View Full Version : Red Hand of Doom (Beheld)

2013-06-06, 06:38 PM
Lord Iarmaath of Brindol has heard rumors of goblins marshaling in the east. Goblins have increased the amount of raids and he has heard reports from the Dwarven Tribes of the North (Not the more civilized Dwarven Holds of the South) of increased raids as well.

But Brindol is strapped preparing for a visit from the Dwarven Emissary (From the South this time) and cannot afford to dispatch an elite force. They have turned to the usual suspects, and adventuring company of modest repute.

You have been dispatched to Drellin's Ferry and the Old North Road to get a good scout of the situation and report back so they know what to do. You are on the road to Drellin's Ferry past Terrelton, a tiny town.

The afternoon sun beats down on you. The air is hot and still. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous, with a seemingly endless line of dusty flyspeck towns. The town of Drellin's Ferry liews a few miles ahead of you. It's a settlemt hard on the borders of the Witchwood, and the best place from which to begin exploring the nearby forest.

Map of the Vale

[OOC: Please tell me what kind of preparations you would make for travelling along the road. You are currently in "friendly territory" for what that is worth, but as seasoned adventurers, I am sure you are all overly cautious.]

Vixsor Lumin
2013-06-06, 09:19 PM
Ahven begins whistling a soft tune while walking down the road. He scans the surrounding area occasionally for surprises. taking ten on spot and listen checks

2013-06-06, 09:27 PM
Making sure to keep the rest of the party in visual range Steppenwolf keeps a low profile as he moves through the brush near the forestline, keeping a close eye out for possible ambush. Or deer. Or rabbits really. He could go for a nice roasted hare right about now...

2013-06-08, 12:12 PM
Quill hated this land. He missed his desert and its wide open spaces. He looked down at the leopard next to him, at least it had provided him with a companion though.

That's not true, he thought.The others are my companions as well. Quill thought about the others with which he was traveling. They were an odd group for sure, by rights the group should have never formed. Yet here he was with all of them in this... place.

Tired of his musings he checked his gear again and then wandered towards the front gate. His leopard padded along beside him quietly. The townsfolk didn't seem to pay them much mind, and he was thankful for this.

2013-06-08, 03:40 PM
Riding upon his summoned pony, Ander rechecks the rough map of the area he had managed to scrounge up before this trip. "Hmmm... shouldn't be too far now assuming I'm reading this right"

Naturally he had his extended mage armour active (lasts all day using the metamagic rod) as he'd traveled enough to know that no road is truly "safe".

2013-06-09, 01:28 AM
Erin smiles as she mentally prepares for the road. She idly strums a few notes on her Keytar.

Perform (Keyboard Instruments) [roll0]

She offers a prayer to Mystra and nods politely to her companions, checking the chain at her hip, she is ready.

Vixsor Lumin
2013-06-09, 01:46 AM
Ahven switches his whistling to singing a few bars match Erin's tune.

perform song 1d20+12

Vixsor Lumin
2013-06-09, 01:48 AM
reroll i accidentlly spaced [roll0]

2013-06-09, 10:56 AM
On your travels you approach a small copse of trees and the road itself dives down into a depression in the middle. Just as you enter you hear a short blast on a horn coming from somewhere behind you.

Oh no! Suddenly a set of arrows arc out of the tree line on either side. The arrows land on either side of you when they suddenly arc electricity between the two sides.

Looking in the direction of the arrows you see several ugly creatures in leather armor have popped out of the bushes. They seem more than a little surprised that you are still standing. The one furthest away pulls out a horn and blows a long note. Two others on the right are quicker to respond and fire arrows at the Leopard in the party, demonstrating amazing marksmanship or pure luck, they pin both his front paws to the ground with their arrows.

You respond:

[DC 11 Knowledge Local or previous experience lets you know these are Hobgoblins.

Everyone except Steppenwolf roll a reflex save DC 11. Succeed, you take 3 Electricity damage, fail and you take 6.

The two arrows Immobilize the Leopard for one round, and do a combined 12 damage as well.

Steppenwolf, you said 200ft away and also keeping sight of the party, those two things are mutually incompatible with the set up here, so I just put you closer than 200ft. For what it is worth, you are currently almost certainly not noticed.]

Red circle is Steppenwolf. Blue circles are enemies. You guys all start in the area with red stripes on the road.

2013-06-09, 11:54 AM
'Not on my watch!! Steppenwolf screams, announcing his presence as his low sneaking posture changes to a proud broad shouldered taunt. He stretches out, raging muscles and a fierce look of determination as he draws out his bow and moves towards what he considers the leader.
To assert his dominance he drags the horned hobgoblin to the ground and strikes him down.

Stand down!! Or face my wrath!

(Mountain Raging (large size,+6 str, +4 con, +2 will save, -3 ac, -1 attack, 8 rounds), move to the spots 10ft north, 15ft north, 10ft north 5ft west, and 15ft north 5ft west of the back foe on the forestline. Trip that foe.)
Touch attack: [roll0]
Strength check: [roll1]
possible strength check to avoid being tripped myself: [roll2]
possible free attack: [roll3]
possible dmg roll [roll4]
if crit: [roll5]

2013-06-09, 12:14 PM
[roll0]Ref Save

Quill trudges towards the enemy furthest south before taking up a full defensive position.

Vixsor Lumin
2013-06-09, 06:06 PM
Ahven's song changes from a light hearted tune into an ancient epic describing s battle between two great warriors. everyone gets +1 to attack and damage.

2013-06-09, 11:37 PM
Erin immediately flips her keytar to her back and with a crack of her knuckles she unleashes her prepared Numbing Sphere upon the furthest Goblin (Bottom)

Hobgolbin rolls a Reflex DC 15 to resist Dex and Frost Damage
Dex damage [roll0]
Frost Damage [roll1]

She then takes a movement action towards the nearest (Bottom) Hobgoblin but doesn't close the distance, getting within 10ft of it while she draws her chain.

Moving down 5ft into rough terrain and leaving her 6 squares from the left edge diagonal to the red hatched squares. {prayin' to god that makes sense >.<}

2013-06-10, 03:01 AM
After taking the small jolt of lighting from the hobgoblins Ander proceeds to return fire. He moves his horse forwards along the road before with a quick chant and a gesture releasing a devastating blast of lightning at the far top hobgoblin.

move action to move forward until in 35ft range of hobgoblin

lesser of of electricity
touch attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2013-06-10, 10:52 AM
In response to the initial salvo Ahven begins an epic song, his voice somehow drowning out the horn note and shocking several of the hobgoblins.

Steppenwolf bursts out of the tree line looking positively monstrous. He knocks the horn blowing hobgoblin to the ground and cracking his skull with a single strike from his bowstaff. The second northern hobgoblin attempts to jump down to the road, preferring the relatively harmless looking crowd to the monster in front of him, but just as his feet leave the ground a backhand blow from the bow strikes his hip sending him flying off course and crashing to the ground head first. He lies there unmoving, dead or unconscious.

Ander rides forward and retaliates with his own electricity, an orb shoots out and blackens the hobgoblin. He fires off a last feeble arrow that falls several feet short of Ander and his pony before collapsing to the ground and sliding down the incline.

Erin summons forth a large sphere that rolls right up the incline, but the hobgoblin target twists aside and fires an arrow back at him that slices a line in Erin's thigh below the chain shirt. The closer enemy on the ridge take aim at Erin as well, underestimating the reach of his chain and taking a hit for his trouble, but even still he manages to lose and arrow that strikes with force before bouncing off Erin's chainmail.

Quill moves forward down the road and prepares himself against the arrows likely headed his way. No arrows come though as one of the hobgoblins fires a shot at the Leopard, but that misses, sticking in the ground near him. The Leopard responds by smashing the arrows in his paws with his teeth and lifting his paws of the remainder. Blood drips down from him but he seems to take no mind as he prepares a charge.

