View Full Version : Blind Cleric of Gruumsh - Help please

2013-06-03, 11:02 PM
Okay, what I'm wanting to do is use an Orc with the Gruumsh Blooded template (which dissolves the eye, it can't be regenerated) and be a barbarian and/orc cleric until I can go into the Eye of Gruumsh PrC (requirement: you must remove an eye).

Other than that basic stuff, I have no clue how this would work, so I've got some questions:
1.) Would getting both eyes removed grant blindsight?
2.) What weapon(s) should I use?
3.) Which domains would be best for this?
4.) Any specific spells?
5.) Is there anything else I should do?

Since this is going to be one of the two primary villains in my campaign (the other is going to be a High Priestess of Lolth), take your time! :thog:

2013-06-03, 11:59 PM
Loose the Gruumsh-Blooded eye while loosing the Eye of Gruumsh eye. 2 for 1
Though eye of gruumsh isn't that useful on a cleric as it doesn't advance casting

Weapon: Longspear or Orc Double Axe. If avoiding the Eye of Gruumsh PrC go Spear route. Otherwise you gotta burn feats on the Axe so...
Domains: Domination or Tyranny and Orc or Wrath (not a Gruumsh domain, but it fits and has no core deities...). Domination is nice for the focus on enchantment. In fact if going enchantment heavy domination AND tyranny

Items: Longspear of Retribution, Gauntlet of Gruumsh, A blighter's hex eye (if the party has a lot of elves), Shield of the Severed Hand

If figuring out you want to be blind: Blindfold of True Darkness and a Blindhelm

2013-06-04, 12:06 AM
A few suggestions....

Other than that basic stuff, I have no clue how this would work, so I've got some questions:

1.) Would getting both eyes removed grant blindsight?
Sounds like a feat purchase to me.

2.) What weapon(s) should I use?
Always ask yourself, WWGD? What Would Gruumsh Do? He is a War God, and Weapon Focus is the Domain special ability.

3.) Which domains would be best for this?
Perhaps War and Orc?

4.) Any specific spells?
Depends on the level of the Villain, but assuming 12th level minimum as a villain, Slay Living (5th) is a great way to put the fear of Gruumsh in your PCs little hearts. Flame Strike is another great opener for Clerics.

5.) Is there anything else I should do?
Give your villain Leadership? And make all his gear Gruumsh specific in design, such as eyes and spikes, very orcish, to diminish your heroes making use of his stuff.

2013-06-04, 01:27 AM
All of this sounds great :smallbiggrin: Thank you both so much!