing sun, flanking with lathar



with the first die +4 fon each being fire damage

2013-07-08, 01:30 AM
Seeing the form appear out of the dust storm, Gadban smiles as he launches into a charge. "The wind wont save you, you Son o' th' Sands!"

When he gets closer to the Jinn, Gadban tucks his shoulder, turning his body over in a somersault then back onto his feet, his blade flashing in an upwards arch at the end of the roll.

Going to a Rage. +4 Str, +4 Con, -2AC. Charge +2 Attack, -2 AC.

Tumble Check (to avoid AoO (DC15)): [roll0]

Greatsword Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Confirm (if required): [roll3]
Crit Damage (if required): [roll4]

Frightful Presence DC 14.

**Well... That right royally sucks the big one :smallfurious:.**

2013-07-08, 02:14 AM
((OOC: My, how I love it when your character taunts with petty threats. :smallsmile::smalltongue::smallbiggrin:))

2013-07-08, 02:24 AM
((OOC: My, how I love it when your character taunts with petty threats. :smallsmile::smalltongue::smallbiggrin:))

**Especially when I roll Nat 1's on attacks :smallfrown:.**

2013-07-08, 06:37 AM
**Especially when I roll Nat 1's on attacks :smallfrown:.**

(-pat pat- there there I rolled a 2 =( )

2013-07-08, 10:37 PM
Combat: resolution of round 2

Lather Gin steps forward, blade flashing with energy--- and the Jinn parries. The two blades hiss as they meet, throwing up a shower of sparks. [miss]

Amun steps in on the other side, spitting a challenge. The Jinn turns to face him, and they come together in a flurry of cuts and slashes. But although the Jinn's blade turns one of the blows, and its mail-coat another, it staggers under the sheer fury of the assault, and two strokes hit home. Fire surges across the Jinn's sand-colored flesh, and the creature laughs. "Do you think my kind fear to burn? Your flesh is mud and ashes... but mine is flame!" [Jinn takes 26 damage, soaks 10]

Abd'Gadban rolls in, greatsword swinging. It's a clever trick, and might have worked on a slower opponent. But the Jinn swings its curved blade low, and with deadly certain aim. [you miss, and you take an AoO for 8 damage; fortitude save DC 14 or negative level. Oh, and the Jinn saves vs frightful presence]

Levon delays.

Alexis delays.

Neil continues to hide.

The Jinn sizes up the three enemies surrounding it, and leaps straight upward into the storm, evading any attempt to attack it as it goes. You can hear it hanging in the air somewhere above you, no doubt plotting its next maneuver. From somewhere on high, a crack of thunder sounds, and a bolt of lightning strikes at Alexis Akkarin. [19 damage, reflex 18 half]

End of round 2. All players now act before the monster, and should post actions for round 3, which I hope to resolve tomorrow.

2013-07-08, 10:44 PM
((OOC: Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! :smalltongue:))

2013-07-09, 12:06 AM
Without an opening, Amun fades into the storm again, waiting for a strike

roll hide, hoping for better luck

in the unlikely event he stumbles into butchering range, wolf fang this guy in the eyes


hell, the moment i can do this, i will blast him in the face with it under any circumstances

2013-07-09, 12:51 AM
Now! And he strikes at the majestic creature, who had the audacity to appear before them in his arrogance.

Attack - [roll0]
Attack - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]
Damage - [roll3]
Sneak Attack - [roll4]
Sneak Attack - [roll5]
Extra Damage from Craven if sneak attack landed successfully - 4
Extra Damage from Craven if sneak attack landed successfully - 4

2013-07-09, 10:01 PM
Combat: round 3

Neil rises to his feet, throwing a pair of daggers in the direction of the retreating Jinn. In normal conditions, they would fly true--- but instead, they vanish into the whirling chaos of the storm.

Amun hides, waiting for his chance.

Lather, Alexis, Levon and Abd'Gadban delay, watching for the Jinn to reappear. [Alexis may or may not have been struck by lightning. Is the Emperor even playing anymore?]

You might hear movement overhead... if your ears are very sensitive. You suspect your enemy is repositioning for another strike. [If you want to get an attack off this round, you'll need a DC 21 listen check]

As is becoming obnoxiously predictable, another bolt of lightning flashes towards one of you. This time it's Neil. [22 damage, reflex 18 for half]

End of round 3. Post actions for round 4.

2013-07-09, 10:45 PM
Predictable, Useless and easily maneuvered.. The years in different battlegrounds, he had gain adroitness in dealing with magical attacks. Seeing the attack coming, he dodge-rolls into the sand, the strip of glistening streak hitting nothing.

Move into the sands.
Hide - [roll0]
Readied action to throw a dagger if Jinn descends, in range, at a disadvantage or if he's close enough to the body.

2013-07-10, 12:51 AM
Listen Check: [roll0]

2013-07-10, 01:01 AM
Sense Motive (Jinn's next move, DC 25 for Jinn's stats) - [roll0]
Listen (The distance between Jinn and Neil) - [roll1]
Spot - (The distance between Jinn and Neil) - [roll2]

2013-07-10, 06:29 AM
Attempting to see the Djinn through the Wastes but failing miserably, Lathar changes strategy and begins focusing on a spell.

Lathar casts Resist Energy [Electric] on himself

2013-07-10, 09:23 PM
Combat: round 4

Lather Gin shields himself from electricity.

Neil and Amun prepare for the enemy's reappearance.

Abd'Gadban listens, but hears only the howling of the storm. [you still need to make a fortitude save, DC 14!]

Levon and Alexis delay.

Suddenly, Lather Gin sees the Jinn's blade striking down towards him from directly overhead. The spirit had turned invisible again and crept up upon him by stealth--- now it rushes down, standing upside down in the midst of a great whirlwind of dust and sand, swinging its sword two-handed. Reflexively, he raises his heavy shield... and though it rings under the impact of the Jinn's blow, it turns the weapon aside. [the Jinn appears from invisible, standing ten feet directly above you, but misses]

At the same time, a bolt of lightning strikes towards Amun. [14 damage, reflex 18 half]

Seeing his chance as the attacker reappears, Neil throws another of his deadly daggers. [your readied action triggers... as part of this round, make a ranged attack roll, at -4 but no range penalty]

Amun, though prepared to strike, is too far away to do so. [your readied action fails]

End of round 4 (except Neil's pending attack); post actions for round 5

2013-07-10, 09:47 PM
Attack - [roll0] (10) - Corrected from TWF
Damage - [roll1]
Sneak Attack - [roll2]
Extra Sneak Attack Damage from Craven - 4
Critical Confirm - [roll3]

Rolls are after penalty.

2013-07-10, 10:24 PM
"Oh, to hell with this," thought Amun as an arc of lightning washed over him. He whipped a set of daggers through the air towards the jinn before vanishing back into the storm.


and lol, TWF thrown daggers, at -5 from storm and neg level, but if it does not see me maybe the loss of dex will make it up...

oh, and probably a range increment away, so another -1

follow up with another hide

assume this is my default set of actions until the bugger comes in range or dies

2013-07-10, 11:08 PM
Forgot TWF, Rolls after penalty

Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Sneak Attack - [roll2]
Craven Damage - 5

2013-07-11, 12:21 AM
"Stop hiding in the clouds you Wind Blown Coward!" Gadban roars at the sky, his sword held in one hand out to the side, ready to bring to the ready in the blink of an eye.

Fort Save: [roll0]

2013-07-11, 12:56 AM
((OOC: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....*crescendo then decrescendo*))

2013-07-11, 05:18 PM
Attack - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Sneak Attack - [roll2]
Craven Damage - 5
Crit confirm - [roll3]

2013-07-11, 10:39 PM
Darting between the shadows and the sands, Amun had an idea. Grinning like a man possessed, and sketching a sigil in the air with one hand, he appeared at Gin's shoulders.

"Toss me!"

Distracting ember for flanking bonus, wolf fang strike on this grinning bastard as soon as we are in range


2013-07-11, 10:52 PM
Lathar inherently knew what he was aiming at. "I'll do you one better than that!" Lathar drops his sword and grabs onto Amun. Energy glowed a bright yellow as power infused into his shoes, with a burst of energy he carries Amun toward, aiming to fly above the gin if his move speed allowed it and some reason that Amun missed.

Swift action to redistribute all my essentia to my helm airsetp sandles. Standard action to grapple willing ally. Move action to fly 40 ft using air step sandals to fly at and above the Djinn. if for some reason we miss then we both fall down on top of the Djinn. Otherwise falling at 40 ft height.

2013-07-12, 05:06 PM
Combat round 4

Neil reacts alertly, hurling another dagger, but to no avail.

Combat round 5

No match for the gale-strength winds, Neil misses the Jinn with two more thrown daggers.

Amun and Lather Gin come up with a plan. Leaping into the air, Lather carries his friend into range--- and Amun's twin swords slash across the Jinn like the fangs of a great wolf. The Jinn looks dismissively at the "unkillable" mercenary. "As I am now, so you will be later," he says... and then his eyes close and he drops heavily from the air. An instant later, his body vanishes, consumed back into the flame from which it was composed, and with it, the storm simply ceases; all at once, the winds die, the lightning stops flashing and the whirling sand pours from the air back to the rocky ground.

