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2013-06-08, 10:25 PM
It was an unseasonably warm late autumn day in the bustling city of Bıv. Despite the thick summer-like heat, its cobbled streets were more crowded than they typically already were. Bright orange and yellow banners hung from the windows, while similarly-colored ribbons lined the roads. Citizens wore rosettes on their festive clothes as they wandered between shops, and performers sang and played lively traditional tunes.
Even to a complete outsider, it was obvious to anyone who didn't live under a rock that Bıv was in the throes of a massive festival. And even if the person didn't pick up on the hints initially, he or she would eventually wander into a tavern, shop, or inn and see the advertised "low festival prices!"
Asking around, one would discover this week, and more importantly, this particular day, marked the fiftieth birthday of a prominent nobleman: Andreas Bórgova.
Though many activities were held in parallel, the excitement seemed to draw everyone in one particular direction: toward the center of town, where an impressive event was taking place. Shop tents and sideshow attractions, including a muzzled chimera, lined the square, where a massive stage dominated nearly half of the courtyard.
Jugglers, magicians, and other performers took turns on this stage, juggling impressive numbers (and varieties!) of objects, conjuring requests from the audience, and otherwise entertaining the crowd in the packed city square. Every hour or so, a minstrel would take the stage and announce to everyone just how splendid Andreas Bórgova was.
On an elevated platform at the back of the stage, in front of the burgundy curtains, was a throne, and upon this throne sat the big man himself.
He was a rather portly fellow, clad in the orange and yellow of the Bórgova crest. The flowing robes did a rather good job of hiding his plumpness, though his round, soft face betrayed the fact. His wavy greying hair still retained signs of its auburn origins. His unusually sharp nose was flanked by two small, dark eyes. It was impossible to tell what his original complexion was, as white makeup had been applied to his entire face, as well as outlandish highlights on his eyelids and cheeks.
A pair of guards flanked Bórgova's throne, blending into the shadows.
As a magic act finished, two men and a woman, clearly half-elvish siblings given their pointy ears, similar coloration, and bangs, which would never be allowed in elven society, took the stage. One of the men was taller than the woman, and the other was shorter than his sister. They all had the same shaggy dark brown hair. One of the men and the woman were pushing a covered cage onstage, and all three carried whips.
The woman pulled the cover from the cage to reveal a gryphon inside, and the crowd gasped as the tallest of the three unlocked the door.
Yup, we're starting from this point. I'll let you decide where your characters go and why, but please have them wind up in view of the stage by this time.

2013-06-09, 03:16 AM
Ara was wandering around, drinking in the festival sights, sounds and smells and just as quickly spitting them out. Their unsavoury taste fouled his mouth. I would rather see the money where it is needed. He shuffled from place to place about the city, trying to find something that he could enjoy, but he just wasn't in the mood. Perhaps if the celebration has more meaning, or there is more than just cheap tricks on street corners.
When he heard of the main event in a bar - he had drunk, but was not intoxicated - he decided to give it a look. In truth, he quite enjoyed celebrations, but right now he had other things on his mind. He had not found a use for his chain in a year, and he was growing restless. I need something to take this from my mind right now. Dwelling on it isn't making me any happier.
Wandering over, he found an empty cart near the back and clambered atop it, to make up for his short stature. He was unimpressed by the acts that he saw, and was about to leave when he saw the griffon.
This could be interesting.

2013-06-09, 04:43 AM
"I love festivals!" exclaimed Marcellus, his face openly displaying his glee at the celebrations to the two giggling young women flanking his either side. He raised his flagon of ale to toast the festivities "To... whatever his name is, to him! I must congratulate the man on such wonderful shows! Excuse me ladies, I will return!" He shook himself upright, swaying slightly under the effects of the ale he had been enjoying since the festivities began. Hearing thunderous cheers, he began to move towards their direction; "The man himself must have made an appearance- fantastic!" He continued to brush his was through the crowds, his drunkenness not betraying his obvious skill, though hampering it somewhat. Eventually, when he was satisfied at the distance he had closed, he deftly mounted one of the stalls scattered about the main square selling goods and trinkets to the festivalgoers, and righted himself. Coming at last to full height he bellowed in the direction of the stage "What a show, my good man! I must congratulate you on your.... oh". He trailed off as he saw the caged griffin being brought out, and noticed the whips in the hands of its captors. Finally, quietly, he spat out under his breath "Nobles. Always the cursed same."

2013-06-09, 04:39 PM
Synnöve, never being one for a festival's usual festivities, was fancying herself to the merchant stalls who took advantage of this festival to sell their wares where the grand mass of people were. The selection ranged from the simplest fabrics and spices all the way to fine ones like saffron and silk lingerie in the stalls. This was more window shopping than anything, and she was not looking for anything in particular.
The thought of the aforementioned phrase "window shopping" reminded her of her father. This would be heaven for him, she thought with a smirk.
With that little ditty, she was also reminded about how he never let her taste ale because it's "dangerous."
Synnöve stood on her toes to see over the crowd, but due to the numerous banners that were strung every which way with a name, "Andreas Bórgova", embroidered on them she couldn't see the signs. I've heard that name before.... Wasn't there a scandal or something he was involved in? All noblemen have scandals eventually. This thought was more to amuse herself than anything. Oh, and the ale thing: There's a tavern on each corner of the square, and it's a short distance away. Onward~ So then her path changed directions towards the center of the city.
It took only about a minute before she saw a large crowd gathered around the center of the center of the town.
Synnöve, being the curious lass she was, decided to join them quickly. After hearing an applause, she rushed up as to not miss the next act. Slithering between patrons, occasionally bumping one or two, she made her way to the edge of the mass. She could barely see the cage, twins, and a weird feathery thing being brought out. Or is that fur? It looks like... It has wings? Ooh! It's a griffon! She ain't nevah seen no griffon before 'cept in dem books.

2013-06-09, 11:38 PM
The tall animal trainer gave an oily smirk as he cracked his whip in the air. The gryphon leapt out of the cage, spreading its wings and giving a lion's roar. It took to the air, flying in a dangerously low circle just above the crowd's heads. It landed on the stage again, where the shorter man stroked its head and the woman pulled a smelly hunk of meat from a sack. The raw flesh disappeared quickly into the gryphon's hungry beak.
"Ladies and gentlemen," called the tall trainer. "My name is Émille, and we are the Family Patekka. The mighty beast you see before you was once a ferocious creature of the wild, but thanks to the hard work of my brother and sister, Featherburn is now as tame as any family's beloved dog."
The woman pushed up some of Featherburn's neck feathers to reveal a bright red collar.
The shorter brother spoke up. "At the end of today, we are presenting Featherburn here as a gift to Lord Bórgova, in commemoration of his house's… service to the community of Bıv." It was clear from his tone that he disagreed with Bórgova's idea of "service."
"But until then, Featherburn — and our family — is at the service of the people. He'll give rides — only 20 gold!— and perform tricks, all based on your requests!" She pointed into the crowd.

2013-06-10, 12:26 AM
Riding had never been Ara's forte, and he did not want to embarrass himself in front of the masses. I will look childish and clumsy, and a prospective patron will not want that. Instead, he hung around, watching to see what the other folk did. He clambered up to the very tip of the wagon and, reaching up, pulled himself onto a window ledge. For there his view was excellent. As he watched, he thought, I just might. I could, you know. It would be fun. And Don't I need to Loosen up? However, he remained at the edge, his dignity holding him back.

2013-06-10, 09:17 AM
'Rides they said...?' A slow thought curled itself around the back of Marcellus' still slightly drunken mind. 'Hmm... rides.' Rising to his full height upon the stall on which he was perched, he raised his head and declared in his loudest and clearest voice, honed in the noisy taverns of his childhood, "Sirs! 20 gold you say? I will fly this griffon! May my masterful displays of aeronautical acrobatics both amaze and perplex my lord. Flying freely through the air, what a beautiful sight it will be! Please, let me show my lord my appreciation! I will cry his praises from aloft! What say you, sirs?" He caught the gaze of the brother, placing upon his utterance of 'lord' only the slightest inflection of the same sentiment carried by his own use of the word 'service'.

They're offering the rides, so this probably isn't necessary, but just in case:
Diplomacy: [roll0]
Bluff: [roll1]
Edit: Thanks for catching that, Rolep, I forgot to check the 'delete' box when I clicked it.

2013-06-10, 10:27 AM
Ara looked at this drunken, glory-filled youth with a stupifying mixture of superiority, irritance and longing. Oh, look. Another drunken fool with grand sound and fury spilling from his mouth. And sickles, too. If he has as much swing as sword, he would be a warlord. Or perhaps he is a farmer...perhaps...I was like him once, drunk on adoration and duty. But it was adoration and duty that I earned. I reckon this barking puppy has never seen bare steel at his throat. He needs a lesson. I wish that that great, lumbering beast throws him to the ground, just for his comuppance. And yet I wish I could be more like him, young and free of worry. I have seen to much, yet it is what I must yet see that scares me. He thought about jumping down for a drink, but he was genuinely interested in the character that hollered at the stage. He wanted to see what the griffon made of him.

Waitingnomad, you appear to have double-posted.

2013-06-10, 02:44 PM
At the offer of rides on the beast, Synnöve was tempted to have at it. However, the patron who seemed to have had a few kegs lately beat her to going up. She didn't like not being in control of her movement anyway, so this wasn't too big a loss. Even though she was as far away as she was from this man, she heard his bellowing voice as clearly as if he were right beside her.
Someone enjoys attention, she thought. The way he said it makes me wonder if he's a plant or just that drunk. This sight kept her attention, and the earlier notion of grabbing an ale was forgotten. Her eyes were locked on the stage just like the rest of the crowd's. Even if this ends tragically, it's still better entertainment than the usual public hanging or beheading.

2013-06-11, 12:30 AM
There was much tittering in the crowd when Marcellus spoke up, and even the Patekka siblings looked amused and surprised that one had volunteered so soon. Mutterings ran through the square about ale, but nobody spoke loudly enough for individual voices to be distinctly heard.
"Very well," announced the sister, who took the reins to the front of the stage. "May our family have the… privilege of knowing such a masterful rider?"
She held out her palm, and once paid, she handed the reins to Marcellus without complaint. Her brothers stood back, chuckling to themselves and making various unheard comments.

2013-06-11, 07:01 AM
"You may know me as master Lockwood, my charming lady. And may I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" remarked Marcellus, bowing low in a sweeping motion. He rose and took the reins, keeping his hold on her hand for a few short seconds and looking into her eye as he did so. "Then for you, my lady, and for our good lord Bórgova". He moved, and mounted the griffon, letting its reins hang for a moment and stroking its feathered neck, speaking softly to it in almost inaudible tones to all but the sister standing nearby "What a beautiful beast you are... I am so sorry." Straighting again he reaffirmed his tone. "Well then, hyah!" He shook the reins grinned as the beast unfurled its wings. "I am sure the lord won't be disappointed!".

If the sister gives her name or any further comment, Marcellus will wait for her response before continuing with his actions. If not, Marcellus will sigh and say "As you please, my lady. It is only my hope that you will elect to bless me with your name next time we meet."
Also, if needed:
Ride: [roll0]
And if balance comes into it: [roll2]
Not really sure if you want me to take control of describing the griffon as I ride it but if I can (and if my ride check doesn't fail miserably), I proceed to sweep around and do a few cartwheels on the griffon before landing it again.

2013-06-12, 01:01 AM
The woman eyed Marcellus for several moments before bursting into a grin. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, master Lockwood. If 'Patekka' isn't enough for you, you may know me as Renina." She turned her head briefly to look at her brothers, who proceeded to whistle innocently.
As she pocketed her gold and gave Marcellus the reins, she said in a tone audible to him, but not the audience at large, "I'm not sure how he is with strangers, but keep in mind that a gryphon is not a horse. The technique is the same, but gryphons are more intelligent and spirited. Don't expect Featherburn to simply comply with whatever you ask of him, even if he likes you."
Marcellus found Featherburn surprisingly compliant when he mounted the gryphon. If he placed his hands on the golden fur, he would feel how sleek it was, and how well-groomed the Patekkas kept him. Once Marcellus was ready, Featherburn took to the air.
Though what Renina had said about the gryphon being strong-willed was true, Featherburn seemed to like Marcellus enough that he never felt in any real danger of falling off. At one moment, the gryphon even let out another roar.

2013-06-12, 12:16 PM
Ara watched the drunken flirt soar above the crowd, impressed. So there is more to this man than the courage of the bottle and a flattering cascade. His face hides his true skills. A clever facade. One could certainly win a crowd with a show like that. On the other hand, such acts of not my style, and should I not live up to their high expectations I will be met with ridicule. No, let this man have his fun; I have my own ways to win a crowd. He gave out a cheer at the impressiveness of the display, and let himself be content with enjoying what was a much more spectacular spectacle than the other festivities.

2013-06-12, 03:13 PM
Not unlike a certain elf that she doesn't know, Synnöve was impressed. This was the first time she has seen anything with wings take flight. Well, one that isn't a bird, at least. The gryphon is... quite majestic. More so in person than just in a dusty bunch of leather and parchment. Her attention shifted to the rider, who seemed to be a touch less uncouth than before. He wasn't too bad a looker either, even from her distance. Or, the distance was exactly what was distorting her vision of him. First this "Master Lockwood" looked like a total opposite to the beast. Now, it looks like they fit well. No crashing yet either. The no crashing part is good, because it would usually mean death. Since there hasn't been any, the young wizard's enjoyment of this event is much greater.

2013-06-12, 03:35 PM
Marcellus waved to the crowd, a huge grin splitting his face, before coming down to land softly again. Running a caring hand through the griffon's soft neck feathers he dismounted gracefully, and took a deep bow. Turning to face Renina once more, he offered here the reins with another exaggerated bow, before raising his head once more. "I hope my lady, and his lordship, enjoyed my display. I must say it has been a pleasure to have offered my own meagre efforts to boost the festivities, and if I may make your acquaintance once more it would not be too soon. May you both enjoy the rest of this wondrous day to its absolute fullest!"

If any of them have something further to say to Marcellus, he will wait and I will respond appropriately. If not, or if they offer simple words of thanks or encouragement that do not require a reply, he will bow his head once more and say "I thank you for your kind patronage, but now I feel that I too should make the most of all the fantastic opportunities for merrymaking that the people have been so kind to arrange for his lordships pleasure. Adeiu!" Before departing gracefully from the stage and engaging with the crowd.

2013-06-12, 06:40 PM
The crowd reacted well to Marcellus' showmanship, and they cheered louder and louder at each gesture. When he landed, many people threw fistfuls of whatever they had in their hands: rosettes, silver pieces, even a gold piece. Chuckling, Émille bent over and scooped up most of the bounty, and the crowd groaned. The tallest half-elf turned and pinned one of the gathered rosettes to "master Lockwood's" breast. Shaking his hand, he muttered, "Good show, man! I was worried we'd have to get one of our plants to 'volunteer!'" When Émille pulled away, Marcellus had five silver pieces in his hand.
Crowd members waved enthusiastically as the rogue passed by them, and Émille began to speak up again.
"Well, well, it appears this gentleman's daring paid off! Anyone else willing to give it a —"
The tallest Patekka was cut off by an arrow whistling past his head. He turned, and the crowd let out a collective gasp when they saw the arrow strike Bórgova's sleeve. The nobleman leapt to his feet, toppling into the arms of both his guards as another arrow struck his throne. Bórgova was escorted into a carriage, which drove away at top speed. Chaos struck, and soon the stage was empty, the orange piece of cloth still pinned to the throne.

2013-06-12, 07:07 PM
*hem* "What devilry is this?" bellowed Marcellus noting the direction from which the arrow came and scanning the rooftops and areas in that direction to discern the location of the sniper. He crouched low, ready to react to any further arrows that may come his way. "Is my lady and his lordship safe?" Marcellus cried back towards the guards, but the carriage was already trundling away from him. "My lady Renina?"

I scan the rooftops and area in the direction the arrow came for the sniper.
Spot: [roll0]
Dunno if I get a modifier for noting where the arrow came from.

2013-06-13, 11:25 PM
Synnöve ducked instinctively in the case that another one would go into the scattering crowd. However, instead of running with them she chooses to look above her to find where the shooter may have been. She's no vigilante ready to take flight and save the day in a fashion that includes crashing through a ceiling window with a black-winged cape draped over her person, shrouded by a mask and having a certain flying mammal being your persona's namesake, but she has a suspicion others are doing the same at this moment. There is strength in numbers.
The fletches came from….

I scan the the rooftops as well.
Spot: [roll0] +1 = 17

2013-06-14, 04:37 AM
Both Synnöve and Marcellus were able to get a pretty good idea of the general area, though Synnöve spotted an open second-story window that looked like the most likely place for the sniper to strike from.

2013-06-14, 04:45 PM
Marcellus looks around for any guards that may be in earshot, and signals them in the direction the arrow came from, before himself moving off quickly through the dispersing crowd, keeping an eye out for anyone else that may be able to assist him in locating the criminal and for any suspicious activity that may help him further narrow his hunt down.


Spot on anyone that looks like they could help, such as miss Synnöve: [roll0]
Spot for any further suspicious activity/anything that looks like it can lead me towards ol' snipey: [roll1]

2013-06-15, 02:25 AM
Ara wasas stunned as everyone else at the shooting, but quickly regained yhis composure. I wonder what cause snyone would have to should the lord. Whatever it was, it was a stupid move, since he now has the entire city on his tale. However, anyone smart enough to pull of an assassination will realise this. They must have a plan, and so I must be careful.He watched the guards, waiting to see in which direction they ran, so that he could assist them in their chase. Perhaps this may win me some favour. If all goes well, who could turn me down?

Spot Check to notice Guards & other helpers (e.g. Marc & Syn): [roll0]
If he spots the guards from his elevated postion, he will attempt to push through the crowd to join them.
Bull Rush to Push through crowd (if necessary): [roll1]
Apologies for not posting for a while: the end of the academic year has been unusually hectic this turn.

2013-06-16, 01:34 AM
There was a guard who spotted the most probable location at about the same time as Marcellus, and he was leading the rest of the guards. When Marcellus joined the small group that was heading in the sniper's direction, a dark-haired female guard noticed him.
"Hey, aren't you that drunk? Lockknock or something? Are you sure you can help?"
Ara looked around, but even though he had a height advantage from atop his cart, there were too many people rushing too many ways for him to tell what was going on.
Synnöve, after taking a deep breath and steeling herself, dashed forward to meet up with the guards. Since Marcellus stood out from them (on account of him not wearing a uniform), she was drawn to him. The guard he was chatting with turned to her.
"Another one? Looks like the town's crawling with vigilantes."

2013-06-16, 04:51 AM
"Marcellus Lockwood, at your service", bowed Marcellus. "I assure you, my dear lady, my level of inebriation has done nothing to dampen my wish to see this dastardly traitor come to justice. From what I could deduce, the arrow came from over there, though perhaps our new friend can elucidate further." He gestured in the direction he ascertained the arrow came from and then turns to face Synnöve with a smile. "And may I have the pleasure of your name, my lady? It gladdens me that such a beautiful woman is joining the fight against wrongdoing in this wonderful city- any light you can shine on this predicament would be most helpful."

2013-06-16, 12:34 PM
Hwyisth! Ara swore as he tried to grasp what he was seeing. Taking a deep breath, he tried to focus his mind and turn all of his attention to finding out where he needed to go.

Takes 10 on spot check.

