View Full Version : Best Cleric Deity's?

Warren Peace
2013-06-14, 01:43 AM
Hey War here,

What are the best cleric deity's? Good, Evil, and Neutral?

I want to build an evil cleric then prestige into the Bone Knight class but I am having a hard time picking a deity. I like that as a Neutral you can cast both good and evil spells that's pretty cool but what is the best deity for a melee based cleric?

Good clerics get Kord and St. Cuthbert etc. but the bad clerics don't seem to have many decent choices other than Hextor maybe?

I could use some help which deity should I follow as a Bone Knight?

Thanks again!

PS I am new to clerics and therefore new to domains so use layman's terms please :smalltongue:

2013-06-14, 01:51 AM
Scahrossar is one I've had some fun with as a Lawful Evil Cleric. Not familiar with Bone Knight to know what adds to it well. Favored weapon is the Whip which is understandably hit or miss depending on how you feel about it. But it gets the Pain domain which isn't too bad. The domain power is Eh, but the spells on it are fairly decent. At the very least I'm sure that the second level Pain Domain spell is gonna be right up your alley, as Sadism grants you bonuses as you continue to hurt people in battle. So as a facebasher cleric it's a pretty solid "I want this DMM: Persisted" buff.

Warren Peace
2013-06-14, 01:54 AM
Scahrossar is one I've had some fun with as a Lawful Evil Cleric. Not familiar with Bone Knight to know what adds to it well. Favored weapon is the Whip which is understandably hit or miss depending on how you feel about it. But it gets the Pain domain which isn't too bad. The domain power is Eh, but the spells on it are fairly decent. At the very least I'm sure that the second level Pain Domain spell is gonna be right up your alley, as Sadism grants you bonuses as you continue to hurt people in battle. So as a facebasher cleric it's a pretty solid "I want this DMM: Persisted" buff.

I will check him out for sure. And here is a link to the Bone Knight


2013-06-14, 01:56 AM
well most of the greyhawk deities are ok at best. some are really cool but some are just boring. its why i like faerun and its plethora (yes a plethora) or deities to choose from.

2013-06-14, 02:10 AM
Hate to burst your bubble, but the alignment check* when a cleric casts spells with an alignment descriptor checks against both the cleric himself and his deity. Evil patron deity = no [good] spells for your cleric.

I'm not familiar with bone knight, but I'm rather fond of Wee Jas for a neutral necromancer cleric.

*This is not an official game term nor does it involve a D20.

Warren Peace
2013-06-14, 02:17 AM
Hate to burst your bubble, but the alignment check* when a cleric casts spells with an alignment descriptor checks against both the cleric himself and his deity. Evil patron deity = no [good] spells for your cleric.

I'm not familiar with bone knight, but I'm rather fond of Wee Jas for a neutral necromancer cleric.

*This is not an official game term nor does it involve a D20.

Yes but if I am correct and you have a Neutral deity then you should be able to cast good and evil spells. That is what I read anyway. I dont mean NE or NG I mean just pure Neutral.

Warren Peace
2013-06-14, 02:18 AM
well most of the greyhawk deities are ok at best. some are really cool but some are just boring. its why i like faerun and its plethora (yes a plethora) or deities to choose from.

Well we try to go by the common deity's. I have the Deity's and Demi Gods 3.5 edition book and I am pretty sure I need to go by something in that.

2013-06-14, 02:37 AM
Yes but if I am correct and you have a Neutral deity then you should be able to cast good and evil spells. That is what I read anyway. I dont mean NE or NG I mean just pure Neutral.

Sure, if you have a true neutral deity you can cast any of the aligned spells, as long as you're true neutral too. I can't think of any true neutral deities that would fit right with something called a bone knight though.

Also of note, the aura ability of a cleric also reflects his deity's alignment. If you're a LN cleric of Heironeous, for example, you ping under detect law and detect good with an aura appropriate to your level, not just the lawful aura you'd have if you were a cause cleric.

2013-06-14, 02:37 AM
This depends on what domains you have available, and if you are using Devotion skills (which grant new abilities, and you need a specific domain for each).

For the core domains, Magic Domain (use Wizard magic items) and Travel Domain (Freedom of Movement 1 round/cleric level each day, can freely turn on and off) are two of the best. Outside core, the Spell Domain gives you access to Anyspell, Greater Anyspell, and Limited Wish, which are amazing spells to have. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a domain which gives you Shadow Conjuration and Shadow Evocation, which are also amazing.

As for Devotion feats, Knowledge (up to untyped +5 to hit/damage) and Trickery (create illusions that you can eventually cast spells from) seem like the best at a glance.

Aran Thule
2013-06-14, 04:01 AM
Had a look at some of the deities and if you what them to be neutral on the good/evil axis then Telchur seems a decent fit.
The mindset that winter is the end of all things works well, i would imagine that you could easily make it so that they were like the white walkers in Game of Thrones.

2013-06-14, 04:36 AM
The Best Deity for a CLeric is Wait for it No Deity Worship a Divine Force you can do that per the rules. Worship in this case the True Nutral Divine FAceless NAmless Force OF DEATH! Pick Domains as appropreate and go to Town!

2013-06-14, 04:42 AM
The Best Deity for a CLeric is Wait for it No Deity ... Pick Domains as appropreate and go to Town!
That's not necessarily the best answer for every Cleric. Want the War domain? Tough cookies for the deityless Cleric, because the granted power of War is only for their deity's favored weapon. You also lose out on spells like Visage of the Deity and Weapon of the Deity.

Yes, you get more flexibility. You also sacrifice some deity-only options.

2013-06-14, 06:04 AM
That is not true. You can still take the war domain it only requires talking to the DM about what weapon you could substitute. In fact a simple 5 min discussion with the DM fixes both of those. There is no where RAW where it says you lose out on any of the benfits if you chose not to have a deity. In fact since you are basiclly making your own you pretty much get to decide what those are, with a simple 5 min talk with a DM that happens with pretty much any charcter you make. Also Case in point the Sliver Flame not a deity but a holy force of divine flame favored Weapon "Longbow"

That's not necessarily the best answer for every Cleric. Want the War domain? Tough cookies for the deityless Cleric, because the granted power of War is only for their deity's favored weapon. You also lose out on spells like Visage of the Deity and Weapon of the Deity.

Yes, you get more flexibility. You also sacrifice some deity-only options.

2013-06-14, 06:07 AM
Domains I am rather fond of and from which you should choose your deity from (if they fit your concept):

Luck - Domain Power gives you 1 reroll per day. Devotion isn't that great, gives you average damage on a hit instead of minimum.
Travel - Freedom of Movement is just awesome, some nice spells too. Devotion is awesome two. For 1 Minute you can move as a swift action.
Hunger - I think it gave you a bite weapon (can't remember much about it).
Planning - Gives you Extend Spell as a Bonusfeat for free. (Good for when you want to get Persistant Spell)
Undead - Gives you Extra Turning but seems more focused on working with the undead.
War - Profiency with your deities favoured weapon, can be cool. Holy Warrior Reserve Feat: gives you bonus DMG and to hit if you have a War Domain Spell prepared in your Domain Slot (or other slot, not sure atm).
Strength - Gives a bonus to strength depending on your Cleric Level. Can be nice for a Melee Cleric.

A better evaluation of the domains can be found in the 3.5 Cleric Domain Guide (can't link it right now).

Hope this helps

Killer Angel
2013-06-14, 06:16 AM
This depends on what domains you have available, and if you are using Devotion skills (which grant new abilities, and you need a specific domain for each).

For the core domains, Magic Domain (use Wizard magic items) and Travel Domain (Freedom of Movement 1 round/cleric level each day, can freely turn on and off) are two of the best. Outside core, the Spell Domain gives you access to Anyspell, Greater Anyspell, and Limited Wish, which are amazing spells to have. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a domain which gives you Shadow Conjuration and Shadow Evocation, which are also amazing.

As for Devotion feats, Knowledge (up to untyped +5 to hit/damage) and Trickery (create illusions that you can eventually cast spells from) seem like the best at a glance.

indeed, travel domain is decisely one of the best one you can get, even considering all splatbooks available. Amazing power and fabulous domain's spells.

2013-06-14, 06:19 AM
That is not true. You can still take the war domain it only requires talking to the DM about what weapon you could substitute. In fact a simple 5 min discussion with the DM fixes both of those. There is no where RAW where it says you lose out on any of the benfits if you chose not to have a deity.

Well of course talking to the DM can fix it, but that's not the point. Curmudgeon was saying that, by default, War domain with no deity = no weapon, and he's right. The DM can step in and give you a weapon, but is under no obligation to do so, especially when you're going deity-less for the specific advantage of being able to mix and match domains as you please.

2013-06-14, 06:22 AM
I seem to recall that some of the Sacred Weapon type spells allow for a weapon based on the character's alignment, rather than their patron deity.

2013-06-14, 06:38 AM
I seem to recall that some of the Sacred Weapon type spells allow for a weapon based on the character's alignment, rather than their patron deity.

Spiritual Weapon (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/spiritualWeapon.htm) has a clause like this, yes. Unfortunately, the War domain itself does not (despite even granting this spell.)

2013-06-14, 06:54 AM
I agree that Travel Domain's power is great, but always remember that it only applies to magic effects - if a creature grapples you, you will need something else to get you free of the grapple...

For a total time per day of 1 round per cleric level you possess, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds).Bold emphasis mine.

2013-06-14, 07:05 AM
Well of course talking to the DM can fix it, but that's not the point. Curmudgeon was saying that, by default, War domain with no deity = no weapon, and he's right. The DM can step in and give you a weapon, but is under no obligation to do so, especially when you're going deity-less for the specific advantage of being able to mix and match domains as you please.

Weapon profiency: No weapon... would this give Improved Unarmed Strike for free? :smallbiggrin:

2013-06-14, 07:17 AM
I'm a big fan of the renewal domain. Also the racial domains (elf, drow, dwarf, etc.)

2013-06-14, 07:31 AM
Amaunator LN. It's domains include Planning and Time. Lost Empires of Faerun (will cost you a feat because it's a dead god).
Mystra (LN/NG). Good domains, Initiate of Mystra feat. (Players Guide to Faerun).

Killer Angel
2013-06-14, 10:26 AM
I agree that Travel Domain's power is great, but always remember that it only applies to magic effects - if a creature grapples you, you will need something else to get you free of the grapple...

You're right, I tend to forgot that it's so specific... :smallsigh:

2013-06-14, 10:37 AM
Zarus (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20041203a&page=1): LE, Destiny, Evil, Law, Strength, War domains, favored weapon: Greatsword.

Start with Strength and War, pick up Contemplative later for Destiny (or Law and Destiny if you get six levels in it). Greatsword with Weapon Focus from 1st level, Enlarge Person and Bull's Strength from domain slots early on, I'd even get the spontaneous domain casting ACF in PH2 for either Strength or War. At level 17 you should have DMM: Persistent Choose Destiny, so every d20 roll you make you get to roll twice and keep the best one.