View Full Version : Art forger

2013-06-13, 01:13 PM
I'm looking for help building an art forger for an upcoming supermax prison game. What would be the best build for it?

2013-06-13, 01:20 PM
Well, all you'd is need Craft (Art) since Forgery deals specifically with documents, so you'll probably want to go Cleric and use Guidance of the Avatar for +20 on the check.

What level are you? What books are allowed? What are the other players building? What challenges do you expect to face? What do you want to do besides forging art (in combat, etc)?

2013-06-13, 01:22 PM
Well, all you'd is need Craft (Art) since Forgery deals specifically with documents, so you'll probably want to go Cleric and use Guidance of the Avatar for +20 on the check.

Don't forget Divine Insight!

2013-06-13, 01:43 PM
Maxed ranks in all the social skills to help pull off the con and keep from being detected by suspicious buyers. Being a Changeling (or having a Hat of Disguise) might help as well. High Appraise check. Maybe Know(nobility) or Know(local) as well, to find out which artists are in demand. (Art forgery doesn't really work unless the artist whose work you're forging is in higher demand than the average artist; otherwise you might as well just be doing a craft (painting) check).

Fouredged Sword
2013-06-13, 01:55 PM
I would go a changeling factotum / chameleon, because well, factotum and changeling mean skills and ability to blend in anywhere, and the divine focus grant access to guidance of the avatar, divine insight, improvisation (divine bard) and every other skill boosting spell out there. Remember, you don't have to carry a spellbook for your divine focus, you just get the spells you need from any list, even in prison.

You should be able to score a Ranks+40 to craft, forgery, or any other skill you need.

Skills of note
Craft (art) - to make the piece
Forgery - to forge the documents of authenticity
Diplomacy - to close the deal
Bluff - to not get caught (glibness (divine bard) helps here)
Disguise - To not get chased once the deal is discovered
Sense motive - To not get conned back

Int>Con>Wis(11min, 16max)>Cha>Dex>Str

2013-06-13, 02:36 PM
Pretty much watch White Collar, and see what skills Neil Caffery uses.

Appraise, is that piece of art worth your time to even make?
Bluff, Obvious
Craft (All Art ones, or you could specialize), you need to make your stuff
Diplomacy, how do you schmooze the curator without it?
Disguise, all good con-men have aliases.
Forgery, Obvious once more
Gather info, you or a contact/cohort need this. You need to know if the painting you are making has any current news on it. Also buyers, cut out your middle-men.
Knowledge, to replicate something you must know what it looks like to every detail. You also need to know other things about it, like the artist was left handed for example.
Search, scouring the world for the perfect materials is the only way.
Sense Motive, is that buyer an undercover authority?
Sleight of Hand, Every good con man needs to be able to lift stuff from their mark.
Spot/Listen, as with every illegal job, situational awareness is key.

2013-06-22, 07:01 PM
Great info. thanks a lot guys.

Emperor Tippy
2013-06-22, 07:13 PM
Factotum 19/ Exemplar 1.

Max Craft (Art) and Forgery at 23 ranks each with your 30 Int (without items) for 33 and then use Cunning Knowledge for +19 to the check. Then have Skill Focus: Forgery for the +55 to your Forgery check. Then use Arcane Dilletante for Fabricate to complete the Forgery in 6 seconds.

Throw on a masterwork tool, taking 10 with Exemplar, and the magic items in Complete Adventurer that can arguably be applied through Fabricate.

About the best pre-epic forger that you will get.

2013-06-29, 02:37 PM
we're really getting some good info here