2013-06-16, 01:23 PM
With a quick sigh beforehand and a roll of the eyes, Synnöve replied. "My name's Synnöve," answered she. The string of compliments was more annoying than anything positive to her, and so to show it she attempted to mimic his tone and pitch of voice, exaggerating certain words and syllables, as she added: "I'd be even gladder if such a handsome and well-kempt man of flattery as you would please refrain from resuming your flattering."
And then she transformed back to Serious Synnöve mode. "But, yes. There's a window up yonder that seems particularly preferable for performing an assassination. Specifically, that one on the second story." Her hand raised to point to the building in question's window which she spotted.

2013-06-16, 01:40 PM
Bowing his head in acknowledgement, Marcellus replied "My apologies, lady Synnöve, it was wrong of me to have been so presumptuous. I would implore that you do not look upon me poorly for my trespasses." Raising, he returned his steady gaze to the window indicated by Synnöve, and directed his new stream of conversation to the female guard who first spoke to him. "My dear lady, do you know of any way one may go about gaining entry to such a room? Perhaps our would-be assassin has not yet vacated the premises."

2013-06-16, 02:02 PM
After taking a moment to calm himself, Ara was able to discern both the direction from which the arrow came and the group of guards (and a pair of civilians) that was on its way to apprehend the assassin. In the confusion, it was somewhat tricky, but he managed to push his way through the crowd to the small squad. He found himself near Synnöve and Marcellus as the guard they were with was addressing them.
"I doubt it," she was saying. "We can certainly hope he — or she — is still there, but the most realistic possibility is that we'll be able to find clues, at the most. The faster they are, the sloppier."

2013-06-16, 06:43 PM
Jailyn Wavemaker had been at the festival performing, and thought he'd done a decent job, although there was rather a lot of entertainment. When they'd brought out the griffon, he'd been awestruck; there was nothing like that back home. For a moment, he'd laughed to himself at the thought of a griffin with fins and scales flopping about beneath the waves. He had been about to shout out that he wanted a ride, but he'd had to pause to find the right words in the common tongue, and in that pause he'd lost his chance. Still, seeing the big man swoop about had been inspiring, and for a moment he'd been lost in reverie, mentally composing a tale about knights fighting battles in the sky, atop glorious griffons. I'll have to meet this man, he thought.

He'd been jerked back to reality by the arrows. As the crowd panicked, he'd look around for anyone who seemed to be trying to help. This is definitely something I'll need to know about while I'm here. As he scanned the crowd, he started mentally compiling a list of people he could ask about this.


Spot Check: [roll0], no modifiers from my side
If I see the guards I'll try to get close to them, but hang back a little bit (but within earshot). If I see anyone who looks like they're badly hurt, I'll go to them (preference given to this, if I see both). If I see anyone else who looks like they're trying to help, I'll go to them only if I don't see either of the first two groups.

2013-06-17, 12:02 AM
Ara fell in alongside the guards, removing his spiked chain from its place by his belt. He debated introducing himself, but decided that it would save time if he just focused on the task. Also, it would be more interesting, and he would learn about the people that he was with by letting them ask questions.

Does he recognize Marc? If so add this to my post:
Ara noticed that one of the non-gaurds nearby was the drunken rider from the show. It will be interesting to see how he copes in real life. Nevertheless, there are more important things to be focusing on.

2013-06-17, 03:00 PM
"Aha!" Exclaimed Marcellus, turning to face Ara, "A new arrival, come too to combat the fiend behind this dastardly assault? Would you give us your name, good sir?" And then to the female guard, "Well then my lady, I shall bow to your expertise in the matter. While I may bring a steady hand and a keen eye to any confrontation, your experience and practised mind shall surely win us the day! Shall we haste to examine the scene of the crime?"

2013-06-17, 03:01 PM
Sorry, forgot to roll in the last post. Do I need to make a spot check to determine her rank (if its marked on her armour or something?) If so:
Spot: [roll0]
*Edit: The rank of the female guard I am conversing with, that is

2013-06-17, 05:35 PM
To each of the newcomers, she nodded to them and said "I'm Synnöve. You are?" Except to the second one she used "Who might you be?"
When introductions were done, Synnöve nodded in agreement with Marcellus. She was having a frequent nodding phase. "Yes, shall we? The front door is a great way to start too," she said.

smoke prism
2013-06-17, 07:42 PM
Sinvel didn't like festivals, never had really. "It's how it lowers peoples dignity Sinvel mutters under his breath morosely. Take this fool for example swaggering up to this griffon with nothing but the bottle to give him courage. Admitted he flys well, but it's not true discipline like Sinvel.

Sinvel is torn from his thoughts by the sound of arrows smacking into Andreas Bórgova throne. The crowds around Sinvel dissolve into chaos as people clamour for shelter. Keeping his head Sinvel try's to see were the arrows came from and if guards have created a cohesive force to locate this felon.


Spot: to locate were the arrow came from.

Spot: [roll]1d20+3* to locate the guards and other players (mabey I recognise Ara?) (See below post for this one )

smoke prism
2013-06-17, 07:48 PM

Spot: [roll0] to locate the guards and other players (mabey I recognise Ara?)..

2013-06-17, 10:29 PM
Jailyn spotted the guards (and others) and made his way through the crowd, arriving at about the same time as Sinvel. The guard, who looked to Marcellus to be an ordinary guard, was just about to head toward the front door.
"Yeah, Red, that sounds like a good id— oh, joy, did you hear that? Sounds like armor."
She turned on her heels, taking in the bard and the paladin. She instantly recognised the crest of the well-known Liege of Vénnlig and smiled.
"Oh, a paladin! Come quick! Oh, and you too, I guess," she added, waving noncommittally at the unassuming bard.
Just a heads-up: I'm going on a pioneer trek from Wednesday to Saturday. I'll have no Internet connection on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, but will probably log on Saturday afternoon if I'm not too tired. Feel free to chat in-character and take your time. Things will be back to normal on Saturday.

2013-06-17, 11:22 PM
Ara groaned. Already, the griffon-man's constant flattery and annoying tone were erring his concentration. He tried to block them from his head as he simultaneously walked, kept an eye out & answered the question.
"I am Fiachra Laughlin, a ground elf of the Durkadurkastan mountains, known there as 'the Liberator's Tears'. I offer my chain to aid the capture of this vile sniper.

smoke prism
2013-06-18, 05:20 AM
"Hello Friends I am Sinvel highsilver of Durkadurkastan, and I am willing to lend my blade to apprehend this felon". As he says this he draws his bastard sword and rests it on his shoulder, after doing this he takes his shield of his back and equips it in his off-hand.

Whilst doing this this sinvel takes a look at his companies:fighter with a chain, what looks like a wizard, that swaggering buffoon and a musicians. Sinvel is is starting to think that this is some sort of joke.

2013-06-18, 06:37 AM
Oh Great. A Paladin. Their honour will only twist matters. I swear, they are like some kind of joke. Where's their originality, their inventiveness, their ability to judge the individual. Poncy fools.
"Aye, I rec'nize ye fer a paladin. May yer divine pow'rs aid us wi' oor task.
[Yes, I see that you are a paladin. May your divine powers aid us in our task.]

Soz, forgot the accent in previoius post. Will remember from now on.

smoke prism
2013-06-18, 07:24 AM
"I hope i can be of assistants, but i also hope you can wailed that chain better than you tongue" sinvel said with Distain.

2013-06-18, 11:18 AM
This 'Sinvel' is uncouth and somewhat lacking in social graces. I could beat him at my pleasure.
"Och, Ah may 'ave an accent, bu' a' least ah can speak. In comm'n we say 'assistance', no' 'assistants', and yive confused the wurd 'wailed' wi' the wurd 'wield'. Alseh 'you' is wrong; we say 'your'. Watch yer graces next time ye speak."
[I may have an accent, but at least I can speak. In common we say 'assistance', not 'assistants', and you have confused the word 'wailed' with 'wield'. Also 'you' is wrong; we say 'your'. Be careful with your manners the next time that you speak.

2013-06-18, 12:23 PM
"It seems we've a large party to catch a single archer," she remarked as the two approached their ever-growing group. The sound of clanking armour was music to her ears as well. Someone needs to tank the hits, right?
However as he spoke her demeanour took a small dip.
I've always heard of this mythical "hurr im bettur then u durr" attitude from a paladin. Great to see it in person finally. The biggest redeeming part within the next few seconds was that the elf was bold enough to say something that she was a bit too shy to do herself.
The unusual weapon of a spiked chain also gives him plus one Brownie Points.

smoke prism
2013-06-18, 12:50 PM
Ack, I know now what I hate more than festivals now .

"I am sorry if I offended you". Whilst saying this Sinvel gives a shallow bow. "Also for the record my speech in the common laguage is mixed with meany mistakes due to the meany languages i have be exposed to in my life".

"Oh and hello Milady I don't think I have had the pleasure of being introduced".

"Also on the subject of caching this felon I have an idear, If the perpetrator is still in there and there is a back door it is safe to assume that this would-be assassin knows about it, and if that is the case so people should go round the back to cover that exit".

2013-06-18, 12:52 PM
Eyeing the Paladin carefully, Marcellus ponders on the new addition to their growing party. 'Hmm, a Paladin. They have a notorious tendency towards narrow-mindedness... I should hope this individual is more flexible than the stereotypes claim.' Marcellus shifts his weight somewhat, sweeping his cloak back to provide quicker access to his sickles should the would-be assassin still be present in the building, lightly loosening them at his side so that- should he need them- they may be drawn as fast as possible. Noting that the Paladin has already drawn his sword, a faint look of concern crosses Marcellus' face, though he soon masks it under a light smile. "Well met, sir Paladin," nods Marcellus, "I must say I concur- as slim as the possibility may be we must be on our guards for a second attack. I would suggest we should play to our strengths- I am fast on my feet and quick with my blows, but I fear I am not much suited to absorbing them. Yourself and ser Ara seem more suited to the lead, I will guard the flanks from behind and Lady Synnöve seems best suited to the rear, where her spells may devastate with minimal risk to her person. In case the attacker has anticipated us, I will remain near enough to protect her should need be. Your thoughts, sirs? And lady?"

smoke prism
2013-06-18, 01:29 PM
"Hello good sir I am Sinvel highsilver and you are ?" As he says this Sinvel offers his hand to his new acquaintance.

Ack he's even more overbearing up close. This is the sort of person that ruins festivals for me

2013-06-18, 01:53 PM
"Marcellus Lockwood, at your service Ser Highsilver" responded Marcellus, inclining his head to the armoured warrior. "May I enquire as to which deity it is you worship? By way of your speech, it seems you have travelled far- farther, even, than myself."


Oh the irony of a Paladin calling me 'god' :smallbiggrin: seems we have some very conflicting personalities in the party!

2013-06-18, 02:27 PM
Jailyn smiled at the guards inclusion of him in the party, vaguely wondering if she meant offense. Probably best if her expectations aren't very high, anyway, he thought. Examining his new companions, his eyes lit up. A paladin! A gallant champion of justice! A hero fit for stories!. Or so he hoped, as he ruefully acknowledged that most stories, and most heroes, needed some touching up. He was further delighted to note that the griffin rider was in their party. Beyond them, he noted the surly fellow with the chain - Ser Ara, the Griffin rider had called him - and the lady he'd identified as a spell caster. Human. He wondered how she'd stack up against the elves he knew.

He stepped up to the rest of the group. "I'm Jailyn Wavemaker, my lords, and I'll be happy to help anyway I can, though it's already been acknowledged that we have plenty of people to apprehend an assassin, I have many skills and may be of assistance. Put me wherever you like." Turning to the paladin, he added, "I know what you mean about the common tongue. I've studied many languages, and it can be quite tricky keeping them all straight."

Bardic Knowledge to see if I know anything about 'the Liberator's Tears' or the 'Liege of Vénnlig': [roll0]
Bardic Knowledge to see if I know anything about why assassins might target Bórgova: [roll1]
(Let me know if you'd rather make these checks yourself)

2013-06-18, 02:42 PM
"Aha, a bard, I see! I do so love music. Well met, good ser! But 'my lords'? I assure you, my good man, that my claims to nobility would be heavily disputed! You may know me as Marcellus, Marcellus Lockwood, at your service." Laughed Marcellus, although as he finished his sentence his tone of voice betrayed, ever so slightly and imperceptibly, something more than a jokey tone- something more cold and serious. "May I have your name, Ser Bard? Quite the motley crew we are indeed."

Pedantic, I know, but when he says "you may know me as" his speech is of the 'you can know me' rather than 'you-may-have-heard-of-me'. He's cocky, yes, but not bigheaded! :smallbiggrin:

smoke prism
2013-06-18, 02:52 PM
"It is a pleasure to make you're acquaintance Sir Lockwood. To answer the question of my god, I worship Vénnlig. To answer you over question I was born in Durkadurkastan and I have traveled far and wide for meany years".

"Now Sir Lockwood can I ask the same questions of you"?

Sinvel now turns to the bard that had just spoken and said: "It is a honour to make you're acquaintance Jailyn".Maybe later you can tell me some of you're story's and I will tell you some of mine.

Im Not showier about this Marcellus but I like Jailyn

2013-06-18, 03:01 PM
"Well sir, the same could be said of every noble family. Perhaps, you'll perform great deeds and be rewarded with your own fief". Or you could always take one over., he thought to himself, but he doubted the guards would appreciate that sentiment. "I'm Jailyn Wavemaker, so named for the way my drums echoes spread through the water" Well, sort of. "And I'm thrilled to meet a fellow lover of music. I hope you'll see me perform many a time. I saw you ride the griffin. It was a fantastic sight, we've nothing like it at home."

Turning to the Paladin, he said "I'd love to exchange stories! Maybe you'll have something I can make a song or epic out of". Jailyn suspected he'd do less "exchanging" and more "listening". His "adventures" thus far had involved learning the stories of other people, listening for rumors, studying, and performing. No knightly quests or wild adventures. He was sure the Paladin would have better though.

Sense motive to see if I catch his implications; I assume you want to roll this (although I read his character sheet, so I know what I'm missing if I fail). My modifier is +6 (4 from ranks, 2 from negotiator).

Bardic Knowledge to see if I know anything about the 'Lockwood' family: [roll0]

Edited to include my response to Sinvel.

2013-06-18, 03:23 PM
Laughing at Jailyn's comment, he responded "Well said, ser Jailyn! I can see I shall enjoy your company." 'Quite. I can think of one or two lords who's positions are very disputable indeed.' Mused Marcellus to himself. "I must admit; seeing a beautiful beast like that, I could not help myself. It shall be a pleasure to hear your drums, good sir."

Turning then to the Paladin, Marcellus gave his response. "I must say my own allegiances lie with Jěu, as I am sure is no surprise to your good self. I must say, I am gladdened to hear you are a Paladin of Vénnlig; the teachings of compassion are always more valuable, I feel, than that of cold justice. I fear my past experiences of Paladins have been with those of colder disposition than yourself- more inclined to follow the letter of the law to the exclusion of its purpose. I feel we shall get on much more nicely." Marcellus' demeanour visibly changed to a much more openly friendly one upon hearing Sinvel's deity of choice, and though it was far from unfriendly before, the change was distinct.

Gamspawn, I'm not really trying to bluff, its more of an inflection of the voice than anything... I don't really have a check to oppose you with so I shall leave the DC up to our good DM when she returns.

smoke prism
2013-06-18, 03:45 PM
Marcellus words and shift in demeanour have caused Sinvel to promote Marcellus from "swaggering buffoon" to "misdirected friend"

"Im glade that we have similar views about Vénnlig teachings on compassion and forgiveness"

After saying this Sinvels demeanour change in much the same way as Marcellus, from a little wary to openly friendly.

Sinvel now turns to Jailyn and said "Would you like me tell you a story?"

Edited it to include somthing to kill time till the DM gets back

2013-06-18, 11:39 PM
Jailyn's eye's lit up at Sinvel's suggestion. "Oh yes, please!", he said, with genuine enthusiasm. A knight's tale! With the knight right here! Wondrous!

2013-06-18, 11:44 PM
"Yeah, well, your stories are gonna have to wait. Come on!"
The guard cut off the eager bard and paladin and made her way to rejoin the group of other guards on their way to the room.

When they got there, the room was empty.
"Don't blame yourselves. The would-be assassin is clearly the quick, sloppy type. Probably cut and run before we even spotted the window. We've got trained police mages on their way to scan for clues. Don't burden yourselves with this — I know your type always wants to lend a hand, but we've got this under control."
She made a dismissive gesture toward the group with her hand.

I'm not gone just yet, folks! :smallwink:

2013-06-19, 02:10 AM
Hah, I bet that has them annoyed. They were all psyched up for a fight. On the other hand, it is a shame that I cannot show my skills.
He stood silently as the others talked, thinking of what to say. He was certainly not on friendly terms with Sinvel, thougyh the news that he favoured compassion was a point in his favour. He decided that an apology was in need of beign spoken.
"Ahm sorri fer judgin' ye so: Ah wi' jist a li'l angry a' the way tha' ye spoke te me. Ah've ne'er foond the time te control ma temper. Per'aps ye, wi' yer knowkledge o' compassion, could teach me?"
[I am sorry for judging you so: I was just a little angry at the way that you spoke to me. I have never found the time to control my temper. Perhaps you, with your knowledge of compassion, could teach me?]
Marcellus was prpoving silver of tongue, and were it not for his cocky demeanour they could possibly get along. Jailyn seemed nice enough, though.
"Ahm nae lord either, Ahm afraid. Ah hail frim a small minin' vill'ge."
[I'm no lord either, I'm afriad. I hail from a small mining village.]
Synnove he deifinitely appreciated. Her style was more in line with his own, and a wizard always suited a warrior well.

He was unsure of what to do now, but he had an idea. He addressed the guard.
"I' there is anithan ah can do te help, jist say."
[If there is anything that I can do, just say.]

smoke prism
2013-06-19, 03:27 AM
Sinvel turns to Ara and says"No I am the one that is sorry, and I will not make excuses I was out of order". Whilst saying this Sinvel gives another shallow bow in Ara's direction.
Ack it riles me that I have to be subservient to such a person

Sinvel now turns to the leader of the guards and says "If they is anything that I can help you with I am at you're disposal. As he says this he sheaths his basted sword, after doing this Sinvel bowed in the direction of the leader of the guards.

2013-06-19, 11:27 AM
Its good to get an apology when it is due, and good to give one, too. I'm letting the adrenaline get to my head. I should think more clearly in the future. Though I wonder how genuine his apology was...keep focused. We are in a grave sitaution. This is a ripe opportunity for practice. It must not go astray.

2013-06-19, 02:26 PM
Jailyn suspected the guard was right on most of those points; the police mages were undoubtedly better diviners than himself, though maybe the caster who'd joined the group was better still. He hadn't spent anywhere near as much time on them as Master Raisel had wanted him to. Still, there was one point the guard seemed to be overlooking; he turned to her "Excuse me, but I feel I should point out that many magical auras fade very quickly. It may be that we could uncover clues with our magic that your mages, despite their superior ability, would be too late to detect". Hoping she saw things the same way he did, he went on "Anyway, it's not look we're doing any harm. It might just be best for us to stay around until you know for sure whether we can be of use". Leastwise, it will give us some time to talk, he thought. This was by far the most interesting time he'd had since leaving the Fjords, and he didn't want it to come up short. Besides, who would pass up an opportunity to get the city guard to view them more amiably.

Diplomacy is [roll0], if you don't think his point about the magic is enough to convince her.
Also, did my Bardic Knowledge and sense motive checks turn anything up?

smoke prism
2013-06-19, 04:05 PM
"I agree with Jailyn, we should take a look before the evidience degrades and I also think that we should look at the assassin arrows".

For some reason Sinvel had a strange sense of apprehension What if this felon is still around, to take use out and then take the evidence of there crim...
"why did he miss ? He had two clear and easy shots, so why did he miss Andreas Bórgova ? Dose that mean that he wasn't the target or that this was a diversion for another crime". Sinvel says this in a slow ponderous voice.

