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2013-06-17, 07:54 AM
There was a creator once – there was a world – there were people – there were wonders, endless wonders but also strife. The world had sprung from the void, with but a thought – creation was so easy; so wondrous. And for centuries there was a peace of sorts. Sure there was war and death, but under the creator’s eye – existence flourished. Then, one day the creator had an urge – a ridiculous irresistible urge. A compulsion, a twitch that he couldn't shake; so he traveled far far away from the world he wrought from nothing and fled to a forgotten corner of reality.

Here he grabbed a stray star in his hands and looked at it. Create – it was the only word that he had ever spoken, but this new word . . . it resonated in the unfathomable caverns of his mind! The word was: Destroy!

The Creator took the sun in his grasp and closed his hands around it, chocking the light out of it, and cracking it underneath the greatest pressure; existence ever knew . . . or was meant to know. The Star dimmed, and then shone, for the Creator never destroyed and did not know his strength, for he cracked a hole in the universe itself. And just like that all his creations, all the work and effort he put into existence was snuffed out. . . and finally he began to crack and break – for he killed himself as well. His last thoughts though were of childish glee – tearing down the castle was just too much fun. And with that he broke, his being giving birth to a new existence, an empty one with nothing within except the last pieces of the creator himself. . . . The seeds of mayhem, which will one day become the GODS OF DESTRUCTION!


Eons pass


The Universe was nothing; a void without light or darkness, without hot or cold; only the sparse dust of the dead creator, which whirled in galactic formations and then drifted apart, over and over in a dance devoid of law or chaos. Yet some gathered in planet sized conglomerations, whirling god-stuff, they formed tiny wombs for what laid inside. And then in this reality of absolutely nothing BUT potential was born: MUSIC. SOUND. NOISE.

A single shrieking high note; and then a roar of fire and light, a beast shuddered and opened its eyes and saw nothing. It found itself chained there in eternity and thus blazed Inferno, and the chains melted onto its body. Molten metal; it shook its head, roughly from side to side, the melting chains that made its hair dripped with lead. The fire inside it smoldered, but the music within YELLED.

It was the pounding of creations hammer, realities righteous screaming birth. The sounds that left the mouth and the steel lips, fiery maw of the Sound chained in Metal and Flame was a magnificent rift that could never be replicated by mere mortal hand. LOUD, it echoed off the walls of the universe itself, creating a cacophonic symphony that was discordant but just so freaking awesome that it couldn’t be denied.

The Beast, the Cremator of the sky that did not exist yet, banged its platinum burning hands upon its chest adding percussion, the boom boom beat of drums. So LOUD, if there was glass it would have shattered a thousand fold, but there wasn’t yet. If there were mortals their heads would have exploded, but there weren’t, yet.

The Music went on and on, encore after encore – but there was no audience, so it eventually stopped. This was the time before time, but the music announced a new era. An age of UNRELENTING BRUTALITY.

AP 5
Boring Creation: Music (Of the HEAVY Metal variety)
AP 3

2013-06-17, 08:12 AM
As the music echoes in the void it causes swirls, eddies in the dissonant non-matter.
It bangs and crashes but falls into a steady pace, a rhythm matching the moving star stuff

WOOSH the sound goes, twirling a cloud faster and faster. Twisting and turning. Until it moved, on its own.
The God of Air spins into being, stretching in a dance-like fashion
"Well well well what have we hear...Nothing. Nothing at all. My how dull."
Spinning a few more times he unleashes a massive cloud of gas, filling the entire cosmos with breathable air

-2 Create Boring Stuff: Wind and Air. All Mortals need to breath this or something like it to survive. Though they are all capable of breathing it (amphibians yes, only-water breathers no)

2013-06-17, 09:11 AM
He comes into the void cloak flapping in the infernal wind. Elceir checks the clasp to make sure his cloak stays before scooping up the passing wind.

He grabs the air and crushes it in his palm. He takes dust from the creator that was and adds it into his palm. He turns his back into the winds, disguising his movements.

His hands move deftly adding more dust and air. Then just a bead of his own sweat. He turns back into the wind holding a ball. He places the ball in the void where it sits. He cups his hands around it loosely, trapping the air.

And so the first world was born. It has a molten core from the air and dust. The core is surrounded by earth. The surface is composed entirely of water, brimming with salt.

5 AP
Boring Creation: Planet resembling the basic makeup of earth (no land on the surface)
3 AP

2013-06-17, 09:45 AM
There had, in fact, been an audience to all this noise... he just did not appreciate it much.

Before the cacophony of the first death-metal song had begun, the dust of the creator had settled and coalesced into the form of a sleeping, rune marked god. It had been a nice sleep, for the simple, peaceful eternity that it had occurred, full of dreams and other nice things. Visions of what had been. That almost perfect existence of peace, or at least how things should be. There had been these fuzzy little things called "Cats" and they had been adorable. They must be remade.

And while he was dreaming about playing with a "Cat" using something called a "Lazer Pointer", the music began. It was loud. It was rude. It woke him up. It was not appreciated. And then it was blocked out. Joshua swirled his fingers once and a pair of sound-blocking headphones designed to block anything annoying like that bloody racket kids called "music" these days or the crying of children at the local theater or-


What had happened to the universe?

Apparently it had blown up.

"Well... that's a problem."

Boring Creation: Annoyance-blocking headphones. An Artifact that gives +1 defense. :smalltongue:

2013-06-17, 10:09 AM
And Kararet came into existence, a mere shadow for the hate that was there was not enough, not enough to sustain his form. So, wavering as he siphoned what little power he had, he created multitudes. Creatures came, red-eyed with madness and hate, vicious barbs coering their scaly skin. He gave them intelligence, a way to channel their fury, and a vague structure of society so they would not immediately kill each other off. Soon they would die, for there was no food to sustain them, but they needed little and for the time being, Kararet grew strong off their hatred.

5 AP
Boring Creation: K'yer, an aquatic race of humanoids
Boring Creation: hierarchical order
-4 AP
1 AP

2013-06-17, 10:42 AM
Heathrow floated at the edge of existence, already having been there for an eternity. He didn't need this 'universe' facade the other gods tried to build up. He shed a scale off of his infinite skin, letting it form into a new creation. A simulacrum, one that would serve as a distraction from his infinite form. He named it Syrpynt, because that was it was always named as.

Boring Creation:Syrpynt, The Ragnarok Serpent

With a single command, Syrpynt went toward the new planet. It coiled around it, and squeezed. It didn't destroy yet, but it just sat there.

2013-06-17, 11:05 AM
Joshua shook his head to clear the migrane out and cast about his consciousness, looking for something of creation that survived. Some small form of life somewhere... Oh. Now there was something! Moving to stand on the space above the water world that had been created, Joshua took in the sight of what remained of Creation. Pitiful, small and without a sun, yet it was still life! Oh, and a giant world-destroying snake. That should be taken care of.

With a wave of his hand, the God of Life snatched the large serpent by its life force and condensed it, shrinking the giant beast as he did so until it was only half the size of the aquatic beasts that currently lived on the planet. Unfortunately, if he released it like this, the excess positive energy that had now built up in the shrunk snake would likely blow up the planet and itself... But there was a solution to this!

Dividing up the super-charged ball of life, Joshua made multiple replicas of the serpent, and he spread them across the waters of the world. "There you go little guys, have fun with the planet!" He called out, waving to the thousands of new, and rather confused, beings that had once been a legendary force of destruction. The best part of all this? The serpents and aquatic things could use each other as a food source until something better came along! Yay, everything wins!

And then he noticed the other gods.

"Oh. Hullo there. Nice planet you chaps made here! Don't mind me~"

Awesome Destruction: Shrink Syrpynt into a much more harmless smaller snake.
Boring Creation: Multiply these mini-snakes so that they populate the rather empty and boring world.
0AP remains

2013-06-17, 11:26 AM
A God breathed Air into the world. Another god made a globe of water. While sound traveled much faster in water than air, it sounded so much worse.

Goven yelled in beat and rythm of Drums and awe inspiring rifts. There was no light but there was a flash of orange-white. It was a show, reality a stage. The Music pulsed from the God as he descended upon the one world, the endless ocean hissing as the molten metal core of his being approached. Some K'yer and "offspring" of the Ragnarok Serpent who were unlucky enough to be next to point of contact were instantly boilded and vaproized.

Goven touched upon the floor of the world, the ocean a maelstrom around him, refusing to touch the scalding hot of his divinity. He plunged his hand into the earth, feeling the spinning god dust core of the planet, and smiled - it needed more METAL; the inferno behind the mask of platinum shone brighter but most of all the music beat from his chest in glee - and descended.

It travled down magma and earth - in metal veins that pulsed rock, and took root there in the center and bred. The planet began to vibrate, and pound as it reflected and ampliphied Goven's sound! The planet beat with a heavy bass, the Music travled and flew across the universe declaring to all: LIVE. ENJOY. CHERISH

but most of all it scremed


AP 3
Boring Creation: The planet is now an amplifier for goven! This counts as an artifact. Attacking him now costs 1 Awesome destruction action (no increase for aid).
AP 1

2013-06-17, 11:41 AM
Wait...what...Did that newborn just humiliate the Syrpynt? My harbinger of the end? Is it not the end yet? Oh, it is merely the beginning. I might as well give them a tool that will assert me back into the world. Rise my Syrpynts.

