View Full Version : For Science! The Bristol Experiments

2013-06-10, 08:29 AM
It has been a couple of weeks since the last trouble outing of the Bristol group.
A mage has been twisted, a genius has withdrawn for intensive research. A temporary lull has occurred with the activities of the Lunar Ubermenschen, and the rest of the Genius community have been content to let things settle.

However, several of you remain, with the possibility of enticing more to share in your research, your little projects and your ...trangressions. What have you been doing?

2013-06-15, 02:14 AM
Though indebted to their rescuers, the collaborative's own wannabe Jacques Cousteau convinced 'em to move the deadline to another week. However, in order for them to cooperate, interest had to be paid as well. Fortunately, the money they had earned together was enough to pay for it all. During which, their newest recruit occasionally visited the hangerbay where Ark was repaired. He oversaw this progress and did everything in his power to accelerate it when possible. Midway through the week, Ark had managed to repair himself just enough with Jacques assistance to jury rig a lift home. Despite the many protestations of his fellow Genius he seems dead set on returning to his lab, his notes, and the experiments undertaken with Alrai. On the final day, they had enough money to extend their stay to another week without additional fees; excluding the transportation of goods and other services, of course. He walked down the hallway that led to his vehicle and proceeded to repair it as well. Fortunately for him, it didn't take too long.

The Kings Raven
2013-06-17, 11:39 AM
Lilly has been working on Wonders, she's ripped her boots apart and created a heterodyne module to link her shield to the earth's magnetic field allowing it to be pushed and pulled at breathtaking speeds.

Anyone who know both would realise the design is eerily similar to the spaceship she had once found. It was almost as though she had simply adapted the underlying ideas to electromagnetism.

2013-07-19, 10:02 PM
With the Exocoetidae repaired, the Genius was free to spend his time as he saw fit. He went over the schematics for his wondrous vehicle again. He had to find a means to counteract all forms of sorcery.

2013-07-22, 03:35 PM
Jacques did not have long to research. Several hours later, a small black steel rose was pushed through his letterbox. Lily found one laced around and through the metal tracery of her lab door.

But these were not the only specimens delivered to Genii in the city of Bristol.

Warm up time! Let's see what you can make of these ...presents. As far knowing each other goes, Jacques and Lilly do, of course, and any of the new genii can know each other if the players want, but the existing genii do not know the new ones, nor vice versa save perhaps a brief glimpse at the Spark Gap. There is one exception to this.

2013-07-22, 04:20 PM
Jeremy Nguyen unloaded the last box from the moving truck and placed it in his new flat. Bristol was different from his hometown, but it seemed nice enough, if a little dreary. Anyway, it was time for the unpacking. He set to work on the stacks of boxes, carefully unpacking each one so that its contents were properly stored in their respective shelves. The whole affair took several hours, and Jeremy found himself starving about halfway through. Seeing no real benefit to finishing unpacking just now, he decided to take a break and go out to eat somewhere.

He grabbed his glasses and fedora, as well as a light jacket and headed out the door. Pub food sounded good about now.

I forgot to mention that Jeremy is an American Expatriate, I'm going to update his background with some more information here.

Also, he is carrying his Acid Dart Pistol, but I didn't feel like mentioning it in text.

Perception Roll (Wits+Composure) to find a decent place to eat near Jeremy's apartment: [roll0]

2013-07-22, 07:36 PM

Attempt number 6 is also a failure"

Max is wasting his time in the creation of this thing. He can't create Life as he wishes. Yet. Sad, this thing would be useful for his testing. Either way, he's out of Basic Acid. A useful creation. Oxymoronical and crazy one too. It probably only worked because of Mania.

Still, he stops for now. His students are here. What has he teaching again? Oh, yes the board said quite clearly. Macroscopic Genetic Engineering During Maturation. Quite a simple subject, but apprently some of the studens had a hard time getting their minds warped around it. Bunch of oafs

His classes over, he awaits. Soon enough, his "assisant" will be there to pick him up. They head to Bristol, where the actual laboratory was located

Bristol was a good place. Some of the Progenitors had talked him into moving there instead of just staying at Oxford. Apparently, there were some other Geniuses there

Recent trouble pointed for that. He'd have to find them. It was good to know who would be keeping your madness in check. Max repeats the words to himself. He is mad, to deny that is the worst madness. The Peerage was right in that he supposed. He of course, was even madder than anyone else, for he bore the burden of the future itself!

2013-07-23, 05:34 AM
Rain drizzled down. Doctor Barter knelt under the bridge as he finished sewing up the leg of the young boy. He put his needle and other items back into his doctor's bag. He stood and then helped the boy up.
"Tell me son, do you have somewhere safe to go now? You should try to rest and give that leg some time to heal."
The boy gestured and mumbled about the Salvation Army being a few streets away before limping out into the rain.

The left rear wheel of the trolley squeaked as the imposing figure of Whispers pushed it forward a meter and bent down to pick up the small mirror the boy had provided. He looked quizzically at the doctor before adding it to everything else in the trolley.
"I know I don't know what I'll use it for but it was all he could give and now I've the chance to make something of it."
The rain seemed to be getting a little heavier. "We'll wait here until the weather eases. Then we'll see if the others have had any luck finding somewhere suitable."

2013-07-23, 09:08 AM
Meanwhile, in the Spark Gap, a large blonde fellow in a lab coat and glasses (that don't seem to magnify his eyes as much as they should) is nursing a pint - as he has been, now, for quite some time - and glancing around the room, taking in the quiet conversations between Genii.

That is to say, he's scanning the room for everything it's got except maybe explosives - dipping in and out of on random conversations with his enhanced senses, checking out everyone's mental state (and, occasionally, surface thoughts.) Not for enemies, you understand; just ... looking.

EDIT: rolls screwed up, redone in the OOC thread.

Glancing down, he takes the blackened steel artifact he found out of his labcoat and stares at it, as if he's trying to peel back the surface to something beneath.

EDIT: rolls screwed up, redone in the IC thread

2013-07-23, 01:15 PM
Jeremy remembers reading some travel advice on a Peerage site that mentioned the Spark Gap as a good place to relax. Just outside his door is a small black flower. Max starts journeying towards Bristol, and notices his assistant seems to be twirling something idly between his finger tips.

Dr Barter notices something slumped up against a wall up ahead, out of the light, something seems ...familiar about it. The blonde genius at the bar doesn't pick up anything particular urgent or interesting he can pick up via his telepathy, although he nearly triggers a couple of alarms while doing so. His artifact, even more frustratingly, remains an enigma. He does briefly meet eye contact with a homeless man huddled outside against a window in the rain. The beggar immediately scuttles off.

2013-07-23, 01:31 PM
Jeremy remembers reading some travel advice on a Peerage site that mentioned the Spark Gap as a good place to relax. Just outside his door is a small black flower.

Jeremy picks up the small black flower and inspects it idly. Since it doesn't seem particularly dangerous, he puts it in his pocket and walks down to The Spark Gap. Once inside he sits down and grabs a menu. He pulls out the black flower and inspects it, hoping he can get together some more information about it.

Intelligence+Science to identify properties/species of the flower. [roll0]
Roll for 10s if there are any: [roll1]

2013-07-23, 02:42 PM
Dear God, nothing interesting in a bar full of Geniuses? Must be a slow night.

The blonde man's gaze lingers briefly on the window - I assume he made his save vs. aura vision? -then turns away, frowning, and moves the flower closer, now obviously unaware of the world around him as his gaze focuses intently on the flower, checking and rechecking every possible combination and frequency he can percieve.

Spending 1 WP and, heck, may as well include Medical, Physical and Super-Scientific scan.



EDIT: You're kidding me. Clearly a highly resistant flower:smallconfused:

A mildly astounded look on his face, he stands up and announces to the room:

:elan:"Anyone here have a scanner on them? This thing seems to be blocking my analysis somehow."

Naturally, his aura vision is still on, although he isn't focusing on anyone in particular.

2013-07-23, 04:27 PM
Dr Barter notices something slumped up against a wall up ahead, out of the light, something seems ...familiar about it.

Oh ho, what's this? A patient already returned for new treatment?
"Whispers, I hope there's more room in the trolley. Let's investigate, shall we?"
Without waiting for Whisper's inaudible response, he strode over, lightly swinging his bag in his right hand.

2013-07-23, 07:41 PM
"What is that you have in your hand Igarus?"

"Igarus" was just a (bad) nickname. The Beholden's actual name was Icarus. He was a young man, who fancied himself a "Cryptid Hunter". Max had found him in Cardiff, bravely searching the alleys after thrash cans which were aliens

Honestly, some conspiracy theorists...

The Kings Raven
2013-07-25, 04:02 AM
When Lilly arrives at her lab she stares at the confronting black rose, she thinks for a bit and goes into her lab. After a bit of rummaging and almost settling for an ark welder and some spare sheet metal she finds an ordinary pen and paper. She writes down a string of meaningless symbols, looks at her work and then starts a fresh sheet with much worse hand writing.

Armed with her paper, a sci-fi novel and a pair of tongs she takes the rose from her door and leaves it on the pavement where people coming for a drink cannot miss it. Since she still has some tongs, blackened and oiled from the blazing and dangerous creation of Inspiration... she uses it to tie up her hair. Then she goes into the pup to wait.

2013-07-25, 08:05 AM
Jeremy notices that the rose is not completely black, it throws out scatterings out light which seem oddly regular and repeating. He also notices it's density is oddly low, certainly lower than that of water. Both Jeremy and the blond genius notice a young female Genius placing a rose outside the Spark Gap entrance.

On approaching closer, Dr Barter recognises one of his patients, who he treated several weeks back for a bad lung infection. She is very clearly dead, and clutching a small flower. The flower is soaked in blood.

Igarus holds out the item for inspection. "-Someone tossed this away just outside the Bristol lab. Not sure why, it's an interesting little sculpture.-"

2013-07-25, 09:20 AM
Seeing the young woman enter the pub, Jeremy gets up from his seat and approaches her, flashing his most disarming grin.

"Hello there. I'm sorry, I don't mean to bother you but I saw you come in and I just had to come introduce myself. I'm sure you get this all the time, but would you like to join me for lunch? I'm new in town and I was hoping to find someone of similar interests who could... help show me around I suppose." He gestured to the booth where he was sitting, which had the black rose sitting on it in plain view.

2013-07-25, 09:30 AM
On approaching closer, Dr Barter recognises one of his patients, who he treated several weeks back for a bad lung infection. She is very clearly dead, and clutching a small flower. The flower is soaked in blood.

Poor Emma. That lung infection shouldn't have claimed you yet. Doubtless, the authorities won't notice your death or even see if a similar fate could be prevented for your brothers and sisters of the streets. Forgive me but I must see what can be learned - more lives may depend on it.

The Doctor puts his bag down, opens it to take out a latex glove for his right hand. He wipes his left glove with an anti-septic wipe but leaves the overlarge glove on. He crouches down and carefully begins to examine Emma for cause and time of death. He also examines the rose and any other items of potential interest on Emma. Whispers stops beside him and looks up and down the street to see if anyone else is around.

Medical examination to determine cause and time of death; Int (4) + Med (5), [roll0], any 10s, [roll1]

Roll to identify Wonders; Insp (4) + Int (4), [roll2], any 10s, [roll3]

(first time using this system, so shout out if I do it wrong)

2013-07-25, 10:53 AM
The blonde man turns and, striding towards Jeremy and the young woman.

:elan:"Hello there! Either of you have any Apokalypsi?"

Appearing harmless/friendly/a good person to lend a scanner to (Manipulation+Subterfuge):

He strains, trying to pick up every nuance of their thoughts. Are these people working together? Are they nervous? Do they know who he is?

Mental Scan (Wits+Computer):
Checking out their body language, tone of voice etc. (Wits+Empathy):

2013-07-25, 11:45 AM
"I'm sorry sir. I don't usually bother with that sort of thing. I'm sure someone else here will have one you can borrow." Jeremy smiled at the man.

Am I supposed to make an opposed roll to see through his act? And do I get a roll to resist being scanned?

2013-07-25, 05:25 PM
Next to the rose is a letter. It reads... "I keep tabs on all my friends; be honored." It takes the genius a second to realize whose handwriting this is. It bore the telltale style of one of his former creditors.So, they've been digging through my letterbox after all. He puts this thought away so he may concentrate on the task at hand. He carefully returns the tools he has borrowed to their owners. He then proceeds to use tongs to put the obsidian rose in a doggy bag and carry it to his wondrous vehicle. Once inside, he'll start it up and fly out to the pub where he'll contact the others of this development. He remembers to activate the aeronautic-camo system before leaving.

2013-07-26, 10:01 AM
You get that from a PM, Ocel?

It's a Wits+Empathy roll to see through an act, I think, and Resolve+Inspiration to resist telepathy.

The man, who had been regarding them both equally, turns away from Jeremy.

:elan:"Oh, are you a mere beholden, ma'am? I had you pegged as a Genius. Funny, I am usually quite perceptive in these matters. Perhaps you are also a mundane scientist, who could help me out in this matter? It's a small thing, really, but surprisingly ... well-designed."

2013-07-26, 02:49 PM
"Oh really? Why is that?

Maximillian takes a long look at it. He checks for absolutely everything, maybe someone recognized on a side-glance upon entering the lab and delivered the means through which he could achieve something!

((Note: It was meant to be Igorus, cause as Beholden he' a... Igor XD
It's so lame it hurts!))

The Kings Raven
2013-07-29, 03:17 AM
Lilly took one look at the decidedly un-athletic genius trying to flirt with her and said "tell you what, you can have a kiss if you can touch me."

After that she stood still, Jeremy's move.

Lilly's Defence is 4, so with a dodge action 8. Lets say it knocks down to 7 because she's not taking Jeremy's physical abilities seriously.

Rolls to resist: Resolve (2) + Inspiration (2) [roll0]tens[roll1]

No roll to hide her body language, it should be pretty obvious what she is thinking.

2013-07-29, 08:15 AM
Jeremy looked the young woman up and down. She was obviously planning something, which meant he was likely to land flat on his ass in a public location. It would be Elementary, Middle, and High School all over again.

"I think you and I both know how that would end." He replied. "I'm sorry if I've offended you. I noticed you placing that black rose outside the pub, and seeing as I recieved one when I've only moved to Bristol just today, I thought you'd have more information on it than I would."

Jeremy dipped his head and walked back to his booth. He waved a menu to try and get some service.

The Kings Raven
2013-07-29, 08:49 AM
"Shhh" Lilly looked around to see who was listening. "Don't tell everyone that was me. If this lot think it's a mystery they'll solve it for us."

