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2013-06-27, 12:23 AM
Hanmaru Ryuuhei - Level 1 - Human Warblade
Male Chaotic Good
Init +7, HP 10/14, Speed 30 ft
AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -3, Base Attack Bonus +1
Bastard Sword +4 (1d10+4, 19-20/x2)
Short Sword +4 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow (Arrows (100)) +4 (1d6, x3)
Leather (+2 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 4, Cha 8
Condition None
Balance +7, Jump +7, Tumble +7, Concentration +6
Maneuvers and Stances Steel Wind, Steely Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Punishing Stance1
Ryuuhei decided to take the night shift realizing some of his more booze-stricken companions may not be capable of taking watch, much less walk in a straight line. He nods back in respect at sober Santiago, feeling slight pride that at least one person acknowledges him.

He practices his footwork and swordsmanship while making the rounds, cutting imaginary opponents and stray branches as he paces around the inn's entrance. This serves the dual purpose of honing his fighting skills, and keeping his mind wide awake and ever-vigilant. His not much of a sentry, but whoever intends to attack the inn will likely find and get through him first.

Upon seeing the flight of a small murder of crows, he looks at Santiago and Casimir as if to affirm them of the possible confrontation.

2013-06-27, 07:36 AM
Faelyn walks out of the stables to join Santiago.
"Something dangerous I hope. I would hate to think that you woke me up only to tell me there are rabbits in the forest..." he says and looks closely to the place where crows flew out of the forest.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
...aaand a prepared action to smack 'something dangerous' (other than teammates...) if it comes too close...

2013-06-27, 07:50 AM
7 rounds pass, (leaving those taking twenty still on +7)

Terran (with front line seats)

You stare at the woods, slowly you begin making out something moving in the woods, then as the bush is pushes aside, and skeletal hands claw at your face you notice. Three skeletons run from the bush, two of which ignore you while the third makes a go for your chest. You vaguely note that one seems to be holding someone's lungs in its hand. (skeleton 1 holds the lungs)

Everyone else

Three skeletons charge from the bushes, one attacking douglass, and the other two running as fast as their rickety frames can take them, clanking. Perhaps more disturbing even then their lopsided gate, is that one of them seems to be holding a pair of human lungs in its skeletal grasp, a dangling trachea flopping back and forth with the skeleton's gait. (skeleton 1 holds the lungs)

2013-06-27, 07:51 AM
Simon stirs, briefly, from his horrible dream about skeletons with lungs in hand...

2013-06-27, 06:02 PM
Robert MacBane
AC: 16, HP 10 Fort +2, reflex +0 will -1
Attacks: +4 long sword, +3 heavy mace, +1 longbow
Perception: spot & listen -1, search +0

Used to taking the first watch, Bob is still wide awake. He had taken up a seat at the bar, ordered a mug of ale and whatever was cheapest on the menu. He ate quietly, and had been ignored by everyone in the Inn, for once he was glad for it.

Then the call rang out. Bob Jumped up grabbed his sword and shield. And steps outside to investigate the commotion. Upon seeing the skeletons, he hesitated for a second as he tried to recall some vital information his dad had told him… what was it… oh that’s right, use something that crushes against the undead!

He quickly sheathes his sword and draws his mace from his belt. and prepares for the attack.

rolling perception checks if necessary
spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

2013-06-27, 06:53 PM
Hanmaru Ryuuhei - Level 1 - Human Warblade
Male Chaotic Good
Init +7, HP 10/14, Speed 30 ft
AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -3, Base Attack Bonus +1
Bastard Sword +4 (1d10+4, 19-20/x2)
Short Sword +4 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow (Arrows (100)) +4 (1d6, x3)
Leather (+2 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 4, Cha 8
Condition None
Balance +7, Jump +7, Tumble +7, Concentration +6
Maneuvers and Stances Steel Wind, Steely Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Punishing Stance1

After the three skeletons came into view, Ryuuhei draws his bow, the one his late father gave him, and readies himself. He figures he won't be able to move fast enough to clear the distance, so he prepares instead to strike them down should they prove fast enough to reach him.

@drack Is the map scale really like that? They're like ~150ft. away at best.

Move: draw shortbow
Standard: ready to attack any of the three skeletons who gets within the first range increment (60ft.) of his bow.

Princess Tari
2013-06-28, 02:47 PM
Cassie moves to the house in front of her and climbs up it to get a better view of the town.

next to s1 the house blocking her site

2013-06-29, 06:50 AM

Whilst Casimir still cannot see the foes that his companions are so obviously concerned about, he is aware that danger is lurking. Taking a deep breath, he waves his hand in front of himself, talking in a deep powerful voice as he does so. As he finishes his words an azure disk appears in front of him, shielding him from harm

Casting Shield +4 to AC, updated on character sheet.
Holding position for the moment.

2013-06-30, 12:38 PM
As Josie moves he begins to pick up speed, finally getting enough momentum going to burst through the doorway and step out into the night, crossbow still drawn.

(Effectively Double Moving 50')

2013-06-30, 01:41 PM
The wide dwarf from the tavern comes clamoring up behind Douglass, mail clanking and panting heavily. He takes a moment to catch his breath while he comes to terms with what he's seeing.

2013-07-01, 06:25 PM


"Prepare yourself foul beast, for I AM HONOR!" Douglass shouts!

Dropping into an offensive stance, Douglass initiates a martial strike against his flesh challenged foe.


[roll0] vs Skellie AC
[roll1] (-2 if Concentration check fails) ([roll2] vs 20% I think)
[roll3]+[roll4]+[roll5] (No concentration if check fails)

Douglass then makes a hasty retreat SE then south shouting as he goes.
"I would advise anyone not close to the inn to make their way close to there, light would be helpful, and there more noise coming from the woods!"

2013-07-01, 06:32 PM
Swiftly following Douglasses words is a great flapping of wings as the crows burst forth from the treeline as the skeleton he was standing beside makes one final attempt to claw him.

birds are all at 30-40' elevation, and skeleton attacks with claw as an AoO for leaving it's square for [1d4+1 slashing damage

2013-07-05, 10:15 AM

guess I'll be skipping and moving on for now...

Caril&others that share line of sight

Two zombies emerge from the woods, One following the skeletons, and the other charging straight at you swinging it's arm numbly at your face. [roll0] for [roll1] damage

Those with line of sight that aren't being clobbered n the face with a rotten arm

You see a plump looking aristocratic human zombie limp out of the brush wearing a spotless nobleman's outfit, shortly followed by a little girl around the pimple years who commences to clobber Caril with a scrawny malnourished arm.


The rustling in the woods grows silent replaced by the silent hiss of people moving through tall grass, the only sound filling the night.

2013-07-05, 12:23 PM
Santiago grimaces as more undead burst forth from the forest. He didn't like this, the light was bad, and he didn't want to leave it, those damned fools up ahead would be by them selves for now.

He readied himself for when a foe came to within the light, not willing to go stumbling in the dark against the ever hungry maw of death.

He readies an action to attack any opponent that comes within the light of the torch.
Active aura Vigor (Fast healing 1 up to half HP's within 30ft.)

Santiago (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=591362)
M LN Silver Brow Human [Dragonblood] Dragon Shaman, Level 1, Init -1, HP 14/14, DR -, Speed 20
AC 15, Touch 9, Flat-footed 15, Fort +3, Ref -1, Will +1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Morningstar +2 (1d8+2, x2)
Dagger +2 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Scale mail, Shield, heavy steel (+4 Armor, +2 Shield, -1 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 9, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 9, Cha 14
Condition Aura: Fast healing up to half HP's within 30ft

2013-07-05, 12:28 PM

The darkness closes in even as your dreams as a large man covered in liver spots strides forward bursting straight through your door wearing a cupcake suit. Was it a reoccurring nightmare you had forgotten, or a new horror you had yet to experience? In either case you can only hope that you never witness such a sight again in either the waking world or the land of dreams. :smalleek:

2013-07-05, 03:13 PM
Hearing that there is trouble coming to get them, Faelyn runs between the buildings to see who is the enemy and prepares to fight.

Run Full-round action.
I moved on the map.

2013-07-05, 03:39 PM
Startled and confused, Crail backs away and makes a hasty retreat toward the inn.

If anything else charges at him:
Crail stomps his foot toward the charging opponent and the earth splits asunder before his foe, becoming uneven and hazardous.

2013-07-09, 03:49 PM
The skeletons charge out into sight of the bar, the pair of human lungs still dangling in the bony grip of one (#3). As they move a cacophony of clicking picks up with the bones endlessly knocking against each other, occasionally even hard enough that they might have caused trauma were they still alive. When you meet their gaze you get the queer feeling that the darkness in their skull is looking back...

The one is doing a double move and walking around the house, the other two are running towards the assembled crowd outside the bar. (I think skeletons can run right? :smallconfused:)
Edit: I think they can, I think they can, I think they can, I think they can, I think they can, I think they can, I think they can, I Know they can, I Know they can, I Know they can, I Know they can! :smalltongue:

2013-07-09, 04:18 PM

The wizard takes a deep breath, and moves forward as he sees the foe, standing just on the edge of the road, before he thrusts out a hand, a small fizzing glowing ball of green malevolence arcing from his hand to strike one of the dead men.

Move to P,28

Cast Lesser Orb of Acid at Skeleton 2(S2 (loc:V,24)
Ranged touch attack [roll0]
Damage if a hit [roll1]

Woot my dice rolling is still amazing

2013-07-09, 04:37 PM
Douglass takes this opportunity to truck it back toward everyone else, though he wonders why he just doesn't run far away, where crazy stuff doesn't happen...if such a place exists.

Double Move to AB20 from AB8

2013-07-09, 04:52 PM
Josie had to squint to make out the enemy at all, and even then he couldn't quite make out who or what it was. If he had, he most likely would not have left the doorway, and would have turned and fled back into the confines of his own room. Nevertheless, Josie could see that there was someone to be fired at by the fact that the local spellslinger was firing at something, and he used that as a general guide for his own crossbolt.


2013-07-09, 05:22 PM
Forgot this.

Swift Action: End Punishing Stance...I want my 2 AC back!

