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2006-12-04, 12:44 AM

As ashamed as I am to admit it, I have recently become addicted to Avatar: The Last Airbender (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avatar:_The_Last_Airbender). I know, it's sad. Anyway, the abilities that the benders (individuals with the ability to manipulate one of the four elements [earth, air, fire, water]) in the show exhibit are truly extraordinary, and I thought that a D&D campaign set in this world would be interesting to play. I ran a search on the boards to see if anyone else had done anything dealing with the benders, and wasn't really pleased with what had been crafted. Most previous attempts had focused on tweaking caster classes (esp. the Shugenja) to fit the examples from the show, which doesn't seem quite right to me. I kept getting hung up on ways to deal with bending abilities without resorting to slots/day or power points, when I remembered that there already was a class that functioned like I wanted my benders to function: the Warlock. So, here's my first creation, inspired by and balanced (I hope) against the Warlock. Please please please let me know how to improve it.


The speed and agility of the wind, the power of a tornado, and the subtlety of a cloud are all accessible to an Airbender, a member of a small group of individuals blessed with the ability to manipulate the air through sheer force of will. Airbenders can hurl blasts of wind at their foes, create shields of swirling air, and even slice objects to pieces with compressed air blasts.
Adventures – Craving freedom above all else, many Airbenders are simply itinerant monks, whose traveling lifestyle invites adventure. Others adventure on behalf of their communities, to visit and assist friends living far away, or to help those in need.
Characteristics – Airbenders are able to manipulate the air in many ways. Some chose to focus on mobility and can become the most agile of fighters. Others learn to capture their foes in swirling tornadoes, incapacitating their enemies. Still others seek to destroy the machinery of destruction, using compressed air to slice through metal, stone, and wood. All Airbenders, however, are agile fighters who can knock their enemies away and soar through the skies on wooden gliders.
Alignment – While an Airbender can be of any alignment, Airbenders' emphasis of ahimsa (nonviolence) tends to attract more good than evil. However, the Airbender’s philosophical quest is one for ultimate liberation, and anyone who completes the training, whether good or evil, chaotic or lawful, can become an Airbender.
Religion – Airbenders have a decidedly philosophical focus. They seek liberation from the bonds of the world, and their discipline and dedication to this goal are shown in their simple lifestyles. Few Airbenders worship any of the spirits, though nothing prevents them from doing so.
Background – Airbenders are trained at monasteries under the tutelage of senior monks. When they achieve the status of Airbending Master, they receive arrow tattoos on their heads, arms, hands, legs, and feet. Often, an Airbending Master will take a young student under his/her wing and help the student on an individual level.
Races – All Airbenders (with the exception of the Avatar, who is able to master all four elements) are members of the group known as the Air Nomads.
Other Classes – Airbenders are masters of defense and evasion. They work well with almost all other classes, though they find the confrontational style of Earthbenders difficult to understand and deal with. Airbenders’ emphasis on non-violence and defense can sometimes be frustrating for more offensively-minded individuals (especially Firebenders and members of the martial classes) but they work well with members of these classes as often as not.

Abilities – A high Wisdom score is essential to an Airbender as it determines the save DC’s for many of his/her best forms and abilities as well as providing a needed AC boost. A high Dexterity is also important, as it affects many of an Airbender’s best skills and provides additional AC.
Alignment – Any (though tending towards good)
Hit Die – d6

Class Skills – Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Jump, Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Perform, Profession, Ride, Swim, Tumble
Skill Points at 1st Level – (4 + Int Modifier) x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level – 4 + Int Modifier


Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency – An Airbender is proficient with all simple weapons and Collapsing Crescent Fans. Airbenders are not proficient with any armor or shields.

Dodge (Ex) – Airbenders are highly skilled at evading blows, often manipulating air currents to help them dodge attacks. When unarmored and unencumbered, an Airbender adds his/her Wisdom bonus (if any) to his/her AC. This bonus applies even against touch attacks or when the Airbender is flat-footed. He/she loses these bonuses when he/she is immobilized or helpless, when he/she wears any armor, when he/she carries a shield, or when he/she carries a medium or heavy load. Additionally, Airbenders gain a dodge bonus to Armor Class as shown on the above table.

Air Blast (Su) – The first ability an Airbender learns is Air Blast. An Airbender attacks his/her foes with a blast of concentrated air at will, inflicting damage and driving them backwards with the force of the air. An Air Blast is a ray with a range of 50 ft plus 5 ft/2 levels. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target. An Air Blast drives its target backwards in the direction of the Air Blast. An Airbender can hurl the target of the Air Blast (which can be any creature or object weighing no more than 25 lbs/level, with a maximum of 375 lbs) up to 20 feet/level. Creatures and objects deal and take damage as described under the Violent Thrust version of Telekineses. The Airbender must succeed on a ranged attack roll (at a -2 penalty) in order to deal damage with a flung creature or object. The target of an Air Blast can avoid this effect by succeeding on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Airbender’s class level + the Airbender’s Wisdom modifier). Air Blast counts as a special attack for the purposes of feat selection. An Air Blast is not a spell or spell-like ability, and as such is not subject to Spell Resistance. Using an Air Blast counts as an attack, and an Airbender can use a number of Air Blasts in one round equal to the number of iterative attacks he/she can make (as determined by his/her BAB). An Airbender cannot dual wield Air Blasts nor can he/she apply precision-based damage from any source to the damage dealt by his/her Air Blast.

Beginning at 7th level, an Airbender can use a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity to affect all creatures or objects in a line with his/her Air Blast. The length of this line is equal to the length of the Airbender’s Air Blast ray. Using this form of Air Blast counts as expending all of the Airbender’s Air Blasts for the round.

Beginning at 13th level, and Airbender can use a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity to affect all creatures or objects within a 10 foot radius of him/herself with his/her Air Blast. Using this form of Air Blast counts as expending all of the Airbender’s Air Blasts for the round.

Deflect Bending (Su) – Early in their training, Airbenders learn to deflect the blasts from their opponents. During his/her turn, an Airbender can choose to forgo any number of attacks in order to attempt to deflect any blasts targeted within 30 feet + 5 ft/3 levels of the Airbender. As an immediate action, the Airbender can attempt deflect an enemy Bender’s blast with an opposed attack roll. An Airbender can deflect bending a maximum number of times equal to the number of attacks he/she is granted by BAB. If the Airbender makes any attacks, he/she forgoes that opportunity to deflect bending. If the Airbender’s attack roll is less than his/her opponent’s, the blast is unaffected by the deflection attempt. If the Airbender’s attack roll equals or exceeds his/her opponent’s, the blast is negated, deflected or swallowed up by a swirl of air.

Air Grab (Su) – The Airbender alters the air currents around the desired object or creature, allowing him/her to manipulate it. As a standard action, the Airbender may propel the creature or object (weighing up to 50 lbs) up to 40 feet in any direction, though the effect ends if the distance between the Airbender and the target exceeds 100 feet +10 feet/level. A creature can negate the effects of Air Grab on itself or an object it possesses with a successful Will Save (DC 10 + half the Airbender’s class level + the Airbender’s Wisdom modifier). The target can be manipulated as if by one hand, as long as the force required is within the weight limit. For the purpose of any physical ability checks necessary, the Air Grab’s ability scores are equal to the Airbender’s Wisdom score.

Airbending Forms (Su) – Beginning at 2nd level, and Airbender continues to study the art of controlling the air. He/she learns a single air bending form that he/she can use at will. As an Airbender gains levels, he/she learns more air bending forms, as shown on the above table. An Airbender can choose any air bending form from the list below for which he/she fulfills the prerequisites. At 2nd level, he/she can learn any of the Lesser Forms. Beginning at 8th level, he/she can learn any of the Lesser or Moderate Forms. Beginning at 17th level, he/she can learn any of the Lesser, Moderate, or Greater Forms. Using an Airbending Form (with the exception of Air Blast and Deflect Bending)is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity and can be disrupted by any effect that would disrupt casting a spell. An Airbender is considered to have a caster level equal to his/her Airbender level for the purpose of adjudicating forms that duplicate spell effects. All bending forms (including Air Blast, Deflect Bending, and Air Grab) have somatic components. Unless otherwise stated, a bender can only use one bending form per round, even if his/her actions would allow the use of more than one.

Airbender’s Leap (Su) – Beginning at 3rd level and continuing as shown on the above table, an Airbender learns to use his/her bending to enhance his/her jumping ability. The Airbender gains a circumstance bonus to Jump checks equal to the amount shown on the table.

Slow Fall (Su) – Beginning at 3rd level, an can slow his/her descent. When first using this ability, he/she takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is. The Airbender’s ability to slow his/her fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall) improves with his/her Airbender level until at 20th level he/she can slow his/her descent and fall up to 100 ft without harm. This ability only functions if the Airbender is conscious and capable of moving.

Air Shield (Su) – Beginning at 3rd level, an Airbender gains the ability to shape air currents into a swirling shield as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. This shield can take the form of a sphere, a dome, or a disk, each with a radius of 10 feet. An Air Shield cannot penetrate solid objects, so using a spherical Air Shield on the ground (for example) is impossible. Once established, an Airbender can move his/her Air Shield 30 feet per round as a move action. An Air Shield has different properties that vary with the Airbender’s class level. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the Airbender’s Wisdom bonus (minimum 1).

At 3rd level, the Air Shield functions as Wind Wall with the exceptions noted above.
At 10th level, the Air Shield functions similarly to the lower-level version. However, it is much more powerful, deflecting all ranged attacks with the exception of massive projectiles (boulders, siege weapon projectiles, etc). It also deflects all melee attacks that originate outside the Air Shield and Medium and smaller creatures must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Airbender’s class level + the Airbender’s Wisdom modifier) to pass through the Air Shield.
At 16th level, the Air Shield functions similarly to the lower-level version, except that it deflects massive projectiles and all forms of bending, regardless of element. Also, any Large or smaller creatures must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Airbender’s class level + the Airbender’s Wisdom modifier) to pass through the Air Shield.Flight (Su) – Beginning at 4th level, an Airbender learns to manipulate the air currents around his/her glider, allowing him/her to fly. The Airbender’s flight speed and maneuverability are shown on the above table. An Airbender can fly for a number of rounds at a time equal to his/her Wisdom score before he/she must land. There is no limit to the number of times per day an Airbender can fly. If the Airbender is unable to land before the maximum duration ends, he/she begins to fall, though this fall is slowed by his/her glider. He/she takes falling damage as if he/she had fallen half the distance of his/her actual fall.

Evasion (Ex) – As the Rogue ability.

Multiclassing - Like a member of any other class, an Airbender may be a multiclass character, but multiclass Airbenders face a special restriction. An Airbender who gains a new class or (if already multiclass) raises another class by a level may never again raise his/her Airbender level, though he/she retains all his/her Airbender abilities.


Lesser Forms

On the Walls – The Airbender manipulates air currents to support him/her as he/she runs along steep surfaces. The Airbender can move normally on surfaces that usually require a climb check to negotiate. However, he/she must end his/her turn on a level surface.This form can be used as a swift action.
Burst of Speed – The Airbender creates small currents of air behind him/her as he/she runs and reduce air resistance, gaining a 10 ft circumstance bonus to his/her base speed. It has no effect on other modes of movement, such as burrow, climb, fly, or swim. This effect lasts a maximum number of minutes equal to the Airbender’s class level. In order to maintain this effect, an Airbender must move at least 10 ft/turn, otherwise the effect ends and must be invoked anew.
Levitate – As the spell, except that the Airbender can only levitate him/herself or willing creatures.
Dust Cloud – As the spell Fog Cloud. This form cannot be used when there is no loose soil, dust, or other fine particulate matter present.
Tornado, Lesser – By manipulating air currents into a tight spiral, the Airbender can severely impede the movement of his/her foes. This form creates a small tornado anywhere within 30 feet of the Airbender, which can be moved 40 feet per round as a move action, has a 5 foot radius, and may be up to 20 feet tall. Upon contact with a creature, the tornado stops moving, even if it has movement remaining that turn. Creatures inside the tornado need to make a Reflex Save (DC + half the Airbender’s class level + the Airbender’s Wisdom modifier) or be entangled. Even if the creature passes the Reflex Save, he/she still moves at half speed until out of the tornado. Creatures that are larger than the tornado gain a +4 circumstance bonus to their Reflex Save. The tornado lasts as long as the Airbender concentrates to maintain it (a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity), up to a maximum number of turns equal to the Airbender’s class level.
Flowing Air Strike – The Airbender manipulates the air currents around his/her limbs, causing his/her strikes to come harder and more quickly. When engaged in melee combat with unarmed strikes or any weapons he/she is proficient with, the Airbender gains a +1 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls. An Airbender can maintain this form as a swift action each round, up to a maximum of 1 round/level.
Stillness – When using this form, an Airbender creates an area of calm with a radius of 10 ft. Within this radius, he/she is able to limit the transmission of sound through the air, allowing those within the radius to move more stealthily, gaining a circumstance bonus to Move Silently checks equal to half the Airbender’s class level (minimum 1). The Airbender must concentrate to maintain this ability.Moderate Forms

Air Scooter – The Airbender forms a whirling ball of air and rides this ball as it speeds along the ground, attaining great speed and maneuverability. When using the Air Scooter form, an Airbender gains several benefits. First, his/her base speed increases to 60 ft. Second, he/she can ride the Air Scooter on any surface that would normally require a climb check, though he/she must end his/her turn on a level surface. Third, he/she ignores any movement penalties due to sand, snow or similar difficult terrain, but cannot be used to transport the Airbender over water, lava, or any other surface that could not support the Airbender’s weight. While using an Air Scooter, an Airbender must move at least 30 feet each round and cannot perform any other air bending forms. An Airbender can maintain his/her Air Scooter for a number of rounds equal to his/her class level.
Air Scythe – Forming the air into a thin blade of compressed air molecules, the Airbender can deal substantial damage to creatures and objects. An Air Scythe is a ranged touch attack (50 ft plus 5 ft/2 levels) that deals 1d6/2 levels of slashing damage. In addition, an Air Scythe is ideal for attacking objects, ignoring the first 10 points of the object’s hardness.
Deep Breath – By exhaling a high-pressure stream of air, the Airbender is able to move at great speeds, knocking down all in his/her path. The Airbender gains a circumstance bonus to bullrush and overrun attempts equal to half his/her class level (minimum 1). If the Airbender successfully bullrushes an opponent into a solid obstacle (wall, cliff face, large rock, etc), the opponent takes damage as if he had fallen the distance of the bullrush. This damage cannot be negated by Tumbling, Slow Fall, or any other ability. An Airbender can also use this ability to force foes backwards with his/her breath alone. Using this form functions identically to the normal use, except the Airbender need not travel with the bullrushed creature. Using this form (in either mode) requires no somatic components.
Tornado – As Lesser Tornado, except that creatures within the radius who fail their Reflex Save are stunned for the duration of the effect.
Air Step – Creating small cushions of air beneath his/her feat, the Airbender can move over surfaces that would normally not support his/her weight, including water, lava, thin ice, and similar surfaces. This does not allow the Airbender to fly or levitate. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to the Airbender’s class level. In order to maintain this effect, the Airbender must move at least 10 ft/round or the effect ends.
Body of Air Thrust - The bender creates an outline of themselves from compressed air and sends it towards a target within 50 ft. The target takes 5d4 bludgeoning damage and is knocked back as if hit by an air blast and may take additional damage if applicable.Greater Forms

Air Scythe, Greater – As Air Scythe, but it ignores all hardness and deals an additional 2d6 damage.
Tornado, Greater – As Lesser Tornado, except that creatures within the radius who fail their Reflex Save are held for the duration of the effect.
Reap the Whirlwind – The Airbender creates a flat blade of compressed air which he/she wields in combat as he/she would a normal weapon (the Airbender is considered proficient with this weapon). This weapon deals 1d6/2 levels of slashing damage. Additionally, the Airbender can apply any precision damage to strikes with this weapon. Once summoned (a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity) an Airbender can maintain this weapon for a number of rounds equal to his/her class level.
Updraft - The airbender manipulates the air around an enemy, forcing a violent burst of air directly beneath him. The target must make a Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 class level + Wis Modifier) or be hurled upward 10 feet/level of the airbender. The target then plummets to the ground, taking proper falling damage.
For each size above medium, cut the height the opponent is thrown by half. (1/2 for large, 1/4 for huge, etc.)
Ensnaring Wind – An Airbender using this form creates an area around a single foe where strong winds impede movement and combat. The Airbender can target any creature size Large or smaller with this ability. The targeted creature’s combat abilities are hindered, and it takes a penalty to attack and damage rolls equal to -1 per 3 Airbender levels. The target can attempt to avoid this penalty with a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half the Airbender’s class level + the Airbender’s Wisdom modifier). An Airbender must concentrate in order to maintain this ability (up to 1 round/level).
Storm Winds - Using this form, an Airbender can create a wall of air that rushes away from him/her. He/she may affect every creature or object within a 60 ft cone with his/her Air Blast. Using this form is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity.First and foremost, I'm looking for input on the balance. Second, any ideas people have for new Airbending forms are welcome. I hope everyone likes the class. Waterbenders, Earthbenders, and Firebenders to follow (maybe).


2006-12-04, 10:24 PM
What, no love for the Airbender? No one has any horrendous, tragic flaws or oversights to point out. No game-breakingly overpowered tricks or abilities? Not even any new Airbending forms to suggest?

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to see what you guys think of the...



Graceful and quick, Waterbenders are individuals with the unique ability to manipulate water. Waterbenders can create long whips of water, sharp shards of ice, healing water, or giant tsunamis. Or they can dry your clothes instantly.
Adventures - Waterbenders adventure most frequently to aid the tribe, be it to defend against an enemy, gain access to a crucial resource, or provide aid to an ally of the tribe. Also, Waterbenders in small communities may adventure to seek out a master to instruct them in their art.
Characteristics - Waterbenders are able to manipulate water, giving it shape, moving it with great speed and power, or changing its phase from water to ice or vapor (and vice versa). They focus on the defense, turning their opponent's blows against them, blocking them with gushing watery shields, or immobilizing their opponents in ice. Select Waterbenders can also heal wounds, using water as a medium through which to align the chi and promote healing.
Alignment - Waterbenders emphasize the defense and try to avoid injuring even their foes. Thus, Waterbenders tend toward good. Also, most Waterbenders are concerned with their community above all else, eschewing both the wandering lifestyle and the disciplined life of an ascetic or monk. They tend to be neutral instead of lawful or chaotic.
Religion - Waterbenders draw their power from the Moon and venerate the Moon Spirit above all others. Their power waxes in the moonlight and wanes during the day. Also, many members of the Water Tribe revere the Ocean Spirit as the source of life for their people.
Background - Most Waterbenders train under a master. In the Northern Water Tribe, there are large group lessons under the tutelage of a single master. In the Southern and Foggy Swamp Water Tribes where Waterbenders are fewer in number, Waterbenders tend to learn one-on-one from a single master.
Races - All Waterbenders (with the exception of the Avatar, who is able to master all four elements) are members of the group known as the Water Tribe, located at the north and south poles and in the Foggy Swamp.
Other Classes - Waterbenders share their defensive focus and high agility with the Airbenders. However, they are less at odds with the more solid and unmoving style of the Earthbenders, though they prefer to redirect their opponents' attacks instead of overwhelming them. They dislike the unceasing aggression of the Firebenders, but can work with them if the need presents itself. They are also capable of working with the more martial classes, using their defensive skills to assist the warriors in battle.

Abilities - Wisdom is important to Waterbenders, as it determines the Save DC's and durations of some of their Waterbending Forms. Waterbenders' emphasis on reflexes means that they also benefit from high Dexterity, which helps them turn their enemies' attacks and provides a boost to AC.
Alignment – Any (tending towards good and neutrality)
Hit Die – d6

Class Skills – Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Heal, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope
Skill Points at 1st Level – (4 + Int Modifier) x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level – 4 + Int Modifier


Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency – A Waterbender is proficient with all simple weapons, and light armor.

Water Blast (Su) – The first ability a Waterbender learns is Water Blast. The Waterbender concentrates water into a large bubble in his/her hands and propels it at great speeds toward his/her foe. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target with a range of 50 ft plus 5 ft/2 levels, allowing no saving throw. A Water Blast deals 1d4 damage at 1st level (half damage to objects) and increases in power as the Waterbender gains levels, as shown above. A Water Blast is not a spell or spell-like ability, and as such is not subject to Spell Resistance. Using a Water Blast counts as an attack, and a Waterbender can use a number of Water Blasts in one round equal to the number of iterative attacks he/she can make (as determined by his/her BAB). A Waterbender cannot dual wield Water Blasts nor can he/she apply precision-based damage from any source to the damage dealt by his/her Water Blasts. A Waterbender can only use Water Blasts (or any of his/her Waterbending abilities) when there is a source of open water within 100 ft + 10 ft/level unless otherwise specified. Water used in a Water Blast or other Waterbending form is lost unless the Waterbender makes a successful Concentration check. In the case of Water Blast, the DC of this check is 15. Most Waterbenders carry a source of water (canteen, water skin, etc) with them wherever they go to ensure they are never unarmed.

Deflect Bending (Su) – Early in their training, Waterbenders learn to deflect the blasts from their opponents. During his/her turn, a Waterbender can choose to forgo any number of attacks in order to attempt to deflect any blasts targeted within 30 feet + 5 ft/3 levels of the Waterbender. As an immediate action, the Waterbender can attempt deflect an enemy Bender’s blast with an opposed attack roll. A Waterbender can deflect bending a maximum number of times equal to the number of attacks he/she is granted by BAB. If the Waterbender makes any attacks, he/she forgoes that opportunity to deflect bending. If the Waterbender’s attack roll is less than his/her opponent’s, the blast is unaffected by the deflection attempt. If the Waterbender’s attack roll equals or exceeds his/her opponent’s, the blast is negated, deflected or swallowed up by a short outpouring of water or shard of ice. Water used in this form can be retained with a successful DC 15 Concentration check.

Waterbending Forms (Su) – Beginning at 1st level, Waterbenders learn to manipulate water in a variety of ways. As shown on the above table, a Waterbender learns his/her first form at 1st level and learns new forms as he/she increases in level. Unless otherwise stated, using a Waterbending form is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. A Waterbender is considered to have a caster level equal to his/her Waterbender level for the purpose of adjudicating forms that duplicate spell effects. All bending forms (including Water Blast, Deflect Bending, and Manipulate) have somatic components. Unless otherwise stated, a bender can only use one bending form per round, even if his/her actions would allow the use of more than one.

Change Phase (Su) – Beginning at 2nd level, a Waterbender gains the ability to change the phase of water within 100 ft + 10 ft/level, turning liquid water into ice or vapor, ice or vapor into liquid water, or vapor directly into ice (and vice versa). Change Phase is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. A Waterbender can change the phase of an amount of water equal to one 10 foot cube/2 levels. Once changed, the water shifts back to its original phase at the normal rate. Beginning at 6th level, a Waterbender can freeze, melt, or evaporate water as a move action. Beginning at 10th level, a Waterbender can freeze, melt, or evaporate water as a swift action.

Manipulate (Su) – Beginning at 2nd level, a Waterbender can use his/her bending ability to manipulate water. He/she can draw water from any liquid or solid source within 100 ft + 10 ft/level, alter its shape, move it around in the air at a rate of 20 ft/round, and draw liquid water from the surface of any object soaked in water or covered in ice. Any objects contained in the area of water manipulated are brought along with the water. A Waterbender can manipulate a volume of water equal to one 5-foot cube/2 levels. Beginning at 7th level, a Waterbender can manipulate water vapor in this fashion as well.

Ski (Su) – Beginning at 4th level, a Waterbender learns to create a disk of ice under his/her feat, allowing him/her to quickly slide across water, ice, snow, and similar smooth surfaces. Creating this disk and moving at the Waterbender’s ski speed can be completed as a move action. At 4th level, a Waterbender can ski at a rate of 20 ft/round, which increases as shown in the above table. A Waterbender can ski for a number of rounds at a time equal to his/her Wisdom score. A Waterbender must move at least 10 ft/round in order to avoid sinking.

Circular Attack (Su) – Beginning at 10th level, a Waterbender can redirect his/her enemies’ attacks, using the enemy’s own energy to retaliate against him or her. Once per round, when the Waterbender successfully deflects a bending attack (using Deflect Bending, not Water Whip), he/she may make a Reflex Save opposed to the opponent’s attack roll. If the Waterbender matches or exceeds the opponent’s attack roll, he/she is able to bring the deflecting water round in a circle, absorbing the enemy’s energy and immediately making an additional Water Blast attack at that enemy. The Waterbender cannot choose to forgo this attack in order to gain an additional Deflect Bending attempt.

Multiclassing - Like a member of any other class, a Waterbender may be a multiclass character, but multiclass Waterbenders face a special restriction. A Waterbender who gains a new class or (if already multiclass) raises another class by a level may never again raise his/her Waterbender level, though he/she retains all his/her Waterbender abilities.


Lesser Forms

Water Whip, Lesser – Using this form, a Waterbender can (as a move action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity) transform a small quantity of water (approximately the amount in 1 water skin) into a long whip. This water whip has the statistics of a normal whip (including the ability to trip and the bonus to disarm attempts) with the exception that it can be used to deal lethal damage even to armored foes, and the Waterbender is considered proficient in its use. A Waterbender can use his/her Water Whip in lieu of a Deflect Bending attempt to disrupt or block a bending or spellcasting attempt and can apply the whip’s +2 bonus to disarm attempts to the opposed attack roll. Additionally, a Waterbender can apply precision-based damage to attacks with a Water Whip and can treat a Water Whip as a normal whip for the purpose of weapon-based feats. Water used in this form can be maintained with a successful DC 15 concentration check.
Slice, Lesser – Increasing the surface tension of the water he/she wields, a Waterbender’s Water Blast deals full damage to objects. Water used in this form can be maintained with a successful DC 15 concentration check.
Fog Cloud – As the spell. Water used in this form cannot be maintained.
Bend Plants, Lesser – As Entangle. A Waterbender must use a standard action to concentrate on maintaining this effect. This form can be maintained for a number of rounds equal to the Waterbender’s class level.
Water Sprout – The Waterbender lifts water in a swirling, spiraling pattern with him/herself at the top. This allows the Waterbender to move straight up into the air at a rate of 20 feet/round. This Waterbending form can be used as a move action, moving up or down as desired. The Water Sprout lasts as long as the Waterbender concentrates (a standard action), up to a maximum number of rounds equal to the Waterbender’s class level. Water used in this form can be retained with a successful DC 20 concentration check.
Steady Stance - The bender encases their feet in ice. They gain a +1/bender level to saves or checks they need to make in order not to move. This form is preformed by a move action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. This form can be maintained indefinitely so long as the bender doesn’t move from the square. A bender can move from the square in which they are encased if they want, but doing so ends the form.
Healing Water, Lesser – As Cure Light Wounds, except that it requires a full round action to use this form. This form can be used a number of times per day equal to half the Waterbender’s class level. Water used in this form cannot be maintained.Moderate Forms

Water Whip – As Lesser Water Whip, except that it deals 1d6 damage instead of the standard whip damage and grants a +4 bonus to disarm attempts and attempts to disrupt bending instead of the usual +2 bonus. Water used in this form can be maintained with a successful DC 20 concentration check.
Ice Shards – By freezing a quantity of water into sharp shards, a Waterbender can create a ly ranged attack. This form creates a number of shards equal to the Waterbender’s class level, each of which deals 1d4 damage (maximum 10 shards). Half of this damage is cold and half is piercing. These shards are launched in a 60 foot cone. Creatures within the cone can reduce the damage by half with a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Waterbender’s class level + the Waterbender’s Wisdom modifier). Water used in this form can be maintained with a successful DC 20 concentration check.
Healing Water – As Cure Moderate Wounds. This form can be used a number of times per day equal to half the Waterbender’s class level. Water used in this form cannot be maintained.
Water Wave – By accentuating the normal fluctuations in water levels, a Waterbender can make standing water or ice accelerate forward in a wave, crashing into all in its path. The wave created by this form travels in a straight line outward from the Waterbender for a maximum distance of 10 ft/level. It initiates a bullrush against any creatures in its path, counting as a Large creature (with a 10 x 10 face) with a Strength score of 14 + 2 per 3 class levels for the purposes of resolving bullrush attempts. If the Waterbender so desires, he/she can ski at the crest of this wave, not provoking any attacks of opportunity while moving in this manner. Water used in this form cannot be maintained
Bend Plants – As Black Tentacles, except the form animates existing plant material, and therefore can only be performed where adequate plant material is present. Also, the form creates a 10 foot radius of animated plants, instead of the normal 20 feet. A Waterbender must use a standard action to concentrate on maintaining this effect. This form can be maintained for a number of rounds equal to the Waterbender’s class level.
Liquid Armor – The Waterbender encases him/herself in a layer of water or ice. He/she gains DR 5/– and gains a +2 bonus to AC (including touch AC) against bending attacks. Water used in this form can be maintained with a successful DC 25 concentration check. Liquid Armor lasts a number of rounds equal to the Waterbender's class level.Greater Forms

Water Whip, Greater – As Water Whip, except that it deals 1d8 damage instead of 1d6 and grants a +6 conus to disarm attempts and attempts to disrupt bending. Water used in this form can be maintained with a successful DC 25 concentration check.
Octopus Form – Bringing together a large quantity of water, a Waterbender using this form animates the water into 8 large tentacles springing up from the ground around him/her. Each of these tentacles can make a single slam attack each round. Each tentacle uses the Waterbender’s base attack bonus and has a Strength score of 20. Their slam attacks deal 1d8+5 damage and count as magical for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. Additionally, each tentacle can forgo its attack in order to attempt to negate an attack of any type on the Waterbender. The tentacle makes an opposed attack roll and negates the attack if it exceeds the opponent’s attack roll. This form requires a substantial amount of water, and thus can only be performed in an area where a source of water is nearby. A Waterbender must use a standard action to concentrate on maintaining this effect. This form can be maintained for a number of rounds equal to the Waterbender’s class level. Water used in this form can be maintained with a successful DC 30 concentration check.
Slice, Greater – As Lesser Slice, except that the damage dealt by the Water Blast is affected as if by the Empower Spell feat. This form can be used a number of times per day equal to the Waterbender’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Water used in this form can be maintained with a successful DC 25 concentration check.
Healing Water, Greater – As Cure Serious Wounds. This form can be used a number of times per day equal to half the Waterbender’s class level. Water used in this form cannot be maintained.
Water Wave, Greater – As Water Wave, except the wave created counts as a Huge creature and has a Strength score of 16 + 2 per 3 class levels for the purpose of resolving bullrush attempts. Water used in this form cannot be maintained
Water Ring – This form functions as Water Wave, except that it initiates a bullrush attempt against all opponents within 10 ft of the Waterbender, pushing them back as far as possible. Only opponents within 10 ft are affected by this form, even if the water ring encounters other opponents as it moves outwards.
Wall of Ice - As the spell. Use the bender's class level as his/her caster level for the purpose of this form.So, what do you think? Balance issues? Things I've forgotten/overlooked? Suggestions for more bending forms? Praise and commendations? Anything? Let me have it!


2006-12-05, 01:56 AM
Your tables need fixing it has only fort save up

2006-12-05, 04:40 AM
...hmmm... I'm planning on running a campaign based around the 6 elements and their opposing struggles: Earth vs Air, Water vs Fire, and Positive (+ve)Elemental Energy vs Negative (-ve) Elemental Energy... I'm even scrapping all D&D dragons, and making up 6 of my own!

I am very interested in what you have to offer here, but I cannot read any tables, and you have no plan for a +ve Energy Bender and -ve Energy Bender... could these be put onto your impresive drawing board of class's and assoctaited portaraits?

2006-12-05, 09:34 AM
There. I give up on the table codes, and used images instead!

In the Avatar world, positive and negative energy don't exist on the same level as the four physical elements. If they are mentioned at all, it is in more philosophical terms, dealing with attitude and mindset. However, they don't have the same effects that positive and negative energy do in D&D. That said, you could easily adapt my basic structure to positive and negative energy, giving them an energy blast (similar to the Warlock's Eldritch Blast) and various other abilities based around manipulating positive and negative energy. If you want, I can add them to the bottom of the list (gotta do Earthbender and Firebender next), but you'd have to give me some more details about what you want them to be like. If you want to collaborate, let me know and I'll see what I can do. That said, I by no means lay claim to this class structure, so you are welcome to use it yourself, should you so desire.


2006-12-06, 12:05 AM
You should put in the various descriptors for the abilities, Supernatural, Spell-Like, Extraordinary.

