View Full Version : Pugilist

undead hero
2013-06-13, 08:35 AM
Ok so a pal of mine is using Dragon Mag 310 fighter variant the Pugilist.

He showed me the Iron Jaw ability which let's you reduce non lethal damage by your con mod.

There is also the Combo class feature which is intertesting ...

However what ways can you optimize Iron Jaw? I know Troll Blooded let's you turn damage that isn't fire or acid into non lethal damage...

Is there any other ways to get a higher regeneration?

We were talking about a warforged troll blooded (flaws) pugilist.

Go dragonborn mineral warrior (or whatever) and have a great Con... DR 8/Adamantine and reduce non lethal by Con Mod? Holy crap....And have an AC of full plate...

How can this get better?

A: More cowbell regeneration or different source.
B:Concealment (perhaps invocation draw of the under dark darkness trick)
C:Utility/control: Maybe Dragon Fire Adept? The con mod will be there....

2013-06-13, 08:40 AM
Don't you recover nonlethal damage twice as fast, too? Try and find some type of healing effect you can trigger frequently. Throw in fortification so you don't have to worry about crits and sneaks so much.
I seem to remember a spell that reduces NL damage, but can't remember it off the top of my head.