However, even as this takes place, the brushes move from the south and another hobgoblin sprints towards Quill. This one looks fiercer than the rest, his armor is leather studded with steel spikes half a foot in length and he wields a double bladed sword that spins constantly as he moves. Even with his preparation Quill barely manages to dodge each blade as it sweeps by. But a second attack from the first blade swings back around and slashes across his stomach, a thin line of blood trickles down.

Meanwhile out of the north wood surge two incredibly large black dogs with glowing red eyes. They come at Steppenwolf and breath torrents of flame on him.

[Steppenwolf kills a hobgoblin and then another one on an AoO. He takes 8 and 6 fire damage, Ref save for half on each.

Ander drops a hobgoblin with his Orb, though you are pretty sure that one is still alive.

Erin takes 6 damage from an arrow and 7 from another. Deals 9 damage to the middle bottom hob.

Quill takes 12 damage from a sword strike and is adjacent to a new dangerous foe.]

Ahven: Light Blue
Quill: Yellow, AC is the square
Erin: Purple
Ander: Green
Red: Steppenwolf
Red squares are [DC 14 Knowledge Arcana Hellhounds]
The Big blue one is not actually large, he is in the top left square, but I wanted to differentiate him from the others.
The small colored in sphere is the numbing sphere.
Top three are all dead or unconscious, hence the lines.

2013-06-10, 11:54 AM
Ignoring the firebreathing hounds for the moment Steppenwolf directs his attention on the champion hobgoblin, seeing a greater challenge."A worthy foe perhaps?" Steppenwolf ponders aloud as he moves towards this new leader and repeats last rounds actions.

Afterwards he takes a moment to look around, take stock of the situation, where these foes came from, and perhaps spot any back-up.

5ft step south west. Touch attack large blue circle to trip.
Touch attack: [roll0]
Strength check: [roll1]
Possible strength check to avoid being counter-tripped: [roll2]
Possible free attack: [roll3]
Possible damage roll: [roll4]
if crit(20): [roll5]
spot check move action: [roll6]

2013-06-10, 07:08 PM
Erin uses a move action to shift her Numbing Sphere attention to the new, apparently bigger threat in the hopes to soften him up for Quill and Steppenwolf, meanwhile focuses her own attention to the Hobgoblin in front of her who just shot her, swinging her chain at it hoping to finish it off.

Knowledge (Arcana) [roll0]

Move Action:
the tougher Hobgoblin has to make a DC 15 reflex to avoid:
[roll1] Dex Damage and [roll2] Frost damage

Lastly- Standard Action:
Spiked Chain attack [roll3]
on slim chance of crit [roll5] to confirm

also- how much did I take from the one that hit?

2013-06-10, 07:15 PM
Angered at being hit Quill glares at the leader. His leopard tenses and prepares to attack the leader. The barbarian comes crashing through the brush and slams into it. The leopard lets out a low growl and bares his teeth. Sensing its anger at its prey being taken from it Quill flicks a finger and barks out a command, a strange mixture of orc and druidish.

The leopard lets out another growl lowering its head, it then turns and pounces on the opponent furthest back unleashing its full attack.

While the leopard attacks Quill begins to cast, he targets the dogs with an entangle.

[roll0] Claw
[roll1] Claw 2
[roll2] Bite
Crit confirms
[roll3] Claw
[roll4] Claw 2
[roll5] Bite

Vixsor Lumin
2013-06-10, 10:30 PM
Ahven continues singing, and presses a button on the hilt of his blade while swinging his blade at the nearest goblin. The blade flashes blue and flies from his grip towards its target.

umd to activate wand of whirling blade [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2013-06-11, 02:28 AM
Halting his pony, Ander begins casting another orb of electricity at the middle enemy to the east (below the road) then quickly draws his preloaded crossbow out from his backpack

orb of electricity
touch attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2013-06-11, 08:34 AM
Erin directs her Frost Sphere at the new enemy but he dodges it as well. However, she then strikes the hobgoblin across from her, knocking him unconscious.

Ahven's blade surges out, but the hobgoblin easily dodges it and returns fire. He also dodges Ander's Orb. But his luck runs out when a giant Leopard jump on him and claw him. In response he drops his bow and pulls out a sword to attack the monster in front of him but doesn't really manage to do anything but back of slightly without dying.

SteppenWolf leaps down onto the new enemy, sweeping him of his feet and striking him. Meanwhile, Quill locks down one of the Hellhounds and slows the other who shambles forward to attack Steppenwolf, but is knocked on its back and pummeled until it does not move.

Finally, the Warrior stands up preternaturally quickly, he closes the rest of the way with the giant and whirls his blades cutting at arms and legs and torso.

The last remaining hobgoblin shoots ineffectually at Steppenwolf as well, he too is entangled in the growing vines. Along with Quill and poor Ander's pony that now brays madly.

[Whirling Blade and Orb of Electricity miss. Hobgoblin engaged by Leopard pounce and then attacked Leopard but missed.

Erin knocked out middle bottom hobgoblin.

Steppenwolf did 24 damage to Main Hob, took 20 damage from Main Hob. Knocked out the one Hound, the other Hound is entangled, did not break out.]

Same colors, main hob is now small, the light green circle is entangle.

2013-06-11, 05:26 PM
Steppenwolf's eyes light up as the hobgoblin kips up and slices into him.
"Bwahaha!pauseThe little man has fight in him!!pauseLETS FIGHT!!",the Goliath boisterously exclaims in a remarkably elated mood.
Sidestepping slightly to circle him better with his allies he once more pulls the hobgoblin to the ground to strike him. "Stay down puppy!! pauseSit! BWUAHAHAHA!!"

5ft step north east, Touch attack to trip, Str check to trip, lastly ref save against continuous entanglement. Will make remainder in OOC)

Touch attack:[roll0] (+3, furious counterstrike, flank)
Str check to trip: [roll1] (-2, -5 bab, +4 impr trip, -1 morale bonus(not an attackroll)
Reflex save: [roll2]

2013-06-11, 05:32 PM
As the hobgoblin backs away from the leopard it has enough and lunges forward with its claws and attempts to rip the creatures throat out.

[roll0] bite
[roll1] claw
[roll2] claw

[roll3] bite
[roll4] claw
[roll5] claw


Realizing the leader means to kill his ally, Quill draws his spear and stabs at the beast.

No bonuses for a grapple success are added in. Entangle reducing attack is countered by flanking bonus.
Ref save because:
[roll11] confirm

2013-06-11, 05:34 PM
Directing the sphere to bob around it take another pass at the dominant Hobgoblin, swapping her standard for another move action she moves northeast one then north one to be within AoOing distance with her chain.

Reflex DC 15
Frost [roll0] dex [roll1]

Vixsor Lumin
2013-06-11, 09:53 PM
As his blade reappears in his hand, Ahven curses inwardly. Continuing his song he presses the button again and directs the blade at the same target.

UMD check
attack [1d20+8
damage [roll1]

Vixsor Lumin
2013-06-12, 03:16 AM
sorry, reroll [roll0]

2013-06-12, 05:28 AM
Whilst trying to avoid leaving the hobgoblin an opening to attack, Ander begins to focus on conjuring lightning

See my action really depends on whether the hobgoblin goes down from the attacks, if he does an orb of electricity at the hell hound otherwise a casting defensively shocking grasp at the hobgoblin.
for the orb
touch attack [roll0]

for the shocking grasp
concentration dc 16 [roll2]
touch attack [roll3] (possibly +3 for armour and +1 for higher ground neither of which I added)
damage [roll4]

either way reflex save[roll5]

2013-06-16, 01:46 PM
The dangerous Hobgoblin is tripped and pummeled again with another sweep from the large bowstaff. This time, when jumps up he is greeted by Anders glowing hand shocking him. His corpse falls lifelessly back to the ground.

Meanwhile Ahven's blade spins out decapitating another hobgoblin, and the frustrated Leopard, losing another victim, savages his corpse.

The last goblin falls to a combination of Erin's frost sphere and Quills spear.

