View Full Version : Justice League Unleashed (MHR)

2013-06-05, 07:42 PM
"...this is Daily Planet Broadcasting..."
"...Vicky Vale for Gotham Globe News..."
"...near breakout at Stryker's today..."
"...graphic footage of Flash barely surviving..."
"...crime, including metahuman crime, at an all-time high..."
"...a month since last Superman sighting..."
"...new supervillain calling himself the Raging Rhino in Star City..."
"...Justice League barely managed to..."
"...is the Justice League overwhelmed..."
"...what happened to the Justice League?"

Justice League Watchtower

J'onn J'onnz, the Martian Manhunter, let out a hoarse sigh at the deluge of open Earth broadcasts calling for help. There were just too many - natural disasters in the Ring of Fire, an oil rig collapse and leak in the Gulf of Mexico, rampant crime in scores of major cities. With Superman, Hawkgirl and Green Lantern away dealing with the Paradaxian civil war in a distant star system and Flash still in a coma from his tangle with Livewire, the Justice League response teams were running ragged dealing with crisis after crisis.

And J'onn felt nearly helpless, his Martian powers still unstable and unreliable from the near fatal immolation he had suffered at the hands of Ma'alefa'ak; the best he could contribute was a near constant vigil on Watchtower monitor duty as his body healed.

For the fifth time, J'onn increased the threat level threshold filter to try to identify the most pressing matters - it barely reduced the noise by a fraction. All the Justice League could muster was triage, and the world was slowly beginning to realize - and panic.

A major terrorist attack on a commercial airport had suddenly jumped to the top of the list - J'onn's eyes widened in alarm.

"Watchtower to all points... immediate response needed at Coast City International Airport. Monstrous entities composed of yellow energy detected... suspected Sinestro Corp involvement. Does anyone copy?"

And we'll hit the ground running. Batman and Wonder Woman are assumed to have heard J'onn's bulletin, being members of the Justice League (even as part-timers) and your intro post can describe wherever you are, how you respond, and how you get to the airport.

Booster Gold, your choice: you can also be a JL member already and hear J'onn's warning, or you could be independent and catch word of the attack via Skeets or some other method.

Green Lantern, you have just returned to Earth from being trained on Oa; you can be anywhere you want, doing whatever you want, but your ring AI has just warned you an attack by Sinestro Corpsman.

Consider yourselves all in private Transition Scenes and all that entails. Starting Doom is 2d8 - elevated.

FYI - I went with right before Justice League Unlimited, so the current Justice League roster is

Superman (unavailable)
Wonder Woman
J'onn J'onnz (crippled)
Green Lantern/John Stewart (unavailable)
Flash (coma)
...and possibly Booster Gold

2013-06-05, 09:09 PM
Sometime in the twenty-fifth century...

"This just goes here, and-"

"Pardon me, sir, but I think you have that device on backward. If you'll note the display model over there..."

"Oh. Right. See? This is why we make a good team, Skoots!"


"Skeets, right. This is why we make a good team, Skeets! Are you ready to rock in the twenty-first century!?"

"After you, sir! Though I can't help but wonder if it will count as crime if we-"

"Let's go!"

Michael Jon Carter throws a switch on his newly-acquired power suit and, together with his mechanical friend and accomplice, Skeets, is suddenly hurled backward through time in a miniature wormhole! The experience is beyond words for them both - for Michael, who has never been good with words, and for Skeets, who lacks the sensory organs to quantify it. If such a journey could me measured in time units, it takes only a few seconds - or centuries? - before they are deposited in a crowded urban setting, presumably in the twenty-first century.

"Where are we Skeets?"

"I'm using the primitive orbital satellite system and cross-referencing with all known geographical data... it might take a minute, sir."

Their arrival has not gone unnoticed however, as a wormhole of any size is almost certain to catch the attention of any passers-by. Even moreso if it should appear in the middle of a four-way intersection at rush hour.

"Hey weirdo, ya mind not blockin' traffic?!"

"Traffic... Skeets?"

