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View Full Version : So Pelor has given me a one-shot item of Wish...

2013-06-03, 02:32 AM
I'm looking for suggestions on what to do with it. What wishes have you made in the past that worked well/didn't backfire/were interesting?

Something to consider: my character is a Changeling Chameleon, and he's been defined by the lack of an identity his whole life - even Pelor himself considers him an enigma. What sort of wish might this sort of individual make?

PS: This is an E6 game, if it matters - right now, we're at level 6 with five feats

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-03, 02:39 AM
How broken do you want to be?

2013-06-03, 02:50 AM
How broken do you want to be?
Lay everything you've got on me, I still want to hear about it even if I don't use it :P

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-03, 02:56 AM
Wish for a Scroll of Shapechange. It's a magic item so it falls under the always safe list on wish.

UMD that to become a Zodar. Use your Wish (Su) ability to create a Scroll of Ice Assassin of an Elder Phaerimm with Wish and Ice Assassin as it's two 9th level spells known.

UMD the Ice Assassin scroll.

Play the game with your unlimited free Wish's, CL 18 Sorcerer slave, and the ability to set up a buff chain that will give you every single ability in D&D 3.5 that you want.

Dumbledore lives
2013-06-03, 02:57 AM
Wish that Pelor never gave you the scroll. That way lies madness.

2013-06-03, 03:41 AM
Wish for a Scroll of Shapechange. It's a magic item so it falls under the always safe list on wish.

UMD that to become a Zodar. Use your Wish (Su) ability to create a Scroll of Ice Assassin of an Elder Phaerimm with Wish and Ice Assassin as it's two 9th level spells known.

UMD the Ice Assassin scroll.

Play the game with your unlimited free Wish's, CL 18 Sorcerer slave, and the ability to set up a buff chain that will give you every single ability in D&D 3.5 that you want.
And then? :smallbiggrin:

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-03, 03:44 AM
And then? :smallbiggrin:


You are beyond a greater deity in power in a setting that normally only lets you reach level 6.

Flame of Anor
2013-06-03, 04:15 AM
Wish for a Scroll of Shapechange. It's a magic item so it falls under the always safe list on wish.

UMD that to become a Zodar. Use your Wish (Su) ability to create a Scroll of Ice Assassin of an Elder Phaerimm with Wish and Ice Assassin as it's two 9th level spells known.

UMD the Ice Assassin scroll.

Play the game with your unlimited free Wish's, CL 18 Sorcerer slave, and the ability to set up a buff chain that will give you every single ability in D&D 3.5 that you want.

I doubt your signature quote has ever been more relevant. :biggrin: in case he changes it in the future, it's "This post contains 100% Tippy thought. May contain dangerous amounts of ludicrousness and/or awesomeness." - Vael

2013-06-03, 04:21 AM
Wish for the secrets of Dark Speech. Get an animal companion like a rat or a crab. Go looking for vermin, use your Dark Speech to unite them all into a Hive Mind (And your Animal Companion being part of it means it should be loyal to you presuming you can control the amount of HD the Hivemind is adjusted to. Never larger than 2 HD, so pretty easy).

Depending on the amount of Rats, Crabs, etc, that you gather together into the hive mind, you end up with Epic level sorcerers operating out of the Hive Mind.

Incredibly cheesy perhaps. But requires a bit more work since you'd have to have an animal companion to guarantee the loyalty and gather up something like 500 Rats before you have an Epic Sorcerer.

2013-06-03, 04:38 AM
Wish for a fully charged ring of three wishes. Like with the ice assassin scroll above, magic item = always safe. Rinse and repeat until you have all the wishes you could ever want. Safe bet would be 1000 rings of three wishes.

2013-06-03, 05:26 AM
Wish for the secrets of Dark Speech.

Dark Speech? From Pelor? A non-safe list wish and you're going with something so absurdly contrary to the patron?

You're a braver man/beast/thing than I. :smalltongue:

2013-06-03, 05:32 AM
Isn't Pelor neutral evil? :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-03, 05:55 AM
Dark Speech? From Pelor? A non-safe list wish and you're going with something so absurdly contrary to the patron?