All that remains is a single braying hellhound trapped in the entangle webs struggling fruitlessly.

[OOC Pretty simple, Shocking Grasp + attack kills main hob.

The other ones are also killed off from respective attacks.]


2013-06-16, 10:22 PM
[roll0] Check to get out of entangle

Quill pulls his spear out of the goblin. Unable to move from his own entangle, he prepares himself defensively in case the beast works its way free.

Quill directs his leopard to the edge of his spell and has him wait.

2013-06-17, 06:06 PM
Erin directs the Numbing Sphere towards the Hellhound (Round 3 of 5 for the spell if I'm keeping count correctly?)

2013-06-17, 07:37 PM
Taking a quick instinctive stock of the situation Steppenwolf turns and as his retinas shortly and almost imperceptibly turn cloudy and ethereal he lets loose a rapid volley of arrows on the remaining hound.

swift action maneuver: phantom arrow,
Point blank Rapid shot while entangled full attack action.

first attack: [roll0]
first dmg: [roll1]+[roll2]
if crit(20): [roll3]

second attack: [roll4]
second dmg: [roll5]+[roll6]
if crit(20): [roll7]

first arrow miss destruction(<50 is destroyed):
second arrow miss destruction(<50 is destroyed):

2013-06-19, 04:37 PM
[Resolving now, other party members can include an action after the fact if they want.]

The last hellhound is frozen and riddled with arrows. It slumps to the ground engulfed by the grasping plants. You stand over a pile of corpses and unconscious enemies.

[What do you want to do. Keeping in mind that many of you are currently entangled.]

2013-06-23, 11:18 AM
Quill is satisfied. He dismisses the plants and thanks nature for its help. He begins to loot the bodies, starting with the leader.

2013-06-23, 06:43 PM
With the immediate threat eliminated Steppenwolf rushes off towards where the second clarion call came from.

Runs or double moves towards the sounds of the other horn, stopping when he spots something at firing range(260ft): Spot[roll0]

Vixsor Lumin
2013-06-24, 11:50 PM
Ahven finishes his song and looks around. With his sword in his hand, he chases after Steppenwolf

2013-06-25, 01:13 AM
Quill lets out a particularly nasty stream of orcish cusses. He looks at the leopard. He points at the bard. "Protect". The beast runs after Ahven, catches up to him and then keeps pace.

2013-06-25, 07:57 AM
The party splits up, and goes about their actions. Very shortly two different things happen:

Group 1: Steppenwolf, Ahven, Leopard
As you are running down the road back the way you came you fail to spot anything at all. Right up until you hear a hobgoblin duck out of his hidey hole and wave... until he spots you, when a look of shock comes across his face, and he ducks back inside.

Group A: Quill, Ander, Erin
You search the corpses quickly. You find a set of leather armor, a masterwork longsword, a plain looking horn, and a composite longbow (+1 Str) for each of the standard gobs. Across the lot you also find 23 arrows. On the leader you find a very nice looking pair of boots (DC 30 Arcana check), masterwork studded leather armor with armor spikes, and a rune etched double bladed sword.

However, your looting is interrupted when 5 goblins come running around the bend to find you picking through the corpses. Four initially charge at you, the other looks different, wearing metal armor and holding a shield but no weapon. He stands back while the others rush at you. They are currently all about 50ft away. Go.

2013-06-25, 11:50 AM
Bow in hand, Steppenwolf charges after the hobgoblin.

2013-06-25, 12:28 PM
Quill looks at his remaining allies. He begins to regret sending his friend to keep those fools safe.
Quill whispers to his party, trying to make sure the newcomers can't hear him,"If you need a weapon grab it from the pile. I have no more control spells for the day, but this doesn't mean we can't have us a little fun. Would either of you like to try some diplomacy before I heat things up?"

If neither does:

Quill casts produce flames. His eyes smolder. Fire erupts from below his ears, travels down his neck, along his arms and gather in his hands. Quill bears his teeth as he postures himself against the attacks likely to come.

Vixsor Lumin
2013-06-25, 04:02 PM
"Hey Hobbo! You were waving a second ago, whyd you run off?" Ahven taunts.