When Jeremy left for his booth Lilly went for her own and started to read her book.

2013-07-29, 08:57 AM
That girl is an odd one... Jeremy thought while he studied the plant. When a strange flower shows up on the doorstep of a group of otherwise unrelated geniuses, what else could it be but a mystery? Her apparent reluctance to discuss it with him only made Jeremy more concerned that she was someone to watch.

While he sat at his booth, Jeremy had to resist the urge to tinker with his acid dart pistol. He knew one of the seals was loose on the gun, but bringing it out in public would probably cause an unnecessary amount of trouble, even in a bar for geniuses. Instead he grabbed a few napkins and took out a felt tipped pen, and amused himself by drawing various organic chemical structures. There were a few promising ideas, but most of them were crap. They'd need more work if he was ever going to get anything worthy of being called Exelixi out of them.

2013-07-29, 09:00 AM
The blonde genius blinks, clearly nonplussed at being ignored by Lilly.

What kind of Genius ignores a challenge - while being mistaken for a mere Igor, no less! Clearly this persona is easier to ignore than I thought ... unless she wants to be mistaken for a beholden.:smallconfused: Nah...

Writing this in the absence of Inner Monolog and Aura details from King, of course.

:elan:"I say! Rather rude." mumbles the man, wandering over to the bar.

Thankfully, his superhuman senses will be able to pick up their conversation; this chap seems to have noticed her flower-placing as well.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't need to roll for this, right?

I should probably retry the scan for Jeremy, though, since he's keeping an eye on him:


2013-07-29, 07:28 PM
Dr Barter carefully examines Emma's body. The cheeks are withdrawn and the rest of the body is clearly skeletal. The hands are gnarled and clenched tight around the flower. The palms of the victim are impaled by the flower's thorns, and the relatively large wounds to the small amount of blood suggest this happened due to rigor mortis. Smaller but more numerous scabbed lacerations suggest that the flower was held obsessively in the days before death.

The steel flower seems crumpled and twisted, and somehow still and drained in a way which speaks of death. If a plant, let alone a steel sculpture could even be said to be still. It's harsh steel lines seem to speak to Dr Barter of a world of commanding, slavery and control, but as if that world itself was a blight on the original rose.


Need you to make roll(s) for what/how you are examining - the room, the rose etc e.g intelligence + science for science investigation, intelligence + inspiration for wonder detection etcetra

Jacques successfully navigates to a landing site close to the pub, as he draws closer something twitches in his bag.

Meanwhile another patron has picked up Lilly's rose on his way in and it is now being feted as a conversation piece. Used as part of a prototype music box hand grenade. Its abilities as a combination drinks stirrer/ sketching tool/ fashion accessory. Simultaenously.

In a short while, bickering broke out among the original group over who could draw the best hyperdimensional circles. Then it was seized as ammo for an electric repeating dart /crossbow. Shot across the room for the weekly darts tournament it suddenly veered off course and slammed into Jeremy's table, and in particular one rose lying there.

2013-07-29, 07:41 PM
Jeremy cocked an eyebrow as the rose slammed into his table.

"Magnetism?" He mused out loud. He sighed heavily and took a closer look at the two roses.

Intelligence+Science+ 1 Willpower to determine what forces might have caused the Rose to veer off and display (apparently) attractive qualities to the other rose.


"Could I please get some service here?" He asks no one in particular.

2013-07-30, 02:27 AM
Dr Barter carefully examines Emma's body. The cheeks are withdrawn and the rest of the body is clearly skeletal. The hands are gnarled and clenched tight around the flower. The palms of the victim are impaled by the flower's thorns, and the relatively large wounds to the small amount of blood suggest this happened due to rigor mortis. Smaller but more numerous scabbed lacerations suggest that the flower was held obsessively in the days before death.

The steel flower seems crumpled and twisted, and somehow still and drained in a way which speaks of death. If a plant, let alone a steel sculpture could even be said to be still. It's harsh steel lines seem to speak to Dr Barter of a world of commanding, slavery and control, but as if that world itself was a blight on the original rose.

I understand from the above that the cause of death was starvation (due to obsessive flower holding).

Quite the unpleasant way to go, my dear Emma. Alas, there's nothing I can do for you. His gaze returns to the flower, And you, my pretty, are you a symptom or are you the cause of the disease? I can't risk leaving you here for someone else if its the latter. He holds up the metallic rose in his gloved hand, being wary of the thorns. "Double Bag!".
Whispers prepares a plastic shopping bag within another and the Dr drops the rose in. He reclaims the bags and ties it off himself before placing it in the trolley.
"It's for studying something like this that I need a new laboratory. If a rose, or model of a rose, can trigger such obsessive feeling that it causes someone to stop eating then it is exerting a lethal amount of control. If we can understand that control then perhaps it can be used for better purposes - eliminating food obsessions in Anorexics or Bulemics, triggering refoccussing for obsessive compulsives, getting me my due, reawakening love within a couple where a third party has sabotaged or stolen it." The feeling of his teeth grinding together on "stolen it" distracted him momentarily from his rant.
"Come, let us hurry to meet the others. I need space in which I can work properly. There's so much to be discovered and so much to fix ... and this time they shan't take it all from me." He looks over his shoulder, as if expecting someone there before starting at a brisk trot down the road to meet his associates who have been seeking potential laboratory space for him. Whispers and the trolley follow, squeaking along.

2013-07-30, 08:10 AM
Jeremy examines the roses carefully, they seem to have joined at an acute angle, with the stem of the one Lilly was carrying embedded in the bud of Jeremy's. The force does seem to resemble magnetism, but it's strength seems to be down to other varying factors than distance, as well as the fact no significant actual magnetic field can be detected.

Dr Barter meets up with a couple of more of his associates, one of whom investigated a pub, as well as, more interestingly an lab whose occupants seemed to be away for the moment.

2013-07-30, 10:02 AM
Dr Barter meets up with a couple of more of his associates, one of whom investigated a pub, as well as, more interestingly an lab whose occupants seemed to be away for the moment.

"That public house sounds like a veritable haven for those who've recognised that the wool has been pulled over our eyes with respect to scientific possiblities...Either that or it's one of those horrible, new-fangled theme pubs. Mikey and Trevor - as the most socially presentable, perhaps you could check out this pub. If it's a meeting point for alternative researchers, there may be signs up advertising research space. Otherwise, the barman may be able to assist in identifying possible lab partners/landlords. I'll check this laboratory. Perhaps, the occupants will have returned by the time I reach it. If not, I'll meet you in that public house. If you would be so kind as to assist Whispers with the trolley, that would be wonderful."

On the way, the doctor steps into a public toilet to freshen up and tame his unruly hair, as first impressions can still count for something.

Two of the homeless stop a few streets away, guarding the trolley.
Mike (janitor) and Trevor (security guard), who are currently dressed casually (jeans, shirts and jackets), enter the pub and look for any notices or signs before approaching the bar.
Chopper Dave (best known for providing almost continuous weather predictions), points out the laboratory to Doctor Barter and then sits down at the end of the street to beg from passersby.

The doctor strolls up to the laboratory entrance and raps on the door/rings the door bell to get attention from anyone inside. He's in his 30s, with dark hair and grey-blue eyes. A five o'clock shadow is developing on his care-worn face. He's dressed in trousers, which have lost their neatly ironed crease, shirt, jumper and a knee-length, camel coat (with a few stains near the bottom edge of it). In his right hand is an old-fashioned doctor's bag. On his left hand is a brown, leather glove (which looks too large).

2013-07-30, 11:16 AM
Well, what do we have here? The rear view mirror of Exocoetidae reveals that there's something afoot behind its pilot. He notices moments before landing this wondrous vehicle. Thankfully, this development doesn't distract him from the task at hand. Once done, he walks over to pick it up with the tongs again. After that, he drops it outside the pub, then looks around for anyone who might help 'im safely remove it.

The Kings Raven
2013-07-30, 01:38 PM
Knew it. Thought Lilly smugly as her crowd-sourced rose began to reveal clues. She wondered for a moment if there might be some common factors between the way Inspiration could create workable but nonsensical Wonders to the workable but nonsensical solution of studying the rose by using it as a dart.

As this was meta-Inspiration theory and not physics Lilly didn't get far, but it took her a while.

2013-07-30, 03:31 PM
Meanwhile another patron has picked up Lilly's rose on his way in and it is now being feted as a conversation piece. Used as part of a prototype music box hand grenade. Its abilities as a combination drinks stirrer/ sketching tool/ fashion accessory. Simultaneously.

Once enough Inspired start messing with the Rose, the blonde starts openly watching them mess with it as he waits for service.

:elan:"Must be this persona ..." he mutters to himself. "everybody seems to be reacting normally to the ... other ... rose ..."

In a short while, bickering broke out among the original group over who could draw the best hyperdimensional circles. Then it was seized as ammo for an electric repeating dart /crossbow. Shot across the room for the weekly darts tournament it suddenly veered off course and slammed into Jeremy's table, and in particular one rose lying there.

He stares down at the rose in his gloved hands.

:elan:"They're wonders aren't they ...each doing different things ..."

2013-07-30, 03:52 PM
Jeremy glances over at the blonde man who interrupted him while he was trying to flirt with the female genius. He noticed the man also held one of the unusual roses in his hand, and since the woman had so thoroughly rebuffed him, he decided to ask the man instead.

"Hey you! Blondie! Come join me." Jeremy gestured to the seat across from him.

2013-07-31, 04:46 PM
Max does radiant SCIENCE to the rose and gains the following CONCLUSIONS

1. The rose is attenuated to an attractive force from a group of at least 4 other objects all clustered together several miles from here.
2. As he measures, the objects move closer together, and the attraction grows from all of them, suggesting a factor not just of individual distance but also combined total distance.
3. Via triangulation he locates the cluster as centered on The Spark Gap, a famous Genius pub, known to host occasional trades.
4. There seems to be a much much weaker but closer, and highly variable attraction located somewhere within a few streets of here. It is also moving.

Max suddenly hears a knock on his door. Jacques places the rose on the ground and it immediately starts rolling towards a blonde near the bar.

The blonde finally focuses and connects with the spark within him and before him. The rose is a wonder, one of many, and of the second lowest rank. It is primarily is a Metatropi wonder, although it uses small amounts of Epikrato and Automata.

2013-08-01, 01:51 PM
The blonde genius looks up from his examination of the Rose, and heads over to Jeremy's seat.

And a third try with the aura vision:

2013-08-01, 02:20 PM
The strange way the blonde man was looking at Jeremy put him a bit on edge. But this man might have useful information, so Jeremy kept his guard up but remained as pleasant as he could.

"So how did you come across your rose? Mine was waiting for me on the doorstep of my new apartment. Somebody must have been watching me." Jeremy asked.

Spending a willpower to resist the aura inspection.

Resolve3+Inspiration2+3 [roll0]

2013-08-01, 11:01 PM
Leaving Igorus, Max heads to the door. Nothing unusual about this, people knocked on each other's doors all the time

But in any case, better be ready. He prepares to activate his mechanical arm and make himself stronger for the needed time

2013-08-02, 04:37 AM
The Doctor wonders if anyone is in and ponders glancing in the window when he hears movement within, suggesting that someone has heard him. He runs his hand nervously through his hair and glances up and down the street.

The door is opened by a man about the same age as the Doctor. The thing which catches the doctor's eye is the exo-rig on the man's arm.

"Ah excellent, excellent. I see you've also seen past the lies and are rediscovering the true science. Quickly, back inside. They've forced me from my laboratory and you may be next. It's not safe to discuss matters in the street." He checks up and down the street once more as he waves his hand, gesturing to the man to move in.

If he's allowed in;

He quickly steps in and closes the door behind him. "You know, if we could find you, doubtless they can too. They've spent centuries hiding the truth and they aren't going to let us expose it easily. Forgive me, sorry, I'm forgetting myself. My name is Doctor Barter." He switches his doctor's bag into his left, gloved hand and extends his right hand to shake hands with his host.

(Whether the hand is shaken or not, he'll continue)
"I realise that I'm a stranger to you but I've had to abandon my laboratory. I was hoping that you, as a fellow alternative researcher might ...", his gaze sweeps around the small laboratory, "...be able to suggest someone who would have a suitable location for me to continue my research. It's medical research. I try to help those that have been excluded primarily but soon my treatments will be made available to all, breaking the greedy stranglehold that the conspiracy has allowed to develop in medicine...Oh, you found a flower too. How curious? Be careful of it. I need to examine mine properly still. I've reason to suspect they could be fatal. Have you learned anything from yours yet?" The doctor starts to walk over to the flower.

If he's not invited in;
"You are right to be suspicious of strangers. I'm Doctor Barter." He offers his hand to shake. "If we could find you, doubtless they can too. I don't think it's wisest to speak on the street. Perhaps you know of somewhere else we can talk."

2013-08-02, 08:24 AM
:elan:"Something like that. Do you have any idea what they're for? They're wonders, I can tell that much, but they certainly aren't spying devices ... of course, you managed to bring rather more resources to bear than me." He smiles at Lily. "Better than I did, anyway; this lot are like herding cats."

Wits + Empathy to check if Jeremy is hiding something (I assume this isn't contested 'cos he isnt?):

EDIT: Excellent, success! A worthy ally.

Yet Another Scan Roll (Wits + Computer, I just realized I should have been getting a bonus for scanning people who are distracted and unaware. Ah well.)


EDIT: Marvelous. Still, I suppose the contesting roll might fail...

2013-08-02, 09:54 AM
Max allows the man to come in. He doesn't see reason to be afraid of other Geniuses, a good deal of them shy away from downright weaponry as far as Wonders go. He himself never built anything that was used to directly harm another.

"Wait, I need to catch up a bit. First, who are they? Second, no, I still don't know the local peers. Third, the metal rose, is quite harmless I think. It simply seems to be faintly attracted to other things. Though I suppose someone could be using it to find my lab

2013-08-02, 01:52 PM
Though curious where it rolled off to, Jacques postponed his pursuit. Won't be long before whatever it is causes trouble. A lot of which Cousteau sought to avoid, hence why he took a wait an' see approach to the problem at hand. 'sides, I might need to bail should the pub's patrons not forgive my carelessness. When he saw business went on as usual, well, for their kind anyway, he entered the building discreetly.