2006-12-06, 12:36 AM
Done and done! I always forget to do that. Thanks for the reminder!


2006-12-06, 06:20 AM
I really admire what you’ve done. I’ve thought of trying to make classes for benders but couldn’t think how to do it and still encompass the wide variety of abilities they have. You’ve done an excellent job. Now for critique.

You have airbenders as tending towards law. I would say they are slightly more chaotic. They are nomads who place great value on freedom.

I think warfans help in earthbending (along with hammers). They were the weapons of avatar Kyoshi. Airbenders use glider staffs. The only other weapons used in bending that I can think of are broad swords for firebending. I remember reading that earthbenders use dadoa as well.

With an airbender’s flight ability, is he able to fly 1 round/level a day or does he need to just set down and then can take off again?

With airbending forms that are disprupted by taking damage, can a concentration check be made to still “cast” the form and if so what spell level are forms considered to be?

Can Burst of Speed form be taken multiple times in order to gain additional ten feet bonuses? Must an airbender run in oder for the form to continue effect or can he stop and still maintain the effect?

I assume dust cloud and levitate have caster levels equal to airbending level but it should be stated anyway.

Concerning tornado, does maintaining it provoke an aoo? Do other tornado forms require lesser ones as prerequisites?

Try as I might I can’t think of any good airbending forms. The only one I could come up with is purifying air and maybe a type of control wind or weather (though that also sort of needs waterbending.)


Though skills are fine as they are, I think waterbenders would have diplomacy as a class skill.

I also don’t really see water benders as using shields. They use their arm movement too much in their bending art.

You need to Concentration DC to retain water for deflect bending, water sprout and liquid armor.

Is there a range to manipulate and change phase or simply a line of sight?

How long does liquid armor last?

For suggestions you could have a form that encases a target in ice, maybe one that directly manipulates water within a person allowing body control, or perhaps something akin to temporal stasis (like what Ang was found in).

2006-12-06, 06:56 AM
Now I see what you've done with the classes... this is exactly what I've been wracking my brain for!

I've had the idea of making arcane magic, divine magic and psionics different: spell resistance only affect one type, damage reductions overcome only by one type, spellcraft, use magic divice, so on and so forth different for each of the three magics. My point, I needed a primary caster equivelent to the Psion and Wizard: someone who chanels magic and power of the dietys, but dosnt were armour. my thought had been to make the turn undead feature more like the warlocks eldrich blast, and cut spellcasting down to special elemental abilities.

Anyway... I have a few more ideas about cosmology, element-alignment related things, some class things, combat rules, equipment, actually, a whole lot of stuf I see in the homebrew topic... if you're still keen to collaborate, PM me, and I'll see if I can put the 'big picture' of the world into a few easy to read paragraphs!

2006-12-06, 10:06 AM
Yay replies! Thanks a lot everyone.

Thanks a lot for your input. Those are the kind of details I always miss when designing a class, so you've helped me immeasurably. If you don't mind, I'm going to respond to your many comments in list form.


1. Airbender Alignment - The reason I have Airbenders tending toward law is their emphasis on discipline, meditation, and asceticism in their search for freedom. My understanding of the way that Airbenders are characterized in the show is as a group of Sadhus (renunciatory holy men in Indian religions tradition) who have put aside their attachment to worldly things in favor of freedom from this attachment. They seem disciplined in Aang's flashbacks, and Iroh specifically mentions this when he's explaining the various elements to Zuko. However, I can see your point, so I'll remove the "tend toward law" part to allow a wider variation in alignments.

2. Airbender Weapons - I was somewhat stumped about what weapons to allow, since benders in the show use few weapons, but D&D mechanics work so much better if you have access to some weaponry. The reason I included warfans was because of this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbender) article.

3. Flight - An Airbender can fly a number of rounds equal to his/her Wisdom score before he/she must set down. There is not limit to the number of times per day that an Airbender can fly. I'll clarify that above.

4. Disrupting Bending - My intention was that a bender could maintain the bending with a successful Concentration check. I forgot that these Concentration checks are based on spell level, and I'm deliberately trying to divorce this system from spellcasting. I think that I'll have a set DC based on the level of bending form. I'm open to suggestions, though.

5. Burst of Speed - I'll change it to a circumstance bonus so that it doesn't stack with itself. Also, from the way the form is used in the show, it seems like the Airbender has to keep moving. I'll clarify.

6. Tornado - Yes, concentrating on the form provokes an attack of opportunity. I'll clarify.

7. New Forms - Yeah, I'm at a loss for more Greater Forms. There've got to be some, but I can't think of what they would be. I was thinking of an air bubble like Aang uses to save himself from drowning a couple times, and maybe a better, non-glider flight, but other than that...


1. Skills - Adding diplomacy can't hurt. I'll make the change.

2. Shields - Yeah, I had intended to remove the shield proficiency, but I just forgot. It's gone.

3. Concentration DC's - Gimme a minute...

4. Change Phase, Manipulate, Liquid Armor - Good call. I'll make the additions.

5. New Forms - I like your ideas. The freeze-your-opponent-in-ice is one of my favorite moves, and can already be achieved by a combination of some form of Water Wave and Change Phase. I like the idea of controlling someone by bending their body's water. I'll work on some stats. I don't really know how that temporal stasis would work, but I will include a Water Bubble or something to replicate the air bubble he was in and the one Katara used in the Serpent's Pass episode. The stats will probably be similar to the Air Bubble form I'm thinking about for Airbenders.

Thanks again for your input. I really appreciate the help.


PM sent.

Thanks everyone for the comments. Keep 'em coming. Also, Earthbender should be on the way in the near future.


Yuki Akuma
2006-12-06, 10:18 AM
It makes sense for fans to be an airbender weapon; Aang, even without the Avatar State, can use fans to airbend.

Also, I was going to make Bending classes. :smallfrown: My idea was to base it around how Warblades and company use their special powers, though.

I like them, though, and think that once you've made all four you should maybe think about starting a PbP game with then. :smallwink:

However, I don't think bending plants should be a normal ability of the waterbender; it should be a prestige class. The same would go for sandbending and lightningbending, I suppose.

One last edit: Are you going to discuss how the phases of the moon and the time of day affect water and firebending?

2006-12-06, 10:26 AM
I could get into that, though I'm already involved in three PbP games (and potentially 1 more) and I'm going to India, so I don't know what my internet access will be like next semester. But, if I find out that I have easy internet access, I'll consider it. Also, I hope to have Earthbender up by this weekend. Already have the image drawn, but I need to take the time to work on the stats.

What do you think of the balance of these, Yuki? You seem to have a good handle on these sorts of things (at least, from your work for Project CUTE), and I can never be sure. I want to keep them balanced with normal D&D classes so that I don't have to create entire new classes for warrior-types (Sokka, Mai, Ty Lee, etc.). Any input? Part of me thinks that Air Blast is overpowered (Violent Thrust at will at first level, WTF?) but its utility is fairly limited by only being able to thrust things in one direction and the low weight limit. I'm sure there are other things, but I can't put my finger on them right now, so any input would be wonderful.

Finally, there's all sorts of other stuff for the Avatar universe that needs creating (sabre-toothed-moose-lions anyone?), so feel free to get involved. I'd even welcome your take on the bending classes, or some new forms.


Yuki Akuma
2006-12-06, 11:49 AM
Moi? Good at balancing classes? Hardly. Feats, spells, yes. Classes, no. :smallwink:

Anyway, I don't think you'd want to turn this into a "Project Avatar" or something with CUTE still hanging around in limbo currently.

2006-12-06, 02:28 PM
Yay replies! Thanks a lot everyone.

Thanks a lot for your input. Those are the kind of details I always miss when designing a class, so you've helped me immeasurably. If you don't mind, I'm going to respond to your many comments in list form.


1. Airbender Alignment - The reason I have Airbenders tending toward law is their emphasis on discipline, meditation, and asceticism in their search for freedom. My understanding of the way that Airbenders are characterized in the show is as a group of Sadhus (renunciatory holy men in Indian religions tradition) who have put aside their attachment to worldly things in favor of freedom from this attachment. They seem disciplined in Aang's flashbacks, and Iroh specifically mentions this when he's explaining the various elements to Zuko. However, I can see your point, so I'll remove the "tend toward law" part to allow a wider variation in alignments.

2. Airbender Weapons - I was somewhat stumped about what weapons to allow, since benders in the show use few weapons, but D&D mechanics work so much better if you have access to some weaponry. The reason I included warfans was because of this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbender) article.

3. Flight - An Airbender can fly a number of rounds equal to his/her Wisdom score before he/she must set down. There is not limit to the number of times per day that an Airbender can fly. I'll clarify that above.

4. Disrupting Bending - My intention was that a bender could maintain the bending with a successful Concentration check. I forgot that these Concentration checks are based on spell level, and I'm deliberately trying to divorce this system from spellcasting. I think that I'll have a set DC based on the level of bending form. I'm open to suggestions, though.

5. Burst of Speed - I'll change it to a circumstance bonus so that it doesn't stack with itself. Also, from the way the form is used in the show, it seems like the Airbender has to keep moving. I'll clarify.

6. Tornado - Yes, concentrating on the form provokes an attack of opportunity. I'll clarify.

7. New Forms - Yeah, I'm at a loss for more Greater Forms. There've got to be some, but I can't think of what they would be. I was thinking of an air bubble like Aang uses to save himself from drowning a couple times, and maybe a better, non-glider flight, but other than that...


1. Skills - Adding diplomacy can't hurt. I'll make the change.

2. Shields - Yeah, I had intended to remove the shield proficiency, but I just forgot. It's gone.

3. Concentration DC's - Gimme a minute...

4. Change Phase, Manipulate, Liquid Armor - Good call. I'll make the additions.

5. New Forms - I like your ideas. The freeze-your-opponent-in-ice is one of my favorite moves, and can already be achieved by a combination of some form of Water Wave and Change Phase. I like the idea of controlling someone by bending their body's water. I'll work on some stats. I don't really know how that temporal stasis would work, but I will include a Water Bubble or something to replicate the air bubble he was in and the one Katara used in the Serpent's Pass episode. The stats will probably be similar to the Air Bubble form I'm thinking about for Airbenders.

Thanks again for your input. I really appreciate the help.


PM sent.

Thanks everyone for the comments. Keep 'em coming. Also, Earthbender should be on the way in the near future.


No no no no no. Airbending comes specificly through the FREEDOM of nomadic life style and lack of attachment. They're probably Chaotic.

2006-12-06, 02:45 PM

Air = Chaos
Fire = Chaos
Water = Law/Order
Earth = Law/Order

PS: What is CUTE? Forgive my ignorance

2006-12-06, 03:02 PM

I really wanted a class that manipulated the elements and now I have one
Your my hero

2006-12-06, 03:51 PM
Yay! More replies! Keep 'em coming, one and everyone! Let's see...

On the Airbender alignment debate:
I'm beginning to think that this debate is a product of the age-old debate over what the various alignments really mean. Is someone lawful if they follow all the rules, or if they have a personal code that they adhere to rigidly, even if it conflicts with the rules of society? I think that a person who seeks freedom can very well be lawful, especially if (like the Airbenders) their search for freedom proceeds in a very disciplined way that is associated with a definite set of principles. I'm currently studying South Asian politics, history, and culture, and my (albeit somewhat limited) understanding of asceticism and renunciation in South Asian religious traditions is informing my understanding of the alignment system and of the nature of Airbender philosophy. These traditions are exceedingly disciplined and lawful, despite an agreement that true freedom is their goal. That's why I think that Airbenders tend toward law. I may be wrong in my interpretation of the alignment system, but that's how I see it. Ultimately, however, my alignment notations are just guidelines and should in now way affect who the class is used in specific campaigns. If you want to say that Airbenders are chaotic go right ahead.

Also, I only just started watching the show, but it seems to me that very few of the bending disciplines are chaotic. All of them seem disciplined and focused (even Firebending is more powerful when the practitioner is focused and centered). So these alignment debates are (imho) ultimately mere nitpicking. And like I say, if you want the characters to be a different alignment than I've outlined, go ahead and make that change.

Project CUTE! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10209[/url) This is an attempt to create a system very very similar to D&D where young children are the heroes and their imaginations allow them to adventure, even while living in suburban America! We lost a lot of content (and our first discussion thread) in the board transfers, unfortunately, but the link above will take you to the current discussion thread. We're currently in the process of evaluating base classes for balance and quality, but it's kinda stalled...

I take it from the lack of criticism that people think that these are reasonably well-balanced against normal D&D classes like Fighter and Rogue. If this project is ever completed and an Avatar: the Last Airbender setting emerges, I envision these classes replacing most (if not all) caster classes and appearing alongside Rogues, Fighters, Barbarians, Rangers, and (maybe) Bards. Obviously something would have to be done to create balance despite the lack of magic items, but are the classes themselves balanced for this type of system?


2006-12-06, 04:04 PM
Sorry about the double-post, but I wanted this to have it's own post. I hereby present...


Strong and steady, Earthbenders are a highly disciplined group with the ability to manipulate stone, soil, crystal, and other earth-based substances. They can attack aggressively with hurled boulders, or they can be bastions of defense behind walls of stone and giant fissures.
Adventures - Many Earthbenders are attached to Earth Kingdom military units and adventure at the command of their superior officers. Others wander for personal reasons including acquisition of wealth and power, to fight in Earthbending tournaments, and to find an Earthbending Master to help them improve their skills.
Characteristics - Of all the bending arts, earthbending is perhaps the most balanced, strong in both offense and defense. On the offense, Earthbenders can hurl large boulders at their enemies, trap their enemies in cages of stone and soil, immerse their enemies in earth, or throw them off balance with localized earthquakes. On the defensive, they can raise stone walls out of the ground, encase their bodies in earthen armor, and hurl their enemies away with quickly-rising columns of stone.
Alignment - An Earthbender's training and lifestyle is one of rigidity and endurance. As such, they tend to be lawful. However, unlike other bending disciplines, Earthbending lacks any nt moral imperative and Earthbenders fall all over the good-evil axis.
Religion - Earthbenders are incredibly self-sufficient and, as a group, show little predeliction for religion. Some revere the Earth King as a minor deity, but many do not.
Background - Many Earthbenders have a military background, employing their formidable powers for the benefit of the Earth Kingdom. Others learn in earthbending schools as children. Still others have private tutors.
Races - All Earthbenders (with the exception of the Avatar, who is able to master all four elements) are members of the group known as the Earth Kingdom.
Other Classes - Earthbenders find the evasive style of Airbenders difficult to deal with, and prefer to stand their ground and fight than dodge attacks. They work well with almost all kinds of Benders, where their balance of offense and defense allows them to fill many roles. They also work well with the martial classes for the same reason.

Abilities - A high Wisdom score is essential to an Earthbender as it determines the save DC's of many of his/her best abilities. High Constitution and Strength are also helpful if the Earthbender chooses to take advantage of his/her weapon and armor skills and engage in melee combat.
Alignment – Any
Hit Die – d8

Class Skills – Climb, Concentration, Craft, Gather Information, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Geography), Listen, Profession, Spot
Skill Points at 1st Level – (2 + Int Modifier) x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level – 2 + Int Modifier


Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency – An Earthbender is proficient with all simple weapons, throwing hammers, warhammers, light and heavy picks, war fans, greatswords, and light and medium armor.

Earth Blast (Su) - The first ability an Earthbender learns is Earth Blast. The Earthbender stomps the ground, causing a large rock to rise up to about chest level. The Earthbender then uses a punch or kick to send this rock hurtling toward his/her foe. Alternatively, an Earthbender can use an already-existing missile. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target with a range of 50 ft plus 5 ft/2 levels, allowing no saving throw. An Earth Blast deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage at 1st level and increases in power as the Earthbender gains levels, as shown above. An Earth Blast is not a spell or spell-like ability, and as such is not subject to Spell Resistance. Using an Earth Blast counts as an attack, and an Earthbender can use a number of Earth Blasts in one round equal to the number of iterative attacks he/she can make (as determined by his/her BAB), essentially sending multiple rocks in quick succession. An Earthbender cannot dual wield Earth Blasts, nor can he/she apply precision-based damage from any source to the damage dealt by his/her Earth Blasts. An Earthbender can only use Earth Blasts (or any of his/her Earthbending abilities) when there is a source of earth or stone within 100 ft + 10 ft/level of the Earthbender. For the purposes of earthbending, any worked or unworked stone, gems/crystals/unworked minerals, soil, or other earth-based material is considered earth. Even earth submerged in water can be used to earthbend. The most effective way of separating an Earthbender from earth is completely encasing the Earthbender in metal (though even this isn’t always successful in the case of extremely powerful Earthbenders).

Block Bending (Su) – Early in their training, Earthbenders learn to deflect the blasts from their opponents. During his/her turn, an Earthbender can choose to forgo any number of attacks in order to attempt to deflect any blasts targeted within 30 feet + 5 ft/3 levels of the Earthbender, summoning slabs of earth from the ground, walls, or ceiling to act as temporary shields (which are destroyed even in a successful Block Bending attempt). As an immediate action, the Earthbender can attempt deflect an enemy Bender’s blast with an opposed attack roll. An Earthbender can deflect bending a maximum number of times equal to the number of attacks he/she is granted by BAB. If the Earthbender makes any attacks, he/she forgoes that opportunity to deflect bending. If the Earthbender’s attack roll is less than his/her opponent’s, the blast is unaffected by the deflection attempt. If the Earthbender’s attack roll equals or exceeds his/her opponent’s, the blast is negated, blocked by a solid shield of stone or earth.

Earthbending Forms (Su) – Beginning at 1st level, Earthbenders learn to manipulate earth in a variety of ways. As shown on the above table, an Earthbender learns his/her first form at 1st level and learns new forms as he/she increases in level. Unless otherwise stated, using an Earthbending form is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. An Earthbender is considered to have a caster level equal to his/her Earthbender level for the purpose of adjudicating forms that duplicate spell effects. All bending forms (including Earth Blast, Deflect Bending, and Move a Rock) have somatic components. Unless otherwise stated, a bender can only use one bending form per round, even if his/her actions would allow the use of more than one.

Move a Rock (Su) – Beginning at 2nd level, an Earthbender can use his/her bending ability to manipulate earth. He/she can draw earth from any source within 100 ft + 10 ft/level, alter its shape, and move it around in the air at a rate of 20 ft/round. Any objects contained in the area of earth manipulated are brought along with the earth. An Earthbender can manipulate a volume of earth equal to one 5-foot cube/2 levels.

Climb – Beginning at 4th level, an Earthbender learns to adhere his/her hands and feet to the earth, gaining the ability to move along any earthen surface with ease. This ability functions as the spell Spider Climb. Beginning at 4th level, an Earthbender can move at a rate of 20 ft/round in this manner, and the movement rate increases as shown on the above table.

Head-On Defense – Beginning at 7th level, whenever an Earthbender is subject to an effect that can be avoided by a Reflex Save, he/she may make a Fortitude Save instead.

Multiclassing - Like a member of any other class, an Earthbender may be a multiclass character, but multiclass Earthbender face a special restriction. An Earthbender who gains a new class or (if already multiclass) raises another class by a level may never again raise his/her Earthbender level, though he/she retains all his/her Earthbender abilities.


Lesser Forms

Earthen Shield, Lesser – This form causes a small wall of relatively soft earth to shoot out of any earthen surface within 30 ft +5 ft/3 levels of the Earthbender. The wall is 1 inch thick per 4 class levels and composed of one 5-foot square per five class levels. An Earthbender can double the walls thickness by halving its area, and double its area by halving its thickness. It provides cover to creatures standing behind it, as a normal wall. An Earthbender can create a Lesser Earthen Shield in almost any desired shape, provided that the wall is firmly anchored in existing earth (though it can be anchored in an earthen wall or ceiling and need not be vertical). A Lesser Earthen Shield cannot be used to as a bridge. A Lesser Earthen Shield, like any other stone or earthen substance, can be destroyed by a disintegrate spell or by normal means of dealing damage. Each 5-foot square of the shield has 5 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 2. A section of wall whose hit points drop to 0 is breached. If a creature tries to break through the wall with a single attack, the DC for the Strength check is 10 + 2 per inch of thickness.
Earthquake, Lesser – Using this form, an Earthbender creates a small, instantaneous earthquake in a single 5-foot square, knocking creatures within that area off balance. An Earthbender may create an earthquake in any square within 30 feet. Any creature within that square must make a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Earthbender’s hit dice + the Earthbender’s Wisdom Modifier) or be knocked prone.
Earthen Grasp – as the spell with the exception that it can be used as long as the target is on a horizontal surface made out of earth (including stone, crystal, etc) and that it only targets the s5-foot square in which it is created.
Soften Landing – Using this form is an immediate action that can be performed once per round. It allows the Earthbender to soften the ground beneath him/her in order to avoid damage from falling. When using this form, the Earthbender treats falls as if they were half their actual distance for purposes of determining falling damage.
Catapult, Lesser – Using this form, an Earthbender can cause a column of earth and stone to thrust up out of the ground and strike a creature or object, launching it a distance of 5 ft/level in a direction of the Earthbender’s choice (maximum 50 ft). This effect can be avoided with a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Earthbender’s hit dice + the Earthbender’s Wisdom modifier).
Dust Cloud – Using this form, an Earthbender can cause loose soil to billow up from the ground in huge clouds, obscuring the view of everyone within the cloud. This form functions as the spell Fog Cloud.
Tremorsense – An Earthbender using this form can take a move action to listen and feel the minute movements of the ground. He/she automatically pinpoints the location of anything within a 40 ft radius that is in contact with the ground. The range of this tremorsense is halved when the Earthbender is standing on sand or similarly loose soil. An Earthbender cannot use this ability when not in contact with the ground in some way (i.e. while flying, swimming, standing on ice on a lake, etc).
Steady Stance - The bender encases their feet in stone. They gain a +1/bender level to saves or checks they need to make in order not to move. This form is preformed by a move action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. This form can be maintained indefinitely so long as the bender doesn’t move from the square. A bender can move from the square in which they are encased if they want, but doing so ends the form.Moderate Forms

Earthen Shield – This form functions as Lesser Earthen Shield with a few exceptions. An Earthbender can create an Earthen Shield anywhere within 50 ft + 5 ft/2 levels. An Earthen Shield is 1 inch thick per 4 class levels and composed of one 5-foot square per 2 class levels.It is composed of hard clay and bits of stone instead of soft earth and has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 5 and can be breached on a successful Strength check (DC 15 + 2 per inch of thickness). Tiny or smaller creatures can use an Earthen Shield as a bridge, provided its thickness is at least 3 inches.
Earthquake – This form functions as Lesser Earthquake with a few exceptions. The earthquake created fills a square with 10-foot sides. Additionally, the Earthbender can cause any creature within the area who fails a Reflex Save to not only fall prone, but to move to any point within or adjacent to the area of the earthquake.
Stony Grasp – as the spell
Catapult – As Lesser Catapult, except that the column can launch a creature or object a maximum distance of 10 ft/level (maximum 150 ft).
Create Rubble – Using this form, an Earthbender can create an area of heavy terrain within a 20 foot radius. This area can be centered on any point within 100 ft + 10 ft/level of the Earthbender. All the normal penalties for heavy terrain apply within this area. Additionally, all creatures and objects within this area take 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage as the ground is violently ed and tumbled.
Excavate – Using this form, an Earthbender can quickly dig a trench, hole, or tunnel, breaking apart the soil and depositing it around the edges of the excavation. An Earthbender can dig a maximum volume of one 10 ft square/level (or a similar volume with different dimensions) in each use of this form. The earth moved in this excavation is deposited in a pile around the excavation (roll a d8 each time to determine where). The excavation must be within 30 ft of the Earthbender.
Greater Tremorsense – This form functions as Termorsense except the radius within which the form functions is 80 ft.
A Place to Stand – An Earthbender may use this form to fuse any loose soil or sand into a much sturdier surface. An Earthbender may create one five-foot cube per level. These cubes must all be touching at least one other cube and at least one must touch the Earthbender. The platform created by sue of this form may be thrown using Earth Blast, moved using Move a Rock, or simply used as a platform to negate any penalties for standing on loose dirt and sand.
Tilt - Using this form an earth bender is able to quite literally tilt a large portion of rock or earth by a 65 degree angle and send everyone (aside from the bender) tumbling and falling. An earth bender may affect an area equal to 1 5ft. cube every two levels in this manner. Those caught on the slab must make Balance Checks every time they attempt to move or take any action requiring a standard action or more. The DC for this check equals 5+Earth Bender level+Wis Modifier. Failure means that the person cannot move. Failure by more then 10 means that you slide down the tilt 10 feet per five past 10.
Column of Earth – Using this form, an Earthbender can cause a column of earth, stone, or crystal to thrust out of any earthen surface. The column has a maximum diameter of 5 ft + 5 ft per 4 Earthbender levels, and can have a maximum height of 10 ft + 5 ft per 2 Earthbender levels. An Earthbender can create a column anywhere within a 30 foot radius of him/herself. If an Earthbender creates a column underneath another creature, that creature is allowed a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Earthbender’s hit dice + the Earthbender’s Wisdom modifier) to avoid the column (the creature moves to the closest square adjacent to the column on a successful save). If the Earthbender causes a column to crush a creature against a solid surface, the creature takes 4d6 damage. The creature is then pinned between the solid surface and the column, but can escape with a DC 30 Strength or Escape Artist check.
Earth Jump – Using this form, an Earthbender can transport him/herself through the earth over short distances. This form functions as the spell Dimension Door, save that the range is reduced to short (25 ft + 5 ft/2 levels). Both the Earthbender’s starting and ending positions must be connected by a contiguous area of earth or stone at least 10 ft thick at all points.Greater Forms

Earthen Shield, Greater – This form functions as the spell Wall of Stone. The Earthbender’s caster level is equal to his/her class level for the purposes of adjudicating the effects of this form. The Reflex Save DC to avoid the entrapping function of this form is equal to 10 + half the Earthbender’s hit dice + the Earthbender’s Wisdom Modifier.
Earthen Armor – As a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, an Earthbender can cause chunks of earth to adhere to his/her body, forming a formidable suit of armor. The Earthbender gains DR 10/– and a slam attack dealing 1d8 damage + the Earthbender’s Strength modifier. This armor can be sundered as normal. Earthen Armor lasts a number of rounds equal to the Earthbender’s class level.
Engulf – When using this form, an Earthbender opens up a fissure in the ground directly beneath a single creature. If the creature fails a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Earthbender’s class level + the Earthbender’s Wisdom modifier), he/she falls into this fissure and is encased up to his/her neck. An Engulfed creature is considered helpless, though he/she can still take any action that does not require somatic components. An Engulfed creature can break free with a DC 40 Strength check, or can be dug out of his/her predicament.
Catapult, Greater – As Catapult, except that the Earthbender can launch a number of creatures or objects equal to the Earthbender’s Wisdom bonus (minimum 2)
Lava Flows - A bender using this firm brings magma up from below the ground. A bender is able to effect 10 lb./level of material. A bender may then use the Move a Rock ability on the liquid stone or metal. Magma becomes cool at a normal rate. Aside from the initial distance it takes to draw magma to the surface, a bender can control lava out to a distance of 100ft+10ft/bender level. Should a source of lava be avalible near the surface the distance and weight limits are still imposed.
(From d20srd: Lava or magma deals 2d6 points of damage per round of exposure, except in the case of total immersion, which deals 20d6 points of damage per round.
Damage from magma continues for 1d3 rounds after exposure ceases, but this additional damage is only half of that dealt during actual contact (that is, 1d6 or 10d6 points per round).
An immunity or resistance to fire serves as an immunity to lava or magma. However, a creature immune to fire might still drown if completely immersed in lava.)Again, let me know what you think, and I'm always open to new ideas for bending forms.


2006-12-06, 05:49 PM
Yeah! Earthbenders. “Toph, you rule.”

I’m not sure earthbenders would have swim as a class skill. I can see why you have it in order to reward high strength but it doesn’t fit flavorwise. A knowledge (architecture) could fit but that is a matter of debate.

Slight edit to move a rock, change “water” to “earth”.

New forms. Metal bending, grant a burrow speed, a dust cloud ability, change forms (sand to rock, coal to diamond, use to increase hardness), or grant tremorsense.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-06, 06:19 PM
..Thistle, the whole point of encasing earthbenders in metal to nullify their powers is because earthbenders can't bend metal. They can only do unworked ore, rocks and soil.

2006-12-06, 07:37 PM
Except Toph. Maybe she just reached a high enough level...

The description for earth armor is slightly confusing. I assume, because it only grants DR and a slam attack, that it isn't armor on the order off full plate, etc. so it wouldn't have max dex penalties or speed reduction. If not, you should state what type of armor is created. If so, you should probably clean up the description a bit. Maybe call it "earth shell" or something.

Also, I'd add in that thing the Dai Li (sp?) do where they have earth gloves/boots and use them to grapple/harm people.

2006-12-06, 07:57 PM
^^Not entirely true, as seen in the season finale: extremely powerful earthbenders, currently only Toph, are able to crudely bend metal. (Edit: Argh! Eat mind blast, simu ninja!)

To the OP: Do not be ashamed of loving Avatar! Watching each episode is like being splashed in the face with a bucket of pure liquid awesome (bendable, of course). You have my sincerest admiration for creating such an excellent combination of two of the greatest joys known to man. (/hyperbole)

2006-12-06, 09:37 PM
Earthbenders cannot bend smelted metals, Iron is okay.

2006-12-06, 09:50 PM
Ze magnifque! Something can sink my teeth into! i love it, and it really works. Though I see water bender's more neutral than lawful, and i think that you could remover the multi-class restriction for waterbenders. Going with the flow means not staying the exact same, y'know?

And if you ever want help, you know where to find us!

2006-12-06, 10:09 PM
I heartily applaud these classes and second the notion that watching each episode of Avatar is like being splashed in the face with a bucket of pure liquid awesome.

I can't wait to see Firebenders :smallamused:

2006-12-06, 10:13 PM
Thanks for the help and praise, everyone. *watches as his ego inflates* I'm glad people like the benders so far.

Average Joe:
How is the description of Earthen Armor confusing? Would it fix the problem if I just changed the name and replaced all references to "armor?" Is there a deeper clarification that needs to be made? Do you think it would be better if the Earthbender could craft a specific type of armor instead of granting DR? I kinda like the way it is now, if only because it avoids any armor stacking confusion, but I'm more than open to other versions.

I think that, if this "project" continues, the Dai Li use of earthen gloves should be a PrC as opposed to a class feature. It seems too specific to be a general class feature. Likewise, I think that the ability to bend metal should be a high-prerequisite feat or PrC ability instead of a class feature.

Rama Lei:
Currently, Waterbenders do tend toward neutrality rather than law. As a rule I dislike alignment requirements, especially for base classes. I think that recommendations are fine, but alignment requirements always result in unending debates over the nature of alignment and infinite permutations of the class to make it appropriate for characters of other alignments (Paladin of Slaughter, anyone?). Thus, while I have made alignment recommendations, they're by no means set in stone.

As to multiclassing, I'm going to include the multiclassing restriction on all of the bender classes. The show characterizes bending as a very disciplined art, and there are few (if any) characters that both bend and fight with weapons. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Zuko, who is clearly a less powerful bender than Azula, Iroh, and others more focused on bending. In the case of waterbenders, their "go with the flow" attitude isn't about changing their training to match the situation, but rather about adapting their techniques to the unique situation. That's how I view it, anyway.


2006-12-06, 11:44 PM
How is the description of Earthen Armor confusing? Would it fix the problem if I just changed the name and replaced all references to "armor?" Is there a deeper clarification that needs to be made? Do you think it would be better if the Earthbender could craft a specific type of armor instead of granting DR? I kinda like the way it is now, if only because it avoids any armor stacking confusion, but I'm more than open to other versions.

You pretty much interpreted my comments correctly, though you're right about the armor stacking thing. Heck, maybe it was just me. Maybe no change is needed. I was just slightly confused the first time I read it. I think the best single thing you could do would be to remove the phrase, "...forming a formidable suit of armor." Instead, perhaps something like, "forming a shell that absorbs damage," or something like that.

If the dai li fist thing is delegated to a PrC or feat, then shouldn't spider climb as well? I mean, to my recollection, the dai li are the only ones who actually do that, and it fits well with their cloak and dagger mistique. Just a thought.

Really, I'm just nit picking here. You did a good job with this, and it really doesn't need any really major changes, as far as I can tell.

2006-12-07, 01:46 AM
For an air bending form there is a power called "emergency of breath" or something along those lines. It makes the target unable to breath.

