View Full Version : Warblade/Unarmed Swordsage Gestalt

Gwazi Magnum
2013-06-13, 09:44 PM
So... I got a general build going for a Gestalt from two of the Tome of Blade classes and I'm looking for some general advice and what I can add to finish it.

Main go is to be competent in melee, able to hold their own and deal good damage. Main ability score is aimed to be Dexterity.

All manuals approved, even book of *** fantasy (censoring cause I'm not sure how strict the sites rules are about such matter) as you'll notice below when you see there's 7 ability scores.


Race: Elf
Class: Warblade 8//Unarmed Swordsage 8

Ability Scores:
Note, rolled scores were: 17, 16, 16, 16, 15, 15, 12

STR 12, DEX 20, CON 14, INT 16, WIS 16, CHA 15, APP 16

Balance, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Jump, Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty), Listen, Perform (*** Positions), Sense Motive

Note: Using the trick with elf that lets me covert their weapon proficiency feats with any feat.

I also plan on getting Item Familiar and getting Warforged arms to make the familiar a component on the arms, but I'm unsure where to purchase the feat. I'm debating University as a feat, but I'm lacking good class skills.

Unless if I went the Educated/Knowledge Devotion route, which I might do but it means almost completely re-writing my skills and I want to try to keep the agile combatant concept (Balance, Climb, Jump and Tumble) but I'm not dead set on it.

Edit: Though I relised looking back I forgot to invest in Tumble, oops. :/

Swordsage 1: Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike)
Elf 1: Great Fortiude
Elf 2: Improved Toughness
Elf 3: Thick Skin (+1 Natural Armour)
Elf 4: Thick Skull (1 Damage Resistance)
Flaw 1: Strength of Blood (Max HP, no need to roll hit die, 4 feats above were pre-requsite)
Flaw 2: Undecided
Level 1: Undecided
Level 3: Undecided
Warblade 5: Undecided
Level 6: Undecided

Which Trait's and Flaws I have are also undecided.

2013-06-13, 09:49 PM
Grab some of the ***** fantasy feats that give you enhancement bonuses to various abilities (whichever you want the most, probably str or con?) and leadership for a partner you can "play" with each morning (trying to keep it family friendly here)

Edit: Also endurance, to help you keep going. Maybe make your partner a marshal with high cha so she can give her cha score to both of your con checks ehhhh?

Gwazi Magnum
2013-06-13, 09:59 PM
Grab some of the ***** fantasy feats that give you enhancement bonuses to various abilities (whichever you want the most, probably str or con?) and leadership for a partner you can "play" with each morning (trying to keep it family friendly here)

Edit: Also endurance, to help you keep going. Maybe make your partner a marshal with high cha so she can give her cha score to both of your con checks ehhhh?

Trying to limit the abuse of leadership with the group this character is meant for, expecially since one of my last characters (do to character swapping I ended up having two main characters in the last campaign) was a undead cleric/sorcerer/mystic theurge who used undead leadership like crazy.

Also, if I had a cohort I'd want it be more than a 'playmate'. Plus, I'm thinking my character would be the kind to relax himself while in town, which is only like a few copper pieces.

Though since posting that topic I found I had ended up filling it with Educated, Knowledge Devotion, University and Item Familiar.

Item Familiar because I like the abilities and XP boost, the other three so I can gain an extra +5 attack and damage against all enemies.

Might switch this out though if I find the maneuvers won't work with it for whatever reason, though I just noticed I forgot to add weapon finesse and shadow blade (hence the 20 DEX) which I'm not sure how I missed. :/

Looks like I just hit the snag of too many feats, not enough slots.
I could get rid of the Strength of Blood chain to free room, but all that extra HP seems awesome and I don't think it makes up for past levels which is why I wanted it at level 1.