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2013-06-13, 10:52 AM
[Hueco Mundo]

White sand stretches as far as the eye might see into the distance, broken only by the rise and fall of the dunes and the occasional solitary remains of a tree long dead. The pale moon illuminates the landscape, a white sickle cutting through a black sky. The camera pans across the silence and we turn to see a great white city. Its walls stretching for an unknown distance with nothing to compare them to, and within them a great wheel is formed by its walls. Buildings of various sizes and shapes fill the interior encircling a great white spiral that dominates from its centre. The tiny forms of hollows can be seen moving throughout some sections of the bone coloured streets providing scale to the massive structure even now still under construction in parts. Huge hollows with pale flesh heft slabs of stone from an unknown source into the shapes of new buildings, they themselves directed from a much more human form.

The man standing with sheets of designs in his barks orders and the hulking forms change positions, the colossal wall between then now shifting to one side of a mighty tower. The man himself is strange, initially wonder is given to the presence of a human in the world of hollows, but a segment of mask covers his brow and eyeline, its curving horns and stern expression forming an intimidating visage. The sword hanging from his belt resembles nothing so much as a zanpukto, the weapon of a Shinigami, it looks out of place in the white city. The camera pans, this new form of hollow, this man with the look of a Shinigami is one repeated dozens or perhaps hundreds of times. They dot the city, an army of those who have moved beyond the simple life of the hollow and become something greater. Surrounded by books and papers in the spiralled tower the man responsible plots his next move.

Under the rule of Dainichi Nyorai the residents of the sands had withdrawn from the mortal world, those who would not obey this edict were killed by his agents as much as by the Shinigami. With promise of an escape from the endless cycle of hunger, flavoured with a taste of power he had won many of the sands denizens to him and they flocked to his great white city.

The most loyal were given authority, the deserving formed his Espada, the blade that enforced his will. The city was dedicated in sections, given over to the pursuits Danichi saw value in. Few hollows shared his vision, but the process of arrancarification was sufficient to draw in followers. Power was built, an army was created and devices of war and intrigue were built. His warmachine ready the lord of the city of night has begun his was on Soul Society.

But now Dainichi Nyorai has been cast down, and Jehoel Yurius, The Unconquered Storm, stands in his place. What changes will he make upon this barren land and its inhabitants?

[Soul Society]

Soul Society. Once called "Heaven" by some. A place without hunger, where each day should be like a bright summer day, and each night like warm, starlit summer night. But now, one would be hard-pressed to believe any of this. The vast city of wandering souls has been turned into a slaughterhouse, with lost and perverted spirits occupying its streets and having their way with its inhabitants.

The supposedly impenetrable wall of Sekkiseki, seldom seen down in times of peace, circles the capitol of afterlife. Nervous guards keep watch at the gates day and night, dreading the time when the next assault will begin. Hospitals are full and cries of the wounded fill the air.

The fabled Gotei, once consisting of 13 Divisions, was shrunk to mere six during a period of 50 years - a time when the Shinigami thought they had overcome the Hollow threat once and for all. Well, they were wrong. And now everyone is paying the price.

2013-06-13, 11:10 AM
Soul Society-Phoenix Temple

Naijeru raised a hand as if to signal that he was still there as he says, "Actually Koutarou-san, I was the last to enter. You guys kind of forgot I was here. I had to enter after you so you could keep your formation." Come to think of it, behind the group was probably the best place to Naijeru to be with his considerable girth. Indeed Sho would find him blocking the majority of her path.

"Still Koutarou-san is right Sabitsura Sho. Explaining ye'self would possibly save ye' a lot of trouble."

Were he not standing at the ready to attack Sho if she did something...inappropriate, Masaru might have responded.

As it was, he simply made sure that his attack path would not strike the larger man. Situational awareness was a hallmark of a good swordsman, after all.

2013-06-13, 12:27 PM
[Soul Society]
Headquarters - Commander-General's office: the Captain's Meeting

Kiba was making every attempt to be patient through the Captain's Meeting, but the whole thing seemed to be at a standstill. "We need to talk about the Hollows' ultimatum. They've showed up at our front door. What's our response going to be?" he asks, trying to move things forward.

Hikaru finally arrives back at the Captain's meeting, bowing to the gathered assemblage. She notes that Kiba has returned.
"What should I presume you have been told already?"

(Later that day, Captain's meeting)

The others might be surprised to find Setsurou's voice speaking up.

"I think they've pretty much seen everything, Hikaru-san.

I apologize for coming in uninvited, gentlemen. My name is Hishikawa Setsurou, former 3rd Seat of the Second Division. I bring some... rather dire news pertaining to the subject at hand.

First of all, what Jehoel said about the existence of a Hollow city... is true. I've seen Las Noches with my very own eyes. Large, fortified and rather heavily populated. I was unable to infiltrate the place, sadly, so no inside information on them.

Secondly, what was spoken regarding us being at fault for the 'food shortage' in Hueco Mundo is patently false. This was the result of a struggle between two major powers inside Hueco Mundo proper. One of them is all but vanished - I couldn't find hair nor hide of him.

And finally, and perhaps most disturbing, I think I have... a general idea of how Arrancar come to be."

Li gives Kiba a reprimanding look. "Patience, Kiba-san. This is something for which we want as many of our numbers present as possible. If the situation is over, Tsukino-san should be here soon." They wait for another fifteen minutes before the Reconnassaince Captain returns.

"We discussed founding of more Divisions to better defend against the Hollow threat. Nothing you need to worry about right now, we already picked Captains for the two we agreed upon. Two more are in planning stage, but you can read transcript of this meeting after we're done to fill yourself in. Your opinion can wait untill we have discussed the Hollows' offer."

Li gives the meeting a moment to think... that's when some god damn idiot (AKA Hishikawa Setsurou) barges in. The elderly, recently-appointed Commander lets out a sigh and drums forehead with fingers, but allows the fool to speak his mind. At this point, there's really no reason to hurry - all new information will be important for the decision they are going to make.

Li stops halfway through Setsurou's speech, as it seems he might actually have something worthwhile to say after all.

"... stop there, Hishikawa-san. The formation of Arrancars is not a mystery. While any new details you might be able to provide on this process are appreciated, they can wait. What is important for purposes of this meeting is knowing that this city in fact exists."

Li sits straight and gives a stern look to all presents. "First, I will have to state the obvious. This offer is unlike any behaviour Hollows have displayed in the past. The force making this offer is not a locust swarm or natural disaster like previous Hollow incursions. It is a proper, organized army."

Leaning on the bamboo cane, Li stands up. "Any prior so-called army of Hollows would have attacked us immediately after mustering necessary numbers to equal our forces. They would not have kept a week's pause between assaults - they would have kept pressing on until they would have run us over or been killed to the last man. I can say this with certainty, because it is what happened 75 years ago, and has happened multiple times in known history."

"We beat them back each time, because we were men fighting beasts. Now, we can no longer say this and be right. Ask yourselves: what would these Hollows gain by lying to us, if their city actually exists?"

"The answer is: nothing. We would have been, and will be, preparing for an attack regardless. This offer can't serve as a feint, because even if we accept, it does not appreciably change our methods of operation. These Hollows have us checked, and they know that. Whether we accept or decline this offer, a fact is that we can't spare as much manpower to patrolling the living world as usually. In fact, regardless of what we think of the offer, the strategically optimal choice for us would be to withdraw all our troops to Seireitei and focus on its defence."

"So, if the Hollows want to, they can lay claim on Earth anyway. It just won't matter, because they, too, must devote their forces to keep us in check. They can't go hunting on Earth anymore than we can."

"As such, there's no reason to doubt this offer is exactly what it looks like. Even their offer to let us visit their City is most likely true. Because there are only two ways we can really react."

"One, we decline. We consider this a bluff, and attack them. Think of it, why would they willingly surrender such valuable information as the location of their city? They are goading us. They are counting on us to attack. They want to take this conflict to a terrain they know better, so we will lose our defender's benefit."

"Second, we accept. This will buy them time. Earlier, I hypothesized the Hollows have recently had a change in leadership, and were in disarray because of that. Considering their leader's words of how "one responsible for Scarlet Garden is dead", this seems even likelier. They are without doubt stronger than us, otherwise they wouldn't be this cocky, but not by enough to crush us in direct battle without risking mutual destruction. Cost-benefit analysis, gentlemen. The leader of these Hollows most likely doesn't want to risk losing his city, and is willing to wait to build his forces."

Li gives everyone a moment to chew on that last sentence. It should be obvious where this is leading; after all, building up forces is exactly what the first half of the Shinigami meeting was about.

"Gentlemen, I see no other option but to accept. A direct attack by us would be suicide. Defending against a direct attack as we are now would only give slim hope of victory. We need time. And if Hollows are willing to give us time because they need it too, then we must seize that opportunity."

"For many of you, the thought of peace with Hollows might be hard to swallow. But that is not what this is about, gentlemen. We will likely come into blows with them, but it doesn't need to happen a week from now. Delaying the start of open war is in our best interest. The spark of discord might remain, but the longer we can keep that spark from turning into a conflagration, the better."

2013-06-13, 12:53 PM
Soul Society, Captain's Meeting

"Captain, you realize there is a middle-ground?

We have our reservations and they have theirs. There is no reason why we cannot buy ourselves extra time with this discussion, in and of itself.

I have a proposal to make.

We will challenge Hueco Mundo to a martial arts tournament to decide the fate of the Mortal World. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egne2ZCMM_0)

If we win, we will propose an ammendment to their initial proposal, including the right to deny it without declaring open war.

If we lose, we tacitly accept their offer.

This would allow us to buy time, investigate in the meantime, and keep our most combat-eager members from rioting. With morale at an all-time low, I find it a better alternative to simply accepting."

2013-06-13, 12:53 PM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

She finally took note of the group when the conversed with her, she would have preferred to continue studying the barrier but she supposed they could not simply be ignored.

A number of them, a clear leader who spoke as such, a body guard with the foresight to remain outside the room, and a well trained squad to review ... had she been the type she might even have been impressed.

She dropped Kyokko, and spoke to the leader "you have a commendable senses" her sight to him was blocked by the bigger man but her other senses picked him up clearly "to many never learn to ignore sight and reiatsu in favour of the more trustworthy senses", she had always felt that touch was the greatest of them the vibrations in the air and stones could pinpoint someone location even when they were still perfectly still paring the movements of life.

It was not a compliment merely a statement.

"On the other topic Eishōhaki can be used to generate Kyokkō with difficulty" it had taken her a long time to be satisfied with that "however once it is established Kōjutsu Eishō can be used for lasting endurance - providing that you treat Kyokkō as a barrier when forming it - this can allow for durability in even a place like this, you can also with practice layer Kido to avoid unpleasantness" the barest hint of a shrug "but it would have failed sooner then I would like".

"Now if I have sated your curiosity I am done here, there is no need to risk yourself, I am leaving", to one untrained she might look to be at rest, but to a competent fighter her entire body was poised for action and but not committed to any single course of attack or defense.

Had in his studies Koutarou read on her he would know that she actually was at rest ... this was simply her default readiness.

2013-06-13, 12:56 PM
Soul Society
Phoenix Temple Library

Hideki's mask hides a drop of sweat.

"... Ok. And yes, I got your music. Sent back some orchestral arranges too, should be in your inbox. But less song, more talk. The captains decided to create new divisions in yesterday's meeting, including one focused on engineering, not the trippy academic stuff the S.S.I. has been bogging down on lately, but application of technology to real problems like 'how can we make one shinigami do the work of five' or 'how can we turn a half mile radius of Hueco Mundo into a nice fresco in stained glass. The good stuff, the kind of thing that requires great and mildly unstable minds like you and me."

"What do you say Takenaka? Are you in or out?"

Chouko, leaning against a shelf directly within the formation of the group confronting Sho, laughs. "That is rich, Koutetsu. It's about time the old farts realize Soul Society ain't gettin' nowhere without some mad technology. I mean we're stuck back in the stone age like cell phones and other cool mortal world stuff is ****in' wizardry. It's downright embarrassing."

"I dunno what you mean about unstable, though. Unstable is just what haters call real genius 'cause they ain't got innovation of their own to revolutionize the world. But yeah man, I am totally in. I am gonna downright squad-marry you. S***, let's make this more polygamous than those Mormon guys. We'll have ourselves a technological orgy and everyone will be like, 'wow, it's almost so profane I don't wanna look but I totally have to'."

"Gotta question, though. Whoya think is gonna lead this rowdy band'o techno geniuses?"

2013-06-13, 01:06 PM
[Soul Society]
Headquarters - Commander-General's office: the Captain's Meeting

The unconventional suggestion makes Li smile. "I do think there is some merit to settling this feud through sports rather than open warfare. But I have a feeling that we must first agree to the initial proposal, before we can propose anything on our own. We are not... threatening enough to dictate conditions as it is. We must first rebuild our credibility, both in the eyes of our own troops as well as our enemies'. Otherwise, it will just sound like a bad joke."

2013-06-13, 01:12 PM
Chouko, leaning against a shelf directly within the formation of the group confronting Sho, laughs. "That is rich, Koutetsu. It's about time the old farts realize Soul Society ain't gettin' nowhere without some mad technology. I mean we're stuck back in the stone age like cell phones and other cool mortal world stuff is ****in' wizardry. It's downright embarrassing."

"I dunno what you mean about unstable, though. Unstable is just what haters call real genius 'cause they ain't got innovation of their own to revolutionize the world. But yeah man, I am totally in. I am gonna downright squad-marry you. S***, let's make this more polygamous than those Mormon guys. We'll have ourselves a technological orgy and everyone will be like, 'wow, it's almost so profane I don't wanna look but I totally have to'."

"Gotta question, though. Whoya think is gonna lead this rowdy band'o techno geniuses?"


That metaphor escalated quickly.

"Ok. I sincerely hope you are alone right now, or I may have to get into a tower and snipe witnesses with my cannon. But back to the point, I fully embrace the calls of instability Takenaka, nothing stable ever bombs the scene, after all."

"And I don't think there is a captain yet, maybe I should apply to the job."

2013-06-13, 01:55 PM
Hei Chen sends a Hell Butterfly to Igarashi, making him aware of their meeting with Commander Captain Li the next day before opening another gate to the Mortal World. Last anyone heard he was running a donut shop in Amsterdam, or was until eighteen people from Luxembourg grew horns and an Interpol investigation was launched.

2013-06-13, 03:16 PM
Soul Society - Temple library

"I'm afraid we cannot simply leave you be at your leisure, Sho." Koutarou replied with a scowl. "Protocol exists for a reason. If you wanted access to the library, you could have requested it. There was no need to break in. More to the point, given recent events, your actions cast a lot of suspicion on you and we can't afford mistrust among fellow Shinigami right now. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on this - the fact that you didn't actually take anything speaks a lot in your favor.

You might be able to get away with just a warning, but for that to happen, I'm going to have to ask you to hand yourself over to Internal Security.

I REALLY don't want you to fight any comrades in this room or outside of it. And I can promise no harm will come to you if you come with us. Will you?"

2013-06-13, 03:31 PM
[Soul Society]
Headquarters - Commander-General's office: the Captain's Meeting

The unconventional suggestion makes Li smile. "I do think there is some merit to settling this feud through sports rather than open warfare. But I have a feeling that we must first agree to the initial proposal, before we can propose anything on our own. We are not... threatening enough to dictate conditions as it is. We must first rebuild our credibility, both in the eyes of our own troops as well as our enemies'. Otherwise, it will just sound like a bad joke."

"With all due respect, sir, what's in it for them to accept this proposal if we accept their proposal outright? We would be giving up a particularly useful bargaining chip for naught."

2013-06-13, 03:38 PM
[Soul Society]
Headquarters - Commander-General's office: the Captain's Meeting

"That depends. What would we bet on this tournament? What would be the prize? Your counter-proposal must, in some way, appear better to them than their own if you want them to take the bait. Nothing suitable comes to my mind. We don't know enough of this enemy to tell, and a week is a short time to find out."

2013-06-13, 03:49 PM
"Which is why I thought the stakes should be accepting the proposal itself. We have no reason to believe that this ploy is time-critical enough that delaying its acceptance would hinder their plans somehow, but our acceptance plays into something we already know they want. Further, if they deny it, we can at least surmise that they want their top fighters in shape for action soon.

I don't think we truly risk anything by suggesting the tournament without giving in to their demands first. We could even send a message before the week is up - they DID offer for us to visit Las Noches."

2013-06-13, 04:05 PM
Li ponders for a moment. "As it is, I consider it highly unlikely your counter-proposal would pass. The Hollows don't win anything with it that they wouldn't win otherwise. But it appears harmless enough that we could just ask anyway, if we are to establish diplomatic connections with this city."

"But that can't be our sole message. If or when they reject this idea outright, we must either be ready to yield, or have a better offer. In any case, Hishikawa-san, would you be willing to serve as our ambassador? You at least claim to know where to go."

2013-06-13, 04:09 PM
"I certainly don't object to it, sir, if you find it prudent. I'm certain my word carries less weight than those of my former superiors. At least one of them might have choice words for me."

Setsurou doesn't look that way yet, but his head lightly cranes a bit towards Hikaru.

5a Violista
2013-06-13, 05:28 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
Palacio Central

Valentina, in the healing bath, feels something odd and tingling. Very strange, but seemingly good.

As the mud continues to heal and change her lack of a right arm, La Sexta Espada looks at. "Hm. That is...interesting." Where's the catch, though? she wonders. Will it be just temporary, or fake, or what?

[Soul Society]

Peredur sits around. That is so unlike him, not training or anything. He looks at his still-broken zanpakuto. The sword is regenerating, but...too slowly, in his opinion. Will his sword spirit be the same afterwards? He never even got to see what it looks like.
Just its name.

2013-06-13, 05:47 PM
[Soul Society]

Messages sent and notices posted, Sato heads for the assembly hall where the students should be gathering for the announcement.

2013-06-13, 06:00 PM
[Soul Society]

Kanomi Tarriz

He was in bad shape still I owe that noble my life, it was not the bitter thought that it might otherwise have been.

The nurse noted him and explained that he had been treated on site, as Medical and Logistics were in the process of organisational shift, and moving him might have been hazardous for no benefit, there were a lack of nurses available due to a recent trouble patient.

Thanking them he nobbled out to see what was going on, snippets of conversation indicated an assembly, a non-violent hollow incursion was also a topic - panic had been averted though.

He slowly made his way to the assembly perhaps I can thank, Peredur, there every step he took was agony, but it was his duty to attend ... he couldn't be weak now.

[Soul Society]

Jou Asura

She was found eventually sleeping fitfully - her dreams of her own death repeating over and over, he colleagues took back to her dorm but she would not wake.

2013-06-13, 06:09 PM
Soul Society - Temple library

Castus keeps his blade out incase Sho tries anything funny in response to Koutarous offer but doesn't seem to interested in forcing a fight.

Just to mark the thread as posted in really.

2013-06-13, 06:17 PM

That metaphor escalated quickly.

"Ok. I sincerely hope you are alone right now, or I may have to get into a tower and snipe witnesses with my cannon. But back to the point, I fully embrace the calls of instability Takenaka, nothing stable ever bombs the scene, after all."

"And I don't think there is a captain yet, maybe I should apply to the job."

"Yeah, I'm in the library with some other folks facing down some gal who had too many late fees or took a piss on the books or somethin'." Chouko rolls her eyes at Sho.

"Awwww hell no. Like I'm just gonna sit back and let you take the reins. You'll probably turn it all towards tanks. Plus nobody could trust a captain who couldn't show his, or more likely her face." ...Someone should probably tell her to get off the phone.

2013-06-13, 07:39 PM
[Soul Society]
(Captain's Meeting)

[Soul Society]
Headquarters - Commander-General's office: the Captain's Meeting
Li sits straight and gives a stern look to all presents. "First, I will have to state the obvious. This offer is unlike any behaviour Hollows have displayed in the past. The force making this offer is not a locust swarm or natural disaster like previous Hollow incursions. It is a proper, organized army."

Leaning on the bamboo cane, Li stands up. "Any prior so-called army of Hollows would have attacked us immediately after mustering necessary numbers to equal our forces. They would not have kept a week's pause between assaults - they would have kept pressing on until they would have run us over or been killed to the last man. I can say this with certainty, because it is what happened 75 years ago, and has happened multiple times in known history."

"We beat them back each time, because we were men fighting beasts. Now, we can no longer say this and be right. Ask yourselves: what would these Hollows gain by lying to us, if their city actually exists?"

"The answer is: nothing. We would have been, and will be, preparing for an attack regardless. This offer can't serve as a feint, because even if we accept, it does not appreciably change our methods of operation. These Hollows have us checked, and they know that. Whether we accept or decline this offer, a fact is that we can't spare as much manpower to patrolling the living world as usually. In fact, regardless of what we think of the offer, the strategically optimal choice for us would be to withdraw all our troops to Seireitei and focus on its defence."

"So, if the Hollows want to, they can lay claim on Earth anyway. It just won't matter, because they, too, must devote their forces to keep us in check. They can't go hunting on Earth anymore than we can."

"As such, there's no reason to doubt this offer is exactly what it looks like. Even their offer to let us visit their City is most likely true. Because there are only two ways we can really react."

"One, we decline. We consider this a bluff, and attack them. Think of it, why would they willingly surrender such valuable information as the location of their city? They are goading us. They are counting on us to attack. They want to take this conflict to a terrain they know better, so we will lose our defender's benefit."

"Second, we accept. This will buy them time. Earlier, I hypothesized the Hollows have recently had a change in leadership, and were in disarray because of that. Considering their leader's words of how "one responsible for Scarlet Garden is dead", this seems even likelier. They are without doubt stronger than us, otherwise they wouldn't be this cocky, but not by enough to crush us in direct battle without risking mutual destruction. Cost-benefit analysis, gentlemen. The leader of these Hollows most likely doesn't want to risk losing his city, and is willing to wait to build his forces."

Li gives everyone a moment to chew on that last sentence. It should be obvious where this is leading; after all, building up forces is exactly what the first half of the Shinigami meeting was about.

"Gentlemen, I see no other option but to accept. A direct attack by us would be suicide. Defending against a direct attack as we are now would only give slim hope of victory. We need time. And if Hollows are willing to give us time because they need it too, then we must seize that opportunity."

"For many of you, the thought of peace with Hollows might be hard to swallow. But that is not what this is about, gentlemen. We will likely come into blows with them, but it doesn't need to happen a week from now. Delaying the start of open war is in our best interest. The spark of discord might remain, but the longer we can keep that spark from turning into a conflagration, the better."

”You are making a very big mistake. Accepting this 'surrender', because there is no other word for it, is the worst possible option. True, for now we absolutely have to focus on our defenses, and true we cannot afford to divert any resources away from the defense of the city, but accepting the hollow's offer doesn't actually delay anything. They may put on as much of an appearance as they wish. They're still hollows. Any sort of treaty or agreement would be completely foolish and broken by them without so much as a warning.

“But really, the hollows will attack us when they are ready to do so, regardless of your answer. The only difference is whether we pretend to make peace with them or not. They are still beasts, they're just wearing different masks that are apparently invisible to some and transparent to others.

“Why this new hollow leader is making this move now could be for any number of reasons. The change in leadership could have left their horde in disarray and they need time to restructure. They could realize that a frontal assault on us right now would be too costly and want the time to bolster their forces, hence the imposed restriction on hunting hollows in the mortal world. The new hollow leader might have decided that in order for his rule to succeed he needs Soul Society at least on some level. The new hollow leader could have an entirely different goal than what we expect and wants us out of the way.

“But the most likely scenario, and one that will happen regardless of whatever their actual goal is, is morale.”

“Morale among the Shinigami is at an all-time low in ALL Divisions. We went from a period of peace and relaxed combat readiness to the worst battle that most people in Soul Society can remember, and lost two liked Captains and countless casualties. We barely survived, and afterwards we got the largest influx of new recruits into the Combat Division in decades..

“Think about them for a minute. The survivors who fought tenaciously as they watched their comrades die in a surprise attack by the hollow force. The new recruits who joined specifically to fight when new soldiers were needed. The civilians outside our walls who are waiting to see how their new leadership are going to react to the first real threat to Soul Society in decades.

“And you want to concede. Surrender. Bargain. Compromise. With the monsters that every single Shinigami here has been trained their entire lives to fight and exterminate.

“If we accept this so-called offer, you're going to see desertions by the hundreds. Riots. Civil war. Total anarchy. The hollows won't need to finish us off because we'll do that for them. I can't possibly tell the mind of this new breed of hollow, but if I had to guess, that would be their objective from this.

“If we decline, we can put up a strong front. We tell everyone that despite how bad things are, despite the death of two Captains and the departure of a third, that Soul Society does not bow so easily. That we are strong even in the face of a real threat. The hollows may be stronger, but out defeat is not yet assured. We can still fight back and we can still win, but not if no one in Soul Society believes it.

“Accepting the hollows' terms, even as just a delay, is the single worst possible thing we could...

(Stuff about a martial arts tournament)

Kiba hesitates, giving the newcomer he doesn't know the single most dumbfounded gaze he can muster, as if a particularly stupid rock had just offered the dumbest thing it could ever muster as input, ”...the SECOND worst possible thing we could do in this situation.” Kiba is honestly surprised that anyone could consider something so pointless, so juvenile, so ridiculous as a military or diplomatic strategy.

2013-06-13, 08:30 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
Palacio Central

Valentina, in the healing bath, feels something odd and tingling. Very strange, but seemingly good.

As the mud continues to heal and change her lack of a right arm, La Sexta Espada looks at. "Hm. That is...interesting." Where's the catch, though? she wonders. Will it be just temporary, or fake, or what?

What has this bleak, wretched world come to, where everyone always thinks there is a catch to anything. There is either an associated cost, or a deceit or a treachery or some pointlessness. Nobody believes in the philantropy within the hearts of their peers anymore, the simple desire to see the next person well and in good health.

Clovis sinks a bit in the bath and blows some bubbles in the non-newtonian fluid, relaxation at its best.

That said, there probably is a catch, as something in the bath most certainly wraps around her leg, and a mass of strangely shaped green eyes pops up in the surface of the therapeutic slime pool.

Azmus... Is kind of still under the surface. Ever so often a bubble pops up above where Clovis threw him, so at the very least he didn't drown.

"Yeah, I'm in the library with some other folks facing down some gal who had too many late fees or took a piss on the books or somethin'." Chouko rolls her eyes at Sho.

"Awwww hell no. Like I'm just gonna sit back and let you take the reins. You'll probably turn it all towards tanks. Plus nobody could trust a captain who couldn't show his, or more likely her face." ...Someone should probably tell her to get off the phone.

"I am a MAN and you know that very well Takenaka! Besides, what is wrong with tanks? The only thing they are missing in order to be perfect are limbs and adding those is your job!"

2013-06-13, 11:41 PM
Soul Society - Captain's meeting

"Kiba-san. I can actually understand where you're coming from. And trust me when I say that the last thing I want to do is to berate your leadership.

But the long and short of it is that the only thing we would accomplish if we struck now is death in a blaze of glory. You have the death of the latest Kenpachi and of several comrades on your mind. You want to honor them. Do right by them.

But if we all die, their sacrifices will have meant nothing. You may consider my suggestion the worst possible move right now, and I won't begrudge you that. I thought the side benefits would be obvious, but in case they are not, let me number them."

Setsurou puts up his hand and enumerates.

"First. It will let us observe our opponents in combat in a non-life-threatening situation. We could USE this information for future battles. It helps us assess risk which could very well save a lot of lives by telling us when to push forward, when to retreat, and when to call for backup.

Second. It will help rekindle morale. The battlefield is different, true, but the fight is no less genuine. This will help us ALL remember what we're fighting against, if not who we're fighting for. It serves a perfectly good purpose in channeling our frustrations outwards rather than inwards.

Third. It will give us a bit more time to work out the logistics of the new divisions. Maybe even shore up our training regimen.

And fourth, we can use this time to gather further intel on Las Noches before we're forced into conflict.

Ultimately, Kiba-san, we were caught with our collective pants down and we TRULY need to regroup before we take back the offensive. We can do that while weathering enemy assault or we can do it under a pretense of peace - because I don't think anyone here truly believes what the Arrancar are selling.

You of all people should know. The dust and blood of the battlefield brook no pride. You can try to die a beautiful death or you can live to earn an ugly victory. But you cannot do both."

2013-06-14, 01:21 PM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

"Cannot leave me to my leisure" she repeated " you do not give yourself and your companions enough credit. If you try really hard and commit yourself to the goal I have faith that you would be able to achieve leaving me alone", she might be giving them to much credit, but moral was important to maintain, and she harbored him no ill will.

"Protocol exist to trap the weak in the service of the strong, and to confine to strong to the stewardship of the weak - neither benefits from this, and I have little use for it", she continued.

"But to more pressing matters, you are however incorrect on a number of points" raising a finger "I did not break in, I walked in slowly", another finger extended "I took the only thing that a library has to offer - knowledge", a third finger "you lack the power or from your insignia the authority to promise me any such protection", stopping for a second.

"But let us examine your suspicious nature for a second, as it is curious to me. You are leading a mixed squad of divisions, one of whom is broadcasting the contents of the room to a separate location for analysis - under the assumption that her low rank will mean she will be overlooked I assume. The majority of your forces however is from the eleventh squad, a squad that recently lost it leader to hollows - at around the same time that your leader vanished, your leader I add that has a personal relationship with the hollow leader and appeared to speak him up in the recent events - and erode the confidence of a fragile soul society. A cynic might worry that some elements were planned", the barest movement of her shoulder altered her stance to accommodate the movements of the others in the event that it was needed.

"Now after this you seek to arrest the single person that was willing to stand against the Arrancar without a wall or others present, and the one who challenged them to live up to their words of peace thereby casting doubt on their good intentions", it was as of the big man in front of her wasn't there as she read the vice-captain.

"My arrest could be a further morale issue for the common citizen, further if I am killed I may injure or kill another leading to a reduction on combat ready troops for the brewing conflict" she paused "and you wish to risk this to avoid the possibility of my peaceful exodus from this city and my likely return to the outer regions" her tone deliberately puzzled.

"A cynic might begin to believe that certain members of the command division are in fact traitors who have caused the deaths of two captains, reduced the squad power of two divisions, and seek to tarnish soul societies pride and confidence", the barest hint of a smile formed "a cynic might wonder if your actions paint you as one of these traitors?".

2013-06-14, 01:36 PM
[Soul Society]
(Phoenix Temple Library)

"I am a MAN and you know that very well Takenaka! Besides, what is wrong with tanks? The only thing they are missing in order to be perfect are limbs and adding those is your job!"

"Pfff, I know that. I was just sayin', obviously, the captain's gonna be a gal. Possibly one that can spit hot fire like it's nobody's... ah, ****, this bitch is talkin', gimme a sec." Chouko looks over to Sho as she ineffectively mis-characterizes her talking as some kind of espionage.

"Sorry? Don't think you know how these things work, lady. And it just so happens I'm talkin' to someone who's already been here. So even if I were broadcastin' some kinda huge image, which I'm not, it's not like I'm sharin' state secrets." As Sho finishes her spiel however... Chouko just starts laughing obnoxiously. "Sorry, Koutetsu, chat at ya later." She ends the video call, and turns fully to Sho.

"Lady, I dunno who you think you are but if you think just because the leadership 'let' people die, they're traitors, then you are an idiot. I dunno what kind of messiah complex you have, but you're full of the worst kind of refuse I can't even put it into words. Even having that crap next to your crops will outright cause a worldwide famine, and all the crows will be like 'this sucks' and start eating dogs and little children like some kind of Hitchcock wet dream."

2013-06-14, 01:42 PM
(The Phoenix Temple)

Masaru's body betrayed no reaction to the sociopath woman's words. Despite the slander labeled against his Division and the Gotei as a whole. Perhaps the light dimmed fractionally around him, nothing more.

When he spoke, his voice was exceedingly polite in tone and precise in measure. For an outsider, it would seem odd that he was so calm and polite in such a time.

For those in his Division, and for Chouko, it would be a sign that Masaru's anger had very nearly peaked, and his focus had peaked as well.

"Sabitsura Sho, you claim you came here seeking knowledge, and speak as if you know all about the workings of the Gotei.

Yet all I see displayed is ignorance.

You speak of the Scarlet Garden as if you'd been there, and knew what went on. You were not and do not.

You call my Division the Eleventh. This has not been our name for decades. We are the Combat Division. Such a basic lack of knowledge is worrisome. Vice-Captain Koutarou, you should make sure that the modern titles of Divisions are taught in the Academy. We wouldn't want another feckless youth using the wrong term when going round-about in her insults and insinuations. Speaking as if she knows all, but really just acting as if everyone shares her twisted mind.