Are there stats for war fans in a book I don't have? If not I made some. Comment on the thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1651013#post1651013)
War Fan

Exotic light melee weapon
Cost: 5gp
Damage: 1d4
Critical: 19-20/x3
Range: 10 ft.
Weight: 1 lb.
Type: Slashing

War fans resemble normal hand fans but are made of metal and have razor edges. They are the typical weapons of Earth Kingdom women. Famous examples of their use include the Kyoshi warriors and avatar Kyoshi. Airbenders are also known to use war fans.
War fans are effective at fending off ranged attacks. A character is considered to have a +1 shield bonus against ranged attacks that require an attack roll while wielding a war fan. (Using two war fans does not grant a +2 bonus, though the two-handed defense feat does stack.)
A war fan can be used by a monk with their flurry of blows.

2006-12-07, 01:53 AM
Its been revealed that Earth Benders can bend metal...its just harder cause its purified and dosn't crumble as regularly.

Toh can do it for sure and its possible that Bohmi can as well

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-07, 06:41 AM
..That's what I get for only watching half of series 2.

...Oh, remember that earthbenders can bend rock candy, too! :smallwink:

Also, a feat that allows the use of Tremorsense as a swift action would fit Toph, wouldn't it?

And a new form (I'm thinking Moderate):

Place to Stand
An Earthbender may use this form to fuse any loose soil or sand into a much sturdier surface. An Earthbender may create one five-foot cube per level. These cubes must all be touching at least one other cube and at least one must touch the Earthbender. The platform created by sue of this form may be thrown using Earth Blast, moved using Move a Rock, or simply used as a platform to negate any penalties for standing on loose dirt and sand.

I'm thinking loose dirt and sand would impose some sort of penalty to earthbending, especially Tremorsense...

Edit: A way to balance Air Blast may be to impose a sort of skirmish-like limitation. Considering Airbenders move around a lot during battle.

Fans and glider staffs may be able to remove this limitation...

2006-12-07, 06:44 AM
Official War Fan stats:

Light Exotic Melee, 30 gp, damage (Medium-sized) 1d6, x3, 3 lbs.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-07, 07:17 AM
Of course, in the Avatar world, they're also throwing weapons that deal blugeoning damage.

2006-12-07, 12:43 PM
I think the idea of tremorsense should be a feat for Earth Benders rather than something they'll have to choose over another class feature.

2006-12-07, 12:50 PM
I can't wait to see the fire bending class that you'll come up with but I must say kudos for the work done so far. And here I was just thinking about designing a Dai Lee PrC for normal D&D but now with an actual Earth Bender class it would be nearly as hard to do. Of course I'm not entirely sure I have a firm enough grasp on the rules to do it, so I'll try anyway.

Depending on how it turns out I might do one for Vine Bending and Lightening Bending....though I don't think Lightening Bending should be a PrC. Just a high level Fire bending form or maybe a feat with strict requirements.

Weaponwise for each bending discipline I can't help but see it like this...

Air: Glider Staff (Special Quarter staff)
Water: ...I actually don't have any idea what weapon a water bender would use. You never see a water bender use a weapon on the show.
Earth: Either a war hammer or that weird d word one mentioned above.
Fire: Gauntlets. All Firebenders have metal gauntlets or forearm coverings that could act as such in a pinch. I think the dual broad sword is a Zuko only thing.

And if someone makes an Avatar game with these classes I will be on it like white on rice.

2006-12-07, 01:05 PM
Just letting everyone know that Firebender is largely finished, but I haven't had a chance to do an illustration yet, and there's no way I'm cutting corners on that one. Expect something within the next few days (maybe even tonight).

It has been suggested a few times that we make PrC's for some of the more specific bending forms (sandbending, plant bending, Dai Li-style earthbending). I don't oppose this idea at all, but I'm beginning to think that we could do these things just as easily with more bending forms (which I know contradicts what I said earlier about the Dai Li, but oh well). People are encouraged to post new bending forms (especially Airbender forms). I really like Yuki's, and look forward to more.

Note I made a few minor changes to the Airbender's Air Blast ability, making it slightly more difficult to deal huge amounts of damage. Airbenders are difficult because their philosophy focuses on ahimsa ("non-violence" for those not famililar with South Asian religious traditions), but their abilities have the potential to be quite damaging. I think that the penalty to hit with flung objects and the limitations on what direction objects can be flung make the ability not overpowered, but it's difficult to give them damaging abilities and then discourage their use. I think I'm going to write up little philosophical blerbs for each bending class that detail the usual mindset of the benders.

Also, since it's been mentioned a few times, I think that Toph's ability to "see" through the earth is different than the Tremorsense bending form included in the Earthbender class. I would argue that her ability is more akin to Blindsight that is limited to things in contact with the earth or composed of earth rather than just Tremorsense. Toph is an exception rather than the rule. So, maybe Toph-style Blindsight would be best as a feat. However, I think I'm going to leave the Tremorsense forms as they are, since they represent a different kind of ability.


2006-12-07, 01:31 PM
Tilt (Moderate or Lesser)

Using this form an earth bender is able to quite literally tilt a large portion of rock or earth by a 65 degree angle and send everyone (aside from the bender) tumbling and falling. An earth bender may affect an area equal to 1 5ft. cube every two levels in this manner. Those caught on the slab must make Balance Checks every time they attempt to move or take any action requiring a standard action or more. The DC for this check equals 5+Earth Bender level+Wis Modifier. Failure means that the person cannot move. Failure by more then 10 means that you slide down the tilt 10 feet per five past 10.

Example: Pebbles rolls his balance check and fails by 16. He would slide down the tilt 20 feet.

Heres a potential earthbending form.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-07, 05:32 PM
As all Bending forms are based on martial arts, and Waterbending is based on Tai Chi (a martial art that rarely, if ever, uses weapons), I don't think Waterbenders should have a "symbol" weapon. They use hand motions much more than other disciplines (Fire and Earth generally use clenched fists and Air generally uses open hand techniques, whereas Water do all sorts of hand gestures), and they can only bend using their arms, after all.

2006-12-07, 06:29 PM
Curse you, I was planning on doing a similar thing to this, only with it being psionic's-y. :smallfurious:

2006-12-07, 07:41 PM
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. I present, the culminating base class of this great "project"...



Quick, chaotic, and destructive, Firebending is a difficult art that only the most dedicated are able to master. Firebenders are always of the offensive, overwhelming their foes with barrage after barrage of fiery kicks, jabs, and sweeps.
Adventures – Often, Firebenders serve as part of military detachments and adventure under the orders of their superior officers or on their own initiative, seeking to advance the interests of the Fire Nation. Alternatively, they may travel on more personal quests, seeking to regain lost honor or improve their standing within the Fire Nation political hierarchy. Still others adventure to prove and increase their power and command of their destructive art.
Characteristics – Firebenders are fast, powerful, and aggressive. Lacking the potent defensive moves of the other bending disciplines, Firebenders seek to strike quick and hard, defeating their opponent before defense is necessary. They use a variety of attacks to project their fire, with quick hand jabs and punches resulting in short bursts of fire while sweeping kicks create arcs of flame. Some of the most powerful Firebenders are able to create walls of fire, or generate blue fire or electricity, the most powerful forms of the Firebending art.
Alignment – Master Firebenders, like all other benders, show a high degree of discipline and self control, though like their unpredictable medium, they can loose control of their emotions. They can be of any alignment, and can undergo alignment shifts as their beliefs change.
Religion – While the extent of Firebender spirituality is unknown, it is commonly thought that Firebenders revere the sun as the source of their powers. It is also thought that some Firebenders revere past Avatars from the Fire Nation. Many Firebenders are stubbornly individualistic and do not profess any strong religious beliefs.
Background – Many Firebenders receive their training through the military, becoming soldiers in the Fire Nation army. Others seek out individual masters or train at temples dedicated to the art.
Races – All Firebenders (with the exception of the Avatar, who is able to master all four elements) are members of the group known as the Fire Nation.
Other Classes – Of all the other bending disciplines, Firebenders are the most individualistic and the least likely to work well with other benders. That said, they can benefit from working with Airbenders or Waterbenders, who can provide some defensive capabilities to augment the Firebenders’ offensive bent. They also work well with the martial classes, often serving amongst them in the Fire Nation army.

Abilities – Wisdom is the most important ability for Firebenders, as it governs the save DC’s for some of their best abilities. Dexterity is also important as it provides a boost to Armor Class and increases their ability to hit with their Fire Blasts, as is Constitution, which provides needed hit points for a class that often enters combat.
Alignment – Any
Hit Dice – d6

Class Skills – Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Listen, Perform, Profession, Spot
Skill Points at 1st Level – (2 + Int Modifier) x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level – 2 + Int Modifier


Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency – A Firebender is proficient with all simple weapons, short swords, longswords, glaives, and light armor.

Fire Blast – The first ability a Firebender learns is Fire Blast. The Firebender generates fire using the heat inside his/her body and propels it at great speeds toward his/her foe using a quick jab with his/her fist. A Fire Blast is a ray with a range of 50 ft plus 5 ft/2 levels. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target, allowing no saving throw. A Fire Blast deals 1d6 fire damage at 1st level (half damage to objects) and increases in power as the Firebender gains levels, as shown above. A Fire Blast is not a spell or spell-like ability, and as such is not subject to Spell Resistance. Using a Fire Blast counts as an attack, and a Firebender can use a number of Fire Blasts in one round equal to the number of iterative attacks he/she can make (as determined by his/her BAB). A Firebender cannot dual wield Fire Blasts nor can he/she apply precision-based damage from any source to the damage dealt by his/her Fire Blasts. In addition to dealing damage directly, a Fire Blast can ignite flammable objects, causing them to burn for additional rounds.

Deflect Bending – Early in their training, Firebenders learn to deflect the blasts from their opponents. During his/her turn, a Firebender can choose to forgo any number of attacks in order to attempt to deflect any blasts targeted within 30 feet + 5 ft/3 levels of the Firebender. As an immediate action, the Firebender can attempt deflect an enemy Bender’s blast with an opposed attack roll. A Firebender takes a -2 penalty on this roll, reflecting the relative defensive weakness of Firebending. A Firebender can deflect bending a maximum number of times equal to the number of attacks he/she is granted by BAB. If the Firebender makes any attacks, he/she forgoes that opportunity to deflect bending. If the Firebender’s attack roll is less than his/her opponent’s, the blast is unaffected by the deflection attempt. If the Firebender’s attack roll equals or exceeds his/her opponent’s, the blast is negated, deflected or destroyed up by a short burst of fire.

Firebending Forms – Beginning at 1st level, Firebenders learn to manipulate fire in a variety of ways. As shown on the above table, a Firebender learns his/her first form at 1st level and learns new forms as he/she increases in level. Unless otherwise stated, using a Firebending form is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. All bending forms (including Fire Blast, Deflect Bending, and Play with Fire) have somatic components. Unless otherwise stated, a bender can only use one bending form per round, even if his/her actions would allow the use of more than one.

Play with Fire – Beginning at 2nd level, a Firebender learns to more finely manipulate fire. He/she gains the ability to draw fire from any source (including the Firebender’s own body heat) within 100 ft + 10 ft/level, alter its basic shape, move it around at a rate of 20 ft/round, and hold it in his/her hands. Firebenders can warm their tea, create balls of fire to act as torches, or start campfires using this ability.

Firestorm – Of all the bending disciplines, Firebending is the most offensive, truly embodying the belief that the best defense is a good offense. This offensive focus is reflected in the Firebender’s signature ability, Firestorm. During any round in which a Firebender spends the full round attacking, he/she may make an extra attack at his/her highest base attack bonus. A Firebender may still reserve attacks for Deflect Bending attempts, but he/she must make at least two normal attacks in order to use the Firestorm ability. This attack takes a -2 penalty, as do all other attacks made that round, including any Deflect Bending attempts. If a Firebender chooses to forgo any attacks and retain the option to Deflect Bending while using this ability, the -2 penalty stacks with the -2 penalty a Firebender takes while trying to deflect. A Firebender must use the extra attack gained with this ability and cannot reserve it to gain an additional Deflect Bending attempt.

Beginning at 15th level, a Firebender’s accuracy improves and the attack penalty for Firestorm decreases to -1.

Multiclassing - Like a member of any other class, a Firebender may be a multiclass character, but multiclass Firebenders face a special restriction. A Firebender who gains a new class or (if already multiclass) raises another class by a level may never again raise his/her Firebender level, though he/she retains all his/her Firebender abilities.


Lesser Forms

Fire Kick – When using this form, a Firebender uses a succession of quick kicks to propel his/her Fire Blast. The range of his/her Fire Blasts increases by 50%. This form modifies a Firebender’s Fire Blast and does not require a separate standard action to use.
Blades of Fire – A Firebender is able to channel his/her internal heat into any melee weapon he/she wields. The Firebender may make a single attack with a melee weapon and have that attack deal Fire Blast damage in addition to the weapon damage. Unlike normal Fire Blasts, this form allows the Firebender to apply precision-based damage to his/her attack. Alternatively, a Firebender can use this form to create a weapon out of fire. This weapon deals no damage of its own, but rather deals the Firebender’s Fire Blast damage. This alternative form also only allows for a single attack, but does allow the Firebender to apply precision-based damage to that attack.
Burst of Light – This form functions as the spell City Lights (Races of Destiny, p. 164) except that the Firebender can use any source of fire, be it natural or artificial. The Firebender’s caster level is equal to his/her class level for the purposes of adjudicating this effect.
Fire in the Stomach –Firebending is all about breath control. As a full round action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity a firebender can hold their breath for 5 times their Constitution score. While holding their breath this way a firebender’s body temperature is maintained at normal levels. This makes them immune to nonlethal damage caused by exposure to cold environments. After letting out their breath the form cannot be used again for at least ten minutes.Moderate Forms

Flamethrower – When using this form, a Firebender channels his/her internal heat through the palms of his/her hands, directing the fire in the desired direction in a rushing outpouring of energy. The Firebender may affect all creatures or objects in a line with his/her Fire Blast damage. The length of this line is equal to the range of the Firebender’s Fire Blast. Creatures within this area take half damage on a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Firebender’s class level + the Firebender’s Wisdom modifier).
Fire Sweep – When using this form, a Firebender uses a high, aggressive spinning kick to create a 60 foot cone of fire, affecting all creatures and objects therein with his/her Fire Blast damage. Creatures within this area take half damage on a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Firebender’s class level + the Firebender’s Wisdom modifier).
Blades of Fire, Greater – This form functions as Blades of Fire, except that the Firebender is no longer limited to a single attack and may apply Fire Blast damage to all attacks made when he/she next attacks. However, a Firebender using this form may not use his/her Firestorm ability. This form modifies a Firebender’s Fire Blast and does not require a separate standard action to use.
Fire Whip – A long, narrow tongue of fire grows out of the Firebender’s hand, coiling around like a rope. A Fire Whip as statistics identical to a normal whip, save that the damage it deals is fire damage, it deals an extra 2d6 fire damage, and it can damage even armored opponents. Once summoned (a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity), a Fire Whip can be maintained for a number of rounds equal to the Firebender’s class level.
Quench Flames – A little known or used form, this form allows a firebender to stifle a fire. A firebender may shrink the size of a flame by 1 size category/ 4 levels. This deals damage equivalent to a firebender’s blast to fire based creatures (ie elementals). A Fort save (DC 10+ half firebender level + Wis modifier) may be made to havle the damage. A firebender may also use a readied action to quench any fire blast or fire bending form within 100 ft. He may quench 1 form or blast/ 4 levels
Break Stance - You attack quickly with the intent to break an opposing bender’s stance. You make four ranged touch attacks, two at your highest attack bonus and two others at your lower attack bonus. You take -2 on all these attacks and they only deal 1d4 fire damage.
Should all four attacks hit, the target must make a Reflex save (DC 10+half firebender level+Wis modifier). If they fail, they are forced to back up 5 ft and have their stance broken. This means they are considered flatfooted and are unable to bend for one round.
(Note: Firebenders loose their fire resistance or immunity when their stance is broken.
Airbenders receive a +2 competence bonus on their reflex save, as their stance is meant to be more mobile than most.)Greater Forms

Fire Burst – The Firebender causes an intense burst of fire in all directions around him/herself. All creatures and objects within a 20 foot radius of the Firebender are affected by the Firebender’s Fire Blast damage. Creatures within this area take half damage on a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Firebender’s class level + the Firebender’s Wisdom modifier).
Blue Fire – Instead of the normal reds, yellows, and oranges associated with conventional Firebending, the fire produced by a Firebender using this form glows blue and is exceptionally hot. The Firebender’s Fire Blast damage die increases to d8 instead of d6. Additionally, this blue fire is more effective at deflecting attacks and the attack roll penalty for Deflect Bending is reduced to -1. This form modifies a Firebender’s Fire Blast and does not require a separate standard action to use.
Wall of Fire – This form functions as the spell Wall of Fire. The Firebender’s caster level is equal to his/her class level for the purposes of adjudicating this effect.
Cold Fire – Instead of generating blasts of fire, the Firebender focuses on creating internal balance and letting forth lightening, also known as cold fire. The Firebender’s Fire Blasts deal electricity damage instead of fire damage, and are automatically empowered. Generating lightening takes more time than fire, and the Firebender may not use his/her Firestorm ability when summoning lightening. This form modifies a Firebender’s Fire Blast and does not require a separate standard action to use.
Breath of the Dragon – As a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, a Firebender can use this form to breathe a 30 foot cone of fire, dealing his/her Fire Blast damage to all within the cone. This damage can be halved with a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Firebender’s class level + the Firebender’s Wisdom modifier). Unlike other Firebending, using this form does not require a somatic component. During any round in which this form is used, other Firebending cannot be performed, and a Firebender can only breathe fire once every 1d4 rounds.
Lava Flows - A bender using this form heats rock/metal to the point of melting. A bender is able to effect 10 lb./level of stone, metal or magma. A bender may then use the play with fire ability on the liquid stone or metal. Magma becomes cool at a normal rate. Aside from the initial distance it takes to draw magma to the surface, a bender can control lava out to a distance of 100ft+10ft/bender level. Should a source of lava be avalible near the surface the distance and weight limits are still imposed.
(From d20srd: Lava or magma deals 2d6 points of damage per round of exposure, except in the case of total immersion, which deals 20d6 points of damage per round.
Damage from magma continues for 1d3 rounds after exposure ceases, but this additional damage is only half of that dealt during actual contact (that is, 1d6 or 10d6 points per round).
An immunity or resistance to fire serves as an immunity to lava or magma. However, a creature immune to fire might still drown if completely immersed in lava.)
Redirect Lightning - During their turn, a Firebender can choose to forgo any number of attacks in order to attempt to redirect any lightning blasts targeted within 5 feet. As an immediate action, the Firebender can attempt redirect an enemy Firebender’s lightning blast. This does not require an opposed attack roll as you are allowing the lightning to hit you and then channel it through your body. Successfully channeling the lightening requires a Concentration check (DC equal to the damage dealt by the lightening blast).
You may direct the lightning along the same path or 90 degrees to either side of the original path.
Fire Rush Feint - The bender superheats the air behind them and under their feet with fire causing them to rush forward. They travel in a straight line and then stop, allowing the flames and heat to go forward without them. Their path must be clear (as per charge rules) and they must travel at least 20 ft and at most 50 ft.
Once your movement has stopped the fire continues on in a 30 ft cone that deals damage equivalent to your fire blast. Reflex save (DC 10+half firebender level+Wis modifier) for half. The rush of fire also counts as a bull rushing medium sized creature with a strength equal to firebender level that moves with the opponent.
You must know blue fire form to learn this form.So, that's it. As always, comments and suggestions and constructive criticism are encouraged. Let me know what you think!


2006-12-07, 07:51 PM
As all Bending forms are based on martial arts, and Waterbending is based on Tai Chi (a martial art that rarely, if ever, uses weapons), I don't think Waterbenders should have a "symbol" weapon. They use hand motions much more than other disciplines (Fire and Earth generally use clenched fists and Air generally uses open hand techniques, whereas Water do all sorts of hand gestures), and they can only bend using their arms, after all.

TO balance this they should be able to use carried water as weapons, allowing simple slashes and whips to count as base attacks and given the option to weapon finese it

2006-12-07, 07:55 PM
You have to add Iroh's "Dragon's Breath" and "Energy Deflection" techniques as well as Azula's "finger shot" and Zuku's "fire whip"

2006-12-07, 08:41 PM
I can't see either of the images for the firebender.

2006-12-07, 09:03 PM
Greater Form (earth, fire)

Lava Flows

A bender using this either brings magma up from below the ground (earth) or heats rock/metal to the point of melting (fire). A bender is able to effect 10 lb./level of stone, metal or magma. A bender may then use the play with fire/move a rock ability on the liquid stone or metal. Magma becomes cool at a normal rate. Aside from the initial distance it takes to draw magma to the surface, a bender can control lava out to a distance of 100ft+10ft/bender level. Should a source of lava be avalible near the surface the distance and weight limits are still imposed.
(From d20srd: Lava or magma deals 2d6 points of damage per round of exposure, except in the case of total immersion, which deals 20d6 points of damage per round.
Damage from magma continues for 1d3 rounds after exposure ceases, but this additional damage is only half of that dealt during actual contact (that is, 1d6 or 10d6 points per round).
An immunity or resistance to fire serves as an immunity to lava or magma. However, a creature immune to fire might still drown if completely immersed in lava.)
You must know the earthbending learning feat in order to learn this form if a firebender.
You must know the firebending learning feat in order to learn this form if an earthbender.

Moderate Form

Quench the Flames

A little known or used form, this form allows a firebender to stifle a fire. A firebender may shrink the size of a flame by 1 size category/ 4 levels. This deals damage equivalent to a firebender’s blast to fire based creatures (ie elementals). A Fort save (DC 10+ half firebender level + Wis modifier) may be made to havle the damage.
A firebender may also use a readied action to quench any fire blast or fire bending form within 100 ft. He may quench 1 form or blast/ 4 levels.

Lesser Form

Breath of Fire

Firebending is all about breath control. As a full round action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity a firebender can hold their breath for 5 times their Constitution score. While holding their breath this way a firebender’s body temperature is maintained at normal levels. This makes them immune to nonlethal damage caused by exposure to cold environments.
After letting out their breath the form cannot be used again for at least ten minutes.

2006-12-07, 10:06 PM
Lava Flows would be mostly earth bending though.... Lava is liquid earth.

I think only the avatar would be able to do it since it has elements of fire and earth in it

2006-12-07, 10:31 PM
I made a bender class similar to these, based off of the warlock. My main difference is that it is one class. Also, I made an Avatar PrC, which ended up sacrificeing power for versatility.

I may post it here (not to steal your thunder; I may actually adopt these instead), but it'd take forever because I made a TON of invocations.

While I'm not crazy about the show, it is about the only Nickelodeon show to have a good plot (or any plaot at all), and a pretty good premise to boot. One of my players is a bit of a Fanboy of it though, and since I trust him not to photocopy from the story, I obliged him. It's working out pretty well, too; Were playing in Eberron, and he's a half-elf heir of Lyrandar that pilots airships. It fits very nicely!


2006-12-07, 10:31 PM
A minor nitpick, but also very amusing:

Fire Blast – The first ability a Waterbender learns is Fire Blast.

2006-12-07, 10:37 PM
Greater Form
Redirect Lightning
During their turn, a Firebender can choose to forgo any number of attacks in order to attempt to redirect any lightning blasts targeted within 5 feet. As an immediate action, the Firebender can attempt redirect an enemy Firebender’s lightning blast. This does not require an opposed attack roll as you are allowing the lightning to hit you and then channel it through your body.
You may direct the lightning along the same path or 90 degrees to either side of the original path.
You must know the waterbending learning feat in order to learn this form.

Waterbending Learning
You have studied the techniques of waterbenders and learned from them.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Arcana) 13 ranks, fire, air or earth blast
Benefits: You gain a circular attack once per day/Wis modifier.
Normal: Only waterbenders can have a circular attack.
Special: A firebender who takes this feat may choose Deflect Lightning as one of their forms.

Earthbending Learning
You have studied the techniques of earthbenders and learned from them.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Arcana) 13 ranks, air or water blast.
Benefits: Once per day/ Wis modifier whenever you fail against an effect that could be avoided by a reflex save you can immediately attempt a fort save to aviod the effect.
Special: A firebender who takes this feat may choose Lava Flows as one of their forms.

Firebending Learning
You have studied the techniques of firebenders and learned from them.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Arcana) 13 ranks, air or water blast.
Benefits: Once per day/ Wis modifier you may use the firestorm ability.
Normal: Only firebenders can have a firestorm ability.
Special: An earthbender who takes this feat may choose Lava Flows as one of their forms. Your accuracy never improves to -1, even after level 15.

2006-12-08, 12:22 AM
I sugest making Blue Fire a meta(magic) bending feat for fire benders that can be put on any normal ability to booste its power.

Still needs the Dragon Breath ability, that was awesome and compleatly showed why Iroh is the best reason to watch the show.

2006-12-08, 12:41 AM
I think the Fire Burst form could cover the flame breath.

2006-12-08, 12:48 AM
Thanks a lot for the help guys! I really like the new forms and feats. Keep 'em coming. And remember, the Airbender needs some love, too. I'm still stumped for new Airbending forms. Also, I went through and clarified that, like the Warlock, all bending requires somatic components. I think we all assumed that, but I just wanted to make it explicit. Finally, I fixed the images on the Firebender (as I'm sure everyone can tell). I will admit that I'm kinda proud of my Iroh...

First, Azula's finger shot is just blue fire (as far as I'm aware), and I already have Fire Whip as an available Firebending form. I've been working on Iroh's fire breath, but I can't think of how to model it. I was thinking of having it allow Firebending without somatic components, but then it wouldn't make sense that only Iroh can do it. It needs to be more unique than that, and I'm stumped. Energy deflection is also a good option, but it looks like Thistle beat me to the punch. Next, I think that lava flows works best as a Firebending form. The Wikipedia article (yay for authoritative sources!) I've used for supplementary information lists it as a high-power Firebender ability.

Nice work on the forms and feats. I like the way you dealt with Deflect Lightening, though I think you should change the name to "Redirect Lightening" since that's how the technique is described. Also, I think it should require a Concentration check (DC 10 + the class level of the Firebender creating the lightening + the Firebender's Wisdom modifier or something like that) to do successfully, as it is supposed to be a difficult technique. I also think that it should be available to more than just Firebenders. At the least, it should be available to Waterbenders as well. Also, is Waterbending Learning a prerequisite for Deflect Lightening. That makes sense to me, since it is a unique form. Maybe it should be on the Waterbender form list, but available to any bender that takes Waterbending Learning. Earthbending Learning and Firebending Learning look good as well.

I know I'm not responding to everyone, and I apologize. Hopefully sometime tomorrow I'll get around to adding these forms to the various class lists. Thanks a lot for the help, and keep the comments coming. I'd especially appreciate if anyone has any balance concerns, that they'd voice them so we can work on fixing the problems. Remember I'd like these to be balanced with normal D&D classes. Also, I know I sound like a broken record, but we need more Airbending forms!


2006-12-08, 01:18 AM
In response to the firebreath problem:

First, just 'cause I'm a stickler for detail, keep in mind that Iroh taught Zuko to do it too. I believe he uses it in the last episode of season one.

As for the effect, you suggested it being firebending without somantic components, which is good. I would suggest making it a cone that is usable as a move (or perhaps even swift) action that is usable every 1d4 rounds. I'd probably also restrict the use of any other bending techniques in a round where firebreath is used, but maybe not. To clarify, the quickness is because 1) it takes much less movement than a punch or kick and 2) Iroh seems to like using it in suprise rounds (to translate the show's action into DnD's internal logic), and actions that take less time are generally more useful in surprise rounds.

2006-12-08, 01:34 AM
Greater Form (air, water, and earth)
Vortex Explosion

This form is one of the most powerful known and is often seen performed in the avatar state. It starts with a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. It lifts the bender 30ft into the air on a swirling column of air, dust or water that fills the space directly below the bender. A bender has a speed of 50 ft while on this column. Anyone caught in the vortex takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage and is flung 20 ft in a random direction. A Reflex save (DC 10+ half bending level+ Wisdom modifier) halves the damage. After four rounds of spending a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity the bender collapses the column and crashes it to the earth. Everyone within a 50 ft radius takes 10d6 bludgeoning damage, is flung 40 ft and lands prone. A Reflex save (DC 10+ half bending level+ Wisdom modifier) halves the damage and a second reflex save (at -5) allows the subject to land on their feet.
A bender can choose not to take the full round actions, in which case they gain partial cover and the vortex lasts one round/ bender level.
A bender must have 20 ranks in knowledge (arcana) to learn this form.

2006-12-08, 01:35 AM
While I'm not all that good at this sort of thing, here are some of the things I was thinking of.

Flowing Air: Some ability to manipulate the air around one's hands, resulting in faster, more accurate strikes. (Some enhancement to Unarmed combat, a lesser and greater version perhaps, in the lesser and moderate forms.)

Reap the Whirlwind: A combination of the Air Scythe and Flowing Air that sacrifices it's long range capacity for the ability to hit several at close range. (Probably opponents within reach, would require attack roll, dealing Air Scythe damage.)

Storm Winds: Calling a billowing wall of air out from the user, slamming into creatures in its path. Would likely require a Reflex save dependant on distance from the user, else be kept from moving on a minor failure, or be pushed backwards and prevented from moving on a major failure. (Likely a greater form. Would be none selective.)

Just some ideas. Sorry for the lack of formal rules or anything, but I'm not really all that great at working with them.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-08, 04:16 AM
Greater Form
Redirect Lightning
During their turn, a Firebender can choose to forgo any number of attacks in order to attempt to redirect any lightning blasts targeted within 5 feet. As an immediate action, the Firebender can attempt redirect an enemy Firebender’s lightning blast. This does not require an opposed attack roll as you are allowing the lightning to hit you and then channel it through your body.
You may direct the lightning along the same path or 90 degrees to either side of the original path.
You must know the waterbending learning feat in order to learn this form.

Waterbending Learning
You have studied the techniques of waterbenders and learned from them.
Prerequisites: Level 10, fire, air or earth blast
Benefits: You gain a circular attack once per day/Wis modifier.
Normal: Only waterbenders can have a circular attack.
Special: A firebender who takes this feat may choose Deflect Lightning as one of their forms.

Earthbending Learning
You have studied the techniques of earthbenders and learned from them.
Prerequisites: Level 10 fire, air or water blast.
Benefits: Once per day/ Wis modifier whenever you fail against an effect that could be avoided by a reflex save you can immediately attempt a fort save to aviod the effect.
Special: A firebender who takes this feat may choose Lava Flows as one of their forms.

Firebending Learning
You have studied the techniques of firebenders and learned from them.
Prerequisites: Level 10 earth, air or water blast.
Benefits: Once per day/ Wis modifier you may use the firestorm ability.
Normal: Only firebenders can have a firestorm ability.
Special: An earthbender who takes this feat may choose Lava Flows as one of their forms. Your accuracy never improves to -1, even after level 15.

I like the idea, but I don't really like the execution. For one thing, I don't think benders should be able to learn techniques from their opposed element; it makes no sense for a Wwaterbender to learn how to attack really really fast like a Firebender.

Also, a feat that lets me take something that still requires me to scrifice one of my (extremely limited) forms? No thanks, I'd rather take a feat that actually gives me something.

With that in mind, I've come up with a few feats of my own. I hope you like them. :smalltongue:

Flow With It
By studying the techniques used by Waterbenders, you have learned to redirect lightning attacks.
Prerequisites: Fireblast 5d6, Concentration 12 ranks
Benefit: You gain Redirect Lightning as a bonus form. You may use it at any time you would normally be allowed to use a form.

Gestalt Spirit
At some point in your lineage, there was a union between two benders of seperate disciplines. By focusing your abilities, you learn to tap into the other half of your bender heritage.
Prerequisites: Bender level 3rd, Wisdom 15+
Benefit: Choose an element that isn't directly opposed to your own. You may now take levels in the bending discipline related to that element, and may freely multiclass between your two bending classes at no penalty.
In addition, you may choose to learn a form of your other discipline in place of another. However, the form must be of one level lower than normal if you choose to learn outside your current discipline.
Normal: You may only ever take levels in one bending class.

Shifting Sands
By studying the way Airbenders and Waterbenders manipulate their fluidic elements, you gain the ability to manipulate tiny particles of earth.
Prerequisites: Earth Blast 5d6, Concentration 12 ranks
Benefit: You gain the Sand Blast ability. This functions similarly to Air Blast, except it also deals 1d3 piercing or slashing damage (your choice) per die of damage your Earth Blast deals, and the weight limit is equal to 10 lb per Earthbender level you possess. You can only use Sand Blast while you have access to loose soil or sand.
In addition, you no longer take any penalty to Earthbending while standing on loose soil or sand.

