View Full Version : YugiohITP: Mercenary Pen versus Shadow Elf

Mercenary Pen
2013-06-16, 01:37 AM
The mechanic tensed as somebody approached- this wasn't someone he recognised, but somehow he knew they weren't here to call on his usual services.

"Is there something I can do for you?"

Graveyard: -

Banished: -

Face down: -

Hand: -

Deck: 1- Yellow Gadget
2- Yellow Gadget
3- Yellow Gadget
4- Green Gadget
5- Green Gadget
6- Green Gadget
7- Red Gadget
8- Red Gadget
9- Red Gadget
10- Tin Goldfish
11- Tin Goldfish
12- Tin Goldfish
13- Machina Gearframe
14- Machina Gearframe
15- Machina Fortress
16- Machina Fortress
17- Summoner Monk
18- Summoner Monk
19- Sacred Crane
20- Sacred Crane
21- Cyber Dragon Zwei
22- Double Summon
23- Double Summon
24- Double Summon
25- Heavy Storm
26- Dark Hole
27- Monster Reborn
28- Pot of Avarice
29- Mystical Space Typhoon
30- Mystical Space Typhoon
31- Mind Control
32- Foolish Burial
33- Forbidden Lance
34- Forbidden Lance
35- Pinpoint Guard
36- Pinpoint Guard
37- Pinpoint Guard
38- Solemn Judgment
39- Solemn Warning
40- Mirror Force
41- Mirror Force
42- Ultimate Offering
43- Ceasefire
44- Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck:
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2x Gear Gigant X
2x Lavalval Chain
1x Maestroke the symphony Djinn
1x Abyss Dweller
1x Number 50: Blackship of Corn
1x Photon Papilloperative
1x Number 11: Big Eye
1x Number 16: Shock Master
1x Gem Knight Pearl
1x Evilswarm Ouroboros
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Steelswarm Roach

2013-06-16, 03:39 PM
The woman has green hair and a dueldisk on her arm. "Just finished a new deck and I was in the neighbourhood. Heard there was a mechanic 'round here who plays duel monsters? Is he in?


Rock You Like a Hurricane ~40
Monsters: 20
01. Mist Valley Soldier
02. Mist Valley Soldier
03. Mist Valley Falcon
04. Mist Valley Falcon
05. Mist Valley Thunderbird
06. Mist Valley Thunderbird
07. Mist Valley Thunderbird
08. Reborn Tengu
09. Reborn Tengu
10. Genex Blastfan
11. Genex Ally Birdman
12. Genex Ally Birdman
13. Genex Ally Birdman
14. Harpie Dancer
15. Harpie Dancer
16. Harpie Dancer
17. Mystic Fairy Elfuria
18. Penguin Soldier
19. Penguin Soldier
20. Penguin Soldier

Spells: 10
21. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
22. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
23. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
24. Terraforming
25. Swords of Revealing Light
26. Swords of Revealing Light
27. Monster Reborn
28. Dark Hole
29. Heavy Storm
30. Quill Pen of Gulldos

Traps: 10
31. Begone, Knave!
32. Begone, Knave!
33. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Bottomless Trap Hole
35. Solemn Judgment
36. Mirror Force
37. Mirror Force
38. Compulsory Evacuation Device
39. Compulsory Evacuation Device
40. Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck: 15
Beastlord Volcan
Beastlord Volcan
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Mist Valley Thunder Lord
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Scrap Dragon
Vindikite R-Genex

Totem Bird
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Wind-Up Zenmaines
Daigusto Emeral
Lightning Chidori
Number 50: Blackship of Corn

Mercenary Pen
2013-06-17, 06:57 PM
(OOC: Sorry about the delay, I forgot to subscribe to the thread, so I didn't see that you'd responded)

"He might be, though he's supposed to be working right now." He offered her a wry wink.
Opening Draws: [roll0]
Rerolls: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]