"Yes. Tragically, the most common mode of transportation is fossil-fueled land-based vehicles. These citizens are still unable to travel on the z-axis. You're in the way."

"Good people of..."

"Coastal City."

"...Coastal City! - I am Booster Gold, come to you from the distant future in your hour of need!"

A cacophony of explicitives and car horns drowns out any further speech-making. Booster takes flight briefly, followed by Skeets, and lands on the nearby sidewalk where he strikes his best heroic pose. For reasons neither of them understand, the pair are practically ignored.

"...They don't look happy to see me, Skeets."

"I'm happy, sir!"

"We need to do something hero-ish. Something big and flashy, preferably with lots of explosions and screaming. Maybe some damsels in distress..."

"I could start firing my laser at random pedestrians...?"

"No, I need you to record my exploits for broadcast later. Are these people so desensitized to Awesome that I don't impress them? I thought this was a dark time, with lots of bad guys and stuff."

"Perhaps your mere presence overwhelms them, sir. I, for one, am deeply inspired!"

The conversation is cut short at the sound of explosions in the distance. Traffic suddenly picks up pace, as cars careen over sidewalks to flee some as-yet-unidentified menace. Screams of terror begin to fill the air as the noises of chaos and destruction grow louder.


Booster eagerly flies off in the direction of the rising smoke and spreading flames.

"Are we recording?"

"I started the moment I heard the first scream!"

"Excellent! Time to get famous Skoots!"

"...Yes, sir!"

For the record, I don't really care about XP so don't expect me to mention it in a spoiler with every post or whatever. Just give me whatever's appropriate if we reach a point (and the game lasts long enough) where it'll be usable.

I am so unbelievably pumped right now. Favorite post in a long time. :smallcool:

2013-06-05, 09:20 PM

Batman stands atop Wayne Towers. It's raining in Gotham but not raining hard enough to wash the scum off of the streets. He peers out into his city and spies a boy wearing a ski mask running out of a convenience store with an over-full duffel bag and a revolver. Bruce sighs, he had seen this teenager before. Three nights ago, he had scared the living daylights out of him. Apparently, times were desperate enough to re-offend. No one gets second chances. Not in this city.

Using his bat grappler, Batman swings down to the street below. He swoops in, feet out, hitting the robber in the chest. He goes flying across the sidewalk and slams into a wall. Batman rights himself, allowing his cape to drape over his frame. Lightning strikes. "I thought we had an agreement Billy." The Dark Knight edges closer. The kid's face is filled with horror. "I thought we agreed you'd find a job. Mr. Wayne is hiring community organizers." Batman looms over the teen. "Why did you break your promise Billy?"

The boy stammers and utters an excuse Bruce knows is a lie, "You can do better than that Billy. You're going to go to Wayne Enterprises' Community Outreach Headquarters right now. Leave the duffel and the gun."

The teen staggers to his feet and rushes off toward the headquarters. The Caped Crusader bends down to collect the bag. He looks at the gun and realizes it's just a toy spray painted black. Batman smiles, "At least he isn't too foolish. Wayne will make an upstanding citizen out of him yet."

Suddenly, J'onn J'onnz pipes in via the bat-communicator. The Dark Knight looks up at the sky and sighs, "The world is relying too heavily on so few super heroes." He taps his communicator and responds, "Understood. I'm leaving Gotham now. Over"

The Detective presses a button on his belt. Exactly thirty seconds later, the Batwing appears in the skies above Gotham. Thirty seconds after that, Batman is racing at super-sonic speeds to Coast City.

2013-06-05, 09:30 PM
"Sinestro..." Solandra Cooper, average citizen. She flicks on the TV, and...there it is. Breaking news. Those are...definitely constructs. "...oh, those yellow sons-of-bitches." She looks out of the window of her house, situated in rural Colorado. It's a nice day...sigh. Just got back last night, too. Ah, well. She continues toweling out her hair, finishing getting dressed. Sweater, jeans, sneakers...doesn't really matter anyway, but who wants to be embarrassed when they go out of flight mode? Taking off her glasses, and stowing them in a pocket, Sol takes her ring out of her lantern, where it's charging, and hides the device back under the floorboards.

