View Full Version : Gates of Dawn

2013-06-16, 10:56 PM
Does anyone know where I can get some info on the Gates of Dawn? My friend said something about it changing your character but that is about all the information that he had. I might have the wrong name but they are the gates that are in Celestia in 3.5. Not sure if they exist in Pathfinder...

I've been wanting to run a game where the PCs are tasked to take someone to a place that can change them. This of course will tempt the characters to change their own past choices.... But they have been talking about Psychic Reformation and I figured this may be a cheaper and non psionic way to do this.

*note* I have nothing against Psionics but the party has been waging a war against the Psionic army... Yeah so things wouldn't be to easy (suicidal actually).

Any help would be appreciated :)

2013-06-16, 11:06 PM
The Gates of Dawn are located on the Isle of Dawn as part of the titular Gates of Dawn rebuilding quest, from the Player's Handbook II. The Isle of Dawn is a mythical island that appears at random lakes throughout the world, but only under specific circumstances, as follows: It appears while dawn lasts only on a lake experiencing misty conditions. Once the mist clears, or full-blown day sets in, the Isle vanishes to another lake somewhere in the world with the same conditions, or if none meet said conditions, temporarily to a misty part of the vast sea on the plane of Celestia.

It is a quest for a party of 6th-8th level, an ends with them entering the gates in a blinding light, to change their character. Along the way they potentially fight the Isle's guardians, including a mad Satyr that is cursed to defend the gates for eternity as punishment for some past sin.

2013-06-16, 11:16 PM
Getting high as balls on Mertoran Leaf and sleeping with every prostitute in an entire brothel can change a man.

2013-06-16, 11:22 PM
Getting high as balls on Mertoran Leaf and sleeping with every prostitute in an entire brothel can change a man.

I'm not sure what you do during your games but my group prefers not to roleplay that sort of stuff.

Thanks for the useful information though, I'll be sure to use this in finding out more about the Gates of Dawn.