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2013-06-05, 01:07 AM
Tenebrist (3.5)

Class Features

Hit Die: d8

Starting Gold: As Rogue

Skills: Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Decipher Script (Int), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana, the planes, and religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points: 6 + Int mod (x 4 at first level)

{table=head]{colsp=6}the Tenebrist|{colsp=6}
Mysteries per Day|

Level|BaB|Fort|Refx|Will|Special|1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5 th|6th|

1st|+0|+0|+2|+2|Umbral Vision, Shadowcraft ---|-|-|-|-|-|-|



4th|+3|+1|+4|+4|Resist Nyx's Embrace|3|2|-|-|-|-|

5th|+3|+1|+4|+4|Without Rest|3|3|-|-|-|-|

6th|+4|+2|+5|+5|Aspect, Tenebrious Strike|3|3|-|-|-|-|

7th|+5|+2|+5|+5| |3|3|1|-|-|-|

8th|+6/+1|+2|+6|+6|Ephemeral Weapon|3|3|1|-|-|-|

9th|+6/+1|+3|+6|+6|Disruption 1/ encounter|3|3|2|-|-|-|

10th|+7/+2|+3|+7|+7|Aspect, Without Hunger|3|3|2|0|-|-|

11th|+8/+3|+3|+7|+7|Escalating Shadows|3|3|2|1|-|-|

12th|+9/+4|+4|+8|+8| |3|3|3|1|-|-|

13th|+9/+4|+4|+8|+8|Shadow Discorporation|3|3|3|1|0|-|


15th|+11/+6/+1|+5|+9|+9|Without Breathe|3|3|3|2|1|-|

16th|+12/+7/+2|+5|+10|+10| |3|3|3|2|1|0|


18th|+13/+8/+3|+6|+11|+11|Aspect, Shadowstriking|3|3|3|2|2|1|

19th|+14/+9/+4|+6|+11|+11|Disruption 2/ encounter|3|3|3|2|2|1|

20th|+15/+10/+5|+6|+12|+12|Without Mortality|3|3|3|3|2|2|


Proficiencies: The Tenebrist is proficient with all simple weapons, bolas, hand crossbows, longsword, net, rapier, the sap, spiked armor, short sword, shuriken, and the whip, as well as with light armor, but not with any shields.

Class Abilities
The Tenebrist has delved into the power of shadow and learned to invoke strange magical formulae called mysteries.
Even though she doesn't cast spells she counts her total shadowcasting levels towards her caster level. She learns a new mystery at every level of Tenebrist after her first.
Similar to spellcasters she is only able to invoke so many mysteries, as indicated, per day (recovered each dusk), but gains bonus mysteries for a high wisdom, just as detailed for spellcasters.
The Tenebrist qualifies for, and can progress in, arcane casting PrCs with her shadowcasting as if she were an arcane caster. She may not, however, qualify for, or progress shadowcasting, in a PrC requiring specific spells.
She can identify mysteries with a Knowledge (the Planes) check in the same way that spells can normally be identified with Spellcraft. Only someone capable of shadowcasting can identify mysteries.

Invoking Mysteries
Invoking a mystery is, unless noted otherwise, a standard action. These supernatural abilities require concentration, are subject to same stacking rules as spells are, and provoke attacks of opportunity from those that notice their invocation.
In order to notice the Tenebrist invoking a mystery, while she is in shadowy illumination or darker, a creature must succeed on a DC 15, +1/2 her caster level, spot check. This check increases, for distance and distraction, as noted within the skill.
The saving throw for any mystery has a DC of 10 + 1/2 her caster level + her intelligence modifier, though she is immune to the effects of her own mysteries unless they specifically target her or she waves immunity.
An ongoing mystery can be dismissed by it's invoker as a free action and functions in any sort of ambient light regardless of how it describes manipulating the user's or another's shadow.

In addition to her mysteries the Tenebrist learns fundamentals. She learns new fundamentals at each of the indicated levels. They function as her other mysteries, except that they do not have limited uses and may be subject to spell resistance.

