View Full Version : Need suggestions for bad Valentine's Day Wishes

2013-06-13, 08:30 AM
So, I'm thinking that the next little hamlet my players stumble into may have a small plague going around. Nothing major, just a turn of bad luck, foggy memories, and conflicting stories. See, prior to the PC's arrival, this town had its yearly "Valentines Day" festival (or thematically equivalent celebration).
Amidst all the clamor, one young individual prayed for someone to come and bring love to all the people of the village and surrounding countryside. This wish was so powerful, so potent (and so augmented by a centuries old relic) that it actually summoned a low-level extraplanar creature.
- Cupid (CG, Outsider (azata))

Cupids are known for causing people to fall in love. But, when conjured by foreign magic, their intent is often twisted and their aim not always true.
This Cupid, in particular, is running amok in town, listening to all the dreamy-eyed off-hand wishes of the townsfolk, and granting them as best it can (which isn't very well)
The wishes must me romance/relationship/love themed, but any such honest wish is valid. Most of the wishes are granted by the cupid in a polymorphed form, but it has the ability to conjure a few tangible illusions, cloud memory, and provoke desired responses.
Examples include...
A young woman who wishes her boyfriend would propose to her. Cupid takes on his form, causes him to pass out drunk, and proposes in his stead. Cupid fails to realize that the young man was not truly interested in the young lady, but was using her as a sort of shield to keep his parents from guessing out that he is homosexual. The PC's will meet the young man in a bar, drowning his sorrows and confusion in alcohol.A middle aged woman pregnant with an unexpected child. She wished that her deceased husband was alive, so that she could spend V-day in his warm embrace. Cupid takes on his form, puts her into a dream-like state, and she enjoys an evening of passionate delights. She wakes up, thinking it a vivid dream, until she later discovers that she's pregnant.A man searching for the "perfect woman" with whom he'd danced and talked much of the night. His description of her is peculiar, including features and aspects not normal to common folk (violet eyes, hair pink like the evening sky, a gown of pure silk embroidered with a crest that no one recognizes). Obviously, this was the cupid in disguise, giving him the romantic evening he'd always dreamed of having with a wealthy, beautiful woman.

I need more ideas for scenarios, encounters, people, plots, etc... Things that this well-wishing cupid could have botched up.