Am I just over thinking Things ?

2013-06-20, 12:28 AM
Sinvel's words sent Ara's thoughtsspinning."Perhaps he is right. Perhaps we have been led on a wild goose chase. On the other hand, he could just lack skill. It was an incredibly difficult shot, especially with all the banners and the crowd as a distraction.
"As for sinvel's point, I am in full agreement. We should detect as soon as possible."
The combination of the two thoughts gives him an idea.
"We should send someone to walk about town magically disguised as Borgova, complete with illusonary arrows and a guard. If it is convincing enough, we may lure the sniper out as he attempts a second, more accurate shot."

smoke prism
2013-06-20, 06:34 PM
"Ara Whilst that is a good Idear, they are some problems with it, firstly only Andreas Bórgova sleeve was hit by the arrow, secondly the assassin may see through the illusion or recognise the "guard", putting both party's at risk And thirdly if this was a diversion we would be playing into there ploy".
So I'm going to suggest an alternate course of action. I think that we should do a quick analysis of the snipers nest, then we should set up a protecion detail around Andreas Bórgova and wait to see if any other crime is perpetrated by these criminals. As he is saying this Sinvel body language became stiff and apprehensive.

If it was a distraction, what were they affter ? Sinvel set his mind back to the events befor the attack. Lockwood had just got of the Griffon. "Griffon" went through Snivels mind and it connected with something that it's trainer had said, "Featherburn is now as tame as any family's beloved dog."
"were's the griffen, could they have been after Featherburn, they could have easily threatened the trainers to move the "Trained Griffion"".
I'm going to look at the stage that they showed the Griffon on . At this point Sinvels friendly attitude dissolves and has been replaced by a steely version of him self serious.

I'm now really starting to over think things. Just tell me if you want me to stop it :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-21, 12:22 AM
Ara nods at Sinvel. "As ye will, m'lor'. I wi just throwin' ideas aroond. I dunnae actu'lli ken aboot this investigatin' bus'ness. I' wi wehre te investigate, I'd best be oot o' yer way. I have nae go' much skills in this area. Mah skills a' fer i' the assassin returns."
[As you will, my lord. I was just throwing ideas around. I do not actually know much about this investigating business. If we were to investigate, it would be best if I satyed out of your way. I do not have many skills in this area. My skills should be saved for if the assassin returns.]

2013-06-21, 07:29 AM
"Ser Highsilver, are you suggesting that our miscreant had an alternative motive? I must say, I can't see anything else behind this than a botched assassination. As ser Ara said, it was a very difficult shot- and I was standing next to his lordship the entire time. Indeed, I felt the arrow whiz right past me, and I fear I too was but another obstacle, as was Featherburn. It can never hurt to be thorough, however."

2013-06-22, 07:29 PM
Synnöve took a deep breath before the group got under her skin. The comment from Marcellus, "just a botched assassination", was quite refreshing. "Exactly, Marcellus. We're over thinking it here. I'm also sure that the gryphon was just an unfortunate background prop for whoever's behind this's plan," says she. Her hands come up to show that she has a brand new, revolution-inducing idea.
"How about we actually go up and look around before we start decomposing, hm?"

smoke prism
2013-06-22, 08:32 PM
The comments of the others could not dispel Sinvels suspicion of a ulterior motive to this
"failed" assassin. On this thought sinvel moved away from the main group, and towards the stage the griffon was displayed on. When he got there Sinvel started to cearfuly examine the stage and the area around it, for anything out of place.

I take take 20 on a spot check to see if I notice anything out of place with the stage or the area around it

2013-06-22, 09:25 PM
"I must concur with Lady Synnöve; there is nothing more to be gained from standing about conversing when every moment we waste is yet another that the trail grows colder. I suggest we examine the scene further to see if there are any clues that may have hidden from the guards, and move to question some of the bystanders. One of them may have seen our fugitive escaping from the building- indeed, come to think of it, we should look to ascertain the identity of the owner of the room used by our sniper. They may have some connection with one another, after all."

2013-06-23, 01:17 AM
Synnöve! So that was her name! Jailyn had no wish to contradict a Paladin, but it seemed he was over-thinking this, and everyone was wrong sometimes. Then again, perhaps Sinvel had more experience with this type of thing than the others. It was hard to say. Still, it made sense to start with what they knew. He turned to Synnöve. "Let's cast some detections, if the guards don't mind. I can detect magic auras, but I'm afraid I'm unable to read them. Can you do so?" Not wanting to leave anyone out, he turned to the rest of the group, "Do any of the rest of you have any divinations that could prove useful?"

In case it's not clear, Jailyn's essentially asking if Synnöve has can cast detect magic and has ranks in spellcraft.

2013-06-23, 04:43 AM
"Unfortunately not, but I will do all I can to search the area and gather any information that may aid us in our efforts to apprehend this miscreant" Marcellus proceeds to scour the scene of the crime for any possible clues that might lead him either to the identity of the attacker, or provide some indication as to where I may find him. After this he proceeds to speak with some of the bystanders to see if anyone saw the assassin leave, and also who the owner of the room used to attempt the attack is.


Gather Information [roll0]
Search [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

2013-06-23, 01:23 PM
This was the first time she noticed the presence of the bard. As much as she wished to be all apologetic for not doing so earlier, there was EEEEVVVIIIILLLL afoot.
"I'm sorry sir, but I didn't exactly prepare for an investigation," she told Jailyn. Surprisingly, there was naught an ironic tone in her voice. She raised a finger as if to hold someone's tongue before they spoke up. "I do, however, know a spell when I see one! Well, most of the time. Everyone has those moments, y'know?"

2013-06-23, 03:36 PM
Jailyn smiled and laughed at her comment, mentally noting some illusions, conjurations, and other magics he would be quite impressed if she could consistently recognize. Perhaps she could; if so, she'd be quite the ally. He doubted she could find magical auras without some sort of divination though. If she could, that was even more impressive. He suppressed the urge to come to try to trick her with some spell. The attempt would be childish, and probably backfire anyway. Instead, he searched for a way to make his point without sounding arrogant or insulting. "I don't doubt your ability, m'lady, but not all spells can be seen". And lingering auras certainly can't -- at least not to my knowledge, he silently added. He reached for his drums.

If the guard doesn't raise an objection, he'll cast detect magic. He's not trained in Spellcraft, so there's no roles for me to make.

2013-06-24, 03:21 AM
Eidolon stood from his perch on the rooftop near the stage where the festivities had been so recently interrupted. He removed the bolt from his unused crossbow and stowed them away in a sack. Today is just full of surprises. He had been hidden on the roof for most of the day, waiting for an opportunity to fulfill his contract with the death of Andreas Bórgova. He had watched patiently as the festivities progressed, and when the loud man went to fly the gryphon he thought he had finally the distraction necessary to hide the origin of the killing bolt. However, as fate would have it, the gryphon kept fouling his shot and the opportunity was lost. Content to wait for the next flight or similar distraction Eidolon was as surprised as any at the assassination attempt from a nearby building. Not wanting to ruin his cover or have awkward conversations with the guards Eidolon had decided to wait and watch how things developed. Seems like the crowds cleared out quick. Shame that someone else was after Andreas. Now he will have raised his guard until the would be assassin is caught... perhaps I can help that along... and then finish the job myself. Eidolon had noticed the guards and a few civilians enter the building where the arrows came from. Lets see what other surprises await me today. Eidolon thought as he made his way towards the guards taking care not to be spotted... until he wanted to be.

Had been taking 20 on hide and spot since the assassination attempt (for RP purposes of knowing where everyone is and not being seen) now doing...
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2013-06-25, 07:00 AM
While everyone was standing around, Jailyn racked his brains for any local knowledge that may pertain to the situation. He didn't come up with much — all he could remember about the Lockwood family was that, unlike other noble families, they preferred having "less noble" children to inbred ones. He couldn't recall any specific move of Bórgova's that brought him his reputation, but he did know that he was rather unpopular — though none of Bıv's citizens, at least the human ones, would pass up the opportunity for a good festival. The League of Vénnlig was perhaps the most well-known order of paladins in Nënt'le, but Jailyn could only come up with random trivia — like that their base was up in the Durkadurkastan but they had a spread all over Greater Nënt'le (less so, perhaps, in Lesser Nënt'le), or that they had a rather large number of halflings in their membership. He felt it wouldn't be too hard to figure out its core principles by inference, and even then, he now knew a member of said League somewhat personally.

Though he made sure to be extremely diligent, the only thing out of place Sinvel could find on the stage were two arrows on the throne. Nothing, for example, looked like it had been tampered with. The most unsusual thing he could find aside from the obvious arrows was a handful of scratch marks the gryphon made in the dash to escape. The stage seemed to be a construction not unlike the set of a theatre: designed to be sturdy enough for people to dance about on it, but also easy to disassemble when it was no longer needed.

Jailyn's point was rather convincing, and the guard conceded. When his spell was cast, though, there was no evidence of magic. When the guard magicians showed up, they found the aura of a bow designed to boost distance and accuracy. Anyone who had shopped for a bow beyond seeing and grabbing the cheapest weapon that would suit their needs would understand that such an enchantment would be more expensive than most of the gathered group of civilians could afford, at least individually.

Shortly after the second magic-detecting spell was cast, the owner of the building, a middle-aged rail thin man with mousy hair, burst in.
"Whass goin' on wit mah building? It's been broken into!"
After determining he was telling the truth, the guards did their best to reassure him.
"I'm juss a baker…" he repeated over and over. "Why me?"

Marcellus' searches turned up mostly in vain — all he could find were footprints, many of which were covered by those of the group that came in to help. Most of the covering-up footprints seemed to have been made by Sinvel's large boots.

In the din, Eidolon found it ridiculously easy to hide from notice. Even as he approached the bakery, his training (and natural skill) helped him evade the notice of the guard, though if he wanted to get into the room, he'd have to make himself known.

2013-06-25, 02:34 PM
Jailyn shrugged after his spell didn't turn up anything. He hadn't really expected it too, but it would have lent credence to his point. He was surprised the guards' wizards had managed to find something though. As far as he knew, there wasn't any way having more skill allowed one to detect auras that another couldn't. Maybe the aura had been shielded in some way and he was too weak to overcome it? That seemed possible. The only alternative he could see was that someone had brought the bow into the area in between when he cast his spell and when the guards did.

When the baker returned, Jailyn walked up to him with a friendly smile "Hello, sir. I'm sorry we've had to enter your building, but circumstances forced our hand." I wonder...

Sense motive on the baker (+6 modifier). When you say the guards determined he was telling the truth, do you mean magically, or with legal records or just using their best judgement or something else?

smoke prism
2013-06-25, 04:42 PM
Snivel returned to the snipers nest in time to hear about the magical property's of the "assassin" bow. Ha this my prove my point of a different motive , this train of thought however swiftly superseded by another thought:
"Ever he was given the bow, or enought money to buy it, but if that isn't the case he is obviously an elite assassin that just botched two shots with an enchanted bow.
So I suggest we search the town for the person that my have sold this bow.
After saying this Sinvel starts to think of any religious orders that train assassin for hire.

Knowledge (Religion) [roll0]

2013-06-25, 04:56 PM
"Hmm, Ser Highsilver makes an apt point. A bow of this quality isn't something you would expect to see in the hands of your average assassin, nor is it something you would expect to see sold to your average citizen. It is indeed quite odd that an assassin with the funds or sponsors to purchase such equipment lacks the skill to properly use it. I have discovered some footprints that appear to have come from our man, but I fear they are quite obscured by own- indeed, it is beyond my own ability to track them. Sirs, do any of you have any experience in tracking?" Marcellus looks around, a questioning look on his face. He elected not to mention that the obscuring footprints belonged primarily to the large paladin, as he felt doing so would do nothing to quicken their search, but could very well raise any lingering tensions that Sinvel may still harbour. It was, he felt, the diplomatic option, and it could not hurt to maintain good relations with the group he felt may very well share his company for some time to come. "Meanwhile, we should attempt to preserve what few tracks are left, and attempt to find who sold this bow. I imagine there can't be too many artisans around that can craft such a weapon, and of those that there are I imagine they should remember selling such a potent piece of equipment. I would also suggest we widen our search to include individuals capable of casting those enchantments; we cannot rule out the possibility that the weapon was enchanted after it was purchased."

Gather Information to see if I can determine a list of names of artisans capable of crafting and enchanting such a weapon. [roll0]
Gather Information to see if I can determine a list of names of spellcasters capable of enchanting a weapon with those properties. [roll1]

2013-06-25, 05:09 PM
Eidolon shadows Snivel into the building and upon hearing this line of thought he almost laughs. How many magic item vendors are in this city? How many wizards capable of enchanting a bow? How many magic item vendors are there that the city officials don't even know about, and who is to say that the bow was bought in this city? No... that way will never work... but perhaps a different direction? "That won't work. You need to be sure to find the assassin, so follow the target. Eidolon stands next to the door prepared to fight or take flight depending on their response to his appearance. He tries calculating his odds in a fight, noting weaknesses, but it is clearly obvious that a fight against all these foes will be impossible, hopefully violence will not be needed.

smoke prism
2013-06-25, 05:28 PM
"And who may you be" ? Sinvel said in the direction of the man who had just emerged from the shadows. I don't like this one, he's two sneaky. Sinvels was able to keep most of his facade of friendliness up, but a bit of stiffens had returned to his body.

[roll0]Sense Motive to see if this new arrival is planing any hostile actions.

2013-06-25, 05:31 PM
Noting his silent arrival, Marcellus makes the effort to appear unfazed at the sudden appearance of this new individual. "Sir, you may be interested to know that we had already discussed that vein of thought- indeed, we were simply trying to compose all possible avenues of investigation possible. It is, unfortunately, a narrow possibility that the same man will strike twice at the same target, now knowing as he must that the lord will be under much heavier guard and fully on the lookout for another attack. However, if you have any thoughts on how we might otherwise narrow our search, or avoid such a problem without worrying his lordship or otherwise leaving him open to a second attack- which I fear may be the case if the proposal was placed to him to act as bait- I would love for you to lend us your knowledge and ideas. You seem somewhat... experienced with these matters."

2013-06-25, 06:58 PM
To the paladin I reply, "You may call me Eidolon."

To the man who rode the gryphon I say, "True he may be under heavier guard, but he might have had magical protection when he was appearing today out in the open as he was. Magical protection that may be absent in his home. It's possible that the whole attack today was to force Andreas into his shell where a visitor could be waiting to cause an 'accident.' It is rare that such assassinations happen in broad daylight so conspicuously because such occurrences are ruthlessly investigated as you can see."

Eidolon waves his arm to include the guards and magic users here trying to find clues as well as the civilians themselves.

"Not only that, but at home there are so many servants and cooks that can be framed with such a crime, especially if the assassin has made arrangements already to be accepted at the noble's estate without arousing suspicion." Eidolon shrugs. "Of course it is always possible that this is the work of an amateur but the presence of magical equipment makes this less likely. If you would allow me I would wish to follow along on this investigation."

Not sure if I can answer the sense motive check but if so I am prepared for violence but not actively seeking it.

2013-06-26, 02:28 AM
The baker smiled up at Jailyn. "What a fine young man you are, son. Bless you."' He didn't seem to want to say anything else.

Most of the guards seemed uninterested in the group's discussions, but after some time, a young man with pointed ears and ridiculously bright green eyes wearing robes with the guard's symbol on them spoke up.
"While the g-guards app-preciate it when civilians t-take interest in pressing affairs, we also f-feel it would b-be best for everyone if amateurs and v-vigilantes took their business elsewhere. We have special s-spells, weapons, and other t-tools that we'd rather the p-public not interfere with.
I do have s-some things to say about… certain q-questions and th-things I've heard.
First, the spell I cast was able to d-detect the magic b-bow because that's what it was d-designed to do. It p-picks up on the auras of enchanted w-weapons, especially the sp-pecial pulse they g-give out when the m-magic was used. We f-found two t-triggers, both with identical signatures.
Second, it's h-highly unlikely that the d-dealer who sold this b-bow — and anyone else who makes or sells w-weapons of its kind — will d-divulge this data to anyone who c-can't make them. It could d-drag them into a s-sc-candal and ruin their reputation.
F-finally, the guard absolutely r-refuses to do anything that will c-compromise the safety of Lord B-Bórgova. He has a magically certified emergency g-guard for just such t-times as these."

As the guard made to shoo the group of civilians (except the baker) out, the female guard who had spoken to most of them in the first place gave Sinvel a pointed glare.
"Also, for the record: it's not impossible to miss twice in a row, even with an enchanted weapon. Rűnga knows it's happened plenty of times to me. Stop insulting us — and yourself — by not having a blessed clue what you're talking about. Honestly."

2013-06-26, 09:38 AM
Ara was somewhat glad to leave the claustrophobic confines of the building. The conversation had been turning to mere speculation, and he was glad to see it end. However, he did regret not being able to show his prowess. He debated trying to find some other way to help out.
This eidolon gained his instant mistrust. Someone who sneaks up on guards and seems to known great deal about the assassin's trade deserved suspicion. He kept his eye on him as he obliged the wishes of the guard by departing.

2013-06-26, 10:45 AM
"Very well, I shall take my leave as you wish. Sirs, and lady, what say we retire to a nearby inn go discuss this matter further over a hot meal, eh?" As the group leaves, I make the effort to take Eldolon over to one side, smiling in a friendly way and speaking to him quietly, out of earshot of the rest of the group. "Well met, ser Eldolon. I must say, your knowledge and... expertise, shall we say? On the matters of assassination raises a few questions, I must admit. I would ask you, in the most absolute of confidence, to tell me of how you came by this knowledge, and of your... disposition towards Borgova."


DM, whats the feedback on my Gather Information checks? Also, as long as noone is actively trying to listen in to our conversation I figure that this doesn't provoke a listen check. The phrasing is such that if I were to be overheard, I am inquisitive but the motive behind my question is indiscernable. If you haven't read my background, bcool, then whilst its unlikely Eldolon will know this, Marcellus isn't exactly fond of nobility- especially fat, lazy and greedy nobility.

2013-06-26, 01:43 PM
Jailyn scrunched up his face in confusion when the guard seemed to answer his unasked question. Had the guard read his thoughts? It was certainly possible. Or perhaps the guard had simply divined it from Jailyn's body language. Regardless, it seemed his time with the guard was at an end.

"Indeed," he turned to the guards with a bow,"It seems we have out-stayed our usefulness. Best of luck with your investigation, and ask for Jailyn Wavemaker, should you ever need a bard." Indeed we have, he thought to himself,I do wish they'd been a touch more respectful to the Paladin and Sir Lockwood. Not that he thought Sinvel's theory overly probable; it was just a matter of principle. He smiled and turned to go.

When Marcellus suggested an inn, Jailyn spoke up: "Oh yes, that seems a grand idea! Perhaps you'll even have the opportunity to see me perform!"

For the record, I don't expect you to respond to every question Jailyn thinks; it's entirely reasonable that he (and I) won't understand something.

2013-06-26, 02:25 PM
Eidolon went aside with Lockwood and responded, "I am sure you have already guessed my occupation Mr. Lockwood as to my disposition towards Andreas I don't really feel one way or another about a man I have never met. If you were curious as to where I apprenticed for my job I'm afraid that would be telling."

Eidolon pulls away from Lockwood and heads to the door. "Come Mr. Lockwood we should hurry or be left behind."