The Jinn's finely-woven cloak is hardly more than a rag, slashed and smoldering. His sword and chain mail lie on the ground; without their master to animate them, they seem smaller. The sword is finely-made, forged to a razor edge. It's not clear exactly what the mail-coat is made of, but it has the pearlescent shimmer of glass and slides slickly across your fingers if you touch it.

End of combat. Evening, day 2, 40 miles from the sky island.

2013-07-12, 06:09 PM
"May your spirit ride the wind, and find no rest, now nor ever. Give my fondest regards to our master" whispered al-Rashid to the fading spirit. Re sheathing his blades, he bent down to pick up the jinn's belongings.

"No soul, no payout," he muttered, spitting into the sands.

2013-07-13, 09:03 PM
Amun: The mail coat slips through your fingers. Try as you might, you can't pick it up. This strongly suggests the thing is magic. But beyond its apparent desire not to belong to the man who killed its former owner, you can't tell much more about its properties.

The sword allows you to pick it up. It's a masterwork scimitar, currently sized for a human-sized wielder. If it has other, more interesting powers, they have yet to reveal themselves.

[As your character is pretty powerful already, I'm not letting you take all the loot.]

2013-07-14, 12:28 AM
Brushing the sand from his shoulders and hair, Gadban steps forwards and stoops down, scooping the chain up to take a look at it.
"Sand devils! Too craven to fight like a man! Always hiding in the wind." he grunts.

2013-07-14, 12:40 AM
Humph, and here is a coward that fight in a similar manner? Neil levels a stare to the man who cannot outmatch an opponent by any factor other than a full-frontal assault as he kicks up his daggers from the sand, slipping them into his bandoleer.

2013-07-14, 12:47 AM
Gadban grins at Neil and snarls with a chuckle in his voice, "Believe me Sand Louse, if you were my enemy, I'd have you crapping your pants while begging for your mothers teat by just nodding my head in your direction."

2013-07-14, 01:05 AM
Take it as you will an insult for one being so literal. If I wanted to hurt your pride, I would had gladly continued to indulge myself over this tirade. Sorely, you give your condolences to one person who he never met. Our being enemies is inevitable but unlikely. I was cleansed of hostility due to obligation of.. Neil looks uneasy as he chooses his words carefully ..of ages past unrelated to this concurrent power-play.

2013-07-14, 12:15 PM
"Now now, gentlemen you can critique eachother on fighting styles later. It wasn't a normal head on fight, so tactics had to be altered. The thing is that we are all alive and that the duchess is alive and well." Lathar motions to Amun, "May I see that sword?"

2013-07-14, 12:24 PM
Amun nodded and handed the blade to Lathar.

"Certainly," he said. "And perhaps now is the time for proper introductions, as well as hearing the full details of our mission. We are injured and weary and that is not the best time for quarreling.

You already know who I am, but I know only your names and descriptions, and the faintest idea of our goal. Pray tell, enlighten me as to our full purpose," Amun said, glancing to the others from beneath the shadows of his kaffiyah.

2013-07-14, 04:28 PM
Lathar took the blade in one hand, dismissing his sword. He casts detect magic on it to see if it is inherently magic.

Any enhancement bonus on the weapon I think mechanically works, but any activated abilities are unknown to me don't have identify so I'm just gonna go by if it feels more powerful and go from there.

2013-07-23, 08:40 PM
Day two: midnight. 79/80 miles to the mountain

As the sun sets, you head off into the wilderness again. The air cools quickly, and the stars rise overhead, lighting your way through the rocks and stones of the desert.

As you near it, the shadow of the mountain rises above you. You can barely make it out... but as its shadow blots out more and more of the stars, you begin to realize how immense it really is.

At the mountain's foot, the desert is rumpled and creased. Gullies and watercourses spread out before you. In loose sand at the mouth of one of the larger ones, Neil can see tracks. This one, you suspect, will lead on to the mountain, and perhaps a spring at which you can refill your waterskins. On the other hand, you may not get a friendly reception when you arrive.

Other gullies lead off at slight angles. No doubt you can reach the mountain by a less traveled route--- although it's likely to take a while longer, and water may have to wait.

Let me know what you plan to do.

2013-07-25, 06:05 AM
"how are you guys doing on water?" Lathar took out a bottle and took a swig from it. "This one refills periodically, so I'm alright on the water front"

2013-07-28, 09:01 PM
Day 2, midnight: 79/80 miles to the mountain

You turn aside from the ravine with the footprints, to pitch your tents and rest for a while, and perhaps look for some source of water in the wilderness.

[Let me know if you are doing anything while you are camped (such as healing a teammate or looking for water). If not, you are just resting and can heal your CON score. Either way, if you had a negative level, it goes away.]