Sabitsura-san, you should surrender and lie down on the ground. Now."

He pauses for a moment, before speaking again in that same tone.

"Scarlet, Naijeru, Theta Five Flanker Gamma. Chouko, Rumble in the SekiSeki Jungle. Koutarou, we have you covered."

Masaru didn't move, but he'd clearly suggested (firmly) two sets of plans. Plans that Sho simply would have no way to know, as The Pack wrote very few of their attack patterns down, and the other pattern with Chouko wasn't truly a formal pattern.

2013-06-14, 01:51 PM
Soul Society- Temple Library

"You give yourself too much credit.

One, you believe that your arrest, should it be forceful or otherwise, will be broadcast to anyone. Last I checked, that's not how Soul Society operates. We keep our dirty laundry where it belongs.

Two. You mistake Chouko's banter with a co-worker to be something it is not.

Three. You mistake conspiracy theories for cynicism. Especially where your participation is concerned. I would really rather not have to fight you. That is a measure of respect I am willing to offer as a fellow Shinigami. Whether you believe yourself above my ability to do so is completely irrelevant. That also goes for your belief towards my offer that you won't come to harm if you surrender peacefully.

Four. An alarm was tripped. Therefore, you do not have proper clearance to be here. Therefore, you are breaking in.

Better people than you have tried to give me a slip of the tongue, Sabitsura-san, and they didn't succeed either.

Are you going to come quietly and clear what has all the potential to be a mere misunderstanding, or are you going to resist arrest? Because let me tell you something loud and clear.

The only thing I desire less than giving perfectly good cannon fodder like yourself the trashing of a lifetime is to have someone like you running rampant doing as she pleases and flaunting her assumed strength as an excuse to be an *******."

Koutarou spoke with all the calm in the world. He obviously didn't care for Sho's claims or attempts to misdirect the conversation. He didn't even seem to care for how dangerous she was or claimed to be.

He was giving her a perfectly good exit out of a potentially nasty situation. But he wouldn't make her take it.

2013-06-14, 02:03 PM
[Soul Society]
(Phoenix Temple Library)

Chouko falls silent as Masaru takes the metaphorical mic. Then, just as suddenly, her continually obnoxious voice blurts out, "Ohhhh snap. You've done it now. Take it, Samson!" From the shadows, the robot cat emerges, and starts its distraction (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2gUs9Bws50) in the form of loud music.

Not sure what's up with you, Masaru, but ain't got time to ask now. The cyborg-girl readies herself with a grin, taking up a four-armed hakuda stance. Now was the time to test these things out. No time for field training, just combat.

An ex-Combat Squadder would have it no other way. But for now, she waited.

2013-06-14, 02:22 PM
Soul Society
Li's Office

Hideki blinks as the call ends. Opening the door to the office once again.

"Commander General, among those I have contacted that have already responded" - he did mail other people and some of them did answer already - "there has been plenty of interest shown. I will transfer the relevant files to your system for evaluation."

"This is all I have to report for the time being."

2013-06-14, 02:50 PM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

She ignored the noisy one, they had to an extent undermined the authority of their leader and reacted with insults - the recourse of someone who lacked logical points.

Further she ignored the Combat Division one as he attempted to seize control in honour of his division, the others seemed to have cooler heads. Though what tactic they adopted might be interesting.

She was of course aware of them, it was just that ignoring the bleating of sheep was easy for her, they reacted predictably in their annoyance. She did however offer the man a smile when he mentioned that she was not at the scarlet Garden - a smile that said she knew something he did not.

No her focus was chiefly on the vice-captain and the barrier behind her - its eddies were certainly interesting, "forgive me I have not been clear, I am unarmed, with my kido under the restrictions of this temple, and recovering from injury", she had learned that smiling was considered polite and she tried it - it did not look polite, "you have a full squad and the advantage of weaponry. I am almost certainly at a disadvantage. In fact as there is only one unarmed girl before you it is not surprising that your people are more confident than when they were faced with hollows even with a wall to cower behind".

"As I said some of you may die, or be injured trying to take me", shrugging "but perhaps not".

"However the unfortunate situation is that I simply cannot fully trust you, even if your subordinates trust goes beyond all question" she paused as of to give herself time to consider "however if you show yourself to be an honourable man I would be able to display more trust to you".

"On that, would you accept a duel?, just the two of us, I will allow you to set the terms of course - within reason - and if you are overly worried about me, we can take care of it now without allowing me time to recover my strength. There is no need to risk your people in this" she offered.

"I win I walk away from the Shinigami a free woman, you win - I imagine I will be executed".

It was a tactic. She would likely have difficulty winning here - particularly if reinforcements arrived, and with the number of them and in her correct condition even after they left the temple there would be issues - though escape was more likely.

No better to use the emotion of the opponent to have them give up the advantage that they had - or make him seem weak in front of those whose respect he sought.

Healed she felt there were few at any contest that would best her, less so if she held Karia, and even injured and without Karia there were still few that she would worry about individually.

2013-06-14, 03:24 PM
[Soul Society]
(Phoenix Temple Library)

Chouko's grin is stifled for a moment. "...Hey, boss, I really hope you're not dumb enough to take such an obvious ploy." Says the girl who was in a phone conversation a few seconds ago. She looks to Sho dangerously. "What's wrong? Scared? You don't deserve a duel, you deserve a beat down, if you don't just surrender. I dunno what you've been up to but it seems Boss here does. You act like we're the traitorous, dishonorable ones, when you're just whining away trying to turn us on each other. Do you know what it takes to rap well?"

"You learn poetry. You read. You make sure your metaphors are on top, and no one ever punks you. So what you're doing is just trying to tip the scales and stall with your words, when you know altogether, you're gonna lose."

2013-06-14, 03:29 PM
[Soul Society]
Phoenix Temple Library

Castus' grin widens and he pretty much has to stop himself from laughing at the challenge.

"Your kidding arn't you? There is no way we would ever agree to that. Face it Internal Security are going to take you in and you're going to face trial for whatever it is you have done. If your a good girl now maybe Captain Sawada will speak against your execution since I haven't seen you in any SSI bulletins. So currently he won't have anything against you in particular."

Finishing up speaking he realises he hasn't read any of the SSI bulletins since yesterday and shrugs.

"Or maybe he'll ask for your body to be handed over for medical research once they have finished you off. Who knows."

2013-06-14, 03:39 PM
"I have a better proposition.

If I win, you become a proper member of the Gotei. No more shenanigans, no more rationalizing your way out of these little antics. You'll do as you're told if we have to put a shock collar on you. You'll answer to your superiors, and you will stop giving them the business.

If you win, I will give you a five minute headstart in running away."

He turned to Chouko. "Takenaka-san, contact the officers outside. I want Bakudou barriers set up to simulate a ring. Two enter, one leaves."

He smiled. Why was he smiling? He had to have some kind of plan, right?

"Of course, if you prefer, we can call in localized barrier measures, shoot a little knockout gas where you're at, and call it a day."

2013-06-14, 03:52 PM
[Soul Society]
(Captain’s Meeting)

“Do I really need to be the one to explain why having a tournament with our enemy is a bad idea? This isn’t some petty rivalry to be settled over a contest, this is war! We are already at open war whether you like it or not, and if you need proof just look at every fresh grave. The hollows have already struck once, and any no treaty or negotiation will prevent them from doing so again.

“Right now we have no guarantee that the hollow forces can breach our walls. Or if they can, without weakening their forces. A tournament would either be inviting the hollows within our walls, which would negate our defenses, or force whoever gets chosen for this tournament outside our walls without tactical support, which would ALSO negate our defenses.

“But even assuming that we made this offer and somehow the hollows agree to this spectacle, it would accomplish nothing. Any information we’d gain would be mostly useless. We’d have no knowledge of their field tactics or any abilities that they wouldn’t bother to use for the sake of this tournament. It will destroy our morale as no one in our ranks will be able to take us seriously when we use the same tactics to deal with our enemy that children use to resolve playground disputes. It will do nothing to delay the hollows’ next attack. Either they will attack soon or later regardless of our answer. The only thing that would make them attack sooner is if we looked like we were going to attack their city sooner, and even they know better.

“Morale and information on the hollow forces are important. But a tournament doesn’t actually provide us with either. It just makes us look like fools. Especially when our best chance of defeating any of their more powerful hollows is to coordinate our attacks and out-strategize them. A one-on-one tournament is just offering ourselves up for humiliation on multiple levels, and plays into the new hollow leader’s strategy of demoralizing propaganda.

“A pretense of peace will destroy us faster than the hollows ever could, and they’ll never need to set foot inside our defenses. We need stop focusing on how best to appease the new hollow overlords and start focusing on actual strategies to defend ourselves.”


[Hueco Mundo]
(Later That Night, The Wastes)

The figure, dressed in dirty white rags, his head and face wrapped completely in a headwrap, only his feral eyes visible, Shunpo’d along the sands toward his destination. He made no effort to conceal his Reiatsu, not anymore. Although he might give off the same Reiatsu signature as a Shinigami, he wore no uniform, no badge, nothing to signal his identity. Even going at Shunpo speeds his journey took hours. Fortunately the vast sands of Hueco Mundo made his trip a straight one. He knew exactly where he was going.

“What do you think you are doing?”

Kiba was suddenly in a familiar place. The trees, the stars, the small bonfire illuminating the clearing, the solitary cavern across the fire, where an large, unseen, and ancient figure growled in Kiba’s direction. Kiba recognized this place. Inside his own mind. Or was it within his soul. Or his blade. It didn’t matter. No time he had ever spent here had produced any results.

He would come here on meditations during training, to attempt to commune with Shirokami the way other Shinigami communed with their weapons. But the result was always the same. Fruitless. This was probably the first time Kiba had been pulled inside himself. He knew he was still blasting across the sands of Hueco Mundo, but for now there were only the trees, the stars, the fire, and him.

“Do not ignore me, insignificant pup!” the figure inside the cave bellowed in annoyance, its every word shaking the trees and disrupting the flames.

There was no choice but to answer the call.

“Shirokami,” Kiba acknowledged. From what he heard of other Shinigami merely knowing the name of the Zanpakuto was enough to learn Shikai. Not so with him. It had been decades since Kiba had learned his Zanpakuto’s name, but still nothing. “What do you want?” He turned towards the cave. Despite the light from the flames the inside of the cave was pitch-black, showing only the vague silhouette of a furry behemoth and one damning red eye.

“I want to know what a weak speck like you could possibly hope to accomplish with this sort of action. Do you really believe you stand a chance?”

Kiba hesitated. Normally Shirokami displayed nothing but apathy towards Kiba’s actions, though the usual malice had not gone away. “It is what needs to be done,” Kiba said calmly, not in the mood for another fight in which he would lose to the superior strength and blinding speed.

“Or what? Do you truly believe your actions here will accomplish anything? What impact could a worthless pile of refuse like you possibly have?” Shirokami sneered from the darkness of his cave.

“Perhaps not. Perhaps all I am doing is throwing my life away. But if this succeeds, we have a chance. And I have to know. I have to know how strong he is for myself.”

“Why? So you can fathom how completely impossible your survival is? Face it. You are weak. You always were. You always will be. Only instead of cowering in the dirt like the rest of the rodents, you rush off to your demise.”

“Are you actually concerned? You could finally lend me your power if you fear for my survival.” It would be a welcome change of pace, to finally be able to use his Shikai, especially with what Kiba was about to do. But he knew better than to get his hopes up.

“HA! As if I’d ever stoop myself to providing YOU with anything! No, I’m not concerned. Why should I be? I look forward to watching your limp body be pummeled into the sand. To stand against the coming tide only to get swept away at the first wave. To struggle and gasp in an unending sea of pain until you finally drown.”

“If I die, you would cease to exist. Wouldn’t you? Do you really wish to vanish that way?”

“If I cease to exist because of your miserable failure, then I shall spend my last moments laughing at the pathetic, blood-soaked pile of flesh and bone. To see that last, horrified look on your face when you realize that I was right about the waste that was your existence all along.”

The visions faded. Who knows how long Kiba had been traveling at this speed. The hollow city was nearing in the distance. Turning up his Shunpo, Kiba rocketed forward.

Even from this distance, his Reiatsu should be a beacon in this vast, empty wasteland, and anyone in Las Noches who cared to look in his direction would see a single figure in white rags, kicking up more sand, making more noises, and giving off more Reiatsu with that all-power-no-subtlety Shunpo than an entire party of Shinigami headed straight for the front gate of Las Noches.

2013-06-14, 04:29 PM
[Soul Society]
(Phoenix Temple Library)

Chouko looks to Koutarou. Then Sho. Then Koutarou again, with a "wth?" expression. "...Are you high right now? She doesn't give a crap about any of this, and she never will. We've got her cornered." She looks back to Sho, then Koutarou again.

"This is stupid." She doesn't leave her combat stance, frowning in begrudging acceptance, but waiting for Sho to respond.

2013-06-14, 04:37 PM
Soul Society - Temple Library

"I'm in perfect command of my senses. I just don't want her whining about how she got taken down by numeric disadvantage." Koutarou noted as he looked back at Chouko.

For Strawberryman only.
:smallwink::smallwink: nudge nudge.

2013-06-14, 04:43 PM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

She considered the options, a fight here would have a higher fatality chance than a straight up fight, knockout gas could be defended against with reiatsu but it would not last indefinitely and even if she could collapse the barriers in time nothing would prevent them from following her when she was tired.

No, her first tactic had worked - even if the others had been sensible enough to challenge it - if she won Kyokkō and Sentan Hakuja would make five minutes more then long enough.

To consider all the options even if she lost she could always escape easier later anyway.

"I am glad to see that you are an honourable person. Do you have any additional terms in what will be allowed in the challenge?" she lacked her zanpakuto so he would likely rule them in, outside Kido would be useful so he would likely rule it out, Hohō and Hakuda then - against him with the same and his sword, it would likely be tough but still at a greater advantage - or at least less of a disadvantage - then she had now.

Assuming he choose those terms.

2013-06-14, 04:53 PM
[Soul Society]
(Phoenix Temple Library)

Chouko's eyes flash beneath her visor for a moment as she eases up a bit, dialing up the guards, and people she knew could create a strong barrier with a single conference call. "Yo. Takenaka here, we need a brawl cage outside the library five seconds ago. Boss from Command negotiating terms with the bit- er, intruder. Make it strong. Will give you the word when we're on the move, get ready to make a path."

Draken Only!
Chouko sends coordinates to the front of the temple via TEXT MESSAGE, and 'get ready to make it rain'.

After focusing a few seconds, she gives a thumbs-up to Koutarou. She still looks annoyed.

2013-06-14, 04:58 PM
[Soul Society]
Phoenix Temple Library

Castus sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose with his free hand, why did people have to be so honourable.

"Will you allow us to leash your arms with Horin so you don't run off the second we step outside the barriers?"

2013-06-14, 05:07 PM
"Defeats the purpose of the duel, I believe. After all, 'she cannot trust us to spare her life', right?" Koutarou replied.

"I would be partial to a no-Kidou confrontation. And no permanent damage or killing.

If you try to take me hostage, I'll make you regret it.

I reserve the right to release before the duel begins."

2013-06-14, 05:17 PM
[Soul Society]
(Phoenix Temple Library)

Masaru hadn't reacted to anything thus far, merely keeping his focus on Sho. It was likely her words annoyed him, but he was canny and experienced enough to not fly into a rage.

When Chouko agreed to the setup, his eyebrow rose slightly beneath the shade of his hat.

When Koutarou specifically stated he reserved the right to release before the match, Masaru's shoulders relaxed slightly, and his reiatsu snapped back under absolute control. He'd calmed down, at least partially.

He still watched Sho, though.

2013-06-14, 05:23 PM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

She looked at the man that wished her restrained "Normally a sensible precaution, however Horin would be ineffective within this place, along with most Bakudō", she shrugged, "also running would not benefit me, you would simply chase and without the benefit of the time allowance", her tone flat as she considered the battle "if I can simply win running is pointless, if I can't win it serves no function".

She offered the leader a smile "terms that benefit you no doubt, I suppose requesting that your Zanpakuto remains sealed would be out of the question?", she shrugged "very well your terms were expected and accepted".

2013-06-14, 05:30 PM
Soul Society - Temple Library

"It is a bit much, yes. Besides... I still want you in one piece by the time I'm finished.

Which reminds me, better have a couple of medical staff on standby."

2013-06-14, 05:30 PM
Soul Society

Hideki has excused himself of the premises of the Commander-General's office, he has not returned reconnaissance, however.

He has settled himself on an idyllic location, a small mountain not too far away from the Shinigami Science Institute, overlooking its courtyards, its fields, its detestable junkies.

... But Hideki isn't concerned with any of these things, no, he is not even actually looking at these, his visor is wired directly to the security cameras of the courtyard, he is waiting.

2013-06-14, 05:40 PM
[Soul Society]
The Phoenix Temple

Castus smiles at Shos' assumption but nods at her reasons for turning it down and doesn't press the issue.

2013-06-14, 06:16 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
Later That Night

Jehoel, much like most of the rest of the past day, is in the central palace of Las Noches, continuing to go through the remarkable amount of literature that Dainichi Nyoria had managed to collect. Most of it was useless, but there had been a few potentially useful pieces of information that Jehoel has already managed to uncover. More were sure to follow, but he has passed the halfway point. The fact gives him mild satisfaction.

As he does periodically, Jehoel releases an active ping of Pesquisa, searching the city and the kilometers around it for anything unusual. This has never detected a threat, and many would question Jehoel's constant use of the searching ability. If nothing else, it is useful to know where the key players of Las Noches are.

This time, however, the ping pulls back something very interesting indeed. A Shinigami, not bothering with stealth, is approaching the city at a rapid pace. A messenger, perhaps, but it would be foolish of the Shinigami to actually send anyone into the city. The offer had been a formality; honest, but a formality none the less.

Still, this would require attending to. Jehoel rises from his chair, and begins walking to the exit of the Palace. By the time Kiba arrives at Las Noches, Jehoel is already outside, waiting for him with his hands folded behind his back.

"Can I help you?"

2013-06-14, 06:42 PM
[Soul Society]
(Phoenix Temple Library)

Chouko speaks into the communicator in her visor. "Yo, wards down. Lead'er back to the entrance." A path of barriers are released all the way back to the entry of the library, where a large, pentagonal barrier is being maintained by five shinigami. There's more than enough room for a duel, and one side is left open for the combatants to enter.

Chouko leans against the wall, Samson following behind, stopping his music... for now. "Thereyago. Knock yourselves out." She tries to sound as dismissive as possible!

Not Kuroimaken/dancrilis
Chouko gives messages out to any listening shinigami with a reiphone/radio to gather around the Phoenix Temple and prepare to gang up on Sho if necessary, via TEXT MESSAGE/BROADCASTING POWER.

2013-06-14, 06:51 PM
[Soul Society]
(Phoenix Temple Library)

Masaru silently follows the group out to the impromptu ring, casting his gaze over it for a few moments.

He'll take up a position just a couple feet away from Chouko, standing almost casually, but not quite leaning against the wall. His hat is pushed back just a bit, giving him a clearer view. His ponytail twitches a bit in the light breeze.

As Vice-Captain Koutarou enters the ring, he might look toward the Combat Division swordsman, who gives him a single respectful nod.

After the barrier is closed, Masaru will drift a bit, seemingly stretching his legs. When he's in Chouko's line of sight, he will wave to get her attention.

Then he flashes a series of hand signals with a slight grin.

Strawberryman only:This is fun, but seriously, berry specifically:Masaru just bet that Koutarou wins in 5 minutes or less, wager is 400 ryo/local currency.

2013-06-14, 07:08 PM
[Soul Society]

Chouko, for lack of anything better to do to include in this post, gives Masaru a simple thumbs up. (http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2i1vkBt1z1rtcfaqo1_500.gif)

2013-06-14, 08:07 PM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

She moved with no issue out of the building her mind taking in the barriers that remained sealed on other pathways to prevent her escape she supposed - the mechanism of non-direct Shinigami power to maintain them was an interesting one. It was a pity she would be able to take the time to pick it apart.

She entered the pentagonal without complaint choosing her position to allow for ease of movement and disruption.

She noted those maintaining the barriers and wondered how much force they could prevent, it may be useful in the coming conflict.

In truth she had switched from fighting a group to fighting an individual with the full powers of his Zanpakuto - it was likely to be an almost equal trade off, depending on the power-level of the Zanpakuto and of the individual.

"Prepare as you wish", in truth the longer he wanted the more time she had to recover from her exertions, he could take all day if he wanted.

2013-06-14, 08:23 PM
Soul Society

Hideki pulls over the profiles of the shinigami in the area, and proceeds to contact Chouko.

The magic of science. strawberryman only.
"Takenaka, why is there a duel field there, and why are Sabitsura and Ishinomori walking into it?"

"You know what, I don't want to know, I get the impression that the reason is stupid. Just confirm to me who to shoot, when and why."

2013-06-14, 09:42 PM
Soul Society - Temple Grounds, DUEL OF FATE


Koutarou grasped his katana and unsheathed it. He held it before his eyes, and it shifted into the shape of a linked whip.

He then flicked his wrist and wrapped the whip around his waist. It snapped into place like a belt.

He throws his arms into a V-shape in front of his chest. Slowly, he raises them above his head until his wrists touch each other.


His arms suddenly come down to about waist-height. His right hand shoots up to his left side, then describes a slight arc in the air, finishing with his fist raised up above his head, and his left hand poised forward.

"...SHIN! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yHLu1Vkdhs)"

He then assumes a more neutral position as his belt proceeds to spark, and the electricity arcs over his body. Within an instant, he is covered in a set of full, sleek, black armor. Its gauntlets and boots are thicker than the rest, and colored in blue streaks and patterns. His chest sports a kite shield-shaped plate, with matching shoulder pauldrons. The kite shield is emblazoned with a large zero, crossed just above the center.

His helmet is... unconventional. It looks to be like a full-on biker's helmet, fashioned as if to be skintight. The faceplate seems to lack eye-holes, sporting a large, red, bug-eye-like red visor instead. At his forehead is a diminute but visible kanji for "protect".

"Kamen Rider Rei! Blind Guardian Form!"

A massive warhammer materializes in his hand as he strikes a pose.

Viera Champion
2013-06-14, 09:42 PM
Soul Society
Captain's Meeting

Hikaru directs a very sharp glare as Setsurou interrupts the meeting.

Then she sighs as a back and forth begins to develop between him and Kiba.
"Gentlemen please. I agree that a contest does seem like a rather unrealistic way to settle wartime matters. On the other hand, war itself is not an option. We are in no way equipped to be fighting anybody at the moment. As such, I would ask that for now, we see were this offer of peace takes us."

She then turns to Li.
"On the topic of ambassadors, if we do intend to choose one, might I suggest myself or my own Vice-Captain? It should be someone high-ranking, for personal protection, and for respect purposes. At the same time, I suggest someone experienced from my division that can gather and understand intel as he or she is doing what needs to be done."

2013-06-14, 09:48 PM
Soul Society - Captain's Meeting

Setsurou unhelpfully raises his hand.

"I fulfill all of those criteria except for rank, Hikaru-san. In fact, given that I was presumed dead on the line of duty, even that much is arguable*."

*It is military custom to award posthumous promotions to those who die on duty. If Seireitei has a similar custom, Setsurou would technically be Vice-Captain to a Division that no longer exists.

2013-06-14, 09:50 PM
[Soul Society]

Chouko blinks... as Samson... actually starts to play the music linked above, in response to Koutaru's release. "...You are a weird little s***, Samson."

Discreetly, she uses eye movements to send a respond text to Hideki. Truly, technology was an amazing thing.

Draken Only:
It is stupid. If he loses, just start shooting when the barrier goes down. Planned this from the get-go. He promised the bitch a 5-minute head start, but we weren't part of the deal.

2013-06-15, 12:41 AM
Soul Society

Hideki sighs and sits on the edge of the overlook, tapping his fingers on Heiki's sheath.

He holds back a smile as Koutaru releases his shikai.

2013-06-15, 07:01 AM
[Soul Society]
(Captain's Meeting)

"This 'offer of peace' is at best a distraction by Hueco Mundo and at worst a ploy to destroy us from within. Whether you like it or not, we're already at war, and any attempts to broker peace with an army of hollows will just make Seireitei believe that their leaders have already given up and are begging for mercy.

"If we fight smart, we can limit battles to minor skirmishes while the rest of Seireitei builds up our defenses. We need to find a way to limit the hollows' ability to open up portals to our side wherever they please while simultaneously making it easier for any scouting parties to get in and out of Hueco Mundo."

(A ton of stuff that's happened since the library)

Scarlet kept silent, not letting Sho's words goad her into attacking early. The library was still the grounds of the SSI. They had authority here, along with the Vice-Captain of the Command Divisions. She wasn't about to act early and start an all-out brawl as much as she wanted to, and she was glad to see Masaru and Naijeru behaving as well.

Koutarou's busy dealing with Sho, so she turns to Castus. "If you think the situation is well in hand, I was instructed to start some new Kido research projects. Would you mind?" she asks permission to use the library/whatever other facilities would be available.


[Hueco Mundo]

And here Kiba thought it would be an effort to get the hollow leader to come out and face him directly. In another time, another place, another opponent, Kiba might exchange words before throwing the first punch. But here, now, and against this one opponent, Kiba wastes no time.

Kiba makes no effort to hide his intention. His Shunpo never slows down even as he throws his fist, strengthened by the velocity of his Shunpo, at Jehoel's chest. The face would have been the more vulnerable target and more likely to do damage, but also more difficult to hit and Kiba wasn't about to take any chances, preferring to try to land a solid hit than do the most damage.

To an untrained observer, it might look like a particularly angry man-sized freight train barreling through the wastes straight at Jehoel. Jehoel would see that the would-be attacker wears no shirt, just white rags for leggings and a wrap to cover his head and face. No Shinigami uniform, no badge, nothing that would identify him as a member of Soul Society. Yet he made no attempt to hide or disguise his Reiatsu. If Jehoel had taken note earlier, he might even notice that this seemingly suicidal madman was on the front lines in the same prior battle where the Shinigami suffered devastating losses.

2013-06-15, 08:08 AM
[Hueco Mundo]

Jehoel doesn't react as Kiba barrels forward at him, barely even registering the movement as the Combat Squad's vice captain launches his surprise attack. Maybe he's not that strong or fast. Not quick enough to react. Maybe Kiba's insane plan can actually work. Maybe he can actually kill Jehoel.

As Kiba's fist slams into Jehoel's chest, the speed of the movement and force of the blow whip up a cloud of dust into the air, obscuring all vision. When the cloud dissipates, however, Jehoel stands, completely unharmed by the attack. He looks up into Kiba's masked face.

"That was very rude."

2013-06-15, 08:09 AM
[Soul Society]
(A ton of stuff that's happened since the library)

Scarlet kept silent, not letting Sho's words goad her into attacking early. The library was still the grounds of the SSI. They had authority here, along with the Vice-Captain of the Command Divisions. She wasn't about to act early and start an all-out brawl as much as she wanted to, and she was glad to see Masaru and Naijeru behaving as well.

Koutarou's busy dealing with Sho, so she turns to Castus. "If you think the situation is well in hand, I was instructed to start some new Kido research projects. Would you mind?" she asks permission to use the library/whatever other facilities would be available.


Keeping an eye on the people maintaining the Barriers to make sure they don’t slack off Castus gives Scarlet a quick look when she approaches him with her question.

“No I don’t mind, just talk to Yumiko and she will make sure you find what you're looking for. And make sure you have something to write down what you learn, since a lot of the books aren’t allowed to leave the library.”

2013-06-15, 08:54 AM
[Spirit World]
(Outside Library)

Scarlet nods to Castus and turns to Naijeru and Masaru. "It looks like things are mostly under control for now. Between everyone else here, I'm going to go start on some research projects. We're going to need to improve a lot more in all areas if we're going to stand a chance against the hollows. I'll see you later. You know where to find me."


[Hueco Mundo]
(Outside Las Noches)

As Kiba launched the first attack, his mind raced trying to figure out his opponent's next step. If he blocks with the left arm, attack the hopeful opening on his left side. Same with the right. If he dodges, watch for his movements and plan accordingly. Of course he also considered, and dreaded, this possibility, that Jehoel would do nothing and Kiba's attack, in turn, would do nothing.

Honestly Kiba would have been more surprised if his attack hit and actually hurt Jehoel. It would be comparable to hitting a solid wall, but Kiba could break through those. A closer comparison would be a slab of Sekkiseki, but hitting one of those hurt much less. In fact it probably wouldn't be that much of a stretch to say that this target is possibly the densest, hardest thing Kiba's ever tried to hit in his life. That doesn't stop him from confirming that he was severely outmatched, but neither does that stop his assault.

"I'm not here to be civil!" His voice drips with pure, primal rage. Undeterred by the sheer impossibility of what he was trying, and his body temporarily able to ignore the sheer pain his fist was probably in, his other arm quickly hooks around with the same momentum, this time aiming for Jehoel's cheek. If he wasn't going to try to dodge, might as well go for the head.

2013-06-15, 09:20 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
That "Night"

Jehoel takes the second blow like the first, the fist slamming into his face without opposition. As Kiba had hoped, Jehoel's Hierro is weaker around his face; the Arrancar's head moves to the side, forced over by the strength of Kiba's blow. He still doesn't seem to be injured, but at the very least it created a noticeable effect beyond the pain in Kiba's hand.

"Yes, I was able to determine that by the way you attempted to harm me rather than speak. Your attacks don't seem to be doing very much, however. Perhaps you should try both hands? Maybe release your Zanpakuto? Assuming that you have one, of course."

2013-06-15, 09:57 AM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

She viewed the movements to activate his shikai, cumbersome in her view, he was wise to set that condition prior to the battle - assuming that it was not simply a faint.

Still the belt seemed to be the key and as such it would need to be tested.

The armour itself was unfortunate, most shikai were attack based and even those that were defensive would normally contain some hidden attack measure.

Still the weight seemed top heavy would would move the center of balance further from the ground, and maneuvering in it would likely be more restricted than without.

However calling a weapon implied that one could banish it, and potentially call others - thereby providing the attack focus, assuming her guess was right.

Still maintaining a shikai was taxing after a while, and she was slowly recovering strength so this may benefit her if she was able to hold out and take her openings as given. This was not a universal truth of course some had charge up periods - thought that could generally be seen and felt, others were non-taxing but normally non-obvious until the moment of use. This seemed like it may be of the more normal kind.

There was no obvious need to make the first move, she instead prepared herself.

2013-06-15, 10:01 AM
[Soul Society]

The students assembled, Sato taps the microphone before he speaks. "Good morning. I will keep this brief as we have a busy day ahead of us. You are all aware of the Hollow attacks Soul Society has suffered recently, and you are understandably concerned. As part of the greater plan to strengthen our defenses, all current classes are hereby cancelled. Instead, we will be entering an intensive combat-only program, and after the current threat is over your educations will be completed. To this effect, I have requested a Hado specialist from the Kido Corps, and I will be taking over Bakudo training from this point on. After this assembly, you will all be assessed to determine what training you need to bring your skills to where they are needed. Those who show extraordinary skill will receive additional training. When your training is complete, you will be taken in small groups to the Human World and given real combat experience against Hollows. The result will be a special squad under my own command. Anyone who achieves Shikai during their training, or has already, will be evaluated for a command position within the squad. The other teachers are waiting outside the assembly hall to give you the time of your assessment. If you have questions ask them now, but be brief."

2013-06-15, 11:11 AM
Soul Society - Temple Grounds, DUEL OF EPIC FATE

"Well, that was enough time for ladies first."

Kamen Rider Rei lunged forward. The path and intent of his strike was obvious, a smash coming from the upper right side towards the shoulder. He was perhaps a bit slower than she would have expected, given his rank.

But that made it no easier to dodge. For some reason, there was a tangible but invisible force drawing Sho towards the hammer. She would find that escaping the rather heavy strikes was harder than anticipated because of that force.

Halfway through the swing, the hammer seemed to pick up speed. It looked to have enough force to shatter bone with relative ease; the blow might even put down a lesser Hollow. But if he missed, he'd be wide open, right?

2013-06-15, 11:30 AM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

He was slower than he might have otherwise been, possibly a function of the armour a sacrifice of speed for power and defense.

It was only as he closed the distance that she saw the insidious nature, it was a thought exercise - normally in a fight one reacted on instinct without realising that one was using practiced moves, but if slowed to consider an individual might might mistakes of second guessing themselves.

But she was an analyst at heart and extra time would not harm her, if the hammer attracted her she would use that.

Use his force against him.