I wonder if Lockwood is upset that today's attempt failed? If he is trying to hire me to finish the job should I accept or decline and tell him I have already been hired for that job? Or is this a rouse to flush me out and turn me in? Argh... too much speculation today. Speculation is only fun in controlled amounts...

smoke prism
2013-06-26, 03:03 PM
The guards comment nearly made Sinvel teller her were to get of, but Instead he said "I am sorry to offend you". as he says this he bows to all the guards in turn.
After doing this Sinvel turns to the rest of the party and says "I concur with Sir Lockwood, that we should leave her and go to an inn to rest and discuss what to do next". . He turn back to the guards and said "If you need my assistance in the future ask for Sinvel highsilver" .
Sinvel had a uneasy feeling about the wizard who came forward to explaine about the magic that the wizards cast I don't trust people that stutter .

2013-06-26, 04:16 PM
"Very true, ser Eldolon!" Laughed Marcellus. "Fear not, my mouth is sealed." He then left, providing a short bow to the guard and the stuttering wizard, and rejoined the rest of the party outside the building.

smoke prism
2013-06-26, 04:29 PM
"Sir Lockwood because you suggested it I think you should pick the establishment we retire to, just make sure it is a reputable establishment" .Even thought Sinvel said this in a friendly tone anyone with any seance can tell that he is deathly serious.

2013-06-26, 04:38 PM
"Why sir Highsilver, what makes you think I frequent anything but the most reputable establishments?" Laughed Marcellus with a wink. "I know just the place, not too far from here, a lovely tavern by the name of the name of the Crossed Keys. Serves some of the finest ale in the region, and owned by a lovely couple from somewhere down in Lower Nënt'le. A nicer place you couldn't hope for, and their roast pork is simply fantastic."


Just in case, DM, is it fine for me to make up things like this? Don't know how fixed the town is, or whether you'd prefer me not to ad-lib pubs and the like.

smoke prism
2013-06-26, 05:12 PM
"A shame I've never liked ale, but I do enjoy a glass of wine made from the grapes of the silver vineyard. It is a good thing thought that I like roast pork. As he says this all the tension that Eidolon sudden appearance to dissipated and is replaced with a relaxed friendly facade, because inside Sinvel is still on edge Better to let any foe think I'm relaxed.

2013-06-26, 05:30 PM
"I'm sure they can muster something up that will suit your tastes" smiles Marcellus to Sinvel, noting his sudden change in disposition. How odd[/COLOR][/I], thinks Marcellus to himself. "And if you like roast pork, well then, you are in for a treat! Well then, shall we be off?"


Sense motive on Sinvel [roll0]

smoke prism
2013-06-26, 05:46 PM
"Sir Lockwood I am looking forward to it and I hope it lives up to the high expectations you're description has given it .

You pretty much see through my facade straight away because I'm only trying to trick casual observers.

2013-06-26, 05:53 PM
Still on edge, eh? Can't say I blame him though, Eldolon isn't exactly the type to mix well with a paladin, thought Marcellus to himself.

2013-06-27, 02:44 PM
As the group continued to stab over and over at what could possibly be something that might have the potential to happen, Synnöve was becoming impatient. Her foot tapped on the ground rapidly, and her face became stern. This was no real time for speculation, but the gravy train had departed. No way to stop it then...
... Unless you're the guards. The first's sputtery spiel being actually helpful, in Synnöve's opinion, and the female guard's was not insulting to her since she thought it was not directed at her. Silently, she actually agreed with the armoured figure.
The arrival of Eidolon was sudden, and anyone who emerges from the shadows gains respect of a kind from her. The kind of respect that coincides with fear, but isn't actual fear. When he explained his occupation, however, it went down by one small rung. Which isn't very much.
When the notion of a visit to an inn was brought up, she immediately put her two cp in.
"That sounds great," chimed in Synnöve. "The only question is: Who's buying?"

2013-06-27, 03:47 PM
Jailyn smiled merrily at Synnöve, "I suppose that depends on how impressive I can be and on how much music the inn already has. Perhaps Sir Lockwood knows?" In some taverns, Jailyn would have no qualms about his ability to earn a meal, but if this inn was a more respectable establishment, he might be hard pressed to get his own meal, let alone his companions. Still a few coins was a small price to pay for this company. He had plenty of coin for now, and in a city like this, it wasn't it was hard for him to earn a few silver pieces a day.

I'm basing my description of Jailyn's skill on his perform modifier and the skill description. If that doesn't hold here, for whatever reason, let me know and I can adjust his background/level of self assurance accordingly.

Also, even though his questions directed at Marcellus, I'm guessing the DM should probably answer it.

smoke prism
2013-06-27, 04:19 PM
"If it is all right with everyone I would be glad to buy the first meal and a round of drinks". Sinvel said with a smile at the members of the group. Better not push it, it seems that, that sort of thing annoys them As he thinks this Sinvels smile to the party grows bigger.

2013-06-27, 04:34 PM
Laughing at Jailyn's question, Marcellus responds "We shall have to see what Mrs Martha thinks! She's a woman that loves a good jig so I imagine you may be in luck, ser bard!" In response to Sinvel's generous offer, he speaks once more "A generous offer indeed, Ser Highsilver! You do your order's reputation for compassion well indeed. I shall join you then, in paying for the second. The longer I may enjoy such good company, the better." Besides, he thought to himself, I have more than enough coin to cover the few coppers and silvers needed to pay for a meal. Why not? They say the best way to make friends is over a drink and a hot meal, and I trust this is not the last I shall see of this group. Striding purposefully, with a smile and a whistle, Marcellus sets off in the direction of the tavern.

I'm still moving on the assumption that this is okay, but I can't help but feel I'm on sketchy ground here :smalleek: I'd say Marc's won't have been in the city, nor at Mrs Martha's tavern long enough for their relationship to have any real substance, although I imagine she'd view him with a kind of motherly affection, enjoying his antics and charm, and the atmosphere he brings to her and her husband's tavern.

2013-06-28, 01:30 AM
The atmosphere of the tavern was different than it had been when Marcellus had last visited. Though a handful of people still gaily celebrated the festival — and it was clear that was what they were celebrating, not Bórgova himself — the news of the attempted assassination had quickly spread, and most of the remaining patrons gossiped tensely.
Mrs. Martha still greeted Marcellus and his associates warmly when they entered through her door.
"Oh, hello there! Come back for more?" She lowered her voice slightly as she took in the veritable crowd behind Marcellus, eyeing their weapons and armor with caution, if not outright suspicion. "And who are these, if I may ask?"
Waitingnomad, feel free to flesh out the tavern as much as you'd like. Go ahead and make up festival prices, which are still going on, for the tavern. Don't feel a need to deduct the bill from your character sheet until you're pretty sure all the food and drink you're buying has been consumed. You can mention how much Sinvel will be paying in here, in the OoC, or in PM with brett. Since you took initiative in making up this place, it's all yours. Have fun! :smallsmile:

smoke prism
2013-06-28, 04:13 AM
Sinvel decided it was best to hang back and let Marcellus introduce the party. Whilst standing there Sinvel try's to look relaxed as he starts to look at the assorted groups and see if they is anyone actting suspiciously.

Spot [roll0]: To see if they is anyone acting strangely (eg. Staring at use intensly or anyone that looks shady

2013-06-28, 04:53 AM
Ara knew that it would be bad savoir-faire to refuse the meal, and besides he was always a fan of free food. The fact that the group were still together boded well. There is a chance that I could find allies in these people. However, looking over the group, he wasn't sure who he could trust. Marc's loud mouth felt like a facade, and Eidolon might as well be screaming 'DON'T TRUST ME!' from his attitude. Sinvel's attitude got on his nerves, but Synnove was very friendly, as was Jailyn.
In the inn, he ignored the chatter of the smallfolk. They all speak a tousand words, yet none have worth. They know nothing but what they saw and heard, and rumours will just add confusion to the matter.
He could feel the conversation turning back to speculation - the last thing that he wanted - so he decided to get to know his companions better.
"Synnove, oor meetin' wa' somewha' rushed. Wi were ne'er prop'ly interdooced. As said afore, Ahm Fiahcra Laughlin. Ahm 'ere te find a use fer mah chain, hence mah int'rest in the ma'er. Wit aboot ye?"
[Synnove, our meeting was somewhat rushed. We were never properly introduced. As said before, I am Fiachra Laughlin. I am here to find a use for my chain, hence my interest in this affair. What about you?]

Is this flirting? Is it not? Even Ara doesn't know!
Also, I'm back!!!!!

2013-06-28, 07:09 AM
OOC: The Tavern

Doing this feels very strange... anyway... time to make up a tavern?
From outside the Crossed Keys appears every bit a traditional and homely inn, with tall wooden beams framing a thick oak door and arching up to support a thatched roof two stories up. The walls were a cream colour, the paint thickly layered upon the stone of its construction. Inside, the room spanned openly and warmly, with a wide fireplace sitting at one end, a large fire burning in the heath and throwing flickers of light across the room. All around are tables and stools of heavy oak wood, sturdy and solid, and at them are chattering patrons. To one side of the fireplace, in a small clearing, sits a small group of unoccupied stools, somewhat taller than the rest, and for those with experience in such matters, it is evident that this would be where a group of musicians may sit. Nearby are several free stools and a wide table with no patrons sitting upon it. A long bar runs across one end, and behind it lies another door, presumably to the kitchens, as can be evidenced by the bustle of barwenches and waiters.
For reference, when I say barwenches, these girls don't get much more stereotypical (https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=bar+wench&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=BHnNUcy1JcSY0QWQt4DoBQ&biw=1281&bih=644&sei=CXnNUe77KI7w0gW39IDICw#um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=tavern+wench&oq=tavern+wench&gs_l=img.3..0l4j0i5l5j0i24.3458.4274.2.4480.7.7.0. c&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48572450,d.d2k&fp=97fd5e6bdbf5c22&biw=1281&bih=644&imgdii=_) :smalltongue:. Martha is a late middle-aged woman, thickly built, rosy-cheeked and with a smiling, motherly face. She looks quite a lot like Molly Weasley.http://static.tumblr.com/cagu18p/dD6lqwiqh/molly_3.jpg
Her husband, if he appears, can be called Arthur for the sake of consistency, and is a similarly thickly-build, ruddy-faced individual with scruffy ginger hair, wide shoulders and a strong physique, although there is an obvious belly showing through from behind his apron.

"Martha, my dear woman, how are you? And Arthur? It has simply been too long!" He smiles widely, gesturing his arms in an open manner. "These are my acquaintances, and soon, I hope, good friends- something I hope your fantastic cooking will do no end to facilitate. They have been aiding both myself and our local authorities in the investigation of a case. All perfectly reputable individuals, I assure you. This is Ser Sinvel Highsilver, a paladin of Vénnlig, and ser Eldolon, something of an authority in his own right. This is lady Synnöve, a skilled wizard, and ser Ara, who hails all the way from Durkadurkastan. And here, is the good ser Jailyn Wavemaker, a skilled musician and bard- I am sure, if you are willing of course, that he may bring music and joy to offset the recent incident, and to pose a rousing finale to this fine festival." All of this is said with a wide smile, and he motions to each individual in turn as he introduces them. "Ser Highsilver tells me he has a great fondness for roast pork, and of course I had to let him know that you are an absolute miracle worker in such matters!"

2013-06-28, 07:37 AM
Eidolon gives a slight bow to each of the tavern proprietors. I doubt one of my profession usually frequent such a place as this... quite a pity really it's not half bad. "I will take your word on whatever is good to eat here. As for drink, just water for me or watered wine if that is all you have. The... compassionate... paladin here will be tending to the first round of food and drink I hear." Eidolon has to swallow a bit at the word compassionate, making the word sound distasteful like the word leper. He then heads for the nearby open table and positions himself with a good view of entrances and exits.

2013-06-28, 07:55 AM
"Indeed, our good paladin truly lives up to the reputation of his order. The second round will be on me, and if you still have any of that Silver Vinyard cask, I'm sure ser Highsilver would be delighted!"

This is more trying to restore a friendly tone with Martha and set her at ease, as I assume despite my reassurances she's still a bit wary of Eldolon.

smoke prism
2013-06-28, 08:27 AM
Sinvel offer his hand to Martha "Sir Lockwood assures me that your cooking is first rate and if you have Silver Vinyard wine I will have to frequent you're lovel inn more offen" After saying this Sinvel bowes and gose and sits next to Eidolon around the spare table.

2013-06-28, 01:23 PM
Following Marcellus's introduction, Jailyn made a half-bow to Martha, "Sir Lockwood is quite right, M'lady. I would be delighted to give a performance, in exchange for a round of food and drink for my companions and me and a bed for the night." Hope I'm not asking for too much. Normally, I could get all this and some coin besides, but there are rather a lot of us.

Diplomacy, if she doesn't think it's a good deal: [roll0]
Perform, if she wants to hear him play (either on stage or to see if he's good enough): [roll1]

2013-06-29, 08:00 AM
"Och, Marcellus does mih tae much credi'."
[Oh, marcellus does me too much credit.] Ara nodded to Martha. "Let's 'ope tha' the cascade o' credit fer ye is well-deserv'd. Ah kid dae wi' a pin' o' ale te wash doon today's braw festiv'ties."
[Let's hope that the cascade of credit for you is well deserved. I could do with a pint of ale to wash down the grand festivities.]
He gave her a brief smile then returned to his conversation with Synnove.

2013-06-29, 09:25 AM
Marcellus' explanation put the smile back on her face.
"Oh, that sounds downright lovely, Sir Lockwood!" She greeted each party member with great vigor. "Sir Highsilver… Sir Eidolon… Lady Synnöve… Sir Ara… and Sir Wavemaker! Oh, it's a great pleasure to meet you!"
She rushed the group to a table that would accommodate its needs, passing Arthur on the way. He nodded to Marcellus' greeting.
"Now, I've heard several rumors of who's going to pay… the paladin, the bard… Why don't we settle on this, all right?"
With a nudge to Jailyn, who had "auditioned" with a short snippet of how he planned to pay, she said, "If the bard wants to perform, let him do it! He sounded lovely, after all. I'd be happy to allow any and all of you a room upstairs, but some people may be sharing. Now…"
She pulled out a small book and a quill.
"Who's having what?"

Oh my gosh, Molly Weasley. Yes. That actually matches my mental image.

smoke prism
2013-06-29, 10:24 AM
"Mrs Martha I will have a plate of roast pork and a glass of Silver Vineyard wine, and if you don't have any of that i will have a glass of regular white wine." All the time whilst saying this Sinvel smiles as he feels all the tension of the days event dissipate from his body and his mind.
Sinvel turns to Jailyn and say " Ah some good music will lift everyone mood"

2013-06-29, 11:11 AM
"I too will try the roast park, with whatever breads and vegetables you have. Just a mug of ale to drink though." Best not to take too much of advantage of their generosity. Jailyn was curious to try the roast pork, since it was something that hadn't really been readily available in the Fjords. Time to expand my horizons.

Before making his way to the stage, Jailyn took a few minutes to walk through the crowd, judging their mood, as well as their attitude toward Bórgova, so he could play accordingly. He could tell he'd played beautifully for Martha, but he was getting somewhat nervous, and wasn't sure he could duplicate the performance on stage. Best not to overthink it.

Gather information to see if I can get a better performance: [roll0]
Perform: [roll1] (maybe plus more?)

2013-06-29, 12:12 PM
"Today's special for me, Martha" Said Marcellus with a wink. "Surprise me! And a flagon of ale from that lovely brewery back in Lower Nënt'le, if you still have a cask." Marcellus then settled down to the table with the rest of the group.

2013-06-29, 02:32 PM
"I'll have what Marcellus is having... with water." Eidolon then looks speculative for a while, scratching his chin and whatnot. If I have to share a room with the paladin that... could get interesting... however I'm almost certain the young bard will practically leap for a chance to spend time with the paladin... I guess sharing with Marcellus wouldn't be too bad... but the fact that I kinda like him means I can't trust him... propriety forbids Synnove from sharing with a man... Although I'm not certain she cares for such things... So it looks like I'm stuck with Fiahcra Laughlin... unless I'm lucky enough to get a room to myself.

Eidolon is always looking ahead for trouble...

2013-06-29, 06:03 PM
"Yes, an investigation does cut down on introduction time," she replied to Fiachra. "It's nice to meet ya. You already know my name's Synnöve, obviously." At the mention of a chain being his weapon, she smirks slightly. "How unique. Unusual weaponry is something I admire. Are swords just too mainstream for you?"
The question was jokingly asked, and then she turns to Mrs. Martha with a short and quick answer. "Same as the little drummer boy."
I haven't had ale before, so this is great. And it's free~ Free is good. Always good.

I really need to respond more, I feel like I'm that one person in an online game that lags terribly xP

2013-06-30, 06:01 AM
Ara chuckled quietly at Synnove's jest, then quickly gave Martha his order. "A pin' o' ale'll dae fer mih, an' wi' a' this praise fer yer pork I feel tha' ah must try some."
[A pint of ale for me, and with all this praise for your pork I feel that I must try some.]
He then returned to Synnove.
"Och, I chose i' a lang time agaw, to symbolize freedom. I' means less te me noo, bu' Ah've grown used te oosing i', sae I stick wi i'. Ye yersel' carry no weapon bu' a staff. Ah take it tha' yer a mage?"
[I chose it a long time ago, to symbolize freedom. It means less to me now, but I've grown used to using it, so I stick with it. You yourself carry no weapon but a staff. I take it that you're a mage?"

@Shockseh I feel like that too. I log on and about ten new posts appear (especially when on hols:smallcool:. Catching up with that backlog was painful.)

2013-07-01, 11:46 AM
"All right then, four plates of pork, two platters of vegetables and two bread boards, and two specials, with four pints of ale, including one specialty, a glass of white wine, and a glass of water," muttered Martha to herself as she jotted down the relevant information. "Would you like your drinks first or with the rest of the meal?" Eidolon's water came with a pitcher as well as the rather small glass.

Depending on the group's answer, the drinks arrived not five minutes later along with a pair of barwenches or around ten minutes later with the rest of the food. They did indeed have a casket of ale from "that lovely brewery in Lower Nënt'le," but not Silver Vineyard wine, apparently, as there was a handwritten note delivered with Sinvel's plain white wine. Terribly sorry, but we don't have any of the "Silver Vineyard" wine. Could you perhaps tell us where to obtain some and how much it would potentially cost?

The roast pork was indeed as succulent as its reputation, and each plate consisted of several large chunks of it coated with a thick sauce made of honey and balsamic vinegar. About a dozen grapes still on their vines were on the sides of the plates.

Today's special was a thick stew made with beef, carrots, beets, onions, and chunks of what could be identified as pheasant if one had tasted the bird before.

The vegetable platters consisted of peppers, potatoes, and carrots, while the bread boards had a loaf wheat bread, a loaf of bread with several grains, and three white rolls.

When Jailyn got up to perform, he could tell he wasn't doing as well as he had originally for Mrs. Martha, but his performance was still well-received.

2013-07-01, 12:35 PM
Synnöve nods to Ara, and the reminder that she carries a staff, well, makes her remember she has a staff. "Yes, this staff," she says. "I forget it's there sometimes since it's pretty much an extension of my arm after such a long time of holding it." She now takes the staff and props it against the table next to her in a place that's conveniently not in anyone's way.
When Martha brought out their meals she thanked her with a smile. "Thank you very much, miss." After taking a bite out of the absolutely delicious pork, she turned back to her current conversational partner. Obviously she swallowed before talking though. She's not a heathen that talks with their mouth full.
"And yes, I guess you could say I'm a mage. I have the ability to use magic at least. Self-trained. I haven't exploded yet, which, as it was the very first lesson I learned, is a good sign of doing a great job with it."
Synnöve enjoyed Jailyn's performance quite a bit, and clapped for him when he finished.

smoke prism
2013-07-01, 02:59 PM
When Martha came back with his food and drink Sinvel was reminded of how long it had be since he'd had a good meal in an inn with such a friendly atmosphere.
When Martha placed his food in front of him Sinvel thanked her heartily, as the mouthwatering smell of the meat entered his nostrils. As Sinvel started to eat, the Pork seemed to melt in his mouth.
By Včnnlig this is the best food I've had in months.
After eating half of his meal Sinvel turned to Marcellus and said "Sir Lockwood you you weren't joking about the quality of the food hear, this is some of the best food I've had since I left Durkadurkastan.