2013-08-03, 04:08 AM
"Wait, I need to catch up a bit. First, who are they? Second, no, I still don't know the local peers. Third, the metal rose, is quite harmless I think. It simply seems to be faintly attracted to other things. Though I suppose someone could be using it to find my lab

"They're the ones who've been falsifying data to conceal the true extent of possibilities. I've been investigating scientific theories, well, medical theories that have been discounted due to overwhelming" inverted commas with his hands,"evidence. It's startling how much people have been persuaded is wrong."

"Peers? To be honest, I hadn't considered that the aristocracy were involved. It's possible. I'll keep it in mind but I'd need to see some evidence."

"Attraction? Excessive attraction can cause obsession. Perhaps, it would be,good to examine them together."He opens the door to summon Dave and sends him to retrieve his rose from Whispers.

"You think that they are using the rose to track you? How was the rose delivered to you? I got mine through a coincidental discovery. It's possible that the discovery could have been planned and staged. They would have realised that I would try to move to a new location."

2013-08-03, 09:45 AM
Oh that wasn't good. Max didn't like how this conversation was going. This man talked like a Genius before, for sure, but now he didn't seem so much like it

The universe conspired, he had ended at his doorstep. He had to guide him. It'd take some time out of his research but his ideas to create the lifeform weren't progressing, so he might aswell give it some time

"Stop. What you're saying is: You found out that some theories that were disproven actually work. When I talk about Peers you think of some noble-wannabes and not...a kind of fellow researchers?"

This was a recipe for disaster if he confirmed it. He knew what lied in those toughts.

"You're thinking of the wrong type of attraction. I'm talking about something more like the attraction between two magnets. You can zero in another rose's position like that. But that's not important, let's focus on the ealier part of the conversation. True science, disproven theories, and our Peers"

2013-08-03, 02:53 PM
:elan:"Something like that. Do you have any idea what they're for? They're wonders, I can tell that much, but they certainly aren't spying devices ... of course, you managed to bring rather more resources to bear than me." He smiles at Lily. "Better than I did, anyway; this lot are like herding cats."

Wits + Empathy to check if Jeremy is hiding something (I assume this isn't contested 'cos he isnt?):

EDIT: Excellent, success! A worthy ally.

Yet Another Scan Roll (Wits + Computer, I just realized I should have been getting a bonus for scanning people who are distracted and unaware. Ah well.)


EDIT: Marvelous. Still, I suppose the contesting roll might fail...

"I have no idea what they're for. The peerage and their wonders are so varied in style and function that they could be death rays just as easily as they could be magnetized nanocarbon rods for construction. There's really no way to tell without more investigation, especially when geniuses have access to axis like... metaptropi for example." Jeremy stressed metaptropi in a way meant to make it clear that he knew the blonde man was hiding something. "But if you're curious about it all like I am, maybe we should get introductions out of the way first? I'm Jeremy Nguyen."

2013-08-04, 03:29 AM
"Stop. What you're saying is: You found out that some theories that were disproven actually work. When I talk about Peers you think of some noble-wannabes and not...a kind of fellow researchers?"

"Not exactly. I'm saying that some theories which appear to have been disproved must have deliberately had false results used to discredit them. I had a lot of research done but my notes were stolen. Evidence is evidence and unfortunately, it seems we need to start almost from scratch. There's no certainty as to how many truths are now mistakenly discarded."

"I just misunderstood you about the peers. Obviously, peers could refer to fellow researchers and they would be the best bet for enabling me to further my investigations."

"You're thinking of the wrong type of attraction. I'm talking about something more like the attraction between two magnets. You can zero in another rose's position like that. But that's not important, let's focus on the ealier part of the conversation. True science, disproven theories, and our Peers"

"We can examine the roses' attraction when Dave arrives with mine."

"Science is a path to truth. It doesn't have all the answers but gives us a way to get them. Some of the answers that have been publicised over centuries as having been discovered by science are now demonstrably not the true answers. The scope goes beyond merely showing that a previously accepted hypothesis is false. The supposed evidence by which hypotheses stand or fall has been compromised. Surely, you've realised this for yourself. That rig you are using seems to be based on some unaccepted, disproved", inverted commas with his hands, "hypotheses... Oh, I'm sorry, did someone else build it, is it an example of black box technology to you?"

2013-08-04, 05:58 AM
:elan:"Hah, well spotted. I must be having an off day."

Just realized I should have had a Subterfuge save there, but let's assume it failed to avoid retcons.

He extends a hand...

"You can call me Tiresias, by the way.":miko:

Gonna shapeshift into a woman! Metaptropi, don't fail me now.
Wits(3) + Expression(2) = [roll0]

50/50 chance of "sticking" :smallannoyed: [roll1]

EDIT: phew!

... and turns into a dark, wryly smiling woman in sunglasses.

2013-08-04, 09:25 AM
"Ah, you're one of those. Well, Ms. Tiresias, I ought to tell you I'm a good bit more fond of this version of you than the last one. I do love a woman in sunglasses. But we should focus on business first.

What do we know about these 'roses'?" Jeremy tried to pull the two roses apart to test the bond strength.

No, Jeremy doesn't know what those he's trying to refer to.

Strength roll to try and pull the roses apart? [roll0]

2013-08-04, 03:55 PM
"The arm and the rig were both built by me. And it's based on two theories used together. One disproved, the other shady at best

Now, even tought I'm telling you this, don't take it as reason for you to be right. It seems you know of Inspiration and other like you, but nothing of the actual world of Genii"

He has the man sit. This one was going to be big

"Please understand this. From the moment you broke throught, that is, when you felt the suddent clarity and could build the means through which to heal other people...you lost any and all capability of performing any actual research, regardless of your academic past. We, as Genii, are not scientists as they can be called"

2013-08-04, 06:29 PM
Jeremy grunted as he tried to pry the two flowers apart.

"Well ****, when these things stick together, they really stick. I'm gonna need a little help pulling them apart, if they even can be pulled apart."

He tried again to waive down a server, suddenly feeling very hungry.

2013-08-05, 03:53 PM
Jacques walks to the bar-counter. Once there, he finds himself a bar-stool to sit on. After that, he looks over his left shoulder to see what's the commotion about. He watches the scene unfold for half a minute before ordering the cheapest drink on the menu. He pays the bartender after receiving his beverage. He settles in while everyone else goes about their business.

2013-08-05, 04:18 PM
"The arm and the rig were both built by me. And it's based on two theories used together. One disproved, the other shady at best

Now, even tought I'm telling you this, don't take it as reason for you to be right. It seems you know of Inspiration and other like you, but nothing of the actual world of Genii"

He has the man sit. This one was going to be big

"Please understand this. From the moment you broke throught, that is, when you felt the suddent clarity and could build the means through which to heal other people...you lost any and all capability of performing any actual research, regardless of your academic past. We, as Genii, are not scientists as they can be called"

The doctor listened and sat when invited. The man seemed sincere and seemed to want to help but wasn't making sense.

"You've realised that there's working, disproved hypotheses but that's no reason to start looking to djinni, sorcery or any other magic to explain it. I can see that your faith has been shaken to it's core but you shouldn't give up on science.
I've been healing people using science since the first time I put a bandage on.
Science is a method, usable by anyone. It is not selectively applicable. I use it now, just as I've always used it. The only difference is that now, I'm more wary of relying on assumptions I haven't verified myself."

2013-08-05, 04:18 PM
As Jeremy finishes speaking to the formerly blond Tiresias, a fourth rose, kicked by a customers foot, lands nearby, and snaps onto the end of Tiresias' rose, forming an identical pair to the one Jeremy is holding.

2013-08-06, 10:13 AM
"You just explained the second principle of the Peerage. Our science, despite it being mad is still science. And I'm guessing you see things a bit differently than me as far as the first goes "All theories are true".
Well, what I'm trying to say, is that your Wonders, what you built to heal, they really can't be used to advance the technological state of the world. We can do what noone else can. That's good, because we have less limits, but it's bad because as far as any other scientist goes, everything we build cannot b be used"

2013-08-07, 01:04 AM
It seemed as if every other sentence the man spoke now was including a bit of gibberish;- science is mad, what we build can not be used. However, he appeared earnest and able to function. The doctor was used to dealing with some people who made even less sense on the streets. The thing to do was focus on the lucid statements, no matter how they where buried. It was time to remember why the doctor had come here and find a path forward.
"Back to your Peerage - your grouping of alternative researchers, trying to explain the utility of discarded, I say discarded as in truth I can not regard them reliably as disproved, hypotheses - how do we contact them? I'm still in need of space to continue my research and they sound like they could help."
Seeing David through the window, returning down the street with the bagged rose.
"We have our opportunity to examine the two flowers. I'd like to check them separately first. No two natural roses are identical but these may be. We can then investigate their attractive and any other properties."

2013-08-07, 03:37 PM
:miko: "... hm." Tiresias looks at the cojoined roses in her hand, nonplussed.

She waves it at Lilly. "You want to try separating them?"

2013-08-07, 08:57 PM
"Contacting the Peerage? There's a multitude of ways. The Peerage is basically us. Most of us aniway. The Genii. There are websites and magazines. It's basically like the real science world, only hidden from it because theirs and ours simply will never get along. I think, I got the magazine from my group, the Progenitors. Well one of the magazines, it's called "Transfigurationist". Other Genii go to this bar caleld Spark Gap or so I'm told, in this city."

He searches around the house a bit before finding the latest issue of The Transfigurationist. He would have rather found the one that contained some of his discoveries into mechanical limbs (and were rather controversial among some of the biological transhumanists who believed it'd be a lot better if he worked on making some symbiont monster who could replace a limb in some way. It gave him ideas certainly, but his attempts at intelligent life had hit a wall for now) and gives it to the man.

2013-08-08, 03:11 AM
"Contacting the Peerage? There's a multitude of ways. The Peerage is basically us. Most of us aniway. The Genii. There are websites and magazines. It's basically like the real science world, only hidden from it because theirs and ours simply will never get along. I think, I got the magazine from my group, the Progenitors. Well one of the magazines, it's called "Transfigurationist". Other Genii go to this bar caleld Spark Gap or so I'm told, in this city."

He searches around the house a bit before finding the latest issue of The Transfigurationist... and gives it to the man.

The Doctor stands and reaches out to accept the magazine, "Thank you ... my God, I'm afraid I must have forgotten your name already."

He walks across to the front door and opens it just as Chopper Dave is raising his hand to knock. "Thank you, David". He retrieves the bagged rose from the surprised looking Dave and closes the door. Chopper Dave settles into a begging pose outside.

"I've heard of that public house. Some friends had suggested that potential research partners or landlords might be found there. I'd actually arranged to meet them there later. Perhaps, once we've taken a look at these roses, we could venture down to the public house. Now, would you have a pen and paper?"

He places the bag on the far end of the bench from the other rose and then puts a glove on his right hand. He opens the bag and carefully examines both roses (keeping them separate) to see if any differences are apparent. He holds various objects close to both roses, including his gloved (and then ungloved) hand to see if any forces of attraction are apparent with any materials. He pulls out his stethoscope and ear torch to further examine the roses.

"If you have any metal or wooden objects that we can place between the flowers as we bring them together, we'll see if there is a mutual attraction and if it is easily confounded. If it's easily blocked, no one should be able to trace you using the roses, within the walls of your laboratory."

If provided with writing material,

The doctor notes down any of his observations regarding the roses. "Perhaps you might continue the examination of the roses whilst I check through the magazine." He flicks through the magazine looking for familiar names, phone numbers with a Bristol area code or Bristol area addresses. He makes a note of any contact information that he finds and reads the associated advertisements/articles.

If Max examines the roses

The doctor looks up and smiles, So much for no longer being capable of performing research. "Have you learned any more?"

OOC; Various rolls for the examination and reading of the magazine

General examination of roses
Int (5) + Sci (4) [roll0], any 10s [roll1]

In the unconscious way the doctor works with Mania, he will channel 1 Mania into his rose during his examination and see if he manages to get it to do anything/reveal anything.
Not sure exactly what is applicable for this roll (assuming 1 mania is enough to trigger it)
Insp(4) + attribute (?) + skill (?) - one for for each rank of the Wonder as don't possess all the requisite Axioms (?)
The doctors attributes and skills are available at Dr. Barter (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=609892).
Just apply the leftmost dice, however many are applicable
[roll2], any 10s[roll3]

Trying to use the Wonder without having the Axioms would require a Havoc roll but I'll spend the Willpower to achieve an automatic exceptional success (Part of me was really tempted to just let the havoc dice roll to suggest that the Doctor acts just like a normal scientist).

Finding useful contact information in the magazine
Wits (2) + Academics or Socialize (0) [roll4], any 10s [roll5]

2013-08-08, 10:54 PM
"Considering I could feel the attractive quality through the walls, I assume it can go through stone and quite a long way. These roses are honestly not keeping my interest at this rate."

And thus, without thinking twice, he touches his rose to the next and waits to see what happens

2013-08-09, 07:18 AM
Dr Barter notices some kind of encrypted code in surface of his rose.
As he unconsciously channels mania into the rose, its steel petals flare into fragrant colors, and it is yanked straight out of his hands and a couple of inches into a wall. After a couple of seconds it drops to the floor.

Simultaneously, as Tiresias holds her two roses, they are torn from her grasp, and bounce with a large thud off one of the pub's reinforced window.

Max tries touching his rose to Dr Barter's but while there is a small attraction, nothing else and he is easily able to remove them.

In the magazine, Dr Barter finds a discussion of the previous month's events including the for now latent Ubermensch incursion, and an incident involving a Genius, Alrai going Umada and attacking a group of his colleagues including a couple of human Genii, Lily Clark and Jacques Costeau, and an Inspired mane known as Ark.

The Kings Raven
2013-08-09, 02:39 PM
:miko: "... hm." Tiresias looks at the cojoined roses in her hand, nonplussed.

She waves it at Lilly. "You want to try separating them?"

"So they're magnetic? I've always wanted to say this" She fishes some unsleeved copper wire from a loose pocket, removes a ring, and begins wiring the ring to the rose in a complex but precise arrangement. You see the simplest way to break a magnetic lock is to REVERSE THE POLAIRTY"

Lilly connects the second wire, sparks fly and yet another metallic smell is added to the general aroma of alcohol, people and SCIENCE. The two roses fly to the opposite ends of the room but quickly turn around and reconnect themselves backwards. Lilly gives it a second try for luck but this merely results in more stench and the roses back exactly how they started.

"The magnets weren't nearly that strong before or they'd have done that as soon as you walked in the room. Some kind of quantum entanglement?"

I'm going to treat this as a deconstruct technology attack targeting the part of these roses that holds them together.

