View Full Version : Content: Order of Acceptance.

2013-06-13, 04:50 PM
Simply put, Im curious as to what things are accepted more over others in a campaign in terms of content source.

Content Sources: Core Books (PHB, DMG, MM), WotC Supplement Books, 3rd-Party Supplement Books, WotC Web Enhancement, Dragon Magazine, Home-brew.

So, in your opinion or your experience, what is most accepted and what is the least? If you know of other sources outside of these then by all means mention them.

2013-06-13, 06:53 PM
As I've seen it the order is something akin to

core > completes = srd > the rest of the generic supplements > New subsytem books* = official campaign settings and their supplements > dragon compendium > dragon magazines other 3rd party material

with WotC web supplements either between completes and generics or between generics and setting specific material.

*Psionics, ToB, Incarnum, & ToM

2013-06-13, 07:25 PM
As I've seen it the order is something akin to

core > completes = srd > the rest of the generic supplements > official campaign settings and their supplements > dragon compendium > dragon magazines other 3rd party material

with WotC web supplements either between completes and generics or between generics and setting specific material.

Sounds about right to me.

2013-06-13, 11:03 PM
I actually don't like the completes much. I prefer SRD+Tome of Magic, Tome of Battle, Dungeonscape, the three eco books (stormwrack, frostburn, sandstorm) and Magic of Incarnum.

2013-06-13, 11:08 PM
As I've seen it the order is something akin to

core > completes = srd > the rest of the generic supplements > official campaign settings and their supplements > dragon compendium > dragon magazines other 3rd party material

with WotC web supplements either between completes and generics or between generics and setting specific material.

this pretty much.

2013-06-13, 11:15 PM
When you're playing in a specific campaign world, the books relating to that world are almost always acceptable, just about on a par with core. Otherwise that placement sounds about right.

Tome of Battle and Psionics are less accepted than they should be, sadly. Put them on a par with books for a campaign setting, in a campaign outside that setting.

2013-06-13, 11:19 PM
When you're playing in a specific campaign world, the books relating to that world are almost always acceptable, just about on a par with core. Otherwise that placement sounds about right.

Tome of Battle and Psionics are less accepted than they should be, sadly. Put them on a par with books for a campaign setting, in a campaign outside that setting.

Now that you mention it, I suppose that latter bit is true. I'll adjust.

2013-06-14, 08:14 AM
The new subsystem books (XPH, ToB, ToM, MoI) vary tremendously from game to game: A lot of groups will include one or two of those, but not the others, and which one or two is different for every table.

2013-06-14, 04:03 PM
I've seen dragon magazine and mongoose materials hit the table more than most of the various subsystem books. Especially Incarnum and ToM.

Without knowing exactly what's going to be in a game as a player, I've started to just assume that the PHB, DMG, Monster Manual 1, PHB2, spell compendium, magic item compendium and the first 4 Completes are fair game. And I've never seen anyone turn down requests for the UA class chapter (races and other variants don't seem to be so lucky).

The rest - subsystems, environment books, campaign settings, web articles, later Completes or monster manuals, Races ofs and all the weird ones - have pretty frequently been restricted by access, interest or understanding, putting them in about the same situation as third party, homebrew and dragon articles

2013-06-14, 04:06 PM
...And I've never seen anyone turn down requests for the UA class chapter (races and other variants don't seem to be so lucky)...

I've actually seen UA outright banned. There are a few purists who just don't like anything in it at all.