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2013-06-05, 03:17 PM
Turn 1

June 1st, 1983
The world stands at the brink of war. Whether it will be a new cold war with new factions holding the balance of power, or whether it will go hot and feature all the horrors of the last war combined with the new horrors that magic can produce is unknown. But everyone agrees that something is going to happen, and it's going to happen soon.

OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=286753)

2013-06-05, 04:33 PM
The ancient master walked the grounds, watching the apprentices practice. Today, they were learning more of the bow. A good art to practice focus, and also good for one's arms. Closest were some apprentices learning the art; a group of fifty today. One of the largest in centuries, at least. Beside them, one new to the robes of a Master stood, practicing the maintenance of a Rune in the air; holding the arrows so that the apprentices could see their mistakes.

Further away, a well advanced apprentice conferred with others, teaching the basics of rationalism. Today, it was a more practical lesson, to determine the properties of an unknown rune. With a glance, the ancient master identified it as the Seventh; a well used rune over the years.

Still, the ancient one's goal today was not the students, joyous though their learning may be, but the council. Long had it been, since he had spoken there, but in these times change had to come. The council maintained its own order, bound by oath to speak truth and to allow others to speak in turn, and yet today they were divided. One to hide away, activate the Guardians, and weather the storm. One to strike out and reclaim the old holdings of the Order. The largest, though not a majority, simply listened and held their own council.

Slowly, the ancient one stepped up to speak as the previous master finished. "Before the eye of the Father, I speak. Always, we have taught those who would seek our knowledge. Let us continue that tradition, and throw open our doors to those that would learn." The council sat, and waited for nine seconds, for the rite had been called. To invoke the Father was to call his authority to your words, and your doom to His hands. In the ninth second, the raven which watched the hall alighted to the master's shoulder, and the council stood. The great bell rang out, to declare that the council had come to a decision.

The Most Ancient and Honourable Order of the Rune and the Eye

To: The People of Midgard(Every faction on Earth. If you aren't on Earth somehow, then Encryption 4 to read this.)

The council has spoken. The gates to our halls are open to all who would follow the tenets; any who sincerely wishes to learn, shall be taught.

If you should approve, to facilitate the spread of knowledge we would construct additional halls in or near the towns and cities of the world. Our resources are finite, unfortunately, and so for this endeavor the Order offers its gratitude to those who would donate towards the cause.

Jaerug XI
2013-06-05, 05:28 PM
It was a fine day. Most of the group knew a good deal about grass, but suffice it to say that the fine specimens that could be found around the band camp brought here to Arkansas today were mighty grassy. Fairly useful to. Various civilians had made an old recipe of flat bread out of it, half the camp had gotten new necklaces, and one of the drivers even found a way to make the grass into a cowboy hat.
Now that lunch was over and folks were ready to listen, the meeting could begin proper. The first speaker got up on top of the bus he came in and cleared out his throat.
"Ladies and gents, if I could get your eyes, ears, and whatever else you feel inclined to turn right this way, we can get on started. Now, first I wanna go over some domestic things. Animal. Recently, there's folks as been lettin' up a holler bout our current patriocratic mascot. Now, by my two bits, armadillo's are pretty real. However, what with ever evolvin' and dissolvin' tastes and of course the presence of a whole bunch new critters, we're puttin' it to a vote."
Naturals at direct democracy, some members of the loose assembly shifted themselves into groups. Some of these groups went on to discuss the reasons behind several choices, others went on to pass around the lemonade. When the interested groups had reached a conclusion, representatives went up to talk about it with the speaker. After a couple of minutes, the speaker climbed the bus again to make the big announcement.
"Alrighty. Looks like the new official fauna in this HR of T is... the silky pocket mouse!"
This was met with applause and the usual circuit of acoustic chords.
"Next on the agenda, looks like the Hanky-Panky Accord of the Big Ol' R and E have put it out there that there's teachin' to be done and they're just dandy to do it. Now, 'cause most of y'all won't know too much bout them, they are by our record a group somewhere up in the not-down-here doin' all that fantastic medieval stuff of somethin'."
This drew some sage nods from the free spirits in the back who had a clearly established appreciation of all that fantastic medieval stuff.
"To give y'all time to think, we'll handle this vote next time back home, but now we have a singalong to nail, so let's get on to it."
Somehow, even more guitars were brought out and the evening happening commenced. It was later brought to the attention of the speaker that they had been in Arkansas for a conference with the locals.

2013-06-06, 05:47 AM
Only a flickering light lit the room Thorgan was sitting in. From behind his desk he watched the big screen filled with statistics and news. A moment later the door to his office opened and three dwarves entered, all three of them wearing a finely crafted armor. Runes line the armor of the three marking them as Runecrafters, all with a great understanding of Runecrafting but nothing comparable to Thorgan`s Runecrafting ability. Thorgan continued watching the screen as the Runecrafters spoke:

"The world is restless." said the First called Thorin Steelbender.
"It has been so the past century" Thorgan answered.
"Yes but more magic has surfaced and the humans seem to get bolder exploring its possibilities." the one called Ghoron Stonebane answered.
"Not only the humans, the Darkstalkers report that monsters and dragons are stirring. Something is going to happen soon." Lori Shieldbreaker added.
"Yes I have read the reports" Thorgan paused for a moment "It is time to initiate the Aegis Protocol" Thorgan turned his chair to face the three Runecrafters and all three answered with a nod.

To the Neighboring countries (India and Tibet)
For decades the Iron Fist Brotherhood trades with your country and considers you an ally. In light of this relation we want to inform you that trouble might be stirring in the world and advice you to prepare for war. We shall do whatever we can to keep you safe.

We also inform you that we initiated the Aegis Protocol. This means that we will seal our land and do not allow travel except by those who openly display your nations flag. Please inform us in advance if you plan on visiting us.

Grandmaster Thorgan Iron Fist

2013-06-06, 07:46 AM
South Africa:

Chancellor Ekene opened his eyes. His vision was a blur, colors wavering wildly, he could make out fake shapes, though nothing more. He closed his eyes again.

"Problems chancellor?" The voice was muted, as if heard through water.

Ekene rested his head in his hands, sighing.

"I'm starting to get a headache again."

"We can stop for now. We don't want to cause any damage."


Ekene opened his eyes. He was in his office, in the chancellors palace in Johannesburg. Apollyon and Veredelt stood nearby, their shadowy forms a little creepy as always.

"What word of our neighbors?"

Verdelet responded, her voice clear, though inhuman. "Nothing yet. It will not be long. No doubt greed still rules much of the world, they will all want a piece of us."

"Then we must remain strong. We can not afford for what we have done here to be damaged. For the good of the world"

To the Papal States: [4]
"Greetings. I am Apollyon, representative of the new state of South Africa. We have been disconnected from the world for some time. Can you tell us what changes your church has undergone in this time?"

To the Algiers Consortium [4]
"Greetings Brothers. I am Apollyon, representative of the new state of South Africa. We have isolated ourselves for the past decade, and are now returning to activity. What can you tell us of how the African Subcontinent has changed in our absence?"

2013-06-06, 12:38 PM
Algiers Consortium

Setting up a local magic university parallel to our own seems a poor use of funds, however we would be very interested in setting up an exchange program.

S Africa
Northern Africa seems to be most actively to feature Angelwing and ourselves. Angelwing is a mercenary company with a philanthropic arm. Although they apparently have enough support to run their territory by approval rather than force, by and large, an economy based on war contracts is naturally destabilizing. Sub-Sahara Africa is the continued stomping grounds of the British, but they seem to have evolved in recent years from militant authoritarians abroad to be militant authoritarians at home as well. There has also appeared in recent years to be a group of magical poachers called the menagerie who's centuries old smuggling enterprise has recently received attention with the more publicized actions of the arcane.

2013-06-06, 04:37 PM
Pope Michael, first of the name, sat in his private quarters and reviewed the week since his election. His speech immediately after the election had been brief, filled mostly with fluff and vague promises to take a long close look at these new influences in the world. Less than a week later he had issued his first official ruling as Pontifex. With a simple speech, he had declared any of the so called "demi-humans" - elves, dwarves, vampires, werewolves, and any other sentient and magical beings (with the exception, of course, of any angel proven to be from the heavens) to be satanic, outlawing them from the Papal States. Killing them would not be considered a sin. But Michael I wasn't stupid - he knew that calling for the complete destruction of magic, no matter how much it was what he wanted, would have ostracized too much of the church. So he offered the carrot to go with his stick. While Demi-humans were officially satanic, humans with magical talents were to be considered blessed. Needless to say, the few days since his decree had been... hectic.

South Africa [4]

Our mission is what it has always been - Spreading the Holy Word, and protecting humanity from Satanic forces. On that note, we advise you to cleanse your country of (or at least monitor) your demi-humans. Such abominations are clearly the work of the Prince of Lies, and a danger to God-fearing humans.

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-06, 05:10 PM
The Smith groaned, it wasn't what he wanted but the time had finally come to reveal The Menagerie to the world. He would open their doors to not just wealthy connoisseurs but to the Everyman and the many bloodthirsty leaders of the world. The new market could provide them with great riches but it will not be long before somebody asks one too many questions and takes offence to their actions. Well there is no point worrying about the future, he have to live for now.

On an unencrypted radio signal seeming to issue from everywhere at once, "Greetings great people of this brave new world, I speak to you from The Menagerie. We are master catchers and keepers of magical beasts and we are glad to now have the chance to show you all what we do. We speak to you today to offer our services and wares, if you are intrigued please respond on this wavelength. Rest assured that all our magical farms are maintained to standards comparable to your mundane ones and we keep no intelligent creatures captive. While these creature are useful they should also be respected and we hope that everybody will follow suit."

2013-06-06, 05:21 PM
South Africa:

To Angelwing: [4]
"Greetings. I am Apollyon, representative of South Africa. We have recently opened our borders, and keen to hear what has changed in the world in our absence, we hear you have some presence in Africa. What is your goal, as an organisation?"

To the Algiers Consortium: [4]
"You speak of the British, what of other western powers? What of the East? Is the rivalry between the two still a threat to humanity?"

To the Papacy: [4]
"What do you mean by 'Demi-human'? Do you speak of humans with magical abilities? Magical creatures that resemble humans? The offspring of humans and other creatures?"

To the Menagerie: [4]
"Greetings, I am Apollyon, representative of the people of South Africa. We hear you have a presence in the Atlantic, and see that you are collectors of magical beasts. What is your interest in such things; Financial, academic, or something more?"

2013-06-06, 05:27 PM
Algiers C

S Africa
That rivalry is indeed still existent, and we fear with the advent of magic it will become more unstable. In Africa however the "west" seems to be solidly ahead in control. It is however possible that in most of Africa the dominant forces are neither, whether by choice as with out faction, or simply by disinterest.

2013-06-06, 06:18 PM
The Papacy

South Africa [4]

Demi humans are any intelligent being sustained or created by magical effects, and their offspring. This does not include humans who have gained magical powers, unless they have used this to change their nature (lichs, for instance). It also would include elves, dwarves, centaurs, vampires, werewolves, as well as any offspring they may have had with proper humans. Angels, should it be proven that they truly are from the heavens, are of course exempt from this designation.

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-06, 06:19 PM
To South Africa: (2.5)
Greetings Apollyon, I am Aventis, I shall be your contact among The Menagerie. We have many sites along the Atlantic coasts of two continents so I hope we can be good neighbours. We at The Menagerie are fascinated by magical creatures, they have been our first experience of the world that had remained hidden to so many for so long. They have much to teach us about the power of magic, and if harnessed correctly they can be, or form, incredible tools. We have hundreds of years of experience with these beast which we are happy to share, for the right price. So in answer to your question, yes.

2013-06-06, 06:32 PM
South Africa:
Encryption: 4

To the Algiers Consortium:
"I see. Thank you for your assistance. We will see about contacting others for more information. Was there anything you wanted to discuss?"

To the Papacy:
"I see. How do you know demi-humans are dangerous for society? We have not seen anything to indicate it ourselves."

To the Menagerie:
"Thank you for your response. Might we ask more questions, of your organisation as a whole? How many people live in your lands? Who rules your organisation? What is your general approach in international relations?

To Britain:
"Greetings. I am Apollyon, representative of the South Africa. No doubt you noticed your government noticed our isolation last decade. We have decided that it is now the time to reopen our borders. We hear your government has been active in Southern Africa during our absence. We thought it would be beneficial to open communications with you, and see if there was anything you wanted to talk with us about, as we will now be operating as a major power in this area."

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-06, 06:39 PM
The Cabal of the Frozen Depths

To all fractions in the southern Hemisphere

Hello. Live and let live, maybe work together a bit.

2013-06-06, 06:47 PM
The Papacy

South Africa [4]

We do not yet know how the prince of lies plan to use his new abominations, but that they are his spawn is undeniable. God has already created his perfect world - the one that we lived in prior to this cataclsym - and nothing in the Bible points him having any plan on creating such a disaster, or of creating new creatures. But if you look at them, it is easy to see how they are all simply distortions of humans - short humans, lithe humans, dead humans, humans mixed with other animals. Would it not be just like the Dark one to distort the work of God like so, then disguise it as a holy miracle so that we allow it to enter into our society and corrupt us.

2013-06-07, 12:09 AM
Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: The Algiers Consortium

A wizened master of the Order arrives in Algiers, being guided by a raven directly to the headquarters of the Consortium. With her at the center, a sphere of absolute calm is projected which wind and dust refuse to penetrate. The unnatural stillness serves to open a path for her through the streets.

Arriving at the gates, she introduces herself.

"I am Herielen 'Hel' Hierendson, here to discuss the terms of the proposed exchange program."

2013-06-07, 03:02 AM
Athens, such a beautiful city it had been expanded and revised several times in the last three years since Finias took it over.
Turning to his desk he saw what little recent happenings were in motion.

A Bulgarian diplomat was eaten by some Hydras that had escaped after provocation from him.
In the East The Sultan was being annoying asking for meetings and stuff.
And here in Greece it was a full house party, Crime was at an all time low, but some of the political families were restless and the magical beast's wanted a piece of the pie.

"Why not kill them all?" asked the General, no real last or first name he was always called that.
"Because even if its tempting they hold some strings that i use from them, my iron hold over the country perhaps several political marriages are in order.....coupled with executions that is."
"Oooh naughty Doctor, i always said i look well in black for weddings and funerals." A chill ran on the spines of every living being in the room........well those who were still alive at least and had one.
"Well.......okay time to start building stuff."

To The order of the Rune and the Eye[3]

Because of the Chaotic climate as well the strengthening of the various pacts between all the Sentient beings in Greece, we shall abstain from your offer until such time comes that we are more stable.

We hope to work with you in the future.

To The Menagerie[3]

We might be interested in your wares, could you tell us your prices?.

2013-06-07, 06:53 AM
Iron Fist Brotherhood

To the Order of the Rune and the Eye [3]
Greetings, We have received your message and your order might be of interest to us. What exactly does you order stand for and what knowledge do you wish to share?

Grandmaster Thorgan Iron Fist

To the Papacy [3]
The Iron Fist Brotherhood sends you the best wishes. We would like to talk to you about the troubles that may come. We know your opinion of us "Demi-Humans". Were not interested in discussing the fact about our history compared to humanities history but we share a common enemy. Vampires, Werewolfs, Demons, Devils, Trolls, Orcs, Goblins, Gnoll and many more other evil creatures, even human and demi-human demon and devil worshippers. Our fight is against them and we hope we can talk negotiate about facing this common threat together. May Stone and Steel protect us all.

Grandmaster Thorgan Iron Fist

To the Menagerie [3]
Greetings, the Iron Brotherhood has taken an interest in your work. We are most interested in the method of containing these beasts. We ourselves are seasoned smiths and we have Runecrafter which use Runemagic to enhance our creations. Maybe we can learn from eachother and maybe even purshase your products.

Grandmaster Thorgan Iron Fist

2013-06-07, 11:46 AM
Azar Corporate HQ- Palermo, Italy

The governing board of Azar had gathered for their quarterly report, on the same day and the same place they always did. The room was large, and richly decorated with the finest quality marble and wood. Large bullet-proof windows allowed the natural sunlight to illuminate the room without a glare. The meeting had been routine- reports on regional profits, government events, public relation issues that needed to be dealt with.

Mazilhendra was glad that her status allowed her to seem aloof, rarely needing or expected to comment on the mundane day to day goings of her company. She sat at the head of the table- sleek pulled-back silver hair, ornate silver wire-rim glasses perched on her nose, and a custom-crafted pant suit making her the very model of the cutthroat CEO. In her right hand, she softly rubbed a pair of golden coins together- a tick cultivated over a very long life. In truth, she was simply bored. She had better things to do than sit through a meeting with nothing new to offer her.

She blinked her unique, deep purple eyes as leaned back in her chair as her mind wandered to other things. She could feel that events were starting that would upset the current political power balance. It would be a very interesting year.

Before I start talking to other people, where should I assume my corporation has locations? All of the capitalist countries? More? Just the NPCs?

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-07, 12:43 PM
To South Africa (2.5)
Our organisation is run by The Smith, it is he who sees the value in our creatures and can forge them into something greater. Ultimately we hope that Humanity will come to grips with the implications of magic and will learn to harness it peacefully, as we have. We are eager to trade knowledge and tools but do not wish to choose sides in any war.

To Hydros (2.5)
Hello, I am Hurcual, I will be your contact among The Menagerie. Typically all our offers would be for large quantities of money however times have changed and new deals are available. We would suggest an exchange on a like for like basis to start with, we have a lot to learn from each other without having to worry about payment. However we have reason to believe that you are having problems with some rare and dangerous magical beasts at the moment, perhaps you would let us have a look and maybe trade some prime breeding stock.

To Iron Fist Brotherhood (2.5)
Greetings Grandmaster Thorgan Iron Fist, I am Durkov, I will be your contact among The Menagerie. We are very interested in learning about your defence magic and but fear our humble contraptions would not compare. Each of our creatures have very different requirements so our methods for keeping them vary, but the thought of a unified magical defence certainly appeals to us. We have many materials to offer your smiths, lots of creatures have very tough hides and bones. Or if you are still interested in stone then there are always the Basilisks.

Jaerug XI
2013-06-07, 12:49 PM
The Hippie Republic of Texas

to the Menagerie
The right people made sure to bring your offer up at the last picnic. The promise of magical animals is one that intrigues us. Do you have any Silky Pocket Mice?

to the Algiers Consortium
We took a look at your art, and it is just great. It was a moving experience that we hope could be shared on a more multimedia scale. Do you want to change the world for the power of understanding?

to the United Brotherhood
We're just looking for truth in this world rife with catacalysium. See you seem pretty cool, but we were wondering why you celebrate the conclusion of diversity. We hope our goals align and we can make a strong bond across the land made for you and me.

2013-06-07, 05:38 PM

To the Menagerie [3]

Nice to meet you then, i am Ilea.
We don't really have a trouble in our own grounds most beasts are left to rampage because........well depending on who you ask there is a different answer.
As for the Hydras which i assume you are talking about its a very complicated matter, but some feral ones we have on Macedonia could be left to be hunted by you as they seem to refuse to join or perhaps they lack intelligence something not uncommon.
Take care to have Gas masks with you as well fire, but beware as fire does some serious harm to the specimens and for some of them cutting their heads doesn't tire them but makes them stronger instead beware of those.
We suggest removal of a specific organ when caught, unless you do extensive damage the feral Hydra wont die and its relative easy should there be few heads to deal with.
That liver like organ they got can be made into anti-venom among other things its also where they synthesize a part of their famous gas, our Berserkers are known to eat it raw, but its not recommended doing so.

If you were speaking about the feral Hydras In return for them and for a local guide to get you to them as well some more details on them, we are interested in your stocks, what do you have for us.

ooc:Okay stats wise and fluff what are we doing? =P? You asked for hunting permission right?

2013-06-07, 06:06 PM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

The Menagerie

Greetings. On behalf of Pontifex Michael, first of the name, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles and Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, the Papal States wishes to conduct business with you. We are in need of magical animals for medical and other forms of testing. In particular, we are looking for anything related to vampires, were-beings, fey, or trolls. Would we be able to purchase such animals from you for our own testing, or do you only deal in the information gained from the animals?

The Iron Fist Brotherhood

Michael I, Bishop of Rome, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Servant of the servants of God greets you. You are correct in assuming that the deadliest creatures must be destroyed first, as they have the most opportunities to spread the evil of the Prince of Lies. Do you have something that would help in our fight against these creatures, or are you simply trying to tell us something that any true human blessed by the divine would have already figured out?


We wish to warn you of the dangers posed by your association with the demi-humans of Greece before it is too late. Though your country has long followed the wrong Pontiff, it has always been a bastion of the true faith, and I would not wish to see it turn into a modern Sodom and Gomorrah.

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-07, 07:52 PM
The Menagerie

To The Cabal of the Frozen Depths(2.5)
Greetings, I am Froxas, I shall be your contact within The Menagerie. We are very surprised to find any signal coming from Antarctica. Is it lonely down there, or would you have any magic creatures for our studies.

To The Hippie Republic of Texas(2.5)
"Yo man, I'm Peace, I'll be your guide through the crazy world of magical beasts. We haven't seen any of those silky pocket mice but if we find any you'll be like the first to know. We got loads of other stuff though, this pixie dust stuff is amazing" Joe grimaced at how stupid he just sounded

To Hydros(2.5)
Well if they are proving a nuisance then we would be happy to take them off of your hands. A regenerating source of scale and teeth could prove of use to our artificers. We could either pay you up front with magical hides, meats and bone bullets or we could offer you a cut of the profits gained from such an impressive beast.

OOC: It would be up to Arcane exactly how it will go, but the way I see it all of the magical beast stuff is a good excuse to add traits. For you it would involve letting my military unit in to your area but would potentially provide you with extra economy from my supply.

To The Papacy(VIP)
We are humbled that you would see fit to respond to us. I am Smith, and as head of The Menagerie I will explain to you the true extent of our knowledge. We have had bad experiences with corrupted humanoids in the past but through god's strength we have overcome them. We have in our supply many samples of fey creatures, they are tricky to deal with but we know your people will have the faith to overcome their magical charm. We would offer you one of each for your study, for the right price. As for the other creatures you mentioned we find that, on top of their well known weaknesses, none can resist a unicorn horn through the heart.

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-07, 08:00 PM
The Cabal of the Frozen Depths

to The Menagerie

It's nice and queit down here. As for studying magical creatures, we would allow you to study a few of them, but must inform you that the Frost Wyrms are off limits. They've been our allies for a long time, and we have several working in our towers. Maybe one or two might agree to some tests, we'll ask them first.

Just remeber, when winter hits, humanity is far from the master down here.

2013-06-07, 08:02 PM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

The Menagerie

((I wasn't intending that to be VIP, though if you would prefer it to be we can.))
Excellent. I am glad that you divined our intent so quickly. What would you consider to be the "right price" for these creatures? we are rather... impatient to begin our testing. the sooner we finish figuring out how to easily destroy them, the quicker we can cleanse our world and return it to it's former state.

2013-06-07, 08:19 PM
Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: Hydros

Very well, then. We will await the reduction of chaos in your lands.

-Theimdall Hogrudson, Master

To: The Iron Fist Brotherhood

The return message, delivered by a raven, arrives quickly.

Such matters are best discussed in person, I believe, so that no misunderstandings may be had. If you spread it on the floor, the circle on the back of this letter should be up to the task of summoning me so that we may talk.

-Theimdall Hogrutson, Master

Though only one side has any text on it, the parchment on which the message is written has been folded many times. A rough estimate puts the parchment to be a square meter in size when unfolded, and the back is almost entirely taken up by an array of runes. They seem to glow slightly, as if simply waiting to activate.

2013-06-07, 08:36 PM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye

Greetings. We have received your invitation, and would like to discuss it with you further. From the way you addressed your message, I would assume that you have, sadly, fallen under the sway of Norse heathenism. We would be willing to allow you to set up a school in the Papal states, though any teachers or students would be required to attend mass on Sundays, as well as attend confession. Do you have any teachers that are willing to do this, or barring that, would you be willing to accept Church officials as students so that they may set up a branch school here?

2013-06-07, 09:19 PM
The Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: The Papal States

We are willing to accept all gods, though most in the Order hold their Father, who founded the Order, to be their patron. I suspect that if a hall is established in your lands, many among those present will attend your religious functions, out of curiosity if nothing else. As to church officials, they will be accepted the same as any other who would seek to become an Apprentice of the Order.

I feel that you should be made aware that the oaths sworn upon being accepted as an Apprentice are made "before the eye of the Father", and that the fourth oath is to accept the judgement of the Father in regards to any oath so sworn. This might cause an issue, as I seem to recall something about not worshiping other gods within your text.


OOC: These negotiations will be fun (http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2012:Losing), especially if they reach the meeting stage...

2013-06-07, 09:41 PM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

Most Ancient and Honorable Order

We too, worship the Father. As well as his Son and the Holy Spirit, each independent and the same. If you accept all gods, shouldn't it be possible for an initiate to swear to the Father of his preference?

OOC - when your uber religious haters of the newest most popular miracle, it seems like every interaction is interesting :smalltongue:

2013-06-07, 10:32 PM
The Aztec Empire

Carlos knew he was going to die. He knew what happened to those unfortunate enough to be captured by Miahl's Fire Screamers. He was to become a slave, a spoil of war to these men and women who sacrificed their humanity for power. It had been a normal day when they came. Carlos had gotten up and gone to work but by midday the Fire Screamers had rode through town. The roar of their motorcycles mixed with screams as people were immolated for no apparent reason. Carlos stood at the window of the clothing shop he worked in and watched as the bikers screeched and unleashed streams of fire. The shock he felt immobilized him, he didn't fully understand what was happening until after he was bound and roughly forced into the back of a truck. Only as his life long home burned in the distance did he understand what had happened to him and what was going to happen to him. He knew that the remainder of his life would be spent as a slave, bending to every whim of his Aztec masters until the day that the Mictlantecuhtli Priests deemed him to be a suitable sacrifice and killed him. Carlos knew this and felt fear for his life, anguish for his lost friends and family and anger toward the Aztecs for what they had done. The emotions that Carlos felt were mirrored on the faces of the other captives in the truck with him. They rode for hours knowing their futures were grim. They rode until finally they reached their destination. They were hauled from the truck as roughly as they were packed into it. Not a single one of the Fire Screamers spoke as they marched their captives to their final destination. A sink hole, nearly fifty meters across and twice as deep. The prisoners were forced to the edge where they saw not a well of water but of fire. Carlos was stunned by the terrifying awe that the Well of Fire inspired. Before Carlos could react, before he could run or fight, he was pushed by one of his captors. And he fell. Carlos could feel the fires of the well tear at him. They burned him. He could feel the fires burning both his mind and body. His grief was taken from him, consumed. his agony was stripped from him leaving only anger. The next thing he knew he was climbing out of the pit. As he climbed he knew one thing for certain. He was no longer Carlos, now he was a member of the Fire Screamers. He would do everything in his power to destroy his enemies; their enemies. He was strong and they were weak. The world was his to take.

2013-06-08, 12:18 AM
The Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: The Papacy

Perhaps, though I'm afraid that the council would have to meet to discuss that, most likely resulting in a deadlock that would last either until someone gets tired of it and asks the Father directly, or until they collectively decide it's not worth debating further and drop the issue for a decade or two.

Of particular concern is that the council has made a few decrees over the years that are commonly ignored. Drinking only alcohol, for example, instituted during an outbreak of waterborne illnesses. Since they average a ruling every few decades, those decrees are technically still enforceable by the oaths, but in practice never are. If someone else were to begin enforcing oaths...well, there might be a few unfortunate smitings before things get sorted out, if not by your God then by the gods of others who seek a similar arrangement, citing your case as an example.

Perhaps if it was emphasized that the Father of the Order is not acting as a religious entity while taking his role as an enforcer of oaths?


OOC: Indeed. There are a few other layers of amusement in this as well...

2013-06-08, 12:28 AM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

Most Honored and Ancient Order

Were we not required to acknowledge your father as a God, that would be acceptable. At that point, we could begin sending those who wish to learn to you, as well as beginning the construction of a Runic College in Rome.

2013-06-08, 12:48 AM
Algiers Consortium(encript2.5)

S Africa
As an essentially new arrival on the international stage we hope you will be receptive to our policy of deescalation. We find excessive and constant military build up on the international stage to be a problem and danger in its own right before any violence begins. It is unlikely we can persuade you to reduce your forces with relations with your neighbors unsettled and possibly frictional, but relations with us would be significantly better if you did not increase your military in the absence of active defensive combat.

"I do apologize for the delay, we did not anticipate your coming. I am Stanley Glad, the head of our Consortium-sponsored university system. As envisioned we would allow a portion of our advanced students to study rune binding and experience your educational system's methods and a portion of your advanced students would come here and study sorcerous graphics. Any details in shaping such a program are open to your input."

OOC: I usually act first and hear about the mechanical effect of my actions later, so I have not idea what such a program would accomplish, but it sounded like a good idea, so I'm just going to run with it

Sure...What do you thing that entails, by the way?

2013-06-08, 01:21 AM
The Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: The Papacy

Then we are in full agreement. Most excellent. I'll start asking around for volunteers to move to the hall once it is finished. Chances are a few will want to head there early and oversee construction.


The ancient master finished his writing, and dispatched the latest message by raven. Standing, he stepped out of his room in a long line of cabins, and began walking towards the central hall. Firing off a blast of air, he set the meeting bell ringing, and took his place at the podium.

"I am pleased to announce that we have now finished the first of the arrangements, of which I hope we will make many in the future. Some members of the Roman Catholic Church will be coming to us as apprentices, and the Papacy has agreed to construct a college in Rome where we may live and teach, though they have requested that while there we attend mass and confession. When in Rome, do as Romans do, as some have said.

So, who is interested in going?"

Very few among the gathered assembly fail to express their interest. This was a vacation to Rome, after all.

To: The Algiers Consortium

"No stalling, then? Fine by me!

"The council had a bit more ambitious program in mind. The establishment of a new Hall here, where any may join the Order as an Apprentice, be they an orphan or an archmage. We'd be bringing in a few of our Masters to teach, and any Apprentices that wanted to come would probably do so.

The Apprentices...a fair few would probably also be teaching, but at a rough guess a third will be here for the art, a third looking to study your sorcerous graphics, and the last third looking to learn in a new location."

OOC: I have no idea what it will do either. It can't exactly hurt, though.

2013-06-08, 01:51 AM
The Papal States
Encryption 4

The Algiers Consortium

In the name of God and his servent, Michael I, greetings. We would like to commend you on your commitment to neutrality and peace. The Papacy has worked to forged a middle road as well, though as I'm sure you understand, it is hard at times. It is the hope of the Pope that our nations can form a common bond, and perhaps keep the world from degenerating into chaos during these intense times.

2013-06-08, 05:09 PM
Daoine Sidhe [2]

"That is a most interesting device," commented Puck, the changeling, from where he lounged in the corner of the room.

"Yes, well I don't like it! It is very well for you to say it interests you when you don't have to use it yourself," grumbled Finvarra. "I find it perfectly dreadful. I am sure those clever men in Dublin can come up with something."

"I rather think you will have to use it if you want to talk to anyone outside this tiny island." Puck's statement seemed designed specifically to irritate Finvarra, for Finvarra wheeled on him, incredulous.

"Tiny island? Sir, Ireland is the home of several million Fae and another few million humans! It is one of the largest faerie kingdoms in the world!" Finvarra seemed to run out of steam rapidly. "-save Oberon's of course," he added hastily.

"You are mistaken sir," said Puck with raised eyebrows. "This island is tiny. The land the humans call the "U-S-S-R" has just over one-hundred and seventy million humans alone. Though the fey in that land are few, they are fierce. That Baba Yaga, what a woman!"

"Oh spare me your diatribe on the qualities of foreign women! I know all too well which are the fairest flowers." Finvarra was exasperated with Puck. He knew Puck was right, being far more well-traveled than Finvarra himself. The idea of Ireland as being so insignificant, though, shocked him to the core. He would never show it, but it stung.

"You know, that's from a song some human wrote about you," mused Puck. "Or possibly Oberon, they're never clear about that."

This perked Finvarra's interest. "Oh?"

"Not long, not long my father said" sang Puck.
"Not long shall you be ours,
The Faerie King knows all too well
Which are the fairest flowers."

"That is how it begins, at least. An imperfect rhyme, but it is rather fitting."

"Yes, well," sighed Finvarra. "I suppose I must use this device after all," and he picked up the telephone.

"Hello!" comes Finvarra's voice over the telephone, accompanied by a smell of rain and earth somehow emanating from the receiver. "Puck's told me about what you gentlemen did to those Piskies. Commendable! Those mischievous creatures are dreadful company! They get into everything."

"It occurs to me that those portals must have been very useful. I don't suppose we could take a look at where they were? Faerie magic is similar enough to Piskie magic I suppose, though it pains me to say it. We might be able to get them to work again if we work together on it."

British Dominions
"Hello! Could you tell me about how beautiful your wife and/or daughter is?" There is a muffled crash through the telephone, followed by some hastily muttered conversation. "I'm sorry, Puck's telling me that isn't an adequate conversation-starter anymore. Disappointing, but I suppose I must adapt to the times. I was just calling to advise you not to wake up the Faerie court in England. They are quite disagreeable, and I am quite enjoying being the only Faerie King on the surface. -Apart from Oberon, should he be present. Having to contend with King What's-His-Name is generally quite unpleasant -Sorry, I can't remember his name. I'm sure it'll come to me..."

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-08, 05:19 PM
The Cabal of the Frozen Depths

To the Papacy

Several of our less then living members still profess their faith and conviction in the christian god. They wanted me to ask if they would be allowed to attend the occasional mass when their duties permit?

To the Daoine Sidhe

Greetings. We would like to ask what would be the leading authority on the subject a small question. What are the best ways of keeping Queen Mab and other fae of the winter court away from a experimential area?

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-08, 06:22 PM
The Menagerie

To The Cabal of the Frozen Depths (2.5)
Ah do not worry, we have no intention on testing on intelligent creatures like your Frost Wyrms, we are more interested in monsters that we can strip for useful parts. We are unprepared to deal with the harsh climates at the moment but perhaps in time we can work together, our Magisters are eager to see the effects of necromancy on some of our beasts.

To The Papacy (VIP)
((I would not say any of this in character without knowing that the communication was completely secure, and the only way to do that is through my VIP))

The loss of a few specimens is not a big deal to us, we have plenty more, and the knowledge that we would have an ally against these demons means a lot. Of course I still have a business to run but I could provide a most agreeable offer.

((In game terms a trade of some of my research for your economy at a 2:1 ratio sounds fair, but I'm not sure how much I have to spare))

To Daoine Sidhe (2.5)
"Hello, I am Frey," a female voice replies, "I shall be your contact among The Menagerie. Apologies but we a reluctant to work so closely with Fae creatures following our past experiences. If you can prove yourself dependable we may change our minds and then we shall call upon your aid. We shall be watching closely."

2013-06-08, 10:15 PM
Daoine Sidhe [2]

"Okay! I'll call you back in one hundred and one years. Or maybe sooner."

"Winter Court? You must understand, these classifications are constructs made merely to simplify matters for humans- we care little for them. There is no Summer or Winter courts, and no Seelie and Unseelie courts. The courts are far more complex than that and I wouldn't expect you to understand them. I am King of the Aos Sí court, lord of Spring and Earth and Dawn- and Ireland!"

"Amabilis is powerful, equal of Titania and second only to Oberon. I doubt you could keep her out of somewhere she wanted to go. So I advise to make it somewhere she doesn't want to go- make it boring, make it useless. She will take no interest and leave it alone. Oh, and Iron, salt, bells, and bread all are repulsive to those you call the "Winter Court," though remember that some faeries love salt and bread. And bells. I love bells. I've got a really pretty one..."

"Oh, and Puck told me to tell you that Mab causes Herpes, whatever that means. Good luck! You ice people are strange, and interesting. Did I hear you have raised the dead? Well done! I was talking with a man named Houdini earlier, a powerful wizard, I suppose. You humans have a strange magic."

2013-06-08, 10:35 PM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

The Menagerie (VIP)

That sounds like a fine plan. (Any research you can spare is fine, and we'll pay for it as it's used - if you have a small amount one turn we'll buy that from you, if you have more we'll buy what we can afford

The Cabal of the Frozen Depths

We do not deny the grace of God from anyone. While I cannot deny the sin of their body that has been added to their original sin, perhaps in religion they can find comfort. Church officials however, must still be human, chaste, and male - If you do not have such in your lands, I will gladly send priests. Finally, Having never had permanent residents of Antarctica, we have never had need for a Bishop there. I will begin searching for a proper Archbishop of Antarctica to tend to your flock.

2013-06-09, 02:36 AM
To the Iron Fist Brotherhood
India and China acknowledge your border closing. They are not particularly pleased by you cutting off their overland trade routes, but they'll let it stand for now.

To Greystone
You can have them pretty much wherever a country might have an embassy. Because that's effectively what they are.

Imperial Psycho
2013-06-09, 03:17 AM
British Dominions [3]

To the Daoine Sidhe [2]
"I see. I'll look into that. Such an eventuality would indeed be undesirable."

"While we are in discussion, King, when do you intend to be returning the territory that is the rightful domain of His Britannic Majesty?"

To South Africa

"A modest power too, no doubt. British objectives in Africa are what they have always been. Maintain order, bring civilisation, and bring wealth to His Most Britannic Majesty."

"No doubt, in exchange for your continued independence, some co-operation can be foreseen, for mutual benefit. "

2013-06-09, 07:40 AM
Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples[2]

To Daoine Sidhe
Since we are both populations of non-humans who have recently made our selves known to humanity as a whole we are both at risk of attack from xenophobic humans. I propose that we form a mutual defense agreement

To Kobolds
Since we are both populations of non-humans who have recently made our selves known to humanity as a whole we are both at risk of attack from xenophobic humans. I propose that we form a mutual defense agreement

2013-06-09, 01:25 PM
Daoine Sidhe [2]

British Dominions
"Twelve hundred years hence, or perhaps later, I lost track of time after eleven hundred. I remind you, we were here first."

LDEP (Elves!)
"Okay! That sounds fun."

Imperial Psycho
2013-06-09, 01:46 PM
British Dominions

To Daoine Sidhe [2]
"The half-rememberings of ancient savages do not constitute legal ownership in this enlightened age. Perhaps your people are ancient. Perhaps you are a merely imitating some legends you once heard of."

"His Majesty is merciful and compassionate. You will be allowed six months to remove yourself and your people from his lands, or this matter will be pursued in an international court."

2013-06-09, 03:45 PM
Daoine Sidhe [2]

British Dominions
"And you can claim "Legal Ownership?" Your king has ruled for a paltry few decades, and your "Empire" has undergone eighteen different ruling families, so Puck tells me. How can you possibly claim this territory for yourself? You have barely had power for the blink of an eye."

2013-06-09, 03:51 PM
Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples[2]

To Daoine Sidhe
We are glad that you agree. We are trying to get the kobolds to join as well.

2013-06-09, 04:18 PM
The Aztec Empire

To Northern Mexico [4]
The Aztec Empire has see's your territory and claims it for their own. Your land is ours and as such you must pay tribute to the Empire. Failure to pay will result in your death. LONG LIVE MIAHL!

To Guatemala [4]
The Aztec Empire has see's your territory and claims it for their own. Your land is ours and as such you must pay tribute to the Empire. Failure to pay will result in your death. LONG LIVE MIAHL!

To Belize [4]
The Aztec Empire has see's your territory and claims it for their own. Your land is ours and as such you must pay tribute to the Empire. Failure to pay will result in your death. LONG LIVE MIAHL!

To Cuba [4]
The Aztec Empire has see's your territory and claims it for their own. Your land is ours and as such you must pay tribute to the Empire. Failure to pay will result in your death. LONG LIVE MIAHL!

To The Hippie Republic of Texas [4]
The Aztec Empire has see's your territory and claims it for their own. Your land is ours and as such you must pay tribute to the Empire. Failure to pay will result in your death. LONG LIVE MIAHL!

Imperial Psycho
2013-06-09, 04:30 PM
British Dominions

To Daoine Sidhe [2]
"Eighteen different familes, perhaps. One unbroken line of succession. Your claim to ownership is dubious at best. No records of any standing of demihumans and supernatural beings predating the current emergence have been found."

"On the other hand, His Majesty's claim is indisputable. Great Britain has ruled Ireland for hundreds of years, and thousands of documents back this claim. "

"You have been given your instructions. If you chose disobedience, such is your lot."

"Until such an eventuality arises, His Majesty in his wisdom foresees the possibility of co-operation. His Majesty proposes to undertake an invasion of perfidious France. For your assistance in the matter, the province of Brittany would be offered, for you to take as your dominion."

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-09, 04:34 PM
Cabal of the Frozen Depths

To The Menagerie

Good. We will of course give you the following warnings of several of the more... dangerous things down here. On a side note, we recomend you read HP Lovecraft and several books in the Chuthulu Mythos. We find that reading them greatly increases the survival rate for traversing the bulk of Antarctica.

To Azar Industries

Greetings on behalf of the Frost Wyrms of the Cabal. In the coming days, we may need to purchase extra supplies for several experiments. Could you give us some figures?

To Parodinix (Kobolds)

Greetings Cousian. I am writing to inquire if you are behind the somewhat recent infestation of arctic kobolds in the tower. If so, may I ask what it is we have done to warrent it?

2013-06-09, 04:41 PM

To The Menagerie[3]

Very well you have a deal.
ooc: Looks like we got a deal Ladies and Gent's =P il put in my eot you come to deal with this small problem.

2013-06-09, 06:05 PM
South Africa:

Encryption: 4

To Great Britain
If it is of mutual benefit then of course. We'll see if our definitions of benefit coincide when the time arises.

To the Algiers Consortium
We would very much like to spare our people from the horrors of war. We will do what we can to prevent conflicts from escalating.

To the Menagerie:
We have no interest in fighting any wars either. There is still much work to be done improving the lot of our people.

To the Papacy:
We will take your words into consideration. Thank you.

2013-06-09, 07:35 PM
Daoine Sidhe [2]

British Dominions
"An unbroken lineage? That's a good one! I suppose that's best for the image, though. Can't have people realizing how often you have a coup.

As for France, I'd be happy to help! The Dubliners don't take kindly to our... hunting, not anymore. France would be lovely."

Jaerug XI
2013-06-09, 09:59 PM
To The Menagerie [2]
In light of recent developments, we may be needing them Silkers more than we thought. This is a serious order. We want big ol' battle mice.

To The Aztec Empire [2]
Yep. Long live Miles, cause he's going to be spending an awful lot of time missing his usual shipment of magical herbs.
Etketv, yekce cerakko osafke.

Forum Explorer
2013-06-09, 10:29 PM

Parodinix grinned as he chanted new words of magic, the kobold in front of him warping slightly with every word. It shifted and changed til it grew dragonfly wings made of golden dust. Laughing Parodinix flew alongside the now airborn kobold and looked down upon his territory, simply enjoying the vast wilderness and the peace that permeated it.

To Liberated Domain of Elven People
We aren't interested in war so we will gladly agree to a defensive treaty. However if we find that you are a warmongering sort this friendship will likely not last long.

To Cabel of Frozen Depths
How can you have an infestation of kobolds? It's like having an infestation of puppies. It's oxymoranic.

To Azar
Greetings Great One. Would you be interested in acquiring our services as is your right?

2013-06-10, 05:25 AM
Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples

To Kobolds
We are glad that you agree to our treaty, we will no warmonger.

2013-06-10, 06:34 AM
Iron Fist Brotherhood

To the Papacy [3]
Our words would be mere wind if we could not act against the threat. Our superior Battletanks are ready to strike, we merely need to know when and where.

To the Menagerie [3]
We do not have much use of animals and beasts and we prefer steel above all. Our Runecrafters are able to harden the steel beyond normal possibilities. You may be able to assist us underground. Some tunnels and mines are filled with creatures and our battletanks are too large to be effective.

To India and China [3]
Esteemed allies, there seems to be a miscommunication about our border closure, it was meant to keep out other forces. We leave your trade routes intact though better patrolled by our forces. Simply display a flag and your people can continue their trade without much delay.

To the Ancient Order of the Rune and the Eye [3]
Thorgan brings the scroll to his office and unfolds the paper so the circle is clearly visible and puts it on the ground. He studies the Runes for a moment. Some are familiar, others are aliën to him. He then waits for the scroll to do its magic.

2013-06-10, 01:32 PM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

Iron Fist Brotherhood

Discussions of this nature are not fit for messages that could be read - Give us a month to prepare, and then we we will converse in private, if you are still amenable.

2013-06-10, 01:37 PM
Encryption 2

The future is known to us, and it is ours.

Yuri Andropov will die in less than a year. It will be in the Central Clinical Hospital in western Moscow, a place that he knows well from his many recent visits. On February 9th, 1984, he will fall unconscious and pass from this world, surrounded by frantic doctors and his loyal bodyguards. It will be a peaceful death, no undue pain, and one that is not unexpected. Even now, even without this modern Rasputin and prophet who calls himself Matveev, he would be able to see it coming. He is an old man, is Yuri Andropov, and he has long made peace with the fact that his service to his country must come to an end sooner rather than later. He had hoped for more time, but so do we all; and he, at least, now had the advantage of knowing.

It is a strange thing, he thought, to know the time and circumstances of one's own death.

Matveev is using him, this much is clear to the old General Secretary. The seer thinks that he and his circle can step into the halls of power and, when the old man dies, replace him with their puppet. A man who's future they have looked into, someone they have determined will follow their commandments. Konstantin Chernenko, who was going to succeed Andropov, is out. The seers do not want someone else who will die not two years into power. They want someone they can mold for a long time to come.

Matveev is a smart man, but he is also an arrogant one. He should not have told Andropov the date of his death. Things are in motion now, plans enacted by the General Secretary, that would have moved slower if he had not known he had less time. This circle of prophets believes they can simply walk in and take over the Union with their words and magic, but they are wrong, so very wrong. The Party will use them and consume them and make them over in its own image. Matveev is a power in the halls of high magic, yes, but he has not paid attention to the world of machines and men for far too long. He does not know what the Kremlin is capable of. He thinks his people are infiltrating the Party, that he is well on his way to having his puppet state to destroy his enemies on the other side of the world, and by the time he realizes that he has become just another disposable tool of the State it will be entirely too late.

So thinks Yuri Andropov as he forces his cumbersome flesh to serve his will. Matveev has told him that his mind never goes, that it is only his body that fails him, and he takes great comfort in this knowledge. He had always been somewhat afraid of Alzheimer's and schizophrenia, that his razor-edged thoughts might one day be blunted. The knowing of it, that this thing once feared will never happen, frees him to think about other things in the time he once spent worrying.

Matveev could have lied, of course. He could have lied about everything. But already the Kremlin has started its work on the sorcerer. Matveev could no more lie to them than Yuri could fly. Soon--very soon--it will be too late for Koldun Sergei Matveev, and all that will be left of the man will be the will of the State, and to the State will belong the future of the world.

Yuri Andropov hums a tune from nearly half a century ago as he drafts the orders and messages that his office requires. This small music is the one indulgence he allows himself.

Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples

Greetings, Comrade. We understand that you have thrown off the yoke of capitalist oppression and come into your own as a collective for the good of all. We wish you to know that should you require assistance in deterring imperialist aggression from less enlightened nations, our Union will come to your aid.

Daoine Sidhe

Greetings, Comrade. We understand that the imperialists in London are attempting to reclaim your lands for themselves. While we do not like that you, too, call yourself a king, and while we do not entirely understand what it is you are, we also do not think it good that this major bastion of capitalist aggression in Europe should expand. Should you require our assistance in retaining your shores, we will provide it.

2013-06-10, 02:04 PM
Daoine Sidhe [2]

"Oh, wonderful! Those "gentlemen" do vex me so! I have no doubt they mean me the worst harm!

I have never trusted vampires; they seem to hate us -quite unreasonably- because they can draw no energy from our blood.

2013-06-10, 02:53 PM
Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples

We appreciate your offer. We currently see no immediate threats to us, though if any are found we will be sure to tell you.

2013-06-10, 02:56 PM
The Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: The Iron Fist Brotherhood

Nine seconds after the paper is spread flat, the runes begin to glow a bright cyan. A further eighteen seconds pass as a young man, sitting in a slightly dust-covered wooden chair and reading through a book that looks to have seen better centuries, fades into being above the runes. He only looks up from the book when his chair stops floating and falls to the ground, startling him.

"Whoa...have I lost track of time that..."

The absent-minded master finally realizes that he isn't where he thought he was, and takes the time to look around, then down to the runes.

"It worked? Oh, how wonderful! You are Grandmaster Thorgran Iron Fist, then? Wait a second, don't answer that!"

Quickly, the master pulled on a set of glasses, then took another look at his host.

"Of course you are! It is so good to meet you! I am master Theimdall Hogrutson.

"Now, you wanted to know more of the Order?"

OOC: You get one of the younger, far more energetic masters. Let me know if it needs toning down...

To: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

A letter arrives at the Kremlin, born by a raven. When approached, the raven speaks.

"This letter is for Yuri Andropov alone."

2013-06-10, 03:38 PM
The Azar Corporation

I would happily accept any service you see fit to bestow upon me.

The Cabal of frozen Depths
We would be very interested in doing business with you. We can provide rough figures if you can be more specific about what you need. Obviously anything specialized or labor intensive will be more expensive.

All PC Factions with Territory
After a chat with arcanestomper, unless you specifically tell me that I don't have buisness in your territory, I will function that I at least have a small presence (suitable for an international business).

2013-06-10, 03:52 PM
Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples

To The Azar Corporation
You don't have a business in my territory (communist, moderately isolationist).

2013-06-10, 04:05 PM

To The Azar Corporation

You got some small presence in my country i dont suggest expanding yet here =P unless you wish so, also Mazilhendra is her normal/public name?.

Your facilities were damaged as Finias gradually took control and the government brought from you supplies to keep the various political families with power happy, as well in an effort to keep other people and magical beasts happy they bought more stuff to 'gift'.
The Hydros however took notice and raided all the assets you had in part to fund their campaign and experiments as well stop you from helping the goverment, but after Finias took power and a year passed as he stabilized his regiment you were sent money for all the damage and mess made by his faction/Regiment, included was a note of apology and two bottles of old fine sweet wine (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mavrodaphne) for Mazilhendra.

Imperial Psycho
2013-06-10, 04:10 PM
British Dominions

To the Papacy
Greetings from his Britannic Majesty, to His Holiness the Pope Michael I.

Your organisation has spoken out against the spread of magical beings. I hope you will also agree with me in condemning the areligious spread of the Easten Bloc. With the USA splintered, Britain stands as a bastion against the Communist spread, as the Papacy stands against the 'magical' beings.

Here is what I propose. Britain will stand behind the Papacy against the 'Spawn of Satan', if the Papacy will stand with Britain against the Eastern Bloc.

To the Azar Corporation
(Of course you may have business in my territory. Free Trade and all)

Greetings. Your Company occupies a unique position, as I am sure you are aware, holding sovereign territory on a scale not seen since the East India Company.

Great Britain and her allies are firmly opposed to the spread of Global Socialism. She hopes for the full-throated support of Azar Industries in her fight. State control, after all, is bad for business.

2013-06-10, 04:26 PM
The Aurum Imperium
Encryption: 3

Princeps Tiberius sat in his office situated deep within the capital of the Imperium, Flumen Januarii, the new, Latin, name for the city of Rio de Janeiro. It was here, just off the coast, that the Roman trade ship had been discovered and seized upon as an opportunity to cast off the image of the former ruling dictatorships of Brazil, separating with the Portuguese history to create a new Roman lineage. It was also here that he himself had given a speech only a few months ago revealing his people, the Order of Hermetic Alchemists, to the people of Brazil and the world, and proved they were the ones who had funded the revolution to overthrow the tyrannical old guard as well as the effort to modernize the nation's economy. He had made sure to include that before explaining that the Order was going to integrate itself into the Imperium's government for the sake of preserving Brazil's safety and prosperity in a world where the tales told to scare children into obedience were actually real and just as dangerous as the stories said.

The people had been accepting as could be expected, considering how often dictators had changed, promising a better life, only to continue the policies of their predecessors. But the world was in turmoil. The mystical and the mundane had been forced together for the first time in history. And the Order refused to stand by and let Brazil fall to the darker elements of the secret world. Now the Princeps just had to explain that to anyone who claimed he was simply the next dictator in line...

To the Menagerie (3)

As a neighbor to one of your breeding grounds, I would hope that we can have a friendly relationship in the future. In that spirit, we were curious as to what exactly your creatures are capable of and what services you are offering as well.

-Princeps Tiberius

To the Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and Eye (3)
Greetings to the Order,

We would gladly take you up on your offer to house a hall in our lands. Promoting knowledge and education is a key to a prosperous society.

-Princeps Tiberius

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-10, 04:37 PM
The Menagerie

To The Papacy (VIP)
"It is a pleasure doing business with you. While I cannot guarantee that this agreement will be continuous I hope it will be long lived. Currently our research division is under-worked, we would even move the whole group here to teach you if you like, but I feel they will be necessary shortly."

"I have other matters to attend to but first I must relay some worrying reports from my agents. It seems that some groups of lesser humanoids to the north are banding together to remove humans from the world entirely. There is no way that they will succeed but every devout human life they take will be a great loss."

Assuming there is nothing more to say, Smith will leave to oversee the efforts in Greece.

To Hydros (2.5)
The Smith arrives to oversee operations in Greece. ((His speech is purely for fluff, I have used my VIP conversation this turn but this is his action))

"Don't expect this to be normal operation procedure. If these creatures weren't so valuable then you would be paying us for their removal, though your help is appreciated. I will pick the best breeding stock and take them to our new breeding sites. When we have a farm for them then any further help will cost you."

To The Hippie Republic of Texas (2.5)
Ah I see, we have heard troubling reports from Central America, to which I assume you refer. My apologies for not taking you seriously before. We have a wide variety of mice; Large winged mice with sharp talons, scaly mice which breath fire, lithe serpentine mice which turn men to stone with a glance, three headed lion-like mice and pretty soon mice with lots more heads. And large teleporting spiders, but they aren't really mice.

The problem is that none of them are war trained yet, but if you want to train them yourselves then we can have them with you as soon as our creature transports return from Greece.

To Iron Fist Brotherhood (2.5)
We would love to see what lurks below your mountains and clear out your deep mines but unfortunately our beast handlers are a little preoccupied at the moment. Maybe when they have finished we can come to some arrangement.

To The People's Republic of Congo (2.5)
One of our friends in the government of Congo brings forward our plans for expansion.

"As you all know following recent events there are a lot of new players on the worlds stage. One of them, known as The Menagerie, has approached me with an interesting offer, they wish to use some of our unused land in the rainforests for their expansion. With this agreement comes an offer of protection against our less than friendly neighbours."

In Colombia (2.5)
Plans are drafted for our expansion into the Amazonian region of Colombia. Our agents attempt to get the plans signed off by the government under the guise of anti guerrilla measures and even have workers sent to help with the build.

*NEW* The Azar Corporation
You probably have small presence in the countries that I have breeding sites in. While I do not own the lands I now have a large presence in them but you probably didn't have dealings with The Menagerie before magic was revealed.

*NEW* To The Aurum Imperium (2.5)
Greetings, I am Tedav, I will be your contact in The Menagerie. It is understandable that you would have questions about our operations on your borders. Rest assured that all our sites are completely safe and secured, they had to be to keep our business secret for so long. The creatures kept at the farms in South America are all docile and harmless anyway. If you are interested in purchasing dangerous beasts, or just the dangerous parts of them then we can ship them over from Africa for trade. Also if you are having problems with creatures of your own then we can provide an excellent pest control service, although we are fully booked for the time being.

2013-06-10, 04:43 PM
South Africa:

To Greystone, Arcanestomper:
South Africa would not allow the Azar Corporation to set up shop in their territory. They very much want to minimize all external influences on their culture.

2013-06-10, 04:46 PM
The Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: The Aurum Imperium

Greetings, Princeps Tiberius

I am pleased to hear of your acceptance, as it will greatly aid the spread of knowledge through this world. I must ask, however, if you would be willing to sponsor the construction, or if we should send materials along with the Apprentices and Masters who choose to go?

If you'd like, I could stop by to talk things over.

To: ArcaneStomper

Out of curiosity, will there be any NPC nations responding to the offer, or will they mostly be standing their ground?

2013-06-10, 05:15 PM

The Menagerie[3]

((The shade's Not a VIP, this is fluff mostly, i hope you enjoy it. :O))

The guide an old man had given the maps and told what few legends were known about the area to the people from the Menagerie.

As for the shade with him, she was literally a shadow walking on the sun, or Ink it was hard to tell, but she was most likely something of a magical construct, but no magic of good note could be felt, she gave a small book handwritten from Doc Finias about the care of Hydras, her smile when she gave it was unsettling and like a child having taken from it younger sibling the candy it was eating.