Sinvels good mood was compounded by Jailyn fantastic performanc and he clapped as loudly as an one else at the end of it.

2013-07-01, 03:44 PM
"A marvellous show, sir Wavemaker! And my good Sir Highsilver, I may joke about many things, but a fantastic dinner? Never! I am a man of my word." Marcellus speaks all this in an obviously banterous tone, and begins to enjoy the meal himself. "So, I take it by our group's willingness to stick together that none of us are quite satisfied with being... removed, from to-day's investigations? I admit that despite my earlier proclamations during the festivities, I am well aware that his lordship maintains a... less than popular presence amongst the townsfolk. I've seen my share of corrupt nobles, but I can't say I've lived here long enough to know the extent of the reasons behind such animosity. Nonetheless, I remain interested in locating this assassin. That arrow of his was nearly as close to piercing myself as it was Borgova."

Figured I'd bite. After all, there's an obvious quest here :smallwink:.

2013-07-01, 04:14 PM
Eidolon attempts to eat his meal in peace and quiet by blocking out the noises that surround him. Entering an almost meditative state as he meticulously eats his meal, being careful not to waste a single bit. After all, you never know when it will be your last...

Taking 1 on a listen check for surrounding noises (I assume I can do that)

2013-07-02, 02:36 AM
Ara set himself to work eating the succulent pork. The flavours warmed and relaxed him, shifting the tension that had been floating at the back of his head. Jailyn's performance added to the jovbiality of the occasion, and he could almost forget that an assassination attempt had taken place earlier that day. However, he did not forget.
As he ate, he talked with Synnove. Though he tried to be polite, he did sometimes speak with his mouth full and make gestures with his food-loaded fork.
"I dunnae mooch aboo' wiz'dry, te be hones'. I wi raised in a small vill'ge, an' the loc'l mage cid dae lil mer than tricks an' the like. Wha' kinda spells dye use?"
[I do not know much about wizardry, to be honest. I was raised in a small village, and the local mage could do little more than tricks and the like. What kinda spells can you cast?]

2013-07-02, 01:59 PM
Jailyn started off with a jovial tune, to fit the festival mood. He could tell that this performance wasn't his best, but the crowd seemed to be receiving it well. Oh well, they can't all be the best. Or perhaps they could, but then he would never get better. He wondered if he would ever be happy with his ability. In all honesty, he doubted it.

When he finished, Jailyn threw up his arms with a great smile, in a purposely silly pose "Good sirs and ladies, Jailyn Wavemaker", he glanced at Synnöve "The little drummer boy!" He glanced at his companions to see which ones had enjoyed his performance, happy to note Marcellus, Synnöve, and Sinvel all seemed to have enjoyed the show. Quickly, Jailyn scanned the room for anyone else who seemed particularly happy with his performance. Perhaps they'd be a good source of information later.

He returned to his meal, and Marcellus's congratulations. When Marcellus suggested continuing to investigate the assassination attempt, Jailyn spoke up, "Oh yes, I'm quite eager to know why someone would want to kill lord Borgova." Silently he added, And whether they're justified. I can't condone resorting to violence quickly, but perhaps it can't be helped. Nobles aren't known for their tendency to resign peacefully. He wondered how the group would feel about that. "And I'd be happy to stay with you all".

Spot check to see if I notice anyone in the crowd who seems like a good lead: [roll0]

smoke prism
2013-07-02, 03:00 PM
"I agree with Jailyn and Sir Lockwood, that we should start our own investigation." Even though were in serious trouble if we are court snooping around . "The question how should we proceed with our investigation. As he says this Sinvel leans forward and looks at the group quizzically.

2013-07-02, 03:13 PM
"Indeed. And there are things we may be able to discover that the guards may not- after all, mouths tend to speak more loosely when the authorities are not present."

Incidentally, did my Gather Information checks (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15500710&postcount=74) turn up anything useful, DM?

2013-07-02, 05:23 PM
Eidolon finishes his meal and begins paying attention to what is around him again. He only half listens to what the others are saying however, he will go along with what they believe to be the right choice and he doesn't care about the motivations of the assassin. If we actually manage to find him that would confirm that this morning was amateur hour. Who knows, Borgova might even invite us over as a reward... He might even turn his back on me for a minute and dismiss his guards since we are his trusted defenders or some nonsense... that would be to good to be true but one could hope right?

2013-07-03, 12:01 AM
Periodically, Mrs. Martha would come to the table and check on the group.
"How's the food? How's the ale? How is everyone doing? Do you need anything?"
1. Interesting discussion and all, but I'd like to move time along in the next one or two turns. So be aware it's getting late! :smalltongue:
2.The guards only knew the names of the palace artisans, who exclusively supply the Guard.

2013-07-03, 04:10 AM
Ara mused over ideas in his head, but nothing was immediately forthcoming. Tiredness was making it difficult for him to think. He thanked Martha for the meal and turned to his companions.
"A' this disscusion may be good, bu' ah think tha' its turnin' la'e. Wi shid prab'ly rest up an this an' save i' fer tomorre. Ye ken wit they say aboot new begginnin' an' a'."
[All this discussion may be good, but I think that its turning late. We should probably rest up and save this discussion for tomorrow. You know what they say about new beginnings and all.]

smoke prism
2013-07-03, 06:23 AM
Sinvel thanks Mrs. Martha for his food and drink. After doing this he turned to the group and says "I agree with Sir Laughlin, that we should rest and start the investigation a fresh in the morning, when we are all rested."
The question is whose sleeping with who?

2013-07-03, 06:40 AM
"Everything was wonderful, Martha, as always" smiled Marcellus warmly. "Would you mind giving us a few minutes to sort out sleeping arrangements between one another before we come and pay for the rooms?" Waiting politely fr Martha to give her response and depart, he returned his gaze to the rest of the party and spoke "Whilst we have an easily divisible party number, it certainly seems more appropriate that Lady Synnöve have her own lodgings- thus a three-person room and a two-person room seems most economic between Myself, ser Ara, ser Wavemaker, ser Eidolon and ser Highsilver. I personally have no qualms with whom I share a room, but our good ser Wavemaker appears quite enamourd with hearing more of the Paladin's tales!" Laughing merrily, he continued "So how about a room for the two of you, and Myself, ser Ara and ser Eidolon can have the second, so that you may continue your exchange of tales whilst we rest our weary heads?"

smoke prism
2013-07-03, 09:35 AM
" I have no problem shaearing a room with ser Wavemaker if he has no problem with this arrangement."

2013-07-03, 10:20 AM
"Sounds good would you be able to make the room I'm in at least one room removed from storytime room?"

2013-07-03, 10:48 AM
Laughing Marcellus spoke again "Well, I'm sure that their exchange of tales shan't get that enthusiastic, but if it shall help you sleep more easily, I have no issue with it."

Not sure if I provoke a sense motive check from Eidolon fro my last comment- It should be fairly obvious to him that I've deliberately suggested the room arrangements so as to keep him separate from Sinvel.

2013-07-03, 04:29 PM
"Aye, I'd be delighted to share a room with Sir Highsilver" And although I hardly think he'd try anything, I'm just as happy to have a few solid walls between Eidolon and me. Of course, he'd certainly shared a room with people he'd had more reason to be suspicious of, so perhaps he was being a fool. Still, Jailyn thought he'd reach the trance more easily with the Paladin by his side. Besides, who'd want to pass up the opportunity to hear a Paladins adventures?

Though he'd hardly consider it improper for Synnöve to share a room, he didn't wish to criticize what seemed to be a popular value, particularly if everyone was fine with the way the rooms were distributed anyway. Besides, if she was uncomfortable sharing a room with a man she'd just met, who was he to say that was unwise?

While that last paragraph takes Jailyn's character in a way I want it to go (i.e. a nice, compassionate person, but one who's willing to play fast and loose with other's standards of honor and propriety), if you think it jars too badly with the culture you'd like to establish in Nënt'le, we can ignore it.

2013-07-03, 05:19 PM
Each time Martha came 'round to check on them, Synnöve said "It's great, miss. Thanks for the meal," or some variant of it at least. At the murmuring of sleeping locations, she looked out a window from where she sat. Jeez, it's night already. That was fast. "I personally don't care who I'm sharing with. I'm actually quite tired, so—" a yawn interrupts her speech. "—I think I'll just flop down and sleep when I get in the room anyway."

2013-07-03, 05:46 PM
Mrs. Martha listened patiently while Marcellus explained the room arrangements.
"All right, let me check the room list…"
She pulled out a commonplace book from her apron's pocket and made a few tick marks.
"Lucky for you, we have a three-bed and two two-bed rooms left! I'll let you divide amongst yourselves who sleeps where… let me go fetch the keys."
She turned around. No sooner had she gotten back with three keys did the group hear a small commotion from the door.
"I'm sorry, sir," said Arthur's voice. "We're fresh out of rooms for the night."

2013-07-03, 05:53 PM
Magno felt his eyes water as the woman turned him away. He noticed a small group making their way to their rooms, but focused on the woman before him.

"Ma'am... there has to be someplace I can sleep. Perhaps I can sleep on the floor somewhere? Please... just don't turn me away."

2013-07-03, 06:20 PM
Marcellus caught eye of the new visitor, pausing for a moment. After a moment's thought, he walked up to Martha and the newcomer and spoke quietly, his eyes changing in a way that hadn't been seen before. "Martha, if there's any problem I'd happily cover the cost of this man's room." Gone is his usual tone, and replacing it is a solemn, hushed voice. He made no show of his generosity, as may be expected given his exuberant personality, but rather kept his tone low so as to avoid humiliating the newcomer further. Something about Marcellus' manner rang of regret, and almost a slight hint of anger, although it was by no means dedicated to any individual in the room.

2013-07-03, 06:26 PM
"That would be all well and good if we had an empty room available," agreed Mrs. Martha, "but we just filled our last one — and don't you even consider giving yours up! I won't hear any of it."
Her expression was equally regretful and grim. This wasn't the first time she'd had to turn someone away due to lack of space, and she seemed to know it wouldn't be the last.
If someone stepped forward to listen in to Arthur's conversation, they'd hear him continue.
"We'll let you stay until midnight while you figure out what to do, but then we'll have to close."

2013-07-03, 06:36 PM
Magno looked at the man who had just offered to pay for his room. It had been a long time since someone made such a generous offer. Magno ran a hand through his short black hair and inhaled slowly.

"What am I going to do?" he muttered to himself.

Magno looked over at the generous man and gave a weak smile.

"Thank you for offering to pay for my room. That was very... generous of you. It seems that they're out of room for the night though. Any chance that you have an extra bed among your group? Perhaps I can even sleep on the floor in one of the rooms? I promise not to be a bother."

Sorry for any confusion from using a different account. That was my brother's account and I forgot to log him out.

2013-07-03, 06:37 PM
"Martha, I wouldn't mind sleeping in the chair. We can squeeze another in, I'm sure- I'll even pay extra for the room." Marcellus was oddly insistent, and doubtless aware of how odd he must appear to Martha, who would know him well enough to understand that something was profoundly different about his behaviour.

smoke prism
2013-07-03, 06:39 PM
As Marcellus got up to take to Mather, Sinvel was not far behind him
"Martha if they are no rooms left, we have seven beds by my count and they are only six in our group, so they is a free bed that our new acquaintance can use. Sinvel said this so that only the people around the door can hear him.

2013-07-03, 06:48 PM
Marcellus nodded at Sinvel and spoke again, still in quiet tones. "I'll ask Synnöve if she doesn't mind sharing. If so, she said she didn't mind rooming with one of us, so I'll swap with her if needs be." Marcellus strode quickly back across the room and spoke quietly to Synnöve, maintaining the same voice he'd been using ever since the man entered the tavern. "Synnöve, this poor man has nowhere to stay, and there's a spare bed in your room. If you wouldn't mind sharing, I'd happily cover all the costs. Or I could swap with you, if you wouldn't want to room with a stranger. I know its odd to ask, but..." Marcellus' voice trailed off slightly towards the end, and his eyes drifted back towards the newcomer.

2013-07-03, 07:11 PM
Magno noticed the generous man look at him and focused on the innkeeper lady that had tried to turn him away. He pulled out his waterskin and took a quick drink. When it emptied, he used a Create Water spell and drank some more. Magno took off his leather cap and held it to his chest as he approached the generous man and the lady he spoke with.

2013-07-03, 07:45 PM
Eidolon perks up upon seeing the new arrival. He looks at the new combat and tries to determine from his weapons and armor what his fighting style may be. Another one? Well I will be sleeping in another room tonight so no need to worry too much about it right now. "I'm going to go ahead and head up to my room and let you all sort things out down here. Goodnight. Tell me the bill for my stay in the morning." With this Eidolon stands and heads to Martha and upon receiving directions to the three bed bedroom heads up to it for the night.

If I need to do a spot or something for any actions I just did go ahead and roll for me DM (I would have to doublepost now cause I can't roll on an edit :/)

2013-07-03, 09:14 PM
Synnöve turned her attention to Marcellus as he spoke while she was grabbing her staff. She smiled as she listened and swatted the air with her free hand in the fashion that goes along with the onomatopoeia "Pfff."
"Sharing a room? No problem here," she said to Marcellus, but she said it loud enough that the newcomer would hear it as well. "If it was needed, I'd share a bed with a stranger." When she finished her statement, her face faded into a look of confusion due to the fact that what she just said doesn't sound like what she wanted it to sound like. That came out a bit different than how it did in my head.... "To directly answer your question, I won't mind sharing a room."

2013-07-03, 09:42 PM
Mrs. Martha beamed.
"Well, Lady Synnöve, if you're sure you don't mind, I'll assume that's that. I'd imagine all of you are eager to get to your rooms, yes?"
She led the group up a rather narrow staircase to their rooms. The three-person room was near the end of the hall, while the two-person rooms were up another flight of stairs, across the hall from each other.
"Sorry they're not all together… they're literally the last three rooms in the inn!" she said apologetically as she handed Marcellus the key to the three-bed room. "If you feel like eating in the morning, you can, and then we'll discuss the payment… I do believe Sir Wavemaker's — er, 'Little Drummer Boy's' performance was enchanting enough to cover half the total cost of your group's meal and stay. Goodnight!" she said to Sinvel, Marcellus, and Jailyn.
When she, Eidolon, Ara, Synnöve, and Magno arrived at the two two-bed bedrooms, she gave one key to Ara and one to Synnöve.
"Goodnight as well," she said before turning tail and heading back down the stairs.
Describe what happens before bed and in the morning in one post. If you want to carry on an in-character conversation with your roommate(s), start up a DM with all parties involved. If someone wants to say just one thing before bed, go ahead and post it here. But let's not let the plot drag too long. :smallwink:

2013-07-04, 12:11 AM
Jailyn turned to those of his companions who would be rooming elsewhere "Goodnight all, I'll see you on the morrow". He then stepped into his room, quite happy with his ultimate list of roommates. He'd noted Marcellus's sudden change of demeanor when the newcomer arrived, and was thrilled at his compassion. Jailyn would gladly have suggested the arrangement the group ultimately decided on, but was just as glad he hadn't had to. He was also glad to see Synnöve was open to sharing a room, although perhaps she had come off as a touch more open than she intended. Or not. He appreciated her openness either way, and possibly her directness as well. His companions were shaping up to be quite an upstanding group of people.

Despite the earlier comments about story-time, Jailyn decided he wouldn't bring it up, although he'd be happy to listen if the Paladin did. They had plenty of plans to make tomorrow. Probably, they'd need to start with gathering information. Perhaps their new found roommate would be a good starting point.

"Goodnight good sirs", he said to Sinvel and Marcellus. The last thing Jailyn did before lying down for the night was cast air-breathing on himself.

When he broke out of his trance, Jailyn repeated the spell. It was hardly necessary, but he'd just as soon keep a large window between himself and suffocation. He'd mostly gotten used to spending his nights out of water, but he still felt a touch stiff most mornings. He donned his performer's clothes, deciding to leave his armor off, for the moment, and gathered up his things. He checked to see which of his roommates were still abed, and then headed down to the common room, to see who was already there, and wait for anyone else.

I'm never sure what hygiene rituals are appropriate in this kind of setting. Please assume he does whatever would be considered normal.

2013-07-04, 02:12 AM
Eidolon gets in his room and examines it shortly for entrances and exits. If there is a window he closes and locks it, and once his roommate for the night gets inside he closes and locks the door. Then after his brief summery of the surroundings he goes through a martial routine of kicks, punches, and blocks. He also works on his upper body with push ups, and he works on his lower body with squats and works on his core with sit ups. Afterwards he meditates until he goes to bed. If Ara tries to strike up a conversation, Eidolon informs him that he can't really understand his a word he is saying, but if he is wondering about whether Eidolon will kill him in his sleep or not he promises that he won't if Ara doesn't.

Next morning, Eidolon freshens up a bit if there is a basin of water available. Then goes over his equipment to make sure everything is in order. If Eidolon is ready to leave and Ara is still asleep he will debate whether or not to wake him, but eventually decide that he better or else he will get asked awkward questions until Ara comes around. He will then go meet the others.

2013-07-04, 02:40 AM
Ara didn't much mind either way to the stranger who was sharing a room with Synnove, but something had his interest. I wonder what Marcellus's hiding. He isn't acting right about that one. He walked up to his room with the others, and once there he neatly folded his chain and placed it within arm's reach of his bed, and where it was out of reach of the other two (if such a place exists! Its probably one of the corners of the room.). He unpacked his armour from his bag - he had seen no reason to wear it during the festivities - and gave it a going-over to clean it and make sure that it was in working order. He then bade the others 'gidnigh'' and clambered onto bed, mind wandering over what the next day would bring as he slipped into trance.

Being a ground elf, he awoke from his trance long before the others woke from their sleep. As quietly as he could, he crept out of the room with his chain and left the building (If anyone wakes, he tells then that he is going outside to train). In a quiet road nearby, he practiced swinging and striking with his weapon, knowing that he may well need to use it soon. At the waking hour, he returns to his room, washes his face, shaves and goes downstairs, humming a nursery rhyme as he does so.

For what its worth, there should probably be hide and move silently rolls for sneaking out of the room in which the ever-wary eidolon is sleeping. From her recent OoC post, I take it that the DM is wanting to make this roll (inform me if I have misunderstood this!)

smoke prism
2013-07-04, 07:07 AM
"Good night everyone" Sinvel said as he followed Jailyn to there room. I won't keep him up with my storys, he looks tired. Before he got into bed Sinvel took off his: sword, shield and finely his armour and he started to meticulously polished them all. After doing this Sinvel got into bed and feel into the trance common to his race.

In the morning Sinvel put on his: armour, sword and shield and he hose down to the bar room and asked at the bar for a mug of apple cider and a plate of whatever meat was left from the night before, after ordering his food Sinvel whent to claim a table large enough to fit there modest sized group.

2013-07-04, 07:29 AM
Magno led the woman into the room. Her red and white hair bounced with each step until she finally made it to her bed. Magno sat down on his bed and offered one last word of gratitude before going to bed.

In the morning, Magno made sure to ready his belongings (only a watersack and his hat) and waited by the front door to thank the party for allowing him to stay with them.