Stepping into the attack she switched to shunpo for less than a second as she moved to catch the hilt of the hammer and twisted her body into his to use his own momentum to enable a replication of an incomplete Ippon Seoinage (http://cdn2.judoinfo.com/images/animations/seoinage.gif) where her opponent would be directed at force into the barriers being maintained.

2013-06-15, 12:14 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
(Outside Las Noches)

"Yes, I was able to determine that by the way you attempted to harm me rather than speak. Your attacks don't seem to be doing very much, however. Perhaps you should try both hands? Maybe release your Zanpakuto? Assuming that you have one, of course."


Jehoel might notice the hilt-less sheathed Zanpakuto strapped loosely to Kiba's back, and the even larger bit of annoyance at its mention. Kiba's fist stays implanted in Jehoel's cheek, and he uses the momentum to lift himself up and and the slight angle to wheel his leg around in a roundhouse kick to the back of Jehoel's head. If Jehoel continues to remain a literal pillar of condescension, Kiba's attack will lead into a barrage of kicks to the same spot before Shunpo'ing straight up above Jehoel, fat lot of good it seems to do.

5a Violista
2013-06-15, 01:31 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
Palacio Central: Bath Salts
The world is probably a lot different than Clovis remembers from back when the Hollow King was around. Like most modern-day hollows, Valentina just isn't that trusting of others' goodwill. Maybe the more-recent Visionary Hollow King was trying to return Hueco Mundo to its golden age, but he didn't live long enough to finish that possible plan.

I imagine that people generally don't take baths with their swords, so Valentina's katana is safely just out of reach at the moment.

What with something (or someone! :smalleek:) touching her leg, Valentina instinctively flexes her knee, trying to get it off. She frowns, and looks down at the slimy surface. Then, she notices the eyes. "Who's that?" she asks, a little surprise in her voice. (She probably asked Clovis, because he's the only one around who can hear her, as far as I know.)

Soul Society
Academy: Assembly
Peredur has arrived slightly late. Figures, with him being down in the face.

He listens to what is said. Honestly, this probably doesn't change much with him. He's a 6th year student due for graduation who just (barely) survived a Hollow attack and has just barely unlocked his Shikai, as well.

Really, from what he understands, this only means that he'll be in the first excursion to the Mortal World.

His sword has nearly regenerated itself, so...that's good.

Combat Division - somewhere
Suou's Zanpakuto spirit is a lot nicer than Kiba's. At least 537% kinder.

After a pleasant (but emotionally charged) discussion with her Zanpakuto Kyuuketsuki, Suou practices Kido. She's never been good at that. Even elemental magic, she's merely passable. Intentionally skipping the Academy entirely didn't really help with that.

She practices the defensive Kido, Seki, and fails miserably. Maybe she needs instruction on how to do it? No, of course not. Admitting she needs help for something as simple as this will hurt her pride.

The results of her practice, however, speak otherwise. Instead of containing a repulsive ball of energy, Nicole only succeeds in blasting herself backwards when trying to use Seki.

2013-06-15, 01:53 PM
Hueco Mundo
Royal Baths

Soon as she pulls, the grasping things simply fray away, apparently.

At her call, Clovis looks up.

"Oh, don't worry yourself too much, that is just the living blight spontaneously mutating, it does that at times. It's perfectly inconsequential."

2013-06-15, 03:19 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
That "Night"

Jehoel's eyes flicker to the Zanpakuto at Kiba's back, then back to the Shinigami's face, his slight smile indicating that he has more-or-less guessed the situation. Again, Kiba's kick has very little effect, and his follow up attacks only manage to shove Jehoel's head slightly to the side each time, like an abnormally hard and condescending punching bag. As Kiba shunpos into the air, Jehoel looks up at him.

"I think I actually felt something a couple of times. Try a little bit harder, and you might be able to break through."

2013-06-15, 03:29 PM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

He was slower than he might have otherwise been, possibly a function of the armour a sacrifice of speed for power and defense.

It was only as he closed the distance that she saw the insidious nature, it was a thought exercise - normally in a fight one reacted on instinct without realising that one was using practiced moves, but if slowed to consider an individual might might mistakes of second guessing themselves.

But she was an analyst at heart and extra time would not harm her, if the hammer attracted her she would use that.

Use his force against him.

Stepping into the attack she switched to shunpo for less than a second as she moved to catch the hilt of the hammer and twisted her body into his to use his own momentum to enable a replication of an incomplete Ippon Seoinage (http://cdn2.judoinfo.com/images/animations/seoinage.gif) where her opponent would be directed at force into the barriers being maintained.

Unfortunately, Sho's counter attempt ends up being foiled by that self-same strange force*. As she reaches for the hilt of the hammer, she finds it very difficult to let go of it - as if her hands were metal and the hammer was a magnet. Twisting into the air, Kamen Rider accelerates INTO the throw, but lands on his feet - and uses his waist as a fulcrum point to rotate his entire body, plus the hammer itself, with Sho still holding onto it, in an attempt to pound her into the ground.

Sho realizes, however, that even without that strange force at work, she wouldn't have been able to throw Kamen Rider very far. It appears the armor he's wearing isn't just bulky, but rather heavy - it must be the equivalent of having perhaps twenty kilograms worth of weights attached to one's arms, chest and legs, or so she estimates from her difficulty to throw him.

*Also, what really projects the victim in an ippon seoi nage is not the arm, but the hip. In order for Sho's throw to have worked properly, she would have needed to crouch INTO Koutarou's stance and bumped him upwards with some momentum of her own.

2013-06-15, 04:14 PM
Hueco Mundo-Bath Salts

Kyoki nervously came into the bath salts area looking very uncomfortable and trying to make herself as small as possible. She walks into the water slowly before crouching down in such a way that only the top half of her face is seen above the water. She came here mostly because if these baths did work, then she could get back to work on redecorating her district.

At this juncture she was actively trying to prevent Ragunaroku from coming out. She really didn't want him drawing attention to her.

Soul Society-A whole bunch of stuff later

Naijeru had internally objected to the match, mostly because he felt that Sho was planning something. Well that, and though he didn't show it he wanted to rip the smug woman to pieces for her comment about the Combat Division. However at the moment all he could do was put his trust Vice-Captain Koutarou. From what he was seeing the match was clearly in his favor. However that could easily change, just like the sea.

2013-06-15, 06:52 PM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

So a attraction affect, and due to the nuisance if that was all likely a repulsion affect also, she could work with this.

As she was carried around she snapped her feet out to position to utilise Kazaguruma (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Kazaguruma) against the mans helmet, using the mans own force and movements combined with the attack to allow for maximum destructive force from the technique.

She had no expectations to end the fight right here - but while unarmoured it might kill most - with his armour that would seem unlikely, but if she could bypass the nullify the armour with blunt force trauma carrying through to turn the mans insides to pulp over time it would fulfill the duels requirement on not killing him.

2013-06-15, 07:36 PM
Soul Society - DUEL OF EPIC FATE

It was hard to tell if she had not gotten through the armor, if her hit hadn't been as solid as she'd hoped, or if whatever that tangible force was absorbed the impact. The fact remains that Sho's kick does not so much as deter the advance of the man's spinning smash. She feels it connect, but the laws of physics apparently weren't looking.

Given that she could not unhand the hammer and she had precious little space to maneuver, the end result is that Sho's torso is smashed against the ground. Luckily, the weight and power behind the hammer cause the ground beneath her to crack and spread in a spidery pattern under her back. It beats having her belly meet her spine, but not by much - someone with less resillience would have surely been splattered in twain.

2013-06-17, 06:26 AM
[Soul Society]
Headquarters - Commander-General's office, Captains' meeting

"Kiba-san, your idea of limiting Garganta access to Seireitei is a good one. Likewise I won't deny we have problems with morale - but you're vastly overstating the problem." Li looks at the smoldering Combat division leader. "Don't you realize? 'These are Hollows - they can attack any moment' - everyone in this meeting has said just as much. Do you know why?"

Li walks a circle around the table. "It's because that's what the Academy has taught you. It is what the Academy has taught to every single Gotei trooper. The Hollows have no credibility in the eyes of Shinigami. Not a single one of them will take this offer seriously." Li stops next to Kiba. "So tell me then, why would any one of them take our acceptance of such offer seriously? When everyone is expecting Hollows to deceive us, why do you think they would object so horribly to us deceiving them back?"

"We are not in a position to act tougher than we are. But we can feign weakness. And that is not, like you say, the worst option. I already told you which one that is: it is us being goaded to attacking."

"And if don't accept, we will be goaded to attacking - by Rukongai citizens. Think about it: to the average Rukon Plus, us Shinigami are just as big boogiemen as the Hollows. Especially in outer Rings, their contact is mostly with rogues or uneducated Reapers who can't control their powers. Do you think someone like Sabitsura Sho is any better in their eyes than a common Hollow?"

"They have no stake in this war, expect their own safety. And the Hollow leader promised them just that. It's an easy offer for him to make, because all it requires is inaction. Just keep the Hollows away from there, and he has perfect credibility. But if we were to make that offer to Ruon, we would need to make a show out of it. Patrolling Rukongai is hard enough during peace, right now we just can't afford it. What do you think they will see if we first make a lot of noise about rejecting the Hollows, and then retreat inside our walls? They will not see that we're building up strenght - they will think we have abandoned them."

"If we lose support of Rukon, our food production will be stymied. They don't need to eat, but we do. Seireitei alone does not have the farmland to keep us fed infinitely. So, if we pretend to be stronger than we really are, Rukon citizens will demand us to take action. They either want us outside our walls patrolling, or attacking the Hollow forces head on."

"Neither which is possible! The Combat Division has been decimated! You should know this better than anyone, Kiba. We need our forces in Seireitei. This is the only ground we have left where we can stand up to these Hollows. Trying to over-extert ourselves will render us easy pickings."

"Besides, going back on his offer is not as easy as you think on the Hollow leader. He promised an attack after a week if we don't accept. Do you think his own troops will let him back on that threat? If we decline, we can be certain we'll be attacked within seven days. If we accept, there's no telling when their assault will begin, but it won't be in a week. Don't you see? The Hollows are trying to win the Rukon to their side! If they immediately go back on their offer, they will lose all their credibility in eyes of Rukon too, after which every citizen will fight like rats backed into a corner. No matter how large this Hollow army is, they don't want that to happen, and I think these Hollows are actually smart enough to realize that."

"And what comes to those masks... the Hollows that came to our doorstep were Arrancars. They are not the masked beasts Rukon citizens are familiar with. They look just like us. Right now, they are acting just like us."

Li glares at Kiba. "If Gotei has a problem with morale, it has more to do with its leadership being too short-fused and discordant, than anything the Hollows just said. If we Captains can get our act together, our actual response to this offer will be irrelevant as far as Gotei troopers are concerned. They will be anticipating an attack at any moment regardless. The pretense of peace I'm aiming for is not for their benefit. It's for the benefit of Rukon citizens, those who are not soldiers and have not been trained to keep their heads no matter the situation."

2013-06-17, 09:50 AM
[Spirit World]
(Captain's Meeting)

"You don't get it. I'm not saying that surrendering will cause civil war as the worst case scenario, I'm saying that surrendering, even as a bluff, will cause civil war because it's already about to happen. People inside and outside Seireitei are just waiting for an excuse, and a severely weakened leadership that refuses to even try to protect them is just the excuse they need.

"Whether or not you're bluffing to the hollows doesn't matter, because it's the same response you're presenting to all of Soul Society. And they won't see it as a bluff. Most of them will take whatever the response is at face value: That you're agreeing to the hollows demands instead of trying to fight them off.

"You've already fallen into the hollows' trap. You're treating them like you would other Shinigami, or other Pluses. You're assuming they follow the same rules, respect the same diplomacy, and that's exactly what they want you to think.

"If you surrender, even as a bluff, you will see revolts inside and outside Seireitei. And then it won't matter when the hollows attack. We'll kill each other off and then they'll come in and finish off the job. Surrendering doesn't help Rukon, since they'll revolt regardless, it doesn't help the rest of Soul Society, and it doesn't help any of the Shinigami troops. All it helps is the hollows and proves to all of Soul Society that we, the people in charge of protecting them, are weak and will surrender at the first actual threat."


[Hueco Mundo]
(Later that Night...)

By all means any other Shinigami should have gotten tired or given up by now, but Kiba only seemed to pick up steam. This was far from the first time he had been severely outmatched by an enemy. Of course those other times rarely ended well for him either. Still he fought on. Now straight up above Jehoel, several stories above the Primera Espada, Kiba Shunpo'd straight down, getting gravity in on helping to augment his force. Every bit helped.

This time, however, Kiba tried something new. His first Shunpo had launched him at his usual tremendous speed, but before he connected, his other leg did a second Shunpo to try and increase the force even more as he tried bringing both fists with the weight of his entire body down on Jehoel's head.

Jehoel might as well have been both an unstoppable force and an unmovable object. But that only encouraged Kiba more, made him the perfect seemingly insurmountable goal to strive against.

2013-06-17, 10:55 AM
Soul Society - Captain's Meeting

"So. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. What you are suggesting is that if we pretend to roll over and die, we face death by internal strife - eventually. What Captain Li proposes, on the other hand, is that if we make a stand like you suggest, we will be destroyed by internal AND external strife. Starting in two weeks.

So here's my question. What do you think we can possibly do, in a little under two weeks, to prevent the Rukon from turning on us while simultaneously mounting a successful defense against the Hollows?

Keep in mind that unless we can pull a barrier like the one surrounding Seireitei out of our collective asses within that timeframe, we're leaving the entirety of Rukongai to face the first waves of invasion. And that's a timeframe that assumes the Hollows play ball - by your own admission, within a set of rules that they won't follow. Which means that, realistically, we'd need that barrier today.

And that's just the bare basics.

So. Risk-wise, pretending to accept their offer is our best shot. Whether or not we try to insert some wriggle room in it.

Keep in mind that when it comes to bureaucracy, we have the advantage."

2013-06-17, 11:54 AM
Soul Society - Captain's Meeting

"So. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. What you are suggesting is that if we pretend to roll over and die, we face death by internal strife - eventually. What Captain Li proposes, on the other hand, is that if we make a stand like you suggest, we will be destroyed by internal AND external strife. Starting in two weeks.

So here's my question. What do you think we can possibly do, in a little under two weeks, to prevent the Rukon from turning on us while simultaneously mounting a successful defense against the Hollows?

Keep in mind that unless we can pull a barrier like the one surrounding Seireitei out of our collective asses within that timeframe, we're leaving the entirety of Rukongai to face the first waves of invasion. And that's a timeframe that assumes the Hollows play ball - by your own admission, within a set of rules that they won't follow. Which means that, realistically, we'd need that barrier today.

And that's just the bare basics."

"Which is why we need to STOP finding the best way to appease the hollows when it won't do any good to anyone anyway and START our counter strategies. The fact that people here seem to believe that our only two options are 'surrender' or 'direct attack' only confirms why I need to be here.

"The first thing we need to do is stop the hollows' portals while streamlining our own. If Sawada's right, the SSI's figured out a way to permanently close portals that the hollows open. If that's true, then we have a way to limit their access to Soul Society, albeit one that has to be applied over time. We also need to streamline OUR access over there to the point where we can send multiple squads from here to there and back again regularly. I also know that the SSI has access to Kido which can teleport small groups of soldiers across great distances. Using that we can respond to distress signals even in the Rukon.

"We can still take the fight to Hueco Mundo without launching a direct attack. If we send multiple scouting parties from the Recon Division and the Combat Division, we can start gathering information on their forces and simultaneously leave the skirmishes in Hueco Mundo. Put a Captain or Vice-Captain in at least the first couple squads we send to deal with their potential more powerful soldiers, particularly those adept at concealing their Reiatsu, and that should be enough to deal with any smaller forces they send to retaliate, and they won't be able to send out the bulk of their armies or their leader without leaving the rest of their stronghold vulnerable to other scouting parties. This will also get us valuable information on the enemy's capabilities.

"Meanwhile, our Internal Security can begin focusing on bolstering our defenses, forming more efficient patrols, and forming evacuation plans for the districts outside Seireitei while our newly formed Reserves Division can start speeding up the training of new recruits so strengthen our forces.

"The SSI and this newly formed Division Sawada proposed can research the Kido we need to strengthen our defenses, stop random Gargantas from appearing everywhere, and start researching other Kidos that may help defend us. I know firsthand from the Combat Division's Kido Squad that several Kido users can combine their forces for larger Kido spells, and that might be what we need in order to defend ourselves.

"Until we get more concrete information on the enemy's forces, the most likely scenario is that this hollow leader probably has a few lieutenants not unlike us which probably have a few lieutenants under them, again, not unlike us, but are mostly made up of lesser hollows that even a squad of trained unseateds should be able to handle. If that's the case, then even if their stronger members are more powerful than us, they can only be in one place at a time.

"Of course we won't be able to get ANY intel if we're in some sort of false peace and have to deal with revolts."

2013-06-17, 04:54 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
That "Night"

As always, Jehoel watches the ferocious shinigami impassively as Kiba reaches the apex of his climb, and does not move at all as another strike is directed at him. Kiba descends from the air like a meteor, striking Jehoel with enough force to raise another dust cloud, even larger than the first. As the cloud clears, Jehoel is standing in the middle of a crater punched into the ground by the force of the blow.

Above and to the side of his left eye, there is a small, shallow gash. It quickly makes itself obvious, however, as like all head wounds it bleeds profusely, resulting in a constant stream down the side of Jehoel's face. He reaches a hand up to wipe away some of the blood around the wound itself, then closes it with a thought. With the same motion, he wipes the rest of the blood from his face, and presents the bloodstained hand to Kiba. He smiles.

"There. I knew you could do it. Now, I believe this is the part where you tell me your name."

2013-06-17, 05:36 PM
Soul Society - Captain's meeting

"Eight months, five days, eleven hours, forty-five minutes, ninety seconds."

5a Violista
2013-06-17, 06:31 PM
Hueco Mundo
Baño Real

"Right. That sounds very inconsequential," Valentina says, lifting a foot above the mud so she can inspect it. It doesn't look that bad.

"Speaking of that..." La Sexta Espada turns towards Kyoki, who is submerged in the mud. "You made it." Didn't get lost, or anything.

2013-06-17, 07:13 PM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

The primary advantage of reducing the output of Reiatsu was deceit, people overlooked you and you can get a feel for powers.

As she was smashed into the ground the raised it to cushion the blow - it still hurt - she didn't like that.

Faster than should have been likely she was in a crouch and still grasping the hammer she slipped through the legs of her opponent bringing the hilt with her to collide with his crotch as she leaped into the air at speed ... castrating him might have an affect on his desire for the duel.

Her senses finally adopting to the flux effect, she moved to fluctuate her reiatsu to match, releasing the hammer mid leap to unbalance her opponent further.

Staring down at her opponent in the air as she considered her next move, mostly prepared for his expected counter to an airborne opponent.

2013-06-17, 08:06 PM
Soul Society - DUEL OF EPIC FATE

Interesting idea, but bad execution.

This wasn't the first time someone tried to use his hammer against him, and it wouldn't be the last. Granted, few were this imaginative. But as she slides between his legs and he's forced into a lower position, Kamen Rider simply lets go of the hammer - which suddenly feels hideously heavy, granting him precious fractions of a second to avoid being "nutcracked" as he slips forward.

But now she has the hammer instead, right?

Sho feels the hammer grow increasingly heavier as she leaps - that unusual pull, again, trying to force her down along with gravity.

Her opponent, by contrast, is using shunpo to accelerate upwards to meet her with a rising fist. It's likely one of the slowest high-speed accelerations she's ever seen, but considering the weight behind it, he may as well be a wall in front of a bullet train speeding towards her.

2013-06-18, 12:40 AM
[Soul Society]
Headquarters - Commander-General's office, Captains' meeting

Li gives Setsurou a freezing glance. The elder does not appreciate sarcasm in a formal meeting. Even if Li is going to engage in it personally.

"Certainly, let us send remnants of our leadership and strongest troops deep into enemy environment and hope they won't be ambushed", Li says, turning back to Kiba. Li then stomps the ground with the bamboo crane. "Are you out of your mind? I've been a Commander for less than two hours, and I already had one of my Captains desert. Right now, he is either telling the enemy everything he knows, or committing assisted suicide! Do you want to be the second one? For all your criticism of Yasunobu Sawada, you seem strangely eager to walk the same path as him."

Li sighs and returns to Li's seat. "It seems we can't achieve agreement at this time. This was to be expected. We need more knowledge on our enemies."

"Hishikawa Setsurou", Li turns to adress the returned exile, "you will be my representative on a diplomatic mission to this Hollow city. Tsukino Hikaru", Li turns to the Reconnassaince Captain in turn, "I can't let you leave Seiretei. I need you here, directing your troops. I do accept of sending Arianna Junrin to accompany Hishikawa-san, however. I expect Junrin-fukutaichou and Hishikawa-san to depart within two days, and return within four so we'll have time to consider their information. Tsukino-taichou, you will be responsible for equipping and instruct them on this mission. They are to meet the Hollow leadership and gather as much data on their city as possible."

"Myself, I will make an announcement in my new role as a Commander-General. I expect it to not be to everyone's liking, but there's something I need you to do regarding it." Li turns to glare at Kiba. "No matter how strongly you will disagree with it, you will not openly question or criticize it. If we want to put up a strong front, we need to first put up an unified front. Disagreement between Captains is fine in a meeting like this. It is not fine if it spills out to our troops, like what has happened during the past week between Internal Security, the Combat Division, and SSI. I need you to support me on whatever I will say. Otherwise, our organization will collapse like a house of cards in the wind."

Li returns to joylessly shuffling various papers and reports on the table. "The next meeting will be held over phone. There are so few of us, it's useless to keep conducting meetings like this. Keep your Reiphones with you and on at all times. Tsukino-taichou can provide tech support if you need it."

"You are all dismissed."

2013-06-18, 08:50 AM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

The hammer was still in flux, but she could compensate thought it was taxing, she could also rely on her own spiritual power to make up for physical strength.

Expanding it at a crucial second she brought the hammer in at tremendous speed and power to connect with her opponent as he acceded. The force of the blow and her own expanding power sending ripples through the barriers surrounding them causing those maintaining them to redouble there efforts to avoid breaches.

Then she simply followed up the attack to throw the hammer out of the barrier ringing as she landed, she was winded from the strain - which was worrying - but she would recover if she could either end this or go on defense again.

2013-06-18, 10:02 AM
[Soul Society]
(Captain's Meeting)

"If you're asking me to lie to my own troops so you can put on a better front, especially when you're currently advocating our surrender...

"Then I cannot support you. Before you make your announcement, you need to decide whether you're willing and able to do what's required of you to sit in that chair." Speaking that way to a Captain-Commander or even a Commander-General must have been something entirely unheard of, but Kiba was only doing what he believed the Kenpachi would have done. As of now he was having doubts as to Li's ability to fulfill his position. If Li really had zero faith in the strength of the troops, both inside and outside the Combat Division, how could Li be expected to lead them in battle.

"I know fully well what our troops are capable of, and what they're capable of surviving, and I would never support a suicide mission for anyone, including me. When I say that we can send teams into Hueco Mundo and take the fight to their side without taking too great a risk, as long as plan strategically, it's because we can." Kiba gets up to leave, quietly for once, if only to give anyone else a chance to catch up to him should they be interested in actually talking strategy instead of just the best way to avoid fighting with the sworn enemy of Soul Society.


[Hueco Mundo]
(Outside Las Noches)

"My name is Kiba! And I'm not done with you yet!" The sight of an actual wound on Jehoel is reinvigorating as much as it is reassuring. He can be hurt. Kiba's attempts weren't completely futile. Of course the strain of such a maneuver, completely untested as it was, did more damage. It was impossible to tell how much his arms and fists had been fractured just trying to do damage, but even though he was deliberately ignoring the pain before, pain shot up Kiba's arms and he visibly winced. Blood started to ooze from several pores on his arms, but the ranking member of the Combat Division wasn't about to let something like that slow him down.

Okay, maybe slow him down enough to not immediately try the double-Shunpo thing again. Though now that there was a crack, there was at least something to aim for. Kiba launched a heavy kick towards Jehoel's face right where the wound is. It's the closest thing he has to a target.

2013-06-18, 10:15 AM
Soul Society - Duel of EPIC FATE

Kamen Rider ends up barreling through that motion, ignoring gravity as he does. He spins in the air as Sho begins to land.

However, to her surprise, the hammer doesn't fly out of the ring. It begins to spin, and describes an incredibly fast arc towards Kamen Rider's position.

And then a large, circular crest with a zero at the center describes itself on the ground. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3l9MNmg0kQ)

"This... has gone on long enough."

He does indeed sound weary. Whether from exaustion or something else entirely remains to be seen.

That same tangible force Sho has felt throughout the fight makes its presence known. And it increases significantly. It now acts as veritable weight to push her against the ground, a weight she has never felt before.


Holding onto the hammer with both hands, Kamen Rider dives towards his opponent. He seems to accelerate significantly - the fastest Sho has seen him in this fight so far. Indeed, not just that, but also one of the fastest she's seen in years of fighting.


As he dives, his aim is difficult to determine, partially because his frame is distorted by the blur of the air flowing around him. For the most part, though, he doesn't seem to be aiming at her head - and heavy as she feels, Sho might still be able to mount some defense, though escape seems to be practically impossible.

2013-06-18, 10:49 AM
[Soul Society]

With no questions, students were assigned their assessment times. Peredur discovered that his name was at the top of the list, he would be evaluated by Sato himself in ten minutes in the head instructor's dojo.

2013-06-18, 03:06 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
Later that night

As Kiba clashed repeatedly against Jehoel, the flashes of Spiritual Pressure crackled across huge portions of Las Noches. The combat remained personal, but that didn't mean that no one noticed.

Her eyes opened slowly, dilating to accommodate the pitch dark of the room. Her room. There was something flashing at the corners of her awareness, but she didn't want to think about it just yet. She tried to sit up and coughed, pain wracking her body and blood spattering her bandages. Bandages? Memories flashed back and she remembered. She smiled briefly before her face contorted into a rictus of pain. A worthy Shinigami. She would have even left him to fight Jehoel alone had Jehoel not begged her help. Not that he needed it. But now...the alert that she had been ignoring finally entered her conscious mind. Another Shinigami? And nearly if not equally as powerful. Where was Soul Society finding all these worthy Shinigami from the trash that made up much of their ranks?

Tinja jumped out of bed, ignoring the pain, and walked to the window. In fact, all of her walls were windows, but she was interested in one in particular, the one which faced out over the side of the city from where the Spiritual Pressure emanated. Jehoel was there, as could be expected. Running a Pesquia, Tinja checks on the other Espada. All seem alive. As does Randii. Good.

This time, Jehoel can handle it. She still needs to plan this "Hollow Army", and in her current condition she would be more of a liability than a help. Besides, it is Jehoel's last request for help that left her like this. This one was farther from the city. He could handle it fine.

Moving to her desk, Tinja ponders for a moment before pulling out a quill and parchment. Despite the advances in modern technology, there was something about writing on parchment, being able to annotate the margins and able to cross things out that could not be replicated as well on a computer. Computers...Tinja had seen some the last time she was in the Mortal World, and had been perusing the shop as the Shinigami of that particular town cowered in terror in the corner. They seemed to be an interesting invention, as were "Phones" and the other technological advancements they had. Tinja had noticed that the Shinigami had been babbling onto one of them as she had been looking about the shop, calling for reinforcements. A way to contact others at huge range? After a quick Pesquia, Tinja had ascertained that there was no one even close, and had destroyed the phone with a Bala. This had had the unfortunate side effect of also destroying the Shinigami's head, but it had been a productive trip. Tinja wondered if the devices could be used across planes, or even at all in the darkness that was Hueco Mundo. Perhaps it was worth looking in to, she thought, the nib of her quill scratching across the parchment.

5a Violista
2013-06-18, 04:34 PM
After the whachamacallitAssemblage

Ryuunosuke Peredur, after the assemblage, finds his way to the Head Instructor's Dojo. He knows where it is, 'cause he's been around here often.

His sword, at his hip, is just over half the size of a normal katana at the moment. Still a little tiny bit broken.

"Hello?" he calls. "I'm here." He hopes that he's not late.

2013-06-18, 04:55 PM
After the whachamacallitAssemblage

Ryuunosuke Peredur, after the assemblage, finds his way to the Head Instructor's Dojo. He knows where it is, 'cause he's been around here often.

His sword, at his hip, is just over half the size of a normal katana at the moment. Still a little tiny bit broken.

"Hello?" he calls. "I'm here." He hopes that he's not late.

Sato looks up from his tea. "Come in. I arranged for you to be first because I have heard rumors among the students that you are close to achieving Shikai, if you have not already. If this is true, you could very well end up in a command position very soon. Tell me, what do you consider to be your strengths?"

2013-06-18, 05:03 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
That "Night"

Jehoel remains dispassionate at Kiba's announcing of his name and intention to continue his attack.

"Oh, I'm sure you aren't."

Jehoel continues to watch without moving as Kiba moves in for another attack, and for a moment it seems as if he intends to continue taking Kiba's strikes like an abnormally hard punching bag. Then, when Kiba's leg is only inches from Jehoel's face, his arm is there, blocking the strike before it can connect. The movement is almost instantaneous, but also casual, as if swatting away a fly. There is no push-back from Jehoel yet; the move was purely defensive. As before, the only harm inflicted would be by Kiba himself from attacking too aggressively.

"And you're a man of rank, as well, unless I miss my guess. I remember you from the Scarlet Garden. Still, I do have to wonder. How did a caitiff such as yourself become a high ranking officer?"

2013-06-18, 08:46 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
Later that night

Well, you're up faster than you should be.

Randii is leaning against Tinja's doorway, watching the Espada work at her desk. Her stance seems as relaxed as usual.

Course, that isn't too surprising. You're kinda eager about getting this army set up, ain't ya?

2013-06-18, 09:01 PM
Hueco Mundo
Blighted Baths

A few minutes after Kyoki arrives, Clovis gets up and conjures a towel for himself.

"Well ladies, the soak was great but I have duties to attend to! And don't worry about lord Azmus, just wait for him to wake up. I put some underwear on him so he should be fine no matter how long he stays down there."

With that, Clovis strolls off humming a song.

2013-06-19, 09:32 AM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

This gravity affect was bothersome - as with all abilities of reiatsu (which was more or less all abilities) it could be countered with reiatsu but it took time to adapt, and the greater the strain the change the longer the adaption.

She didn't fight against the affect this time allowing it to drag her into a crouch, but she held her arms and hands before her defensively. If she could divert the hammer from hitting her - even to an extent - he would be wide open, and this time she was confident of how to continue this.

But it would depend on how he completed the move.

2013-06-19, 10:30 AM
Soul Society - Duel of EPIC FATE

Which suited Kamen Rider just fine.

This wasn't a guy who was fighting to kill. But he had enough information on his opponent to know she wouldn't give up easily. He had already weakened her midsection.

Had he aimed at her head, the strike would have likely been fatal. Between the acceleration, the hammer's weight, and his own added in, the strike may have been enough to one-shot a Gillian.

But what Sho didn't know was that this strike was a variation of the Blind Guardian form's Rider Railgun. Usually, the hammer was used by its lonesome - it allowed Kamen Rider Rei to focus his energy into accelerating the weapon with the electromagnetic field, and it reduced air friction, thus resulting in a more potent strike.

By diving WITH the hammer, he was able to hold back some of the strike's impact and keep it from killing his opponent.

As Sho put her arms up, the hammer struck squarely against her forearms. There was more than enough strength behind it to shatter bone and swell muscle; some of the carryover may well smash into her chest.

As if adding insult to injury, carrying on the momentum of the strike itself, Kamen Rider spun on his foot and shot a kick towards Sho's midsection to get her away from him if it connected.

"Sabitsura Sho. Count up your crimes - you'll be making up for them soon, one Hollow at a time."

2013-06-19, 11:53 AM
[Soul Society]
Headquarters - Commander-General's office, end of the Captains' meeting

"You are free to think whatever you will", Li states dryly as Kiba storms out of the meeting, not really expecting for the hot-heated Vice-Captain to hear it.

After Tsukino Hikaru, Hishikawa Setsurou, Hatiba Azwadu and Wa-Den Eri with his Captain have departed, Li walks to the Commander's desk and opens the topmost drawer, pulling out a Divine Messenger Machine, more commonly referred to as a "Reiphone". Li tunes it to a special radio frequency - the one Jigokucho, the Hell Butterflies, use for communicating with each other. Said frequency also serves as the Seireitei emergency channel, overriding all other radio signals for Reiphones. The reason is simple: that way, a single phone can blare an announcement through all phones and butterflies in the city.

