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da prophet
2013-06-15, 04:49 PM
lords and ladies of the Westerlands, by the will of Your liege you are all demanded to leave your forts and be present in the highford sept before he moon gets full.

Your liegelord
king Loren lannister
you all recieve this letter, sent by messengers.

Dorothayou also recieve another letter from Your father:
make them all comfortable in Your keep, but make shure that they all get even tighter knit together With house Lannister before, you may use all the means you have available. it is not signed, but then again, Your father has a very distinct handwriting.

2013-06-16, 01:47 PM
Dorotha Lannister sits in her cell. It is a simple room with a single window through which she can see the sept, the arched walkway leading to it and the outer wall. Behind the wall, in the distance, she can see the sea. The walls aren't like those of a castle, they aren't meant to hold out an invading force, just to separate the septry from the outside world. All of the sisters live in the tower where Dorotha is in. Other than the window there is a desk, a chair, a plank with a few books and of course the abbess' bed.

She thinks about what is to come. She will have to use both the guest houses and the grounds to house all these lords and their followers. Pavillions will have to be erected for them. No one can be allowed to stay in the building that she is in, it is only meant for those women that have taken the proper vows. She will ask the Warrior's Sons to provide security, the templars should be able to keep those lords in check.

Dorotha's thoughts then turn towards finance. She likes it, the numbers are nice and controlled, unlike people, especially men. It is unfortunate that she will have to receive them as well. Maybe she should provide a distraction for them, a tournament perhaps. They always like impaling each other on lances.

da prophet
2013-06-17, 07:19 AM
you hasten yourself and manage to become done with setting up a Proxy field for those voilent sadistic men. the field you chose looks way to nice for men to ride on, they would look way better if those flowers were alowed to grow there. The flowers are beutiful, and now the men will destroy them!

2013-06-17, 09:46 AM
Dorotha walks through the septry's grounds. The first lords have been seen in the distance and she wanted to make sure that everything would be in good order. She has checked the arrangements again and again, all she can do now is wait. Her sisters know that they will have to keep their distance from the strangers, so they will mostly stay in the main buildings which are guarded by the Warrior's Sons. There can be no question whatsoever about the purity of her septry.

It hurts to see what has to be done to the rest of the grounds to accommodate the visitors. She hates it that there will be outsiders, but by now she also is anxious to see them. This could be a great opportunity to increase her standing in the kingdom.

2013-06-17, 09:26 PM

Shouts rise from the horses bounding towards the Sept, cheerful and wild. Soon enough, the Bloodriders of Khal Evetho dismount their steeds outside, and loiter about, cracking jokes in their native tongue. Exchanging words with a few of them, the tall, Westerosi man that leads them departs from the group.

Khal Evetho, such a master upon the back of a horse, looks woefully out of place stepping into a holy place of gods he doesn't believe in. He wears coarse pants and vest, his braid dangling down his back, light brown to the distinct, black hair that each of his Riders has.

Despite his inclination towards deities other than The Seven, the young Khal knows that respect is paramount in situations like this. He steps off to the side of the entrance, stepping carefully, knowing that he is as strange and foreign to these people as they are to him.

2013-06-19, 02:09 AM
Dorotha stands under the wall of the Maiden, where the walkway from the main building enters the sept. Lords and ladies filter into the sept, she greets each of them by name, the heraldy they bear makes identification easy. Then she sees a most peculiar man enter, he is tall and looks like a foreigner with his strange hair and manners. A shiver goes over her spine when she sees him enter, there is something dangerous about the barbarian. Where could he have come from? She recalls something about a people of braided horsemen, but she cannot remember where, and how these people were called. On one hand she fears his approach, his presence is threatening, but on the other hand she is curious.

da prophet
2013-06-20, 04:39 AM
When all that will arrive has arrived a new letter comes:
war is suspected to strike our kingdom, and we qre not unified enough, therefore i ask of all of you lords to create that unity. This will be achieved by voting once one of you get the majority of votes behind him will be the lord of all.

2013-06-20, 07:57 AM
Dorotha reads the letter twice. At first she considers gaining the position for herself, but she realizes that it will be hard to unite the lords behind her, and of course she has other duties as well. No, it will be better to aim for the lord to be someone loyal, someone who she can control. He will have to come from an old house, one with a good name and a history of loyalty. But he should not have too much in the way of personal power, then he might rise against the king. She has to draw this election towards herself. And the tournament becomes even more important now, otherwise violence could erupt.

She starts to speak: “Lords and Ladies of the Westerlands, dark days lie ahead. Our king has given us a command and we are to obey. A leader has to be chosen from those who are present here. As your host and as a septa I volunteer to oversee this process, in his name and that of the Seven. There will be two votes on each day, one in the morning and one after supper. Each ruling lord and lady will enter the Chapel of the Crone in turn. There his or her preference will be communicated to me and I will not it down, to be revealed when all the votes are cast. This way it becomes possible to ensure that there is no interference and each of you can act in accordance with his or her beliefs. The Seven will watch our deeds and they will not allow tampering. To further prevent tampering with these results I will not be alone, two sworn brothers of the Warrior’s Sons will be present as well.”