View Full Version : Haunted mansion

2013-06-15, 08:41 AM
The lounge of Drak manor is large, it obviously was built to accommodate more than fifteen people. Ten other people are following the tour with varying degrees of interest. A man and his eight-year-old daughter seemed the most interested his other daughter, 18 seems to have ignored the guide from the moment she entered the house. The is an oriental man in his thirties who constantly checks his phone, while a large man with long hair and beard frowns at him. The woman in her late-twenties has had the most active participation, asking constant questions about the building itself. The last four members are collage students, three men and one woman, who have been very keen on the ghost stories.

As the tour-guide Mark is explaining that the Inn was built in 1893, a scrawny teenage boy enters the room and whispers in his ear. "What do you mean the battery is dead, I charged it earlier today?" The tour-guide Mark asked, a look of confusion crossing his face.

"Mark, all I know is that when I went to take the boat down to Gwen's to top off the tank, the battery was dead so I brought it back up here to charge it. Can I just get the keys to your barn so I can charge the battery?" The boy whispered back, only audible because the room had fallen silent when he entered.

Mark sighed and shook his head. "Yeah, just double check anything that might have sapped the juice, and bring a spare with just in case. How long will it be before you get back?" He handed the boy a large brass key and shooed him away.

"Sorry about the interruption, sometimes I wonder if I should just leave that barn unlocked at all times. Anyway, the lounge was an addition in 1895 because of how popular the Inn was. Unfortunately an accident occurred which shut this room down before it opened to the public. Now, I understand that accidents are not very interesting, but here is where it gets unusual; A woman named Emily Rose fell from a chair and broke her neck, it was two days before anyone even found her." His pause was perfectly timed to add to the tale. "See, an accident like that is not unusual, she took a good hit to the head and her neck was snapped, common if she fell a good distance. The only strange thing was that there was nothing for her to fall from tall enough to cause her death. There is also the fact that her lower half was never found." The girl gasped and squeezed her father's hand, who began to reassure her that ghosts are not real.

2013-06-15, 09:15 AM
Ryu Black (http://i.imgur.com/jeYsYz1.jpg)

Ryu stands at the rear of the group, staying in the background but not trailing behind far enough to attract attention. Leaning against the wall with his hands in the pockets of his duster, he listens to the guide with casual disinterest. Slipping into this tour group had been laughably easy, noone really seemed to care overly much about checking the members.

It had a been a spur of the moment decision, and he was beginning to regret it. He wasn't particularly interested in either architecture or history. The ghost stories were funny at least, even though he could not help but show a slightly condescending smile when the guide told them about the missing lower half of the woman that had died here as if that was to be a shocking revelation. He had seen a man got almost cut in half when he had gotten caught between the front bumber of an SUV and a brick wall, and a missing lower half would have been far preferrable to the crushed remains that had been left of that man's legs.

There are enough scary things in the world we have, no need to invent more for your little thrill.

He sighs and thinks about doing something else. In the end though, he cannot come up with anything better, so he decides to stay for now.

2013-06-15, 09:43 AM
Serph is standing somewhere to the side admiring the place. Not everyday he gets to see a place like this. He overhears the tale of the mysterious death and starts to wonder. He rubs his chin in contemplation. "Wait..... her lower half was never found. You mean the neck below or waist below?" It was a valid question he thought.

2013-06-15, 10:32 AM
Dr. Maxwell, standing behind the rest of the group, like Ryu, is taking a few notes. He cares little about the tour, he is only here to collect scientific data.

lounge: altered gravity? death: Emily Rose

Before Mark even gets to answer Serph's question (he's too impatient), he asks:

"I have a better question: what happened to the head?"

2013-06-15, 12:17 PM
Mark smiled at the questions, having received them before. "Waist that is, and the head was attached to the rest." He nodded towards a painting on the wall depicting a beautiful woman wearing a black gown. "Damara Angeline was the second victim, she died in 1901, in this same room, burned alive. Including these two, there are seven deaths directly linked to this room, all of them women between the ages of 20 and 40. The most recent death was in 2007, a woman named Rebecca Chain. Rebecca Chain's brother was unlucky enough to witness the event. He recorded it all in his journal, which was left behind." Mark walked over to a desk and picked up a spiral notebook.

2013-06-15, 12:29 PM
Serph was not exactly the smartest person alive but in his mind these thoughts are running. If at all possible I shall not enter that room or if I have to then not stay for long. People die in the course of the years but all in the same room..... He continues his musings in his head while still rubbing his chin.

2013-06-15, 12:36 PM
Ryu Black

So the ghost or whatever apparently has a taste for young women. How original. Guess I'm safe, at least.

Despite his sarcastic thoughts Ryu can't help but look toward the notebook with a hint of curiosity showing behind his facade of indifference.

2013-06-15, 01:19 PM
Shay Vaelner (http://i290.photobucket.com/albums/ll251/Yorubi16/RP%20chars/Shay_zps80c724af.jpg)

Shay's eyes seemed to fixate from the back on the room listening in closely to the conversation. Her arms were crossed, particularly looking to be in thought over what she heard. Her mind was already working on what could of been the cause of such things... if given they were even true stories to begin with.

Shay hadn't exactly gone with the tour legitimately, sneaking in rather then paying. It wasn't that she couldn't afford it, quite on the contrary she had plenty of money for it, unfortunately it was money from her father. She knew it would be possible for it to be tracked given she tried using her debit card. Even if she felt she could get away with it, the thought of using something her father gave her made her stomach churn a bit in disaster. She didn't want any help from him, even if it was indirectly provided by him.

Her eyes fixated up towards the group. Her white tank top clung to her frame, a small portion of her chest exposed by a thin slit cut in the top. Her stomach peeked out from the lower half, primarily at fault for having been tugged up a bit through the day with her own medaling. A pair of black shorts clung to her lower section leaving her legs exposed down to her shoes. Her now appearing dark brown hair was tied up nicely behind her.

As much as she was skeptical of ghost stories, she had a natural curiosity about her. She enjoyed trying to decode and figure mysteries out. Perhaps a byproduct of her childhood fascination with mystery books. Everything to her had reasoning behind it. Even the strangest things could be explained, even if those explanations were quite odd in themselves. Her eyes lingered over to the journal and back forward. Truthfully so far it didn't add up very much to her though she kept quiet, not wanting to be exposed as a tag along.

If what she said was true, this tour likely wouldn't be going on in the first place. That latest death sounds like just some hocus pocus to scare tourists more then fact. She thought to herself, turning her head looking around the room curiously, still unable to help but ponder about the rest. Sure one story could be made up, but usually horror stories even used to cash in on something tend to originate for some reason.

2013-06-15, 06:47 PM
Dr. Maxwell is surprised to hear that the body was missing from the waist down.

Hmm... I failed to analyse the situation properly. That person with the green goggles sounds very smart... probably a college professor.

Quickly checking out Shay from the corner of his eye (nice top), he walks up to Serph to shake his hand. Clearing up his throat and making his voice a bit deeper to sound more professional, he tells him:

"Hello, Professor. I'm Dr. Maxwell. It's nice to see a colleague, here. I wanted to tell you that you asked a very excellent question."

2013-06-15, 11:28 PM
Serph gave a wry smile. It was nice to be mistaken as someone as smart as a professor and let it stay that way but he disliked lies so he had to tell the truth. Still he shakes hands with the man.

"Dr. Maxwell thank you for the compliment but I am not a professor. I am actually just a college graduate who's wandering here and there. "

Serph tried looked at the man with an apologetic smile. Hopefully the man wouldn't be mat at him for being wrong. He knew lots of people who got mad when they were wrong like a lot of the bosses he worked for here and there.

2013-06-16, 08:00 AM
Mark watched the group for a moment before opening the notebook and taking a breath in preparation to read. Just as he did so, a beep chimed from his hip and his face went white in response. He slowly set down the book and reached for a pager hidden on the back of his belt. After a few more seconds, he offered a terrified smile and said in a barely audible voice, "This is where we must part ways, my colleague Agatha is waiting in the kitchen, just beyond those doors. If you would please excuse me, I am needed elsewhere." He slowly walked past the group and slipped out a side door, running footsteps sounding as soon as the door closed behind him.

2013-06-16, 08:21 AM
Ryu Black

Sure, right when it's about to get moderately interesting. Wonder what that was about. I know fear and that guy seemed pretty damn frightened.

Deciding that this was more interesting than continuing the tour, he discretly follows the man out the same side door.

Let's see what has you shaking in your boots.


Let me know if you want some kind of stealth roll or so.

2013-06-16, 08:46 AM
Dr. Maxwell is highly embarrassed that he mistook Serph for a college professor. He does not get mad however; he only blushes, and mumbles out some excuses:

"I am confused... Will you excuse me? I have to find a better... angle, to write my notes."

He steps aside and avoids Serph's gaze. He refocuses his attention on Mark's spiral notebook, which coincidentally looks a lot like his. If only I could put my hands on it... I'm sure it would be most informative.

2013-06-16, 09:59 AM
Shay had remained quiet, keeping to herself still not wanting to get herself caught, not quite belonging there as it was. It was interesting none the less to see and hear a few of the random mentioning of nearby individuals.

She blinked a bit in surprise watching the tour guide seem to react a bit to her surprise in a rather odd fashion. She blinked a bit, tilting her head curiously to the side. It was far from a normal reaction. It only was further made odd hearing as the sound off foot steps echoed out through the door not at all disguised as the man would of likely liked them to do so.

Her eyes follow Ryu noticing him seem to follow suit. As far as she could tell he seemed to be part of the tour. Was he just following out of curiosity then or perhaps did he actually know the tour guide?

2013-06-17, 08:19 AM
Mark ignores Ryu as he runs, more interested in the cell phone he pulled from a pocket. "Damn it!" He hisses, tossing the cell phone away. He ran downhill towards the ocean, and a small pier.

2013-06-17, 12:24 PM
Serph heads on to the kitchen for now to see the other person the guide Mark mentioned.

2013-06-17, 02:11 PM
Shay had taken it upon herself to follow Ryu. While she had hesitated to follow Mark out of keeping the fact she wasn't an actual tour member safe, having someone else rush ahead only gave her more then enough incentive to follow. She glanced around before slipping through the door, following Ryu as he seemed to tail Mark, keeping a bit of distance behind. It wasn't the 'best' spot so to speak to really follow and listen into what might bother Mark, but it would at least keep her in less of a risk, unless Ryu might of actually known the man which was a possibility lingering in her mind with a bit of worry.

She kept quiet keeping as close behind as she could while remaining hidden. Her eyes lingered around, quite curious to see just what Mark might be up to, along with Ryu's reasons behind following him.

2013-06-17, 03:05 PM
Following Mark, Ryu noticed that he had apparently gone rusty during the year in Seattle, in which he didn't have to use his old skills much. He thinks Mark might have noticed him, but is apparently too busy to care about being followed.

Well, Ryu would just pretend to be a guy taking a walk to the piers. It was a free country after all.

Not really sure if anything's gonna come of this, but he sure seems agitated.

Following someone like that was too familiar to Ryu, and it made his old paranoia rise its head. He checked the position of his gun to reassure himself. As always, touching the cold metal gave him confidence, but at the same time it made him remember the metallic taste of blood in his mouth on that fateful November evening more than a year ago. The way the streetlights had reflected of the rapidly increasing pool of red around her frail-looking body. The sounds she... He shook his head violently to banish the memories.

Snap out of it you idiot! It's over and done!

He focused intently on following Mark again, shoving the unpleasant feelings into a deep and well hidden corner of his mind.

2013-06-17, 03:51 PM
Nearing the pier, what set off Mark become apparent, there is smoke coming from one of the boats at the pier. It rises as a dark and omonous cloud above the vessel as Mark slows to a halt just before the wood panels of the pier. "Jacob." He whispers, falling to his knees.

A tall blond woman enters the room at almost the same time as Serph. She wears jeans and a tank top and moves with strange grace around the room until noticing Serph. She tilts her head to the side upon seeing him. "Is Marcus done already? The lounge should have taken another half-hour?"

