View Full Version : [PF]Familiars and UMD

2013-06-09, 10:14 AM
For familiars using (or attmepting to use) Use Magic Device (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/use-magic-device), can any of them use UMD, or are hands required?

Sorry about all the uses of the word use in this post.

2013-06-09, 10:21 AM
It never says they need hands. I'd think that they simply need to have a way to hold/wear the item in question. :smallsmile:

2013-06-09, 10:23 AM
One of the core rulebooks mentions something that pertains to this- specifically that there are other creatures in the DnD multiverse that cast magic without hands, much less conventional fingers. Aboleth? Beholder? Sphinx? Dragons, illithids? The DM has the final call, but it should be allowed.

2013-06-09, 10:59 AM
I think it depends a lot about what kind of item you are talking about.

For wand use, I think it is reasonable to require some manner of limb that can hold the wand. You can't use rings without fingers. If you have the relevant body slot, you can use most wondrous items, etc.

My current familiar is a cacodaemon. It is an orb with a mouth. It can't UMD much at all. My buddy's imp can UMD anything.

2013-06-09, 11:08 AM
It also helps when the familiar's default stat block includes ranks in UMD, like Faerie Dragon. Gets a bit hard to argue against them using it at that point. :smallcool:

In general, I think you should need the ability to speak languages to use command words and hands or other appendages that can wield weapons or manipulate fine objects (and yeah, that's not terribly clear cut in a lot of cases) to wave around wands or unfurl scrolls and the like.