View Full Version : Funniest ways to "kill" the Tarrasque

2013-06-12, 05:51 AM
I don't care if you've actually done it the way you describe it, or if it's just a theoretical win. Gimme your best and funniest Tarrasque victories. I chose the Tarrasque cause he was the first big time enemy my first party ever faced and I personally love the big lug. I have fought him a couple of times and I have never "killed" him the same way in all the encounters I've had with him.

A couple examples I have, whether or not they're funny of course.

Greater Teleport the Tarrasque several thousand feet into the air. It was almost a complete party wipe and I was down to my last spell. I got past his SR, he failed the save, and we both went straight up. I used freedom of movement to get away from his grip and feather fell the entire distance. Once he hit the ground our Wizard wished him into the sun. And yes the party did yell at me for not just Greater Teleporting them away from the Tarrasque.

An Evil campaign I was a part of managed to gain the favor of Graz'zt. And by gain the favor of, I mean our blackguard sold the souls of everyone but himself in order to obtain a high level position in Graz'zt's army and gain an army of demons to summon at his command. (We learned this rather late and were pretty much boned by the time the last of us died). Suffice to say we had an army of demons slowly, but surely, drag the Tarrasque down to the underworld where Graz'zt promptly sent him after Orcus. The DM even allowed our blackguard to control the Tarrasque in a rather epic fight against Orcus. Orcus eventually won, but he was damaged badly enough for Graz'zt to give a fatal blow to him. We then immediately started an all good campaign at epic level which was sent off on a quest to figure out what the hell was going on.

Third and final...

We were bored at one point and just started going through the MM looking at interesting monsters and coming up with fun ways to fight them. After a while we got to T and read through the Tarrasque's "Swallow Whole" ability. It said that his stomach was capable of holding 2 Huge, 8 Large, 32 Medium, 128 Small, or 512 Tiny or smaller creatures. So my buddy randomly chimes in with "what if an army of gnomes trained their entire lives solely to take on the Tarrasque." We all laughed for a good hour coming up with ridiculous outcomes and tactics for it. After a while we all started taking notes. Once we ran out of ideas we looked right at our usual DM and said "Let's test this out!"

So 6 of us each created 25 gnomes specially designed to take on the Tarrasque based solely on what we "knew" from legend. All gnomes were level 16 and their only back story was that they were recruited at a very young age to train and fight one enemy. Soon enough the DM was ready to send a Tarrasque after our l50 gnome army which was primarily fighters, rangers, monks, and bards. We threw in a few casters and rogues here and there, but our main focus was solely melee based and buffing that melee up as much as possible. What happened next was the single longest series of fumbles, crits, and hilarious moments that I've ever experienced in DnD. Over a hundred gnomes died that day. But damn it we beat that Tarrasque!

Those are my 3 best examples, what do you guys have?

2013-06-12, 06:01 AM
I came up with another one while helping a buddy of mine make an island for an old wizard to place his tower/school on. He had millions of gold to burn so we invested in a rather large army of golem guards of various CR. One of the things we found was making Effigy monsters. One of the things that can be made into an Effigy is in fact the Tarrasque. yea it cost somewhere around 150,000 gold to make one of them, but if you can gather a bunch of money from the wealthier residents of the area you could have an army of effigy Tarrasque. So why not sick that army after the real deal? How fun would it be to nail a Tarrasque with an army of golem like Tarrasque?

2013-06-12, 07:15 AM
Or making Simulcra/Ice Assassins of it.

Would that spell that hurts the person someone loves work? You could have someone fall in love with Big T, and proceed to cast that on them.

Or Gate in a black hole.

2013-06-12, 07:21 AM
Note that teleporting the Tarrasque anywhere requires it to be willing or to knock it out first. And even then, you're better off dropping it in the ocean than trying to use falling damage (which it will ignore due to its regeneration.)

2013-06-12, 07:24 AM
A little background: I was playing one warlock through all of our campaigns, (gaining and losing levels as necessary via backstory) the inside joke being that he was like The Doctor. well our campaign switched between eberron, dragonlance and forgotten realms via the Warlock's curse.

the curse? intermintently jumping between realities, often bringing the party along, so one day we're attempting to topple a drow stronghold in a homebrew world and (when the campaign was broken due to a DM mistake in throwing 45 drow at us in a cave, which we annilated and gained way too much experience for putting us out of level range) then everyone is sucked into faerun, where we promptly notice the tarrasque is sleeping getting the great idea of attempting to tame it, i use dimention door to get to its neck where i attempt to ride it.

then the dice kick in, as periodically i had a 1% chance of campaign-shifting when i did something that took concentration (spellcasting in combat being one)

I vanish, taking the tarrasque with me to the old campaign world, at which point the party wizard uses some magic item(bracelet of friends?) to summon me back while leaving the tarrasque to ravage the drow.

