View Full Version : 3.5 - Tiefling homebrew/variants?

2013-06-13, 02:17 PM
So reading up on tieflings in Races of Fearun, i learned that they are likely descendants of mariliths or succubi when they have demonic heritage.

In an upcoming campaign i am looking to use a Tiefling Factotum who will be the Face and Skillmonkey of the group. My choice in using a tiefling was for more of a character fluff reason. When thinking about the backstory i decided to have my character be the decendant of a succubi, but looking at the racial traits, they don't seem to reflect that heritage.

As far as i'm aware, there are not that many options for tiefling variants, the only one i know of being lesser tiefling for a +0 LA.

I was considering changing their attribute modifiers to -2Str +2 Int +2 Cha to reflect a succubus' charm, cunning, and dislike for combat, and changing the darkness SLA into charm person (save is cha based).

What do you guys think? are there any other races or variants that would better reflect my character's lineage without heavily taxing the LA?

2013-06-13, 02:22 PM
Read this:


It's a handbook on planetouched. Several are fiend based. And you generally want to be lesser planetouched...

LA Buyoff is useful.

I like being Lesser Fey'ri with LA Buyoff. They are a type of Tiefling...

2013-06-13, 02:23 PM
There was material in earlier editions for specific kinds of half-fiends. One of them had a succubi for a mother and a mortal man for a father. I can't remember if it's the cambion or the alu-fiend, but I'm sure the internet can help you. The other one is the child of a glabrezu and a mortal woman, if memory serves.

In any case, those monsters might give you an idea of what the kids should look like. I would point out that it's not entirely clear that the child of a demon would share any characteristics with the parent (they are beings of chaos, after all), and, moreover, as highly magical beings, outsiders probably can control just how much of their fiendish/celestial power gets into their children.

Your suggested homebrew seems entirely balanced, by the way. A penalty to Str is weighed more heavily by the rules, and darkness and charm person probably are about the same in terms of power.

2013-06-13, 05:11 PM
The child of a succubus and male partner is the alu-fiend, and any homebrew templates I find for it incur +3 LAs at minimum.

It makes me want to create a Lesser Alu-Fiend template at a +1 LA.

maybe something like:
+2 int, +2 Cha
Darkvision 60ft
+2 to bluff, diplomacy, listen and spot
SLAs based on HD (darkness, charm person/monster, suggestion, eventually polymorph at will like succubus, etc.)
resistance acid/cold/fire 5
claw attack