View Full Version : A Hatchling in the City of Misfortune

2013-06-10, 06:05 AM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15396832)

Sheet (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15407448&postcount=15)

World information:

What is the world like?

Action: 21 Release
Subject: 82 Dispute

A world in a perpetual state of war.

Who is fighting?

Action: 69 Ruin
Subject: 16 Love

An army led by the succubus Menisa against another army of demons. This is part of the Blood War.

Is this world a chaotic-evil plane?

Odds: Likely
Roll: 9
Answer: exceptional yes

Yes. In fact, there's only one chaotic-evil plane, and all the other planes have been destroyed by the demons.

Were they destroyed recently?

Odds: 50/50
Roll: 20


What is the plane like?

Action: 84 Care
Subject: 74 Liberty

It's more chaotic than evil. The plane is strongly chaotic, mildly evil (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/planes.htm#alignmentTraits), and has the Wild Magic trait (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/planes.htm#wildMagic).

How chaotic is it?

Action: 100 Change
Subject: 23 Balance

The environment changes randomly every few days between three well-defined states, always underground.

The first state is the state of sanity.
The second state is the state of unrest.
The third state is the state of craziness.

How are the states different?

Action: 18 Move
Subject: 38 A path

They are different variation of the same labyrinth. The first labyrinth is normal. The second labyrinth is dark and inhabited by creatures of shadow. The third labyrinth has moving walls and is a particularly scary environment. Sometimes, at a corner, the travellers can see a particularly shocking illusions, such as an undead woman eviscerating her husband with a butcher knife. Those illusions are not harmful, but can quickly drive a person insane.

Have humanoids survived?

Odds: 50/50
Roll: 3
Answer: exceptional yes

Yes. Humans are (relatively) well and thriving. Empress Menisa's army is made mostly of humanoids. She seduced the Elven King Illoume who pledged his allegiance to her. She's referred to as Empress Menisa.

Where do they live?

Action: 10 Communicate
Subject: 60 Misfortune

In the City of Misfortune. In this city, if something bad can happen, it's highly likely to happen. Death and disease are omnipresent (especially the red ache). Those who survive are rarely left unharmed. To protect themselves, the inhabitants stay in their house with nothing dangerous around. But even then, they can't prevent fire, burglars and ridiculous accidents from hurting them.

In order for the people to survive as a whole, their physical maturation has been magically hastened. They only take two years to reach adulthood, regardless of their race. They are also mentally mature, but lack any kind of education.

Is the city ruled by Menisa?

Odds: Likely
Roll: 19

Yes. She controls both the army and the civilians.

Is there a safe place, anywhere?

Odds: 50/50
Roll: 37



Action: 31 Heal
Subject: 64 A burden

The temple of the god of healing, which is permanently protected by luck charms.

Who lives there?

Action: 79 Intolerance
Subject: 64 A burden

Anyone who cannot tolerate the suffering of the City of Misfortune anymore.

Why doesn't the whole population move in?

Action: 48 Block
Subject: 54 Investment

Because Menisa wants her population to suffer so that they make more dedicated warriors. The priests are forced by their god to let anyone who wants to enter and move in, but they are also expressly forbidden by Menisa to tell anyone about it.

What is the City's biggest treasure?

Action: 4 Fight
Subject: 80 Art

The museum of war, an important tool in Menisa's propaganda. It displays statues and weapons of the greatest fighters who died in the war. They are models for the children. Some of the weapons still hold great powers. There are also a few mummies.

Which important person lives in the city?

Action: 30 Break
Subject: 92 Animals

Tifik the halfling ranger, who has slain all the animals who survived with the humans out of hatred and craziness, except his own animal companion (a cat).

What role does he play?

Action: 36 Imitate
Subject: 80 Art

He is now in charge of the museum. He was a coward who never participated in the war, although he wants to be called the "Warlord" and abuses the little power he has.


Chaotic plane: the Chaos Factor will start at 7 and cannot go lower than 5. Expect the events to be out of control. You have been warned!

Since this is a harsher environment, you can start your character at 3rd level.

If you play a character that was born after the worlds were destroyed, then you can only play NPC classes to reflect the limited education that they received.