"Maybe I can pick up some breakfast out there?" Musing aloud, and scritching the ears of Brokens, her tabby, she goes outside. "Be back later!" Faucet's on, for water, he has food...alrighty. She puts her ring on, closing her eyes. And with a flash, her suit is upon her. She looks up, frowning. "Well, let's try to miss the planes." Taking off, she sails into the air at high speed, going above the cloud cover. Direction...that way. And then...a grin. She hasn't done this before. Powering up, she's off like a bullet, speeding across state lines. A loud *BANG* ensues, as she breaks the sound barrier. Going up to Mach 6 in a short time.

And she can go up to Mach 10, according to the different sources. :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-06, 02:08 AM
Wonder Woman

Princess Diana of Themyscira took a moment to admire a piece an ancient Greek blade within its display case, noting the skill which has been used in its crafting. It certainly could not compare to a weapon of Hephaestus make, but for a sword made by the hands of men, it was an achievement. The museum was filled with such remarkable artifacts, and the Amazon wished that she might be able to quietly appreciate their ancient beauty a bit longer. However, the small group of Spartoi laying waste made that impossible.

It seemed a strange occurrence that one of the mythical teeth of the dragon slain by Cadmus might lay hidden within a simple urn, but it had occurred nonetheless. When a small gang of thieves had attempted to steal the urn, they had unwittingly unleashed the skeletal warrior children of Ares. Now it was up to Wonder Woman to stop them before they unleashed chaos and bloodshed upon Civic City.

Smashing the display case, Diana grabbed the sword and quickly spun. With a glowing light and the crack of thunder, her civilian clothes disappeared, replaced with her Hephaestus-forged armor, "Children of Ares, return to your father in the Areopagus and I will spare you the wrath of the Amazons."

Ghoulish and hollow black eyes, holding only a lust for death and destruction, turned to focus upon her. Raspy breaths shuddered out of them as they grew excited at the prospect of battle. Their grip tightened upon their weapons, as did Diana's. Her eyes narrowed as she steeled herself for the coming battle, "Very well, then. If you desire combat, then I shall give it to you!"


Leaving the museum, Diana was wiping the dust of slain Spartoi from herself when she received the call from the Martian Manhunter. The Amazonian Princess immediately launched into the air, only waiting long enough to learn the location of the attack before going full speed towards Coast City, "I'm already on my way, J'onn!"

2013-06-07, 07:08 PM
Coast City International Airport

Booster Gold and Skeets are the first on the scene... and it is quite a scene. A pair of massive, glowing yellow armored monsters, each as tall as a building, are wreaking havoc in the airport tarmac and parking facilities. They've already caused massive collateral damage: one terminal of the airport has had its roof ripped open, and the concrete pavement is littered with wrecked and overturned vehicles. Everywhere panicked crowds try to get clear of the destruction. Even as Booster Gold watches, one of the yellow energy monsters picks up one of the dozens of grounded planes and begins brandishing it like a club, threatening to smash apart one of the airport control towers.

What do you do?

Again, starting Doom is 2d8.

Elements in bold typically are game mechanical things.

Elements in blue bold are Watcher characters: in this case, Yellow Monster A and Yellow Monster B.

Elements in dark orange bold are Scene Distinctions: Massive Collateral Damage, Panicked Crowds, and Grounded Planes.

Booster Gold is first!

2013-06-07, 07:34 PM
"Uh, sir...?"

"I see them Skeets. See what you can do about those folks, I'll have a talk with Contestant Number One..."

Skeets does his best to direct the crowds to safety and keep them from getting hurt by falling debris. Booster, eyeing the aircraft-wielding monster, attempts to disarm him or, if that fails, at least distract him long enough for those in the tower to evacuate.

"Hey - nice costumes, but you've got the color all wrong! It's Booster Gold, not Booster Ugly Yellow! It doesn't seem like it would make a difference, but trust me - the ladies notice!"

Booster lets loose a few energy blasts to make sure he has the creature's attention, then tries to wrench the plane from his grip.

Solo: [roll0]
Skeets, Number One Fan: [roll1]
Superhuman Strength (multipower): [roll2]
Energy Blasts (multipower): [roll3]
Combat Expert: [roll4]

Total: 8+7=15
Effect: d8
Miss Cooper - you're up! :smallcool:

2013-06-07, 08:07 PM
As Skeets heads off to attempt crowd control, Booster sends some pithy comments and blaster fire in the yellow monsters' way. The glowing giant wordlessly weathers both your quips and your attack, though you can tell by the flicker of the energy that comprises it that you managed to do some damage.

Yellow Monster A

Reaction to T(15), E(d8 Physical)
Buddy 1d8 [roll0]
Fueled By Fear 1d8 [roll1]
Forcefield 1d10 [roll2]
Superhuman Strength 1d10 [roll3]
Combat Expert 1d8 [roll4] Watcher Opportunity

Reaction Total: 13 -> BG action succeeds
Reaction Effect: d10 -> Steps BG effect die down

Yellow Monster A takes d6 Physical Stress
1 Watcher Opportunity Available (BG gets first dibs)

Green Lantern is up!

2013-06-07, 09:21 PM
Landing, Solandra projects a beacon into the sky - a large lantern. A construct! It washes the two yellow fear-constructs with green light, formed with her will to drive back the fear that they cause. To the people running around her, she calls out, with a firm voice,

"In brightest day, in blackest night,
If evil stands, then I will fight.
Let those who fear that evil's might,
Stand strong under Green Lantern's light!!"

The area fills with green, the construct shining as she continues walking toward the beings. Determination apparent on her face.

Solo: [roll0]
The "Green" Green Lantern: [roll1] +1pp (Rushing right in there)
SFX: Area Attack [roll2]
SFX: Constructs (1d6)[5]
SFX: Multipower
Determination: [roll3]
SFX: The Right Tools for the Job
Solid Light Mastery: [roll4](1d6)[3](1d6)[3]
Psych Mastery: [roll5]
Galvanizing Construct: [roll6]
Physical Stress: (1d6)[6]

Total: 15(using 1pp), 1 opportunity
Effect: Emotional Stress d8 d10 A, Emotional Stress d10 d12 B

2013-06-09, 04:52 PM
At the presence of the Green Lantern and the sheer power of her will, the two yellow constructs turn from the destruction of the airport and Booster Gold and regard their new threat. They palpably hesitate - one construct actually flickers, a sure sign to Solandra that she's gotten under the skin of what Sinestro Corpsman is projecting them.

I'd quirk my brow at inflicting emotional stress on a nonsentient construct, but whatevs - it sounds cool!

I'm buying GL's opportunity - GL +1PP, Doom +1d6

Yellow Monster A
Reaction to T(15), E(d10 Emotional)
Buddy 1d8 [roll0]
Fueled By Fear 1d8 [roll1]
Godly Will 1d12 [roll2]
Menace Mastery 1d10 [roll3]

Reaction Total: 11 -> GL action success
Reaction Effect: d12 -> GL effect die steps down to d8 Emotional

Yellow Monster B
Reaction to T(15), E(d12 Emotional)
Buddy 1d8 [roll4]
Fueled By Fear 1d8 [roll5] <- Spending Doom d8 to add to Reaction Total
Godly Will 1d12 [roll6]
Menace Mastery 1d10 [roll7]

Reaction Total: 20 -> GL action fails
Reaction Effect: d10 doesn't matter.

Batman OR Wonder Woman is up, whoever is online first -> please make a short "I'm going now" post OOC so you don't ninja each other.

2013-06-09, 06:20 PM

The Caped Crusader flies over the Coast City International Airport in the Batwing. Surveying the destruction the two constructs have wrought, Batman tries to find a clear area, large enough for one of the constructs to fall on without landing on any civilian. His Bat-Sensors can't find a clear enough area what with the panicked crowds and the grounded planes.

In lieu of dropping the behemoths, Bruce decides the better tactic is blinding. Swinging the Batwing around, the Dark Knight circles around each of the monsters' heads, all the while pumping out a thick, black smoke from the jet's exhaust.

Area Attack against both Constructs, trying to create the "Blinded" Complication.

Team: [roll0]
panicked crowds [roll1] +1 PP
Enhanced Reflexes [roll2] (Bats is making a tight circle around the constructs' heads)
Weapon [roll3]
Area Attack [roll4]
Always Ready SFX [roll5]
Vehicle Expert [roll6]

Note: I am using Two SFX's - Area Attack and Always Ready. The latter allows me to add a d6 and step up one effect die when making a complication or an asset.

TOTAL: Spending 1 PP to keep 3 dice. Total: 13
Construct A's Effect Die: d10 (bumped up)
Construct B's Effect Die: d8

Rolled 1 Opportunity.

2013-06-09, 06:45 PM
Batman strafes the yellow constructs in the Batwing, spewing obscuring smoke throughout the area. A large cloud of smoke settles around one of the constructs, which flails about blindly, while the second is more toward the periphery of the cloud.

Buying Batman's opportunity - Batman +1PP, Doom D6 -> D8

Yellow Monster A
Reaction to T(13), E(d10 Blinded)
Buddy 1d8 [roll0]
Unwieldy Size 1d4 +Doom 1d6 [roll1]
Enhanced Senses 1d8 [roll2]
Combat Expert 1d8 [roll3]

Opportunities: 2 (Batman first dibs)
Total: 5 -> Batman successful by 5+ and steps up Effect Die to Blinded D12
Effect: d4, unimportant

Yellow Monster B
Reaction to T(13), E(d8 Blinded)
Buddy 1d8 [roll4]
Unwieldy Size 1d4 +Doom 1d6 [roll5]
Enhanced Senses 1d8 [roll6]
Combat Expert 1d8 [roll7]

Total: 11 -> Batman successful, Blinded D8
Effect: D8, unimportant

Wonder Woman is next

2013-06-09, 07:08 PM
Wonder Woman

Soaring towards the cloud of smoke and the sounds of mayhem, Diana quickly took in the details. She saw the Batwing and what appeared to be a Green Lantern, though it was obviously not John. The large, yellow, creatures were still causing destruction, the battle not yet over. The Amazon Princess decided that she would do what she could to end it.

Swooping in, she took up her Golden Lasso, swinging it a few times before throwing it to loop around one of the monsters. Gritting her teeth, Wonder Woman swung around, attempting to slam one into the other, using their own strength and weight against one another.

Attempting to inflict Physical Stress on Yellow Monster A. Spending a PP to add a second effect die (also Physical Stress) against Yellow Monster B.

Affiliation (Team): [roll0]
Distinction (Ambassador Of Peace): [roll1] +1 PP (Diana's not being very peaceful right now)
Power Set/Power Trait (Amazonian Princess/Godlike Strength): [roll2]
Power Set/Power Trait (Hephaestus-forged Arsenal/Weapon): [roll3]
Specialty (Combat Master): [roll4]
Complications (Yellow Monster A's Blindness) [roll5]

Total: 23 (Spending another PP to add third die to the total)
Effect Dice: d10 (YM-A), d8 (YM-B)

2013-06-09, 09:11 PM
The glowing yellow monstrosities never see Wonder Woman coming. Blinded by smoke, its almost child's play to lasso one and send it smashing into the other with a resounding smash. The yellow energy comprising their forms flicker and grow translucent.

Yellow Monster A
Reaction to T(23), E(d10 Physical)
Buddy 1d8 [roll0]
Unwieldy Size 1d4 +Doom 1d6->1d8 [roll1]
Forcefield 1d10 [roll2]
Superhuman Strength 1d10 [roll3]
Combat Expert 1d8 [roll4] <- Spending Doom d8 to add to Reaction Total

Opp: 2
Reaction Total: 17 -> WW succeeds by 5+, steps up effect die to D12 Physical
Reaction Effect: d4 unimportant

Yellow Monster B
Reaction to T(23), E(d8 Physical)
Buddy 1d8 [roll5]
Unwieldy Size 1d4 +Doom 1d6->1d8 [roll6]
Forcefield 1d10 [roll7]
Superhuman Strength 1d10 [roll8]
Combat Expert 1d8 [roll9]

Opp: 2
Reaction Total: 10 -> WW succeeds by 10+, steps up effect die to D12 Physical
Reaction Effect: d8 unimportant

Yellow Monsters are next, but it'll have to wait until after Game of Thrones!

2013-06-10, 08:28 PM
The massive yellow energy constructs manage to clear enough of the smoke from the area to assess its new attackers. The one still holding the jet in its hand waves it threateningly at Wonder Woman - and the force of the movement shears the jet's tail clean off, sending it hurtling away to smash into the side of a control tower.

Yellow Monster A is Grandstanding - I add one of its dice (Superhuman Strength D10) to the Doom pool.

The other energy construct turns about, trying to find the creator of the brilliantly growing green construct. Facing the new Green Lantern, the yellow giant reaches out and simply attempts to smash her flat.

Yellow Monster B is going to straightforwardly attempt to inflict Physical stress on GL.

Buddy d8 [roll0]
Fueled by Fear d8 [roll1]
Superhuman Strength d8 [roll2]
Combat Expert d8 [roll3]

Action Total:
Action Effect:

This will end the page, and Yellow Monster B will pick Yellow Monster A to start the next page.

2013-06-10, 08:29 PM
The massive yellow energy constructs manage to clear enough of the smoke from the area to assess its new attackers. The one still holding the jet in its hand waves it threateningly at Wonder Woman - and the force of the movement shears the jet's tail clean off, sending it hurtling away to smash into the side of a control tower.

Yellow Monster A is Grandstanding - I add one of its dice (Superhuman Strength D10) to the Doom pool.

The other energy construct turns about, trying to find the creator of the brilliantly growing green construct. Facing the new Green Lantern, the yellow giant reaches out and simply attempts to smash her flat with no thought for tactics.

Yellow Monster B is going to straightforwardly attempt to inflict Physical stress on GL.

Buddy d8 [roll0] -> 4
Fueled by Fear d8 [roll1] -> 7
Superhuman Strength d8 [roll2] -> 1
Combat Expert d8 [roll3] -> 2

Watcher Opp: 1
Action Total: 11
Action Effect: D8 Physical Stress

Welp, looks like I accidentally annhilated my rolls by editing something. I remember it was a 4, a 7, a 1, and a 2, aka, crappy rolls.

This will end the page, and Yellow Monster B will pick Yellow Monster A to start the next page, but first GL has to react.

2013-06-11, 07:33 AM
Clasping her hands together, Solandra calls out to the civilians. "You see? Fear gives them power! The less you fear them..." Suddenly jumping, faaaaast to the side, she dodges the smash, flying toward it. "The harder they fall!!" The light, shining all around, coalesces around her into wings, a tail...it's as if she's surrounded by a dragon. And she plows right into the thing's chest, intending on taking it out for good.

Solo: [roll0]
The "Green" Green Lantern: [roll1] +1pp (Rushing right in there again!)
SFX: Constructs [roll2]
SFX: Multipower
Godlike Flight: [roll3]
SFX: The Right Tools for the Job
Solid Light Mastery: [roll4][roll5]
Psych Mastery: [roll6]
Galvanizing Construct: [roll7]
Physical Stress: [roll8]

Total: 14, 3 opportunities
Effect: d12 Counterattack

2013-06-11, 01:10 PM
A Solandra smashes through the creatures chest, she can't help but hear a short snippet of laughter. Regardless, as she punches through the yellow construct flickers dramatically before fading completely from existence. Some of that yellow energy seems to get sucked up by its compatriot, which grows slightly brighter.