2013-07-04, 01:09 PM
Marcellus entered the room, the troubled expression having completely left his face. He makes no preparations, but moves across the room, noting as Eidolon locks the windows and door with an approving smile. He seats himself in a chair, still fully clothed and armoured, and loosens a dagger from its sheath, holding it subtly as he sits quietly in the chair, eyes closed. After a while, it becomes evident that he is asleep.

He wakes early, noting Ara's disappearance as he does, and rises, stretching himself, the dagger still clutched in one hand. Noticing it, he fully sheathes the blade with a slightly worried look on his face, and heads outside himself to practise his combat techniques and exercise his body. After he is done, he returns to the room to wash himself and dresses again, before heading downstairs to join those of his companions who have woken for breakfast.

2013-07-04, 09:55 PM
By the time the party gathered for breakfast, about half the tables were occupied. It was much quieter than last night, as most of the breakfasters were still drowsy. Quiet chatter still filled the room as different barwenches than the ones of the night before brought hot bread and plates of fruit to tables. Several people had steaming mugs that filled the air with the scent of apples.
Almost the instant the last person sat down, Mrs. Martha came to the table.
"Morning, all. How did you sleep? What would you like? We have bread straight from the oven, fresh fruit, hot cider…"
She trailed off. Though her face was as round and smiling as it was last night, she had extra lines under her eyes.

2013-07-04, 10:20 PM
"G'night miss Martha," said Synnöve to the innkeeper. "And night to you all as well!" she added, directing it towards the rest of their group even though the majority of them were spread out. She didn't really care enough about the rest of the patrons in the inn, mostly because she thought them to be asleep already. Deep asleep.
She, along with Magno, entered their room and she bid him goodnight. Her staff was neatly placed in a corner, stood up against a wall just like before, spellbook beside her bed on the floor. Synnöve, after doing that, flopped down on the bed in a very un-subtle manner and made the bed creak slightly. She practically fell asleep right on impact. Walking around and listening to a cascade of speculations combined with a good meal makes for a tired wizard. Or at least a tired Synnöve. No need to generalize.

[[ TRANSITION (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yic7IRO9d6I) ]]

In the morn, the young wizard awoke early before most of the group in order to prepare her spells. It takes quite some time, and she knows this for a fact. Reaching for her spellbook, she sat cross-legged on her bed (still in her robe, yes) and got to it. After finishing, she went down to grab a bite to eat.
The spells she prepared are:
Cantrips: Ray of Frost (x2), Detect Magic, Message.
Level 1: Charm Person
Edit: Shoot! Pretend this post happened before the DM's >.>

2013-07-04, 11:04 PM
Magno approaches the woman and gives her some gold in exchange for some fresh bread. The aroma of fresh bread hits his nostrils and brings a big smile to his face. He then walks over to Marcellus.

"Fresh bread?" Magno offers. He then sits at the table with the generous man.

"You know, I can help patch you and your friends up when you head out for adventure. I... can also make water should the need arise. Could I possibly tag along? I promise not to be a bother."

2013-07-05, 12:00 AM
When Mrs. Martha came to the table, he replied to her query, "Oh, I slept quite well. You're inn is most hospitable. Bread, fruit, and cider all sound wonderful to me." It didn't look as though she'd slept terribly well, but Jailyn wasn't sure there was a polite way to express his concern.

When the newcomer from last night arrived at the table, Jailyn was intrigued. "Patch us up? You're a healer then? That's quite a noble profession." It really is, Jailyn thought. He was pleased to see the stranger had come over. Following last night, Jailyn had been somewhat worried about the man.

Jailyn smiled at the man, "I'm quite a fan of not dying; I'd love for you to join us. I'm Jailyn Wavemaker, what's your name?" He glanced at the rest of the party, hoping they too would be happy to have a newcomer. It wasn't though they had any specific plan yet anyway.

2013-07-05, 12:16 AM
Eidolon sits down at the table looking well rested. "I will have the same as Jailyn." Eidolon takes a moment to study Mrs. Martha getting an intuitive feeling that something is off.
Could the DM roll a sense motive for me (as per the new rule) I get a +2 wisdom bonus.
To the Healer Eidolon says, "A healer hmm? I suppose you heal the sick and poor and charge nary a thing for your services correct? Such compassion does not give strength to those you 'help' you know. Better that they meet conflict straight on and grow than to be coddled and remain weak for all time. Even if that means they die." After the brief steam of words Eidolon becomes silent as he waits for, and then eats his meal.

2013-07-05, 12:59 AM
Jailyn looked at Eidolon with disgust. What sort of man have I chosen to align myself with? Perhaps he had not been so wrong last night, when he questioned the wisdom of sharing a room with the man. He turned back to the healer, and smiled broadly, "Should you ever find me dying by the side of the road, know that I do not value strength so highly that I would prefer death to weakness." Though he smiled as he said this, it wasn't a joke, and his tone was the closest it ever came to harsh, though that wasn't very close. His smile brightened and his tone grew less serious, "Also, know that I should probably be submerged in water", he added, wiggling his webbed fingers to make the point.

2013-07-05, 01:58 AM
Ara nodded politely to Mrs Martha and stared into the conversation. He was glad to hear that a healer had offered their services, since he had a feeling that he may be one of the main recipients, and he made a remark along those lines, though he did not car for the exact words. Eidolon's remark seemed cruel, bnut Ara made no comment, as Jailyn made his point well enough. I wonder how Eidolon will feel when he's bleeding from five different wounds.

He had decided to wear his half-plate today, since he had a feeling that he may need it.

2013-07-05, 05:37 AM
"Well that... was harsh," Magno muttered as Eidolon walked away.

Was this man right though? Was Magno nothing more than a hindrance? He appreciated the kind words Jailyn offered, but he still felt that there was something true about Eidolon's words.

Magno let the words resonate in his mind as he refocused on the kind people before him. If nothing else, Marcellus and Jailyn had proven to be fine companions thus far. Magno adjusted his hat as he spoke.

"So what great adventures do we seek today?

2013-07-05, 05:54 AM
Thanking Margo for the bread with a smile, Marcellus spoke up "I think ser Eidolon is correct about the dangers of complacency; it never suits to become careless simply because of the presence of a healer. However, I certainly place my life above my pride, and the maintenance of ones sense of self-preservation is hardly incompatible with such a presence." He leaned over to Margo rubbing him on the shoulder in a friendly manner. "After all, regardless of how careful you are, poor luck isn't something you can plan against. And when this happens, your presence will be received much more warmly by him. Until then, know that I would be very happy to know that you'd have my back in a tight spot. And the free provisions are hardly amiss either!" Marcellus grinned widely and took another bite of the bread.

smoke prism
2013-07-05, 06:37 AM
Sinvel Nealy flinched at Eidolon statement, for he had just insulted one of Včnnligs basic tennents To everyman there own, who am I to question his believes. Sinvel thought, he then turned to Magno and said "I would be glad of you skills, just in case one of us geta hurtle".
Then with a large smile that hide his anger at Eidolon, he offered Magno his hand and said "I'm Sinvel Highsilver and it is a pleasure to make you're acquaintens

2013-07-05, 08:19 PM
Mrs. Martha returned more speedily than she had last night with everyone's food. From what Eidolon could tell, she didn't appear to be hiding anything — just tired.
As she set out the food, it seemed like she sensed the tense atmosphere.
"So… about that assassination attempt last night, eh?"
It was unclear whether she was playing dumb or hadn't heard that most of the group was there.

2013-07-06, 01:58 AM
"Oh yes", Jailyn replied to Mrs. Martha's question. "That's a nasty affair. I'd heard he wasn't popular, but didn't realize the resentment ran so deep." Jailyn spoke casually, to try to avoid seeming too concerned; just a bard, curious about local current events. "Did he make someone mad recently?", he asked offhandedly, or trying to appear so.

Diplomacy +9, Sense motive +6, Bluff +7
Edit in case it's not clear: Diplomacy is to get more information. Sense Motive is to see if she's got anything she's hiding or knows we were there, but if she gives an answer, it'll be most efficient to use it on that too. Bluff isn't him really lying, just trying to avoid revealing (possibly) hidden motives.

2013-07-06, 02:11 AM
Magno is immediately torn from his conversation at the mention of an assassination. He quickly turns to Mrs. Martha.

"There was an assassination?! Did I miss something?"

2013-07-06, 03:29 AM
Ara was surprised that Magno knew nothing about the attack. It seems a bit suspicious, but looking at this man he seems to be the type that would not notice a sword at his own throat. Jailyn's subtle(ish) question could yield answers, but he felt that Magno should be filled in. He touched Magno's shoulder and turned to him directly.
"Lor' Borgova wa' sho' a' by an assassin yesterday. I' wa' suspicious, an' wi're lookin' inta i'. How come ye dunnae ken?"
[Lord Borgova was shot by an assassin yesterday. It was suspicious, and we're looking into it. How do you not know?]

This is an independant conversation from that of the main group, so I'm not interupting Jailyn & Martha.

2013-07-06, 11:20 AM
"Oh, when it comes to nobles and other officials, the locals of Bıv have long memories. It's not so much what he's done in the last ten years, more what he hasn't. Did you hear about the blight a couple of years back?"
It sounded somewhat familiar, but Mrs. Martha went ahead and elaborated.
"See, there was some sort of blight on the crops. It didn't seem to be magically inflicted or anything, but all the fields were dying. None of the nobles did a blas— er, anything about it until someone performed a heist on… oh, I'd say about eight personal granaries? All in the same night, and it proved completely untraceable… oh, the Guard's mages weren't happy about that. Even then, when House Bórgova finally did something, it wasn't Andreas. His hired wizards acted on their own."
Mrs. Martha shook her head.
"Basically, everyone around here thinks Bórgova's a damned fool, but nobody wants to pass up on a good festival."
She seemed like any other irked townsperson, and Jailyn was fairly confident she wasn't hiding anything. There seemed to be a slight touch of suspicion when she said, "Why do you ask?" but that could easily be pegged to his imagination or the general atmosphere of tension surrounding Bórgova at the moment.

2013-07-06, 03:01 PM
After finishing his meal, Eidolon, upon hearing the suspicion in Martha's voice, attempts to change the subject, "Someone was able to make off with the contents of eight personal granaries? All in the same night? Surely you jest, that can't possibly be true. Where would he put all the grain? Now a group of people might work, but then they would surely leave a trace. What do you think Mrs. Martha?"

smoke prism
2013-07-06, 04:49 PM
Sinvel had remained silent listening to the convasasion going on around him, but Eidolon's comment about the granaries cause him chuckle, not derisively, but in away that told Eidolon he didn't total agree with his statement "There's some powerful welders of arcan might out there, who I'm shower could raid some granaries, but I do agree that the perpetrater shoots have left so physical trace or some residual arcan residue. After saying this Sinvel smiled apologetical to Eidolon for laughing at what he said.

I don't what you to think that Sinvel is an expert on arcan principles, he is essentially parroting what has being said earlier.

2013-07-06, 09:02 PM
Magno looked at Ara, slightly embarrassed.

"I'm s-s-s-sorry. I've j-j-just b-been travelling alone the past few d-d-days," he stammers.

Magno falls back into a chair and listens to the rest of the conversation taking place. He has a thought, but at this point is too afraid to open his mouth anymore.

2013-07-07, 03:34 AM
"Dunnae be worryin', I wi' jus' winderin'. Hoo d'ye ge' te be here, an'way?"
[Don't worry, I was just wondering. How did you get to be here, anyway?]
Ara felt slightly embarrassed himself at making this kindly stranger feel so uncomfortable. He certainly is hard to talk to. I'm not sure whether he's putting it on or not. He turned his attention back to the main conversation for a second. Must be a pretty stupid noble, not to look after his own people. That will always come back to bite. He wondered for a second whether what he did will ever come back to bite him, but felt that he was too far away for them to reach him.

Sense Motive on Magno: -1

2013-07-07, 02:35 PM
Sorry about my lateness! I was at church.
Ara, the result of the Sense Motive (with the modifier) is 15, so I'm gonna assume two things:
1. It isn't an act, and Magno's really this nervous/shy
2. Magno's not much harder to read than the average person and isn't deliberately being difficult.
Though Ara knew he wasn't always the best at gleaning others' true intentions, Magno seemed genuine enough. Besides, what kind of person would go out of his way to be difficult with people who had done him a service?

2013-07-07, 05:02 PM
Jailyn thought about the new information Mrs. Martha had given him, trying to match it with anything he already knew. She brought the assassination up. Is she really suspicious that I want to know more? Are the people of Biv so jaded?

Bardic Knowledge about the plague/heist and hired wizards (probably 2 checks, but it's your call): +7

He turned to Sinvel and Eidolon, "I quite agree with you, Sinvel, with the proper magics, a mage could easily teleport, walk through walls, hide from sight, compel or convince the guards to let him or her or them in. Actually, although I don't doubt the guards have powerful divinations, it's possible to mask one's magical auras. Though I'm sure the guards have very powerful magic, I imagine there are other powerful wizards in Biv. The threat of starvation might draw out heroes." Or maybe the guard wizards are complicit. I can hardly fault them if so. "You mentioned the hired wizards acted on their own. What'd they do?"

I'm not sure what checks/how many are appropriate. All through this conversation he's trying to get as much information as possible, determine what's true and avoid revealing any ulterior motives. Diplomacy is +9, Sense Motive +6, Bluff +7

2013-07-08, 05:40 AM
"I don't claim to be an expert in the Arcane... but if it an individual capable of casting all those spells themselves they must e quite a powerful wizard, or an equally powerful but highly specialised sorcerer." Mused Marcellus, ponderously.

What I'm trying to say is that since spells like teleport are 5th level, that means that whoever we're up against is probably at least a 10th level wizard. I'm going with wizard here, because for a spontaneous caster to have all the spells needed to pull off a heist like this he would need an incredibly specialised spell list, which seems unlikely, whereas a wizard has many more options. Assuming it is a wizard, this also gives us some insight into which schools he hasn't banned. Alternately it could be a group of spellcasters, rather than just one.
Of course, Marc can't really say any of this because his Knowledge: Arcane is pretty nonexistent, but these are my thoughts.

2013-07-08, 02:45 PM
I was trying to get Mrs. Martha distracted from our business not have us switch from finding an assassin to looking for a granary thief from two years ago! Oh well might as well continue this line of discussion while it is there. Eidolon turns to Mrs. Martha and says, "So how did the hired mages help out once the grain was stolen? They conjure up some bread from the plane of baked goods?"

Not sure if create food is on arcane spell lists.

2013-07-09, 01:20 AM
Martha chuckled at the flurry of discussion.
"By Usawa, I only brought the blight up as an example for Jailyn, not a new mystery! I really don't know much more about it — I do believe the mages were able to develop a spell that cured the crops. That year's yield was about half as large as a healthy year. I've heard rumours that whoever raided the food supplies distributed the food to the needy, but I've never met anyone on the receiving end of it."
Sorry about being so late! :smallredface:
Some Background Exposition About the Guard:
The Guard is basically Nënt'le's police force. It's the equivalent of the various government agencies that the US has. It has centralised and localised branches. The centralised branch is under the employ of the royal family, while local branches are typically associated with the lesser nobles. Its membership is disproportionately human, but it does have members of each Nënt'lean race. Most classes are represented in the Guard: fighters, wizards, clerics, and paladins of honour, mainly. If someone managed to take down an armed Guard member and avoid retribution, it would be worth it, because the weaponry and armour are better than most Nënt'leans who buy weapons can afford. The Guard is ridiculously rich, after all. They also have an outstanding magic and spell research program, and most magic-using Nënt'leans aspire to be accepted. They're always developing new spells for practical use and training their wizards and clerics in them.
With a capital G, "Guard" refers to the organisation, and with a lowercase g, "guard" refers to one of its members.
And yes, this information is going into the main Google Doc.

2013-07-09, 01:53 AM
Ara let out a silent prayer. Thank you, Martha, for keeping them focused on the task at hand. This is almost certainly not some ridiculous conspiracy revolving around a scribbled note left by a forgotten victim of an old blight or something stupid like that. Its an assassination, pure and simple, whatever motive it has.
He tried to think of things to do, but leads were very unforthcoming. This certainly is a tough egg to crack. Maybe the others will have a better idea.

2013-07-09, 03:37 PM
Jailyn nodded to Mrs. Martha. "I thank you kindly for that. As a bard, I feel a strong compulsion to learn everything about everything. As part of my bardic vows, I swore to ask questions about local events in every inn I visited, and were I to forswear those vows, the retribution of my fellow performers would be both sure and swift". He put on an expression of mock solemnity and nodded with false fervor. He watched for the rest of the tables reactions, and glanced about to see if anyone else was listening in.

These particular questions had been fruitful though. So the Guard sometimes acts on their own. Or at least some guards. That was interesting. He wondered if this was common. He tried to think of other cases he knew about.

Spot to see if anyone's listening is +0. Bardic Knowledge to see if he knows about any other events where the guards acted on their own or something similar, as well as if they suffered any retribution is +7

Also, Jailyn hasn't run out of questions yet, but I'd like to give other people a chance to talk.

smoke prism
2013-07-09, 05:08 PM
"I only brought the blight up as an example for Jailyn", wow this speak to his in a ability to rule, if people can come up multiple failings of his, no wonder people want him dead "
In a low voice so only the people around the table could hear him Sinvel said "Mrs. Martha may I ask ? Who would succeed Andreas Bórgova if he was to die. " Sinvel try's to say this ad casual as he could, as to not make Mrs. Martha suspicious if his reasons for asking it.

1)Bluff +3 to not arouse suspicion
2) (To DM) May I ask for basic info on the noble hierocracy in Biv ?

2013-07-09, 06:14 PM
Doubt anyone would suspect a Paladin of compassion to be supporting assassination attempts xD Incidentally, if our would-be assassin friend turns out to be, or be part of a group of people who are essentially Robin Hood and his Merry Men, then Marc is pretty likely to side with them against Borgova, and support the assassination. Marc really does not like corrupt and greedy nobles, in a major way.

"It seems entirely possible that the would-be assassin and these vigilante grain thieves may be in league with one another; if there is a group of people involved, then it would go a way to explaining how the funds for the enchanted bow were gathered."

And I would very much like to meet up with these people he thought to himself ponderously. If it is true that they redistributed the grain to the poor then this is a noble organisation indeed.

2013-07-10, 01:30 AM
Martha chuckled at the idea of bardic retribution before turning serious.
"Nobody around here believes it means anything, but were Andreas to die, his title would be passed on to his nephew Marco."
I'll need another day to organise my thoughts, but I can definitely talk about Nënt'lean nobility.

2013-07-10, 02:16 AM
Magno let out a slow exhale as he rose to his feet and joined the others. He adjusted his cap and let the others speak before asking a question of his own.

"M-marco? Wow, I'm rather surprised. If you don't mind me asking, how has Marco reacted to his uncle's... laid back method of ruling?"

2013-07-10, 03:19 PM
At the mention of this Marco, Jailyn thought back on what he knew about the city. What do I know about this Marco...

Bardic Knowledge to answer that question is +7. You know, cause you didn't have enough to do :smallsmile:

2013-07-10, 11:13 PM
"Marco's only eight years old, and tends to keep out of the public eye."
Jailyn had known that before, but the only other things he could think of were that he somewhat resembled his great-great grandfather, Ivan IV, whose face was on the laka, the standard Nënt'lean silver piece. Ten laka made one notka, the standard Nënt'lean gold piece.
The royal family of Nënt'le is the Altın. Their palace is just south of Bıv, and it's practically on the Southern Delta (of the Nehyr). They've been the ruling class of Nënt'le ever since it first became a unified country.
There are many noble families, and most of them are related to the Altın. House Bórgova, for example, split off relatively recently, within the last hundred years, so that's why Marco is a direct descendant of a king.
A large proportion of nobles are shorter than the average human, because there's quite a lot of halfling blood tossed in there. All but one noble family, House Křrin, a group of wood elves, are humans.

