View Full Version : Some magic item crafting questions

2013-06-03, 08:59 AM
Is Craft Construct a magic item creation effect?

Do the rules for Custom Magic Items apply to Craft Construct?
Esp as they already apply to Intelligent Items?

AaEG lets me put feats in items. Does the price increase for that process like it does when you put multiple skill boosts in an item?

What's the math for the above precisely?
How does putting multiple feats in one item increase the item's cost? Is it simple addition? 10,000gp+10,000gp?

Considering that I could just make an item with a feat in it and put it on the golem; can I just pay to put the feat IN the golem when I make it?
Would that feat count as a 'racial' feat or would the golem need to meet the prerequisites?

What is the difference in price between an item that grants use of a feat sans prerequisites and one that lets you use the feat only if you meet the prerequisites?

And lastly, would combining a Domain Drought with a Golem be awesome or would the Golem need Cleric levels to be able to make use of it's Domain Power?

Thanks regardless playgrounders.

Edit: I'd prefer actual rules references if you can. If I'm going to mod the system to allow for any of this (Golems built like scrolls would be awesome) I'd like to know what my baseline is first. Thanks.

2013-06-03, 06:41 PM
It depends on your DM mostly. Some might want stone carving for a marble lion and black smithing for the steel war horse. You would need craft wounderous item and craft golem feats to start. For a prereq to adding a feet you might need to know the feet first. I cant think of any "offical" books but there are a number of third party books out there, and of course the DM would need to set the final price/experience cost.

2013-06-04, 06:05 PM
It depends on your DM mostly. Some might want stone carving for a marble lion and black smithing for the steel war horse. You would need craft wounderous item and craft golem feats to start. For a prereq to adding a feet you might need to know the feet first. I cant think of any "offical" books but there are a number of third party books out there, and of course the DM would need to set the final price/experience cost.

I'm not sure what you're saying other than, 'Ask your DM.', which goes without saying. And I already have. Now I'm looking for the actual rules regarding my questions.

2013-06-06, 01:02 PM
This article from WotC seems to imply that modifying constructs could work just like modifying magic items:

From the above, "The process of construct creation is just like creating a magic item. The process is described in Chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide and in Rules of the Game: Making Magic Items."

Then again in the Rules of the Game:Making Magic Items article it first declares prerequisite spells as being only suppliable by the creator then later proclaims that prerequisites can be supplied by other characters, "...including spells..." so I'm not sure how official this official info is.

2013-06-06, 01:33 PM
Modifying Constructs does indeed work just like modifying Magic Items. Remember that your character cannot actually modify Magic Items (besides improving magic weapons and armor, and those modifications specified in the MiC). Rather, you and your DM homebrew an item, using the guidelines in the DMG to help fix the price, and then that item can be crafted by anyone in the setting just like any other homebrewed item that your DM incorporates into the game. The same applies with Constructs, but instead of homebrewed items they are homebrewed creatures. There are as such fewer guides to pricing them and no explicit guidelines (but the same should be true for many magic items anyway, since precedent shows that very few magic items simply replicate another spell effect).

2013-06-06, 08:01 PM
Remember that your character cannot actually modify Magic Items (besides improving magic weapons and armor, and those modifications specified in the MiC).

Now this confused me because I was under the impression that you could. You just had to price it as though you'd made it from scratch.
From the SRD:

Adding New Abilities

A creator can add new magical abilities to a magic item with no restrictions. The cost to do this is the same as if the item was not magical. Thus, a +1 longsword can be made into a +2 vorpal longsword, with the cost to create it being equal to that of a +2 vorpal sword minus the cost of a +1 sword.
I read the above to mean any magic item. I read the magic weapon example as just an example. Was I wrong to do so? Are wondrous magic items called out elsewhere as being unmodifiable?

Rather, you and your DM homebrew an item, using the guidelines in the DMG to help fix the price, and then that item can be crafted by anyone in the setting just like any other homebrewed item that your DM incorporates into the game. The same applies with Constructs, but instead of homebrewed items they are homebrewed creatures.

This is good news.
Do you have any thoughts on what some of the Creating Magic Items rules actually DO to constructs created with them?

For example: Can you have a one-use Golem? Created like a potion or scroll? Once created it could just sit immobile, only coming to life when activated to crumble to dust when the battle/it's purpose is ended.

What would a Wondrous Architecture Golem be like? Perhaps just a Golem that is destroyed if it leaves a certain room, or maybe a room with a wall that can extend a Golem like a pseudopod from an ooze...?

Perhaps a Staff or Wand like Golem with 50 charges of a spell stored in it?

Would putting use activated spell abilities in Golems result in the Golem just having Spell-Like Abilities? One assumes so.

I gather from this thread (my Google-fu is weak, this is all the info I found),
, that if I wanted more than one feat in a given construct each additional one would cost x1.5. Which means I can put upwards of 13 feats into an item before that item would hit the epic barrier.
Meaning probably more like 10-12 feats in a Golem with their expensive components and rituals.

10-13 feats sounds like A LOT to be granted from one item. Even if they are all only 0-1 prerequisite each.
AaEG sidebar: 10,000gp per feat, +5,000gp per prerequisite

Now it is my understanding that some magic items grant the use of a feat sans prerequisite while others do not. Is there an effective price difference between the two?
Possibly sidestepping this issue are Racial Bonus Feats (here Google failed me again sadly). As feats are being put into a Golem at creation they're in the creature from "birth". Would/should this make them qualify as Bonus Racial Feats?
That said, how many Bonus Racial Feats is too many? Not just for Golems created by players but for any homebrew creature or race?

To anyone who made it through my rambling thanks for reading. And to anyone who responds, thanks for trying.
I do know that these are topics best discussed with my DM. Trust me I am. (He's more excited than scared mind you.) I just want to wrap my head around the rules implications of some of these ideas BEFORE I try implementing them in game.

Thanks again playground.