P.S. the curse had mechanics for which campaign it'd drop me into, but id always appear where i had left from.

2013-06-12, 07:25 AM
Does marrying the tarrasque count as defeat? if so, then my Succubus Bard/Marshal won.

Fouredged Sword
2013-06-12, 07:58 AM
Not sure this works, but I would look at Planshifting to the most dangerous place in existence, then gate Big T to your location, then planeshift back, leaving him stranded.

The positive energy would cause him to explode just like everything else.

Lord Haart
2013-06-12, 08:10 AM
The positive energy would cause him to explode just like everything else.

What if he exploded and then… And then exploded again?

2013-06-12, 08:17 AM
Put skill ranks into Profession (Novelist)

Write the Twilight book series and 50 Shades of Grey series in the campaign world.

Use the Wish spell to have the entire contents of both series simultaneously read into it's mind.

Watch the Tarrasque go comatose and it's brain shut off for all eternity.

Evil laugh.

2013-06-12, 09:09 AM
You can't force unique creatures through a Gate.

Fouredged Sword
2013-06-12, 09:16 AM
Low int.

Just wave meat in front of it, or entice it some other way. Get it to charge you through the gate if you have to. Poke it with a stick!

Forcing isn't a problem, just a wrinkle in the plan.

2013-06-12, 09:21 AM
hurl a half dozen instant fortresses into its gizzard when it swallows you. you're safe, its not.

2013-06-12, 09:32 AM
Trick it into biting it's tail and using its swallow whole ability. Watch the Tarrasque blinks out of existence as it tries to eat itself.

*WARNING* This may also cause a black hole to form.

Shining Wrath
2013-06-12, 09:55 AM
Have it swallow a Decanter of Endless Water. Use "Shout" to turn on the Geyser. Fill Big T with thousands and millions of gallons of water.

Use "Heroes Feast" to feed the Tarrasque every day. It's not evil, it's just way hungry after sleeping for a few hundred years. Keep feeding it until it goes back to sleep. This method approved by the Grandmother's Guild of Thanksgiving Dinner Preparers.

Use any flying ability to get above it. It can't jump very high. Keep dropping stuff that does non-regenerate damage (check with DM - acid?). Or keep taunting it from just out of reach and lead it away from your friends and toward your enemies. The Tarrasque is a wonderful way to depopulate a border region so you can seize it.

2013-06-12, 10:33 AM
The Tarrasque is a wonderful way to depopulate a border region so you can seize it.

Yeah...then said region is populated by a Tarrasque....so not an improvement.

Shining Wrath
2013-06-12, 12:36 PM
Yeah...then said region is populated by a Tarrasque....so not an improvement.

Big T roams for a few weeks, then takes a centuries long nap. Not too long a wait.

Put skill ranks into Profession (Novelist)

Write the Twilight book series and 50 Shades of Grey series in the campaign world.

Use the Wish spell to have the entire contents of both series simultaneously read into it's mind.

Watch the Tarrasque go comatose and it's brain shut off for all eternity.

Evil laugh.

You need NEGATIVE ranks in Profession(novelist). Put your ranks into Profession(salesman).

2013-06-12, 12:39 PM
Cast undermaster, then cast celerity and bury it under millions of cubic feet of earth. Go back to bed, dammit!

2013-06-12, 12:43 PM
Cast undermaster, then cast celerity and bury it under millions of cubic feet of earth. Go back to bed, dammit!

"I dun wanna! I aven't had my dessert yet!":smallfrown:

2013-06-12, 12:52 PM
Keep dropping stuff that does non-regenerate damage (check with DM - acid?).
While acid will stop a troll's regeneration, it won't with the Tarrasque. Nothing gets past the Tarrasque's regeneration.

Now, unlike several other forms of damage, it isn't outright immune to acid, so you could still do this. It'd just take a heck of a lot of acid, to do more damage in every round than it can regenerate.

2013-06-12, 12:56 PM
My DM wanted us to know we weren't the big guns in the world (this was in the early days of 3.5) and was leafing through the MM to figure out how to show his 8th level party who was boss. So he pulled out the tarresque.

We all cursed like 14 year olds (repeatedly using fairly benign words) and ran away. It didn't chase us for long, but it gave us an idea. We used illusion magic (I was a gnome illusionist) to lead it towards a kingdom we'd angered (the reason why the DM wanted us to realize the world was not our sandbox). By then the tarresque was really hungry and sick of chasing a herd of buffalo that always outran him (not quite always, we also summoned a few celestial buffalo for him to catch).

So started terrorizing town.