The massive amounts of positive energy split into a billion snakes struck Heathrow in the face, but he knew that the negative energy in the snakes venom sacs was untouched. It would be so easy now to unleash that venom and engage Ragnarok. But it was not that time. He channeled some divine might into the snakes, making them spawn glands that secrete a mysterious substance called Snake Oil.

This Snake Oil was a wonderful fuel, burning on top of water with near limitless energy. It was a steroid, and restorative, and a mutagen. It could do amazing feats, even revive the newly dead.

But there was a dark side, Snake Oil was tainted with Ragnarok Venom. Not much, just about a single part in a million. But prolonged use would burn the user, and eventually result in madness. But its industrial,medical, and commercial uses were too great to be ignored.

There was a saving grace, you could filter out the venom. Not easily mind you, but it is possible. The catch is that the filtered out Ragnarok Venom is pure, leaving a powerful weapon in the hands of those who filtered the Snake Oil.

Create Awesome Boring Stuff:Snake Oil

Queen Sapes
2013-06-17, 12:38 PM
"What is that?" a thousand tiny voices spoke at once, as their wings began beating in synch. From somewhere far into nothingness, a swarm of thousands of black scarabs emerged and found the planet. They circled once quickly, before converging onto a single point far above the planet. The beetles formed the shape of a man, although the cracks separating the scarabs were fairly visible and made him look sick with some strange disease. He was Atum, the Plague Lord, drawn to this place by a thunderous sound, and all he wanted now was to play with what he had found.

A planet covered in water that would freeze soon without a sun. How painfully boring. But the two species on the planet peaked his interest. He could let them kill each other without his interference, or he could let them freeze to death, but there was no fun in that for Atum. He wanted to decide what happens for himself.

The hundreds of beetles that made up his left hand split off and descended to the planet and into the ocean, reaching the surface covering the core. Moving quickly, the hundreds of beetles carved deep and long holes in the surface that left the molten core exposed. As they carved, behind them the scarabs weaved a protective magic that would prevent the waters from burning out the core, but still allow the intense heat in the core to spread out into the waters. When their job was done, and thousands of scars covered the core, the hands of Atum returned to him, reconnecting into his hand, as Atum sat back and watched the world below boil.

Start AP - 5
1 - Awesome Destruction: The core of the planet now has thousands of fairly large holes in it. These holes do not damage the molten core itself, but they do leak massive amounts of heat that will quickly begin to boil the ocean planet, and turn all its inhabitants into the biggest stew reality has ever seen!
End AP - 4

2013-06-17, 01:16 PM
Music makes waves, and really loud music makes even larger waves. With the endless ocean, the waves had miles and miles to travel, growing larger and larger till they stretched impossible distances into the air. And then crashing into each other in great celebrations of sound!

The Inferno of Metal below generated a Tempest above! The Thin veneer of poison rained down from the sky, never drowing in the waters, always remaining on top. But it mixed and danced with the water in the air, banging heads together due to the music. The Fires of the Molten Amp, burned and boiled the waters, the acid rained above, the sound churned the ocean in the middle.

It was Hell and it was magnificent - it was Music made material!

2013-06-17, 01:51 PM
Elceir looked at his world. He looked at the oceans swirling in chaos. He looked at the magma leaking from the core. He looked at the creatures. He was disgusted by it all. But his energy was waning. He couldn't fight them all. There were just too many of them for now.

Elceir's eyes turned a molten red. His fingertips began to glow with the heat. He grabbed more dust and air. He made another core, cooler than the last, but still warm. He grabbed the notes of musics. He thrust the notes together, weaving a ball of music tightly. He crushed the ball in his hand around the new core. He then began to form the metal. He formed it into several cones. Each from a different strand of metal eminating from the "noisy" one as he thought of him. He formed them all into a series of connected cones. He faced the cones towards each other, the interiors forming a perfect sphere. He made strands coming from the back of each cone. He grabbed the thin strands of metal and plunged them into the noisy one's metal core.

As he finishes creating his eyes return to normal. He then turn and speaks.

"A gift for you, creator of racket. I call it metal. And as you play," he pointed to the sphere of speakers,"a new planet of metal forms. The more you play, the more metal the planet contains. As you change your sound, so too will the planet add different metal."

3 AP
Boring creation: Create a planet of metal fueled by the lord of metal's amp. As music comes from the amp it also travels through the cords into the speakers. The speakers form different types of metals and combine them into a solid sphere. The sphere is limited in diameter, so the more music, the more dense the planet becomes. The speakers do not care what sound comes from the amp. They make all sound into metal (the material).
1 AP

2013-06-17, 02:58 PM
Chemosh looked down at the planets and frowned. So much pointless destruction...and him not even have set up an undead to profit from most of it. Well better get on it. First to create an afterlife for everything now and in the future. It would be a world filled with bones and blood where nothing rotted or decayed. Half-physical and half-ethereal it would hold the souls of the dead when he got to it.

Now onto a more important issue...how to make the dying fish things profitable for making undead. The burning heat and the poisonous water would make them a dead breed soon. The obvious solution would be to create a secondary life span from it in which it was dead. It would keep the ability to breed children but immunity to the more dangerous aspects of this world.

5 AP-2AP for creating my world of death (note it is as far away from everything else as possible)-2ap for making it so that when K'yer die they become undead. For 1 ap left over. They would still be able to breed with the living ones (to create more living ones) or with other undead ones (to create more undead ones). They would be resistant to high amounts of heat and would have undead traits.

2013-06-17, 08:27 PM
Above the churning tempest and poison-soaked waves a new type of creature appears, four wings sprouting from their back giving them the power to fly through the void and avoid the water-denizens if they wish

Their sharp beaks and talons making them perfect hunters of any water-dwellers deciding to swim too close to the surface
They look down upon the hellish waters and laugh, feeling superior over the lower denizens of the depths

-2: boring Creation (Angels)

2013-06-17, 09:07 PM
Andragore was born into the world upon first concieving that there were things which were not his. This, of course, was unnacceptable. And so the Tyrant of all clawed his way out from the very core of the world and summoned forth a mighty spear which bore his pennant. This spear he did plant into the ground, and laid claim to all that its shadow touched.

Starting AP: 5
Boring Creation: 2 AP- Spear of the Conqueror. Anything that the spear's shadow touches falls under Andragore's domain. Essentially creates a movable country wherever he plants it.

Andragore looked at the world upon which he stood, but saw no shadow cast. Because there was no light. Andragore paused, and considered whether this meant he controlled all the world, because it was so cast in darkness, or none of it, because no light meant no shadows to be cast. In his mind, Andragore kicked himself for not thinking this through more carefully. He'd have to invent a legal department to look up which one was the correct interpretation, then kill them so that they couldn't use that information against him. But it was all just so much effort. So Andgragore snapped his fingers and ignited the sun.

The resulting supernova should have probably caused more destruction but there was really only a very small teapot orbiting around the planets anyway, and Andragore wasn't much for tea these days. Now everything was nice and clear.

Cloaking himself in a terrible armor of dancing light and shadow, the Lord of All You Survey announced his presence to his new domain.

I AM ANDRAGORE, THE ETERNAL PRINCIPLE OF RULERSHIP, THE LORD OF ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING AND THE GREAT AND MIGHTY MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE. BOW BEFORE ME! When nothing bowed, Andragore realized that there was really nothing much there yet. Honestly, who was in charge of this project before he showed up? The management must be a mess.

Starting AP: 3
Boring Creation: The Sun. Every day it changes to a new color, and changes size and shape at the whim of its lord Andragore. Currently an orange and purple dodecahedron.

Final AP: 1

Hank McBadass
2013-06-17, 09:55 PM
All things die, even perfection. And so it was with the Creator. If there had been anything let at its death, it would have been tragic. Along with the Creator's glee at the destruction came a wish that would echo throughout eternity: That perfection become reincarnated and the process begin again. It was through this wish, paid for with the death of all things, that brought Asher into being.


Asher reached into the Creator's remaining essence and formed a crown of gears, and chains, and sprockets.


Asher brought himself into a physical form -- that of an elongated black cloud roughly approximating a hominid -- and placed the Suicide Crown on his head. The gears turned, turning screws deep into Asher's head. Either way, only death would separate the crown for its creator.


It was darkness on darkness in the void. The emptiness was only broken by the echoes of the Creators death reverberating in Asher's heart and the petty creations of Asher's brothers. Asher was overcome with the beauty and magnitude of what had transpired and left the void. THIS IS NOT ENOUGH! Asher would commemorate such beautiful loss forever.

Reality cracked and shuddered as Asher extended his arms and tugged on the foundations of the void. Giant rocky and gaseous spheres took form. Another set of arms extended out from the cloud that was Asher, then another, and then another. His eight sets of limbs manipulated the world like yarn.

More and more spheres populated the void, filling it. Between the planets, Asher spun interlocking crystal columns that connected each sphere to every other, including his brothers' tiny balls. He continued to spin the crystal until the enitre void was consumed by it. The spheres were held into place by Asher's giant web of crystal. At the place of the Creator's death the the columns of crystal converged forming a Center, hundreds of thousands of light years across.

A soft light was emitted from the web and as the largest spheres compressed under their own gravity, atoms fused and brilliantly illuminated the nearby spheres.

Asher looked at his monument and was pleased. He disappeared into the Center.

For you, father.

5ap - 2 boring Creation (Suicide Crown) - 2 boring creation (Asher's Web) = 1 ap
The crystal web, made by fracturing and rearranging reality, doesn't follow normal physics. Have fun with that however you want. It is highly variable. Morals can use them to travel between worlds.