And so, Zheng Li Lin's words echo throughout the Court of Pure Souls, reaching most, if not all, of Gotei forces.

"This is former Captain of Medicine and Logistics, Zheng Li Lin speaking. This day, I have been appointed as the Commander-General of Gotei. I will begin in my new duties immediately."

"This does not mean our former Commander has abandoned us. As you have witnessed today, Lady Death is still alive and well. She has taken to personally protecting the safety of Rukongai, and also ensuring all willing recruits make it inside our walls free of Hollow interference."

"Undoubtedly, many of you are wondering about the Hollow messengers that stopped by our walls today. You are anxious to hear our answer. Exactly because of that, I want you to remember one thing: as far as our actions go, this offer changes nothing. A course of action was decided earlier today, and it will not change because of Hollow rhetoric. As such, we will ignore this offer, untill our brave Reconnassaince officers can substantiate these Hollows' claim of civilization."

"Before then, this is what is going to happen: we will regroup all our forces here, in Seireitei. We will bolster our defenses and rebuild Gotei to full 13 Divisions. This very day, two Divisions have already been founded, one consisting of volunteers from the Noble Houses as well as our most talented Academy recruits, and another from Bakudo specialist returning from the living world. Another Division, that of engineers and craftsmen, is on the works."

"No matter what happens during the next week, this is not the end. Together, we will prevail even in the darkest times. In unity, we have strenght the Hollows can only dream of. They caught us unprepared once; that will not repeat itself. When they next attack, we will be ready - and we will strike them down even more thoroughly than 50 years ago."

"End of transmission."

2013-06-19, 12:02 PM
[Soul Society]
(Leaving the Captain's Meeting)

Kiba hardly storms out of the meeting. He doesn't even bother with Shunpo until he's certain no one else wants or needs to speak with him. He doubted it.

While Kiba was far from agreeing with Captain Li on Li's current position towards the negotiations, some respect for Li was redeemed with the announcement. It was noncommittal, but it at least provided the appearance of strength and unity. Whether it would accomplish that or not may very well depend on the answers of the other Captains.


[Hueco Mundo]
(Outside Las Noches)

Caitiff? Was that some hollow jargon? It was a new, foreign word to Kiba, but from the context he could guess what it meant.

Mid-fight banter had always been distasteful to Kiba. It was completely superfluous. The most you could do was distract your opponent or trick them into revealing something vital in a best-case scenario.

This seemed like it was an attempt to insult Kiba, either merely for Jehoel's amusement or to goad Kiba into attacking even more recklessly. With a different opponent, Kiba would have ignored the words completely and continued. But with Jehoel, it was part of the challenge. These hollows wanted to pretend that they were peaceful and civilized, so they talked instead of fighting, but Kiba knew it was just another mask.

As for Jehoel's question, the obvious answer would be 'because I was the best fighter.' But that of course would lead into an insult on Kiba's Division. Really any response he gave would, but instead replied, "Because I survive." Not survived. The word choice was deliberate. In the past, Kiba took everything that was dished out and kept on going, and not just at the Scarlet Garden, and he would continue to do so, even against a seemingly impossible opponent like Jehoel.

Despite the thought process, Kiba's attacks don't slow down. In fact, they seem to gradually get a little stronger and faster with each strike. Although Jehoel blocked them effortlessly, he may notice that each block requires a tiny bit more force than before. Now that Jehoel is actually blocking Kiba goes for several points. Jehoel's head. Chest. Shoulders. Arms. Back. If all Jehoel did was block (which Kiba assumed would end sooner or later), Kiba would continue the assault even while talking if that's what Jehoel wanted to do. Although his body was still hurt from his previous attacks, he was adapting. His attacks were not any weaker, but now that he knew what he was punching/kicking, Kiba could attack without damaging his limbs further (even if he wasn't damaging Jehoel either).

2013-06-19, 12:36 PM
[Soul Society]
Headquarters - Commander-General's office

Shigure steps quietly through the hallways, balancing a tray of tea in one hand as he glanced about the hustle and bustle. He'd missed it the day he was gone but orders were orders, he was to talk to Captain Li...Commander Captain Li if the rumors were correct. He knocked gently on the door of the Commander Captain's office before letting himself in, setting the tray down before taking a seat.

2013-06-19, 12:38 PM
Soul Society - After the Captain's Meeting

Shortly after Li's announcement, he would get a Jigokuchou from Setsurou.

For Li's eyes only
"Sir, while we're at it, I have this absolutely DASHING idea for a Strategic Division that I think you're going to love. We'll hardly need to rearrange troops, even. Here's my Reiphone number.

Cordially, Hishikawa Setsurou <3"

2013-06-19, 01:11 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
Later that night

Well, you're up faster than you should be.

Randii is leaning against Tinja's doorway, watching the Espada work at her desk. Her stance seems as relaxed as usual.

Course, that isn't too surprising. You're kinda eager about getting this army set up, ain't ya?

Tinja pushes off the ground and pulls up her legs, lettting her chair spin to face her erstwhile Fraccion. "Randii! I never did get to see the end of that battle -- from the facts that both of us are here and that I can sense most of the other Espada wandering the city, I presume we fared pretty well. Except Azmus? Daiki? No, definitely Azmus -- I always have trouble differentiating their spiritual pressures."

Tinja rolls her eyes.

"And who is this new fellow Jehoel found to fight? Its rather unfair, don't you think? No, we can't fight, but he gets all the fun. As to the army, say Seireitei were to call Jehoel at his game. It would be a what, half a dozen, maybe a dozen Arrancar against all of the Gotei 6? Sure, theyre incompetent, but thats at least 100 to 1, probably more. All those little guys would be a distraction from the main battle. And what if Seireitei were to accept Jehoel's offer? I'd be stuck on Hollow retrieval duty. Jeesh that would be depressing. So instead, we'll have other Hollows do it! Take a look."

Tinja tosses the parchment that she's been working on to Randii for inspection, then yawns and rubs her eyes. Although she can't deny the usefulness of the army, its a pain to plan. Still, if it gets her out of grunt work....

"Any comments?" she yawns.

The parchment Randii recieves is entitled "La Armada" in tight flowing script, and folds out for several pages. Giant slashes cross out entire portions of the text, while other parts are circled or underlined. While the writing looks confused, almost like a stream of consciousness, its obvious that there is solid, concrete ideas just under the surface.

The design for La Armada, aka the Hollow army.

Regular Forces

First off: Recruitment
-Voluntary. Not big on drafts. It'll be pretty hard to sway me on this. If they don't want to be here, they'll just get in the way. Why, you ask, would they want to fight and risk death? The lure of power, of course. Along with the ever present chance that war will break out and they will get to eat some Shinigami. That never gets old.

Secondly: Training
-Find your own motivation. At the moment, going to plan to group Hollows that join in groups of five and send them out into Hueco Mundo to fight other hollows and become stronger. After they have been out for at least a month, and defeated a set number of unaligned Hollows, they are allowed to return. Lying is possible, of course, but not encouraged -- its not a good idea to join a Hollow army if you are much weaker than the others.
-Power checks will be carried out by trained and tested Adjuchas/Fracciones to determine suitability.

Thirdly: Divisions within the army.
-Presumably we will want some form of chain of command. There are six divisions (called Flotas), each corresponding to an Espada. Within that, each Flota would further be divided into five units, numbered one through five (Escuadras). Within an Escuadra, Hollows would be divided into groups of ten (Naves), denoted by a second number. This makes remembering groups easily. Add the number for the Escuadra and the Nave to that of the Flota, respectively, and that is the unit's number. An individual squad's (Nave's) number can thus be denoted as, for example, 653 (The third Nave of the Sixth Espada's fifth Escuadra.)

At least a Vasto-Lorde or an Arrancar must lead each Flota.
At least an Adjuchas must lead each Escuadra.

That should cover 30 Escuadras, each with ten Naves, for a total of 3000 Hollows. That should be enough for the moment. Expansion can be dealt with by adding a second digit to the Nave number.


Up to 10 Hollows in a Nave
Ten Naves in a Escuadra
Five Escuadras in a Flota
Six Flotas in the Armada.
10*10*5*6=3,000 Hollows

Fourth off: Uniforms. Being regular hollows/adjuchas rather than Arrancar, usual uniforms would be difficult. As such, colored armbands exist for each different Flota, each with Nave and Escuadra numbers included.

Those in training groups have special white armbands with a 0 written on them in black.

Fifth and last: Lodgings and Training facilities
Supplied to each Flota by their respective Espada.

Special Forces

All of the above still applies, but for Adjuchas, Vasto Lordes, and Arrancar.
Under direct purview of the designated military leader on the council of Espadas (that is to say, whoever wants to put in the most work on training these guys).

Usually led by powerful Fraccion or Espada.

As both non-expendable and trainable troops, receive sparring training from high level Fracciones and against each other. Those approaching Resurrection can receive special training on request (I can help. Sometimes. Not gonna spend all night on it).

These troops receive the denomination of 7 when referring to their Flota. Their Armbands are black.

2013-06-19, 01:35 PM
Soul Society - After the Captain's Meeting

Shortly after Li's announcement, he would get a Jigokuchou from Setsurou.

For Li's eyes only
"Sir, while we're at it, I have this absolutely DASHING idea for a Strategic Division that I think you're going to love. We'll hardly need to rearrange troops, even. Here's my Reiphone number.

Cordially, Hishikawa Setsurou <3"

Li is wryly amused by Setsurou's message. The elder quickly sends a reply:

"There already is such Division. It is called 'Headquartes'. The one lead by Commander-General. Who happens to be me."

"Get your brain up to date and write a report of those Arrancars. I want that report by tomorrow evening, latest."


Headquarters - [S]Commander-General's Zheng Li Lin's office

Shigure steps quietly through the hallways, balancing a tray of tea in one hand as he glanced about the hustle and bustle. He'd missed it the day he was gone but orders were orders, he was to talk to Captain Li...Commander Captain Li if the rumors were correct. He knocked gently on the door of the Commander Captain's office before letting himself in, setting the tray down before taking a seat.

Shigure misses Hideki's departure by just a couple of minutes. (They probably walked past each other in the stairs or somethin.) When he knocks, Li is busy sending a message to Med&Log Lieutenant Lucita, telling her to commend Yoshiro for Li, and apologizing for the elder's absence as Li's new duties are taking all of the elder's time. For now, Med&Log is in her hands.

"Come in", the elder words while eyeing a report on the new Defense Division. The Commander is mildly suprised to see Shigure step in. "Oh. Hello, Nanoha-san. I wasn't expecting you to stop by. I was waiting for Hei Chen, but I've been unable to contact him for the whole day. Thank you for the tea. Do take a seat if you wish."

2013-06-19, 01:39 PM
Headquarters - [S]Commander-General's Zheng Li Lin's office

Shigure nods a little, taking a seat. "I was told to come and see you when I'd rested Honored Grandmother." he shrugs a little with a faint smile, not looking all that rested though it's understandable considering just how exhausted he was/is. He pulls out a cigarette from his sleeve, lighting it before leaning in to pour the Commander Captain a cup of tea as she likes it.

2013-06-19, 01:55 PM
Hueco Mundo
Later That Night

Randii chuckles a little. Yeah, I think that big boom attack took the Shinigami out. Kind of a kamikaze thing. Which doesn't make any sense to me, but, whatever.

As for Azmus, I think he's still alive. Pretty sure he is. Just out cold.

At the mention of a new fight, Randii takes a moment to use her own Pesquisa. Huh. He is fighting somebody. She shrugs. Whatever. Ain't his fault if stupid Shinigami keep showing up.

Randii takes the parchment and reads through it, her bright blue eyes darting back and forth. When she finishes, she hands it back with a nod. Looking good so far. Don't think this'll give us an army for that week deadline, though.

2013-06-19, 02:12 PM
Headquarters - [S]Commander-General's Zheng Li Lin's office

Shigure nods a little, taking a seat. "I was told to come and see you when I'd rested Honored Grandmother." he shrugs a little with a faint smile, not looking all that rested though it's understandable considering just how exhausted he was/is. He pulls out a cigarette from his sleeve, lighting it before leaning in to pour the Commander Captain a cup of tea as she likes it.

Li shakes head at the cigarette. "You still smoke those things? Nanoha-san, I keep telling you, mortals manage to get lung cancer from those within one lifetime. At this rate, you're going to end up spending rest of the century wheezing like a boiling tea pan."

"I wanted to see you, because I thought I'd give you a special assignment. I was going to ask you to personally baby-sit Sabitsura Sho and teach her certain basics of life. But this whole... debacle made me lose track on what's going on with her. Last I checked, she had eloped again and Lucita-fukutaichou called the Security to catch her." Li sighs.

"I suppose the job is still yours, if you want it. I understand if you don't. After her brain surgery, she's been more volatile than during her whole year in the Academy. It's possible her attempts at self-medication after the operation messed her head. It'd be best to lock her up and put her on tranquilizers for the time being."

"So I'm not going to pretend it'd be easy. When I got the idea, I thought she would not be this problematic. A small little breather project. I was wrong. But it'd be your sole task for the time being. So, how about it?"

2013-06-19, 02:20 PM
"Maybe it's just a long term plan on getting sick leave in my twilight years, Honored Grandmother." Shigure offers with a faint smile, pushing the tea forward. "You've picked a rather cruel mission for me once again. I suppose I can't turn it down and you asking me is a courtesy? But where are my manners. Congratulations on your promotion, Commander Captain." He leans back into his seat with a heavy sigh, exhaling a puff of smoke to the side so as not to breath it right at the elder Captain. "If she's committed to leaving our ranks then there's not much I can do about her. My skills are decidedly outside of combat. She's butcher me in a minute." he laughs softly, shaking his head. "If not in battle with the Arrancar...then by Shinigami hands I suppose."

2013-06-19, 02:28 PM
Soul Society

A second reply arrives shortly.

"You misunderstand me, sir. It wouldn't be elegant to call it the 'Tactical Division' or even the 'Guerrilla Division'.

In fact, it won't even be called the Strategy Division on its face.

Attached to my report, which will arrive within approximately forty-five seconds, is a proposed design for this division."

The timeliness of the message is very, very spooky.

2013-06-19, 02:40 PM
[Soul Society, evening after the meeting]

Li is not amused by this second reply. But at least it appears the report will be delivered in a timely manner. Li glances at the office door, pretty much expecting for Setsurou to already be sneaking there.


[Soul Society, day after the meeting]

Zheng Li Lin smiles. "You can just say no, Nanoha-san." Li takes the offered tea and leans back, taking a well-deserved break from the mountain of paperwork that needs to be processed. "Let's forget about Sabitsura. There's a lot of things on my chest, and you're as good listener as any." The elder takes a sip - despite Li's lips still being scarred, the heat of the drink doesn't seem to be a bother.

"Yasunobu Sawada is gone. He left to chase the Arrancars, and I doubt he will come back. I have a really bad feeling he was playing a game of his own behind my back, and we're all going to pay a price if his gambit fails. And even more distressingly, Kiba-san seems to be off too. I don't know if he's refusing my calls out of sheer stubbornness, but I have a gut feeling he is going to something horribly stupid. He seems all too eager to make his words about a civil war a self-fulfilling prophecy through his own actions."

The Commander-General sighs, and lowers the teacup, the elder's hand trembling slightly. "At this rate, we're going to lose this war before it has properly begun. What have I done wrong, Shigure? I did not teach them to be this short-sighted, this stubborn, this... discordant. Why does it seem like all I did in the Academy was for naught? Have I really failed this badly as a teacher?"

2013-06-19, 03:10 PM
Shigure frowns and pulls out another cigarette, he was pretty certain he was going to need it. "What can you do Honored Grandmother. You inherited a war we didn't see coming. Maybe that was our fault, growing soft. Maybe we should have expanded into the White Sands. There's enough maybes to fill an ocean and have more waiting." he sighs, shrugging gently. "For every two of your men who seek death...you have a Division who will await your word. There will always be those on the fringe who think they know what's best. It weakens us to lose the strength of Captain Level Shinigami but it only makes us stronger to weed out those who refuse to stand together in times of stress."

He pulls a cup towards himself, gazing into it for a minute. "I'm not one to really pass judgement on them. Kiba has always been a wild card, swaggering about as if he and his Division were the only ones to do the work. Ignoring the rest of Soul Society around him. He's young...he'll learn or he'll die. We can only be here when he returns wounded or...find someone else to lead The Pack should he die. This Sho...attacked you without hesitation with the clear intention of killing you. If I may say so Honored Grandmother...you were foolish to accept in such times. She's less a wild card and more a force of destruction, it would have been my advisement that if she only wanted to kill and die then we should have sent her to the White Sands and give her what she wants. For the younger Yasunobu...the S.S.I have always held to strange customs and designs. Who is to say the moment he was placed within their ranks the senior Yasunobu did not start his own training more in line with their thinking? Twisted and broken down and rebuilt to align with their sentiment. As much a monster as Sho...perhaps worse.

These three are indicative of our peacetime sentiment. We have worked long to unify our Divisions after the Unification to the point where the Gotei Six was a misrepresentation of how things truly were. The S.S.I. The Pack. Our own Division. We all became separate organizations who only had to work with the others in the most trying of circumstances. When disaster struck...we were all to stubborn to place our newly created autonomy aside to work together and we are paying the price. The Hollows have the benefit that they can create an organization from the ground up. We could do the same. We could tear the Gotei down and rebuild it. We can place Captains in charge based on intelligence and the ability to lead over physical strength or their Zanpakuto. But this would certainly lead to civil war as well. The only thing I can think that will help this along is time. Time we don't have perhaps but...that's what it comes down to I think. I know asking now is silly but permission to speak freely? If you falter now Honored Grandmother, if you show signs that you doubt your own men we may as well just surrender now. We must use what made us strong and gave us the power to defeat the Hollows fifty years ago and beyond. Our love. Our dedication to one another. Our ability to forgive the wounds we've caused one another. Who better than the woman who molded the Medical Division into what it is today...than to build a foundation of harmony and to soothe these scars that run so deep? You were picked not because you were strong. You were picked because you're the only one who can bring us back on course. My blade has always been yours Captain. I await your Command."

2013-06-19, 03:43 PM
"... it doesn't matter what I think if I can't make them agree with me", Li mutters, leaning Li's forehead to Li's free hand. Then, the elder straightens. "Thank you, Shigure, for your kind words. It's nice to know you believe in me still. I'm really sorry for overworking you these past unfortunate weeks. From now on, you can pick those duties where you feel you'll best make a difference."

Li finishes the tea, puts aside the dishes and then stands up, reaching a hand towards the corner of the office. From the shadows, Hei Lin in its sheath rises to stand on its tip, then flies into the Commander's hand. "I think I'm going to find that Hei Chen now. I can't stress how glad I am for you to have come here."

"Oh, and if you see Lucita, tell her to prepare a new prosthetic for me. Made of wood. Thank you."

2013-06-19, 03:53 PM
"Hit 'em on the wrists. I know that makes me listen." Shigure offers with a smile as he stands with a bow. "I'll make sure she gets the message. I'll sit on my butt for a few more days. I suspect I'll be needed to heal real soon. Good luck Commander Captain Li." He gives another bow before slipping out of the room after the Captain before disappearing out into Soul Society. He sends off a Hell Butterfly to Lucita commission the prosthetic.

2013-06-19, 03:55 PM
[Soul Society - Duel of EPIC FATE]

Masaru smiles as Koutarou connects with his attack. He checked his watch; they were at almost exactly 4 minutes. This should be the finishing blow, but the strange young woman seemed unusually resilient, if her not-quite-healed marks from her surgery are any testament.

If nothing else, he didn't trust her for a second to keep her word about anything. He did trust Koutarou, though.

That's why his left hand just rested on his sword scabbard, instead of having pulled out the blades and released his Shikai already.

Even if this Sho pulled a "win" from nowhere, she wouldn't make it far enough, not in time.

Can't just run away from your own shadow, after all.

2013-06-19, 05:22 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
That "Night"

Jehoel rolls his eyes at Kiba's response, although he continues to block his attacks.

"Honestly. I try for a little banter, but you don't even know what caitiff means, do you? There you go, denying me one of my few pleasures. Still, your response was oddly appropriate, considering. A caitiff, after all, does survive."

Jehoel folds his arms in front of his chest, and begins to simply dodge Kiba's strikes, using a minimum of movement to just barely avoid them. At no point does he seem to exert any effort whatsoever; he shows no signs of tiring, and he is able to speak without impairment. If anything, he seems to be getting faster and stronger just as Kiba is.

"You know what you remind me of? A beast. I'm sure this isn't the first time the comparison has been made. Let me guess...a wolf. I would imagine that this is what you have been compared to in the past."

As Kiba's attacks speed up, Jehoel matches him, eventually starting to block attacks again, first using only one arm, then two. Occasionally, rather than blocking an attack he makes another of his minimalistic dodges, but this seems more out of a desire for variety than necessity.

"Anyone who thought that is wrong. You are a dog. More specifically, a whelp. A young pup who has no idea of how very, very small it is. You bark and yap and threaten me, a being well beyond you, because you cannot comprehend the gap that exists between you and I. You think yourself a mighty warrior, but your bite has no strength. You can't even use your Zanpakuto. Pathetic."

Jehoel catches one of Kiba's punches in a vice-like grip.

"Regardless, I tire of this." (http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/20171)

Suddenly exerting bone crushing force on the caught hand, Jehoel lashes forward with an open-palmed strike designed to shatter Kiba's collar bone. disappearing in a blur of Sonído, Jehoel appears behind and to the side of Kiba, launching a pair lightning fast punches aimed at breaking his opponent's ribs. Then, he blurs upwards, appearing in the air above with his arms crossed in front of his chest, dripping water.

"Bala Agua."

Snapping his arms out, Jehoel hurls a wide spread of water droplets at Kiba and the area all around him, each moving with the speed and power of a bullet.

2013-06-19, 06:31 PM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

His attack was solid and had her defense been as he envisioned she might have lost the arms, but the defense was in the fingers not the forearms.

Catching the hammer head with her finger tips, she moved to slow it rather then deflect it as she initially intended. The force was still powerful given there positions and a cloud of dust flashed up around them blocking out sight.

Her chest was hit once by the hammer and then by the foot, and the bruise would last, but she was standing even as her fingers bleed.

Anger flashed through her as he hands moved in a Hado pattern but she caught herself in time.

If she could not win within the rules, than allowing a host of other Zanpakuto's to be released might be troublesome ... she perhaps should have fought inside. Similarly she was tired now so even if she could win within the rules she she would only be brought down by others.

As the dust cleared her movements ended in her right fist to her left palm, and the barest hint of a nod from her head.


She remembered numerous woman with larval forms growing within them, she had kept expecting the larva to tear itself out when the host died, but it always died, even when she cut the female corpse open to make sure it was not simple hiding it's power. Karia enjoyed that experiment.

She remembered a man whipping an animal bloody and laughing until she took a knife too his throat and watched him die, the animal had found her food constantly - Karia hated it. It was her first rebellion against the knife to not kill it, but she could not keep it either - the reliance weakened her.

She remembered some teenagers when she was smaller than them throwing rocks at her even as there parents were running, the entire town burned.

Images flashed through her mind at speed as to what the man might consider a crime, was it the library?, that had seemed to annoy them a bit.

Then she finally understood, her crime was not being strong enough - and he was advocating a strength gaining exercise against his chosen enemies. And while she was now dubious about the idea of outer power over inner power she understood the concept intimately.

"I yield, and have counted my crime and understand your solution", in her eyes as the dust cleared he could see that she was looking at him more like a jackal might look at a lamb then before - he had proven himself worthy of consideration.

"I understand that the Medical Division wish me to rest, heal and report in as such I believe that may be a prudent course of action", tilting her head to see if he agreed.

[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)


She took the news of her further pseudo-promotion with not a word, because she could not quite grasp the message for a few seconds - from slacking off to running the division in less than a day.

Relaying the praise to Yoshiro via messenger, and constructing the specifications for the leg to the logistic head - 7th seat officer.
The specification without direct request for something special were to have have the leg as sturdy as possible but with compartments within for storage in case of emergency, to allow them to remain sealed it was reiatsu usage to open rather than to close - the captain commander might have more requirements but at short notice this was it.

That done she moved back to the combat division to hopefully speak with Vice-Captain Kiba, the situation was becoming more volatile and she needed to ensure that there divisions could work together well.

2013-06-19, 07:33 PM
[Soul Society]
(Outside Phoenix Temple)

Chouko is mostly passive throughout the fight. When Sho announces her surrender, however, she shifts one of her crossed arms out and makes complex, fast-paced motions with her hands to Masaru.

KnightDisciple Only:
"She surrendered. Ain't what you bet on."

...It's likely she doesn't count on that flying, but hey, worth a try.

She also sends a text to update Hideki, but obviously doesn't tell him to stand down just yet.

2013-06-19, 09:35 PM
Soul Society - Duel of EPIC FATE

"That is, for now, acceptable.

In order to prevent further shenanigans such as these, you will be restrained to your hospital bed until further notice, and a limiter placed on you.

I will personally be heading the committee responsible for your evaluation. You should expect, at the very least, a leash.

But I can assure you won't be put down like a rabid dog. That would be a waste, after all."

Still not resealing, he signaled to allow for other Shinigami to enter the ring in order to restrain Sho.

"I recommend layered Bakudou, and Sekkiseki cuffs if you have them. This is a dangerous individual you're dealing with."

Assuming Sho complied, he turned his back towards her and moved to the other officers that watched from the entrance.

"Masaru, come with me. I want to find out which of the books she was looking at."

2013-06-19, 09:46 PM
Soul Society
Outside the Phoenix Temple
Well, strictly speaking, way, way far from it.

Hideki doesn't really need an update, he can see and hear pretty clearly through the security system.

He does open the videocall with Chouko again.

"Takenaka, tell Hiraku and Ishinomori that I can review the security footage for the library and check which books conspicuously vanish from their shelves while Sabitsura was inside, if they don't want to go about it the slow and pointless way."

2013-06-20, 12:10 AM
[Soul Society]
(Outside Phoenix Temple)

Chouko lets the nameless NPC binders dismantle the barrier after seeing to Sho's binding and neutralizing.

"Yo, my buddy Koutetsu can check out what's up on the playback machine, no need to waste an opportunity for a victory dance." Chouko gives a thumbs-up to Koutarou, as if suggesting this very thing. "You know you want to."

2013-06-20, 01:43 AM
Soul Society - Aftermath of DUEL OF EPIC FATE

"Please tell him to let me know which books she handled. It's kinda in poor form to dance after a duel when your opponent has yielded, anyway." Kamen Rider noted as he proceeded to walk inside.

If Masaru follows, he'll see Koutarou slump to one knee as he dismisses his Shikai once he's well inside the library hall. His breathing is somewhat labored and he sports a large bruise on his forehead.

"I think she may well have given me a bloody concussion.", he mumbles as the tension of the battle leaves his body. "Might've cracked my ribs, too. Damnable waste. If she weren't so self-centered, she could go further than this. I guess it's up to me to educate her from the ground up."

2013-06-20, 03:14 AM
Hueco Mundo
Later That Night

Randii chuckles a little. Yeah, I think that big boom attack took the Shinigami out. Kind of a kamikaze thing. Which doesn't make any sense to me, but, whatever.

As for Azmus, I think he's still alive. Pretty sure he is. Just out cold.

At the mention of a new fight, Randii takes a moment to use her own Pesquisa. Huh. He is fighting somebody. She shrugs. Whatever. Ain't his fault if stupid Shinigami keep showing up.

Randii takes the parchment and reads through it, her bright blue eyes darting back and forth. When she finishes, she hands it back with a nod. Looking good so far. Don't think this'll give us an army for that week deadline, though.

Tinja nods at the report on the Shinigami suicide and Azmus' condition. That sounded about right. When Randii mentions the deadline, however, she rolls her eyes, something she finds is becoming more and more common where Jehoel intrudes on her life. "A real army, in a week? A fully functioning, disciplined, reliable force which can be trusted to follow orders, in seven days? I'm good, but no one is THAT good. The only way I could even conceive of that is to send our force to an alternate world where time flows at a different rate.


Well, that IS an idea, but the chances of a reasonably powerful foe once there seem slim. They'd have to fight each other, which, while great for building up their power, seems a bit of a waste of troops, if you ask me.

Jehoel can scare up enough Hollows to handle the first few weeks. Or we give the Shinigami a transition period. In either case, troops will not be ready for at least a month, and I think even that is rather pushing it."

2013-06-20, 06:34 AM
Soul Society - Duel of EPIC FATE

"That is, for now, acceptable.

In order to prevent further shenanigans such as these, you will be restrained to your hospital bed until further notice, and a limiter placed on you.

I will personally be heading the committee responsible for your evaluation. You should expect, at the very least, a leash.

But I can assure you won't be put down like a rabid dog. That would be a waste, after all."

Still not resealing, he signaled to allow for other Shinigami to enter the ring in order to restrain Sho.

"I recommend layered Bakudou, and Sekkiseki cuffs if you have them. This is a dangerous individual you're dealing with."

Assuming Sho complied, he turned his back towards her and moved to the other officers that watched from the entrance.

"Masaru, come with me. I want to find out which of the books she was looking at."

"I don't think we have any Sekkiseki cuffs sitting around the SSI unless someone has been running experiments on them. So I guess I'll make sure she gets to the Hospital securely, we wouldn't want all this effort to go to waste after all. Once we're there maybe med and log will have some cuffs their more troublesome patients and if they don't IS can always meet us at the hospital with a pair."

Releasing his Shikai, Castus recites the full incantation for Sajo Sabaku and once he's finished Sho finds her arms pinned against her sides by a strong set of chains. Once he's sure the Bakudo was properly settled Castus nods to the members of the SSI who had been holding the barrier up during the fight to signal for them to add extra layers on top of it.

Shortly afterwards Sho finds that each leg has been snared by two Horin ropes held with just enough slack to allow her to move and one more around her neck held from behind by Castus himself who had his sword at the ready if Sho tried anything.

The rest of the barrier squad formed up around the prisoner to ensure safe transport to the nearest hospital.

Everybody happy with this? As always I've got no problem with editing if someone dislikes something about it.

2013-06-20, 09:46 AM
[Soul Society]
(The Phoenix Temple)

Sabitsura Sho

She acquiesced to the demands without complaint studying the mans release and the Kido for energy flow and countering, it was good to be allowed some practical study. Li had shown her the utility of it, and the books confirmed more theory, now a practical application of binding was almost a bonus to her research. Odd that they had initially objected to her purely based on academic pursuits that they would now provide such examples, but it was what she had learned these people behaved like.

[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)


She was just leaving when a group from the SSI arrived with Sho in hand - great she thought wearily. "I don't suppose that IS ever appeared to apprehend her. And given that she is in captivity and not dead of severely broken she came back willingly without a body count?" that was at least good news.

"What happened", her voice tired, all she wanted to do was speak to Kiba about cohesion between squads given that the hospitals might be full soon enough - but this was something that could not wait she supposed.

2013-06-20, 10:29 AM
Soul Society

Hideki scans through the security footage, and sends Chouko the names of the books that suddenly vanish out of their shelves as they are picked up by the invisible Sho.

Draken obviously doesn't know what these books are.

2013-06-20, 01:52 PM
[Soul Society]
[lost in the chaos]

Having brought Setsurou to where he wanted to go, and seeing his reception by Li and the other captains, some of the tension leaves Igarashi. He heads back to look for his friend Hei. Knowing Hei, he's probably managed to find doughnuts somewhere, and much as he hated to admit it, those baked flour circles were pretty good.

He'd gotten the message about the fight between Sho and Hideki, but had only arrived in time to see Sho being walked off. While he could have applied better Bakudos himself, the layered Bakudos already applied should be more than enough to restrain a single student, or even a vice-captain. Even Kiba would have trouble forcing himself out of those. Satisfied, he resumed his search for Hei.

2013-06-20, 02:05 PM
[Soul Society]
Near the libraries

Igarashi doesn't get to search for more than 20 minutes or so, before a raspy voice, accompanied by clanking of a bamboo cane against the pavement, calls out to him.

"Naganori Igarashi. Former member of the SSI. If I've understood correctly, you are one of the returnees from the living realm", Zheng Li Lin. "From Yasunobu Sawada's memo, I gathered you are Hei Chen's right hand man. Unfortunately, according to SSI Senkaimon surveillance, your superior is off to Amsterdam, for some unfathomable reason, so you'll have to stand in for him."

"I hope you have 30 minutes of spare time."

2013-06-20, 08:07 PM
Hueco Mundo
Later That Night

Randii holds up a hand in a slightly defensive manner. Hey, just pointing something out. I don't really care how long it takes.

Although...We gonna do some recruiting for the week thing? Or are we just gonna take any volunteers the day of?

Viera Champion
2013-06-20, 08:47 PM
[Soul Society]
Headquarters - Commander-General's office, Captains' meeting

Li gives Setsurou a freezing glance. The elder does not appreciate sarcasm in a formal meeting. Even if Li is going to engage in it personally.

"Certainly, let us send remnants of our leadership and strongest troops deep into enemy environment and hope they won't be ambushed", Li says, turning back to Kiba. Li then stomps the ground with the bamboo crane. "Are you out of your mind? I've been a Commander for less than two hours, and I already had one of my Captains desert. Right now, he is either telling the enemy everything he knows, or committing assisted suicide! Do you want to be the second one? For all your criticism of Yasunobu Sawada, you seem strangely eager to walk the same path as him."

Li sighs and returns to Li's seat. "It seems we can't achieve agreement at this time. This was to be expected. We need more knowledge on our enemies."

"Hishikawa Setsurou", Li turns to adress the returned exile, "you will be my representative on a diplomatic mission to this Hollow city. Tsukino Hikaru", Li turns to the Reconnassaince Captain in turn, "I can't let you leave Seiretei. I need you here, directing your troops. I do accept of sending Arianna Junrin to accompany Hishikawa-san, however. I expect Junrin-fukutaichou and Hishikawa-san to depart within two days, and return within four so we'll have time to consider their information. Tsukino-taichou, you will be responsible for equipping and instruct them on this mission. They are to meet the Hollow leadership and gather as much data on their city as possible."

"Myself, I will make an announcement in my new role as a Commander-General. I expect it to not be to everyone's liking, but there's something I need you to do regarding it." Li turns to glare at Kiba. "No matter how strongly you will disagree with it, you will not openly question or criticize it. If we want to put up a strong front, we need to first put up an unified front. Disagreement between Captains is fine in a meeting like this. It is not fine if it spills out to our troops, like what has happened during the past week between Internal Security, the Combat Division, and SSI. I need you to support me on whatever I will say. Otherwise, our organization will collapse like a house of cards in the wind."

Li returns to joylessly shuffling various papers and reports on the table. "The next meeting will be held over phone. There are so few of us, it's useless to keep conducting meetings like this. Keep your Reiphones with you and on at all times. Tsukino-taichou can provide tech support if you need it."

"You are all dismissed."

Hikaru departs the meeting, and the second she does, she will shunpo away all the way to the other side of Seireitei, wait a good twenty minutes, and then shunpo again pinpointing quickly toward Setsurou's location with no hint of stopping.


On the other hand, Wa-Den Eri is returning hastily to Internal Security headquarters. Hopefully, someone will fill him in on the current situation.

2013-06-21, 02:33 AM
[Soul Society]
Near the libraries

Igarashi doesn't get to search for more than 20 minutes or so, before a raspy voice, accompanied by clanking of a bamboo cane against the pavement, calls out to him.

"Naganori Igarashi. Former member of the SSI. If I've understood correctly, you are one of the returnees from the living realm", Zheng Li Lin. "From Yasunobu Sawada's memo, I gathered you are Hei Chen's right hand man. Unfortunately, according to SSI Senkaimon surveillance, your superior is off to Amsterdam, for some unfathomable reason, so you'll have to stand in for him."

"I hope you have 30 minutes of spare time."

Igarashi stops walking, and takes a minute to mentally bash himself in the face repeatedly with a spiked club. He makes a mental note to bind Hei in as many Bakudos as he knows the next time they see each other, to assure himself that Hei will NOT go gallivanting off again. Amsterdam?? Even knowing Hei's odd habits, the donuts were better in New York, and the plushies best in Japan. What was he doing in AMSTERDAM? He takes a deep breath to center himself, but when he turns to face the mysterious cane-wielding speaker, his face is smooth and expressionless, showing none of the inner turmoil of thoughts whirling through his mind.

"Of course, Li-Taichou. What did you wish to discuss?" he says calmly.

Hueco Mundo
Later That Night

Randii holds up a hand in a slightly defensive manner. Hey, just pointing something out. I don't really care how long it takes.

Although...We gonna do some recruiting for the week thing? Or are we just gonna take any volunteers the day of?

Tinja nods distractedly. "Yeah, I know. Recruiting for the first week is Jehoel's problem, though I'm sure he'd appreciate it if you tackled it instead. His idea, his problem. Personally I think he should just let the Shinigami handle it another couple of weeks, but hey.

Tinja pauses, and holds up a finger. Chewing on the end of her quill for a moment, she spins and scrawls in a quick sentence, then spins the chair back. She yawns and stretches, then winces as the pain kicks in, but there is a smile on her face.

Though concerning the army, you might want to care. I was going to put you in charge of the Seventh Flota."

Tinja's sharpened canines are clearly visible as she grins widely at her Fraccion.

2013-06-21, 06:11 AM
[Soul Society]
Near the libraries

If Li had to guess, Hei Chen probably went there to benefit from laxer laws concerning certain psychoactive plants - that is, to 'get high smokin' some weed, yo'.

"Well, first I wanted to confirm that you will be overtaking Yasunobu-san's new construction project, correct? They will be the new Division grounds for your 'Ministry of Defense'." Igarashi might not have seen Zheng Li Lin too many times in the past, but it's rather obvious the new Commander has seen better days. Li's hands are covered by silk gloves, lips of the elder are mildly burned, and one eye is still bloodshot as if recovering from infection.

"Yasunobu Sawada has sadly left for a mission to Hueco Mundo, so he won't be able to direct this project anymore. As such, it's useless for you to keep reporting to the SSI. From this point on, you and your men are considered a separate entity, and you and Hei Chen, as Captain and Lieutenant of this Ministry, answer directly to me."

"I would like you to take a headcount of your troops later today and send it as a report to me, with names and ranks and all. Yasunobu-san did leave his version, but I'd like a comparison point so I can check if it's still accurate." The word Li is thinking is 'truthful' instead of 'accurate', but Igarashi doesn't need to know that. After Sawada's stunt, the Commander is hardly going to trust him to not have placed some trick within this iniative as well.

2013-06-21, 08:53 AM
Hikaru departs the meeting, and the second she does, she will shunpo away all the way to the other side of Seireitei, wait a good twenty minutes, and then shunpo again pinpointing quickly toward Setsurou's location with no hint of stopping.


On the other hand, Wa-Den Eri is returning hastily to Internal Security headquarters. Hopefully, someone will fill him in on the current situation.

Elsewhere in Seireitei


Setsurou feels the urge to look up. He sees a quickly approaching dot.

"...is it a bird? A plane? Wait, there are no planes in--"

And then he promptly gets snatched up by Hikaru like a mouse by a bird of prey, only to be released at an undisclosed location with his ear hurting like a million centipede bites and his eyes a-swirly.

"...no mommy, I don't wanna go to school today..."

He shakes his head momentarily to clear his confusion, and then looks back to Hikaru.

"...Tsukino-san? What..."

He notices what a secluded spot they're in, and suddenly blushes bright red and squirms in place, knees rubbing against each other.

"...no, no! BAD Tsukino-san! That is so not how you ask someone on a date at all! You gotta have a little love, a little romance...!"

2013-06-21, 12:44 PM
[Soul Society]
(Outside Phoenix Temple)

Chouko forwards the as-of-yet unmentioned books to Koutarou, yawning boredly. As that plot hole is closed up, the cyborg girl picks the conversation with Hideki back up.

"So, yo, Koutetsu. What say we talk more about this new club of ours over drinks? You're buyin', right?" She grins ear-to-ear.

2013-06-21, 01:15 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)


She was just leaving when a group from the SSI arrived with Sho in hand - great she thought wearily. "I don't suppose that IS ever appeared to apprehend her. And given that she is in captivity and not dead of severely broken she came back willingly without a body count?" that was at least good news.

"What happened", her voice tired, all she wanted to do was speak to Kiba about cohesion between squads given that the hospitals might be full soon enough - but this was something that could not wait she supposed.

Castus ends up looking slightly surprised at the fact that Med and Log was apparently looking for the girl as well.

"Nah IS didn't show up, a couple of pack division members and Koutarou from HQ ended up showing up though when the alarm when off at one of the SSI libraries.

Apparently she had taken it upon herself to broaden her horizons and was looking though the books. Anyway once everyone had shown up we went in for a look about and she tried to slip past us, unfortunately for her she ended up getting stuck between two barriers.

So after that she challenged Koutarou to a duel where she got slapped around for abit before surrendering and that brings us up to the present.

Since your lot were looking for her i take it you have some SekiSeki cuffs ready for her then. Unless you want to keep her leashed of course."

2013-06-21, 03:31 PM
[Soul Society]
(Outside Phoenix Temple)

Chouko is mostly passive throughout the fight. When Sho announces her surrender, however, she shifts one of her crossed arms out and makes complex, fast-paced motions with her hands to Masaru.

KnightDisciple Only:
"She surrendered. Ain't what you bet on."

...It's likely she doesn't count on that flying, but hey, worth a try.

She also sends a text to update Hideki, but obviously doesn't tell him to stand down just yet.
Masaru sighs and shakes his head, before giving her a weak thumb's up.

If there's one think Chouko can count on Masaru being, it's a stickler for his word, including bets.

Soul Society - Aftermath of DUEL OF EPIC FATE

"Please tell him to let me know which books she handled. It's kinda in poor form to dance after a duel when your opponent has yielded, anyway." Kamen Rider noted as he proceeded to walk inside.

If Masaru follows, he'll see Koutarou slump to one knee as he dismisses his Shikai once he's well inside the library hall. His breathing is somewhat labored and he sports a large bruise on his forehead.

"I think she may well have given me a bloody concussion.", he mumbles as the tension of the battle leaves his body. "Might've cracked my ribs, too. Damnable waste. If she weren't so self-centered, she could go further than this. I guess it's up to me to educate her from the ground up."
Masaru nods as the info on the appropriated books is passed on, before moving into the library with Koutarou.
When Koutarou slumps, Masaru will help ease him to his knees. There is a frown on his face.

"Self-centered? Respectfully sir, she's insane. Just watching her eyes, the way she carries herself...She has literally no regard for anyone or anything.

Her only "use" for us is as an attack dog pointed at the enemy. She will never be a proper member of the Gotei. If someone tries to make her so, it will be the day I'm no longer ready to be part of this organization.

Incidentally, why did you go with Blind Guardian instead of Rider or Sabbath? Either would have better worked against her obvious strengths of speed and precision. Though I'm curious how she seemingly magically blunted your Railgun attack, even with you slowing it down. Might be worth someone trying to study..."

2013-06-21, 05:31 PM
[Soul Society]
Near the libraries

If Li had to guess, Hei Chen probably went there to benefit from laxer laws concerning certain psychoactive plants - that is, to 'get high smokin' some weed, yo'.

"Well, first I wanted to confirm that you will be overtaking Yasunobu-san's new construction project, correct? They will be the new Division grounds for your 'Ministry of Defense'." Igarashi might not have seen Zheng Li Lin too many times in the past, but it's rather obvious the new Commander has seen better days. Li's hands are covered by silk gloves, lips of the elder are mildly burned, and one eye is still bloodshot as if recovering from infection.

"Yasunobu Sawada has sadly left for a mission to Hueco Mundo, so he won't be able to direct this project anymore. As such, it's useless for you to keep reporting to the SSI. From this point on, you and your men are considered a separate entity, and you and Hei Chen, as Captain and Lieutenant of this Ministry, answer directly to me."

"I would like you to take a headcount of your troops later today and send it as a report to me, with names and ranks and all. Yasunobu-san did leave his version, but I'd like a comparison point so I can check if it's still accurate." The word Li is thinking is 'truthful' instead of 'accurate', but Igarashi doesn't need to know that. After Sawada's stunt, the Commander is hardly going to trust him to not have placed some trick within this iniative as well.

Igarashi frowns at Li's injuries before responding. "The Ninth will take over the construction of the White Tiger Temple, yes, assuming that was what you were referring to."

He nods acquiescence to Li's assertion as well as her request for a headcount. "Expect the write-up by this evening. Ranks might be difficult as we were just founded yesterday and haven't as of yet had time to assign seats, but it should also be done by tonight."

He pauses. "You seem unwell. Do you require assistance?"

2013-06-21, 05:55 PM
[Soul Society]
(Outside Phoenix Temple)

Masaru sighs and shakes his head, before giving her a weak thumb's up.

If there's one think Chouko can count on Masaru being, it's a stickler for his word, including bets.

Masaru nods as the info on the appropriated books is passed on, before moving into the library with Koutarou.
When Koutarou slumps, Masaru will help ease him to his knees. There is a frown on his face.

"Self-centered? Respectfully sir, she's insane. Just watching her eyes, the way she carries herself...She has literally no regard for anyone or anything.

Her only "use" for us is as an attack dog pointed at the enemy. She will never be a proper member of the Gotei. If someone tries to make her so, it will be the day I'm no longer ready to be part of this organization.

Incidentally, why did you go with Blind Guardian instead of Rider or Sabbath? Either would have better worked against her obvious strengths of speed and precision. Though I'm curious how she seemingly magically blunted your Railgun attack, even with you slowing it down. Might be worth someone trying to study..."

Koutarou seemed impressed at Masaru's assessment. He had no idea the Pack member knew so much of his strengths.
"Psychological effect. When it comes to a fighter like her, in the position she was in, you can't expect a break. She would've just kept going and going the second she got a hit in - her advantage lied in her shorter range being harder to counter once she got going.

Besides, neither of my finishers in Rider or Sabbath are things I can hold back. And Railgun has the advantage of locking the enemy to the ground while I execute it.

As for how she did it, I am guessing she used her Reiatsu to cushion the blow. That's the only reason she would have used her fingertips rather than attempt to veer the blow off by striking the handle or the side of the hammerhead.

She may well only be useful as an attack dog, Masaru-kun, but a leash alone will not make her an efficient one. With her, it's about submission and recognition. She will need to get it through her damn skull that she favors no one, even herself, by behaving the way she does. Even a dog needs a reason to bare its teeth."

Viera Champion
2013-06-21, 08:27 PM
Elsewhere in Seireitei


Setsurou feels the urge to look up. He sees a quickly approaching dot.

"...is it a bird? A plane? Wait, there are no planes in--"

And then he promptly gets snatched up by Hikaru like a mouse by a bird of prey, only to be released at an undisclosed location with his ear hurting like a million centipede bites and his eyes a-swirly.

"...no mommy, I don't wanna go to school today..."

He shakes his head momentarily to clear his confusion, and then looks back to Hikaru.

"...Tsukino-san? What..."

He notices what a secluded spot they're in, and suddenly blushes bright red and squirms in place, knees rubbing against each other.

"...no, no! BAD Tsukino-san! That is so not how you ask someone on a date at all! You gotta have a little love, a little romance...!"

As they slow to a halt and Setsurou finds time to make his usual remarks, Hikaru takes a seat in an already prepared chair. She ignores the things he says and continues on with her own thoughts. Hardly seeming like she's even talking to him.
"Do you enjoy making me look like an idiot?"

2013-06-21, 08:33 PM
A bit... unexpected, that was.

He didn't realize Hikaru could act so calm when she was angry.

"When have I done that? I had it on good authority I was the idiot here."

2013-06-21, 08:43 PM
[Soul Society]
(Outside Phoenix Temple)

Chouko forwards the as-of-yet unmentioned books to Koutarou, yawning boredly. As that plot hole is closed up, the cyborg girl picks the conversation with Hideki back up.

"So, yo, Koutetsu. What say we talk more about this new club of ours over drinks? You're buyin', right?" She grins ear-to-ear.

Soul Society

"Sure. It is the sacred duty of the nobility of Seireitei to keep the unwashed masses happy and drunk. Just see who else you can grab for the division."

Freaking, faceless, facetious, f...

2013-06-21, 10:10 PM
Hueco Mundo
Later That Night

At Tinja's suggestion, Randii falls silent for a moment. Odd that she didn't have some kind of quick reply to that. Seems Tinja caught her off guard.

Finally, she tilts her head a little. Really? Me leading a Flota? That's...unexpected...

2013-06-22, 12:30 AM
Sato looks up from his tea. "Come in. I arranged for you to be first because I have heard rumors among the students that you are close to achieving Shikai, if you have not already. If this is true, you could very well end up in a command position very soon. Tell me, what do you consider to be your strengths?"

((bumping, in case of last post curse))

2013-06-22, 12:45 AM
[Soul Society]
(Outside Phoenix Temple)

Koutarou seemed impressed at Masaru's assessment. He had no idea the Pack member knew so much of his strengths.
"Psychological effect. When it comes to a fighter like her, in the position she was in, you can't expect a break. She would've just kept going and going the second she got a hit in - her advantage lied in her shorter range being harder to counter once she got going.

Besides, neither of my finishers in Rider or Sabbath are things I can hold back. And Railgun has the advantage of locking the enemy to the ground while I execute it.

As for how she did it, I am guessing she used her Reiatsu to cushion the blow. That's the only reason she would have used her fingertips rather than attempt to veer the blow off by striking the handle or the side of the hammerhead.

She may well only be useful as an attack dog, Masaru-kun, but a leash alone will not make her an efficient one. With her, it's about submission and recognition. She will need to get it through her damn skull that she favors no one, even herself, by behaving the way she does. Even a dog needs a reason to bare its teeth."
Masaru grunted...then nodded.

"That makes sense, Vice-Captain. Though I worry about whether we can really get the right ideas into her skull..."

He sighed and offered the other man his hand.

"Let's go double-check those books."

2013-06-22, 01:06 AM
Soul Society - Library

"Thanks." Koutarou took the offered hand.

"Talk about a splitting headache." The Vice-Captain noted with a frown. "If it weren't for the Guardian's helmet she could have fractured my damn skull."

With that said, he set about looking for said books.

2013-06-22, 01:49 PM
Hueco Mundo
[That Night]

Hueco Mundo
Later That Night

At Tinja's suggestion, Randii falls silent for a moment. Odd that she didn't have some kind of quick reply to that. Seems Tinja caught her off guard.

Finally, she tilts her head a little. Really? Me leading a Flota? That's...unexpected...

Well, actually, you'd, in practice, be the vice-commander for the entire army, but you know, figured we'd start small.

Tinja is clearly enjoying the normally unflappable Randii's surprise. It wasn't often that Randii didn't have a ready retort, as many had found to their chagrin. As such, Tinja enjoys those moments when she can spring something on her Fraccion. Times like these.

"On the desk over there, you'll find a prototype commander's outfit. The black one with the gold seven emblazoned on the shoulder. Of course, you can modify that if you wish,"

Here Tinja shrugs. "...it was just an initial thought.

The post is also voluntary, of course. You dont have to take it, but just think -- if you don't join, you'll be missing out on all the spiffy free uniforms. "

2013-06-22, 04:47 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
(Outside Las Noches)

“Regardless, I tire of this.”

Jehoel’s hand closes on Kiba’s fist, and the shinigami grimaces in pain and grits his teeth as the bones crack and crumple.

(A long time ago in one of the outer districts of Rukongai)

The young boy is tossed to the ground easily by the older thugs, the girl in their arms, bound and gagged, squirming to get loose. “And stay down ya little freak!” The boy’s wolf ears twitch as he does the exact opposite: he gets right back up and attacks again, only for the thug’s leader to grab the boy by the fist and squeeze hard enough to break it. The boy screams in pain, accompanied by the sickening crack of the bones in his hand. “Didn’t ya hear me the first time? Or are those lil freak ears just for show?” The boy starts swinging his legs and free arm in a desperate attempt to do something, but the thugs just laugh. “Brat, we’re the baddest gang in Rukon. Even if you were all grown up we’d kick your dog-boy ass. You ain’t got a chance against us.”

Jehoel's open palm smashes into Kiba's collar bone, the Shinigami either not attempting to block or not having any time to block. Kiba can feel the force rippling through his flesh, muscle, and bone like a cannon to the chest.

The hollow plunges its teeth into the unprotected neck of the wolf-boy, slamming him against the iron bars, rattling the cage while the mildly amused noble sat outside, watching the spectacle. The boy should have been dead. But somehow he fights on against a monster several times his size. The hollow must have just missed the jugular. The noble watched passively and sipped from a small glass of red liquid as the carnage in the cage continued. The boy somehow managed to climb onto the small of the hollow’s back, just outside of its reach, and plunge his arms into the hollow’s necrotic flesh, and starting to tear it apart piece by piece. It could not truly be killed without a Zanpakuto, but that did not stop the boy from leaving it in a bloody mess on the floor. Satisfied with the lack of movement from the hollow, the boy turned to the noble, grabbing onto the bars in a vain attempt to shake them loose. “LET ME OUT!” The noble quietly sipped from his goblet before replying. “As a reward for the entertainment you’ve provided, I will, this one time, address you directly. You are now my property. You will either fight for my amusement, or die for my amusement. If you do not resist and your actions please me, you will at least live the rest of your pathetic life in as much luxury as a dog like you could expect. Certainly better than what you’re used to in Rukon. If you resist, when you’re not entertaining me or my guests you can share your quarters in the dungeon with the rest of the hollows.” “YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME! LET ME OUT!” “I can do anything I want. I am a member of a noble house, and an officer of the Gotei. My word may as well be law when it comes to you pathetic peasants from Rukon. You’re nothing more than a wild beast.”

Kiba gets attacked from all sides with a flurry of strikes, seemingly defenseless as Jehoel pummels him.

The feral beast gets knocked to the back of the cage again. These opponents are different from the hollows it usually has to kill. For one there are many of them, for another they are equipped and clothed. “This one fights like a hollow, but it looks like a person.” “No, it doesn't fight like a hollow, it fights like a beast.” “Appropriate considering those weird ears.” “I dunno, it still feels weird putting him down with the rest of the hollows.” “Hey dog-boy, can you understand any of this?” The men in black cloaks made strange noises that confused the beast. The beast did not like being confused. It lunged towards the nearest opponent, taking it by surprise as its claws and teeth went for the exposed throat. Only for one of the others to strike it in the back of the head with the flat of its blade. “Wow this thing's uncontrollable.” “Even the hollows know better than to attack Soul Society's Combat Division.” The beast leaped up to attack, only to be struck in the rib again. “Make sure this thing is incapacitated. Then let's take it to the Kenpachi. Let him decide what to do with this thing.” The beast stood no chance as the men in black cloaks surrounded it and beat it into submission.

“Bala Aqua.”

Kiba is covered in the rainstorm of bullet-like projectiles, blood from the countless fresh wounds mixing with the water as it falls to the desert sands. When the barrage ends, Kiba is still standing in far worse condition than he was before. His knees seem to start to buckle, before his fists clench, his muscles tense as he forces himself to keep standing.

“You want me to talk? Fine.”

Kiba remains in his position, as if he's inviting the next attack from Jehoel. The head wrap falls from his head from the damage of the Bala Aqua, revealing his animal ears .

“I never saw the point. Mid-fight insults. Banter. They are crutches. Ways to distract one's opponent from the fight. And ways to distract one's self from the fight.”

“Call me a beast. A wolf. A pup. A whelp. You aren't the first. It made no difference to me then or now. Why would I care about your opinion or your approval? Why should you care about mine? After all, to you I'm just an insignificant whelp.”

“You're stronger than me, sure. Otherwise this wouldn't be worth the trip. If I thought I could kill you so easily it wouldn't be worth coming at all. But you say I can't possible comprehend the gap between us? I've heard that too many times before to be able to take it seriously. You're not some incomprehensible power. You're just like any other opponent. What do you have that the Kenpachi didn't? A little rain?”

“Tell me you're going easy. I've taken stronger attacks from the Kenpachi's off-hand. Why don't you try hitting me harder this time, hollow? Maybe use both hands or release your Zanpakuto. Maybe this time you can actually knock me down.”

2013-06-22, 07:03 PM
Soul Society-Library area

Naijeru sees everyone leaving the area once again leaving him with nothing to do. Letting out a small sigh he heads off letting the others do their jobs and so that Masaru and Koutarou could get to doing whatever they were doing. As he had finished his patrol he decided to head off the Combat division barracks to make use of the training fields. His mind wandered back to the battle between Koutarou and Sho. He wonders just what factors led to Sho's rather unnatural ability. Was it just an affinity for Hakuda? Or was something else the source? Putting it at the back of his mind for now he immersed himself in training.

2013-06-22, 08:40 PM
Hueco Mundo
Later That Night

Randii strolls over to where the new uniform is, her smirk returning.

Well, with an incentive like that, who could say no?

She'll pick up the uniform and look it over. Oh yeah. Definitely gonna have to modify it.

2013-06-23, 02:03 AM
[Soul Society]
Near the libraries

Igarashi frowns at Li's injuries before responding. "The Ninth will take over the construction of the White Tiger Temple, yes, assuming that was what you were referring to."

He nods acquiescence to Li's assertion as well as her request for a headcount. "Expect the write-up by this evening. Ranks might be difficult as we were just founded yesterday and haven't as of yet had time to assign seats, but it should also be done by tonight."

He pauses. "You seem unwell. Do you require assistance?"

"This?", Li asks, glancing at Li's covered hands. "Nothing a good night's rest or two won't fix. I'm much better than expected, really. But thank you for your concern." The elder quickly returns to the actual subject matter.

"The White Tiger Temple, yes. I believe that's what Sawada called it. I'm impressed at how quickly its construction has progressed considering it wasn't started too long ago. Keep up the good work." Li pulls out a stack of papers from folds of Li's haori. "Also, here's something I want you to look at - your first formal assignment in your new role. I want you to study whether it is possible to wrap Dangai around Seireitei so that you can't travel to it from the Void."

If Igarashi takes a look at the papers, he'll find the topmost one has a rather simple diagram consisting of three circles, one labeled Earth, second labeled Soul Society and third labeled Hueco Mundo. The circles form a triangle, the first circle touching both of the others, and the last two touching Earth and each other. A thick blue line is drawn over where Earth and Soul Society connect, and a thick black line over where Earth and Hueco Mundo connect - the first titled 'Dangai', and the second titled 'the Void'. A much thinner black line, also titled 'the Void', separates Soul Society and Hueco Mundo.

"Dangai is the hedge world separating us from Earth. It is a much stronger natural barrier than what separates us from Hueco Mundo. For some reason, the distance between afterlives is much less than their distance to Earth. The only reason Hollows don't more commonly find here is because they usually get stuck in Hueco Mundo on the way."

"Frankly, I have no clue even in theory what it would take to warp our dimensional interface enough to channel all further Hollow incursions into Dangai. But something like that must be possible, as that's how the Soul King separated his realm from Soul Society. I don't know what device or power they used to do it back then, but it's your task to reverse-engineer the concept. Nothing really changes if you fail, but if you succeed, it may ensure at least a defensive victory for us."

2013-06-23, 05:34 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
That "Night"

Jehoel, his vicious assault finishes, flips backwards out of the air and lands on the ground a few meters away from Kiba. As the head wrapping falls, Jehoel's eyes dart to Kiba's ears, taking them in before returning their focus to the Shinigami's face. When their eyes meet, there is a new element in them; something searching, a slight curiosity that was previously absent. He listens to Kiba's speech without moving, giving no indications of his thoughts on the matter. After Kiba finishes talking, Jehoel responds. His voice is now less irritated and scornful, and is now closer to the polite manner of speech he uses more commonly.

"You say that you cannot take my claims of superiority seriously, yet when you analyze me you are entirely incorrect, because, as I said, you cannot comprehend one in my position."

He folds his arms over his chest.

"I am not a warrior by nature, Kiba. I will not claim to detest combat; it simply holds no interest to me. I have fought few individuals who posed even the most remote threat to my life. I could lie down here and sleep and it is unlikely you would even be able to wake me up, let alone injure me. Yet, by any reasonable standard, you are an impressively strong individual."

"Banter, conversations; they are not crutches for me, not in the sense that you mean. When I am curious, they allow me to know more about my opponent. When I am not, they allow me to better pass the time as I deal with the tedium of dispatching an opponent. I am not trying to distract you and create an opening. I am not trying to distract myself from my own mortality. Both are irrelevant and unnecessary."

"You ask why you should care about my opinion? You shouldn't. And yet, it's amazingly easy to break an individual with words. I have talked great warriors into killing themselves before they even tried to lay a finger on me. I have shattered dreams and slain hope in the most strong-willed opponents. That's not the only reason I share my thoughts, however. For every enemy of unflinching resolve I have broken, I have rekindled hope in one who held wavering conviction. My words are not to break or aid. Simply to explore."

"You say that my power is not incomprehensible. I fail to see why you must state the obvious. I am not some god. I am a Hollow. An Arrancar. There are limits to my power, just like anyone else. My statement was an extrapolation. I assumed that you intended to accomplish something in this mission of yours. Clearly, I was wrong."

He unfolds his arms and begins examining one of his hands.

"You want to know what I have that the Kenpachi didn't? Centuries of experience. I am ancient, Kiba. Apart from that, our abilities are too dissimilar to be truly compared. And no, I was not holding back. I fought you in exactly the same way that I would fight most anyone else."

He lets the hand fall to his side, returning his gaze to Kiba.

"If you insist on challenging my power, I will accept that. Your imitation, however, is ridiculous; it implies that I failed in a goal I had set out. The goal of striking someone is to wound them; thus my advice. Conversely, when I attacked, I ground most of the bones in your right hand, to fragments, fractured your collarbone, broke five of your ribs, and inflicted seventeen flesh wounds with my Bala Agua. If you were a human, or even a normal Shinigami, you would be dead. The mere fact that you can stand is impressive enough, but 'knocking you over' was never my intent. I wonder if you can actually resist when it is."

Jehoel shifts his stance, then blurs forward until he is directly in front of Kiba, his right arm retracted. Again, he strikes forward with a blindingly open palm strike. Unlike the previous time, however, the force of this blow is dispersed, rather than concentrated; aimed to blow Kiba straight off of his feet instead of inflicting serious harm.

2013-06-24, 07:26 AM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)


Some elements of the story didn't track to her, but she didn't question them.

She waved off the concern "no cuffs, or leash" her voice weary, "after the second event at the academy when she was unconscious I don't want her overly taxed, and she would tax herself against any restraints" that likely wouldn't explain anything unless the man had followed it carefully.

Folding her arms so that her hands were in the opposing sleeves she considered "her only real crimes today seem to be going Absence without leave, and reading without permission, as the new acting captain of her assigned division I think I can let both slide" there was obviously something going on but what it was she wasn't stating publicly.

"Sabitsura Sho please report to med center 4 for review and treatment" turning to a nearby unseated member of the division "please take a treatment kit and see that Vice-Captain Koutarou is ok - do a through evaluation" she would not have put it past the girl to time delay something.

"Castus-san if you would accompany me for a moment I believe that there is something you may be interested in", she gestured to the building.

She fully expected the girl to be released, and her requests to be heeded.

[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)

Sabitsura Sho

She stopped analyzing her bindings as as the woman and man spoke, so she was to be released.

This woman had read her well, that was dangerous - danger should be eliminated. But not yet, and not now.

2013-06-24, 09:01 AM
Soul Society - Monastery of the Ho-ou

The officers restraining Sho shared a look between themselves. One of them spoke up.

"With... all due respect, ma'am, Vice-Captain Koutarou ordered that she be restrained. Treated, but restrained." The seated officer meekly noted. "Considering she has escaped LogMed custody once before, her history, and how much trouble it was to apprehend her... I would think it best to follow that order. It DOES come from the second-highest officer in the Command Division, after all."

Ah, classic chain of command debacle.

5a Violista
2013-06-24, 03:18 PM
Hueco Mundo
Valentina leaves the baths. It seems the arm has fully regenerated. Am I correct?

If so, she returns to her own Palacio and begins directing clean-up after the destruction of Hueco Mundo's ceiling and subsequent destruction of lots of stuff below that.

Soul Society

Nicole continues on doing normal Shinigami stuff.

Peredur sighs in response.

The noble then holds out his broken sword. "I have reached Shikai. But I obviously didn't have enough strength to maintain it, so it broke," he says. "I don't even know what Kyou Zou does."

Then, he gets around to answering the question. "My strengths? I'm good at seals, barriers, and healing. Mostly defensive and curative powers. Offensive Kido and swordfighting haven't come as easily as those. Also, I'm faster than most of the other students; I've been practicing my whole life." As a noble, he was trained in the art/science of Flash Step.

2013-06-24, 05:02 PM
Soul Society - Monastery of the Ho-ou

"I agree that she shouldn't be allowed to roam wherever she wishes, her crimes took place on SSI grounds so I would ask that she stay restrained at least until our Captain can look over the incident reports and make sure she didn't look at any "Confidential" information. Then decide upon a recommendation for the Captain commander relating to her punishment."