You know the old adage when in doubt, kill it with fire? We had it in the middle of town surrounded by wooded buildings, so we just set the town on fire. Nobody could stop the fire because of the tarresque, and the tarresque got really badly burned. The DM exiled us from the campaign world for burning down the only city he'd detailed in it (which also happened to be the capital of the primary kingdom.)

The tarresque "died" with the world I guess.

2013-06-12, 01:17 PM
I created an epic spell, origin of species tarrasque. It was an ******* spell to cast, requires ungodly numbers of spell level participants in a week long ritual, but we created a breedable mate for the original tarasque.

They bred *really* fast. Like rabbits. And those babies grew in a matter of days. Within a few months the entire planet was devoid of food of any kind, and the entire tarrasque race starved to death. Then I reanimated their corpses to take over hell. Even asmodeus himself couldnt stand up to hundreds of thousands of undead tarrasque charging him down.

2013-06-12, 01:28 PM
Research a new Spell: Summon Spanish Inquisition.

Catch him off guard, Because NO ONE, not even Big T, expects the Spanish Inquisition!


2013-06-12, 01:44 PM
Feyrmind, did your DM not notice that the Tarrasque is immune to fire?

2013-06-12, 03:27 PM
Note that teleporting the Tarrasque anywhere requires it to be willing or to knock it out first. And even then, you're better off dropping it in the ocean than trying to use falling damage (which it will ignore due to its regeneration.)

oh yea, forgot to mention that the DM homebrewed teleport a bit for chuckles. Basically any "unwilling" target could make a will save to not go where the teleport would take them. Also because the falling damage is all one set rather than separate damage, the Tarrasque would only soak 15 damage from the several hundred D6.

2013-06-12, 05:11 PM
What if he exploded and then… And then exploded again?

That's exactly what would happen, in fact. Over and over. All-natural fireworks!

Also because the falling damage is all one set rather than separate damage, the Tarrasque would only soak 15 damage from the several hundred D6.

I think you mean the other way around, because that makes no sense. (Also, falling damage is not subject to DR, for what that's worth.)

2013-06-12, 07:04 PM
I think you mean the other way around, because that makes no sense. (Also, falling damage is not subject to DR, for what that's worth.)

falling damage is also capped at 20d6, meaning it wouldnt suffer hundreds of d6...

2013-06-12, 07:22 PM
falling damage is also capped at 20d6, meaning it wouldnt suffer hundreds of d6...

I always found it weird that terminal velocity was one of the ruleset's biggest nods to real-world physics existing. It's certainly not "Rule of Cool." And weird things can end up happening with the limit.

Ah well. As DM, I am partial to terrain challenges, and height being a non-issue later in the game (supposing that somehow they can't teleport or fly...it does happen) is kind of disappointing. Oh well.

Anyway, what I normally do is just send a large rock/creature/object after the falling creature after a moment.

Also, I like the matchup between terminal velocity capping falling damage, but falling object damage is not likewise capped (making a number of "I Drop Big Things" builds possible).

Anyway, enough rambling! To the OP, I actually almost never use the Tarrasque. Pretty cliched, in my mind, and there being only one, yet it pops up in every campaign that gets past a certain level. Just weird. In any case, the funniest way to kill it is mirror of opposition or Aleax tricks, lock it in endless combat with itself in some cavern somewhere. It overcomes it's own DR, but I think the regen still holds, meaning they just keep slugging it out forever.:smalleek:

2013-06-12, 08:51 PM
I made a level 22 Druid that turned into a Gerivar with feats and a few buffs (including Arms of the Grillon) that got 24 vorporal attacks per round with AC about 95 and about a bagillion hp, doing 750 - 900 damage per round with DR 10/adamantite and magic, regen 8, only gotten around by cold or acid, with a buttload of immunities, including immunity to cold and resist acid 60.

is the terrasque vulnerable to vorporal? I dont think he would die, but it would hurt I think!

But he could solo the Terraspue with no epic spell casting and not even level 9 spells.

EDIT: other than Miracle

2013-06-12, 09:09 PM
Note that teleporting the Tarrasque anywhere requires you have to be willing or to knock it out first then, you're better off dropping it in the ocean than to use falling damage (which it will ignore due to its regeneration.)

Not to mention (if my math is correct) to teleport a collosal creature you have to be 48th level. By then taking on the tarrasque should be small potatoes even for a martial character.

2013-06-12, 09:18 PM
While acid will stop a troll's regeneration, it won't with the Tarrasque. Nothing gets past the Tarrasque's regeneration.

Now, unlike several other forms of damage, it isn't outright immune to acid, so you could still do this. It'd just take a heck of a lot of acid, to do more damage in every round than it can regenerate.

I'm not 100% positive, but doesn't Vile damage technically override Big T's regeneration?

2013-06-12, 09:21 PM
What if he exploded and then… And then exploded again?

Michael Bay would be proud.

2013-06-12, 09:25 PM
You know the old adage when in doubt, kill it with fire? We had it in the middle of town surrounded by wooded buildings, so we just set the town on fire. Nobody could stop the fire because of the tarresque, and the tarresque got really badly burned.

immunity to fire? :smallconfused:

2013-06-12, 09:26 PM
Not to mention (if my math is correct) to teleport a collosal creature you have to be 48th level. By then taking on the tarrasque should be small potatoes even for a martial character.

That just takes some CL pumping. A Cleric with the Travel Domain and Greater Consumptive Field is already more than halfway there, nevermind items, incarnum etc.

I'm not 100% positive, but doesn't Vile damage technically override Big T's regeneration?

Actually no - whether damage is vile only affects how it can be healed after the fact. The damage itself isn't altered, therefore regeneration still replaces it wholesale with nonlethal damage. By then, whether its vile or not is irrelevant, since nonlethal damage isn't actually deducted from a creature's hitpoints.

2013-06-12, 09:28 PM
is the terrasque vulnerable to vorporal? I dont think he would die, but it would hurt I think!
No, in the sense that it won't kill him. At best it'll knock him down to -10 nonlethal and/or take his head off, and he'll just start regenerating next round. It doesn't kill it, because no form of damage exists that can deal lethal damage to it. Only a wish or miracle when he's reduced to almost nothing will actually finish Big T. And in Pathfinder not even that, because they removed the wish/miracle clause - you can try and transport it or lure it away to save a region, but no means of killing it has yet been discovered.

Oh, and the best way to kill the Tarrasque I had was by UMD/UPDing a Psionic item that did a True Mind Switch with the Tarrasque, then stepping on the Tarrasque-mind in my measly 7 STR & 10 CON wizard body. It died, I took the level loss, and lived on in my invulnerable new Tarrasque form, polymorphing back into a human shape when I needed to actually interact with something.

Good fun, that was.

2013-06-12, 09:31 PM
Not sure this works, but I would look at Planshifting to the most dangerous place in existence, then gate Big T to your location, then planeshift back, leaving him stranded.

The positive energy would cause him to explode just like everything else.

He would! It'd barely phase him, though: "If the tarrasque fails its save against a spell or effect that would kill it instantly (such as those mentioned above), the spell or effect instead deals nonlethal damage equal to the creature’s full normal hit points +10 (or 868 hp)"
- So when he gets full enough to finally explode... it deals nonlethal damage equal to his full normal HP + 10... and at exploding level, that... just puts him below boom level. He'll still be quite active.

2013-06-12, 09:36 PM
Actually no - whether damage is vile only affects how it can be healed after the fact. The damage itself isn't altered, therefore regeneration still replaces it wholesale with nonlethal damage. By then, whether its vile or not is irrelevant, since nonlethal damage isn't actually deducted from a creature's hitpoints.

Yep. The only way to get lethal damage onto the Tarrasque is to use something like Hostile Empathic Transfer that bypasses regeneration altogether. Which is really nice because WotC put the whole not dying bit in there too.

2013-06-12, 09:48 PM
immunity to fire? :smallconfused:

This is why I like electricity/force damage. A lot of things are immune to the spells of ice and fire.

2013-06-12, 10:13 PM
This is why I like electricity/force damage. A lot of things are immune to the spells of ice and fire.
Sonic is also a good bet some of the time. Everybody always forgets about it.

2013-06-12, 10:24 PM
Does summoning an allip count as funny? It's always been pretty funny to me.

Mithril Leaf
2013-06-13, 03:43 AM
Yep. The only way to get lethal damage onto the Tarrasque is to use something like Hostile Empathic Transfer that bypasses regeneration altogether. Which is really nice because WotC put the whole not dying bit in there too.

Thanks :smallcool:

But yeah, Hostile Empathic Transfer is a good choice for telepaths that want to take down big T at a reasonably low level. Plus, you can just trade blows with him and heal right up. Shouldn't be too hard at level 10 or so with decent optimization.

Shining Wrath
2013-06-13, 01:07 PM
No, in the sense that it won't kill him. At best it'll knock him down to -10 nonlethal and/or take his head off, and he'll just start regenerating next round. It doesn't kill it, because no form of damage exists that can deal lethal damage to it. Only a wish or miracle when he's reduced to almost nothing will actually finish Big T. And in Pathfinder not even that, because they removed the wish/miracle clause - you can try and transport it or lure it away to save a region, but no means of killing it has yet been discovered.

Oh, and the best way to kill the Tarrasque I had was by UMD/UPDing a Psionic item that did a True Mind Switch with the Tarrasque, then stepping on the Tarrasque-mind in my measly 7 STR & 10 CON wizard body. It died, I took the level loss, and lived on in my invulnerable new Tarrasque form, polymorphing back into a human shape when I needed to actually interact with something.

Good fun, that was.

EPIC. Didn't the Will Save get in the way? And the Spell Resistance / Power Resistance?

2013-06-13, 02:26 PM
There are ways to crank up your save DC above the Tarrasque's Will bonus (which, though decently high, is still much lower than its Fort). And at worst, you can just cast things repeatedly until it rolls a 1.

I don't know how you deal with the spell resistance, though. Spellcasters have a lot of ways of dealing with that, but most of them aren't available to psions (they were much more cautious about providing ways to boost manifester level than caster level).

2013-06-13, 02:29 PM
I put peanut butter at the top of its mouth cave,a nd then enchanted its tongue with vorpral quality , before long it eventually rolled a crit when it attacked the peanut butter.

Admiral Squish
2013-06-13, 02:59 PM
Once upon a time, I played a very weird monster campaign, where everyone rolled a d20 to determine the maximum number of HD their monster could have. I rolled a natural one. I was playing a puppeteer (the psionic monster), with a buttload of psion levels. After it was revealed that this was a bad idea, the DM wanted to put us in our place and revealed that in this universe, the tarrasque had been awakened and had since gained 20 levels of paladin, and was on our tail. The plan was hatched in secret. I steered my host (a little girl) out to meet the tarrasque. I explained that I had been attacked by some horrible monster, trying to control my mind. I was resisting thus far, but I couldn't remove it, only one as powerful and holy as the tarrasque himself could remove it. Then I hit him with a fully- augmented psionic charm, overchanneled. If he touched me while charmed, he became my puppet. It had about a 50% chance to save. The die was never rolled, the DM gave up.

2013-06-13, 04:44 PM
No, in the sense that it won't kill him. At best it'll knock him down to -10 nonlethal and/or take his head off, and he'll just start regenerating next round. It doesn't kill it, because no form of damage exists that can deal lethal damage to it. Only a wish or miracle when he's reduced to almost nothing will actually finish Big T. And in Pathfinder not even that, because they removed the wish/miracle clause - you can try and transport it or lure it away to save a region, but no means of killing it has yet been discovered.

Oh, and the best way to kill the Tarrasque I had was by UMD/UPDing a Psionic item that did a True Mind Switch with the Tarrasque, then stepping on the Tarrasque-mind in my measly 7 STR & 10 CON wizard body. It died, I took the level loss, and lived on in my invulnerable new Tarrasque form, polymorphing back into a human shape when I needed to actually interact with something.

Good fun, that was.

well then, time to start breeding while in polymorph. Half-tarrasque templates for everyone!

Shining Wrath
2013-06-13, 04:55 PM
well then, time to start breeding while in polymorph. Half-tarrasque templates for everyone!

And that becomes another funny way to kill the Tarrasque - torn to shreds and devoured by his half-Tarrasque spawn.

2013-06-13, 04:57 PM
And that becomes another funny way to kill the Tarrasque - torn to shreds and devoured by his half-Tarrasque spawn.

ZOMG...half-Tarrasque kythons! *dreamy eyes* Where's my notebook?

2013-06-13, 05:54 PM
Assuming you get past *all* his magic defenses and saves including the reflection, SR, etc... what happens when you use disintegrate on big T? Does he still regenerate from being a small pile of ash? How exactly would that work? What would it look like?

Fouredged Sword
2013-06-13, 06:01 PM
Knowing my DM, it would live on with the dustform template applied :smallfrown:

2013-06-13, 06:06 PM
Assuming you get past *all* his magic defenses and saves including the reflection, SR, etc... what happens when you use disintegrate on big T? Does he still regenerate from being a small pile of ash?
Explicitly so, yes:

No form of attack deals lethal damage to the tarrasque. The tarrasque regenerates even if it fails a saving throw against a disintegrate spell or a death effect. If the tarrasque fails its save against a spell or effect that would kill it instantly (such as those mentioned above), the spell or effect instead deals nonlethal damage equal to the creature’s full normal hit points +10 (or 868 hp). The tarrasque is immune to effects that produce incurable or bleeding wounds, such as mummy rot, a sword with the wounding special ability, or a clay golem’s cursed wound ability. (emphasis added)

How exactly would that work? What would it look like?
I imagine he'd turn into a pile of dust, then grow back essentially completely the round he gets back above 0 hp.

Shining Wrath
2013-06-13, 06:07 PM
Assuming you get past *all* his magic defenses and saves including the reflection, SR, etc... what happens when you use disintegrate on big T? Does he still regenerate from being a small pile of ash? How exactly would that work? What would it look like?

Since you can remove body parts such as plates and he still comes back, I say he comes back from Disintegrate, too.

Or take a page from _Legacy of Heoret_ and have a bazillion mini-Tarrasques spawn, one from each mote, and they feed upon one another until you get big T back.

2013-06-13, 06:14 PM
... I took the level loss, and lived on in my invulnerable new Tarrasque form, polymorphing back into a human shape when I needed to actually interact with something.

Good fun, that was.

Now that is what I call a pretty sound victory.

2013-06-13, 06:14 PM
TL,DR: T shrunk down, granted divine ranks, and used to power a mythal.

In our campaign defeating the Tarrasque was required to reach level 21. At which point you are informed by a secret order of epic druids that you are now responsible for poaching another Tarrasque from an alternate plane of existence, or consequences.

The world in this alternate plane has a lower magical index than the world the players are from (from which the beast derives a large portion of its sustenance), and Tarrasques there do not have as ridiculous regeneration nor the need to be wished dead ability. They are, however, universally worsipped as holy beasts, and most of the races were initially tasked by the gods of that realm to take care of the beasts. The original theft of the Tarrasque spawned a global war as each race blamed the others for the disspearance. Subsequent dissapearances reignite the war, which usually result in the death of one or more races and the overthrow and absorbtion of one or more gods. At some point despite their holy status the Ts were drafted for use in the conflict, and now are used as mounts by powerful war leaders, usually epic divine spellcasters.

The characters defeated the Tarrasque in the standard way (HP damage plus wish), but upon returning to the campaign world with the new Tarrasque, they shrunk it down, put it on an adamantine hamster wheel, and used it to power a mythal. They also tinkered with the planar barriers separating the worlds, which allowed the worship from the other world to seep back through the waystone and granted the new Tarrasque a divine rank. It was still compelled to run continuously on the wheel by the mythal, but it gave the mythal a divine shot in the arm. The presence of the Tarrasque shut down the counters on various doomsday spells that would start one-shotting cities over a certain population size every few weeks if there wasn't a Tarrasque around to work as a city-level apex predator and put civilization back into the natural order. (Dragons could act as an apex predator, but they had too much arcane magic to be considered "natural" and also formed symbiotic relationships with cities.)

(The druids underestimated the effect of the higher magical field on the T, so the beast sleeps much longer than anticipated because it doesn't get hungry as fast)

2013-06-13, 08:13 PM
Level 13 Thrallherd spams psionic dominate until he has a pet tarrasque.

2013-06-13, 08:17 PM
You gotta go after him with a Maximize Enlarged Warforged (or huge golem, I suppose) who just happens to be built in the exact same shape, but with lasers. Mecha-Tarrasque! They have to fight in the center of the largest available city.

Or a Colossal Moth of some sort, perhaps.

Basically what I'm saying is whoever does the best Godzilla movie at the table will win.

2013-06-13, 08:59 PM
What would it look like?

Pretty gross?

2013-06-13, 09:28 PM
You'd have a really hard time killing the Tarrasque via Disintegrate, anyway. The spell only does a maximum of 40d6 damage, or an average of 140 points. Even behind all of the defenses, T still has a great big pile of hit points.

2013-06-13, 09:53 PM
You'd have a really hard time killing the Tarrasque via Disintegrate, anyway. The spell only does a maximum of 40d6 damage, or an average of 140 points. Even behind all of the defenses, T still has a great big pile of hit points.

Also, 30% of the time, the spell is coming back at you.

2013-07-11, 04:31 PM
Our party was around level 10 or so I believe. We had a crazy experimental person acquire a Bow of Wonder created by DM. During a battle against something I cannot remember, he shot the bow (which has x effect depending on d100 dice). It launched a tarrasque (which was highly confused) into the middle of the battlefield. The bow was shot again... and this time the effect caused it to be petrified. That bow was awesome.

2013-07-11, 06:05 PM
Drowning. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm#drowning)

2013-07-11, 06:40 PM
Drowning. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/environment.htm#drowning)

I vote for drowning him in a silo full of grain.

2013-07-11, 08:09 PM
Feyrmind, did your DM not notice that the Tarrasque is immune to fire?

It just so happens that the Tarrasque is NOT immune to "dieing with the world", though, since he said that after they destroyed the city (which is not immune to fire), the DM ended the game, which destroys everyone in the world, including the Tarrasque:smalltongue:

2013-07-11, 08:23 PM
Our party was around level 10 or so I believe. We had a crazy experimental person acquire a Bow of Wonder created by DM. During a battle against something I cannot remember, he shot the bow (which has x effect depending on d100 dice). It launched a tarrasque (which was highly confused) into the middle of the battlefield. The bow was shot again... and this time the effect caused it to be petrified. That bow was awesome.

You made me go and double-check if the Tarrasque is immune to petrification. It's not. Seriously, what? :smallconfused:

2013-07-11, 09:57 PM
We never got around to it but my group one time decided to taint the big T. Never did find out what would happen.

2013-07-11, 10:19 PM
Assuming "Tarrasque" is its name, then Trap The Soul should work. It's a near-mindless eating machine, so it will accept the gem hidden in its food. No spell resistance or save. Also, you now have a Tarrasque pokeball.

This requires a gem worth 48,000gp.

Maybe your DM would let you use it as a basis for a Figurine of Wondrous Power. (Maybe = Probably Not)

2013-07-11, 11:53 PM
Assuming "Tarrasque" is its name, then Trap The Soul should work. It's a near-mindless eating machine, so it will accept the gem hidden in its food. No spell resistance or save. Also, you now have a Tarrasque pokeball.

This requires a gem worth 48,000gp.

Maybe your DM would let you use it as a basis for a Figurine of Wondrous Power. (Maybe = Probably Not)

No, then you use the gem as your Phylactery and ascend to Lichdom, becoming the Tarrasque lich!

No one wants to kill you because it will release the Tarrasque.

2013-07-12, 12:08 AM
can we make it have chunky penut butter, but all the chunky bits be sharpened, and then enchanted with vorpal, so when it gets stuck on the roof of its mouth, and pushes its tongue to lick it off, each bit counts as a vorpral attack against its mouth?

2013-07-12, 12:13 AM
No, then you use the gem as your Phylactery and ascend to Lichdom, becoming the Tarrasque lich!

No one wants to kill you because it will release the Tarrasque.

You have very little experience with adventurers, I see. They are often completely insane.

can we make it have chunky penut butter, but all the chunky bits be sharpened, and then enchanted with vorpal, so when it gets stuck on the roof of its mouth, and pushes its tongue to lick it off, each bit counts as a vorpral attack against its mouth?

Hmm, like some sort of Vorpal Caltrops? Difficult to confirm and very expensive.

You'd still need a wish too finish it off.

2013-07-12, 12:18 AM
No, then you use the gem as your Phylactery and ascend to Lichdom, becoming the Tarrasque lich!

No one wants to kill you because it will release the Tarrasque.

Drachasor ninja'd me, but I was gonna say: that might work on those feeble NPC types, but a true adventurer laughs at your puny "release the Tarrasque" threat! Laughs, I tell you! Ahahaha!

2013-07-12, 12:46 AM
Play a race that's Tiny or smaller. Get a ring of reduction. Get a source of flight that can get you into melee range, and Freedom of Movement so you can't be grappled. +5 book and +5 worth of wishes and the Loth Touched Template with the LA bought off to offset strength penalty's enough to qualify for Power Attack. Two handed weapon with a wand chamber and a wand of Wraith Strike.

Now make your levels look a wee bit like this. Bard 1/ Warblade x/ Seeker of the Song 2/ Warblade X. Train in big T's knowledge skill, preform, UMD and Concentration and diplomacy and jump just to be sure.

Make sure you have the maneuvers Time Stands Still and Raging Mongoose, Along with Battle Leaders Charge. Expend 2 feats to get Giant Killing Style and maybe Counter charge or something as a qualifier. Buy a Dark Chaos Shuffle, after several visits to magical locations to get feats so that you can make sure to have those maneuvers, power attack, knowledge devotion, Lingering Song, And all the assorted things needed to optimize inspire courage, including Dragonfire inspiration key'd to an Amathist dragon.

Also pick up some source of haste and a couple of belts of battle, and put the Trasmuting and Valorous properties on your weapon. Get 2 items for the right knowledge skill for Big T so that you can get a full +5 on him with minimal investment. Lastly, a scroll of merical.

First round: Buff, Sing your song, roll knowledge devotion, get your haste on, Assume Giant Killing Stance, so on and so forth.

Second round: UMD the Scroll, and the Merical shall be that Big T looses fast healing and regeneration ability's.

Third Round: Battle leaders charge, hit him, great, not, oh well. He still didn't get an AOO, and your still in melee range. Begin using Belts of Battle for extra actions.

Wraith Strike from the chambered wand here. Unleash Raging Mongoose Boost and Time Stands Still Maneuvers. You should be dropping better then 100 points of damage on him per hit. And your To hit should be so high not a single blow misses. That's 1,200+ points of damage, and if you have enough belts of battle, you can spend a swift action to and a full attack to recover and unleash it again.

And now your the tiny little doll that fits in the palm of someone's had, who soloed Big T with a flurry of strikes so fast no one could see them.

It's late and I'm not at my usual computer, and presently don't have spell check, sorry if there are mistakes.

The Random NPC
2013-07-12, 03:00 AM
I'm a big fan of tricking the Tarrasque into drowning, but I also like using Graymantle to remove his regeneration, and using Vile damage to keep his HP at negatives permanently. If your GM rules that the whole "only a wish can kill him" part doesn't override the -10 HP rule, then you can dispense with the Vile damage and just kill him.

2013-07-12, 04:12 AM
Telepath5/Thrallherd6 can spam Psionic Dominate until he breaches SR and the Tarrasque fails a will save. With the right feats and items, he has like a 20% chance each turn to successfully Dominate Big T.

2013-07-12, 05:06 AM
How high can we get our manifesting level for this?https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54497831/Sharing/Answer.jpg

2016-02-09, 10:45 AM
Nuke him from the skies (I recommend acid vials and hot air bloons).

2016-02-09, 11:05 AM
Madness Tarrasquekiller just killed the Tarrasque!
Madness Tarrasquekiller just killed the Tarrasque!
Madness Tarrasquekiller just killed the Tarrasque! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?365674-Madness-Tarrasquekiller-Slaying-the-Tarrasque-as-a-1st-level-commoner)

2016-02-09, 10:12 PM
No, then you use the gem as your Phylactery and ascend to Lichdom, becoming the Tarrasque lich!

No one wants to kill you because it will release the Tarrasque.

o_o you may have just created a boss battle if i may steal this idea

2016-02-10, 12:04 AM
something our gnome did
Trait Removal (regeneration)
Animate Dead (works because it temporarily died due to not having regeneration for 1 round/lv)
Magic Jar on zombie trasque
Imprison Posessor on gnome spirit posessing zombie Trasque.
Dismiss trait removal bringing trasque back to life.
Let Tarasque soul possess comatose gnome body for the LOLs

2016-02-10, 12:41 AM
It is possible to drown in substances other than water, such as sand, quicksand, fine dust, and silos full of grain

Alrighty, so you're strolling along this desert, when suddenly you see this tarrasque that juuuust drowned (reducing it to 0 HP without needing to damage it or requiring any fortitude saves) in black sand.

Note that since black sands doesn't actually say it kills the creature, just that their body crumbles into more black sand upon reaching 0 HP (still no fort save), it doesn't necessarily contradict the whole "can only kill with wish / miracle" thing...

I believe the only reasonable interpretation of these various rules is as follows:


2016-02-10, 08:30 AM
Dustform creature. :3

2016-02-10, 08:42 AM
In my campaign world, the last time the Tarrasque was awoken, enterprising adventurers tried to stop it with a mirror of opposition. After 200 years, the blasted desolation created in the ruins of the kingdoms where the beasts were fighting was renamed "The Wasteland". They still fight to this day.

2016-02-10, 08:51 AM
Madness Tarrasquekiller is still my favorite, personally. Does anyone have the link?

EDIT: So I've been pre-empted a bit. This is what happens when you forget there's a third page and post from the second.

2016-02-10, 11:50 AM
And I'm surprised I didn't mention my favorite method earlier: The Grandmother Method, which doesn't actually kill (or even inconvenience) the Tarrasque in any way, but still removes the threat: It's motivated by hunger, right? So, you feed it. Heroes' Feast provides a day's worth of food for one creature per caster level, and never specifies the size of the creatures that can be fed. So just cast that every day until Big T goes back to sleep.

I have this mental image of the party sitting around a table, with a big plate of turkey and mashed potatoes in front of each of them. At one end of the table is the paladin's warhorse, with a bucket of oats. And at the other end of the table is the Tarrasque with a napkin tied around its neck and a pile of a couple of hundred dead cows. Please pass the gravy.

2016-02-10, 12:06 PM
Also fun: cast Tongues on the Tarrasque, then proceed to diplomance him into going back to sleep.

Platymus Pus
2016-02-10, 01:24 PM
You can't kill the Tarrasque in some versions anymore

2016-02-10, 09:33 PM
With pathfinder psionics, I believe there is a way to have a high level vitalist force big T into the collective, then jack it's healing every turn. If unconscious counts as willing for vitalist heal redirects, you could stash it in a pocket dimension after knocking it out and use it as an unlimited healing battery. Haven't checked the details lately though, beyond the unwilling participant feat.

2016-02-11, 01:30 AM
Blazefire; The attack of lavawights and shapes of fire.

It reduces the victim's max HP. And I don't think it technically actually counts as fire or ability damage.

If you can reduce it's maximum HP to -10 you can slay it without dealing damage.

You could also cast Grimwald's Greymantle on it (Which suppresses regeneration)