Graveyard: -

Banished: -

Face down: -

Hand=5: Red Gadget
Machina Fortress
Summoner Monk
Forbidden Lance
Forbidden Lance

Deck: 1- Yellow Gadget
2- Yellow Gadget
3- Yellow Gadget
4- Green Gadget
5- Green Gadget
6- Green Gadget
7- Red Gadget
8- Red Gadget
9- Red Gadget
10- Tin Goldfish
11- Tin Goldfish
12- Tin Goldfish
13- Machina Gearframe
14- Machina Gearframe
15- Machina Fortress
16- Machina Fortress
17- Summoner Monk
18- Summoner Monk
19- Sacred Crane
20- Sacred Crane
21- Cyber Dragon Zwei
22- Double Summon
23- Double Summon
24- Double Summon
25- Heavy Storm
26- Dark Hole
27- Monster Reborn
28- Pot of Avarice
29- Mystical Space Typhoon
30- Mystical Space Typhoon
31- Mind Control
32- Foolish Burial
33- Forbidden Lance
34- Forbidden Lance
35- Pinpoint Guard
36- Pinpoint Guard
37- Pinpoint Guard
38- Solemn Judgment
39- Solemn Warning
40- Mirror Force
41- Mirror Force
42- Ultimate Offering
43- Ceasefire
44- Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck:
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2x Gear Gigant X
2x Lavalval Chain
1x Maestroke the symphony Djinn
1x Abyss Dweller
1x Number 50: Blackship of Corn
1x Photon Papilloperative
1x Number 11: Big Eye
1x Number 16: Shock Master
1x Gem Knight Pearl
1x Evilswarm Ouroboros
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Steelswarm Roach

2013-06-18, 06:43 PM
[OOC: Sorry for the delay, rough day at work, only really having time to post now]

"Well, if he's here, then I guess my first move would be to draw some cards, eh?" she replies, catching on to the allusion.


"And then I guess I would set a facedown monster and backrow card, and let him make the next move?"

{table="head"] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | FD | -- | --
-- | -- | FD | -- | -- [/table]

Lifepoints: 8000
Hand: 4
Mist Valley Thunderbird
Divine Wind of Mist Valley
Dark Hole
Quill Pen of Gulldos

Facedowns: 2
3: Penguin Soldier, Bottomless Trap Hole

Graveyard: 0

Banished: 0

Overlaid: 0

Deck: 34 (not RN yet)
Monsters: 20
01. Mist Valley Soldier
02. Mist Valley Soldier
03. Mist Valley Falcon
04. Mist Valley Falcon
05. Mist Valley Thunderbird
>>. Mist Valley Thunderbird
07. Mist Valley Thunderbird
08. Reborn Tengu
09. Reborn Tengu
10. Genex Blastfan
11. Genex Ally Birdman
12. Genex Ally Birdman
13. Genex Ally Birdman
14. Harpie Dancer
15. Harpie Dancer
16. Harpie Dancer
17. Mystic Fairy Elfuria
>>. Penguin Soldier
19. Penguin Soldier
20. Penguin Soldier

Spells: 10
>>. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
22. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
23. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
24. Terraforming
25. Swords of Revealing Light
26. Swords of Revealing Light
27. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
29. Heavy Storm
>>. Quill Pen of Gulldos

Traps: 10
31. Begone, Knave!
32. Begone, Knave!
>>. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Bottomless Trap Hole
35. Solemn Judgment
36. Mirror Force
37. Mirror Force
38. Compulsory Evacuation Device
39. Compulsory Evacuation Device
40. Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck: 15
Extra Deck: 15
Beastlord Volcan
Beastlord Volcan
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Mist Valley Thunder Lord
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Scrap Dragon
Vindikite R-Genex

Totem Bird
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Wind-Up Zenmaines
Daigusto Emeral
Lightning Chidori
Number 50: Blackship of Corn

Mercenary Pen
2013-06-18, 08:07 PM
"Well now, lets see what you can do with that deck."
Draw: [roll0]