Dexterity (4) + Crafts (1) + Mania spent (1) [roll0]tens[roll1]

2013-08-10, 01:23 AM
Jacques drinks his beverage slowly so he can savor its taste. Words fail to describe this sensation... actually, they can. It is on the tip of his tongue, but not for long. *Gulp* Well, whatever it is, it's gone now. He returns the empty cup to its owner.

2013-08-10, 07:54 PM
"Oh. Now, that was disappointing :smallsigh:

If they won't stick fine.

"Might just aswell go to that Spark Gap and see what's going on. Come on, maybe you'll find someone willing to share labs with you"

2013-08-11, 02:14 PM
"Oh. Now, that was disappointing :smallsigh:

If they won't stick fine.

"Might just aswell go to that Spark Gap and see what's going on. Come on, maybe you'll find someone willing to share labs with you"

The man was being infuriatingly blase. It was perhaps that lack of curiosity when faced with the unexplained and, in terms of accepted scientific theories, unexplainable that allowed Them to keep lying to everyone.

"You are right. A trip to this public house might be what's called for."

He stoops to pick up his rose. He pauses before bagging it again and casually indicates the code to Max.

"Seeing as you already have more answers than me, perhaps you could explain the code on the way."

As they leave, he says goodnight to Dave and tells him to let Whispers know that he'll talk to him tomorrow.

2013-08-12, 10:37 AM
:miko:"Well. That was ... interesting."

She pauses, thinking.

"Perhaps we're approaching this from the wrong perspective. We need to find whoever is leaving these things around ... and I'm guessing at least one of them was left in sight of a CCTV camera."

2013-08-12, 04:54 PM
"CCTV? I thought that was a joke from Torchwood or something. Do you Brits really have cameras on every street corner?" Jeremy asked. "I'm probably going to have to pick up prostasia and apokalypsi aren't I? Well what's say we get some food and go looking for whoever delivered these then. I'll get the first round of drinks."

2013-08-13, 08:30 PM
"Well, let's hope this thing isn't in Latin or Lemurian..."

Max tries to crack the code. He had absolutely no experience on the matter, and never really met a Genius who put codes written in their Wonders (probably because passing codified information through physical roses was silly even for Genii)

Cracking codes appears to be a Int + Investigation roll, either INstant or Extended. I have no INvestigation dots, but thankfully Genii don't suffer penalties for that. Yay!

+10s [roll1]

2013-08-13, 10:04 PM
Jacques gets up from his seat so he can walk over to the dispenser and purchase a bottle of water for himself. Naturally, he washes away the beverage aftertaste with it. Once empty, he throws the bottle into a nearby trashcan.

2013-08-14, 05:40 AM
"Well, let's hope this thing isn't in Latin or Lemurian..."

Max tries to crack the code. He had absolutely no experience on the matter, and never really met a Genius who put codes written in their Wonders (probably because passing codified information through physical roses was silly even for Genii)

"I hope so too. My latin is limited to body parts and infections. I've never even heard of Lem-oor-ian."

As they walk, the doctor examines Max's rose to see if there's any codes that have been missed on it or anything else of interest. He also tries to detect any changes in the forces pulling on the rose.

"I say Max, does the attractive force on my rose seem to be increasing also? I'm noticing that yours seems to be experiencing more of a pull as we go along. It might be worth foregoing the public house for the moment and seeing where this attraction leads. For the moment, we seem to be right on course though."

OOC:int(5) + sci(4) to try and open Doran's first spoiler, [roll0]

Edit: "It seems both roses are attracted to a destination ahead of us, but do not attract each other nor repel each other. It is possible that there is a single component, which is exerting an attractive force over both... However, the slight variation in the pull on head and tail of the two roses suggests that the attraction is based on something more complex than a single source. To borrow an analogy from the animal kingdom instead of the plant kingdom, perhaps these are hierarchical, like animals in a pack. Each Rose has it's place in pecking order and will only be moved to fit in its correct position. There is nothing to attract an Alpha and Omega together as all others in the group must position themselves on the societal scale in between them. The immediate attraction would be between hierarchically adjacent Roses, such as the Alpha and the Beta and the Beta and the Gamma, and so on."

2013-08-14, 02:26 PM
"CCTV? I thought that was a joke from Torchwood or something. Do you Brits really have cameras on every street corner?" Jeremy asked. "I'm probably going to have to pick up prostasia and apokalypsi aren't I? Well what's say we get some food and go looking for whoever delivered these then. I'll get the first round of drinks."

:miko:"Well, not every street corner ... not in Bristol. But enough."

"I have the Apokalyptic ability to find this - if, indeed, the footage exists - but it may take time to prepare. Some food and drink may be good, if you're interested:smallsmile:"

2013-08-14, 05:09 PM
"I'm interested in fish and chips personally." Jeremy said.

2013-08-16, 12:02 PM
"Possibly, the Spark Gap? It's where the triangulation I did at my lab pointed me to. You got some different results but I suppose that having two roses instead of one can give more information"

2013-08-16, 02:44 PM
" Perhaps all our roads do lead to this Spark Gap. If it is the local for the local alternative researchers, then maybe the creator of these roses will be there. If not, perhaps others who've the other parts of the attractive chain have gathered to share their information."

2013-08-17, 02:14 PM
"I'm interested in fish and chips personally." Jeremy said.

Tersias freezes imperceptibly.

Great, I forgot to fill in her food preferences. This is what comes of improvising a new persona halfway through the conversation. Well, I suppose I should stick close to this guy...

"God, that sounds great. I keep forgetting to eat when I have a new project.":miko:

2013-08-17, 02:32 PM
"Well it sounds like we'll be doing a working lunch then." Jeremy smiled. He turned to the blonde woman, Lilly and grinned again. "What do you say to joining us, ordering some food and getting some work done?"

The Kings Raven
2013-08-18, 10:53 AM
"I've already eaten, what are you planning with the roses anyway?"

2013-08-21, 01:30 PM
The change of scenery has given Jacques an opportunity to see his problem in a new light. What's the point‽ No one appears to care about that thingamajig much less whoever retrieves it! He spots Lilly in the crowd as he a walks away from the trashcan. No harm in a little detour. "Fancy meeting you here!"

2013-08-23, 09:20 AM
"Figure out what they're for, of course. It looks to me like we're still missing some, but that might just be because I like circles. So what do you think? It'd be pretty boring if that was all this device did." Jeremy said

2013-08-23, 07:12 PM
"Genii. Alternative researches are Genii. Plural of Genius (or maybe not, but let's not go there). That's what the Peerage calls us."

Max places his hand on the doorknob to the Spark Gap

"Whatever city it is that I am, and my mentor did this too, we just assumed that anything cheesily dramatic and weird was some Genius fault, or problem, so going to the local meeting places is quite the good bet"

And once the door is opened, of course. The metal roses leap from hands, gathering together with the clink of metal clashing against metal. And a very noticeable WOOSH or maybe it was CRACK! that signaled something breaking sound speed

"Oh now, see! That was more like what I expected. Let's quickly mingle with the other rosebearers"

The Kings Raven
2013-08-24, 03:36 PM
"Figure out what they're for, of course. It looks to me like we're still missing some, but that might just be because I like circles. So what do you think? It'd be pretty boring if that was all this device did." Jeremy said

"They're a mystery, designed to get some pathologically curious science type to investigate them.

2013-08-25, 07:14 AM
Dr Barter looked around the interior of the busy pub. Unconsciously, he edged closer to Max and remained almost glued to him as they made their way through the crowd. The doctor looked warily around as the went. He gave a nervous nod to Mikey and Trevor, who were near the bar to indicate that he was alright and didn't need them at the moment.

As they approached the group around the combined roses, the Doctor was surprised that not everyone was intrigued by them but then he noticed that some in the bar were examining other devices and lost in abstract arguments.

"I hadn't realised that there were so many alternative researchers, genii, oh the conceit! There's no way They could be unaware of this. Their spies are probably here, gathering information on those who most pose a threat to Their plans. Staying too long might be unwise."

"Hello. The more colourful rose is mine. Might I suggest that a public house is not the best place to examine these artifacts, or perhaps artifact is the applicable term now.

2013-08-26, 09:06 AM
Tiresias stares at the ... rose voltron thing.

See OOC for analysis rolls. Darn fiddly markup.

:miko:"... were we just part of a plan to bring the pieces of this thing together?"

2013-08-26, 10:30 AM
"They're a mystery, designed to get some pathologically curious science type to investigate them.

"So you think they're a trap then? Ah, but where's the fun in identifying the trap if you can't walk in and pull a Gilligan on it later? C'mon, you've got to be curious who sent them. And why us, after all... It's not like we've ever met before."

2013-08-27, 05:22 AM
"I hadn't realised that there were so many alternative researchers, genii, oh the conceit! There's no way They could be unaware of this. Their spies are probably here, gathering information on those who most pose a threat to Their plans. Staying too long might be unwise."

"Hello. The more colourful rose is mine. Might I suggest that a public house is not the best place to examine these artifacts, or perhaps artifact is the applicable term now.

Wrenching her eyes from the rose assembly, Teriseas says, slightly plaintively, "There was some mention of chips ... but I'm not even sure we could move that. It was designed to move into that position so it can deliver a message."

off their looks

:miko:"I guess I'm the resident Apokalypsi expert, then."

2013-08-27, 06:49 AM
"So you think they're a trap then? Ah, but where's the fun in identifying the trap if you can't walk in and pull a Gilligan on it later? C'mon, you've got to be curious who sent them. And why us, after all... It's not like we've ever met before."

I found the rose on a dead body.
"It's not necessarily for us but there are those who would want to trap us ... or some of us, anyway." He glances around the pub once more to see if anyone at other tables is paying attention to the group around the roses.
A trap? They could have got most of the people by just targetting this public house. Max and I are the ones who were lured here. Were the others all baited or is one a fisherman?
The doctor looks critically at the others clustered at the roses. "I'm Doctor Barter, by the way. Were you all rose bearers also?"

Wrenching her eyes from the rose assembly, Teriseas says, slightly plaintively, "There was some mention of chips ... but I'm not even sure we could move that. It was designed to move into that position so it can deliver a message."

"We won't know until we try moving it... A message you say. For whom? One of us or someone else? If it's staying, then I'll have to try examining the structure here."
What message? "You are all going to be drained and die?" The others seem willfully or simply ignorant of the potential risks here. The quicker I understand it, the sooner I'll know what danger it poses. I may need to protect some of these others from Them.

The doctor opens up his bag, puts a head torch on and pulls on a fresh glove. He then takes out some other instruments before moving in to examine the combined wonder.


Inspiration (4) + Wits (2) + Utility Belt (1) - 2 [roll0]

"I guess I'm the resident Apokalypsi expert, then."
Oh great, a prophet of doom.

After examining the roses, the doctor turns back to Teriseas, "I concur with your assessment Ms. ... that the device is intended to deliver a message. It's focus appears to be remote, however. If geography serves, the message is to be delivered tomorrow morning at ..."
The doctor stops and looks around.
"We can't be sure who's listening here. Relocating elsewhere would be a good idea before I disclose the message delivery location. Moving the device would disrupt the focus and, even if possible, might still be unwise. Given the remote focus, one could conlude that a) the message is intended for someone who would be at the intended location tomorrow morning come what may or b) that the message is intended for those who are able to examine the device and deduce where to be in order to receive the message. I suspect that the second group is limited to alternative researchers, such as ourselves."

Assuming b), there are two further possibilities to be considered;
c) the device has been prepared by Them to lure the most capable alternative researchers to a remote location at a quiet time, when They can dispose of us.
d) the device is a call to arms to bring together the most capable alternative researchers so that together we can strike a blow against Their machinations.

The doctor quietly placed his equipment back in his bag, whilst listening to the discussion around him.

"Excuse me but lost in the curiosity of the moment, I forgot my original reason for coming here. I am currently in need of a new research space. I was hoping to meet someone here who would be in a position to rent or perhaps share somewhere where I can continue my work. Would any of you have such space or know of someone who might?"

2013-08-28, 11:14 AM
Glancing into the doctor's mind as he talked, Tiresias grew increasingly concerned - both for the worrying facts he was aware of and his mental health. Rather than hide it behind the mask, however, he channeled the emotion into a legitimate concern; warning the others of the Basilisk Method variable, which could be used to attack en mass though an Apokalypsi message.

Basilisk Method can be quite brutal in the right circumstances, and the Rosemaster has proved quite adept at manipulating situations to suit their plans.

I have no idea how to refer to that IC, but I assume there's some way of discussing the various capabilities of Variables in non-mechanical terms.

The Kings Raven
2013-08-30, 02:59 PM
"So you think they're a trap then? Ah, but where's the fun in identifying the trap if you can't walk in and pull a Gilligan on it later? C'mon, you've got to be curious who sent them. And why us, after all... It's not like we've ever met before."

"I'd rather stay alive, setting traps is far more fan than walking into them".

The doctor looks critically at the others clustered at the roses. "I'm Doctor Barter, by the way. Were you all rose bearers also?"It was left outside my lab, it could be for any of us.

OOC: Yep. Lilly does have a Collaborative, all players who dropped out. Presumably they're doing research and sleeping under their desks.

2013-08-31, 09:17 PM
Jacques had narrowly avoided the roses that belonged to the two newcomers, Max and Barter, before he approached the table where Lilly dined. He saw no reason to repeat himself when she already heard him. He kept his mouth shut and listened to her talk about this bouquet of obsidian roses.

2013-09-01, 08:44 PM
Maximillian had of course rolled up the sleeves of his suit, and was...flexing, for lack of a better term, his mechanical arm until...

"Wait, we can't really move it? Aaaah man :smallannoyed:

2013-09-02, 12:19 AM
"If any of you are skilled cryptologists, you may have more luck than me decyphering the code on the roses. There's a code here."
The doctor indicates where the code is on his rose and checks to see if there are codes on any of the other roses.

2013-09-02, 11:07 AM
"Ooh, a code ... wait, did anyone else try to decode that? I don't want to sound paranoid, but I'm not sure if you can make a code that zaps anyone solving it and it would be the perfect weapon against a group of us.":miko:

Manipulation + Persuasion to make the good doctor think of exactly whose hands he pried his Rose from.


EDIT: Ah well. A bit on the overly subtle side, perhaps. I guess he could roll Wits to pick it up?

2013-09-02, 12:45 PM
" I don't want to sound paranoid, but I'm not sure if you can make a code that zaps anyone solving it and it would be the perfect weapon against a group of us."