Dancilis, Kuroimaken
If Lucita agrees to temporary restraints and wants to continue on with whatever she was going to show Castus just continue on to that

If she doesn't then this scene will need some extra running time.

Kuroimaken, I was assuming that the escort party were the SSI barrier squad, i left it vague here though in case you really want it to be IS. I posted rather than wait to sort it out because it isn't hugely important and i didn't want to bog down the scene with semantics

2013-06-24, 05:02 PM
[Soul Society]

Sato nods. "It is good you are aware of your weaknesses, that is the first step towards improvement. You'll be placed in kido and shunpo classes until your weapon is restored, then begin combat training." He makes a note. "Alright, show me the strongest bakudo you know, don't hold back."

2013-06-24, 06:16 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)


She smiled at the binder that spoke up, it took courage to speak up on your beliefs when things were unclear.

"We were not really trying to hold her, just told her she was grounded", she made it sound like no big deal.

"And I doubt that Vice-Captain Koutarou would object to an acting Captain deciding how there members should be treated, surely SSI understand that better than anyone" a touch more serious this time she had seen the results of some experiments.

She offered Castus a sly smile "and I imagine that all information within an area held by SSI is confidential", which made it surprising that the Combat division were allowed within supervised by someone outside SSI now that she thought about it.

"Regardless I will take responsibility for her - I have already let the Captain Commander know that I wish to discuss her", she offered a shrug.

"Now please release her" there was a finality to her voice this time, she knew that Med and Log were not overly respected but she expected better, she did not want to have to list these people as troublemakers - but she would.

2013-06-24, 06:16 PM
Soul Society

"Sure. It is the sacred duty of the nobility of Seireitei to keep the unwashed masses happy and drunk. Just see who else you can grab for the division."

Freaking, faceless, facetious, f...

Chouko laughs, looking at her contact list. Fujioka, Kato, Nakahara, Ueda... Yeah, she had a good few people to check in with. No doubt the fledgling division would have plenty of ((NPC)) support.

"Yeah, I got some peeps in the SSI. So what say we meet at... well, wherever, your call this time, right?" Leaving the handling of Sho to the unnamed kido officers and internal security, Chouko hops into action, jogging for the Rukon with potential course correction from Koutetsu.

((To the mechbar! Or just a bar!))

2013-06-24, 06:35 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)

"Confidential unless specifically requested usually or if you have an SSI member with you, they will make sure you don't get ahold of books above your ability to safely read."

When Lucitas' tone gets more serious Castus offers a tired grin back he obviously wasn't going to win this. After all it didn't do to piss off the people who healed you anymore than the people who served your food, at least unless you didn't mind end up looking like Chouko.

Motioning to the Barrier team with a sigh he gives them another nod.

"Alright let her go. if she escapes again Lucita it's on your head and if she finds her way back onto any SSI property we'll cut her apart for spares.

Did you want anything else while I'm here?"

2013-06-24, 06:38 PM
Soul Society

Hideki sends directions to a traditional watering hole for SSI members in Rokushō Kairō, western district 25. Thus named after a region of the district that saw a weapons test run by Hideki's own grandfather, a weapon that blasted a good portion of the testing area clean of its contents and had the ground turned into bronze that, over the passing decades, tarnished. Fortunately, the area was a forest before, and is still surrounded by forests. So it is presumed that nobody died in the 'mishap' or at least not a noteworthy number of people.

The Koutetsu family is known to hold some sort of wacky pride in the place. Very few people get why. But they are a strong presence in the district and its surroundings.

2013-06-24, 06:52 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)

"Confidential unless specifically requested usually or if you have an SSI member with you, they will make sure you don't get ahold of books above your ability to safely read."

When Lucitas' tone gets more serious Castus offers a tired grin back he obviously wasn't going to win this. After all it didn't do to piss off the people who healed you anymore than the people who served your food, at least unless you didn't mind end up looking like Chouko.

Motioning to the Barrier team with a sigh he gives them another nod.

"Alright let her go. if she escapes again Lucita it's on your head and if she finds her way back onto any SSI property we'll cut her apart for spares.

Did you want anything else while I'm here?"

"Well, if the Captain takes responsibility, then it's out of our hands." The man noted with some fear. "I will still need to report this, however. Please don't take it personally - it's protocol, you understand."

Considering what he'd seen, the officer had good reason to think twice. It's not a good idea to piss off those who healed your wounds, but it was just as bad an idea to piss off those who could hold an audit on you and have you court-martialed.

2013-06-24, 07:01 PM
Soul Society
Center of Soul Society

With a peel of thunder and a flash of light high above Soul Society a massive pillar descends from the heavens with startling speed before crashing down into the surface below with a dozen chiming bells. A spectacle for Soul Society as a whole indeed. The area below miraculously remains undamaged though much more dusty, a large door within the pillar sliding open before the brightly colored figure slips out into the open air. The figure glances about as the massive tower slowly descends back into the heavens before fading from view.

2013-06-24, 07:15 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)

Turning his head about half way between the officer and Lucita so it was obvious he was talking to the both of them.

"Seems the acting commander has given us a direct order, which I'm obviously going to follow.

My previous statement of talking to Captain Sawada about this still stands though. If he decides this is important enough to bring to the Captain Commanders attention that's his decision, obviously the same applies if he chooses not to. Either way I have to go though official channels which are currently unavailable until Sawada returns from his meetings."

Turning his full body rather than just his head towards the kido officer.

"Your dismissed now anyway, congratulations on your successful handling of the situation. Now go and write up your reports"

2013-06-24, 07:26 PM
Soul Society- Monastery of the Ho-ou

With a curt nod and a salute, the nameless officer turns to leave.

2013-06-24, 08:23 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)


"Thank you Castus-san" she noticed that he didn't include the honorific for her but she was fairly lax about that.

She also nodded to the researcher that spoke up, he likely felt somewhat brazen after speaking without being reprimanded though from the tone of it Castus would not be allowing that to happen again, which was well and good.

Sho moved off in the direction requested - which was frankly a blessing.

Looking at Castus "you may wish to flag the matter with IS as a footnote if nothing else - assuming your captain or vice captain agrees, even if no charges are to be filled".

"There is one item I might request your assistance with which might interest you - and explain some of this clearer", gesturing to the entrance "if you have no more pressing matters".

2013-06-25, 02:05 AM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)

Nodding Castus follows Lucitas' gesture though the door to see what she has to show him.

2013-06-25, 10:35 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
(Outside Las Noches)

Kiba quickly raised his own palm, the good one that is, to meet Jehoel's strike. He's sent flying, but with far more force and speed than what's to be expected as he Shunpo's with his hand off of Jehoel's strike, combining the force of Jehoel's strike and Kiba's own Shunpo as he launches himself in a trajectory that circles back around to strike Jehoel.

"Twenty-two flesh wounds. Bruised collar bone. Three fractured ribs. As for my arm, I've fought with worse. And will continue to do so. This level of strength couldn't kill the Kenpachi. Not even once he was weakened by the rest of your hollow army. If it's not strong enough to kill the Kenpachi, it isn't strong enough to keep me down!"

Kiba already knew that statement was false. If he fought purely defensively, he might be able to drag this out for days, but it cost a good amount of reiatsu just to land a normal hit on Jehoel, and he had to keep increasing the expenditure just to try to land a solid hit that wasn't some charity blow.

[Soul Society]
(Combat Division)

Scarlet had more research to do at the library, but something else had been preying on her mind. Something her fellow officers were unlikely to know about. Searching the Combat Division, she briefly found Suou Nicole going through drills with the other troops. "Nicole? Front and center. We need to talk."

Off-Center of Seireitei

Somewhat less noticeable than the shining pillar of light is an unceremonious meteor crashing into the ground, leaving a large crater in one of the streets of Seireitei. Fortunately no one was near enough to get caught in the impact. The 'meteor' is still glowing with heat, and appears to be a large white capsule with a 0 emblazoned on the side.

SSI Library

Yumiko assists with the review of the library, just grateful that none of the precious books had been harmed. She does wonder why someone would break into the library just to read a few books when they could have gone through official channels and just gotten permission like anyone else.

2013-06-25, 10:43 AM
Soul Society - Library

"Thanks." Koutarou took the offered hand.

"Talk about a splitting headache." The Vice-Captain noted with a frown. "If it weren't for the Guardian's helmet she could have fractured my damn skull."

With that said, he set about looking for said books.
Masaru just smiled and went with Koutarou. Soon they were joined by Yumiko.

Masaru frowned as he looked over the selected texts. The "inner power" one seemed odd, but perhaps played into Sho's obviously warped viewpoint.

The other book, the one on Bakudo, was more worrisome.

"Vice-Captain Koutarou, it would seem prudent, in light of such a dangerous but intelligent individual such as Sho accessing this book in particular, that we warn those holding her that she may be more capable of breaking purely Kido bonds than first thought.
Putting aside some of the cruder methods that M&L would probably dislike on principle, it seems like a set of physical sekiseki restraints would be better in the long term."

2013-06-25, 11:04 AM
"I seriously doubt she'd have absorbed enough knowledge to do that in under an hour, no matter how smart she is. But perhaps the call is warranted noneth--"

A Jigokuchou lands on Koutarou's shoulder.

A few seconds later he seems to contain the urge to facepalm.

"For crying out loud..."

He dispatches the Jigokuchou back, but to a different receiver.

For Li's eyes only

"Commander-General, Sabitsura Sho was the Ryoka behind the library break-in. I had her restrained and sent to Medical, with the express recommendation that she remain so for the duration of her stay. Acting Captain Lucita has seemed fit to override my order despite the subject's history of having escaped MedLog custody once already. Please advise.

Ishinomori Koutarou"

2013-06-25, 05:09 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
(Outside Las Noches)

Kiba quickly raised his own palm, the good one that is, to meet Jehoel's strike. He's sent flying, but with far more force and speed than what's to be expected as he Shunpo's with his hand off of Jehoel's strike, combining the force of Jehoel's strike and Kiba's own Shunpo as he launches himself in a trajectory that circles back around to strike Jehoel.

"Twenty-two flesh wounds. Bruised collar bone. Three fractured ribs. As for my arm, I've fought with worse. And will continue to do so. This level of strength couldn't kill the Kenpachi. Not even once he was weakened by the rest of your hollow army. If it's not strong enough to kill the Kenpachi, it isn't strong enough to keep me down!"

Kiba already knew that statement was false. If he fought purely defensively, he might be able to drag this out for days, but it cost a good amount of reiatsu just to land a normal hit on Jehoel, and he had to keep increasing the expenditure just to try to land a solid hit that wasn't some charity blow.

[Hueco Mundo]
That "Night"

Without even looking at his opponent, Jehoel moves out of the way of Kiba's strike, grabbing his opponent's outstretched limb and using the Shinigami's own speed and power against him in order to brutally throw Kiba to the ground. Unless Kiba moves out of the way quickly, Jehoel quickly pins him there with a foot.

"An interesting statement. 'If it's not strong enough to kill the Kenpachi, it isn't strong enough to keep me down.' Leaving aside the inherent, objective inaccuracies, you just claimed to be more powerful than the Kenpachi. Am I wrong?"

2013-06-25, 05:10 PM
[Soul Society]
Near the libraries

"This?", Li asks, glancing at Li's covered hands. "Nothing a good night's rest or two won't fix. I'm much better than expected, really. But thank you for your concern." The elder quickly returns to the actual subject matter.

"The White Tiger Temple, yes. I believe that's what Sawada called it. I'm impressed at how quickly its construction has progressed considering it wasn't started too long ago. Keep up the good work." Li pulls out a stack of papers from folds of Li's haori. "Also, here's something I want you to look at - your first formal assignment in your new role. I want you to study whether it is possible to wrap Dangai around Seireitei so that you can't travel to it from the Void."

If Igarashi takes a look at the papers, he'll find the topmost one has a rather simple diagram consisting of three circles, one labeled Earth, second labeled Soul Society and third labeled Hueco Mundo. The circles form a triangle, the first circle touching both of the others, and the last two touching Earth and each other. A thick blue line is drawn over where Earth and Soul Society connect, and a thick black line over where Earth and Hueco Mundo connect - the first titled 'Dangai', and the second titled 'the Void'. A much thinner black line, also titled 'the Void', separates Soul Society and Hueco Mundo.

"Dangai is the hedge world separating us from Earth. It is a much stronger natural barrier than what separates us from Hueco Mundo. For some reason, the distance between afterlives is much less than their distance to Earth. The only reason Hollows don't more commonly find here is because they usually get stuck in Hueco Mundo on the way."

"Frankly, I have no clue even in theory what it would take to warp our dimensional interface enough to channel all further Hollow incursions into Dangai. But something like that must be possible, as that's how the Soul King separated his realm from Soul Society. I don't know what device or power they used to do it back then, but it's your task to reverse-engineer the concept. Nothing really changes if you fail, but if you succeed, it may ensure at least a defensive victory for us."

A slight bow accompanies her awknowledgement of the speed at which the Temple has progressed. "Hei Chan's new Bakudo has been invaluable in that task. Work on the temple should be completed in half the projected time, perhaps even by the end of the week. We should begin moving in within the next two days."

Even Igarashi looks startled at this suggestion. "You wish for me to completely dissociate this world from that of the Hollows? I guess it could be done. The power of the Soul King though....I would have to look into it. I guess we could redirect the Void to the Dangai? Or perhaps...I would definitely have to look into it."

He looks back up at Li, then the surprise leaves his bearing. "Very good, Captain Commander. Is there anything else you require?"

Hueco Mundo
Later That Night

Randii strolls over to where the new uniform is, her smirk returning.

Well, with an incentive like that, who could say no?

She'll pick up the uniform and look it over. Oh yeah. Definitely gonna have to modify it.

Yep. "That's what I thought too." Tinja's grin shows every one of her teeth.

"I'll probably be back in bed soon. Its a sleepy day."

2013-06-25, 08:03 PM
Hueco Mundo
Later That Night

Randii nods, tossing the new uniform over her shoulder. Yeah, get some rest. Need ya in top shape for this training stuff.

She turns to leave, but pauses in the doorway. She taps her foot for a moment, clearly having a mental debate about something. She finally reaches a decision and looks back to the Espada.

Hey, Tinja?



At that, she'll continue leaving.

2013-06-25, 08:36 PM
Soul Society

Hideki sends directions to a traditional watering hole for SSI members in Rokushō Kairō, western district 25. Thus named after a region of the district that saw a weapons test run by Hideki's own grandfather, a weapon that blasted a good portion of the testing area clean of its contents and had the ground turned into bronze that, over the passing decades, tarnished. Fortunately, the area was a forest before, and is still surrounded by forests. So it is presumed that nobody died in the 'mishap' or at least not a noteworthy number of people.

The Koutetsu family is known to hold some sort of wacky pride in the place. Very few people get why. But they are a strong presence in the district and its surroundings.

Chouko sits at a table in the aforementioned watering hole, setting down a keg of locally-brewed, expensive sake nearby. Paid for on the Koutetsu tab, of course.

Presuming Hideki is there by now, she raises a cup to the new Engineering Division and downs it effortlessly. "Good stuff. Definitely no motor oil here." Grinning, she... actually takes off her visor, revealing her bluish-green eyes. "So, gimme some more details now that I'm not dealin' with some crazy snoopin' bitch. But don't think you're gettin' the Captain spot."

2013-06-25, 09:30 PM
Soul Society - Rukongai
Rokushō Kairō

Hideki has his mask lifted, but now there is a menu in front of his face.

"Of course there is no motor oil. The brewer uses only the best fallout-tinted water available. Drink enough of the stuff and you will glow green in the dark for a week."

Well, that explains a thing or two.

"The Commander General issued the warning to the Seireitei yesterday following the end of the captain's meeting. I will guess you didn't hear because you were listening to ear-splitting volumes of music. Either way, I took the lead and contacted her about it, counting the two of us, I have seventy-eight prospective members for the new division, barely enough for a start, but a good body of officers if you ask me. And then we could get quite the income of recruits from the academy."

"As for the captain spot, who would you propose? I'm already a leg ahead of you in the general's eyes, most likely."

2013-06-26, 02:57 AM
[Soul Society]
Near the libraries

"Not at this time. Remember to write that..." A blinding flash of light in the distance illuminates the talking pair and Li has to shade Li's eyes. "... report." There's a moment of silence as the Commander stares at the direction of the descended pillar. It appears to be in direction of HQ barracks.

"It seems I am needed elsewhere. Have a good day, Naganori-fukutaichou." Leaving Igarashi to his devices, Li begins to limp towards the pillar. On the way, the Commander receives Soutarou's message - Li sends him a butterfly telling him to not worry about it. Then, the elder sends a considerably wordier message to Lucita:

"From Commander-General to Lucita of Medicine and Logistics,

What do you think you are doing? Sabitsura Sho displays clear signs of anti-social behaviour. The last thing we want is her to think she can get away with her antics. She must be punished - this is not negotiable. Put her in Ginjohan strait-jacket and drug her if you need to, but from this moment on, she'll need your permission to breathe, let alone do anything else. I don't give a damn if she chews her wrists off trying to break away, she'll be much easier to find when she's weak and spilling her own blood everywhere, instead of others'.

I will visit this patient personally when I have the time. Unless something disastrous happens, don't try to contact me in next two hours."

The butterfly flies into the wind, and Li keeps walking. The commander arrives at the pillar's location long after the commotion has died out and the device itself has withdrawed back to the heavens. "Hello, Kisaragi-dono. It's been a long while", Li greets the flamboyant figure. "I'm Zheng Li Lin. I've been appointed as the new Commander-General, though I expect you knew as much."

"Since you are alone, I suppose it's safe to presume others won't be coming?"

2013-06-26, 03:24 AM
The butterfly flies into the wind, and Li keeps walking. The commander arrives at the pillar's location long after the commotion has died out and the device itself has withdrawed back to the heavens. "Hello, Kisaragi-dono. It's been a long while", Li greets the flamboyant figure. "I'm Zheng Li Lin. I've been appointed as the new Commander-General, though I expect you knew as much."

"Since you are alone, I suppose it's safe to presume others won't be coming?"

Saruhiko glances at the sky, his eyes closing for but a moment. "You're ability to remember faces is as always remarkable. It has been some time." he answers gently, bowing low to the Commander Captain. "We are all that could be spared. We hope you understand. How can I be of service, Commander Captain Li."

2013-06-26, 09:26 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
(Outside Las Noches)

As Jehoel grabs at Kiba's arms, he'll find a resisting energy swirling around it. The effect is like trying to grab a chainsaw with one's bare hands, but for someone like Jehoel it should be a minor nuisance, even if the swirling energy surrounds Kiba's body. Jehoel grabs Kiba's arm and plunges him into the ground, but Kiba doesn't stop or even lose velocity. Instead, where Jehoel intends to pin Kiba down, he'll find a large spiraling tunnel in the ground, quickly filling back up with sand. Seconds later, an explosion from the sands nearby signals Kiba's return, the energy swirling around him growing until it's almost visible, like a growing tornado around his body, almost seeming to howl. Kiba arcs back around for another strike, the reiatsu around him like a charging wolf.

"Stronger? No. I would have surpassed him sooner or later, but not in his or my current state. But I refuse to believe that attacks this weak could kill the Kenpachi! This doesn't even come close to the power level I'd fought the Kenpachi at! Are you actually more powerful than the Kenpachi? Or did you just get a lucky shot after the rest of your army weakened him?"

[Soul Society]

Yumiko offers assistance as requested, but the fact is she has to follow the orders of the other Seated Officers there. Masaru's presence in particular noticeably worries her. It's like she's afraid that the officer from the Pack will try to eat the books or something. If it was just him she might try to pull some bureaucracy and kick him out until a proper SSI member could be present to supervise him, but Vice-Captain Koutarou unquestionably had the authority to be here unless someone like Sawada said otherwise.

(Off-Center of Seireitei)

The glowing capsule opens as steam and smoke exits the vessel. Stepping out with a series of loud clanks is what appears to be a dwarf-sized heavy suit of armor. The suit of armor looks around at the barren area and scoffs. "Where the bloody hell is everyone?" Apparently the representative from Squad Zero had been expecting a bit more of a welcome. Of course she was completely unaware at this time that someone a lot more important from Squad Zero had already shown up elsewhere.

2013-06-26, 10:11 AM
Soul Society - the Library

Receiving the reply from the Captain-Commander seemed to tranquilize Koutarou a bit. He noticed the unease in Yumiko's eyes and tried to comfort her with a smile.

"Don't worry, we'll be out of your hair soon enough."

Looking over the titles of the two books, Koutarou frowned. The practical stuff he expected, but the more philosophy-inclined book was something... unusual, in his eyes, for Sho to be interested in.

"Yumiko-san, right? I heard you have read pretty much every book in this library at some point. Can you give me a summary of what this book's central idea is about?" He pointed to the book that regarded power.

2013-06-26, 12:01 PM
[Soul Society]
Near Headquarters

Saruhiko glances at the sky, his eyes closing for but a moment. "You're ability to remember faces is as always remarkable. It has been some time." he answers gently, bowing low to the Commander Captain. "We are all that could be spared. We hope you understand. How can I be of service, Commander Captain Li."

"Understand? Bah", Li states with a frown. "I know the Guard's protocol. You only interfere once Gotei has fallen, to rebuild Seireitei from ground up. The King is not honestly expecting us to win - at best, he's hoping we'll achieve mutual annihilation so it's easy to start from a clean slate. That they send you, a non-combatant, as a messenger, rather underlines the point."

"But enough of that. Unless you've taken to referring to yourself as a royal, 'we' implies someone else has arrived as well. Who would that be? I only saw this one pillar."

2013-06-26, 12:56 PM
Soul Society - Rukongai
Rokushō Kairō

Hideki has his mask lifted, but now there is a menu in front of his face.

"Of course there is no motor oil. The brewer uses only the best fallout-tinted water available. Drink enough of the stuff and you will glow green in the dark for a week."

Well, that explains a thing or two.

"The Commander General issued the warning to the Seireitei yesterday following the end of the captain's meeting. I will guess you didn't hear because you were listening to ear-splitting volumes of music. Either way, I took the lead and contacted her about it, counting the two of us, I have seventy-eight prospective members for the new division, barely enough for a start, but a good body of officers if you ask me. And then we could get quite the income of recruits from the academy."

"As for the captain spot, who would you propose? I'm already a leg ahead of you in the general's eyes, most likely."

"...That was stone cold." Chouko looks rather serious.

But then she just starts laughing again. "Are you kiddin'? I'm about to reshape the entire prosthetic scene and you think just 'cause you started the movement that you got a shot?" Grinning, she downs another cup. Not like she minded if it were actually fallout-tinted.

"For serious, though, I think we oughta consider another way. I don' think either of us are full-grade cap'n grade yet, and we shouldn't limit our engineering club by what one inexperienced dude or dudette says. Can ya honestly say ya know that much about leadin'? We're engineers and scientists. I think we should give it time to grow, y'know?"

2013-06-26, 01:47 PM
"...That was stone cold." Chouko looks rather serious.

But then she just starts laughing again. "Are you kiddin'? I'm about to reshape the entire prosthetic scene and you think just 'cause you started the movement that you got a shot?" Grinning, she downs another cup. Not like she minded if it were actually fallout-tinted.

"For serious, though, I think we oughta consider another way. I don' think either of us are full-grade cap'n grade yet, and we shouldn't limit our engineering club by what one inexperienced dude or dudette says. Can ya honestly say ya know that much about leadin'? We're engineers and scientists. I think we should give it time to grow, y'know?"

Hideki sits back.

"Well, we aren't exactly building The Pack 2.0."


"I would much prefer another scientist leading us than a soldier, a bureaucrat, a physician or social engineer. All of these characters have their own ways of stifling the work. Paperwork isn't that troubling, and the division is unlikely to take to the frontlines en masse, so that sort of leader is out as well."

"The point is more that, when the group is officially cemented, we will need to provide the commander general with a name, and it is best that we give her someone we all agree on, to avoid forcing the nomination of someone outside to lead."

"You or me, since pretty much everyone we've got so far is something that has worked under our direction in the past, sounds like the best proposition."

2013-06-26, 01:58 PM
[Soul Society]
Near Headquarters

"Understand? Bah", Li states with a frown. "I know the Guard's protocol. You only interfere once Gotei has fallen, to rebuild Seireitei from ground up. The King is not honestly expecting us to win - at best, he's hoping we'll achieve mutual annihilation so it's easy to start from a clean slate. That they send you, a non-combatant, as a messenger, rather underlines the point."

"But enough of that. Unless you've taken to referring to yourself as a royal, 'we' implies someone else has arrived as well. Who would that be? I only saw this one pillar."

Saruhiko makes no statement on Li's words, glancing back up at the sky. "I am not sure. The Black Tortoise King sends who he wills. She is here however. If I were to take a guess I would say it is one of his apprentices. The lack of another Tenchūren gives me this impression." He glances back at Li, offering forth a scroll. "The Soul King's approval of your recent promotion. Where am I needed, Commander Captain."

2013-06-26, 02:12 PM
Li takes the scroll with a quiet "Hmmph", and hides it in folds of the Commander's haori. The Royal Healer's words cause Li's brow to furrow. "... Black Tortoise King? I'm afraid that moniker says nothing to me, Kisaragi-dono. But whatever means she arrived by, she must've made quite a spectacle to get through our Sekkiseki walls and the projected barrier. I expect..."

In the distance, an alarm siren sounds. No doubt, frantic messaging is already happening about a freaking meteor having struck Seireitei. (As if things weren't bad enough as is.)

"... ah, yes. There goes. I have a feeling this additional visitor won't be hard to find. Could please follow, Kisaragi-dono?"


Off-Center of Seireitei, 15 minutes later

Zheng Li Lin arrives at the spot where the armored girl landed, sighing heavily at the sight of pointless destruction wrough by her vessel. Hopefully, the culprit has not just wandered off in the time it took for the venerable Commander-General to walk there.

2013-06-26, 02:24 PM
"The royal Blacksmith." Saruhiko clarifies, bowing however as he follows after the Commander Captain. He moves at the Captain's pace, hurrying about to help any of the wounded from the meteor that has struck the unsuspecting and undeserving civilians.

2013-06-26, 05:15 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
That "Night"

Jehoel notes the chainsaw-like energy around Kiba, but as it cannot pierce his Hierro he remains indifferent. Jehoel stares down into the collapsing hole as Kiba digs away, apparently unfazed by the unconventional maneuver. As Kiba reemerges, the Arrancar does not even turn to look at him. Far above, a faint rumble of thunder emerges from the clouds blocking out the sky.

"The Kenpachi merited a higher degree of strength than you. Even when he was exhausted and weary, I had to put my full focus into defeating him. You, however, are no threat at all. I can keep this pace for hours."

Jehoel blurs into the air above Kiba, and directs a swift kick at his opponent's back.

2013-06-26, 05:25 PM
Hueco Mundo
Later That Night

Randii nods, tossing the new uniform over her shoulder. Yeah, get some rest. Need ya in top shape for this training stuff.

She turns to leave, but pauses in the doorway. She taps her foot for a moment, clearly having a mental debate about something. She finally reaches a decision and looks back to the Espada.

Hey, Tinja?



At that, she'll continue leaving.

Tinja replies with a smile and a dip of her head. Once Randii is gone, she'll stay facing the door a long moment, seconds stretching into minutes, a look of contemplation writ across her face. Her chair spins one way, then the other.

After what seems like a long time, she grabs up a coat and heads out.

[Soul Society]
Near the libraries

"Not at this time. Remember to write that..." A blinding flash of light in the distance illuminates the talking pair and Li has to shade Li's eyes. "... report." There's a moment of silence as the Commander stares at the direction of the descended pillar. It appears to be in direction of HQ barracks.

"It seems I am needed elsewhere. Have a good day, Naganori-fukutaichou." Leaving Igarashi to his devices, Li begins to limp towards the pillar.

(Off-Center of Seireitei)

The glowing capsule opens as steam and smoke exits the vessel. Stepping out with a series of loud clanks is what appears to be a dwarf-sized heavy suit of armor. The suit of armor looks around at the barren area and scoffs. "Where the bloody hell is everyone?" Apparently the representative from Squad Zero had been expecting a bit more of a welcome. Of course she was completely unaware at this time that someone a lot more important from Squad Zero had already shown up elsewhere.

Igarashi gives a shallow, but respectful bow. "Of course. The report will arrive as expected. May the Soul King smile on you."

As Li moves away, he spends a moment in thought, then heads towards the SSI center for research. If he is going to modify the entire Soul Society's structure, it will call for a far greater knowledge of the worlds than he possesses.

On the way there, however, he is interrupted by what appears to be a crater in the middle of the street, with an armored and apparently disgruntled dwarf within. While playing babysitter to yet another Ryoka isn't particularly the way to make his day...he blinks at the zero on the side of the capsule that he assumes the dwarf arrived in. "Who are you?"

5a Violista
2013-06-26, 08:45 PM
Soul Society
Combat Division
Suou Nicole stops her previous action in the middle of doing it. When a senior officer asks something, it's probably important.

She moves out of the way and faces Scarlet. Nicole stands at attention. "Yes, Sempai?"

Peredur nods. He begins doing a Bakudo chant; the full chant. It's a mid-level one, which causes glowing lightning-shaped tendrils to move out from each finger. They should close around Sato tightly, like massive claws, pulling Sato slightly up in the air and towards Peredur. All ten need to be broken at the same time; otherwise, they regenerate.

Since he used the full chant, it should be pretty strong.

2013-06-27, 04:29 AM
[Soul Society]

Sato doesn't resist, instead he inspects the spell. "Impressive, and not a bad tactical choice, it brings your enemy closer for a follow up attack. By the time your training is done I expect Hado on this level and your Bakudo to be three levels higher. When your zanpakuto is regenerated tell me immediately, we will work on exploring your Shikai's abilities. Now, could you find Tarriz and send him in? And...let me out of this?"

2013-06-27, 01:17 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)


"Thank you for staying" she lead Castus through the building in the opposite direction to where Sho was directed "hopefully your people will maintain your instruction of waiting for your captains orders" it was a light hearted comment the man seemed collected.

"That girl will be trouble, but maintaining a harsh leash will only encourage her to tear at it and and I can't afford the fallout here", sighing "particularly not after the Academy".

Leading him to a small room, the smell was harsh inside - not a smell that Lucita had encountered before, but one that was similar to another.

Taking a sample bag she scooped some black sludge into it with a spoon "Sekkiseki" she let the word hang in the air "exposed to a certain spiritual pressure. If possible I want to confirm how this or a similar effect might be achieved", offering a weak smile "if the hollows can replicate this we are in trouble".

At this point she received the hell butterfly from the captain commander, it was an effort to maintain impassive "it seems your captain was either immediately available or was bypassed", she offered him the bag "if you could let me know assuming the resources are available, I would appreciate it".

2013-06-27, 01:42 PM
Hideki sits back.

"Well, we aren't exactly building The Pack 2.0."


"I would much prefer another scientist leading us than a soldier, a bureaucrat, a physician or social engineer. All of these characters have their own ways of stifling the work. Paperwork isn't that troubling, and the division is unlikely to take to the frontlines en masse, so that sort of leader is out as well."

"The point is more that, when the group is officially cemented, we will need to provide the commander general with a name, and it is best that we give her someone we all agree on, to avoid forcing the nomination of someone outside to lead."

"You or me, since pretty much everyone we've got so far is something that has worked under our direction in the past, sounds like the best proposition."

"Eh. Well, if it's between you and me, I guess there could be worse." Chouko raises a cup to this. "Gotta step up my game, though. I got a few plans for that, so don't think you'll be stealin' it from me anytime soon. This division might not need a fighter, but there ain't many like me in the ranks, y'know." She gives a metallic thumbs-up.

2013-06-27, 01:59 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)

Taking a look at the substance he has just been handed, Castus begins to look interested. He hadn't seen anything like this before.

"So what was the situation that caused the individual to give out the spiritual pressure that resulted in this “liquidation” and what sort of properties does this new substance display that varies this from normal Sekiseki?"

Viera Champion
2013-06-27, 09:43 PM
A bit... unexpected, that was.

He didn't realize Hikaru could act so calm when she was angry.

"When have I done that? I had it on good authority I was the idiot here."

Hikaru's fingers taptaptaptap away.
"Idiot? Yes. I have always found the things you do to be quite... foolish."
She shakes her head, ceasing the finger taps.
"But I have learned from much experience that things are not always what they seem."

2013-06-27, 10:02 PM
"Where exactly are you going with this, Hikaru-san? It's not like you had to drag me out here to say that." Setsurou noted with a befuddled expression.

