View Full Version : [4E] RB DND Campaign, Thread 8

2013-06-03, 09:49 AM

*header by Pinkhair

Thread number eight! How exciting!

Thread 1: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=200295
Thread 2: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=216389
Thread 3: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=229171
Thread 4: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=239680
Thread 5: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14088810#post14088810
Thread 6: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=259075
Thread 7: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14751048#post14751048

When we last left off, our heroes where in Leafhaven, preparing to leaf to the remains of The Skyhomes, Elden's home city, burnt to ash seven years ago. What does he plan to do? We shall wait and see....right now!


Everyone saddles up in their horses and head off! Due to the speed of the horses, and Juniper's Traveller's Chant, you're able to make it to the Skyhome in ten hours of travel, the horses crossing the distance without much effort.

You can easily tell once you hit the limits of the forest. The few tree's you see are young and frail, the grass much shorter here then everywhere else, the slight tinge of black on the ground, as if the ash had seeped into the very soil. Entering this area gives you all a solemn feeling, as if walking through a town that used to be a graveyard.

Tuesday, December 17th
5:40 PM

Finally, after a few minutes of marching, you come to the heart of the forest, where The Skyhomes were. This area has recovered the least of all, and you could swear you could smell the faint twinge of burnt wood in the air. At the middle of it all is a large stump, ravaged by both fire and time. The heartwood tree that made up the grand hall where their leader and his people would meet.

2013-06-03, 11:41 AM
LaLa, I'd prefer you didn't skip ahead so far. Stop at the edge of the forest.

Also, Elden will refuse to let anyone use arcane magic for the trip, so Traveller's Chant is off.

Also, I'm sorry, but right now, I'm kinda out of commission, so I won't be able to do any roleplaying today, and I've still got a few busy days ahead, so you'll kind of have to wait another week or so...

2013-06-03, 01:24 PM
LaLa, I'd prefer you didn't skip ahead so far. Stop at the edge of the forest.

Also, Elden will refuse to let anyone use arcane magic for the trip, so Traveller's Chant is off.

Also, I'm sorry, but right now, I'm kinda out of commission, so I won't be able to do any roleplaying today, and I've still got a few busy days ahead, so you'll kind of have to wait another week or so...

Right, and okay! Sorry about that :smalltongue:

Okay, so you guys make it to the edge of the forest, and it is as described up there. Now we wait for Teddy (good luck!)


I should note that while we wait for Teddy, feel free to mingle with each other as you ride out to the Skyhomes. You've got the time, to be sure!

2013-06-04, 05:58 PM
In said case...:

In the sixth hour of travel Adalhard approaches Juniper:
"I'd like to propose a simple exchange; making a simple ritual and aid in another one and I'll have you speaking Primordial, so that you can converse with Felix in relative privacy, before we reach the lich's party.

How about it?"

Blue Ghost
2013-06-04, 08:17 PM

Why, thank you. That would be lovely. What would you have me do in return?

2013-06-04, 08:22 PM
"A simple ritual; a modification on Object Reading; and aid in enchanting a statuette to add a characteristic I'm simply unable to."

Blue Ghost
2013-06-04, 08:39 PM

I'll see what I can do.

2013-06-04, 08:49 PM
"Object Reading regularly conjures image of a required event linked to the object the ritual is cast on; I'd like a version able to conjure a required sound given a time frame, linked to the object it is cast on.

As for the statuette part; it should be rather trivial to add a given voice to an enchanted object while partaking on its making; as I'm unable to do that I thought you would be able to do so easily given your ability with sound and music."

Blue Ghost
2013-06-05, 01:21 AM
I think I can do that.

2013-06-09, 04:28 PM
(I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, but I'm still not off the hook as far as schoolwork goes, and I'm kind of trying to wind down as much as possible between the bursts, which more or less disallows thinking to start with. Anyway...)

Elden jumps off his horse, drops its reins and takes a few steps ahead before he stops, sniffs the stagnant air and gazes off toward the middle of what once was the High Forest. White smoke starts to rise from beneath the soles of his shoes, and as he starts walking again, he leaves tracks of embers, shaping themselves into footprints of animals which once lived here.

After having walked for a short while, Elden stops once again, now to examine one of the scrawny trees. As he touches its leaves, embers starts to climb up its barch from beneath the soil. When they've reached halfway up the stem, a sudden wind makes them burst into flames and soar up the sky. The fire shoots out long, branchlike tendrils, and thousands of smaller flares rise upward, forming a fickle but unmistakable silhouette of a mighty tree (roughly 30 metres high, if you're curious).

The tree growing within starts to whittle away, dissolving into fire as Elden turns away and continues his journey toward the centre of the forest. As he walks, the same thing happens all around him. Scrawny brushwood turns to full-grown trees, struggling sprigs burst into sprawling bushes, and sparse tussocks flash up into glens of blazing grass. The air quickly grows oppressively hot, but not harmful, and an untouched trail is left in Elden's way for his companions to follow him, or turn back on if they so desire.

2013-06-09, 04:31 PM
(I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, but I'm still not off the hook as far as schoolwork goes, and I'm kind of trying to wind down as much as possible between the bursts, which more or less disallows thinking to start with. Anyway...)

That's quite alright Teddy. Also, if I liked popcorn this would be the part where I get some, because just the bit you posted gets me excited for what's next :smalltongue:

So, guys, gonna follow Elden?

2013-06-09, 04:36 PM
Adalhard merely floats behind, following the trail trying not to touch anything on the way.

For any residue of Arcane Magic in the area or Arcane Spirits
For anything of interest
For anything not matching official descriptions and recollections
For determining what the heck is Elden thinking on, or what his demeanour indicates
For Natural Spirits in the area
For Divine Spirits or From Astral/Abyss

2013-06-09, 04:42 PM
For any residue of Arcane Magic in the area or Arcane Spirits
For anything of interest
For anything not matching official descriptions and recollections
For determining what the heck is Elden thinking on, or what his demeanour indicates
For Natural Spirits in the area
For Divine Spirits or From Astral/Abyss

Adalhard: You do sense some very faint arcane magic fallout, presumably from magical items used during the burning.

You don't REALLY see anything of interest, other then what Elden's doing of course. And history wise, the forest looks like what you'd expect after 7 years of regrowth, perhaps a little stunted. And of course the tree's shouldn't be made of fire as Elden is making them be.

You're not entirely sure what Elden is thinking, but if you had to make a guess based on his actions and demeanour so far, you'd think he maaay be leaning towards a vengeance type personality.

It's subtle, but you can sense some nature spirits in the area. This feeling will grow stronger as you approach the heart of the forest, though you're not sure what it is. You also sense energy coming from Elden that is of this nature as well.

You don't sense any divine energy here except for Elden.

Ranger Mattos
2013-06-09, 04:43 PM
Carric follows behind as well.

2013-06-09, 10:26 PM
Khan dismounts and checks on his horse after the long ride, trying to make sure it isn't startled by the pyrotechnic display, and waits for the others to go on ahead, wanting to take up a position in the rear of the party.

2013-06-09, 10:35 PM
Bast shall also follow! Forgot to mention that.

Blue Ghost
2013-06-11, 01:20 PM
Can't leave me behind now, can you?

Juniper will follow!

2013-06-14, 05:15 PM
Adalhard will try to gather any ambient arcane residue while floating. And use aura sight on a semi-constant basis to detect any nearby spirits or anything noteworthy apart from party or plants.

2013-06-18, 10:59 AM
Since Elden left his horse behind and now traverses the forest by foot, they'll only have gotten halfway by midnight. In front of the party, a glade of untouched soil forms with a single small patch of tall, burning grass in the middle. Elden curls up in the patch and promptly falls asleep, all while the flaming forest continues to grow toward the horison with a discrete flicker in it's imagery.

2013-06-18, 11:12 AM
Since Elden left his horse behind and now traverses the forest by foot, they'll only have gotten halfway by midnight. In front of the party, a glade of untouched soil forms with a single small patch of tall, burning grass in the middle. Elden curls up in the patch and promptly falls asleep, all while the flaming forest continues to grow toward the horison with a discrete flicker in it's imagery.

...right, I forgot you left your horse.

Um...are you sure this is the best idea, Teddy? Sorry, I'm just trying to get a better feel of what you're doing here :smalltongue:

2013-06-18, 11:47 AM
Um...are you sure this is the best idea, Teddy? Sorry, I'm just trying to get a better feel of what you're doing here :smalltongue:

You mean, best idea to leave the horse behind? Or to creep into a patch of burning grass? Or to... uh, I don't know, everything?

2013-06-18, 01:27 PM
You mean, best idea to leave the horse behind? Or to creep into a patch of burning grass? Or to... uh, I don't know, everything?

I meant more the leaving behind the horse, yes. I'm not saying you can't of course, just curious.

2013-06-18, 02:27 PM
After Elden falls asleep, Adalhard moves away from the centre of the scorching glade and makes a tree of ice.

He climbs it with the rope, ice screw and fastening a harness on himself.

Adalhard enchants his cloak (Cloak of the Chirurgeon) while at the top and does simple tracings with blood for a sending to Ilya.

"Goodnight sweet Lilac, any news? Have you kept up on the other subjects as in botany? Be well little one."

He then just trances on top of the frozen tree.

2013-06-18, 02:44 PM
There are no trees, only fire. Not that it matters much, not even the trees at the start of the forest would support Adalhard's weight.

Also, it isn't entirely well-established how actually physical this fire is, so putting it our may turn out to be harder than imagined...

Also, I should note that the party is basically walking around in a full-fledged, if a bit flickering and unreal-seeming, forest of fire, following a single non-burning trail (if you ignore Elden's footprints), and the glade is actually the largest non-burning space you'll find for now. It's only the very centre of the glade, where Elden sleeps, which actually is on fire.

2013-06-18, 02:47 PM
There are no trees, only fire. Not that it matters much, not even the trees at the start of the forest would support Adalhard's weight.

Also, it isn't entirely well-established how actually physical this fire is, so putting it our may turn out to be harder than imagined...

Also, I should note that the party is basically walking around in a full-fledged, if a bit flickering and unreal-seeming, forest of fire, following a single non-burning trail (if you ignore Elden's footprints), and the glade is actually the largest non-burning space you'll for now. It's only the very centre of it, where Elden sleeps, which actually is on fire.

Yha, sorry :smallredface:

At any rate it's changed that he makes a nice tree of ice, so there is that.

Anyway...um, guys? Is it okay if I advance to the next day?

2013-06-18, 05:16 PM
Khan looks at Elden, curled up in the fire, then at Adalhard, perched in his ice tree, before finally glancing over at Bast, attempting a friendly grin. "So, I guess you're not the only one with...interesting...sleep preferences, huh?"

He then looks around for a somewhat safe place to tie up his horse and bed down for the night.

2013-06-18, 05:19 PM
Bast just shrugs "What can I say. We're an odd bunch." She'll then take out a sleeping bag and sleep like a sensible person.

Adalhard: You get a response after awhile. It's slurred gibbering, except for a few words. "Too sleepy. Not used to late nights"

2013-06-18, 05:27 PM
Adalhard musters from the frozen tree:
"Trancing, not sleeping; I can still hear you perfectly fine during it."

2013-06-20, 10:40 AM
Okay, with that all squared away, I believe we can advance to the next morning...

Wednesday, December 18th

6:00 AM

You all wake up after camping out in the burning forest! Yay!

2013-06-21, 12:30 PM
Elden will sleep long enough for the others to eat breakfast, and after waking up, he continues the journey in silence. The fiery forest spans as far as the eye can see in all directions now, but hazy shades can be seen moving about from time to time between the trees. Most have a wild stature, but you can swear you saw a group of taller, more slender shapes between the trees at one time. Elden seemingly ignores them, however, keeping his eyes focused on the horison and his thoughts to himself.

By noon, something starts to happen. An otherworldly chill begins to descend upon the group, and the gentle flicker of the fire intensifies, not unlike a bonfire caught in the wind. Elden suddenly grows a concerned expression, and starts to look around himself intensively.

Death... eating away... memories...

Another four hours passes, and the flames turn more and more fragmented, until suddenly they all surge up in a massive inferno. For a second you can see the entire forest in such detail it almost seems so real you could touch it. Wild animals rush past, and elves in simple clothes observe the party from all around.

The next second it's all gone. In a sudden gust of cold, the entire forest winks out like a blown-out candle.


Elden looks terrified. He looks all around himself, grasps the air and freezes in a sudden confusion on who he is and what he's doing here. In a final snap of desperations, he rises his hands toward the skies, engulf them in fire, and drive them deep into the ashen soil.

No, not death. Something else. Someone else.

Elden's eyes clear, and a sudden smile breaks out on his face. As a response to his words, a lone light appears as a beacon on the horison.

Not dead, borrowed. For a purpose.

Elden stands up and starts to move toward the light. After a few steps, he increases the pace to a hurried walk, and after another few, he switches to running.

As you may guess, the light is situated in the center of the forest, in the middle of the burnt ring which once was the grandest tree. If you have something in mind which may emit light, this could be it, but otherwise, let it be fire. This was after all the very spot Elden got his staff and fire from.

2013-06-21, 12:40 PM
The party runs after Elden, and they find themselves in the heart of the forest, the center of it all. There is a dark, still charred ring in the ground, almost the size of a house, the largest tree in the forest. Floating just above this ring of charred grass and wood is a small, bright, flickering flame, a deep red and orange. As Elden and the party approach, it starts to grow larger, to the size of a person's head.

You all feel an intense heat coming from this single flame, an almost unbearable heat. Any of your magic using guys can feel the following: There is a huge amount of pure, primal energy coming from this flame. If you'd hazard a guess, this is a Primal Spirit of Nature.

You all hear a whispering at your ears, that sounds like the crackling of tinder. It is female and with a caring tone, and despite being old elvish the words are understandable regardless. "Speak thy name, priest of fire."

2013-06-21, 10:41 PM
What is this thing? Have there been other of this things before? What type of thing is this thing? Power level of this thing? Attitude or disposition of this thing?


2013-06-21, 10:48 PM
What is this thing? Have there been other of this things before? What type of thing is this thing? Power level of this thing? Attitude or disposition of this thing?


Adalhard: From what your knowledge tells you, this seems to be a Nature Spirit of fire. However, the way it's reacting, and the way it feels, you're certain that this isn't just any spirit. This is Everburning, the undying fire that stokes every flame, from the smallest spark to the largest wildfire. It appears to be in it's more docile, helpful form, like the gentle flame of a fireplace. In terms of how strong it is, it'd be around the same quality as an Archfey, perhaps a bit more closer to the Gods (though that's a case by case basis, honestly). Everburning itself is quite powerful, and the only reason you're not immediately on your knees from the heat is because, for comparison's sake alone, it's not actually hot right now. Also, this was the spirit presence that you could feel growing stronger as we ventured further into the area.

Elden: Sorry, I forgot to post this! You naturally know that this is Everburning, the Nature Spirit of Flame. The undying fire that stokes every flame, from the smallest spark to the largest wildfire. It appears to be in it's more docile, helpful embodiment.

2013-06-21, 10:58 PM
Adalhard stays far far away from the furnace of all furnaces and concentrates any and all of his magic resources to keep cold.

2013-06-22, 05:58 AM
Elden steps forward.


2013-06-22, 08:11 AM
As Elden speaks his name, the fire seems to grow a little larger, and it speaks again. "What brings thou here, to this place of flame and death?"

2013-06-25, 01:48 PM
What brings me here?

Elden repeats the question dumbfoundedly as he struggles to remember his temporarily loaned memories. Searching through his pouches for anything to remind him, he finds a sprig of mistletoe and a wolf's paw he can't remember why he got in the first place, as well as a pouch entirely filled with a mix of sulphur and guano. He plants the sprig and paw in the ground between him and the spirit, where the sprig grows into a seemingly real tree (with a mistletoe in it), and a wolf springs out from beneath its roots, playing around it. Elden watches the scene curiously.

He then empties the pouch with the sulphur and guano, and as soon as the mixture hits the ground, it immediately explodes and surges upward as great wall of dark red fire, rushing toward the tree. The wolf panics and tries to climb up the trunk, before the flames swallow them both. The fire passes, leaving but a charred stump and skeleton, and shrinks down to bonfire size a few metres away.

A little bright flame suddenly appears on the ground. It moves up to the skeleton, which immolates into a faintly fiery, ghostlike shape of a wolf. It then touches the stump, which flares into a mistlike tangle of vines hovering a few centimeters above ground.

Next thing, the tangle thrusts itself into the red fire, which erupts with long, solid stalks of mistletoe, twisting around the fire and encaging it. The wolf once again materialises and charges the encaged fire, gets caught up in the mistletoe as well, and the whole tangle starts rolling toward the center of the giant hightree stump.

Elden follows the tangle, but stops as he reaches the rim of the stump. Touching the charred sides, he once again regains clarity.

I've come here to find what I once lost, and to reclaim what once was ours. For too long have the spirits of this wasteland loomed without purpose. It's time for them to come out of their slumber, take back what was stolen from them and destroy those who destroyed their world.

As he utters the last word, the wolf-mistletoe tangle explodes in thousands of abstract shards of plant and fur. From the stump, an utterly massive tree shoots up, rising to heights hitherto unsurpassed. It's trunk is patchy with the bark of a thousand trees, its leaves equally diverse. Long-tailed squrrels run across it's full height, mighty stags pose on the enormous branches stretching out as far as the eye can see, and millions of birds populate the limitless canopy. An arched gate forms around Elden.

And I intend to lead them there.

Elden enters the tree.

The spirit of fire should be inside the tree.

2013-06-25, 02:12 PM
Elden enters the tree that grew up around the spirit of flame, and the gate closes behind him. The tree is set alight.

Elden: The inside of the tree isn't...quite, exactly, a tree. The ground looks like the ring of a tree, but the space around is all a dark red, as if drifting through a flaming space. The spirit of fire is there, of sorts, a hard to make out face in the sea of fire you're seemingly drifting in.

"Thou are of two worlds. A soul of flame, a body of wood. Are you truly capable of bringing the whole of your people within you, to stoke the fires of their revenge? Wilt thou take it all, Priest of Flame, Priest of Wood?"

2013-06-25, 03:49 PM
Inside the tree:
My people, my everything. All I have of who I was, who I am, is fractured memories and an endless plain of ash. This spirit tree, these spirits, they are what I need to become whole, and I am what they need to live again. You ask me, a body of wood and a soul of fire if I'm capable, but the question answers itself. Only by joining wood to my mind and fire to my body can I become whole at last.

The tree is a primal manifestation of all gathered memories of the forest and an invitation to the primal spirits to congregate. I have a plan for what will happen with it in the end, just so you know.

Oh, and setting fire to it was fine (it fits quite snuggly with what I have in mind), just so you don't worry about throwing a spanner into my works. :smallwink:

2013-06-25, 04:20 PM
Inside the tree:
My people, my everything. All I have of who I was, who I am, is fractured memories and an endless plain of ash. This spirit tree, these spirits, they are what I need to become whole, and I am what they need to live again. You ask me, a body of wood and a soul of fire if I'm capable, but the question answers itself. Only by joining wood to my mind and fire to my body can I become whole at last.

The tree is a primal manifestation of all gathered memories of the forest and an invitation to the primal spirits to congregate. I have a plan for what will happen with it in the end, just so you know.

Oh, and setting fire to it was fine (it fits quite snuggly with what I have in mind), just so you don't worry about throwing a spanner into my works. :smallwink:

Elden: Yes but that goes both ways :smallamused::smalltongue:

"Then it shalt be done" Everburning says, as the wholeness of all the fire condenses, and flows, into Elden, a million pricks of shadowy light within it. Elden feels his very being burnt asunder, as if down to the very basest of parts. And then he was whole again.

[loot] tags, I guess! Elden gains his Druid multiclass feat, and the character theme "Vessel of Revenge", the benefits of which I shall note here...

Vessel of Revenge: You gain the encounter power, Feast of the Lost

Feast of the Lost
Implement, Burst 2 within 10 on Creatures
Primary Stat vs Will
1d10+primary stat fire damage and the target is slowed and cannot shift. Creates a zone of spiritual hands that claw and rend at those in it. Those in the zone are slowed and cannot shift, enemies who start their turn in the zone take 5 fire damage.

Level 5 Feature: +2 to Intimidate and a knowledge skill of your choice that would be appropriate for the people you are a Vessel of Revenge for.

If you want to exchange utility powers or something for one of the two utility powers that would be available, just ask. I haven't made em yet, though :smalltongue:

You also gain a sweet little item. Basically, any level appropriate druid or nature related magical item. If you don't have an idea, I can just give you an Alfsair Spear that works itself into your staff (ironically giving you a weapon much like The Lich, a staff with a spear at the bottom of it).

Also, one last bit of stuff. I'm sure you've got a super badass idea of what Elden will look like after this, but the only veto I've got is that in his wild shape form, the Ruby Heart amulet Leyden gave you is visible, and in all instances has the following sigil on it: http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/5104/tt0.png

2013-06-26, 10:45 AM
What goes both ways?

2013-06-26, 10:46 AM
What goes both ways?

Elden: I was referring to that "spanner in the works" thing. It's just a joke though, don't worry :smalltongue:

2013-06-26, 03:21 PM
I can't find the stats for the Alfsair spear, and I noted a general lack of nature-oriented items in the books, much to my displeasure...

Also, I need a breef hiatus, gonna draw up some new Elden art for this one.

2013-06-26, 03:29 PM
I can't find the stats for the Alfsair spear, and I noted a general lack of nature-oriented items in the books, much to my displeasure...

Also, I need a breef hiatus, gonna draw up some new Elden art for this one.

Elden: Most druid stuff is in Player's Handbook 2, sorry. Did I get that to you?

And okay, can't wait to see it :smallbiggrin:

Alfsair Spear: +2 Alfsair Spear
Weapon: Spear

Enhancement Bonus: attack rolls and damage rolls

Critical: +1d8 psychic and poison damage per plus

Properties: You gain an item bonus to Nature checks equal to the spear’s enhancement bonus.

Classes that use totems can use this spear as an implement for class powers and paragon path powers.

Power (Poison, Psychic) Daily (No Action)Trigger: You score a critical hit against an enemy with this spear.

Effect: The enemy hit by the triggering attack is dazed until the end of its next turn.

Note that you can change the damage typing on that critical bonus, and as said, you use the highest critical bonus of your magical weaponry.

2013-06-28, 03:34 AM
A sudden murmur spreads through the air. Without a moment's notice, the tree suddenly erupts in a unpiercable flood of light, covering the plains in white illumination. When the light dies down a second later, the tree is gone. What once was a ashen wasteland is now and endless rolling plain of swaying grass. Amidst the charred hightree stump, now turned into a ring of petrified wood, a sole monument of the past, stands what can best be described as a sabertoothed fox the size of a lesser bear. It's fur is bright orange and around it's neck, it carries the Garnet Heart Amulet. On the middle of its forehead burns the bright sun of Pelor.


Elden-fox lets out primal growl. A rustle sweeps through the grass, and grows to a tumultuous storm as thousands and thousands of forest spirits rally to his side. He gives the party an intense stare, then turns his eyes toward the horison and his target. With a short but commanding bark, he starts to run.

2013-06-28, 08:16 AM
A sudden murmur spreads through the air. Without a moment's notice, the tree suddenly erupts in a unpiercable flood of light, covering the plains in white illumination. When the light dies down a second later, the tree is gone. What once was a ashen wasteland is now and endless rolling plain of swaying grass. Amidst the charred hightree stump, now turned into a ring of petrified wood, a sole monument of the past, stands what can best be described as a sabertoothed fox the size of a lesser bear. It's fur is bright orange and around it's neck, it carries the Garnet Heart Amulet. On the middle of its forehead burns the bright sun of Pelor.


Elden-fox lets out primal growl. A rustle sweeps through the grass, and grows to a tumultuous storm as thousands and thousands of forest spirits rally to his side. He gives the party an intense stare, then turns his eyes toward the horison and his target. With a short but commanding bark, he starts to run.

Elden: ...a fox? I mean, I've got no trouble with that foxes are cool (one of my favorite mammals), I was just expecting a wolf :smalltongue:

Also, the implication is that none of the fire was "real" and it was all a sort of vision quest/shared hallucination, right? Just checking, because that's how I'd probably play it.

Oh also post in the OOC thread what druid you are I forget, I think predator

Bast shakes her head and is the first to react. "Okay guys we can figure out what drugs we took to see all that later, lets...um, follow that Elden-fox!" she then gets onto her horse and rushes off after him. As she does she shouts that she'll leave an obvious trail for you all to follow, if you left your horses back where Elden left his horse.

If you've got any quips, now'd be a good time to say em.

Ranger Mattos
2013-06-28, 11:03 AM
Carric shakes his head and blinks his eyes a few times, staring in disbelief. "Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that."

He then also follows.

2013-06-28, 02:00 PM
Elden: ...a fox? I mean, I've got no trouble with that foxes are cool (one of my favorite mammals), I was just expecting a wolf :smalltongue:

Also, the implication is that none of the fire was "real" and it was all a sort of vision quest/shared hallucination, right? Just checking, because that's how I'd probably play it.

Oh also post in the OOC thread what druid you are I forget, I think predator

Well, Elden isn't really a wolf person, bears don't really fit with Elden's tall and slender build, and felines are kind of overdone. Plus, foxes are cool and kind of break the norm without being all too out of the blue. Also, they have the closest correct colouration.

I was more thinking along the lines of really trippy primal magic. Most of what happened (like the whole "forest of fire" deal) wasn't Elden's doing, but rather the earth's reaction to his presence. It was saturated with memories blood and primal spirits, after all. This also means that what happened wasn't as much illusory as otherworldly, and thus not abiding entirely to the natural world's laws of physics, letting impossible things (like the spirit tree) exist or rendering otherwise harmful elements harmless.

And I don't really figure out how much I get from multiclassing? Would Elden get a Primal Aspect? Because the it's kind of the Primal Aspect which decides...

2013-06-28, 02:29 PM
Well, Elden isn't really a wolf person, bears don't really fit with Elden's tall and slender build, and felines are kind of overdone. Plus, foxes are cool and kind of break the norm without being all too out of the blue. Also, they have the closest correct colouration.

I was more thinking along the lines of really trippy primal magic. Most of what happened (like the whole "forest of fire" deal) wasn't Elden's doing, but rather the earth's reaction to his presence. It was saturated with memories blood and primal spirits, after all. This also means that what happened wasn't as much illusory as otherworldly, and thus not abiding entirely to the natural world's laws of physics, letting impossible things (like the spirit tree) exist or rendering otherwise harmful elements harmless.

And I don't really figure out how much I get from multiclassing? Would Elden get a Primal Aspect? Because the it's kind of the Primal Aspect which decides...

Elden: That trippy primal magic thing is what I was talking about when I said that. Understood. And aaah, okay. I like it!

And lets see...right, you don't actually get a Primal Aspect. Atleast not yet anyway. My idea is that once you guys hit paragon, your multiclass will give you a bonus from that class.

2013-06-28, 03:03 PM
"It seems this is all to be had in this place. For now.

I have no intention of needlessly marching for a week amidst the spectral army. I'll be going to Wattertrodden for some purchases and errands, then I may or may not make a stop at Bael Turath or Summerglen before finally going to Hammerne on the seventh or sixth day to fly to the party then.

If anyone is interested in coming along to any of those I could easily take you there and then pick you up by the 24th to take you to the party in time."

Adalhard will accompany the party to the horses while awaiting any answer.

Blue Ghost
2013-06-30, 12:11 AM
I'm coming with you to Watertrodden, and if you're going to Bael Turath, I will as well. I need to learn as much as I can about Melech before I confront him.

2013-06-30, 09:17 AM
Khan will look around, trying to take in as much of what happened as possible, before mounting his horse and following Adalhard and Juniper. "I have business in Watertrodden myself. I'll ride with you."

2013-06-30, 09:22 AM
Okay! At this point the party is split.

While Carric and Bast chase after Elden, the rest of the party shall pall around Watertrodden and presumably the other areas Adalhard can get them too through Linked Portal, until the day of the party.

So hey. Even though Elden is fueled by revenge and is an awesome fox right now, I'm going to assume that even he still needs to take breaks. During these breaks, Bast will be training with Carric, to better herself. Carric, you can roleplay with Bast if you want, but you don't have to unless you have like, something specific to mention.

Meanwhile, the rest of you've gotta wait until Pinkhair is online so he can Linked Portal you guys home. After that you can do all the roleplay/information gathering you want and what have you. Yay stuff happening!

2013-06-30, 04:35 PM
"Very well then. Take care Bast, Carric; and try to take care of Elden."

Upon reaching the horses Adalhard brushes his fingertips against each other and blood falls to the floor, the drops start to gather and form themselves into a simple circle.

Adalhard then starts gesturing rhythmically around with his hands as the tips direct points of light which quickly form auroral weaves in the air. He twirls them into a circle in front of him and soon the colours materialise into a watery surface while snow falls around from the weaves.

Adalhard holds a hand behind his back and the other one gesturing towards the portal.


I'll be going to Bael Turath the 21st, at 12:00 P.M., from the Seaside Inn; from there I'll go to Summerglen at 4:00 A.M. the 23rd; I'll be returning to pick everyone from the city they were left at, the 24th between 10 to 11 A.M. from the cities' Mages' Guilds; and we end up in Hammerne, from there we have around 3 hours for any additional purchases before departing on the Gale Winds at 2:00 P.M. to the Party, we'll arrive at midnight to the castle, probably earlier than the rest of the party."

Adalhard will step through last.

"I'll be staying in the Seaside Inn, I've got some friends to meet and some errands to run.

Is 6:00 P.M. at the Seaside Inn's bar a reasonable starting time for the Primordial lessons Juniper?"

Blue Ghost
2013-07-02, 01:38 AM
I shall go with you to Bael Turath when the time comes. I have some unfinished business there. Now, to Watertrodden!

Juniper steps through the portal.

Sounds good. I'll see you around then.

Juniper then heads off to explore the city and search for information.

2013-07-02, 01:02 PM
"Very well then."

Adalhard heads to the Seaside Inn.

On the way he checks to see any activity by the KoA. And purchases vial holder sets and a stirring rod.

Adalhard asks for a room and sets himself up in it; from 9:00 to 10:00 he'll make a Gem of Colloquy (Primordial), he trances from 10:00 to 14:00.

From 14:00 to 17:00 Adalhard makes a proper set-up in his room. He carefully places the vials containing the gathered essence from the Skyhomes' Forest in the holder as well as the vials with Blood and Shadow REM. He proceeds to delineate with chalk a number of arcane markings and circles in the table. Finally he pours a vial of the essence from the forest inside a Jar of Timelessness and closes the lid on it as the substance is suspended in stasis.

From 17:00 to 18:00 he enchants the Jewel in his Raven Queen amulet with Gem of Colloquy (Deep Speech)

2013-07-02, 01:24 PM
Upon arriving in Watertrodden, Khan will nod to his companions as he takes his leave and head off in a different direction from either of them.

After ditching Juniper and Adalhard, Khan heads for the location of the old contact point to check for a reply to his messages.

((Stealth roll because it seemed generally appropriate: [roll0]))

2013-07-02, 01:28 PM
I shall go with you to Bael Turath when the time comes. I have some unfinished business there. Now, to Watertrodden!

Juniper steps through the portal.

Sounds good. I'll see you around then.

Juniper then heads off to explore the city and search for information.

Juniper: Okay! Give me a streetwise, insight, history, or whatever knowledge check you can think of that you think might help with finding information! Also give me some ideas of where you'd think to look for searching, that'll help some :smalltongue:

"Very well then."

Adalhard heads to the Seaside Inn.

On the way he checks to see any activity by the KoA. And purchases vial holder sets and a stirring rod.

Adalhard asks for a room and sets himself up in it; from 9:00 to 10:00 he'll make a Gem of Colloquy (Primordial), he trances from 10:00 to 14:00.

From 14:00 to 17:00 Adalhard makes a proper set-up in his room. He carefully places the vials containing the gathered essence from the Skyhomes' Forest in the holder as well as the vials with Blood and Shadow REM. He proceeds to delineate with chalk a number of arcane markings and circles in the table. Finally he pours a vial of the essence from the forest inside a Jar of Timelessness and closes the lid on it as the substance is suspended in stasis.

From 17:00 to 18:00 he enchants the Jewel in his Raven Queen amulet with Gem of Colloquy (Deep Speech)

Adalhard: Noted.

KOA1 has procured the chest, and is awaiting orders.

KOA2 is still exploring

KOA3 protected a merchant from some bandits. No deaths on either side, just scared em off.

Upon arriving in Watertrodden, Khan will nod to his companions as he takes his leave and head off in a different direction from either of them.

After ditching Juniper and Adalhard, Khan heads for the location of the old contact point to check for a reply to his messages.

((Stealth roll because it seemed generally appropriate: [roll0]))

Khaneron: Okay! You easily hide, and make your way across the roof tops to the old crow coop. There is a crow there, and it has a message container tied around it's foot!

2013-07-02, 01:44 PM

Khan carefully retrieves the message from the crow before heading over to the shadow of a nearby awning. Leaning against the wall, he opens the message and reads its contents.

2013-07-02, 02:22 PM

Khan carefully retrieves the message from the crow before heading over to the shadow of a nearby awning. Leaning against the wall, he opens the message and reads its contents.

Cobra: You receive one message, and it is as follows.

Agent Hydratalon,

Although we are, officially, reactivating you, you are given the assignment of destroying this Lich at any cost. Although we cannot currently send any reinforcements, we will be able to provide some aid. However, do keep the utmost secrecy. Officially, the Crows have been disbanded nine years ago.

As for the samples you have provided, they will be of great use to us. We will send back a report when we have it, after getting confirmation of your location beforehand.


2013-07-02, 02:32 PM

Khan slips the message into one of his pockets, to be destroyed as soon as is conveniently possible, before writing a short message of his own.

The party I am travelling with will be arriving in Bael Turath on the afternoon of the 21st. Will look for your contact at the Fountain of Steam when I arrive.

Blue Ghost
2013-07-02, 11:34 PM
Juniper shall go around town, to the guards and around the bars, looking for information about the activities of Melech Ambrose and the Fell Court, while trying not to attract too much attention. In particular, he keeps his ears open for any news about the Fell Court's slave ring in Bael Turath.

Streetwise: [roll0]

2013-07-02, 11:41 PM
Juniper shall go around town, to the guards and around the bars, looking for information about the activities of Melech Ambrose and the Fell Court, while trying not to attract too much attention. In particular, he keeps his ears open for any news about the Fell Court's slave ring in Bael Turath.

Streetwise: [roll0]

It takes a bit of searching since you're trying to be subtle, but you do find some bits of information. The rumors basically say that Melech isn't much of a sword fighter, he just carries a big ole scimitar to be intimidating (based on the statue of him you saw in the Tiefling Manor back in The Barracade, this seems likely. As a reminder the sword was sorta just shoved into his belt in that statue). However, what he lacks in sword skill he makes up for in magical talent. There are also rumours that he can hide his horns and tail, taking on the appearance of any race, and that he can extend this glamour to his fellows. That's about it, other then the obvious false rumors like "he's got like, a dozen arms" and stuff like that.

As for the activities of The Fell Court, it appears things have died down for the most part. There is the occasional story, but nothing much (and nothing that could be 100% called the Fell Court's doing). However, you do notice that reports say they've increased activity in the Blackwater Marshlands.

Finally, for the slave rings, it appears that a vast majority of the illegal slave trade has been wiped out. There is still the issues of the "legal slavery", ie Indentured Service, but they're also working towards improving the safety of those I said service.

Blue Ghost
2013-07-06, 09:55 PM
Juniper takes this information to heart, and will train in fighting against magic in the coming days. What particular kinds of magic?

2013-07-07, 01:27 AM
Juniper takes this information to heart, and will train in fighting against magic in the coming days. What particular kinds of magic?

Infernal magics, so revolving around necrotic and fire, and possibly some summoning spells. Spells that inflict status effects may be possible as well, as evidenced by rumours that sound atleast plausible like "he can stop you from moving by glaring at you" and what have you.

But yha, that's about it. Infernal magics.

2013-07-07, 10:54 PM
Having finished his business in Watertrodden, or as much of it as possible, Khan will head to the Inn to await his companions.

Blue Ghost
2013-07-07, 11:19 PM
Satisfied with the information gathering for the day, Juniper shall return to the inn to meet Adalhard.

2013-07-07, 11:28 PM
Okay, you all meet up with Adalhard! It's around say 9:00, the perfect time to go up to your rooms and rest for the night and do whatever it was that was planned for whenever.

EDIT: Correction, it's 6:00 PM, I forgot that you guys were meeting up then! Or at least returning to the inn!

So like...you guys go to the inn, and the innkeeper recognizes you and says Adalhard is up in his room and stuff.

Blue Ghost
2013-07-08, 12:00 AM
Juniper thanks the innkeeper and goes up to meet Adalhard.

2013-07-08, 10:06 AM
Meanwhile, somewhere in the wilderness:
As the night starts to fall, Elden-fox halts to let the others make camp. He then disappears into the terrain. An hour later, he returns, bloody around his snout and dragging a small deer in his teeth, which he drops at the feet of Bast and Carric. It's side gapes open where a large chunk of meat already has been ripped out, and in its forehead, he's carved a setting sun so deep that it scratches the bone. Elden nods meaningly toward the others and wanders off to the side to lie down and rest.

2013-07-08, 10:16 AM
Meanwhile, somewhere in the wilderness:
As the night starts to fall, Elden-fox halts to let the others make camp. He then disappears into the terrain. An hour later, he returns, bloody around his snout and dragging a small deer in his teeth, which he drops at the feet of Bast and Carric. It's side gapes open where a large chunk of meat already has been ripped out, and in its forehead, he's carved a setting sun so deep that it scratches the bone. Elden nods meaningly toward the others and wanders off to the side to lie down and rest.

Carric, Elden, Bast: Um...I'm controlling Bast and Carric :smallredface:

Okay, so they both look semi awkwardly at this, but Bast shrugs and sets up camp so they can cook it. They'll then do some training and stuff, and rest until the morning.


Meanwhile with the other group, I have remembered something! According to the schedule Adalhard has set up, the party is heading to Bael Turath on the 21st, at noon. So like, there is that. I believe the schedule an change, but I'm unsure and stuff! Sorry :smallredface:

Oh, right, Juniper has that one other thing with Adalhard.

2013-07-08, 11:54 AM
Adalhard's Room:
Adalhard's room is unlocked; it hardly seems used at all except the table which appears to be a makeshift alchemy lab; several vials containing the Shadow matter from the lake at the Shadowfel and some vials containing gasified blood. in the centre of the chalk scribblings on the table is a container which radiates magic in the outside but not the inside. Inside of it floats a whitish cloud in suspended animation.

"Good evening, feel free to come in."

Blue Ghost
2013-07-08, 11:28 PM
Adalhard's Room

Juniper obliges, stepping into the room. He hesitates when he sees all the paraphernalia laid out on the table.
What is all this you have here?

2013-07-09, 12:02 AM
Adalhard's Room:
Adalhard walks to the black Shadowfel blobs.

"This substance here is called Raw Energy Magic; due to the way and time it spent in such a nuclei of Shadow it's taken the properties of said branch of power. But because it's inherently still REM I was able to channel it back then and can still control it to minor degree.

It's called Transcendental or Naryshkin's Alchemy; the idea of one school from which all types of magic derive. REM is perhaps the substance that prompted such an idea; able to take the characteristics of the medium first thrust upon it."

Adalhard then moves to the gaseous blobs.

"I started experimenting with the creation of REM after we arrived from the Shadowfel. This is blood REM in it's most stable form, and it can be produced without external means other than the caster's blood and thaumaturgy. It also happens to share the primal properties of blood, meaning with enough concentration it'd be possible to perform blood rituals without incurring in victims. Sadly the concentrations I handle are still too low for that and right now it's only usable as focus rather than material component."

Adalhard then follows the lines with his finger to the centre of the table.

"I took some samples from the Skyhomes forest, the residual Arcane energy from the weapons and alchemical by-products; it's been exposed to the Primal elements for decades and yet retains its original consistency.

While you were riding to Leafhaven I produced this simple jar from the schematics I had had for some time; it's a Jar of Timelesness, whatever is put inside remains in suspended animation until removed; the diagrams are relatively simple while the magic is more interesting than complex.

I'm trying to study how Arcane magic interacts with Time and with Primal energies, I had hoped Carric knew more about Hollowtree methods since I believe he came close to the Material Seal, the common link between Arcane and Primal alchemies, but it appears he doesn't know.

Though my experiments diverge in all ways. Blood REM studies throw me into the realm of the Dual Seal, the link between the Divine and Arcane realms, which is already partially understood. My experimentation with Time is throwing me into the land of the Alchemy of the Aether or the Debased Postulate; the opposite to the Transcendental Postulate, the idea that if you pile enough magic it doesn't matter the source the result will be the same and that it's easier to part from high above and then simplify to the desired branch. My research into Shadow REM throws me into the Impure Seal, the link between Shadow and Arcane. And finally my study of the Skyhomes residual energies hints me towards the Material Seal.

In general I've been keeping or making myself busy with all of what we've been finding lying around so far."

Adalhard then stops.

"Sorry for monologuing. Found anything of interest this time around?"

Blue Ghost
2013-07-10, 12:04 AM
Adalhard's Room
Juniper nods. He's trying his best to follow Adalhard's explanation, but he's confused by some of the nuances. What exactly are you hoping to achieve by this experimentation? Or is it all theoretical?

As for me, I've been doing some information gathering on the Fell Court's activities. Good news, it appears that they've died down in Bael Turath, thank Avandra. But they're still active in Blackwater. I hope that'll change once I defeat Melech Ambrose. And I've gotten some leads on his fighting style, which I can perhaps use to my advantage. Do you know of ways to counter infernal magics?

2013-07-10, 12:34 AM
Adalhard's Room:
Adalhard stops to think for a moment.
"I'm not really sure actually...

Blood REM could serve as a sacrificial component for rituals requiring one without needing to take lives I guess; only if I could make it purer though. Time research productiveness is entirely practical but I suppose only for combat, and only if my conclusions on it are correct. Shadow REM I'm hoping will lead to some way of permanent warding from Shadowfel taint but that's just hope, for now it's merely theoretical. As for the Skyhome's Residue... I tried to do something productive of the trip and was hoping for some serendipitous discovery so I'm not sure if I can even hope for a development of any sort from it."

Adalhard rests against a wall for a moment.

"Azrael, Sariel?"
On the types of Infernal Magic, common practitioners and methods. Results and how to hamper it long term, short term or through simple methods.

2013-07-10, 12:53 AM
Adalhard's Room:
Adalhard stops to think for a moment.
"I'm not really sure actually...

Blood REM could serve as a sacrificial component for rituals requiring one without needing to take lives I guess; only if I could make it purer though. Time research productiveness is entirely practical but I suppose only for combat, and only if my conclusions on it are correct. Shadow REM I'm hoping will lead to some way of permanent warding from Shadowfel taint but that's just hope, for now it's merely theoretical. As for the Skyhome's Residue... I tried to do something productive from the trip and was hoping for some serendipitous discovery so I'm not sure if I can even hope for a development of any sort from it."

Adalhard rests against a wall for a moment.

"Azrael, Sariel?"
On the types of Infernal Magic, common practitioners and methods. Results and how to hamper it long term, short term or through simple methods.

Adalhard: Typical things that'd help protect against the infernal powers of devil's and the like are things like cold iron (I think it was cold iron anyway), protective warding rituals by the more divinely inclined, and holy symbols.

Types of infernal magic are typically things like fire, necrotic, fear effects (usually about immobilization) and stuff of that manner. People who practice it would be those who've sold their souls to a devil, or devil's themselves, and of course people with devil blood.

Now, on the more indepth stuff, the best way to, long term, disable infernal magic is by killing the devil that is their source of power, or by finding a way to free their soul from said creature (once the link is gone, the power goes away). In the short term, there are some plants that, when mixed together (with some divine magic thrown in for good measure) create a salve that'll block the link between caster and devil. This doesn't do any good for natural ability, of course, but it helps. You also figure this salve could make a good repellent for infernal abilities. It wouldn't be perfect, and wouldn't last for more then a single battle at least, but it's another thing that would help.

2013-07-10, 01:26 AM
Adalhard's Room:
He pushes himself away from the wall.
"Silver; there's a reason Devils and Demons call those coins stingers. Useful more for offence than defence, and only against the ones behind rather than the intercessors though. Holy Symbols probably, throw some protective warding on top, not hard to get from a church.

It also would depend on the source, whether it's blood based, pact based, binding based or simply infernally channelled.

The most general case would be either killing the devil behind for pact and binding based. A connection blocking salves would work, good for killing clerics and paladins but in this situation it would be trivial to direct it toward contract links. The formula for an infernal null-field is trivially deducible, but it wouldn't be perfect and it would easily dissipate, probably would last around 5 minutes at most."

Adalhard then breathes out.

"But at the end of the day the best way for dealing with him is the good old method of repeatedly running a random wedged solid through his body before he can move his hands around.


I think there is something which might be of aid in combat against him in particular... specially against immobilization; and another thing for his capacity of lingering effects...

They are simple enchantments, the total cost of the materials for both doesn't exceed the 16,8 platinum pieces. I took the precaution of both some time ago but I could duplicate the effects right now actually."

Blue Ghost
2013-07-10, 11:10 PM
Adalhard's room
I have a pretty solid wedge here, though I'll take any advantage I can get. What kind of enchantments and salves are we talking here?

2013-07-10, 11:31 PM
Adalhard's Room:
"The enchantments are the Sign of Action and the Flowing Enchantment; the second is necessarily bound to the armour.

As for the salves..."

Adalhard hesitates for a moment.

"Liquid Anathema; it's a salve used for incapacitating and facilitating the murder of Paladins and Clerics, though it works for anything depending on a link to either an investiture or a great "power". It's relatively easy to make, the ingredients are not extremely hard to find, though it dissipates quickly after application. And I shouldn't have to tell you this, but you shouldn't be the one applying it to your weapon or to him.

The second is a case of using devil binding and summoning theory and some Debased Alchemy. It's a substance that for all purposes makes you register as devil-bound or a devil yourself for the purposes of their magic and only their magic, it would moderately reduce the effect of all infernal magic on you. It however also has a short duration due to the amount of magical volume required to perform the Debased Alchemy."
Flowform Armour (PHB3)
Phylactery of Action (Dungeon Magazine 212)

Blue Ghost
2013-07-10, 11:41 PM
Adalhard's room
Liquid Anathema? Debased Alchemy? Dark stuff, but if it won't have adverse effects on my soul or anything else, I'll take it. How long would it take to make them?

2013-07-10, 11:49 PM
Adalhard's Room:
"The title of Debased comes from the lack of finesse of the methods, not due to any sort of dark nature in it.

If you get me the ingredients for either I can have them ready before the party."

Blue Ghost
2013-07-11, 12:06 AM
Adalhard's room:
Where can I find the ingredients?

2013-07-11, 12:18 AM
Adalhard's Room:
"Shouldn't be hard to find them in any mage's guild or a market with some alchemical bent.

Liquid Anathema requires Sanctified Oil as a base, two Hollyhock flowers and a Vervain branch per dose. For the second you'll require Alyssum, blood from any divinely touched individual, blood from an arcanist and Oil of Lotus."

Blue Ghost
2013-07-11, 12:22 AM
Adalhard's room
I'll be sure to pick those up next time I hit the market. The enchantments, I believe I can craft myself.

So, what business do you have in Bael Turath?

2013-07-11, 12:31 AM
Adalhard's Room:
"I'll be meeting with some friends and a mage in particular which I've been meaning to reach for a while, I believe he could be of help.

Also to gather information on the Crows. I'm finding it extremely suspicious that a supposedly disassembled order keeps active members in uniform around; and also to look for any of their other former members, I do not wish to go into the party with Femto knowing more of me than I of him. And perhaps buy some trinket along the way; I like visiting cities, with some luck I could take Ilya along and we could do tourism as a family. Maybe try some tiefling delicacies, visit the imperial palace or just walk around.

You want to keep investigating Melech I take?"

Blue Ghost
2013-07-11, 12:36 AM
Adalhard's room
Not just Melech, but his lackeys and his victims as well. He had a slave ring in Bael Turath. Illegal, of course, but the authorities wouldn't touch it. I want to make sure that the slaves are freed, and remain that way.

2013-07-11, 12:42 AM
Adalhard's Room:
Adalhard removes a small brownish booklet from a pouch.
"May I then ask for a favour then?

The Fell Court, we've seen what it sometimes does to prisoners; I wouldn't be surprised if there were victims with similar conditions to what we've been seeing. If it wouldn't be much of a bother, I'd appreciate if you could list the names of all those who ended up missing parts of their bodies due to the Fell Court."

Adalhard offers the booklet to Juniper.

Blue Ghost
2013-07-11, 12:45 AM
Adalhard's Room:
I can do that. What will you use the information for?

2013-07-11, 12:49 AM
Adalhard's Room:
"This mage I'm hoping to ask for aid; he might be able to help them. Or in the worse case, I guess I'll take such task after we are done with the lich; I owe that much to Cassandra's work. Or in yet another case the Fell Court will fold after the lich and Melech are done for and more productive than hunting it's members will be to have them doing reparations to those they hurt."

Blue Ghost
2013-07-13, 10:34 PM
Adalhard's Room
I agree. If anything can be done to help those poor souls, we have to do it.

Now, how about those lessons?

2013-07-13, 11:00 PM
Adalhard's Room:
"True, I had almost forgotten."

Adalhard spins a pearl on his finger in place.

"Diplomats normally have a need to be able to rapidly learn new languages when sent to unknown lands, diplomatic courtesy and respect of customs and all of that. So they use a little trinket to cheat around.

You just need to wear it or eat it and it should teach you all you need to know. After a while of using it you'll start to acquire the ability to natively speak and understand it."

Adalhard hands Juniper the Gem of Colloquy (Primordial). (it also grants a passive +1 item bonus to Diplomacy)

Blue Ghost
2013-07-13, 11:09 PM
Adalhard's Room
Juniper takes the trinket in hand, and tries to speak some basic phrases in Primordial. Am I doing this right?

2013-07-13, 11:17 PM
Adalhard's Room:
"Fix it on anything on your head, a diadem, a crown, a helmet or a sash; or take it closer to your throat."

Blue Ghost
2013-07-15, 11:03 PM
Adalhard's Room:
Juniper pins the gem to his tunic. This will definitely come in handy. Thank you.

2013-07-15, 11:19 PM
Adalhard's Room:
"You are welcome; have fun with it."
Adalhard smirks.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I must trance; there is so much exertion I can push myself through before I start to cause myself severe injury from REM control and blood magic."

Blue Ghost
2013-07-15, 11:41 PM
Adalhard's Room

Juniper bows as he departs. Save your energy for Bael Turath. We may need it.

2013-07-15, 11:46 PM
Adalhard's Room:
Adalhard laughs.
"A mage always keeps his best trick inside himself."

He then trances until midnight

2013-07-16, 10:52 PM
Okay! Everyone goes to sleep and time passes once more.

Adalhard does stuff at Midnight.

2013-07-17, 01:34 AM
Adalhard will make:
00-01 a Basin of the origin
01-02 2 Quills of Sending
02-03 5 Shrouds of Anastomosis
03-04 Schadenfreude become a Dagger of Ironic Schadenfreude
04-06 Meet with the Knight of Albedo who has the chest and Jatagardst; Linked Portal to Bael Turath with him; step through the Feywild linking zone and Linked Portal to Lilách; send him towards the Schenefeldstil manor with orders to leave the chest with Ilya and continue his mission in the city afterwards.
Adalhard then steps back through the portal he used to send him to Lilách, steps back to Bael Turath and LPs back to Wattertrodden and returns to the inn to trance until 10 a.m.

2013-07-17, 01:36 AM
Adalhard will make:
00-01 a Basin of the origin
01-02 2 Quills of Sending
02-03 5 Shrouds of Anastomosis
03-04 Schadenfreude become a Dagger of Ironic Schadenfreude
04-06 Meet with the Knight of Albedo who has the chest and Jatagardst; Linked Portal to Bael Turath with him; step through the Feywild linking zone and Linked Portal to Lilách; send him towards the Schenefeldstil manor with orders to leave the chest with Ilya and continue his mission in the city afterwards.
Adalhard then steps back through the portal he used to send him to Lilách, steps back to Bael Turath and LPs back to Wattertrodden and returns to the inn to trance until 10 a.m.

Adalhard: Noted, and continue~

2013-07-17, 01:45 PM
As soon as he exits his trance at 10:00 A.M. Adalhard issues a sending to Tagger:

"I have found a cure to thy affliction, Tagger Ironfists. I can return to you the two which you lost, the Barricade’s Mageguild’s at 11:10"

2013-07-17, 03:14 PM
As soon as he exits his trance at 10:00 A.M. Adalhard issues a sending to Tagger:

"I have found a cure to thy affliction, Tagger Ironfists. I can return to you the two which you lost, the Barricade’s Mageguild’s at 11:10"

Adalhard: Tagger responds "Um...alright" . It's clear he wasn't expecting this.

2013-07-17, 03:18 PM
Adalhard proceeds to use Linked Portal to the Barricade's Mage's Guild.

2013-07-17, 03:22 PM
Adalhard proceeds to use Linked Portal to the Barricade's Mage's Guild.

Adalhard: Okay! You arrive, and time passes.

Time passes, and it is now morning of the 19th!

Thursday, December 19th
8:00 AM

Khane, Juniper, you may do things if you wish! If not I'll just assume you do the general "training and studying and stuff" type thing.

Meanwhile, Carric and Bast continue following the Elden Fox!

Blue Ghost
2013-07-17, 11:45 PM
Juniper shall hit the markets and attempt to track down the ingredients that Adalhard asked for.

2013-07-17, 11:53 PM
Juniper shall hit the markets and attempt to track down the ingredients that Adalhard asked for.

It's not that difficult at all to find the ingredients you're looking for. It costs like...around two gold pieces to get enough resources for the whole party, they aren't that expensive.

Blue Ghost
2013-07-22, 11:18 PM
Juniper shall buy the ingredients. Then he shall purchase some alchemical reagents, and return to his room to fashion the enchantments that Adalhard mentioned, the Sign of Action and the Flowing Enchantment.

2013-07-23, 08:16 AM
Okay! You do that. And assuming that's it, we can now advance. Or we could, but Pinkhair is on temporary leave so we've got to wait for him to return.

Sorry everyone!

2013-07-23, 10:39 AM
So... Tagger arrives?

Okay! You do that. And assuming that's it, we can now advance. Or we could, but Pinkhair is on temporary leave so we've got to wait for him to return.

Sorry everyone!
*Looks around, notices he's still home, wonders how many people colour their hair like that on lost bets*

2013-07-23, 10:29 PM
So... Tagger arrives?

*Looks around, notices he's still home, wonders how many people colour their hair like that on lost bets*

Adalhard: Yes, sorry.

Hahaha, sorry Pinkhair!

2013-07-23, 11:43 PM
Dressed as Albedo, Adalhard approaches Tagger.

"Good morning good gentleman."

He says while analysing him to check if both arms are still weapons. He then bows.

"I'd shake your hand but it appears that's what you are hoping to do after I do my magic, is that correct?"

Adalhard heads to the streets and beckons him to follow.

2013-07-23, 11:47 PM
Dressed as Albedo, Adalhard approaches Tagger.

"Good morning good gentleman."

He says while analysing him to check if both arms are still weapons. He then bows.

"I'd shake your hand but it appears that's what you are hoping to do after I do my magic, is that correct?"

Adalhard heads to the streets and beckons him to follow.

Adalhard: Both arms are still weapons, though it's clear he's had them more refined instead of just being swords shoved into his arm stumps. "That I do. I don't rightly remember much of what happened that day, but I've been told I can trust you." he responds, voice gruff and gravely.

2013-07-24, 02:04 AM
"Very well then. I however can't simply chop and restore immediately; I need to know what I'll be removing and I need some material assistance as well.

First of all; how were they grafted? To what depth were they intruded upon and do they connect with a bone or are they but rough intrusions unto the stumps? Could you point to the last bone on each of the two extremities as well as the starting point of the weapon?

Now; I believe you would know of a place where one could get a recently deceased human or elven-folk. We need a proxy to divert most of the pain of the procedure to and those sort of corpses tend to be rather good at receiving channelled impulses."

2013-07-24, 02:08 AM
"Very well then. I however can't simply chop and restore immediately; I need to know what I'll be removing and I need some material assistance as well.

First of all; how were they grafted? To what depth were they intruded upon and do they connect with a bone or are they but rough intrusions unto the stumps? Could you point to the last bone on each of the two extremities as well as the starting point of the weapon?

Now; I believe you would know of a place where one could get a recently deceased human or elven-folk. We need a proxy to divert most of the pain of the procedure to and those sort of corpses tend to be rather good at receiving channelled impulses."

Adalhard: Tagger isn't the smartest when it comes to this stuff, but he's able to point out where the more mechanical bits end and the flesh and bone begins to a suitable level that you require.

As to the elf, Tagger responds "Well some elf bandits jumped a caravan. The bodies are out in the snow, I reckon I could find them for you."

2013-07-24, 02:22 AM
"I'll have to remove up to the Ulna, can't risk leaving any of the metal inside of you and I'd probably would have had restore the whole forearm anyway.

Let us go then; though cold should preserve them well I hope the field beasts have yet to find them."

Adalhard will follow Tagger

2013-07-24, 02:50 AM
"I'll have to remove up to the Ulna, can't risk leaving any of the metal inside of you and I'd probably would have had restore the whole forearm anyway.

Let us go then; though cold should preserve them well I hope the field beasts have yet to find them."

Adalhard will follow Tagger

Adalhard: "The only beasts that prowl these areas prefer warm flesh to cold. You should be fine then" Tagger jokes, laughing at his little joke. He then leads Adalhard outside to where the bodies would be. There are 4 elf bodies buried in shallow, snowy graves off the side of the road.

Oh also I hope your days have been going well, haven't seen you online for awhile.

2013-07-24, 03:33 AM
Adalhard modestly laughs at his joke as well.

He positions the four bodies around a circle, each opposed to the other; feet looking inwards. They form a cross around the centre which Adalhard clears of snow.

He removes Schdenfreude from inside his robes and makes a simple cut on his left hand letting the blueish blood fall to the ground.

"I summon thee.
Heed thy call.
Your orders given.
Your kind abroad

To serve one
to serve all.
And so I call you
Knights without swords."

As he pronounces this, the blood starts forming a concentric circle around him and forming an arrow with the bodies, with the head on theirs; one in each cardinal direction and corresponding to one body each.

As he utters the last words he sticks Almacia to the ground; the circle and lines glow bright and blueish.

The 4 new knights rise first as floating corpses before reaching to their feet as their clothes turn into their uniform (each with their customary two pre-charged rituals coming from Adalhard's allotment).

"Now, to the fun proper."

Adalhard leads Tagger to the centre of the circle and helps him lie down; he asks him to spread his arms.

Adalhard grows thick ice around the shoulders, high enough to block Tagger's vision of his arms which he freezes up until the elbow. He helps his head into looking upwards and forms ice around so as to fix it to said position. He finally also binds his legs in ice.

"I'm sorry but I need you awake and while you won't feel a thing until I start restoring it we can't risk a bad movement during the removal or the process itself.

You also mustn't try to look; while you shouldn't feel a thing until I tell you to brace yourself the eyes deceive and it won't be a pretty image."

Adalhard hands Schadenfreude to one of the newly ordained KoA.

"Through the elbow, prod for the joint and go in between, once you start with the knife you can't stop. Man it up. You've got to do it twice."

After the knight is finished with the removal process (while Tagger doesn't feel a thing while the Knight has the sensation resulting from the process) Adalhard will proceed to do both duplication of the missing limbs.

"Now, I'll get you some new meat in there, five fingers per arm; nothing quite like opposable thumbs. Will be kinda cold for a few days, might not be fully responsive until then; but on the upside the creatures around here will probably leave the cold bits alone.

Can't say it won't hurt, probably like nine hells and an abyss or two. But as long as you don't spasm too bad or knock yourself out you should be all right."

Adalhard then places each of the duplicated forearms at the junction and stands behind Tagger's head while overseeing both arms. He looks at two KoAs.

"Hold those pieces against the body, the less times I have to go through this the better for him."

He then signals the other two.

"Please hold him tight, whilst the ice is thick I'd much rather not have any inconvenience at this point ."

He then repeatedly chants through the whole duration of the ritual:

"Omnis caro remissus.
Omnis caro ligatus."

And I'm going to need Tagger's Endurance check.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nothing that I can speak about here, probably will be a month or more until I can use pidgin again.

2013-07-24, 09:13 AM
Adalhard modestly laughs at his joke as well.

He positions the four bodies around a circle, each opposed to the other; feet looking inwards. They form a cross around the centre which Adalhard clears of snow.

He removes Schdenfreude from inside his robes and makes a simple cut on his left hand letting the blueish blood fall to the ground.

"I summon thee.
Heed thy call.
Your orders given.
Your kind abroad

To serve one
to serve all.
And so I call you
Knights without swords."

As he pronounces this, the blood starts forming a concentric circle around him and forming an arrow with the bodies, with the head on theirs; one in each cardinal direction and corresponding to one body each.

As he utters the last words he sticks Almacia to the ground; the circle and lines glow bright and blueish.

The 4 new knights rise first as floating corpses before reaching to their feet as their clothes turn into their uniform (each with their customary two pre-charged rituals coming from Adalhard's allotment).

"Now, to the fun proper."

Adalhard leads Tagger to the centre of the circle and helps him lie down; he asks him to spread his arms.

Adalhard grows thick ice around the shoulders, high enough to block Tagger's vision of his arms which he freezes up until the elbow. He helps his head into looking upwards and forms ice around so as to fix it to said position. He finally also binds his legs in ice.

"I'm sorry but I need you awake and while you won't feel a thing until I start restoring it we can't risk a bad movement during the removal or the process itself.

You also mustn't try to look; while you shouldn't feel a thing until I tell you to brace yourself the eyes deceive and it won't be a pretty image."

Adalhard hands Schadenfreude to one of the newly ordained KoA.

"Through the elbow, prod for the joint and go in between, once you start with the knife you can't stop. Man it up. You've got to do it twice."

After the knight is finished with the removal process (while Tagger doesn't feel a thing while the Knight has the sensation resulting from the process) Adalhard will proceed to do both duplication of the missing limbs.

"Now, I'll get you some new meat in there, five fingers per arm; nothing quite like opposable thumbs. Will be kinda cold for a few days, might not be fully responsive until then; but on the upside the creatures around here will probably leave the cold bits alone.

Can't say it won't hurt, probably like nine hells and an abyss or two. But as long as you don't spasm too bad or knock yourself out you should be all right."

Adalhard then places each of the duplicated forearms at the junction and stands behind Tagger's head while overseeing both arms. He looks at two KoAs.

"Hold those pieces against the body, the less times I have to go through this the better for him."

He then signals the other two.

"Please hold him tight, whilst the ice is thick I'd much rather not have any inconvenience at this point ."

He then repeatedly chants through the whole duration of the ritual:

"Omnis caro remissus.
Omnis caro ligatus."

And I'm going to need Tagger's Endurance check.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nothing that I can speak about here, probably will be a month or more until I can use pidgin again.

Adalhard: Tagger Endurance Roll: [roll0]

And okay. See you then!

2013-07-24, 02:59 PM
The pain is (while horrible) nothing Tagger can't bear and he should be able to manage to wait through the ordeal by grunting and uncomfortable attempts at shaking slightly.

Adalhard signals the two KoAs holding the arms to tie the junction with two of the Shrouds of Anastomosis.

He then lowers the temperature in his hands considerably before touching Tagger's new hands (which Tagger can notice almost instantly). He inspects the length of the new forearms before releasing the ice binding him.

"The procedure has been a perfect success, if I may say so myself; you should be able to use and feel them about now.

You've got organic duplicates on you, keep those shrouds tight and there, don't remove them if you want to keep those arms. You should have them for about a year before they become permanent. Try to keep any life threatening activity controlled, if your body starts to falter odds are the duplicates are the first thing it will let go if it has to choose. That doesn't mean no combat but don't go blindly storming forts by yourself.

Consider visiting one of my brothers about once a month, they should be able to check on the progress or fix anything that could show up...

But considering the work I've just done I severely doubt anything will pop-up."

Adalhard packs the two sword forearms in a piece of cloth and ties them and offers the package to Tagger.

"Would you like to keep them as a memento?"

2013-07-24, 10:24 PM
The pain is (while horrible) nothing Tagger can't bear and he should be able to manage to wait through the ordeal by grunting and uncomfortable attempts at shaking slightly.

Adalhard signals the two KoAs holding the arms to tie the junction with two of the Shrouds of Anastomosis.

He then lowers the temperature in his hands considerably before touching Tagger's new hands (which Tagger can notice almost instantly). He inspects the length of the new forearms before releasing the ice binding him.

"The procedure has been a perfect success, if I may say so myself; you should be able to use and feel them about now.

You've got organic duplicates on you, keep those shrouds tight and there, don't remove them if you want to keep those arms. You should have them for about a year before they become permanent. Try to keep any life threatening activity controlled, if your body starts to falter odds are the duplicates are the first thing it will let go if it has to choose. That doesn't mean no combat but don't go blindly storming forts by yourself.

Consider visiting one of my brothers about once a month, they should be able to check on the progress or fix anything that could show up...

But considering the work I've just done I severely doubt anything will pop-up."

Adalhard packs the two sword forearms in a piece of cloth and ties them and offers the package to Tagger.

"Would you like to keep them as a memento?"

Adalhard: Tagger is clearly stunned to have his arms back. He takes the sword arms "Thanks, I will. I'm more of a pugilist myself, so I'll have to take it easier then you say, but once that year is over I'm getting back into things. Thank you, you did wonders"

2013-07-25, 01:50 AM
Adalhard grasps the forearm junction on the knights who used Schadenfreude.

"Sorry. You know your commands, you are dismissed.

Be hope."

He then turns back to Tagger.

"It is nothing, if one can and should, why not?

There is something one of ours wishes to know; in regards to the manor after the death of the band of 6 who went into it, and in general in regards to the ones behind your cutlery work. He also inquires about Miss Swiftarrow."

2013-07-25, 11:01 PM
Adalhard grasps the forearm junction on the knights who used Schadenfreude.

"Sorry. You know your commands, you are dismissed.

Be hope."

He then turns back to Tagger.

"It is nothing, if one can and should, why not?

There is something one of ours wishes to know; in regards to the manor after the death of the band of 6 who went into it, and in general in regards to the ones behind your cutlery work. He also inquires about Miss Swiftarrow."

Adalhard: Tagger is at first confused "But...aren't you one of those guys? They died? Huh..." he says, though he does sort of brush it off. "She's doing good. Her arm was broken but it's healed nicely now. The ah...one over there" he points to one of the Knights "She killed that one."

2013-07-25, 11:25 PM
"I'm afraid reality is spurious. Specially when magic is involved.

And now, I must go. Take care."

Adalhard waves his arms around as the small auroras dance around forming a circle at the end of it and then walking through it. He LPs to Wattertrodden and heads to the inn where he'll trance between 16:00 to 20:00.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Do tell if I continue after the trancing or wait for in-between posters.

2013-07-25, 11:27 PM
"I'm afraid reality is spurious. Specially when magic is involved.

And now, I must go. Take care."

Adalhard waves his arms around as the small auroras dance around forming a circle at the end of it and then walking through it. He LPs to Wattertrodden and heads to the inn where he'll trance between 16:00 to 20:00.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Do tell if I continue after the trancing or wait for in-between posters.

Adalhard: No one's doing anything worth posting about until the 21st when you guys go to Bael Turath anyway, so continue posting.

2013-07-25, 11:36 PM
Adalhard will wake at 20:00, and produce the Restful Bedroll.

Inmediately afterwards he makes a sending to Ilya (assuming the chest has arrived already)

"Get in the chest with clothes for a week or so. Wait inside calmly; remember to tell Ledia you are going on vacations fora week."
He waits for her answer.

2013-07-25, 11:46 PM
Adalhard will wake at 20:00, and produce the Restful Bedroll.

Inmediately afterwards he makes a sending to Ilya (assuming the chest has arrived already)

"Get in the chest with clothes for a week or so. Wait inside calmly; remember to tell Ledia you are going on vacations fora week."
He waits for her answer.

Adalhard: The chest has indeed arrived.

Ilya responds "Okay. A little crowded, but alright. Can't bring any plants. Ledia is somewhat scared of them, camping outside house in tent. Is kind of silly."

2013-07-25, 11:59 PM
Adalhard falls into his unused bed.

"Gods, give me strength to tell say no when I really want to say yes."

He'll then use Leomund's Secret Chest ritual to call the chest to his room.
He then knocks on the lid.

"In there my dear?"

2013-07-26, 01:47 AM
Adalhard falls into his unused bed.

"Gods, give me strength to tell say no when I really want to say yes."

He'll then use Leomund's Secret Chest ritual to call the chest to his room.
He then knocks on the lid.

"In there my dear?"

Adalhard: Ilya is indeed inside, and pops out of the chest. She's a touch bit taller now, likely having grown from all the healthier nature in the Feywild. She's wearing an elegent blueish black dress, modified to have a more flower design to it. Her eyes seem a bit blood shot from her working (and possibly a sign of her more leafy nature). "Ah, hello Father. That was...quite a trip." She steps out of the chest, stumbling a little.

2013-07-26, 02:07 AM
Adalhard helps her out and spins around with her, lifting her out of the ground.

"Pray tell, how did you manage to cross what normally takes about a month, specially during winter in about a day from Strahovsky to the Manor? How did you even know where it was my dear?

And more importantly perhaps, how and up to what have you been?"

Adalhard slows down the spinning and sits her on the bed as he sits along.

2013-07-26, 02:20 AM
Adalhard helps her out and spins around with her, lifting her out of the ground.

"Pray tell, how did you manage to cross what normally takes about a month, specially during winter in about a day from Strahovsky to the Manor? How did you even know where it was my dear?

And more importantly perhaps, how have you been"

Adalhard slows down the spinning and sits her on the bed as he sits along.

Adalhard: Truth be told I hadn't realized it was THAT far away. I thought it was within a day's travel at most XP

"I simply looked around. Asked some the Countessa's aids, read through old news, even had a nice chat with some tulips. As for the journey, I merely ran quickly."

2013-07-26, 02:28 AM
Adalhard eyes open abruptly.

"You took a Linked Portal scroll, did you not?

I'm not going to be angry, I just need to know for how much and how many I should be apologising and for that matter you as well.

As, perhaps, "stuffy" as she could be, you shouldn't have ran away, much less in the way you did. I am not annoyed by the fact that you ran away even if I probably should, but the fact that you disrespected a friend of mine, and your senior if at the very least, for absolutely no reason. Do you comprehend?

I'm sorry I can't be with you as a father should..."

Adalhard hugs Ilya rather tightly.

"I... I'm sorry I can't be with you every night when you go to sleep, or every morning as you wake up, to tend to the garden with you, to tell you more of your mother or to ho take you to the market in Lilŕc and just go through all of their windows looking for a dress..."

Adalhard starts speeding up.

"I wanted to go with you over your first cantrips, I didn't want you learning magic by yourself, but I didn't want to forbid you from learning it, I wanted to see you blow up your first scarecrow, to get to see you from the very start of tampering and treading on the silky weave... "

Before he slows down again.

"But you live so fast... I guess that much you get from me.

A millennium is what we supposedly have; ten centuries, one hundred decades, one thousand years. And yet here we are, me pushing the day for three and you pushing your year for ten. And every time I want to simply go, to be with you, to be with you on your mother's house; to simply forget all of this... I remember what life was before you.

But I have to keep on, not for killing an insane old lich, because; truth be told; I'm sure the others are perfectly capable of managing to do that without me; but for all those who do actually need me, those who are burnt by war, poisoned by alchemy and degraded with magic and metal. I remember that the world that is out there, is not the one I want for you my little flower, that it should be something nicer. But it's dangerous, I cannot trail along with you by my side because I'm not strong enough yet to have more than my life trusted upon my magic and my sword.

You have grown very much in very little time; maybe it's just fate giving me a taste of my own medicine. So I think I'm not making a mistake in trusting in you, of at least giving you the independence you are already taking."

Adalhard holds Ilya by the shoulders and looks at her firmly in the eyes.

"So I'm making a deal with you. I'll teach you whatever you want, Black Lore of Moil or Celestial Calling, Elemental Magic, Necrotic, whatever you wish; I'll either teach it to you myself or I'll find someone able to teach it. I'll give you tasks to help me along, you've shown me you are very capable, and you are after all my daughter. I'll visit you at least once per day once I re-embark unto the phylactery's quest.

But in exchange you must agree to live with the Contessa at Strahovsky while I'm away. Dangerous times lurk ahead, armies from the north, our Court unable to move without their seats filled and their prince amiss and poisoned. Not only that but one day you too will rule Schnefeldstil as your mother's father once did, and I'll do as you come of age; and for that time you must know of protocol, of government, of economics and etiquette and I'm afraid you'll have to "stuffily" learn such things; as bothersome and boring as they can be. And second you must consult with me before taking any rash decisions such as the one you made when you decided to run away. At the very least let me say no before you escape anyway; I'm still your father you know and this is exactly the sort of things I don't want arriving with a raven and by handwriting of others.

So, Alexandra Ilyasviel Adeldóttir Abezgauz future duchess of Schnefeldstil, I trust you enough to tell you it's up to you and I'll respect your choice."

2013-07-26, 09:53 AM
Adalhard eyes open abruptly.

"You took a Linked Portal scroll, did you not?

I'm not going to be angry, I just need to know for how much and how many I should be apologising and for that matter you as well.

As, perhaps, "stuffy" as she could be, you shouldn't have ran away, much less in the way you did. I am not annoyed by the fact that you ran away even if I probably should, but the fact that you disrespected a friend of mine, and your senior if at the very least, for absolutely no reason. Do you comprehend?

I'm sorry I can't be with you as a father should..."

Adalhard hugs Ilya rather tightly.

"I... I'm sorry I can't be with you every night when you go to sleep, or every morning as you wake up, to tend to the garden with you, to tell you more of your mother or to ho take you to the market in Lilŕc and just go through all of their windows looking for a dress..."

Adalhard starts speeding up.

"I wanted to go with you over your first cantrips, I didn't want you learning magic by yourself, but I didn't want to forbid you from learning it, I wanted to see you blow up your first scarecrow, to get to see you from the very start of tampering and treading on the silky weave... "

Before he slows down again.

"But you live so fast... I guess that much you get from me.

A millennium is what we supposedly have; ten centuries, one hundred decades, one thousand years. And yet here we are, me pushing the day for three and you pushing your year for ten. And every time I want to simply go, to be with you, to be with you on your mother's house; to simply forget all of this... I remember what life was before you.

But I have to keep on, not for killing an insane old lich, because; truth be told; I'm sure the others are perfectly capable of managing to do that without me; but for all those who do actually need me, those who are burnt by war, poisoned by alchemy and degraded with magic and metal. I remember that the world that is out there, is not the one I want for you my little flower, that it should be something nicer. But it's dangerous, I cannot trail along with you by my side because I'm not strong enough yet to have more than my life trusted upon my magic and my sword.

You have grown very much in very little time; maybe it's just fate giving me a taste of my own medicine. So I think I'm not making a mistake in trusting in you, of at least giving you the independence you are already taking."

Adalhard holds Ilya by the shoulders and looks at her firmly in the eyes.

"So I'm making a deal with you. I'll teach you whatever you want, Black Lore of Moil or Celestial Calling, Elemental Magic, Necrotic, whatever you wish; I'll either teach it to you myself or I'll find someone able to teach it. I'll give you tasks to help me along, you've shown me you are very capable, and you are after all my daughter. I'll visit you at least once per day once I re-embark unto the phylactery's quest.

But in exchange you must agree to live with the Contessa at Strahovsky while I'm away. Dangerous times lurk ahead, armies from the north, our Court unable to move without their seats filled and their prince amiss and poisoned. Not only that but one day you too will rule Schnefeldstil as your mother's father once did, and I'll do as you come of age; and for that time you must know of protocol, of government, of economics and etiquette and I'm afraid you'll have to "stuffily" learn such things; as bothersome and boring as they can be. And second you must consult with me before taking any rash decisions such as the one you made when you decided to run away. At the very least let me say no before you escape anyway; I'm still your father you know and this is exactly the sort of things I don't want arriving with a raven and by handwriting of others.

So, Alexandra Ilyasviel Adeldóttir Abezgauz future duchess of Schnefeldstil, I trust you enough to tell you it's up to you and I'll respect your choice."

Adalhard: Ilya hugs Adalhard back "It's alright, Father. I did take a portal, and her being 'stuffy' was just her unwillingness to let me experiment. I am sorry. I know not what I want to be, currently. This world is full of such magic, such wonders. I want to see what it all has. Perhaps that's just my nature, craving knowledge. But I understand that you are my F-Father, and thus I must respect your wishes as much as you respect mine. I shall return to the Contessa" she responds, after all Adalhard says. There are a few instances of her stuttering, or some odd pauses, but it appears she's improved her ability to actually speak quite well.

2013-07-26, 03:52 PM
Adalhard lies back into the bed and pulls Ilya along. He twirls his fingers around and makes a small aurora on the roof.

Adalhard then sighs deeply.

"You have time... a lot of it, you'll have it even after I'm done with this annoying lich affair; lots and lots of it. Times are troubled right now, much more than they normally are, things are to come; big things, some good some bad, but the last thing I want is anything happening to you; when the world shake those who stand at its edge fall. Wait a month or so sheltered, and then we'll go and explore; once when there are not assassins vying around every corner and tieflings and lichs around.

You can experiment, but you'll do it with my supervision; every night, at the very least two hours, that's my promise to you. But I need you to promise me that you'll apologise to the Contessa, and that you will take your lessons in the more cumbersome aspects of life as much as the wonderful ones like magic and alchemy.

Will you?"

2013-07-26, 04:02 PM
Adalhard lies back into the bed and pulls Ilya along. He twirls his fingers around and makes a small aurora on the roof.

Adalhard then sighs deeply.

"You have time... a lot of it, you'll have it even after I'm done with this annoying lich affair; lots and lots of it. Times are troubled right now, much more than they normally are, things are to come; big things, some good some bad, but the last thing I want is anything happening to you; when the world shake those who stand at its edge fall. Wait a month or so sheltered, and then we'll go and explore; once when there are not assassins vying around every corner and tieflings and lichs around.

You can experiment, but you'll do it with my supervision; every night, at the very least two hours, that's my promise to you. But I need you to promise me that you'll apologise to the Contessa, and that you will take your lessons in the more cumbersome aspects of life as much as the wonderful ones like magic and alchemy.

Will you?"

Adalhard: "I shall, Father. And I wish you luck with saving the world. It is much too wonderous a place for some stuffy old Lich to ruin, after all." Ilya answers, partially looking up at the nice little magic show of aurora's Adalhard is creating.

2013-07-26, 04:08 PM
Adalhard starts playing with colours in them and pulling some of the REM in the vials to make planetoids whirling around the ceiling.

"Now, I'm rather curious as to what you've been up to. What have you been doing in the manor, found anything of interest?"

2013-07-26, 04:17 PM
Adalhard starts playing with colours in them and pulling some of the REM in the vials to make planetoids whirling around the ceiling.

"Now, I'm rather curious as to what you've been up to. What have you been doing in the manor, found anything of interest?"

Adalhard: "Unfortunately I couldn't bring anything with me, but I'm working on a way to...lets say, repurpose the thralls. With the more life filled energy of the Feywild, my...for lack of a better term seeds, no longer need a body to be sustain themselves. I've got a cute little daffodil running around as my lab assistant, for instance. I've also got some dandilions floating around as surveillance. I've not yet worked out a way to bring what they 'see' to me without being connected to vines, but I'm working on it." she answers. She then pokes Adalhard in the elbow with a finger, and small lines start to appear under Adalhard's skin. The REM planetoids in his aurora start shifting, as she takes some level of control of his arm. "I also learned how to do this! Don't worry, I won't abuse it. All I can really do is force some small movements, nothing major."

2013-07-26, 04:24 PM
"And where did you get the formula for the knights my little spriggan? Took a peek on your mother's library?"

Adalhard then checks his arm with interest.

"Blood magic control? Raw Magic Control? or Forced body control?"

2013-07-26, 04:29 PM
"And where did you get the formula for the knights my little spriggan? Took a peek on your mother's library?"

Adalhard then checks his arm with interest.

"Blood magic control? Raw Magic Control? or Forced body control?"

Adalhard: "I peeked, a little. But I mostly just experimented with what I knew I could do. And it's just taking control of your nerves, nothing really magical about it" she answers. Looking at his arm he can see that the lines under his skin are little roots, as if she was spreading the roots inside of her into his body.

2013-07-26, 04:39 PM
Adalhard thinks for a moment.

"Can you turn them off? Cut off any sensitivity from a part of say, my arm?"

2013-07-26, 05:00 PM
Adalhard thinks for a moment.

"Can you turn them off? Cut off any sensitivity from a part of say, my arm?"

Adalhard: "I can numb them to pain, yes. It's dangerous after awhile, since I believe it stops blood from flowing to the area, and if that happens for too long it may die."

2013-07-26, 05:07 PM
"It seems your approach is very methodical.

How did you find the Manor? It's been a good while since I was last there."

2013-07-26, 05:51 PM
"It seems your approach is very methodical.

How did you find the Manor? It's been a good while since I was last there."

Adalhard: "I asked around. I expressed an interest in history, got some history books to read, mentioned our last name as if I was interested in finding out what happened to this 'lost family'. Asked her where the manor was so that in the future I may explore the manor like an archeologist of sorts. You know, the fun of exploring 'ancient ruins' and the like."

2013-07-26, 05:56 PM
"I meant in what state my dear, I no doubt you could find such a massive building in the middle of a massive field of lilacs. Though I had some hope you had scried rather than merely asked for directions."

2013-07-26, 05:59 PM
"I meant in what state my dear, I no doubt you could find such a massive building in the middle of a massive field of lilacs. Though I had some hope you had scried rather than merely asked for directions."

Adalhard: "Ah. I wasn't quite sure how to cry, persay. And yes, the mansion was quite nice! It was a little dusty from age, but the plant life thrived quite nicely. I've cleaned up the house, though I've left Mother's room as it always is, as I'm sure you'd want. I haven't fully explored it yet, however."

2013-07-26, 06:17 PM
Adalhard ruffles Ilya's hair.

"I'm happy for that.

How far have you managed into your studies, gone through the offensive basics yet?"

2013-07-26, 06:31 PM
Adalhard ruffles Ilya's hair.

"I'm happy for that.

How far have you managed into your studies, gone through the offensive basics yet?"

Adalhard: "I've yet to work on any specific spells, just focusing more on strengthening myself, and experimenting with what I can do naturally."

2013-07-26, 07:17 PM
"Well then, let's teach you some proper magic, since you seem to have an inclination for Naryshkin's I guess we should start with it."

The REM planetoids return to their places and the aurora dissipates.

Adalhard stands up and pulls out a small red-leather-bound book, the cover is vaguely signed with dagger marks and has a circular marking in the centre which is roughly made and hard to make out anything off.

"Naryshkin magic is based on the fundamental principle of Resilience. Icebergs do not yield, they do not move, they do not falter or fade; Naryshkin magic is that of constance, it is not beautiful, refined or elegant; but at the end of the day it can be depleted, rough and imperfect, absolutely broken and shattered and yet it will keep on.

Its bloodline, your's and mine is fundamentally that of victory by attrition. The optimization of resources in combat, make every single drop of magic be worth four to make every single price paid on your side twice-fold on your enemy. To make any and all damage you take a risk to your enemy to make them pay. It is the magic of efficiency, to not let resources go to waste, to best store them and disperse them around rather than let them go to waste.

And so the first lesson is rather simple. It is the nature of the flow of magic, it is not static or tangible but controllable. You take a magic node and move it around your body, playing with it alongside all of your system. You form it in your hand, move it to the other, down your legs to your head, you take it out and in."

Adalhard right hand glows slightly, and the glow travels around, forming on the other hand, and going up and down his body, branching around and forming simultaneously before returning and dissipating.

"With practice it leads to the capacity of dissipation, to make anything your enemy can focus on you, flow through your body, disperse and lose focus, reduce their effect and use it as fuel. It is also the first lesson in offence, take the inertia of that blasted into you and loop it back through the other end with twice the power."

2013-07-26, 07:22 PM
"Well then, let's teach you some proper magic, since you seem to have an inclination for Naryshkin's I guess we should start with it."

The REM planetoids return to their places and the aurora dissipates.

Adalhard stands up and pulls out a small red-leather-bound book, the cover is vaguely signed with dagger marks and has a circular marking in the centre which is roughly made and hard to make out anything off.

"Naryshkin magic is based on the fundamental principle of Resilience. Icebergs do not yield, they do not move, they do not falter or fade; Naryshkin magic is that of constance, it is not beautiful, refined or elegant; but at the end of the day it can be depleted, rough and imperfect, absolutely broken and shattered and yet it will keep on.

Its bloodline, your's and mine is fundamentally that of victory by attrition. The optimization of resources in combat, make every single drop of magic be worth four to make every single price paid on your side twice-fold on your enemy. To make any and all damage you take a risk to your enemy to make them pay. It is the magic of efficiency, to not let resources go to waste, to best store them and disperse them around rather than let them go to waste.

And so the first lesson is rather simple. It is the nature of the flow of magic, it is not static or tangible but controllable. You take a magic node and move it around your body, playing with it alongside all of your system. You form it in your hand, move it to the other, down your legs to your head, you take it out and in."

Adalhard right hand glows slightly, and the glow travels around, forming on the other hand, and going up and down his body, branching around and forming simultaneously before returning and dissipating.

"With practice it leads to the capacity of dissipation, to make anything your enemy can focus on you, flow through your body, disperse and lose focus, reduce their effect and use it as fuel. It is also the first lesson in offence, take the inertia of that blasted into you and loop it back through the other end with twice the power."

Adalhard: Ilya nods, attentive of the lesson, and practices. She's not VERY good at it, but it's clear she's got some natural talent.

2013-07-26, 07:28 PM
"The first spell and most simple spell a Naryshkin magus learns is perhaps one of the most powerful magics ever conceived.

It is called the Dimensional Vortex. In its simplest form its the movement of magical flow from one point to another in a rapid succession; in it's greatest complexity it is the movement of reality itself, twirled around to move entire bodies as if they were simple specks of magic.

I shall demonstrate it's simplest excecution. Blast at me a simple single icicle."

Adalhard readies to have the icicle enter through his hand and exit through the other upwards to the roof.

2013-07-26, 07:31 PM
"The first spell and most simple spell a Naryshkin magus learns is perhaps one of the most powerful magics ever conceived.

It is called the Dimensional Vortex. In its simplest form its the movement of magical flow from one point to another in a rapid succession; in it's greatest complexity it is the movement of reality itself, twirled around to move entire bodies as if they were simple specks of magic.

I shall demonstrate it's simplest excecution. Blast at me a simple single icicle."

Adalhard readies to have the icicle enter through his hand and exit through the other upwards to the roof.

Adalhard: Ilya concentrates and does the motions. An icy rose blooms in her hand and spews out a host of icicle like thorns!

2013-07-26, 07:44 PM
As they reach Adalhard they enter through his hand and twirl and strangulate when coming out the other before reaching the roof.

"It's a simple motion of the magic touching your hand to the other side. Once it leaves through the other end you are in full control and are able to determine its further course; as if it had been you who initiated said attack but with the potency of the one that actually did.

It's most powerful application is its ability to turn a much mightier foe against himself but it's use it limited in groups and it can't properly channel non targeted attacks.

For said cases we have a more general spell called Shield; different magus find it in different ways and this shall be your work now. To develop a shielding enchantment. Some use physical cocoons, others slow time in their brain granting themselves further time for reaction and assessment, other use constant shielding, or bloodline wardings such as the Schenfeldstil Host of Shields."

2013-07-26, 07:47 PM
As they reach Adalhard they enter through his hand and twirl and strangulate when coming out the other before reaching the roof.

"It's a simple motion of the magic touching your hand to the other side. Once it leaves through the other end you are in full control and are able to determine its further course; as if it had been you who initiated said attack but with the potency of the one that actually did.

It's most powerful application is its ability to turn a much mightier foe against himself but it's use it limited in groups and it can't properly channel non targeted attacks.

For said cases we have a more general spell called Shield; different magus find it in different ways and this shall be your work now. To develop a shielding enchantment. Some use physical cocoons, others slow time in their brain granting themselves further time for reaction and assessment, other use constant shielding, or bloodline wardings such as the Schenfeldstil Host of Shields."

Adalhard: Ilya pays rapt attention, clearly writing notes in her head.

2013-07-26, 08:04 PM
Adalhard will continue instructing Ilya in the simple magic related to both of her bloodlines and simple magic theory until 1:00 A.M. where he'll talk to her about her mother and her mother's family and put her to bed at 2:00 A.M. as Adalhard trances to 6:00 A.M. at which point he makes the Casque of Tactics while teaching Ilya on the fundamentals of enchanting. He'll take her shopping and sightseeing around Wattetrodden, willing to buy anything that catches Ilya's eyes or Adalhard thinks would look cute on her.

One hour before midday Adalhard will take Ilya for lunch before heading back to the inn where he instructs her to practice the lessons as he trances until 4:00 P.M. at which point they head to the morgue.

In there Adalhard explains to Ilya the functioning of his modified thralls and explains to her his plan of having the knights working around the city to eventually reach for greater magi and the idea of starting a magical university while using a binding seal to drain the Shadowfell negative energy, distilling it and using it to create a new demiplane. After making the Knights in the usual fashion they shall head for more tourism and shopping until near 8:30 P.M. at which point Adalhard heads back to the hotel with Ilya, talks to her more about her mother and answers any question she might have, and trances until 2:00 A.M. without waking up Ilya he produces the Flask of the Dragon’s Breath. , he'll then return to trancing until 12:00 where he packs all of their shopping (do please remember how much money they spend on clothing and trinkets and souvenirs (though I think it shouldn't be something above 320gp or so considering it's not like they are buying fullplate or anything and even then it's exaggerating considering most commodities are worth in sp.)) and heads with Ilya to the Mage's Guild for LPing with Juniper to Bael Turath.

(Do please remember to tell me if I shall continue or wait for inbetween posting).

2013-07-26, 08:26 PM
Adalhard will continue instructing Ilya in the simple magic related to both of her bloodlines and simple magic theory until 1:00 A.M. where he'll talk to her about her mother and her mother's family and put her to bed at 2:00 A.M. as Adalhard trances to 6:00 A.M. at which point he makes the Casque of Tactics while teaching Ilya on the fundamentals of enchanting. He'll take her shopping and sightseeing around Wattetrodden, willing to buy anything that catches Ilya's eyes or Adalhard thinks would look cute on her.

One hour before midday Adalhard will take Ilya for lunch before heading back to the inn where he instructs her to practice the lessons as he trances until 4:00 P.M. at which point they head to the morgue.

In there Adalhard explains to Ilya the functioning of his modified thralls and explains to her his plan of having the knights working around the city to eventually reach for greater magi and the idea of starting a magical university while using a binding seal to drain the Shadowfell negative energy, distilling it and using it to create a new demiplane. After making the Knights in the usual fashion they shall head for more tourism and shopping until near 8:30 P.M. at which point Adalhard heads back to the hotel with Ilya, talks to her more about her mother and answers any question she might have, and trances until 2:00 A.M. without waking up Ilya he produces the Flask of the Dragon’s Breath. , he'll then return to trancing until 12:00 where he packs all of their shopping (do please remember how much money they spend on clothing and trinkets and souvenirs (though I think it shouldn't be something above 320gp or so considering it's not like they are buying fullplate or anything and even then it's exaggerating considering most commodities are worth in sp.)) and heads with Ilya to the Mage's Guild for LPing with Juniper to Bael Turath.

(Do please remember to tell me if I shall continue or wait for inbetween posting).

Adalhard: Ilya quite enjoys her training, as well as the shopping and sight seeing. She breaths in the fresh sea air, giving a little cough from the taste of it being so foreign (and technically harmful since she's a flower) to her. She see's a few things of interest, mainly fancy maritime clothing (including a seashell necklace) that all come to around 1 gold, all told. She does also show interest in buying holy symbols of the good and neutral gods (the evil gods don't have any symbols available, at least anywhere you'd want to take her). Buying those would be...oh god Holy Symbols are ten gold and that's 11 gods. That's 110 gold.

You don't have to wait, persay, but now that time is passing to the 21st, it'd be good form to wait until Juniper and Khan actually SHOW UP before teleporting to Bael Turath :smalltongue:

Time passes. Adalhard does his stuff, Juniper trains and studies up on the infernal arts, and Khan does basic maitence on his weapons (as well as training). Meanwhile, Bast and Carric continue to chase Elden across the country side, training when they have the time.

Finally, the 21st rolls around!

December 21st, Saturday
12:00 noon

So um...you guys should all go meet Adalhard at the place where he said you'd all meet. So...go do this! :smalltongue:

2013-07-26, 08:37 PM

As for the holy symbols Adalhard has no issue in buying all of them for her except the symbol of Sehanine, instead searching for a symbol of Vecna if straying a bit from main vial arteries but without going into really rough zones.

2013-07-26, 08:39 PM

As for the holy symbols Adalhard has no issue in buying all of them for her except the symbol of Sehanine, instead searching for a symbol of Vecna if straying a bit from main vial arteries but without going into really rough zones.

Adalhard: I'll say that yes, you can manage that much, though I'm curious as to why no Sehanine, as is Ilya. Though if I recall it's because the cleric Adalhard first went to too revive Cassandra

2013-07-28, 02:42 AM
Adalhard: I'll say that yes, you can manage that much, though I'm curious as to why no Sehanine, as is Ilya. Though if I recall it's because the cleric Adalhard first went to too revive CassandraDM:
The reason is correct, Adalhard blames her for not being able to revive her.

I forgot to add Adalhard writing a letter, with a quill of sending; and making a proper sending.

To Yvonne Strahovsky:
"To Countess Yvonne Strahovsky:

I must profusely apologise for my daughter's action, as well as promise to repay for any property she might have taken or damaged in her brash actions; she now fully understands the grievous nature of her actions and is repentant, for which I cannot make any excuse but the spirit of youth and a father who is perhaps lacking in discipline to which I fully take responsibility and apologize most sincerely considering the circumstances from which I am most thankful for your disposition.

I also apologize heartily on the previous thrusting of an unrequited chalice into thy person in manner most violent. It is in manner most injurious and keenly aware of such and my quickly climbing lifetime debt that I must then make a request thou are fully within your rights if not bound by duty to reject and I would understand perfectly so if you did, my debt still withstanding in all it's size in all ways. It is that of granting asylum as I previously begged and in emergency requested on my knees, and that now in a more calm situation I'd fully understand denied, to my daughter.

Regardless of answer I shall honour my debt when called upon, I will not hold any rejection for I'm fully aware of my inglorious position as requester; the moment any shade approaches without knowledge about, you shall have my sword.

-Thy indebted Adalhard Ex-Abezgauz"

To Ledia:
"I deeply thank for thy care of Ilya, beyond any allegiance or consideration; any cost it might have produced or you would consider I’ll cover."

2013-07-28, 12:04 PM
The reason is correct, Adalhard blames her for not being able to revive her.

I forgot to add Adalhard writing a letter, with a quill of sending; and making a proper sending.

To Yvonne Strahovsky:
"To Countess Yvonne Strahovsky:

I must profusely apologise for my daughter's action, as well as promise to repay for any property she might have taken or damaged in her brash actions; she now fully understands the grievous nature of her actions and is repentant, for which I cannot make any excuse but the spirit of youth and a father who is perhaps lacking in discipline to which I fully take responsibility and apologize most sincerely considering the circumstances from which I am most thankful for your disposition.

I also apologize heartily on the previous thrusting of an unrequited chalice into thy person in manner most violent. It is in manner most injurious and keenly aware of such and my quickly climbing lifetime debt that I must then make a request thou are fully within your rights if not bound by duty to reject and I would understand perfectly so if you did, my debt still withstanding in all it's size in all ways. It is that of granting asylum as I previously begged and in emergency requested on my knees, and that now in a more calm situation I'd fully understand denied, to my daughter.

Regardless of answer I shall honour my debt when called upon, I will not hold any rejection for I'm fully aware of my inglorious position as requester; the moment any shade approaches without knowledge about, you shall have my sword.

-Thy indebted Adalhard Ex-Abezgauz"

To Ledia:
"I deeply thank for thy care of Ilya, beyond any allegiance or consideration; any cost it might have produced or you would consider I’ll cover."

Adalhard: Okay, that's noted! I'm unsure if they can respond because I kind of forget what a quill of sending is.

2013-07-28, 04:19 PM
Adalhard: Okay, that's noted! I'm unsure if they can respond because I kind of forget what a quill of sending is.DM:
Ledia can because Adalhard uses the old fashioned regular sending.

As for the Countess

A writing quill which, after being used to write a letter (even without using ink) may be thrown into they air, and after falling at least*20 feet*will turn*into a small orange bird and fly to whoever the letter was addressed to, whereupon it will scratch the letter into the nearest surface with its beak and claws.

She will be able to respond when the bird reaches her by using the quill to write back.

2013-07-28, 05:17 PM
Ledia can because Adalhard uses the old fashioned regular sending.

As for the Countess

A writing quill which, after being used to write a letter (even without using ink) may be thrown into they air, and after falling at least*20 feet*will turn*into a small orange bird and fly to whoever the letter was addressed to, whereupon it will scratch the letter into the nearest surface with its beak and claws.

She will be able to respond when the bird reaches her by using the quill to write back.

Adalhard: Okay.

Ledia's Response:"The only cost is sanity. Plants should not do these things. It's all safe, but...frightening, to say the least. Considering her origin. No offense."

2013-07-28, 06:24 PM
Upon waking, Khan will pack his gear and head down to the inn's common area to wait for Adalhard and Juniper.

2013-07-28, 06:46 PM
Upon waking, Khan will pack his gear and head down to the inn's common area to wait for Adalhard and Juniper.

Okay! You wait for Adalhard, who shows up first! Now we just need to wait for Juniper :smalltongue:

2013-07-28, 06:54 PM
Okay! Adalhard is basically already there, so you two meet up! Now we just need to wait for Juniper :smalltongue: Alongside a little girl, a big suitcase and a wooden chest.

2013-07-28, 07:02 PM
Alongside a little girl, a big suitcase and a wooden chest.

Yes, right, I forgot to describe that. Adalhard has a little girl in a black, flowery looking dress, and a large, somewhat oranate chest.

2013-07-28, 07:20 PM
"Decided to come along?"

Blue Ghost
2013-07-31, 12:16 AM
Juniper is here!
All here? Off to Bael Turath then!

2013-07-31, 02:08 AM
"Oh well. Off we go."

Adalhard circles and motions with his hands much slower than the last time as the aurora is drawn at his feet, and Adalhard, Ilya and the baggage simply fall through; revealing the ceilling on the Bael Turath's Mage's Guild on the other side.

2013-07-31, 07:05 PM
Khan walks over and drop through the portal.

"Why the floor? And when's the next departure?"

((Sorry for taking an eternity to post, I was confused by some of the circumstances and kept having to discuss them with Zodi. >.<))

2013-08-01, 03:06 AM
"There is no magic if I keep doing it in walls; and Alyssum going down a rabbit hole is borderline poetic. 23rd I go to Summerglem, though as I've said before you can stay here until the 24th and I'll pull you to Hammerne from here in the guild."

Blue Ghost
2013-08-04, 11:32 PM
Into the bowels of the earth, to make a heaven of hell's despair.
Juniper proceeds through the portal.

2013-08-04, 11:49 PM
Okay! Adalhard, Khan, and Juniper enter the portal, and appear out of it in the Bael Turath mage guild. They exit the building swiftly, out into the open air.

The city seems to shine, the roads made of a pale yellowed stone, almost golden you'd think, paved roadways for carts and the like with cobblestone sidewalks. The buildings range from red to black to gold in coloration, with a distinct European feel to them (something like this: http://www.globotreks.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Amsterdam.jpg).

2013-08-06, 02:42 AM
Adalhard produces a slim umbrella from ice and hands it to Ilya and holds her hand.

"If any of you decide to come to Summerglem give me a heads up; I'll be around the city, the market or the ruins; or wherever Alexandra fancies."

Adalhard pats Ilya on the head.

"Anyway, I'll be heading off; it's almost midday and we've yet to buy a single dress or visit a single ruin, library, mausoleum, castle, palace or street bard; our devote adventurer bard excluded. So much to do in so little time.

We probably should also give their officials a warning about the Fell Court considering they are calling their cause a Tiefling crusade and I doubt their government agrees with such publicity."

Adalhard tries to remember major battlefield, ruins, monuments and buildings in Bael Turath as well as lodging and any interesting crafter from previous visits.


2013-08-06, 03:24 AM
Adalhard produces a slim umbrella from ice and hands it to Ilya and holds her hand.

"If any of you decide to come to Summerglem give me a heads up; I'll be around the city, the market or the ruins; or wherever Alexandra fancies."

Adalhard pats Ilya on the head.

"Anyway, I'll be heading off; it's almost midday and we've yet to buy a single dress or visit a single ruin, library, mausoleum, castle, palace or street bard; our devote adventurer bard excluded. So much to do in so little time.

We probably should also give their officials a warning about the Fell Court considering they are calling their cause a Tiefling crusade and I doubt their government agrees with such publicity."

Adalhard tries to remember major battlefield, ruins, monuments and buildings in Bael Turath as well as lodging and any interesting crafter from previous visits.


"Let's find some new plants first!" Ilya says smiling.

Adalhard: You don't know of any ruins or battlefields inside the city proper, but outside the cities you can think of a few small ruins, really just outposts from the Tiefling army's defensive front. That is of course, excepting the ruin esque area where the Fey Crossing is. There are some other places of interest, though.

Bael Turath has a few libraries, mausoleums, and street bards (typically tiefling). There aren't any castles or palaces inside the city proper except for the Emperor's palace, which is built into the dormant volcano the city is built next to.

2013-08-06, 12:07 PM
Inns, artisans or Greenhouses?

2013-08-06, 01:18 PM
Inns, artisans or Greenhouses?

Adalhard: You can think of a few inns, and recent knowledge suggests that there are a few artisans you might know (but none personally). There are a few greenhouses as well.

2013-08-06, 11:11 PM
Khan waits until Adalhard and Juniper have left before heading towards the Fountain of Steam. Upon arriving in the plaza, he leans against a wall and takes his bearings, trying to spot his contact.

Rolls! (DM)

Perception Roll to spot contact: [roll0]
Stealth Roll to make it not super obvious that's what he's doing: [roll1]

2013-08-06, 11:17 PM
Khan waits until Adalhard and Juniper have left before heading towards the Fountain of Steam. Upon arriving in the plaza, he leans against a wall and takes his bearings, trying to spot his contact.

Rolls! (DM)

Perception Roll to spot contact: [roll0]
Stealth Roll to make it not super obvious that's what he's doing: [roll1]

Khaneron: You're confident the mist of the steamy fountain easily hides you. You look around the crowd, through all the various tieflings, humans, elves, even the occasional orc or dragonborn. Eventually, you spot someone who stands out from the crowd. Ironically he seems to be trying what you're trying, though is much worse at it. He's a bald human in unassuming leather armour, though you can tell by the subtleness of certain aspects of it that it's made in a way similar to yours, ie made by someone trying to make themselves stealthier. You can see a hidden longsword peeking up from behind his collar.

Blue Ghost
2013-08-06, 11:30 PM
The government is already well enough informed about the Fell Court's activities, Juniper points out. Let's see if the rumors of the crackdowns are true. I'm going to see an old friend of mine, Captain Serd Toras. If you need to find me, ask around for him.

Juniper shall depart to visit the good captain, keeping inconspicuous.

2013-08-06, 11:41 PM
The government is already well enough informed about the Fell Court's activities, Juniper points out. Let's see if the rumors of the crackdowns are true. I'm going to see an old friend of mine, Captain Serd Toras. If you need to find me, ask around for him.

Juniper shall depart to visit the good captain, keeping inconspicuous.

Okay! After checking all the usual spots, you find him at a bar known as The Three Horned Lady, which serves food as a normal restaurant would, usually with a refined by boisterous attitude. The lights give the area a nice red glow, and the patrons (all of varied races, though mostly Tiefling, human, and elf) are rowdy, but not so much as to be in danger of causing a bar fight. Captain Toras is, as ever, a large gruff tiefling with curved horns and a wild mane of black hair. He's in his captain's armour, a large, weighty scimitar at his side, sheathed. He spots Juniper and piques an eyebrow "Xander, here, of all places? Pull up a seat lad, and spin me a tale."

2013-08-06, 11:43 PM
Khaneron: You're confident the mist of the steamy fountain easily hides you. You look around the crowd, through all the various tieflings, humans, elves, even the occasional orc or dragonborn. Eventually, you spot someone who stands out from the crowd. Ironically he seems to be trying what you're trying, though is much worse at it. He's a bald human in unassuming leather armour, though you can tell by the subtleness of certain aspects of it that it's made in a way similar to yours, ie made by someone trying to make themselves stealthier. You can see a hidden longsword peeking up from behind his collar.

Khan watches the man, waiting for their gazes to meet, before subtly motioning him over, hoping he caught the signal.

2013-08-06, 11:56 PM
Did any of the outposts saw any action during the war?

Are any of them abandoned or heavy into wilderness?

Are there floral markets on the way to them?

2013-08-07, 10:15 PM
Khan watches the man, waiting for their gazes to meet, before subtly motioning him over, hoping he caught the signal.

Khaneron: The man sees your signal, and gives a signal of his own showing that he understands. After some shadowing through the crowd, he's nearby enough for a secret conversation.

The man says "Upon who does the raven's wings fall?"

Shouldn't need to tell you what the return phrase is, but the answer would be some manner of "everyone", symbolism wise.

Did any of the outposts saw any action during the war?

Are any of them abandoned or heavy into wilderness?

Are there floral markets on the way to them?

Adalhard: A few of them, yes, to all the questions. I'd say around 7 all together.

There are some floral markets on the way, yes.

2013-08-07, 10:37 PM
Khaneron: The man sees your signal, and gives a signal of his own showing that he understands. After some shadowing through the crowd, he's nearby enough for a secret conversation.

The man says "Upon who does the raven's wings fall?"

Shouldn't need to tell you what the return phrase is, but the answer would be some manner of "everyone", symbolism wise.

Khan's mouth twitches in a ghost of a smile. "On all of us, at the end." He waits expectantly for the man to continue his message.

2013-08-07, 10:41 PM
Khan's mouth twitches in a ghost of a smile. "On all of us, at the end." He waits expectantly for the man to continue his message.

Khaneron: "As it should be. Now...what are you doing alive, exactly? You likely don't know me, but I know you, and you're dead." the man responds, clearly interested.

2013-08-07, 10:50 PM
Khaneron: "As it should be. Now...what are you doing alive, exactly? You likely don't know me, but I know you, and you're dead." the man responds, clearly interested.

"Hn. Straight to the point, huh? If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer we go somewhere quieter before we talk about that. And I'll have to ask you to lead the way; I don't know this town anymore."

2013-08-07, 11:17 PM
"Hn. Straight to the point, huh? If it's all the same to you, I'd prefer we go somewhere quieter before we talk about that. And I'll have to ask you to lead the way; I don't know this town anymore."

Khaneron: "Okay, I'll show you the way. I can't take you to the hideout yet, they've...asked me to make sure you're you." he responds and with that he stealthily moves to a space between buildings nearby, where it'll be much safer to talk.

2013-08-07, 11:20 PM
Khaneron: "Okay, I'll show you the way. I can't take you to the hideout yet, they've...asked me to make sure you're you." he responds and with that he stealthily moves to a space between buildings nearby, where it'll be much safer to talk.

"I expected that, but here's still better than out in the middle of the street."

"As for your question...I died, yes, but it seems our Lady had other plans for me." Khan pulls the amulet out from under his shirt for just a moment. "Other than this, I'm not sure what you need from me as proof."

2013-08-07, 11:28 PM
"I expected that, but here's still better than out in the middle of the street."

"As for your question...I died, yes, but it seems our Lady had other plans for me." Khan pulls the amulet out from under his shirt for just a moment. "Other than this, I'm not sure what you need from me as proof."

Khaneron: "As compelling proof as that amulet is, the Grand Master told me that I'd need more then just that" at this moment he takes out a somewhat old piece of paper, rolled up and sealed. "Here."

2013-08-07, 11:33 PM
Khaneron: "As compelling proof as that amulet is, the Grand Master told me that I'd need more then just that" at this moment he takes out a somewhat old piece of paper, rolled up and sealed. "Here."

Khan takes the paper from the messenger and examines the seal. "Mmm, didn't think it'd be enough, but I didn't know how else to prove it."

He carefully unseals the paper, unrolling it and reading whatever's written inside.

Perception roll on the seal, for identifying marks/methods/how it was sealed (because I have no clue what info you could get from this, but seems better to do so before you open it): [roll0]

2013-08-07, 11:41 PM
Khan takes the paper from the messenger and examines the seal. "Mmm, didn't think it'd be enough, but I didn't know how else to prove it."

He carefully unseals the paper, unrolling it and reading whatever's written inside.

Perception roll on the seal, for identifying marks/methods/how it was sealed (because I have no clue what info you could get from this, but seems better to do so before you open it): [roll0]

Khaneron: Quite understandable, and you're easily able to tell that, though subtle, this is the same type of wax used in the crow delivered messages. You also recall now that this is how most mission orders would look. Upon reading it, you confirm this, as it reads as follows!

"Follower of Her Lady of Death,

In the village of Summerglen is a person who is trying to get away from the fate decided for him. A heart attack struck him and a deal with a devil he did make. He's quite powerful, though if you're who you claim to be this will be naught but a trifle. The man's name is Armin Trast, a dwarf chef. Deliver to him the embrace of our Lady.

- The Grand Master"

2013-08-07, 11:52 PM
Khaneron: Quite understandable, and you're easily able to tell that, though subtle, this is the same type of wax used in the crow delivered messages. You also recall now that this is how most mission orders would look. Upon reading it, you confirm this, as it reads as follows!

"Follower of Her Lady of Death,

In the village of Summerglen is a person who is trying to get away from the fate decided for him. A heart attack struck him and a deal with a devil he did make. He's quite powerful, though if you're who you claim to be this will be naught but a trifle. The man's name is Armin Trast, a dwarf chef. Deliver to him the embrace of our Lady.

- The Grand Master"

"Ah. I suppose that would prove my claim. I accept." He memorizes the note before stowing it away, to be destroyed at his earliest convenience.

"Was there anything else? And how should I remain in contact? It's unlikely I'll have the chance to return here in the near future."

2013-08-08, 12:03 AM
"Ah. I suppose that would prove my claim. I accept." He memorizes the note before stowing it away, to be destroyed at his earliest convenience.

"Was there anything else? And how should I remain in contact? It's unlikely I'll have the chance to return here in the near future."

Khaneron: The man takes out a hand held ebony statuette. "The coop's for the crow's have...mostly been lost, I'm surprised that one in Watertrodden still worked. We've been using these recently, Ebony Crow's. When you need to send a message, just slide it into it's mouth, and it'll fly off to use. When you need to show proof of a death, take some of his blood or remains and put it in it's mouth. It comes to life once either is done, but all it does is fly too and fro."

2013-08-08, 02:09 AM
On the way to any of the seven war outposts Adalhard will buy whatever flowers catch Ilya's eye and the usual routine of trinket and clothing buying as well as periodical checking of the whereabouts of the helm of cotton candy.

While nearing the outpost in a rather paternal tone:

"You mentioned you were experimenting with the Naryshkin Thrall formula. The ritual itself was perfected many generations ago by my great, Vecna knows how many times, grandparents; it is perfect for its original purpose, what you seek however is rather different.

You'll need more field practice than theory crafting for what you've said you wanted from it. I already have a modified version of it more in line with what you have in mind.

In fact; I've been working in almost the same direction as where you are heading. Right now we are going to a place where the components are hollow rather than complete; it's much easier to understand their structure if you build it yourself."

Adalhard produces a small statuette of a skeleton.

"Using the ritual to imbue them with a magical chassis and a will, would allow jumpstarting a floral system inside of them, if your mother's work is correct. This would give them a full functional magical flow that would make their magic renewable for their use; and if all goes right, make them able of self-reproducing."

Says Adalhard as he makes the statuette become covered in ice vines and flowers restoring it into fully living humanoid image.

"Of course, this isn't purely academic. I'd been thinking since you were born if the world you had come to would be the world I'd like you to be in; and the only way I thought I could make that reality is through the only way which isn't swayed by the whims of nature, inactive gods or blind men; through magic.

This is what will be my Magnum Opus; what I want for to be my greatest work. I'd like very much for you to be along, for it to be your first work as well. Something to work together at; for me to be present in your first adventure.

I can't bring you along for lich hunting but I'd love for us to embark in making the planes a better place together. Will you come along, my little Hollyhock?"

Adalhard hands Ilya the statuette.

2013-08-08, 11:01 AM
On the way to any of the seven war outposts Adalhard will buy whatever flowers catch Ilya's eye and the usual routine of trinket and clothing buying as well as periodical checking of the whereabouts of the helm of cotton candy.

While nearing the outpost in a rather paternal tone:

"You mentioned you were experimenting with the Naryshkin Thrall formula. The ritual itself was perfected many generations ago by my great, Vecna knows how many times, grandparents; it is perfect for its original purpose, what you seek however is rather different.

You'll need more field practice than theory crafting for what you've said you wanted from it. I already have a modified version of it more in line with what you have in mind.

In fact; I've been working in almost the same direction as where you are heading. Right now we are going to a place where the components are hollow rather than complete; it's much easier to understand their structure if you build it yourself."

Adalhard produces a small statuette of a skeleton.

"Using the ritual to imbue them with a magical chassis and a will, would allow jumpstarting a floral system inside of them, if your mother's work is correct. This would give them a full functional magical flow that would make their magic renewable for their use; and if all goes right, make them able of self-reproducing."

Says Adalhard as he makes the statuette become covered in ice vines and flowers restoring it into fully living humanoid image.

"Of course, this isn't purely academic. I'd been thinking since you were born if the world you had come to would be the world I'd like you to be in; and the only way I thought I could make that reality is through the only way which isn't swayed by the whims of nature, inactive gods or blind men; through magic.

This is what will be my Magnum Opus; what I want for to be my greatest work. I'd like very much for you to be along, for it to be your first work as well. Something to work together at; for me to be present in your first adventure.

I can't bring you along for lich hunting but I'd love for us to embark in making the planes a better place together. Will you come along, my little Hollyhock?"

Adalhard hands Ilya the statuette.

Adalhard: You buy a bussel of flowers native to Bael Turath, like whatever flowers would find near volcanoes and such, and a few slightly demonic flowers like snap dragons that actually have fangs, but are docile once picked and what have you. All together it comes out to ten gold, and Ilya is quite please to have more plants (and their seeds) to work with.

She listens intent during your speech, listening intentive. Her eyes light up when you animated the statue (not literally, because they probably could). When you hand it to her, she reaches out and grabs it "Of course Father, together we shall improve this world."

2013-08-08, 03:15 PM
Adalhard smiles, grabs Ilya's hands and spins around with her.

"I'm afraid we are having too much fun before your lessons in the less enjoyable subjects like merry governance and the horrors of music."

Jokes Adalhard while grinning.

"Watch out for the vegetation on the way, the most beautiful flowers tend not to grow in pots in cities but amongst the rocks and under the snow."

Adalhard will offer to carry Ilya if she gets tired on the way.

As they approach the ruined fortification:

"While I was studying magic under your grand-uncle and swordplay from your grandmother I'd wake up every morning and run to the local Mistral Guard outpost and ask them for news on the Material Plane's "Great War".

They had this quaint name for this big skirmish they had. It lasted less than a decade; before the courts could even begin planning an invasion while they were weak they had already finished their quarrelling. They talk of it as a catastrophe that happened generations ago... for us eladrin it was but an afternoon tea long and something that happened a short while ago. There was talk that it wouldn't make it to the history books because when the print was finally ready some other skirmish would be called "The Great War".

And yet... the face of their plane changed in the time we had blinked; flooded valleys, complete frontier redrawn and even their races talked and looked different after it. To them their war did last too long; I wonder how they'd see the Fey warring.

That is perhaps why we avoid the other planes and them ours. Fey time is long, their existence is but a blink to us; hard to pay attention to something so brief. And it is also why we avoid them, you get to see them die twenty times before you even get frail and grey; there is so much loss one can watch.

Their "ruins" are younger than me; which I guess makes me an antiquity by their standards. Back then I'd climb alongside the east tower of Mistral; an actual ruin before the West Wind Fortress existed; from before the time of the split between Tel Quassir; and simply play around with whatever trinket I could get your grand-uncle to spare.

One time he gave me this simple pendant he had forgotten what it used to do. And that's the story of how every bird in the city suddenly started flying in circles around the tower for a week. The greater mages and clerics of the Winter Court flocked to study the tower for months. While your grand-uncle and I got a laugh at their theories; from the coming of Who-He-Was, to an arcanoleptic spasm surge, whatever that meant.

The pendant was apparently used to call a messenger bird ages ago, and because it had reproduced for centuries all of its descendants had come; because it was an enchantment of upmost simplicity they didn't even consider that a possibility. They took it as a sign of the Raven Queen's mandate at the end and rebuilt the tower.

Your grand-uncle didn't quite know if to give me more toys or stop altogether, and your grandmother was horrified since she found out some of the other things I had been getting.

About a century or more afterwards I got stationed at the tower while serving as captain of the Mistral Guard and got a replica of the pendant as part of the garrison uniform. Apparently your grand-uncle had given them a copy of the original and told them he had found it and that it radiated subdual, undetectable by lesser mages, aura of summoning. Because he was Mikhail Naryshkin and no mage wanted to admit not seeing a thing they made it part of the captain's uniform and called it a sign of Fate's and Winter's will. Your grandmother probably still has the original "Fate and Winter's Will" locked in a box at her house when we visit her."

Adalhard tells almost laughing by the end.

As soon as they arrive Adalhard inspects the ruins for any suitable sleeping quarter. He uses his very mangled sleeproll folded over itself and places the newer bedroll on top and then folds it over itself in half again to make a bed for Ilya. With the accommodations ready Adalhard will start to go through the ruins with the tendrils looking for bodies.

"A fun little trick with your grand-uncle's favourite toy. He used to have me practice for hours on manipulating REM. I guess he had a good reason, even if I still don't have great control over it right now."

Adalhard hands one of the packages to Ilya.

"A bit of creativity and this is simply the most useful and entertaining thing ever.

It's frozen right now; Shadow REM is one of the more dangerous types of Raw Elemental Magic so to store it you need to either solidify it, gasify it or purify it. Though considering not even your grand-uncle could do the last, its pretty much the first two options.

Try playing around with little amounts, it takes a long while to be able to even manipulate a small drop of it, so don't get frustrated if you can't make it work right now."

2013-08-09, 12:09 PM
Adalhard smiles, grabs Ilya's hands and spins around with her.

"I'm afraid we are having too much fun before your lessons in the less enjoyable subjects like merry governance and the horrors of music."

Jokes Adalhard while grinning.

"Watch out for the vegetation on the way, the most beautiful flowers tend not to grow in pots in cities but amongst the rocks and under the snow."

Adalhard will offer to carry Ilya if she gets tired on the way.

As they approach the ruined fortification:

"While I was studying magic under your grand-uncle and swordplay from your grandmother I'd wake up every morning and run to the local Mistral Guard outpost and ask them for news on the Material Plane's "Great War".

They had this quaint name for this big skirmish they had. It lasted less than a decade; before the courts could even begin planning an invasion while they were weak they had already finished their quarrelling. They talk of it as a catastrophe that happened generations ago... for us eladrin it was but an afternoon tea long and something that happened a short while ago. There was talk that it wouldn't make it to the history books because when the print was finally ready some other skirmish would be called "The Great War".

And yet... the face of their plane changed in the time we had blinked; flooded valleys, complete frontier redrawn and even their races talked and looked different after it. To them their war did last too long; I wonder how they'd see the Fey warring.

That is perhaps why we avoid the other planes and them ours. Fey time is long, their existence is but a blink to us; hard to pay attention to something so brief. And it is also why we avoid them, you get to see them die twenty times before you even get frail and grey; there is so much loss one can watch.

Their "ruins" are younger than me; which I guess makes me an antiquity by their standards. Back then I'd climb alongside the east tower of Mistral; an actual ruin before the West Wind Fortress existed; from before the time of the split between Tel Quassir; and simply play around with whatever trinket I could get your grand-uncle to spare.

One time he gave me this simple pendant he had forgotten what it used to do. And that's the story of how every bird in the city suddenly started flying in circles around the tower for a week. The greater mages and clerics of the Winter Court flocked to study the tower for months. While your grand-uncle and I got a laugh at their theories; from the coming of Who-He-Was, to an arcanoleptic spasm surge, whatever that meant.

The pendant was apparently used to call a messenger bird ages ago, and because it had reproduced for centuries all of its descendants had come; because it was an enchantment of upmost simplicity they didn't even consider that a possibility. They took it as a sign of the Raven Queen's mandate at the end and rebuilt the tower.

Your grand-uncle didn't quite know if to give me more toys or stop altogether, and your grandmother was horrified since she found out some of the other things I had been getting.

About a century or more afterwards I got stationed at the tower while serving as captain of the Mistral Guard and got a replica of the pendant as part of the garrison uniform. Apparently your grand-uncle had given them a copy of the original and told them he had found it and that it radiated subdual, undetectable by lesser mages, aura of summoning. Because he was Mikhail Naryshkin and no mage wanted to admit not seeing a thing they made it part of the captain's uniform and called it a sign of Fate's and Winter's will. Your grandmother probably still has the original "Fate and Winter's Will" locked in a box at her house when we visit her."

Adalhard tells almost laughing by the end.

As soon as they arrive Adalhard inspects the ruins for any suitable sleeping quarter. He uses his very mangled sleeproll folded over itself and places the newer bedroll on top and then folds it over itself in half again to make a bed for Ilya. With the accommodations ready Adalhard will start to go through the ruins with the tendrils looking for bodies.

"A fun little trick with your grand-uncle's favourite toy. He used to have me practice for hours on manipulating REM. I guess he had a good reason, even if I still don't have great control over it right now."

Adalhard hands one of the packages to Ilya.

"A bit of creativity and this is simply the most useful and entertaining thing ever.

It's frozen right now; Shadow REM is one of the more dangerous types of Raw Elemental Magic so to store it you need to either solidify it, gasify it or purify it. Though considering not even your grand-uncle could do the last, its pretty much the first two options.

Try playing around with little amounts, it takes a long while to be able to even manipulate a small drop of it, so don't get frustrated if you can't make it work right now."

Adalhard: Ilya doesn't ask to be carried, though she clearly appreciates it. She laughs as Adalhard tells the story, and in response to his question, taps her head and answers "I'm sure they'd find us quite slow at warfare. After all, we live so long, why plan for the here and now when we can play the long game. But that is not always the best option, and we have much to learn from these quicker races. I think so, anyway."

Once you get to the fortress, Ilya starts practicing with the liquid. She seems a little frustrated at first, not being able to manipulate it too well, but she slowly gains the hang of it to some degree.

As for your tendrils, they sniff out a few skeletons, but no corpses that'd be fresh enough to be used in the Knight ritual.

2013-08-09, 02:12 PM
Adalhard pats Ilya on the head after her comment.

He'll use three very thin tendrils to reach the body, make them rotate around and then freeze at several heights and then making them float up to remove the ground on top of them

He then uses his gloves to retrieve the skeleton and reassemble it above ground.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Adalhard actually intends to use skeletons rather than corpses so that Ilya can make their body up of plants and veins out of xylem and phloems and use the ritual in them to imbue them with intelligence and magical capabilities as was mentioned on the road.

2013-08-09, 02:26 PM
Adalhard pats Ilya on the head after her comment.

He'll use three very thin tendrils to reach the body, make them rotate around and then freeze at several heights and then making them float up to remove the ground on top of them

He then uses his gloves to retrieve the skeleton and reassemble it above ground.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Adalhard actually intends to use skeletons rather than corpses so that Ilya can make their body up of plants and veins out of xylem and phloems and use the ritual in them to imbue them with intelligence and magical capabilities as was mentioned on the road.

Adalhard: Ahh, okay :smalltongue:

You can find 6 skeletons that are actually usable for this purpose. The others are too damaged due to time and whatever it all was that killed them.

2013-08-10, 03:10 AM
After reassembling the six skeletons aboveground, Adalhard removes his small, red, leather-bound book.

He goes swiftly but through every single page until he reaches a part which seems sewn into the book; the pages are a lighter colour than the rest. He takes control of the REM Ilya is manipulating and freezes all of it back to its package.

He shows the first page of this section to Ilya.

It is filled with the careful and elaborate carbon drawing of two dead eladrin in Autumn Court military garbs. The bottom of the page is signed: in a detailed and careful stroke "Endless Blue", in a clean but brusque redish ink "Crimson Mage", and in a disjointed and messy blackish writing "Lilac Butcher".

Adalhard slowly turns the page to reveal another series of detailed carbon drawings, this time its the drawing of a hand, drawn three times in each page. The first drawing in each case depicts the severed hand alone, the second is the same hand without skin, showing the ligaments and muscles and the third is merely the bones with veins. The one to the right is identical but appears more feminine.

In each page there are writings around every drawing. The one closest is in neat calligraphy describe what is being seen labelling the part and numbering corresponding joints. A rather rough and messy writing follows, describing the biological functions of what is being observed and including random notes on different observations like exposition to cold, certain plants, alchemical reagents or even specific insects. Finally almost near the margins, neat yet inelegant notes describe the relevance of each part to a magical system, either as recipient or user; and number amounts of flow capacity, absorption and storage potentials. This trend and drawing style repeat throughout the wholeness of the lighter pages going over every eladrin body part.

Adalhard hands Ilya the book.

"Your mother had interesting hobbies and I loved her way to much to stop her."

Adalhard then starts drawing the proper circles and glyphs around the skeletons with his hand in the dirt.

"You should be able to build a whole eladrin from air with what's in that book. Your mother's little pet project; even when deployed and scattered through the Feywild I'd send her letters and packages of what she required accompanied by some local weapon or ammunition; sometimes I wondered if it was merely the pretext for us to send things to each other under the noses of the military.

At the end I had sent so many things under the pretence of research material and apparently your mother had actually been using it; that we both got sent to the same research unit.

The site we got assigned was in the middle of northernmost nothingness; we spent our first night almost alone rather than in the opera or the theatre like regular people, assembling her notebook from all the correspondence; took us fifteen hours to copy our notes to your uncle Kalindale's drawings while musing on where we had been on each body part and what had been the accompanying present.

When morning almost dawned we took a walk and your mother pushed me into a snow-pile and pushed some stalagmites into it and claimed I had been assaulted. Which got all patrols deployed and in alert, we had the whole site for ourselves and we promptly used it to... sleep, we were so tired from our endeavour that we just decide to use the time for nap time cuddling in the officer's infirmary. We managed to awake just before the patrols returned."

Adalhard then starts reciting

"I summon thee.
Heed thy call.
Your orders given.
Your kind abroad

To serve one
to serve all.
And so I call you
Knights without swords."

He turns to Ilya:

"A body to each, starting north and going clockwise. If the mantle I took was Albedo, then what comes next is Citrinitas. If the knights are of the white Albedo then the ladies are of the golden Xanthosis."

Blue Ghost
2013-08-10, 09:52 PM

Juniper embraces his old companion heartily. Captain! So good to see you alive and well. For me, not much has happened since we last met. Some run-ins with the Fell Court, a brief expedition to the Shadowfell, pursuing a lich's phylactery, the usual. He waves his hand airily.

How have things been in the city? I hear that the situation's improved in the recent months? Tell me about it!

2013-08-10, 10:46 PM
After reassembling the six skeletons aboveground, Adalhard removes his small, red, leather-bound book.

He goes swiftly but through every single page until he reaches a part which seems sewn into the book; the pages are a lighter colour than the rest. He takes control of the REM Ilya is manipulating and freezes all of it back to its package.

He shows the first page of this section to Ilya.

It is filled with the careful and elaborate carbon drawing of two dead eladrin in Autumn Court military garbs. The bottom of the page is signed: in a detailed and careful stroke "Endless Blue", in a clean but brusque redish ink "Crimson Mage", and in a disjointed and messy blackish writing "Lilac Butcher".

Adalhard slowly turns the page to reveal another series of detailed carbon drawings, this time its the drawing of a hand, drawn three times in each page. The first drawing in each case depicts the severed hand alone, the second is the same hand without skin, showing the ligaments and muscles and the third is merely the bones with veins. The one to the right is identical but appears more feminine.

In each page there are writings around every drawing. The one closest is in neat calligraphy describe what is being seen labelling the part and numbering corresponding joints. A rather rough and messy writing follows, describing the biological functions of what is being observed and including random notes on different observations like exposition to cold, certain plants, alchemical reagents or even specific insects. Finally almost near the margins, neat yet inelegant notes describe the relevance of each part to a magical system, either as recipient or user; and number amounts of flow capacity, absorption and storage potentials. This trend and drawing style repeat throughout the wholeness of the lighter pages going over every eladrin body part.

Adalhard hands Ilya the book.

"Your mother had interesting hobbies and I loved her way to much to stop her."

Adalhard then starts drawing the proper circles and glyphs around the skeletons with his hand in the dirt.

"You should be able to build a whole eladrin from air with what's in that book. Your mother's little pet project; even when deployed and scattered through the Feywild I'd send her letters and packages of what she required accompanied by some local weapon or ammunition; sometimes I wondered if it was merely the pretext for us to send things to each other under the noses of the military.

At the end I had sent so many things under the pretence of research material and apparently your mother had actually been using it; that we both got sent to the same research unit.

The site we got assigned was in the middle of northernmost nothingness; we spent our first night almost alone rather than in the opera or the theatre like regular people, assembling her notebook from all the correspondence; took us fifteen hours to copy our notes to your uncle Kalindale's drawings while musing on where we had been on each body part and what had been the accompanying present.

When morning almost dawned we took a walk and your mother pushed me into a snow-pile and pushed some stalagmites into it and claimed I had been assaulted. Which got all patrols deployed and in alert, we had the whole site for ourselves and we promptly used it to... sleep, we were so tired from our endeavour that we just decide to use the time for nap time cuddling in the officer's infirmary. We managed to awake just before the patrols returned."

Adalhard then starts reciting

"I summon thee.
Heed thy call.
Your orders given.
Your kind abroad

To serve one
to serve all.
And so I call you
Knights without swords."

He turns to Ilya:

"A body to each, starting north and going clockwise. If the mantle I took was Albedo, then what comes next is Citrinitas. If the knights are of the white Albedo then the ladies are of the golden Xanthosis."

Adalhard: Ilya watches with rapt attention, trying to memorize it all.


Juniper embraces his old companion heartily. Captain! So good to see you alive and well. For me, not much has happened since we last met. Some run-ins with the Fell Court, a brief expedition to the Shadowfell, pursuing a lich's phylactery, the usual. He waves his hand airily.

How have things been in the city? I hear that the situation's improved in the recent months? Tell me about it!

Juniper: Captain Toras gives a deep laugh "Always the joker, eh Xander. Glad to see you're in good health." he then orders a drink for Juniper, before continuing "It has improved, yes. The government's putting more sanctions on those who run indentured service rings, making it safer, squashing the actual slavers. On the surface at least, the Fell Court doesn't have any say in this city. What you set in motion is almost at an end."

2013-08-10, 11:00 PM
Adalhard actually needs her to give the skeletons their plant bodies.

2013-08-10, 11:05 PM
Adalhard actually needs her to give the skeletons their plant bodies.

Adalhard: Right, sorry, I didn't quite understand (I'm feelin' pretty sick X_X).

Ilya's left hand point finger splits slightly, and a flower blooms from it, covered with all sorts of seeds. She takes six out, and puts one in the center of the rib cage of each skeleton. She then sucks he flower back into her hand, and starts concentrating. Her eyes take on a dark green glow as she focuses, and the seeds start growing as if filmed in fast motion, creating a vaguely humanoid plant like body.

2013-08-10, 11:55 PM
Adalhard reforms the uniforms into outfits similar to that of the KoA but with floral design as bevels and a steel mask underneath a short hood rather than the prolonged hood the KoA have to hide their faces.

He then opens two portals and helps a LoX through the first and two through the second. One to the Barricade and another two to Wattertrodden. He then dismisses thwo to the city proper.

He then addresses Ilya.

"Keep one with yourself; you'll need a way to experiment on any development, and an assistant is less alarming than living gigantic plants around a castle. Just keep any test inside a closed room.

It also should be able to perform some rituals while your bloodlines have yet to manifest fully.

And in time it should provide a two way channel of communication between us."

Adalhard imbues each of the six with the usual but the one that will remain with Ilya receives Sending additionally.

Current Tally:
Material Plane:
The Barricade: 4 KoA- 1 LoX
Wattertrodden: 6 KoA- 2 LoX
Bael Turath: 2 LoX

Lilác: 1 KoA
Alexandra Ilyasviel Adeldöttir: 1 LoX

Total: 17 Thralls

After this Adalhard will walk around the ruins with Ilya; looking for plants and flowers on the surroundings as well as any weapon or armour lying around. Or anything of interest or with magic in them. Or some tea leaves or chamomile.

When it nears 18:00 he'll head to their starting point where he left the sleeping bag bed; fey step on spot to clean his clothing, remove his coat, fold it into a pillow for Ilya and trance until 22:00

Do tell if I continue and if they find anything.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Get well soon.

2013-08-11, 01:05 AM
Adalhard reforms the uniforms into outfits similar to that of the KoA but with floral design as bevels and a steel mask underneath a short hood rather than the prolonged hood the KoA have to hide their faces.

He then opens two portals and helps a LoX through the first and two through the second. One to the Barricade and another two to Wattertrodden. He then dismisses thwo to the city proper.

He then addresses Ilya.

"Keep one with yourself; you'll need a way to experiment on any development, and an assistant is less alarming than living gigantic plants around a castle. Just keep any test inside a closed room.

It also should be able to perform some rituals while your bloodlines have yet to manifest fully.

And in time it should provide a two way channel of communication between us."

Adalhard imbues each of the six with the usual but the one that will remain with Ilya receives Sending additionally.

Current Tally:
Material Plane:
The Barricade: 4 KoA- 1 LoX
Wattertrodden: 6 KoA- 2 LoX
Bael Turath: 2 LoX

Lilác: 1 KoA
Alexandra Ilyasviel Adeldöttir: 1 LoX

Total: 17 Thralls

After this Adalhard will walk around the ruins with Ilya; looking for plants and flowers on the surroundings as well as any weapon or armour lying around. Or anything of interest or with magic in them. Or some tea leaves or chamomile.

When it nears 18:00 he'll head to their starting point where he left the sleeping bag bed; fey step on spot to clean his clothing, remove his coat, fold it into a pillow for Ilya and trance until 22:00

Do tell if I continue and if they find anything.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Get well soon.

Adalhard: Thanks. Hope you're enjoying your vacation and stuff :smallsmile:

You don't find any armour or weapons in the fort, at least none that aren't crumbling with age. However, you do find a few more exotic flowers for Ilya, as well as enough tea ingredients to make for a pleasant afternoon tea time. Only real flower worth mentioning outright is a Baelin Fire Weed, which is like a regular Fire Weed plant only tinged a much deeper crimson red. It has some slight infernal energies to it, and as such acts like a sort of catnip for demons and devils. The history behind the flower is that tiefling blood changed the flower to be how it is now (sort of like the Poppy flower in real life, by my understanding).

Ilya half trances half sleeps on the coat pillow, clearly trying to will herself to sleep.

2013-08-11, 02:33 AM
Adalhard comes out of his trance at 22:00.

Adalhard first enchants Almacia's scabbard with the Ruby Scabbard enchantment.

He then sets up a small fire and uses the alchemical set to make tea while slowly parsing through the leather book with his other hand.

He looks up at Ilya sleep from time to time. Once it is ready he sets up nine empty vials and fills six of them with tea; to three of them he adds tinges of alchemist cold.

"As much as the oath I wrote makes you all one and one all; I am fully aware of the presence of individuality; intelligence, even without the wisdom for differentiation, has a weight.

As you'll be along with Alexandra, the anonymity for uniformity makes no sense, and I believe she'd prefer to be able to refer to you by name rather than title; Roselle.

The task you've been given is not a noble, almost naive, endeavour like that of your sisters and brothers. I'm leaving you on the care and for the care of the thing most valuable to me in this universe. It is perhaps the most selfish and inconsequential task of those given to you all; and that is why I shall reward it beyond the others when time comes.

But for now, humour some tea and quiet."

Adalhard offers the other three to Roselle.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It's complicated... I'll explain when everything clears up.

I'll update the character sheet and economy when able as well and edit them out of this post when done.

[_] Ruby Scabbard

2013-08-11, 08:49 AM
Adalhard comes out of his trance at 22:00.

Adalhard first enchants Almacia's scabbard with the Ruby Scabbard enchantment.

He then sets up a small fire and uses the alchemical set to make tea while slowly parsing through the leather book with his other hand.

He looks up at Ilya sleep from time to time. Once it is ready he sets up nine empty vials and fills six of them with tea; to three of them he adds tinges of alchemist cold.

"As much as the oath I wrote makes you all one and one all; I am fully aware of the presence of individuality; intelligence, even without the wisdom for differentiation, has a weight.

As you'll be along with Alexandra, the anonymity for uniformity makes no sense, and I believe she'd prefer to be able to refer to you by name rather than title; Roselle.

The task you've been given is not a noble, almost naive, endeavour like that of your sisters and brothers. I'm leaving you on the care and for the care of the thing most valuable to me in this universe. It is perhaps the most selfish and inconsequential task of those given to you all; and that is why I shall reward it beyond the others when time comes.

But for now, humour some tea and quiet."

Adalhard offers the other three to Roselle.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It's complicated... I'll explain when everything clears up.

I'll update the character sheet and economy when able as well and edit them out of this post when done.

[_] Ruby Scabbard

Adalhard: Okay. Hope everything's alright.

Roselle takes the tea and drinks it daintily. She responds "Thank you, Master. I will do as I can."

2013-08-11, 12:40 PM
"Thank you sister.

There is no need for that title, we are all equals; if perhaps I take as prima inter pares, it is merely because my task is to lead."

Adalhard will then trance from 04:00 to 08:00 (Of the 22nd).
_ _ _ _ __ _ _

Do tell if I continue or wait for further cue.

2013-08-11, 01:23 PM
"Thank you sister.

There is no need for that title, we are all equals; if perhaps I take as prima inter pares, it is merely because my task is to lead."

Adalhard will then trance from 04:00 to 08:00 (Of the 22nd).
_ _ _ _ __ _ _

Do tell if I continue or wait for further cue.

Adalhard: I'd wait, truth be told.

Roselle nods politely, and goes to sleep when she can.