This dark haired woman does sound paranoid though;
Preparing for the apocalypse,
Thinking the display of the message will be a weapon,
Thinking cracking a code could trigger a weapon.
She even wears dark sun glasses in a dark public house, doubtless to avoid recognition.
They must have given her reason to be afraid ... or else she's regrettably insane and is latching onto alternative researchers as part of her realises that she can't make sense of her own world.
It's tragic either way. I must do what I can to help the poor woman. Otherwise, she'll just become frozen, afraid to take even the simplest of actions because of the wild fancies that her paranoia surrounds her with.
I'd best not tell her about Them. If her fears stem from another cause, that truth could actually hamper her healing.

"Calm down my dear. Both Max and I have looked at the code. You don't need to be afraid. The code might simply state, 'Made in Bristol'. I hope it's more revealing but we won't know until we crack it. There's no reason to allow flights of fancy to deter you from enquiring into the truth of the world."

My God, is that part of Their scheme? If those capable of enquiring into Their lies are afraid to do so, then everyone will just accept Their lies.
Is she a victim or a pawn?

2013-09-03, 12:14 PM
... OK then, enough beating around the bush.

:miko:"Is there anyone who actually decoded anything, though? It might be a memetic weapon, ciphered so as to only target the curious."

Don't open this unless you're Doran! Or if you do, pretend you didn't.As far as I can tell from the rules, if someone has created a Variable, other Inspired can use it too. So I'm going to kitbash a ciphered Basilisk Method weapon (only Katastrofi 1, so nothing lethal) out of some of the miscellaneous junk kept in their coat pockets to serve as props.

I assume this is Wits(3) + Inspiration(3) + Science(3) - Rank(1) + Favoured Axiom(1) - Time Reduction(6) + 2 Mania = 5 dice



If there are any extra penalties, take them off the end I guess. I have no idea what the effect on the Core Modifier would be, but I would guess it's a bonus, since Basilisk Method is free and this would be much more limited.

EDIT: OK, this thing only lasts three turns and/or eats Mania, but we're not in combat time so I'll just wait for your ruling, Doran.

2013-09-06, 08:02 PM
Jacques was staring at the cryptogram Dr.Barter pointed to when a thought occurred to him. Why rely on only one of us to relay this message? He had remembered to read the code before he looked at his own rose. Perhaps, there's another, he reasons.

2013-09-09, 04:29 PM
Dr Jacques stares at his own rose. Now that he looks for it, he can indeed make out a sparkling but regular pattern in the reflected and refracted shapes coming from the rose. It'd requires some effort to make even a little sense of it however...

2013-09-10, 01:11 PM
Pulling a small smartphone-sized device out of her pocket - looking like it was designed to evoke greek marble while also clearly being a crystal display - Teriseas plonks it down on the table, along with a pile of electronic parts, some bits of what are clearly regular glass, and a broken digital watch.

"We'll never find anything out like this. First one to work out what this says can show off reading the label on that thing while the rest of you help me build a scanner.":miko:

The :smallcool: Stone Tablet lights up, showing a symbolic puzzle that seems to be a combination of dead languages and high-school mathematics (guess which Pi is!)
Wits + Academics + Inspiration to solve the puzzle (I PMed Doran to check my char could pull off making it in their pocket.)
The inherent logical contradictions in the puzzle give you a headache and ... some Bashing damage, Doran never specified the bonus involved but it comes to a total of at least seven dice, I think.

And Teriseas, she of the medical-scanner eyes, grins at you in an intensely annoying manner :smallbiggrin: as you get a nosebleed.

Oh! And your Inspired senses are telling you the puzzle is a wonder of Katastrofi :smalltongue:

2013-09-10, 04:15 PM
So, she's so afraid, she apparently feels the need to protect herself from the "dangers" of the code by interposing this device between her and the code ... or she's a servant of Them determined to prevent us cracking the code by replacing it with whatever pseudo message she's going to display on that device. I'd best take another crack at the code.

The doctor excuses himself from the group and heads towards the sign, which he assumes indicates the gents' toilet.

He slips on a fresh glove and takes a plastic bag out of his case. He steps into each cubicle in turn. In the fourth, he smiles and then closes the door behind him.
The doctor is still smiling when he returns to the roses and the crowd around it. He takes a wooden spatula from his bag and scoops something from a plastic bag onto it. He then rubs this onto the code on his Rose. He removes a roll of bandage from his bag and cuts off the sticky part. He applies this over the pungent brown material on his rose. He presses it firmly down and then peels it off. He places it on the table near Tiresias's device. He then rummages in his bag again before emerging with a scalpel which he promptly puts back in.
"You see, most overlook it but it is the first database created by man. Granted it was centuries before he began to learn how to extract information from it. Even now, we're only scratching the surface; diet, disease, health, pollution. The information is all in there, we just have to get it out."
He picks up the bandage once more and uses the remaining sticky parts to attach the bandage to his face. He inhales deeply through his nose to see what the squashed turd can teach him.
"I've more in the bag if someone wants some."


Examining the rose with the aid of his utility belt
Insp(4) + Wits (2) + utility (1) - 4

"It's also good for clearing the sinuses and encouraging mental focus."

With the bandage still on his face he looks at the message on Tiresias's tablet, maybe, she is doing her best to help

Wits (2) + Academics (0) + Inspiration (4)

2013-09-10, 05:00 PM
"I think I've .." The doctor clutches his his head with his over large gloved hand.
"Aaahhh" His nose bandage flies off his face in a cascade of blood. He sinks to his knees and points at the smiling Tiresias, "SHE'S ONE OF THEM!!!", before he collapses unconscious.

Bashing damage to the doctor [roll0]

2013-09-10, 07:54 PM
At that point, two men at the bar covered in a liberal amount of clothing, so far having only shared whispers between each other while contently watching the scene unfold, engage a swift-paced discussion.

Which you may or may not notice, depending on where you stand or how much you care while a genius just keeled over. Note, the § signs mark they are talking in a foreign tongue. I presume an Int+Academics roll would allow you to recognize it, or at least the language family, make out some words, so on.

§Told you.§
§And I asked you to not be a prick about it if it would!§
§Sorry, you had it coming. With your big, flashy entrance we'd only end up in the dumpster outside.§
§...I don't see how that would prevent us from-§
§Patient. Bleeding.§
§Oh, right. Sorry. And thank you. §

The last to talk stands up.

He is visibly above 6 feet tall, has wide shoulders and a straight, commanding stature. Nothing as commendable can be said about his limbs, which are glaringly -almost abnormally - thin and stretched. Most of his face is covered by bangs of his long dark brown hair and a scarf. He wears an orange t-shirt under a black shirt, both expending over his cargo pants, the pockets of which he's fiddling with with one hand while holding a wooden mug in the other.

§I have it worked out. You're with me. Bring the packs.§
§Got 'em. §

With that, the other follows.

He stands a few inches below his friend next to him. His face is similarly covered with piece of dark brown cloth and his fedora sitting low on his forehead. As he turns, a plain shirt and dark jeans are revealed from under his longcoat. He appears robust and holds one of two backpacks previously resting at the duo's legs in each of his (gloved) hands without issue.

Ambrose approaches the injured Dr. Barter at a steady place. Kitbasher closely behind.

I realize I probably decribed more than a turn worth of actions. I assume nobody would try to stop them. Just ignore the text below if someone does.

§So what am I-§
§Hand me a kit. And take this§ - He extends the mug towards him as he sits down near the bleeding doctor, paying no heed to his surroundings.
§Well, gee. Feelin' so goddamn useful here.§
§And you should. Drip his blood into it with your kerchief. As much as you can.§
The above statement is awarded with a glare.§Why-§
§Ah, and stir the blood with your finger a bit, can't let it dry.§
§The f-§
§Shut your mouth before I sew it shut! Don't ask!§

Ambrose opens the box handed to him and sets to work.
Dex+Medicine, +1 from first aid kit. Here it goes.

And that's a failure. Oh well. Since the loss of consciousness was only for drama, can I at least slap him awake to save face?

2013-09-11, 05:32 AM
On the good doctor passing out -

:miko:"For his own good, really. I don't think the guy has much experience with what we can do. Could have been hurt, attitude like that."


"He'll wake up with a headache. Anyway, he won, so we can all get to work while he deals with the rose code, aye?":miko:

To the dynamic duo -

:miko:"Guys, he's fine, really. I can read his vital signs from here. Body's producing stress antitoxins as we speak. Uh ... do you speak english?

They're a separate wonder, so I'm guessing telepathy can't fill in for a translator ... but at least she knows they aren't thinking "our ally has been slain, we must avenge him" right OH WAIT

[explanation: she has a Fault that means hostile intentions/plans aren't visible, even by their absence.]

2013-09-11, 03:08 PM
Ambrose responds after a lengthy pause spent staring in Teiresias' general direction.

"... As much as you can expect of me." Ambrose gently turned the doctor to his side and took quick measurements while Kitbasher disheartenedly scrubs the floor for blood drops. "And I can see you're mostly right. His vital signs are normal and stable."
§Blood pressure, too?§
"Yes, Kitbasher, blood pressure is too a vital sign. Good boy, vill give you a cookie later."
"Harr-harr. I meant-"
"Yeah, I know." Ambrose examined the doctor's eyes, and contently nodded to himself. " A human of his stature and health von't pass out solely from superficial blood loss. Of course his heart vas probably racing before he fell. Dough he vas in no real danger. You remember vhat he said before he "passed out"? "
"You mean he didn't? I mean, yes, I do, but... did the wonder do this to him then?" Kitbasher inches away from the rose.
"Could have, but I doubt it. Apparently he vas convinced de lady here vas part of a group vho vishes him harm, falsely... or odervise..."

He offered a vary, suspicious look to the black haired woman.

Time to put my psychology classes to use. Explaining away inconsistency!

"So anyvay, I saw plenty of dis in de asylum back home. It's a form of catatonia and pathological defense mechanism, to skip the middle man and avoid stress itself rader dan it's cause. His motor and cognitive functions entered a faux shutdown, tus he doesn't need to respond to a complex problem or experience pain. He is still conscious, technically, but he's so disconnected, he might as vell not be."
"And you said you see it happen often?:smalleek:"
"Yeah. Variations of it appear in a great number of patients vith significant general impairment or a prefrontal cortex on the fritz. Sufferers of psychotic, personality and mood disorders, mostly. Being a Genius, he might have one or more. It can happen to mentally healthy people under extreme stress or shock, but damn, in his case vouldn't it be sad."
His assignment finished, Kitbasher stands up."So, you're saying that... What are you saying?:smallconfused:"
"I'm saying dat, in my medical opinion, he's a nut, or a f*ckin' p*ssy."

With that, he unceremoniously slaps Dr. Barter in the face.

"And that was?"

I hope I don't have to say this is rarely the appropriate response. Don't do it at home, kids.

And wow. Having more characters really eases exposition. I should play with cohorts more often.

2013-09-12, 10:58 AM
"He's pretty new to our world, yes. I tried to told him the most important stuff. Ah, I'm afraid I can't help you, I'm not good with fine manipulation you see, lost my good arm and had to put this steel one"

Which truth be told I can't put to it's full potential because I'm too uncoordinated for the supreme dexterity it has" (Italics are Max's thoughts for reading)

He instead sits down and orders a glass of mead

2013-09-12, 06:00 PM
As the doctors eyelids began to flutter, two men pushed their way through the crowd.
"Hey, leave him alone."
They barge in and help the doctor to his feet.
"You see", he says while being supported by one of the newcomers. He looks around at the gathered genii.
"I warned you that this wasn't the place to discuss things. There's your proof, your snake in the grass. She's one of Them."
The newcomer who isn't supporting the doctor grabs a bottle and smashes it on a table. He positions himself between the doctor and Tiresias but makes no move to attack. "Stay back. I'm warnin' ya."
"She's tried to thwart efforts to find the Truth from the start. First she tries to dissuade us all from investigation by trying to spread fear and claiming that the roses are trapped. When her lies didn't work, she resorted to violence - setting a trap of her own. It's lucky I've modified how my body reacts to injury or who knows how lethal her attack could have been. Now she'll probably try to misdirect you all by telling you her false discoveries. Don't believe Their lies. Don't believe HER LIES. Check every detail yourself. They count on people accepting Their fabrications."
He pauses to wipe some of the blood away from his nose and turns to Max.
"Thanks for your assistance today but this public house is not safe. Where there's one of Them, there are doubtless others."
He and his supporter look around the room as if trying to spot who else might be an agent of Them. The man with the broken bottle never takes his eyes off Tiresias.
"Let's get out of here." The doctor and the two men make their way to the exit, giving Tiresias a wide berth.

2013-09-13, 08:50 AM
Jeremy had been mostly silent up to this point, mostly meaning that he was frequently smacking his lips and slurping on his beer while he wolfed down his fish and chips. But when things started getting heated he finally spoke up.

"Hi, don't think we've been introduced. I'm Jeremy Nguyen. I don't really know anybody else here all that well, though one or two I wouldn't mind changing that about. Anyway, I think it's hardly the time to be making snap judgements, Mr. Hobo Doctor, sorry I wasn't paying attention when you introduced yourself. If you really want to wander off because another genius is a little strange, ha ha, well that's just the pot calling the black, don't you think?" He smiled, but the fish bones stuck in his teeth probably ruined the effect.

2013-09-14, 12:14 AM
Jacques had chosen not to tell everyone else about this until they decoded Dr. Barter's rose. He was waiting for that opportunity to present itself when one of them fainted. He was about to help him off the ground when two beholden burst in. He took a step away from the table in order to give them enough room to walk in an' tend to their employer.

2013-09-15, 04:48 AM
:miko:"Ah. I didn't know it would be extra-effective on Genii. Actually, I was checking to see if it would work at all* - I think that rose thing is booby-trapped with one. I guess it's a good thing no-one tried that with the real thing:smalleek:"

*Geniuses have access to any Variable - even ones developed on a desert island somewhere start permeating ideaspace (it's in the Creating a Variable rules.)

Tiresias snaps her fingers.

"Wait. New to Inspiration. Don't believe Their lies. "They" must be Lemurians! *cupping hands* D'YOU KNOW WHO THEY ARE?":miko:

I'm going to go with Presence + Subterfuge to get past the paranoia involved here. Befriending (or at least not be-enemy-ing) targets is, after all, my character's job.

