View Full Version : Pimp my Imp! [PF]

2013-06-12, 09:26 AM
Hi all!

Playing a Wiz 5/Diabolist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/c-d/diabolist) 3 in a new online campaign (well, new to me, but that's another story). Diabolist is a summon-focused class so there are tons of resources out there to help with that side of things.

One of the unique features is the class gets an Imp as an animal companion, not a familiar. After more effort than I'm willing to admit, I got the base Imp stated out correctly and have been having a lot of fun playing him as an invisible skirmisher (took Improved Natural Attack, Flyby Attack, and Ability Focus: Poison, although that last hasn't been helpful so far) and in many combat rounds the imp has been one of the most useful party members on the field so I'm looking to improve him further.

A couple questions:

1. What feats, magic items, etc. should I give the Imp? Are there any my mage should take to boost/synergize?

1b. Not sure if Boon Companion applies and, in fact, there's some strangeness in how the ability is written; is my "effective class level" my caster level PLUS Diabolist level (8+3=11) or does it cap at 8?

2. Sounds like the Imp can use any martial or simple weapons but no armor, correct? If so, what are good weapons for an invisible tiny flying creature or should I just focus on buffing its Natural Attack? Or should I be using the NA as a secondary attack?

3. Since the sting is its only NA, does it get 1.5 Strength?

4. What are good ways to give it Sneak Attack, or is there another equally useful ability for an invisible attacker?

5. Can it use Vital Strike on a Flyby Attack? Seems like yes.

6. What spells should I learn/buy wands of to help buff it?

7. Any other tips?


2013-06-12, 09:31 AM
Im at work so I cant go to in depth, but the only way he can use cital strike on a flyby attack is if he can full attack on a flyby... basically, flyby would have to act like pounce

And if you're enjoying him, maybe use improved familiar feat for a second imp? And if it's his primaey nat attack it should be str and 1/2

2013-06-12, 09:35 AM
Im at work so I cant go to in depth, but the only way he can use cital strike on a flyby attack is if he can full attack on a flyby... basically, flyby would have to act like pounce

You can't Vital Strike on a full attack, so I'm not sure what you're trying to argue here.

Flyby Attack gives you a standard action, so you should be able to do a Flyby Attack Vital Strike.

2013-06-13, 11:14 PM
Try the following Feats from Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells...

1. Mark of Minarous: If you charge, you get a +2 to attack for every 10' traveled. (use this with your poison sting). When you move, your initial square is not threatened and you do not provoke an attack of opportunity.

2. Brand of the Nine Hells: Against creatures of 4+ Hit Dice, 'Aura of Pity'. Enemies have a DC 12 Will save or be at -2 to attacks. Against 3(-) hit dice or when they are at half hit points, Enemies have a DC12 Will save or be shaken.

Have your wizard make a wand of Ray of enfeeblement or Touch of Insanity. Either way he gets a ranged touch attack he can make that gets no save and reduces your enemies capabilities dramatically. With either, you can wipe out enemy spell-casters in one+ round. His first attack while invisible can be during a surprise round. A few decent rolls and they are either paralyzed (strength will be their dump stat) or unable to cast (two hits with 3-4 points on average will eliminate almost all useful spells).

2013-06-14, 07:00 AM
Try the following Feats from Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells...

1. Mark of Minarous: If you charge, you get a +2 to attack for every 10' traveled. (use this with your poison sting). When you move, your initial square is not threatened and you do not provoke an attack of opportunity.

2. Brand of the Nine Hells: Against creatures of 4+ Hit Dice, 'Aura of Pity'. Enemies have a DC 12 Will save or be at -2 to attacks. Against 3(-) hit dice or when they are at half hit points, Enemies have a DC12 Will save or be shaken.

Have your wizard make a wand of Ray of enfeeblement or Touch of Insanity. Either way he gets a ranged touch attack he can make that gets no save and reduces your enemies capabilities dramatically. With either, you can wipe out enemy spell-casters in one+ round. His first attack while invisible can be during a surprise round. A few decent rolls and they are either paralyzed (strength will be their dump stat) or unable to cast (two hits with 3-4 points on average will eliminate almost all useful spells).

2013-06-14, 08:26 AM
Try the following Feats from Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells...

mitchewd, thanks! I like these. The campaign is pure Pathfinder, though, and I don't know if the DM will allow these. Anything comparable in PF?

Have your wizard make a wand of Ray of enfeeblement or Touch of Insanity. Either way he gets a ranged touch attack he can make that gets no save and reduces your enemies capabilities dramatically. With either, you can wipe out enemy spell-casters in one+ round. His first attack while invisible can be during a surprise round. A few decent rolls and they are either paralyzed (strength will be their dump stat) or unable to cast (two hits with 3-4 points on average will eliminate almost all useful spells).

Were you suggesting the Imp use the wand or my wizard? Both are good options, just wondering if you saw this as a good route for the Imp.