When you are done resting, it will be 8am, the morning of day 2. You will have another 4 hours of moderate heat, after which you will need to make checks against the heat if you want to move about or do anything strenuous.

[Let me know whether your plan is to encounter the bandits, who probably have water and equipment, or skirt around them and start up the mountain.]

2013-07-31, 06:21 PM
Day 2, midmorning

After spending a while in camp resting and recovering, you proceed carefully down the ravine with the footprints, hoping it will lead to water and a route up the mountain.

As you near the end of the ravine, the sides grow steeper (though scaling them would still be relatively straightforward); you are in a flat depression roughly 60 feet wide, and perhaps 20 feet down from the top; from what you could see headed in, the upper rim of the ravine is probably fairly narrow, and the surrounding terrain likely to be cracked and ridged with similar gorges and gullies headed in all directions.

Ahead of you, the mountain rises upwards. You can see the glittering arc of a waterfall pouring perhaps 200 feet down, and you suspect that it forms a pool at the end of the ravine. There's no obvious route up, so once you've gotten to the base of the mountain you'll need to climb.

You stop at a bend near the end of the ravine. Beyond it, you can hear voices. They're speaking a northern cities language; since many of the northerners are goblins, that's what people around here mostly call it.

[Can you speak Goblin and make a DC 20 listen check? They sound like they're about 100 feet away.]
Guard duty again? After all this work on the stockade?
Well, the pay is good. And you'll appreciate the discipline if we ever get ambushed.

Are you moving forward (or in other directions)? If you're trying to be stealthy, hide and move silently checks please.

2013-08-01, 06:19 AM
I gently lift my self on the ground, gently hovering off the surface. (well flying should take care of move silently since it is perfect flight with my airstep sandals, I don't really opt to hide though)

2013-08-01, 06:41 AM
Listen - [roll0]

2013-08-02, 08:18 AM
Day 2, midmorning

Lather Gin rises gently from the ground and flies around the bend in the ravine. About 100 feet distant, the end of the ravine is blocked by a crude temporary fortification, running 60 feet from one side of the ravine to the other. Inside the fort, hobgoblins dressed in tattered, travel-stained clothing are relaxing with food and drink under canvas sunshades--- except for a pair of sentries, who stand on a low mound of earth inside the stockade, pointing at Lather and talking excitedly. Behind them, as everyone has guessed, a waterfall pours from higher up the mountain to form a shallow pool of water at the base of the cliff. It is surrounded by green--- a few palm trees, and what looks like prickly pear cacti.

The fortification itself is a deep ditch, the earth from which has been heaped up behind to form a low wall. On top of the wall, cut prickly pear cacti act as a kind of crude abatis. [In game, treat the ditch as 5 feet wide and the wall as another 5; getting from the ditch over the wall requires 5 feet of vertical movement. Both count as difficult terrain and can be used to provide cover.]

2013-08-05, 08:18 PM
One goblin sentry shouts down into the encampment. The other goblins pick themselves up, grabbing up short bows and quivers, hanging shields behind them in case things come to close quarters. One of them, a stocky individual, seems to have heavier armor than the others; as you watch, one trooper hands her a full-face helm, and another straps a small pennant behind her; it bears the emblem of a city gate under a crown.

The other goblin shouts at you in the rough common language used by traders and wanderers throughout this part of the world. "Keep moving. Nothing here for you. Can't have any water."

2013-08-10, 09:40 PM
"I implore you, please hear out thy plea, we are but weary travelers in the wastes of the desert, we do not seek to harm but we would like to fill our canteens and leave in peace. Under the same sun we are all but organisms trying to survive, but it is intrinsic that cooperation is the key to survival. As you see here, both of us are in organized groups and are only wanting one thing. We are just passing and hope that a mutual understanding will win over the fear of not seeing tommorrow. What say you?"

Diplomacy Roll [roll0]

2013-08-10, 09:50 PM
The armored goblin, apparently the leader, steps up next to the sentry to shout back.

"We've been well paid to keep travelers from watering here, and we mean to do our job. They"--- she waves a gauntleted hand at the mountain behind her--- "value their privacy, and we value their money. We'd rather not fight. But don't test us."

2013-08-14, 09:43 AM
"Is there some way to send a liason and perhaps purchase water from your client? I'd rather be fair about this."

2013-08-14, 06:01 PM
"Well," shouts the goblin leader, "if you manage to get up to the Mountain's Eye and ask them, you can come back and tell us about it." Her tone implies she thinks this is unlikely to happen.
"Till then, well, we don't wish you any harm, but you can't fill up here, so shove off."

As you all remember, you are indeed bound for the Mountain's Eye--- the observatory that the Duchess told you to reach, and, if possible, destroy, sometime in the next five days.