View Full Version : PRC's that are druid animal companion friendly?

2013-06-08, 10:41 AM
what small list of PRC's are friendly towards a druids animal companion.

2013-06-08, 10:56 AM
The list of stuff (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19871954/Lists_of_Stuff) has this:
Animal Companion
Druid 1
Ranger 4
Ranger 4 (elf racial substitution level), Races of the Wild, Elven Hound, advances as animal companion, see text
Peregrine Runner 1, ecl 8, Races of Stone, peregrine falcon only
Beastmaster 1, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, also gains extra companions, see text
Gatekeeper Mystagogue 1, ecl 6, Player's Guide to Eberron, gains additional bonuses, see text

stacks for animal companion
Arcane Heirophant, ecl 8, Races of the Wild - combines with familiar
Lion of Talisad, ecl 6, Book of Exalted Deeds
Wild Plains Outrider, ecl 7, Complete Adventurer
Peregrine Runner 1, ecl 8, Races of Stone, peregrine falcon only, otherwise gain extra companion
Beastmaster, ecl 6, Complete Adventurer, only stacks for the first one, but at +3
Wavekeeper 2, ecl 7, Stormwrack, stacks at -1, arguably gives one if you don't already have it
Abolisher, ecl 7, Lords of Madness
Vandalis Beastkeeper, ecl 5, Eberron: Dragonmarked
Revenant Blade, ecl 6, Player's Guide to Eberron, stacks with ranger only
Planar Shepherd, ecl 6, Faiths of Eberron

Special Mention
Elemental Companion, druid class variant, Complete Mage, replace animal companion with an elemental (separate advancement table)
Natural Bond, feat, Complete Adventurer, add +3 to effective druid level, see text
Devoted Tracker, feat, Complete Adventurer, stack benefits of animal companion and mount
Beast Heart Adept, ecl 6, Dungeonscape, gain Monstrous Companions, see text
Vermin Keeper 3, ecl 8, FR: Underdark, vermin companion, see text
Exalted Companion, feat, Book of Exalted Deeds, choose a new companion from list
Spider Companion, feat, Drow of the Underdark, choose monstrous spider
Although I believe it's missing a few such as Animal Lord (Complete Adventurer) and Halfling Outrider (Complete Warrior).

Levels in most of those prcs are worse than more druid levels however, mostly because the druid combination of full casting + wild shape + animal companion is very strong and thus very rare. Arcane Hierophant, Lion of Talisid and Abolisher are the only three which have that combination I think.