View Full Version : Questions: Musch and Quin craft magic weapons

2013-06-11, 06:33 PM
Let us imagine two adventurers: Munsch and Quin. Quin, being a DMM persister, casts a persisted extended magic weapon on a blade Musch was about to enchant. Munsch then proceeds to grant the flaming property to it. For the purpose of this experiment Quin renews the spell as often as needed. Would Musch be able to add the flaming property to the sword? What would be his GP expenditure? Furthermore, what happens when Quin let's the spell run its course? Does Musch now have a flaming masterwork longsword?
What happens when Much wishes to add the frost or flaming burst property to it?

2013-06-11, 07:05 PM
Jeez. I don't really know the official answer to that one. But I think if I was dungeon master in a situation like that I would say no. Because an item has to be at least +1 before you put any other bonuses on it, when the magic item spell wore out the flaming property would dissipate. Even if musch was to recast the spell, there would be a least a one round period in which the spell would fail to be there and thus the flaming property would go away, and I'm pretty sure on the even of the spell being re-cast the flaming property would fail to re-appear

2013-06-16, 01:08 AM
Mhmm. I can see how that could be the case. But the possibility of it merely losing the +1 and becoming a flaming weapon with an effective +1 enhancement, and thus needing 6k for the next enhancement, allowing it to become a +10 special abilities weapon rather than a +9 special abilities +1 weapon is tantalizing.