In the book were basic advices about feral non intelligent hydras, first was how to deal with the poison they naturally breath around them, listed was how much and long a normal human can breath before feeling some serious effects. He it also wrote some advices on having a Hydra around, mostly they need strong Humidity, and the eggs they have can be buried in the swamp for a long long time before hatching unless 'encouraged' by the mother or a someone else.

"Well....there wasn't care of a real need for you to come we enjoy the local critters around here, one of the good reasons why the good Doc is leading us.
So no need to play it hardcore businessman the Sicilians got that covered. Anyhow................hmm it will also soon be Strix season give it some time and we might see a boom in their population as well, those things however......."

She moved a step backwards as a bird on her left cawed it looked twisted to say at least with red glistening eyes, it cawed again before it left.
"...........Well i hope you have gass masks, and for the love of everything holy and unholy don't cut any heads unless you use some good magic or fire to use before two new heads grow......unless you want extra heads in which case by all means go ahead, but take care not to cut the central head and lose your specimen."

To The Papacy [3]

((Dint see your message before sorry))
Greeting To the Pope or whoever fine Gentleman i am writing to.

Sounds like you and the previous church had a nasty scuffle if i remember right.
Also i am not with as many demi-humans as you think, only a few and they are not even the worst of the known magical beasts in Greece (you have harpies, Lamias, Minotaurus?(plural), and more, should i assume they are in the condemned list?). Oh lets not forget the fine Satyrs and Centaurs(now if you could get the last two to accept to wear clothes). Also the Gorgons, mermaids and Sphinx as well Phoenix populations.
And those listed here are just the most numerous and least dangerous(well not the Gorgons or the Harpies or the Lamias very amusing how they are known as female only races, notice how the Cerberuses are missing as well the Nymphs, Cyclops, Daemons, Dactyls and Giants.........well we haven't found them yet that is).

Anyhow my point the sentient mythological creatures are outnumbering the human citizens, so if i give them full citizenship(so long they dont eat humans), who will blame me?, i evicted on my own the previous church for trying to start the same things as you did(to say that they were destroyed in a day is a bit too much.....just a couple of hours of coordinations from all the sentient demi-humans who joined the hunt(only the phoenixes fully abstained being two goody shoes as always and some other individuals and races)).

So next time please take your time to read some mythology Mr.Pope or whoever is reading this.

2013-06-10, 05:39 PM

[I'll get fluff and actual messages(maybe) later this evening.]

Merchant Consortium here. Yeah, you have an embassy within Dubai.

2013-06-10, 09:36 PM
Northern Mexico to the Aztec Empire [2]
You crazy fire cultists can just go ahead and try. We look forward to showing you that our tanks don't burn.

Guatemala to the Aztec Empire [3]
What kind of tribute?

Belize to the Aztec Empire [4]
We refuse. Send your warriors at your own peril.

Cuba to the Aztec Empire [2.5]
Our research will never be used by you imperialist swine.

To the Iron Fist Brotherhood
OOC: It's more or less assumed that military forces can't cross land borders without prior agreement. No one wants an army marching across their land even if they aren't the target.

The People's Republic of Congo to the Menagerie [2]
By all means let us talk about what can do for the menagerie. We do not fear for our neighbors, but of course we are always open to other forms of payment for the use of our rainforests.

Colombia to the Menagerie [2]
The plans are approved on the condition that all your activities can be overseen by government liaisons to make sure your anti guerrilla activities are coordinated with the Colombian military.

To the Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Not unless you specifically ask one of them.

2013-06-10, 10:49 PM
The Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: ArcaneStomper

Alright, then. Time to write a few messages.

Out of curiosity, what will the effect of the exchange programs/foreign halls that I'm working on be, and how should I declare them at EOT?

Also, would it be within the Orders ability to create a set of portals linking its halls?

To: China

A letter arrives, carried by a raven. It reads

China is known to us as a place of learning and literacy. It has, however, been many centuries since our Order last walked your lands, so this may have changed.

We are curious if you would be interested in hosting a number of our Order who seek both to learn and to teach or, failing that, if some of your citizens would be interested in making a journey to one of our halls to learn there.

-Herielen Hierendson

To: India

A letter arrives, borne by a raven. It reads

Long has it been since I last walked your lands, yet I remember them fondly as a place of prosperity. The ravens speak to me, and say that this is yet so. And so I ask, if you and your people are interested in what is perhaps the greatest currency of all, Knowledge. If so, then I suspect that a fair few of my Order would be interested in visiting India, both to learn and to teach.

If a hall could be established in India, where prospective students could gather and practice before the Masters of my Order, I suspect that we would both see the benefits, you from the spread knowledge in how to use magic, as well as the training in many other fields such as Rationality, and us from the Apprentices who choose to stay with the Order to continue learning and to teach others.

If this opportunity interests you, my raven will bear your response back to me, or if you should wish to meet me in person, it will inform me that I may come.

To: Denmark

A message arrives by raven. It reads

Not long ago, the Order left our old holdings in Denmark, and with our recent growth our hall in Iceland is becoming insufficient to house our members. We would seek to return, restore our halls, and teach once more.

Will you have us?

2013-06-11, 12:16 AM
The Papacy
Encryption 4


Did our Savior bow down to the devil when things were difficult? Did he shirk his duty in Gethsemane? Do not lose hope because it is too late. God, in his infinite wisdom, is guiding my hand into creating an alliance of those who see likewise as I. Throw off the shackles of the Prince of Lies, and we can help you cleanse your country.

The Menagerie (VIP)

We will look into it - I am hearing many unfortunate things from the north, unfortunately. Thankfully, we are finding others who think as we do, and may be able to form an alliance capable of defeating them. We will send you a message should there be more we need to discuss.

The British Dominion

The atheism of the communists does worry me, but so does your own emphasis on gold and worldly glory. That said, I would be willing to enter into a defensive alliance with you, for the sake of keeping the peace. Perhaps in time we could meet in person, and work a stronger alliance.

Azar Corp

You likely have a small presence in the Papacy, though it is a small country that is not as focused on the economy as other nations.

2013-06-11, 01:14 AM
The Agency: A Day in the Office

"Just what pissmop decided that this would make an interesting time of year for everything to hit the fan?" Dodgers asked, his feet propped up atop his desk. Well, atop the surface he was using as a desk. In actuality, it was bar counter. A well-used bar counter, its cheap oak top covered in a myriad of cigar burns, where Dodgers had smothered out his cigars and cigarettes. He had a cigarette in his mouth right then, in fact, hand-rolled. Not Cuban, though. The Agency tended to frown on that sort of thing, even if Cubans had good cigars (and little else).

He was a senior Agent, and an Agent that had earned his place by grit and by guts. Admittedly, most of those guts were monstrous in nature, but Dodgers wasn't one to complain. The cigarette burned between his lips as he looked to his left and to his right.

"I mean, not only are all these supernatural groups coming into the light, but they're doing it with the subtlety of charging oxen. I mean, is subtlety really that much of a lost art?" He asked to nobody in particular.

Around him, the entire bar was staring at him, but for very different reasons. Dodgers, a man well into his sixties and dressed in a black trench coat, complimenting his aged suit with the gold buttons on the vest and the white polo undershirt, was currently reclined on a bar stool. A bar stool in the middle of a bar filled with vampires. Vampires that were all staring with a mixture of wariness and hunger at the man in their midst, who, by the fact that they could hear his heartbeat, was most certainly not a member of the South Hollywood Undead Gentlemen's Association (Open to all undead, excluding those of the colored variety.)

"Especially you guys. I mean, establishing a den in the middle of a bar?" He asked, his sunglasses tilting down the bridge of his nose as he spoke. "Even the Eye-Rune Order," He slurred it to sound like 'I-Run,' "Has the decency of at least playing it off like their monks or something. You guys just go right for the throat."

At his words, one of the lesser vampires, little more than a recently elevated thrall, decided to try and make his keep. There was a flash of fangs as the vampire moved with superhuman agility and alacrity. In that same movement, Dodgers had moved his arms out in an almost helicopter-like motion, his arms pinwheeling as his tailbone delicately balanced on the tipped bar stool. The monster, its clawed hands outstretched in a standard lunging pose, suddenly found himself flipped around. Using the bar stool as a fulcrum, Dodgers sent the creature pinwheeling head-over-feet, crashing on its back onto the bar counter. Broken glass carved at its back, the creature hissing as it attempted to grab onto the man's hands. Hands that had already slipped away, his right hand drawing a silver-plated Colt 1911, the weapon sliding smoothly into his grip as he jammed it into the vampire's open mouth. His other hand pulled out a small spherical object, a hand grenade. The other vampires in the room all stared abruptly.

Except the one with the pistol in its mouth, thrashing ineffectively against the bar counter as the silver burned his lips, tongue, and the sensitive undead flesh inside of his mouth. Dodgers continued to speak.

"No subtlety anymore. You lot can't even bother with trying to raid a blood bank or anything half-assed. Just lure human folks in here, try to seduce them, then make them bait for more. A filthy job if there ever was one." He remarked, before flashing a wide smile. He yanked the pin from the grenade. "Luckily, I'm the janitor, and I get to really let myself loose!"

Sometimes, he really enjoyed his job. Especially when it let him unleash his inner kid. He dropped the grenade as he pulled the trigger, propelling himself over the bar counter as the silver-alloyed fragmentation grenade went off, the elderly Agent laughing freely as the explosion left his ears ringing. His gun, coated with the now-dead vampire's brains, whipped out automatically. He had fought their kind long enough that this was almost an effortless dance for him.

The push dagger kept in his left sleeve slipped into his grip as he bludgeoned the vampire that had attempted to lunge at him from behind. The metal of his gun made a hefty crack, and a sizzling noise, as it caved in the creature's temple. For good measure, he flung the spade-shaped knife into its heart, watching as its body turned to ash. Twirling upright, he saw the rest of the bar in disarray, the vampires themselves forming a wide circle around the counter as their thralls and willing servants quickly fled. He'd take care of them later.

Another twitch of the wrist, and the next knife slipped into his hand, his handgun arcing around the room. Today was a very good day indeed, with a minimum of paperwork to be filed!

The Most Ancient and Honourable Order of the Rune and the Eye
The response from the Agency, delivered by radio, is straightforward:

"What, exactly, are you offering to share in terms of knowledge and learning? Amicable relations are always appreciated, but it never hurts to know just what is on the table, after all."

The Menagerie
The radio response to the Menagerie is also unencrypted in response to the unencrypted one, and still on the same wavelength. The voice belongs to one of the juniormost Agents of the Agency.

"What form of creatures do you have available, and what assurances are there that they are tamed?" He asks, "Furthermore, are you offering dangerous magical creatures on the public market?" He presses, sounding concerned. "A meeting may be best for our interests in this matter. Where may we locate you?"

Iron Fist Brotherhood
A simple radio transmission would be dispatched to the Iron Fists, its identifiers marking it as an Agency broadcast on a narrow band.

"If the Brotherhood is interested, there may be a mutually beneficial arrangement to be made. If pursuit is desired, please dispatch a representative to the Agency public offices located in New York City. A representative will meet you there."

The Papacy
A lone Agent, a brown haired man by the name of Eric Smith, would submit a request to meet with Papal leaders. The young man, dressed in a simple business suit, would present his case simply over the phone, and his arrival and meeting would be entirely within the hands of the Papacy.

"In spite of our past conflicts and disagreements, the rampant outbreaks of supernatural entities cannot be ignored for much longer. Through cooperation, we believe that we can help contain some of the more egregious issues that have arisen, though our differences in doctrine will make such an alliance inherently brief. We at the Agency are eager to hear your response, Pope."

The United States of America
The Agency representative for the United States, a simple, unassuming young bureaucratic sort dressed in a button-up suit (a common theme for Agency personnel), would speak up over the phone, placing a direct call to the White House.

"Ah! Mister President," He'd remark by way of opening, "Good morning. We were hoping to discuss the potential for furthering space exploration. In particular, taking an advantage over these filthy Communists. Your thoughts, sir?"

Northern Canada
A radio transmission, bounced to the north via the California relay towers, would be rather simple and direct in its address to Canadian officials.

"The Agency wishes to address the potential of helping Canada police potential issues with the supernatural. Considering our effectiveness in North America following the destruction of the Masquerade, we wished to discuss the potential of expanding our efforts to the north. Our interests have no concern with how Canada manages itself or its concerns, but in exchange for economic support, we believe we can help clear out a great number of potential internal threats."

2013-06-11, 01:34 AM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

The Agency

It seems that despite accepting the 30 silver, God still finds it in his heart to guide your order. I had only recently been having similar thoughts while praying for His holy light and guidance. For now, let us agree to assist one another in curtailing the most dangerous of the creatures, and commit to having more talks, face to face, in the future. Perhaps we can find a way to heal the schism between our two organizations.

2013-06-11, 02:11 AM
The Aurum Imperium
Encryption: 3

OOC: Huh. Interesting. Because of how stats work in this game, I can't simply give you a few points of Economy to build one. I'd have to devote my entire Economy stat to doing so. So...

We would be unable to fund it at this time (OOC: This turn, at the least. Maybe next few as well). If you would be willing to foot the bill yourself, we would be extremely grateful, but we understand that is asking a lot of you. If you are not, we will look into finding ways to divert some funds to such a cooperative endeavor.

To the Menagerie (3)
So your organization is, effectively, an international corporation that captures, breeds, sells, and harvests non-sentient mystical creatures then. Do you have any political aspirations or long term goals or is your motivating factor knowledge and profit?

Apologies if this seems like an interrogation. I ask you this not with the intention of judgement, but so I may better know your people and their nature. In times of turmoil such as these, I would like to know who among the world are those who would seek to dominate and destroy others, and who are willing to cooperate for a better tomorrow.

To the Agency (3)

I am Princeps Tiberius of the Aurum Imperium, though I am certain you are aware of me already. While I could start with simple pleasantries, I feel it would be best to simply be direct about my intentions with this message. The nature of your organization and its goals leads me to worry what your view of myself and the government of Brazil is.

I will admit, we are a dictatorship. Doing otherwise is simply disingenuous. However the reason myself and my brethren, alchemists who have practiced the arts of transfiguration for centuries, initially broke our vow of non-interference by supporting a side in the recent civil war was so that we could stop the killing and help the nation take steps away from the tyranny of the former rulers. We revealed ourselves and integrated with the resultant regime because we worried that other beings from the mystical world would seize the opportunity to conquer or harm the Brazilian people.

Our goals are similar, even if our circumstances and methods aren't. I hope that the two of us can cooperate in the future to ensure the people of this world are safe from those that would do them harm.
-Princep Tiberius

2013-06-11, 03:16 AM
Iron Fist Brotherhood

To the Ancient Order of the Rune and the Eye [PM]
"Indeed I would. Your order clearly knows their Runemagic, some Runes on the paper are familiar though Im not sure wether your actually here or merely a figment. We may be able to learn from you and you from us. We use Runemagic to enhance properties of our materials and power our battletanks." Thorgan seems not to be bothered by the fact the master is young.

To Arcanestomper
What im trying to say is that my neighbors are the only ones with permission to enter my territory.

To the Agency [3]
Trying to keep the link established the Dwarves respond: "It is not our policy to send a representative just anywhere without further information. Either provide more information or send a representative on your own to the base of Mt. Everest".

Imperial Psycho
2013-06-11, 06:09 AM
British Dominions

To the Agency
"Greetings from His Britannic Majesty

"Your organisation is dedicated to fighting the magical threat. I hope also it is committed to ending the spread of Global Socialism, especially where the two align. "

"I hope you will consider the British Empire a staunch ally in your fight.

To the Papacy
"I am not a religious man, and I am of course, no Papist. We have our religious and idealogical differences."

"But if you only ally with those who you agree with totally, you will find yourself alone. I will accept this defensive pact.

2013-06-11, 10:27 AM
The Most Ancient Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: The Iron Fist Brotherhood

The young master's face lights up when runes being used as a power source is mentioned.

"We use our runes for...just about anything, really. This circle, for example, is a modified binding circle used to summon and contain extraplanar entities. I'll need to study it more, but it seems that my modification allows it to summon from in-plane, though you still need to know the summoned's runic name.

"In general, though, we use a rather large amount of runes, and are always eager to learn more. If you're using runes to power tanks, then it's my hope that your powering runes will be a fair bit more efficient than ours.

"But you asked about the Order, not just our runes. Probably the three most important things on that front are our Father, our tenets, and our teachings. Our Father, who sacrificed himself to himself upon the World Tree, founded the Order and gave us Seventeen of the Eighteen Runes he learned there. Occasionaly, he will walk among us, but he has not done so for quite a while now."

The raven, which had been resting upon Theimdall's shoulder, cleaning itself, takes a break to smack the yound master upside the head with its wing.

"Alright, it has been about six-hundred years since he was last known to do so. Happy now?", Heimdall asks the raven. It returns to cleaning itself.

"Anyway, he also passed down a few tenets. Five to be sworn by Apprentices, and one additional tenet for Masters. They are:
1.) Before the eye of the Father, I shall not speak with the intent to deceive.
2.) Before the eye of the Father, I shall hear the words of any who wishes to speak.
3.) Before the eye of the Father, I shall ever seek knowledge.
4.) Before the eye of the Father, if I should be called upon by the Council, I will act as they direct.
5.) Before the eye of the Father, if I should violate any oath sworn before the eye of the Father, then may my doom rest within his hands.
6.) Before the eye of the Father, I shall act using the wisdom He has granted us to preserve his Order.

"The first three are pretty simple. The fourth is a bit less simple. The council is a governing body composed of those Masters who wish to be in it. If you show up, you're on the council. If you don't, you're not. They average a ruling every few decades, and violations of the rulings tend not to be judged harshly, if at all, if the ruling was violated for a good cause or if the ruling doesn't make sense in the situation.

"The fifth allows the Father to judge any oath sworn in that manner, including the oaths taken upon becoming an apprentice. It's the failsafe to the few policies we keep. The sixth has a lot of leeway in it, but essentially if you become a Master, you're with the Order. That's not to say there isn't a rogue every now and again, the tenets have a lot of leeway built in, but those are the vows taken.

"As for our teachings, they include a strong grounding in rationalism, how to learn, how to teach, a rather wide array of physical fitness activities, how to take proper notes, that kind of thing. There's a pretty strong Norse culture within the Order, which will probably leak through, but there isn't anything like an official religion.

"Well, that's the general overview. Anything specific you'd be interested in?"
OOC: This isn't my VIP, so no VIP conversation here. Sorry.

To: The Aurum Imperium

OOC: I though I saw something about splitting stats. That might work...

That is saddening to hear, but not unexpected. It may be some time before we are able to get the necessary supplies to you.

Perhaps an alternative arrangement, for us to build our hall within your lands, and then when you are able you can fund the construction of a hall somewhere else?


2013-06-11, 10:30 AM
The images and reports weren't exaggerating when they spoke of a Poisonous slime coating the Earth close to Athens, it was a minor distraction reported in a newspaper.

The slime mind you was a remnant of the recent war in which Hydros used all manners of weapons when everyone and their mothers came out to the spotlight saying they are mages and stuff, the poison itself wasn't very strong to be used in warfare, but it was messing the land just fine, which was why it was sealed off and some mages were looking at it thinking to do all kinds of crazy things. And that showed why anyone who joined the Hydros was in some way plain nuts or had less than average self preservation.
For now the plan was to make it sentient and contact it, but Finias ordered for the health hazard to be simply sealed and the mages to return to their duties for they had work to do, no one objected to that for now, but one mage was making plans to propose in the next meeting.

To The Papacy

Sorry but no thank you, the country and its people(not counting demi-humans much on this one) have suffered, the past war was bad and people are still recoiling from everything, plus all the cults that have surfaced and a lot of people who actually had friends among the demi-humans before they came out in the open would be against it.

Another war inside Greece where every demi-human knows their own territories here and, not to mention the strange magic some of them have. Would really really **** things up and before you say anything there are more than a couple of them right now, plus i don't find genocide very ethical when they more or less accept my rules and don't need to harm anyone one bit to survive.(as for those who don't listen and harm others......we are 'talking' to them....after the prodding and dissection is done that is or was it the other way around?).

Anyhow I wish you luck but we refuse your generous offer, if anything the 'people'(aka no demi-humans) should decide what to happen, i shall put an alliance with you or kicking the demi-humans out as an option in the voting that will happen.

-Until later
Doc Finias.

Jaerug XI
2013-06-11, 11:30 AM
The Hippie Republic of Texas
Encryption 2

To The Menagerie
We can confirm order for large combat creatures. We can train them, so just make sure the product is good and it will be peachy fine.

To The Agency
Checking over the records the other day and realized that you never quite got around to making base in our territory. We are grateful for the confidence in our ability to look after our own mystical house.

To Azar Industries
As long as you keep it chill, we have not a thing wrong with you doing some work in our place. However, we here do have some principles that will stay in place, so please do keep it chill.

To The Algiers Consortium
We've read your work on the Independent Movement and thought it was phemanenomenal. We wanted to look into joint projects to help the world adapt with the changes that have been going on. Points of interest might include safe havens, regional treaty brokerage, and further studies of magical developments. Be at peace.

To The United States
Many of you see us as the prodigal son, possibly even an infected limb long since amputated. However, we have not abandoned democracy, we have focused it. We have not destroyed freedom, we have realized it. Any of you who wish to form communication on any level are more than welcome to. We are not breaking apart from America. We are embracing it.

2013-06-11, 12:58 PM
Algiers Consortium

"If you wish to establish a Hall in our territory you are welcome to do so, but much of it would be at your expense. We could provide roughly 30% of the construction and setup costs if you handle the remainder and any upkeep the Hall cannot generate from revenue or endowments. If you wish to go ahead with it anyway we could begin charting a potential program of joint study as soon as we have details of your curricula."

Papal States(2.5)
Sadly your condemnation of "demi-humans" is likely to incite wars of its own. We will maintain our distance from you as from any faction abetting violent aggression while your position remains as it is.

Coordinating our handling of refugees is probably a good idea. Our international efforts are mostly aimed at deescalation; you are already moving to a war footing in response to the Aztec so we are reluctant to form a comprehensive treaty with you. In magical research our interests may be closer together. Aztec magic has all the characteristics of an epidemic. We would be willing to send a team of magical psychiatrists the aid you in learning to deal with its feedback.

2013-06-11, 01:07 PM
The Aztec Empire
Encryption [4]

To Azar Corp
The Aztecs do not like outsiders and as such you probably don't have a front in the empire.

To Guatemala
We demand money, wealth, gold. Give this to us and we will acknowledge you as a rightful part of the empire. Fail to do so and you shall see the power of the Fire Screamers.

To The Hippie Republic of Texas
Your failure to pay our tribute is a poor decision. We do not recognize you as part of the Empire and we shall remember this slight.

To Cuba
You will bow to the Great Emperor Miahl eventually. We do not recognize you as a part of our Empire and we shall not forget your insults. Tremble in fear of the Aztec Empire fools.

To Northern Mexico
You have made a grave mistake. We do not recognize you as a part of our empire. As such you will not understand the full glories of Emperor Miahl. Tremble before him.

To Belize
Your insubordination has earned our attention. We shall not recognize you as a part of our empire. Fear for your lives.

2013-06-11, 04:20 PM
The Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: The Agency

The response takes a while to come. It seems that the Order hasn't been keeping up with the latest technology...

"Now this is a radio. It uses radio waves to send messages back and forth. The Agency, over in the United States...or what's left of them, sent you a message using this."

"Thank you. Now, is anyone over on the other side? I am Hroptr, representing the Order. Young Master Thogrutson tells me that there was a question regarding what we teach."


"We include physical fitness, rationalism, runes, some history, and whatever the individual teachers feel like teaching by default. Included in our tenets is an oath to always seek knowledge, and we maintain extensive libraries to facilitate that, and it is a rare member of our Order that will not answer a question. Do you happen to have more specific questions?"

To: The Algiers Consortium

"Curriculum will mostly be whatever the particular Apprentice or Master teaching feels like teaching that day. Runes, physical fitness, and rationalism are traditional requirements, however. As for the split, I could hope for an even division, but 30/70 will be fine.

"Unless you have further questions, I'll go ahead and head back to make the announcement and grab some volunteers to come out here and start construction."

2013-06-11, 05:27 PM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

TO: British Dominion

We are not shying away for religious reasons, though we would love to see the true faith return to your islands. The Church has always taken a stance of attempting to prevent war between the East and West. Forming anything more than a defensive alliance at this point would run contrary to decades of Vatican policy. There is also the problem of certain rumors of your king's... Condition. Let us simply say that should I visit your Isles, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to great you with my traditional blessing, which is not... prime ally material. That said, there are worse threats in the world, which is why I suggested a private meeting in time, to possible has out something bigger.

TO: Hydros

Very well. It seems the Dark One reached you sooner than we had though. Should you throw off his vile influence, please contact us immediately so that we may help you.

TO: Italy

To Whoever is in charge in the rest of the peninsula (not sure if it's split north and south, or if I have the same country on both sides): Italy has been the bedrock of the Faith. We wish to ensure that it remains so still, and hope that you will assist us in our God Given duty, as the Italians have for centuries.

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-11, 05:42 PM
The Menagerie

To Congo (2)
Starting a partnership with The Menagerie, as I have had for years, is a mutually beneficial opportunity. For land to expand and help setting up they can offer a cut of all profits gained from the site and added protection for the area and your whole country. Also at your request they can train battle creatures to provide you an army, although I imagine that would entail further cost.

To Colombia (2)
((Note to self, speak to NPC's so they gain stats before sending espionage agents into a country of spies.))

Rest assured these plans will deter any militant group from setting up camps in the area. When construction starts we will show your liaisons the benefits they will provide. Not only will the facilities crack down on guerrilla activity but they will be defended by outside interests.

((Our agents set about replacing as much of the likely liaison group with our own people as possible, though in fairness our sites would discourage guerrilla activity))

To The Agency (0)

In an open unencrypted signal, we have nothing to hide.
"Greetings, I am Will, I shall be your contact among The Menagerie. Your worries about our operation are understandable, I assure you that if there were any risks involved then we wouldn't have stayed secret a hundred years. Naturally we don't expect you to take our word for it, and if you wish we can show you around one of our facilities in Venezuela."

To The Aurum Imperium (2.5)
Essentially yes, we do not wish to involve ourselves in any war and want to help the world accept and develop magic as we did. Hopefully we will make a profit while doing so.

To The Hippie Republic of Texas (2)
Unfortunately I would have to disagree. Our Chimeras are the most combat ready beast we have but from what we can tell you do not have the capability to contain them. Perhaps if you can create some adequate facilities then we will be able to send you some in a month or so, and we will also have time to train them for you. Rest assured while we do not want to be involved directly in the potential conflict with the barbarians we would hate to see you overrun.

((I don't have the actions to help at the moment but given enough convincing I could devote my next turn to it.))

Imperial Psycho
2013-06-11, 05:53 PM
British Dominions

To the Papacy
"I would like to assure His Holiness that any rumours regarding His Majesty's status as a one of the living are entirely unfounded."

"There are those who believe the Monarchy, and indeed the Papacy , are all lizardmen in human skin. Implausible nonsense! The existence of fey, dwarves, and elves does not make this nonsense any more plausible "

"I assure you, that were you to make a state visit, His Majesty would gratefully receive you, in the daylight, as the living man he most certainly is and remains."

Forum Explorer
2013-06-11, 07:30 PM

To Azar
We would gladly send some kobolds over. However you do realize that there is a sense of obligation to the kobolds themselves? It's nothing unreasonable, just don't expect kobolds to work against any dragon and don't kill the kobolds.

If they find you are working against a dragon they'll likely just leave. Or join the dragon. It really depends on a ton of different factors.

To Daoine Sidhe

I've been reading up on you and have heard many stories about your creativity. I've been wondering if you would be interested in working alongside me in some of my projects?

To Canada
I know that our arrival has caused a split between the west and the east. But such a split is unnecessary and harmful. Our work has been effective at improving our territory and we should work together on improving all of Canada and letting these borders of ours merge peacefully.

2013-06-11, 08:29 PM
Daoine Sidhe [2]


2013-06-12, 01:31 AM
The Agency (Encryption 3)

The Papacy
There's a thin hint of laughter from the Agency representative, the man smiling from ear to ear. "Of course, our previous interactions have been colored by religion, and that may have been a regrettable factor of the times that we each lived in. We may no longer have the luxury of letting differences of dogma divide us." He stated simply, "Already, a number of governments are seeking discussions with us, as I am sure they have sought discussions with yourselves." He would add.

The man would fold his gloved hands together, "Further talks are to be encouraged, of course, and many things may come of them. However, do you have any groups at the moment you know are proving a caustic influence? We are currently dedicated towards local peacekeeping efforts, but the mobile task forces remain at the ready for larger threats."