2013-06-28, 11:32 AM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)


She wasn't to sure what to tell him, "you will likely have to report to your captain and possible your vice captain, and should it be deemed necessary the captain-commander, who will be getting a briefing from me once they have the time regardless", looking at him clearly "I do not want this conversation going anywhere else".

"That girl you brought in is called Sabitsura Sho. Neither is her real name. Recently she lost a duel with Captain Li, which left her severely incapacitated including her brain punctured by roots - if not for the fine work of the former vice-captain she likely would have died - and died conscious out of pure spite. However while she was weakened and recuperating her Zanpakuto was in fact gaining strength, and was in no way protective of her, instead focusing on corrupting the area and people around where it lay, Sho's first action on awakening was more or less the retrieval of the blade and an end to the problems - I suspect for no greater reason than simple attachment rather than any loyalty or benefit to others, she returned here with it in tow and slept. The blade was encased in Sekkiseki by captain Li and this is the result of that encasing" she paused to let the words sink in.

"There are two chief reasons that I wanted her released. Firstly we in Medical and Logistics are not under the supervision of the Shinigami Science Institute and I will not allow you to hold my people in that manner, and more than I would expect your leaders to allow me to end an experiment so that I could heal the suspect. The Shinigami Science Institute is not under Medical and Logistics either after all - baring in relation to how to treat members of other divisions where the rights of those individuals take priority over the quest for knowledge. Secondly I believe that the girl - formidable thought she may be" moving against Koutarou without her Zanpakuto after surgery and prolonged excersise spoke of that "is nothing more than a capstone on the power that she has been funneling into the blade".

"To turn Sekkiseki to sludge based on nothing more than an inert blade worries me what would happen if the capstone is removed and the malicious Zanpakuto spirit allowed temporary free reign", she sighed. "In fact it worries me more than if she figures out how to harness that power, as she is at least understandable crazy, but Castus didn't need to know the secret of how she was to be understood - certainly not before Li would hear it.

"A minor secondary element which is in relation to the Hollows. If these new Arrancar can learn how to kill people and force evolution just right they may be able to design any power that they need to beat us - I would like your institute to consider the possibilities inherent in that and provide me with a risk assessment so that my people can have the best possible understanding of what they may face, and have to cure", other squads could benefit from that also, but that was for the glory of Castus is he wanted to claim it - she would be happy with the reports themselves.

"I am happy to answer some questions you might have - but I have a request to monitor Sho for a while also", now to interpret the Captain-Commanders order in a way that didn't result in any deaths or the weakening of any barriers.

5a Violista
2013-06-28, 01:22 PM
Soul Society

I'm sure that Sato could have gotten out, if he had really wanted to.

Peredur nods. As soon as his sword is completely regenerated; got it.

The student clenches his fists, and the ten tendrils vanish in a puff of steam. Sato will probably drop an inch or two to the ground, now.

"Yes, sensei," he says. Then he turns around and leaves the office. He looks for Tarriz.

2013-06-28, 01:36 PM
"Eh. Well, if it's between you and me, I guess there could be worse." Chouko raises a cup to this. "Gotta step up my game, though. I got a few plans for that, so don't think you'll be stealin' it from me anytime soon. This division might not need a fighter, but there ain't many like me in the ranks, y'know." She gives a metallic thumbs-up.

"Is that a challenge Takenaka? Don't forget that there are scant few members of the Gotei who can match my skill with a sword."

Hammer, bow, gun, spear and various other weapons as well.

2013-06-29, 02:47 PM
[Soul Society]
(Rokushō Kairō)

Chouko grins. "Maybe it is. But no need to get your mask all steamed up, ain't plannin' on anythin' today. Got other scenes to crash today. Got my mad schemin' on for our new club."

2013-06-29, 03:01 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)

"Well if you provide me with a new box to carry the sword in I will take it back to our labs where we can monitor the process from beginning to end and see if it's slowed by kido or if it effects other materials in the same way. Maybe we can find a way to insulate the outer walls against that type of corruption.

As to researching the Arrancars I cannot give an accurate answer on that, I simply don't have the information and have no way to get it short of capturing the method they use to create more Arrancars and finding out how it works."

Viera Champion
2013-06-30, 12:29 AM
"Where exactly are you going with this, Hikaru-san? It's not like you had to drag me out here to say that." Setsurou noted with a befuddled expression.

Hikaru sighs, shaking her head.
"Well I had other plans, but I thought you might need your tongue."
She's still very calm.

2013-06-30, 01:49 AM
"So... if things are not what they seem, Hikaru-san, and I seem foolish, then...

...what am I?"

2013-07-01, 09:54 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
That "Night"

Jehoel notes the chainsaw-like energy around Kiba, but as it cannot pierce his Hierro he remains indifferent. Jehoel stares down into the collapsing hole as Kiba digs away, apparently unfazed by the unconventional maneuver. As Kiba reemerges, the Arrancar does not even turn to look at him. Far above, a faint rumble of thunder emerges from the clouds blocking out the sky.

"The Kenpachi merited a higher degree of strength than you. Even when he was exhausted and weary, I had to put my full focus into defeating him. You, however, are no threat at all. I can keep this pace for hours."

Jehoel blurs into the air above Kiba, and directs a swift kick at his opponent's back.

"Then if you insist on hitting me this lightly I'll overtake you! I can go for days! And I'll only get stronger!" This time Jehoel's kick hits something hard, as Kiba has twisted in midair for his fist to block Jehoel's strike, the resulting force creating a thundrous shockwave that explodes over the sands.

Kiba had no idea where this surge of energy had come from. The raw reiatsu alone was on par with that he had felt from certain Bankais before. But his concentration was elsewhere at the moment, and while his fist blocked Jehoel's kick, Kiba's leg whipped around, wreathed in the same energy and raw force and careened towards the back of Jehoel's head.

[Spirit World]
(Combat Division)

Scarlet takes Nicole to a secluded area where they can talk privately. "Kiba-san isn't the type to ask too many questions. If someone comes to him and asks for training, or to serve under him he'll grant it almost without condition as long as they're serious. Me? Not so much." Scarlet glares down at Nicole. "This is your one chance to tell the complete and entire truth, Suou Nicole. Unless you'd rather I bring this to the attention of Internal Security or the Captain Commander," she says holding a crumpled piece of paper that should seem familiar to Nicole.


(Elsewhere in Seireitei)

Finally a few people gather around to meet the strange armored dwarf woman. "Och, that's better. Sanbo Kojin, representative of Squad Zero. My boss sends his regards. Now, where can I set up shop?" As she turns to see Saruhiko, even in the armor the dwarf woman looks noticeable flustered. "Ah, Saruhiko-sama, I, uh, didn't know anyone else from Squad Zero was coming down. I was under the impression it was just me."

2013-07-01, 11:37 AM
"Greetings, Sanbo-kun", Li replies, nodding at the small woman - not that the elder is very big either. "I can set a workshop up for you, but it will take some time. You and Saruhiko-dono are welcome to stay in the Black Dragon inn in the interim."

Then, the elder turns to adress Igarashi, who is visibly baffled by the situation. "Naganori-san, these are, ah, our reinforcements from the Soul King's realm. They might be able to help you with your project. Feel free to ask them anything."

Then the commander turns to adress the celestial visitors. "I'm going to guide you to the inn now. If it is all right, we'll take a short detour through the Central Hospital. There is a problematic patient I need to visit."

2013-07-01, 02:54 PM
elsewhere in [Seireitei]

Igarashi looks, indeed, visibly baffled. Two squad Zero representatives. In his hundreds of years as a Shinigami, he remembers only rare instances when squad Zero has returned to Soul Society. Not only that, but there are two of them, neither of which he recognizes. To top it off, one appears to be more kettle than human. Still, if the captain commander says so....

Igarashi bows to the representatives. "Your help will be appreciated. I will be seeing you presently."

Shunpo-ing away, he reaches the Department of Research in the span of a few short minutes. He glances around for anyone who seems to be in charge. In the event that no one confronts him, he sits at a terminal and starts (inexpertly) typing away, his keystrokes bringing up window after window which scroll blindingly fast. Leaning forward, he squints, watching the screens intently. The accumulated data of months stretches into years, which stretch into decades.

5a Violista
2013-07-01, 04:26 PM
[Soul Society]
Combat Division Secluded Place

The color in Suou's face drains as she sees that slip of paper. She doesn't need to read it to know that it was the one that ordered her to go to the Academy.

After a moment without breathing, Suou finally responds. "I-it is true that I was supposed to go to the Shinōreijutsuin," she says. "B-but I...I did not. However, Li-sensei said I would not have to, if I had remedial training during off-time."

Hueco Mundo

Valentina probably looks for Daiki, as soon as Horngeek comes back online.

2013-07-02, 01:27 PM
[Soul Society]

Jou Asura

Within her own dorm her sleeping became more normal.

[Soul Society]

Kanomi Tarriz

The assembly was over by the time he arrived, but at least he had made it he thought as he slumped against the wall.

[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)

Sabitsura Sho

She made her way to med center 4 without issue, following the signs and reviewing the landscape - there was no move to hold her or restrain her, which was something. But that something was suspicious, it was possible that the woman was playing at something ... and without knowing what she could not truely prepare for it.
Well there is always murder, it normally solves problems the thought brightened her a bit as a nurse noticed her damaged hands and began fussing over her, for a split second she didn't bother to dignify the woman with more than a cursory review - until she remembered that that would be a suitable tactic for someone to adopt and her mind sharpened to the woman's presence as she began to heal her.

[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)


"Unfortunately not", the girl would have it returned to her at some point, "it is the girls and I would not wish to see how either might react to your investigation, especially if the spirit adapts to your efforts".

"As for the Arrancar, I am more concerned with generic Hollow creation - as I assume that the powers remain similar through the process. If an Hollows death or life in some why impacts its power, abilities and mentality. The same will likely remain for the Arrancar. If you can provide me with any record on the former lives of notable Hollows I would appreciate it for study", something she might pawn of on one of the more logistical minded in the division.

2013-07-02, 02:46 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)

"We might have some information on that, suppose it depends on if some of the Recon squad Reapers took the time to investigate the Hollows they were hunting rather than just purifying them.

I'll send you a copy of the report when I get it."

Giving a salute Castus will leave the Med and Log building

[Soul Society]
(Phoenix Temple)

Castus will go back to his lab/ quarters and sends a message to the junior researchers in the library via butterfly.

"Could you please find any reference in our libraries to Souls being studied before and after they became Hollows or any information we have been able to glean about souls that became Hollows. Please pay extra attention to any mentions of the souls mental state and the hollows abilities to see if there is any correlation between the souls mental state and the powers they develop upon hollowfication. Then send a copy of the information to both myself and Acting Captain Lucita."

Giving up on contacting Sawada with his complaints for the day Castus opens up some files on Electric heating coils and AVRs.

5a Violista
2013-07-03, 08:59 AM
Soul Society

Peredur finds Tarriz. He walks up to him, and says, "Hey. Sensei Sato wanted to see you in his office." It might have something to do with the assembly that Tarriz didn't show up at.

2013-07-04, 01:01 AM
[Soul Society]
Monastery of the Ho-ou

After fifteen minutes of walking, Zheng Li Lin arrives at the central hospital with the two Royal Guard representatives. Stopping at the duty officer's desk, the Commander asks: "Good day. I'm here to check in on patient Sabitsura Sho. Is she still held in the same room as yesterday? Also, could you bring me a cup of water?"

((OOC: dancrilis, you can play the duty officer. ))

2013-07-04, 08:38 AM
"Then if you insist on hitting me this lightly I'll overtake you! I can go for days! And I'll only get stronger!" This time Jehoel's kick hits something hard, as Kiba has twisted in midair for his fist to block Jehoel's strike, the resulting force creating a thundrous shockwave that explodes over the sands.

Kiba had no idea where this surge of energy had come from. The raw reiatsu alone was on par with that he had felt from certain Bankais before. But his concentration was elsewhere at the moment, and while his fist blocked Jehoel's kick, Kiba's leg whipped around, wreathed in the same energy and raw force and careened towards the back of Jehoel's head.

[Hueco Mundo]
That "Night"

"I think I'm beginning to regret goading you into speech."

Jehoel appears to be completely and totally unperturbed by Kiba's sudden surge of raw power. Kiba's leg will find that its target is not where it is supposed to be, as Jehoel blurs straight into the sky, firing another spread of Bala Agua. He then blurs to the ground on the left, firing a wide Cero at Kiba when he reappears.

2013-07-04, 02:53 PM
[Soul Society]
Monastery of the Ho-ou

After fifteen minutes of walking, Zheng Li Lin arrives at the central hospital with the two Royal Guard representatives. Stopping at the duty officer's desk, the Commander asks: "Good day. I'm here to check in on patient Sabitsura Sho. Is she still held in the same room as yesterday? Also, could you bring me a cup of water?"

((OOC: dancrilis, you can play the duty officer. ))

Saruhiko glances about the hospital before turning to Li. "Are you still holding to not treating this men and women with anything short of medieval treatments from the mortal world?"

2013-07-04, 03:00 PM
Zheng Li Lin turns and gives Saruhiko a freezing glance. "Medieval? Medicine has advanced a great deal since you last walked on earth, Saruhiko-dono. One good method is no reason to look down on achievements of all the great men and women who've worked to heal the ailing."

2013-07-04, 08:26 PM
[Hueco Mundo]
That Night

Randii steps into her room, her new uniform over her shoulder. She pauses a moment with her eyes closed.

Yep. That fight's still going on.

She sighs a little and tosses the uniform onto the bed, with herself following it.

She spends some time thinking about the day's events. And about how she was gonna be training new recruits. Not just any recruits, either. The best of them. The ones that were just a little bit below her power level.

A grin breaks out on her face. She'd just have to break them first to make sure they stay in line.

2013-07-05, 02:53 PM
[Soul Society]

Kanomi Tarriz

Noticing Peredur, Tarriz tried to stand and failed, "I wanted to thank you" he coughed "just give me a few minutes to collect myself".

He was in poor shape.

[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou - Med Center 4)

Sabitsura Sho

Whatever else could be said about the woman's fussing she knew her work, Sho felt a lot better with her hands having bandages that didn't restrict movement.

The final instruction had been to get some rest, which Sho adopted on the nearby cot, after blocking the door with a broom to allow her t0 rest properly.

[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)


Thanking Castus as he left she moved back to her office, review the reports of her agents, paying attention to those that had dealt with Sho to note any new issues - grateful that there were none.

She moved off to speak to her herself - much as she would prefer to have her located in med center 4 which could be quarantined easily if needed, she supposed she had to make the attempt to follow the Captain-Commanders order to lay down the law of expected behaviour.

[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou - Med Center 4)

Sabitsura Sho + Lucita

The door was sealed which was a mixed sign, the centres rooms had no windows so the girl would be within it on the other hand it showed the she thought she could treat the place as her own.

She knocked and within a few seconds the girl answered it, clearly on edge.

"You broke into SSI, reviewed records without permission, abandoned the former captains orders to remain here", she fixed her with a glare, "I would be within rights to request that Internal Security detain you indefinitely".
She sat "on the other hand you surrendered and did not initiate violence despite a clear history of it, so that is something to work with".

"As such I will ask you point blank as to what you want currently and in general", her voice flat.

Looking back at the older woman Sho tracked her movements carefully, her tone was somewhat hostile but her body language betrayed no hint of aggression, "I want my knife back, and to gain more power" and I can get it back if needed she decided.

"Very well, I can operate with those, for now you will rest - tomorrow you will adopt unseated duties as per normal without committing any crime, do well I will return your blade tomorrow evening. You will continue this for a week and if I hear no incidents to cause me alarm I will request some training for you in an area you feel you are lacking - either direct or in material form", standing "this is a better deal than I should be providing you so consider carefully before throwing it away - you are out of chances with me at least, I have other things to worry about".

[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou - Med Center 4)

The Duty Officer that Li encountered was a young man obviously nervous at meeting the captain-commander, his own former commander with guests in tow. The etiquette of the situation was unfamiliar to him.

"Captain Li, sorry I mean Captain-Commander forgive me. Sabitsura Sho yes, I mean no, no they are in Med Centre 4 - I don't know why there is nothing noted as contagious which would require her to be there" Li would likely know that Med Centre 4 was used for highly infectious individuals and could be locked down quickly in the event of the break out, other sections were used for research on new medicines, all could be isolated and locked collectively or separately - if you wanted to hold someone within areas controlled by the Medicine and Logistic Division it would be Med Centre 4, "but it might have to do with whatever SSI were involved in with her".

"I can show you the way ... I mean escort you" he moved to lead the way, seeming to forget that Li would know the way.

"I believe that Acting-Captain Lucita has also taken an interest in our newest member" he sounded almost jealous.

2013-07-05, 05:40 PM
Zheng Li Lin turns and gives Saruhiko a freezing glance. "Medieval? Medicine has advanced a great deal since you last walked on earth, Saruhiko-dono. One good method is no reason to look down on achievements of all the great men and women who've worked to heal the ailing."

"Their services are commendable and kaido only goes so far. I am more than understanding of the progress the mortals have made. It has been seven hundred years since I have been here. You are set in your ways Commander Captain, I feared the worst." Saruhiko explains simply, not seeming to wither under the gaze. "Perhaps we can sit and I will show you some methods I have developed?"

2013-07-06, 06:20 AM
[Soul Society]
Monastery of the Ho-ou - Medical Center 4

Briefly after hearing Sho's whereabouts, Li wonders what the Hell Lucita is thinking, letting her into the bioweapon storage area. Then the Commander realizes the Duty Officer is talking about the new research wing, rather than using Li's own euphenism for other area.

"Ah. 'Medical Center'. Not 'reception room'. Got it. Thank you, but I can find it there myself." Before leaving, Li adds one more thing, hearing the jealous undertone in the Officer's voice: "You should not worry about her. Lucita-fukutaichou and me are devoting attention to her because she is a risk, not because we favor her. We are just making sure she won't be a threat to either you or any of the patients. Please resume your duties."

After addressing the Duty Officer, the Commander beckons the Royal Guard members to follow and replies to Saruhiko, the elder's expression softening from earlier. "That would be most welcome, Saruhiko-dono. I will have to decline for tonight, but maybe we'll have another chance tomorrow."

Li and the lot arrive at Sho's room just as Lucita is leaving. "Hello, Lucita-san", Li greets her. "I see you have gotten personally acquianted with our new problem child." Li frowns when Li sees Sho is not restrained. "Do resume your duties for now. I will have a word with you later."

Then, Li moves on to said problem child. Taking a sip from the glass to moisten Li's throat, the elder sits on the visitor's chair and places the glass, now half-full, on the room table.

"Hello to you too, Sabistura-kun. It seems you got yourself in another fight despite my best advice. And direct orders."

The Commander's voice drips with contempt. It is obvious Li does not find this situation amusing in the slightest. "I understand my underling has let you remain unshackled. For now. I'm not here to rescind her orders. I am here, again, to remind you of your position, in the hopes that understanding it will make you less likely to commit further idiocies."

"You see Sho, the thing you don't understand is that you need us."

Li gives the sentence a moment to sink into Sho's thick, thick head. "Your actions speak of a person who thinks she is fine, or can get fine, on her own. That is a delusion. Oh, I know you feel fine." Li glances at Sho's bandaged hands. "Or at least, felt fine after you woke up from your surgery. But that's not because you actually are fine. Rather, your incorrect assessment of your condition is due to three things. One, your brain was cut up, so you're somewhat excused for not thinking straight. Two, the brain does not have actual sense of touch of its own, so you can't actually feel the damage done to it. Third, you lack knowledge."

"It's that third part I'm here to remedy."

Li reaches to take a plastic cup from a holder, then places it on the table next to the glass. "You are under a rather common superstition of young Shinigami that Kaido is panacea, a magic cure-all that will fix any injury. This is evidenced by the fact you used it for self-medication, to stitch back your own ear. If you'd gotten third-year Academy lectures on the subject, you would have never done that. Neither would you have cut up your own hands so you could 'practice' Kaido."

"Ah yes, I know you wonder how I know of that. Most likely, you are assuming some other student told me. But that's not the case. I didn't know untill I viewed your surgery report. In case I had damaged the bones in your wrist, they took X-rays from your hands. That is how I found out you had scarring tissue from older wounds there. Scarring tissue from wounds that were not properly treated."

Li takes a relaxed posture and leans back in the chair. "The basic principle of all Kido is to turn user's inner strenght, Reiryoku, into a force known as Reiatsu. Reiatsu is then used to manifest various effects." Li leaves the bamboo cane to lean on the room table, and picks up the half-full glass in right hand, and the plastic cup in left. "In Kaido, this basic principle is used to transfer power from one invidual to another. When one heals with Kaido, they perform Reiatsu restoration first. By doing so, the healer can attempt to recover the physical body using the patient's restored reiatsu and the healer's external reiatsu."

All the water is now in the plastic cup. Li places it back on the table, while putting the now-empty glass a good distance away. Li then grabs the bamboo cane with both hands, letting it rest on Li's lap. "Patient's restored Reiatsu. Healer's external Reiatsu. Neither energy nor matter spring out from nowhere. To successfully heal someone with Kaido, the healer needs more Reiatsu than what the patient's body usually holds. This is a rather big problem with patients like you, Sabitsura-kun, who have much more Reiatsu than our average healer. Much more than even Nanoha Shigure-san, who conducted your operation. So... I have a question for you, Sabitsura-kun." Li draws Hei Lin from the cane, and points the Jian towards the plastic cup.

"How do you make that cup full without adding any water to it?"

2013-07-06, 08:07 AM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou - Medical Center 4)


She offered a bow to the captain-commander, "yes Li-sama, there are some matters I still wish to discuss with you also" turning to Sho "please consider our discussion carefully".

She gave a polite nod to the unrecognised attendants to the Captain-Commander as she made her way back to her office - stopping to request some food be sent up to her.

[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou - Medical Center 4)

Sho Sabitsura

She noted the two new people she did not recognise them and her attention throughout was split between the three of them for any hostile movements, as Li manipulated the water content in the glass she assumed it was for distraction and did her best not to let it work.

Listening carefully "I believe that the last time we met you encouraged me to rampantly slaughter the weak to increase my own power, I have grown bored with that and also hold it to be inaccurate from observation", crossing her arms before her, "as such I am unsure I can trust what you say".

Thinking about Kaido "Your words sound reasonable, but in practice a stop gap measure is often useful followed by natural healing. Combined with ensuring that one heals in a manner that they wish", she might not get the better of this argument but she would give the rational "a fatal strike that cannot be held at bay by Reiatsu alone for long might be reduced to an acceptable level by Kaido".

Turning to the glass she wondered if the question was a trick "that glass is already full, it is half full of water and half full of air" puzzling at why such a question would be asked, "if you mean full so that the visual effect remains you could freeze the water in sheets and place them to show that the glass is full of water in the form of ice sheets, or you could add something that is not water to it to push out the quantity of air and allow for a fullness based on liquid content", looking at the the captain-commander "there are other ways depending on perception, so how would you make that cup full without adding any water to it?" she asked.

2013-07-06, 10:17 AM
Li is not amused by Sho's inability to focus. "Look at me when I talk to you", the Commander snarls. Then Sho opens her mouth, and Li sighs in disappointment. The cane is left on the elder's lap as Li covers Li's face in shared sense of shame.

"For all your intellect, it's hard to think of a worse fool than you are, Sabitsura-kun. I said 'the strong prey on the weak'. But you are not strong. You are weak. Your ignorance makes you so." Mentally, Li makes a note: it appears Sho is unable to process analogues except on a completely literal level. Her prior psychological profiling did not suggest such a trait. Li must inform Lucita of this observation, at it is vital in future teaching of this problem child.

"For all the things you listed, you missed the simplest way. First, let me rephrase a question a bit, so you understand the problem: how do you make this cup full of water, without adding any to it? Well, let me illustrate:"

With a flick of wrist, Hei Lin cuts away the top of the plastic cup, so fast and neat the cup doesn't even move and no water is spilled on the table. The cup is, indeed, now filled to the brim - if you forget that there's only one half of a cup!

"That is how", Li snarks while sheathing Hei Lin. "That is also analogous to what you do to yourself every time you use Kaido on yourself. You spoke of 'pattern replacing', which was a keen observation, I'll grant you that - but you seem completely oblivious to what that new pattern is."

"Kaido is useful as a stop-gap measure, but only if it's done on you by someone else. In practice, a lethally wounded Shinigami trying to use Kaido on herself near-invariably dies."

"Why? A Shinigami's body can only produce cells in harmony with their current level of Reiatsu. Not their actual or theoretical maximum. When they then begin recovering Reiatsu, those weak cells undergo apoptosis and are replaced by new, stronger cells. Ordinarily this is not a problem, because a Shinigami recovers Reiatsu much faster than their bodily wounds heal. Only a small amount of weak cells are created before they are cannibalized by the body. This is why Kaido works so well, in fact, when used by someone on someone else. When Reiatsu is rapidly restored, the body can immediately devote all excess energy to creation of new, healthy cells."

"But when you use Kaido on yourself, almost the opposite happens. Creation of new cells requires energy, and that energy comes from your Reiatsu. Even worse, part of the energy is lost as waste heat and light, as you first regurgitate your Reiatsu out of your body and then absorb it back in. This creates a negative feedback loop, where every regenerated cell consumes a part of your remaining Reiatsu, and as a result all further cells end up weaker for it. Then, your body runs out of Reiatsu, and starts consuming existing cells to create more. Again, part of the energy is wasted, so for each cell destroyed, less than a cell is created."

"Bit by bit, your body devours itself. There have been cases where Shinigami tried to regenerate lost limbs, and essentially starved to death as a result. One tried to regenerate a lung, and ended up dying because the process destroyed their heart. Others perished when their bodies rotted away when too much Reiatsu was poured into them, and the bodies they thought were healed could not cope with it."

Li points at Sho's ear. "It's very lucky you only healed something as small and non-vital as leaf of an ear. It's also lucky you only did it after we'd already restored your Reiatsu close to its normal level. If we had not, that ear would wither and fall away as soon as your Reiatsu fully recovers, as your normal level of Reiatsu would have been toxic to it. You still lost almost a full kilogram of bodyfat for it. I suggest you go and fetch new bra from the Central Warehouse as soon as possible."

The Commander stands up. "That concludes your lecture for the day Sabitsura-kun, unless our visitor here has something to add." Li beckons at Saruhiko with the cane. "Saruhiko-dono here is the inventor of Kaido. By all means, if my word is not enough, ask him."

"You do not know everything, Sho. You do not know even as much as you think you do. But if you want to learn, and get rid of your weakness, we can teach you. But not without a price."

Li takes a step closer to Sho. The girl should be able to see the Commander's lips are still burned. "Too few students like you ask an important question: 'if Kaido can fix everything, why is the teacher missing a leg?' Now I've told you the reason. If there was a way for us Shinigami to recover limbs like Hollows do, I would not be walking around with a prosthetic."

"Fortunately, there is hope for me. There is a promising young robotics researcher called Takenaka Chouko-chan, who I keep healed despite her continuous mishaps. She is, in some ways, very much like you, in that she's reckless and self-destructive despite her sharp mind."

"Or, to put it more bluntly: the only reason I tolerate that damn bitch and her hideous taste in music is because she's useful to me. And that's the question you should ask yourself from here on, Sabitsura-kun: 'How I am being useful to Zheng Li Lin today?' You should ask that about yourself every time you walk, or read, or go to the toilet, or do anything at all. Even breathing."

"Because if you can't think of an answer I like, the next time you will see me is in your own execution."

"Is this clear, soldier?"

2013-07-06, 10:48 AM
[Soul Society]
Day after Shos' incarceration.

Going down to check on what the researchers had been able to discover with regards to Lucitas questions, Castus isn't exactly surprised by the amount of information they have been able to compile. Either way though he still has to report the findings, so while copies of what little information they have are made he writes up a quick summary of the details.

Details of hollows before hollowfication- Almost non-existent, no useful information.

Hollows set to Hell vs Hollows sent to SS by purification manifesting unusual powers- If compared by percentages no correlation, small sample of after incident reports of both types enclosed.

Giving the report to one of the lower ranked researchers to deliver to Med and Log headquarters, Castus writes off any more research as a bad job and gathers a few SSI members together for a trip to the mortal world.

Once he has enough people he heads towards the Senkaimon gate, after all he might be able to duck Sawada for abit longer and let the whole Sho business get buried in the past if he was in the mortal world collecting items for his research. Although he had overheard a few people talking about Sawada making his own trip so he might not be back for awhile anyway.

Mostly just fluff stuff for Castus to be doing at this point, I left it here incase he's not allowed though the Senkaimon for whatever reason. If there are no problems i'll do the whole sample collecting and return in the next post (It's just going to be some tech if your interested)

2013-07-06, 11:21 AM
Hueco Mundo
Palacio Central

Fungal bath time is fun and all, but a steward's job is never done. Specially in the aftermath of the cataclysmic spellcast of a suicidal shinigami.

Lord Jehoel was wise, of course, to take the fight out of the city walls - or dome, as it might be - falling debris certainly did a number of the city blocks underneath, and the shockwave as well, but it would have been so much worse otherwise. Why, in the palace itself, the explosion brought down a western annex. Clovis isn't sure what it was used for - he's only been around for a day after all - but it can't be important, not anymore, anyway.

Well, better get to work.

It is most fortuitous to be who he is and have the capabilities he has. A sheet of a paper and a pencil are always easy to come by, and a man can only think and hone his mental skills by spending a few centuries in a hole in eastern Europe. Clovis gets to work on a design to rebuild the devastated portions of the palace - the rest of the city is honestly not his problem.

So there he sits, outside on a small stool of quick making, sketching a plan for how to rebuild that portion of the palace.

Maybe an amphitheater would be in order. Decisions, decisions.

2013-07-06, 02:19 PM
[Soul Society]

Kanomi Tarriz

Noticing Peredur, Tarriz tried to stand and failed, "I wanted to thank you" he coughed "just give me a few minutes to collect myself".

He was in poor shape.

A large, fat shadow looms over Tarriz. "Death does not wait for you to be ready, Tarriz." Sato lifts him to his feet. "What happened son? You look terrible."

2013-07-06, 03:06 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou - Medical Center 4)

Sho Sabitsura

I had been trying to gain knowledge when these current issues started and people got annoyed she almost snapped, the elders wordplay would likely turn that around into her misunderstanding also.

She was further unamused by the destruction of the cup and claiming that the remainder was the same - but that flawed comparison seemed to be what the elder was accusing her of doing with her body. It was something to consider at the least.

Looking between the elder and her guest "an inventor is not always the highest practical expert. But very well" turning to the guest "Captain Li advises that one never uses Kaido on themselves, would you agree or would you say that there are times which it's use is acceptable and that learning the limits of ones abilities in this regard would be positive", considering it as a problem to be solved, "further were one to capture there excess Reiatsu when at rest to be accessed once needed would this solve the issue of self use?".

Returning her eyes to the Captain-Commander, "I don't like being threatened" her voice low "but your words are understood".

The Lucita woman had offered her a path to achieving what she wanted providing that she behaved how the woman wanted her to - with the punishment implied, this one was using the same only with the punishment clear and the reward vague. She suspected they were working together to attempt to enforce what they considered acceptable behaviour.

[Soul Society]

Kanomi Tarriz

"Sir" he said shocked "thank you" as he was helped to his feet, "myself and Peredur-san were duelling yesterday and something came over me ... I am not sure what really" stopping "Peredur won and healed me as best he could", embarrassed now "I tried to make the assembly" against nurse request he left out "but I was to late".

2013-07-06, 06:04 PM
"My...what fine women you are training now Commander Captain." Saruhiko chuckles at the rather gruff start of the conversation. "It is unwise to practice kaido on oneself yes but it was never intended for that." he answers simply, offering only the lightest of shrugs at the second question. "Kaido was designed with the strict intent to build bridges as well as mend wounds. When you mingle your own reiatsu with another...you understand one another on a much deeper level. Hatred is washed away as you give something from yourself to another. Much like donating blood that the mortals hold, it is an action that takes little from you but gives new hope to others. To use it on yourself is strictly masturbatory in that sense. It is a great shame of mine that I could not devise a method to properly heal oneself swiftly and safely in my time in Soul Society. It is like eating your own leg to stave off dying from starvation. The effort involved is more than the benefit you would gain. No matter the steps you take, Kaido takes more energy to heal you than you could afford to lose even at your maximum. Even the former Commander Captain would be at a net loss. You would bleed out your spiritual energies and die."