2013-06-18, 10:48 AM
Stopping besides the kneeling figure of Mark, Ryu looks at the apparently burning boat.


"Anyone on that boat right now?" he asks Mark.

2013-06-18, 10:58 AM

"Markus? If you mean the tour guide Mark then I saw him answer his pager and run off in a hurry, I guess it was important. He did tell us to go here though and someone named Agatha would take over."

Serph explains.

2013-06-18, 12:04 PM
Shay watched as Ryu seemed to approach up to mark, keeping herself hidden away some distance away. As far as she could see it appeared something bothered Mark. It didn't take long for her to look towards the smoke cloud noticing something wrong... a fire perhaps? It seemed to be the most likely though from where she was she couldn't exactly see to be sure.

She kept quietly from the shadows, observing the events from a safe distance doing her best to make out the details she could see and listening closely for their voices.

2013-06-19, 08:32 AM
"That explains a lot. Would you care for some tea? Charles is at the circuit breaker now, the lights in the other half of the house won't work until then. Marcus's son gives the next part of the tour, Jacob is a nice boy and much better at telling stories than Marcus is." She filled a teapot and started a fire under it adding another smile. "Hopefully this isn't anything serious."

"My son has been installing stuff so that we can use the boat for more than just a ferry." Mark slowly stood and walked down the pier towards the smoke, looking for any sign of Jacob. A blackened arm floats in the water a few feet from the boat, revolving slowly with the tide.

"What is going on? Why would he leave the tour like that, you don't think someone is hurt, do you?" The 18 year old girl asked her father.

"Of course not, I'm certain something just came up." He reassured, looking around the room

2013-06-19, 08:53 AM
Ryu Black

Ryu sighs again. I thought I left stuff like that behind in LA. Shows what I know.

Then he looks around, searching for someone he could ask to call 911.

I can't get involved in this myself, the last thing I need is the cops snooping around in my history. Besides, I'm carrying an illegal weapon.

If he sees anyone nearby, he shouts: "Hey, you, call 911 and tell them there's a boat burning in the harbor. Someone's injured or dead! Hurry up!"

He takes a look at Mark, who seems to be in shock.

"Hold tight man, the EMTs are on their way."

Then Ryu moves away a bit and looks for a good hiding place from where to watch the following events safely. He feels bad for Mark but there's not much he can do.

I know how it feels to lose someone. Maybe you'll get over it in time. Maybe.

2013-06-19, 05:48 PM

Serph accepts the tea and drinks it. "Thank you. Yeah it would be bad if something actually happened, and on the first day too. I think I'll wait here untill Jacob continues the tour." Serph sips on his tea which reminded him of food and his stomach gives a growl to remind him of food as well. Serph feels slightly embarrased at the noise coming from his stomach.

2013-06-22, 12:47 PM
"There is no cell reception, and the phones are down at the dock aren't working. Someone is running to get the sherif, but I don't know if he can help." The stranger walked over to mark and began whispering in his ear before leading him away. "You should stand back for now, we don't know if there is any fuel left that might catch." As if on cue, a small fire started near the back of the wreckage, adding lighter smoke to the black.

Listening to Serph's stomach, she offers a small laugh in response. "I would call in some delivery, but for some reason I don't have cell reception right now. This kitchen is mostly for show, but I might have something in the car, just let me check and see." As she walks towards the door she came from, a short old man bursts through and nearly knocks her over.

"Agatha, thank god I found you, some poor girl was electrocuted in the basement." The old man looked terrified as he grabs Agatha's arm and tries to lead her away.

"Charles, you know this tour only tells about what happened in the past, not offering ghost stories of the present. You are very convincing though, have you been practicing?"

"No, I mean it, I found a girl with singe marks around her hands next to the breaker, I think it might be Jacob's girlfriend."

Malachi Lemont
2013-06-22, 05:15 PM
"Oh my God. Who is she? Is she really dead?" Carl asked the old man as he entered the kitchen. The man barely came up to Carl's chest. He had to strain his wrinkly neck to look up into the taller man's eyes.

"Yes, I'm afraid she is no longer with us," the wizened old grandfather explained.

"I've got to go down there," Carl begged, pushing his way past the old man with a muttered, "Excuse me."

As he reaches the basement stairs, he calls behind him, "Agatha, come with me. We've got to figure out who did this."

2013-06-23, 12:36 AM

Serph gets a bad feeling and loses his appetite. News of death so near you will do that. Do you mind if I come along. I'm not sure what I can do but I'd rather not stay here alone. Serph leaves his tea on a table and goes off towards the basement after Agatha, Carl and the old man of course. He starts tensing up.

2013-06-25, 12:20 PM
Shay had heard the voice calling out, likely she assumed not directed at her due to where he had been looking. She grabbed at her phone to try for a call, only to notice there was no signal. She looked up noticing the man seem to lean in to whisper to the Ryu fellow not really able to make out what he was saying as she seemed a bit puzzled.

Her eyes fixated back at the wreck noticing as the flames seemed to pick up. It seemed almost surreal as if out of some cheesy movie. The scene itself just looked so far fetched. So an accident then? It seems just so extravagant for an accident. Then again, several things could of compounded on one another to make it happen. If he was trying to install things on it would make some sense that he would at least know enough about the boat to not over-look such things. Still... its always plausible for someone to become complacent...

Her mind seemed to wander in thought, not quite sure what to make of the scene as she kept hidden. Exposing herself seemed to be a bad idea as of now. She wouldn't really be able to do much of anything as it stood right then. While she could conjecture all she wanted, Shay didn't truly know enough to really figure out anything about what happened. With some unease, Shay slipped away, heading back to the building to meet up with the rest of the tour group, an uneasy feeling settling in her stomach.

2013-06-25, 12:35 PM
Ryu Black

No cell reception and the phone lines are not working. This feels like someone is intentionally cutting off all communication with the outside world. That's usually preparation for an operation of some sort, maybe an attack or robbery or whatever. But what the hell would anyone want from this useless island?

Realizing that there was not much to do for him in the harbor, Ryu quickly made his way back to the manor. If the whole communications thing was somehow connected to Mark and his boat there might be more going on with the rest of the tour guide organization.

2013-06-26, 04:36 PM

"Agatha, we have to send someone to the sheriff, he must know of what happened." The old man was already hustling back the way he had come.

Agatha fell into step behind the others, pulling a small camera from her purse. "Yes, show us where this girl was and then take my car, I can stay by the body and make sure nobody touches anything.

As Ryu starts heading back the way he had come, he hears sirens and sees flashing lights coming up the road from the opposite direction. The car pulls over and a tall man steps out, he is wearing a tan police uniform and a black baseball cap. He moves to the pier as the car pulls away and heads for Ryu. It approaches him and slows just a few feet from him, the passenger window rolled down and a man in his fourties sitting in the drivers seat wearing the same uniform as the tall man and sporting a large star that said Sherrif on it. "If you don't mind, I'd like to take your statement before you leave, either wait by the pier or wait in my office." His eyes focused on Shay for a moment and jotted something down before smiling at Ryu. "Its just a formality and all, don't want to miss anything important, even if it seems trivial now."

2013-06-26, 10:36 PM
Shay had walked a bit further away, not completely being at the scene at this point. Sneaking really wasn't as big of an issue after she got a good few steps away from the brush she used to hide, attempting to play it off more like she was simply walking through.

Her motions were partly paused as a car drove up suddenly. She looked back curiously, her walk slowly partly. Her eyes fixated in seeing the cop car as it seemed to approach Ryu, only able to assume they might be asking him questions. She continued to walk glancing back, not able to help but get a weird feeling over as she noticed what she could make out to be a gaze at her direction. She continued walking, not hearing any words shouted to her figuring she was clear to go before making her way back towards the lounge. Something strange was going on there and it made her feel a little iffy, uncertain just what it was.

2013-06-27, 04:37 AM
Ryu Black

Crap, that's just what I needed.

"Of course, Sherrif. I'll wait over there."

Ryu points at an alley entrance close by. He moves to the indicated spot, bows out of view for a second to stow his gun in a hidden place in the alley, and then waits for the Sherrif to make his statement.

He's got no reason or probable cause to search me, but better safe than sorry.

2013-06-27, 10:50 AM
The tall man, probably a depute, ties up some crime scene tape around the edge of the pier and walks the two men over to the small office nearby.

The sherif nods and parks his car on the street opposite of Ryu, slowly getting out of the car and walking over to him. "Just tell me what you saw with as much description as you can remember. You haven't done anything wrong, I just didn't want to lose a potential witness. You can leave immediately after."

2013-06-27, 11:07 AM
Ryu Black

"It's really not much Sherrif. I was just taking a walk when I saw this man," he points toward Mark, "running and seeming very agitated. I got curious and followed him to the harbor, where I saw smoke coming from this boat, which seemed to belong to the man I followed since he seemed very shocked to see what happened to it. I asked someone nearby to call the police, but got told that there's no reception. Then you appeared. That's it really. Sorry I can't be of more help."

2013-06-27, 07:25 PM

Serph decided to examine the scene where the dead girl is, of course without tampering with the scene. He needed something to occupy his mind to keep cool and collected. Hmnnn... Is this an accident? But the ghost stories.... I wonder.

2013-06-27, 11:41 PM
The sherif writes a few notes on the pad and gives a grim smile. "Thanks anyway, if anything else comes up, we will find you, I doubt leaving the island will be an simple task today. Tell the girl that was behind you I will have to take her statement as well and to stay up at the mansion. Good day." He turned and walked back towards the car, tossing the notepad onto the passenger seat.

Agatha slipped ahead just before the old man opened the door to the basement and she was careful to be the first to reach the body. "Here are my keys, fetch the sherif." She said to the man, handing him a few keys on a lanyard. "Can one of you two grab the twine over there, I would like to cord off the area for now. Please be careful not to touch anything." She quickly moved around the body and used a pen she had in a pocket to move the dead girl's clothing enough to inspect a few of the burn marks around her arms and legs. "It looks like she was shocked by quite the voltage. The only things that would have the power for that down here is the fuse box and the cable that leads to the cell tower. The tower is built just a short ways from this building so one of the control panels is in this room."

2013-06-28, 01:54 PM
Shay had wandered back to the lounge. She couldn't help but notice it seemed a lot more had gone missing in her absence. She walked quietly through looking around curious at the others. She parted her lips to talk though closed them immediately, figuring it best to leave things alone as it was at least for now. She crossed her arms, lifting her right hand up placing it against her chin seeming in thought. How did such a simple little tour suddenly make such a crazy turn towards chaos?

2013-06-28, 02:11 PM
Ryu Black

That went as well as can be expected, but it was still a stupid risk. I shouldn't get involved in stuff like this.

Ducking into the alley again, he retrieves his gun and then walks back to the manor.

2013-06-29, 12:25 AM

Serph helps cord off the area where the dead girl is. "Hey, If she got shocked by faulty equipment shouldn't we get someone to look and see what caused the shock? Not much on engineering but I don't want to get shocked by accidentally leaning on something." He doesn't know what really caused the shock so he's being careful.

2013-07-06, 06:03 PM
Only the family and the ragged man remained, the rest had either left or wandered off. The rugged man is reading the notebook that Mark had left behind and smiles when Shay enters the room.

As Ryu walks back towards the manor, he notices that the sherif is heading the same direction. The sherif's car pulls beside the mansion and an old man runs up to the car, leading the sherif inside.

"That is highly unlikely, but to be safe, don't touch anything metal until the sherif arrives. There is no rush right now, so we will wait for someone with the right gear to examine the body and room. Charles will be back within the hour with the sherif, in the mean time, just don't go far, he'll need to fingerprint you." Agatha pulls out a small notebook and begins taking notes, flipping through pages and pacing.

2013-07-07, 04:21 PM
Shay blinked a bit glancing around curiously at the people. She couldn't help but notice the rugged man seem to smile at her, perhaps a little awkwardly in how she viewed it. She gave a fax smile in return, giving a small wave trying to be a bit nice despite how odd it seemed to her. Her eyes had picked up on the notebook. Wasn't that the notebook mark had before? She decided to shrug it off for now.