The Aurum Imperium
The letter is replied with not by another letter, but by a physical presence, not an Agent (for such would clearly be a declaration of war), but rather a simple administrative official with a small escort in the form of MTF-31 ("Philosopher's Opium.")

Dressed in a simple business suit, unlike the bulky full-body suits of armor worn by the MTF members, the representative was armed only with a small briefcase. His smile was wide as he emerged from the back of the Agency helicopter, his escorts keeping their bulky rifles lowered, though they were clearly prepared in case the alchemists proved unfriendly.

"Your honesty has been refreshing to my superiors!" He remarked, the young man's blonde hair neatly trimmed, his eyes obscured behind his sunglasses. A white-gloved hand nudged the wire rim of them further up his nose. "However, your arguments as to why you were involved are very unique. We may have a solution that may be preferable to your people, as well as to your own interests. What say you?" He asks, smiling politely.

The soldiers around him remain alert, their bodies engulfed in what look like rather oversized versions of body armor, covering their torsos, arms, and legs in segmented ceramic plates. The alchemists would likely note, however, the fact that a number of religious passages from the Qu'ran, King James Holy Bible, and several other faiths had been branded into the material, warding it against direct magical effects. The modified M16s they carried, fitted with drum magazines and scopes, were held loosely, but obviously geared towards combating anything they might transmute or conjure forth. Never mind the silver-plated sidearms they carried, or the gilded casing on their grenades.

Iron Fist Brotherhood
"Understood. Emissary will be dispatched via helicopter. Please receive them at your discretion." The radio replies, the signal dying off.

It would be only a short while after, a few hours, that the Brotherhood would note an actual helicopter phasing into existence over the airspace bordering the Tibet-Brotherhood territory lines. The lone helicopter, a UH-60 Black Hawk, would flash with its collision and landing lights, displaying itself for the dwarves. The helicopter would whirl forward as distant sparks of arcane energy radiated off its hull, the pilots sending a radio transmission.

"Requesting permission to land, this is Agency tango-three-one. I have the envoy onboard plus six." The copilot would radio forward, the craft apparently unarmed. Of course, with the Agency, "apparently" and "actually" were likely two different things. The ambassador would patch into the feed as well,

"We're here to discuss the opportunity for combining our research and manufacturing opportunities. You fine folks have a lot of industrial capabilities, I'm told. We have the minds and talents to make that benefit the both of us immensely. Care to give us a landing spot, sirs?"

British Dominions
The letter would be received, and a reply sent via radio transmission. An Agency bureaucratic officer would speak up,

"If you have any proposals to offer forward in terms of helping deal with the threat of the supernatural, or any threats Communism might pose, by all means, make suggestions."

The Hippie Republic of Texas
The radio reply would be wary, the Agency representative assigned to the Texans blunt.

"Quite frankly, son," The man remarked with a southern drawl, "We don't have the highest faith and confidence in your abilities to police the supernatural. There's a reason the Agency used to patrol the Mexico border as strongly as it once did, and it's certainly not because of free love or whatever it is your lot are pushing." He said, "That being what it is, you're Americans. Unlike those Communist elves out yonder, or the psychic Russians, you lot at least appreciate the idea of liberty. If not liberty, then at least a certain degree of equality for us humans. If you're amenable, we could reopen some of our facilities down there, maybe get some cooperation going in terms of protecting one another against foreign espionage."

The Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
"Pleasure to meet you both." The man on the radio replies, "We were hoping, in fact, to go through and read through your libraries. Dispatch a number of our scholarly investigators and academics, perhaps transcribe duplicates in order to help better understand what you teach on our own." He states, "If you wish, we could even work to establish liaisons. Your faction has maintained an amicable history with the nations of the world, and in its reservation in the face of the supernatural, we have a positive inclination towards your offer for learning. We could even, in time, perhaps work towards combining our respective fields of knowledge towards research?"

The Menagerie
The Agency reply is straightforward,

"My name's John. Nice to meet you, Will." The man remarks over the airwaves, "Now, I'd very much like to see one of your facilities in Venezuela." He adds, "Would you find it acceptable if we dispatched an Agent and an escort team, once you forward the location to us? Could prove a nice open market for you and your lot." He suggests, laughing cheerily.

2013-06-12, 03:53 AM
Iron Fist Brotherhood

To the Agency
As the chopper approaches its not hard to see some of the Runecrafted Battletanks on the various ridges of Mount Everest and surrounding mountains. Their turrets turn in the choppers direction and follow its path but none acts. On the radio is a deep voice of a dwarf: "This is the Iron Fist Brotherhood.We welcome you. At an altitude of 1000 feet on the North-Eastern side of Mt. Everest is a platform suitable for landing your craft. I shall open the doors so you may enter mountain. Runecrafter Thorin Steelbender will receive you there as our Grandmaster is occupied. Our Battletanks will stand down. Over."

To the Ancient Order of the Rune and the Eye
"Your Order seems to be organised and appeals to me. I would like to offer you an oppertunity to open an ambassy within our borders near Mt. Everest. The Runecrafters might be able to learn a thing or two from you and perhaps you from us."

2013-06-12, 11:12 AM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

The Agency

Currently I can think of no state so belligerent that they must be curtailed immediately, however if one of your leaders would like to return to the Vatican next month for talks, or if you could prepare proper security for the travel of His Holiness, We could share what fears and reassurances we have so far.

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-12, 12:27 PM
The Menagerie

"Certainly sir, though do excuse us we do not wish to send the location of our sites publicly." You receive the coordinates through short range radio issuing less than 5 miles away from your New York headquarters. "We look forward to your visit and all future dealings."

2013-06-12, 08:17 PM
To the Aurum Imperium and MAHORE
You can in fact split your economy stat into two or more stats and use one to work on something like an exchange program while the other does other things.

To the Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Foreign exchange programs would simply be using your stats to help someone else and them using their stats to help you. There would be a small bonus over doing it all yourself, but you would be more open to infiltration. All you really need to do for this is say which stats are doing it and with whom.

A portal system would be possible. It would actually function a lot like a VIP. You could use it to help any other action, but it would be limited in how many stats it could help at once. Multiple portal systems could be built to facilitate moving multiple stats.

China to MAHORE [2]
We doubt any of our citizens would be interested in your teachings, but we are willing to allow certain numbers of you to visit the People's Republic and attempt to grasp what you can of our glorious culture as long as they follow the guidelines they are given.

India to MAHORE [2.5]
We gladly embrace such an exchange of knowledge. Although we think you will find that the knowledge of magic will not flow one way.

Denmark to MAHORE [3.5]
We are not so trusting of your influence as to simply give you land you claim to have once owned. What do you propose to give us for the restoration of your halls.

The USA to the Agency [4]
Well son, I think our potential for furthering the space program would be a lot better if you boys hadn't seceded from the union like those hippies in Texas. Just because the USSR decided to up and fragment didn't mean we had to as well.

Now maybe we can work something out anyway. But don't think we're just going to hand you the latest results from the technomages down in NASA just because you decided to play nice again.

Canada to the Agency [2]
Well we don't have any internal concerns. Right now our biggest concern are the kobolds and the elves. The Kobolds are far too close to the dragons they worship. And we're still not sure if their secession was actually legitimate or not. And of course the elves are communists who are probably talking with the Russians right now about moving tank brigades over the North Pole.

Now if you can help with either of those problems we might be able to push some funding your way.

The USA to the Hippie Republic of Texas [4]
That's nice son. Now I'm sure you thought this was a good idea when you were smoking whatever you were, but we'd appreciate if you only used the high priority telephone lines for important things. Preferably while sober.

Let us know if the Aztecs invade or when you realize the whole seceding from the Union was a bad idea.

Guatemala to the Aztec Empire [3]
Perhaps we could work out some other form of tribute. We are very poor country and have no wealth or gold to give you.

Northern Italy to the Papacy [3.5]
Of course holy father. In these god forsaken times we will do what we can to fight the evil one. Our labs are ready and waiting to produce new weapons for the crusade, and we have acquired a contingent of mages for magical research as well.

Southern Italy to the Papacy [2.5]
We wholeheartedly agree with you. The world is teeming with evil both in the monsters around us and in the hearts of the communists. We stand ready to purge the world in the name of god. Our flamethrower units are especially eager.

The Congo to the Menagerie [2]
What sort of profit margins are they envisioning. And how are their sales teams doing in the rest of the world.

Colombia to the Menagerie [2]
Very well we approve your plans.

Canada to the Kobolds! [2]
Improving Canada. Like you've improved yourselves. We believe that we must regretfully decline. We'll work with you if you had something mutually beneficial in mind. But our borders stay where they are.

2013-06-12, 11:44 PM
Azar Corporation

I understand. Thank you for offering your services.

(What exactly are kobolds? Just people who like dragons, or an actual race?)

The Aztec Empire
Okay, not a problem. If you'd like our business, simply ask.

Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples

Mazilhendra is indeed her public name, though she used to go by the name 'Sandra Vorgio'.

IC: A small note returns, a simple thanks with an invitation to come to Sicily whenever he has the time for a social visit.

The British Dominions
We are aware that we occupy such a... unique position, and would greatly enjoy joining in the push for capitalism across the globe. We at Azar believe that moderation is the key.

The Menagerie
We should certainly look into potential business arrangements, for the betterment of both of our organizations.

South Africa

Merchant Consortium
Less of an embassy and more of a regional business HQ, but they do similar things. We should certainly look into potential business arrangements, for the betterment of both of our organizations.

Is there anything we could do to expand our business to best suit the Vatican's needs in the region? We would greatly like to foster both an amiable and profitable arrangement for both parties.

The Hippie Republic of Texas

2013-06-13, 02:42 AM

Azar Corporation[PM]

ooc: Well spending a PM if don't have an action then its only a visit IC and i will note it on the next post =P. I assume on your reply we meet on your headquarters? or somewhere else(feel free to describe them if you wish or give time to make the doc put something better than his lab coat :smallbiggrin:).

Finias sent a note saying when he would be able to visit Sicily down to the hour he would arrive and he indeed arrived on time.

Personally he was wearing a clean black lab coat that seemed to be filled with various things, despite that he was well groomed and was walking with a Grecian swagger if such thing existed.
With him were three other people, one tall and strong built human a bit feral probably one of their famous mad berserkers who was calm like a kitten at the moment and carrying a big package.
There was also a shade creature of some kind and the last of his entourage......was a Harpy radiating magical power, she was as ugly and ferocious as some people thought of them, she was wearing a helmet but by the clicking of her talons she was obviously a bit bored.
Now where did they go.

2013-06-13, 03:37 AM
The Agency (Encryption 3)
"The Menagerie Has What?!"

John's booted feet flung through the air as the elderly Agent pushed off from the aquarium wall, watching as it exploded into a million dancing fragments of glass in the aftermath of the shotgun blast. His eyes watched as the water spilled out and down, the fish staring helplessly as they were either shredded by the birdshot or sent spinning to their doom. His fast-moving feet whirled around as Dodgers performed a back flip through the air. The steel of his right boot caught the shotgun-wielding monster mid-reload, the Remington shotgun, cracked open, jolting in its grasp.

An impressive feat, considering the vampire was standing on the ceiling, which was exactly why Dodgers needed a flying leap to get at it. As his boot made contact, hitting with bone-snapping force, his other foot snaked up and around, catching under the stunned monster's chin. Suspending himself like a Christmas ornament, his free right hand (his spent handgun having been discarded, as reloading was a surefire way of dying against superhumanly fast vampires) shooting up.

His abs complained against having to do a hanging situp, but it was the only way to get the silver-alloyed boot knife in his right boot. As his hand darted in front of the monster's face, he grunted as it recovered enough to nip at his hand, its fangs scoring along his wrist. His blood stained its teeth as his hand clutched the knife, his foot the only thing keeping him from falling off (And likely severing his hand in the process).

That left his left hand, which darted inside of his suit's coat, under the armpit, withdrawing the knife there. The blade whipped around as he heard the distant click of a shotgun's hammer being pulled back. The vampire biting down on his hand abruptly let go in shock, not for the fact of it being surprised that an ally would fire on it, but for the fact that Dodgers had just removed its head entirely with the curved edge of his kukri.

He tumbled to the ground, but was not joined by the other vampire's corpse, for that corpse was quickly shredded with a double-barrel blast from the shotgun of the last vampire in the room. The Patriarch, who had just kicked his way in from a private bedroom. The remnants of a poor soul were visible on the blood-soaked bed, reduced to a piece of warm meat for the monster to feast on as his underlings dealt with Dodgers.

He wasn't sure whether to be more offended by being ignored for so long, or to be enraged at the patriarch's callous attitude towards humans, such that an attacker could be ignored in favor of devouring someone. He elected to let the latter emotion fuel him, the half-loaded shotgun clattering in front of him. He flexed his injured hand once, letting the blood flow between his fingers, in order to ensure there was no serious damage. Assured his hand was functional, he sprinted forward, flinging the knife overhand at the vampire, which dropped the shotgun to catch the blade between its meaty palms.

Big fellow. Had to be at least six-foot-five, three hundred and forty pounds, and likely pure muscle with a minimum of body fat. A beast even in life, and a true monster in death. No wonder the Agency had sent him. It didn't even flinch as the silver sizzled the flesh of its hands, dropping the knife dead at its feet, leaping so high as to nearly touch the ceiling in an effort to get directly as Dodgers. The old man had already grabbed the shotgun, though, snapping it up with a single shell in one of its two barrels.

In an impressive display of aerial acrobatics, the patriarch twisted to the side as Dodgers rolled to the right, his back crashing against a broken table as he leveled the shotgun at his target. The massive creature landed hard enough to put cracks in the tile of the floor, pivoting on his feet as he rushed directly at Dodgers. The bleeding Agent kicked against the floor as he fired the shotgun downwards, letting the kick of the weapon help propel him up the table that disintegrated shortly after. The patriarch's head whipped back as the birdshot caused the flesh of its jaw to explode away, ripping away its tongue and large chunks of its throat.

A ragged wound that crudely bled, its host in no need for oxygen, though the blackened flesh still oozed and pulsed in a mockery of breathing. The patriarch didn't stop for long, his charge merely staggered as Dodgers whipped the shotgun around like a Bo staff. The wooden butt cracked into the upper teeth of the monster, the old man keeping his distance. A wise move, it would seem, as the patriarch was quick to grab the shotgun in both hands, snapping the butt clean away from the barrel with a double palm heel strike.

The patriarch tried to say something, disgust clear in its face, before he realized that it no longer had a tongue or jaw to formulate words with. His expression turned to pure rage as Dodgers moved his hands together, reaching behind his back.

The vampire's meaty leg arced over the man's head, which barely had time to duck low, the Agent's hands coming back around as he drew his last two weapons, a pair of metal rods. Giving a quick flick of the wrist, they quickly extended and shifted, turning into two solid silver stakes that were each about a foot in length, ending in a deadly sharp tip. The iconography on them was ancient Sumerian, and it didn't take a genius to figure out they were dangerous. Dodgers hummed as he twirled them about like a pair of Arnis.

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to use these." He remarked to the patriarch, "Annoying correlation to Cain's regeneration rate for the number of your kind it's used to kill." He grumbled, "Still, have to do what you have to do." He added, before smirking, his cigarette long since discarded.

The patriarch, unable to say anything, simply rushed at him again, attempting to crash a two-handed sledgehammer blow into his exposed left side. Instead, the massive vampire found one of the stakes whip out to swat aside his hand, the creature gurgling in agony as the Sumerian script flashed gold. The arm it was impaled into turned to ash above where the stake had been impaled, the weapon flying free.

Dodger's other hand reversed his second stake into an icepick grip, stabbing at the patriarch's chest, but the massive creature jumped away thanks to its mighty agility and reflexes. Nursing its wounded arm, it kicked the broken remains of the table Dodgers had just leaped over at him. The Agent, feeling more in his prime now than ever, stepped over it, one foot after the other, moving to hold both stakes in an icepick grip.

Lowering his head to charge low, he could only smile as the creature's remaining arm swung wide to grab hold of his suit. With a simple flurry of motion, he lanced its arm, which instantly turned to ash, before following forward, the other stake piercing it in the stomach. With a single grunt of effort, Dodgers dragged the two stakes together across the patriarch's midsection, watching as it evaporated into ash, its torso imploding in a puff of black as Dodgers danced back.

Which was right about when his pager beeped, the man sighing as he drew the stakes upright, giving a flick of the wrist as the magical items detected no further vampires in the area, collapsing into their standard silver batons, which he quietly placed back into his back holster. What would it be now?

The Menagerie
Which had led to Dodgers on a red-eye flight back to New York via translocation 'copter. Why? Because the Agency had just gone into a tizzy at the fact that somebody had set up shop no less than five miles away from the heart of their operations. Translocation wasn't cheap, and that was what had made Dodgers not question just why he was needed to investigate what, by all rights, sounded like a magical zoo.

So long as these folks weren't offering to sell people fully-grown dragons with a puppy leash, he wasn't sure just what scale of threat might be presented. Quite frankly, magical creatures were somewhat of an (expensive) niche pet market. People used to be content owning a tiger or a lion. Now? You have to own a pet Disenchanter or something just to seem exotic enough.

As it was, the location of this particular store would be quickly isolated on the approach, Dodgers busy rearming himself. MTF-84 ("Zookeepers") had been dispatched, one squad arriving via land, their black SUVs tearing up the streets as their flashing lights marked their approach. Three armored vehicles parking outside of the Menagerie facility, the sleek frame of Dodger's chopper circling over the area low. The Agent, giving a slight sigh, would finish his sandwich as he adjusted his new suit, tugging firmly on the gloves as he quickly rappeled down from the aircraft.

Letting go the last five feet, his shoes clicked on the pavement, the armed and armored men around him. He looked straight ahead, inspecting just where they had been directed to.

"Well, here we are!" He announced, amidst the abrupt quiet, the helicopter's whirring blades going off into the night as the aircraft retracted its rappel line, ascending to attend to other duties. "Let's see what you've got!"

Iron Fist Brotherhood
The chopper pilot frowned as the massive, rune-encrusted tanks leveled their barrels at the aircraft. The aircraft continued its ascent towards the marked area, but the helmeted heads of the operator and his copilot scanned the area below. The chopper was unarmed, at least outwardly, but it certainly had its defensive measures.

"Tanks?" He asked his compatriot, "Why are they taking aim at us with tanks? I'm not seeing any Bushmasters down there, but tanks are a damn sight inaccurate against a target as small as us, even if we're stuck on a vertical plane of ascent."

The ambassador, an Agent as well, would pipe up, leaning halfway between the passenger space and the cockpit, "Those aren't normal tanks. Notice the markings?" He asked, stretching around to point. "Enchantments. The dwarves are especially crafty with that sort of thing." He said, nodding to himself. "If I were any guess, they've likely enchanted the shells as well. Bind some earth spirits into canister rounds to multiply the effect of gravity on anything they hit. Even a glancing blow would play merry hell on an unprotected vehicle with that sort of earthen magic."

"And against ours?" The pilot asked, but his answer wouldn't come forth, as the entire face of the mountain began to part back and away. "Sweet mother of God..." He murmured, his head whipping around to face the massive opening that had parted for the helicopter. "How in the world did they manage to make something like that?" He whispered, "The sheer amount of weight being--"

"The methods they used in accomplishing this," The ambassador remarked, his smile wide behind the opaque glasses he wore, "Are exactly why I am here, and part of why we are interested in attaining their help."

The helicopter would arc its way into the landing pad, its floodlights flashing to life as it scoured the landing area in red, blue, and white lighting: A mixture of standard white lighting, infrared, ultraviolet, and a few magically-reactive light wavelengths. The technicolor riot would flash around the rotating lights along the side of the helicopter as the armored side doors swung open, MTF-138-3 ("Mountaineering Musketeers") disembarking. The six-man squad, the third squad of MTF-138, emerging from both sides of the helicopter at once. Aerial insertions into an underground area were certainly a novelty for the men, but they were trained for this sort of a situation.

Their plate carriers were quiet and smooth as they rumbled out, each man relatively short, but rather large. The dwarves might actually recognize one of their own amongst the special forces in the squad, though his beard had been trimmed (a travesty, to be sure), and an automatic shotgun clutched in his meaty grip. Shotguns seemed to be the weapon of choice for these men, though their design was exotic: They were drum-fed, but with what looked to be some sort of underslung grenade launcher.

The armor the men wore was fairly straightforward, kevlar strips covering their bodies from head to toe, the thick steel boots they wore clicking as they touched down almost weightlessly. Their heads were obscured by the helmets they wore, the reinforced gas masks giving them an alien appearance. Night vision goggles hung over their heads, modified with one opaque lens and one standard green one. Clearly, goggles intended to reveal both visible and obscured targets.

In addition to sidearms and grenades, the escorts would have a number of small talismans visible on them, discreetly tied around their waists, wrists, or clipped onto their belts. They did not attack, however, just keeping a holding pattern as the ambassador himself ducked out of the aircraft, an exceptionally tall man, standing at six foot two. An apparently bureaucratic sort, though any sensory technology that the dwarves might have used would indicate he had a half-dozen knives on him. One in each boot, one up each sleeve, and a wire-frame kukri hooked behind his right ear, with a pen knife in the lapel of his suit. All alloyed silver.

"Now then!" The ambassador remarked, smiling. "Shall we open discussions? My name is John Smith," He greeted, turning his head this way and that. "And I believe that we may be able to enter a very interesting position by cooperating our resources together. No need to break our respective isolated positions, of course. Privacy is a virtue with the Agency."

The Papacy
There was a pause in the transmission, "We could, of course, be happy to receive the Pope's presence here in New York. In fact, we would welcome such a presence, given the opportunity!" The man remarks, laughing happily, his voice positive-sounding. "If the Pope prefers, however, we could also dispatch an envoy to meet His Grace in the Vatican. We have a few ideas of just what threats we may be able to cooperate to remove."

The United States of America
There's a bit of a pause in the conversation line, "Really, I can't help but feel that this would be a conversation best held face-to-face." The man on the other side of the line remarks, and one could almost sense the slight exasperation. "This sort of a talk is really Dodger's territory... Blasted old man." He grumbled, before seemingly realizing he was still on the phone.

"Ah! Mister President, sir, my apologies. My thoughts drifted for a moment." He added, "While our independence from the larger United States chain of command has been problematic, we have absolutely no intentions for an actual, total secession from the Union. Our interests lie solely in the area of the supernatural, and given the massive concentrations of supernatural beings in New York City and the other population-dense areas, it was only natural that we solidify our watch over this area in particular." He explains, "We are, of course, perfectly willing to open full relations with the United States at large. Allowing our citizens, really, your citizens, to vote in the presidential elections, so-on."

There was a bit of thoughtfulness, "If anything, we'd really like to discuss integrating our abilities with that of the United States as a whole. The Agency is by no means a group interested in dictatorial power." The man explained, "Democracy and liberty are things we fight to uphold, if anything. As for the space program, we're not inclined towards taking anything that NASA may have developed, though cooperation would be a nice element." He went on to say, his thoughts flying hard and fast.

"If anything, by cooperating, we may succeed where the USSR will eventually fail, Mister President. There's an immense gain to be made in the ideals of Capitalism, cooperating for the economic and societal benefit of all. If we cooperate, the United States may eventually become reunified. May I make one further suggestion, however, Mister President? If I may be so bold as to make a radical one, that is." The bureaucrat asked, beaming on his side of the line.

"Funding is well and good," The officer would reply over the line, "But we were thinking cooperation on research as well. If the West can unify its research and economic abilities as a whole, then the USSR will be a dream of the distant past, Elves and Kobolds or no Elves and Kobolds." He remarked, smiling.

"That being said, we can open discussions with the Elves, if so desired. Though they're Communists, so I wouldn't put much bank into what they say in either case. My thoughts? You open up your borders to Agency operations, throw some funding and research our way, and we'll work to keep your folks safe. At the very least, we can station a Mobile Task Force up in a Canadian facility for quick reactions to any tanks or other assets that roll up. With, of course, your permission. Plus, if you're willing to cooperate with us, our combined assets could actually give us a very significant technological edge over any forces that come to invade."

Azar Industries
A simple radio message would be sent to Azar Industries over the public wavelength, bearing the identifiers and metadata of an Agency transmission. The officer on the other side of the line would speak plainly, but with a slight southern drawl.

"Howdy!" She'd greet, "Now, I'm not one to impinge on you fine Sicilian folks for much of anything." She'd say by way of introduction, "But I'm thinking that you're one of the more civilized and upstandin' sorts! What would you fine lot say to us having a little bit of a meet-'n'-greet? Either at one of our places or your own, of course! Just have a bit of business we think you'd enjoy gettin' to get involved with, s'all."

Imperial Psycho
2013-06-13, 05:57 AM
The British Dominions

To Canada
"Greetings from His Majesty's Government in Britain"
"I am given to understanding that your government has rather severe concerns regarding the Integrity of their borders"

"As a member of the Commonwealth, and a staunch ally, Britain is ever at your service. We shall do everything we can to support you, if you accept our help."

2013-06-13, 07:14 AM
Iron Fist Brotherhood

To the Agency
"Be welcome guests, you are the first outsiders to enter our base for over 30 years. The world is changing and so do our policies. My name is Thorin Steelbender, Master Runecrafter."

An dwarf with a dark black beard, wearing what seems to a full plate etched with runes steps forward. On his back is a great warhammer, etched with ruďns aswell. Two dwarves in less eleborate but similar armor flank him, wielding warhammers aswell. At least what seems to be a warhammer at first glance. Right in the middle of the massive hammerhead is something that looks like a gunbarrel.

"I hope our tanks didn`t startle you. We are currently on full defencive alert with all the things going on in the world. Follow me to a comfortable meetingroom where we can talk business."

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-13, 12:09 PM
The Menagerie

For The Agency
I can only imagine your disappointment at finding an empty office block in the middle of Manhattan. On searching the facility you find shining silver arrows painted in the stairwell pointing to a basement. On the wall of the small basement room are a series of Fey runes, you get the feeling you are being watched.

A voice issues from the symbols, "It is so good of you to come, you make quite the entrance. If you'll just step this way we can start your tour. But please hurry it takes a lot of effort to keep this portal open."

*New* To The Congo
There has been an explosion of interest now that magic isn't hidden. They currently hold a monopoly on the market for magical beasts and their parts, and they have a hundred years of experience in the field. They were doing well before, but now it's hard to project just how high the sales figures will go. As they use magically regenerating creatures for feed there is very little cost beyond the initial procurement and enclosures so really all proceeds are profits.

*New* To Azar Corporation
"Greetings, I am Dani, I shall be your contact among The Menagerie. We are eager to work with such prestigious company, we would never have dreamed of such prospects before the revelation of magic. We have means of producing humours which we believe to have pharmaceutical applications but could never find a market for them. Perhaps you would have the facilities and clientčle necessary to do the raw materials justice.

2013-06-13, 12:56 PM
The Aztec Empire

To Guatemala
Very well, pay your tribute in the way you see fit. Welcome to the Empire my brothers.

2013-06-13, 02:21 PM
The Papacy

Azer Corp

What exactly is it your corporation produces and sells? I'm sure that there is some form of arrangement that will be beneficial to us both.

North Italy:

Excellent. At the moment I am still rallying our religions forces. In the coming months I may call upon you for assistance in our crusade.

South Italy:

Excellent. At the moment I am still rallying our religions forces. In the coming months I may call upon you for assistance in our crusade.

The Agency:

If the place of our meeting does not matter, I would like to come to New York. I have been in the Vatican since my election, and would relish the chance for a trip.

2013-06-13, 09:35 PM
The Arcane
Encryption 2

All nations of the middle-east
Greetings. I run the merchant Consortium known as the Arcane down in Dubai. Perhaps you've heard of us?

As many of you know, the world is changing and chaos is on the rise...to better protect the sovereignty of all the nations of the region--and to prevent history from repeating itself--I would like to propose a free-trade agreement, as well as a mutual-defense pact between all those willing.

2013-06-13, 09:53 PM
The Agency (Encryption 3)

Iron Fist Brotherhood
The ambassador smiled, the special forces behind him looking the dwarves up and down. One could get the sense that they were keeping an eye on their competition, sizing up just what would make these two so dangerous and, if need be, how to deal with them. The runes would render small arms fire useless for the most part, and even their armor-piercing slugs would have difficulty.

Grenades were feasible, but it'd be difficult to sustain a constant suppression fire with pure grenades, not to mention their limited ammunition. That left the potential for melee combat, but judging by the fact that their warhammers not only had ranged combat abilities but were also, in fact, warhammers, then they'd be in a difficult situation there as well. The size difference was excellent for grappling and jiujitsu, but weight of numbers would finish them before they could feasibly start.