2013-06-25, 04:27 PM
Group 1:
You run up and look in the hole in the ground, a cleverly disguised hiding place ruined by the hobgoblins mistake. He cowers in the back of the small 2 meter divot. "Surrender! Surrender! No Hurt! Surrender!"

2013-06-25, 05:31 PM
Knowledge Arcana [roll]1d20+10[roll] I have next to no chance to get this unless there are additional bonuses I've missed -.-;

Matching Quill's hushed tones "Most of my spells are geared towards individual buffs or single target elimination, sorry." She clears her throat and casts a spell, Light of Mercuria, "Let's make this a proper Koboldian stand-off then, Who want's to stand down, the correct answer should be all of you if you value your lives!"

Intimidate attempt [roll0]

Vixsor Lumin
2013-06-25, 10:59 PM
"Good choice. Now how about you drop your weapons and come out here with your hands up. I promise not to hurt you." Ahven says.

2013-06-26, 07:39 AM
"I will hurt you! Show me your allies or die!", Steppenwolf responds, nocking an arrow.

Intimidate(if needed): [roll0]

Vixsor Lumin
2013-06-26, 10:09 AM
"Yeah, he might hurt you. My friend isn't quite as patient as me so recommend hurrying." Ahven says with a sigh.

2013-06-26, 11:39 AM
Group 1:
"Surrender! No Hurt!" and then in goblin. "Please, do you speak goblin. I surrender."

Group 2:
Both of you prepare for combat. The Hobgoblins charge at you screaming, swords and shields raised high. The one in metal armor in the back disappears after casting a spell.

Spell: DC 17 to identify

2013-06-26, 12:29 PM
Quill sees the goblins charging. He sees the one cast a spell. He attempts to identify it. As the goblins get closer Quill unleashes the flame. Quill targets the first goblin.

[roll0] Spellcraft Check
[roll1] Ranged Touch Attack
[roll2] Damage

Vixsor Lumin
2013-06-26, 12:56 PM
"Leave him alone for now, but watch my back." Ahven says quietly to Steppenwolf. "I speak goblin." He calls out in goblin.

2013-06-26, 12:58 PM
As the goblin comes out of his hiding spot the leopard growls and bears its fangs. Its claws come out as its sinks down lower, preparing to pounce.

Vixsor Lumin
2013-06-26, 02:10 PM
Ahven carefully puts a hand on the leopards shoulder, trying to get it to relax.

2013-06-26, 11:49 PM
Erin tries to pinpoint the invisible opponent

Spellcraft [roll0]
Listen Check [roll1]

If the Listen fails- which prolly will the way I've been rolling- I still haven't taken any non-free actions...

2013-06-27, 03:52 PM
"I Surrender, just please don't hurt me. You abide by the laws of War?"

2013-06-27, 06:30 PM
Erin scowls, then casts Detect Magic, specifically looking for active spells.

I know, round 1 I just get to know if there is magic- which I already do xD, but plus side when I get to round two it should also tell me if any of the gear we just looted is magical?

2013-07-01, 04:13 PM
Group 2:

The goblins charge you in an unorganized mass. One is struck down immediately by a flame ball, another dies to the spiked chain before he reaches either of you. The remaining few swing their swords, delivering at most glancing blows. These hobgoblins clearly don't live up to their predecessors in power.

[One goblin is taken out by a AoO chain. The other by Produced Flame. Quill takes 4 damage and Erin takes 3.]

2013-07-01, 04:20 PM
The swords strike Quill. He bears his teeth and responds to the aggression, reaching out and touching his hands on the nearest goblin.

"They don't appear to want to talk. That one that disappeared is invisible, I watched him cast the spell." He jokes to his companion. He found it odd, he swore they had a 3rd, but he was no where to be found. It was a shame, his magics might have been useful for the invisible one.

[roll0]Melee Touch Attack (unless I can still use a ranged one sans penalty)

2013-07-01, 06:31 PM
Erin continues to focus on the spell, "I know, that's why I'm trying to find him by his spell energy."

2nd round of Detect Magic: "Number of different magical auras and the power of the most potent aura." Which is sadly probably us -.-;

2013-07-04, 02:58 AM
"This is taking too long. No allies here? I'm taking you with then. Make a move and I crush you. ", Steppenwolf scowles with annoyance. Picking up the small creature after stowing his bow and jogging back to the main group.

2013-07-06, 12:46 AM
Group 2:
Presuming for a moment that your 60ft cone is directed towards the hobs arrival and does not include any of the corpses or yourselves you detect 6 auras, the strongest of which is faint.

Meanwhile Quill fires a flaming ball into another hobs face, killing it.

The remaining three proceed to wail on you guys mostly ineffectually, but Erin, you take 3 damage, so before the third round you need to make a DC 13 concentration check or fail to continue concentrating.

Group 1:
You arrive to find three hobgoblins engage in combat with Erin and Quill. You are about 60ft away.

2013-07-06, 01:10 AM
Quill targets the creature attacking his companion (ooc: assuming I see it). He hurls a fireball at its face as well. "Take care my friend. It seems the others are back. Advise them of the situation if you can, while I try and deal with the rest of this lot."

[roll0] Ranged touch attack baby!
[roll1] Damage (I really hope my luck stays...)

2013-07-10, 11:34 AM
Holding the little goblin as a goatball Steppenwolf charges into one of the hobgoblins fighting his allies.

Bull rush (+2, I forgot to add the charge bonus)
dmg if successful 2d6+5 (rolled it a 9 in OOC)

Vixsor Lumin
2013-07-12, 10:21 PM
Ahven throws his sword at the closest goblin he can see.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2013-07-16, 09:43 PM
Two hobgoblins are killed in a bullrush, another goes down to produce flame. Finally, Erin locates a bunch of faint auras located on an otherwise empty plot of land, and I'm just going to roll for them:

3 Conjuration, 1 Evocation, 1 Illusion, one you didn't identify.

Suddenly, one of the auras changes, as it moves from the invisible square to a suddenly appearing visible hell hound that breathes fire on Steppenwolf and Erin, for 4 fire damage, ref DC 13 for half.

2013-07-17, 11:53 PM
Reflex save [roll0]
if I take damage... blah- I got what I needed out of the spell... But- here's a concentration check to maintain it if needed [roll1] if I even can while casting something else like I'm about to anyway >.>;

Erin Tenses up and casts Dispel Magic Targeted at the Illusion Spell she detected with Detect Magic.

[roll]1d20+5[roll] vs DC 11+Opposing Caster Level

Still have Movement Action depending on results...

2013-07-18, 01:38 AM
Quill continues to launch fire at the new enemy. He hoped there weren't many more, his spell wouldn't last forever.

Aiming for the now visible goblin thing if I can.

2013-07-18, 11:00 AM
[I rolled for you, invisibility was dispelled.]

2013-07-18, 04:10 PM
"What are these things?, Steppenwolf thought to himself as he expertly dodge an incoming blast of flame.
Whatever it is, it dies now."
Grufly dropping the goblin on the floor he barks: "Take action and die!"
Drawing forth his bow from his quiver as he moves with determination towards the Hound he speaks under his breath "I am in no mood for this."and strikes the beast with the might of a mountain.

Free action drop something(goblin), move action draw bow and move towards the Hellhound(if moving is needed). Standard action Stone Hammer
Dmg: [roll]1d8+7[roll]+[roll1](rolls not counting possible morale bonus from songs)

2013-07-18, 06:48 PM
Erin moves towards the formerly invisible goblin, stopping just out of the goblin's reach but within hers she simple smirks at the goblin as if in challenge.

Vixsor Lumin
2013-07-25, 02:50 PM
Ahven begins singing an ancient song in draconic, and everyone's weapons burst into white hot flame. Catching his sword out of the air, he spins almost as if he were dancing and sends it back out again. dragonfire inspiration
Damage [roll]1d6+1d8+4

Targeting the newly visible enemy.