GM Emulator:

Chaos Factor: 7

Note: The Chaos Factor cannot go lower than 5 since this is a chaotic plane of existence.

The thief's guild[/table]

{To be edited: none yet}[/table]


Like all inhabitants of the City of Misfortune, you live cloistered inside of your home, the house that you mother left to you when she died in the war. Your life is safe, but it's highly boring. Sadly, any fun activity is too dangerous in this city. You don't even have any friends, because there's too high of a risk of catching contagious diseases. One day, you are just so bored that you decide to step outside, with your psicrystal, to at least get some fresh air.

Alas, some pernicious people have heard about your kinetic powers and had been waiting on you to do exactly that. Perhaps because your late mother was proud of you and bragging a lot about you? Eventually, unbeknown to you, you were brought to the Thief's guild attention. They believe that having a psion in their team would be a very useful asset, which is not surprising considering that you have the power to manipulate locks with just your mind.

As you explore for the first time the city where you live, two unfriendly strangers, who had been waiting in front of your house, are sneakily following you from a distance. The City of Misfortune might be dangerous, but it's very beautiful, with its copper minarets, refined bridges and gardens of roses. When, at last, you are walking in a narrow street heading back home, you are ambushed by you two thugs, armed with knives and swords and blocking your path. And behind you, the two other thieves who had been following you. Their leader, a dark-skinned woman with glowing red eyes and a forked tongue, speaks to you:

"You know, Shiny, that the ssstreets are not very sssafe for a young gentleman like you? I think that you are going to work for us, yesss."

The thug next to her, a brutish half-orc, winks at you. You note that he does not seem to bathe very often.

"People of good sssenssse ssstay inside, yesss. You should join our guild, for your protection, and the protection of your little crystal friend, yesss?"

The half-orc grunts, and shows his teeth.

"Ssso... What do you sssay?"

Reality Glitch
2013-06-10, 05:35 PM
(( You have to take a Feat to gain a Psicrystal, I did not take said feat. ))

You give the offer some though and decide against it.

"uH, nO, nO THANKS, i'D RATHER, uH, nOT,"

You are so dead.

2013-06-10, 05:59 PM
(( Ah! Yes. There was a Psicrystal on your sheet before you added your feats. ))

The woman warns you:

"You are not really in a position to sssay no or to even negotiate. If you are not under my protection, I won't be able to tell my friends here to ssstop beating you up... Thisss would be ssso sssad... I give you one last chance to accept."

To confirm her words, the half-orc throws a punch a you, aiming for your teeth.

Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage (if applies): [roll2] (nonlethal)

No attack of opportunity since you are unarmed.

Reality Glitch
2013-06-10, 10:10 PM
AC sixteeeeeeeen, stinkers! You then Proceed in kind by manifesting your Hammer power.

(( The Dice roller isn't working! ))

Reality Glitch
2013-06-11, 04:24 PM
Let's try this.


2013-06-11, 06:54 PM
The half-orc punches you with all his strength... but it lands on your golden scales, and they are definitely much harder than the bones of his hands. Ouch.
You use one of your powers to give your hand the power of a hammer, however when he sees that you attempt to fight back, he just crouches and you only slap the air. So little power, and a wasted attempt to use it...

DM Emulator:

Is the half-orc pissed off that you fought back?

Odds: Likely (he was hoping to intimidate you, but you show stubbornness)
Roll: [roll0] (the answer is Yes if rolling 90 or lower with the current Chaos Factor of 7 – things are pretty chaotic on this plane)

The half-orc is angry that you dared fight back – he was trying to bully you into submission, but you show stubbornness. This time, he reaches for brass knuckles (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/MSRD:Simple_Melee_Weapons#Brass_Knuckles) in his vest's pocket, hoping that it will help him against your scales:

You didn't roll for initiative, so I assumed that you only start reacting after he punches you.

2013-06-11, 06:58 PM
Here are my rolls, I couldn't add them to the previous post:

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (lethal damage with the knuckles)

Using his brass knuckles, the half-orc can overcome the hardness of your scale. He punches you really hard which makes you fall and hit your head on the floor. You are now disabled (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#disabled).