All of which was irrelevant, as the ambassador smiled, stepping forward to give a small bow. "Thank you for allowing us to be your first guests." John Smith told him, "We are honored by this distinction, and hope to satisfy you in our meeting and cooperation." He asserted. "Your defensive measures were very impressive, to be honest, though I am by no means startled. Everyone must protect their homes." He stated, smiling, "Especially homes as lovely as this."

Not that he could see much of the actual mountain home, even with the helicopter's abundance of lighting, but that was neither here nor there. He'd raise from his bow, gesturing for the dwarf to lead, the escort detail forming up around him. "Please, Master Runecrafter Steelbender, lead the way. I would be delighted to discuss this with you wherever you see fit."

The Menagerie
Dodgers would have searched through the building quickly, his new assortment of equipment geared much better towards a generic combat of magical creatures. His Colt 1911 was clutched firmly in his bandaged right hand. The other men, armed with standard-issue M16s modified to fire various ammunition loads. In this case, they had loaded up with iron-jacketed rounds, which would likely be ideal against any Fey creatures that would be present in the "Menagerie."

The men around Dodgers had their faces obscured by their armored gas masks, their eyes invisible behind the opaque lenses (which were geared towards disrupting gaze attacks). Dodgers hummed as he walks towards the portal.

"Radios up." He remarked, "We're pushing forward." He told the men, their cautious looks telling him a wide range of information. "These folks were able to open a portal, however briefly, right near the heart of our operations. Fey magic's dangerous business, so keep on your guard."

"Not the magic that's unnerving me, sir." One of the task force soldiers replied, slowly advancing towards the portal. "Just the thought that they're not afraid of having us go to the heart of whatever store they've got open." He remarked. Dodgers would simply smile, shrugging, as he stepped to the precipice of the gate.

"Could be they're innocent folks with nothing to hide." He suggested, grabbing a cigarette from his breast pocket. A Zippo lighter flicked open with his free hand, the man drawing a puff as he smirked. "Color me doubtful, though. Let's move forward." He ordered, advancing into the portal, the other men moving in behind him.

The Papacy
"Excellent. We will be making suitable accommodations for your arrival at the New York HQ-- located within New York City. The Agency's tower should be," A pause, "Suitably notable for you and your entourage." The officer remarks, laughing over the radio. "We'll be happy to receive your entourage at your earliest convenience, Your Holiness."

With that, the conversation would end, providing two potential routes of transit for the Papal entourage: Either a direct helicopter landing atop the Agency's tower, or landing at a nearby airstrip maintained for Agency aircraft and vehicles. Both of which were, according to even common knowledge, heavily fortified and extremely secure.

2013-06-14, 06:01 AM
The Iron Fist Brotherhood

To the Agency
Thorin leads the party through a long corridor which is perfectly smooth. The first ten seconds of the walk are in complete darkness untill Thorin seems to remember his guests (atleast not all of them) can`t see in the dark without aid. He touches the wall and some sort of lights seem to light the hall ahead. He smiles briefly to John Smith and then starts to walk again. After a couple of minutes he stops at what seems to be a stone door and touches it. A Rune lights up briefly and the door slides upward to reveal a room, lid like the hallway. The room is filled with large chairs made of stone and a big round table in the center. On the table at each chair is some sort of display. "After you Mr. Smith, the chairs look uncomfortable but I assure you it is a delight to sit on them". The other two dwarves that were Thorins escort flank the door and stay outside.

As John enters and sits down the chair adjusts to his form, making it very comfortable. The display in front of him lights up and statistics are shown."Now to business, what can the Brotherhood do for the Agency and what can the Agency do for us?"

(ooc: speeding it along abit, basicly the dwarves to not care wether John`s escort comes into the room or stays outside with Thorins escort.)

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-14, 03:33 PM
The Menagerie

For The Agency
((The following assumes no hostilities on your part. If you take offence to anything feel the describe taking/destroying the facility as you see fit, there are no meaningful defences to stop you))

"I'm so glad you got our message, it is great to see you," you are met by a 6 foot 2 African American man in his late 20's whom you assume to be Will. He is flanked by 2 similar height men and all are dressed in the same light grey leather tunic. To the sides of the tree you stepped out of are a semi circle of 8 small hovering Fey, clearly not suspended by their wings, intently focusing on the tree. As more of your men step through one by one the iron collars around their necks spark and the creature collapses to the ground. After 16 men are through the last pixie falls and the portal closes shoving a 17th man back to New York.

A quick survey of the area shows that you are in a rain forest on the equator, while more detailed tech would reveal it as southern Venezuela. The facility you have been brought to seems to be an open ranch which goes on for several acres and a large white building. Nearby is clearly the entrance with road access, a heliport and the portal you just came through.

Will continues, "Don't worry about your friends they have been left in Manhattan, opening the portal puts so much strain on the Pixies nowadays that they can never get many people through." He finally notices that you are all brandishing weapons, "Ok men you can put the guns away there is nothing dangerous here, but keep them close to hand if it will make you feel better. I'll reopen the portal for communication so that you can confirm your men are well. We have so much to show you in our modest farm, it is best we get started after that."

The ranch itself houses hundreds of unicorns reared in a similar way to cattle. There are a few dominant males with the rest female which are kept pregnant. Will briefly mentions his intent to start training some of the best breeds to accept riders as he wants to race them.

The tour then takes you to the white building, which is the slaughterhouse. According to Will the animals are killed humanely. They are tranquillised then hung upside-down in a box of 9 then their throats are slit and they are left to bleed out. The blood is collected in vats and stored while the bodies are move on, the horn and hide are turned into tools and armour while the meat is sold to the social elite where they fetch a fortune as prime steaks.

"Well that concludes our tour. Unfortunately the pixies are taking a little longer to wake up than expected so do you have any questions?"

2013-06-14, 04:25 PM
The Agency (Encryption III)

Iron Fist Brotherhood
Even though they were in total darkness, the escorts of the Mobile Task Force were able to see in the dark, their goggles giving them an extremely inhuman appearance as they walked alongside John Smith. Though Smith himself had no goggles, he seemed to navigate well enough, apparently gauging where he was by lightly leaning against the right-hand wall as he walked, brushing his hand along the surface of the stone to keep himself balanced. The men themselves said nothing, weapons in hand as they kept pace with their compatriots. Even the dwarf in the group said nothing to his racial fellows, his ties to his mountain-dwelling brethren having been severed.

When the lights abruptly came on, there was no apparent reaction from any except Smith, who simply squinted his eyes and smiled. The rest of the group stood at attention as the hidden conference room was revealed, their night vision goggles automatically whirring back upright, the lenses bearing the distinct markings of darkvision enchantments.

Smith would have made a small noise of approval as the chair shifted to accommodate him, the escort detail remaining outside of the room with the dwarven guards, apparently content to engage in a staring contest standing at opposite sides of the hall.

"We have interest in initiating a space program." Smith replied, "One that will require an abundance of resources and research. A satellite program, in fact, that should be reduced in cost by combining our mutual understanding of both the sciences and the arcane as it applies to them." He offered, "We wish to include the Brotherhood, as well as the United States government and other sympathetic factions, in this venture. We offer our economic and intellectual support, and ask the Brotherhood do the same."

He looked to the screen, "In terms of capabilities, we were looking to establish global coverage. The project would work to establish a complete network of telecommunications and observation satellites, aiding not only in information security, but also in ensuring safe communication, as well as a host of other functions. Does the Brotherhood share our interest?"

2013-06-14, 04:37 PM
Aurum Imperium
Encryption: 3

To the Agency (3)
OOC: Wouldn't sending a Military Task Force be as much an act of war as sending an Agent? :smalltongue: And a clarification that may prove important. The alchemists are not the sole rulers of Brazil, at least officially. They integrated with the former dictatorial, and relatively benevolent, regime. But because the alchemists were the ones who funded their winning of the civil war and the rebuilding of their economy, they have enough influence to basically be in charge. And the alchemists are legitimately good people, or at least think they are, if that counts for anything. They see themselves as like the dictators of the Roman Republic; there in times of turmoil until things can be restored to order. Except in this case it will take much more time to do so, as they not only need to deal with the integration of the mystical and mundane worlds and the possible hostilities of other nations, they also need to work towards a freer society and away from the dictatorship.

One of the alchemists, clad in the white robes that marked their order, arrives to negotiate on behalf of the Imperium. "Our acceptance of any solution would entirely depend on the nature of it. My Order made the decision to dissolve itself and integrate into the Brazilian government for the sake of using our talents and abilities for the good of the people, as well as to protect them from those who would use their power to abuse them. We will not abandon them to the ravages of the darker elements of the world now."

To the Menagerie (3)
I foresee a productive friendship in our futures then. We wish you in luck with your endeavors.

To MAHORE / Arcane (3)
We will accept funding a future hall in exchange for you funding one in our territory.

OOC: If I were to split my Economy (or any stat really), would that take up its action for the turn? Either way, I think the above is a better alternative at this point in time. Especially with EoT being today, and me being rather late with responding to these negotiations.

Forum Explorer
2013-06-15, 12:25 AM

To Daoine Sidhe
Wonderful! Now do you have any ideas? I'm thinking turning a Kobold into a true shapeshifter, able to take the form of any creature in existence.

To Azar Corporation

OCC: A Kobold is a human who has sworn their alligence to dragons via a magical ritual. This ritual makes them sensitive to draconic magic which means most have been altered to a more inhuman form. Dragons being dragons they tend to look vaguely draconic (as what could be more pleasing or useful then a mini-dragon?) They tend to be pretty odd in general and no one is really sure what they'll do in a dragon vs dragon fight.

2013-06-15, 02:31 AM
The Agency (Encryption III)

The Menagerie
John would have observed in mild fascination as they revealed the Fey chained and collared as they were. The rest of the squad, more than enough, in his opinion, to hold the line if the need arose, would have fanned out. When the portal slammed shut, he'd have given a wary look to the collapsed magical creatures, then looked to Will.

The cigarette in his mouth burned as he examined the facilities and jungle around him. His hands rested at his sides, while the rest of the men that emerged through the portal took targets at will. They did not fire, at least, they did not fire at anything yet. Their guns remained locked in place, their heavy armor reassuring them against any potential tricks. The restrained nature of the Fey did, however, cause them to stay their hands, keeping them pointed only in the general direction of their targets, rather than staring down the barrel.

John would speak up as they got proper stock of their surroundings. "Transcontinental portal." He remarked, giving a quiet whistle. "Nice trick. We worked with iron collars before." He stated, "Old-hat magic at its finest." He complimented, giving Will a nod of the head, but not breaking eye contact. He'd allow himself to be led along in time, pulling out a small camera to take pictures of the facility, as well as the long rows of animals. When the tour was over, he'd eventually speak up again.

"Yeah," He began, gesturing, "You sure you lot aren't with the Agency?" He asked in good humor, smirking. "Fine operation you have set up here. That being said, seems you lot could use a bit of extra security, unless I'm mistaken?" He inquired, looking back, "Keeping those Fey collared as they are is well and good, but we've had some incidences in the past with using those techniques. Iron rusts, and it takes only a little bit in the wrong spot to send everything to hell and back." He remarks, "Still, good overall. How do you manage to deal with folks that raise ethical concerns? This is a good locale for this kind of an operation, but I imagine that there's people who'd like to take steps to see something like this undone."

Aurum Imperium
In actuality, the Mobile Task Force is more like a small squad of armed men. MTFs are very manpower-low, but equipment-intensive. It's less an act of war as much as sending five or six soldiers to accompany a diplomat. Agents are the highly-trained investigative and killing machines. Very powerful but very tightly controlled due to their associated expense and requirements.

The Agency representative would smile at the robed man, his suit clean-pressed and fairly modern in comparison to the alchemist's ancient attire. The men around him were also dressed in modern armor with modern weapons, though the alchemist would obviously have his own advantages, if the need arose. The representative seemed inclined to see no such situation pass, however, offering a polite smile behind his opaque glasses.

"Thank you for seeing us." He began, giving a small bow, "Your inclination to help the masses at large is of great importance to the Agency, and it is with mutual best intentions that the non-empowered locals will be able to wield eventual authority. Your order seeks to help the people and protect them from harm, yes?" He asks, smiling. "The Agency is of similar inclinations. The Unified Brotherhood, a pestilence in the United States, is being eradicated as a negative influence to the common man there. Similarly, we would like to assist you in eliminating any local nuisances or negative influences to the common man in these lands." He explained, his words flowing forth smoothly, clearly a well-practiced diplomat.

He gestured with a gloved hand to the man's robes, "We live in very different times, which our respective groups clearly recognize. The Agency is wishes to apply the new factors of the world to help uplift the common person as much as your own group wishes to safeguard them from the things that go bump in the night. Why rely on tyranny, however, when liberty can flourish? Our notion is simple: Push the people to engage in democracy, much as we enjoy in America." He suggested, "The existing dictatorship would clearly be a trifling matter for you to overcome, especially with aid from our own forces, as well as that of the United States." He remarked, smiling wider now. "With a democratic form of government, one that incorporates your alchemical abilities into its defensive branch, you will be bettering their lives. You may protect them now, but what will be your reaction should protest break out against the dictatorship in power?" He asks, "Who will you protect when a revolutionary fires a shot-- The armed civilian, or the dictator's soldier? A peaceful dissolution can be easily instituted, if you wish to follow that path."

There was a careful, calculated pause, "A dissolution of dictatorship that would have no effect on your status of power, of course. If anything, the people will likely be all the more thankful for you aiding in the transition to a democratic process, not to mention the Western powers viewing such a course in high regards." He added, still smiling. "Very agreeable, don't you think?"

2013-06-15, 04:17 AM
Aurum Imperium
Encryption: 3

To the Agency (3)
"Of course. We are always happy to converse with those who have similar interests and hopes for the world. Namely that we each want people to be safe and to ensure magic is integrated into society in such a way that it benefits the common man. As such, we thank you for your offer of aid in ensuring these are met and will keep it in mind in the future.

I feel it important to note that the dictatorship at this point is as much run by alchemists as it is by the former administrators. Even more so, maybe, due to our influence from our actions in the civil war and since. But if a protest were to break out in which the goal is loftier than simple chaos or violence, then we would protect the civilian, just as we did in 1976. The reason we took an active role in the Civil War of that year, going against the oath of non-interference the Order was founded upon, and have since is precisely because we wanted to save people from oppression and abuse."

He sighs, looking a bit regretful as to the results.

"But we had to work with what we had. A dictatorship with a reputation of censorship, violence, and tyranny, now run by a benevolent regime, but a dictatorship nonetheless, with the possibility to follow the path of its predecessors. So we used our talents to create enough funds in order to pull strings and ensure that the rulers maintained their course, continuing our violation of the founding tenets of our Order in pursuit of the greater good. And we revealed our presence and control of the nation to ward off any who would seek to raid Brazil for resources or seize land for the same, going so far as to dissolving the Order and integrating with the Imperium's leadership to ensure such protection.

So then, as to your proposal, agreeable, yes, but there are too many unknowns in the world at this time to undertake such an endeavor."

The alchemist pauses for a moment to consider his phrasing before continuing, "Our primary concern at this moment is that another power would exploit any restructuring of our government to undertake hostile actions against our people. At this moment, we are rather wary of the Aztec Empire, based on its culture and what we can only assume are messages containing threats of invasion or conquest to their neighbors. In addition, we have heard rumblings of cults in the Pacific with armies easily capable of destroying our Guard. So our dictatorship will remain until we believe it is safe to change governments. In the coming months, however, we will take steps in order to facilitate such a process."

The alchemist smiles sheepishly, "I hope that is an acceptable enough answer to your organization. The Imperium will work towards democracy as quickly as possible but as slowly as necessary. The Order is certainly aware of what happened in history with the dictators of Rome. We will not take the path of the Caesars. Democracy will return to Brazil, at a time when doing so will not threaten its people or others of the world. And we are all certain that there will be those such as yourself who ensure we follow through on such claims."

2013-06-15, 02:15 PM
The Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: The Agency

"Any Apprentice may access the libraries, and the requirements for that are easy to meet. Just swear the five oaths."

"A slight clarification on that. Anyone can read at our libraries, but the only living spaces in the area tend to be those of our Apprentices. Also, non-Apprentices aren't generally allowed to leave the library with the books, though an exception is made for donators. Finally, most of the books are our research notes, and tend to have an odd property allowing them to only be read by one who is magically adept. I have no idea how that will interact with attempting to copy them."

"Right, what he said. Still, we're always open to an exchange of knowledge, and I feel that working together is something to be embraced."

To: The Iron Fist Brotherhood

"Excellent! I'll notify the others right away! With any luck, there will be enough volunteers to get a hall built here shortly."

Theimdall looks down towards the array, then pens in an unfamiliar rune on the outside edge.

"This is a rune of draining; it will cancel the array and unsummon me. On the opposite side, here, is a trigger rune. Just feed a bit of power into it, and it will start the array again, summoning me. Now, I'll be off! Please, have a great day!"

The young master then glances at the identified rune of draining, and it fades to a dull blue, shortly taking the bright cyan from the rest of the array. As the array fades, so too does Theimdall.

To: China

Very well, then. We will consider your offer. Thank you.

To: India

Excellent. It will likely be a few months before we can set up a hall with you, but let it be known that we look forward to this exchange.

To: Denmark

We offer you the same thing we have offered the world. The people of any land where we have a hall, be they orphans or archmages, may join us as Apprentices and thus learn of any magic which we can teach, as well as training in a variety of other areas.

To: The Aurum Imperium

Excellent. We'll begin construction sometime soon, then.

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-16, 06:15 PM
The Menagerie

To The Agency
Well we don't have the practical resources of The Agency, we could certainly use your military power. If you had sent an army to raid a unicorn farm a year ago they would have thought you were crazy, but now I fear we will be prime targets. We are training some of our dangerous beasts to defend our facilities but it will be a while before they will be ready. We have a good selection of creatures which should cover a lot potential threats from land, sea and air. For magical threats our disenchanter/rust monster crossing program is picking up steam. Of course if we had powerful allies to protect us we could loan the creatures out rather than keep them for defence.

There is nothing dangerous about our pixies, we have sapped them down so much that the chance to get some fresh air and do some magic was a thrill to them. They are usually kept inside iron vaults, after what they have done to us just locking them away is mercy. We will get some more use from them when we refine our enchantments, maybe soon we will have the entire portal system running. I would humbly request that you don't remove the portal in New York, it has been there longer than your city after all, but I can understand if it provides a security risk.

We have yet to experience ethical concerns and I don't see any problems. We care well for our herd, slaughter our creatures less painfully than most abattoirs and the meat's even kosher. Unicorns are far from an endangered species, if you know where to look, and our farm is entirely self sustaining. There are plenty of other food producers that animal rights activists should be targeting before focusing on us. But with how unicorns are perceived in folklore I'm sure the uneducated will take offence.

Now to why we showed you this facility in particular and what we hope will be useful to you. I have no idea what you are supplied with at the agency but I think we have materials you will be interested in. Firstly this unicorn leather I am wearing is naturally good at absorbing dark magic though you might want to dye it before being stealthy. Secondly shards of unicorn horn; when embedded in a bullet and given simple magic restoring enchantments they can banish a daemon or disintegrate a vampire. Finally their blood can aid in a lot of holy enchantments, it is also delicious but try not to drink it all.

2013-06-17, 06:32 AM
The Iron Fist Brotherhood

To the Agency
"I shall discuss this with the council and see how many recources we have to spare for this project. It would help to know what you need exactly and how we can contribute. Our steel is of superior quality and we might even be able to create the power source with our runes. May our cooperation bear fruits for both our factions."

2013-06-17, 01:45 PM
The Agency (Encryption III)

Sensitive Compartmentalized Information: BROTHERLY LOVE

This document contains information affecting the security of the Agency within the meaning of the Agency General Security Protocol 02, Section 183. The protocol prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the Agency or for the benefit of any unauthorized entity or the detriment of the Agency It is to be seen only by personnel possessing Level Five clearance and/or especially indoctrinated and authorized in writing to receive information in the designated control channels. Its security must be maintained in accordance with regulations pertaining to BROTHERLY LOVE Controls.

Unauthorized viewing, possession, replication, and/or dissemination of this document is grounds for punitive actions detailed in Agency General Security Protocol 18, Section 2381.

GOI-4: The Unified Brotherhood
Security Clearance Level: FIVE
Historical Record: The Unified Brotherhood, an organization with deep roots in the black community, was apparently formed within the same span of time as the Grand Fall of the Masquerade. Its formation, though no direct link has been proven to exist, is suspected to correlate with the total and abrupt disappearance of a massive percentage of the Caucasian population along the East Coast. For further information on the incident and its suspected ties to the paranormal entity "Shift," please refer to Incident Report 04-001-EX.

Situated in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City, the Unified Brotherhood, the Brotherhood promoted the public image of freedom fighters in the face of the supernatural. These freedom fighters have apparently worked to oppose the central United States government, depicted as "The Man," a popular mythical figure in poverty-stricken neighborhoods and a villain in a number of urban tales. For further information on "The Man", please refer to Agency Brief 04-023-POI. The Unified Brotherhood does not appear concerned with the status of individuals, considering its promotion of illegal narcotics as a means of revenue, and its extensive recruitment of magically-adept African Americans.

GOI-4 POI Alert: Codename "Shift", POI-04-001 is an entity of immense power and capability. "Shift" is to be assigned status as not only a Person of Interest, but also as a potential Exterminatus-class event progenitor due to his potential associations with the mass disappearance of Caucasian persons along the East Coast.

"Shift" is an African American male of presumed North American descent, but all attempts by previous intelligence operatives to come close to Shift have resulted in termination or loss of contact with the operatives in question. Operatives lost have been presumed KIA, and have had handlers notified accordingly.

POI-04-001 has had few recorded instances of public activity, making termination attempts thus far difficult in comparison to termination of previous civil malcontents of such a nature (For reference of previous terminations, please refer to Termination Log [REDACTED], "KING FILE.") "Shift" has appeared to elude these termination efforts through a combination of teleportation, translocation, and the arcane rendering of the prime material plane.

Termination efforts thus far have resulted in the loss of agents, collateral damage, and the required administration of Alpha-class amnesiac agents.

Termination Log:
FAILED Deployment of MTF-099 ("Waterworks") to Unified Brotherhood Headquarters. MTF-099, armed with Aetherfire rounds and arcanosuppression generators, was dispatched to sweep the area of the Harlem and annihilate the Unified Brotherhood. MTF-099's operational log identifies twenty-one successful terminations of Unified Brotherhood agents, only to encounter POI-01-001. Subsequent engagement resulted in the loss of all members of MTF-099, which has since been reformed.
FAILED "Shift" identified as key figure in Unified Brotherhood activities. Termination carried out by expert marksman in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4th. "Shift" appears to be killed by application of specialized bullet made with a Macedonian steel head, with handmade rifling done by an Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church. Remains unable to be located. Consultation with Agency records reveals bullet is of the same make and composition as the one used in the assassination of popular civil rights leader [REDACTED], who died in the exact same location in 1968. Confirmation provided by detection of Gamma-class temporal anomaly. Marksman was later found dead in his home by apparent suicide: Self-inflicted gunshot to the head with a bullet made of Macedonian steel with unique rifling. Investigation pending.
FAILED Remote-detonated pipe bombs, fashioned using the unique components and composition profile of a prominent IRA bomber, placed along major roadway where "Shift" was to be present for a major rally. Upon entry into blast radius, bombs were detonated, resulting in a chain of explosions centered on the demolitions team observing from [REDACTED] outpost. All Agency personnel present deemed deceased, and explosions blamed on a gas main rupturing.
FAILED Same as above, but pipe bombs set to arcane radiation detectors to prevent direct tampering, and to ensure Agency personnel remain safe. Explosives detonated prematurely due to abrupt appearance of what have been located as millimeter-scale translocation portals. "Shift" elevated to Theta-level POI.

Dr. Edison: That's enough of that, I think. It's clear that we won't be able to eliminate this monster with long-range ordinance. Time to bring in the big guns.

FAILED Deployment of Senior Agent Jonathan Dodgers, armed with Agency Artifacts 1984, 1291, 0098, and [REDACTED]. "Shift" was engaged in the eastern edge of Harlem, NY, with an escort of Unified Brotherhood soldiers. The ensuing engagement lasted thirteen hours, spanning across the territories of [REDACTED]. Six hundred and twenty eight deaths reported in total across the cities of [REDACTED], with an estimated $25.9 million in property damage.
PENDING Deployment of Senior Agent Jonathan Dodgers, the reformed MTF-099 ("Shifting Tides"), and Agents John Smith and John Lee, utilizing full access to Agency assets, including Agency Artifact [REDACTED].

Overseer 9: The Unified Brotherhood has been a thorn in our side for too long, and we can't ignore them any longer. Time to dispatch "The Kitchen Sink".

GOI-4 General Alert: Due to the Unified Brotherhood's involvement in a number of civil unrest events, its secession from the United States, connection to the presumed holocaust and disappearance of a large percentage of the east coast's Caucasian population, and its powerful ties to narcotics rings, the Unified Brotherhood has been classified as a threat to the general well-being of mankind, and has been categorized for Omega-level termination. All Unified Brotherhood personnel are to either be terminated or captured, with a priority for capture for any scientific personnel under the employ of the Brotherhood that do not possess strongly-held ideals. Captured personnel will have a standing order for interrogation using Procedure 110-Anderson, with subsequent termination. Any personnel of potential use to the Agency are to be converted with appropriate memory implantation and autohypnosis procedures.

Aurum Imperium
The representative for the Agency would smile and give an understanding nod. "Quite so." He remarked, plainly and obliquely. "The security of the world is something that the Agency is working at. Your acceptance of the eventual promise of democracy is satisfactory enough at the moment, though the Agency would be happy to help ensure the integrity of any elections or democratic government you work to instate. Even elections for lower positions of governance would be a great step in the right direction, though your support of the people at large rather than the government in power is a very key aspect." He added.

There was a pause of consideration, followed by a smile, "We do not wish to cause any sort of friction between our groups. Please keep in mind that so long as democracy is something that is worked towards, either in the long-term or short-term, that the Agency is more than happy to render aid unto those that promote the well-being of our fellow normal humans."

2013-06-17, 03:21 PM
The USA to the Agency
"Go ahead and make your suggestion."

Canada to the Agency
Go ahead an station your force in one of our Northern bases. But we'll hold off on any research partnership until we see if you're as good as you make yourselves out to be.

Canada to the British Dominions
We of course are grateful to hear that. Our primary interest lies in a defensive military treaty against all the new powers trying to make their way in the modern world.

The Congo to the Menagerie
And what kind of investment would they expect from us?

To the Aurum Imperium (GM)
Splitting or merging a stat does not take up its action for that turn, or the actions of the new stats, however it cannot split or merge again for one turn.

Denmark to MAHORE
If you are offering the same thing you offered the world why should we offer you more than simply the leeway to buy land and build a hall privately as the rest of the world would. We see little reason to grant you all the land you claim to have once held simply for that.

2013-06-17, 04:31 PM
Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: Denmark

Your decision, I suppose. It was a simple thought that the libraries present in our old facilities might contribute to a more educated population. At any rate, our resources are fully committed for the moment, but I'll be in touch.


2013-06-18, 03:12 AM
Aurum Imperium
Encryption: 3

To Arcanestomper (GM PM)
Good to know. Thank you. I think I'm going to keep my deal with NM as is so I don't need to renegotiate while already past EoT, and because these actions still work with my plans.

Questions as to Splitting / Merging:
1) Is there any cost to the action aside from not being able to do it in the next turn or is there a loss of stats in the merging / splitting process?

2) (Extension of number 1) If I wanted to increase one of my existing stats, is there anything stopping me from building a new stat(therefore getting probably cheaper rates, depending on quantity / quality scores of the pre-existing one) and then merging them?

To the Agency (3)
"We plan to begin local level elections at some point in the near future. The intention is to build up the level of governance until we can establish a Senate, at which point we will consider whether it is an appropriate time to shift the national level of command. But that is dealing with less immediate manners."

"We are appreciative that there are others who seek a better world with magic included. The Princeps and the rest of us guiding the Imperium look forward to a cooperative relationship between our two factions."

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-19, 02:48 PM
The Menagerie

To The Congo
I would think you would be given the same offer as the other countries in their collective. They would use the land, rainforest that you do not need, and in return they would defend the area and pay taxes. If you were willing to enter a business agreement and help them build then you would receive a suitable share of profits, dependent on your investment. From what I have been told they have enough space in other countries in order to build the facility they want, so if you are not interested then they can go somewhere else. The Menagerie see this as a way to gain business partners rather than to gain land.