2013-07-10, 11:31 PM
Eidolon, while mildly interested in potential future targets, felt it was about time to leave Mrs. Martha's establishment. He looked over at Marcellus until he caught his attention then made a subtle nod toward the exit and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

Bluff check to send marcellus the message that eidolon is reeady to head out if one is needed. I think I have a minus 1 to bluff.

2013-07-11, 03:07 AM
Ara was browsing his thoughts for a possible lead when he thought he saw Eidolon sign to Marcellus about leaving. He was glad that someone had suggested it, as even though he found the conversation somewhat interesting, now that the specualtion had turned into idle knowledge, he wanted to be out there, doing what he did best. I'll give it two more days. If nothing happens by then, I'll leave.
He idly began to hum as he waited for the conversation to collapse. We coulkd try asking about to see who knows anything, but it is unlikely that anyone does. A noble family could afford the magic bow, but then why would they hire such an average assassin? If it is someone lower, it is unlikely that anyone will know of it.

2013-07-11, 05:07 AM
Satisfied with the answer, Magno quietly slipped by the doorway and sat in a nearby chair. He knew it was time to leave, but was far too afraid to say anything. He simply observed his new companions as he waited to leave, taking the occasional sip from his waterskin.

2013-07-11, 07:12 AM
Catching Eidolon's eye, Marcellus bowed softly to Martha and spoke his goodbye "Well, Martha, I must say that I very much enjoyed my stay- the opportunity to try your food is not one I ever wish to pass up! However, myself and my companions have pressing needs that occupy us today, and so I fear we must be off. I'm sure we will see each other again soon." Marcellus smiled, pressing the appropriate coin for payment into her hand, and waited for any response that Martha may give before walking out of the room with his belongings. Indeed, to ask so many questions of one woman is suspicious, and we have information to gather before the trail starts to run cold..

smoke prism
2013-07-11, 10:52 AM
Seeing that it was time to go, Sinvel turned to Mrs. Martha and said "WellMrs. Martha thank you for the outstanding food, but it seems that it is time for use to go, so how much do I have to pay for the food, drinks and the roms ?"
Wating for Marthas respond Sinvel sat in a relaxed, upright positon

2013-07-11, 10:58 AM
Completely forgot about paying...
Can I retcon my post to say I settled what I owed with her before sitting down to breakfast?

2013-07-11, 12:35 PM
Ara rose from his chair with the others and went for the door. He was glad to be finally out, doing something, even if he was somewhat lost about what to do.

Short post to clear up that I was leaving without being presumptious about that fact that everyone else has.

2013-07-11, 03:47 PM
Jailyn looked about as his companions prepared to leave. Pity, I had a few more questions. Ah well, I'll just follow along. "Your food and lodging were simply marvelous Mrs. Martha, and I was honored to perform for you. Still, it seems we are leaving, so I bid you farewell." Jailyn bowed with a flourish. "As I recall, the good Sir Highsilver and the generous Sir Lockwood both agreed to pay for one round, and I've already covered half our 3 rooms. Which leaves the other half and our breakfast to split amongst ourselves." Hope I'm not being presumptuous, reminding Sinvel and Marcellus of what they said. Still, they offered.

Assuming any corrections to the bill go without incident. Unless there's something crazy, Jailyn will just pay what's asked of him, and then leave. Edited to remove actions following everyone leaving, just in case that doesn't happen yet.

2013-07-11, 03:57 PM
I've edited my post to have Marc pay Matha before he left, so I'll just wait on the DM to tell us what we owe and subtract the necessary amount from my funds.

Marcellus waited until the group had gathered outside the tavern, and motioned them closer. He then proceeded to share his thoughts and deductions on the present situation with everyone, pausing as appropriate to take any questions that may be presented to him.

To everyone:

This is pretty much me shortcutting to telling everyone IC what I just posted up in the OOC, so if you have the inclination to plough through the post Marcellus is just repeating in IC words what I said there.

2013-07-11, 04:00 PM
Psst. Not everyone had left. Surprise, Synnöve still exists, spiagge! :P
Since a certain someone from a certain extra-dimensional plane was absent from pressing buttons to create script on a lit box, Synnöve really just sat there in her seat quietly, listening to the rest of them chatter and politely interrogate. Sometimes simple listening is the best idea in a situation, however.
Like the rest of her group, she thanked their host for the meal and bed like so: "Yeah, thanks for the breakfast, Martha. It was great, especially the cider!"
Not wanting to be left behind and trusting the bill to those who offered to pay, Synnöve got up from her chair, staff in hand, and walked out with the rest of the party. She was ready to tackle this investigation along with her group.
Since I really missed the chance to ask anything, this is all she can really do. I'm definitely going to be more diligent about posting so it doesn't continue.

smoke prism
2013-07-11, 05:13 PM
After listening to Marcellus many hypothesis, Sinvel decided it was time to make a suggestion: "As Sir Lockwood says they are 3 main elements to explore: the nobles, the bow crafter and the "assassin" himself. I think that ever we split up to cover all the points of interest at the same time, or we explore them together and apply all or skills but do it slower."
After saying this Sinvel turned to the group quizzically.

The DM may dislike use splitting up, so we can vote on how we would like to do it, but be prepared for the DM to veto a suggestion She dose not like.

2013-07-11, 05:22 PM
Yeah, I reckon staying together is best so as to lighten the load on the DM. Running split parties is awkward as hell :|

"Then the question, I suppose, is where to start? My thoughts lie with questioning some of the civilians that revived grain from our generous grain thieves. Perhaps they could lead us in the direction of the organisation that perpetrated the theft. If we pool our skills, we should be able to turn up a few leads."

To everyone:

As per Rolep's suggestion, it makes sense that we all aid another on whoever has the highest Gather Information score so as to maximise our chances of turning up new leads. We're gonna have our work cut out for us for a while until we can level up a bit anyway, so we may as well use what we have.

2013-07-11, 05:58 PM
Magno quietly raises his hand to speak.

"I... I think that that's a g-good plan Marcellus."

With some eyes turning to him, Magno quietly ducks his head and takes a step back, away from the circle. He then looks around for anything of interest or use.

+3 Spot

2013-07-11, 09:49 PM
As Magno looked out into the crowd, nothing caught his eye at first. The three-day festival, now on its last day, seemed to be dying down, and some shops were already putting away the trimmings of celebration.
After a moment's searching, the healer became aware of a pair of eyes looking in his direction. He saw three individuals of varying heights and similar complexions standing in a huddle and speaking in hushed tones. None of them were looking directly at him, but one of them, a woman, was very clearly looking at the circle to which Magno belonged. The tallest of the three held a rope, the other end of which was connected to a collared gryphon. The shortest had his arm in a sling. Several seconds passed before they realized they were being watched, and all three turned to stare at Magno.

2013-07-11, 10:09 PM
Magno felt a chill go up his spine at the sight of the gryphon. He walked back to the group and walked directly to Marcellus and whispered quietly in his companion's ear.

"There are some p-people staring at us. I d-don't want to make a s-s-scene, but w-what sh-should we do?" Magno felt embarrassed that his fear had taken over his speech, Magno let out a quiet sigh as he waited for Marc's reply.

2013-07-12, 12:12 AM
Having not yet noticed the group of people watching them, following Marcellus's comments, Jailyn turned to the others, then spoke, "You make many good points Marcellus, though I can't speak to the ability or lack thereof required for our assassin. As I see it, we need more information before we can take any action. Personally, I'd like to know the following: firstly, who else stands to benefit should Marco come to rule; perhaps a regent or some other person who thinks he can be manipulated? Secondly, I'd like to know more about the guards relationship to Borgova, especially if they often take matters into their own hands. Thirdly, I'd like to know if the kind of thing that happened during the plague is common; is there some group that frequently takes distribution of food into their own hands? Further, did they actually distribute it to the needy? Fourthly, I'd of course like to know anything about any assassins, mysterious strangers, or other shadowy groups that have been rumored to be active or suddenly appeared in the city or what have you. Fifthly, I'd like to know if there are have been any recent laws or moves of whatever sort by Borgova. Even if Mrs. Martha doesn't think what he's done recently angered anyone, it might have; who can know the mind of the noble and ambitious?" Jailyn cut off, realizing how much he'd just talked, given how recently he'd met this group. "That is to say, this is what I think would help us right now. What do you think?" He then noticed Magno whisper in Marcellus's ear. He smiled, "I hope you're not telling him you think I'm a bore."

I'd also like to do Bardic knowledge for each of those questions, which is +7

2013-07-12, 12:52 AM
"Both Marcellus & Jailyn make good points. We have a lot of searching ahead. He was glad for their evaluation of the situation to focus his mind, but he worried for how long this will take. The trail would go cold before long. He was just about to indicate his desire for action when he noticed the whsipering. The action didn't seem to fit what he knew of either of them, especially in this large, group discussion. He began to look about for the cause.

Spot to see 3 peeps: -1

2013-07-12, 11:33 AM
As helpful as Jailyn is with his many points and questions, Syn has never liked people who have a waterfall of words every five minutes, no matter how useful the words are. She'll manage, however. "Yes we do," agreed Synnöve. "And hopefully that searching'll bear fruit. Oh, and let's not have a repeat of yesterday either. I'm sure we'd all like to at least make some development in the investigation."
As she finished saying her small piece, Syn noticed that both Magno and Ara were looking around for something, and this prompted her to look around as well. Maybe what they were trying to find is exactly what she will find.
Spot (+1) for the group that everyone is currently noticing that's noticing the group. Maybe she recognizes the trio?

2013-07-13, 12:11 AM
Both Synnöve and Ara spotted and recognised the three Patekka siblings, who now seemed to be glaring at the group. Featherburn let out a rather impressive huff.

While half the group was distracted, Jailyn racked his brains. He couldn't come up with a regent or anything like that, so after a moment he decided to move on. He remembered a couple of anecdotes, and after thinking about them, he concluded that the Bórgova's personal Guard ostensibly worked for him, but would step in if they felt a situation called for their help. Jailyn could only remember one incident of someone robbing the rich to feed the poor, and it had happened after the blight. He couldn't remember if the fellow who had told him about the mysterious parcel of food had mentioned anything about getting anything before then. The only gang he could think of was the Agôra, and they didn't seem like the type to be connected with any altruistic acts. And he couldn't recall any laws or movements by Bórgova at all. The most recent activity he could recall was nearly five years ago, and it had regulated a rare Nyekundu spice.

smoke prism
2013-07-13, 03:26 PM
Turning to see what Synnöve and Ara were looking at, Sinvel saw the gryphon and it handelers, trying not to make it apparent that they are looking at the congregated group.
Sunbelt thought that they might have seen more than anyone else with them being so close to Andreas Bórgova, but Sinvel didn't trust them in the slightest.
Drawing on his training Sinvels sight slowly changed.

Detect evil, as per the paladin class feature Sunbelt dose this for the full 3 rounds.

2013-07-14, 12:31 AM
Unfortunately, because the Patekkas were watching the group so intently, it was impossible to look back without being noticed.
Sinvel took a deep breath and closed his eyes, calling upon the technique the priests and other paladins of Vénnlig had taught them. When he next opened them, everything looked normal, but he knew anything evil would look like it was glowing.
Even when he focused intently on the three (and their gryphon), nothing seemed off about them.

2013-07-14, 02:33 AM
When Jailyn saw the rest of the group was looking at something, he turned to see what it was.

Based on Brett's post, I'm assuming I don't need a check.

His heart leapt at the sight of the griffon. He then turned to look at the group of handlers who were glaring at them, than glanced at his companions. Well this is awkward. They're clearly thinking some choice thoughts about us right now. He glanced at his companions once more, Well, they won't get any less suspicious of us if we just stand there looking at them. Jailyn directed a friendly smile at the handlers, "Well, hello good sirs!"

2013-07-14, 04:28 AM
Ara noticed the trio, and he did not like the way that they were garing at him. He kept his hand poised to unfurl his chain, waiting to see how they would react to Jailyn's attempt at conversation. I cannot see any reason for them to be looking at us so. Perhaps they are involved. If so, this may not end out well for us. If they so much as touch a weapon, I will be upon them.

2013-07-14, 07:30 AM
Magno watched as Jailyn made his way towards the group. Why can't we just go about our own business? I'm sure these people mean no trouble...

Magno took a quick drink from his waterskin and inched away slowly from the rest of the group, trying his best to hide in the crowds. He quietly wished to himself that the trio would be friendly...

smoke prism
2013-07-14, 09:38 AM
Sinvel gave a sight of relief, but he couldn't relaxes knowing that the Griffon could attack them at any moment.
So adopting a calm (but ready) stance Sinvel said directly to Featherburn: " Look at you, I hope that all the excitement didn't scare you." Turning to the trio of tamers Sinvel asked "I hope that featherburn hear is alright after so much excitement ?

Sinvel is trying to act friendly to them, don't know if I'll need to bluff (bluff +3)

2013-07-14, 02:44 PM
Eidolon did not look concerned about the group glareing at them. If they plan on attacking us they should have done so before we noticed them. Also if they look upset it is probably do to the assassination attempt ruining their business the other day. That or they are angry that it took this long for us to notice them. I mean you would expect a gryphon to make an impression. Eidolon looked at his companions. Seems the chain wielder is as ready as I am for a fight and the paladin will certainly join in, Magno looks like he would faint if a fight came up, and as for the rest I am unsure. I bet the bard and Marcellus would talk their way free of the fight though and Synnove has her spells presumebly. Eidolon appeared relaxed and even started to lean against the outer wall of the inn if one were to look closer though they would see his muscles are tensed and ready to spring into motion at a moments notice.

2013-07-14, 06:11 PM
Syn noticed that everyone in the party was looking very tense at the moment, as if this was a dark dungeon where something could pop out at them at any moment. Specifically, from the Patekkas' bodies. This didn't make much sense. "Uh, guys? Why are we having a staring match with the Patekkas?" Synnöve asked her group in a manner which wouldn't be heard by others. When Sunbelt piped up first to ask them about their gryphon, she added on: "Yeah, same with you three. You're alright, I'm hoping? Ya seem a bit... off, about something." She has no need to act friendly to someone who has never wronged her. Plus, they have a gryphon.
No need to irk the 300 kilogram taloned beast that can fly at a top speed of really fast.

2013-07-15, 12:03 AM
The positioning seems kinda unclear, so here's how it was in my head:
The party is huddled one one side of the street.
The Patekkas are on the other.
The street is relatively busy, so there are a bunch of people rushing between the two groups.
Nobody in either party has actually crossed the street.
Émille, the tallest Patekka, turned to his siblings and muttered something that made them laugh. He fished a scrap of meat from the bag he was carrying and fed it to Featherburn before leading the gryphon and half-elves across the busy street to meet the group.
Once everyone was standing in a group that made conversation easy, Émille began speaking. It seemed he addressed Marcellus specifically.
"Our family saw no reason to engage in a shouting match with you. It would be unseemly, and one never can be certain of which ears are listening. Isn't that right, Paūlo?"
The shortest sibling turned his head away in shame before his brother punched his good arm playfully.
"Never mind that, though. Fancy seeing the likes of you twice in the same number of days!"
His entire demeanor seemed playful as he spoke, and it was clear that both onstage and off, Émille Patekka was a born showman.

2013-07-15, 02:04 AM
Ara was glad to see them acting friendly. It at least gave them a chance to talk. Marcellus was probably friendly with them, since he helped them to pull off an excellent show, so he should probably form the mouth of the group. He was still unsure of what they could want, and why they were giving him and his companions such a glare earlier, but he relaxed a little. Perhaps they just want to help us. We must have been conspicuous from the stage when we ran to find the assassin.

2013-07-15, 08:47 AM
Smiling warmly, Marcellus spoke to them "I must say, I am gladdened that yourselves and your magnificent beast here escaped unharmed from the fray! I was quite impressed by the speed at which you made your escape. Such rapidity would have shamed even a trained warrior!"

They seemed innocent enough, but now I think of it, it was suspicious how quickly they removed themselves from the stage after the attack. Could they have known?

Sense motive +1

2013-07-15, 02:57 PM
Once Marcellus had sent the tone for the conversation, Jailyn was quick to chime in "Oh yes, you were absolutely marvelous! I'm amazed at how you handle such an exquisite creature! It was certainly a high-point in the festival; it's a shame it was cut short." They seem friendly now. They seemed to be glaring a moment ago. Which is it?

Sense Motive is +6. Not sure if a diplomacy check is appropriate, (he's just trying to be friendly), but it's +9.

smoke prism
2013-07-15, 04:03 PM
Wondering what these people wanted, Sinvel decided to cut to the chase. " please don't take this the wrong way, but you seem to have been looking for Sir Lockwood, so please say what you want say, because we have things to do today

Sinvela not trying to be rude, some sort of charisma check might be in order (chat +3)

2013-07-16, 02:57 AM
The Patekkas listened politely as the others spoke. They beamed at both Marcellus' and Jailyn's compliments, but gave small frowns at Sinvel's unintentional impoliteness. They seemed to shake it before responding — at least, Émille did.
"Well, we don't exactly have practice in making hasty retreats, but the sight of an arrow is an excellent motivator! And I am just as glad that Featherburn managed to display his skills as much as he did."
He ruffled the gryphon's feathers before addressing Sinvel.
"I'm afraid Sir Lockwood didn't even cross my mind until Renina spotted him and mentioned that to me. It's a happy coincidence, nothing more."
There was an awkward pause, and both Marcellus and Jailyn sensed tension from each Patekka's posture. Paūlo in particular was fiddling with the bandages that looked like they had been hastily applied.
"I don't believe I know any of you besides Sir Lockwood," said Émille suddenly. "As I've said, my name is Émille Patekka — what are your names?"

smoke prism
2013-07-16, 03:11 PM
Sinvel highsilver at you're serves. as he says this Sinvel gives each of them a shallow bow.

Diplomacy +3 to improve there disposition towards me (and I'll leave the questions to someone who hasn't offended them).

2013-07-16, 06:39 PM
Eidolon nods to the Patekkas from his position against the wall and simply says, "Eidolon." He then resumes his study of the Patekkas while keeping his senses alert for danger and uninvited eavesdroppers.

Spot and Listen +6 to each.

2013-07-16, 06:48 PM
After seeing the trio of strangers mingle rather cordial with his party, Magno worked up the courage to rejoin his new friends. He took a step forward and took off his hat to introduce himself.

"The name is Magno Templeton. Pleasure to make your acquaintance," Magno offered before taking his place back in the center of the group.

2013-07-17, 12:09 AM
Jailyn gave a sweeping bow, "I'm Jailyn Wavemaker; singer, drummer, and all around performer. It is truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Perhaps if you let us know what you want, it'd be a greater pleasure.

2013-07-17, 12:15 AM
And here, Syn takes her place to introduce herself. Majestically and ironically, of course.
"And I, the mightiest and absolute humblest of all, am Synnöve," answered she to miss Émille's question. As she did so, she made one deep, exaggerated bow that outmatches even the Overlord of Bows Lord. Well, the imaginary Overlord of Bows Lord. When she came back up, she added on to te introduction. "And I like magic. Let's leave it there."

2013-07-17, 12:38 AM
"Ahm Fiachra Laughlin o' the Durkadurkastan moun'ahns, bu' ye may call mi Ara, i' ye wan'."
[I'm Fiachra Laughlin of the Durkadurkastan Mountains, but you may call me Ara, should you wish.]
Ara gave them a brief tilt of his head. He still wanted to know what they wanted.

2013-07-17, 01:01 AM
The Patekkas all nodded as everyone introduced themselves. Émille went as far as to shake hands after each introduction.
"Sir Highsilver… Sir Eidolon… Sir Templeton… Sir Wavemaker… Lady Synnöve…" — here he kissed her hand — "… and Sir Laughlin!"
He stepped back and gestured to the other two.
"As you all may or may not know, this is my brother Paūlo, and this is my sister Renina."
Both Émille and Renina were all smiles, but Paūlo seemed to have a more serious demeanour. They all appeared to appreciate Sinvel's polite gesture.
Eidolon looked around at the crowd surreptitiously, but nobody around them seemed to care what they were doing. He felt confident he would notice if someone were to start snooping.
Renina spoke up.
"It's been quite hectic since yesterday afternoon, hasn't it?"
Though it sounded as though she was merely making small talk, Ara, Marcellus, and Magno were able to pick up on subtle hints in her tone of voice that indicated she was inviting anyone who might know something about yesterday's assassination attempt to share that knowledge.
If you're wondering why your character did/didn't pick up on her hint, I rolled Sense Motive for the entire party and picked the three highest results.

2013-07-17, 06:21 AM
Ara, catching the implications of her words and speech pattern, spoke up. It was their show that was ruined, so they deserve to know what we know. Perhaps they have something for us, or will help us with our investigation. "Och, some guy wa' shootin' a' Borgova wi' a magic bow from a nearbah buildin'. We wen' te look, but we could nae find anithin'."
[Some guy was shooting at Borgova with a magic bow from a nearby building. We went to look, but we couldn't find anything.]
He hoped that this would relax the underlying tension between the groups.

2013-07-17, 12:39 PM
Following Ara's comments, Jailyn smiled and spoke "Well, that's not strictly true. Divination revealed evidence of the aforementioned magic bow". He hated contradicting Ara, but he thought it was somewhat important to explain how they knew what kind of weapon the assassin had used; otherwise, the conversation would probably get off on the wrong foot. Another thought occurred to him, something he'd forgotten until now. "We also ran into the baker whose home had been used for the assault. He seemed rather frightened, and just as happy to see the entire investigation on it's way out." Another thought occurred to him then, but he kept it to himself: whatever his flaws, I don't need to cast any suspicion on Eidolon. At least not right now. Wondering what the Patekkas' interest was in all this, Jailyn tried to recall everything he knew about them.

Bardic Knowledge on the Patekkas is +7. If some sort of social check is appropriate here: Diplomacy +9, Bluff +7, Sense Motive +6. Not trying to do anything beyond what's in the IC part yet, but after that thought about Eidolon, Jailyn will be at least vaguely suspicious of what he has to say.

smoke prism
2013-07-17, 06:55 PM
Sinvel turned to the Patekkas and asked them the question on his mind "If I may ask ask a question ?
When the started flying, did you notice anything out of the ordinary ?"

Some form of charismar (+3) check might be in order

2013-07-17, 09:10 PM
Although Magno could sense that the Patekkas were fishing for some information, Magno stayed frozen in place. He instead chose to watch the others lead the conversation and convey their information.

2013-07-18, 03:23 AM
Jailyn couldn't think of anything new about the Patekkas he couldn't have figured out. It seemed that they had come from a wild part of Nënt'le and were attempting to make a name for themselves.
All three siblings shook their heads at Sinvel's question.
"We were all surprised at the way Sir Lockwood had with Featherburn, of course, because it took us months to establish that level of trust. But other than that, the first indication that something might be amiss came with the arrow."
Paūlo spoke up when Jailyn mentioned the baker. He seemed much meeker in person than onstage, unlike Émille, who seemed exuberant wherever he went.
"The bakery? Was it across the square from the stage, with the blue shutters on the windows? I bought a little pie there about an hour before we performed. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary then… I told the baker that my family was going to be onstage, and he said he would come."
His shoulders slumped slightly, and he frowned, looking sadly to the ground.
Once his siblings had spoken, Émille again began talking. His voice was filled with the excitement of a mystery.
"A magic bow, eh? Were you working with the Guard, or did you…?"
He backed away a step or two and looked at Synnöve, Jailyn, and Magno, and he seemed to be sizing them up.
"You three are magic-using types, right?"

2013-07-18, 11:56 AM
"It would be more correct to say we are working... alongside the guard, rather than with them. I'm certainly interested to know more about the man that nearly cut me down with that arrow of his. Perchance you could help us? If you know anything of the grain theft and redistribution during the famine we would be most appreciative. And I am surprised to hear that of such a responsive beast as Featherburn! Though perhaps your own trained and caring hands softened the beast so that he was more responsive to my touch- I am sure my display would not have gone quite so well without your efforts!" Marcellus maintains his warm smile and friendly demeanor, holding each of their gazes in turn. "I must say though, sirs, and lady; you seem quite tense."

smoke prism
2013-07-18, 03:27 PM
Sinvel decided to let Marcellus do the question. Don't want to offend them again. Sinvel muesed to him self.

2013-07-18, 03:51 PM
Jailyn turned to Paūlo after his questions about the baker,
I'm not clear on how accurately I can answer his questions about the identity of the bakery. Assume Jailyn answers them truthfully (about the bakery), to the best of his knowledge, and if he doesn't know an answer, he'll say so. If I need some sort of check to see what I remember, Intelligence is +4, Wisdom +0
"Probably just as well for the baker he wasn't around when the assassin came in to his building. Assassins aren't remarked upon for their regard for human life. Truth be told, it could be going to see you saved his life" Or it could be he's complicit. Jailyn kept that last thought to himself though. For the moment, he was happy to see where Marcellus's line of thinking led.

2013-07-18, 06:03 PM
When he heard his name, Magno stiffened and began breathing heavily. Thankfully, before he is able to speak, Marcellus changed the conversation. He felt a wave of relief come over him and maintained his spot, protected in the middle of the group.

2013-07-19, 02:47 AM
The fact that the conversation was moving and that information was poised to flow reassured Ara. He was interested to know why they had just asked about the magic-users in the group. Perhaps they have an idea to help with the investigation. He wished that they would stop asking about the famine: he didn't feel that it would lead them anywhere.

2013-07-19, 03:50 AM
The Patekkas all smiled at Marcellus' generous complimrnts, but Émille seemed surprised when he said they looked tense.
"Oh dear, really? I wasn't aware of that — I certainly hope we haven't scared anyone off."
Renina did not seem surprised.
"Well, considering we were attacked in the middle of the night, I'd say we have a right to be upset. Especially Paūlo."
"Yes, that's the o— what is it?" Paūlo had been absorbed in talking with Jailyn, and looked up when he heard his name.
"Last night, Paūlo?"
Paūlo grimaced and held his injured arm closer to his chest.
"Do we have to talk about that? Let's not talk about that."
The other two shrugged, and Émille in particular seemed to be eager to get back to discussing what kinds of divination and other magic were involved.

2013-07-19, 11:51 AM
Eidolon was still keeping a wary eye to their surroundings when he heard that the Patekkas got attacked last night. Someone attacked the Patekkas? I wonder what the motive could be. Performers are not known for being particularly wealthy. However, they are known for hearing things that other people don't want known... perhaps we can use the injury to our advantage to get some information. "You were attacked you say? Who would attack you and why? Magno, you enjoy healing people, Why not tend to Paulo while they tell us their tale?"

Diplomacy is -1 if needed but I was hoping for a bonus for offering healing and I can aid another here if someone else asks as well.

2013-07-19, 01:09 PM
When Eidolon finished speaking, Jailyn broke in "It's not that we wish to bring up a painful topic, but the fact that you were attacked so shortly following the assassination attempt seems unlikely to be coincidence. Although we will certainly understand if you don't wish to speak on the topic, it could help us keep other people from falling victim to your assailants" He smiled wonderingly and cocked his head to the side. "Assuming they are still a threat?"

Yeah, if Eidolon does aid another for Jailyn that would increase our chances of success approximately a lot. However you decide to run it, Jailyn has Diplomacy +9

2013-07-19, 11:41 PM
Paūlo seemed reluctant to be healed.
"No, no… I'm fine, really. I took some herbs that dull the pain, and that's all I really care about — it's not like I do any heavy lifting. If you really want to — say, if you have a vow to uphold — I won't stop you, but I'd prefer to let it heal on its own."
Émille and Renina discussed something quietly for a few moments, until Émille asked Paūlo, loudly enough for the group to hear this time, "Brother, would it bother you if Renina told our new friends what happened last night?" Paūlo shook his head, and Renina spoke up.
"Last night was our third night in the capital. Staying places is often a challenge for us, since inns won't let gryphons into their stables, and Bıv is no different. When the night came, we set up a camp of sorts in an alley. Us, Featherburn, and our little cart. I was on watch when it happened: silently, a dwarf with a ponytail and mechanical armour dropped from the rooftops and attacked us. Featherburn and I kept the scoundrel busy while my brothers prepared for combat, and once they joined the fray, I was nearly certain we would win. Even though he had all these… weird mechanical things, it's hard to hold an advantage when you're outnumbered three to one — four if you count Featherburn. When he was almost beaten, he decided he'd rather escape than risk getting captured or killed, even if it meant not succeeding at his original attempt."
Émille scoffed. "Renina, your paranoia is showing."
"It's perfectly reasonable to assume someone wants us specifically dead. He definitely wasn't a bandit — I mean, you saw as well as I the kind of equipment he had. What could he steal from us, besides Featherburn?"
Émille said nothing and rolled his eyes.
"Anyway… Paūlo, would you like to finish?"
Paūlo grumbled, but after a moment he spoke.
"We were all wearing thin, and all of a sudden he rushed at me and punched me in the arm. He was wearing a metal gauntlet that obviously gave him extra strength, because he was able to break the bone in one hit. I can still remember the dwarf's face — youthful, hard, and cold, with a metallic eyepatch… thing over his right eye. And he had earrings. Jade earrings, carved into the shape of a cat's head."
He shuddered again and touched his arm.

2013-07-20, 04:38 AM
"A dwarf assailant? Noo tha's a rare sigh'. Ah'd've though' tha' they'd be too caugh' up in their honour te dae whi' 'e did. Espec'lly one wi a' those gadge's. An' wha' wid 'e wan' wi yous. E' can' o' been 'untin' wi'nesses, or else 'alf o' the city'd be dead."
[A dwarf assailant? Now that's a rare sight. I would have thought that they'd be too caught up in their honour to do what they did. Especially one with so many gadgets. And what did he want with you. He can't have been hunting witnesses or else half of the city would be dead.]

2013-07-20, 04:44 AM
"Do you think it likely someone would try to steal Featherburn?" Jailyn asked. He could hardly imagine that would be a wise decision, unless the man was incredibly skilled with animals. "It seems your assailant was not a particularly good planner, if he thought to take you one against four. Of course, if his motives are strong enough and personal enough, he might try again and with more force." Jailyn racked his brain for anything he might know about the assailant, or strange mechanical armor.

I'm assuming here this kind of armor isn't particularly common; Bardic Knowledge is +7

smoke prism
2013-07-20, 07:30 AM
A Drawf in mechanical, strength augmenting armour, sounds like one of masters old jokes, and not on of his good ones.
Deciding that he should offer his help, Sinvel turned to Paūlo and said "I can attempt to set the bone so that you're arm heals properly."

Heal +6, I'm also need a diplomacy (+3) check may be in order

2013-07-20, 11:22 PM
Syn bit her lip as the earrings struck a dissonant chord with her. She flinched when they were mentioned, then gulped.
"The Agôra," she blurted suddenly. "That's their main symbol. The jade cat, that is."
Her past with the Agôra had her know them well. With research and interaction, she can't help but know about those earrings.

2013-07-21, 05:14 AM
Jailyn glanced at Synnove. The Agôra?

Bardic Knowledge on The Agôra: +7

2013-07-21, 02:40 PM
Paūlo shook his head at Sinvel's offer.
"With all due respect, I would prefer someone trained specifically to heal tend to my arm, if at all."
Émille nodded fervently when Ara pointed out that the dwarf wasn't seeking to eliminate witnesses… but so did Renina.
"I tell you, he probably has no idea who we are."
"On the contrary, someone's hunting us down!"
Jailyn couldn't come up with anything about the armour, but he was aware of the vicious Agôra. They were mostly concentrated near this area, and they were possibly the most well-known gang in Nënt'le. Its members were renowned for their cruelty, and people often gossiped about what they were sure were its complex initiation rituals.
All three Patekkas seemed shocked that Synnöve recognised the symbol. Though the gang was well-known, the jade feline earrings weren't.
Sorry about the lateness! I began to type this out last night, but I fell asleep halfway through.

2013-07-21, 03:32 PM
Jailyn glanced at Paūlo, wondering why he didn't want his arm healed. Was there something special about it? The only thought that came to him was that Paūlo was faking it; could they have made up the attack? It seemed a ridiculous notion to Jailyn, but who could say for sure.

Sense Motive on Paūlo: +6

He turned toward the other siblings. "If the Agôra are after you, that can't be good. I know if such an infamous group were after my blood, I'd want all the help I could get". Jailyn glanced meaningfully at Ara and Sinvel, as he judged them to be the most physically intimidating of their group. Looking back at Émille and Renina, Jailyn went on "Although I have no wish to involve myself in a familial dispute, I find myself agreeing with Renina; it's seems most likely you were targeted specifically".

Diplomacy to get more information out of them: +9. Also diplomacy to get them to want our help, if someone suggests it. Sense motive is +6, to see if they're hiding anything.

smoke prism
2013-07-21, 04:44 PM
[I]I wonder what's he's hiding about his arm ?

Heal +6 to see if I can spot anything anything wrong with how he carrys his arm.

2013-07-22, 01:29 PM
As Sinvel made yet another attempt to heal Paūlo's injuries, he got as far as nearly pulling the sling off before he was swatted away by Paūlo's good arm.
"Don't!" he cried, with a voice that had enough pain in it to attract a couple of stares. "I mean it — I don't want to be magically healed, especially not by the likes of a barely-trained paladin!" He backed away, using Featherburn as a shield.
As Jailyn watched, he felt a strange, almost supernatural moment of clarity — he had the impression he could understand anything about the situation, given only a few moments of observation. He saw bruises, small cuts, even rips in clothing on everyone, and looking at Paūlo's arm, he could tell it was indeed broken. Even if they were lying — and Jailyn got the distinct impression that they weren't — they would have had to break their brother's arm, and what would be the point of that? It seemed Paūlo genuinely didn't want any help. What's more, Émille's show of skepticism seemed like an act — it sounded like he believed Renina. Perhaps he didn't want to believe her?
Ladies and gentlemen, a natural 20. Pressed on by his success, Jailyn made his inquiry.
"Oh, we're not too worried," said Renina with a wink. "We were going to stay in the city for another few days, but after last night we changed our plans. We're hightailing it out of the city, and we intend to be in our natural environment before long."
Émille seemed miffed that Jailyn hadn't taken his side, but now that Jailyn had his suspicions that he was putting it on, it didn't seem very sincere.
"What my sister means is that we're used to running around in the woods. We're very stealthy, actually. Even with Featherburn, the Agôra won't be able to track us down."
He seemed to realise his mask of doubt was slipping.
"Provided, of course, that they were tracking us down in the first place."
The three siblings shared a look, and Émille leaned in slightly, speaking so quietly that the people on the edges of the group had to strain to hear.
"If you decide to go snooping around, don't let anyone know you talked to us. Even though I don't fully believe that they were after us, it's a possibility, and news has a funny way of finding them. If they hear you know about a failed attack, you'll be in danger of facing them — and I suspect it won't be seven against one."
If nobody said or asked anything, he stood up.
"Ready to go, then?" he asked in his normal voice.

smoke prism
2013-07-22, 02:17 PM
A look of genuine embarassment flashed across Sinvels face at Paūlo's violent reaction.
"I am sorry if I overreached my." As he says this Sinvel gives a deep bow in Paūlo's direction.
"And may the blessings of Vénnlig be with you and you're family."

Diplomacy +3, to at lest make it so that Paūlo doesn't set featherburn on Sinvel when turns his back."

2013-07-22, 05:08 PM
Can't get my char sheet up for some reason, but I'll assume some diplomacy may be needed here. I direct the brunt of this proposal to Renina, as she seems the most well-disposed towards Marcellus; hopefully I can get some circumstance modifiers for the logical proposal too :smallsmile:

Marcellus pondered quietly at the sight of Paulo's resistance. What could have brought a man to prefer months of slow mending, without the use of his arm, over magical care? How peculiar. Having stayed silent the whole time, Marcellus steps forward and presents his thoughts.

"I fear Renina has the right of it; the prospect of an Agora agent in such exotic, and doubtless both rare and expensive equipment having attacked you as the result of a random mugging the day after an assassination attempt seems so unlikely it barely bares thought. No, this attempt was most certainly deliberate. We cannot be sure if this dwarf was after Featherburn or if he was indeed an assassin, but nevertheless you were singled out specifically for this attack. Furthermore, if the Agora are indeed as omnipresent as our dear lady Synnove suggests- and I trust her word absolutely- then no matter your skills at stealth, a group such as yours will be identified quickly. Griffons are not the type of creature one looks over, especially if one is searching specifically for such a beast. Indeed, it seems that no matter where you go you will be in danger of pursuit unless you know exactly why the Agora are after you. If you had such information then you would be able to prepare yourselves and plan contingency measures.

This, I would pose this counter-proposal; our group contains many skilled individuals and none to few who are in want of combat experience or training. If you are willing to join us, and pose as bait for this Agora agent, we could set up an ambush and take him hostage. The chances of him so much as touching your arm again are slim to none with all of us there to aid you, after all. If we capture him then we may question him about why you were attacked, and with our protection you will be safe. I shall not attempt to obfuscate our motives; the Agora are our best lead, and our investigation will benefit from the information, though doubtless not as much as yourselves. Nonetheless, I would not be able to sleep well tonight in the knowledge your lives are endangered. What say you all?"

2013-07-23, 10:14 AM
As the conversation continues, Magno discreetly walks behind the rest of the party and begins whispering something to himself. He then focuses his attention to Paulo.

Cure Light Wounds [roll0]

2013-07-23, 01:06 PM
Jailyn nodded at Émille. He understood. He wouldn't want potential patrons to think being around him would anger the Agôra either. Perhaps it was best if the Patekkas moved on, but Jailyn thought it would be best if the groups shared what they knew first. He waited to see how they responded to Marcellus's request.

If the Patekkas don't agree to Marcellus's suggestion, Jailyn will suggest they at least share information. Diplomacy is +9

2013-07-23, 01:57 PM
Eidolon nods when he hears that Paulo wants to heal naturally. It makes one much stronger to endure pain and learn from it than to wish it away with magic, because that is the path to mastering one's body.

Upon hearing Marcellus's suggestion he is quite happy to help set up an ambush for this dwarf. If you have something to bait a foe with use it. It is the same thought I had with Borgova but perhaps he never was a target? "I agree to this plan of ambush I doubt that with so many of us the dwarf would escape again though I hope we could limit ourselves from killing him outright? Information is harder to gather from the dead."

smoke prism
2013-07-23, 08:24 PM
Seeing what Magno was doing, Sinvel instinctively moved to intercept any attack that Paulo may direct at Magno.

2013-07-23, 11:09 PM
Synnöve nodded along with Marc's proposal. It's a sound one, she thought. At the mentioning of the "absolute" trust in her, she mentally D'aww'd. Aw, he's so cute~ That final thought had a teeny bit of nonverbal verbal irony attached to it.
"I can go and prepare spells immediately after this, if needed," she added.
And once her spiel was done, she saw that Snivel was shifting to a combatish stance to her side. Syn said to him discreetly: "Down, boy. He's not gonna get smacked by a guy with a broken arm."