2013-07-09, 11:25 PM
Hanmaru Ryuuhei - Level 1 - Human Warblade
Male Chaotic Good
Init +7, HP 10/14, Speed 30 ft
AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -3, Base Attack Bonus +1
Bastard Sword +4 (1d10+4, 19-20/x2)
Short Sword +4 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow (Arrows (100)) +4 (1d6, x3)
Leather (+2 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 4, Cha 8
Condition None
Balance +7, Jump +7, Tumble +7, Concentration +6
Maneuvers and Stances Steel Wind, Steely Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Punishing Stance1

Seeing the slightly illuminated vision of a skeleton moving, Ryuuhei quickly draws an arrow and aimed for the skull. The darkness impedes his view but made the attack nonetheless.

post is on OOC. I think he missed.

2013-07-10, 12:12 AM
Robert MacBane
AC: 16, HP 10 Fort +2, reflex +0 will -1
Attacks: +4 long sword, +3 heavy mace, +1 longbow
Perception: spot & listen -1, search +0

Bob steps forward. With a grimace of determination he takes a swing at the skeleton.

attacking S1

2013-07-11, 12:09 PM

Assuming cassie completes her climb since it seems tari's been off the forums for a few days...

Klis (freythefary) shill hasn't responded, so f she shows up she can jump in whenever...

As the zombies lurch forward, coming within reach of absolutely nobody, the
crows begin to fall. They descend within 5' of whichever surface they're on, and continue to struggle on.

Faelin&those with lone of sight

One of the crows falls straight at you, it's little fluffy head ramming into you [roll0], hitting you for 1 damage. (Forgot to add a +2 attack)

Those with line of sight with the torches in front of the Inn

As the flailing crows pass into the torchlight you notice that their necks have been snapped, and that their faces are still frozen in the closest thing a crow can display to terror, and the scent of rotting flesh emanates from them.

As the crow flies up to Santiago, a heavy mace follows through, dragging it towards the ground. The crow however, manages to slip free just before it is crushed into the ground.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-07-11, 03:38 PM
Seran bravely, or stupidly, picked up his staff and moved to the door of the inn, pushing it open carefully and stepping out into the night, allowing Blint his canine companion to push past him and lead the way.
The creatures that were flying past them were monsters, that was clear, and Seran raised his staff trying to ward them off, but they flew past, causing him no harm.

But there was still that malign presence, he could feel it, somewhere and they had heard things moving in the night. He raised his staff and whispered a prayer: "Ehlonna, bring me light in the darkness, guide my hand." His staff began to shimmer, pulsing with light.

Cast Light on his quarterstaff

2013-07-11, 10:25 PM
Recognizing the unholy creatures, Crail runs toward the greatest concentration of crows as he readies his holy symbol.
Run 80 ft. to X-26, still going to use Earth Devotion if anything not flying charges him or anyone else.

2013-07-12, 11:37 AM
Faelyn snarls angrily as the undead bird bites off a piece of his flesh, grits his teeth and tries to punch this annoying little ****. (with much commentary)

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] (bludgeoning) + [roll2] (Acid)

If it does the job he takes a few steps away from approaching zombies going out of their range (3 sq south) , if he misses, he takes another swing instead.

Attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4] (bludgeoning) + [roll5] (Acid)

2013-07-12, 11:51 AM
The bird melts into a pile of goop as your acids dissolve its flesh.
The third skeleton emerges from behind the house running to santagro, forgetting the lungs it was clutching as it runs. As it enters the torchlight, you can see little pieces of flesh still hanging on the bones, it can't be vary old... Meanwhile the second skeleton charges casimar as the first claws at bob.

c10 dead
Attack on Casimar: [roll0] for [roll1] damage
Attacks on bob:
[roll2] for [roll3] damage
[roll4] for [roll5] damage

2013-07-12, 01:18 PM
Hanmaru Ryuuhei - Level 1 - Human Warblade
Male Chaotic Good
Init +7, HP 10/14, Speed 30 ft
AC 1513, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -3, Base Attack Bonus +1
Bastard Sword +4 (1d10+4+1d6, 19-20/x2)
Short Sword +4 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow (Arrows (100)) +4 (1d6, x3)
Leather (+2 Armor, +3 Dex, -2 stance)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 4, Cha 8
Condition None
Balance +7, Jump +7, Tumble +7, Concentration +6
Maneuvers and Stances Steel Wind, Steely Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Punishing Stance1

Ryuuhei shifts his stance into the more offensive lunging position, and draws his main weapon to unleash retaliatory attacks on their underworldly aggressors.
Swift: enter Punishing Stance
Move: drop bow, move to 5ft forward, and draw Katana
Standard: initiate Steel Wind on the Skeleton and Crow nearby
S: attack: [roll0]; damage: [roll1]+[roll2]
C: attack: [roll3]; damage: [roll4]+[roll5]

2013-07-14, 06:57 PM
Douglass continues to move through the battle, picking his way around without having to confront anyone.

Double move to my current location, avoiding coming within 5ft of any baddies

2013-07-14, 09:19 PM
Recognizing that he has no chance in hell of hurting a walking skeleton with a crossbow bolt, Josie is forced to consider alternatives to help in the fight, if he's going to help in the fight. Josie shivers. His coward streek tells him to run back inside and bar the doors, but how long would that really last against an army of the dead. No. These things have to die now if he is to survive. Which means fighting walking skeletons. Josie sets his crossbow lightly on the ground and pulls one of his many daggers out of one of the inner pockets of his coat. He takes a deep breath, and moves. He runs full force towards the nearest skeleton, tumbling as he gets close to avoid it's weapons. He won't take on a skeleton alone but he might not have to.

"Mate... It's Bobby right? if you circle around I can distrack the fowl git while you bust him one."

2013-07-15, 05:44 AM

Casimir grunts heavily as the skeleton hits him in the midrift, his vision fading fast, he swings his heavy quarterstaff around, hoping desperately that the gods are with him.

I am so going to die!


I hate everybody!

Princess Tari
2013-07-15, 04:02 PM
Cassie shots at a crow [roll0]

2013-07-18, 04:48 PM
Robert MacBane
AC: 16, HP 10 Fort +2, reflex +0 will -1
Attacks: +4 long sword, +3 heavy mace, +1 longbow
Perception: spot & listen -1, search +0

“Yeah, sounds like a plan!”
Robert says through gritted teeth, too focused on attacking the skeleton to marvel at the fact someone got his name close to right.

Five foot step into U27 and make attack, should get +2 for flanking.

ok so bob is also terrible in combat.

2013-07-18, 07:38 PM
The zombies continue to lurch forwards as a cloud of crows forms about the party, bashing their soft feathery heads into your heavy armor.

On santaigo
120+5 for 1 damage
120+5 for 1 damage
On Casimir
120+5 for 1 damage
On Hanmaru
120+5 for 1 damage
On Bob
120+5 for 1 damage
On copperfield
120+5 for 1 damage
On Crail
120+5 for 1 damage
On the famed Necrobandit


It's your birthday today, and someone just brought out a large cake. Happily you dive into it, splattering your face with sugary goodness, and ignoring the little voice at the back of your head that continues to tell you it's a lie.

2013-07-18, 09:32 PM
No... No... it's all a lie... a delicious, scrumptious lie... What hell is this! What did I ever do to deserve this.

Simon demonstrates his great willpower, unable to resist the lure of the fake cake.

2013-07-19, 07:38 AM
The much angered mule, seeing one that does not smell like friend, charges out, attempting to viciously hit S3. There are reasons that no one wants a mule angry at them. This feeble creature is going to find out why.

[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage(bludg? maybe? does not say on SRD)

2013-07-19, 08:01 AM
As the mule falls on the skeleton it crumples under the oppressive weight, bones crunching and shattering under the angry hoofs of the mule.

2013-07-19, 08:02 AM
Satisfied that this annoyance has been dealt with, the mule looks balefully around the battlefield, wondering what was going to annoy it next...

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-07-19, 08:28 AM
I'm not certain where Seran is, or what he can see, but I imagine he can see the combat now, correct me if I can't do any of the following

Seeing the corpse birds and the walking bones, Seran shied back, horrified. he didn't no what these were, but that wasn't going to stop him from beating them.

Holding out a hand he whistled and an eagle appeared out of the clouds, its claws raking at the dead birds, whilst Blint, his faithful dog darted forwards, fangs bared to tear them apart.

Cast Summon Nature's Ally 1 (Sacrificing Entangle) and summon an Eagle (augmented with Augmented Summoning, +4 Str, +4 Con). Created in O28. Attack c2.

Talon: [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Talon: [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Bite: [roll4] Damage [roll5]

Blint moves to Q28 and attacks S2.
Bite [roll6] Damage [roll7]

2013-07-21, 01:46 AM
Crail takes one more step forward and presents his holy symbol, boldly calling on the power of his ancestors to destroy the undead foes: "If'n the frozen mountain wills it, all ya rotten corpses will return to the earth where ye belong!"

2013-07-21, 04:52 AM
Faelyn looks at the undead before him and shifts uneasily on his feet... he shrugs and walks closer to hit the guy.
"Let's do this." he whispers as he takes the swing.

Move action, getting closer to zombie 2

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] Bludgeoning + [roll2] Acid
+ Trip [roll3]

Note to self: Get reach.

And he misses the enemy by millimeters .

2013-07-21, 06:42 AM
As the cleric unleashes a wave of holy energy, the crows squawk loudly, embraced in silvery flames which consume their forms in seconds.

2013-07-23, 02:12 PM
Santiago grunts as the bird he hits ignores his attack, or he wasn't strong enough.

Either way, he was glad the cleric was around, he moved forward and attempted to strike the skeleton attacking the young boy, he swung his morningstar, aiming for the things skull, in an attempt to shatter it and perhaps the malign force animating it.

Aura will remain fast healing.
Attacking S2

2013-07-23, 02:42 PM
As the mace smashed through its form, the skeleton crumples to a pile of broken bones.

Suddenly the fine lungs that had been in Skeleton 3's hands begin to sputter and croak, filling themselves slowly as they flap, much like wings dragging the dangling esophagus up beneath them. As they reach an altitude of 10' they are filled with air. With a boom mush like the popping of a much larger baloon the lungs exhale sharply releasing a sonic boom beneath them, and splattering both Santiago and Simon's mule with bits of phlegm, blood, and the fumes of death, as the blast of air oppressively bears down on their shoulders.

[roll0] sonic damage
Fort DC 12 or be defined [roll1] rounds

Meanwhile skeleton 3 tears at both it's assailants with its bony claws, its attention torn between to attackers.

(confirmed crit so 6)

2013-07-23, 02:58 PM
Douglass continues to weave through the ensuing chaos. Ending at the door of the Inn.

Standing at the door, Douglass shouts.

"Destroy them my minions, I will deal with the defiler known as Simon!"

