View Full Version : [Fluff Question] - Incarnum and Summoners

2013-06-12, 02:53 PM
Okay, so I'm considering the possibilities for a 3.5 campaign setting, and I'm thinking of porting the Pathfinder's Summoner in. However, I wanted to tie it deeper into the world. I'm envisioning it as manipulating the same soulstuff as Incarnum classes do, making its Eidolon as some kind of "prototype" of creatures that were, are, and may come to be. But, aside from that, I'm at a total loss of ideas! Could you guys please help me brainstorm this?

2013-06-12, 03:24 PM
I like this idea. If the eidolon is a sort of incarnum construct, it almost turns the summoned into a sort of intellectual totemist, which is cool. Maybe you could tweak the Summon Monster SLAs to have more aligned or natural summons, as well. You're not actually calling extraplanar creatures; instead you're reshaping souls into something that exemplifies how they lived/will live their lives. (also, giving them access to the incarnum-type spells in MoI would be interesting, if not terribly useful.)
Also, if I were to do this, I'd be very tempted to deny any existence of a Synthesist archetype. However, the new Totemist archetype sounds very similar. :smallwink:

2013-06-12, 04:04 PM
Fluff wise, I'd suggest looking up Moorcock's "Elric" series of books, the original anti-hero who summons creatures of chaos and elementals as an aid when he isn't feeding souls to his runeblade. But... maybe this is already the 3.5 prestige class Thaumaturgist (requires Planar Ally).

2013-06-12, 09:03 PM
I like this idea. If the eidolon is a sort of incarnum construct, it almost turns the summoned into a sort of intellectual totemist, which is cool. Maybe you could tweak the Summon Monster SLAs to have more aligned or natural summons, as well. You're not actually calling extraplanar creatures; instead you're reshaping souls into something that exemplifies how they lived/will live their lives.

Exactly! You got the idea perfectly!

(also, giving them access to the incarnum-type spells in MoI would be interesting, if not terribly useful.)

Hmmm, indeed. Didn't even consider this, but it makes sense.

Also, if I were to do this, I'd be very tempted to deny any existence of a Synthesist archetype. However, the new Totemist archetype sounds very similar. :smallwink:

Hahahahaha, great idea! I just have to rename it to avoid redundancy! :smallbiggrin:

Fluff wise, I'd suggest looking up Moorcock's "Elric" series of books, the original anti-hero who summons creatures of chaos and elementals as an aid when he isn't feeding souls to his runeblade. But... maybe this is already the 3.5 prestige class Thaumaturgist (requires Planar Ally).

Hmmm, I'll have to check that, didn't read those.