View Full Version : uh oh... efreeti

2013-06-04, 12:38 PM
one of my players has a bottle of efreeti, when the party first got it last September, it was an all powerful genie that could waste them in the blink of an eye, now the party could kill the efreeti with little effort. Aside from the obvious increase in hit dice needed to adjust the CR, I'm a little clueless on how to run it.

I thought the party had sold it or it was lost among character deaths until it was brought to my attention last session..."oooh neat, I have a bottle of efreeti!.."

from what I've read, an efreeti is LE and hates servitude, beyond that, there is no clear description of how to deal with it other than the random action table in the DMG for what happens when it is opened each time. first time dealing with this and was honestly hoping the party had gotten rid of it after finding out the genie was evil... back in September... last year

2013-06-04, 12:47 PM
I say just play it straight. They can stomp it? Then they've earned some fun with a genie.

What level were they back then when they got it? Maybe it thinks they're still weak, and is furious about being imprisoned, so it attacks them. Then they clobber it (maybe kill it, in which case your problem is solved), but more fun is if they say "Hey, we'll clobber you more if you don't give us wishes." So it says "*sigh*, you ain't never had a friend like me," gives them 3 wishes (standard and fair, let the party fight over who gets the wishes), you as the DM can warp the wording of the wishes (that shouldn't be hard), and then the Efreet leaves and maybe a few levels later comes back with a Fire Army for revenge.

2013-06-04, 12:48 PM
When opened, the efreeti imprisoned within issues from the bottle instantly. There is a 10% chance (01-10 on d%) that the efreeti is insane and attacks immediately upon being released. There is also a 10% chance (91-100) that the efreeti of the bottle grants three wishes. In either case, the efreeti afterward disappears forever. The other 80% of the time (11-90), the inhabitant of the bottle loyally serves the character for up to 10 minutes per day (or until the efreeti’s death), doing as she commands. Roll each day the bottle is opened for that day’s effect.

Since you are the DM, you can decide to choose an outcome rather than roll for it. You could even have an efreet with a template that made it good for example.