2013-07-23, 05:30 PM
Santiago reels at the floating, breathing set of lungs, and tries to duck....but fails...the gore spatters across his chest, sliding down and dulling his once shiny armor, the sound tore into him, droplets of blood spatter from his ears and he stumbles, not able to hear anything...



He drops to his knees and can't figure out how loud he must speak, apparently he can't hear very well.

2013-07-23, 05:33 PM
The ragemule, upon hearing the loud bang, simply accepts it with it's usual calm. However, it does take the time to reduce skeleton 3 to powder in revenge...

2013-07-23, 05:42 PM
Josie dodged the skeleton's slash and then winced as the skellie landed what looked like a crippling slash on his makeshift partner. Damn, he thought. "Bobby? You still with me? I can direct his attention for a second, but not for long. If you've got in you to kill this thing you need to do it now. I don't think we'll get another shot. Here we go." Josie sld in to lock his dagger behind one of the skeleton's ribs and pulled, trying to bring it off-ballance and distract the skeleton, opening him up for an attack.

Using aid another to give Bob +2 to attack, which should stack with the +2 from flanking for a total of +4 on top of his normal accuracy.

Altered and reposted.

2013-07-23, 05:51 PM
Hanmaru Ryuuhei - Level 1 - Human Warblade
Male Chaotic Good
Init +7, HP 10/14, Speed 30 ft
AC 1511, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -3, Base Attack Bonus +1
Bastard Sword +4 (1d10+4+1d6, 19-20/x2)
Short Sword +4 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow (Arrows (100)) +4 (1d6, x3)
Leather (+2 Armor, +3 Dex, -2 stance, -2 charge)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 4, Cha 8
Condition None
Balance +7, Jump +7, Tumble +7, Concentration +6
Maneuvers and Stances Steel Wind, Steely Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Punishing Stance1

Wasting no time, Ryuuhei immediately charges headlong towards the lone skeleton.
Full-Round: charge attack on Skeleton 1
attack: [roll0]; damage: [roll1]+[roll2](punishing stance)

2013-07-23, 05:55 PM
The skeleton, being split roughly in half vertically, falls to the ground as a pile of bone shards.

2013-07-24, 10:34 AM
[S]Josie dodged the skeleton's slash and then winced as the skellie landed what looked like a crippling slash on his makeshift partner. Damn, he thought. "Bobby? You still with me?"

Still, Josie didn't have time to worry about wounded warriors. There were... lung... things to deal with. "I need to get my crossbow." Josie shuddered, as he moved back to his previous position and recovered his ranged weapon, which just happened to be next to an angry mule. "Easy mule, easy" he said as he picked it up off the ground, one hand in the air. Note to self, Josie thought, buy some rope and tie this thing to my belt. Josie picked up the crossbow and looked back to the creature. "I... what even?"

2013-07-26, 11:57 AM
Robert MacBane
AC: 16, HP 4/10 Fort +2, reflex +0 will -1
Attacks: +4 long sword, +3 heavy mace, +1 longbow
Perception: spot & listen -1, search +0

Wincing in pain and holding his side, Bob straightens up out of his fighting stance.

“Yeah, I think I’m ok, don’t want to take too many hits like that though.”

Princess Tari
2013-07-29, 04:49 PM
Cassie decides shooting at things are useless and drops the bow and draws her scythe and jumps off the roof swinging her scythe down trying to help one of the friends of her new leader from the rotting corpse.

Her scythe striked true but her knees are feeling the effect of jumping off the building.

2013-07-29, 04:56 PM
The pimply little girl zombie's head hangs loose on the spinal cord and a flap of skin, not appearing to mind much as thick congealed blood begins bubbling down from the cut across its throat. It's somewhat unsettling how without a heart to pump it, a slit throat fails to bleed so much as it did when you last saw a man's throat slit. No arc of blood or quickly ebbing life, just thick red goop oozing out in long runny streams.

2013-07-30, 09:26 AM
(double pot for subcribers)
The pimply little girl zombie swings it's arm in a wide arc behind it at cassie, the arm extending far beyond the healthy range of motion of a human as the plump aristocratic zombie charges Faelyn, string to overcome him through mass alone, crashing into the man with it's heavy body.

on cassie
[roll0] for [roll1] damage
on faelyn
[roll2] for [roll3] amage

2013-07-30, 10:05 AM
The angry RageMule, snorting in it's great anger, leaps up,clearly intending on kicking at the lungs. However, as it leaps, it seems almost like some hidden rockets in it's feet fire, propelling it into the air above the lungs, where it immediately strikes, ripping through the lungs before descending.
For some reason, looking at it in amazement, you have to wonder how such a normally placid creature became so angry, as well as considering the impossibility of a rocket mule. It had to be your imagination, right? Mules don't have rocket feet, right?
[roll0] jump
Mule full attack:
[roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4]

2013-07-30, 10:07 AM
The hoof catches the lungs much like a hand battering a butterfly causing it to drift slowly to the ground where it flaps a few more times before releasing it's last breath as a slow drawn out wheeze

2013-07-30, 10:08 AM
The heroic ragemule snorts, a sound filled with contempt for it's feeble enemy, its eyes already seeking out the next enemy.

2013-07-30, 01:20 PM
"Nope, not today fatass!" shouts Faelyn as he barely avoids the attack of the plumb zombie. He takes a single step, hoping to help out the girl who came to help him, but for now focuses on the larger undead, considering it a larger threat.

5ft step north, provide flanking for Cassie.
Attacking Zombie 1, if, for some weird reason it falls after the first hit, the second one would be directed at Zombie 2.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] bludgeoning + [roll2] acid

Attack [roll3] +2 if vs zombie 2.
Damage [roll4] bludgeoning + [roll5] acid

2013-07-30, 01:25 PM
The zombie takes both punches puking on you as your punches tare through the rotten skin. All the same it leans back rolling on the balls of its feet under its girth.

2013-07-30, 04:05 PM
Santiago strides forward a few steps, arms raised above, standing in the light he seemed almost to glow, suffused with powerful draconic energies.

"Gather around me, bring the undead here and we shall crush them as one, let the power of the Dragons heal your wounds, and bind you bones, let the foul undead slither to our light and let us smother them like a taper in the wind!"

No action, just maintaining the Fast Healing Aura.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-07-30, 06:18 PM
Seran joins Santiago, his summoned eagle vanishing, leaving just himself and Blint. He could hear the sounds of fighting in the distance, but was rather overawed by this man's great below. Standing beside him he holds out his staff, still partly glowing from his previous cantrip, as he frantically tries to ward off any returning undead.

"Uh-ah-uh," he garbles in fright, his eloquence not quite matching that of the silverbrow human. "Whu-whu-whu?"

Blint barks.

2013-07-31, 11:39 AM
Josie stares irritably at the mule as he gets rid of the only enemy worth attacking at range. He'd gone all this way for the crossbow only for it to be made obsolete by a jumping mule. Ridiculous. Josie then listens to Santiago's overzealous shouting. But why would anyone need healing? It's not like anyone was... oh, right.

Josie briefly considered that many of his fellow campanions might benefit from learning to dodge. Nevertheless, they had done their work. There were no deadites as far as the eye could see, although Josie could hear the sound of conflict far afield. He began the hike towards the enemy, blind in the night but hoping that some light would be closer to the conflict.

Double Move.

And for whatever reason, Josie's name is white on the map now.

Princess Tari
2013-07-31, 03:57 PM
Cassie slices at the the pimply zombie to attempt to put it down so she can retreat.

2013-07-31, 06:39 PM
Robert MacBane
AC: 16, HP 4/10 Fort +2, reflex +0 will -1
Attacks: +4 long sword, +3 heavy mace, +1 longbow
Perception: spot & listen -1, search +0

Regaining his strength, Robert makes his way towards the two remaining zombies intent to at least show he’s more than a punching bag.

How many HP do i regain for being in the dragon aura?

2013-07-31, 07:27 PM
Hanmaru Ryuuhei - Level 1 - Human Warblade
Male Chaotic Good
Init +7, HP 9/14, Speed 30 ft
AC 1511, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -3, Base Attack Bonus +1
Bastard Sword +4 (1d10+4+1d6, 19-20/x2)
Short Sword +4 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow (Arrows (100)) +4 (1d6, x3)
Leather (+2 Armor, +3 Dex, -2 stance, -2 charge)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 4, Cha 8
Condition None
Balance +7, Jump +7, Tumble +7, Concentration +6
Maneuvers and Stances Steel Wind, Steely Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Punishing Stance1

Hearing his respected comrade's empowering speech, combined with his recent success at vanquishing his foe, Ryuuhei becomes reinvigorated for battle. He moved towards Santiago and joined the group, ready to strike at approaching enemies.
Move Action: move near Santiago
attack: [roll0]; damage: [roll1]+[roll2](punishing stance)Ignore

2013-07-31, 09:12 PM
Looking satisfied, Crail releases his holy symbol, allowing it to fall back into place hanging from his neck, then charges toward the remaining foes swinging his morningstar in circles over his head: "RYAA-AA The avalanche take ya!"
Charge Z1 [roll0], for [roll1] damage, bludgeoning and piercing.

2013-08-01, 07:09 AM
Douglass ducks inside the inn.


Use my move to get to Simon, and glance at him to see if I can easily see my longsword.

2013-08-01, 08:58 AM

there is a mace and light crossbow, no longsword

Everyone with a line of sight with the zombies

The pimply zombie turns jerkily at the new arrival, shambling over to thwap at Josie with an inanimate arm, its half-detached head jostling about with the corps' movements, as the fat one brings an over-sized arm down on fealyn.

on Josie (with 5' step)
[roll0] for [roll1]
on fealyn
[roll2] for [roll3]

2013-08-01, 09:12 AM
The vicious ragemule, seeing more enemies, snorts once, before running straight at one, and viciously striking at it with his hooves. The presence of one of the others in his path deters him not at all.