Graveyard: Forbidden Lance
Green Gadget
Yellow Gadget
Machina Fortress

Banished: -

Face down: Forbidden Lance (st2), Compulsory Evacuation Device (st4)

Hand=1: Red Gadget

Deck: 1- Yellow Gadget
2- Yellow Gadget
3- Yellow Gadget
4- Green Gadget
5- Green Gadget
6- Green Gadget
7- Red Gadget
8- Red Gadget
9- Tin Goldfish
10- Tin Goldfish
11- Tin Goldfish
12- Machina Gearframe
13- Machina Gearframe
14- Machina Fortress
15- Summoner Monk
16- Sacred Crane
17- Sacred Crane
18- Cyber Dragon Zwei
19- Double Summon
20- Double Summon
21- Double Summon
22- Heavy Storm
23- Dark Hole
24- Monster Reborn
25- Pot of Avarice
26- Mystical Space Typhoon
27- Mystical Space Typhoon
28- Mind Control
29- Foolish Burial
30- Pinpoint Guard
31- Pinpoint Guard
32- Pinpoint Guard
33- Solemn Judgment
34- Solemn Warning
35- Mirror Force
36- Mirror Force
37- Ultimate Offering
38- Ceasefire
39- Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck:
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2x Gear Gigant X
2x Lavalval Chain
1x Maestroke the symphony Djinn
1x Abyss Dweller
1x Number 50: Blackship of Corn
1x Photon Papilloperative
1x Number 11: Big Eye
1x Number 16: Shock Master
1x Gem Knight Pearl
1x Evilswarm Ouroboros
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Steelswarm Roach

"I'll begin by summoning Summoner Monk- whose effect switches it to defence position. I then discard one spell card to special summon Yellow Gadget from my deck, adding Green Gadget to my hand.

I'll then discard Green Gadget and Machina Fortress from my hand to special summon the Machina Fortress I just discarded.

That done, I'm going to overlay summoner monk and Yellow Gadget for Lavalval Chain, detaching Yellow Gadget to send my second Machina Fortress to the grave.

I'll attack your defence monster with Machina Fortress, and if I destroy it, Lavalval Chain will attack directly.

I'll then set two cards to my back row and end my turn."

Life points: 8000
LC= Lavalval Chain (ATK: 1800, DEF: 1000) (Summoner Monk Overlaid)
MF= Machina Fortress (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1600)
f= face down

2013-06-18, 08:54 PM
"When you summon your Fortress, I activate my Bottomless Trap Hole, banishing it. Does that change things?"

Mercenary Pen
2013-06-19, 04:16 AM
"Indeed that does change things. I chain Forbidden Lance from my hand to your Bottomless Trap Hole, targeting my Machina Fortress. It may now have only 1700 attack for the turn, but it does stick around.

This being the case, Lavalval Chain will attack your face down, and if possible Machina Fortress will attack directly.

In main phase two, subsequent to this, I set only one card in zone four of my back row. End turn."

2013-06-19, 08:18 AM
"My facedown card is Penguin Soldier; he bounces to my hand when flipped, and he takes Lavalval Chain with him. You still get to attack with Machina Fortress; anything else to add, or shall I go?"

Mercenary Pen
2013-06-19, 08:48 AM
(OOC: A quick check of Penguin Soldier's card rulings (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Card_Rulings%3APenguin_Soldier) confirms that it cannot return itself if it would be destroyed by battle- you can return both of my monsters, but Penguin soldier is going to the grave)

2013-06-19, 08:56 AM
[OOC: Oh, okay. I have just always used it that way; I used it in a deck on a GameBoy Advanced game which let me do that, so I always assumed that was how it was meant to be used. I will just bounce both your monsters, then.]

Mercenary Pen
2013-06-19, 11:15 AM
"I'll end with just the back row card face-down."

2013-06-19, 11:20 AM
"That one card cost you quite a bit of hand advantage," brags the young woman, drawing a new card.


