View Full Version : Favorite Kickstarted Games?

2013-06-03, 01:22 AM
TLDR, my question is:
What are your favorite Kickstarted RPG, Roguelike, or Platformer games?

I've been making a bit of a study of successful Kickstarter game campaigns. I've noticed a trend that, basically, the most successful games are the ones that people on this forum would like. Anything that says RPG in the title, tactics and strategy, a few space 4X games, and a surprising number of minis games, boardgames, cardgames and sourcebooks (which are a beast to find a market for IRL!) I notice that almost none of the top Kickstarted games star a "main character"; most of them have a heavy customization angle. Some of my compatriats are artist/narrative types who are more interested in doing a game like Braid or Bastion with a fixed narrative and well-defined main character, and this trend sucks for them. However, I am a super nerd, and all the retro-RPG DnD swords-and-sorcery Metroidvania etc stuff is as far up my alley as my alley goes.

I've been playing and studying mobile games because of all the hiring companies in that field, but I'm so far not impressed by what's available... most of companies' mobile games I've played are some kind of variation on FarmVille. The Kickstarter games... actually look like things I might play. I have a particular interest in roguelikes and Spelunky-likes... designing for a procedurally-generated game like Spelunky would be a dream. I figure if I play more good Kickstarted games, I can get a feel for what's possible to fund and get connected with people/teams who have had successful campaigns.

2013-06-03, 01:52 AM
The problem is, most of the games which have been Kickstarted haven't actually been released yet. There's a cut-down multiplayer version of The Banner Saga out there, and Shadowrun Returns is due for release sometime this month, but the majority are still in development. I don't think we can judge the quality of those games until they're finished and in the hands of their backers, and at that point is where we find out if the whole Kickstarter-funded game thing actually works or not.

2013-06-03, 02:29 AM
I'm new to this scene as I haven't followed Kickstarter closely until recently-- haven't there been some games that were Kickstarted long enough ago that they should be done? I played the spacepants off of FTL this year, and I heard that was Kickstarted.

One of my best friends (the artist) has been complaining about Banner Saga all week.

2013-06-03, 04:38 AM
I did say "most" of the games. The really major ones (e.g. the ones that got high hundreds of thousands or even millions in funding) haven't yet released.

I only know of two games that have been Kickstarted and actually released (there may be others I've missed): FTL and Star Command. The latter has been Kickstarted *twice* and was apparently quite disappointing, with considerably less depth than it promised at the early stages. Not sure how good an example it is!

Rustic Dude
2013-06-03, 06:49 AM
Expeditions: Conquistador is an amazing squad tactics/resource management/choice and consequences RPG game and it only got 70K dollars from its Kickstarter.

2013-06-03, 01:19 PM
I've noticed a bit of a trend which may be entirely personal preference. The games that are the, in my opinion, best are the ones that aim to release their product with a low budget, and then get a bunch of funding/support. The obvious example is FTL, but Dwarf Fortress qualifies (in the support department, not kickstarter) as does several other indie games. I am quite excited about Star Citizen, though I am worried, as the team is aiming for a AAA release, not a modest but good game.

2013-06-03, 02:45 PM
I backed a 2-player tile strategy game called For the Win. I was satisfied with it - it's fun and arrived in a timely fashion.

2013-06-03, 04:47 PM
Yeah, I think I have like ten games I've backed that I' still waiting for. Odds are, when they actually arrive, I'll totally either not have time to play them or forget what I thought was so great about them. :smallbiggrin:

I have received a few, though, mostly tabletop RPGs and board games. The best one has certainly been FTL, however.

2013-06-03, 07:46 PM
I've backed three games.

Delvers Drop

Those are the games I feel are my favorite because I've given them money.

2013-06-05, 12:03 AM
Nekro is my most anticipated Kickstarter game. The art and concept is just amazing.

I hope it gets greenlit on Steam (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=149845361), otherwise we'll have to wait longer for the beta.

Zar Peter
2013-06-05, 01:22 AM
Backed Giana Sister and this game was nearly ready when it was Kickstarted so it's already out. Great game and fully worth the money.

2013-06-05, 10:23 AM
The only game I've backed so far that has been released is Evil Baby Orphanage, which is a card game. It is pretty good and I mostly just got it because it had an interesting name. It was also one that was mostly finished and just needed the funds to be produced. There are still parts of the kickstarter rewards that aren't out yet.

Ogre is in the final stages now it seems but it is still estimated to be 4-5 months before it is all printed and ready to ship. They have released the rules so it would be possible to play without actually having the game but I haven't done that.

Dungeon Dice is another one I bought into, but just at the last minute and don't know that much about. It sounds like they are getting close to being done.

Star Citizen, Wastelands 2, Torment: Tides of Numenera are all ones I backed but are still a long ways away from being released.

All of the other things I have backed aren't games, and so far only the dice rings have been released. The Reaper bones miniatures are getting close, as are the Red Box miniatures, and have been shipped to some people but not everyone.

So I have no idea which would be my favorite. So far it would have to be Evil Baby Orphanage, but that is just because it is the only game I've actually played.
Why I picked those products to back is because they all seemed like things that wouldn't have been made otherwise, or in the case of the miniatures were a very good deal. And I think that is why the PC games that are getting backed are the ones getting backed, because they are genres a lot of people like but they are believed to be too niche to be published by the regular publishers. I doubt anyone would bother kickstarting an FPS because it is either going to be the same thing we've seen a lot of and going to bring nothing new or it is a proven enough genre that they will have no problem getting a publisher and likely more money too.

2013-06-06, 06:47 AM
The answer to this thread is FTL. I actually didn't back it, picked it up later when I realised it was the rougue-ish-like I'd always wanted but never known about...

2013-06-06, 08:53 AM
The answer to this thread is FTL. I actually didn't back it, picked it up later when I realised it was the rougue-ish-like I'd always wanted but never known about...

FTL doesn't exactly have a lot of competition in the "games that have ACTUALLY COME OUT from kickstarter" space.

I funded Strike Suit Zero, and I don't regret it. It is actually out.

I also funded Tenra Bansho Zero, which has fininished shipping and is pretty awesome. This one's a tabletop RPG though.

I have NOT funded any of the ridiculously over hyped projects that promise the moon. It's going to be VERY interesting to see how many of them meet people's expectations.