2013-06-22, 02:23 PM
The Agency (Encryption III)

The Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
There was a pause on the line as the Agency representative thumbed through his documents.

"Five oaths, five oaths... Blasted El Threes, you'd think they'd know better than to-- Ah! Sorry about that." He remarked, the sound of ruffling papers giving way to a note of joy. "Yes. The five oaths of your order-- required for entry. Hmm," He paused, "We can agree with most of these, except the fourth one. We can't risk putting our staff under risk of supernatural mental influence. We could safeguard against it, of course, but we'd first ask if you'd find it acceptable to waive that particular oath. Our liaison will, of course, respect your Council's wishes for as long as we are guests, but we would rather not entangle in any sort of pacts, magical oaths, or arcane treaties that we could otherwise avoid. Especially after that incident with the Inevitables."

He trailed off in momentary thought before laughing, "Nothing to worry about! We've run into similar safeguards with previous mage cabals, but we've got some rather intelligent folks that assist with our efforts. Have you considered us working together on some potential avenues? At the very least, we could likely establish a brisk trade, some of the amenities you lot don't get up in those parts from us Americans in exchange for getting to look into your research notes? We can have a couple cargo choppers up shortly, no worries there!"

The Menagerie
Dodgers couldn't help but laugh, "Sounds like an interesting proposition!" He remarked, smiling, "Though I'm well aware of the properties of unicorn materials. Same goes for a number of monsters-- after fighting them for so long, you tend to learn just how to use certain materials they tend to leave behind." He remarks, smirking.

He puffs on the cigarette, "I think trade ought to be quite well, though it's a shame you got bit in the ass by those pixies as much as we did. Your containment procedure sounds solid, but if you want, we could have a few of the eggheads swing by to give some tips we picked up." He remarked, rubbing at his injured hand.

He paused, thinking for a moment. "I think we'd be happy to extend what protection we can to your facilities, especially if you can establish a portal network for our task forces to operate through. Military cooperation can end up with plenty of profits for yourselves, considering the Agency's influence with the United States." He remarks, smirking. "I have some old friends in Washington that owe me a few favors. A nice flow of trade and an offer of protection sounds mighty fine to me. On the plus side," Dodgers adds, smirking, "We could even go so far as to cooperate on projects, should the desire arise." He mentioned, twirling the cigarette between his lips. "That being said, I've got some other jobs I need to take care of. How about your folks and mine start up a nice trade route? In time, our lads could probably stand to gain a great benefit with that tricky portal system you're working on. Could even lend a hand building it, if you like."

The Iron Fist Brotherhood
The man nodded, smiling. "To begin with, both of those would sound quite excellent. While we have the designs in mind, and a degree of resources, your economic support would be greatly appreciated. A larger volume of satellites means greater coverage, plus redundancy in the event of accidents. We would contribute the scientific materiel, while your fine mountains would give us the steel and raw materials necessary to complete the project. Do you think your council would be amenable to such?"

The United States of America
"New York, and other Agency territories, return under the political purview of the United States. The Agency has no value in governing territories, and our physical control of New York State was purely out of the huge number of supernatural incidences that occur here. We are not interested in being rulers or leaders, only agents of security. If the United States allows us to continue our operations, and joins forces with us as we join forces with them, we would gladly return the territories lost to it. U.S. Citizens become voting citizens once more-- citizens that would be more than happy to vote for your next term, of course." There was a small, polite chuckle.

"Truth be told, the Agency has always wanted to look out for US interests. Reintegrating New York politically could be a very huge first step to that, Mister President. If the United States is willing to help those that help them, of course. We can't afford to show disunity in the face of the Communists, who are already fragmenting. We have a number of research projects that could prove invaluable to the United States of America's interests, never mind the potential implications of our forces fighting together against supernatural entities that have taken over our former allied countries."

There's a short chuckle, "Excellent! We will have the Mobile Task Forces dispatched accordingly. Hopefully, our future joint research will yield many interesting projects."

Aurum Imperium
There was a wide smile, "A very practical approach to ensuring a transition to democracy." The Agency man stated, giving a little bow of the head. "Cooperation between our respective groups should prove very fruitful in the coming years, especially with the number of supernatural forces seeking to cast a dark shadow across the Earth. I am sure the Agency will see you as an ally in the coming times."

2013-06-22, 02:41 PM
The Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: The Agency

"The fourth, obeying the Council? Bah, that's the oath most commonly violated. Why, there's technically an edict from...oh, probably a few thousand years ago, or so, I haven't been keeping track, that says you can only drink things that contain alcohol, meant to control disease. That one racks up thousands of violations per day on its own.

"Now, it's still traditional to take the oaths, and there are probably a fair few that won't recognize anyone that doesn't as a member, but take them or not is your choice."

2013-06-22, 03:36 PM
Turn 2

January 1st, 1984

A new year dawns and with it a full year has past since the introduction of magic to the public eye. Many people examine the events of hte past few months to try and determine what the future might hold. Others are determined that the future will hold what they will it to.

Rumors from behind the iron curtain speak of a vast social reorganization as the USSR examines the possibilities of magic to further the communist society.

The Vuurkoekje empire still a new player on the global scene has begun preparing a fleet of warships. Its neighbors are somewhat uncomfortable not knowing what such a ambitious empire might be planning to do with that fleet.

The Agency has routed most supernatural threats as well many smaller gangs which tried to take advantage of the disorder from the northeast united states. They are now the dominant body in the region, and a sovereign state in their own right.

The Algiers Consortium has been spreading its influence around the world. The work of their artists can be seen as influences in popular culture throughout the world.

In north Africa Angelwing has been keeping to itself, but rumors speak of winged figures flying over their bases.

The Arcane has recruited a sizable militia to defend its borders and has been in talks with its neighbors about a regional defense pact.

The products of the Azar corporation are now household names in most countries. Their products having proven superior to their competitors.

The Aztec Empire has launched an amphibious invasion on Cuba. Preliminary reports indicate that the Cuban army has been all but wiped out. Cuban diplomats are decrying the attack as blatant western imperialism and asking that all their fellow communists unite against the invaders.

The British Dominions has begun to reunite the old commonwealth alliance starting with Canada. British investors have poured ample funds into Canadian industries and the parliament has pledged to defend Canada against aggressors with the full might of the royal navy.

What few adventurers brave the harsh climate to visit Antarctica have been turned away by the Cabal. They report that the smell of death can be detected even from far off shore.

The Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples has announced that it will accept anyone who wishes to immigrate to their lands to avoid persecution on their old homes. They have decried the social injustices happening around the world and pledge that the north will always be a utopia of communist ideals. A few people have taken them up on their offer.

The Hippie Republic has begun exporting their special herbal remedies to the rest of the world. A thriving business has developed in these medicinal substances. Most local governments are currently pondering how to respond.

Hydros remains a hotbed of monsters and creatures many of which can be seen patrolling its borders with increasing regularity.

Mercury Holdings has begun to expand its holdings in the markets of the world. Backed by the government of the Arum Imperium it has quickly become a dominant force on the commodities market.

The tanks of the Iron Fist can be seen maintaining their positions in the Himalayas, but there are no indications what the brotherhood is doing in the depths of the mountains.

Karathenolias the Blue dragon has entered the global scene with much hype from frenzied Kobold commentators and media. The world watches to see if she will live up to the grand announcements that the Kobolds have made about her nature and abilities.

The Menangerie has expanded its stock and offers more varied beasts to the small market of collectors that it caters to. The more general public has also been stirred to attention by reports of a grand hunt carried out capture the mythical Hydra.

The Order of the Rune and the Eye has begun encouraging people from around the world to join its halls and learn the mysteries of the runes. Three foreign halls have opened in the Papacy, the Algiers Consortium, and the Arum Imperium to offer teaching to foreign students.

The Papacy has begun broadcasting a new network of popular demagogues to fire up the populace and bring in more tithes. More conservative members grumble that such televangelists were one modern invention the Pope didn't have to embrace so wholeheartedly.

Rumors from Ireland say that the faeries have embraced the modern world, and now roar around the cities and countrysides in convoys of sports cars armed with automatic weapons.

South Africa remains isolated from the world keeping its efforts to itself.

Middle East to the Arcane
We are willing to hear more details of these trade and defense treaties.

2013-06-22, 04:56 PM

To the Papacy

Angelwing has finished its reorganization and are ready to resume its duties. We would like to offer our services. We are currently accepting research assistance instead of monetary payment if you wish.

We would also like to ask a question of how the church views the recent events and monsters that have come to the land. Does the church view them as a sign of the apocalypse or a gift from God?

To the Arcane

Angelwing has finished its reorganization and we are resuming our business. We hear word you have created a militia in your land. Angelwing's military is expertly trained, and we are willing to help protect your land and train your men if you are willing to help us with a large research undertaking.

To the Azar Corporation

Angelwing has finished its reorganization and we are resuming our business. We know you have a great deal of economic might. Our military branch is willing to assist in any needs you may have, and we are currently also having a deal where you can pay with research assistance rather than finances.

To the World

Angelwing's reorganization is completed. We are resuming our work as a mercenary military company and offer some of the best trained fighters in the world. Contact us if you wish to hire an Angelwing battalion.

2013-06-22, 05:45 PM
South Africa:

To Angelwing:
"We may require your services in the future, to protect our territory. What prices do you charge?"

To Mozambique:
"These are dangerous times. Already we see powers like the Aztec empire, attacking their neighbours for no reason but lust for power. We are concerned for our security, as we are for other nations like ourselves that simply wish to better their people. Would you be open to a defensive military alliance, that we might deter others from attacking us?"

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-22, 05:45 PM
The Cabal of the Frozen Depths

To India

Greetings. We wish to bolster our numbers, and as equal oppertuinity empolyers, we would like to arrange for young girls and orphans to come and live among us. They would be treated the same as any other apprentices, and learn a good skill. While our focus is in necromancy, we also have a strong traddtion of cold magic. And of course, we would pay the standard bride price for any of the children.

To Indias Untouchables

Greetings. We see the descrimination brought on you by the "higher" castes, and how you must suffer for their sakes. While many of us are necromatic abominations against nature to some, we offer you a place among us. We are a meritocratic bunch, because as necromancers we know full well that in time no matter how rich, famous or important you are, all mortals must die.

To South Africa

Greetings neighbour. Just out of curiosity, what do you do with your dead criminals and livestock? And yes, this is blatanet attempt to ask if you have any corpses we could use for our necromancy. We do however give our solem pledge that we will not desecrate any of your graveyards. Plus, if you at some point instuite a "death sentance" to any of your laws, maybe we could handle it?

2013-06-22, 06:12 PM
The Papacy
Encryption 4


As my previous papal bull explained, these monsters are clearly satanic in nature, a deformation of nature by the prince of lies. Magic, however, is simply the age of Miracles returning.

We would like to discuss a possible job with you, but would prefer to do so in private. I am having a meeting with another associate this month. Assuming they give it their OK, would you be willing to attend to discuss this in private?

The Agency:

Are you still open for a meeting this month? Also, would you be adverse to someone from Angelwing attending? We may be able to hire out their mercenaries to assist with some of the problems in the world... or at least distract them while we do.

Northern Italy:

We would like your assistance with some research this coming month. Would you be willing to lend us assistance, and what sort of compensation would you like?

The Menagerie

What exactly do you do with the animals you have captured? Do you simply study them, or do you have breeding programs and what not as well?

2013-06-22, 06:17 PM
South Africa:

To the Cabal of the Frozen Depths:
"You require bodies, to create Undead from? This is a rather unusual request. Our current policy is to cremate the bodies of most of populace to save space. We could sent you them instead."

"But you must know we prefer to keep to ourselves. We do not want to bring any troubles on ourselves, or allow foreign influences to affect our people. Knowing that you may well lie, I ask what you would do with the Undead?"

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-22, 06:27 PM
The Cabal of the Frozen Depths

To South Africa

The Bulk of the undead we create serve as a hard labour work force, mostly as we can't salavage their minds in time for anything else. Those who retain their mental faculties are equals, new members of the cabal. Sure, it might seem a bit strange to some, but for the most part they join the living members as researchers, philosphers, or other pursuits that need doing. The overseers of the Necroforges tend to be split fairly evenly.

And we will not deny that some of them will join our defensive corps. However, the only thing that we need from the rest of the world is corpses, and we don't need to invade to aquire any.

We seek to understand the energies of life and death, and for the most part just wish to be left to our reasearch in peace. Sure, war might generate corpses, but we don't harvest before their time. Which is a necromancers way of saying that we see no reason to hurry up the process.

2013-06-22, 06:52 PM
South Africa:

To the Cabal of the Frozen Depths:
"They serve as researchers and philosophers? So they retain their former intellect? What of their memories and personality?"

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-22, 07:00 PM
The Cabal of the Frozen Depths

To South Africa

Its a bit chancy. Depending on how fast, and the skill of the necromancer in question, the less is lost. But there are normally large gaps missing. And there are almost always personality shifts. We aren't sure if it returns their soul to the body or not, and in fact thats one of the big questions their mulling over, but we do that that even in the non-sentient ones bits and pecices remain. The best we can think of it is that the reanimation process does not fully restore parts of the brain, and so it can be likened to partial amnesia.

There are only two types of undead that we know of that retain their full minds and personailities, and both were alive when the rituals that turned them that way started.

2013-06-22, 07:07 PM
South Africa:

To the Cabal of the Frozen Depths:
"We will not allow our people to be influenced by foreign ideas, even after their death. We are willing to provide bodies, provided their brains are not restored. You may use them for manual labour. We will need permission to send overseers to your country to ensure this is being done."

"What do you offer in exchange for bodies?"

2013-06-22, 07:56 PM
Azar Corporation

It is a bright, beautiful day in Sicily. The temperature is tolerable, the people are happy, and the sky is as clear as the water. Standing under the shade of a nearby pavilion was Mazilhendra in her human form, wearing a professional and expensive business pantsuit, her long silver hair drawn back into a braided ponytail.

Several employees in crisp blue and gold uniforms stand around, obviously on hand to give the group anything they need. The pavilion, overlooking the sea, had enough chairs for all of them, as well as some refreshments. "Gentlemen" her voice was warm and friendly, tinged not with the expected Italian accent but an almost archaic Frankish lilt "Welcome to Sicily".


The Agency
There is some time before a response is made, as the message had to go up the corporate superiors. Finally there is a response "Feel free to come for a visit. We assure you that Pamplona is beautiful this time of year."

The Menagerie
We are, likewise, excited about possible business with you. We have a great interest in medical applications... I think we could work something out.

The Papacy
We mostly make consumer goods, but we also have the ability to make more advanced items. Our specialty is combining the new and old magical techniques with more contemporary products.

Thank you. We, of course, would be very willing to take any help you have to offer. What services are you offering?

(Ah, okay!)

2013-06-22, 10:02 PM
Daoine Sidhe

Finvarra did something he would never have thought possible a month ago. He reached across the dash of his convertible, and pulled the telephone from it's compartment. Not even bothering to dial a number, he spoke into it.

"Hello! Just thought I'd check up on you. See how things are with France. I would have loved to help, but these automobiles are far too heavy to fly any considerable distance or cross any reasonable amount of ocean."

"Good morning! Just calling to charge you for international calls. You have been quite rude."

The Agency
"YOU! Are you descended from the people who drove us underground? What have you to say for yourselves? Do you plan to do so again?"

Forum Explorer
2013-06-22, 10:32 PM

To Cuba
Just letting you know that our borders are open to any refugees you wish to send.

To Canada
The war so close to home has made us nervous. Would you be opposed to a defensive alliance?

To Azar Corporation
Some Kobolds have been made available for your use. Please don't break them. (0.5/4.5 esp you can use however you like.)

To Daoine Sidhe
Still interested in that project? We've got a couple ideas.

To Agency
Greetings our almost neighbors. I do hope that your monster hunting is simply wanting to keep your people safe and not some sort of prejudice against non-humans.

The recent aggression from the Aztec Empire has made us nervous, would you like to form a defensive alliance with us?

Cabal of the Frozen Depths
If you dare to try and create an undead dragon there will be trouble between us. Understand?

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-22, 10:41 PM
The Cabal of the Frozen Depths

To South Africa

We could do some arcane research for you, or possibly open up a new necroforge.

To the Kobolds

We don't create undead dragons. If you ask your masters what they know about my kind, Frost Wyrms, we are a branch of the dragon family that does not "live" past a thousand. We are born infused with negative energies and it slowly transforms us into the undead. For us, it's a part of the life cycle.

Archmagus Glacier-Shadow, Frost Wyrm

2013-06-22, 10:44 PM
Azar Corporation

Excellent, though I do have one more request. May I be shown how the magic of binding works? I would love to understand the arcane and physiological effects the ritual has on individuals.

Forum Explorer
2013-06-22, 11:03 PM

To Cabal of the Frozen Depths
It's an unnatural abomination, though not necessarily one of your own making. We're sure that between our Master's wisdom, power and your own contributions we can return you to your former glory.

To Azar Corporation
You may sit in on the ritual if you wish. Here are some basic details of the ritual. 1. The ritual must be willing on the part of both members. 2. Undergoing said ritual forever binds the target, body, and mind to dragons. 3. Such a binding allows a dragon to use their magic much more effectively on the target.

2013-06-23, 03:27 AM
The Hydros
Greece had been pretty busy the news were reporting some controversies and announced that despite the rebellion that happened the people were allowed to vote for various laws.
Of course a couple of important laws that weren't voted and passed almost unnoticed were. Any kind of demi-human is not allowed to join law-enforcement or the Intelligence gathering agencies.

There were also laws concerning the various creatures that need to kill humans to survive and dint join the military so that they would get artificial flesh, in few words those who dint join were to stop doing so and leave the country...or be exterminated as said by the head of state.

There was also a new channel by some privateers with ties in the government who made it their own mission to report all the important news that the people should know, it still wasn't online yet from the looks of it.

Azar Corporation

((So...is it a pm?, i had meant to write tell my if you wished it to be a pm visit or not, anyhow carry on XD))

Most people dint recognize Finias or at least if they did they paid heed not much heed from the looks of it, the Harpy and the Shade however did attract many looks, the Shade ignored them with a smile, but the Harpy tried staring down anyone else who dared to look at her direction.

His quasi bodyguards were surprised at the reception, the Shade kinda stretched herself to and the Harpy seemed to be....less gruffy, the poor Berserker on his part couldn't wait to put down the present. Finias spoke first as he motioned his companions to calm down and take a sit "Thank you for the Welcome Madam, i hope your Branch in our Country is going well now that things have calmed down." He pointed at the present that was actually an illusion and proved to be a very calm Caladrius looking around and at her.

"I hope you enjoy that Fella, unlike what the myth says he actually helps with healing others, but you probably knew about it." He smiled and winked playfully to her before speaking again.

To Cyprus

Greetings to our faraway brothers and sisters there
How goes the Turk occupation of the Northern part of your island, if its going badly would you like us to sent our military and spies to help you fight them?

((Il assume the Invasion happened?))

To Angelwing

Greetings there we are interested in your services against the Turks, what are your prices?.

2013-06-23, 04:26 AM
The Papacy:
Encryption 4

Azer Corp:

Do you make military and government grade hardware, or only things for the civilian market?

2013-06-23, 09:24 AM

To South Africa (encryption 2)

Our charge is currently a 4 economy stat (a stat where quality and quantity add to 4) to work for us while our military is working for you. The first person to purchase is guaranteed, as is the highest bidder.

To Hydros (encryption 2)

Our charge is currently a 4 economy stat (a stat where quality and quantity add to 4) to work for us while our military is working for you. The first person to purchase is guaranteed, as is the highest bidder.

To the Papacy (encryption 2)

We are willing to join the meeting. Send us a message if your associate approves.

2013-06-23, 11:50 AM
Daoine Sidhe

Finvarra picked up the phone just before it started ringing- he was getting a hang of the timing.

"Sure! I've been having fun with telephones recently myself. Did you have something in mind?"

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-23, 12:09 PM
Cabal of the frozen depths

To the Kobolds

While we do realize that you percive our state as being unnatural, its purely biological. Has been for a long time. Unlike your masters, we are more closely related to planar dragons, or to put it distinctly, dragons from the negative energy plane. As such, even when we are alive, the energies that heal the living are quite... hurtful to us. Besides, we don't tell you how to live your lives, or what your masters to do. In fact, we could say that you kobolds are unnatural because you don't naturally turn into your current state, instead being a created species.

But, have you ever considered that we might like it the way we are? No need to hunt, no need for a superflous hoard, instead we can focus for weeks at a time on research and exploring the secerts of the cosmos. We are not going to force it on our cousians, but ask that you respect that we are not the same as them.

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-23, 12:18 PM
The Menagerie

To The Agency
Thank you for all your kind offers, we clearly have a lot to learn from your experience with magic. We have been hidden from the world so long that we have forgotten how dangerous and daunting it can be. But it is time we embrace this new world for what it is, a place of opportunity. We have had the capability to restore the portal system for a long time just no reason to do so, but now with large trade opportunities it is worth doing. We should have most of the functions of the system running by June, though I don't know many of the details.

As for what we have for trade, just name an animal we should have a small supply, we can increase the capacity of the necessary farms and start producing useful farms for you. If you are finished with your tour then the Pixies should be awake to send you back.

To The Papacy
We deal with some creatures in different ways to others. The are many beasts that produce useful materials, and for those we have breeding programs where the best specimens reproduce and others are stripped for parts. Other highly magical beings can regenerate themselves, for these we keep populations small and have factories to remove parts while keeping them alive to grow them back. Some have few uses but are very desirable status pets, we keep a small thoroughbred population and create more when requested. Finally some are impractical to mass produce but have a lot to teach us about magic, these are kept alive in secure facilities and studied when healthy.

To Azar Corporation
Fantastic we can send some samples to you if you like, otherwise we could give your team a tour of one of our research facilities.

To Daoine Sidhe
I hope you can forgive my previous impoliteness we are perhaps too wary of fae. You seem to have taken well to modern living, if slightly too chaotically. Maybe we will have something to discuss soon, but you seem a little too wrapped up in your own problems at the moment.

To The Hydros
I would like to thank you for access to the samples that we were able to procure, they are proving most useful. We have reason to believe that you are experts at magically manipulating the human and sub human genome and we are working on a project that you could help with, for a substantial donation to your cause.

2013-06-23, 12:55 PM

To The Menagerie

Glad you enjoyed that Hydra, shame i lacked time to see how the hunt has gone.
That sounds interesting tell me more, as for manipulating the Genome i have been doing some things, and i am a geneticist(or was a normal one before magic became so common place). Anyhow would you like me to handle it or my research facilities?.

2013-06-23, 02:30 PM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

The Menagerie:

Do you have any creatures that could produce some sort of anti-magic material? maybe a anti-magic sheep or cow or something? I'd be willing to pay for the material if you have it, or for you to start a program to create it if you think it's possible.

2013-06-24, 10:30 AM
The Aztec Empire [4]

Cuba has defied the wishes of the Aztec Empire and as such was punished. This is a message to all, should you oppose the Empire you shall suffer a similar fate.

To ArcaneStomper
Did I receive the tribute that Guatemala said that they would provide to me?

To Cuba
You have seen the might of the Aztecs. Now we shall be merciful and offer you again what was once offered. Give us tribute and we shall welcome you to the empire, fail to and the Fire Screamers shall wipe your puny country from the map. What do you say.

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-24, 10:39 AM
Cabal of the Frozen Depths

To The Aztec Empire

Just wondering, but what are you doing with those corpses? If you need to dispose of them, we can take care of it.

To the various death row prisons

If you need help disposing of the inmates after the executions, and they have not had other arangements made, may we offer our services to dispose of the corpses?

To the Daoine Sidhe

As you have been around for a long time, would you know the locations of any intresting graves or barrow mounds? Just out of mild couriosity.

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-24, 01:05 PM
The Menagerie

To Hydros
We have a slight problem, something we should have fixed years ago, something that you could help us with. There are creatures in our possession with the innate ability to operate some magic which we would like to use. Are able to transfer this ability to our people?

To The Papacy
An interesting problem but certainly one that we can solve for you. I can see of two ways to solve it. Firstly we could breed a Disenchanter to remove all magic in an area but this might take a while, even using magical genetics, and would require the specimen be kept alive. Otherwise you could use the scales we build with, they naturally absorb magic and they can be enchanted to improve the effect.

2013-06-24, 01:41 PM

The Menagerie

Hmm yes it is possible to do so, but your people may or may not become in a way closer to the creatures.
There are three ways i know of to do this thing, i am simply not sure if all the magical creatures have any gene for such a thing (but finding a way to give you an innate connection to a specific area of magic that they use however is possible in some ways).
As this is quite a large job i think my research labs might be better to tackle it up and produce good results.

May i inquire as to what creature you have chosen? we might need you to sent samples for us to help you, especially if they are not found locally.
I could sent one of the major scientists to speak with you and make all the details official and final up close.

((Eh..basically i agree just tell me about your deal to hammer it down so i know what i will be doing on my EOT, and IC i can send a major scientist to make it more official as well tell you some ways i plan to help you do what you want......if you are interested that is. :smallbiggrin:))

2013-06-24, 02:43 PM
Daoine Sidhe

"How dare you! When we were driven underground, we were forced to live out our days away from the splendid mansions of days past in these horrid barrows. No, there are no burial mounds, in Ireland sir!

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-24, 02:48 PM
Cabal of the Frozen Depths

To the Daoine Sidhe

Our apoligies. We wanted to try a ritual where we would reanimate a warrior of old, and as you are immortal, we thought that you might know a few good places to look. If you want, we can reanimate some of the ones who forced you underground and make them sodimize each other?

2013-06-24, 03:21 PM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

The Menagerie

These scales, are they small enough to be worked into clothing that would still have flexibility?

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-24, 04:26 PM
The Menagerie

To Hydros
Fantastic, while I hate the idea that we would be any closer to the beasts the ends justify the means. We have already tried turn the creature into a tool, with undesirable results so this is probably the only way. If it is effective then we have genetic other uses for these monsters, but all in good time.

Due to the sensitive nature of the samples we would prefer to hand deliver them, unless you wish to use our facilities.

((I want to get my portal system up and running and have decided that splicing the people with some pixie DNA is the best way to do it, perhaps you would be interested in sharing some of the benefits))

To The Papacy
Ah yes that might be a problem, you see the smaller scales are at his joints and those take ages to regenerate. Oh and it would probably be quite painful, we don't really want to wake him. Maybe we can break up some of the larger scales for you and you can put the shards in your clothes.

2013-06-24, 04:45 PM
The Menagerie

If you could look into that, we would be willing to pay you a small amount (or, if you prefer, we could have the Jesuits assist you with it, or compensate you in other ways), and we would be willing to pay a larger sum for enough scales to outfit the Swiss Guard, once you have figured out how to do so.

ArcaneStomper (GM PM)

Can you split stats when you use them in your EoT? Say, use half of my "televangalism" stat to pay for one thing, and half for another?

2013-06-24, 05:05 PM
Daoine Sidhe

"What a perfectly horrid notion! Good lord, what imagination you humans have. No, I prefer my enemies where I left them, imprisoned in the weave of an awful tapestry that hangs in my estate."

"They cry only softly now..."

2013-06-24, 08:47 PM
Encryption: 3.2

Aztec Empire

Cuba has seen the glorious future of Communism, and you have responded by attacking them. This is imperialist Western aggression, and will not be tolerated. Cease your military activities on the island at once or there will be consequences.

Order of the Rune and Eye

I seem to recall you sending me a message a while ago, which I believe I forgot to reply to. Many apologies. What was it you wanted?



Mother Russia stands by you, comrade. What help is needed?

Free Elven Peoples

Cuba has called upon her allies in the great proletariat struggle to fend off Western aggression. Will you join me in responding?


May I inquire as to your prices, comrade? The Union may have need of your strength.

2013-06-24, 10:07 PM
The Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Even as the return message as sent, the raven speaks its reply. "Hrafnfreistuđr will be visiting, if you will receive Him."

Even as the raven speaks, more ravens descend upon Moscow, and the skies begin to clear as the wind falls into a deathly calm.

OOC: I'm requesting a PM conversation.

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-24, 10:19 PM
Cabal of the Frozen Depths

To Cuba

While most of our forces are occupied at the moment, we realize that you have a nasty Aztec problem. If you want, we can help, and we would like to request a simple form of compensation. Nothing on your part really, but we would like to recive any aztec corpses from the campain.