She rested up against the wall with her arms crossed. "What happened to everyone else?" She asked out of curiosity. It did feel like she was making herself stick out more then she should but considering the 'chaos' that was ensuing and the fact the man seemed to take a liking to gazing upon her, she figured it wouldn't to question it. If anything it would make her blend in as if she belonged easier.

2013-07-08, 06:42 AM

"I think this spot is completely safe. I'll wait here." He waits by the bottom first step of the stairs to the basement. He'll be near without any fear of electricity. With that he loses himself in thought as he has nothing better to do.

2013-07-11, 01:34 PM
The ragged man glanced around the room and eventually made eye contact with the father. "I hadn't actually noticed that most had left, a few went into the kitchen though."
The father returned the look and seemed to think for a moment. "One person left the door you just came in, a few went into the kitchen and the rest left out the door to the hall. I don't know where they wen't after that."

Agatha glances back at him and nods to herself before continuing in her notepad. A few minutes pass this way before Charles runs down the stairs, followed by the sherif.
"I'm back." He practically shouts, "Sherif was almost here by the time I got outside."

2013-07-11, 01:56 PM
Ryu Black

Noticing the sherrif's car arriving at the manor, Ryu decides to stash his gun in a hiding place at the outside of the manor again. No need to risk anything.

He enters the manor and takes in the scene, trying to understand what was going on. Seeing Shay, he steps toward her.

"Hi. Sheriff asked me to tell you that he needs to talk to you about the boat. Just tell him you saw nothing important and he won't bother you for long."
He looks around quizzically.
"What happened here while I was gone?"

2013-07-11, 10:12 PM
Shay stood quietly listening in as she nodded a bit in response. She found herself interupted looking to see Ryu walk up towards her. She looked curiously at him, cocking her head to the right a bit. She shook her head slightly. "Ah... did he?" She asked, a little uncertain about having to speak with them. It made her far more suspicious if she didn't go out and see him. It was best she just played along with it, after all she hadn't done any real crime. So long as she didn't have to take down her real name

She glanced back towards the others having just heard what they had relayed as she figured since he seemed to direct his attention at her it would be best for her to respond. "As far as I know there is some sort of commotion with people going different places, though nothing bad that I am aware of. I assume the tour is on hold." She shrugged a bit showing her uncertainty.

2013-07-11, 10:34 PM

Serph looks up at the mention that the sheriff is there already. He breathes lightly, maybe after this the tour would go on smoothly he thought. He stays there so that the sheriff could take his statement and whatever else was needed.

2013-07-12, 04:15 PM
The rugged man offers a simple shrug and walks over to the family. "How about you take them upstairs, this place probably still has bedrooms of some kind or another." As the family leaves the room, the man turns back to Shay and Ryu, setting down the notebook and holding his hands behind his back. "Nothing too interesting."

Agatha handed the sherif her notebook and he quickly flipped through it. "Every seems in order as usual Agatha, why haven't I ever asked you to work for me?"
"You have, I've just refused."
"Right." He muttered, walking over to the body. Crouching next o it, he looked it over, glancing back at Agatha's notes every once in a while. "Is there a reason that you decided to bring the civilians down here?"

2013-07-20, 10:14 PM
Shay looked forward at the man as he responded back to Ryu. She glanced over to the side looking around the room briefly, taking the assumption since she wasn't the main focus of the conversation that her attention wasn't completely needed. Her eyes lingered around briefly noticing those who were left. It was... almost haunting in a way.

She finally glanced back breaking in a bit into the conversation. "It just seems a bit more empty here and rather... off... for lack of a better term I guess." She laughed lightly as she scratched the back of her head. As awkward as it likely was for her to say it, it felt almost relevant. She let out a little laugh looking forward. "Its almost like this place might be haunted." She spoke with a light smile. As much as she played it as a joke, it did leave her wondering just why things were happening the way they were. Things happen for a reason after all, and for her there was always some type of explanation... even if its not exactly a normal one at that.