2013-07-06, 06:30 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou - Medical Center 4)

Sho Sabitsura

Considering his words she suspected that he was not in fact complimenting her, "but you didn't answer the question, if healing another is no risk to the healer, than using the same power to store the energy for later personal use should not be a problem either ... there by allowing self healing if preparation has been done, the only matter is the containing method. Yes it might take more effort than reward in an immediate sense but at a crutial moment using earlier unused power might be well worth it, storage methods started being considered in in her mind, needed to be compact, fast acting, easy to deploy etc, perhaps for the first topic of learning she would look into that "and how useful would it be as an offensive ability, if it can be used to destroy cells?" when knowledge was being offered it was better to take it - even if it would have to be tested to ensure that no misinformation was provided.

2013-07-06, 06:40 PM
[Soul Society]
(Rokushō Kairō)

Chouko sneezes suddenly in the middle of her conversation with Hideki, shrugging it off then continuing plans for the engineering division. While silently considering how to get the one-up on Koutetsu.

It probably involved bribing the new Commander with a high-tech leg.

2013-07-06, 07:20 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou - Medical Center 4)

Sho Sabitsura

Considering his words she suspected that he was not in fact complimenting her, "but you didn't answer the question, if healing another is no risk to the healer, than using the same power to store the energy for later personal use should not be a problem either ... there by allowing self healing if preparation has been done, the only matter is the containing method. Yes it might take more effort than reward in an immediate sense but at a crutial moment using earlier unused power might be well worth it, storage methods started being considered in in her mind, needed to be compact, fast acting, easy to deploy etc, perhaps for the first topic of learning she would look into that "and how useful would it be as an offensive ability, if it can be used to destroy cells?" when knowledge was being offered it was better to take it - even if it would have to be tested to ensure that no misinformation was provided.

"You are under a misunderstanding, Kaido is not completely safe even when healing others. As in the previous example of a blood transfer, it is possible to drain to much energy from yourself and put yourself at risk. It is why Kaido users are better when they have more spiritual pressure. Those with little reiatsu are not fit for kaido...not without great personal risk. It is those men and women who deserve our respect." Sharuhiko explains as he takes a seat. He perks a brow at the question though answers in his same slow manner. "It is possible yes."

2013-07-06, 07:26 PM
Li snorts. "There is already a school of Kido devoted to making your Reiatsu kill things. It is called Hado. There is also something that is used to store energy so it can be consumed at used at a later point. We call it food."

It's obvious Li doesn't want to waste time on another inane argument with this girl. "Within the limits of your current orders, do feel free to search for a method to contain Reiatsu, Sabitsura-kun. But it isn't something you will suddenly come up with from the top of your head. Better minds than you have tried. And even if you came up with a workable theory out of blue, no serious application of theory has ever been achieved without hours in the laboratory."

Li moves to leave. "If I was you, before trying to do a thing I would first try to find out what has been done, so I wouldn't waste my effort on reinventing the wheel. But your time is up for now. I must return to more important duties." The Commander glances at the Royal Guard member. "Do you have any parting words, Saruhiko-dono?"

2013-07-06, 07:44 PM
Saruhiko stands with a sigh though glances at the "patient". "I suppose one. What troubles you my dear?"

2013-07-07, 12:58 AM
[B][Soul Society]

Kanomi Tarriz

"Sir" he said shocked "thank you" as he was helped to his feet, "myself and Peredur-san were duelling yesterday and something came over me ... I am not sure what really" stopping "Peredur won and healed me as best he could", embarrassed now "I tried to make the assembly" against nurse request he left out "but I was to late".

Sato nods. "I am glad you were not seriously hurt. We will keep your assessment short and easy then. When we're done I want you to report to the infirmary for a detailed examination and treatment. For right now, let's find a place to talk."

Viera Champion
2013-07-07, 01:02 AM
"So... if things are not what they seem, Hikaru-san, and I seem foolish, then...

...what am I?"

Hikaru tilts her head curiously.
"Yes. Well. The most foolish sensible person I know, that's for certain."
She sighs. This might get deep.

2013-07-07, 07:26 AM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou - Medical Center 4)

Sho Sabitsura

"And thereby you could draw the excess energy into yourself to restore your own abilities while weakening an opponent, right?", she spoke half to herself.

Well at least the commander had given her the approval to conduct the research and take the laboratory time, that was something at least.

The tilted her head inquisitively at the question of what troubled her, "I am not sure I understand. Other people are dangerous, this has been proven repeatedly, the most direct method of achieving safety from them would be the removal of all other intelligences and all methods of intelligence arising, however this is not practical under current conditions, as such I need to focus my efforts on protecting myself from others in more achievable ways", looking at the man "you protected yourself with the invention of Kaido which you have stated is a method of binding others to you so that their loyalty is compromised in your favour, but you know that others would still seek to harm you so you have likely developed additional methods of guaranteeing your security until you are ready to solve the problem permanently" looking at Li "the captain is likely the same via different methods".

"It is an unpleasant truth that it is best to keep your known enemies close, both as a shield against the unknown and to prevent them becoming unknown, and this collection of hostile entities seeking to protect themselves from the unknown is called society", she shrugged "a necessary evil for long term security even as it compromises short term security".

"It is a logical perversion I have not been able to solve, yet" she finished.

[Soul Society]

Kanomi Tarriz

"Yes sir" he was prepared to follow, even as he was too weak to maintain a proper pace.

2013-07-07, 08:00 AM
Soul Society

Sato leads Tarriz to an unused office and sits him in a chair. "Since you missed the assembly I'll give you a quick summary. The students, all of them, are being put through an intensive combat training course, all other classes are cancelled until the crisis is over. The teachers are meeting with everyone to assess their strengths and weaknesses. If Hollows attack again, and I know they will, we won't seed psychopaths like Sho to deal with them. Every student here will be fully capable of fighting anything short of a Menos. So Tarriz, what are you especially good at, and what are you terrible at?"

2013-07-07, 09:40 AM
Hikaru tilts her head curiously.
"Yes. Well. The most foolish sensible person I know, that's for certain."
She sighs. This might get deep.

"...now you're just being plain confusing."

Setsurou obviously knew where she was going with this. But this was a cornerstone of who he was, and wasn't. As such, he wasn't going to give her an easy time about it.

He half-expected her to just come out and proclaim her love for him or something equally off the left field...

2013-07-07, 10:25 AM
[Soul Society]
Monastery of the Ho-ou - Medical Center 4

Li doesn't look at Sho as she explains her philosophy. Instead, the Commander is looking at the faces of the Royal Guard members, to see their reaction. To Li, Sho's insane troll logic is nothing new, but the elder wonders how Saruhiko's appraisal of Sho's "fineness" will be affected by learning this woman considers pretty much everyone and everything her enemy.

Nonetheless, the Commander is pretty impatient to leave. There's a talking-to that needs to be given to Lucita, and then hopefully Li won't have to deal with anything Sho-related for a while. In that manner, Li's promotion might turn out to be a blessing.


[Soul Society]
Department of Research

Igarashi's research quickly confirms basic facts of Li's diagram. Soul Society is separated from Earth by Dangai; Hueco Mundo is separated from Earth by Void; and another lenght of Void separates Soul Society and Hueco Mundo. However, little info is found on why it is so. As they day turns into night and the night turns into morning, however, some interesting theories and observations start to crop up.

The first concerns basic building blocks of the universe. Some researcher observed that matter in both Hueco Mundo and Soul Society consists of Reishi, "spiritual matter", while matter on earth consists of Kishi, "earthly matter". The study shows that in order to cross from Earth to either realm, the spirit of a human must either be separated from their bodies, or turned into Reishi wholesale. It notes that no known way to move living humans through a Senkaimon exists, but the same does not apply to Garganta. Somehow, travelling through the Void changes a human's whole body. Even more curiously, a human body knows how to turn back on its own. Explanation for this phenomenom has not been found.

Second, there's an old cosmological diagram. In it, Earth is the center, while all spiritual realms occupy orbits around it. Below Earth is Hell; above it is first Hueco Mundo, then Soul Society. Above Soul Society stands something labeled as the "Throne", which presumably refers to the Soul King's realm. A note on the diagram says: "Like planets, realms of existence are not stationary. They move in relation to each other. Traveling between realms is possible where their orbits intersect. The orbit of Soul Society is called Dangai. These intersections may exist in more than three dimensions. Because of this, going through Dangai may cause time travel."

Later addition says: "This does not happen when following orbit of Hueco Mundo. Hueco Mundo has fixed time-dimension to Earth. To move to past from Hueco Mundo, one needs to first move to orbit of Soul Society (?)."

Finally: "Orbit of the Throne only intersects with Soul Society. To get there, one needs [ACCESS DENIED] and a cannon."

A later commentary on this theory is even wilder: "It has not been confirmed, but stands a real possibility that orbits of realms follow those of planets, either past or future. Earth is Terra; Soul Society is Mars; and Hueco Mundo is Luna. Hell, rather than a planet, lies inside the core of Earth."

Someone has scribbled a mocking note in the margins: "If Hueco Mundo is the moon, what is the thing hanging from its sky then?"

Yet another commenter has this to say of orbits: "Like Hollows themselves, their world seems incomplete. Its real size has not yet been verified, in fact we do not even know if it is round; but, based on initial calculations, it seems much smaller than either Earth or Soul Society. While I personally find it questionable that Hueco Mundo would correspond to Earth's moon in any meaningful manner, I do find it likely that just like Luna was separated from Earth by a collision of another celestial object, Hueco Mundo too was once part of Soul Society, and was struck apart by some unknown cataclysm. It maybe Hueco Mundo is a testament to some past distruption in balance of souls."

2013-07-07, 11:13 AM
Stepping through the Senkaimon with the rest of his group Castus is gone for about an hour, before the gate opens and two SSI members step through the gate before it quickly closes. Once through they begin advising anyone in the way to start making some room.

A few seconds later the gate opens again, this time with several hundred meters of high voltage cable coming flying though it. Along with a pair of metal squares wrapped in wire that skid to a halt with only minor damage a few feet infront of the gate before it once again closes. After a minute or so of the two squad members trying to clear some of the equipment from infront of the gate, it opens again with the rest of the group plus Castus coming though. This time carrying a few boxes of tools, testing equipment and a metal box with a few wiring connections coming off it.

Once it's all through Castus calls the research group over for a chat.

“Nice work so far, now carry the stuff over to the clearing near the SSI and we can set it up for testing. And call in some extra muscle since once it’s all set up you can take the rest of the day off so the quicker the better.”

Castus keeps an eye on the removal of the equipment from the square. Once it’s all removed he follows the group to the clearing.

2013-07-07, 12:58 PM
[Soul Society]

[Soul Society]
Department of Research

Igarashi's research quickly confirms basic facts of Li's diagram. Soul Society is separated from Earth by Dangai; Hueco Mundo is separated from Earth by Void; and another lenght of Void separates Soul Society and Hueco Mundo. However, little info is found on why it is so. As they day turns into night and the night turns into morning, however, some interesting theories and observations start to crop up.

The first concerns basic building blocks of the universe. Some researcher observed that matter in both Hueco Mundo and Soul Society consists of Reishi, "spiritual matter", while matter on earth consists of Kishi, "earthly matter". The study shows that in order to cross from Earth to either realm, the spirit of a human must either be separated from their bodies, or turned into Reishi wholesale. It notes that no known way to move living humans through a Senkaimon exists, but the same does not apply to Garganta. Somehow, travelling through the Void changes a human's whole body. Even more curiously, a human body knows how to turn back on its own. Explanation for this phenomenom has not been found.

Second, there's an old cosmological diagram. In it, Earth is the center, while all spiritual realms occupy orbits around it. Below Earth is Hell; above it is first Hueco Mundo, then Soul Society. Above Soul Society stands something labeled as the "Throne", which presumably refers to the Soul King's realm. A note on the diagram says: "Like planets, realms of existence are not stationary. They move in relation to each other. Traveling between realms is possible where their orbits intersect. The orbit of Soul Society is called Dangai. These intersections may exist in more than three dimensions. Because of this, going through Dangai may cause time travel."

Later addition says: "This does not happen when following orbit of Hueco Mundo. Hueco Mundo has fixed time-dimension to Earth. To move to past from Hueco Mundo, one needs to first move to orbit of Soul Society (?)."

Finally: "Orbit of the Throne only intersects with Soul Society. To get there, one needs [ACCESS DENIED] and a cannon."

A later commentary on this theory is even wilder: "It has not been confirmed, but stands a real possibility that orbits of realms follow those of planets, either past or future. Earth is Terra; Soul Society is Mars; and Hueco Mundo is Luna. Hell, rather than a planet, lies inside the core of Earth."

Someone has scribbled a mocking note in the margins: "If Hueco Mundo is the moon, what is the thing hanging from its sky then?"

Yet another commenter has this to say of orbits: "Like Hollows themselves, their world seems incomplete. Its real size has not yet been verified, in fact we do not even know if it is round; but, based on initial calculations, it seems much smaller than either Earth or Soul Society. While I personally find it questionable that Hueco Mundo would correspond to Earth's moon in any meaningful manner, I do find it likely that just like Luna was separated from Earth by a collision of another celestial object, Hueco Mundo too was once part of Soul Society, and was struck apart by some unknown cataclysm. It maybe Hueco Mundo is a testament to some past distruption in balance of souls."

Igarashi leans back, crossing his fingers behind his head. The data all seems rather inconclusive. The latest bit of data that he has recovered seems to be the most interesting -- Soul Society and Hueco Mundo were once one? Where is the proof of this? Perhaps the fact that they are separated by the Void instead of the usual boundary between worlds -- the Dangai. But then so too the Earth was connected to Hueco Mundo by way of the Void. What if all three had been connected in the beginning, and had been rent asunder somehow? But how then would the different kinds of particles interact. Lost in thought, he leaned farther and farther back until his head suddenly makes contact with a call-bell, the unexpected sound jerking him upright and onto his feet in surprise.

After a moment, he allows himself a small smile of embarassment. Ah well. He was almost done with the database in any case. Perhaps talking to one of the SSI would be more enlightening.

2013-07-07, 01:10 PM
"Nagashi-san? You called?" Yamamoto Sayuri, one of the younger interns, peeks into the archive room. She is a short (barely over 150 centimeters) young woman with cold blue eyes, pale freckled face, and long blonde hair tied on a ponytail. "Do you require assistance? Perhaps some coffee from the canteen? It now has 1500% more caffeine. Great for long stretches of research!" The girl gives two thumbs up.

2013-07-07, 01:49 PM
[Soul Society - SSI HQ]

"Oh." Igarashi looks surprised to see someone so young working here. "Yes. Thanks. Coffee would be great....Sayuri?"

Having had 700 years to hone his talents, Igarashi has more free time than most, and as such tries to keep most people's names handy.

Although, uh, would you happen to know anyone who could tell me about the different worlds? Particularly the border between them? Its ah, a project. On the Void. And the Dangai.

2013-07-07, 01:58 PM
The girl's face turns red as a strawberry when Igarashi calls her by name. "It's not polite to call someone you barely know with her first name", the girl mutters under her breath. And without honorofics, to boot!

At the mention of the subject matter, the girl looks thoughtful. "Border between worlds...? Got it! I will be back in a minute, Nagashi-san!"

Actually, it takes 39 seconds. The girl must have tasted that coffee herself. She returns with two steaming cups on platters balanced on one hand, and three books, a carton of milk and a bag of sugar on the other. "Here you go, sir! Made only from lab-grown, genetically engineered beans!", the girl chimes as she places the cups before Igarashi. After putting down the milk and sugar next to them, she drops the books one the floor, where they send a small cloud of dust billowing about. Someone should clean more often here.

"Most theories on the subject are just wild conjecture and crazy-talk. I mean, they sound like something I might think up while eating my morning cereal. Not much research has been done on the subject. That's because Central 46 has decreed all research into things that alter space-time highly illegal. But of course...", the girl lets out a nervous, high-pitched laughter that sounds like it could break glass, "... we're not going to do anything illegal, right, Nagashi-san?"

2013-07-07, 02:48 PM
Igarashi smiles to see the girl flushing.

"Illegal? No. Just a little harmless research."

Ah, to be young and to worry about propriety. He takes a sip of the coffee and has to do a double take, doing his best not to gag. Only a slight, quickly suppressed widening of his eyes denotes his surprise.

By the Soul King! What had this girl put into the coffee? It tasted like toe-nail clippings mixed with warm green fungus and dripping pustules. The taste was like nothing he'd tasted before, a sickly mix of bitter and acrid that assaulted his mind. He sincerely hoped that it was simply the normal taste of these overcaffeinated beans, and not any additions of Sayuris'. Although he preferred not to think about the alternative question which that raised, that of what they had fed the beans.

"This is uh, very good coffee. Who taught you to make this?" Igarashi asked, silently making a note to never to accept coffee from whoever had taught her. He moved to start pouring sugar into his drink, hoping to drown out the taste with enough of the powdery white substance.

2013-07-07, 04:07 PM
"Ah, I appreciate the compliment, but I didn't make it", the girl chimes. "It came straight from the canteen's new coffee automat. I just went and copied the design directly from Earth. This way, every researcher can remain properly caffeinated without constantly worrying about a coffee pan boiling over or running empty. If you get tired of coffee, it even makes hot cocoa or tea!"

The girl kneels down and opens the topmost book. The girl squints and presses her nose very close to the pages, suggesting she might be near-sighted. "Let's see... the most popular theories on spiritual cosmology are the 'orbit theory' and 'shadow world' theory. The first suggests that spiritual realms occupy orbits like planets, and revolve around Earth. But rather than spatial orbits, these orbits curve in more than three dimensions plus time, which why spiritual realms can not be detected from Earth using human equipment."

"The second theory posits Earth is the only 'real' world, and spiritual realms are just residual after-images caused by leftover energy from the world's soul. Theoretically, this would mean that Earth, Soul Society and Hueco Mundo all occupy the same 'space'. If you were to shoot a rocket from surface of Soul Society, it would eventually cross over from spirit world to real space and end up in the moon." Sayuri lifts her gaze from the book and glances at Igarashi. "Personally, I think both of these are a load of crap. They're all hypothetical with little experimental basis. Though I suppose they would be easy to falsify if we had a working space program. Come to think of it - why do we not have a working space program?"

Sayuri puts the first book aside and opens the second. "Huh. This is weird. It seems rocketeering and high-altitude flying devices have been banned by the decree of the Soul King. I wonder if he's worried about someone crashing to his palace or something? Though it's a moot point anyway. Shinigami expertise on conventional aerodynamics is almost null due to ubiquitous airwalking ability. And apparently if you walk above 20 kilometers of altitude, you run out of Reishi to breathe. Not air, Reishi. It is oddly specific about that. It's the same reason one mortal medium who tried to fly through a Garganta on a primitive flight machine failed. Void is full of spiritual energy, but its properties differ too much from air to create any lift, so he fell to his doom. He's probably still falling, actually. There are no verified limits to that dimension."

2013-07-07, 08:09 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou - Medical Center 4)

Sho Sabitsura

"And thereby you could draw the excess energy into yourself to restore your own abilities while weakening an opponent, right?", she spoke half to herself.

Well at least the commander had given her the approval to conduct the research and take the laboratory time, that was something at least.

The tilted her head inquisitively at the question of what troubled her, "I am not sure I understand. Other people are dangerous, this has been proven repeatedly, the most direct method of achieving safety from them would be the removal of all other intelligences and all methods of intelligence arising, however this is not practical under current conditions, as such I need to focus my efforts on protecting myself from others in more achievable ways", looking at the man "you protected yourself with the invention of Kaido which you have stated is a method of binding others to you so that their loyalty is compromised in your favour, but you know that others would still seek to harm you so you have likely developed additional methods of guaranteeing your security until you are ready to solve the problem permanently" looking at Li "the captain is likely the same via different methods".

"It is an unpleasant truth that it is best to keep your known enemies close, both as a shield against the unknown and to prevent them becoming unknown, and this collection of hostile entities seeking to protect themselves from the unknown is called society", she shrugged "a necessary evil for long term security even as it compromises short term security".

"It is a logical perversion I have not been able to solve, yet" she finished.

"I imagine doing that to save yourself would be deemed a heinous offense. I would suggest any Commander Captain to put you to death." Saruhiko murmurs, glancing at Li. "You're wasting your time with this one. She does not understand or even desire understanding. I will follow you."

2013-07-08, 08:40 AM
[Soul Society]
(Just outside the Shinōreijutsuin)
Chishio Zuiichi hesitantly knocks on the wooden frame of the front gates of the academy, his head bowed slightly so as to shade his eyes somewhat from the sun above.
I don't know why, but I was told to come here for training or something. All I know for certain is that some old man told me I'd fit in here. May I please be allowed to enter?"

I don't quite know the protocol here, I just hope I didn't do anything wrong.

2013-07-08, 10:22 AM
[Hueco Mundo]
(Outside Las Noches)

"That's not all you'll regret!" This time the raw reiatsu surrounding Kiba seems to evaporate the rain bullets on contact. Jehoel will find Kiba much closer than before as he continues to accelerate towards Jehoel's location. When Jehoel fires off the wide-range Cero, Kiba doesn't even try to dodge. Instead, he charges towards Jehoel, the raw reiatsu surrounding him boring into one point of the Cero like a drill. Through it all, Kiba keeps a perfect bead on Jehoel's location. With a Reiatsu like that, he's difficult to miss.


[Soul Society]
(Combat Division)

"Did she?" Scarlet asks unimpressed. "And why would she give special treatment to you as opposed to any other student? I'm warning you, Suou Nicole, I want the truth right now. All of it. Otherwise, disciplinary action will be the least of your concern. And remember, we have plenty of ways of checking into your story and asking people lots of questions. If you have something to hide go join one of the other Divisions. If you want to make it here, you had better be completely forthcoming."


(Black Dragon Inn)

Kun? Sanbo-kun? The strange suit of armor resembling a kettle angrily chugs another beverage. To onlookers it looks like some kind of miniaturized robot opening and pouring the beverage inside. Her face still isn't quite visible. This was quite embarrassing. Here she was, a representative from Squad Zero, and Li had had the nerve to address her so... informally. If Saruhiko-dono had not been there, she would have spoken up more. And instead of giving her a place to set up shop, she was just brushed aside to this inn like a tourist. She even had to drag the capsule she came in herself, rather than leave it in the street. The new Commander General SAID she would provide a space for Sanbo Kojin to set up her workshop, but as of now she had yet to hear anything. Her master would discipline her harshly for going so long without real work.

2013-07-08, 12:46 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou - Medical Center 4)

Sho Sabitsura

"Hmm ... that is unfortunate", was there no one in this place who appreciated potential weapons - but at lease there was no restriction on her developing what might become a banned technique if she could in fact develop it.

She looked unsure about something "I am not sure on the etiquette here, I am tired" or at least not at full rested status "and have been told to heal up ... is there anything else?, she felt the conversation was over but suspected saying 'go away' was not the correct method of achieving some peace.

[Soul Society]

Kanomi Tarriz

"Seed sir?" did they actually put a rampant murderer in the midst of students knowingly in case of trouble, did his friends die because the instructors didn't want to risk themselves, anger began a slow boil to the surface - it would have been faster if he was in better shape. Perhaps he had misheard.

[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)


She wasn't sure she had made the correct call, the captain-commander deserved privacy and so she had not monitored the room for the conversation - but the patient was under her care and remit so perhaps she should be listening. If it were not captain Li she likely would be listening at that.

Instead she processed papers and assessed patient reports, areas where the division had encountered trouble from other ranks, people who had preformed well, and were worthy of praise.

Scribing a note she had it copied and sent to her seated officers.

From the Desk of Lucita Acting-Captain of the Medical and Logistic Division,

There will be a weekly dinner meeting to discuss the direction of the division in general and to raise any concerns, the first will be in three days time. Attendance is not mandatory but it is encouraged - I would also encourage each of you to adopt a similar practice with any squads you oversee.

She had also tried to follow up with Kiba directly to many times now and been interrupted, she wrote another note.

From the Desk of Lucita Acting-Captain of the Medical and Logistic Division,

To Kiba I hope your recent burden is treating you better than mine is treating me - and I hope that you are proud of your accomplishments in maintaining your division intact and well functioning despite the loss of the Kenpachi under the worst of circumstances.

I had wanted to meet you to discuss the possibility of including some Kaidō specialists within your squads during wartime manoeuvrings to ensure recovery and retention of strength.

I would intend for this to be a short term measure until the scope of the Arrancar threat has determined, and that these specialists would in turn train some of your senior agents in efficient Kaidō use to ensure that those with a high degree of Reiatsu can protect and stabilise the other squad members after a conflict occurs to allow for the greatest possible recovery rate of military strength.

Of course the exact structure of this would need to be confirmed between us. If you would be interested in discussing this please follow up with me tomorrow or the following day.

Resting the pen she read over the note before directing a messenger to deliver it, ideally she would arrange the same with the Recon division but she lacked the resources currently.

Standing from her desk she began to practice a series of katas to ease her mind again - and take it off some more unpleasant matters.

2013-07-08, 01:29 PM
[Soul Society]
Medical center 4

"I imagine doing that to save yourself would be deemed a heinous offense. I would suggest any Commander Captain to put you to death." Saruhiko murmurs, glancing at Li. "You're wasting your time with this one. She does not understand or even desire understanding. I will follow you."

Li lets out a bitter "Ha!" at Saruhiko's comment.

"The sad part is, this isn't even the first time", the Commander says, images of Kiba and Sawada flashing in Li's mind. "At least, this time I got an early warning. Let us heed our patient's wishes, Kisaragi-dono. I will lead you back to the lobby. Please wait for me there, I need to speak to my underling."

After doing just that, Li finds way to Lucita's new office and opens the door. "Lucita-fukutaichou. I'm sorry to disrupt your training, but we need to talk. Please sit down."

2013-07-08, 01:50 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou - Medical Center 4)

Sho Sabitsura

Peace at least, returning the room to its defended state as they left, she did a check for hostile leavings before returning to sleep.

[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)


Flowing into a bow as Li entered, "think less than nothing of it Li-sama" she offered a smile as she moved back to her desk "I have in fact been waiting for an opportunity to speak with you - about that girl and your advise of preparation for the Arrancar however that will play out, baring of course you having no immediately more pressing concerns you would wish to discuss" indicating a tea pot on the table "shall I make us some tea?" she offered the elder a kind smile, there were likely to rip into her relating to drinking, distribution of resources, attitude regarding division control, the girl not being restrained, why she moved to the front when the Arrancar appeared and than retreated, the list of potential issues was long ... but she likely needed to hear them, unless of course she was to be replaced, in which case well she could relax again - which didn't sound so bad.

2013-07-08, 02:38 PM
[Soul Society]
(Monastery of the Ho-ou)

"No thank you", Li replies. "I'm not here for long." Li closes the door and walks closer to Lucita.

"I just want to remind you of the nuances of your new position, Lucita-san. Your decision to let Sabitsura walk free is risky. I don't have time to look over your shoulder and micro-manage your actions from here on, so I need you to be on ball with this:"

Li looks sternly at Li's former Lieutenant. "Sho is your underling now. That means she's also your responsibility. Since she's a known law-breaker, your decision to not restrain her means the burden of her actions is not just on her. It's on you, the one who made that decision."

"I've already robbed Sabitsura of all privileges she might have had. The only punishment I have left for her, is execution. But the reparations for her misdeeds must come from somewhere, and she won't be paying those once she's dead."

"Because of that, from here on, if she breaks anything, or harms anyone, the fines will be taken from your pay. If she kills anyone, you will be put on trial along with her. This is your new position, as well as punishment for disobeying my earlier order to restrain her. I don't care what reasons you had for that. Sabitsura is too dangerous to be allowed to do what she will, as has been clearly demonstrated."

"In addition, from here on, every new order to Sabitsura will be given as clearly and factually as possible. If necessary, you will have someone hound her every step and explain every new thing said to her. She has demonstrated pathological incapability to learn from her mistakes or understand analogues on anything but the literal level. In other words, she can only see letter of her order, and is completely blind to spirit behind them. She will take every order and every saying completely literally and warp them to her own favor. If no-one stops her, she will keep banging her head to the proverbial wall, rationalizing away her failures to break it with some pseudo-logical nonsense or blaming them on someone else."

"Is this much clear, Lieutenant?"

5a Violista
2013-07-08, 04:20 PM
[Soul Society]

Peredur, before Tarriz left with the Sensei, responded to him. "It was only what anyone else would have done."

After that, he goes off to try to focus his energy to regenerate his Zapakuto.

Combat Division

That wasn't enough?

Suou's voice changes from nervousness with a tinge of fear to a hint of aggression. "The whole truth? Fine. I want my family back. But they won't come back. They're all dead." Tears start to run down her face, even while her anger continues to be lashed out at the nearest living being - namely, Scarlet. "Murdered by those monsters, those Hollows, and I did nothing to help my family."

Now, her fists clench, and the anger turns to guilt. "I can't stop until every last one is dead and my family's honor is restored. I can't do it by myself, so that's why I came here to the Seireitei. Not to learn. To fight."

2013-07-08, 04:27 PM
[Soul Society]
(Clearing outside main SSI building)
Day after Shos incarceration.

Castus checks up on the wiring of the experiment stretched out infront of him: a handle followed by AVR followed by a step up transformer followed by the HV cable followed by a step down transformer and testing equipment before the whole operation was grounded.

Taking hold of the cable Castus begins the incantation for Tsuzuri Raiden, happily noting the various components starting to hum as they came to life when current was put through them. After getting the readings read back to him by a researcher he had kept behind Castus stops the flow and the pair swap positions.

This was the bit Castus was interested in he already knew he could keep a controlled current up but he was hoping the novice researcher would now be able to give a constant output with the help of the AVR. As the researcher begins his incantation everything seems to go pretty well with the readings looking stable. Happy with the results Castus calls to the guy to stop before dismissing him for the day.

Leaving the experiment laid out for further testing Castus takes some time to look over the equipment for any signs of damage from the tests.

2013-07-08, 04:29 PM
[Soul Society]

Peredur, before Tarriz left with the Sensei, responded to him. "It was only what anyone else would have done."

After that, he goes off to try to focus his energy to regenerate his Zapakuto.

Combat Division

That wasn't enough?

Suou's voice changes from nervousness with a tinge of fear to a hint of aggression. "The whole truth? Fine. I want my family back. But they won't come back. They're all dead." Tears start to run down her face, even while her anger continues to be lashed out at the nearest living being - namely, Scarlet. "Murdered by those monsters, those Hollows, and I did nothing to help my family."

Now, her fists clench, and the anger turns to guilt. "I can't stop until every last one is dead and my family's honor is restored. I can't do it by myself, so that's why I came here to the Seireitei. Not to learn. To fight."

Scarlet's eyes harden further. The recruit might be wondering if this was a test or an interrogation? "So you're loyal to the Suou House then? You supported their actions? All of them?" The issue of whether or not Nicole should be in the Academy or in the Combat Division was momentarily dropped.

2013-07-08, 05:20 PM
[Soul Society]

Kanomi Tarriz

"Seed sir?" did they actually put a rampant murderer in the midst of students knowingly in case of trouble, did his friends die because the instructors didn't want to risk themselves, anger began a slow boil to the surface - it would have been faster if he was in better shape. Perhaps he had misheard.

"Answer the question Tarriz, what do you think you're best at?"

5a Violista
2013-07-08, 07:16 PM
Soul Society
Combat Division

Nicole figures that it's an interrogation, and she takes a deep breath and collects herself before she answers this time. "They're family. I was loyal to them, even when I disagreed with Father and Uncle," she responds.

She doesn't see what this has to do with anything, though. "Just let me remain with the Combat Division. I promise I'll obey orders," she pleads.

2013-07-10, 02:33 AM
[Seireitei -- SSI HQ -- Sayuri and Igarashi]

Well. That explained that. Either Sayuri mixed up a coffee machine and a petroleum mixer while she was on Earth, or he really didn't want to know what they'd put into the machine. He would make sure to find an alternate source of coffee for his own squad.

"I wonder if anyone's tried firing a long-range Hado from 20 km up. It would be interesting, to say the least. I'm sure Chouko, at least, would love to give it a try. The question is, if all the worlds are in the same place, then why the different methods to access each from any given starting location?"

"I find it easier to believe the orbit theory. It at least sounds somewhat plausible. Its not very concrete though...tell me, Sayuri, how would you like to go on an expedition through the Dangai tomorrow?"

2013-07-10, 02:51 AM
"I'm not sure if that's wise when the Commander-General has issued a withdrawal order for whole Gotei." The girl stops to think. "Does this involve outrunning the Cleaner? I really don't want to be outrunning the Cleaner. Seriouly. Getting eaten by that thing means you're frozen forever in time. I wonder who even invented such dangerous device?"