[roll1] damage
[roll2](20 or lower)

However, deceived by the light(which earns it an angry glare), the mule fails to hit the enemy, much to its disappointment

2013-08-01, 09:35 AM
Hanmaru Ryuuhei - Level 1 - Human Warblade
Male Chaotic Good
Init +7, HP 9/14, Speed 30 ft
AC 1513, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -3, Base Attack Bonus +1
Bastard Sword +4 (1d10+4+1d6, 19-20/x2)
Short Sword +4 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow (Arrows (100)) +4 (1d6, x3)
Leather (+2 Armor, +3 Dex, -2 stance)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 4, Cha 8
Condition None
Balance +7, Jump +7, Tumble +7, Concentration +6
Maneuvers and Stances Steel Wind, Steely Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Punishing Stance1

Ryuuhei moves swiftly towards the fray, trying to take advantage of the flank provided by the little captive girl.
Move: move at a flanking position, provoking one AoO from Z2
Standard: initiate Sapphire Nightmare Blade on Z2
Concentration vs AC:[roll0]
Attack: [roll1]; Damage: [roll2] + [roll3](Punishing Stance) + [roll4] (Sapphire Nightmare Blade)

Princess Tari
2013-08-01, 02:26 PM
Cassie getting nervous with so many bodies gathering around decides to put more effort to kill the zombie in front of her.

attack on pimply zombie
to hit [roll0] plus flanking
to dmg [roll1]

2013-08-06, 09:59 AM
Faelyn moves to flanking position and once again attacks with both fists.

Attack vs Z1 (I don't remember any rule preventing flanking zombies... so I am adding +2)

Attack 1 [roll0]
Concealment (1-20 fail) [roll1]
Damage [roll2] Bludgeoning + [roll3] Acid
If it hits: Trip [roll4] (I remembered this time :smallsigh:)

Attack 2 [roll5] +4 if tripped
Concealment (1-20 fail) [roll6]
Damage [roll7] Bludgeoning + [roll8] Acid
If it hits: Trip [roll9]

2013-08-06, 10:37 AM
Your fist catches the zombie in the neck snapping its head back, an action it doesn't seem to take note of.

AoO [roll0] for [roll1] damage
trip [roll2]

Slowly teetering it falls to the ground catching you with a flailing arm.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-08-06, 06:32 PM
Seran: seeing the others all attacking together follows their lead and joins in, wailing on the dead people with his quarterstaff, Blint happily barking at his heels.

Can't access the map for some reason. Hopefully the pair can move to attack some poor zombie and flank it.

Seran: Attack roll Damage [roll1]

Blint: Bite [roll2] Damage [roll]16+3

2013-08-06, 06:49 PM
Santiago smiles as several people move together to act as a team.

Amazing! he thought to himself, the chattel knows the call of the master!

He stands keeping ready to attack the undead monsters, knowing everyone needed an anchor point. And who better than the guy who could heal your wounds...well, some of your wounds.

None of the maps are loading for me.

Not sure if he is within range or not.
rolling if he is within 5ft step.

2013-08-07, 07:02 PM
Frustrated that such a solid blow had no effect on this zombie, Crail tries a swing on the other one.
5-ft. step to X20, attack Z2 flanking: [roll0] for [roll1] damage

2013-08-08, 01:41 AM
Robert MacBane
AC: 16, HP 4/10 Fort +2, reflex +0 will -1
Attacks: +4 long sword, +3 heavy mace, +1 longbow
Perception: spot & listen -1, search +0

Deciding to not risk himself Bob decides to hold back and allow the others to take the glory.

moving to square 23w and just waiting

2013-08-08, 01:17 PM
Josie easily dodged the zombie's halphazard movements. The skeletons seemed more of a threat in that regard. Josie was feeling considerably safer against the undead now that he was surrounded by hoards of allies plus a mule.

He decided to just casually participate in the slaughter. No reason for clever tactics at this point when brute force seemed to be working fine. He swinged his tiny dagger at the zombie's legs, half expecting the limbs to give out under the weight.


2013-08-09, 11:29 PM
The pimply zombie with the mostly severed head swats at cassie, somehow managing to clout the injured girl on the head hard enough to knock her out. Meanwhile as the flailing fat one futilely tries to hit faylin's legs.

cassie [roll0] for [roll1]
faylin [roll2] for [roll3]

2013-08-09, 11:39 PM
The legendary, the terrifying, the RAGEMULE, in a fit of violet rage.(Yes, violet. it is good like that), strikes viciously at the zombie, just glaring at it, not even bothering to use its hooves, but, even then, the zombie is impacted by such a vicious stare.

Full attack on the adjacent Zombie

2013-08-10, 12:01 AM
Hanmaru Ryuuhei - Level 1 - Human Warblade
Male Chaotic Good
Init +7, HP 9/14, Speed 30 ft
AC 1513, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -3, Base Attack Bonus +1
Bastard Sword +4 (1d10+4+1d6, 19-20/x2)
Short Sword +4 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow (Arrows (100)) +4 (1d6, x3)
Leather (+2 Armor, +3 Dex, -2 stance)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 4, Cha 8
Condition None
Balance +7, Jump +7, Tumble +7, Concentration +6
Maneuvers and Stances Steel Wind, Steely Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Punishing Stance1

Focusing on the dogpiled zombie, Ryuuhei quickly follows through with a carefully aimed upward slash. "KIAAA!"
Standard: initiate Steely Strike on Z2
Attack: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1] + [roll2](Punishing Stance)EDIT:+4 from Steely Strike, so that's a 22. :smalltongue:

2013-08-10, 12:21 AM
Ignoring the mule's pointed stare the zombie looses half its torso to the sharp blade falling to the ground immobile.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-08-10, 06:49 AM
Seran and Blint continue to wail on the zombie, the druid for the most part futilely.

Seran: Attack roll [roll0] damage [roll1]

Blint: [roll2] Damage [roll3]

2013-08-10, 08:43 AM
Josie hops across the dead zombie and rolls up to the next one, knife ready and slicing.


2013-08-10, 08:44 AM
The dagger manages to lop off a foot.

2013-08-10, 03:32 PM
Faelyn sighs and tries to finish off the zombie once again, he gathers his strength and delivers a powerful two handed bash.

Actually just the usual 2 attack routine

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] bludgeoning + [roll2] acid
Trip [roll3] (the free one)
(someone brought the light to fight, but I am not sure if it was close enough, so I am rolling the miss chance just in case)
[roll4] (1-20 fails)

Attack [roll5]
Damage [roll6] bludgeoning + [roll7] acid
Trip [roll8]
[roll9] (1-20 fails)

2013-08-10, 06:24 PM
Finally you manage to catch his foot which snaps off, the acid on your fists melting it as a glob of puss larger then a head begins to seep out of the wound.

choose two or three

search the thin pimply zombie for loot

worthless rags, and 6cp in cash

Examine the bird corpse

Looks like the neck was snapped

examine the lungs

They look to be taken from a bird, though none of the birds had any wounds that might have resulted from their lungs being ripped out prior to your butchery.

Search the rich looking fat zombie for loot

a belt pouch containing 64 gp, 6sp 4cp
Jade necklace is wrapped around his neck
A heavy jastper bracelet is around his wrist
An ivory knife with a broken blade is on his side
He has four valuable looking rings
(15gp) ragged noblman's outfit

He is also wearing a backpack with a flint, two waterskins of fine wine, 4lb black walnuts, and three scrolls with dark ink in a language none of you understand, each with a fine blue ribbon holding them tightly rolled

look for more enemies

spot check

listen for more enemies

listen check

dance about naked

no comment on this

Go back to the inn to check up on Douglass, and see why the necrobandit called his minions upon you.

I'll tell you then.

Go tell the children/innkeep/town they're safe

They breath a little easier.

something else

2013-08-10, 06:29 PM
Simon, determined to do none of the above, snores onward, perfectly content to sleep a few off.

The mule glares at the fallen zombie. How dare it resist the power of it's gaze!

2013-08-10, 06:38 PM
Faelyn searches the fat zombie's body for valuables after he finally managed to beat it.
do we share the loot or is it first come first served?

And then takes a moment to look around to see if there are more enemies around.

[roll0] spot
[roll1] listen

2013-08-10, 07:06 PM

Something strikes you as odd about the bushes that the zombies and skeletons crashed through.

2013-08-10, 07:16 PM
Josie glances around at the fallen for a moment, but disregards the looting. Josie mentally marks that Faelyn has gotten to the only corpse of real apparent value, then makes his way back to the inn ahead of the rest of the group. Chances are there will be a second wave, and if it's stronger than the first, Josie doesn't want to be outside for it.

As he enters the inn he bows low before the inn's denizens. "The battle is won Fine Folks. You may rest at ease for now." Assuming nothing particularly interesting happens, Josie moves to his room, to repack his gear and check his belongings, just in case.

2013-08-10, 07:26 PM
As the last visible undead was felled, Ryuuhei heads back to the inn to confront the previously-bound, eccentric man who allegedly ordered the attack. He thought that other lives may be in danger if this lunatic were to continue his nefarious plots. Openly declaring his malicious intentions to Ryuuhei's coworker Simon didn't help his case, either.

If Ryuuhei manages to find the wounded man, the boy will ask.
"You! You claimed responsibility for these attacks! What are your plans?!"

2013-08-10, 07:29 PM

Inside you see douglas fluffing a pillow under simon's head and offering him more drink from his pitcher before he stands up and brushes some dust off his pant legs.
Terran gave me a heads up on this before, sorry for spoiling it mate, but I know you've been busy of late

2013-08-10, 07:30 PM
Simon, alas, is dead to the world, and notices nothing.

2013-08-10, 07:33 PM
Contented with the monkeys fumbling over the man with the nerve to ignore it's glare's second-skins, the Mule calmly wanders towards the sweet grasses left in the stables.

2013-08-10, 07:47 PM
Josie hardly grunts at the scene. He had already surmised Douglass to be too incompetent for such a coordinated attack. He had assumed Douglass had gone back in to steal back his weapon, maybe a bit extra, but as long as the man kept his paws off of Josie's things there was no reason for him to concern himself. As it happened, he was checking his things against just such a possibility.

2013-08-11, 07:15 AM
Faelyn bravely walks to the bushes the undead came through to look if there isn't anything more to worry about there.

He walks there with extreme caution, prepared to run away at sight of anything dangerous, and checks if there aren't any valuables there...

He lights his lamp just before doing that.

2013-08-11, 08:06 AM

You see two forms crouched against a tree, though in the darkness you can't quite make them out.

2013-08-11, 08:28 AM
Faelyn freezes in place taking a moment to try his other senses in this deep darkness, unfazed by the possible danger.

With his will save being -2. Faelyn already is scared like hell, and freezes in place too afraid to breathe.
... on the other hand he hears a lot more now, in the background of his own racing heart beats...
[roll0] Listen check... actually, he would take 10 after that and 20 again later, if the previous ones fail to give him any information.
The lamp doesn't help?

2013-08-11, 08:47 AM

Lamp would help had you it with you. You hear no movement as the forms remain motionless.

2013-08-11, 09:06 AM
He has a 'Lamp, common' in his equipment. And I did say he lights it two posts above (post 350)

Edit: Fun fact. I forgot to buy flint and steel for Faelyn, but the zombie he looted had these. :smallcool:

2013-08-11, 09:50 AM

whoops :smalltongue:

The lantern light reveals Klia, and Taraka the Beautifil slumped in the grass, each covered in heavy bruises ad cold as death. By the look of it nature called just before the zombies and such arrived.

2013-08-11, 12:58 PM

Just to be sure. They are dead. Not 'out cold'? Right?

... I think it is the first time I am looting a PC...
He double taps (as by zombieland rules) with a dagger and proceeds to looting the bodies (except things like clothes)

After looting the bodies checking if his dear comrades are still alive Faelyn says a short prayer and drags the bodies back, closer to the buildings, hoping that others would help him in giving them a proper burial.

He then walks into the tavern looking for other mercenaries (he puts out the lamp before) and says aloud:
"I have some bad news. Two of us are dead. Taraka and Kila. Any volunteers for the grave digging?"

2013-08-11, 01:56 PM

yup, dead.

2013-08-11, 04:36 PM
Josie, content that his possessions are secure, returns to the general area of the inn where the group is bound to regroup. Josie shrugs. "I'm too small for manual labor, but it seems to me that it would be easier to burn the corpses than bury them. Especially with as many as there are around here."

2013-08-11, 04:43 PM
"So... help with gathering some wood for a pyre?" asks Faelyn hesitating. He really didn't know how to form a pyre, digging and dumping bodies to holes was easy on the other hand.

Princess Tari
2013-08-12, 03:22 PM
Cassie stands up on shaky legs and decides to leave her bow on the roof she is in no condition to get as she makes her way towards the inn.

2013-08-12, 07:59 PM
The dwarf priest catches your hand as you turn and, trying to give his coarse voice a gentle tone, says, "Ya look hurt, miss. If ye permit, my magic can numb the pain and mend yer wounds."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-08-13, 05:23 AM
Seran watches everyone disappear their separate ways, and then sits down to scratch Blint's ears. "Who's a good dog," he praised quietly whilst remaining near the awfully bloated corpse of a fat zombie.

Finally with Faelyn's return Seran is given direction (something he normally struggles to come up with himself) and he joyfully volunteers himself to help, attaching onto the other adventurer and following the strange elf around with a hapless grin on his face.

As they begin searching for wood, Seran feels it necessary to announce to the elf that: "I like trees," and making sure to only collect deadwood.

Princess Tari
2013-08-13, 01:15 PM
Cassie looks at the dwarf with her pale face in pain as she nods towards him.

2013-08-13, 01:30 PM
After you have healed each other, gathered wood for the pyre, cleared the tall dry grass from around the pyre, burned the bodies, simon awakes awkward and dim witted, stumbling about and occasionally mumbling incoherent thoughts. The night nearly spent, everyone finally has a chance to rest.

The Following morning Fillangun is awake and trading with the villagers, estimating that you'll be leaving around high noon. Around that time Fillangus passes out another three silvers to each of his bodyguards for their hard work, and gathers the mercenaries that were already at the inn.
"After last night I'm starting to think these roads may be a bit more dangerous then I thought. Any chance I could hire you lot on as extra protection?" Pausing he adds "Well, except you Douglass. I must say, I can't find it in me to trust you properly..."

Assuming Bel is willing you all return to half health, new day, so you can assume to have regained the 1hp for resting, and the cleric seems to have had something additional for cassie.
Free roam of the town, a chance to trade/rp, or we can continue on.

2013-08-13, 01:33 PM
Santiago smiles as the last undead minion drops. He continued to let his healing aura spread out to the others and moved towards the undead-dead things. Inspecting them he saw nothing that he valued or cared for, minor details he was sure, but he shrugged either way.

"Yes, indeed, they should be burned."

He moves to gather the bodies into a pile while the others are gathering firewood. This was bloody work. bloody work indeed.

Jeesh, you're gone for 2 days and everyone nabs all the loot!:smallwink:

2013-08-13, 01:44 PM
In the morning, not remembering last night, beyond some strange memories, Simon awakens, and opens his eyes, immediately regretting making such a foolish decision. Instead, he tries to stand, and, failing at that, vomits.

After about 20 minutes, he emerges from his room, already armored, and stumbling, squinting, and wincing at loud noises. He enjoys a decent breakfast, before heading over to Fillangus's carriage, and lying down, hoping to get this day over with, thinking to himself: That is the last time I drink a pitcher...

2013-08-13, 01:44 PM
"Well... I suppose it was the victory of all of us.. and a mule. I have a little something for everyone here." says Faelyn and gives every member of Fillangus' guards 7 gp each.

Sorry theterran :smalltongue:

Princess Tari
2013-08-13, 03:48 PM
Cassie looking better from a nights rest takes the gold presented toher and walks wordlessly towards simon hand raised in a fist as she holds it out towards him.

2013-08-13, 03:53 PM
Simon looks at her curiously, wondering why she is disturbing him, and why she is holding money out to him.

Princess Tari
2013-08-13, 04:08 PM
She grabs his hand and drops a few gold coins in it and walks away. Clearly upset at getting bested by mere zombies.

2013-08-13, 04:57 PM
Simon shrugs, at least, you think he might have, before he resumes hoping that his head stops hurting.

2013-08-13, 05:04 PM
Santiago stands near the cart with the wares, know he had not enough to buy anything of worth to him, his weapon was sound and his armor worked, all in a days work.

He decided to practice a few swings, going through a few steps and routines, the young boy always was doing this stuff, and figured he could at least figure something out...

He made a stance and then swung at the air, his grip loosened at the last moment and he almost sent his morning star sailing through the air.

Thinking better of it, he walked over to Simon and nudged the man while he was smiling at his bad health, "Hey, you feeling ok? Didn't see you last night, hell of a time, lungs exploding!"

2013-08-13, 05:06 PM
Simon moans, wishing that the noise would stop, and stop soon.

2013-08-13, 05:19 PM
Crail removes his gauntlet and places his hand on you, speaking some incantations in Dwarven. You feel a gradual cool wash over you, dulling the pain and reducing the swelling from the beating you took. "I can fix ya up a bit better in tha mornin', me ancestors be a bit fickle with tha power sometimes."
Healed for 3 hp, rolled in OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15816138#304)

"Thar be nothin' better fer me to do than ta join up, mebbe tha Frozen Mountain brought me to ya fer good reason."

The next morning Crail rises early and kneels outside facing north to pray and meditate. Anyone passing by may hear him muttering in Dwarven, reciting the genealogy of his ancestors and their accomplishments. Afterward he'll seek out Cassie and Douglass to offer what healing he can provide.
Assuming they permit, Cure Light Wounds on each:
Douglass 1d8+1
Cassie 1d8+1

2013-08-13, 06:29 PM
"Thar be nothin' better fer me to do than ta join up, mebbe tha Frozen Mountain brought me to ya fer good reason."

Why, why I'm glad to hear it? Fillangus Doddlehop exclaims excitedly. Anyone else? He asks casting a glance at Seran and Cassie

Princess Tari
2013-08-13, 06:56 PM
I go where he goes cassie said indicating simon.

2013-08-13, 07:06 PM
Glad to hear it, and you? Doddlehop asks Seran.

2013-08-13, 07:22 PM
Ryuuhei was still perplexed at what he saw last night. He ran out of the room, overwhelmed with confusion as to what Douglass was doing. He tried convincing himself that maybe he was just seeing and hearing things back then, but in the end told himself to at least keep an eye out on him just in case.

He woke up late today, which was very unusual of him. After getting his share of the loot, he sets himself up for a hearty breakfast.

2013-08-13, 07:27 PM
Breackfast consists of some eggs, a healthy slice of boar, likely canned by the taste, and a tall mug of goats milk.

2013-08-19, 06:21 AM
After about a half day of traveling Doddlehop finally decides to head out, and scrape up these last few hours of sunlight to put some miles on. Fortunately after a time the road actually seems to be somewhat maintained which makes the going much faster then the day before.

Roll spot/listen
hide [roll0]
move silently [roll1]

As the day goes on, it actually begins to warm a bit, with the chill air from yesterday fading back into the warmth of a cool summer day despite being the middle of fall. The sounds of life don't return to the woods, but the warmth in itself is comforting.

As darkness begins to fall however you hear the clatter of hoof beats on the dry dirt road, and the crunching of the crisp fall leaves accompanying each one.

Since you'll have to roll your perception checks anyways I'll let you lot roll initiative and place yourselves on the map. :smallbiggrin:

2013-08-19, 06:53 AM
Ryuuhei was in deep thought during the better part of the day. Sure, death comes easy for jobs like this, but he still feels incredulous that Taraka and Klia are no longer with them just the night after they were in merriment and getting smashed with booze. Lesson learned: stick close to the group.

Ryuuhei can barely pay attention to his surroundings, and feels somewhat sort of tired... mentally. Deaths and disturbing images of the previous night dominated his mind in a half-asleep, half-awake, and half-tranced in contemplation state.

Nothing here, but initiative:

2013-08-19, 10:07 AM
Faelyn walks with the group, with a spring in his step. He feels somewhat happy, the terrifying events of last night somewhat pale in the presence of all the wealth he obtained. He also wasn't hurt in the least in the fight, despite the heavy zombie assault. (he doesn't count a single bird who managed to scratch him)
He is as focused on his surroundings as ever, after all the rest he got.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Initiative [roll2]

2013-08-20, 12:17 AM
Santiago was happy to be moving, nothing much had happened in the town and the strange undead midnight attack worried him, something was amiss, and he knew not. Better to move on and leave it behind him...

He walked behind the cart as it moved, trying to play a mental game to pass the time, by imagining what he would do if a bandit was behind that particular bush.


Princess Tari
2013-08-20, 03:27 PM
Cassie tries to stay silent and hide from the group shes traveling with along with potential attacks.
hide [roll0]+5 13
move silently [roll1] +5 21
listen [roll2] +2 12
spot [roll3] 0
int. [roll4] +1 2 :smallfrown:

I need to add to add bonus in it forgot.

2013-08-20, 07:03 PM
Josie staid close to the cart for a few reasons. First it kept him near the core of the group. Secondly it completely hid him from everything in one direction. Josie was mostly quiet, in a bored mood.


2013-08-21, 08:08 AM
Simon, lying there on the cart, just wishes that the day would end, and his head would stop hurting...

2013-08-21, 06:43 PM
Judging by the sweat and the smell, it's pretty obvious that Crail isn't used to such warm weather. It's a good thing he's riding on the cart, and not trying to keep up on foot.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Initiative [roll2]

2013-08-23, 07:04 PM
From the direction of the viillage you should be coming upon, an old man hobbles out along the road about 200' in front of your party waving wildly and intermediately holding a finger vaguely in front of his face (feel free to make spellcraft or whatever if you want, otherwise feel free to react ), his faithful donkey hobbling along beside him

Princess Tari
2013-08-23, 11:44 PM
Cassie having little trust nocks and arrow and shots at the ground in front of him as a warning and nocked another arrow pulling it back to her ear as she aims for his head and waits for simon to tell her to kill him or wait.

2013-08-24, 11:35 AM
Faelyn does... nothing for now. Some craving lunatic on he road. Big deal.

2013-08-24, 12:14 PM
Josie leans closer into the side of the cart, crunching low so that he is more difficult to see, but he watches the madman intently. As a general rule, you can never trust people.

2013-08-24, 01:32 PM
Simon continues to regret his activities of the night before, as his head continues to conspire to murder him.

2013-08-25, 10:20 PM
Ryuuhei snapped back to reality with the sound of commotion that Cassie caused. The boy curiously looked at what or who his companion is shooting. He saw an image of an old man waving his hand, hobbling along the road with a donkey.

"Assaulting strangers surely is a thing of yours, isn't it?" he chidingly asks his new companion. Taraka would've at least waited to be in melee range.
He then alerted his employer by poking at his side, just in case it wasn't painfully obvious. "Master Doddlehop, there's an old man limping in the way. I'm not sure if he's halting us or what, but he looks...tired or injured, maybe. I..I don't know, really."

2013-08-26, 08:20 AM
Seeing the arrow it the ground, he makes to do the same carefully falling to the ground, slower then one might expect, and taking the time to clear the dried leaves from beneath him first. Unperturbed the donkey continues walking forward.

Doddlehop, looking a bit fidgety ever since the bear attack was so quickly followed by an undead attack declares in a not-too-steady voice that he'll leave the decision to the "experts" (you)

2013-08-26, 08:42 AM
Josie thought aloud to the group. "We could leave the cart a bit back and find out what the bloke's deal is. If he's some sort of wizard, we probably have the numbers to deal with him. Otherwise we definitely do."

Princess Tari
2013-08-26, 11:35 AM
Cassie glares at Ryuuheis comment out of the corner of her eye and puts away her bow and draws her scythe following up on josies comment procedding to the man down the road.

2013-08-26, 11:39 AM
Seeing the others pulling weapons, and heading down the road, Simon, groaning, starts clanking along as well.

2013-08-26, 12:03 PM
"Just don't get too far from the cart. It would be bad if he was simply a distraction while bandits attack us from behind..." says Faelyn matter-of-factly.

2013-08-26, 12:10 PM
Santiago hears the commotion up ahead, and upon diddlethumps statement of not caring, once again Santiago is not surprised.

Why would the ole coot care?

Shrugging and sighing at the same time he walks to the front of the cart to hear the exchange better, seems like several of the, had decided to head on the vicious old man together, gods save their souls!

He smiled a sardonic smile "I will wait here and provide security here, just in case this vicious man unleashes summoned critters our way!" he laughs slightly but thinks better of it and controls himself.

2013-08-26, 01:34 PM
Yes, yes, some of you stay here please. Doddlehop adds noticing that his whole caravan could be thinking to leave him to deal with the old man.

Those approaching

So... how close are we getting/what are we doing?

2013-08-26, 04:42 PM
Josie isn't a front-runner even when he lets his mouth run wild. He will stay about 55 feet back with his crossbow readied so-as to provide assistance if necessary but also to stay out of range of the scary old man's most deadly abilities, whatever abilities the deadly old man might possess. One can never be too careful when it comes to old men.

Princess Tari
2013-08-26, 05:07 PM
Cassie noticing josie behind her moves to the right and walks up to the old preparing to attack if he makes any fast movements.

about 5ft

2013-08-26, 05:20 PM
Around 30' the man begins gesturing even more wildly for silence.

2013-08-26, 05:26 PM
*Clank* *Clank* *Clank* *Clank*

2013-08-28, 06:54 PM
The man wildly motions for the man in the loud clanking armor to stop.

2013-08-28, 06:58 PM
Simon stops, before yessing across the distance

2013-08-28, 07:09 PM
Although Josie makes no particular movements, he thinks loudly that this old man is a tedious bore.

2013-08-28, 07:10 PM
And what a yes it was!

The man's eyes seem to be popping out of his head as he hisses back "Big wolf" (Listen DC 15)

2013-08-28, 07:15 PM
Santiago peers around the cart and looks at what is going on with a furrowed brow.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?" He yells.

Someone had to do it.


2013-08-28, 07:19 PM
Simon, his head pounding, fails his listen check.
"Big Wolf? Where?"

2013-08-28, 07:26 PM
Rising on shaky knees the man nods towards the rest of your party as if suggesting you talk there.

Listen was to make out the man's words :smalltongue:

2013-08-28, 07:29 PM
This is not worth my time. When I get to him...
Simon grumbles to himself as he walks up, clanking away, to the old man.

2013-08-28, 07:49 PM
"don't you worry master, I'll stay close."

Despite his comrades advances, Ryuuhei decides to stay at the back, guarding the worried merchant of possible attacks from the opposite side.

2013-08-28, 08:02 PM
Santiago turns his hea sideways like a dog would, "Wolf?" he echos the old man.

Princess Tari
2013-08-28, 09:18 PM
Cassie doesnt take her eyes off the man as she moves her scythe closer to him she listens.
Listen check [roll0]

2013-08-29, 07:00 AM
Crail jumps down from the cart and readies his weapon, cautiously checking the treeline. (Spot [roll0]) "I've battered tha life outa plenty o' wolves in tha north. The ones 'round here are prolly pups by comparison."

2013-08-29, 10:12 AM
"If wolves are the worst thing we could find here maybe we should simply get going?" Faelyn asks the merchant.

2013-08-29, 12:22 PM
Having rejoined the rest of the group (I'll assume by all the cart people jumping in), the old man shakes his head fearfully. Closing his eyes as if it may make it better he begins telling his tale before noticing how much more vivid the images became, and keeping them wide open. "In the night they came, wolves so big we hardly expected em to walk charging out and eating the villagers. The youngins fought 'em, but they wouldn't die. The pack destroyed the town, missing me as I hid on a shed with... With... anyways we managed to trap one in the old shed. Tonight it may break free conciderin' how that shed is, but I was hopping... Well you have strong men, you could kill it while it's trapped. Then we could wash our hands of it and flee. That way I won't be having to wait to warn everyone who comes by. After all it's not like you could get that cart by it without waking the beastie."

2013-08-29, 04:45 PM
The idea of having anything to do with village eating wolves doesn't particularly appeal to Josie, but he recognizes a secret when he hears it, and Josie enjoys few things more than a secret exposed. "with what? You said 'they missed me as I hid on a shed with... finish the sentence."


2013-08-29, 05:47 PM
If possible the man looks even more distraught as he falls to the ground sobbing silently. Finally he manages to garble out "With Susie"

Princess Tari
2013-08-29, 09:29 PM
Cassie puts away her scythe and with more energy she ever showed laughed happily. Saying to herself mainly Probably a trap strange man on the road might be in league with them to lure more "Susies into the fray" she laughs again as she leaning against the cart with a pleasant smile making her look more beutiful then before.

2013-08-29, 11:10 PM
Josie looks passively from the old man to Cassie's bizare reaction and, feeling the need to distance himself from the strange borderline-psychotic young lady, speaks again. "We're sorry for your loss, but it's nothing to do with us regardless. If there's a pack of wolves big enough to clear a village, then we should probably do our best to steer clear. We our a humble merchant's guard after all."

2013-08-30, 06:13 AM
The man takes some time to regain his composure before shaking his head. "The pack comes at night, the one I captured is alone. Where would you go, through the woods?"

2013-08-30, 10:21 AM
Josie shrugs. "Where the wolves live? Maybe not. We could head through the village perhaps. If the wolves have wiped the place out then they won't make another run so soon. It's probably safe enough to travel through. I'm sure you would like to see these things slain, but we have our employer's safety to think of and if they are as you describe them, I don't know if we could handle them head on regardless."

2013-08-30, 10:34 AM
Simon resumes his position of rest from before, his head pounding away merrily at him... much to his regret.

2013-08-30, 01:48 PM
Slowly it dawns on him that you may not have taken his meaning."Yes, the one I captured is in the village." eying the road behind him he continues. "If you are passing through the village it would be a wonderful notion if you could kill it while it sleeps as I don't think the shed walls will hold it long if your carriage wakes it, or... if it smells meat." he adds glancing from the mules to the mercenaries.

2013-09-03, 05:49 AM
"So... you want us to provoke the ire of the whole pack by killing the one you captured? What the...that doesn't sound good at all gramps!", Ryuuhei shallowly retorts.

Ryuuhei sighs, and simply mumbles at his companions from the corner. "That selfish old man... he just wants the wolves attention off of his village!"

2013-09-03, 10:49 AM
Josie shrugs. "If you can still call it a village. It's not like he's offering a reward. He doesn't really have anything left to offer, but if the village is empty of people it may be a good way to load up on supplies. Besides, it's probably safer than going through the forest, especially considering the wagon so we don't really need to make a decision now. We'll be heading through the village regardless."

2013-09-03, 01:17 PM
Santiago furrows his brow.

"well, he hasn't said he doesn't have anything, we should ask." turning to the old man "well old man, do you have something for us in return forth is favor? We are merely humble guards, taking care of our ward and his wares as he travels, we do not have much."

2013-09-03, 02:39 PM
The man gives you a suborn look. "I am warning you, not demanding you kill it. By all means turn your backs in fear and head back to the last village or go trudging through the woods chopping a path through solid oak for your cart. It is a simple fact that it would wake were so noisy a contraption to pass through, and it could break free. I'm just saying you should go kill it before it does so."

2013-09-06, 05:44 PM
Santiago shrugs "Seems like we are heading in that direction anyway, let us just go and find out for ourselves, either this old man hear is trying to sway us into trap or is displaying honest to goodness altruism." he sneers at the old man and then turns to doddleflop "I am not a cynical man, but I sincerely doubt this, let's keep on going and we'll handle it how we may."

2013-09-06, 05:57 PM
"There doesn't seem to be much of a choice", added Ryuuhei.

"At least you'll be a whole lot safer with our company than without. Right?" He pats his employer in reassurance, trying to at least make the situation calmer for the poor merchant.

2013-09-06, 10:35 PM
Slumping his shoulders in misery and fears of dominant harm to his persons Doddlehop crouches between the mules making sure that his winter blankets are keeping his goods well padded and secure. Dutifully he follows, the old man with his donkey metaphorically dragging his feet at the end of the caravan urging you in a hushed tone to be quieter, and that a small party should go ahead. approximately two hundred and fifty feet from the tree line at the entrance to the town you hear the sound of something heavy slamming against something and wood buckling under it.

2013-09-06, 10:45 PM
Simon grumpily speaks up, not having noticed that the cart had hit something, but maybe he had missed something...

"Did we hit something?"

2013-09-06, 11:25 PM
Josie checks his crossbow grimly. "That'l be our wolf I'd wager. Shall we draw straws?"

2013-09-07, 01:45 AM
"Straws? What for? Better just go and kill him..." says Faelyn. People were watching so he didnt shiver like a last coward... Not yet anyway...

2013-09-07, 06:32 AM
initiative (feel free to use any order and the banging noise will act retroactively until you're in the town):

Bruce MacBain: [roll0]
Faelyn Aldaar: [roll1]
Josie 'the Runt' Coperfield: [roll2]
Santiago: [roll3]
Hanmaru Ryuuhei: [roll4]
Casimir: [roll5]
Simon: [roll6]
Crail Urenthol: [roll7]
Seran Rivers: [roll8]
Cassie Galestorm: [roll9]
Douglass Fadden: off doing evil necto-bandit stuffs
FW: 9

2013-09-07, 10:18 AM
Santiago hears the banging and can't help himself smile, the old man was right.

Either it was a great ruse, and subsequently a trap or he was telling the truth and he somehow managed to capture a great beast in a shed.

He spit on the floor, Yeah right. he thought, grabbing the old man to come with him.

"You're coming with me, let's go old man." he said, as he walked towards the noise with the old man.

Single move action with the old man to keep a hold of him

2013-09-07, 10:29 AM
Ryuuhei sticks close to the visibly shaken Doddlehop, draws his bow, and readies to fire at any visible wolf within his line of sight.

2013-09-07, 11:17 AM
Simon, grumbling to himself, gets up, wincing at the pain of the movement, and starts following Santiago, pulling out his fancy club as he goes.

2013-09-07, 09:50 PM
Being too lazy to make more rolls at the moment, I'll assume you can keep him subdued, and that nobody else raises objection. Also gonna assume that you only get one move actions while dragging him, correct me if I'm wrong on any of the above.

*consults map and map of town*

map updated: http://www.editgrid.com/user/lexin/Formations

As you drag the man forwards, the dull sound of the wooden cart wheel turning and the man's panting dominate the silence between dull thuds. With just over 200' to the town the thudding stops. At this point you can clearly smell the repulsive scent of fresh decay, the smell of blood having faded some time ago. Sweat dripped from the man as he hesitantly stops his struggle for a minuet scanning the entrance before suddenly shouting in fright as something you had never expected, nor wished to see comes into view.

The man had not wholly lied, the creature could well be described as a wolf, only... It was bloated, bloated far beyond anything natural. Almost as if it had singlehandedly eaten the whole village or at last all the live-stalk. Flesh hangs heavily on it's sides barley supported by paws just as large as the beast itself. Several large scars dominate it's body, the red of blood still plain on the "wolf's" white fur, though the wounds seem to be almost completely healed. Even with the bloating it's clearly smaller then a dire wolf. Still you find yourselves somewhat at a loss classifying it as it stumbles awkwardly onto the trail in front of you, entirely lacking the natural grace with which wolves normally move.

It's eyes hold none of the predatory intelligence you'd expect, and it's jaws even seem too bloated to properly rend flesh. The claws however seem plenty sharp, and somehow it seems oddly sinister striding out from the half charred half bloodied remains of the village before you.

2013-09-07, 09:56 PM
Seeing this creature, Simon's eyes go wide, before he opens his helmet, and rubs them, before looking again.
Not a hallucination. Not good.
He then turns, and starts heading back to the cart, not being paid nearly enough to try and fight such a thing as this.

2013-09-08, 10:29 AM
Josie, isn't particularly sure what parts of the old man's story are true. The only thing he is confident is that this fat pup needs to die, and the sooner the better. Josie positions his crossbow so that he can draw an accurate shot and fires. After firing, Josie will immediately reload.


Not sure on the range so I'm not applying range modifiers. You may though. Crossbow has range increments of 80

2013-09-08, 05:07 PM
Hanmaru Ryuuhei - Level 1 - Human Warblade
Male Chaotic Good
Init +7, HP 9/14, Speed 30 ft
AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -3, Base Attack Bonus +1
Bastard Sword +4 (1d10+4, 19-20/x2)
Short Sword +4 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow (Arrows (100)) +4 (1d6, x3)
Leather (+2 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 4, Cha 8
Condition None
Balance +7, Jump +7, Tumble +7, Concentration +6
Maneuvers and Stances Steel Wind, Steely Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Punishing Stance1

The reflexive action was a godsend, for Ryuuhei would definitely have found himself being caught off-guard had he the time to contemplate what in the world is in front of him.

At the exact moment that the foul wolf appeared within sight, Ryuuhei let loose of the arrow.
Triggered Ready Action: shoot the wolf-looking thing
Attack: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1]

2013-09-08, 05:27 PM
The arrow strikes it in the shoulder, and blood swiftly begins to flow closing the wound about the arrow almost instantly, holding it in place as if it were a piece of the wolf's body.

2013-09-09, 04:26 PM
Santiago curses as the monster-dog comes tripping over its own fat legs towards them, and then curses several more times as his cohorts fail to even hit the damned thing.

Pushing the man away from him, he draws his morningstar and moves forward...

Free action to release McUsless
Move action to draw weapon
Move action to advance 20 ft.

2013-09-13, 12:23 PM
Santiago waves and winks at the undead beasty in an attempt to lure it into a charge at him, he knew he could take it down, he just was tired of trapsing all over the place in this heavy armor....

2013-09-14, 12:52 PM
The Fat Wolf continues to plod forth veering somewhat around the cart placing him directly beside the mule that simon is riding.


Advanced Santiago 20' on map
Wolf's action is unchanged
Everyone up.

2013-09-14, 02:56 PM
Simon climbs down from the mule, and draws his weapon.

2013-09-17, 01:37 PM
Santiago moves towards the evil undead and summons the power of LAW, with an almighty roar he swung his weapon at the thing, hoping to deal more damage than the arrow.

Swift: Activate Law Devotion 1st round.
Move: Move to creature
[roll1] {Bludgeoning & piercing}

2013-09-19, 07:52 PM
Hanmaru Ryuuhei - Level 1 - Human Warblade
Male Chaotic Good
Init +7, HP 9/14, Speed 30 ft
AC 1513, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -3, Base Attack Bonus +1
Bastard Sword +4 (1d10+4, 19-20/x2)
Short Sword +4 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow (Arrows (100)) +4 (1d6, x3)
Leather (+2 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 4, Cha 8
Condition None
Balance +7, Jump +7, Tumble +7, Concentration +6
Maneuvers and Stances Steel Wind, Steely Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Punishing Stance1

Trying to keep the beast's attention of his employer, Ryuuhei maneuvers around and makes his presence known with a sudden thrust of his katana.
Swift Action: activating Punishing Stance for +1d6 melee damage, -2 AC
Move Action: in a clockwise direction to face the wolf, and flanking (+2 attack)
Free Action: Power Attack for -1 attack, +2 damage
Standard Action: initiating Steely Strike for a +4 attack
Attack: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1][roll2]

2013-09-19, 08:13 PM
The wolf is caught in the leg, and once more you see the wound cauterizing faster then it should.

2013-09-19, 08:26 PM
Josie's eyes narrow as he watches yet another wound heal. Then he slowly begins to back away, trying not to catch the wolf's attention. Running would probably be fair against a creature like this, but Josie has other plans. Josie will back up to the woodline, using, the cart to block line of sight, then hide behind a tree with line of sight to the fat wolf.

OOC: It says the map is down? Don't know if that can be trusted, but it won't let me move Josie.

2013-09-21, 09:54 PM
The beast continues to lumber forwards, ignoring it's new battle scars and opponents alike, to slam it's bulk against the old man.

[roll0] for [roll1] damage against the old man's [roll2] HP and 11AC

Provokes AoO from Si &Sn... silicone and nickle? :smalltongue:

Hurtling clumsily about the cart, the beast crashes headlong into the man knocking him to the ground where a dark blue bruise begins to appear, covering half his body.

2013-09-21, 10:31 PM
Sn is tin, not nickle. :smalltongue:

Simon, seeing the beast trying to charge past him, takes a solid whack with his club, before setting himself properly, and doing it again.

[roll0] attack [roll1](P/S) AOO

[roll2] attack [roll3](P/S) round

2013-09-22, 07:15 AM
Oh yeah, Ni is nickle... how on earth did I... :smallconfused:

Both blows strike the wolf leaving faint bruising on its side.

2013-09-22, 08:19 AM
Josie, moves slightly to get a better angle, hoping the wolf was too distracted to catch his little slip away, although it wasn't his finest work, launches another bolt at the beastie. Josie also hopes that the beastie isn't immune to such tactics, as it is with almost everything else.

2013-09-22, 08:30 AM
Sneak Attack

Elysian Blade
2013-09-23, 05:55 PM
Alexander awaking from under merchants good thinks to himself "How did I get here?" Then remembering he was hired by a man named Fillangus Doddlehop. He remembered that he was just going to take a quick nap in the cart because of the boredom of the open road.

Alexanders stomach rumbled telling him his been asleep longer then he intended. He sits up feeling some stiffness in his joints yawns. He looks around to see men fighting a weird figure. Looking kinda like a wolfy but a ugly one.

Seeing it he gets out of the cart and undraws his Giant Greatsword out his young age not showing any weakness in his grip he swings at the monster.