To the USSR

We would like to say that we may not follow your political and/or social policies in some reguards, but would like to ask a tiny favor reguarding the cuban situation. The Aztecs actions are not based on western thought, but their relgious convictions. That said, they are bloodthirsty warmongers who would come after us sooner or later, after enslaving and burning everything in the way. So, we would be wondering if you could ask the cubans to accept our help?

And yes, we are asking for the Aztec corpses, but in our defence, our millitary forces are comprised of undead, and those need to come from somewhere.

2013-06-25, 02:37 AM

To The Menagerie

((Thanks but i am pretty sure it doesn't work like that stat wise, and i will use my research stat to either help your stat or do it stand alone depending on what you put))


Anyhow back on the matter at hand yes deliver them to our facilities leaving a person or two so they can get back at you perhaps if you wish.

2013-06-25, 08:41 AM
Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples [2]

To USSR [2]
We shall provide assistance to the Cubans.

2013-06-25, 09:01 AM

To the USSR [2]

We charge an economy or research of 5 for the duration you are using the men(a stat that quantity and quality sum to at least 5). The first bidder and highest bidder get guarenteed support. We believe the USSR has significant researching capability, so are willing to trade support for technology.

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-25, 12:36 PM
The Menagerie

To The Papacy
"Yes we can certainly create the clothes you desire, we will craft them on site and send you the finished articles. We can have a sample for your testing available within a day, or as soon as we work out how to crack these damn scales. If you find it suitable then we will begin mass production although we won't be able to enchant many to their full potential, how many do you need and how much can you offer?"

Towards the end of your working day one of your junior Jesuits is given a prototype for the clothing, both top and bottoms. The chest piece has a chunk of dark brown scale on the front. The rest consists of small shards interlaced in a spider silk mesh, from spiders the size of a man. Upon study its clear that only one scale was used in the armour. The suit dampens all magic, is flame retardant and, if the scale is caught at the right angle, it reflects spells.

To Hydros
((I'm aware of this I just want a way to use my morale stat as well and considering its involves pixies that seems like a good way to do it. Though now I will probably have you train some of my scientists to do the job instead, unless you want to share the benefits. The end goal is to create, or more regain use of, a portal system for instant and secure transport, not sure of the in game implications of it though.))

We would prefer to send a research team so that they could learn from you, would you be willing to teach our best students? We would still bring our own samples.

2013-06-25, 12:55 PM

The Menagerie

((I dont care about the benefits and i dont understand what you mean about that......, anyhow il put from what i understood: That you want my researchers to teach yours)).

Oh you want to learn from us...okay...just sent your people with strong stomachs if its gonna be up close at the very least.

Do tell them they are gonna be poking prodding and dissecting animals beasts and humans to start with the basic functions of anatomy and then after those who are afraid to get their hands dirty leave or are replaced with hopefully better scientists, afterwards we are gonna start with the methods by which we use science and magic on a variety of ways in our labs....and that is gonna be the main teaching which i assume you are interested in.

2013-06-25, 07:41 PM
The Papacy:
Encryption 4

The Menagerie:

We will need enough to outfit a single stat with 1 quantity (not sure if that effects how much it takes you to produce it in your OOC). If you let us know what that will cost, we will likely be able to pay immediately, or if it is rather expensive, perhaps on a payment plan? We wouldn't expect the goods until the final payment, of course.

2013-06-25, 10:06 PM
The United States to the Agency
The president thinks for a moment and then replies. "So, you're offering me the northeast back, a plateful of magical and technological know how, enough votes to guarantee the next election, and your soldiers working with the United Sates. All of that and all you want in return is to fight back the forces of communism, which we would do anyway."

"A very large return for a very low cost. Really no cost at all, but one thing I've learned in all my years is nothing is ever free, and unasked for gifts should be examined very closely. To be frank your organization has lived in the shadows for how long now, decades, centuries, millenia even. What I think is you like it in the back playing your puppets and letting someone else draw all your enemies attention. And now maybe your thinking that you were a bit hasty throwing that away just to deal with all the players in the new world of open magic."

"But I think maybe its time you did get a taste of the spotlight for once. See how it feels to be on the public side of things."

"So congratulations son. In my capacity as the Commander and Chief of the United States of America let me be the first to formally recognize the sovereign rights of the Agency. I'm sure the other countries will follow my lead soon enough. We can still be allies of course, but if you want your citizenship back, then you're going to have to earn it like any other foreign national. So talk to me if you want to join NATO and in five or ten years maybe we can talk about unionization again."

Mozambique to South Africa
We are willing to agree to some form of military alliance. What terms do you propose?

India to the Cabal of the Frozen Depths
Sell our children to you! What guarantee do we have that you do not simply seek their bodies. And even if all you want to do is teach them your dark arts then they still better off with us. Even the poorest orphans are better off living clean lives than learning your unclean trade.

Northern Italy to the Papacy
It would depend on what research you wish us to assist with.

To the Papacy
You can't do two things with a stat. But you can actually split stats. So you could have two televangelism stats instead of one.

Canada to the Kobolds!
We are not actually particularly concerned about the Aztec Empire. They'll have to go through three different countries to get this far north. But we would still be willing to discuss some sort of defensive alliance.

Cyprus to Hydros
There are currently no hostilities in progress, but we are certainly open to discussions about driving them out of our lands.

The Aztec Empire
I forgot to include it in your EoT stats, but yes Guatemala sent tribute. Your tribute stat is slightly higher than I posted.

Cuba to the Aztec Empire
We have not yet begun to fight! We will drive your from our lands and chase you back into the sea.

Cuba to the USSR
We welcome your aid comrades. We can use any assistance you can provide us, but certainly additional military forces would be most helpful.

Cuba to the Cabal of the Frozen Depths
If you aid us in this we are willing to let you have as many Aztec bodies as you can take. As long as you leave immediately after the Aztecs have been repulsed.

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-25, 10:15 PM
Cabal of the Frozen Depths

To India

We also practice cold magic, and what many people have forgotten is that necromancy in its purest form is required for the highest reaches of the healing arts. In fact, healing magic is a subschool of necromancy that was "labeled out" due to hypocrites. Yes, we are unclean, which is why we are asking to take away your untouchable cast orphans, who by your definitions are unclean anyway. All we'd do is raise them away from the abuse.

Plus, if we were after corpses, we'd ask your prisions. We do not end life needlessly, and we have special fates reserved for child killers.

And the reason we asked for the orphans is because we wish to establish a healing tower, which would benifit you in the long run. Think about it. People of your nation that know how to combat injury and disease, cure venoms, and cool down areas.

To Cuba

Thank you. We will remove our forces as quickly as we can after the Aztecs are delt with.

Forum Explorer
2013-06-25, 11:49 PM

To Canada
How does this sound?

"In the event of a foreign aggressor launching a military operation against the other party, both parties shall declare war against said foreign aggressor."

Daoine Sidhe
As you know we are very interested in transforming ourselves into different forms. Would you be interested in helping us expand this magic?

OCC: Creating a full shapeshifter.

To Cabal of Frozen Depths
How is becoming undead biological? That makes no sense at all. If anything the fact that it's due to extra-planer energies proves that it is not natural in any way. It does however give us an idea on how we can cure you. Don't worry, you'll thank us when we finish.

2013-06-26, 01:23 AM
The Iron Fist Brotherhood Encryption 3

To the Agency
"I think I can convince the council in supporting this project. What I need are numbers. Our steel facilities are currently accupied and I need to now how much of our capacity needs to be rerouted to this project. I am looking forward to work with the agency. Let us discuss another subject: monsters. We know your organisation hunts down the spawns of evil. We want to join in. Our tanks are ofcourse not suited for the kind small urban fights but can obliterate any hideout with a couple of shots. Do you have any information about such locations? Also if you have any information about threats towards our organisations or countries we support, we would like to know so we can act."

Grimsage Matt
2013-06-26, 10:06 AM
Cabal of the Frozen Depths

To the Kobolds

I said more closely related, not that it was due to it. As for biological means of becoming undead, we'd like to point out the little know yausgrum. They secerte a rather intresting venom that is compleltly non-magicial in nature, but has this intresting propertiy of animating things. At roughly thirty, they find a cave and rip their own throuts out. After they rise, it changes to a narcotic.

And we'll begin researching a counter cure right away. We like being the way we are.

2013-06-26, 10:50 AM
The Aztecs

HAH, bring your puny army. Your guns and tanks are weak. They do not hold the power that the Fire Screamers command. The foolish Cuban government cries against Western Imperialism yet they know not what this truly is. The empire is rising! There is nothing you can do to halt the inevitable. All who oppose Emperor Miahl will burn.

Belize and Northern Mexico
Now, we have made an example of Cuba. Their armies have been crushed and they have little hope for the future. Is this what you want for your people. We offer you once again. Pay tribute to the Aztec Empire and receive our protection or die.

The Cabal
Bodies of warriors are treated with respect and cremated. Those that are not strong enough to fight are piled and burned. No bodies shall be left for you black magics. The true power of a body comes from taking the life from it not giving life to that which is no longer living as you think. Your magics are weak and pale in comparison to the power of the Aztecs.

2013-06-26, 10:56 AM
Daoine Sidhe

"Oh, interesting! Puck would love that. The changelings are a good way there already... I think we could work together on that if you like."

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-26, 01:18 PM
The Menagerie

To Hydros
Well I've asked around and about half the Magisters think it sounds like fun, I hope you have the resources to train several dozen people.

((Quantity 1 - half the Magisters group will form a different group))

To The Papacy
((I can create 1 Quantity at Quality 3 (eco) and can further enchant with 1 Quantity at Quality 4.5 (res), not sure what this does to the final product. In return I would like a similar investment from an economy stat, so 1/7, 2/3.5, 3/2.5 etc. which I can find somewhere to invest.))

I'm sure we can come to some sort of agreement. Would you like us the enchant the product to its full potential?

To Daoine Sidhe
"I'm pretty sure I was quite rejective in our last conversation, I certainly said nothing to warrant your response. Have you been listening to our communications? Horrible little rodents. I don't know what you have heard but we certainly don't need your help. And we definitely don't keep your kind in small iron boxes, and if we did then I'm sure the pixies would deserve it."

((I'm guessing you got the wrong number, but I thought it would be fun to start something))

2013-06-26, 04:31 PM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

The Menagerie

So... I forgot the Guards were 1.5 quantity. So, assuming your prices are linear instead of logarithmic or exponential, the price would be 10.5. I'd be willing to pay you my income from Televangelism (11/1) for the month. would this be acceptable?

2013-06-26, 09:04 PM
India to the Cabal of the Frozen Depths
And the answer is still no. Even if your magic was the purest good it would still be no. If others choose to do so, or even if some adults of our nation join you, then we have little issue with that. But we will not sell you children to train in your foreign ways.

Canada to the Kobolds
This sounds acceptable. We will agree to it.

Belize and Northern Mexico to the Aztecs
Cuba's armies may have been crushed, but you have not yet won your invasion. We think we will wait to see how you do against their communist allies before we pay your protection money.

2013-06-27, 07:28 AM
Encryption 2


Were you looking to purchase our support this month?

To the Papacy

Have you made our decision on hireing us this month? We must begin making other plans if you do not need our assistance

To the Aztecs

You seem to be drawing a lot of attention from the communists in the world. If you wish assistance we are willing to come to your aid for a price. We charge an economy of 5 (quality and quantity sum to 5). Are you interested in our help?

To Cuba

Angelwing is willing to help fight off the Aztec invasion. It will not be free assistance, we charge an economy 5 for help (quality and quantity sum to 5). Do you wish our aid?

2013-06-27, 09:00 AM
Hydros Encryption:3

The Menagerie

Good good we shall await of them, now if you'll excuse me it seems i need to help some waywards brothers.

((A stat can do one thing, i suggest having them as one stat let me train them and then split them, unless you wish to split them and have two stats)).


If you wish we have can help by sending our army in a joint attack to the northern part to help Liberate it, our spies could also help us.

2013-06-27, 10:06 AM
South Africa

To Mozambique
A simple agreement from each of us to defend the other if attacked.

2013-06-27, 12:17 PM
The Papacy:
Encryption 4


The other player hasn't answered at all this turn... How about we put this off til next month, when hopefully he'll either be back or I'll just press forward without him.

2013-06-27, 01:24 PM
The Arcane-Middle-East
Basically, I would like to, at the very least, propose a free-trade agreement between us all to allow us to be more competitive in the global market.

Additionally, I would like to propose a mutual-defense pact. Should one of us be attacked, the others will respond with force, either by providing reinforcements to the victim or by retaliating with an assault of our own, depending on the aggressor. I already have a substantial militia with the capabilities to easilly reinforce any one of us who may fall under attack.

[Not sure how many nations are actually accounted for in the middle-east in this game, so obviously the above message may be re-worded...]

The Arcane-Anglewings
We do not have any research branch of our own, but I suppose I could probably spare other assets to assist your project.

How do I split stats in this particular game? Not into seperate stats, but just seperate actions.

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-27, 05:08 PM
The Menagerie

To The Papacy
((I actually don't have 1.5 research quantity left this turn to provide the full amount suggested, but its not like I need to match you in quantity to provide a product. I can give you 2/3 + 1/4.5 is that close enough to your economy output to be a fair trade?))

To Hydros
((I'm splitting them before the action so I can use them separately and I want 2 specialist groups in the future anyway))

Jaerug XI
2013-06-27, 08:34 PM
The Hippie Republic of Texas

The Vuurkoekje Empire
The radio message comes in the early evening. The frequency, incorrectly entered, overrides local classical stations. Under the speaker's voice, you can hear the strumming of guitars and a man snoring. The voice is slightly accented, and the messenger speaks quickly.
Fireship leader, Fireship people, you sail towards the sun's embrace as you conquer all that you see. Do you not see your enemies? Does their presence on your earth not bring you fury? They are children who set their hair on fire and ride around on bikes scaring old ladies. Are you not more worthy? Does your majesty not deserve to be unquestioned? Some here would see change. Some here would see destruction. Does not that sound glorious?

The Vuurkoekje Empire
Administrative Transmission
Tenth of August
Clearance: Kilo

It is not the intention of any individual(s) representing the HRT to suggest that an aggressive stance is advised. Action is being taken in regards to any alleged fringe groups that may or may not have been attempting to incite violence in this region. The official position of the HRT has always been one of peace, love, and understanding and we would like to reiterate that we do not suggest that any hostile action be taken towards entities possibly including but not limited to the Aztec Empire.
hayetv horre,

2013-06-27, 08:41 PM
Cuba to Angelwing
We would rather die than receive help from capitalists such as yourselves. Your military for hire is the very epitome of what is wrong with the capitalist system.

OOC: Also a tip. Quality is worth about twice as much as quantity.

Cyprus to Hydros
Things may be tense, but we are at least peaceful for now. We would rather attempt to put pressure on Turkey through more diplomatic means before we send any more of our soldiers into the fight.

Mozambique to South Africa
That sounds agreeable, although only if attacked. And also not if one of us provokes someone into attacking, but does not actually attack first.

The Middle East to the Arcane
(Each separate country on the map is responding. Assume its a regional conference or something. But they all have generally the same responses.)

A free trade agreement sounds promising, but frankly most of our trade is not with each other, but rather with foreign countries who desire our oil. Which brings up another point. We would be interested in some form of research to remove our trade dependance on oil, in case some power finds a magical substitute.

A defensive alliance is agreeable though.

To the Arcane
Each stat can only do one thing. If you want to do separate things then you have to split it into multiple stats.

2013-06-27, 09:06 PM
Vuurkoekje Empire
Encryption - 2.5

Hippie Republic of Texas

Glorious indeed would the destruction of the Aztecs be. They have no HONOR, and they think they can conquer nations, who are rightfully ours. Conquest would bring us much more HONOR than their puny minds could ever dream of. We will not be challenged for power and authority in this area of the world. The invasion will begin as soon as possible. With our new squadron of ships added to our glorious fleet, new superior navigational systems, and skilled pyromancers they will be at Prince Iskandar's mercy.

2013-06-27, 09:40 PM
The Arcane-Middle East[2.9]
Very good. Does anyone have any spare intelligence assets available? I would like to recruit and train some scouts for the militia I have been working on so they can better respond to any threat.*

Research... well, I don't have any formal research arm at this time, but I may be able to spare some support in other ways such as funding or civilian assets.

*Basically an ESP stat that works alongside my [Fast Response Unit]. Are stats like those of the SGA Central possible in this game? Multi-factional that is.

2013-06-27, 11:36 PM
The Papacy

The Menagerie

That should be fine.

2013-06-28, 10:48 AM
The Aztec Empire

To Angelwing
Your offer is acceptable to us. Help us show these fools the strength of the Aztecs cannot be matched. We will see that you receive your payment.

OOC: I'm not entirely sure how paying you would work with the rules but I know that I should have the wealth to do so.

2013-06-28, 01:00 PM

To Cyprus

Will work on that then, perhaps a trade embargo might help as well from our side, as perhaps closing the border to anyone who wishes to come from our side to trade with them.

((eeerr diplomacy=would my reputation work here? or it would be an act of war?)).

To Turkey

((Just so you know my VIP is mentally cringing here at being polite, and the Turks may or may not as well XD, but halfway there i almost had him change him mind and make it Hydros style =P but i dint do such a thing).

We would like to request from the Turkish government to withdraw all troops and citizens placed on your invasion that started in 20 July 1974.
Otherwise we will have to close our borders with you and it would be a shame to lose our supply of monthly illegal refuges that you send us.

Thank you for your understanding.

To The Menagerie

((okay then i will say in my EOT that my facilities shall train those you sent to me, don't forget your part)).

2013-06-28, 01:28 PM
Encryption: 3.2


We do want to hire you, but your price seems to be a little high--that would be the entire economy of Mother Russia working for you for the time that you were employed by us. Would it be possible to hire a smaller number of your forces, perhaps?

Order of the Rune and Eye

General Secretary Andropov has taken ill and is not receiving visitors at the moment. If you wish to speak with someone, speak with Matveev.

Cabal of the Frozen Depths

That seems to have been taken care of without our intervention.

Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples

Excellent. The armies of the Soviet Union will see you there.


Very well. Remember, however, that we warned you what would happen.

2013-06-28, 02:05 PM
The Most Ancient and Honorable Order of the Rune and the Eye
Encryption: 4

To: The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

The weather returns to normal soon after the reply is sent. Soon, a letter arrives in reply.

I see. I was too late, once again, to shift the course of fate. I will speak with this Matveev, but let it be known that the delay in your response has cost the Union a significant opportunity.

2013-06-28, 02:09 PM
Encryption 2

To the USSR

The price is steep, but we are not a mongol horde, we are some of the best trained soldiers on the planet. Or men are trained to fight in units, and splitting them up will in effect make them more likely to die, which is something we are not willing to risk.

To the Arcane

Thank you. We will be starting the project next month (next turn). We are going to call it "Iron Halo", and will be a shield generator that we would like to be able to scale to individuals or to entire cities. A project of this size will take a lot of work from many peoples. Do you know of a country that has the research at their disposal to help with the research? We can discuss the details when we are closer to starting.

2013-06-28, 02:10 PM
Encryption: 3.2

Order of the Rune and Eye

We looked into the future of this opportunity you were to offer us. Its fate was not as great as you make it out to be, and it was determined that our time was best invested elsewhere, for the greater good of the State. The result of this upcoming conversation, as opposed to the one that would have taken place, will be a +2.345% increase in production efficiency, which will be spread evenly to the people, thus helping all. We are sorry that this must be so, but it is what it is.


Then I am afraid we cannot pay what you ask. The wealth of Russia must be spent for the good of her people. Good day, sir.

2013-06-28, 02:50 PM
So you shall be training our militia?

I am sorry to say that I know of no other nation with the research capacity necessary to assist with this at this time. My allies here in the region might be able to help, but we are busy on another project. Let us see how it goes and i'll talk to them.

2013-06-28, 03:29 PM
Daoine Sidhe

"Puck and some changelings are en route with some Dubliners, by the way. Thought I'd be nice and warn you. Puck liked your idea."

"You dare to compare us, the noble Daoine to the Piskies? What derision! Your actions against those mischievous vermin are commendable, but I will not tolerate being thought of the same!"

2013-06-28, 04:11 PM
Encryption 2

To the Arcane

We have our best men coming down to help train your soldiers. We will be doing mostly war games, since we find they are the best form of training. We are constructing a training facility this month in Libya, and although it will not be operational for the training, if you wish to assist we will be very greatful

Atrum Umbra
2013-06-28, 06:03 PM
The Menagerie

To Daoine Sidhe
Well you haven't done anything to prove you are different, you may be larger and better at hiding among people but you are tarnished with the same brush. How can we trust you when you are watching our every move, It's probably just a matter of time before you try to enslave us like your brethren did.

2013-06-29, 12:19 PM
Azar Corporation

Saw through the illusion moments before it was dispelled, her purple eyes narrowing and cutting through the glamor. She smiled and nodded as the other man spoke "I am familiar with them, though if I am honest I have never encountered one before today" she bowed her head graciously "I do appreciate the gift, though I cannot say that I have anything truly to give you in return."

Our specialty is consumer goods, but we can and wish to expand into governmental and military contracts.

The Menagerie
We would love to see a few samples, as well as a tour.

(I don't think I missed anyone...)

Forum Explorer
2013-06-29, 03:56 PM

To Daoine Sidhe
Wonderful. I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about when he arrives.

OOC: PM Conversation next turn?

2013-06-29, 08:24 PM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

Azar Corp:

Excellent. We will likely be contacting you next month with an order.

2013-06-30, 12:38 PM
Daoine Sidhe [4]

Cabal of the Frozen Depths
"Wouldn't you know it, we do happen to have some corpses that need taking care of. I was sitting here with all these dead bodies and thinking to myself, 'Gee, how can I get rid of this many bodies,' and then I remembered that you wanted corpses!"

2013-07-03, 10:29 AM
The Middle East Regional Conference
The various representatives indicate that they have no intelligence capabilities as such. Your representative thinks that they are probably simply unwilling to state what they do have publicly.

OOC: (There are no multi factional stats in this game. You can help other people develop their stats. And get them to help develop your own. But there aren't any stats that both people develop and are controlled by both. The closest thing would be making a new faction and having everyone involved helped that faction grow. They would then get a say in the faction's plans, but would not control it directly.)

To Hydros
It would depend on what exactly you did as to whether Turkey took your actions as hostile or not.

Turkey to Hydros
Ah of course. We will gladly remove all our troops from the territory of Cyprus. Of course we must also insist on reinforcing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus so that Cyprus does not take advantage of this withdrawal.

Atrum Umbra
2013-07-03, 03:48 PM
The Menagerie

To Azar Corporation
We will need some time to prepare a facility for pharmaceuticals and will let you know when we are ready. Can we expect a large research team or just a few people?

((Ready next turn, VIP conversation will be available if desired))

2013-07-08, 02:12 PM
Interlude - 1984

Cold War Beginning to Boil
Tensions are on the rise everywhere as Soviet forces enter the western hemisphere in force. Summoned by the plight of their Cuban allies the forces of the USSR have been flown into the remaining airfields on the island to reinforce it against Aztec aggression, and in the far north the Elves are preparing a massive second wave in case their human comrades fail.

This has galvanized the western powers into action. Until now they had been focused on restructuring after the revelations of the past year, but the encroachment of communist forces so close the American continents has gotten their attention. The British fleet has sailed northward to patrol close to the arctic circle and an American carrier force has been sighted moving towards the Bay of Mexico.

Much discussion has been raised in the two American continents over whether or not to help the Aztecs directly or simply to prepare for a Soviet invasion. On the one hand they're violent unrepentant conquerors. On the other hand they certainly aren't communists. Either way many countries are bringing their armed forces to high alert.

This has in turn brought the communists of the world to action. Fearing preemptive strikes the allies of the USSR throughout Africa and Asia are readying their own forces and sending diplomats to the USSR to prepare for a possible direct conflict with the hated capitalist oppressors.

China in particular is gathering its massive army on its south eastern borders. Something which has brought the leaders of Japan and South Korea particular worry.

Jaerug XI
2013-07-09, 11:24 AM
Hippie Republic of Texas

Samwyn stood at the far end of his tent. On the tie-rack in front of him, he had few choices. Assorted socks, guitar straps, a prayer shawl, and his childhood blanket were draped in no particular order across the wooden frame. Finally deciding just to go without, he donned a long tweed jacket and strode out into the ancient site.
Those traveling had made sure not to desecrate the Native American village. For this morning, microphones had been carefully stood around a wooden platform and international press were guided to a cordoned off clearing.
Folks, recent events have thrown just a tad more turmoil into every corner of the sky. We here, we just want to say that if that sky starts crumblin down, the HRT will be here to help. We have bunkers. We have safe houses. We have singalongs every weekend.
Look, I cannot say on behalf of my people whether we're capitalist or socialist or what have you. What I can say, is that as of today, we have opened the Live And Let Live initiative, which will here after be referred to as LLL.
Yes, we are aware the the Domain of Lubricated Elven Peoples has put out a similar offer. The trick with ours is that no political entity that takes us up on ours will be railroaded into Marxism or anything of the kind.
Our conditions are simple, don't disturb the peace, contribute to the good of society, and we will do what we can to shelter you from the storm.
People of the press, thank you for your time. You're welcome to stay for the singalong.

2013-07-09, 01:26 PM
The Papacy [4]


This scaling up of arms cannot continue - the world will wind up destroyed if we allow this war to escalate. As a neutral party, blessed with the grace of God, I am calling upon the three major powers in this conflict to meet and discuss a peace before we are all destroyed. Will you join me in Rome, and helpfully end this war?


This scaling up of arms cannot continue - the world will wind up destroyed if we allow this war to escalate. As a neutral party, blessed with the grace of God, I am calling upon the three major powers in this conflict to meet and discuss a peace before we are all destroyed. Will you join me in Rome, and helpfully end this war?


This scaling up of arms cannot continue - the world will wind up destroyed if we allow this war to escalate. As a neutral party, blessed with the grace of God, I am calling upon the three major powers in this conflict to meet and discuss a peace before we are all destroyed. Will you join me in Rome, and helpfully end this war?

2013-07-11, 09:47 PM
South Africa

To the hippie republic
Your public address reveals what I thought might be the case; you do not understand communism.

Every civilisation throughout history has structured itself as a elite minority ruling over a common majority. The sources of power for the elite vary, but each period of history had common themes. In the past the elite ruled because of their physical prowess, birthright, or religious approval. In this period the primary source of power is money.

In non-democracies, the wealthy rule directly, as dictators. In democracies the wealthy rule by influencing the votes of others to support parties built to favour themselves.

Money is power. If you believe in democracy, than you believe in equalising political power for your people. In which case you believe in reducing the wealth imbalance between the upper and lower classes of your society.

Capitalist nations do not represent their people, But their wealthy elite. They disguise this from their people with lies, the main of which is that the wealthy have earned their money through hardwork. The first problem with this is inheritance, which is the modern method of passing power though the blood. The second is the 'free' market, which is the governments refusal to intervene when some of it's citizens are earning vastly more money than they've earned, at the expense of other citizens.

If you are a democrat, you are communist. I understand if you do not wish to announce such though, to prevent international conflict. I would recommend though the abolishment of inheritance within your nation, and the instatement of a maximum hourly wage.

Jaerug XI
2013-07-12, 01:17 PM
The Hippie Republic of Texas

To South Africa
In our nation, the people vote directly on every issue. We are self-sufficient and our people own together all the things they need. There is no federal agency that claims authority over the lives of our citizens. We are democratic, communist, and anarchist all at once. In your communism, the state controls the means of production. In our communism, we need no state. I recommend that you look into our system and possibly also yoga.
Our offer stands. We respect any lifestyle, so long as it does not hinder the greater good.
ceme fone wakv

2013-07-12, 02:01 PM
Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples

To the World:
The Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples expresses joy that The Hippy Republic of Texas, a classless, stateless utopia for peace much like our own has opened its borders like we did. In time as the communist model used by The Hippy Republic of Texas and The Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples proves to be superior to the backwards social models used by much of the rest of the world (capitalism, neofeudalism, fascism, theocracy etc) we hope that other nations will adopt it as well.

Jaerug XI
2013-07-13, 10:59 AM
The Hippie Republic of Texas

To The World

The HRT is downright thrilled that the Domain of Lubricated Elven Peoples, a truly classless regime currently amassing forces to join the bloodbath in Cuba, has taken so much likin to our system.
In time, they may remove their heads from wherever they had put them and read our constitution and, god willing, maybe even their own.
As always, the Soviet bloc is strokin together flawlessly. DLEP, we thank you for puttin the bloody red star on top of the Christmas tree, as it were. We hope the yoga is workin well for all you folks.
On another note: Hey Michael, after we finish the anniversary tour, how about we fly to the Vatican and talk some philosophy? We'll bring the acoustics, you can bring the incense.