EDIT: It's all in the tone of voice, y'know :smallbiggrin:

2013-09-16, 11:07 AM
"Eh, Doc. It sounded like she doesn't know who They are."
The doctor continues to usher his wavering beholden out the door.
"Don't be taken in. They are masters of deception and her actions have revealed her for what she is. Unfortunately, our awareness of Them has also been revealed. She just wants to find out how much we know. Of all the alternative researchers in there, I'm the only one who stood out as not being prepared to accept They falsehoods They're spreading. My actions may have put us in more danger. ... And They are now aware of the two of you as you came to rescue me after her attack."
The three head down the street, checking to see if they are pursued by anyone from the pub.
"We should avoid that public house. True, there may be alternative researchers in there ... but they seem to be lulled into just accepting the glaring discrepancies that they've witnessed. They are evidently well aware that alternative researchers gather there, whether or not that was originally planned by Them or is something that They are taking advantage of remains to be seen. We can not presume to go there seeking help - we just couldn't be sure as to who in there is compromised by Them."
After they turn a corner, the doctor pauses to collect some blood from his still bleeding nose into test tube vials, "This may prove useful." He then examines the extent of his injuries and treats them.

Medically, non-wondrously treating his bashing damage - not sure how this works in game (and it's likely that it would have sorted itself anyway by the time of the next scene) but essentially looking to get rid of any penalties due to being hurt.
Int (4) + Med (5) + Hurt (-1)
Non-wondrously treating injuries would always be the doctor's response to less serious injuries. Does anyone know exactly how such treatment is handled ingame?

Once he's finished patching himself up, the three continue on to meet the other beholden.

2013-09-16, 11:34 AM
Medically, non-wondrously treating his bashing damage - not sure how this works in game (and it's likely that it would have sorted itself anyway by the time of the next scene) but essentially looking to get rid of any penalties due to being hurt.
Int (4) + Med (5) + Hurt (-1)
Non-wondrously treating injuries would always be the doctor's response to less serious injuries. Does anyone know exactly how such treatment is handled ingame?

First Aid takes a minute of work. Heals one Bashing damage per success rolled. And it's Dex+Medicine. Int+Med is hospital care. See my attempt to heal him, above.

Ambrose was about to joyously elaborate on the underlying principles to Tiresias when Kitbasher pointed him to Jeremy. Then they witness the former shouting after Barter.

§Ugh. Gimme the blood. This will be a "the Klagen could save the day, if someone listened" sort of situation. Ain't I just love myself one of those!
I'll take the suicidal idiot on the left. Yours is the one on the right. On my signal. You won't be coming back here, anyway, let's go for the extra mile. Stomp while you go. Add a whistle, for safety's sake.§

Kitbasher nods without saying a word. Ambrose fiddles with his pockets, dips his right hand into the blood mug, then points at Jeremy. The automata takes loud, heavy steps towards him, and not so much whistled as he shrilled a "tune", adding to the ruckus already present.
Once at his destination, he speaks up and extends his hand for a shake.
§Better let him go for now, my friend. Come with me. My doctor invited you for a drink.§

At the same time, Ambrose approaches Tiresias from behind, and waits to see if she stops screaming.

His Dex+Stealth+Specialty(5) is not especially impressive, but between the Oscillation blocker he expanded, the crowd, Kitbasher's stomping and Tiresias' own shouts, we're looking at something around a -5 penalty to Perception, so... Good luck with that.
Any tens:

2013-09-16, 12:08 PM
:miko:"Huh. Shame. I must admit, I expected him to be a bit more curious, but I guess anything I say is suspect? Anyway, at least he knows the risks, more or less."


"Max, you did tell him about Havok, didn't you?"

I kind of want to set her Beholden - who are armed with disguise generators - to follow the fleeing doctor, but I have no idea what to roll for that - is it Dirty Work? It isn't exactly combat, they just have to walk down a street, change disguised regularly, and make sure at least one of them covers him ... do they get automatic successes from the disguise ... etc. etc.

Depending on the dicepools in question, it's a bit risky, so she instead holds her phone under the table and texts one of them to wait on the bridge, under the shape of the Blonde Genius, with another as backup in civilian guise.

2013-09-16, 03:59 PM
I kind of want to set her Beholden - who are armed with disguise generators - to follow the fleeing doctor...

If I may, I'd ask you to hold it off. Rolls notwithstanding(crimes of all kinds are probably dirty work regardless of violence involved, to clarify), calling your goons on a phone line, wondrous or otherwise, and ask them to spy on him would be too risque for comfort even in cases when you aren't in a bar full of curious mad scientists who very likely won't care much for your privacy. Hell, if the owners of the bar didn't think to plaster protective wonders all over it, they'd have been out of a job(not to mention a functioning respiratory system) for a long while. I believe I have a better plan. Please go with the flow for now.

As Tiresias decided by silence, Ambrose let out a relaxed sigh. He cleaned the blood off his hands with tissue paper(never adventure without tissue paper!) and spoke out.

"I confess-"

He gives her a moment of peace to turn around before he continues.

"-I'm relieved to see you've let de good man leave as he pleased."

Once he has her full attention, he pulls out a some money from his pockets vith one hand and extends the other for a shake.

"I'll drive you a bargain. Now, you can make friends vith me - and de good fellow next to my assistant, I have hope -, I'll buy you both a drink to celebrate; anything you vant from de menu vithin ten pounds each is yours. Den, ve'll discuss how vill ve taw de heart of de good doctor. How's dat?

2013-09-16, 10:32 PM
"I'll make that deal"

Max calls for dark ale, having finished his other beverage...

"Eh, he knows enough about how Wonders work I think. He'd have to, apparently he used his to cure other people. What he's really lacking is actually useful knowledge, like the principles the Peerage set to make sure we don't become like the Lemurian"

2013-09-17, 02:59 AM
Ambrose visibly disapproves.

"I... vasn't talking to you:smallannoyed: but since you get along vith de lady, feel free, vhy not."

"Honestly, so rude."

2013-09-17, 11:48 AM
"Ooh, yeah, drinks sound nice. I think our priority should be figuring out the deal with the roses, though. All of us" - she gestures at the others - "found one and brought it here, seemingly by accident."

"They look like they're designed to broadcast a message of some kind - maybe even send out an attack like my code, but instantly fatal ... or worse, for that matter. We really don't know anything about them; I'd suggested hacking into CCTV to find who placed them, but then....":miko:

2013-09-17, 08:54 PM
"Hey Doctor! It's dangerous to go alone! They might be waiting for it"

Max signals for Barter to come back. He's not using the other's name as a sign of...something

"Let's negotiate a bit. I know she looks weird I can vouch for her, trust me on this"

2013-09-19, 09:29 AM
Jeremy looks at the man with the accent, "I already made my order, but I'll take another beer if you're willing to cover it."

2013-09-19, 09:54 AM
"Hey Doctor! It's dangerous to go alone! They might be waiting for it"

Max signals for Barter to come back. He's not using the other's name as a sign of...something

"Let's negotiate a bit. I know she looks weird I can vouch for her, trust me on this"

The doctor turned and waved back to Max at the door of the pub. "I'm not alone", he mouthed.

Dear trusting Max. He allowed me into his lab without having any idea of who I was. Now he's ready to vouch for this woman that he's just met in the pub. He told me he didn't know any of the local members of the Peerage. He must assume that everyone in the Peerage is worthy of trust or perhaps he assumes everyone in the world is worthy of trust? It's wonderfully, refreshingly naive. He doesn't know what They are capable of. I hope he gets to enjoy his innocence. I will have to act so he and others can enjoy their innocent view of a world free of Them.

The doctor turns and continues out of the pub as the faint smile fades from his face.

For Doran, the bits that happen away from the pub;

He gathered his beholden together on an area of windswept scrubland. His paranoia infected the group, as they constantly checked around them.

"First things first. By now, you are all aware of Emma's demise. I can put your minds at ease on that front. Her death was a tragic accident. The rose, the device, she was carrying malfunctioned causing her death. I have been able to conclude that it was not a planned malfunction, which means that it was not a premeditated murder. We still mourn her senseless loss. The rose has been reunited with its associated components. Now that its reunited, I do not think that it poses the risk of a similar malfunction in the future."

"As you will have suspected from our silent trek here, I also have grimmer tidings. I encountered one of Them in the public House, the Spark Gap. They have obviously decided that we pose more of a threat to Them than previously as Their agent chose to resort to violence - by attacking my mind. They know that interested, applied minds are the only threat to the Lies They spread. I suspect the primary purpose that Their agents - I say agents because we can be sure that there would have been more than one - was to distract those with the potential to uncover the Truth. Many of the alternative researchers I saw in the Spark Gap displayed a distressing lack of curiosity. If they will not enquire into the discrepancies where Their Lies can be exposed, they just help perpetuate the Lies."

"I suspect that the purpose of the Roses was to try to stimulate the curiosity of the alternative researchers, so that they could be called together to receive a message of opposition to Them. I deduced the location that the message is to be sent to. Their agent also deduced that the Roses were to send a message. We have to presume that she divined the receiving point for the message. Regrettably, none of the other alternative researchers displayed enough interest to try and find out the purpose of the Roses. It is up to us to go there to receive this message and we must suspect that They, alerted by Their agent will also be there."

"Where is there?"

"Clifton Bridge."

"The suicide suspension? I know a few friends who've died there."

"We all do."

"We want to make sure no one dies there tomorrow morning. Dawn is the message time. Alternative researchers should be able to take care of themselves but we'll help them - and hopefully they'll help us. It's the bystanders we need to protect."

"Even at dawn, there'll be some traffic on that bridge."

"Correct, so we need to divert it. I need you to gather some traffic cones and detour signs from any road worksites you can find and position them on both sides of the bridge before dawn. Any innocent diverted from the bridge may be an innocent saved when - if They attack when the message is sent."

"There migh' still be some walkers who'll ignore the signs."

"We can only do so much. If there are people lingering on the bridge we'll try to get rid of them. It's a suicide hotspot so perhaps a call to the police an hour before dawn to report someone or someones acting strange would be the best way to move along those that do not belong. If a pedestrian walks in at the wrong moment, we'll just have to try to protect them then. It could be that the message is what they need to help pierce the Lies for themselves. If I didn't suspect that They know the location, I'd be encouraging more people onto the bridge, not less. Does anyone need change?"


Beholden minions actions to minimise presence of civilians: setting up detours and phoning police if anyone is hanging around too long before dawn. Not sure if this needs a dirty work roll and not sure what the roll would be is, so I'll leave that up to you.

"Whispers, store the equipment somewhere safe. You, Trevor and I will watch the bridge from the east side. The rest of you take up position on the west. Don't be seen. I'll go out onto the bridge alone just before dawn."

2013-09-19, 01:31 PM
"So, do you know anything about [Apokalypsi technobabble]? We were talking about scanning for CCTV of the Roses being left, and *ahem* I could use the help.":miko:

Even a Genius who can't build a wonder adds their Inspiration.

2013-10-11, 06:40 AM
"I'd be glad to. But meanvhile-"

Ambrose rests his arms on the table.

"-You approach the quandary from the vrong angle. The creator of de roses handed dem out to Genii intentionally. Dey could have been clear as day - yet dey sent an encrypted, weaponized text carved into a metallic bloom replica! A meticulous, unnecessary amount of detail! And it's so clearly intended, if it vas supposed to be a test, dey'd be doing a terrible job of it!"

The doctor calmly gesticulates, in contrast with his heated explanation.

"Vhoever built de wonders at least aims to appear as a magnificent bastard. De chances of dem having found out vhere a handful of unrelated, obscure sparks live, vhile not avare of the Spark Gap - a public bar I realized vas dere the instant I passed it vhile high as a kite -, is infinitesimal. Dey knew you'd come here; to find out more, to show it off, to try it on someone vithout having to clean up the corpse yourself, egal as it gets. You vere manipulated into meeting here, for vhatever reason."

He takes a sip from his drink - a black, thick gunk he keeps in a plastic bottle - through a straw.

"The true first question is: Are you really willing to find out vhat de meaning of all dis is, vhen dat's exactly vhat dey vant? Because to fall into such an obvious trap is embarrassing. "


2013-10-12, 06:09 AM
Tiresias wears a very confused look.

:miko:"But- we- we can't- if ... if we do nothing, that's what they wanted too, right? So ... wait, should we ... ah, my head hurts."


"I think you need to spend Mania to think like this. If we can assume whatever we do is what they were planning for us to do - what they intended all this to result in ..."

another pause

"If every option is equally untrustworthy, maybe we should act on the assumption that they're only normally manipulative? Because that's the only way we'd have a chance anyway? So that's where we should concentrate our efforts?"

And that is why I will never allow Apokalypsi 5 in my games. Just sayin'.

2013-10-12, 06:46 AM
You are suddenly aware that the man sitting quietly in the corner of the pub, me, is watching you, when I stand up. I'm fairly tall at six foot two. My deep, storm-grey eyes seem to always be analyzing, always calculating. The long black hair that rests between my shoulder blades in a pony tail is matted slightly. The pony tail reveals my face, which has two scars: one running down the side of my cheek and one directly above my eye. A not-quite-mundane-looking rifle is set on a sling and hangs on my back, over my right shoulder. A military-grade backpack is siting on the table that I left, with a handmade loop on the side for my rifle to go through. A large tome rests in my right hand, but I shift it over to my left to offer my hand to be shaken as I walk to your table.
"Hello. Professor-General James Gremlin, master of Apokalypsi, at your service. I normally do jobs for unInspired military, but I am currently unemployed, and, quite frankly, got bored, so I searched for a group of Genii that needed help with something relatively noble, and, well, you gentlemen were the nearest. What can I do to help?"

2013-10-12, 10:33 PM
"Let's just fall into the trap, we can find a way out if it comes to that"

Max takes a generous drink of his dark ale

"We must boldly strut into their trap, spring it and turn it around on them. This bastard doesn't know our capabilities, I'm rather new in town to start with."

2013-10-13, 02:30 PM
"Ignoring de fact how stupid dat is for de moment, I like your attitude!"

Ambrose replies to Max with his peculiar manner of cheer.
This being about the time the general arrives, he falls silent and turns towards him with interest. His body language reveals more contempt with each passing moment however.

Doctor's unspoken thoughts:
"... A "Master of Apokalypsi" and you look for new teammates in a bar using your bare eyes? Some real impressive mastery you've got. Yeah, no dice. Piss off, Sergeant Dipsh*t, no free drinks for you. Talk to us when you've come up with a better first line."

"...On the other hand...Hmm. Worth a try. Damn, if I mess this up, I won't hear the end of it..."

He stands up while James finishes, and guides him to a chair.

"Of course, of course! Please hurry and take a seat! Ve'll handle proper introductions and details later, I'm on a roll here-"

Without so much as missing a beat, he turns back to Tiresias.