Attack [roll0]
dmg [roll1]

2013-09-23, 07:11 PM
Hanmaru Ryuuhei - Level 1 - Human Warblade
Male Chaotic Good
Init +7, HP 9/14, Speed 30 ft
AC 1511, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -3, Base Attack Bonus +1
Bastard Sword +4 (1d10+4, 19-20/x2)
Short Sword +4 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow (Arrows (100)) +4 (1d6, x3)
Leather (+2 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 4, Cha 8
Condition None
Balance +7, Jump +7, Tumble +7, Concentration +6
Maneuvers and Stances Steel Wind, Steely Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Punishing Stance1

Ryuuhei gets increasingly frustrated as his attacks fail to make an impression on the abomination. He dashes wildly at the beast with a furious "KIAAAII!"
Free Action: Power Attack for -1 attack, +2 damage
Full-Round Action: charge attack (+2 attack, -2 AC)
Attack: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1]+[roll2]

2013-09-24, 01:03 PM
Josie realizes with some distaste that he isn't likely to hit while the others are engaged with the critter. Still, he has less of a suicidal vein than the others, and he also acknowledges that he is approximately bite-sized, so with some chagrine he fires off another bolt.

Possible Sneak Attack?

2013-09-28, 07:19 AM
Clumsily the wolf stomps the old peasant's head splattering it across the ground.

All but casualcryptic up

2013-09-28, 10:26 AM
Gritting his teeth as he is sprayed with brain matter, Simon swings his Morningstar once more, hoping to take out the wolf this time, although, for some reason, he doubts that will work.

[roll0] [roll1]

Elysian Blade
2013-09-28, 02:22 PM
Alexander seeing the wolf continue to heal aims for the neck to cut off its head.
Attack [roll0]
dmg [roll1]

2013-09-29, 08:18 AM
As your sword cuts through the wound, a spurt of blood follows cauterizing the wound almost instantly.

2013-10-01, 01:15 PM

If its too late, oh well.

Recovering from a long period of momentary numbness he reels and attacks the creature again, hoping to bludgeon it to death.

Not sure where the creature is on the map, move to it and attack


Sorry about lack'o'activity, I somehow dropped the sub for this thread.

2013-10-03, 07:15 PM
Yup, one round too late. :smallsmile:

Your mace leaves a cluster of cauterized holes in the wolf's side.

2013-10-03, 07:28 PM
"HA! You-...you just don't die, do you? We'll see how you fare against fire, you foul beast!!", Ryuuhei disturbingly mumbles as he sheathes his sword, fumbles his pocket for flint and steel, and rummages through the cart for a torch.

Dunno how many actions/turns this will take, but he'll try to find a torch, and then light it using flint/steel.

I'm going with the default, though not necessarily smart, "kill it with fire" mode

2013-10-03, 07:48 PM
lets go with:
move action find
move action pick up
move action light

2013-10-06, 07:13 AM
The wolf, spinning, and in that act splattering someone with doggy drool, swings his boated face towards... Casimir and misses.

1) TheThan
2) Lexin
3) FyreByrd
4) Biffoniacus
5) al'Lan
[roll1] for [roll2]

2013-10-06, 10:07 AM
Once more, Simon swings his morningstar into the side of the vicious creature.
[roll0] [roll1]

2013-10-08, 11:51 AM
Santiago moves in again to swing at the beast, this time bringing his cold aura to activate on all in the area.

Activate cold aura: Energy Shield [melee attackers take 2 cold per hit]
[roll1] from his morningstar

2013-10-08, 12:00 PM
Josie fires off another shot from the dark, not knowing what else he might do to help the situation.

Possible Sneak Attack

2013-10-08, 01:22 PM
Fealyn snaps out of the shock of seeing... this thing... and decides to help with killing it. Though after looking at the wolf a few times he starts to seriously consider buying a pair of gloves, just in case he would need to punch such creatures in the future...

Drack, if you allow a 5ft move last round Faelyn would move to the wolf and punch it (as usual).
If not, ignore the attack as he needs 35ft to get in range and it would take a whole round.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] (bludgeoning) + [roll2] (acid)
+ if it hits - Trip [roll3]

2013-10-14, 06:49 AM
Whoops. Hope I'm not making a habit of doing this one day later each week. :smalleek:
The wolf tries again to batter the mage.
[roll0] [roll1]
A ripple passes through the wolf's girth as the mage's legs buckle beneath him, and consciousness fades.

2013-10-14, 07:09 AM
"That's not looking good..." Faelyn mumbles, but tries to attack anyway. His usual double-fist attack usually solves his problems.

Full attack action (2 slam attacks, with free trip attempts)

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] (bludgeoning) + [roll2] (acid)
If it hits - Trip [roll3]

Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5] (bludgeoning) + [roll6] (acid)
If it hits - Trip [roll7]

2013-10-14, 09:54 AM
Once more, Simon takes another swing, hoping for better luck this time.
[roll0] atta
[roll1] dam

2013-10-15, 12:07 PM
Santiago attempts to swing again at the beast.

FOUL BEAST, do us all a favor and DIE!

Activate cold aura: Energy Shield [melee attackers take 2 cold per hit]
[roll1] from his morningstar

2013-10-15, 01:56 PM
Recogning that neither himself nor his companions were hitting much, Josie slowly detaches himself from his tree while biting his lip and slinks in to provide support against the creature.

Aid another for Faelyn

2013-10-15, 02:21 PM
The first punch catches it in the side coming away with the scent of burning (or perhaps melting) fur, while the second misses all together.


Simon's blow tears into it's flesh once more, and again it heals almost instantly. However you notice that the wounds aren't healing entirely, leaving scabs that stop the bleading, and that last blow tore a few loose with it. The reopened wounds however seem to heal as quickly as the old ones.

Elysian Blade
2013-10-15, 05:42 PM
Alexander gets infuriated that his attacks are not getting through uses all of his strength at the best slamming his sword through his skull in hopes to pin him to the ground.
Raging now so people beware all are targets
Power attack 2
dmg [roll1]

2013-10-15, 05:55 PM
You successfully fail to hit it's head, instead slashing it's torso, your blade biting through two ribs as the flesh heals above it.

Elysian Blade
2013-10-15, 05:56 PM
...how did i fail?

2013-10-15, 08:39 PM
Hanmaru Ryuuhei - Level 1 - Human Warblade
Male Chaotic Good
Init +7, HP 9/14, Speed 30 ft
AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-footed 12, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will -3, Base Attack Bonus +1
Bastard Sword +4 (1d10+4, 19-20/x2)
Short Sword +4 (1d6+3, 19-20/x2)
Shortbow (Arrows (100)) +4 (1d6, x3)
Leather (+2 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 17, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 4, Cha 8
Condition None
Balance +7, Jump +7, Tumble +7, Concentration +6
Maneuvers and Stances Steel Wind, Steely Strike, Sapphire Nightmare Blade, Punishing Stance1

"Hah! Now let's see if I can't get myself some roasted wolf meat!! C'mere, you!"
Ryuuhei shouts and taunts the bloated beast, daring it to taste Ryuuhei's firebrand.
Move Action: Light that torch!
Swift Action: switch off Punishing Stance
Move Action: Move adjacent to the wolf
Standard Action: Attack the wolf (rolls at OOC)

2013-10-15, 08:57 PM
As Ryuuhei swings the torch, the swing goes wide as he spins around, his eyes glistening with the flame held before him. This swing however manages to bring the flame dangerously close to both his ally and enemy, lighting the cart aflame in the process.

Everyone lexin&wolf, roll reflex against catching fire, cart is on fire.
DC if I recall is 15 with an action to try again to put it out, and otherwise 1d6 fire/round. (catching fire DMG, pulling it off memory)

2013-10-16, 03:17 PM
The wolf turns suddenly, using the greatsword in it's side to decapitate the unconcious wizard.

all up

2013-10-16, 03:23 PM
Once more, Simon tries whacking the wolf, because that has been going quite well for him...

[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage

Alas, his impatience catches up to him, and he merely whiffs the beastly wolf.

2013-10-16, 03:51 PM
Faelyn finds himself with a much more pressing matter than some puny, fat ugly, undead wolf. He extinguishes his burning clothes with the water from his waterskin...

5 ft away from wolf first, so he doesn't provoke AoO...

2013-10-16, 04:05 PM
After seeing the results of his assistance Josie isn't entirely sure why he even tries! On the other hand, any thing at al is better than burning down the cart, so it seeems like the bar is set pretty low for the time being.

Josie halway shrugs, draws his dagger, makes a brief prayer to all the heathen gods he can think of, and strikes at the beasty.

2013-10-16, 04:07 PM
Doddlehop meanwhile runs to his cart attempting to use his coat to extinguish the fire before all of his goods burn!


Sighing with relief he sags against it slightly.

2013-10-16, 04:07 PM
Damage, because... eh.

Elysian Blade
2013-10-17, 11:24 AM
In his mad rage alexander grabs the best to detain him.

2013-10-17, 11:24 AM
grapple: [roll0]

2013-10-17, 11:28 AM
For grapple you normally roll a touch attack too.
You provoke an "Attack of Opportunity" since you don't have the improved grapple feat. This means that the wolf gets a free attack on you.
to hit [roll0] for [roll1] damage

The wolf resists your attempts to hold it, knocking your hands aside with the crushing force of it's head.

2013-10-23, 12:26 PM
Santiago infuriated by the damnable undead wolf thing, he swings with all his might....again.


2013-10-23, 12:27 PM
Possible crit
[roll1] awww. Sad panda

2013-10-23, 01:40 PM
The wolf shakes it's head from the impact, stumbling towards Bruce MacBane who passes out from the impact.


By now the wolf is covered with countless scabs and bruises, and when it moves, though it shows no sign of it, you know that it's gotta be hurting.

2013-10-23, 01:42 PM
Simon, predictibly enough, annoyed by the wolf's continued resistance, takes another two handed swing at the thing, aiming for the head, hoping to take it out.

[roll1] dam

Because I feel overconfident...
crit stuff
[roll3] dam

2013-10-23, 02:25 PM
Faelyn, now not on fire has mixed feelings. He is happy that he isn't burning anymore. He is terrified that he was burning a moment ago. He isn't too pleased with the vision of fighting a wolf which seemingly managed to already beat several of his comrades... On the other hand better them...

With this optimistic thought he tries to beat the wolf once again.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] (bludgeoning) + [roll2] (acid)
+ if it hits, Trip [roll3]
Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5] (bludgeoning) + [roll6] (acid)
+ if it hits, Trip [roll7]

2013-10-23, 04:25 PM
More initiative rolls.
Eh, scratch that. Lets just go block initiative. It's gonna be a pain with PC/NPC blocks again. :smallsigh: