View Full Version : Kick-the-Can Thread: Not to be confused with buckets.

2013-06-03, 08:43 PM
Hey, all! It's been an awfully long time since there was a kick-the-can thread, so I thought I'd start one.

So: Does the Playground prefer to play singleplayer or multiplayer?

Personally, my fondest memories include the singleplayer mode- kicking the can down the street on my way home from school.
Once, I was kicking the can and I accidentally kicked it in front of a moving vehicle- the can and my spirits were both crushed.

2013-06-04, 08:34 PM
I am led to believe that "Kick the can" is actually several different games with the same name, based on what we did as kids in my hometown and what I've seen others refer to as kick the can.

In my hometown's version, it was like a game of hide and seek, where one person had to guard the can from people who would try to sneak up and kick the can before the guard could jump over the can and shout "over the can on (person they saw)". I'm pretty sure cheating was heavily punished, because we never cheated. The first person the guard caught was 'it' on the next round, but only if the original guard caught ALL of the other kids, otherwise he was still 'it' until he got sick of it or everyone had to go home. Luckily there weren't ever that many kids playing at once, so there'd be some chance of the guard being able to do the other part a little.

My memory of the game is really, really, really fuzzy after 30 years. If I tried to play that game now I'd probably tear something painful.

As for kicking things down the street, we use rocks, and I still do that because it's fun.

In China, the kids use a plastic bottle cap instead of a can. Just the cap, because apparently it makes the game more challenging?

2013-06-05, 10:48 PM
My version was very similar to Winter_Wolf. There would be an "it" who would guard the can. Everyone else would attempt to kick it. The "it" would tag everyone before the kicked it, freezing them.

It was essentially freeze tag with an objective for the people trying not to get tagged.

There was an elevated piece of concrete behind my house that only had three entrances (unless you cheated. Then there were four). We would place the can (or milk jug) in the middle.

Good memories.

2013-06-06, 05:52 PM
We had something similar, but we leaned three sticks together into a tripod shape instead of using a can.

2013-06-07, 12:37 AM
Meh, I was never into kicking the can.

I'd always rather pick up that can.

Then, I'd always put it in the trash can.

2013-06-07, 02:45 AM
Meh, I was never into kicking the can.

I'd always rather pick up that can.

Then, I'd always put it in the trash can.

You monster.

Not recycling a perfectly good can...