"For such a logical conclusion dey must have foreseen someone like me coming by. Given dey could manipulate me to arrive in de right place and time, dey vouldn't need to reveal dere is anyone manipulating us at all. Vhy not keep us in de dark? Even if dey planned to play idiots ve'd still be careful. Ve're talking mad scientists, here. No, I believe dey are counting on us being less careful dan dey are."

He straightens to make use of his impressive posture.

"Ve can build upon dat! I never said I vasn't curious. And I don't know about you, but handing out freebie murder crossvords I do not find funny!

Vh'ever dey are, dey better have come forvard vith a good excuse, before ve hand deir larva-juiced asses to dem!"

Clenching his fist, he raises his voice. He acts direly different from before, showing sings of enjoyment for the first time. His eyes sparkle, his body jitters from enthusiasm (and caffeine overdose, probably).

"I have a plan ready; betveen all of you, ve have resources to build de Vonders necessary by tomorrov morning - and den some! Dey von't stand a chance-"

His tone turns suggestively soft-spoken...

"-Assuming de four of you are vith me, of course."

I'm not effing this up. Used Willpower point.

Let's see how impressive he was. Presence(3)+Expression(1)+Willpower(3)


(Since this roll broke, see the one in OOC thread.)

2013-10-13, 10:05 PM
Huh. I like the cut of this guy's jib. Got right down to business.
I pull out my time and a purple fountain pen.
I scribble down a list of questions and wait for an answer.
Those near enough to me can see my writing:
What does the creator of the Roses intend to do with them?
To what factions does the creator of the Roses hold alliegance?
How can I best aid the group at the table I'm sitting at?
My hand hovers over the page briefly, scrawls out a few letters, then crosses them out. They read,
Will I ever be re

2013-10-14, 10:24 AM
Off the speech:

:miko:"Well, they can't have anticipated a Master of Apokalypsi ... I hope. This will simplify ... everything, if you help us."

Tiresias sounds like she can't quite hide how impressed she is with the newcomer's apparent skill.

Masters of Apokalypsi aren't *supposed* to be any more impressive than Masters of any other Axiom, but hey, Tiresias had been the group's Apokalypsi specialist up till now.

2013-10-14, 12:53 PM
"What do you want me to ask the tome for you, mates? I can ask it anything."

2013-10-23, 05:44 PM
Jacques interrupted the others with this question..."Hey, can you hold that thought for a minute? I wanna try something." He didn't wait for them to answer his question. He grabbed the bouquet from them and divined its function soon after. For a moment, he could have sworn his mind had lit up like a light bulb. He resisted the urge to shout, eureka, in some B-Movie-esque fashion when done.

2013-10-24, 09:01 AM
"So to our Collaborative."

Ambrose raises his glass and empties it with one gulp.

"Den If I may, General, ask vhat distance and mode of transportation vill be involved in our adventure. And if deir creator is within city limits. I vould like to stay close to tovn as long as possible. Dey can't do anything flashy in public, and ve'd have te home advantage. "

"Rest of you, take notes. Vhat forces do ve have at hand? I need a complete headcount and list of equipment. No arguments, ve're friends here."

2013-10-24, 09:30 AM
"Okay. This should take about five minutes to decode."
I scribble down the questions Ambrose told me to ask.
Then, on a notepad I keep for labwork and tactical planning journals, I scribble down,
"One segway wonder for transportation. One paralysis gun for a getaway or for buying time to set up a plan. Doesn't work as well on Geniuses, Beholden, or other mania-based creatures. Illuminated and Clockstoppers are almost immune."

2013-10-24, 01:37 PM
"I can alter my appearance - or another's - if necessary. I perceive the world" she taps her sunglasses "in somewhat more detail than normal. I don't usually carry anything more, but I have a prototype freeze-ray in development that could probably kill or break through most materials, given enough exposure*. Oh, and as I said, I could have accessed the city's CCTV to ID our rose-distributor, although that seems a touch superfluous now.":miko:

*Metaptropi 2, but only Katastrofi 1, so it's not designed to kill. Or fight much, really. It'd be much more efficient when she'd purchased the next rank of Katastrofi, hence merely an unfinished project.

Also, scanning him for ulterior motives in asking for this list. So hard. A bit pointless, of course...

"Oh, wait! Can you see why I was chosen for a rose? There could be a personal connection, but this was delivered to ... well, my civilian identity."

2013-10-26, 07:21 AM
"All nice and vell. But I also meant your minions. As for me, after a certain... fallout, only good Kitbasher stayed to assist me. Ve have tvo handguns, fairly enough ammo, a recon device for me, vondrous protective gear for him, basic crafting equipment, mania storage, odds and ends I picked up on the vay from the mainland... and, vell, a ton of grey market drugs."

2013-10-27, 09:42 AM
Jacques discerns the roses are designed to hold and provide information, partly as simple text, and partly as projection, the latter which needs to be triggered by a set of circumstances. More importantly, they are part of a suite of seven, and the seventh serves as a dimensional portal device, which only functions jointly with the other six.

Jacques puts the bouquet away, back where he has found it. After that, he proceeds to write down all these findings on a nearby napkin. Once done, he stores it in one of his pockets, safe from prying eyes. Ah, I almost forgot to add in that little countermeasure should one of us fail to decrypt it. He walked over to the collaborative that left Lilly behind and asked them..."So, how fares your attempt to decrypt it?"

2013-10-28, 11:07 AM
"All nice and vell. But I also meant your minions. As for me, after a certain... fallout, only good Kitbasher stayed to assist me. Ve have tvo handguns, fairly enough ammo, a recon device for me, vondrous protective gear for him, basic crafting equipment, mania storage, odds and ends I picked up on the vay from the mainland... and, vell, a ton of grey market drugs."

:miko:nodding"Ah, of course."

"I can call on some - allies... not Inspired, I don't know what they'll bring in terms of wonders, but they should more or less double our numbers."

Rolling to give the impression of reticent but potentially powerful allies, probably Manes, rather than being a secretive jackass:

Manipulation/Composure (same number, doesn't matter) 3 + Subterfuge 4 + Specialty = 8 dice


EDIT: Well, that worked:smallsmile:

EDIT: She reaches out and slips the Tablet, which has blanked out, into her pocket. The parts may come in useful again.

2013-10-28, 11:27 AM
"Alright, let's see." Max raises his mechanical arm and akinda wiggles his fingers "This arm here can exert a lot of physical strength, integrated to it, is a dvice that allows me to shapeshift, mostly into monstrous forms. And I got a sonic screwdriver, that enhances mundane technology"

2013-10-30, 07:49 AM
"Ooh, shapeshifting? I've been working on molecular manipulation in my own researches, maybe you can demonstrate for us?"

2013-10-30, 11:03 AM
*sigh*Not very vell, not as such. I'm Dr. Ambrose, very nice to meet you. The black-haired vonder on de oder end is Kitbasher."


"De *******s void of social graces to acknowledge your existence are General Gremlin, Max, and Tiresias, unrespectively. Someting ve can do for you?"

2013-10-31, 08:57 PM
"Why, yes, actually. I'm an acquaintance of Lilly, who, like me, received an obsidian rose in the mail today. I drove by for a drink or two when, suddenly, it fell from my grasp and rolled into the building. Naturally, I sought to reclaim it, which was no easy task in of itself. Eventually, I found it had merged with its siblings to form a bouquet at her table. I caught wind of its true purpose shortly after you've arrived. Now, I may be no expert in Apokalypsi or what have you, but..." Jacques reached for the napkin in his left pocket and handed it over to Dr. Ambrose. "This might interest you."

2013-11-03, 11:03 AM
:miko:"Yes. Yes, it does." says Tiresias, from across the table.

Telescopic AND magnified AND sort-of-x-ray vision, for the win. Basically Superman :smallbiggrin:

"This suggests they're not a weapon, except maybe in the sense that holographic messages in MM-filled areas are a bad idea."

2013-11-06, 04:35 PM
Ambrose spent a considerable time thinking over what he found out.

"...I see." His stare hardens as his head turns in the group's direction.
"So dat's vhere your vind blovs, you cheeky..."
"O-kay, everyone, dis fella is vith us! Jacques, vas it? He's managed to be more productive under tree seconds dan any of you on any timeframe, you better listen to vhat he may have to say. "

He then leans closer to whisper this.

"My tanks for de call. Vill make sure to use right place, right time."

§Where's my drink? Kitbasher, if you took it again-§
§You drank all of it, Boss.§
§No I did not. It's under your coat isn'it?§
§You're dreaming.§
§Gimme here or you'll wake next morning as Rowan Atkinson.§
§And lo, there it is!§
§Much rejoicing...§

2013-11-09, 07:59 PM
"Thank you, Dr. Ambrose. Now that we've gotten that introduction out of the way, let's get back to where we left off. Ah, but I'll need to barrow a couple of things, first. Does anyone here have a decrypter to spare?"

2013-11-10, 07:24 PM
"It's not that I don't acknowledge him, it's just that...
I don't appreciate mechanical lifeforms"

Max is still taking his drink.

"Oh sorry, right demonstration...Hmmm, I hope you won't mind, but I'll stick to something relatively normal, as to conserve Mania"

Max twists the dial a bit, triggering a holographic display of a bunch of random data on his own biology. He fiddles with a thing here and there and the ending result is a graphic display of still himself. Upon slamming his palm in the hologram and causing a bright green light to swallo him, he still looks like himself!

Of course, he makes some effort and easily, his own arm extends a whole ten feet, which he uses to (try to) grab someone's drink from a faraway table while that person isn't looking...

2013-11-13, 05:07 AM
"It's not that I don't acknowledge him, it's just that...
I don't appreciate mechanical lifeforms"

"Heh. I think he meant the poor guy asking for a decrypter. Who you ... just ... ignored ..."

"Oh sorry, right demonstration...Hmmm, I hope you won't mind, but I'll stick to something relatively normal, as to conserve Mania"

Max twists the dial a bit, triggering a holographic display of a bunch of random data on his own biology. He fiddles with a thing here and there and the ending result is a graphic display of still himself. Upon slamming his palm in the hologram and causing a bright green light to swallo him, he still looks like himself!

Of course, he makes some effort and easily, his own arm extends a whole ten feet, which he uses to (try to) grab someone's drink from a faraway table while that person isn't looking...

Tiresias giggles as people snatch their drinks away.

"Wow, that's ... still pretty impressive, implication-wise. You can just reshape your molecular structure however you want?"


*puts on ST hat*

The Professor-General mentally filters out the last piece of noise from the results, revealing ...

"Find help."

The next question seems to be subject to even more interference, but he's getting there.

2013-11-13, 11:18 AM
"Hrm...the creator of the Roses seems to have done so as a cry for help. I personally think we should respond. I'll attempt to figure out his or her location next."
12 dice. Attempting to find out the precise location of the creator of the roses.
And a few rerolls in case of tens.
EDIT: four successes.

2013-11-14, 06:50 PM
"Yes, but shapeshifting is a complicated business. The device itself has a bacterial computer to handle all the data, and it communicates with three biocomputers for redundancy. There are several saved configurations for different forms I thought might be useful, otherwise I have to make all teh changes in the holodisplay and that can take a while. It's also pretty fun, I've done some experimenting and I can change my muscle memory, to the point I can mimic fighting styles!"

Max recoils his arm and goes back to his drink. A shame it failed

"Still ,it's only my latest creation and it shows. I've already had several ideas to reconfigure it towards more optimum usage"

2013-11-16, 03:58 PM
"I'm stern in the belief- "

Those of you who turn to the voice see an unnassuming person in a worn grey labcoat, their eyes fixated on Max. Their shortly cut, radiant red hair reflects the dimmest light sources within sight. It's hard to tell what gender they are; could be a slender, smoothface male whose weight gain has gone to unflattering places, or a deep-voiced, tall woman with small glands. They casually fiddle with a chromic gun-shaped object.

"-you could improve your wonder's performance by spatial and chronological reposition of the user.
For instance, outside the bar in two minutes, past the judging view of patrons. "

The androgenous scientist peeks on their gun, tilting it up and down as they talk.

"Should that prove unoptimal in your situation, I'd gladly provide my professional assistance to spread you all over the floor."

They aim the oversized barrel at Max.

"Free of charge. Good work is it's own reward."

Seeing that, a man flaunting victorian British naval gear, complete with a bicorn and high brim, speaks up from among the tables.
"The etherite is in the right. You should listen.Huh. That was a weird thing to say. Better leave for tonight 'fore the ground's too hot. Come back when you're feeling less humorous."

From under his table, a squeak erupts.
"...I don't like you either!"

The militant kicks down, apparently to silence the source, before gathering himself. Then he walks next to the etherite(?) and crosses his arms.

By now the whole bar knows what has been done by asking around. Supportive grumbles and scowls pour forth from the tables. Many a mad scientist gives Max the looks and berate him aloud.

"What was he thinking?"
"One trigger pull, one less hotheaded Daredevil, I say..."
"I could use his spleen in to reconfigure my apartment's lock. "

Their Beholden naturally follow their lead once they realized. Others - shadier looking Inspired, generally - don't seem to care much - not to help out, either. Yet others enjoy the show a little too much. Some Scholastics took the opporturnity to discuss which manner of Max's removal would be more efficient from a purely logistical angle(nobody pays heed to them). Manes growl and more wonders are turned on in preparance for the pending clash by the minute.

2013-11-16, 11:31 PM
"Or," I say, eyes and voice cool and calm,
"You could forgive a drunk Genius for trying to bugger a free drink. You can't tell me none of you would do that, and I would prefer that we all go our separate ways. Nobody was harmed, mate, and I'd prefer to keep it that way. As Sun Tzu once said, 'To win one hundred battles out of one hundred is not the acme of skill. True skill lies in reaching your goals without ever having to fight.' If you turn the other cheek, we can all walk away from here unharmed. Otherwise, I cannot guarantee anybody's safety.

2013-11-17, 10:27 AM
:miko:"Woah, Etherites drink here? Remind me to skip the next Peerage meeting here. Still, at least no-one will mind if you steal their drink."

Tiresias stands, laying a guiding hand on Max's shoulder as they move.

"Don't worry, folks, we were just leaving! Joking aside, we are working to prevent a massive, public breach of the Third and Fourth Laws via Mulder's Lament here*. Laws I believe we share with Lemuria? We really should be on our way to prepare for the strike."

Peerage jargon. A tough more formal than is actually usual, thanks to Navigator training. Basically, a crack in the masquerade.