2013-07-13, 11:03 AM
The Papacy

The Papal Apartments are always open to visiting dignitaries, especially ones as free spoken as yourself. We would gladly provide the incense for the meeting, though my advisors have informed me that you have likely have quite fine incense already. From the way they laughed I assume this is a joke in the younger crowd.

2013-07-13, 12:07 PM
Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples

The Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples only fights for the security and peace of the world. There is currently a bloodthirsty tribal empire trying to conquer latin America, this is clearly unacceptable and we should not be villianised for trying to stop it. Likewise there is a nation who's leader claims to be chosen by God, they also call for the genocide of all nonhumans. This nation should not be glorified for attempting to create peace between powers such as the USA, USSR and Aztec Empire because their leader is a genocidal maniac who only seeks peace because he wants all humans to work together to murder all nonhumans.

2013-07-13, 04:52 PM
Daoine Sidhe

The Papacy
"Is it true you want to kill us? Oh, that would be very entertaining! Do try."

2013-07-13, 05:53 PM
The Papacy:
Encryption 4

Daoine Sidhe

Kill you? no. Simply have the world recognize you as the demon spawn you are. However, Imps may be overlooked when true demons are around, and so I will deal with those demi-humans who at least pretend to be civilized last. Consider this your last warning, Satan-spawn.

You, a nation of the spawn of the dark one, ally yourself with a known warmongering state, who is responsible for the deaths of millions, and dare lecture a man of God? We're I not entrusted with spreading peace and love on earth, I would step back and allow the Aztec to run you over. But mine is a religion of Love. You are forsaken, and will never enter heaven. You are second class citizens at best. But your evil lord's plan must be thwarted, and if that means that you must die than I would suffer no qualms in doing the lords work.

2013-07-13, 08:15 PM
Daoine Sidhe

The Papacy
"Oh, lovely! Warnings are so boring! And being dealt with last gives us quite a bit of time to... play."

Jaerug XI
2013-07-13, 09:56 PM
To The Folks Making A Hoopla (Papacy, LDEP, Dinin Sitters)
Gentlemen, if you would. Now, we have not heard the entirety of this conversation, but from what we heard none of you have seriously committed to our yoga suggestion.
Michael, we are tickled pink that you were so receptive to our offer. However, as it was goin to be on our agenda anyway, we might as well get the ball rollin on that genocide of yours.
How much power do you intend to give the Devil? In matters of faith, our belief may not change how strong a thing is but it certainly does affect how strongly a thing may work through us. You've ascribed the majesty of creation right into the hands of Satan. On which day did he take a break from slithering to separate the heavens from the earth and make the dragons and the fairies and the elves and all these other creatures?
Even if the Devil did make these people, did you never credit your God with the ability to turn them to the light? You assumed immediately that the Lord had no hope to convert them and so it was Man's job to fix the problem. We think you may have read the Bible backwards.
Elves, you had some decent concerns. You also spouted a barrel of nonsense and propaganda. If you want to put the fire out, do not fan it. Let your mighty Russian friends fight the Aztecs. Let the United Splendor of America turn it into a pissin contest. If you truly wanted to save lives, between us we could take every man, woman, and child in Cuba to a safe house. Then you can go back in. Let the Atlantic burn for your pride once the innocents are safe. Otherwise, you may be trying to stop the Aztecs, but you cannot say you are trying to end the massacre.
Dinin Sitters, well, we ain't too sure what part you play here. You seem like a lovely bunch and you're free to stop by for a singalong anytime.
So, friends, you all have a number of options and you don't need a southern flower child to list them out for you. What I will say is this: you both say you're trying to end the violence. You could be, but the whole world knows you aren't. If neither of you can grow up, we will try to hold together whatever world is left, but we here hope it won't have to come to that.
While you had this fine cat fight here, an oppressive nation coverin Antarctica very well might have slaughtered and reanimated thousands of people. Human beings, Michael. While they may not have buried the dead, those monsters harbored the harborless. Puts them ahead of you. The world is watching.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-13, 10:12 PM
The Cabal of The Frozen Depths

Yes, we animate the dead. Do we end people before there time? No. We study the threefold path of necromancy, the path of the spirit, the path of the body, and the path of the return.

The Path of the Spirit is the calling of the dead for divination, and is in fact the purest and oldest form of the arts that fall under the label of the necromatic arts. The term necromancy in fact means "prohecy of the dead".

The path of the body is the study of the physical world, or more accuratly the organic. The much loved healing magics in fact would fall under this heading, as it deals with the living.

The path of the return is the branch that deals with reanimation. And there are several types. You can bring them back wiped, in which case they are a tool, and in fact you can compare them to a robot or golem. Another creates a new intelligence formed from negative energies, creating a 'pesudo-soul' that uses the body as a host. The final one is an attempt to return the soul to the body, and there are two variations. One is the abillity to ressurect the dead with positive energy, bringing back to convential life. The other is to use negative energy, to restore them as the highest forms of the undead.

We do not kill people. We wait for them to die, and we buy the bodies, or take them from areas where there are no burial services.

And oppresive? How the bloody heck are we any more oppressive then anyone else? If you sign on as a member of the cabal, the only limit to how high you can rise is talent and hard work.

To the Hippie Rebulic of Texas
We would like you to make an apology for saying we are an oppresive bunch that kills people just to reanimate them. It does not need to be public, but that was slander on your part.

2013-07-13, 10:49 PM
The Papacy

Re: the "Hoopla"
The Prince of lies did not create these creatures out of nothing. That power is the Almighty's only. He twisted and manipulated, just as he has through our history. Just as He has not seen fit to bless us with the destruction of the Dark one and his more Infernal servants, he has not seen fit to destroy the terrestrial agents of chaos either. His will is not mine to judge, but our leading theory is that God himself will not meddle until the second coming of his son, signifying the reunification of earth and heavens. Until then it is my job as Patriach of Rome and Servant of the Servants of God to ensure that there is still flock for His son to teach to, and supporting atheistic creatures warped by Satan is not the way to do that. We will not call for their outright destruction - we are a religion of peace - but they will not be allowed to become members of the church, they will not be allowed to take communion. They are excommunicated from the church, one and all. If they were on the true path, God would see fit to return them to their uncorrupted forms. At that time, they will gladly be welcomed back into the True Church with open arms.

Those in Antarctica are under Papal review at the moment - as true humans none have been excommunicated yet, but we will have to look into the effects and manners of the supposed "necromancy". Rest assured, any who seek to prevent the faithful from being reborn after the Rapture will be dealt with. This includes anything that would destroy the soul, the body, or break the sacred bond between the two. Simply reviving a dead person, while miraculous, is not outside the church - our Savior himself revived Lazarus, did he not? As long as any true believers are brought back only using the Third resurrection option presented by the Cabal - revived using positive magic - There is no problem. We are still looking into the use of "negative" magic and it's effects on the soul and body.

Forum Explorer
2013-07-14, 12:05 AM

This conversation is getting silly. We understand the Papacy's view even if we strongly disagree with it. Not all supernatural creatures are servants of the Devil and assuming so is likely insulting to many of them. It's like claiming all snakes are the Devil's creation simply because he can take their form.

Regardless like we said this is getting silly. To bring it back to concrete events, the actions taken in Cuba are despicable. The Aztecs are clear aggressors without legitimate grievances against the Cuban people. In the past the US and the USSR worked together to defeat countries with such an attitude but now they let their ideological differences to not only ignore the fighting but to escalate it onto a massive level.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-14, 12:35 AM
Positive/Negative engery

While most hold the view that negative energy is inherently evil, that is a massive over simplification. It is like saying that fire, or heat, is good or evil, so it's mirrior opposite must be evil/good.

While positive energy is conductive for our form of life, and is closely linked with creation and growth, negative engery is entopic and corrosive. But what many choose to ignore is that they do simmiliar things, only diffrently. But, an overlooked fact is that positive energy breaks down into negative energy. While the rate differs from species to speceis, most non-supernatural races only produce enough to age themselves.

However, we would like to point out that positive engery that is in too large amounts leads to cancer and uncontrolable mutations.

Jaerug XI
2013-07-14, 01:59 PM
The Hippie Republic of Texas

The Cable of the Frosty Death has asked that we here make an apology but gave us the option of makin it private. However, the population of the HRT has voted that we come right out and say it to the world. What we said, we said in anger. We fell to our frustration at the stallin of the global community. For this we owe the world an apology.

To The Kobolds
We agree that the discussion got out of hand and that it is largely our fault. While we are geographically close, we have not yet talked officially. What is your plan for action in the Atlantic?

To The Papacy
We do not claim to be authorities on Scripture, Michael, but what you seem to be doing is segregating based on biology. Our recommendation is this: Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven -Luke 6:36-38

2013-07-14, 03:57 PM
Aurum Imperium
Encryption: 3

To the World:
This public mudslinging over all of your clashing philosophies is unbefitting of your stations. The issue at hand is a slave-taking, human-sacrificing state invading another sovereign nation without cause. We join the Kobolds! in condemning the actions of the Aztec Empire, and ask for the international community to set aside their disputes for a time so that this can be dealt with.

And, echoing the offers of the Texan Republic and the Elven Domain, we of the Imperium open our states' doors to any of those who seek asylum.

To Cuba (2.5)
Because words are cheap and you already likely have some distrust of the Imperium as we are a capitalistic power, we will be deploying some of our forces to aid you against the Aztecs. Their actions are reprehensible.

-Princeps Tiberius

Forum Explorer
2013-07-14, 04:09 PM

To Hippie State of Texas
For now? Nothing much. We are trying to get more information about what's actually happening in Cuba right now. Simply joining the fray without a clear and well informed plan will simply escalate the violence.

2013-07-15, 10:06 AM
The Aztec Empire

The defeat of our armies has humbled us. We shall no longer wage war against the Cubans. Instead we shall simply let their allies pick them apart. The blow dealt to them by us was great but it was no greater then that dealt by their allies. The Soviets transported scientists back to Russia with the intent of "protecting" them. Liberated Domain of Elven Peoples and the Aurum Imperium have taken from Cuba what they can. The Cabal has taken our honored dead, the soldiers that fought nobly shall have their bodies defiled by their magics. The Vuurkoekje Empire has attacked our people. While the Fire Screamers were away they attacked those that we protect. They killed innocents and pillaged from their livelihoods. The Haitians have used cowardly, underhanded tactics to strike at us. Look at these people. They are who you call allies. Do you trust them? Are these the people that you wish to watch your back? The kind that will come to your aid only so that they can be the ones to strip you clean. They did not come to protect Cuba, they came for the profit they see in it. They say they reject the western, profit seeking philosophy and yet they all jump at a chance to gain wealth. They do not do these things for a belief in their philosophy, they are the same as we all are. They are hypocrites, preaching one word and then acting on another. They cannot measure up to the Aztec Empire, our word is gold. Once our word is given it is not taken back. Join us. Join the Empire. Give tribute to us and we shall not bleed you like these so called communists will. They say they work for the people but you see what they are willing to do to help themselves. Emperor Miahl will not bleed you in such a way. Emperor Miahl will fight against these hypocrites and cowards. These traitors and demons. Emperor Miahl cannot be killed. He cannot be stopped. We shall return like a phoenix from the ashes.

2013-07-15, 11:03 AM
Turn 3

June 1st, 1984

North America
The Hippie Republic of Texas recently engaged in a grand series of tours as its populace explored local native american sites. Part historical exploration and part massive party the tour involved most of the population of the free loving state and has firmly cemented their reputation as hippies with the rest of the world.

Karathenolias, the newly revealed dragon of the Kobolds, has been busy. In the provinces of the north she has taken to doing good works, helping those in need, rebuilding broken down homes, and in general saving her people from undue hardship. Needless to say her consummate good works have generated great good will for the Blue Dragon.

Of course on the other side of the border the Canadian defense force watches the Kobolds uneasily fearing some sort of ploy. They have been joined by the Agency's mobile task force which has worked with them to secure Canada's western border and the frozen northern wastes that are so very open to Soviet invasion.

The recent debate has been watched with much interest by the world as various parties debate their ideology many have been deciding who they should support. Currently the Papacy has a slight edge in world opinion as the Pope has made several tours around the world to raise support for Catholicism and show the world he is not the self serving person that he has been made out to be. This however has been undercut by continued allegations from the Liberated Domain of the Elven Peoples that his words are simply a front to move the Papacy back into power.

Remaining aloof from the debate the Order of the Rune and Eye has been expanding its halls in other countries and freely teaching any who decide to join. This has expanded their reputation as learned lore masters, a greatly respected occupation in almost every country.

Hydros appears to be suffering an internal revolution as pro human insurgents revolt against the government which they believe has sacrificed human necessities in favor of courting inhuman benefits. Details however are sparse as the borders remain patrolled by the many beasts and creatures of Hydros.

The Daoine Sidhe have left Ireland and gone to France, at least some of them. With their new automobile mounts they have torn across the countryside in a great wild hunt. For the most part they seem to be hunting animals, but darker rumors suggest they have also killed the occasional human who had the misfortune to get in their way. The French government seems to be a bit confused as to why the Daoine Sidhe have chosen France as the site for their activities and have asked for an explanation.

The Azar corporation has expanded its holdings into numerous facilities across Africa and Asia, wherever the governments are not too harsh and the laws conducive to profitable business. They have used their new facilities to expand their cosmetic lines using magic to do what normal products cannot. And many of their customers swear by their brand.

The Algiers Consortium has been expanding its relations with foreigners. It's artists and poets walk the world searching for new inspirations and many have found jobs in local firms to help spread the ideals of the movement in other countries. The Consortium scientists have also put out a standing offer for other scientists to join them in working on various endeavors.

South Africa remains closed to the world saying nothing of their intentions.

Angelwing has established a large facility in their territory to train their new recruits. Details are sparse as it is of course classified, but rumor has it that it is one of the largest bases ever built in any country.

The Menagerie has been quiet as it works on training its latest breeds to various tasks. However there are rumors that several high level talks are underway with various governments.

The Arcane has continued its efforts to train up a force capable of protecting the region. Several Angelwing advisers have been spotted in the area and Arcane Militia have been training extensively.

South America
However all of the above rumors and speculations are of secondary importance compared to the primary news of the day. The Aztec invasion of Cuba and the resulting increase in world tension. The war has not gone as it did just a few months before. In fact a complete reversal has occurred. Supported by Oracles and elven spies the Soviet army landed in force in the remaining Cuban territory and began pushing the Aztecs back. The Aztecs had prepared for this and their fire screamers called in support from Angelwing mercenary legions. For several weeks they retained the advantage, but then icy mists arose, in complete violation of the local climate, to herald the arrival of the Cabal of the Frozen Depths. The undead hordes and terrifying constructs attacked the Aztecs and their mercenaries in the flank causing much terror in addition to the actual military losses. Even this the Aztecs might have stood off if not beaten completely, but then a fourth army attacked. A late arrival and with no previous warning the vaunted Praetorian guard led the legions of the Aurum Imperium into battle against the Aztecs. At this point the Aztec lines collapses and the invasion turned into full retreat as the fire screamers and Angelwing mercenaries struggled to extract themselves. Most of the fire screamers failed and the warriors of the Aztec Empire have been left dead on the Cuban beaches. The Angelwing forces fared slightly better, but still took heavy losses.

In the aftermath of the battles the three remaining armies viewed each other uneasily as the cause that had drawn them there did not mean the communist conscripts, undead hordes, and imperial legions were anything like close allies. This was demonstrated when the Aurum legions withdrew as soon as it was certain that the Aztecs had withdrawn for good. The soviets and necromancers considered continuing the campaign by following the Aztecs to the mainland, but decided to wait for further orders when large NATO task force entered the Gulf of Mexico. Ostensibly it was an exercise in coordination between naval forces provided by the British Dominions, air coverage from the USA, and a mixed force of ground forces from other NATO countries to train for possible amphibious assaults. However the Soviet commanders decided not to push beyond a purely defensive action just in case the training exercise went live. So the Cabal necromancers gathered up the bodies of the fallen to take back with them and the Soviets began helping the Cuban government restore order.

While this was the end of the battle for the Soviets and their allies, it was not for the Aztecs. Even as their army was away on conquest another empire had decided to take advantage of their lack of defenses. From the Pacific, as far away from the Cuban Crisis as it was possible to get, the Vuurkoejke Empire launched a massive invasion onto Aztec lands. Their mighty war fleet easily destroyed what few coastal defenses remained and then landed an army of pyromancers and support units to begin the conquest and pillaging. With their army gone the Aztecs had nothing to stop them, and the Vuurkoejke rolled through a massive area unopposed.

Overnight the Aztec Empire has gone from a terror to a beleaguered power and many are waiting to see if their will be any western response to this display of Soviet might.

2013-07-15, 12:03 PM

To the Arcane (enc 2)

We hope the training went well. We have constructed our training facility and have an offer if you are looking to train your men more. If you would help us improve the quality of the training facility we will use the training facility to improve the quality of your men. We believe it will be most efficent way to train your men.
~ Sir Kirskan

To the Azar Corporation, The Algiers Consortium, and the Hippie State of Texas (enc 2)

Angelwing is looking to develop new defense technology that could be used to protect cities from hostile action or traders from pirates. Are you interested in joining the research effort?

~ Sir Kirskan

2013-07-15, 01:48 PM
Vuurkoekje Empire - Encryption 2.5

Yes! We defeated you for all time! You will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation! Our nation would prefer not wasting anymore precious resources on your filth, who don't even know the meaning of the word HONOR. Maybe we can work something out. What do you think of vassalage?

We would like to thank you for alerting us of the scum that are the Aztecs. We have brought GLORY to our HONORABLE nation. If there is anyone else who might need some private lessons in HONOR, please let us know, and we'll see what we can do about it.

We would like to suggest that you stop helping the Aztec scum, they have no HONOR, and it isn't honorable for them to need assistance. The fools wouldn't understand HONOR. We would like to think a people as glorious as yourselves wouldn't associate with the filth. Just a suggestion.

2013-07-15, 02:17 PM
Admist the Internal Strife a veteran known as the General has now Risen amongst the ranks of the Hydros, in a public show-off the General was seen interrogating the rebels and publicly executing them......and their families.
Perhaps because of that the borders of Greece have now started becoming even more closed than before with few trading being allowed by select companies.

To The Menagerie[3]

Hello my friends.
How did the training go?
I hope it was satisfactory?

To Vuurkoekje Empire

Hey who have heard about you yet seem to lack information about you.
May we inquire Who are you? aka Your history.
And i suppose congratulations against the Aztec's

2013-07-15, 02:35 PM
Vuurkoekje Empire - Encryption 2.5

The Aztecs got what they deserved. Attacking innocent nations like that is not HONORABLE at all. They needed to be taught a lesson so our superior pyromancers caught them off guard. We were alerted, and our HONOR made us act immediately. Our glorious navy is not a force to be reckoned with. They have payed dearly for their actions.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-15, 08:47 PM
The Cabal of the Frozen Depths

The battle had gone well, with the Swordwraiths undergoing their "trial by fire" in cuba, the Archmagus making several deals with several of the native broods, and the erection of a addtioal tower for study. Unlife is well.

To Hydros

We notice that there is an increasing body count in your area. If you are executing people as rebels, may we be allowed to proform corpse removal?

To the Aztec Empire (Public)

Yes, we entered it as mercenaries. The wages we asked for were the bodies of those you magically brainwashed. Seriously, we looked at some of the brains of the Fire Screamers and we have to say on one hand we are impressed with the quality of the job.

To the Papacy, Azar Corporation, The Algiers Consortium, and the Hippie State of Texas

Our Life Tower is going to be developing some curitive magics for several of the big diseases currently affecting the world. Would you like to be in on it? We'll do the research, we'd just like a endorsement for what we come up with.

2013-07-15, 09:10 PM
The Papacy
Encryption 4

Cabal of Frozen Depths

We're certainly interested, though we'd like to know more. What diseases, how your planning on curing them, how your researching, etc.

Forum Explorer
2013-07-15, 09:21 PM

To Cuba

We know that despite your victory you've likely still suffered many damages. With your permission could Karathenolias enter your territory in order to do charity work?

To Daoine Sidhe PM

OCC: Try again and it's war.

2013-07-15, 10:55 PM
Daoine Sidhe

Finvarra looks mildly amused, though confused at his guest's irrational behavior. "But I told you puck was coming. That's what puck does."

Jaerug XI
2013-07-15, 11:06 PM
The Hippie Republic of Texas

To The Cabal
Partner, you have our endorphin. When the project is done, would we be needed to help distribute in our region?

To Vuurjoejke Empire, Kobolds, and Agency
Dragons and agents, we've talked to you before, if not extensively. This message will hopefully start up somethin of a group for nations in the Americas that wish to band together without takin concrete sides East vs West.

The Vuurjoejke Empire is of course in Polynesia, but since we here have had good relations with them in the past, we thought that they would be a nice addition. Because of that, we did not put Hawai'i on the list this time around. We know that the Empire has had some troubles there, and we suggest that one of our first projects is to put that in the past.

We have not had official relations with the Aurum Imperium, but they might also be a good member if any of you have the number handy.

This is of course all just a suggestion, but we figured that bandin together might help in plannin better for important events to come.

2013-07-16, 12:33 AM
Vuurkoekje Empire - Encryption 2.5

To the HRT, Kobolds, and Agency.
As a nation as HONORABLE as ours we are interested in this group, for it too could be a thing of immense HONOR. This banding together could be useful.

On the issue of the coconut scum.
We would be open to settling past disputes with them. However, We have been their sworn rivals for generations. We haven't talked to them for sometime, because another conflict might arise. The emperor and our generals aren't so sure how the people of this HONORABLE nation would feel. Prince Iskander, and his father are in agreement and believe that, at present, putting all this in the past might be a step in the right direction. The Prince also would like it to be known, that if this group were to be formed an HONORABLE superhero team name might be in order.

That is all.

2013-07-16, 12:52 PM
Algiers Consortium

and what type of defensive technology is it you are developing?

The eradication of diseases is a noble goal. But asking for our endorsement before your methods are known is suspicious. For that matter, why do you need endorsements at all? Cures for major diseases are generally adopted on their own merits. If you need us to vet that you techniques are sound, we could do that, but otherwise we must decline.

2013-07-16, 04:06 PM
South Africa:
Encryption: 4

To the USSR:
"Congratulations on your victory. It is disappointing to see the USA and their allies do nothing."

2013-07-17, 02:35 AM
The Papacy
Encryption 4


You requested a personal meeting earlier. Do you still wish to meet with his Holiness?

Jaerug XI
2013-07-17, 10:55 AM
The Hippie Republic of Texas

To The Papacy
While there are still a couple of issues we'd like to talk over, we have become busy with some other bits and bats right up about now. We may still meet in the future, but we'll recontact you when we can. Our apologies for the change in plans, but too many things jumped onto our plate.

2013-07-17, 11:09 AM

To The Cabal of Frozen Depths

Hmmm we prefer using them to feed our troops and demoralize our enemies, nothing puts the scare into those poor sods like making them see their families and friends driven before them to be tortured and eaten, but if you dont mind receiving broken bones and badly torn bodies you can have them, i imagine its ironic how they will be 'non-human' now heh.

So yeah if you don't mind that they are not in any way or shape in pristine condition you may have these corpses, we should warn you not to try anything weird however because our borders have closed even more.

2013-07-17, 11:57 AM
Encryption: 3

I would indeed like to continue the training. I'll get the militia moving at once. i'll be glad to devote resources to help you improve your facilities.

Just a note, due to their nature, they may leave unexpectedly at a moments notice. They are responsible for protecting the region after all and will be in close contact with my scouts with orders to get back here asap if there is trouble.

Arcane-Middle East
Greetings, I have two pieces of business to discuss this month:

First, will we be working on last months project once again? The one reducing your dependency on selling oil to foreign nations?

Secondly, would you be interested in a series of joint war-games? This should increase the capabilities and response-times of your security forces as well as giving our collective forces experience in working with one another. My Commandos have been extensively involved in training over the past months and are likely the highest-quality soldiers in the region. I will have scouts watching the borders so we'll have enough time to respond in the eventof any trouble.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-18, 10:16 PM
Cabal of the Frozen Depths

To the Aztecs and Angelwing

We have a number of bodies that while they lived had some manner of loyalty to you. While we would like to reanimate them, we do offer the chance for bodies to be ransomed back to their respective power for proper burial. If intrested, just send a message. We need workers for a mining operation, so its no skin off our corpses if you don't want to pay.

2013-07-19, 08:57 AM

To Cabal of the Frozen Depths

What is the price? We would like to have our mens bodies back for proper burials.

To The Arcane

Thank you for your assistance. The facility will be open to you this month. We may need it in the coming months after we re-recruit our numbers from the Cuba conflict.

To The Algiers Consortium (encryption 2)

We are looking into shielding technology. The idea is it could be scaled from small personal use to a city wide scale. In between would be barges or caravans.

2013-07-19, 01:53 PM
Algiers Consortium

The thing about shields is that they eventually break. Any object you put a shield around would eventually need additional assistance. However we can see the utility of gaining extra time for responders to arrive. We will work with you on this project.

2013-07-19, 02:26 PM
The Aztec Empire

To Hydros
I am sure that you have heard of the defeat of the Aztecs by the communists. We have been badly set back and are in need of allies. I am sure that you of all people must understand what it is like to be outcasts of the world. Should you assist us in returning to our former glory we shall conciser you our allies.

To Daoine Sidhe
In our recent losses our men have been taken by the Cabal. I understand that you people have a liking of mischief so I would like to make a request of you. Burn their bodies. The cremation of our soldiers will allow their bodies to be properly cared for and deny the Cabal the soldiers. Will you do this for us?

To The Cabal
You attack us and now you wish to extort us? The pilfering of our people, of our nation was not enough? Now you must rob us of what little we have left. No, we shall not, can not, pay your ransom.

To The Agency
The Communists are strong. You have seen their power on your doorstep and have done nothing. Help us to gather our strength and we will call you allies and stand against the communist threat beside you.

2013-07-19, 03:14 PM
Encryption: 3.2

Aztec Empire

You are beaten. Your vaunted armies have been destroyed, your slaves made free men in the service of the Party once more. Such an aggressive nation as yours cannot long survive without allies, and I think we have proved that today.

There remains one path open to you. Take this opportunity to reorganize your society, to bring enlightened reason to matters of state instead of imperialism and false capitalist idols, and you may yet survive. The advent of communism is inevitable, and you might yet be part of that rising new world.

South Africa

I would not say they did nothing. Any effort to permanently stop Aztec aggression was halted by a NATO task force in the Gulf, which they were a part of. They do seem to have done little to stop the warlike actions of this rogue state, however, which is something we have come to expect from them.

Aurum Imperium

I did not expect to see capitalist lackeys such as yourselves come to the defense of such a vaunted bastion of Communism as Cuba. Tell me, are you beginning to rethink your outdated ideologies? We will welcome you as true comrades if you are.

Forum Explorer
2013-07-19, 04:57 PM

To Hippie Republic of Texas
We are not opposed to some sort of alliance, but we'd need a lot more in details before we'd agree to anything.

Atrum Umbra
2013-07-19, 05:49 PM
The Menagerie

To Hydros
Yes, it was very helpful thank you. We are well on the way to achieving our immediate goals.

2013-07-19, 06:26 PM

To The Aztec Empire

Greetings Emperor Miahl

........thats surprising i thought the Aztecs dint need allies or even had the concept(or word) in your tongue.
Hmmm.....nah even if i might be interested, i got rats to kill inside my own country and feed them to our beast's as you no doubt know.

But if you are so sure you need help......hmmm we will send you a crapload of stuff that might help.
(I was thinking along the lines of phoenix feather/ash based familiars that can help your fire mages(those are your main troopers right?).
We could sent you crafted equipment for economical reasons............but thats boring.....and i think you would prefer remaking a small part of your military no? Make those fire breathers more powerful? or any priest/citizen whoever receives them?

Warning some of the created birds will have minor pyromanic tendencies and be extremely clingy at times with whoever they bond to(that is the person that awakens or hatches them, you will receive mixed batches of live birds and eggs in stasis). And before you think of killing them in a ritualistic fashion for power.....dont, the stronger the bond becomes the stronger the power it will grant you.
Like an amplifier you will be the main source(er not you you but whoever bonds to it).
I hope you will enjoy them, but you are either way invited to come yourself or sent one of your diplomats to make a better deal.

-Finias The so called Tyrant Doctor of Greece and more recently called Monster Puppet.

((i really suggest to tell me details via pm meeting for a deal))