View Full Version : Racial Paragon Levels and Reincarnate

2013-06-17, 02:13 AM
Something that struck me today. What exactly happens to a character with Paragon Race levels if he gets reincarnated into a different race?

For instance say Bob the Human Paragon gets blasted and is reincarnated as an Elf. Does he lose his Human Paragon levels? Exchange them for Elvish Paragon levels? If he keeps them could he then go ahead and start leveling as an Elvish Paragon as well?

Not sure if there's actual rules for this. If it came up in my game I'd probably let the PC keep his existing Paragon levels but not let him level in another Paragon Class (since their fluff has always seemed more cultural than physical to me). What do you guys think?

2013-06-17, 01:58 PM
Gonna try bumping this once.

2013-06-17, 02:04 PM
This is addressed in the rules on paragon classes (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/racialParagonClasses.htm).

It's possible for a powerful magic effect such as shapechange, reincarnate, or wish to change a character's race. If a character has already taken racial paragon levels in his original race, he can never become a paragon of another race. However, such shapechanging and form-altering magics also cause no loss of a paragon's class abilities—the class abilities gained from racial paragon levels are affected no more or less drastically than benefits gained from having levels in any other class.