2013-11-20, 06:43 PM
Max stands out, and completely ignoring the Etherite, starts to move out

"Don't bother. I don't think he will care. Too trapped in their own theories about how the world is a certain way to notice if anything is actually going on. Also, let's not fight, or linger too long, that gun of his is probably gonna go nuclear and explode in everyone's faces at the same time..."

2013-11-20, 06:52 PM
Jacques turned around to face the crowd of Geniuses behind him. He raised his left eyebrow at the naval officer's victorian attire. He was quite surprised to find one of his peers dressed like that in this day and age. He shook his head and focused on the real matter at hand — There's a gun toting Etherite in front of him after all. He eyed hir warily and took great care not to offend this Lemurian anyway whatsoever. He then got up from his seat and left the building.

2013-11-26, 07:52 AM
Nobody shoots anyone else, yet.

The Professor-General filters out all the noise obscuring the creator's location to reveal ... nothing. The concept of "the roses's creator" has no referent.

2013-11-26, 09:07 PM
(Did... Did you just forbid us from shooting people? Oh, fine. I planned to break Maximillian's legs with lead shots. Guess I'll just have Kitbasher slap him from behind instead, buzzkill.)I'm joking, of course.

Ambrose and his Automata walk behind Max casually, seemingly following him. He positioned himself so the Etherite scientist doesn't have a clear shot. Ambrose briefly touches Kitbasher's arm before motioning towards the Progenitor with his chin.


Initiative is hardly necessary at this point. Let's cut to it.

Enhancing technology...

Any tens:
That's four successes.

2013-12-04, 01:56 AM
"Now, where were we?" Jacques asked. "Ah, yes." He turned to the Professor-General. "Would you please decode the rest of this for us? I'd do it myself, but I don't have a decoder with me right now."

2013-12-08, 12:49 PM
As I exit the building after Jacques, I mull over the strange, seemingly contradicting information given to me by the tome. But it's never been wrong before, so long as I deciphered it correctly... I thought I had better talk to the others about it. Ah, well, back to the present.
"Hm? Oh. Yeah. I need to talk to you guys about something strange that happened when I was decoding the tome. Which I still have to finish, but that can wait. Could I see that for a second? This'll just take a minute or so."

Rolling to decode the roses. I roll eleven dice, since I don't get to add my specialization bonus to this one.
And a few others in case of 10s.

2013-12-08, 12:51 PM
YAY! Another rolling set! [roll0]
EDIT: Five successes.

2013-12-15, 08:23 PM
As my mind works to unravel the puzzle, my eyes light up. I hold the Roses up triumphantly when I solve the case, giving a smile.
"Clifton Suspension bridge. Dead center. I've actually worked out some interesting scenarios there. A nifty place. We should go there as soon as is possible."

2013-12-16, 09:36 PM
"Well done!" Jacques said, smiling back at the Professor-General. "I can fly us there, if you want."

2013-12-17, 09:13 AM
He never saw it coming. Not even in his peripheral vision, but he could imagine what happened when a fist that looked like metal hit his back.

The impact forces Max to take a step forward and kinda tumbles a bit. The fact however, is that he doesn't bother with who it came from, just spins back and also delivers one from his mechanical arm to...

Kitbasher? He expected one of the people who made storm over a water cup in the bar. Well, can't just let it slide. He punches

4 damage, puts me at 4 Health
Also, rolling Initiative, and an attack of my own, even if I'm not sure it'll be resolved next
The biomechanical arm has Strength and Dex 5 (3 from my Inspiration, +2 from the Core Modifier)
[roll0] (+possible 10s [roll1] )
[roll2] (+possible 10s [roll3] )

2013-12-17, 03:51 PM
I smile. "That'd be nice. Say, where are Ambrose and Max and the rest of the others? They should be out by now."

2013-12-19, 02:09 PM
"I'm not sure." Jacques said, turning away from his colleague. "Could you go look for them while I handle this errand?" He asked, pointing to his wonder - The Exocoetidae.

2013-12-20, 01:58 PM
Tiresias facepalms quietly as the fight breaks out - it's hard to tell, but her eyes are flickering between the various individuals backing away or moving to cover the threat with assorted dangerous devices and, subtle clues reveal, not-so-dangerous-but-I-sure-hope-it-looks-like-it devices.

That said, this is an Inspired joint. A mere bar brawl isn't enough to catch the attention of more than perhaps a third of the patrons.

Does Kitbasher have a full character sheet lying around? Regardless, he's vulnerable to a genius' Deconstruct Technology attack, so I'll be interested to see how the Initiative roll goes.

2013-12-20, 05:08 PM
In fact he does!:smallsmile: It has been on Ambrose's sheet from day one, for those who didn't notice, here's a copy:

Construction: Lower of Academics or Medicine
Axioms: Automata*****
Bound Mania: 3(Transgessive Larval)
Size: 5(Human male)
Health: 5
Speed: 9
Initiative: 7
Defense: 3
Obligation: 5 (Jaded)
Variables: Biological, Looks Human(-1)
Automation Points: 14
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 1, Wits 4, Resolve 1
Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 1
Social Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 4
Physical Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Firearms 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1, Weaponry 1
Merits: Danger Sense, Language

Ambrose's loyal companion, built to become Inspired(eventually). Somewhat of a hackjob. Current stats represent his combat configuration.

Virtue: Faith
Vice: Greed
Appearance and Clothing: 5'8", appears robust(in truth he isn't), normal weight. Mid-length black hair, round black eyes, small nose, wide brows, heart-shaped face. Smiles wildly and furrows brows when excitement abounds.
Wears a brown longcoat over a plain shirt and dark jeans, piece of dark brown cloth worn as kerchief, leather gloves, and a fedora(Reinforced Clothing, doesn't cover face, +1 Armor).
Weapons: Army knife, Danuvia VD-01(+3 magazines), wrist rocket(15 balls).
Equipment: Backpack. Two meals worth of bread(stolen) and edible weeds. Two folded garbage bags. Four plastic bottles filled with tap water. First aid kit. Tissue paper. Box of 50 Luger FMJ cartridges. Piles of metal and organic scrap.

Fault:The automata's internal organs are vestigial; life functions are maintained by a goo of symbiotic microorganisms contained within each of them. These separate specialized creatures are unprepared for outside stimuli and don't work as well together as an organ's specialized cells. The wonder has 1 less Health than it should have, takes a -2 penalty to resist disease and poison, and increasing health, intelligence, stamina and resolve costs double in both Automation and Experience points.
Worst of all, any attack which would deal lethal damage to the wonder deals aggravated damage instead, as the fluids within rapidly spill out of the wounds.


Didn't expect you to attack back, honestly. Initiative it is.
Initiative(Kitbasher, Dex+Com+Mania)
[roll0]+[roll1]+(any tens:[roll2])
Initiative(Ambrose, Dex+Com+Drug)
[roll3]+(any tens:[roll4])

This means Max attacks first. In any case Ambrose pulls out his straightstick, Kitbasher attempts a grapple. By that time he shouldn't have mania bonus anymore...

Two successes! Woohoo!
(Aren't we supposed to take the defense out of the pool, by the way? Eh, this makes more sense...)

And as his defense+armor is higher than Duke's successes rolled-

Kitbasher deftly steps aside from Max's wondrous arm. The fist strikes thin air.

He grabs the extended arm, uses the force of the missed blow to drag him along and holds his shoulder in a firm grip. The automata and Ambrose smile madly under their makeshift masks.

2013-12-23, 10:06 AM
Oh, he remembered being better at this one time. Was it that he was no longer in his prime or was the damn bot just that strong?

Either way, without the use of his prosthetic arm he didn't really see how to find his way out out of the grip.

He calms down for now. There'd be more opportunities

2013-12-24, 06:19 PM
"Um." says a nervous-looking young girl holding a gun as big as she is - where was she keeping that thing? - "Could you maybe arm-wrestle your teammates ... outside?"

2013-12-26, 08:45 AM
Jacques didn't wait for the Professor General to answer that last question of his, what with time being of the essence after all. He opened the door to his wondrous vehicle, The Exocoetidae, and looked inside. Ah, just as I left it.he thought with a grin. He stepped in and turned it on. He was not aware of the brawl outside.

2013-12-26, 09:09 AM
I enter the bar. "What's kept you guys so long? We need to go; I've managed to decode the roses. Time is of the essence."

2013-12-27, 11:46 AM
I see your points well made. Dough I take offense to 'fighting'. Clearly ansvering de assault vith a fight doomed to failure despite his smarts is our dear Max's vay of apologizing to dose present.

Ambrose motions towards the etherite. His other hand holds his weapon firmly against Max's neck.
Am I right or am I right?

Pres+Intimidation+Being undernumbered, restrained, and held at gunpoint.
[roll0]. Any tens: [roll1].

Sure. Quite logical?

Max of course doesn't sound scared nor convincing - no doubt he connected the dots and realized his life is not in jeopardy - but Ambrose takes his answer at literal regardless.

Tought so. And...

Ambrose stops in his tracks for a moment, seemingly for drama. What's really happening is, he's confused by the androgyny.

§Kitbasher, boy or girl?§

Our lady here I hope decides to forgive.Your fellovs run an economy under everyone's nose so I, and you, Max dearest, can create undisturbed. Damn if I trust anyone here, but I'll treat people I just met under the assumption dey aren't severely retarded, all but ought to stare drooling at your magic trick. And vhen dey call you out on it - vhat chances - you probably shouldn't act like de pansy princess vhose ass got viped the vrong vay!

Ambrose holds the hostage's chin up to force his gaze on him.

Here's hov our group rolls: I don't lead. I'm not 'your boss'. Just really violent and lov tolerance for your ****. Fancy yourself a cool kid? You act like it. Involves not committing petty crimes in the open to shov hov cocky you are. You act like an *******? I'll permit myself de same. And next time around, bones break. I have feeling I'm gonna be de lucky bastard vho decides if he patches you up.

Rest of you? Has been a pleasure to meet you.

The doctor waves to the bar as he takes a half turn and walks out. Kitbasher follows, luggage in hand.

Next moron to misinterpret rule five as obligatory antagonistic bickering I'll graft an arm onto vhile dey sleep to periodically punch'em in de genitals. Overseer off.

2013-12-30, 01:46 AM
Our lady here I hope decides to forgive.Your fellovs run an economy under everyone's nose so I, and you, Max dearest, can create undisturbed. Damn if I trust anyone here, but I'll treat people I just met under the assumption dey aren't severely retarded, all but ought to stare drooling at your magic trick.

The Androgynous Etherite, Official Mob Spokesperson™:

"Indeed. Our operations continue because we accommodate basic sociological laws. Inelastic demand rates, in our case. You would do well to take such variables into account yourself, in future."

Presence+Intimidation, in case it matters:

And, anger and threats thus re-framed as anarcho-capitalist marketing strategies, she turns dramatically and returns to her seat.

Laser averted or no, the mood is still tense enough for the last of the collaborative to hurry outside toward the street and Jacques' vehicle.

2014-01-06, 04:43 AM
The Jacques Cousteau wannabe in question, had indeed, taken care of that very errand, and was more than ready to fly his colleagues away from this place.

2014-01-09, 06:27 PM
"You know, you wouldn't really need to patch me up, I'm pretty good with biology. I think I did build one of those healing vat wonders once, but it was really just using up Mania..."

Max lets Kitbasher push him around. As a matter of fact he all but stops making any effort to walk letting the construct do most of it, basically dragging his feet on the ground and only making the effort to remain upright

He enters the...vehicle, if that's the proper name. Or is put in by the robot. Whichever

2014-01-09, 07:20 PM
"We should head for the Clifton Suspension Bridge as fast as we can; the coordinates for the dead center of it were encoded in the roses."

2014-01-10, 03:53 PM
"Oh yeah, keep talkin'. Dat vill end up good for ya. Oy, Jacques!"

"In your professional opinion, vhere can Kitbasher hang the ballast to improve your machine's handling?"

Ambrose lays his eyes upon the contraption. He finds the aesthetics satisfactory, and mock-examines the balance.

2014-01-15, 02:27 AM
Jacques took off, with everyone inside and said -- "Well, that depends on the counterweight in question. If it is something removable, like, say, a bag full of sand or a bar made out of lead, than I would suggest you place that in the cargo hold, with everything else. Anything more, permanent, will have to be welded into the hull."

2014-01-15, 11:47 AM
"Ve can agree de veight in question has been sandbagged, no doubt.

You heard him. Off de hold he goes."

With that, Kitbasher casually opens the latch, drops Max inside, locks him in, and joins the rest.

2014-01-25, 11:49 AM
"Like I said, we should head for Clifton, unless any of you have a better idea."

2014-01-25, 05:37 PM
The pilot, not distracted by these Kitbashers' antics, flew the Exocoetidae to Clifton, Suspension bridge. He took care not to alarm anyone who might be there, by keeping that cloak device of his on. Once there, he said, "well, we're here, now what?"

2014-01-26, 07:29 AM
"I suppose we should exit and have a look around. Better bring the Roses with us, too."

2014-01-26, 10:57 PM
"That sounds like a good idea to me," Jacques, the pilot, said. It wasn't long before he found himself, a nice, safe, spot to land his vehicle, and hide it from the prying eyes of mere mortals everywhere.

2014-01-28, 10:56 AM
Ambrose cracks his fingers.

"Almost agreed. Jacques should follow us mounted. It still could be a trap, remember. Can't be sure if ve need to be pulled out on short notice."

He pulls out a handgun from under his clothes(a bulky looking aluminum contraption) and motions his automata to follow him to the door, who does the same(his gun is even bigger and all things considered, is like a lovechild of a submachine gun and a brick). They peek, expecting signs of suspicious (mad science) activity.


Kitbasher's reflexive: Wits+Comp(8)
[roll0] Any tens: [roll1]
Kitbasher's instant: Int+Investigation(Chance die)
[roll2] Any tens: [roll3]
Ambrose's reflexive: Wits+Comp(chance die)
[roll4] Any tens: [roll5]
Ambrose's reflexive: Int+Investigation+Specialty bonus(7)
Discerning Mad Science: Wits+Inspiration(2)
[roll6] Any tens: [roll7]

2014-01-31, 08:02 PM
"Very well," Jacques answered. He took off in The Exocoetidae again after Ambrose and The Professor General left. He followed them closely, not letting them leave his sight, and readied himself for the worst.

2014-02-09, 05:27 PM
I unsling my rifle, laying the muzzle of it on the ground as I lean forwards, checking over the area.

I call out softly.

"We got your message with the Roses. What can we do to help?"