Buying GL's opportunities together -> GL +1PP, D6 to Doom, other 2 opps step it up do D10

Yellow Monster B is out of the scene, interestingly enough it makes Yellow Monster A a Solo now

The last remaining yellow construct rears back and attempts to crush Wonder Woman with its massive jet-for-a-club. It splashes a huge arc of jet fuel in its wake that soaks the damaged, sparking wreckage of an airport structure.

Yellow Monster A is attacking Wonder Woman for Physical Stress.

Solo d10 [roll0]
Massive Collateral Damage d8 [roll1] <- Spending D8 Doom Die to add to Total
Superhuman Strength d10 [roll2]
Combat Expert 2D6 [roll3]

Action Total: 19
Action Effect: D10 Physical Stress

Wonder Woman is next after her Reaction - if the constructs are destroyed, we'll head to a short Action/Transition scene where you guys can introduce yourselves while, you know, look for the source of the constructs or provide disaster relief for the massively wrecked flaming airport.

2013-06-11, 01:19 PM
Wonder Woman

Diana's eyes widen as she watches the behemoth of yellow energy bring the jet around to swing at her. Throwing out her hands, she attempted to try and catch the improvised club, hoping to put an end to this fight before the airport became a blazing inferno, "Hera! Give me strength!"

She manages to cushion some of the attack, but the beast's swing is simply too fast for her to react quickly enough. The plane slams into her, tossing her through the air before she manages to recover, bruised but certainly not broken.


Affiliation (Team): [roll0]
Distinction (Amazon Warrior): [roll1]
Power Set/Power Trait (Amazonian Princess/Godlike Strength): [roll2]
SFX (Hera Give Me Strength!): [roll3]
Specialty (Combat Master): [roll4]

Total: 18
Effect Die: d12 (steps down attacker's effect die, so Wonder Woman takes a d8 Physical Stress.)

2013-06-11, 01:29 PM
Wonder Woman

The Princess of Themyscira glares at the Fear Construct as she soars in, pulling her fist back as she prepares to throw a mighty punch with all of her God endowed strength behind it. The creature is still attempting to recover its sight, and so Diana swoops in from under the smoke to take advantage, "You will fall, monster!"

Action! Attempting to inflict Physical Stress. Green Lantern can go next.

Affiliation (Team): [roll0] <-- Spending PP to add to total
Distinction (Amazon Warrior): [roll1]
Power Set/Power Trait (Amazonian Princess/Godlike Strength): [roll2]
SFX (Hera Give Me Strength!): [roll3]
Specialty (Combat Master): [roll4]
Physical Stress: [roll5]
'Blinded' Complication: [roll6]

Total: 23
Effect Die: d12

2013-06-11, 01:38 PM
The Amazon Princess' fist meets incredible resistance, but the flickering yellow energy that comprises the thing finally yields and Wonder Woman powers through. She takes the thing's head clear off, and it and the body sag and fade away into nothing.

You all look around for further threats, but for now all you seem to find is wreckage and carnage. But without the gigantic force constructs terrorizing them, people who had been cowering amidst the ruins pick themselves up and give a tentative cheer.

"...its the Justice League!..."
"...who's the new guy?"
"...my car!!"
"...Green Lantern is a girl...?"

Buying player opportunity -> WW +1PP, adding D6 to Doom

Reacting to T(23), E(D12 Physical)
Solo d10 [roll0]
Unwieldy Size d4 +D6 Doom [roll1]
Superhuman Strength d10 [roll2]
Forcefield d10 [roll3]
Combat Expert 2D6 [roll4]

Watcher Opportunity: 1
Reaction Total: doesn't matter
Reaction Effect: doesn't matter

The construct is destroyed.

We are in Transition - WW has first dibs on that opportunity, but if she doesn't want it anyone else can claim it to, among other things, make an upgraded D10 Resource. Weapons free on posting.