View Full Version : Malconvoker deity

2013-06-11, 04:49 PM
Rolling up a cloistered cleric going into Malconvoker, a prestige class that summons demons to fight against evil.

The idea I have is for my character to be somewhat of a renegade/possibly heretical member of his church, because of his 'crazy ideas'. So he's a good dude, but the whole demon summoning thing doesn't make him fit in very well.

So I want his deity to be a good deity, from the forgotten realms pantheon, but I'm not sure who to choose. I want it to be 'good' enough that he is viewed poorly by his church members, but at the same time, not a 'standard goody god of light.'

Thanks in advance for your opinions.

2013-06-11, 05:04 PM
Eilistraee comes to mind. I picture her followers including a fair number of Ex-worshipers of Lolth looking to use their less...tasteful talents for good.

2013-06-11, 07:11 PM
He's going to be pretty liberal-minded, so maybe he follows something like the triad gods from rashemen or the other triad god from the Shadowbane novels. The second being tyr, helm, and torm worshipped as the same deity.

Any unusual take on a generally 'good guy' deity would work pretty well. Gonna brainstorm some, let me know if you guys have heard of any or think of any.

2013-06-11, 07:15 PM
I imagine Garl Glittergold or Olidamarra (sp?) would both work well. They'd appreciate the irony of tricking fiends to fight for good.

2013-06-11, 07:20 PM
I'd probably go with Tymora, the sort of risk taking that contracting Demons takes is pretty much the type of boldness she smiles upon.

2013-06-11, 07:22 PM
Mystra or Red Knight might work. Mystra is the goddess of magic. Red Knight is the goddess of strategy and tacticians.

2013-06-11, 07:57 PM
Thanks for the quick responses.

Those trickery/luck gods are good suggestions. Looking for a god whose clergy wouldn't approve of the demons though. I want him to be somewhat shunned by his peers even though he thinks he's doing the best he can to help the world.

Hmm. Tymora's good for the 'risk taker' as long as my character doesn't fall into a lucky or flip of the coin trope.

2013-06-11, 08:06 PM
Well... when I remember the novels, the Clerics of Tymora were supposedly charged with being Lucky Stupid. It was their solemn DUTY to leave things to chance. It was why the former lord of Elminster's little hamlet in the Dales got disposed of as a ruler. He was forced to take stupid risks for the sake of there being stupid risks.

But there were also more "reasonable" people who just partook in destructive behavior (but hedged the odds as much as they could) to provide real, but minimal risk in their lives. Which sounds like a Malconvoker's wheelhouse. Course these clerics it was usually things like Substance Abuse, drinking to excess, but also eating to excess to minimize it, or gambling away their wages but only at games that were not actually pure chance but ruled mostly by Skill...

Unfortunately when I think Stick up the Backside "Good" guy in the Realms, I keep ending up with my mind locked on Helm. Who's kinda a **** anyway, so his followers would probably be too. But yeah, he's not "Good", he's Neutral.

2013-06-11, 08:10 PM
PELOR THE BURNING HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:belkar:

2013-06-11, 08:23 PM
Well... when I remember the novels, the Clerics of Tymora were supposedly charged with being Lucky Stupid. It was their solemn DUTY to leave things to chance. It was why the former lord of Elminster's little hamlet in the Dales got disposed of as a ruler. He was forced to take stupid risks for the sake of there being stupid risks.

Actually, having just finished reading Spellfire, I can tell you that Ed Greenwood specifies that he stepped down from ruling Shadowdale precisely because of that.[/nitpick]

I could see him worshipping Amauntor (a sect of Lathanderites) who are already shunned. So he could be the shunned of the shunned?

St. Cuthbert who also be a good patron, methinks.

2013-06-11, 08:57 PM
Haha. The one other cleric I've played was an undead destroying cleric of amaunator. A walking sun, that fellow.

In my brainstorming, I've come up with something I like. He starts off regular priest of goodly deity. After he finds the book and starts summoning demons, after a while his god stops granting him spells but some evil god or demon lord starts granting them without his knowledge. Could lead to a quest of some sort to get his life back on track, or he may just meet a sad end. Either way, the character develops and feels real imo.

I'm excited.

Akal Saris
2013-06-11, 10:10 PM
I like the idea of Tymora as a deity.

Good luck with the character - he sounds like fun!

2013-06-12, 05:12 AM
I'm inclined to suggest Hoar, although he's LN, you could still play a LG worshipper. I think his dogma kind of fits your idea:

Uphold true and fitting justice and maintain the spirit of the law, not the letter of the law. Fitting recompense will always accrue for one's actions. Violence will meet violence and evil pay back evil, but good will also come to those who do good. Walk the line of the Doombringer's teachings, seeking retribution, but do not fall into the trap of pursuing evil acts for evil's sake, for that way is seductive and leads only to one's downfall. Vengeance must be sought for all injustices, and all punishments must fit the crime. Revenge is sweetest when it is sharpened with irony. All attacks must be avenged. Those who do not respond to attacks against their person or that which they hold dear only invite further attacks.

2013-06-12, 08:42 AM

Clerics of Ilmater can have Suffering as a Domain, stereotypically considered an "evil" Domain even though it's not labeled (Evil). Ilmater clerics who use its ability could say "Know the suffering you cause others so that you will not do so again!". For a Malconvoker you can say through your god's might you punish the evil demons for the sufferings they cause. You are also teaching them. They have to fight the battles heroes usually do. Knowing what heroes have to go through, you "enlighten" them further to the pain and suffering they cause themselves. Your hope is they learn the lesson and Repent.

2013-06-12, 01:08 PM
Dang. Hoar and Ilmater are both really good ideas. I have some research to do. I hope my fellow PCs are mature enough to not ruin Hoar based on the name. :smalltongue: