View Full Version : Finagling magic and other such terrors [System questions]

2013-06-12, 07:43 AM
Hello Playground!
(Hello Fibi)

I haven't had a drink for wait no wrong.

There, I've started with a joke. Now that you've laughed at my wit or raged at my shameless inability to be original, I will now proceed with a system related question:
I quite like D&D (3.5) as a system for granular messing around with bits, and so does my players. However, I am not too fond of vancian magic as a system of employing spells because it doesn't quite... do what I'd like, I guess.

So, my question to you is this, intelligent people as you are, can you list me a few systems or homebrews or ideas that allows one to implement magic using a d20 ruleset that is not Vancian?

I am aware of the following myself:
Thieve's World alternative rules (which is what I'm working with so far, in this brainstorm of mine because they capture sort of the feel of what I'm going for)
Using the Spellshaping codices as a stand in (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?board=64.0)
Converting the rules for Warhammer Fantasy and laughing at my players (Which is what I will be doing if nothing else works out for me)
Forcing everyone to play a psionic character.
Giving up and playing some more Dark Heresy.
Giving up on that after psykers wipe everyone and playing Riddle of Steel
Giving up on that after everyone loses their eyes and fingers to enemy swords and playing Mage: The Awakening

Essentially, it'd be great if you could find, for me, so I don't have to do *anything*, a system that allows a use of magic that is more "Channeling power in the moment" and less "Mathematics prepared at dawn".

Is this possible?

Why would you ask this, you madman?

Because I need a system that allows someone to play a spellcasting class of a kind and still rely on summoning in energy in the field because it's integral to idea of the setting I'm writing for fun. Also because it helps balance a little bit, if you need to watch your spell-casting across rounds while allowing a slightly freer use of magic.
At least that's what I think, so who knows