"Now the fun begins. I cast Divine Wind of Mist Valley. I summon Harpie Dancer, and I use her effect; she returns to my hand, and I can Normal Summon a Wind monster of my choice this turn. This triggers Divine Wind's effect, summoning a Genex Blastfan from my deck. Genex Blastfan's effect activates, adding a Genex Ally Birdman to my hand. Any response yet, or can I proceed?

Field: Divine Wind of Mist Valley
{table="head"] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | GB | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- [/table]
GB = Genex Blastfan, 1600/1300

Lifepoints: 8000
Hand: 5
Mist Valley Thunderbird
Harpie Dancer
Genex Ally Birdman
Dark Hole
Quill Pen of Gulldos

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 2
Penguin Soldier
Bottomless Trap Hole

Banished: 0

Overlaid: 0

Deck: 31 (not RN yet)
Monsters: 20
01. Mist Valley Soldier
02. Mist Valley Soldier
03. Mist Valley Falcon
04. Mist Valley Falcon
05. Mist Valley Thunderbird
>>. Mist Valley Thunderbird
07. Mist Valley Thunderbird
08. Reborn Tengu
09. Reborn Tengu
>>. Genex Blastfan
11. Genex Ally Birdman
12. Genex Ally Birdman
>>. Genex Ally Birdman
14. Harpie Dancer
15. Harpie Dancer
>>. Harpie Dancer
17. Mystic Fairy Elfuria
>>. Penguin Soldier
19. Penguin Soldier
20. Penguin Soldier

Spells: 10
>>. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
22. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
23. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
24. Terraforming
25. Swords of Revealing Light
26. Swords of Revealing Light
27. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
29. Heavy Storm
>>. Quill Pen of Gulldos

Traps: 10
31. Begone, Knave!
32. Begone, Knave!
>>. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Bottomless Trap Hole
35. Solemn Judgment
36. Mirror Force
37. Mirror Force
38. Compulsory Evacuation Device
39. Compulsory Evacuation Device
40. Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck: 15
Extra Deck: 15
Beastlord Volcan
Beastlord Volcan
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Mist Valley Thunder Lord
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Scrap Dragon
Vindikite R-Genex

Totem Bird
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Wind-Up Zenmaines
Daigusto Emeral
Lightning Chidori
Number 50: Blackship of Corn

Mercenary Pen
2013-06-19, 11:33 AM
(OOC: Just updating my field and hand situation for clarity)

Graveyard: Forbidden Lance
Green Gadget
Yellow Gadget
Machina Fortress
Forbidden Lance
Summoner Monk

Banished: -

Face down: Compulsory Evacuation Device (st4)

Hand=2: Red Gadget
Machina Fortress

Deck: 1- Yellow Gadget
2- Yellow Gadget
3- Yellow Gadget
4- Green Gadget
5- Green Gadget
6- Green Gadget
7- Red Gadget
8- Red Gadget
9- Tin Goldfish
10- Tin Goldfish
11- Tin Goldfish
12- Machina Gearframe
13- Machina Gearframe
14- Machina Fortress
15- Summoner Monk
16- Sacred Crane
17- Sacred Crane
18- Cyber Dragon Zwei
19- Double Summon
20- Double Summon
21- Double Summon
22- Heavy Storm
23- Dark Hole
24- Monster Reborn
25- Pot of Avarice
26- Mystical Space Typhoon
27- Mystical Space Typhoon
28- Mind Control
29- Foolish Burial
30- Pinpoint Guard
31- Pinpoint Guard
32- Pinpoint Guard
33- Solemn Judgment
34- Solemn Warning
35- Mirror Force
36- Mirror Force
37- Ultimate Offering
38- Ceasefire
39- Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck:
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2x Gear Gigant X
2x Lavalval Chain
1x Maestroke the symphony Djinn
1x Abyss Dweller
1x Number 50: Blackship of Corn
1x Photon Papilloperative
1x Number 11: Big Eye
1x Number 16: Shock Master
1x Gem Knight Pearl
1x Evilswarm Ouroboros
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Steelswarm Roach

Life points: 8000
f= face down

Mercenary Pen
2013-06-19, 12:21 PM
"Keep going, looks like you're about to get to the good part."

2013-06-19, 01:20 PM
"I bring Harpie Dancer back to the field. Then I overlay my monsters to Xyz summon Lightning Chidori! His effect upon entering the field sends your facedown card back to the bottom of your deck. Once it's out of the way, I attack directly with Chidori and end my turn."

Field: Divine Wind of Mist Valley
{table="head"] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | -- | LC | -- | --
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- [/table]
LC = Lightning Chidori, 19001600

Lifepoints: 8000
Hand: 4
Mist Valley Thunderbird
Genex Ally Birdman
Dark Hole
Quill Pen of Gulldos

Facedowns: 0

Graveyard: 2
Penguin Soldier
Bottomless Trap Hole

Banished: 0

Overlaid: 2
Harpie Lady (LC)
Genex Blastfan (LC)

Deck: 31 (not RN yet)
Monsters: 20
01. Mist Valley Soldier
02. Mist Valley Soldier
03. Mist Valley Falcon
04. Mist Valley Falcon
05. Mist Valley Thunderbird
>>. Mist Valley Thunderbird
07. Mist Valley Thunderbird
08. Reborn Tengu
09. Reborn Tengu
>>. Genex Blastfan
11. Genex Ally Birdman
12. Genex Ally Birdman
>>. Genex Ally Birdman
14. Harpie Dancer
15. Harpie Dancer
>>. Harpie Dancer
17. Mystic Fairy Elfuria
>>. Penguin Soldier
19. Penguin Soldier
20. Penguin Soldier

Spells: 10
>>. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
22. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
23. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
24. Terraforming
25. Swords of Revealing Light
26. Swords of Revealing Light
27. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
29. Heavy Storm
>>. Quill Pen of Gulldos

Traps: 10
31. Begone, Knave!
32. Begone, Knave!
>>. Bottomless Trap Hole
34. Bottomless Trap Hole
35. Solemn Judgment
36. Mirror Force
37. Mirror Force
38. Compulsory Evacuation Device
39. Compulsory Evacuation Device
40. Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck: 15
Extra Deck: 15
Beastlord Volcan
Beastlord Volcan
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Mist Valley Thunder Lord
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Scrap Dragon
Vindikite R-Genex

Totem Bird
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Wind-Up Zenmaines
Daigusto Emeral
Lightning Chidori
Number 50: Blackship of Corn

Mercenary Pen
2013-06-19, 04:24 PM
"Not so fast, I'll activate my face down card in response to your summon- My compulsory evacuation device sends Lightning Chidori straight back to your extra deck, anything else you wanted to do before ending your turn?"

2013-06-19, 04:26 PM
The girl looks at the trap with an annoyed expression; normally, her deck is really quite resistant to it. She sighs and then waves her opponent ahead; nothing left to add.

Mercenary Pen
2013-06-19, 05:13 PM
"Every card has its moment, and that moment came just then."
Draw: [roll0]

Graveyard: Forbidden Lance
Green Gadget
Yellow Gadget
Machina Fortress
Forbidden Lance
Summoner Monk
Compulsory Evacuation Device

Banished: -

Face down: -

Hand=2: Machina Fortress
Summoner Monk

Deck: 1- Yellow Gadget
2- Yellow Gadget
3- Green Gadget
4- Green Gadget
5- Red Gadget
6- Red Gadget
7- Tin Goldfish
8- Tin Goldfish
9- Tin Goldfish
10- Machina Gearframe
11- Machina Gearframe
12- Summoner Monk
13- Sacred Crane
14- Sacred Crane
15- Cyber Dragon Zwei
16- Double Summon
17- Double Summon
18- Double Summon
19- Heavy Storm
20- Dark Hole
21- Monster Reborn
22- Pot of Avarice
23- Mystical Space Typhoon
24- Mystical Space Typhoon
25- Mind Control
26- Foolish Burial
27- Pinpoint Guard
28- Pinpoint Guard
29- Pinpoint Guard
30- Solemn Judgment
31- Solemn Warning
32- Mirror Force
33- Mirror Force
34- Ultimate Offering
35- Ceasefire

Extra Deck:
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2x Gear Gigant X
2x Lavalval Chain
1x Maestroke the symphony Djinn
1x Abyss Dweller
1x Number 50: Blackship of Corn
1x Photon Papilloperative
1x Number 11: Big Eye
1x Number 16: Shock Master
1x Gem Knight Pearl
1x Evilswarm Ouroboros
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Steelswarm Roach

"I'll summon Red Gadget to start the ball rolling, searching out Yellow Gadget to my hand.

I'll then attack directly with Red Gadget and end my turn."

Life points: 8000
RG= Red Gadget (ATK: 1300, DEF: 1500)
f= face down

(OOC= Face down notation struck through to make it clear that I don't currently have one- I know this has thrown you in the past)

2013-06-19, 07:26 PM
"Okay, I can live with 1300 points of damage."


"I normal summon Mist Valley Thunderbird. I return him to my hand to special summon Genex Ally Birdman, but he comes right back from his effect. This special summons a Harpie Dancer from my deck by the effect of my Divine Wind. Then, I will play the Quill Pen of Gulldos; I send Genex Blastfan and Harpier Dancer back to my deck to return Divine Wind of Mist Valley to my hand, which I replay. This renews its effect. I use Harpie Dancer's effect, returning herself to my hand to special summon Genex Blastfan from my deck, whose effect adds Genex Ally Birdman to my hand. I tune Genex Ally Birdman to Genex Blastfan to synchro summon Ancient Fairy Dragon. I use Ancient Fairy Dragon's second effect to destroy Divine Wind, get another one and gain a thousand lifepoints. I play my new Divine Wind, and then I normal summon Harpie Dancer back to the field, and I return my Thunderbird to get my Birdman out, but Thunderbird just comes back again. This trigger's the Divine Wind's effect once again, special summoning Reborn Tengu to the field. I overlay Genex Ally Birdman and Mist Valley Thunderbird to Xyz summon Leviair the Sea Dragon to the field. I detach Birdman from Leviair to special summon the Birdman I banished by his own effect. Now I enter my battle phase; I tune Reborn Tengu to Genex Ally Birdman to synchro summon a Black Rose Dragon, but obviously I don't use his effect. This summons a new Reborn Tengu from my deck. I overlay Reborn Tengu with Harpie Dancer to remake the Lightning Chidori you put back in my Extra Deck for me. I detach Tengu to return your Gadget to the top of your deck. I then attack directly with Ancient Fairy Dragon, Lightning Chidori, Black Rose Dragon and Leviair the Sea Dragon, for a total of 8200 damage, which ends the game unless you have something like effect veiler or battle fader in your hand."

She finally inhales. "Whew, that took a while." She crosses her fingers hoping her opponent has no response.

Field: Divine Wind of Mist Valley
{table="head"] 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
-- | LC | AF | LS | BR
-- | -- | -- | -- | -- [/table]
LC = Lightning Chidori, 1900/1600, 1 Xyz Mat
AF = Ancient Fairy Dragon, 2100/3000
LS = Leviair the Sea Dragon, 1800/1600, 1 Xyz Mat
BR = Black Rose Dragon, 2400/1800

Lifepoints: 7700
Hand: 2
Dark Hole
Begone, Knave!

Facedowns: 0
3: 0

Graveyard: 9
Divine Wind of Mist Valley
Quill Pen of Gulldos
Genex Blastfan
Reborn Tengu x2
Genex Ally Birdman x2
Penguin Soldier
Bottomless Trap Hole

Banished: 0

Overlaid: 2
Mist Valley Thunderbird (Leviair the Sea Dragon)
Harpie Dancer (Lightning Chidori)

Deck: 26
Monsters: 20
01. Mist Valley Soldier
02. Mist Valley Soldier
03. Mist Valley Falcon
04. Mist Valley Falcon
05. Mist Valley Thunderbird
>>. Mist Valley Thunderbird
06. Mist Valley Thunderbird
>>. Reborn Tengu
>>. Reborn Tengu
>>. Genex Blastfan
07. Genex Ally Birdman
>>. Genex Ally Birdman
>>. Genex Ally Birdman
08. Harpie Dancer
09. Harpie Dancer
>>. Harpie Dancer
10. Mystic Fairy Elfuria
>>. Penguin Soldier
11. Penguin Soldier
12. Penguin Soldier

Spells: 10
>>. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
>>. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
13. Divine Wind of Mist Valley
14. Terraforming
15. Swords of Revealing Light
16. Swords of Revealing Light
17. Monster Reborn
>>. Dark Hole
18. Heavy Storm
>>. Quill Pen of Gulldos

Traps: 10
>>. Begone, Knave!
19. Begone, Knave!
>>. Bottomless Trap Hole
20. Bottomless Trap Hole
21. Solemn Judgment
22. Mirror Force
23. Mirror Force
24. Compulsory Evacuation Device
25. Compulsory Evacuation Device
26. Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck: 11
Extra Deck: 15
Beastlord Volcan
Beastlord Volcan
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
Black Rose Dragon
Mist Valley Thunder Lord
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Stardust Dragon
Scrap Dragon
Vindikite R-Genex

Totem Bird
Leviair the Sea Dragon
Wind-Up Zenmaines
Daigusto Emeral
Lightning Chidori
Number 50: Blackship of Corn

Mercenary Pen
2013-06-20, 10:28 AM
"Oddly enough, having a Gadget and a Machina Fortress in my hand doesn't stop that."

2013-06-20, 05:01 PM
"Well, that escalated quickly."

[OOC: I realized what cards you had in hand right after I posted; I didn't bother to check the spoiler that said you only had two cards, although I knew what two of the cards in your hand were.

Looking at your deck, I feel like it might have some issues with Hand Advantage. Gadgets are good for maintaining that, but they can't keep up with all the uses you have for them. Machina Fortress, for example, can get in the way of refilling your hand with a new Gadget when summoned. Summoner Monk's a net zero if you summon a Gadget, but you have to ditch a spell card to use him. Maybe tech in some Geargia instead of the Machina? It might help generate some excess advantage instead of costing it.

I have already made a number of small edits to this deck in the main, extra, and side to try and improve consistency, but in general Harpie Dancer + Divine Wind = A Lot of Advantage.]

Mercenary Pen
2013-06-20, 05:27 PM
"Well, that escalated quickly."

[OOC: I realized what cards you had in hand right after I posted; I didn't bother to check the spoiler that said you only had two cards, although I knew what two of the cards in your hand were.

Looking at your deck, I feel like it might have some issues with Hand Advantage. Gadgets are good for maintaining that, but they can't keep up with all the uses you have for them. Machina Fortress, for example, can get in the way of refilling your hand with a new Gadget when summoned. Summoner Monk's a net zero if you summon a Gadget, but you have to ditch a spell card to use him. Maybe tech in some Geargia instead of the Machina? It might help generate some excess advantage instead of costing it.

I have already made a number of small edits to this deck in the main, extra, and side to try and improve consistency, but in general Harpie Dancer + Divine Wind = A Lot of Advantage.]

(OOC: I'm also far too aggressive when it comes to opening a duel- and I could possibly do with running Kagetokage to open up better access to 3 overlay Rank 4 monsters such as Shock Master- I'm also missing Limiter Removal, which is in my opinion a staple for any deck using the machine type- an oversight on my part I think)