I'm also formulating a few PrCs that work off of Gestalt Spirit, but I'm not quite done yet.

2006-12-08, 10:53 AM
I've updated some of the classes, making a few clarifications to the rules and adding a few forms. I really like the Airbender forms ideas, Renloth, and I hope I did them justice with my rules interpretations. I do have some questions about some forms, which is why they're not already included:

I really like the idea, but I'm confused as to the execution. Why can they only tilt 65 degrees, and not a sliding scale based on class level. I remember Long Feng works a complete 360 when he trapps Appa in Appa's Lost Days. I can't think of how to work the mechanics of this (how to deal with falling and balance checks, how much should be allowable, etc), but it's a great idea that I know is used by Earthbenders and would be an awesome form.

Lava Flows:
Again, I really like the idea, I just think it needs some clarification. From how far away can the bender draw the lava. Is this for Firebenders only or Earthbenders only or both? Do Firebenders draw up lava or melt nearby rock to create it? With just a few clarifications, I think it could be a great form.

Redirect Lightening:
Again, a great form that needs to be a part of the system. We just need to figure out who can take it. Firebenders are the only ones to use it in the show, but they present it as a Waterbending technique they've adapted to their purposes. I think that adding it to the Waterbender list and then using the feat to make it available to other benders is a good compromise, especially since Iroh sets the precedent.

Vortex Explosion:
Yet another good idea and one that I should have picked up on sooner. However, you need to clarify what the radius of the cyclone is. Otherwise, great work.

Storm Winds:
I think I like the idea, but I'm unsure as to what exactly it's supposed to do. Does the wind wall bullrush people away from the Airbender? Does it knock them back like an Air Blast? Is it like a moveable Air Shield? Does it deal damage. Again, it's an awesome idea, just needs some clarification.

I also like the feats that people are presenting.

<Bending> Learning:
I think that Iroh sets a precedent for access to techniques of other disciplines so I'm not worried about it being inconsistent with the show's world. I also think that the feats are useful in and of themselves, not only for the access to different forms. Instead of a level requirement, though, they should have a Knowldge (Arcana) requirement. Maybe, Knowledge (Arcana) 13 ranks.

Flow With It:
Argh. I like this feat too, and I don't know which way we should go with this cross-discipline learning. In one way, this type of feat is better since it grants a more specific (yet still powerful) ability and is true to the show, whereas <Bending> Learning is more of an extrapolation of the principles from the show. Both are viable, though.

Gestalt Spirit:
I like the idea, but I think it should be far more difficult. Not necessarily requiring more levels of the initial bending class, but their should be strict roleplaying requirements. This sort of thing doesn't really happen in the show (except for the Avatar), but I can see how it would and I like the idea a lot.

Shifting Sands:
Also love it. Almost perfect as is, though we don't have a specified penalty for Earthbending in the sand. Other than limiting Tremorsense, I don't think it should have a huge effect, but even that is determent enough. Nice work.


Yuki Akuma
2006-12-08, 11:41 AM
Redirect Lightning should not be on the Water form list! It's a Firebending technique that was adapted from a Water form, yes, but controlling lightning is entirely Firebending. A Waterbender who tried it would be fried.

And Toph, an Earthbending master, can't really do much with sand other than hardening it into rock under her feet and vaguely flinging it around. It should be disqualified from Earth Blast use, at least, and perhaps difficult to use Move a Rock with it...

For Gestalt Spirit, perhaps a Knowledge (Arcana) prerequisite? I wanted it to be available pretty early, so that a character can take one of the four PrCs I'm working on before hitting tenth level.

2006-12-08, 11:51 AM
About storm winds: I was thinking that a very low save would push a creature back like Air Blast, and be checked (Unable to move forward), while while failing it by less than five or so prevents you from moving towards the Airbender, but does not knock you back. A passed save, of course, negates the effects. (I would treat most of the effects as a severe storm.)

2006-12-08, 12:24 PM
I've edited Lava Flows. Eartbenders draw lava from below the surface, while firebenders melt it. I have it as a form for both classes but requiring study of the other bending art. Lava just seems too much of a combination of both elements that either could learn the form by itself.

I don't think there is an equivilent to redirect lightning in waterbending. Iroh invented it. The principle comes from the study of waterbending but the form is wholely firebending. Redirect lightning is about the flow a chi allowing you to guide the lightning through your body. Waterbenders use their chi as a "moon", pushing and pulling the water. They guide their element externally and when they guide internally it is for healing purposes, not to direct lightning.

For the feats, I think are both applicable and have different uses. <Bending> Learning seems to be a more in depth look at the discipline, while Flow With It is looking for what could be used practically.
To be honest I see earth and air benders having more trouble attacking quickly, given their highly defensive attitude. It's been establised that it's possible to learn from the opposing art and that the seperation of elements being an illusion is stressed on the show as well.
I could see both feats being used. That being said, I would include both but would probably pick Flow With It myself.
(As a note the way you have your feat would make Redirect Lightning a Moderate Form.)

I don't think earthbenders have any problems bending sand. Toph had a hard time holding up the building because she was sinking as well, but I bet that would happen to a sandbender as well. She was able to only vaguely fling it because she couldn't "see." Sandbenders may have unique forms but reqular earthbenders can still bend sand normally. They would simply harden the sand to use it for an earth blast.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-08, 12:39 PM
Remember those PrCs I mentioned I was doing? Here's one. Comments, anyone?

Initiate of Mists
Initiates of Mists are benders who blend Air with Water to create a unique style of bending. In exchange for giving up access to more complex forms from either discipline, Initiates of Mists can learn many different bending tricks unique to their style.

To become an Initiate of Mists, a character must meet all of the following criteria:
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks
Class abilities: Manipulate
Bending: At least three forms comprised of both Air and Water forms.

Class Skills: The following are the class skills of the Initiate of Mists: Balance, Climb, Craft, Concentration, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Religion), Survival, Swim and Tumble.
Skill points per level: 4 + Int modifier

Initiate of Mists
{table=head]Level|Base Attack[br]Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

|Mist blast, mistbending

|Condensation, lesser mist form

|AC bonus +1

|Obscuring mists

|Lesser mist form

|AC bonus +2


|Frigid mists

|AC bonus +3, moderate mist form

|Mist vortex[/table]

Mist blast: The first ability mistbenders learn is the Mist Blast. It functions similarly to an Air Blast, but it only has enough strength to move a target that weighs up to 20 lb per class level. Any target hit by a Mist Blast, even if it does not deal damage, must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + class level + Wisdom modifier) or have its speed cut in half for one round.
Mist Blast requires a quantity of water like a Water Blast does. However, the water is suspended as tiny droplets in the air after use, meaning that an Iniatiate of Mists need not make a Concentration check to keep the water, and may use the same quantity of water for any number of Mist Blasts.
Mistbending: An Initiate of Mists' levels in Airbender and Waterbender, as well as levels in Initiate of Mists, stack to determine the effectiveness of the Initiate's bending forms and her Manipulate ability.
Condensation: At second level, an Initiate of Mists learns to gather water vapour into the air and focus it into a liquid form. In any area with ambient moisture in the air, an Initiate of Mists may 'create' up to a pint of water per level of Initiate of Mists as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. This water is pure enough to drink, and may be used with any Waterbending forms.
AC bonus: An Initiate of Mists adds one-third her class level as a dodge bonus to her armour class.
Obscuring mists: At fourth level, an Initiate of Mists may use Fog Cloud at will, using the Initiate's class level as her caster level. However, each five-foot square obscured by the cloud requires a seperate pint of water; if the Initiate does not have access to enough water, the area is lessened as appropriate. The Initiate may access the water used by this ability at any time, but doing so ends the ability. Once the duration expires, the water in the air dissipates and cannot be used for any more waterbending.
Mist forms: At fifth level, an Initiate of Mists gains an extra lesser Air or Water form. The Initiate also gains a moderate Air or Water form at ninth level.
Cloudwalker: At seventh level, as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity, an Initiate of Mists may make her body so bouyant that any amount of water can support her weight. This ability allows an Initiate to walk on water or even clouds and fog as if it were solid ground. An Initiate may lower or raise herself at will while within an area of fog or clouds, but may not raise herself higher than the water in the air. She may still only move up to her base land speed in any given round. An Initiate may Cloudwalk as long as she remains concentration, and immediately falls if she loses concentration for any reason.
Frigid mists: At eighth level, an Initiate of Mists may choose to deal 5d6 cold damage to any enemy struck by her Mist Blast, in addition to its normal effects. In addition, a number of times per day equal to her Wisdom score, the Initiate may force the target to make a fortitude save (equal to 10 + class level + Wisdom modifier) or be frozen solid for a number of rounds equal to the Initiate's Wisdom modifier. A fozen creature cannot move or attack, but may take purely mental actions such as manifesting a psionic power. A frozen character loses their Dexterity modifier to AC, but is not considered helpless and is not unconcious.
Mist vortex: Once per day, an Initiate of Mists may create a swirling vortex of mist that can pick up enemies and throw them into the air. The vortex is a burst centered on the Initiate, with a radius of twenty feet and a height of forty feet. Any creature (other than the Initiate) caught in its area must make a Reflex save or be swept upwards to the top of the vortex, where it is held for the duration of the effect. Any creature within the area also takes 5d6 cold damage, but may make a Fortitude save to take only half damage. Both saving throw DCs are equal to 10 + 1/2 the Initiate's class level + her Wisdom modifier.
During the duration of the effect, if the Initiate moves from her square the vortex immediately vanishes, and any creatures caught in the vortex immediately fall the forty feet to the floor, taking falling damage as appropriate. Otherwise, the effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Initiate's Wisdom modifier.

2006-12-08, 01:44 PM
Moderate Form (air)
Body of Air Thrust

The bender creates an outline of themselves from compressed air and sends it towards a target within 50 ft. The target takes 5d4 bludgeoning damage and is knocked back as if hit by an air blast and may take additional damage if applicable.

Greater Form (fire)
Fire Rush Feint

The bender superheats the air behind them and under their feet with fire causing them to rush forward. They travel in a straight line and then stop, allowing the flames and heat to go forward without them. Their path must be clear (as per charge rules) and they must travel at least 20 ft and at most 50 ft.
Once your movement has stopped the fire continues on in a 30 ft cone that deals damage equivalent to your fire blast. Reflex save (DC 10+half firebender level+Wis modifier) for half. The rush of fire also counts as a bull rushing medium sized creature with a strength equal to firebender level that moves with the opponent.
You must know blue fire form to learn this form.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-08, 02:11 PM
Sudden thought... Waterbenders, I think, should gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. Remember the battle between Katara and Master Pakku? They actually traded blows without doing any bending.

In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if other benders got it, too, but Waterbenders are, so far, the only benders we've seen fighting without actually bending.

2006-12-08, 02:16 PM
You see Azula fight Zuko without bending. And Iroh has done a few kicks and punches as well.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-08, 02:30 PM
You see Azula fight Zuko without bending. And Iroh has done a few kicks and punches as well.

Ah, good point.

2006-12-08, 02:43 PM
I say we should just leave it as is, and characters can gain Improved Unarmed Strike some other way. I don't want to add too many abilities beyond new forms for fear of making them unbalanced.

I like both of your new forms. I'll add them to the lists when I get a chance.

I like the Initiate of Mists. It looks pretty balanced and very flavorful. I'm enjoying imagining what a combination of air and waterbending would look like. My only question is about Cloudwalker. Does the Initiate have to concentrate on it every round to mainain the effect? If not, how long does it last?

More Generally:
I'm persuaded about the Redirect Lightening form being inappropriate for Waterbenders. I'll add it to the Firebender list when I get a chance.

On the issue of combining bending disciplines (related to feats and PrC's), I'm really leary of too much multiclassing between bending disciplines. In the show, the Avatar is the only one who can learn more than one bending art (at least that we know). While I think feats like <bending> learning are ok and I like Yuki's PrC, I want to be careful with how we handle it. I think really strict roleplaying/quest requirements should be used and enforced, simply because you don't see "multiclass" benders in the show. I'm not saying limit them to high levels, but we need to make characters in-game work hard to gain the ability to mix bending styles, even with feats.


2006-12-08, 02:52 PM
I really like the idea, but I'm confused as to the execution. Why can they only tilt 65 degrees, and not a sliding scale based on class level. I remember Long Feng works a complete 360 when he trapps Appa in Appa's Lost Days. I can't think of how to work the mechanics of this (how to deal with falling and balance checks, how much should be allowable, etc), but it's a great idea that I know is used by Earthbenders and would be an awesome form.

Well the problem with degrees/ by level is you'll eventually go past a certain point and up doing rotations. Or flip the square around completely when there isn't an empty space on the other side. Thats why I pretty much said stick with 65 degrees. I think the Balance check DC I came up with is pretty good but maybe someone else can help with the mechanics. *cough*Yuki*cough*

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-08, 03:14 PM
I like the Initiate of Mists. It looks pretty balanced and very flavorful. I'm enjoying imagining what a combination of air and waterbending would look like. My only question is about Cloudwalker. Does the Initiate have to concentrate on it every round to mainain the effect? If not, how long does it last?

Oh! I knew I was forgetting something. I was thinking it would require concentration, yeah...

2006-12-08, 08:31 PM
Some more for the Airbender if you need it:

Stillness: Air is the bringer of sound. Silence it, and hiding becomes that much more simple. An Airbender can manipulate the air around their bodies, keeping it in line, and preventing sound. (Bonus to Hide and Move Silently, would not work against things with senses through things other than air. Tremor-sense or thermal, for instance.)

Whispers of the Wind: Air moves in swirls around bodies, telescoping the movements of a foe. An Airbender can gain some insight into his opponents attacks. (Something to increase AC against a single opponent, would work off a similar premise to what Dodge does. Might be large or small, depending on what type of form it is.) (For myself, I would say it would be a greater form, as both a foil to Flowing Air Strike, and to emphasize the Airbenders as a bit more peaceful, otr more defensive.)

2006-12-08, 08:42 PM
What is opinion on Body of the Elements? I’m not quite sure it fits the Avatar world or if it is too powerful.

Lesser Form (water, earth)
Steady Stance

The bender encases their feet in ice or stone. They gain a +1/bender level to saves or checks they need to make in order not to move. This form is preformed by a move action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. This form can be maintained indefinitely so long as the bender doesn’t move from the square. A bender can move from the square in which they are encased if they want, but doing so ends the form

Greater Form (water, earth, fire, air)
Body of the Elements

The bender creates an elemental of the appropriate element as a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The size is dependent on bender level.
Level 16: medium
Level 18: large
Level 20: Huge
The elemental surrounds the bender completely and they gain the elemental’s speed, AC, slam attack, special attacks, and feats (ability score prerequisites must still be met). (They do not gain special qualities, ability scores or skills. A special case is earth glide which is available to earth benders). Damage is shared equally between the elemental and bender (though damage reduction is applied after the division and only to the elemental). It takes a move action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity every round to maintain the elemental. Body of the Elementals can be maintained a maximum of 1 round/bender level or until the elemental is destroyed. Water used in this form cannot be retained.
The elemental isn’t so much an actual creature as a convenient way to express the body of elements mechanically. It has no mental or physical stats (it takes those from the bender), it grants no skills (as those come from having an Int score), and doesn’t grant a bonus to attack.
A bender must have 19 ranks in knowledge (arcana) to learn this form.
(Note: Damage taken from “Quench Flames” is not shared and taken only by the elemental.)

Moderate Form (fire)
Break Stance

You attack quickly with the intent to break an opposing bender’s stance. You make four ranged touch attacks, two at your highest attack bonus and tow others at your lower attack bonus. You take -2 on all these attacks and since your intention is not direct harm they only deal 1d4 fire damage.
Should all four attacks hit, the target must make a Reflex save (DC 10+half firebender level+Wis modifier). If they fail, they are forced to back up 5 ft and have their stance broken. This means they are considered flatfooted and are unable to bend for one round.
(Note: Firebenders loose their fire resistance or immunity when their stance is broken.
Airbenders receive a +2 competence bonus on their reflex save, as their stance is meant to be more mobile than most.)

2006-12-08, 10:17 PM
Ah, good point.

And Toh has shown being able to punch practically through walls (as has Bohmi). Even though they're strength is enhanced by bending its still unarmed

2006-12-09, 12:39 AM
I have an idea for a greater form for Airbenders. I've only seen two episodes, but my friend says that it's possible for Aang to hurl people into the air. Using that:

Baleful Updraft: The airbender manipulates the air around an enemy, forcing a violent burst of air directly beneath him. The target must make a Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 class level + Wis Modifier) or be hurled upward 10 feet/level of the airbender. The target then plummets to the ground, taking proper falling damage.
For each size above large, cut the height the opponent is thrown by half. (1/2 for large, 1/4 for huge, etc.)

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-09, 08:07 AM
Made a slight change to the Initiate of Mists (I added class skills and also required the Initiate to have the Manipulate ability). I've also done the second PrC!

I hope you don't mind me making these, Meph.

Magma Disciple
Magma Disciples are part of an order dedicated to the merging of Earth and Fire styles of bending. A Magma Disciple gives up access to more complex forms of both disciplines in exchange for greater offensive prowess.

Requirements: To become a Magma Disciple, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks
Class abilities: Play With Fire, Move a Rock

Class Skills: The following are the class skills of the Magma Disciple: Balance, Concentration, Craft, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (History), Listen and Spot.
Skill points per level: 2 + Int modifier

Magma Disciple
{table=head]Level|Base Attack[br]Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

|Magmabending, melt

|Magma blast 2d6

|Lesser magma form

|Lava blood, magma blast 4d6

|Lava lash

|Lesser magma form, magma blast 6d6

|Magma burst

|Magma blast 8d6

|Moderate magma form

|Eruption, magma blast 10d6[/table]

Magmabending: A Magma Disicple adds his levels in Earthbender, Firebender and Magma Disciple together to determine the effectiveness of his bending forms and the power of his Move a Rock and Play With Fire abilities.
Melt: A Magma Disciple may convert rock into magma as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The rock to be converted must be within 10 ft. per class level, and the Disciple may melt a number of five-foot cubes equal to his Disciple level. Magma created in this way naturally cools to rock five turns after its creation, but a Magma Disciple may concentrate to keep it in existance for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom bonus, above and beyond the normal five round limit.
Any creature standing in the area of the converted magma must make a reflex save (DC is 10 + Magma Disciple's class level + Wisdom modifier) or take 2d6 fire damage every turn they remain in the area. A succesful save moves the creature to the edge of the area. Magma is very hard to move in, and while inside an area of magma a creature's land speed is halved.
Magma blast: At second level, a Magma Disciple gains the ability to throw magma with enough speed and power to damage enemies even more than normal. Magma blast functions similarly to water blast, except it deals fire damage as shown on the table. Any creature struck by a magma blast must make a reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 Magma Disciple class level + Wisdom modifier) or take the damage again the next round.
If the Magma Disciple has access to a body of magma or lava, he may use his Firestorm ability (if he has it) in conjunction with his magma blast. If he does not have access to a body of lava or magma, he may still use magma blast, but the process of converting enough stone to magma takes too long for him to also use Firestorm.
Magma forms: At third and again at sixth level, a Magma Disciple gains an additional Fire or Earth form, which must be a lesser form. At ninth level, a Magma Disciple also gains a moderate Fire or Earth form.
Lava blood: As a swift action a number of times per day equal to the Magma Disciple's class level, a Magma Disciple can make himself totally immune to the effects of magma and lava for a number of rounds equal to his Wisdom modifier. The Magma Disciple does not take damage from touching magma or lava, and can move and swim normally without any reduction in speed.
Lava lash: At fifth level, a Magma Disciple learns to fashion a whip made of magma as a move action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The whip is fifteen feet long, and the magma disciple can attack with it as a normal whip, except he is always proficient with it and it deals 4d6 fire damage instead of a whip's normal damage, and it only requires a touch attack to inflict its damage. It is also useful against even armoured foes.
A magma disciple may choose to wrap his lava lash around any target struck with it. As long as the Magma Disciple maintains concentration, the target continues to take 4d6 fire damage each round. If the target moves out of range of the lava lash, he takes an additional 1d6 fire damage and the lava lash is immediately broken.
Magma burst: At eighth level, a Magma Disciple may attack all targets within ten feet with a magma blast as a full-round action.
Eruption: As a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, a tenth-level Magma Disciple may cause a massive eruption of magma once per day. The eruption has a radius of twenty feet and is forty feet tall, and is centered on the Magma Disciple. All creatures within the area (except the Magma Disciple) take 10d6 damage (reflex DC 10 + Magma Disciple level + Wisdom modifier for half). Creatures who fail this save must make a further reflex save (same DC) or be encased in rock.
The rock has a hardness of 10, 15 hit points, and a burst DC of 30. An Earthbender may free any creature, including herself, as a full-round action. While encased in rock, a creature may not move, but may take merely mental actions. Creatures encased in rock have total cover and may not be attacked.
If the rock encasing the creature is targetted by a Magma Disciple's melt ability, the creature takes 4d6 fire damage and has its speed cut in half for one round. In the next round, the creature can move as normal but take an additional 2d6 fire damage as the magma drips off their body.

2006-12-09, 12:51 PM
For the Avatar, I sugest you keep his stats for the general base class...but he is able to retroactivly cast from any bending techniques he's learned.

so if the Avatar is an earth bender he has the stats and class features of an Earth Bender but with the ability to cast from the others. The cross elemental feats about gaining class features from other benders could be open to the Avatar only

2006-12-09, 01:41 PM
I heartily congratulate you on this class; being a fan of the show myself, I was hoping someone with more skill than myself would do justice class-wise to Benders.
In regards to the Chaos vs. Law debate, my advice would be to keep them lawful. The Bender class is a very close sibling to the Monk class; the movement styles of bending are patterned after 4 different schools of Kung Fu. The ability to control the elements requires DISCIPLINE, much like any of the 'internal' martial arts. That being said, there is always the possibility of the 'wild bender', someone for whom a deep relationship with a chosen element has come without prior desire or training (much like the sorcerer class).
Once again, congrats on this fascinating player class, and best of luck in the field testing.

2006-12-09, 02:14 PM
Wow, very very nice! I was actually thinking of doing this, but I really dont have the time right now, so just,....wow....

2006-12-09, 02:42 PM
Dai Li

Selectively picked at a young age, the members of the Dai Li are elite officers of Ba Sing Se under the control of Long Feng. Their job is to ensure that no one disrupts the order of the city, such as by speaking of "undesirable" topics like the war with the Fire Nation. They employ skilled Earthbenders as a secret police group, who wear gloves made out of earthen materials in order to dexterously Earthbend on the go. Most of Ba Sing Se's citizens seem to fear them and want nothing to do with them, knowing that nothing but trouble can arise from meddling in any of their affairs. {As taken from Wikipedia}

Requirements: To become a Dai Li, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Alignment: Any Lawful
Skills: Concentration 10 ranks, Gather Information 8 ranks, Intimidate 6 ranks
Class Abilities: Earth Blast, Moderate Earthbending forms
Special: An aspiring Dai Li agent must be sponsored by another member of the Dai Li and have lived in Ba Sing Se for at least 2 months

Class Skills: Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide. Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Skill points per level: 6+Int Modifier

Dai Li
{table=head]Level|Base Attack[br]Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells

|Gloves of Earth, Spider Climb|+1 level of existing bending class

|Sneak Attack +1d6|+1 level of existing bending class

|Gloves of Earth (1d8)|+1 level of existing bending class

|Earthen Bindings, Sneak Attack +2d6|+1 level of existing bending class

|Gloves of Earth (1d10)|+1 level of existing bending class

|Sneak Attack +3d6|+1 level of existing bending class

|Gloves of Earth (2d6, Penetrate DR)|+1 level of existing bending class

|Sneak Attack +4d6|+1 level of existing bending class

|Gloves of Earth (2d8)|+1 level of existing bending class

|Sneak Attack +5d6|+1 level of existing bending class [/table]

Class Features:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Dai Li gains no additional weapon or armor proficiency.

Bending: When a new Dai Li level is gained, the character may choose new earthbending forms as she had also gained a level in whatever earthbending class that she started in. She does not, however, gain any of the other benefits a character of that class would have gained.

Gloves of Earth(Su): This ability coats the Dai Li's hands in a coating of earth to form gloves. As a standard action a Dai Li may use earthbending to fling the gloves at any target within 10 ft./Dai Li class level as a ranged touch attack. If successful a Dai Li agent is allowed to make a grapple check at his normal bonus+3 against the target.
At 3rd level the Gloves of the Earth deal 1d8 points of damage on a successful attack. This damage increases by one step at 5th, 7th, and 9th level.
At 6th level if the Dai Li agent has the Improved Unarmed Strike feat she may use the gloves as a ranged attack. This attack is at the Dai Li's normal ranged attack bonus. Follow up attacks granted by a high base attack bonus may also be used. The extra action granted by the Haste spell do not let you gain another ranged Gloves of the Earth attack.
At 7th level a Dai Li's Gloves of the Earth are able to penetrate the DR given by earthbending forms with an opposed Wisdom check. Also they may dual wield their Gloves with the correct penalties. (The offhand counts as a light weapon.)

Spider Climb(Su): At 1st level a Dai Li gains the ability to freely climb along vertical or even upside down as the spell spider climb.

Sneak Attack:
If a Dai Li can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
The Dai Li’s attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two Dai Li levels thereafter. Should the Dai Li score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a Dai Li can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.
A Dai Li can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The Dai Li must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A Dai Li cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
Unlike the normal sneak attack of a rogue, a Dai Li is able to apply this extra damage to her Earth Blast ability.

Earthen Bindings: At 4th level a Dai Li agent is able to fashion earth into manacles to fit unto a creature. Once secured they act as masterwork manacles that don't require locks. As a full round action a Dai Li may fling the earthen manacles as a ranged touch attack with a -2 penalty due to their unwieldiness.

Can anyone else think of any seemingly Dai Li specific things that I missed?

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-09, 03:00 PM
This thread http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10313 has the code for creating tables.

2006-12-09, 04:56 PM
Dai Li

Selectively picked at a young age, the members of the Dai Li are elite officers of Ba Sing Se under the control of Long Feng. Their job is to ensure that no one disrupts the order of the city, such as by speaking of "undesirable" topics like the war with the Fire Nation. They employ skilled Earthbenders as a secret police group, who wear gloves made out of earthen materials in order to dexterously Earthbend on the go. Most of Ba Sing Se's citizens seem to fear them and want nothing to do with them, knowing that nothing but trouble can arise from meddling in any of their affairs. {As taken from Wikipedia}

Requirements: To become a Dai Li, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Alignment: Any Lawful
Skills: Concentration 10 ranks, Gather Information 8 ranks, Intimidate 6 ranks
Class Abilities: Earth Blast, Moderate Earthbending forms
Special: An aspiring Dai Li agent must be sponsored by another member of the Dai Li and have lived in Ba Sing Se for at least 2 months

Class Skills: Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide. Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Skill points per level: 6+Int Modifier

Dai Li
{table=head]Level|Base Attack
Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells

|Sneak Attack +1d6|+1 level of existing bending class

|Gloves of Earth|+1 level of existing bending class

|Sneak Attack +2d6|+1 level of existing bending class

|Earthen Bindings|+1 level of existing bending class

|Sneak Attack +3d6|+1 level of existing bending class

||+1 level of existing bending class

|Sneak Attack +4d6|+1 level of existing bending class

||+1 level of existing bending class

|Sneak Attack +5d6|+1 level of existing bending class

||+1 level of existing bending class [/table]

Class Features:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Dai Li gains no additional weapon or armor proficiency.

Bending: When a new Dai Li level is gained, the character may choose new earthbending forms as she had also gained a level in whatever earthbending class that she started in. She does not, however, gain any of the other benefits a character of that class would have gained.

Sneak Attack:
If a Dai Li can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
The Dai Li’s attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two Dai Li levels thereafter. Should the Dai Li score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a Dai Li can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.
A Dai Li can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The Dai Li must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A Dai Li cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
Unlike the normal sneak attack of a rogue, a Dai Li is able to apply this extra damage to her Earth Blast ability.

Gloves of Earth: This ability coats the Dai Li's hands in a coating of earth to form gloves. As a standard action a Dai Li may use earthbending to fling the gloves at any target within 10 ft./Dai Li class level as a ranged touch attack. If successful a Dai Li agent is allowed to make a grapple check at his normal bonus+3 against the target. At 6th level if the Dai Li agent has the Improved Unarmed Strike or Superior Unarmed Strike feat she may use the gloves as a ranged attack. This attack is at the Dai Li's normal ranged attack bonus with the damage equal to that of his unarmed strike. Follow up attacks granted by a high base attack bonus may also be used. One cannot dual wield Gloves of the Earth and the extra action granted by the Haste spell do not let you gain another ranged Gloves of the Earth attack.

Earthen Bindings: At 4th level a Dai Li agent is able to fashion earth into manacles to fit unto a creature. Once secured they act as masterwork manacles that don't require locks.

Can anyone else think of any seemingly Dai Li specific things that I missed?

It seems like they're minor metal benders, but I think that was explained by the chain devices they use having actuall rock bolts or parts which they bend instead of the metal.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-09, 05:01 PM
I'd say they'd need to take the Spider Climb-emulating form to take the class, considering how they all seem able to scale rock walls.

Also, currently there is absolutely no reason to take the tenth level of the class. You might want to fix that.

2006-12-09, 05:10 PM
I'd say they'd need to take the Spider Climb-emulating form to take the class, considering how they all seem able to scale rock walls.

Also, currently there is absolutely no reason to take the tenth level of the class. You might want to fix that.

According to the show creaters, orriginally all Earth Benders were supposed to be able to do that but they decided it would be better for only certian powerful ones to do so. So I'd give it to the Dai Li as a free class feature

2006-12-09, 05:41 PM
I'd say they'd need to take the Spider Climb-emulating form to take the class, considering how they all seem able to scale rock walls.

Also, currently there is absolutely no reason to take the tenth level of the class. You might want to fix that.

Wheres the Spider Climb form at? Just looked through the three pages and couldn't find it. I had thought it was made a regular earthbending form so I didn't include it in here. That has been rectified and fixed with them now gaining it at first level.

More importantly what should they gain at tenth level? In regards to that I haven't seen the Dai Li do anyone earthbending trick that remarkable to be tenth level and an ability you can only get around 17th level. The closest I saw was when Long Feng cracked Jet in the chest and pratically killed him. But is Death Attack a good ability to gain at tenth level when assassin gives it at 1st?

If the Dai Li did something amazing in "The Earth King" then please let me know because its the only Dai Li episode I didn't see.

And I thought those chains and such where made from earth not just earthen parts.

2006-12-10, 02:56 PM
No, the chains were definately metal, but it seemed to me that they were some kind of mechanical contraption shot from a device hidden in the Dai Li agents' sleeves or simply thrown rather than anything related to earthbending.

2006-12-10, 08:44 PM
Don't forget about the other ones.

You need Metal-Benders and Lightning-Benders

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 02:58 AM
Don't forget about the other ones.

You need Metal-Benders and Lightning-Benders

Except they're just powerful Earthbenders and Firebenders.

2006-12-11, 07:23 AM
What's general opinion on how cooperative bending should be handled?

Should it require a feat or be something all benders can do? Should bender level simply be added together to get damage/distance? Should cooperative bending allow benders to bypass normal bending damage/distance caps?

Here's how I see it working.
Cooperative bending: Benders can work together to achieve greater effect than they could normally. Up to five benders can work together on a bending form. There is one primary bender and up to four secondary. All benders must know the form to be performed*. To determine the damage, distance or weight a form can achieve add the bender level of the primary and one third the bender level** of any secondary. (This can bypass normal damage, weight, or distance caps). Saves and attack rolls are determined solely by the primary bender's own levels, attributes and feats.
All benders must act at the lowest initiative of all the cooperating benders and must be able to do the form as if doing it alone (i.e. You cannot perform any other action if the form requires a full round action.) This is not the case when cooperating on "deflect bending", as it is an immediate action, but all benders are considered to have forgone an attack and it is an impromptu cooperation (see below).
Normally cooperative bending takes at least two rounds***. But if the cooperation is impromptu or the form is not named, secondary benders must make a Knowledge (arcana) check (DC 20) to recognize the form and match the movements needed.
Should the primary bender be unable to complete the bending for whatever reason, their bender levels are lost and another bender becomes the primary.

*A special case is made for lesser/greater forms. If a lesser form is known a bender may assist with a greater form, though bender level is considered reduced by 1 after being divided in half.
**Round up. Though a level one bender can not cooperate as a secondary bender.
***The first round takes a full round action that does not proke an attack of
opportunity to set up the positioning and stances and the second is used to do the form.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 07:41 AM
What about when a Waterbender and Earthbender team up to bend mud? :smalltongue:

2006-12-11, 08:01 AM
Then eventually one of them comes up with the bright idea of combining fog cloud and dust cloud to form mud cloud!!!! That story doesn't have a happy ending.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 08:07 AM
Or they could block a massive siege drill and fill it up with mud, causing it to explode.


2006-12-11, 01:00 PM
Not sure about the show but

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 01:02 PM
Not sure about the show but

Water = Plants.
Fire = Light.

Sorry about that. :smallwink:

2006-12-11, 01:13 PM
Water = Plants.

Unless it was mentioned in the show, people connected to earth i.e.earth benders, always seem connected to plants as well

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 01:48 PM
Unless it was mentioned in the show, people connected to earth i.e.earth benders, always seem connected to plants as well

Not only was it mentioned, it was demonstrated as a special bending style of the Foggy Swamp Water Tribe.

2006-12-11, 02:10 PM
Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve responded. Let’s see…

New Forms:

Stillness: I like the idea. Perhaps something like this:
Stillness (Moderate) – When using this form, an Airbender creates an area of calm with a radius of 10 ft. Within this radius, he/she is able to limit the transmission of sound through the air, allowing those within the radius to move more stealthily, gaining a circumstance bonus to Move Silently checks equal to half the Airbender’s class level (minimum 1). The Airbender must concentrate to maintain this ability.
What do you think?

Whispers of the Wind: I like the general idea, but I think I like it better as a form that hinders an opponent’s ability to attack rather than granting more defensive bonuses to the Airbender. How ‘bout this:
Ensnaring Wind – An Airbender using this form creates an area around a single foe where strong winds impede movement and combat. The Airbender can target any creature size Large or smaller with this ability. The targeted creature’s combat abilities are hindered, and it takes a penalty to attack and damage rolls equal to -1 per 3 Airbender levels. The target can attempt to avoid this penalty with a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half the Airbender’s class level + the Airbender’s Wisdom modifier). An Airbender must concentrate in order to maintain this ability (up to 1 round/level).

Steady Stance: Nice one. I’ll add it when I get the chance.

Body of the Elements: I’m reluctant on this one. On the one hand, it’s an interesting idea and looks pretty well-executed. On the other, I don’t think that elementals exist in the Avatar universe (if I’m wrong, please correct me). I like the idea of encasing the bender’s body in the element, but I don’ think that using an elemental form is the way to go.

Break Stance: Awesome idea. That was a really cool scene too. I’ll add it when I get the chance.

Baleful Updraft: Another amazing idea. Consider it added (Greater Form I’m thinking).

Tilt: You’ve convinced me. Tilt is in. Nice work.

Prestige Classes
First let me reiterate that I think having levels in multiple bending classes should be really really hard. Not necessarily requiring high levels, but that multiclassing between bending classes should be discouraged and made difficult in-game with heavy role-playing and class prerequisites. There are a total of 0 “multiclass” benders in the show except the Avatar, whose power comes from the fact that he/she is able to master all the elements. While I understand that D&D players will want to multiclass and I realize that we have to depart from the show at some points (for example, I still like Spider Climb as an ability for all Earthbenders instead of only the Dai Li), I think that this is one aspect we should keep true to the show.

With the syncretic PrC’s (Initiate of the Mist and Magma Disciple) as a group, I think that they should function so that one bending discipline is more prominent than the other. Perhaps the character chooses a primary bending discipline and the PrC advances those forms and abilities as normal (as occurs currently) and the secondary discipline at half rate (i.e. every even level). This way we maintain some of the rigidity of the bending disciplines as characterized by the show but allow some multiclassing. That said, on to the PrC’s.

Magma Disciple:
I like the idea, but see above for my reservations. It looks pretty balanced, especially since they are heavily crippled form-wise. Some harsher prerequisites (and maybe the above gimping of one of the bending disciplines) are all I’d suggest. Great job!

Dai Li:
Another great idea. As has been said, Spider Climb is already part of the Earthbender base class. I also agree that, beyond the first few levels, this class doesn’t offer anything really except Sneak Attack. However, I think that you could spread out the benefits of the Gloves of Earth, building up their damage as the character gains levels (similar to how monks progress) and allowing dual-wielding. Also consider adding the ability to make the Earthen Bindings function at range (perhaps functioning as the Iron Bands wondrous item). Also, I think that the Sneak Attack should only apply to damage dealt with the Gloves of Earth and that the damage-dealing aspect of them should come first in the progression. Maybe start Sneak Attack at level two and start Gloves of Earth at level one, beginning with the ability to deal damage and improving in damage and adding special abilities as the class progresses. Otherwise, nice job!

Cooperative Bending:
Yet another awesome idea. You guys are good! My only suggestion would be to scale it back a little bit (perhaps adding 1/3 or ¼ of the class level of assisting benders). Also, I would argue that benders of multiple disciplines can assist each other but only if both mediums are present in the substance they’re trying to bend (mud for water and earth, magma for fire and earth, etc). Also, the benders should be required to know a form of ability that is substantially similar (i.e. Move a Rock and Manipulate).

Finally: In the show, waterbenders bend plants by manipulating the water in the plants’ vascular system.

Nice work everyone. When do you reckon we’ll be ready for a PbP? Know anyone who wants to DM?


2006-12-11, 03:24 PM
I'll DM a game

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 03:29 PM
..I'm a little stumped here. I can't work out a good 'element' for Fire + Air.

Water + Air is mist/clouds. Fire + Earth is magma/lava. Water + Earth is mud/silt. But... Fire + Air?

(I'll work on harsh roleplaying requirements after I've got the crunch sorted out. I don't want anyone beating me to the punch!)

2006-12-11, 03:33 PM
..I'm a little stumped here. I can't work out a good 'element' for Fire + Air.

Water + Air is mist/clouds. Fire + Earth is magma/lava. Water + Earth is mud/silt. But... Fire + Air?

(I'll work on harsh roleplaying requirements after I've got the crunch sorted out. I don't want anyone beating me to the punch!)


A bender who weilds noxious gas and choking embers

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 03:37 PM

A bender who weilds noxious gas and choking embers

Hmmm. Well, I can see smoke... yes, I suppose that works. Thanks!

Also: I was thinking about a sort of 'alignment' system centered around the idea of 'jing' (that is, the three basic actions one can take in battle; attack, flee or observe). Air would obviously be Negative, Fire would be Positive, Earth would be Neutral and Water would be both Positive and Negative.. but I really have no idea how it would work.

2006-12-11, 03:48 PM
Problem is that its not so much alignment as it is strategy. I sugest perhaps giving everyone who studies some martial arts access to a free "combat style" feat that would emulate the 4 general strategies. It would differ from teh D&D core a bit but might work.

2006-12-11, 04:03 PM
I have an idea for yet another cross-discipline feat:

Thermokinetic Study
You have studied how benders of your element's opposite are able to manipulate heat, and can apply it to your own bending.
Prerequistes: Wis 17+ or Knowledge (Arcana) 19 ranks, access to greater fire- or waterbending forms
Benefits: You may add either Searing Steam(Water) or Heat Leech(Fire) to your Greater Forms known.

Searing Steam: By studying a firebender's ability to draw energy from the sun or another source of heat, you are able to do the same and superheat water into a cloud of steam. This form is similar to a normal Water Blast, but the damage die is increased to d6 and all damage is fire damage. In addition, enemies who take damage must make a Reflex save (DC 10+1/2 Waterbender Level+Wis modifier) or be blinded for 1d6 rounds. This form modifies a standard Water Blast and does not require a seperate action to use. If there is no availible source to draw from (such as the sun, a small fire, an especially hot room, etc.) when this form is used, the bender takes 2d6 cold damage as they use their own body heat to power the form.

Heat Leech: You have studied how waterbenders can draw heat from water to freeze it, and can do the same to your enemies. As a full-round action, you may siphon the body heat from one enemy within 60 ft to whom you have line of sight, dealing 8d8 cold damage and paralyzing the enemy for 1d6 rounds. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10+1/2 Firebender level+Wis modifier) halves the damage, and the target is Slowed as the spell for 1d6 rounds rather than paralyzed. Beating the DC by 10 or more negates both the damage and secondary effects.

What do you think? Too powerful/weak?

While it would probably be best if we come up with stats for some of the creatures of the Avatar world first, and come up with a way to deal with its cosmology, I would be honored to join an Avatar PbP.

Edit: Wow, 5 posts between when I started and when I finished. Drat my typing speed.

2006-12-11, 04:41 PM
Wow. These are amazing. I have an idea though.

Prestige Classes. E.G.

Magma Benders
Hurricane (Water and Air) Benders.
Tempest (Water and Earth) Benders.
Pyraero (Fire and Air) Benders.


I know those names aren't too good, so feel free to change them.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 04:48 PM
Wow. These are amazing. I have an idea though.

Prestige Classes. E.G.

Magma Benders
Hurricane (Water and Air) Benders.
Tempest (Water and Earth) Benders.
Pyraero (Fire and Air) Benders.


I know those names aren't too good, so feel free to change them.


Read the entire thread much?

Tussy the Druid
2006-12-11, 05:03 PM
Ooh an avatar pbp game? Sounds very interesting. All though i don't know how to play DnD totally.... only played once or twice :D\

Edit: I call master pakku :D

2006-12-11, 05:51 PM

Read the entire thread much?

Acutally, no. I read untill Fire Benders, at which point I assumed he stopped.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 05:55 PM
Unfortunately, this has become very much a collaborative effort.

2006-12-11, 05:57 PM
Well, I would love to help if possible. I'm not much with statistics, but I have the creativity of anti-Miko.

2006-12-11, 06:00 PM
Proper term would be bizzaro Miko ;)

Any ideas on animals who are natural benders? Bisons, Dragons, Badgermoles, Unagi's, Serpents?

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 06:09 PM
I think only badgermoles and flying/sky bison were ever explicitely stated to be natural benders, although dragons would make sense...

Waterbending, unlike Air and Earth, was inspired by the moon and not by an animal, though, so I doubt there would be many (if any) naturally-occuring Waterbenders other than humans.

2006-12-11, 06:14 PM
I think only badgermoles and flying/sky bison were ever explicitely stated to be natural benders, although dragons would make sense...

Waterbending, unlike Air and Earth, was inspired by the moon and not by an animal, though, so I doubt there would be many (if any) naturally-occuring Waterbenders other than humans.

Earth Benders learned their art from observing the Badgermoles that have been shown to naturally bend to create and warp their tunnel caves. Similar things with SkyBisons who are naturally able to bend

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 06:14 PM
Earth Benders learned their art from observing the Badgermoles that have been shown to naturally bend to create and warp their tunnel caves. Similar things with SkyBisons who are naturally able to bend

I'm sure that's what I said just now.

2006-12-11, 06:16 PM
I'm sure that's what I said just now.

Sorry missread

Dragons can be infered to firebend since they breath fire just as Unagi can be infered to water bend since it has an unusual power hose water breathing thing going for it.

Food for thought, should Animal Companion be a class feature for Avatar characters?

2006-12-11, 06:29 PM
Food for thought, should Animal Companion be a class feature for Avatar characters?

Absolutely it should, since the show has repeatedly said, especially in Book I, that each Avatar has a spirit guide appropriate to their element. We've already seen Appa and Roku's dragon...I wonder what Kyoshi's spirit guide was...

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 06:32 PM
Sorry missread

Dragons can be infered to firebend since they breath fire just as Unagi can be infered to water bend since it has an unusual power hose water breathing thing going for it.

Food for thought, should Animal Companion be a class feature for Avatar characters?

It really should be a feature of the Airbender class, considering they all get a flying bison.

2006-12-11, 06:35 PM
Master of the Hurricane

Requirements: To become a Master of the Hurricane, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Swim 8 ranks
Class abilities: Air Blast, Manipulate

Class Skills: The following are the class skills of the Master of the Hurricane: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Heal, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+0|Hurricane Bending, Vortex

+0|Storm Slam 1d8

+1|Lesser Hurricane Form

+1|Cycling Lungs, Storm Slam 2d8

+1|Eye Implosion

+2|Lesser Hurricane Form, Storm Slam 3d8

+2|Great Vortex

+2|Storm Slam 4d8

+3|Moderate Hurricane Form

+3|Hurricane's Essence, Storm Slam 5d8[/table]

Hurricanebending: A Master of the Hurricane adds his levels in Air Bender, Water Bender, and Master of the Hurricane together to determine the effectiveness of his bending forms and the power of his Air Blast and Water Blast abilities.

(Not quite done yet, but I gotta take a break.)

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 06:39 PM
Master of the Hurricane

Requirements: To become a Master of the Hurricane, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Swim 8 ranks
Class abilities: Air Blast, Manipulate

Class Skills: The following are the class skills of the Master of the Hurricane: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Heal, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

|Hurricane Bending, Vortex

|Storm Slam 1d8

|Lesser Hurricane Form

|Cycling Lungs, Storm Slam 2d8

|Eye Implosion

|Lesser Hurricane Form, Storm Slam 3d8

|Great Vortex

|Storm Slam 4d8

|Moderate Hurricane Form

|Hurricane's Essence, Storm Slam 5d8[/table]

Hurricanebending: A Magma Disicple adds his levels in Air Bender, Water Bender, and Master of the Hurricane together to determine the effectiveness of his bending forms and the power of his Air Blast and Water Blast abilities.

(Not quite done yet, but I gotta take a break.)

Two points.

First, I've already done this.

Second, hurricanes have nothing to do with water.

2006-12-11, 06:43 PM
What about when a Waterbender and Earthbender team up to bend mud? :smalltongue:
Well, either can bend mud, as we realize. Katara holds back the mud, and Toph helps her later. Both are able to bend the mud.

2006-12-11, 06:43 PM
Two points.

First, I've already done this.

Second, hurricanes have nothing to do with water.

I thought you did magma.

Oh, and hurricanes have everything to do with water.

Have you ever heard of a hurricane that started on dry land?

Do you even know what a hurricane is?
It's basically a tornado that's been formed out at sea.

Someone needs to get Miko's stick out of your ass.

2006-12-11, 06:46 PM
Food for thought, should Animal Companion be a class feature for Avatar characters?

It seemed to be more a general air nomad thing than a strictly avatar thing, though, and plenty of people had animal companions. I thought Aang's spirit guide was that panda thing, and appa was just his friend. Perhaps a feat would do better.

Animal Bond: You've attracted an animal friend that serves as your companion and guardian.
Benifit: You may attract an animal companion. This is in every way identical to the druid Animal Companion ability, except for the following exceptions: You automatically gain your first companion when you take the fest; it does not recieve the share spells special ability; and if the companion is killed, left behind, or is otherwise unable to continue helping you then you may never attract a new one, except by taking this feat again. Also, the maximum HD animal you may attract is handled slightly differently. For the purposes of determining the bonuses the animal recieves based on your character level, and for the maximum HD animal you may have, you may add your charisma modifier to your level. (For example, a first level character with a charisma of fifteen could pick an animal from the druid's first level animal list (or some equivilent animal), and it would get 2 bonus HD, +2 natural armor, +1 to str and dex, 2 bonus tricks, and evasion.
Special: You may take this feat only once, unless your animal companion is killed, sent away, or is otherwise permenantly unable to serve, in which case you may take this feat again to attract another companion.

This is a (relatively) minor point, but the avatar "cross animals" (i.e. platypus bears, seal penguins, moose lions, etc.) should have the type [animal] and not the type [magical beast]. In the context of the avatar world these are the natural, normal animals, and a bear was considered to be fantastic.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 06:47 PM
I thought you did magma.

Oh, and hurricanes have everything to do with water.

Have you ever heard of a hurricane that started on dry land?

Do you even know what a hurricane is?
It's basically a tornado that's been formed out at sea.

Someone needs to get Miko's stick out of your ass.

What? Hurricanes are not tornados. The only similarity is that they're both cyclonic wind storms.

A hurricane is formed from the heat of evaporating water, yes, but a hurricane is very much an air-related phenomenon.

And yes, I did do magma. If you'd bothered to read the thread properly, you'd also see I did "mist". And I'm currently working on "mud".

2006-12-11, 06:58 PM
It really should be a feature of the Airbender class, considering they all get a flying bison.

Avatar Rhoku was shown to have had a Dragon companion in life...though no other avatars are shown having or not having one.

and the Panda thing was not a strict spirit guide...just a spirit Aang met when it went beserk and tried to destroy a villiage that had defiled its forest

2006-12-11, 06:59 PM
I've been thinking about the fire+air thing. Soot has been suggested, but soot seems more like earth+air, because it's particles. The product of fire, yes, but not fire. It's the earthbenders who bent the coal, after all.

All the other ones you've used are what you get when you mix the two elements. Mix water and dirt and you get mud, heat rock and you get magma, etc. Then I thought about what happens when you mix air and fire. What happens? The air is consumed and the fire dies. To me this means that fire and air would be void (unless you want a carbon dioxide bender, which would be wierd.) Not really putting my foot down on this, just thinking out loud.

edit: Yeah, I know about the panda thing's story, it's just the only thing that's ever guided Aang in the spirit world (the season 1 finale). Appa's never had anything to do with Aang going into the spirit world, or anything else related to creepy avatar stuff.

2006-12-11, 07:10 PM
Smoke! Smoke I think would be perfect. Choke people, conceal yourself, it's all good.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 07:22 PM
Speaking of that 'mud'-based PrC...

Marsh Savant
A peculiar breed of benders reside on the outskirts of the area known as Foggy Swamp. Blending both Earth and Water styles of bending, Marsh Savants are masters of defense.

To become a Marsh Savant, a character must fulfill all the following criteria:
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks
Class abilities: Manipulate, Move a Rock
Bending: Must know at least three forms comprised of Water and Earth disciplines.

Class skills: the following are the class skills of the Marsh Savant: Concentration, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Survival and Swim.
Skill points per level: 2 + Intelligence modifier

Marsh Savant
{table=head]Level|Base Attack[br]Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

|Mudbending, soften


|Mud armour (DR 2/-)

|Mud wall, lesser mud form


|Mud armour (DR 4/-)

|Lesser mud form

|Effortless mud armour

|Mud armour (DR 6/-)

|Swallowing earth, moderate mud form[/table]

Mudbending: A Marsh Savant's Earthbender, Waterbender and Marsh Savant levels stack in for the purposes of bending, as well as to determine the power of his Manipulate and Move a Rock abilities.
Soften: A Marsh Savant may create mud even without a large source of water. With a single pint of water, a Marsh Savant can cause an area of five feet per Marsh Savant level to be converted into mud. Any creature within the area converted into mud must make a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + Marsh Savant level + the Marsh Savant's Wisdom modifier) or be stuck, unable to move until they take a full-round action to pull themselves free, which requires a DC 15 Strength check. An Earthbender or Waterbender can free any creature (including herself) as a standard action.
This mud may be Manipulated as if it were water, and is also able to move moved with Move a Rock.
Mud blast: At second level, a Marsh Savant gains the ability to hurl mud at a foe with uncanny accuracy. This ability functions similarly to Water blast, except it requires water mixed with earth to use. It deals 1d4 points of blugeoning damage for every two levels of Marsh Savant the user possesses (round down), and also automatically blinds any target it hits for one round. The mud used is therefore unable to be used again as it adheres to the opponent's face.
Mud armour: At third level, while standing in an area of mud, a Marsh Savant can cover his body in a thick layer of mud as a swift action. This ability grants the Marsh Savant damage reduction 2/-, and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Marsh Savant's Wisdom modifier. This ability is physically tiring to maintain, and restricts the Marsh Savant to a single move or standard action for each round it remains in effect.
At sixth level, the damage reduction improves to 4/-, and improves to 6/- at ninth level.
At eighth level, the Marsh Savant is no longer limited to a single move or standard action while his mud armour is in effect.
Mud wall: At fourth level, a Mud Savant may errect a barrier of mud as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. This ability functions similarly to Wall of Stone, using the Mud Savant's combined Mudbender level (see Mudbending, above) as the caster level. In addition, a creature may bust through the wall by dealing 10 points of damage with a slashing or blugeoning weapon per five feet of thickness. Again, unlike a wall of stone, the mud wall has no hardness.
Mud forms: A fourth and seventh level, a Mud Savant gains a lesser form, which must be either a Water or Earth form. At tenth level, a Mud Savant also gains a moderate form.
Seperate: At fifth level, a Marsh Savant learns to seperate mud into its component parts. The Marsh Savant can use Purify Water, as the spell, with a caster level equal to his Mudbending level (see Mudbending, above). In addition, this ability also leaves behind an equal amount of dirt.
Swallowing earth: Once per day as a full-round action, a Mud Savant can imbue a twenty-foot radius area of mud, centered on the Marsh Savant, with incredible clinging properties. Any creatures other than the Marsh Savant caught in the area must make a Reflex save (DC 15 + the Marsh Savant's level + the Marsh Savant's Wisdom modifier) or be dragged under the surface. A creature dragged under can hold its breath as normal, and begins to drown once it cannot hold its breath any longer. A Water Breathing spell allows a creature to breathe normally.
A creature dragged under the mud may attempt to dig his way out as a full-round action, but this requires a DC 30 Strength check. An Earthbender or Waterbender may free any creature, including himself, as a full-round action, but doing so requires a DC 30 Concentration check.

2006-12-11, 07:28 PM
Speaking of PrC's in general, there are a few I might want to take a try at, but first I'd like to see what everyone thinks of this idea.

It seems like there should be bending PrC's available to non-bending classes. Specifically I was thinking about the sandbenders. Clearly, earthbenders can naturally bend sand, as Toph demonstrated, so one might classify sandbending as a minor subset of earthbending. However, these seemed to be people who could bend only sand, and not very powerfully at that. So it seems like it should be a PrC available to non-benders, in this case desert dwellers who want to pick up just enough bending ability to make their lives easier.

I'll go ahead and get started on the class if no one has any major problems with my reasoning. (And if you do please say so.)

2006-12-11, 07:29 PM
For the air & fire prestige class, you could make it so that fire is "primary discipline" and air is "secondary discipline".

This would make it so that the class could spread fire much more quickly, augmenting their firebending with airbending.

Maybe call it a "wildfire master" or something...

Just thinking aloud. Not sure if it would work.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 07:30 PM
I was gonna use "Adept" in the next PrC's name, 'cause I'm running out of good-sounding words... And 'Master' doesn't feel right.

I like the 'void' idea, really. An ability that consumes oxygen might be a part of the class...

2006-12-11, 08:37 PM
Body of Elements
Maybe I should clarify. The elemental isn’t so much an actual creature as a convenient way to express the body of elements mechanically. It has no mental or physical stats (it takes those from the bender), it grants no skills (as those come from having an Int score), and doesn’t grant a bonus to attack.
I have it grant feats as things the bender only knows how to do in that form. I suppose I should have them still need to fulfill any attribute score prerequisite.
I had the idea for this form come from the season one finale when Aang joins with the coy fish (though I guess Aang in the avatar state is a special case at best and doesn’t count at worst). Should the form require some connection with the spirits to learn?

I've changed cooperation to 1/3 bender level and round up. Though I still have level one benders unable to to be a secondary bender. Crossbending Cooperation seems like it could be done normally so long as the abilities are “identical” and the two elements can be combined (i.e. fire and water can never cooperate, though earth and air could in the case of dust cloud).

New feat since we have no actual mechanic for it. I know earth and air don’t have a time of day but you can’t just leave them out.
Spiritual Connection
You have a high spiritual link with the time of day associated with your element.
Benefits: During your time of day you gain a +2 to your bender level. When it is not that time of day you suffer a -1 to your bender level.
Normal: Though a small increase in power is noticed by all benders, there is normally no in game advantage to the different times of day.
Special: Times of day- Night(6pm-6am): Water, Morning(12am-12pm): Earth, Day(6am-6pm): Fire, Evening(12pm-12am): Air

2006-12-11, 09:33 PM
You know Yuki, I came here looking to contribute in some small way because I would like to help my fellow man. And ever since my first post you've been an ass to me. I don't care if you've been on this board for two years, or if you've been involved in this thread longer, because that gives you no right to treat me as if I was a mod who just erased all the work you've made.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-11, 09:50 PM
I've been here two years?!

Wow, I need to get a life...

(And no, before you ask, I'm not addressing the rest of your post.)

2006-12-11, 10:36 PM
I'd be willing to play if someone wanted to start an Avatar pbp.

Also, I've been thinking of another Air PrC, I'll try and post it sometime after finals week...

2006-12-12, 12:45 PM
Sorry I haven’t posted in a page or so. My computer is at the hospital and probably won’t be out again for another couple days. I’ll try to keep up by posting at work, but don’t expect my constant engagement.

Alignment/Jing System:
I like the idea of incorporating the Jing system into the Avatar game, but I don’t think that it needs to be represented in a rules form. I think that this sort of thing is better left up to the individual. It’s clear to me that the extent to which people adopt Jing is largely a matter of personal preference. For instance, King Bhumi and Toph both emphasize neutral Jing heavily, but other Earthbenders don’t (the Boulder, for example). I think that the idea of Jing should be expressed more as a role-playing decision than a rule. However, if the consensus is to deal with Jing via the rules, I think it should be something simple like a bonus feat at 1st level. Maybe Power Attack for Positive Jing, Combat Expertise for Negative Jing and Combat Intuition for Neutral Jing.

Air/Fire Combo:
For what it’s worth, I like smoke better than void. There’s already a void PrC out there, and I think that working with an actual physical substance fits the nature of the Avatar world better than working with the absence of stuff. Plus, smoke conjures up some awesome images.

Thermokinetic Study:
I like it. One of these days I’m going to go back and update all of the classes with the new forms we’ve written up, but probably not today.

Avatar World Creatures:
First, I think that, by and large, we could work with existing D&D creatures to populate the Avatar world. For example, there are stats for rhinoceroses (and Dire Rhinos) in the Monster Manuals. We could use some Dinosaur stats for the giant lizards Azula and Co ride on. The only really important creatures we’d need to create are the Sky Bison (working on it, hopefully will have something soon) and the Badger Moles. Dragons already exist (and don’t really appear all that often in the show) and we could use any number of worm-like creatures as the base for the Unagi (adding a Water Blast ability as needed)

Second, if we’re trying to represent the show (an effort I support wholeheartedly), we should emphasize encounters with NPC’s more than with creatures. As a DM, I tend to use NPC’s more frequently, and I know that this creates far more work than using creatures out of the manuals, but there are really very few human v. animal encounters in the show (at least, compared to the number of human v. human encounters). This isn’t binding or anything, and the style of encounters is totally up to the DM, but that’s how I’d run it, despite the extra work involved.

Avatar Characters:
I’m pretty sure I’m going to be in the minority on this, but I don’t think that the Avatar should be a playable character. I think this for several reasons:

The existence of the Avatar State makes the Avatar difficult to play at best and raises tons of rules questions. Can the player control the Avatar State? If so, how? What exact abilities does the Avatar have? What’s the nature of the sprit companion?
To accurately represent the Avatar, the character would have to be hugely powerful, dwarfing the abilities of all other characters. We don’t even have epic progressions for the classes so far, and I don’t understand epic rules at all, so I’m not competent to craft them. However, the Avatar’s power level would require these progressions.
It would throw off party balance entirely. The Avatar is supposed to be more powerful than everyone. That’s the point. However, it makes being in a party with the Avatar decidedly less fulfilling, since you know he/she can do everything you can (and probably better).
What happens if the Avatar dies? How do you deal with that?So, yeah. I think we should treat the Avatar like a deity (i.e. strictly off-limits to PC’s) and leave the specifics up to the individual DM.

Master of the Hurricane:
I know it’s not complete or anything, but it looks promising. No where did we say that one person has a monopoly on a class idea (anyone is welcome to post their versions of the bending classes), plus the Hurricane is a different take on a combo of water and air than Yuki’s. I don’t know if you’re still hanging around, Cael, but I’d like to see it fleshed out a bit. Please?

Animal Bond:
I’m not too familiar with animal companion rules (never played a Druid), but it looks pretty good, though maybe a bit powerful. I’d say we should limit it to higher levels kinda like Leadership. An animal companion is pretty powerful at low levels, especially if everyone and his brother can have one.

Marsh Savant:
Again, I think that these synergistic PrC’s should have a dominant and a secondary bending discipline and advance them accordingly. Otherwise, I like this one, especially Swallowing Earth. I’d have to see it in action, but I think it looks ok balance-wise, though maybe a bit on the powerful size. Remember though, that magic doesn’t exist in the Avatar world in the same way it exists in the D&D world, so Water Breathing is going to be hard to come by.

Bending PrC’s for Non-Benders:
Not sure how keen I am on the idea. I think that Sandbending has been portrayed as every bit as powerful as normal Earthbending, just more specialized. Maybe we should require some multiclassing (maybe to Rogue) to get into the Sandbending class, but it should require some bending levels before entry. Remember that bending is largely an in-born talent that is realized through study and discipline. Not everyone can become a bender.

Wildfire Master:
I like the contept. *contemplates what the class could be like* Ooh! I like it a lot!

Body of the Elements and Spiritual Connection:
Still not sure. I kinda like the way the armor-like forms function already. I also still think it’s a little too powerful. Tone it down a bit and I’ll add it to the list of forms.

Spiritual Connection I like. Are we making it a feat or is it going to be a class feature? If a class features, I’d say make the bonuses/penalties equal (i.e. +1/-1 instead of +2/-1). Also, only Waterbending and Firebending are affected by the time of day.

Avatar PbP:
I know there’s still work to be done (crafting creatures, deciding how to deal with magic, etc), but I though I’d throw out a few (brief) ideas. First, I think that it should take place before or after the show, not during. This way, we could have Airbender characters who aren’t the Avatar (see above for my thoughts on the Avatar). Also, it means that we wouldn’t be tempted to play as already-established characters or mess with the show’s plotline unnecessarily. Finally, we need to have some non-bending characters, if only to help with the playtesting and comparisons with the bending classes.

I call Airbender!


Yuki Akuma
2006-12-12, 12:53 PM
The cause of my annoyance was not that someone was ruining my 'monopoly' on those classes; it was simply that he didn't bother reading the whole thread before posting. I find that infuriating...

And yes, I agree there should be primary and secondary disciplines for those PrCs, but I'm focusing on finishing them all before trying to work that out...

2006-12-12, 12:57 PM
Good call. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the PrC's all turn out. This project is really developing into a great system.


2006-12-12, 03:23 PM
I agree with the whole not making the characters from the show thing. That actually kind of irritates me when they do it, as in the Star Wars RPG.

The "Animal Bond" feat isn't even necessary, strictly speaking, I was just thinking on creating reasons to keep their various animal friends useful into higher levels. I actually have no idea about the power level on this, but you may be right. I actually did think of it as a "no conditional modifiers, cohorts only" leadership feat, but thought the fact that you wouldn't be getting a bunch of 1st level characters makes it okay for lower levels, when they'd actually be useful. But maybe not.

I'll get on that sandbender thing, and take what you said under advisement. I was mainly trying to imagine why an earthbender would go for something that makes him ultra-specialized.

2006-12-12, 03:25 PM
I'm working on the Avatar template right now....it's not as overpowered as you might expect.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-12, 03:30 PM
I'm working on the Avatar template right now....it's not as overpowered as you might expect.

Then it isn't powerful enough.

2006-12-12, 04:04 PM
On the Avatar: So long as it can destory an entire fire nation invasion force in a matter of minutes and move whole land masses with ease, I'll be satisfied.

I'll play around with body of elements.

I would be in support of making spiritual conntection a class feature.
I know it's only water and fire for times of day but the only other option for earth and air would be to increase their power during the corresponding season.
Maybe an idea for earthbenders and jing.

Jing Channeling
You have mastered the art of channeling neutral jing to enhance your earth bending.
Prerequisit: Earth blast
Benefits: So long as you are last in the initiative order you recieve a +2 to bender level and attack rolls for block bending. If you start out as last in the order you must not act for one round (except to block bending) before the benifits of this feat apply.

Tussy the Druid
2006-12-12, 04:17 PM
Well, if we're not going to use existing characters, i might try waterbender. And as for air+fire, i like the smoke stuff. What about a comet bender? Hails fire from the sky? Just a thought.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-12, 04:23 PM
Remember kids: the Avatar isn't just someone who can master all bending styles. The Avatar isn't just an extraordinarily powerful bender.

The Avatar is the planet.

If the Avatar doesn't have a Divine Rank of at least 0 something is very, very wrong.

(Actually, the Avatar State would probably be Divine Rank 0, although the actual body would still be mortal.)

2006-12-12, 04:45 PM
The fully progressed avatar, that is.

2006-12-12, 07:32 PM
I dont know if you guys have this, but what about those people that took over the air temple? The flying guys that didnt have bending... And that secret organization that Prince Zuko's uncle is in.(Im horrible with names) but you could have a 5 level prestige class with that right? Just throwing out ideas, because I love the show...

-Influence(Maybe bonuses to social skills in certain situations)
-ect. ect.

2006-12-12, 08:47 PM
The white locus is the mystery cult Iroh is in.

2006-12-12, 09:42 PM
I'd like to play a water or earth bender, but I could do one of the normal classes if it came to that.

Also, for PrCs, are we looking at simply combinations, or also extentions of single bending styles?

2006-12-12, 09:54 PM
Pretty much anything, actually. As I've said before, I think that combining bending disciplines should be really hard and really uncommon, but I like the PrC's we've got. So, any I say develop any ideas you have.


2006-12-12, 10:25 PM
Dai Li:
Another great idea. As has been said, Spider Climb is already part of the Earthbender base class. I also agree that, beyond the first few levels, this class doesn’t offer anything really except Sneak Attack. However, I think that you could spread out the benefits of the Gloves of Earth, building up their damage as the character gains levels (similar to how monks progress) and allowing dual-wielding. Also consider adding the ability to make the Earthen Bindings function at range (perhaps functioning as the Iron Bands wondrous item). Also, I think that the Sneak Attack should only apply to damage dealt with the Gloves of Earth and that the damage-dealing aspect of them should come first in the progression. Maybe start Sneak Attack at level two and start Gloves of Earth at level one, beginning with the ability to deal damage and improving in damage and adding special abilities as the class progresses.

Hmmm. Alright I see what you mean. I was mostly haveing trouble with the fact that the Dai Li are very much a mystery on the show and don't display many unique abilities besides the Gloves and Earthen Bindings like abilities.

On Earthen Bindings acting like the Iron Bands, I like that idea more so I'll switch that around on the descriptiong.

For Gloves abilities...

What about the ability to penetrate the DR of earthbending techniques at level?

And the damage is supposed to escalate as you gain levels (if you have the Superior unarmed strike feat) but if you think about many people probably don't think about doing that so I can see your reasoning.

However when should dual wielding those gloves be implemented? I don't think its quite a twenth level ability to use both hands when fighting.....wait I think I just had an idea.

Also I would be most happy in playing in an Avatar PbP set before the show as an Earth Bender.

2006-12-12, 10:51 PM
give me a week to get my finals straight and I'll start the PBP

2006-12-12, 11:00 PM
Here are the Dai Li with my new changes to them. What I'm most worried about are the new Glove abilities and Destructive Resonance ability. Are they balanced correctly and more importantly do they fit the flavor?

Dai Li

Selectively picked at a young age, the members of the Dai Li are elite officers of Ba Sing Se under the control of Long Feng. Their job is to ensure that no one disrupts the order of the city, such as by speaking of "undesirable" topics like the war with the Fire Nation. They employ skilled Earthbenders as a secret police group, who wear gloves made out of earthen materials in order to dexterously Earthbend on the go. Most of Ba Sing Se's citizens seem to fear them and want nothing to do with them, knowing that nothing but trouble can arise from meddling in any of their affairs. {As taken from Wikipedia}

Requirements: To become a Dai Li, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Alignment: Any Lawful
Skills: Concentration 10 ranks, Gather Information 8 ranks, Intimidate 6 ranks
Class Abilities: Earth Blast, Moderate Earthbending forms
Special: An aspiring Dai Li agent must be sponsored by another member of the Dai Li and have lived in Ba Sing Se for at least 2 months

Class Skills: Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide. Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Skill points per level: 6+Int Modifier

Dai Li
{table=head]Level|Base Attack[br]Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Spells

|Gloves of Earth, Spider Climb|+1 level of existing bending class

|Sneak Attack +1d6|+1 level of existing bending class

|Gloves of Earth (1d6)|+1 level of existing bending class

|Earthen Bindings, Sneak Attack +2d6|+1 level of existing bending class

|Gloves of Earth (1d8)|+1 level of existing bending class

|Sneak Attack +3d6|+1 level of existing bending class

|Gloves of Earth (1d10, Penetrate DR)|+1 level of existing bending class

|Sneak Attack +4d6|+1 level of existing bending class

|Gloves of Earth (2d6, Stunning)|+1 level of existing bending class

|Sneak Attack +5d6, Destructive Resonance|+1 level of existing bending class [/table]

Class Features:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Dai Li gains no additional weapon or armor proficiency.

Bending: When a new Dai Li level is gained, the character may choose new earthbending forms as she had also gained a level in whatever earthbending class that she started in. She does not, however, gain any of the other benefits a character of that class would have gained.

Gloves of Earth(Su): This ability coats the Dai Li's hands in a coating of earth to form gloves. As a standard action a Dai Li may use earthbending to fling the gloves at any target within 10 ft./Dai Li class level as a ranged touch attack. If successful a Dai Li agent is allowed to make a grapple check at his normal bonus+3 against the target.
At 3rd level the Gloves of the Earth deal 1d6 points of damage on a successful attack. This damage increases by one step at 5th, 7th, and 9th level.
At 6th level if the Dai Li agent has the Improved Unarmed Strike feat she may use the gloves as a ranged attack. This attack is at the Dai Li's normal ranged attack bonus. Follow up attacks granted by a high base attack bonus may also be used. The extra action granted by the Haste spell do not let you gain another ranged Gloves of the Earth attack.
At 7th level a Dai Li's Gloves of the Earth are able to penetrate the DR given by earthbending forms with an opposed Wisdom check. Also they may dual wield their Gloves with the correct penalties. (The offhand counts as a light weapon.)
At 9th level a Dai Li may use their Gloves as a medium to deliver a stunning attack from any source.

Spider Climb(Su): At 1st level a Dai Li's class levels stack with those of the Earth Bender class to determine climb speed. Also they may travel across any earthen surface, not just vertical ones..

Sneak Attack:
If a Dai Li can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.
The Dai Li’s attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two Dai Li levels thereafter. Should the Dai Li score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a Dai Li can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.
A Dai Li can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The Dai Li must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A Dai Li cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.
Unlike the normal sneak attack of a rogue, a Dai Li is able to apply this extra damage to her Gloves of the Earth ability.

Earthen Bindings: At 4th level a Dai Li agent is able to fashion earth into manacles to fit unto a creature. Once secured they act as masterwork manacles that don't require locks. As a full round action a Dai Li may fling the earthen manacles as a ranged touch attack that acts as the Iron Bands of Binding wonderous item except as noted.

Destructive Resonance: At 10th level a Dai Li gains perhaps the most fearful of their abilities and one that few have ever reached. Once per day a Dai Li may strike an opponent within half of their Gloves of the Earth ability with a deadly jab of earth as a full round action. On a successful ranged attack a Dai Li can set up destructive vibrations inside of the targets body that pulverise bones and damage eternal organs. These vibrations force the target to make a Fortitude Save (DC=10+Dai Li class levels+Wis modifier) or fall to -5 hit points and knocked out. On a successful save the vibrations instead do 1d8/Dai Li level and knock the target prone on the ground. This attack may not be combined with any form of earthbending or Gloves attack.

2006-12-12, 11:00 PM
So... if Fire+Earth= Magma, Air+Fire= Smoke, Air+Water=Mist, Water+Earth=Mud, Whats Earth+Air and Water+Fire?

2006-12-12, 11:10 PM
They're generally considered opposites, so they don't mix well.

That said, I'd say water and fire would be really hot vapor. I've said before that air and earth make smoke, but I seem to have been overruled on that. I don't know what else it might be, though. Sand?

2006-12-12, 11:14 PM
So... if Fire+Earth= Magma, Air+Fire= Smoke, Air+Water=Mist, Water+Earth=Mud, Whats Earth+Air and Water+Fire?

Water and fire definitly seem to be hot vapor. Steam.

Earth and Air though...I would say toxic fumes. Like swamp gas and the like.

2006-12-12, 11:19 PM
Or... Dust. You know. Like behind the couch. Dust.

2006-12-13, 07:12 AM
I would definatly be willing to play with a fox-bat companion! (The laberenth of love episode)

2006-12-13, 09:26 AM
I'm fairly sure they were wolf bats.

2006-12-13, 10:31 AM
Hi every one, I too am a BIG Avatar fan. I have been working on these classes since July this year! here is a link (http://boards1.wizards.com/showthread.php?t=612137) to where I have been working from. Good job on all your work and if you are interested I would be more then happy to send you mine, just PM me its all wraped up in a nice .pdf :smallredface:

2006-12-13, 10:54 AM
[SIZE=2]Master of the Hurricane:
I know it’s not complete or anything, but it looks promising. No where did we say that one person has a monopoly on a class idea (anyone is welcome to post their versions of the bending classes), plus the Hurricane is a different take on a combo of water and air than Yuki’s. I don’t know if you’re still hanging around, Cael, but I’d like to see it fleshed out a bit. Please?

Thank you.

Time to add a bit more.

Master of the Hurricane

Requirements: To become a Master of the Hurricane, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Swim 8 ranks
Class abilities: Air Blast, Manipulate

Class Skills: The following are the class skills of the Master of the Hurricane: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Heal, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+0|Hurricane Bending, Vortex, Manipulator of the Storm

+0|Storm Slam 1d8

+1|Lesser Hurricane Form

+1|Cycling Lungs, Storm Slam 2d8

+1|Eye of the Implosion

+2|Lesser Hurricane Form, Storm Slam 3d8

+2|Great Vortex

+2|Storm Slam 4d8

+3|Moderate Hurricane Form

+3|Hurricane's Essence, Storm Slam 5d8[/table]

Hurricanebending: A Master of the Hurricane adds his levels in Air Bender, Water Bender, and Master of the Hurricane together to determine the effectiveness of his bending forms and the power of his Air Blast and Water Blast abilities.

Vortex (Su): With the strength of water and air, a Master of Hurricane may begin to create the force that defines them. While less than 20ft away from a body of water at least 30 ft. long, 30 ft. wide, and 50 ft. deep, the Master may use Airbending and Waterbending to simultaneously raise and spin water and air together. This requires a Concentration check (DC 18.) If the water temperature is above 80 degrees farenheit, -2 from the DC. -1 from the DC for every 10ft. that the body of water exceeds the size needed per Master of the Hurricane level. (I.E. the maximum subtraction a 3rd level M.o.t.H. can get is 3 if the body of water is 30ft larger than need be.) On a succeeded concentration check, a large (By monster standards) hurricane is formed. Creating a hurricane in such a way requires 2 rounds, though only one concentration check is necessary. The hurricane is self sufficient though it will collapse if it is not maintained (See below.)

Manipulator of the Storm (Su): Controlling a hurricane requires great focus, skill, and determination. Luckily, the Master of the Hurricane possesses all three. To control a hurricane, a Master must be unarmed in at least one hand and succeed on a concentration check of which the DC varies. Controlling a hurricane requires a move action.

Move the Hurricane (DC 8 for 5ft) +2 per extra 5ft. +2 per 5ft on land.
Bend the Hurricane (DC 10 for 10 degrees) +1 per 5 degrees
Enlarge Hurricane (DC 16 per 5 sq. ft.)
Maintain Hurricane (DC 10 + turns since the hurricane has been created.)
+5 to all DC if only one hand is free.

Storm Slam (Su): The force of a hurricane is great, and the Master of the Hurricane uses this to his advantage. Starting at 2nd level, if the Master of the Hurricane has created a hurricane, he may use it to attack his opponent. Using a Storm Slam is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The storm buffets around the target, dealing 1d8 damage + Master of the Hurricane level, as well as moving the target 5ft away from the hurricane per 5 damage. After slamming an opponent, a concentration check (DC 15 + number of rounds since the hurricane has been created.) must be performed, or the storm will dissapate. The damage a Storm Slam deals increases to 2d8 at 4th level, 3d8 at 6th, 4d8 at 8th, and 5d8 at 10th.

Lesser Hurricane Form: At 3rd level and once again at 6th level, a Master of the Hurricane may take one Airbending or Waterbending form.

Cycling Lungs (Su): A Master of the Hurricane's ability to control wind and water together becomes uncanny. Starting at 4th level, a Master gains the ability to breath indefinitely in water, siphoning the needed oxygen from the liquid. He also gains the ability to survive in a vacuum for a number of rounds equal to his Master of the Hurricane levels + his Airbender levels + his Constitution modifier * 2.

Eye of the Implosion (Su): Starting at 5th level, a Master of the Hurricane's fury begins to unleash. Using a full round action, he may surround himself with a hurricane he created and shape it into a dome around him with a concentration check (DC 18.) Using another full-round action, he may make the dome explode, blasting everyone around him. Anyone within 5ft per Master of the Hurricane level when he makes the hurricane explode will receive 5d12 damage and be buffetted back 20ft.

Great Vortex (Su): Practice makes perfect, and there is no exception when it comes to the ability to make a hurricane. Starting at 7th level, a Master of Hurricane requires no concentration check when performing his Vortex ability, and the size of the body of water required is dropped to 15ft long, 15ft wide, and 25ft deep.

Moderate Hurricane Form: At 9th level, a Master of the Hurricane may take one moderate Airbending or Waterbending form.

Hurricane's Essence (Su): Words cannot begin to define a Master of the Hurricane's skill. At 10th level, a Master of the Hurricane may create a hurricane around him without requiring a body of water with a move action. All concentration checks meant to create and control a hurricane become free actions, as well as all DC required for such checks are reduced by 5. The time it takes to create a hurricane is reduced to a move action, and a Master of the Hurricane may be completely armed while manipulating a hurricane.

2006-12-13, 11:45 AM
Much enjoyed this thread, and am starting an avatar campaign setting soon. I'm afraid i don't have much constructive to say to you yet, other than thanks, this was exactly what we were looking for.

Oh yes, and Earthbenders are the best.

2006-12-13, 12:44 PM
Aargh! Not having a computer is killing me. So much to check…

Dai Li PrC
It’s looking better. Higher levels are definitely worth it now. I like the Destructive Resonance ability. It’s powerful and flavorful, but not automatically instant death. A couple of things though:

I’d start the damage for Gloves of Earth at 1d6 instead of 1d8, capping damage at 2d6 instead of 2d8. Also, I still think that Sneak Attack should only be applied to attacks with their Gloves of Earth. There’s just something about hurling boulders that says “imprecise” to me.
Any Dai Li would already have Spider Climb by this point. Perhaps have Dai Li levels and Earthbender levels stack for determining climb speed.
I think Gloves of Earth needs some clarification. Do they deal damage on a touch attack or a real attack (I assume real attack, but it should be clear)? If they hit and deal damage, can they initiate a grapple as well or do they have to forgo a damaging attack to initiate a grapple? Why require Improved Unarmed Strike for the ranged version but not the melee version? What’s the DC of the Wisdom check to overcome Earthbender DR?
I think you need to be a bit clearer about how the Earthen Bindings work. Especially, how do they interact with Earthbending? Are they secured automatically like the Iron Bands (if so, it would probably suffice to say they function like Iron Bands of Binding, except as noted)?Otherwise, nice work!

Master of the Hurricane
Looking good so far. Definitely a different take on the air-water combination. As with the Dai Li, I have a few comments:

What does “in front of” mean when creating a Vortex? Do you need to adjacent, or can you be within a certain distance of the body of water?
How do hurricanes move? Does it require concentration by the Master of the Hurricane to move it? At what speed? Does a creature need to be inside the hurricane to be affected by Storm Slam, or adjacent? Does the hurricane have reach?
I’d shorten the amount of time required to summon a hurricane to 2 rounds. It’s essential for the class’s abilities (at least so far) and a battle can easily be over in 5 rounds. 2 rounds is still a significant time investment, but isn’t quite as crippling.Again, I’m liking what I see so far. Keep it coming!

Are you using our content or some you’ve developed on your own? If you are using ours, let us know (in detail, please) how things work out and what changes/improvements you’d suggest.

As a final note, I’m leaving on the 25th to spend a semester studying in Hyderabad, India. I’m bringing my (hopefully healthy by then) computer and should have relatively decent internet access, but be aware that my participation may be a bit down. I still want to participate in the “project” and the PbP (if I make the cut, that is), but just know that I probably won’t be able to make tons of posts throughout the day.


2006-12-13, 02:50 PM
Dai Li PrC
It’s looking better. Higher levels are definitely worth it now. I like the Destructive Resonance ability. It’s powerful and flavorful, but not automatically instant death. A couple of things though:
I’d start the damage for Gloves of Earth at 1d6 instead of 1d8, capping damage at 2d6 instead of 2d8. Also, I still think that Sneak Attack should only be applied to attacks with their Gloves of Earth. There’s just something about hurling boulders that says “imprecise” to me.
Any Dai Li would already have Spider Climb by this point. Perhaps have Dai Li levels and Earthbender levels stack for determining climb speed.
I think Gloves of Earth needs some clarification. Do they deal damage on a touch attack or a real attack (I assume real attack, but it should be clear)? If they hit and deal damage, can they initiate a grapple as well or do they have to forgo a damaging attack to initiate a grapple? Why require Improved Unarmed Strike for the ranged version but not the melee version? What’s the DC of the Wisdom check to overcome Earthbender DR?
I think you need to be a bit clearer about how the Earthen Bindings work. Especially, how do they interact with Earthbending? Are they secured automatically like the Iron Bands (if so, it would probably suffice to say they function like Iron Bands of Binding, except as noted) A. I figured since most benders are going to be picking up Improved unarmed strike anyway might as well start at the next step. But I'll give on the sneak attack.
B. Good point and changed.
C. Its either attack or grapple. Not both. I left that out on purpose. And its a real attack not a touch. I'll try to clarify that. The DC of the Wisdom check is whatever the other person rolls. Hence the "opposed Wisdom check" part of it. I would think its a matter of who's earthbending is more powerful as to if you penetrate the DR. And wisdom is the bending ability.
D. Fixed that as well.

2006-12-13, 03:19 PM
Okay, I've changed those things, and added the other abilities.

2006-12-13, 05:34 PM
I'm fairly sure they were wolf bats.
Fixed, they were wolf-bats

2006-12-13, 06:04 PM
On the topic of nonbender classes, here are those I think should be availible, from Core, the Complete Series, and other sources:

Unrestricted: Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Rogue, Scout, Swashbuckler, Knight, Warblade, Crusader, Marshall, Samurai (kanachi's version, link below)

Ranger (CW noncaster): Earth Kingdom
The Ranger is a spiritual warrior who uses his bending not as a weapon but as a source of strength.
Paladin (CW noncaster): Water Tribes
The Paladin is a master of the healing arts of waterbending and a righteous defender of her tribe. (maybe replace mount w/ better healing?)
Ninja: Air Nomads
The Ninja is a mysterious agent of the Air Temples who uses ancient mystical techniques to "fade into the wind." (need to rework fluff, maybe change some abilities)
Swordsage: Fire Nation
The Swordsage trains constantly to master his body in the same sense as a firebender controls fire, channelling the destructive power of that element into his sword. (not sold on this one, maybe make unrestricted and replace with reworked soulknife?)

Any other classes from the same sources were left out beacause I felt they were inappropriate for the setting, either because they used standard magic or because they stank to the high heavens (yes, I'm looking at you, CW Samurai).

When the PbP comes, I'm planning either a Fire Nation or Water Tribe character. I think the campaign should be before - optimally just before, during and after - Sozin's comet arrives, allowing characters of any nation to be in the party and preventing strife based on nation, at least until disaster strikes. Also, I second the suggestion that the Avatar should not be in the party, no matter the time period.

If someone has Oriental Adventures, it might help considerably, especially for monsters if a party somehow ends up on the Spirit Realm (my copy is currently in Germany).

Kanachi's Samurai:

2006-12-13, 07:01 PM
Is the PbP filled up, by the way? I'd be interested in joining in, but I'm still a bit of a newb here, and have never played by post before. I do have a pretty good handle on the rules, though, and am typically willing to fill in whatever role needs filling.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-13, 07:01 PM
Is the PbP filled up, by the way? I'd be interested in joining in, but I'm still a bit of a newb here, and have never played by post before. I do have a pretty good handle on the rules, though, and am typically willing to fill in whatever role needs filling.

There is no PbP. Because this isn't finished yet.

2006-12-13, 07:21 PM
Yes, I know, but people have begun talking about it, and I was essentially wondering if I could get in on it when the time comes.

2006-12-13, 08:01 PM
It's up to the DM who joins, so I couldn't tell you whether you have a chance or not, but good luck! Oh, and don't mind Yuki-sama; he's crabby sometimes, but he's a good guy underneath. :smallbiggrin:

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-13, 08:52 PM
It's up to the DM who joins, so I couldn't tell you whether you have a chance or not, but good luck! Oh, and don't mind Yuki-sama; he's crabby sometimes, but he's a good guy underneath. :smallbiggrin:

Filthy lies.

2006-12-13, 08:54 PM
And on the outside he's such a cute little girl. :smallbiggrin:

Thanks. As I said, I basically know nothing about how that works.

2006-12-13, 09:18 PM
Dude, I am totaly si. . . Siked? Yeah whatever.

I’m vastly anticipating the establishment of the pbp

See how I can spell anything exept easy words?

2006-12-13, 09:20 PM
I think it's Psyched*

2006-12-13, 10:22 PM
I've been reading through this. and I think it's really coming together as far as classes and powers go, but after watching a couple episodes tonight, I can't help but wonder if it might be better to go the D20 modern route, and give everybody improved unarmed strike for free. That would better fit the sister character (I suck at remembering names) where she would start as either a smart or wise hero, and then become a water bender after two or three levels. I would say Earth benders favored Strong Heroes, Airbenders Fast heroes, Water benders wise heroes, and fire, probably Charismatic Heroes (if you follow the "force of personality" idea.) or fire benders as strong heroes and earth benders as tough heroes. This would also help because, as far as I can recall there seem to be no nonhuman intelligent creatures.

Something to consider.

2006-12-13, 10:23 PM
For monster conversions we need to recruit VT.

Though there is one very easy conversion...

Playtapus(sp)bear equals.....Owlbear with a diffrent anger level!

2006-12-13, 10:30 PM

2006-12-13, 11:09 PM
Alright, this is my first ever PrC, so tell me exactly what you think. I was basically going for someone who would be very powerful in their chosen environment (sand), but this would be balanced by them being drastically less powerful anywhere else. Also, I should say that there isn’t a lot on sandbenders, so I inferred/blatantly made up a lot.


The Si Wong desert is harsh and inhospitable, and even the most prepared traveler risks death upon every trespass into that wasteland. The desert is not wholly devoid of travelers, however; the sandbenders of the Si Wong desert have found away to manipulate the desert’s most plentiful resource into a useful tool and deadly weapon. They pilot their sailers, sailboats mounted on runners, through the desert, pushing them to swift speeds with their sandbending techniques.

The sandbenders are primarily focused on survival, and will resort to theft or subterfuge to do so. As such, many sandbenders come from rangers or scouts, although there are a few rogues who become sandbenders. All sandbenders must be able to earthbend, as well as have some knowledge of how to survive the desert by mundane means.

Hit Die: d8

Requirements: To become a sandbender, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Skills: Survival 5 ranks, concentration 5 ranks, spot 8 ranks, listen 5 ranks
Feats: endurance, self sufficient
Abilities: Must know the earthbending forms Tremorsense and Dust Cloud
Special: Must be a member of one of the tribes of the Si Wong desert

Class Skills: Craft, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (geography), Listen, Ride, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Use rope
Skill points at each level: 4 + int modifier

Class Features:
Base attack bonus: 3/4 the sandbender level (as the cleric), good fortitude and will save progressions, bad reflex save progression

level ability
1 Sand blast 1d6, lesser sandstorm
2 Immobility
3 Sand blast 2d6
5 Burrow 10ft, greater tremorsense
6 Sand blast 3d6, sandstorm
8 Engulf
9 Sand blast 4d6, burrow 15ft
10 Greater sandstorm

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Sandbenders gain no proficiency with weapons or armor

Sand Blast (su):As the ability earth blast, except it may only be used to manipulate sand. Sand blast stacks with earth blast for the purposes of damage and ranges, but only when used to manipulate sand.

Lesser Sandstorm (su): As a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity, a sandbender may call up a small whirlwind of sand. The primary use of this ability is to propel the sandbender sailers by having sand push against the sail. This moves the sailer at a rate of 60 ft per round. This ability may also be used to immerse a five foot square in a small whirlwind, giving cover to anyone in the square, but also giving them a -2 attack penalty, and forcing them to make a DC 15 + spell level concentration check whenever they cast a spell. Moving out of the square negates these effects. Lesser sandstorm has no effect on creatures with an area larger than five feet. Maintaining this ability is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity, and it stops the round in which you stop concentrating.

Immobility (su): Sandbenders are exceptionally stable on the sand, and they can even use the sand to lock themselves into place. The sandbender may use this ability to be held mobile, making him immune to trip attacks, bull rushes, and being picked up or carried. While this ability is in effect the sandbender may not move. He may choose to end the effect as a free action, but if he does so then he may not use it again until the next round. Becoming immobile is a move action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. (Note: I almost called this ability sand stand, but thought that would be excessively silly.)

Burrow (su): Upon reaching the fifth level, sandbenders gain a burrow speed of 10 ft, but only through sand. While burrowing a sandbender leaves no hole or visible trace, but he is also unable to breathe while beneath the sand. Normal rules for suffocation apply. A ninth level sandbender’s burrow speed increases to 15 ft.

Greater Tremorsense (su): At level five, a sandbender increases his tremorsense ability. He may now sense objects at a range of 60 feet. This is not halved by sand or loose rock. This ability may only be used if the sandbender is touching sand, and only if this sand forms a continuous path to wherever the sandbender wants to sense; otherwise, this ability is treated as tremorsense.
Sandstorm (su): As lesser sandstorm, except as follows. It affects a twenty foot radius area as if by a strong wind. Also, sight in the area is obscured as if by obscuring mist, and anyone with unprotected eyes must make a DC (10 + ½ the sandbender’s character level + the sandbender’s wisdom modifier) fortitude save or be blinded. Leaving the area of effect and spending a full round action to clear their eyes ends the blindness. Sandstorm causes light damage to any objects caught in the area, though this effect is negligible for short periods of time. Any mechanical object caught in the area has a 75% chance of being rendered inoperable because of sand caught in the moving parts, and a full day must be spent cleaning the device for it to work again. Sandstorm automatically disperses any swarms caught completely in the area.

Engulf (su): A sandbender may attempt to encase a medium or smaller creature in a cocoon of sand, suffocating them. Using this ability is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The target gets a reflex save DC (10 + ½ the sandbender’s character level + the sandbender’s wisdom modifier) to negate the effect. If he doesn’t, then he is enveloped in a stiff cocoon of sand, rendered immobile and unable to breathe. A sandbender must concentrate on this ability to maintain it, though he can tell if the target has died, and choose to end the ability any time as a free action. The cocoon may be burst with a DC 23 strength check, though any attempt to do so doubles the effect of suffocation for that round. (That is, if a character is engulfed in sand for three rounds, then spends a round trying to break out with a strength check (unsuccessfully), the character is then considered to have been engulfed for five rounds, for the purposes of determining suffocation.) Creatures with a burrow speed are immune to this effect. Creatures that don’t breathe cannot be killed by engulf, but they may still be rendered immobile.

Greater Sandstorm (su): As sandstorm, except as follows. This ability affects a forty foot radius as if by a severe wind. Additionally, anyone caught in the effect is buried at a rate of one half a foot per round. Anyone partially buried may not move, though the character may spend a move action to unbury himself by half a foot of sand. Movement in the area is reduced by ten feet, to a minimum of five feet. Flight is impossible in the area of effect. Any creature at least half as large as the area of effect is unaffected by greater sandstorm. Note that this ability doesn’t change the elevation of the area of effect. People are buried because the ability displaces sand then replaces it. The shifting sand is what causes people to sink, it isn’t because the sand is piled on.

2006-12-13, 11:16 PM
I don't think tremmorsense should be a requirement. Afterall the sand seems to nerf it. Toh can't see on sand very well.

2006-12-13, 11:26 PM
I don't want to complain, since I like the idea of Sandbenders, but I think maybe sandbending should be a feat for Earthbenders.

Prerequesits: Move a Rock
Benefit: An Earthbender may manipulate sand just as easily as earth or stone.
Normal: An Earthbender may only manipulate solid objects such as rock.

2006-12-13, 11:51 PM
I don't think tremmorsense should be a requirement. Afterall the sand seems to nerf it. Toh can't see on sand very well.

Well, I was going to put the requriement as "At least 2 earthbending forms," but decided to restrict the forms so they would be more sandbender-y. The tremorsense seemed to make sense to me, because I had already planned to put in improved tremorsense. Maybe that doesn't work, though. It wouldn't be a big thing to change it. I'll consider the change.

I don't want to complain, since I like the idea of Sandbenders, but I think maybe sandbending should be a feat for Earthbenders.

Prerequesits: Move a Rock
Benefit: An Earthbender may manipulate sand just as easily as earth or stone.
Normal: An Earthbender may only manipulate solid objects such as rock.

But that's the thing, earthbenders can already bend sand, as Toph demonstrated. I think of these guys as more specialized earthbenders rather than earthbenders who have gained the ability to bend sand. That's why the "blast" abilities stack, for example. Anyways, how else are they going to do that boat-propelling whirlwind thing?

2006-12-14, 12:50 PM
Some new content for everyone to review and critique. Let me know what you think, especially about the Flying Bison's CR.

Sky Bison


Huge Magical Beast
HD: 9d10+45 (94 HP)
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares); Fly 60 ft (Good)
Init: +2
AC: 17 (-2 size, +2 dex, +7 natural armor); touch 10; flat-footed 15
BAB: +9; Grp +29
Attack: Bite +16 (1d8+8) or Tail Slap +15 (2d6+8)
Full-Attack: Bite +16 (1d8+8) or Tail Slap +15 (2d6+8)
Space: 15 ft.; Reach: 10 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Toss, Air Blast
Special Qualities: Darkvision (60 ft), Low-Light Vision, Scent
Saves: Fort +11 Ref +8 Will +5
Abilities: Str 26, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 10
Skills: Jump +20, Spot +6, Listen +6, Swim +13
Feats: Ability Focus (Air Blast), Weapon Focus (Bite), Improved Grapple, Flyby Attack
Environment: any hills
Organization: Solitary or herd (2-8 Bison) – often accompanied by Air Nomads
Challenge Rating: 8
Treasure: None (if unaccompanied) or half normal (if accompanied by an Air Nomad)
Alignment: usually Neutral
Advancement: 10-20 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: –

Sky Bison are rarely seen outside of Air Nomad communities. They are large creatures with white fur and a brown arrow mark running from the tip of their tail to the top of their heads. Sky Bison have six legs with wide feet and long curving horns on their heads. They are large, bulky creatures, approximately 20 feet long, standing 10 feet high, and weighing about 6000 lbs.

Sky Bison are usually quite docile and friendly, but if provoked they can become intelligent foes who use their bulk and their special abilities to great effect.
Improved Grab – To use this ability, a Sky Bison must hit a creature of size large or smaller with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can attempt to Toss the opponent in the following round.
Toss – If a Sky Bison has successfully initiated a grapple with a creature size medium or smaller, he/she may attempt to Toss the grappled creature with an opposed grapple check (a standard action). If the Sky Bison loses this grapple check, the Toss attempt fails and the Sky Bison drops the creature (who lands prone adjacent to the Flying Bison in a square of the Flying Bison’s choice). If the Sky Bison wins this grapple check, the opponent is tossed 10 ft + 5 additional feat for every 5 by which the Sky Bison won the grapple check. The opponent lands prone, moving the Toss distance in a straight line chosen by the Sky Bison.
Air Blast – Using his/her broad, flat tail, a Sky Bison can create an Air Blast with an Airbender class level equal to 5 + the Sky Bison’s hit dice as a standard action. A Sky Bison cannot use a full attack action to create multiple Air Blasts. This ability functions identically to the Airbender class ability.
Skills – Sky Bison have a +2 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks, a +4 racial bonus to Jump checks, and a +5 racial bonus to Swim checks.

And, a new Earthbending form. I think this one hasn't been crafted previously. If it has, I apologize.

Column of Earth – Using this form, an Earthbender can cause a column of earth, stone, or crystal to thrust out of any earthen surface. The column has a maximum diameter of 5 ft + 5 ft per 4 Earthbender levels, and can have a maximum height of 10 ft + 5 ft per 2 Earthbender levels. An Earthbender can create a column anywhere within a 30 foot radius of him/herself. If an Earthbender creates a column underneath another creature, that creature is allowed a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Earthbender’s hit dice + the Earthbender’s Wisdom modifier) to avoid the column (the creature moves to the closest square adjacent to the column on a successful save). If the Earthbender causes a column to crush a creature against a solid surface, the creature takes 4d6 damage. The creature is then pinned between the solid surface and the column, but can escape with a DC 30 Strength or Escape Artist check.

Let me know what you think.


Yuki Akuma
2006-12-14, 12:56 PM
I really don't think Toss should be usable on anything larger than Medium. Possibly Large.

2006-12-14, 12:57 PM
Yeah, you're probably right. *makes change*


Yuki Akuma
2006-12-14, 12:59 PM
...Why do Flying Bisons get the +10 bonus to Swim checks and the ability to always take 10 on said checks if they don't have a swim speed?

2006-12-14, 01:03 PM
I just kinda threw that in as an afterthought, since Appa was pretty good at swimming (and could swim long distances, if the first few episodes are to be believed). Maybe I'll reduce the bonus to +5 or so and remove the ability to take 10. I think that Flying Bison should be able to swim pretty well, but I can see where taking 10 doesn't really fit.


2006-12-14, 02:01 PM
A minor thing - I believe that sky bisons have wide feet, not wide feat. Also, I believe they are called sky bisons typically, and not flying bisons.

2006-12-15, 12:10 PM
Just letting everyone know that I've updated the base classes with the new forms that have been proposed so far. Let me know what you think. Also, check out the:


Large Magical Beast (Earth)
HD: 7d10+35 (75 HP)
Speed: 30 ft (6 squares); Burrow 30 ft
Init: +5
AC: 16 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +6 Natural Armor); touch 10; flat-footed 15
BAB: +7; Grp: +18
Attack: Claw +14 (1d10+7)
Full-Attack: 2 Claws +14 (1d10+7)
Space: 10 ft.; Reach: 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Move a Rock, Earthquake
Special Qualities: Tremorsense (60 ft), Blindsight (60 ft), immunity to gaze attacks, Music Lover
Saves: Fort +10 Ref +6 Will +4
Abilities: Str 24, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +18, Hide +1 (+5 underground), Move Silently +1 (+5 underground)
Feats: Ability Focus (Earthquake), Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Claw)
Environment: Any Underground
Organization: Single, Pair, Troop (3-6)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Neutral
Advancement: 7-10 HD (large), 11-14 HD (huge)
Level Adjustment: –

Badger-Moles are powerful subterranean creatures capable of impressive displays of Earthbending. They are large creatures with powerful digging claws on all four paws. Their fur is typically brown with black and white stripes running from the tip of their nose to the end of their short tail. They are largely blind, but are able to sense the location of creatures through a variety of other senses, including their keen hearing and their ability to sense tremors in the earth.

Badger-Moles are territorial creatures that will attack aggressively when their territory is invaded. They try to ambush their foes, digging stealthily through solid earth before bursting out of the ground. Their claws are powerful weapons, and they often employ their Earthbending abilities to control the battlefield.
Move a Rock – A Badger-Mole can use the Move a Rock ability at will. Their Earthbending level is equal to their hit dice for the purpose of this ability.
Earthquake – A Badger-Mole can use the Earthquake ability at will, as the Moderate Earthbending Form. Their Earthbending level is equal to their hit dice for the purpose of this ability.
Music Lover – Badger-Moles love music, and can be calmed by playing music of any sort. This functions exactly as a Bard’s Fascinate ability, except that any character with ranks in Perform can calm a Badger-Mole.
Skills – Badger-Moles have a +6 racial bonus on Listen checks, and a +4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks made underground.

What do you think?


2006-12-15, 02:24 PM
And a new (pretty blatantly stolen) feat:

Still Bending
Prerequisite: Ability to use Moderate Bending Forms
Benefit: You can use Lesser and Moderate Bending Forms as well as Play with Fire, Manipulate, Move a Rock, or Air Grab without somatic components.
Normal: All bending abilities require somatic components.


Yuki Akuma
2006-12-15, 02:26 PM
And a new (pretty blatantly stolen) feat:

Still Bending
Prerequisite: Ability to use Moderate Bending Forms
Benefit: You can use Lesser and Moderate Bending Forms as well as Play with Fire, Manipulate, Move a Rock, or Air Grab without somatic components.
Normal: All bending abilities require somatic components.


That doesn't fit the show at all. All bending forms (except a couple of Air and Fire ones) have 'somatic components'; bending is as much about moving your body as it is about focusing your mind.

2006-12-15, 02:31 PM
I'm in agreement with Yuki on this. Unless it was very minor bending (Like Iroh heating his tea) they always had to do some kind of motion to bend, with the exception of Aang in the Avatar State and he still had to use motions a lot. If this feat is kept it would probably have to have much higher requirements as well. Like knowledge of the highest forms.

2006-12-15, 02:40 PM
Speaking of which, what about the minor bendings? With the classes as written if, for example, Kitara tried to give everyone a bit of water in the desert she would probably KILL them instead. Aang wouldn't be able to cool Toph's soup or do that thing where he makes the marbles whirl around. I supposed those things could be RPed, but I wonder if it should be spelled out a bit more.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-15, 02:42 PM
Speaking of which, what about the minor bendings? With the classes as written if, for example, Kitara tried to give everyone a bit of water in the desert she would probably KILL them instead. Aang wouldn't be able to cool Toph's soup or do that thing where he makes the marbles whirl around. I supposed those things could be RPed, but I wonder if it should be spelled out a bit more.

Manipulate can do the 'give people water in the desert' thing!

2006-12-15, 02:46 PM
Well, whatever, I was just pulling random examples from the show. My point is there's a bunch of minor effects shown that have little rules support or mention. I was just wondering whether this is big enough for such rules/support is warrented.

2006-12-15, 02:52 PM
Certain benders have shown that bending can be accomplished with very little movement. Bommi was able to do it with only his face. Iroh did some bending while tied up and in cuffs. Katara froze Jet simply by breathing and her healing takes little movement. Aang has his "sneeze" air bending.
I don't think complete removal of somatic components is a good idea but there is stuff on the show that has them bend with very little movement. I say up the requiments and don't allow it if the person is completely immobile, bending can never be a completely mental action.

2006-12-15, 03:08 PM
Certain benders have shown that bending can be accomplished with very little movement. Bommi was able to do it with only his face. Iroh did some bending while tied up and in cuffs. Katara froze Jet simply by breathing and her healing takes little movement. Aang has his "sneeze" air bending.

I don't think Bommi was a good example. He probably had a good deal of room in that coffin thing so he might have been moving the entire time. And Aang just fired an airblast out of his nose pretty much...thats kinda funny actually.

I don't think complete removal of somatic components is a good idea but there is stuff on the show that has them bend with very little movement. I say up the requiments and don't allow it if the person is completely immobile, bending can never be a completely mental action.

2006-12-15, 03:25 PM
I don't think Bommi was a good example. He probably had a good deal of room in that coffin thing so he might have been moving the entire time. And Aang just fired an airblast out of his nose pretty much...thats kinda funny actually.


Bommi's not a good example...He's amoungst the most powerful benders seen on the show.

2006-12-15, 03:56 PM
... and I distinctly remember him talking about still being able to move his head...

2006-12-15, 04:11 PM
well he is able to bend with seemingly minimal effort, able to throw massive rocks from the ground just by pacing.

2006-12-15, 04:40 PM
Ok, how 'bout this as a revision:

Still Bending
Prerequisite: Ability to use Greater Bending Forms
Benefit: You can use Bending Forms without the dramatic somatic components normally required. As long as you retain some movement with some part of your body, you can use Lesser Bending as well as Play with Fire, Manipulate, Move a Rock, or Air Grab. If you are completely immobilized, you cannot bend, even with this feat. This feat allows things like bending while tied up or grappled.
Normal: All bending abilities require somatic components.

My intention was to allow things like Bumi's bending while in the metal cage. You guys are right that bending should be impossible when completely immobilized. I guess I was just too hasty in posting this. Incidentally, if you want to watch any of the episodes, you can find them at The Avatar Portal (www.theavatarportal.com). They're in 3 parts and of only decent quality, but it's enjoyable nonetheless.

My intention was for abilities like Manipulate to cover minor tricks. However, if people think that we need a specific "Prestidigitation for benders" ability, I'm open to the idea.

Any comments on the Sky Bison or the Badger-Mole? Do the CR's look alright?


2006-12-15, 06:23 PM
Regarding things that dont fit the show: Just because these were meant for an Avatar game, dosent mean they will always be used in one.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-15, 06:24 PM
Uh... what?

What does that have to do with anything?

2006-12-15, 06:37 PM
Note that thing at the top... that... still bending thing? The thing you shot down? Peol just using these classes as a generic elemntal controlling class could use that. Just not you guys in a Avatar trance.
Note that this is ignoring the revisions, as I dislike perfectly good feats being manpiulated for a non mechanical cause.

2006-12-15, 06:59 PM
That's great, but not extraordinarily productive.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-15, 07:01 PM
I'm sorry, but this little project is based on Avatar. It's in no way supposed to be a bunch of generic elementalist classes; if it was, they'd probably actually be spellcasters, and wouldn't have the frankly stupid "bending" name.

The flavour is very important when turning a TV show into a D20 product. That's why most of them suck so much.

2006-12-16, 05:02 PM
A few things my group and I have been mulling over, and changes we made in the planning of the campaign:

Airbenders, they have very few bending techniques known, yet an enormous range to choose from, and gain them at different levels to every other class. They get more class features, though, so we're unsure what to do.

For our game, we ruled that bending is a form of supernatural martial arts, so all benders are given improved unarmed strike for free.

Would rapid shot allow you to use more bending attacks (not techniques) per round? The dm ruled that they were more similar to ranged weapons, and not stemming from a purely supernatural source (like a warlocks eldritch blast), so yes, rapid shot works, same with [] Bending.

Airbenders +5 to jump is barely worth a class feature, allowing you to jump 1.25 foot higher at level 20. We instead changed it to a technique, similar to jump, involving +10/20/30. Aang can jump at least 20ft into the air, you see.

Since none of the characters in the show combine bending (not even the avatar), we didn't allow any PrCs that combine two elements. The avatar can't bend earth and air at the same time, he does it seperately (so far, at least). The only exception i can think of were sandbenders, which we decided bend earth only, in a water/air kinda way.

Airbending techniques are quite wierd, since many of the 1st level ones are quite weak (+10ft speed?), they get so few, there are so many to choose from, and the highest level ones are all offensive.

Emperor Demonking
2006-12-17, 08:53 AM
This is my fire try on making a class any way, so I'll see how it is.

Kyoshi Island Warriors

Kyoshi Island Warriors are mostly female with only a few males knowing the style, though none are part of the group. They are traned in the use of the warfan and learn their style from the style of avatar Kyoshi, though they do not bend.

+5 bab
Exotic weapon proficincy: Warfan.
Special: Must have been taught by a Kyoshi Island Warrior.

Skills: Craft, proffesion, heal, swim, balance and jump. Knowledge (history)
Skill points per level: 2 + int.

Kyoshi Island Warrior gain proficency with the Katana if they lack it.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack|[/table]{table=head]Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special[/table]{table=head]









Wait for the opportunity,









+1 on attack and damage rolls with the warfan, use strength 1/day.









Use strength 2/day [/table]

Wait for opportunity:At level 1, if a Kyoshi Island warrior readies an action to attack or trip if a chosen foe attacked her, if that foe attacks her or allows for her to make an attack of opportunity against the foe, she attacks the foe before the foe can attack with a +2 on attack rolls or trip rolls.

Use strength: Once a day when attacking a foe at level 2she can add half the foes strength bonus to her attack roll, at level three she can use it twice a day.

2006-12-17, 09:04 AM
This is just a thought, but I think water healing should be a prestige class. Or is that just me? since as I remember, it was a very rare thing.

2006-12-17, 09:48 AM
This is just a thought, but I think water healing should be a prestige class. Or is that just me? since as I remember, it was a very rare thing.
All women in the Northern water tribe were healers. Some might have an inate talent (feat?) but it seems like anyone with training could do it.

2006-12-17, 05:43 PM
But the women of the northern tribe specifically focused less on combat and more on healing, so a PrC might be appropriate to reflect that. Maybe not, though. This one I could see either way.

2006-12-17, 06:13 PM
But the women of the northern tribe specifically focused less on combat and more on healing, so a PrC might be appropriate to reflect that. Maybe not, though. This one I could see either way.

Katara was able to learn how to heal on her own by sheer accident. ((healing her own burn wounds by soaking them)) I'd say its standard issue water bending...but some focus on healing more than assault.

2006-12-17, 06:21 PM
The problem is that from the source, we only have knowledge of a single water-bender, and one water-bending culture. It seems the southern tribe was much more open to teaching whichever style to whichever benders.

Additionally, though, in "The Deserter" (I think) we learned that healing water is apparently a rare water-bending gift. (The source of this information however, is dubious, as he was not of a water-bending tribe. Also, the information is directly opposed by the scenes in the north where almost all the students at the healing lesson are very young.)

Lastly, though, is the balance between the classes to consider. Unless I've missed something, Water has the only access to healing. As it stands, a party will almost always include a water-bender, but how would a party survive without any healing at all?

2006-12-17, 06:24 PM
The problem is that from the source, we only have knowledge of a single water-bender, and one water-bending culture. It seems the southern tribe was much more open to teaching whichever style to whichever benders.

Additionally, though, in "The Deserter" (I think) we learned that healing water is apparently a rare water-bending gift. (The source of this information however, is dubious, as he was not of a water-bending tribe. Also, the information is directly opposed by the scenes in the north where almost all the students at the healing lesson are very young.)

Lastly, though, is the balance between the classes to consider. Unless I've missed something, Water has the only access to healing. As it stands, a party will almost always include a water-bender, but how would a party survive without any healing at all?

No the deserted stated that healing is simply unique to Water Bending. The Deserter of the title expressed his wish that his element had more noble uses rather than pure destruction.

2006-12-17, 06:30 PM
The line I was thinking of was this:

"You have healing abilities. The great benders of the Water Tribe sometimes have this ability."

I place emphasis on the phrase, "great benders" and the word "sometimes". This would seem to indicate that it was a rare gift that even some masters did not have.

Though again, this is in conflict with what Katara actually saw at the healing lesson in the North.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-17, 06:58 PM
We don't know if those girls in the healing lesson were the entirety of female novice benders in the city, or just the ones able to heal.

There could have been ten times that number who just couldn't heal, so weren't allowed lessons at all.

But, really, why does it matter? Those without the 'gift' don't take healing forms, or when they do take them, they discover their gift! It's like psionic classes, or the sorcerer. Some people have the gift, most don't. People who start as something else and gain a level in sorcerer later on had the gift all along, but only recently discovered it. People who never become sorcerers never had the gift, or it was never brought to the surface.

2006-12-17, 07:22 PM
I was really just playing the advocate, as I think it really doesn't matter at all.

2006-12-18, 02:57 PM
Done with M.o.t.H., though still open to changes.

Master of the Hurricane

Requirements: To become a Master of the Hurricane, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Swim 8 ranks
Class abilities: Air Blast, Manipulate

Class Skills: The following are the class skills of the Master of the Hurricane: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Heal, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+0|Hurricane Bending, Vortex, Manipulator of the Storm

+0|Storm Slam 1d8

+1|Lesser Hurricane Form

+1|Cycling Lungs, Storm Slam 2d8

+1|Eye of the Implosion

+2|Lesser Hurricane Form, Storm Slam 3d8

+2|Great Vortex

+2|Storm Slam 4d8

+3|Moderate Hurricane Form

+3|Hurricane's Essence, Storm Slam 5d8[/table]

Hurricanebending: A Master of the Hurricane adds his levels in Air Bender, Water Bender, and Master of the Hurricane together to determine the effectiveness of his bending forms and the power of his Air Blast and Water Blast abilities.

Vortex (Su): With the strength of water and air, a Master of Hurricane may begin to create the force that defines them. While less than 20ft away from a body of water at least 30 ft. long, 30 ft. wide, and 50 ft. deep, the Master may use Airbending and Waterbending to simultaneously raise and spin water and air together. This requires a Concentration check (DC 18.) If the water temperature is above 80 degrees farenheit, -2 from the DC. -1 from the DC for every 10ft. that the body of water exceeds the size needed per Master of the Hurricane level. (I.E. the maximum subtraction a 3rd level M.o.t.H. can get is 3 if the body of water is 30ft larger than need be.) On a succeeded concentration check, a large (By monster standards) hurricane is formed. Creating a hurricane in such a way requires 2 rounds, though only one concentration check is necessary. The hurricane is self sufficient though it will collapse if it is not maintained (See below.)

Manipulator of the Storm (Su): Controlling a hurricane requires great focus, skill, and determination. Luckily, the Master of the Hurricane possesses all three. To control a hurricane, a Master must be unarmed in at least one hand and succeed on a concentration check of which the DC varies. Controlling a hurricane requires a move action.

Move the Hurricane (DC 8 for 5ft) +2 per extra 5ft. +2 per 5ft on land.
Bend the Hurricane (DC 10 for 10 degrees) +1 per 5 degrees
Enlarge Hurricane (DC 16 per 5 sq. ft.)
Maintain Hurricane (DC 10 + turns since the hurricane has been created.)
+5 to all DC if only one hand is free.

Storm Slam (Su): The force of a hurricane is great, and the Master of the Hurricane uses this to his advantage. Starting at 2nd level, if the Master of the Hurricane has created a hurricane, he may use it to attack his opponent. Using a Storm Slam is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The storm buffets around the target, dealing 1d8 damage + Master of the Hurricane level, as well as moving the target 5ft away from the hurricane per 5 damage. After slamming an opponent, a concentration check (DC 15 + number of rounds since the hurricane has been created.) must be performed, or the storm will dissapate. The damage a Storm Slam deals increases to 2d8 at 4th level, 3d8 at 6th, 4d8 at 8th, and 5d8 at 10th.

Lesser Hurricane Form: At 3rd level and once again at 6th level, a Master of the Hurricane may take one Airbending or Waterbending form.

Cycling Lungs (Su): A Master of the Hurricane's ability to control wind and water together becomes uncanny. Starting at 4th level, a Master gains the ability to breath indefinitely in water, siphoning the needed oxygen from the liquid. He also gains the ability to survive in a vacuum for a number of rounds equal to his Master of the Hurricane levels + his Airbender levels + his Constitution modifier * 2.

Eye of the Implosion (Su): Starting at 5th level, a Master of the Hurricane's fury begins to unleash. Using a full round action, he may surround himself with a hurricane he created and shape it into a dome around him with a concentration check (DC 18.) Using another full-round action, he may make the dome explode, blasting everyone around him. Anyone within 5ft per Master of the Hurricane level when he makes the hurricane explode will receive 5d12 damage and be buffetted back 20ft.

Great Vortex (Su): Practice makes perfect, and there is no exception when it comes to the ability to make a hurricane. Starting at 7th level, a Master of Hurricane requires no concentration check when performing his Vortex ability, and the size of the body of water required is dropped to 15ft long, 15ft wide, and 25ft deep.

Moderate Hurricane Form: At 9th level, a Master of the Hurricane may take one moderate Airbending or Waterbending form.

Hurricane's Essence (Su): Words cannot begin to define a Master of the Hurricane's skill. At 10th level, a Master of the Hurricane may create a hurricane around him without requiring a body of water with a move action. All concentration checks meant to create and control a hurricane become free actions (Limited to 1 per round), as well as all DC required for such checks are reduced by 5. The time it takes to create a hurricane is reduced to a move action, and a Master of the Hurricane may be completely armed while manipulating a hurricane.

2006-12-18, 07:36 PM
I think an Avatar setting should use the VP/WP system for the following reasons:
In the source materials, main characters (i. e. those with PC classes) almost never get seriously injured, with most injuries amounting to bruising, scratches, and very close calls.
Characters who are injured recover very quickly from minor damage, needing only a few hours to be ready for anything. In the few situations where they are badly injured, they are usually unable to survive without close long-term and/or waterbending care.
The HP system of D&D was designed with the knowledge that most players would have easy access to magical healing. IN the world of Avatar, this is much more rare, and the VP/WP system allows easier recovery without it.Yes, Avatar is a kids' show, and thus can't have blood and gore, but the almost untouchable nature of the main characters is an underlying part of the awesomeness of the show, which is the reason most - if not all - of us are here. Also, it just makes more sense than the HP system.

2006-12-19, 08:24 AM
Excellent! I am making a campaign setting based on the elements, and these are perfect for my campaign. Permission to use?

2006-12-20, 02:26 PM
Yes, Avatar is a kids' show, and thus can't have blood and gore, but the almost untouchable nature of the main characters is an underlying part of the awesomeness of the show, which is the reason most - if not all - of us are here. Also, it just makes more sense than the HP system.

I don't think theres any reason to make this any more complicated, keeping a bender campaign simple is best, even if it veers off the shows course a bit.

The more unusual rules you use, the less people will use it.

2006-12-20, 03:58 PM
Hmm, I suppose, but the VP/WP system is not very complicated and is right in the SRD, and besides, it's not as if we're trying to sell a product.

2006-12-21, 12:09 PM

I've tried to address some of your playtesting concerns in this new version of the Airbender. Let me know what you think.


Abilities – A high Wisdom score is essential to an Airbender as it determines the save DC’s for many of his/her best forms and abilities as well as providing a needed AC boost. A high Dexterity is also important, as it affects many of an Airbender’s best skills and provides additional AC.
Alignment – Any (though tending towards law and good)
Hit Die – d6

Class Skills – Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Jump, Hide, Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Move Silently, Listen, Perform, Profession, Ride, Spot, Swim, Tumble
Skill Points at 1st Level – (4 + Int Modifier) x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level – 4 + Int Modifier


Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency – An Airbender is proficient with all simple weapons and warfans. Airbenders are not proficient with any armor or shields.

Dodge – Airbenders are highly skilled at evading blows, often manipulating air currents to help them dodge attacks. When unarmored and unencumbered, an Airbender adds his/her Wisdom bonus (if any) to his/her AC. This bonus applies even against touch attacks or when the Airbender is flat-footed. He/she loses these bonuses when he/she is immobilized or helpless, when he/she wears any armor, when he/she carries a shield, or when he/she carries a medium or heavy load. Additionally, Airbenders gain a dodge bonus to Armor Class as shown on the above table.

Air Blast – The first ability an Airbender learns is Air Blast. An Airbender attacks his/her foes with a blast of concentrated air at will, driving them backwards with the force of the air. An Air Blast is a ray with a range of 50 ft plus 5 ft/2 levels. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target. An Air Blast drives its target backwards in the direction of the Air Blast. An Airbender can hurl the target of the Air Blast (which can be any creature or object weighing no more than 25 lbs/level) up to 20 feet/level. Creatures and objects deal and take damage as described under the Violent Thrust version of Telekineses. The Airbender must succeed on a ranged attack roll in order to deal damage with a flung creature or object. The target of an Air Blast can avoid this effect by succeeding on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Airbender’s class level + the Airbender’s Wisdom modifier). Air Blast counts as a special attack for the purposes of feat selection. An Air Blast is not a spell or spell-like ability, and as such is not subject to Spell Resistance. Using an Air Blast counts as an attack, and an Airbender can use a number of Air Blasts in one round equal to the number of iterative attacks he/she can make (as determined by his/her BAB). An Airbender cannot dual wield Air Blasts nor can he/she apply precision-based damage from any source to the damage dealt by his/her Air Blast.

Deflect Bending – Early in their training, Airbenders learn to deflect the blasts from their opponents. During his/her turn, an Airbender can choose to forgo any number of attacks in order to attempt to deflect any blasts targeted within 30 feet + 5 ft/3 levels of the Airbender. As an immediate action, the Airbender can attempt deflect an enemy Bender’s blast with an opposed attack roll. An Airbender can deflect bending a maximum number of times equal to the number of attacks he/she is granted by BAB. If the Airbender makes any attacks, he/she forgoes that opportunity to deflect bending. If the Airbender’s attack roll is less than his/her opponent’s, the blast is unaffected by the deflection attempt. If the Airbender’s attack roll equals or exceeds his/her opponent’s, the blast is negated, deflected or swallowed up by a swirl of air.

Air Grab – The Airbender alters the air currents around the desired object or creature, allowing him/her to manipulate it. As a standard action, the Airbender may propel the creature or object (weighing up to 50 lbs) up to 40 feet in any direction, though the effect ends if the distance between the Airbender and the target exceeds 100 feet +10 feet/level. A creature can negate the effects of Air Grab on itself or an object it possesses with a successful Will Save (DC 10 + half the Airbender’s class level + the Airbender’s Wisdom modifier). The target can be manipulated as if by one hand, as long as the force required is within the weight limit. For the purpose of any physical ability checks necessary, the Air Grab’s ability scores are equal to the Airbender’s Wisdom score.

Airbending Forms – Beginning at 1st level, and Airbender begins to study the art of controlling the air. He/she learns a single air bending form that he/she can use at will. As an Airbender gains levels, he/she learns more air bending forms, as shown on the above table. An Airbender can choose any air bending form from the list below for which he/she fulfills the prerequisites. At 1st level, he/she can learn any of the Lesser Forms. Beginning at 6th level, he/she can learn any of the Lesser or Moderate Forms. Beginning at 16th level, he/she can learn any of the Lesser, Moderate, or Greater Forms. Unless noted, using an Airbending Form is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity and can be disrupted by any effect that would disrupt casting a spell.

Slow Fall – Beginning at 3rd level, an can slow his/her descent. When first using this ability, he/she takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is. The Airbender’s ability to slow his/her fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall) improves with his/her Airbender level until at 20th level he/she can slow his/her descent and fall up to 100 ft without harm. This ability only functions if the Airbender is conscious and capable of moving.

Flight – Beginning at 4th level, an Airbender learns to manipulate the air currents around his/her glider, allowing him/her to fly. The Airbender’s flight speed and maneuverability are shown on the above table. An Airbender can fly for a number of rounds at a time equal to his/her Wisdom score. An Airbender must use a glider in order to fly.

Evasion – As the Rogue ability.

Multiclassing - Like a member of any other class, an Airbender may be a multiclass character, but multiclass Airbenders face a special restriction. An Airbender who gains a new class or (if already multiclass) raises another class by a level may never again raise his/her Airbender level, though he/she retains all his/her Airbender abilities.


Lesser Forms

On the Walls – The Airbender manipulates air currents to support him/her as he/she runs along steep surfaces. The Airbender can move normally on surfaces that usually require a climb check to negotiate. However, he/she must end his/her turn on a level surface. This form can be used as a swift action.
Burst of Speed – The Airbender creates small currents of air behind him/her as he/she runs and reduce air resistance, increasing his/her base land speed by 10 ft + 5 ft/5 levels. It has no effect on other modes of movement, such as burrow, climb, fly, or swim. This effect lasts a number of minutes equal to the Airbender’s class level.
Levitate – As the spell, except that the Airbender can only levitate him/herself or willing creatures.
Dust Cloud – As the spell Fog Cloud. This form cannot be used when there is no loose soil, dust, or other fine particulate matter present.
Tornado, Lesser – By manipulating air currents into a tight spiral, the Airbender can severely impede the movement of his/her foes. This form creates a small tornado anywhere within 30 feet of the Airbender, which can be moved 40 feet per round as a move action, has a 5 foot radius, and may be up to 20 feet tall. Upon contact with a creature, the tornado stops moving, even if it has movement remaining that turn. Creatures inside the tornado need to make a Reflex Save (DC + half the Airbender’s class level + the Airbender’s Wisdom modifier) or be entangled. Even if the creature passes the Reflex Save, he/she still moves at half speed until out of the tornado. Creatures that are larger than the tornado gain a +4 circumstance bonus to their Reflex Save. The tornado lasts as long as the Airbender concentrates to maintain it (a standard action), up to a maximum number of turns equal to the Airbender’s class level.
Air Shield, Lesser – An Airbender gains the ability to shape air currents into a swirling shield as a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. This shield can take the form of a sphere, a dome, or a disk, each with a radius of 10 feet. An Air Shield cannot penetrate solid objects, so using a spherical Air Shield on the ground (for example) is impossible. Once established, an Airbender can move his/her Air Shield 30 feet per round as a move action. An Air Shield has different properties that vary with the Airbender’s class level. An Airbender must concentrate to maintain an Air Shield. The Air Shield functions as Wind Wall with the exceptions noted above.
Airbender’s Leap – The Airbender creates a gust of wind beneath him/herself, allowing jumps that would otherwise be impossible. As a swift action, an Airbender can create air currents to help him/her jump, gaining a circumstance bonus to Jump checks equal to 10 + the Airbender’s class level. The height and distance of the Airbender’s jumps are no longer limited by the Airbender’s height.
Flowing Air Strike – The Airbender manipulates the air currents around his/her limbs, causing his/her strikes to come harder and more quickly. When engaged in melee combat with unarmed strikes or any weapons he/she is proficient with, the Airbender gains a +1 circumstance bonus to attack and damage rolls. An Airbender can maintain this form as a swift action each round, up to a maximum of 1 round/level.
Stillness – When using this form, an Airbender creates an area of calm with a radius of 10 ft. Within this radius, he/she is able to limit the transmission of sound through the air, allowing those within the radius to move more stealthily, gaining a circumstance bonus to Move Silently checks equal to half the Airbender’s class level (minimum 1). The Airbender must concentrate to maintain this ability.
Moderate Forms

Air Scooter – The Airbender forms a whirling ball of air and rides this ball as it speeds along the ground, attaining great speed and maneuverability. When using the Air Scooter form, an Airbender gains several benefits. First, his/her base speed increases to 60 ft. Second, he/she can ride the Air Scooter on any surface that would normally require a climb check, though he/she must end his/her turn on a level surface. Third, he/she ignores any movement penalties due to sand, snow or similar difficult terrain, but cannot be used to transport the Airbender over water, lava, or any other surface that could not support the Airbender’s weight. While using an Air Scooter, an Airbender must move at least 30 feet each round and cannot perform any other air bending forms. An Airbender can maintain his/her Air Scooter for a number of rounds equal to his/her class level.
Air Scythe – Forming the air into a thin blade of compressed air molecules, the Airbender can deal substantial damage to creatures and objects. An Air Scythe is a ranged touch attack (50 ft plus 5 ft/2 levels) that deals 1d6/2 levels of slashing damage. In addition, an Air Scythe is ideal for attacking objects, ignoring the first 10 points of the object’s hardness.
Deep Breath – By exhaling a high-pressure stream of air, the Airbender is able to move at great speeds, knocking down all in his/her path. The Airbender gains a circumstance bonus to bullrush and overrun attempts equal to half his/her class level (minimum 1). If the Airbender successfully bullrushes an opponent into a solid obstacle (wall, cliff face, large rock, etc), the opponent takes damage as if he had fallen the distance of the bullrush. This damage cannot be negated by Tumbling, Slow Fall, or any other ability.
Tornado – As Lesser Tornado, except that creatures within the radius who fail their Reflex Save are stunned for the duration of the effect.
Air Step – Creating small cushions of air beneath his/her feat, the Airbender can move over surfaces that would normally not support his/her weight, including water, lava, thin ice, and similar surfaces. This does not allow the Airbender to fly or levitate. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to the Airbender’s class level.
Wind Gust – An Airbender can use a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity to affect all creatures or objects in a line with his/her Air Blast. The length of this line is equal to the length of the Airbender’s Air Blast ray. Using this form of Air Blast counts as expending all of the Airbender’s Air Blasts for the round.
Air Shield – This form functions as Lesser Air Shield. However, it is much more powerful, deflecting all ranged attacks with the exception of massive projectiles (boulders, siege weapon projectiles, etc). It also deflects all melee attacks that originate outside the Air Shield and Medium and smaller creatures must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Airbender’s class level + the Airbender’s Wisdom modifier) to pass through the Air Shield.
Body of Air Thrust - The bender creates an outline of themselves from compressed air and sends it towards a target within 50 ft. The target takes 5d4 bludgeoning damage and is knocked back as if hit by an air blast and may take additional damage if applicable.
Greater Forms

Air Scythe, Greater – As Air Scythe, but it ignores all hardness and deals an additional 2d6 damage.
Tornado, Greater – As Lesser Tornado, except that creatures within the radius who fail their Reflex Save are held for the duration of the effect. Additionally, the tornados radius increases to 10 feet.
Air Burst – An Airbender can use a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity to affect all creatures or objects within a 10 foot radius of him/herself with his/her Air Blast. Using this form of Air Blast counts as expending all of the Airbender’s Air Blasts for the round.
Air Shield, Greater – As Air Shield, except that it deflects massive projectiles and all forms of bending, regardless of element. Also, any Large or smaller creatures must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Airbender’s class level + the Airbender’s Wisdom modifier) to pass through the Air Shield.
Reap the Whirlwind – The Airbender creates a flat blade of compressed air which he/she wields in combat as he/she would a normal weapon (the Airbender is considered proficient with this weapon). This weapon deals 1d6/2 levels of slashing damage. Additionally, the Airbender can apply any precision damage to strikes with this weapon. Once summoned (a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity) an Airbender can maintain this weapon for a number of rounds equal to his/her class level.
Updraft - The airbender manipulates the air around an enemy, forcing a violent burst of air directly beneath him. The target must make a Reflex save (DC = 10 + 1/2 class level + Wis Modifier) or be hurled upward 10 feet/level of the airbender. The target then plummets to the ground, taking proper falling damage.
For each size above medium, cut the height the opponent is thrown by half. (1/2 for large, 1/4 for huge, etc.)
Ensnaring Wind – An Airbender using this form creates an area around a single foe where strong winds impede movement and combat. The Airbender can target any creature size Large or smaller with this ability. The targeted creature’s combat abilities are hindered, and it takes a penalty to attack and damage rolls equal to -1 per 3 Airbender levels. The target can attempt to avoid this penalty with a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half the Airbender’s class level + the Airbender’s Wisdom modifier). An Airbender must concentrate in order to maintain this ability (up to 1 round/level).
Storm Winds - Using this form, an Airbender can create a wall of air that rushes away from him/her. He/she may affect every creature or object within a 60 ft cone with his/her Air Blast. Using this form is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. What do you think? Does it address your concerns?


2006-12-21, 02:27 PM
Looks much better, but we'll have to playtest it to be sure.

2006-12-21, 02:44 PM
If it's not too much trouble, could we get some more information about your playtesting campaign? What's the party like? What ECL? Is your Airbender going to rebuild his/her character with this version 2.0? What's the campaign plotline? What sort of opponents is the party facing, primarily? Details, man. Details!

If it's not too much...


2006-12-21, 03:04 PM
Any word on a possible Pbp game?

I thought it was floating around a few pages back.

2006-12-21, 03:37 PM
Hm. Just thought of something. Should the same ability stat be the primary skill for all of the classes? I know theres exceptions and whatnot but it seems like certain elements require less wisdom (Firebenders and Airbenders) then the others. Maybe its just me but Firebending seems more like a Charisma kind of casting stat for them.

2006-12-21, 06:12 PM
I say that it goes by the following

Air Benders=Dexterity
Water Benders=Wisdom
Earth Benders=Constitution
Fire Benders=Charisma

2006-12-21, 06:31 PM
I don't think that physical ability scores should be associated with anything resembling spellcasting. I feel like that would make them too powerful. Also, I think that bending is as much mental as it is physical, and shouldn't be governed by a physical ability score. I haven't made up my mind on whether charisma and intelligence should be added into the mix in some cases, but if we do, I think it should go:

Air: Wisdom
Water: Intelligence
Earth: Wisdom
Fire: Charisma

However, the show portrays all the bending disciplines in a way that makes wisdom seem like the most appropriate ability score. I guess I'm open to arguments on either side.


Yuki Akuma
2006-12-21, 06:37 PM
I agree that the show seems to support the Wisdom idea for all the disciplines.

Water should definitely not be Intelligence, at any rate.

2006-12-21, 06:44 PM
Bending is as much a physical exercise as it is a spiritual one.

1) Air Benders rely more on agility and evasion (dex)
2) Earth Benders rely more on taking a blow (con)
3) Water Benders rely on wisdom and perception (wis)
4) Fire Benders rely on emotions and will (cha)

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-21, 07:07 PM
But Consitution has nothing to do with actually physically moving. It's purely reactive.

I agree that bending is physical as well as mental. I disagree that this should be modelled by using physical ability scores as primary casting ability scores.

And definitely not Dexterity. No way.

2006-12-21, 07:19 PM
I agree with Yuki. I think that, while bending and martial arts are linked, the ability to bend is a mental/spiritual one that manifest itself through physical movements. The two are closely linked, but (at least in D&D terms) bending should be governed by a mental ability, not a physical one.

As to using multiple mental abilities, I'm not really attached to any specific form. I could see arguments either way for almost all bending disciplines. I think the show indicates wisdom pretty strongly for all the disciplines, but I could definitely see charisma for firebending. Maybe intelligence and airbending? I don't know.


2006-12-21, 07:50 PM
I was wondering, has anyone yet cooked up the infor on an actual "avatar" class?

Because if nobody has yet, I could try making an Avatar PrC

2006-12-21, 09:14 PM
Some people mentioned working on it, but the consensus (at least, as far as I can tell) is that the Avatar shouldn't be playable. The powers of the Avatar are just too unbalancing to fit into a party without completely under-representing the Avatar's in-show abilities. Plus I for one have no idea how you would adjudicate some of the Avatar's abilities (the avatar state, the ability to pass into the spirit world, etc).

So, if you want to give it a shot, go ahead. We're not going to turn down any submissions outright.

Also, how 'bout a new Airbending form (inspired by Aang's coal-flinging move in Imprisoned)?

Launching Vortex (Lesser) - Weaving air currents into a narrow tunnel of swirling air, the Airbender can launch a number of crossbow bolts, sling stones, shurikin, arrows, or objects of similar size and weight equal to his/her class level a maximum distance equal to the distance of his/her Air Blast. Projectiles so launched deal 1d8 damage. Any special properties of objects launched (including Masterwork quality) do not apply to attack rolls (though properties adding damage do apply).


2006-12-21, 10:07 PM
Some people mentioned working on it, but the consensus (at least, as far as I can tell) is that the Avatar shouldn't be playable. The powers of the Avatar are just too unbalancing to fit into a party without completely under-representing the Avatar's in-show abilities. Plus I for one have no idea how you would adjudicate some of the Avatar's abilities (the avatar state, the ability to pass into the spirit world, etc).

So, if you want to give it a shot, go ahead. We're not going to turn down any submissions outright.


Actually, now that you mention it, I actually had some ideas on how to represent the Avatar State and the Spirit World. *ahem*

Spirit Link
The Avatar is the link between the physical and spiritual realms, that is, the various planes, and has the ability to travel to the so-called "spirit world" as a sort of emmisarry. Once per day, the Avatar may plane-shift his spirit to the Etheral plane. This requires two full rounds of meditation, and if attempted in battle, provokes an attack of opprotunity. THe avatar's body remains in the plane he was in when he changed planes, maintaining only the bodily funtions as if asleep or in a coma. The avatar's spirit becomes entirely etheral, invisible and intangible to all those on the Material plane, and from there, can converse with all manner of etheral beings. He also retains all powers he would normally have within his own body. However, unless the Avatar knows how to return, he requres the aid of a being that does know in order to return to his body.

Avatar State
The Avatar is not simply a person who is able to master all the types of Bending, he is the incarnation of the very soul of the world, and is the latest in a long line of reincarnated Bending masters. The Avatar state is name given to the state that the avatar can access in times of great need. It causes all of the thousands of previous incarnations of the Avatar, as well as the Soul of the World, to inhabit and control the Avatar's body at once. As a result, the Avatar's abilities increase athousandfold. The avatar state can only be accessed by an Avatar during a time of extreme emotional turmoil or extreme danger (the avatar state is, first and foremost, a defensive mechanism). While in the Avatar State, the Avatar gains access to all Bending Forms, and any abilities given by the four base Bending classes. The results of all attack and damage rolls made in the Avatar State are doubled, after applying any other bonuses, and his STR and CON are pushed up by 15 points. When in the Avatar State, the Avatar is lit up by pure cosmic energy. This is seen as an incadecent glow emenating from the Avatar's eyes and mouth, and in some cases, other areas, such as the arrow tattoos given to a primary Airbender. The display is sufficient to immediately ruin any attempt to Hide, and grants a +10 circumstance bonus to the Spot checks of anyone who simply hasn't noticed the Avatar's presence. The Avatar also speaks with a very powerful voice, combining the sound of all the former avatar's voices. The combined impressiveness of the Avatar State grants the Avatar a +12 circumstance bonus to any and all Intimidate Checks. There are two problems with the Avatar STate. First and foremost is that an Avatar without the proper spiritual training cannot control the Avatar State, and becomes immediately swept up by rage, grief, and other emotions. When in the Avatar State, an untrained is subsequently controlled by the DM, and not his player, untill the Avatar State subsides, usually by way of exhaustion, fulfillment of the destruction/revenge/other goal the Avatar sought to accomplish within the State, or by a strong urging by somone close to him. The other, more serious drawback is the downside to concentrating all of the Avatar's souls and essence into the body at once. While in the AVatar State, all that the Avatar is, thgough every reincarnation, and the entire Sould of the World, is within one body. If the AVatar is killed in the Avatar state, the cycle of reincarnation is broken, and the Avar ceases to exist. If that happens, then the Avatar's life cannot be restored by ANY means, and there is no possibility of another Avatar being born. An Avatar who has undergone spiritual training and unlocked his Chakras may invoke the Avatar State as the result of two full-round actions that provokes attacks of opprotunity. Also, an avatar with mastery over the Avatar State does not lose his Intelligence and his player retains control.

((how do those sound? Did I do good? The Avatar State took a WHOLE lot of thinking, expecially the "goes out of control" part))

2006-12-21, 10:39 PM
note that normally it takes years to master the 4 elements so an Avatar in the game would probably be weaker than Aang

2006-12-21, 10:44 PM
note that normally it takes years to master the 4 elements so an Avatar in the game would probably be weaker than AangYeah. I was thinking that an Avatar doesn't get the Bending skills with levels, rather, he gets them with lessons from other Benders, like, one or two forms per lesson. ANyway, an Avatar could also be premade by the DM with most of the elements mastered.

2006-12-22, 05:52 AM
If it's not too much trouble, could we get some more information about your playtesting campaign? What's the party like? What ECL? Is your Airbender going to rebuild his/her character with this version 2.0? What's the campaign plotline? What sort of opponents is the party facing, primarily? Details, man. Details!

The party so far consists of one male earthbender (me), one female waterbender,a male airbender and I think one person wants to be a fighter type. We're setting the campaign 80 years before aang is released from the ice, so airbenders do still exist and the Fire Nation is still pounding away at the earth nation. We're starting level 1, and because of that, the plot is much more general dnd, save this, research that, defeat him, etc., since lvl 1 characters can't make much difference in the setting, though i imagine the dm will change that as we go. We haven't begun yet, we're still drawing up characters (so, the airbender guy will use the 2.0 rules), and we play (this group at least) infrequently, so we probably won't start until the new year, with all the christmas stuff.

We're using all of the bender classes, but not the PrCs, being the avatar isn't allowed, its normal ability generation, not using the feats listed, but we are using warlock-esque items and scrolls to teach bending forms and increase power, as well as a more complicated masterwork system.

2006-12-22, 08:22 AM
The party so far consists of one male earthbender (me), one female waterbender,a male airbender and I think one person wants to be a fighter type. We're setting the campaign 80 years before aang is released from the ice, so airbenders do still exist and the Fire Nation is still pounding away at the earth nation. We're starting level 1, and because of that, the plot is much more general dnd, save this, research that, defeat him, etc., since lvl 1 characters can't make much difference in the setting, though i imagine the dm will change that as we go. We haven't begun yet, we're still drawing up characters (so, the airbender guy will use the 2.0 rules), and we play (this group at least) infrequently, so we probably won't start until the new year, with all the christmas stuff.

We're using all of the bender classes, but not the PrCs, being the avatar isn't allowed, its normal ability generation, not using the feats listed, but we are using warlock-esque items and scrolls to teach bending forms and increase power, as well as a more complicated masterwork system.Actually, the Fire Nation's first act when Sozin's Comet arrived was their genocide against the Airbenders, so Airbenders should still be extinct.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-22, 09:49 AM
Unless Aang dies in the finale, we can't be sure whether the Air Nomads would stay extinct or not.

2006-12-22, 10:19 AM
Unless Aang dies in the finale, we can't be sure whether the Air Nomads would stay extinct or not.Well, in his campaign, there shouldn't be any airbenders. The Air Nomads have been Genocided my the Fire Nation, and Aang isn't due to be released by Katara for 80 years.

2006-12-22, 03:26 PM
Actually, the Fire Nation's first act when Sozin's Comet arrived was their genocide against the Airbenders, so Airbenders should still be extinct.

Yes, but airbenders are evasive, says it right there in the fluff. The idea was that not all airbenders were caught by firebenders, since they're so much faster than them, but they eventually were killed or whatever happened to them by aangs time.

Yuki Akuma
2006-12-22, 03:30 PM
I know it isn't canon, but in the TCG there are a couple of Airbender characters who survived the genocidal first attack by the Fire Nation...

2006-12-22, 04:13 PM
Well, the TCG may yet become canon, and there was that one.. something the Betrayer?

Also, what do you guys think of my ideas for the Spirit World and Avatar State?

2006-12-23, 08:15 PM
As i see it the following things are must haves to correctly recreate the Avatar world:

Earthbenders (Base Class)
Dai Li (PrC)
Sandbenders (PrC)
Metalbenders (PrC) [some have argued metal bending is just a high level earthbending form, but if you think about it, the Avatars are about the highest level earthbenders possible, capable of moving an entire section of land for quite a distance, but they never discovered metalbending, the offical Avatar site says that Toph is the only one who has discovered it. I'd assume the only possible way to discover it is having Toph's blindsense to see the impurities, or possibly being taught it by Toph herself [or assuming it way in the future] by someone who was taught by one of her students. This makes it a PrC, not a Earthbending form. Either way this is likely to have to be Epic Level only.]
Waterbenders (Base Class)
Plantbenders (PrC)
Healing Benders (PrC) [it is shown in the series that some waterbenders are trained only to use waterbending for healing, I would assume that if this is the case, they have gained special knowledge with this normal waterbenders have not.]
Firebenders (Base Class)
Lavabenders (PrC)
Airbenders (Base Class)

As for the Avatar, it's not really a PrC, it's more like a [birth] feat, allowing them to multiclass freely with any bender class. They gain their power due to the fact that they are A. highly flexible, and B. If you look at the series, an Avatar after completing training is prolly the equivalant of a level 40-50 or higher character, normally not really possible, but in this special case possible. Thus I'd say the Avatar should not be made playable at all, if it DOES show up in the campaign in needs to be an NPC, and used carefully.

2006-12-23, 10:51 PM
I don't remember Ang ever dealing direct lethal damage with his airbending.

And with that i introduce myself to this thread.

2006-12-23, 11:15 PM
..I'm a little stumped here. I can't work out a good 'element' for Fire + Air.

Water + Air is mist/clouds. Fire + Earth is magma/lava. Water + Earth is mud/silt. But... Fire + Air?

(I'll work on harsh roleplaying requirements after I've got the crunch sorted out. I don't want anyone beating me to the punch!)

Check out runescape runes on wikipedia, there is one for every possible combo over elements.

2006-12-23, 11:28 PM
Check out runescape runes on wikipedia, there is one for every possible combo over elements.
And I should know.

2006-12-24, 12:31 AM
Mephistobeth, in case you still haven't seen it, the completed M.o.t.H. is on page 7.

New class I just thought of, though really it's a joke.

Lawbender http://www.runescape.com/img/kbase/items/runes/lrune.gif
Alignment: Non-Chaotic
Abilities: Int 15
Skills: Knowledge (History) 8 ranks, Knowledge (Local) 8 ranks, Diplomacy 8 ranks, Bluff 8 ranks
Special: Must own a law book
{table=head]Level|Base Attack[br]Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+2|Take the Fifth





Take the Fifth (Ex): Starting at 1st level, a Lawbender has a basic understanding of the law, namely, his right to remain silent, freedom of speech, and the fifth amendment. (Which so happens to exist in DnD land because I say so.) When an event arises that a lawbender would unknowingly reveal information to someone he would not normally tell, (Such as when under a charm spell.) he is allowed a will save with a bonus equal to his lawbender level against the other creatures Bluff roll. If the Lawbender succeeds, no magic short of diefic might can force him to reveal said information.

Wriggle (Su): Starting at 2nd level, a Lawbender begins to learn loopholes in the system. When he is pressured or accused, he may add his Intelligence modifier as well as his Lawbender level to a Diplomacy or Bluff roll made to escape from his persecution.

Spotlight (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, even more legal knowledge courses through a Lawbender. Whenever he defends an ally from a non-physical threat, he may begin reciting text from his lawbook in a long, relentless drawl. Such talking draws the attention away from his ally, allowing the ally to perform slight movements and other actions (Such as a non-somatic spell.) Any spot or listen checks made to notice the ally are made at a -5 penalty, however those checks gain a +5 against the Lawbender.

Interpretation (Ex): Starting at 4th level, the iron bars of Justice are twisted into a spiral around the Lawbender. Whenever the Lawbender is on trial, debating, or just plain proving someone wrong, he may interpret the law to his own needs. (At the DM's discretion.) The Lawbender may make a bluff, diplomacy, or intimidate check to describe his interpretation of the law with a bonus equal to twice his Intelligence modifier.

Immunity (Su): Starting at 5th level, a Lawbender's knowledge of the inner mechanics of legality are like a blueprint available to read at any time. As such, he is immune to any persecution short of assault, theft of any object worth more than 1 cp, murder, or other large crimes considered illegal nationally. Any local crimes (Such as not praying whenever near a temple.) are not applicable to the Lawbender.

Tussy the Druid
2006-12-24, 11:01 AM
Hehe.... Cael, you gave me a good chuckle. TASTE THE POWER OF MY LAWBENDING (Chucks 20 lbs book chocked full of laws and manages to knock out the avatar) Man, i rule. :D

2006-12-24, 11:03 AM
Because these need Tables:
Airbender V. 1
{table]Level|BAB|Fort|Ref|Will|Special|Dodge|Slow Fall
1|+0|+0|+2|+2|Air Blast (ray), Deflect Bending|+0|0 ft
2|+1|+0|+3|+3|Air Grab, Least Airbending Form|+0|0 ft
3|+2|+1|+3|+3|Airbender's Leap +1, Air Shield (Lesser)|+0|20 ft
4|+3|+1|+4|+4|Flight (30 ft/poor)|+0|20 ft
5|+3|+1|+4|+4|Least Airbending Form|+1|20 ft
6|+4|+2|+5|+5|Airbender's Leap +2, Evasion|+1|30 ft
7|+5|+2|+5|+5|Air Blast (Line)|+1|30 ft
8|+6/1|+2|+6|+6|Flight (40 ft/poor), Moderate Airbending Form|+1|40 ft
9|+6/1|+3|+6|+6|Airbender's Leap +3|+1|40 ft
10|+7/2|+3|+7|+7|Air Shield (Moderate)|+2|50 ft
11|+8/3|+3|+7|+7|Moderate Airbending Form|+2|50 ft
12|+9/4|+4|+8|+8|Flight (50 ft/average), Airbender's Leap +4|+2|60 ft
13|+9/4|+4|+8|+8|Air Blast (Burst)|+2|60 ft
14|+10/5|+4|+9|+9|Moderate Airbending Form|+2|70 ft
15|+11/6/1|+5|+9|+9|Airbender's Leap +5|+3|70 ft
16|+12/7/2|+5|+10|+10|Flight (60 ft/average), Air Shield (Greater)|+3|80 ft
17|+12/7/2|+5|+10|+10|Greater Airbending Form|+3|80 ft
18|+13/8/3|+6|+11|+11|Airbender's Leap +6|+3|90 ft
19|+14/9/4|+6|+11|+11||+3|90 ft
20|+15/10/5|+6|+12|+12|Flight (60 ft/good)|+4|100 ft
i'll work on more as I get time.

2006-12-24, 11:03 AM
Hey, if there are still plans for a PbP game, can I join?

2006-12-24, 11:10 AM
Wow it's been a while since I've posted. Here are a few comments. I know I'm missing stuff, but such is life.


Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond. I’ve been busy and having computer troubles and I tend to procrastinate.

By and large, I like the Master of the Hurricane. It’s definitely a different take on air/water combination than the Initiate of the Mists. At a glance, it looks pretty good balance-wise as well. Like all these PrC’s, it seriously gimps the bender’s forms known, but gives some awesome abilities in return. I do have a few comments, though:

Skills per level? I’d say 4/level. It’s got a pretty broad skill list and both the entry classes have 4 skill points/level.
Hurricane Bending only improves Air Blast and Water Blast, not Manipulate or Air Grab? Interesting choice. I don’t particularly care either way, but I just wanted to point it out in case it was an oversight. I can see only improving the Blasts as a very flavorful option, since this class seems all about the raw power of air and water rather than the subtlety.
Vortex looks good. I like the reduced formation duration. Are there rules in some source book for the dissipation of a hurricane? If an M.o.t.H. creates a hurricane and leaves it in place, how long does it take before it dissipates? Does it dissipate immediately if not maintained?
Manipulator of the Storm also looks pretty good. If the M.o.t.H. moves/bends/enlarges a hurricane, does he/she also need to take a second move action to maintain the hurricane? Also, does the hurricane have a max movement, or can it move as much as the M.o.t.H.’s Concentration check allows?
How exactly does Storm Slam work? Does the storm attack adjacent creatures, or is it like an area-of-effect spell where the target needs to be within the radius of the storm? Since it’s large, does it have reach at all?
I would remove the ability to survive in a vacuum from the Cycling Lungs ability, or at least shorten it considerably. I’d say limit it to M.o.t.H. level + Con modifier rounds at the most. Vacuums are supposed to be extremely difficult to survive in, and it doesn’t really fit with the flavor of the class as well as the breathing underwater ability. Also, I think that maintaining this ability should require concentration (not a Concentration check) as a swift action each round, and should be disrupt-able, with a DC 10 + rounds underwater Concentration check required to maintain the effect.
I like Eye of the Implosion, but I think you need to clarify what happens during that round when the M.o.t.H. is surrounded by the hurricane dome. Does it grant concealment? Does it function as Wind Wall? Does it just look cool? How long can he/she maintain this dome if he/she chooses not to make it explode?
I think that, even at 10th level, it should take a standard action at least to create a hurricane, especially when the M.o.t.H. is drawing moisture from the air (which I assume is the case with Hurricane’s Essence). Also, I think that by this point, reducing concentration DC’s is pretty irrelevant, and I would suggest even bumping the DC to create the hurricane up a bit, since it’s clearly more difficult to create a hurricane without standing water.Again, I like the PrC a lot, and think it’s definitely an interesting take on air/water combination. Nice work


Nice work on the Avatar rules. I will admit that I still don’t support the Avatar being a possible PC except in high-level epic campaigns (like, level 80 or so). His/her abilities just don’t seem tailored to being a PC, and he/she would always be the focus of campaigns, which I could see becoming a point of friction within the group of players. Plus, how many arguments about who gets to be the Avatar do you want to have? That said, my critique…

Spirit Link: You’ve done a pretty good job translating the Avatar’s spirit link into D&D terms. We haven’t even discussed planes (I’ve never actually played a plane-hopping campaign so I know little about them), but I think the ethereal plane is a good representation of the spirit world. My only comment is that the show explicitly states that Aang loses his bending abilities when in the spirit world. If that’s what you intended by specifying the Avatar retains all powers within his/her own body, I think you should clarify exactly what that means. Otherwise, nice work!

Avatar State: Definitely a tricky ability to stat. I think that, by and large, you’ve done a pretty good job. Just a couple things…
Many bending forms rely on class level for their power and range. What class level does the Avatar State grant (if any) for dealing with these forms? Does the Avatar count as a 20th level bender for using these forms? This needs to be clarified.
In game terms, how does an Avatar unlock his/her Chakras? Does it require special training? A series of rituals? An extended period of meditation? A Concentration or Wisdom check?
I think you need to clarify exactly what conditions cause an Avatar to go into the Avatar State. Can a player just declare that his/her character is going into the Avatar State? Is it a DM call? Is it automatic at a certain HP total? Nice work, in the main. I think you’ve done a pretty decent job distilling the Avatar State down to gaming terms, though it would definitely unbalance a party of PC’s. That’s expected, however.


Thanks for your input. Let’s see how we’re doing on crucial content:
Earthbenders (base class) – check
Dai Li (PrC) – check
Sandbenders (PrC) – check
Metalbenders (PrC) – Not sure where we’re going with this. There are supporters of a feat-based ability and a PrC, but I don’t think anything’s been submitted. If I’m wrong, I apologize.
Waterbenders (base class) – check
Plantbenders (PrC) – Waterbenders have bending forms that allow them to manipulate plants. They’re pretty basic and don’t go to the extent of creating a plant golem around oneself, but they can bend plants. I’m gonna say check. If you want to submit a PrC or some new plantbending forms, go ahead. New contributors are always welcome.
Healing (PrC) – again, dealt with using different Waterbending forms. Though I could see a more focused PrC with the ability to cure diseases, poison, etc. For now, though…check
Firebenders (base class) – check
Lavabenders (PrC) – Actually, it’s called “Magma Disciple.” Check
Airbenders (base class) – checkLooks like we’re well on our way to finishing “Project Avatar.” Out of curiosity (and intending no offense), did you read the thread? The Airbender base class is the first post, and all the other bending base classes are within the first two pages. Nonetheless, it’s a good checklist and I really appreciate your input. Stick around and let us know what you think!


2006-12-24, 12:14 PM
The Firebender needs more class abilties or forms, as he has the least of both. Even the Earthbender has more forms than he. Also, the show depicts each firebender knowing many personalized techniques, and learned them quickly in the way Iroh teaches Zukoh dragon breath. He didn't ave to wait until he leveled a few times to teach him. Maybe a system for being taught forms, and the forms known are personal experiments?

2006-12-24, 12:27 PM
I don't think that we need a system for teaching other benders forms, and if we do develop one, I don't think it should be limited to Firebenders. Katara teaches Aang several Waterbending forms in The Waterbending Scroll, Paku teaches both Katara and Aang, Aang learns some basic Firebending forms from a Fire Nation outcast, and Toph teaches Aang Earthbending forms in Bitter Work. I think that normal leveling up is enough to represent this sort of instruction.

As to Firebender class features, what do you suggest? Firebending forms are almost entirely offensive, and the forms we have already represent most Firebending forms I can remember. Individual players can tweak the nuances of their characters' bending (appearance, somatic components, etc), but that doesn't need to be represented in a rule or class feature. If you have any ideas, even if you don't have any rules to go with them, post up. I'm sure we can work something out.


2006-12-24, 12:37 PM
Maybe a form where they turn up their foe's body heat, setting him on fire from the inside? The main thing they need is more forms known.

They mainly need more maneuvers known. And improved Unarmed strike would be a nice touch, as every Firebender ever seen knows martial arts to a certain extent.

2006-12-24, 02:02 PM
Edited with your suggestions.

Master of the Hurricane

Requirements: To become a Master of the Hurricane, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Swim 8 ranks
Class abilities: Air Blast, Manipulate

Class Skills: The following are the class skills of the Master of the Hurricane: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Heal, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope
Skill Points per level: 4 + Int modifier
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+0|Hurricane Bending, Vortex, Manipulator of the Storm

+0|Storm Slam 1d8

+1|Lesser Hurricane Form

+1|Cycling Lungs, Storm Slam 2d8

+1|Eye of the Implosion

+2|Lesser Hurricane Form, Storm Slam 3d8

+2|Great Vortex

+2|Storm Slam 4d8

+3|Moderate Hurricane Form

+3|Hurricane's Essence, Storm Slam 5d8[/table]

Hurricanebending: A Master of the Hurricane adds his levels in Air Bender, Water Bender, and Master of the Hurricane together to determine the effectiveness of his bending forms and the power of his Air Blast and Water Blast abilities.

Vortex (Su): With the strength of water and air, a Master of Hurricane may begin to create the force that defines them. While less than 20ft away from a body of water at least 30 ft. long, 30 ft. wide, and 50 ft. deep, the Master may use Airbending and Waterbending to simultaneously raise and spin water and air together. This requires a Concentration check (DC 18.) If the water temperature is above 80 degrees farenheit, -2 from the DC. -1 from the DC for every 10ft. that the body of water exceeds the size needed per Master of the Hurricane level. (I.E. the maximum subtraction a 3rd level M.o.t.H. can get is 3 if the body of water is 30ft larger than need be.) On a succeeded concentration check, a large (By monster standards) hurricane is formed. Creating a hurricane in such a way requires 2 rounds, though only one concentration check is necessary. The hurricane is self sufficient though it will collapse if it is not maintained (See below.)

Manipulator of the Storm (Su): Controlling a hurricane requires great focus, skill, and determination. Luckily, the Master of the Hurricane possesses all three. To control a hurricane, a Master must be unarmed in at least one hand and succeed on a concentration check of which the DC varies. Controlling a hurricane requires a move action. Only one move action per round is allowed for manipulating a hurricane.

Move the Hurricane (DC 8 for 5ft) +2 per extra 5ft. +2 per 5ft on land. A hurricane may only move up to 5ft per M.o.t.H. level per round.
Bend the Hurricane (DC 10 for 10 degrees) +1 per 5 degrees
Enlarge Hurricane (DC 16 per 5 sq. ft.) A hurricane will return to its normal size in two rounds.
Maintain Hurricane (DC 10 + turns since the hurricane has been created.)
+5 to all DC if only one hand is free.

If the Hurricane is not maintained for 2 rounds, it collapses, leaving nothing but a pool of water.

Storm Slam (Su): The force of a hurricane is great, and the Master of the Hurricane uses this to his advantage. Starting at 2nd level, if the Master of the Hurricane has created a hurricane, he may use it to attack his opponent. Using a Storm Slam is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The storm moves towards the target at twice normal speed (Allowing twice the M.o.t.H. per 5ft of movement.) A Storm Slam requires a Concentration Check (DC equal to how far the hurricane would have to move to reach the target x 2.) The storm buffets around the target, dealing 1d8 damage + Master of the Hurricane level, as well as moving the target 5ft away from the hurricane per 5 damage. After slamming an opponent, a concentration check (DC 15 + number of rounds since the hurricane has been created.) must be performed, or the storm will dissapate. The damage a Storm Slam deals increases to 2d8 at 4th level, 3d8 at 6th, 4d8 at 8th, and 5d8 at 10th.

Lesser Hurricane Form: At 3rd level and once again at 6th level, a Master of the Hurricane may take one Airbending or Waterbending form.

Cycling Lungs (Su): A Master of the Hurricane's ability to control wind and water together becomes uncanny. Starting at 4th level, a Master gains the ability to breath indefinitely in water, siphoning the needed oxygen from the liquid. He also gains the ability to survive in a vacuum for a number of rounds equal to his Master of the Hurricane levels + his Constitution modifier. A swift action is required each round to survive in water, as well as a standard action to survive in the vacuum.

Eye of the Implosion (Su): Starting at 5th level, a Master of the Hurricane's fury begins to unleash. Using a full round action, he may surround himself with a hurricane he created and shape it into a dome around him with a concentration check (DC 18.) The next round, he must either use another full-round action to may make the dome explode, or the hurricane will collapse, leaving nothing but a puddle. If he does explode the hurricane, it will blast everyone around him. Anyone within 5ft per Master of the Hurricane level when he makes the hurricane explode will receive 5d12 damage and be buffetted back 20ft.

While in the dome, all projectiles weighing less than 20 lbs cannot penetrate the dome. Any projectile weighing more than 20 lbs suffers a -15 penalty on their attack roll. For every 5 lbs a projectile exceeds 20 lbs, the penalty is lessened by one. Against all melee attacks, the dome provides the M.o.t.H. with total cover, as well as being as effective as a wall of iron against spells.

Great Vortex (Su): Practice makes perfect, and there is no exception when it comes to the ability to make a hurricane. Starting at 7th level, a Master of Hurricane requires no concentration check when performing his Vortex ability, and the size of the body of water required is dropped to 15ft long, 15ft wide, and 25ft deep.

Moderate Hurricane Form: At 9th level, a Master of the Hurricane may take one moderate Airbending or Waterbending form.

Hurricane's Essence (Su): Words cannot begin to define a Master of the Hurricane's skill. At 10th level, a Master of the Hurricane may create a hurricane around him without requiring a body of water with a Full-Round Action and a Concentration Check (DC 25) All concentration checks meant to control a hurricane become free actions (Limited to 1 per round.)The time it takes to create a hurricane in water is reduced to a standard action, and a Master of the Hurricane may be completely armed while manipulating a hurricane.