Umbral Vision (Ex)
The Tenebrist can see through any darkness, even magical darkness, as easily as within daylight, except vision into magical darkness is in black and white. This ability counts as Darkvision for the purpose of prerequisites.

Shadowcraft (Su)
As a swift action the Tenebrist may reach into nearby shadow and draw out a small, or smaller, object. It may not have moving parts, mimic alchemical or magic processes, or simulate unusual materials. She may not form more shadowcraft objects than 10 lbs, + 5 lbs per 2 Tenebrist levels, in their material counterpart's weight.
These objects have no weight, despite being corporeal, and count as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. They are automatically masterwork with no extra effort on her part.
She can dismiss these object(s), a free action, even in another's or if no longer on her person. They also, after having left her possession for 3 rounds, dissipate on their own.

Lv2 > Jaded (Ex)
To fully embrace the shadows one must conquer fear. The Tenebrist is immune to all fear and negative morale effects.

Lv4 > Resist Nyx's Embrace (Ex)
Having been exposed to the deepest secrets of darkness the Tenebrist has gained resistance against their pull.
She gains cold and negative energy resistance, equal to 5 x 1/2 her Tenebrist level, and is immune to ability drain, energy drain, and similar effects (such permanent hp loss).

Lv5+ > Without (Ex)
At each of the indicated levels the Tenebrist becomes more shadow than material, granting her the indicated benefits:

5/Rest: She no longer needs to sleep to maintain her health, though she must still rest to gain any of the other benefits that it normally provides.

10/Hunger: She need only eat a single meal per week to maintain her health. The shadows otherwise sustain her.

15/Breath: She no longer need breath, but she can mimic the function if she wishes to. This renders her immune to effects needing inhaled to take affect.

20/Mortality: She no longer ages, losing penalties but still accruing bonuses, and is immune to all ageing effects.

Lv6, 10, 14, 18 > Aspect of Shadow
At each of the indicated levels the Tenebrist may choose a new metashadow feat or an ability from the following list. She must meet meet any prerequisites or conditions either might have.

Dark Reflections (Su)
The Tenebrist gains the Shadow Reflection feat, even if she doesn't meet any of it's prerequisites, for free.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex)
She can use the Hide skill even while being observed, except while in natural daylight, the area of a daylight spell, or a similar effect.

Improved Finesse (Ex)
She gains Weapon Finesse, as the feat, if she doesn't already have it. She can also benefit from Weapon Finesse with any one-handed weapon, even if it isn't a light weapon, of appropriate size.

Shadow Familiar
The Tenebrist gains the Shadow Familiar feat, even if she doesn't meet any of it's prerequisites, for free. This aspect can be taken again to grant her the Improved Familiar feat.

Shadow Vision (Su)
The Tenebrist gains the Shadow Vision feat, even if she doesn't meet any of it's prerequisites, for free. It has a range of 60ft instead of 20ft.

Sneak Attack (Ex)
She gains +1d6 Sneak Attack, as a Rogue, and counts as a Rogue, of her Tenebrist level, for the purpose of delivering Sneak Attack to another Rogue for flanking them.
This aspect can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken Sneak Attack increases by +1d6.

Vexing Invoker (Su)
The Tenebrist gains the Shadow Cast feat, even if she doesn't meet any of it's prerequisites, for free. It's effects only apply when she invokes a mystery.

Daunting Presence (Ex)
Prerequisites: Minimum Tenebrist level of 10
Anyone, in 30ft, who attempts to attack the Tenebrist, or knowingly includes her in the area, must succeed on a will save, at a DC of 10 + 1/2 her Tenebrist level + her charisma modifier, or become frightened for the rest of the encounter.
A creature who succeeds on their save is immune to further effects of this ability for the remainder of the encounter.

Shadow Pocket (Su)
Prerequisites: Minimum Tenebrist level of 10
The Tenebrist can fit into spaces as if she were one size smaller, than she actually is, which also allows her to squeeze through a space even smaller than normally possible for someone her size.
Other than noted, this doesn't help her escape a grapple or bindings. It provides her Tenebrist level, as a bonus, to all Escape Artist checks however.

Lv6 > Tenebrious Strike
As a standard action the Tenebrist may make a single melee attack and channel a mystery through her weapon. She must select a mystery that can affect her target.
A mystery normally requiring an attack roll hits, without the need for one, if the attack successfully hits. Regardless of the mystery's original area or effect it becomes centered on the target and only affects that target.

Lv8 > Ephemeral Weapon (Su)
Any weapon the Tenebrist creates with Shadowcraft can harm incorporeal, or ethereal, creatures. Likewise, the AC bonus provided by an armor or shield, made this way, applies against touch attacks.

Lv9+ > Disruption (Su)
A limited number of times per day, as indicated, the Tenebrist may jam any spell, spell-like ability, or mystery being cast in 60ft of her. She must be aware of it to use this ability. They may negate this effect with an opposed level check.

Lv11 > Escalating Shadows (Su)
Whenever the Tenebrist successfully disrupts an effect with Disruption, or counters a spell with Shadows Fade, she may restore a spent mystery slot with a level no higher than half the spell level (or, if none, half it's caster level).

Lv13 > Shadow Discorporation (Su)
The Tenebrist, if killed in shadowy illumination or darker ambient lighting, discorporates along with all of her equipment. At any dusk afterwards she may resurrect, as if with True Resurrection, anywhere within 1 mile.
Though she doesn't know exactly what is within the area she would resurrect at, she is alerted if an area isn't safe before she confirms her destination. During the time she is discorporated she doesn't technically exist and can't be targeted.

Lv17 > Persistence (Ex)
When the Tenebrist successfully saves against an ability she becomes immune to any further attempts to affect her with that ability for the rest of the encounter.

Lv18 > Shadowstriking (Su)
Any weapon the Tenebrist makes with Shadowcraft automatically overcomes any Damage Reduction other than DR/-.

2013-06-05, 01:09 AM

Evocation [see text]; Duration: Concentration
This works as the Control Light power, see XPH, except as noted here. It has a range of 60ft, affecting up to six 10ft. cubes, and has no limit to how long you can concentrate on it.
This mystery has the dark descriptor, if used to decrease illumination, or the light descriptor, if used to increase illumination.

Conjuration (Creation); Duration: Permanent
This works as detailed for the mystery, of the same name, in the ToM, other than noted here.

DIVINATION; Duration: Instantaneous
You immediately become aware of all non-mundane effects, within 25ft of you, what type of effect they are (spell, power, mystery, invocation, spell-like ability, supernatural ability, etc), and their school(s), if any.

ABJURATION; Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds
For the duration of this mystery you ignore movement penalties, from difficult terrain, though any other detriments might still affect you.

ABJURATION; Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds
As an immediate action you gain a circumstance bonus, equal to 3 + your wisdom bonus (if any), to Hide and Sleight of Hand checks, as well as any other check to conceal your actions or gestures, for the duration.

CONJURATION [CREATION]; Duration: see text
This mystery can unlock any lock given enough time, though all open lock checks fail to open the door while this mystery is in effect. It takes one minute per 5 points of the Open Lock DC.
You must maintain concentration for it's entire duration for it to take effect and can't take any other actions, besides free ones, without ending it's effects.

Evocation; Duration: Instantaneous
A thin lance of shadow leaps out towards a single creature, within 25ft, and deals 1d6 + your caster level + your wisdom modifier non-lethal damage if it hits. This ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit your target.
Although Spear of Nyx does not allow for a saving throw it can be resisted with spell resistance as though it were a spell.

TRANSMUTATION; Duration: Concentration
This mystery functions as the Umbral Hand mystery, except as noted here. It has a range of 25ft and the duration of concentration is not limited.
1st Level
UNIVERSAL; Instantaneous
You can send a message, no more than 10 words, to the mind of a single living creature who's exact location you know or one living creature, within 100ft, who's approximate location you know.
They must be on the same plane and are allowed to reply, also limited to 10 words, to you. This mystery can't be use for any function other than normal speech. For example you can't deliver command words for magic items.

TRANSMUTATION; Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds
At a single point within 20ft of yourself you may create a sheet of grasping hands, in up to a 5ft to 30ft area, which lasts for the duration. Any creature within, or that moves through, is entangled for a single round.
Special: Dark Terrain conforms to surfaces, bending to fit within it's area. It can be formed, or spread, onto ceilings and walls as easily as the ground.

ILLUSION (GLAMER); Duration: 1 hour
You may disguise yourself with deceptive shadows. You are limited, to the same alterations to appearance as described with the Disguise Self spell, and can change your appearance by, as a swift action, shortening the duration 10 minutes.

DIVINATION; Duration: Instantaneous
This mystery, invoked as an immediate action, used in response to a statement reveals whether or not you are being lied to. This effectively has an unlimited range, since it is reliant on them choosing to speak to you.

EVOCATION [SHADOW]; Duration: Instantaneous
You may spike shadows into any target within 60ft. A creature struck must succeed on a reflex save or be affected as if they had stepped on caltrops and been affected by them successfully. The target's size is irrelevant.

ABJURATION; Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds
You gain your wisdom bonus (if any), as a deflection bonus, to AC, as threads of shadow get in the way of enemy assault, for the duration.

TRANSMUTATION; Duration: 3 minutes
You can make a check as if you had the Bardic Knowledge ability with a Bard level equal to your caster level.

CONJURATION [SONIC]; Duration: Instantaneous
You can make your voice, or any sound you can make vocally, emanate from up to three points within 30ft. You might or might not allow yourself to also be heard; this doesn't count towards your maximum number of points.

TRANSMUTATION; Duration: Instantaneous
Select a point, in your line of sight, within 30ft. For a brief moment you shift perspective so that you perceive the environment as if you occupied that space instead of your actual location.
If you have the capability to invoke a mystery as a swift, or immediate, action you can do so in the moment this mystery takes effect, allowing you to cast the spell as if you had line of sight, but not line of effect, from that location.

NECROMANCY; Duration: Instantaneous
With a touch attack, against a creature, you deal 1d6 points of non-lethal damage per odd caster level.
A target who takes damage must also succeed on a fortitude save or be fatigued for 1d4 + 1 rounds. Fatigue, or exhaustion, from this mystery does not stack with itself.
2nd Level
This functions as the spell Suggestion, but has a shorter duration, as indicated, and a range of 25ft. Commands are understood regardless of language, though this doesn't allow you to understand them, or them you, any easier otherwise.

CONJURATION (TELEPORTATION); Duration: Instantaneous
Select one creature within 25ft of yourself. You can, if they fail their reflex save against this mystery, teleport them up to 10ft to any legal space that is within your line of sight.

CONJURATION (CREATION) [COLD]; Duration: 3 minutes
You may create a cloud of inky droplets of night within a range of 60ft that lasts for the duration.
This functions as the Fog Cloud spell, except as noted. A creature within, or that moves into, takes cold damage equal to half your caster level. No creature takes damage from this mystery more than once per round.

ABJURATION; Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds
For the duration, any AC, from shields and armor, applies against touch attacks and you gain DR/- equal to half your caster level.

ILLUSION (GLAMER); Duration: 1 round
As a swift action you grant yourself invisibility, as detailed for the Invisiblity spell, but for the indicated duration instead. It has the same restrictions.

EVOCATION [COLD]; Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds
You may fill up to six 5ft cubes, within 25ft, with black flame. Any creature standing in, or that passes through, the affected squares takes 1d6 points of cold damage per 2 caster levels. A reflex save halves damage.

ILLUSION (GLAMER, SHADOW); Duration: Instantaneous
You attempt to feint, gaining half your caster level as a bonus to the bluff check, as part of this mystery. Any creature who successfully sees past your feint must make a will save or be frightened for 1d4 + 1 rounds.

DIVINATION; Duration: 3 minutes
For the duration you can see invisible creatures within your line of sight. This also allows you to see ethereal creatures. Creatures revealed in this way are translucent enough that you can see through them without much difficulty.

DIVINATION; Duration: Instantaneous
You become aware of all living, and undead, creatures within a 25ft burst. Since this is only momentary it doesn't eliminate miss chances, though it might remove the need to swing at random squares.

A single creature, of your choice, in 30ft must succeed on will save or be fascinated, by non-existent whirling shadow and prismatic light, for the duration.
They are allowed a new every minute to break free, with a cumulative +1 bonus to their save. It can also be broken as normal for fascination.
3rd Level
ABJURATION; Duration: 1d4 + 3 rounds
You, for the duration, gain Blindsight, out to 30ft, and the Uncanny Dodge ability, as detailed for the Rogue ability.

ABJURATION; Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds
You are surrounded in whirling spikes of darkness for the duration. A creature who attacks you, from within your threatened area, takes 1d6 + your caster level in piercing and slashing damage. This is considered magic for overcoming DR.

This functions as the spell Suggestion, but has a shorter duration, as indicated, and affects all creatures, of your choosing, within a 15ft burst.
Commands are understood regardless of language, though this doesn't allow you to understand them, or them you, any easier otherwise.

CONJURATION (TELEPORTATION); Duration: Instantaneous
As an immediate action you may teleport up to 25ft, within line of sight, arriving exactly at your desired location. If used to avoid an attack or hazard, or the area thereof one, they have a 50% miss chance.

CONJURATION; Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds
One of your hands is, for the duration, infused with dark energy. Nothing else, other than maybe a gauntlet, may occupy this hand.
During this you can make melee touch attacks, even making full attacks, which deal 2d6 + 1/2 your caster level in cold damage. A target damaged must succeed on a fortitude save or be slowed, as the Slow spell, for 1d4 + 3 rounds.

With a successful touch attack you erase all memories of yourself from the target's mind unless they succeed on a will save. This does not, however, erase memories more than a week old.

ILLUSION (GLAMER); Duration: 1d4 + 3 rounds
You may affect yourself, or a willing creature in 25ft, with this mystery. For the duration any illusions the target has created, or later creates, becomes impossible to pierce without disbelieving.

ABJURATION; Duration: Instantaneous
This works as detailed for the mystery, of the same name, in the ToM, other than noted here. It has no dispel check cap and functions against mysteries even if they are supernatural abilities.

ILLUSION (GLAMER, SHADOW) [COLD]; Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds
You may create an illusion, as if with Mirror Image for the duration, although it has a more sinister purpose. Anyone who disbelieves one of them immediately takes 1d6 + your wisdom modifier in cold damage.

ILLUSION (GLAMER); Duration: Permanent
A single book or script, taking up no more than 5 cubic ft, you touch becomes completely unreadable except to those you designate. Decipher Script checks return false information.
Casting Read Magic and then making a successful caster level check, DC of 10 + your caster level, allows them to see through this illusory effect.
4th Level
ABJURATION [COLD]; Duration: 1d4 + 3 rounds
You may grant yourself, or a willing creature touched, immunity to cold damage for the duration, though this doesn't impose any sort of weakness for fire. Any attacks they make also deal +2d6 cold damage.

ABJURATION; Duration: 1d4 + 3 rounds
You reduce all energy damage that you take, for the duration, by half. This is applied after all other resistances or weaknesses involved.

ABJURATION; Duration: 1 hour
You, a touched creature, or touched object become invisible to divinations for the duration. Scrying spells, for example, simple don't show the target, while other kinds would simply fail.
A will save is allowed by intelligent objects, or unwilling creatures, to negate the effects of this mystery.

This mystery functions as the Dusk Cloud mystery, except as noted here. Instead of dealing cold damage any creature that is within, or passes through, must make a will save or become panicked for 1d4 + 3 rounds.

TRANSMUTATION; Duration: 1d4 + 3 rounds
For the duration, you, and any adjacent willing creatures at the time of invoking, gain the benefits of the Evasive Reflexes feat (see ToB), even if they wouldn't qualify, as well as a +30ft boost to their base land speed.

CONJURATION (TELEPORTATION); Duration: Instantaneous
You may teleport up to 400ft, arriving near your location, as a swift action. Roll as if for splash to determine the actual location you land. This teleportation is not fast enough to avoid attacks or hazards.

Any number of creatures, of your choice, within a 15ft burst must make a will save or become paranoid for 1d4 + 3 rounds. Even if they succeed on their saving throw they are still shaken for 1 round.
A paranoid creature can't take any action requiring concentration and doesn't discern any difference, between ally or foe, with their attacks. Though it doesn't occupy the same track as other fear effects it is indeed a fear effect.

EVOCATION [DARKNESS]; Duration: 1d4 + 1 rounds
If this ray, with a range of 100ft, successfully hits, requiring a touch attack, the target must succeed on a reflex save or their vision becomes shrouded. Effectively all creatures, and objects, have concealment from them for the duration.

ABJURATION [DARKNESS]; Duration: 3 minutes
You can create a wall of shadow, anywhere within 100ft, up 60ft long. This, except as noted here, functions as the Wall of Force spell.

ABJURATION; Duration: Instantaneous
This works as detailed for the mystery, of the same name, in the ToM, other than noted here. It has a range of 100ft.
5th Level
EVOCATION [DARKNESS]; Duration: 1d4 + 3 rounds
You can create a 15ft to 60ft sphere of darkness, which lasts for the indicated duration, at any point within 100ft. This area of darkness is impossible to tell apart from normal darkness with casual observation.
All senses, and extra sensory abilities, are jammed within. Scrying effects are unable to view into the area and the benefits of both Blind-Fighting and Uncanny Dodge (including the improved version) are suppressed.

ABJURATION [DARKNESS]; Duration: 1d4 + 3 rounds
You can create a cage of shadow anywhere within 60ft. This, except as noted here, functions as the Forcecage spell. Attempting to teleport, or plane shift, out of this cage requires a will save to be successful.

TRANSMUTATION [COLD]; Duration: 1d4 + 3 rounds
You may create a wall of shadow, up to 12ft tall, anywhere within 100ft. It may fill up to ten 10ft squares, blocks lines of sight, and lasts for the duration. Any creature within, or passing through, takes 1d4 cold damage per caster level.

ABJURATION; Duration: 1 hour
A single unattended object, or portal (such as a door), touched becomes warded for the duration. A creature that touches the object, or passes through the portal, takes 1d6 damage per caster level discharging the mystery. A will save halves damage.

ABJURATION; Duration: see text
This works as detailed for the mystery, of the same name, in the ToM, other than noted here. It has a range of 100ft.

CONJURATION (TELEPORTATION); Duration: Instantaneous
You can teleport any object within 100ft, to anywhere else in 100ft of yourself, though intelligent items and creatures holding an item are allowed a will save to negate this effect. You can even teleport an object directly into your hand.

CONJURATION (TELEPORTATION); Duration: 1d4 + 3 rounds
For the duration you convert your form into wispy shadows. You gain total concealment in shadowy illumination and can funnel through opening at least the diameter of a quarter.
Furthermore, this form also allows you to pass through walls and barriers, even a Wall of Force, during your movement. Each square of barrier(s) takes up two spaces of movement for this purpose.

ABJURATION; Duration: 1d4 + 3 rounds
This works as detailed for the mystery, of the same name, in the ToM, other than noted here. It has a range of 100ft.

DIVINATION (SCRYING); Duration: see text
This mystery works as the Greater Scrying spell, except as noted here. You must have a night sky, to peer into, with either the moon visible or 50% of the stars able to be seen.

NECROMANCY; Duration: see text
This mystery works as the Animate Dead spell, except as noted here. All undead animated, in this way, gain the Dark Creature template and deal +2d6 cold damage with any of their attacks.
6th Level - wip
ABJURATION; Duration: Instantaneous
You fire a ray, with a range of 100ft, of antimagic that explodes into a 4x4 sqaure area. Any creature within this burst must make a will save or be treated as if within the area of the Antimagic Field spell for 1 round.
This doesn't, however, suppress magic items unless you directly hit a target (which still affects an area as indicated). A direct hit requires a ranged touch attack roll, while the burst does not.

EVOCATION [DARKNESS]; Duration: 1d4 + 3 rounds
You can create a 15ft to 60ft sphere of darkness, which lasts for the indicated duration, at any point within 100ft. This area of darkness is impossible to tell apart from normal darkness with casual observation.
Creatures within, or that pass through, take cold damage equal to your caster level and must make a fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round. Furthermore, the area within is difficult terrain and it is impossible to fly, levitate, etc inside.

EVOCATION [DARKNESS]; Duration: 1d4 + 3 rounds
This works as detailed for the mystery, of the same name, in the ToM, other than noted here. It has a range of 100ft and the duration indicated. The spellcraft check DC is instead equal to 15 + 1/2 your caster level.

Merge into Shadow (hide in another creature's shadow)

Midnight Scream (destructive wave of sound leaves silence behind it; see earthquake)

Prison of Night

Shadow Storm

Unearth Secrets (answer one question; object, question, or person familiar with)

Unexpected Passage (force another creature through a solid object)

NECROMANCY [COLD]; Duration: Instantaneous
With a touch attack, against a living creature, you deal 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level. You recover hit points equal to half the damage, if any, that you deal. A fortitude save halves the damage and prevents the healing.

2013-06-05, 01:10 AM
Some of the mysteries above are modified from the Descent of Shadows thread. So a big thanks to Realms of Chaos. I hope he doesn't mind.

Changes to Shadowcasting
So my biggest change was likely the mysteries. Though modeled after spells, and the original mysteries of course, they function quite differently. I took it one step further and separated them from spells almost entirely.
The durations have been drastically reduced, but the spells scale better. Regardless of how much I think spells need nerfed, mysteries should be weaker, but more utilitarian, than spells anyways.

The Chassis
So why did I eliminate higher than 6th level and focus on melee a bit more? Well most of the original shadowcaster's mysteries were great for melee and scouting anyway. And frankly there were only two or three mysteries past level 6 even worth my interest.
I thought since I was going the utility route I would make fundamentals at will, only handing out a few of them, so they always had something to do. I'm actually tempted to raise BaB to 20 since mysteries are more utility than power, but that would probably be too much.

2013-06-05, 05:57 AM
The class looks alright, and you have an interesting concept here. But!

- The shadowcaster is intended to just be another spell caster, though unique in system and methods. Your idea for changing it to a gish class based on it having some good defensive "spells" early on, to me at least, is like taking the wizard and turning it into a gish class for having access to defensive spells. I've no issue with the idea, and even like the idea of a version that is better with combat, but presenting this as a substitute/replacement for the original is a different story.

- The Noctumancer is a good name, but when I hear it I think of the Shadowcaster/Arcane "Theurgic" Prestige Class. It conjures the image of a spell caster.

2013-06-05, 01:43 PM
Good points. It's just that I've rewritten the whole system of shadowcasting here. Plus I've always played the original shadowcaster as a gish anyway. With the right PrCs and feats the low BaB actually don't matter much.
I can stop presenting it as a replacement though if you really think I should. It really isn't that big of a deal to me in the scheme of things.

I'll change Noctumancer to Tenebrist. In fact that was the original name I had for it, but Noctumancer sounded cooler.

2013-06-06, 04:55 PM
Only a few mysteries left. Peaches please?

2013-06-07, 03:33 AM
Only a few mysteries left. Peaches please?

Why not make mysteries spell like instead of the discount supernatural abilities they are now? Let them ignore SR at 13th level.

I believe Favored Mystery feat is useless at this class, no?

Similar to spellcasters she is only able to invoke so many mysteries, as indicated, per day (recovered each dusk), but gains bonus mysteries for a high wisdom, just as detailed for spellcasters.

More like a question rather than a comment, how does this restriction affects a tenebrist in timeless planes (astral plane)? (this question could also apply to clerics, since they too have a similar restriction in preparing spells.

In order to notice the Tenebrist invoking a mystery, while she is in shadowy illumination or darker, a creature must succeed on a DC 15 spot check. This check increases, for distance and distraction, as noted within the skill.

Also a suggestion, and something I did in my own rewrite, why not increase or decrease this DC with level? With experience, the mystery user should learn to better control his shadow.

Umbral Vision (Ex)
The Tenebrist can see through any darkness, even magical darkness, as easily as within daylight, except vision into magical darkness is in black and white. This ability counts as Darkvision for the purpose of prerequisites.

... Many characters would kill for this ability. And it is free with 1 level dip of this class. Consider scaling this. Also limitless distance of see in darkness, something a 4th level vestige grants (ECL 9-10).

Sneak Attack (Ex)
She gains +1d6 Sneak Attack, as a Rogue, and counts as a Rogue, of her Tenebrist level, for the purpose of delivering Sneak Attack to another Rogue for flanking them.

IMO this should be able to be taken multiple times. It's not like it is the strongest abilities of Aspect of Shadow.

Shadow Familiar
Prerequisites: Minimum Tenebrist level of 4
The Tenebrist gains the Shadow Familiar feat, even if she doesn't meet any of it's prerequisites, for free.

Disregarding the strange requirement (Tenebrist level of 4 while you can choose a new ability at 6th level, Shadow Vision also has it), This should be able to give you Improved familiar (or any of its alternatives, like dragon familiar) when reselected. With your good spellcasting and combat stats, a second battle partner should be welcome.

Resist Nyx's Embrace

Who's that guy/gal? :smallconfused:
Also this is very open ended and has all the problems cancer mage has. Insanity is in? Taint? Flaws from Unearthed arcana (and for that matter any feats that penalize you, like the abyssal heritor ones) Bestow curse's effect of 50% chance of losing your turn? What do you exactly mean by statistic? In your example, would energy drain still kill you if negative levels = your HD?

The Chassis
So why did I eliminate higher than 6th level and focus on melee a bit more? Well most of the original shadowcaster's mysteries were great for melee and scouting anyway. And frankly there were only two or three mysteries past level 6 even worth my interest.
I thought since I was going the utility route I would make fundamentals at will, only handing out a few of them, so they always had something to do. I'm actually tempted to raise BaB to 20 since mysteries are more utility than power, but that would probably be too much.

The meat and mind behind the class. Here's why I disagree.
Successful gishes effectively use action economy to do 2 distinct things effectively. Duskblades use arcane channel and innate quicken spell. Magi use spell strike. Paladins use Battle Blessing. Bards use class resourses to become momentarily better (Snowflake wardance). All those are T3/T4 choices, suitable for most tables.
Your class does neither. Your mysteries still cost a standard action so you have the dilemma of EITHER full attacking / positioning OR 2/3 rds mystery casting (Especially since you lowered durations).
Consider altering your class so those 2 actions can be taken in one combat round. This is your class so I cannot suggest anything more than looking at the previously presented options and datamining from there.

Mysteries, I will touch at a later date.

2013-06-11, 04:39 PM
Previous Post (6/7/13):
Mysteries are weaker to begin with and, with my revision, have much shorter durations, so I figured ignoring spell resistence was a big enough boon to make up for that. But yeah, Favored Mystery is pretty much useless now.

Now as to dealing with time on other planes I'll have to think of something. I suppose an 8 hour rest wouldn't work either? I had been tossing around the idea of making mysteries per encounter instead of per day...

I'll scale the spot DC to increase by 1/2 caster level. That seem reasonable?

I'm really not sure if I want to scale or move Umbral Vision. Normal Darkvision can be obtained from races and this class is supposed to be a master of shadow.
Besides a 1 level dip for what basically amounts to suped up Darkvision doesn't seem anywhere near as gamebreaking as many abilities already gained through dipping some of the other classes in core.

Nyx is the female personification of night and a child of Chaos (alongside Gaia, Tartarus, and Erebus). It stems from Greek mythology. I can remove statistic drain and just make it ability and level, but I was hoping to include odd cases like hp drain.

I was trying to figure out a way of boosting power, hence my debate on raising BaB. Mysteries can now be channeled through attacks, though honestly I'm wondering if I should just allow a mystery to be invoked whenever an attack hits.



2013-09-24, 02:16 PM
Raising from the dead in hopes of some more opinions and peaches.