You're a braver man/beast/thing than I. :smalltongue:
Why would Dark Speech be contrary to the Burning Hate? :smallconfused:

2013-06-03, 08:47 AM
Lay everything you've got on me, I still want to hear about it even if I don't use it :P

You NEVER say "lay it on me" to Tippy, or to anyone on these forums. Because when someone here TRIES to break the game, they do it soooo well

2013-06-03, 09:01 AM
Since this is a game you are actually using, I say just do some RP thing with it. If the DM has given you something this powerful, it is my guess that they don't want you just becoming a God.

Realistically, I believe the person that has no identity would ask "What am I supposed to be?"

Honestly, a free Wish is like finding a bag of money covered in blood by the train tracks; you may not want to really flaunt that you've got it.

2013-06-03, 09:28 AM
Honestly, a free Wish is like finding a bag of money covered in blood by the train tracks; you may not want to really flaunt that you've got it.

Or do you?

Seriously, don't use it. Just advertise that you have it and that it's lightly guarded. Then just farm xp from everyone who wants to steal it.

Fouredged Sword
2013-06-03, 09:29 AM
Wish for +1 to your casting stat or constitution.

Seriously, it is the single least broken thing you can do with a wish, and yet a very practical choice as it won't be something you can just go out and buy for a very long time.

Ether that or wish for 25,000 gp to be created.

2013-06-03, 09:40 AM
Wish for Ring of 3 wishes

Use Wish to ask for a Magic Bag of Money that at the start of every day has a few Platinum Pieces in it.

Use Wish to get some sort of reincarnate Magic Item that is usable Once every so often.

Sit back Upon your throne of Platinum in your Palace of Platinum and watch the world go by in lavish retirement.

2013-06-03, 09:47 AM
I'm looking for suggestions on what to do with it. What wishes have you made in the past that worked well/didn't backfire/were interesting?

Something to consider: my character is a Changeling Chameleon, and he's been defined by the lack of an identity his whole life - even Pelor himself considers him an enigma. What sort of wish might this sort of individual make?

PS: This is an E6 game, if it matters - right now, we're at level 6 with five feats He probably would want anything. hand it back to Pelor saying something along the lines of "I don't have anything to wish for for myself, I'm merely what everyone else wishes me to be."

It'd add to your enigma, more so than any wish you could ever make. :smallwink:

2013-06-03, 02:10 PM
Or do you?

Seriously, don't use it. Just advertise that you have it and that it's lightly guarded. Then just farm xp from everyone who wants to steal it.
I pretty much have all the feats (and XP) that I could ever want, but there's an in-character reason why I would do this.

If you were to ask my group, they would tell you that my character just wants to watch the world burn. My Good-aligned party just finished killing a lich, preventing the universe's destruction - with the unfortunate side effect of leaving the realm without a king or an heir to replace him. Why not exacerbate the chaos by letting everyone know that the most powerful magic item in the world is up for grabs?

My plan is to wish for a Ring of Three Wishes, and then inform an arbitrary number of the most powerful men in the world that the name of the Killer of Kings is [character name]. Furthermore, not only is there an immense reward for his capture dead or alive, but he is also in possession of a Ring of Three Wishes. Let the games begin!

One issue is determining how to make the world absolutely convinced that I have the item, so that they waste little time determining if it's true and expending every resource they've got on obtaining it. Using a Wish would probably do that, but I'd rather not - questing for three wishes is more dramatic than questing for two. Are there other 3rd-level-or-lower spells, or a number of them, I could cast that would do the trick? (I might soon come into possession of 4th level spells, so if one of those would work, please let me know!) Something else to consider is that it might be better to assign aristocrats to each other in pairs, telling each one that the other has the ring. Shift the lawless chaos into maximum overdrive!

What do y'all think?

2013-06-03, 02:22 PM
you want to watch the world burn huh? then just wish for all the breathable air/atmosphere and what not to turn into 100% pure oxygen and then strike a match...