The strands of Asher's web are massive -- hundreds of miles across at least. They hold stars in place! The thicker ones might be thousands of miles across. When they come together they might be millions, or billions or trillions of miles. Whatever, it's massive. Enough to look like a three dimensional spider web on the cosmic scale.

The only reason they are useful for mortal transport is because the laws of physics don't apply except on the outside so two steps might be 10,000 light years inside. In the center things get especially weird.

The force of gravity of this massive web heats the interior of the strands of the web. Some places it is very hot, some it is temperate, and some it is cold. Really anything you want is in there.

A lot of bang for 2 ap? Well yeah, but it is basically a create plane action.

2013-06-17, 10:27 PM
Joshua, meanwhile, began orbiting the sun. It had almost been built on top of his head (almost like someone hadn't seen him there...) and the glow it gave off was nice and toasty... It also let him work on his tan. "Hey Mr. Lord of the Universe, mind if I move your sun a little bit?" The God of Life called out. While the placement was good, the world itself was on a decaying orbit, what with the whole bleeding planetary core thing and all, so to keep it from crashing into the sun, the gaseous lump should be moved back a bit... About a twelfth of a light year back and three centimeters to the right, to be exact.

2013-06-17, 11:28 PM
Creation, creation, creation... Why not a little bit of fury?

Goven was right. If there had of been glass it would have shattered. But he was wrong on one point, there was glass. A great glass egg at the edge of the Universe. There it lay, lit only by the faint glow of the crystal heart of the dragon within. Conservative calculations would put it at untold billions of years before the sound reached out this far, and even when it did, it would have been too faint by this point to even set the egg vibrating. But then Asher spun his web and all reality was connected and a cacophony of NOISE, sometimes discordant, sometimes harmonious, but always LOUD. And the egg began to vibrate increasingly violently until at last it shattered, revealing the dragon that had slept within.
Shah Sherad had awoken, and he was infuriated. His sleep had been cut short by seven ages of time and there would be vengeance. He raised his razor sharp wings and proclaimed across reality in a voice of singular intensity.
And creation fell silent...

Starting AP: 5
Awesome Destruction: In all creation, nothing can propagate sound, it can still be generated, but it has no method of moving away from its source. 1 AP

AP: 4

2013-06-17, 11:44 PM
Elceir shied away from the brightness. It hurt his eyes, they were accustomed to the dark. He pulled his hood up and shrank back into his cloak. He allowed his eyes to adjust to the bright orb before dropping the hood again.

Hank McBadass
2013-06-17, 11:47 PM
The sound, this so called Music, filled the void. Although normally it would have taken time beyond measure, Asher's web knew no time and was not bound to the petty physics of the void. It was glorious! Within the Center Asher swayed to the Symphony of Destruction his web spread far and wide.

And then it was silent! Even sound could die!!! There should be MORE, MORE, MORE Death!!! Asher plotted to make it happen.


2013-06-18, 07:57 AM
Goven looked up to the Metal in the Sky and the thin divine wires that connected it and the Metal Core of the new planet, illuminated finally with the awesome fiery Light! The angelic harpies flocked in the air aroud them, weaving over and under like an Insane carpet ride. He Roared, the fires blazed expectantly at the sound of Death, but then.


What? The Music crashed against his physical manifestation, it struggled to be free! There was no escape, there was no sound to be made. . . the day the music died.

Goven raised his hands in anger and despair, and looked at the web of planets and stars, but saw nothing for him to destroy, and instead continued to futily beat his chest in a beats that weren't heard.

AP 1
Rollover in 3 hours :smallsmile:

2013-06-18, 08:15 AM
Divine hatred! The fury and vengeance of gods! Kararet reveled in it, bathed in its fiery glow. He grew strong in its magnificent power and prepared to increase it a thousandfold...

But no, not yet. For the time being, he waited, knowing that eventually the opportunity to sow even more strife amongst the gods would arise. And when it did, he would take it.

2013-06-18, 08:55 AM
Goven flaied against the sufocating silence. Litteraly he could not breath. He was sound, LOUD sound, if he wasn't heard he would die. Burned alive and crushed by his own flames and metallic weight. He dimmed, the waters of the ocean crashed upon him, no longer afraid of his fire.

What was he doing?

He was SOUND. He will be HEARD!

He roared and the flames flared for miles, exploding out of the Ocean. He sung a song and it resonated, not with the Metal above or Below, but the Metal in the Soul. This was figurative, but also Litteral. With the voice of pure exctasy and excess, anger and release Goven wove the Mortal Soul.

The sound resonated within each mortal - perhaps gods heard it too, but they probably heard the music through divine means. Within each mortal a small metalic shard developed. A shard that would allow them to tap into the music, to tap into the ROCK!

The rock would be the metaphysical and physical voice telling them: "You will live forever. They will say you never died." Because that is what music tells the soul.

A select few in the future would be able to use that Rock to perform great feats and performances, in others that soul would rust away. But for now each mortal with a physical soul heard the music as Goven trashed beneath the once again frightened Ocean.

AP 2
Create: Actual physical soul in mortals. Mortals all have an actual tiny orb in their body that is their soul. The Soul grows with the power of music (hopefully rock) and shrinks when deprived from Music for way to long (think a lifetime). Mortals with a soul - can always hear the Music
AP 0

2013-06-18, 11:50 AM
Elceir was enjoying the relative quiet. He looked at the creations... But something was missing. Ahh yes that was it!

Elceir grabbed the web connecting everything. He held it in the center and pushed on the edge. The rotation began. Everything was drawn towards the center, but his force at the edge was so great it never moved inwards.

Thus the universe began to spin about its center.

Satisfied for now, Elcier gathered himself and set on the far edge of the web. He allowed himself to be rotated around with the cosmos as he sat and meditated.

2 AP
Boring Creation: Physics. Not the concept, but the properties of physics now exist throughout the universe. Any mortals will understand that it exists but not how or what it is. The cosmos, but not the gods, are bound by its rules.
0 AP

2013-06-18, 12:10 PM
Hearing this "Rock" through his headphones, Joshua considered turning one of the little dials on his noise blockers to include this as a blocked out "annoyance"... But this music was better. Hmmm... Maybe he would have to compose something one of these days...

Anyway, the destruction of sound was annoying. Now how would he communicate with anyone? Bother. The God of Life would have to ponder this. Communicate through the souls? Ooooor maybe he could vibrate the life force in a being's body to send them thoughts, words and images! He would have to develop this technique at a later date... It might accidentally explode someone's head if he did it wrong, after all. Touching life force was not the safest of all activities.

Hank McBadass
2013-06-18, 02:12 PM
On the second day of the New Destruction, Asher danced anew. The Angels, lords of their world, grew bolder. One of them, nameless to those that mattered, entered into one of the strands that connected his world to the universe.

“Look at me!” he exalted. “First this planet, and now the wide web of the world – soon the entire cosmos will bow to us.” Or, he would of, had there been sound.

The Angel opened his wings and went deeper into the labyrinth of crystal. Faster and faster he flew as the columns raced by him. Some force drew him faster still. He had to slow down. But he couldn’t.

Terror. Why couldn’t he stop? He wanted to stop! He pumped his wings to no avail. Damn it! No! He just wanted to be back among his own people! The world was becoming blue. Why? He just wanted the blue ball he called home, not this.

Black. Everything went black for the shortest fraction of time. Then red. Why? The Angel felt himself stretching. He just wanted it to stop.

Pain. So much pain! The Angel didn’t want this at all anymore. His muscles stopped responding. He closed his eyes in what would be weeping, before they were ripped out of his head, of course. Please! No! Then, abruptly, the pain was gone.

Death. The moment the Angel entered the Center, life fled from him. Asher observed intently from thousands of light years away, full of glee at what he had witnessed. Less, grand than the Creator, maybe, but no less wonderful. Asher was so happy, he would have cried if he could.

Thank you, noble creature. It was so kind of you to show me such. Of course you shall have your wish.

Asher reached into what was now a stream of particles heading to the center of the Center where Asher sat. They were still at the edge, but Asher’s reach was long.

You begged for it not to be over. You begged not to fade into non-existence. You shan't.

Asher pulled out the fragments of the Metal Soul and formed them again into a whole.

This shall be the home of all who wish such.

And with that the Angel was back. Not in his body but in his Metal Soul. To exist forever amongst the Center.

2013-06-18, 05:36 PM
Kararet tasted the hate in the air, black tongue flicking in and out. It was rising, slowly but surely. Eventually, things would come to a head. He had best be prepared.

His vision changed, and now he saw the hate of the universe as strands, little rivers of fury flowing through the worlds, most of them with a destination as yet uncreated. He grabbed as many of these as he could in bloody hands, and began to weave them together in an intricate and unguessable pattern.

And all the hate and suffering became one, to converge in Kararet's hand. He hefted the newly created weapon and smiled, revealing teeth sharp as daggers.

2 AP
Boring Creation: An artifact made up of all the hate that has been or ever will be. It provides Kararet with +1 Attack.
0 AP

2013-06-18, 08:13 PM
The Dancer saw the myriad worlds erupt into existence, some covered in water like Earth-Prime, others entirely molten lava radiating heat not unlike the Sun
He saw the world tilt and turn, following the physics of a God's whims.

Beneath him the cloud flew faster, spinning it's way into a deadly hurricane
The rules of the universe shifting and warping under the destructive force of wind becoming littered with loopholes and rather odd interpretation

Boring Creation: RAW D&D. The universe now follows the letter of D&D rules, NOT Real World Physics.
Acid and Sound are now energy types, PI = 4 and the vast majority of life lack the durability for sustained combat. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Mortals can figure this out if they try

2013-06-18, 11:16 PM
Well... That was interesting...

As the Dragon sat at the edge of reality amidst the broken fragments of what was once its egg, it revelled in the new silence around it. Shah Sherad had spoken and the Universe had done what he had asked. Admittedly, the silence was rather boring despite being peaceful, so as such, Shah Sherad resolved to explore the reality that was so beholden to his whims.
Wait... What? The laws... They shifted, first to the proper set, then to a flawed set... Exceedingly inconvenient this swinging from side to side like a pendulum. Do pendulums even work any more? He began to get a rather serious migraine, so set off to find a cure, and if not, make one.

The world will know destruction... Probably

Humming a jaunty tune inside his head, Shah Sherad approached the blue sphere, lured by the scent of salt and venom. And blood...
Blood? Blood contains dissolved metal ions, the perfect cure for his headache! He moved towards the nearest source, a winged creature of some sort, and shattered himself into millions of shards that encapsulated the creature and tore it to shreds. But it was not enough, he needed more. That and he felt a curious sensation... Possibly hunger.
Finding more of the creatures, he descended upon them, a storm that followed them wherever they tried to run and kicked up the ocean into storms of poison spray.
At last sated, he departed as quickly as he had arrived. He still wished to know whether a pendulum would function after all...

Daily Rollover: 4+1
Awesome Destruction: A great scourge is visited upon the Angels. Their race is almost wiped out and their blood used to sate the hunger of the Glass Dragon and sooth his migraine.

AP: 4

Queen Sapes
2013-06-19, 01:24 AM
The First Sickness

The billion tiny eyes that made up Atum all observed as the world around them shifted at the whims of unseen hands. He sat through it, an unmoving force as physics changed, reality connected, and a new life forms tamed the skies of the planet he had boiled. Atum watched as the flew through the skies without care. These would be fun creatures to torment. As he slowly outstretched a hand to inflict some torment upon the creatures, a storm of glass descended upon the angels, tearing their species into pieces, feeding upon the blood like a monster, and then departing. The angel species was almost wiped out, all thanks to the destructive force of one hungry being. The Plague Lord had to admire his work, it was effective, if a bit joyless.

Atum took a step back, thinking it through for a moment. He had gotten rid of their first playthings too fast, boiling the oceans like that and burning most of its inhabitants like that. In order to make the angel's torment fun and lasting, he would have to be creative. A single beetle in his body mutated, billions of tiny microscopic organisms forming on the underside of its wings. The scarab crawled its way to Atum's shoulder, forcing its way out, and with a small nudge the beetle flew towards the planet as the organisms fell out of the beating wings and floated along the winds, waiting for something to pick them up.

Start AP - 4
Rollover - 1
New Start AP -5
2 - Boring Creation: Air Rot, the first disease that is spread over creation and effects any and all mortals (unless specifically created to resist it). Air Rot is an airborne toxin that infects a mortal's body and begins by appearing as a brightly colored, rough textured, although not painful rash on the infected individual's body. The rash spreads for about a week from the first patch before sores begin to develop at the origin point of the rash. Another week passes as the rash continues to spread, the sores spreading outward like the rash. From here, the sores begin to burst, and any individual caught in the liquidy pus that comes from them is likely to be quickly infected with Air Rot. Between 1-5 days after the two week infection mark, any unbroken sores will undergo a chemical reaction within themselves that causes the victim's skin to catch fire, the rough skin acting as a match and burning the individual alive. The victim dies from either the fire or the burns, should the victim survive burning alive. The only way to prevent the final stage is to burst all the sores before the chemical reaction, however as stated anyone who comes into contact with the pus gets infected. Of course, Air Rot is an airborne disease, and since the whole cosmos is filled with air, it goes everywhere.

2013-06-19, 08:22 AM
As the Harpy like Angels danced in the sky, diving through the poison layer through the ocean to spear a hapless sea dweller only to ascend back into the sky - the dead things metal soul fell out and drifted slowly to the bottom of the sea.

When the glass came down, Goven had to admit he smiled for he thought he broke the sky itself - perhaps they would call him SKYKILLER one day. The Angels perished and by Asher's laws were reformed in their metal physical souls - which rained down from the sky into the ocean.

The Ocean floor was not riddled with these insignificant metal orbs, the ocean was too vast - yet there were many on the floor, falling out and rolling onto the sea bed from their bloated shredded prisons of Flesh.

Goven raised his molten hand, and the music swelled to a cresendo with him (within him and within each soul and only there for there was no sound) and he launched himself from the planet towards the metal moon. The ocean parted for him and then crashed together in his wake. His landing on the moon was a giant symbol being rung (in silence but heard by the spiritual metals of lead and gold). He flamed in joy, his shadow across the clear metal landscape due to the light of the giant sun-star.

He played a ballad made out of eaping soaring sorrow for the dead. Their physical metal souls resonated.

For in this world the only sound that was heard was through the soul, everywhere else was silence.

2013-06-19, 03:46 PM
Heathrow looked upon his Syrpynts, being destroyed by air rot, and other things, like music. He designed them new bodies, ones that fused metal and life together, using Snake Oil to power themselves. These new snakes were the size of houses in another dimension where housing was a reliable thing. The venom sacs they carried were filled to the brim with Ragnarok Venom, pure to a point where only their mechanical bodies could survive contact with it. They were Heathrow's Syrpentechs.

Boring Creation: Syrpentechs -2

Using Snake Oil as fuel, they took to the area between planets, hunting things that were to travel on the web connecting the planets. The little metal souls actually were a great advantage to the Syrpentechs, as they could create the fantastic sounds of destruction, and poison through their souls.A million Syrpentechs writhed in unison as the Great Scrape was heard across the cosmos.

2013-06-19, 07:24 PM
Always bored, he went down to the world to view it for entertainment. Nothing much was happening, just a bunch of creatures dying in a boiling poisonous world. The new souls were interesting...how to claim them though. He had made a space for them but how should he get the souls...he had planned to make the souls himself. What to do once he had the souls though. He created a race of ethereal and invisible creatures that homed in on the dead souls. Other than a few unfortunate incidents they worked out pretty well. They grabbed the souls and then were gone. A couple of hours later they reappeared on his planet to drop it off for arrangement. He would figure out what to do with the later.

He hoped that another deity would come to him and talk with him...it is so boring being a god.

1 ap+2 from rollovers-2 from boring creation. Ethereal creatures go around collecting souls and bring to my planet. They have ethereality (from D&D 50% for magic weapons hit them, 0% for non-magic weapons to hit them). Also they sometimes get over aggressive for souls. If they steal souls from someone living the people suffer from extreme apathy. They are repelled by bright lights and large groups of living people.

2013-06-19, 07:38 PM
A fogbank kicks up around the soul-stealing God, slowly forming into a cloud.
A man's torso rising from it
"Are you stealing ym Angel's souls?"

2013-06-19, 08:21 PM
When the ethereal creatures came and tried to takes the Syrpentechs souls, they were in for a nasty surprise. The metal excreted not only Snake Oil, but pure Ragnarok Venom, which was originally intended to dissolve all life in the cosmos. The beings were only half affected by it though, so they only half dissents grated into mush. The Syrpentechs chased them around the universe, seeking their collected souls for consumption, and conversion into the structure for the Greater Ragnarok Syrpentech.

2013-06-19, 08:35 PM
But the souls of the K'yel were easily taken, their vicious spikes unable to affect the ethereal creatures, and the horrible plague tore swaths through the maddened creatures. Kararet instinctively raised his hands to protect his creations, but then lowered them again. The K'yel were always a temporary means, a way for him to gain enough power from their hate so that he could make greater things. They would have died anyway, soon enough. And Kararet left, flying away from the sphere at inconceivable speed, bequeathing his creations to the other gods to play with or destroy as they chose fit. Of course, they would be rather short-lived playthings, but that was Kararet's concern no longer.

Hank McBadass
2013-06-20, 06:15 PM
Asher reached out from the center, across the billions of light-years of the universe and grabbed the souls that elected existence over non-existence. With glee he reached until . . . nothing! Asher bristled with annoyance. One of his brothers had reached the soul first.

Fine. Whatever. Asher did not want the soul’s for their own sake, it was just Asher’s return for the gift of Death that the mortals presented to him. They did make the Center all the more wonderous, though. But wait! It was not only mortals that could die!

But who? Asher looked around for which of his brothers should join the Creator? Which would look best adorning the Center? Ah! The one that fancied himself the creator’s second coming, no doubt!

Brothers, who wants to kill the Tyrant? It should be good fun!

Asher’s eight arms latched on to Andragore and yanked him. As Asher pulled his brother to the Center he taunted.

You best prepare your knees, Tyrant. The only rulers here are Death and Destruction.

2 AP - 2 (AP to attack) = 0

[roll0] 1d6+2(ability) + 1 (artifact) + 2 (ap)

2013-06-20, 06:42 PM
A fogbank kicks up around the soul-stealing God, slowly forming into a cloud.
A man's torso rising from it
"Are you stealing ym Angel's souls?"

Not particularly stealing, seeing they are lying all over the sea floor. It isn't just your angel's souls as well...most of them do appear to be from them. You really should take better care of them. The other gods are treating them like a punching bag. If you want you can have the souls...though you have to promise not to redistribute them or to keep a count if you do. I am keeping a careful count of everything that has ever died so if you put them back into the stream willy-nilly it well mess up the count. Chemosh said staring at the pile of souls...he still needed to figure out what in the world to do with them all. He needed an intelligent race to give the power of Chemoshmancy to so he could start dumping out the souls.

Rollover 1ap+1 from roll over.

2013-06-20, 07:19 PM
"I am going to solve that particular problem later. I was interrupted by sensing the immortal manifestations of them grabbed from their resting place surrounded by their prey.""

2013-06-20, 08:11 PM
...not really prey considering most of the things down there can kill them now. I don't even think there is anything living down there anymore...only machines and undead creature things. Not only that whatever is down there can do serious damage the collectors though they appear to be fine after some rest. It makes absolutely no difference if they sit here for an eternity for me to count them or if they lie on the bottom of the ocean for random sea critters to take and do whatever sea critters do with souls. It's not like they are particularly sentient like this yet. Chemosh said frowning as he picked up a soul and started playing hacky sack with it.

2013-06-20, 08:25 PM
"Everything can kill everything else. My Angels know how to use the Surprise Round to their advantage. They were made for hunting the critters below, undead or otherwise they can eat it."
The cloudy God watches as the few Angels left fly through the void trying to find food and avoid the air rot
"When I gather my power I will create a place for them in safety, until then I simply ask you leave their Souls in their designed Resting Place. I have designs on them you see."

2013-06-20, 08:42 PM
I'm sorry but I cannot stop collecting them. It is my duty to count all the dead and collect the souls for the afterlife...once I make it at least. You can access them here but you can not reuse them without keeping a count plus having a way to not recount them. They are just as safe here as there and now I know how many have died and the rate of death... though you might not like those statistics. Chemosh said as he continued to play hacky sack.

2013-06-21, 12:07 AM
Joshua was still trying to figure out how he was going to pull his life-force communication thing off when he realized just how nasty things had become in the Universe. A new plague? Robot-Snakes? The world boiling itself to death? He was not truly in tune with the emotions of the mortals, but he felt their hatred and rage as his own... But what would he do about it? Destroy like so many other fools, attempting to outdo each other in horribleness and greed? At least there were two that tried to help... even if one was a metal head. Maybe a gesture to them would be good, to let them know that there was another here who did not mindlessly destroy... Yes. A gesture. But how to send one?

Ah, that could work.

Joshua held out his hand and beneath his fingers ivory keys began to form, melting out from his reach into a mahogany body that stood on the air. A bench appeared below him as well, the wood polished to shine in the light of the sun, though not to brightly. And then he moved beside the moon. A single key was pressed on the Piano.

The sound that was not sound resonated with Goven's song of Sorrow, filling it and enriching its already grand tones with a smooth, tempered grace. The God of Life let the sounds made by the God of Music inspire him, playing in harmony with his "Brother" to fill the souls of those who still lived. And for a moment, even in the most hellish of places and the most desolate parts of the Void, every mortal heard. And every mortal stopped to just... listen. Listen to the sound of pure beauty. To the sound of absolute peace. And while they listened, no harm came to them. For the music made was more than just sound. More than just a vibration within themselves, no. This was the essence of the emotion itself. The raw, musical, physical incarnation of peace that spilled out from below Joshua's fingertips.

For this was the Relic's true power, it made the emotions themselves come to life, and projected them within the Soul of every mortal, living and dead. And when the song reached its crescendo, its final, inevitable conclusion, the mortals who had been temporarily reprieved from the clutches of death sighed in contentment for the first, and last, time of their bitter, short and brutal lives.

The last note still lingered in the air once Joshua closed his instrument's key cover. The song had not been perfect, no, but hopefully it had been enough. For a short while at least... after all, there was only so much he could do with music. It wasn't really his specialty. The God of Life slid his bench back and stood, looking up at the God of Music who was upon the moon and said, "Brother, I know that the song was likely not what you normally perform... but I hope that my instrument pleased you none the less." On further consideration, Joshua decided to add, "If you wish, then it is my gift to you, to do with as you please." After all, Joshua probably didn't have the skill required to play the piano to its full potential or potency.No, it would be better in more gifted hands.

AP after rollovers: 3
Beautiful Boring Creation: A beautiful, gilded and apparently hand carved piano made from Mahogany. When played, it has the power to influence the emotions and (to a degree) the physical well being of mortals that still possess their Souls. A gift for Goven, if he so desires to take it. (Up to player discretion) Gods may also decide to be moved by the music, though they are by no means bound, captivated or motivated by it. -2 AP
AP remaining: 1

2013-06-21, 08:02 AM
Goven stood alone on the metal moon, listening the dying songs of mortals and reveling in their excesses when he heard two things resonate in his divine fire.

The first; Two gods fighting. . . his hands urged him to join, to be with them and make music against each others chest. The sounds of flesh hitting flesh, of godblood sluicing down their arms, or braded burning skin - the his of air escaping.

The second: was a song of peace. Notes that he knew were in his being, but were not any notes which he had made before. They resided in each metal soul and gently whispered "It was sad music. But it waved its sadness like a battle flag. It said the universe had done all it could, but you were still alive." But it lied, for they wouldn't live long, but the music could be forgiven for a white lie is sometimes the correct answer.

Goven ached with two desires - but was drawn more toward that which was his being and in a flash of drum beat made manifest in flame he appeared behind Joshua and his Piano.

He spoke in Rifts and Solos

I thank you for the gift. I'm glad that the music flows through your veins like so many dying angels. You stretched out your hand in friendship and I accept.

Although Joshua would be a fool to grab his outstretched hand, not because of any ill intent on Goven's part, only that Goven was composed of melting metal and Joshua would have gotten soldered at the very least.

But there are no gifts between brothers, only exchanges - what would you wish of me?

2013-06-21, 09:56 AM
Merely companionship and perhaps some help keeping the living alive in the future. Our other brothers... seem to be rather against the entire idea, to be honest, and seem to want to focus more on destroying one another and each others' creations than anything else. Which is somewhat... disappointing." With a sigh, Joshua slowly shook his head and looked back at the world. "Ah well, perhaps one day we will learn how to make something other than a death trap..." And then he looked to the fight, "And perhaps how to get along with one another." Biiiiiiig perhaps.

2013-06-21, 10:22 AM
Goven Laughed with the sounds of chimes and bass. He smiled, his metal lips outlined in the brightest of red, the fire within.

Reality is still young my so called brother. Who knows after a millenia of fighting and waring against each other the HOT rage we still feel for each other may become HOT love. Fighters turn into lovers, and lovers turn into betrayers and then back to lovers. Who is to say what music we shall make in the passages of time! Let them fight! In fact we should join them to tear apart reality bit by bit! It will bring us closer together, as our bodies burn and fuse and become one of purpose, and in the end we may make a coherent song - but for now we must still learn to play the instruements, to explore our own nature before understanding anothers.

2013-06-21, 11:30 AM
Joshua couldn't help but laugh. This one was such a very passionate god, and it was somewhat infectious. "As entertaining as it sounds, brother, I do happen to know my nature, and it is one of change and growth, not death or warfare. Perhaps I should just stay back and attempt to make due with my own creations for now." And what wondrous things he could create! No, not could. Would. The Universe was still young, yes, and with the right nudges it could turn into something glorious...

2013-06-21, 11:55 AM
Goven roared his laugh composed of beating drums and simple four note notation

How can one grow without death? It is death that urges us to change, to adapt, to learn a new tune and a new song. LIVE FAST and DIE YOUNG! Watch! Let them fight! One will emerge the winner and be stronger for it, the other proved to be an unneeded note in this masterpeice. But perhaps you're not a note or a musician and instead a composser? Do you think your creations could survive this young age without law or order? Should they?

2013-06-21, 09:09 PM
Joshua considered the question. In truth, it almost seemed like it was a... Challenge. When he considered it that way, Joshua's smile returned. "I may have an idea or two." he said, not bothering to go into greater detail. Let his plans be a surprise. Now, back to this fight between the Gods.

Both could be problems with Joshua's future plans... Or wait, we're both? "You asked if I was a composer... Well, if I said yes, then would you help me with this song I am thinking of?

2013-06-21, 09:29 PM
Kararet ignored the conversation between the two, turning his gaze to the fight and the pain flowing out from it. Divine suffering! It was delicious. But they were not yet big enough for his taste...

He grasped the ribbons of hatred in his hands and pulled. They wound together, spreading out and becoming a pool of suffering. He flew through it and was at the site of the battle, soaring over the heads of the combatants. He took his mighty weapon in hand and struck in a flurry of blows, sending pure agony through the divine essence of the so-called 'Unassailable', and flew on.

3 AP
Boring Creation: Temporary portal of hatred to transport Kararet to the fight
1 AP

Adding my damage roll to Asher's:

2013-06-21, 10:05 PM
The God of the wind vanishes to the sound of a strong breeze, reappearing far away over a nameless planet
"I hereby claim this land for myself and my Angels."
As he speaks the planet tears itself apart, one becoming many. A thousand chunks of land floating around each other in the Void.

The angelic birdpeople summoned by their God fly in to land and make roosts on the Splintered Land. Hunting the small animals that thrive on the many, many kingdom-sized rocks

-2 Boring Creation: The Splintered Land. A thousand+ pieces of rock some as big as Russia, others the size of small city but all populated with small critters to be hunted by the Angels

2013-06-22, 10:34 AM
Joshua considered the question. In truth, it almost seemed like it was a... Challenge. When he considered it that way, Joshua's smile returned. "I may have an idea or two." he said, not bothering to go into greater detail. Let his plans be a surprise. Now, back to this fight between the Gods.

Both could be problems with Joshua's future plans... Or wait, we're both? "You asked if I was a composer... Well, if I said yes, then would you help me with this song I am thinking of?

Goven stopped smiling and stood thinking thoughtfully - and then the drop, a loud bass exploded out from him.


2013-06-23, 12:21 AM
Aneros watched his people move into their new home, their dwindled numbers barely sustainable. Even as he watched more sucumbed to Air Rot.
Air. Rot. Someone had poisoned his creation to poison his creation. And he WOULD NOT stand for it.
The air throughout the universe stirred, swirling and mixing chaotically. Small orbs of the Rot forming separating from the tumultuous wind as it sears every material thing in creation.
Each orb combining with others, becoming bigger and bigger as their numbers plummeted.
Until finally all that was left was a single enormous sphere of disease held aloft by a tornado

The Dancer grasped it with his divine power and hurled it into the nearest uninhabited planet, popping it and watching it splatter an even dozen, covering them with oceans of disease

AP 0
+1 Rollover
-1 Destroy the Air Rot: Every piece of the disease was gathered up into one big ball and launched at a planet. 11 Planets where covered in the splash radius and all 12 are completely toxic to all mortals forevermore.

2013-06-23, 12:50 AM
Kararet flew until he reached a planet large and bountiful in all manner of food and resources that could be useful to a burgeoning race, one with seas and lakes and fertile land, and decided to start anew. He needed somthing that could go undetected in any realm, in order to sow hatred and discord. But this would be a place for them to learn to be.

2 AP
Boring Creation: The Shapeless, a race that can take the form of a member of any other sentient race. In their natural form, they are a blob of ooze-stuff and therefore imune to Air Rot.
0 AP

Queen Sapes
2013-06-23, 03:32 AM
With the air rot spread, Atum was done with this creation. He didn't care what became of it, and left as he watched the angels leave the planet, following them to a new world composed of thousands of floating chunks hanging in the sky. The islands were filled with game, the angels fearlessly hunting the creatures and occasionally succumbing to his prior creation. But the angels were old news. This new life was much more interesting.

A swarm of scarabs from Atum's hand descended throughout the world, landing upon the various islands without harming anything. From there they mutated, changing into large, pale green monstrosities. Their bodies expanded, becoming elongated, the two sets of back legs becoming dominant, the front pair adapting for killing and communication. They lost all link to Atum, the mandibles clicking together as the near mindless monstrosities ran through the flying lands, beginning their hunting and finding places for nests.

"Have fun kids," Atum says as his scarab hand regenerates before he departs to find another world.

Start AP - 3
Rollover (4 days worth) - 4
New Start AP - 7
2 - Mandrikes, a race of horse-sized mantis-like predators that now hunt the Splintered Land. They look like a cross between a horse and a praying mantis, and eat any meat they can get their hands on. They have extremely little intelligence, but enough that they can be domesticated. Mandrikes have the ability of flight, can see in the dark, and communicate through emitting high pitched humming noises by moving their front legs.
End AP - 5

2013-06-23, 10:45 AM
Goven stopped smiling and stood thinking thoughtfully - and then the drop, a loud bass exploded out from him.


"Well then..." Joshua's smiled became a bit more genuine and a touch malevolent, "Here is what I am thinking. Up there we have two combatants, or two different 'Notes' of the 'Song' that struggle for dominance, yes? Well, we can choose which one wins, and so influence how the 'song' of the universe plays out. As I am trying to make a song of creation, the choice of which one I will support becomes easier..."

The rune-marked God pointed at Asher, "Now, he is an ending, a diminuendo if you will. Every word and action from him is a small death, and as you said, that is natural for life... but this song is only just beginning. Therefore, he has no place in this world, as you do not end a song as it starts, that's just poor craftsmanship." Now he pointed to Andregor, Meanwhile, the Tyrant is more of a solo; he will take over the song for a short time, yes, but it will only end up enriching and flavoring it later. And while it may be unorthodox to place a solo at the beginning, it is nowhere as stark or abrupt as placing the ending."

"Therefore, I propose that we join with the Tyrant to keep him in the game a while longer, while we remove the Endbringer, as it is not time for the Endbringer to appear in the song. Would you agree?"

((BTW, someone poke the Tyrant's controller... he needs to do something. :smalltongue:))

2013-06-23, 11:13 AM
Elceir watched the other gods curiously. This new music being created by two gods intrigued him. Not for the musics sake, nay for the sake of that which he had made.

He quietly approached the planet of metal and looked at it. He grinned happily, this new music had changed the planet like he'd hoped. There were streams of gold being added to the dull iron.

He watched the other gods fighting. He pitied them. Such a waste of life, they could have done so much more with their power. It was then that Elceir noticed it... something he created was wrong. Someone had affected his physics. They were subtle changes, almost inconsequential. He was not happy.

Elceir looked at all the creations that had been made and sighed deeply. It was not enough he longed for more. He knew not what he longed for more of... so he went back to making until his thrust was quenched.

He began by identifying his old creations. He walked directly across the cosmos from it. He took his hands and gently began snapping the web. He created a perfect sphere inside the web. He then wrapped this sphere in a thin film. He made it slightly smaller than the hole in the web. He was careful to make sure his new film remained unconnected.

Elceir then began to craft a new planet. This one remained in utter darkness. Just a black orb. He pulled the planet close. He whispered, so low that unless one strained to hear it, the sound would go unnoticed. "Dichotomy," he said into the orb. He placed it in the center of the cleared area. It was tiny compared to the space he had cleared. He did not care. He knew his next step would make this all the more fun.

He gently flicked the film. The impact vibrated across the web. As the waves rippled across it, the film turned black and shone with an internal light. As the waves returned to the source, the film briefly, almost instantly, turned into a reflective surface that sent blinding light into the cosmos. Then even faster than it became reflective, the sphere returned to its self-lit black.

He took a breath, and gently exhaled onto his newest planet. It began to shimmer and shift as it activated. It formed, into an exact inverted replica of his last. The center was hard and unforgiving in its cold. It was surrounded by water, which somehow did not freeze. Above the water the entire planet was coated in earth. There were veins of metals moving through the planet from surface to core. They were not solid, they moved as a liquid, yet were not molten.

4 AP
- 2 AP Boring Creation: A new planet that receives any and all of elceirs past, present, and future creations. It acts as a direct backup of all his work. It only responds to Elceir's creations, not those of any other god.

-2 AP Boring Creation: Mirror of Inversion. This mirror (the self-lit sphere) inverts anything that passes through it. eg. Water is earth, fire is ice, love is hate, death is life, etc.
0 AP

Hank McBadass
2013-06-23, 06:22 PM
The Center was flecked with the gore of the would-be Tyrant. But Death did not come so quickly. The god would cling to life for seconds, an eternity for the divine. He was scared, as all the living are of Death. Asher went to him.

Calm yourself. Death comes for us all, in the end.

Why? The Tyrant wanted to know.

There is no reason for such things. As for my actions – the others were too timid; they needed to be untethered from uncertainty; they needed to see that standing was a fate worse than death.

Asher continued comforting the dying god.

What were you hopes your dreams, young god? The wishes of the dead should be honored.

The would-be Tyrant told Asher about the well-ordered universe he had planned. Everything working together – if not always in harmony. He told Asher about what could be accomplished under strong leadership, the kind of leadership that the Tyrant had wanted to provide.

Very well. Asher looked far from the center. Should I survive the next few moments, I will endeavor to make that happen.

Asher stayed with the Tyrant as life left him. The Tyrant was still angry at Asher, but his dying thoughts were of his legacy.


As the Tyrant faded into nothingness, Asher let out a snarl.


Asher was as upset at the interference of observation of the Tyrant’s death as the content of Joshua’s lies.


Asher was away. To the helpful intervener, Kararet.

Fortune favors the bold, brother. Thank you for your help. If more blood is what you seek, you shall find it on the Metal Moon.

Asher motioned to the Suicide Crown.

I will not be the one who becomes the new all powerful. Join me this once more, and I will be your loyal servant and ensure your utter victory over the cosmos.


Suddenly Asher was with the Lord of the Undead, Chemosh.

I do not pretend to understand your desire for a second life , but I can tell we are kindred spirits. We both see the beauty of Death. Joshua seeks to destroy it from the world. What room is there for the Undead in a world of only the living? I will show him the cost of such mad and foolish plotting.


Then Asher was before Goven and that fool, Joshua. Asher blotted out all of the light in the place. In his hurry and rage Asher did not change his size from the center. Before the two gods was an inconceivable blackness. Not merely the black of not reflecting light, but the black of sucking it in. The Suicide Crown clicked away on his head.

LIAR!! Roared Asher.

Every action a small death? You mean the creation of 99.9999999% of the matter in the universe? Or making souls eternal even after death? Is it creating a network to allow mortals to spread farther than they ever would on their own? Or the destruction of one who would bring unending war to the cosmos?

What have you done for the song? A supposed god of life who has created no life. Pointless, I’d say.

Asher paused and seemed to calm his rage. The inconceivable mass had shrunk to the size of the metal moon that the gods were standing on when Asher suddenly struck out with all his might . . . at Goven.

I'm taking, thematically, they tyrant's domain.

1d6+6 roll+2(ability) +1(suicide crown)+3(ap)

2013-06-23, 06:43 PM
Goven was looking at Joshua when he heard the notes of Death befall the Tyrant - no not death. The Tyrant was subsumed and encapsulated in another song - it became a powerful duet. A death growl full of authority and law. Goven laughed at Joshua.

It seems the choice has been made for us. But this song does not need a solo at the moment NOR endings.

This last was said when Asher appeared and bellowed his symphony in falsetto at Joshua - and released his stolen power. Goven roared in flame and blood lust in return and attempted to defend himself


Sort of hoping that gnome helps me out here if not ill probably die, if yes we will counter attack - remember Hank you dont get another roll till I attack you

2013-06-23, 07:35 PM
Chemosh decided that following this new god would be fun...plus apparently another god was edging into his domain and it would be best to check on that. He managed to get there in time for that god that spoken to him to question them before attacking one...assumedly Joshua. He better talk to Joshua before flying off the handle or attacking for no reason. He hasn't actually done anything wrong yet.

Hello, Joshua. I have heard that you are trying to remove death from the system. That is the way of destruction though. Nothing good can come from eternal life. Those without fear of what will happen after death will stop caring about what they do to others. It will also halt all growth as literally everything can be put off till tomorrow. Undeath is the chance for those good to keep doing good and those evil to try to do better but even they shouldn't last forever. Please reconsider, your course and halt trying to remove our domains from existence. Chemosh said trying to talk like a normal person...he had barely ever spoken before and though he knew the language the words came out choppy and weird with some long drawn out and others barely hisses. He actually kind of liked it even if it sounded off from the others. He ignored the other god that was there as they were probably not important in this exchange.

2013-06-24, 12:28 AM
Joshua realized that he had been thinking about the wrong infinite pool of darkness and was about to explain that when Asher went and attacked Goven. Something snapped. The God of Life tried to interpose himself between Asher's attack and the God of Music, but the flood of power was just too great for him to get in the way. Instead, he gathered a force of energy and threw it to Gover, wrapping it around his fellow God before he growled, "Your fight is with me coward! I'm the one that insulted you, me! How dare you attack Goven! He was ready to just walk away from all of this and you attack him without warning, after accusing me! Oh yes, there you have your moral high ground, don't you? You know, I actually made a mistake when I was talking to him before... I mistook you for the creator of the Syrpynt, the one who's ultimate aspiration is the bringing about of Ragnarock. I have not seen him, I only know that he is vast, and assumed that you, in your nearly endless form, where him. Oh, and also your unprovoked attack against the Tyrant might have confused me just the slightest bit, since that seems more like something a rival conqueror or a destroyer of realities would do. No, you are not the little deaths. Instead, you are going to be the death of us all. Tell me, God of Last Wishes, how does the essence of Tyranny feel? Goals and aspirations of your own, pride, anything beyond fulfilling the dreams of someone else? Of being little more than a tool of a dying, insane being? Do you feel complete now, or is there a growing hunger? Did you take his goals as your own when you absorbed him? Do you take the final wishes and dreams of others because you have none yourself?"

The next words were not made by voice alone, they screamed themselves along Asher's very life force, and likely were heard by every god and mortal being they encountered. "How do you plan to carry out the last wish of the third to last god when you kill him? How can you as long as you wear that crown? It will destroy you the moment there are only two of you left, isn't that correct? So then it will go unfulfilled, no matter what. Or do you plan on removing that thing until you have fulfilled that last dream? If you do, then you delay the Creator's last wish for the sake of something that he thought deserved death. No matter what, you will fail at the end of your life. And you dare accuse me of being worthless. I need a stable environment to work, as you said life is temporary, and I would add even more so when everyone is actively trying to kill it. But I am still going to try, and as long as I create anything as I created the smaller syrpynt race, which, by the by is now almost extinct because someone decided to end it, I have fulfilled my purpose." Then Joshua paused and thought, and then held out a hand and Willed the flames of every star to create life. Life of the kind that had never existed before... the life of those that die and return in a blaze of glory. Joshua created the Phoenixes. Just to prove his point and out of spite. "You. Will. DIE before you can truly fulfill yours, and for that you have my pity. But that is what you want, isn't it?" After all of that, Joshua just sounded drained, and he shook his head slowly, "You actually want to die after you find the successor, don't you? ... Why?"

Chemosh decided that following this new god would be fun...plus apparently another god was edging into his domain and it would be best to check on that. He managed to get there in time for that god that spoken to him to question them before attacking one...assumedly Joshua. He better talk to Joshua before flying off the handle or attacking for no reason. He hasn't actually done anything wrong yet.

Hello, Joshua. I have heard that you are trying to remove death from the system. That is the way of destruction though. Nothing good can come from eternal life. Those without fear of what will happen after death will stop caring about what they do to others. It will also halt all growth as literally everything can be put off till tomorrow. Undeath is the chance for those good to keep doing good and those evil to try to do better but even they shouldn't last forever. Please reconsider, your course and halt trying to remove our domains from existence. Chemosh said trying to talk like a normal person...he had barely ever spoken before and though he knew the language the words came out choppy and weird with some long drawn out and others barely hisses. He actually kind of liked it even if it sounded off from the others. He ignored the other god that was there as they were probably not important in this exchange.

"Hah. Haha." So Chemosh had assumed wrong. Joshua's laugh was bitter and sad, and he glanced at the god of the undead once before closing his eyes. "End death? Me? I wouldn't dare even if I could in a place like this. I know that all living things must one day die, some many, many times," He added, in recognition of the Phoenixes' ability to rebirth in flame, "even the Gods. I however object to the thought that life is meaningless, and that all of it should be extinguished at once. The first objection is... biased, I shall admit. For the second however... I would like to pose for you a question. How can anything continue to grow, struggle and change once every part of its flame," To emphasize his point, Joshua made a small flame of life above his hand and scattered it around in a circle, "goes out?" The God of Life clapped his hands together, instantly extinguishing each and every flame and each and every spark that had existed. More flames came into being, dancing about him, "You see, that is what is a problem, when the things are destroyed to the point where nothing is left. Now you, God of Undeath, I have no problem at all with you. If anything, you give those that die a second chance to live and achieve what they had hoped to accomplish... I would actually much rather work with you than against you. So no, I do not mean to threaten you, nor do I wish to threaten your domain. What Asher told you was a lie, likely in hopes that you would turn on me and try to destroy me. Go on doing what you are doing, and after all of this, if you want a partner, tell me what you plan to do. I would actually enjoy working with you and Goven, if he chooses to join in after all of this."

This is why you don't anger Joshua. You get a rant. :smalltongue: Drown in it!

AP: 1+3 (woohoo, 4!)
Defense roll added to Goven's: [roll0] (+1 from headphones) -2 AP
Boring Burning Creation: Phoenixes. Giant birds made from the fire of the Stars themselves, Phoenixes constantly burn with fire the color of the Star they were born on. This fire's intensity depends on the heat of the star itself, and they denote the power of the birds (so Violet flames are actually the strongest (as Violet super-giants are the hottest stars in the known universe) followed closely by Blue). A Phoenix burns out and dies every thirty mortal years, though their Soul continues to burn for millennia after their death. If the Soul still burns and the Phoenix is brought back to the star of its birth, then it will be reborn from the ashes as a brand new being. Phoenixes are intelligent, above most humans actually, and fifty of them were born on each star. Their intense heat makes them immune to any disease that does not specifically target them. They are able to survive off of their star, but rarely leave their home terrain because there is very little reason to besides hunting. -2 AP

2013-06-24, 08:28 AM
Even wrapped in Joshua's Fire of Life itself the Spear of Energy thrown by the Suicide King peirced the Metal flesh of Goven. He looked down and saw through his chest, the melting metal and the fire within. Music played in his bowels - dark and depressing; notes from the black sea of tears. The song of song itself was barely playing. Thin harmonies that could suddenly blow out like so many candels in a storm.

Goven fell to his knees and sagged onto the floor of the Metal moon - the moon which grew depending on the background music of the universe was currently made out of grey lead with veins of gold. With this dying song it began to crack as some of the metal to turned to mercury. It fractures as if their was an earthquake. The Metal jabbed at itself and then rose in jagged torrents, some fell into the rapidily forming river of liquid quicksilver.

Goven fell in - consumed by the mercury. And for a breif moment there was no sound in the universe - for there was already no sound - but for a breifest of moment there was not even the sound of the soul. And then goven rose from the river of metal - an epic triumphant sound roared with him, he flared up and smiled; rose his hands and the mercury rose with them. It turned into a million little needles and he pointed at Asher.

I bear no grudge against you, this is just the way the songs are written. What is victory with out defeat? What is life without death? And what are youthful hopes without last wishes? Now play your part in the song.

And with that the needles flew towards Asher. . .

I have 5 AP after this roll over - going to save it for now . . .

[roll0] +2 from ability.

Remember to aid against Goven you need to use up 3 AP because of the metal core artifact!

Hank McBadass
2013-06-24, 09:58 AM
Asher laughed as he extended his arms to catch Goven’s attack.


This is pointless, you know. You can yield to me, or face my wrath in its full!

The metal pierced Asher deep, and the god felt pain. Such a new sensation! Asher liked it. Time to spread the wealth!

Eight hands latched on to Goven. One on each of his arms and legs, one on his head, and one on this jaw. The Servant of the Damned pulled with all his might.


He turned to Joshua, Goven in his arms.

The first wish is the greatest, Joshua. Asher practically spit the last word. When the others have fallen away, nothing will stand in the way of the last. In time, he will be as the Creator was – All Things. In time, even I will be contained in him, as will you, if you are not he already. That last stroke will kill two, both the third and me, and we will be gobbled up by the Victor.

As for my own dreams: no, I have none. I merely make clear the path for the Victor.

2013-06-24, 10:13 AM
Music is always free - It is freedom personified, freedom given physical form. You can try to grab music, grasp it, make love to it, and make it answer to your skill, but you can't own it. It flows through you and out from you and away from you to others to share and enrapture. It breeds and cries in new birth with every idle thought.

Also this music was on FIRE. The Fire spead over Goven and scorched the metal of his skin - and then it settled as a fine ephermal cloak made of intangible freedom itself. Like the Phoenixes it would burn up from Goven's Heat only to be renewed after each passing second. It could not actually be held. It was the fabric of abandon.

Goven roared in defiance incenrating the hands that were holding him. . . .

AP 5 - 2 Create The Cloak of Abandon - gives +1 to Defense

+1 from the cloak of abandon

. . . destroying them, turning them into charred black stubs. He pushed past Asher and regrouped with Joshua. And then Laughed! It was a Fine show - the perfect mosh. This was what living was all about. The fine edge between life and death and walking . . . no. . . Running . . . percariously on it with no thought of tomorrow.

Surrender? To You? Perhaps. The Song knows when it must temporarily be played by a musician. To be sung with the lips of another. To be handeled by the fingers of a artist. But not yet! This song is still WILD!

And with that Goven sung a rousing ballad of natures whimsy and the metal moon answered by sprouting Titanium spikes that aimed to impale Asher . . .

AP 3

+2 from ability

2013-06-24, 11:08 AM
Kararet pondered the promises Asher made to him for a brief moment, then turning from his new creations and focusing his godly vision on the duel between Goven and Asher. He saw the god sing the ballad and the spikes begin to grow.

And then he struck.

Though he was millions of miles away, suffering knows no bounds and hate stretches across the multiverse. His weapon of agony scythed across the void- casually bisecting a few stray planets- and struck the metal moon. It melted and dripped, the music that made up its core silenced for a few moments, the spikes bursting into nothingness. They began to grow again in a second more, for even pure suffering cannot stop the force of music, but Kararet had given a few seconds more.

2 AP
Boring Creation: the power of hatred to stop the joy of music, even if only for a few moments
0 AP

Adding my defense to Asher's:

Hank McBadass
2013-06-24, 03:00 PM
Goven’s attack rushed at Asher. His comrade sought to help him but was prevented … by something. It was the metal core. WELL IT WOULD BE NO MORE!

In the center of the planet a darkness grew; a darkness from which nothing could escape. Time and space bent around until only shattered scraps of Goven’s once proud creation remained, listing aimlessly in the Center.

With a shriek Asher moved to defend the attack aided again by the interloper.


Until we die then!

Asher’s massive jaw came unhinged he lunged at the god of metal.

[roll1] 3 + 1 AP burned.

2013-06-24, 03:19 PM
Well, that turned out well... if a bit quick. I didn't even get to gamble any souls on the outcome... I would have made some good souls from mortals for it. Of course, seeing I get the souls in the end it would have been pointless but it would have been interesting to find out what people were willing to bet a soul on. So if that is Joshua over there why attack that one? Chemosh said smiling. He hoped that god would be all right but it certainly was interesting watching the fight.

Hank McBadass
2013-06-24, 04:03 PM
Asher felt the Metal God roll in his belly, defeated but still alive. Reality bent and Asher was back in the Center. From across the universe, he called back to the Undead master.

Joshua is powerful, I merely wanted a shield to prevent them both from attacking at once. The puny musician put up a much tougher fight than I had expected.

Asher laughed.

Based on what the Life-lord was saying, he won’t want to attack me now and kill Goven in the process. So, as I said, a shield. He was a fool to think I wasn’t listening.

I’m sure he will tell you some lies about planning to attack another, but do not listen. The snake beyond time is nothing like me. But as a result our alliance grows strong! Goven, is our slave and Joshua is powerless. You should join. There’s survival in numbers, you know.

Of course, you could always join Joshua. But you see what happens to his friends, and people he supports don’t you.

Around Asher suspended among the Center hung the broken bits of the Tyrant as Goven stirred in his gut. Asher let out a long deep laugh. The Web shook with him in joy.

2013-06-24, 09:04 PM
"..." Talking almost to himself, Joshua mumbled, "He and his ally are just as exhausted as I now... If I decided to follow and attack... Goven would die, and even if I defeated one the other would finish me." The conclusion screamed that it would be pointless to go in alone. So very pointless... He shook his head and began to plan anew.

"God of the undead, I do not ask you to join me or put yourself at risk, though admittedly if you joined forces with me we could likely destroy Asher now... What would be the point? He must die one day, by his own hand likely. No, instead I ask you to logically extend the fact that he has chosen a master and thus a successor, and what it implies for us Gods that he has not yet killed." Letting this thought plant itself in the mind of The Lord of Undeath, Joshua began to phase away. "If we keep letting him chose the battlefield, we are all dead."

And then he appeared beside the God of Air. "I seem to have a few avian children sharing your skies." He said as a blue Phoenix landed on one of the smaller floating rock islands. It began preening the flames of its wing. "I would suggest having the angels talk to them instead of attacking. They tend to be rather hot and have nothing on them but fire."

2013-06-24, 09:22 PM
It was Dark.

Goven had felt teeth rip him apart, but he was a god so it was a brief separation. The consolation was that he was made of fire and metal and he saw some marrow break as it bit against his flesh.

He was being digested in the dark. The music was silent. The world was silent. There was nothing. Nothing anywhere. The acid of Asher's stomach which was his prison kept on melting away his platinum skin and damping his fire. There was no music. He was dying. But he was a god - this couldn't kill him. It was merely a cage.

Goven knew fear.

It was dark.

2013-06-24, 09:25 PM
"My creatures bear no harm to the winged of flame. They hunt only those bound to land or sea."
The Dancer explains watching one of his creation swoop down and take another squealing prey for lunch
"Any beings that dance on the clouds are allies to my angels, just as any with clipped wings become prey. They are simple like that, but perhaps wiser than the rest of us divine because of it."

2013-06-24, 09:45 PM
Elceir watched the gods battle. It caused his mind to rush. His eyes blazed with a fury. No. Not yet. You must wait. Elceir had started to reach out his hand, but he pulled it back to his side.

Elceir wandered back to the edge and perched on the spinning web yet again. He allowed his cloak to drape around, its dark color almost hiding him. He watched...and waited.

1 AP

2013-06-24, 09:57 PM
Chemosh frowned at what the god of life said. He couldn't help but wonder why their first thoughts went to destruction. No one deserved destruction and it is possible that they could see reason before they destroyed more gods. How odd, a god of undeath thinking about life and peaceful solutions while the god of life thought about death and bloody solutions. He wondered why the god of life was so weird...not only did they think destruction could stop destruction... but they also had done very little to make the lives of everyone better and less boring. Headphones, shrinking an animal and a piano. That was the type of things they seemed to find important enough to spend energy on. The only thing meaningful they did were the phoenixes and that was only after being called out on not making any life.

2013-06-25, 01:29 PM
Bored once again it was time to create some more. First to create a race whose entire purpose in undeath was to count the souls. They would come from those who did nothing good or evil during their entire life. They would sort those and organize those who wanted to be sent back after death as an undead. Each of their appearances were different depending on what they did during their life and what is needed for the counting. Next he implanted the knowledge of Chemoshmancy into the minds of the creatures in all the worlds. It would grant them the knowledge of how to reanimate the dead and create the undead that exist. After the creation of Chemoshmancy he felt himself get stronger as spent more power and his powers got more power under his control.

2ap+5ap from rollovers=7 ap-2 ap from creating life-2ap from creating Chemoshmancy -3 from gaining domain Death(Afterlife)=0 ap Choosing +2 defence for my new domain

Hank McBadass
2013-06-25, 01:56 PM
Asher took the bits of flesh of the fallen Tyrant, leaving only the dead god’s bones to wander the Center. Into himself he went.

Musician, I have spared you. Your song need not end so soon.

The shadow of Asher’s guts were replaced with colorless carbon crystals of perfect clarity and stunning facets. But what good are diamonds in the Dark? What good is life in defeat?

A tendril, or maybe just a force – no one can claim to have seen it – reached out to Goven’s skeleton as the acid drained away. To the gory mess of Andragore’s remains, Asher dragged him.

Eat and live. Or don’t and die. The choice is yours.

2013-06-25, 02:34 PM
Elceir sat, waiting. He grew stronger as he waited. He was not yet ready to reveal his new strength, but he was growing restless. He wanted to curb the destruction. There was so much yet to make...and the others they were so.... reckless.

3 AP
-3 AP Gain new domain: Nature(Creatures) +2 Defense

2013-06-26, 05:33 AM
The Edge

Shah Sherad slept at the edge of time, completely unaware of the titanic struggles that the other Gods put themselves through. They did not matter to him, why should be worry when his perfect solitude remained unbroken? An eternity of meditation, an unending age of dreams, countless millennia of introspection. So he looked into himself. Solitude, unbroken and silent, not even the rush of blood or the shimmer of glass scales.
He tired, even as he slept. Though usually loneliness was no concern, it was not all there was! He yearned for the company of another, the feel of another's scales and the warmth of their fire... He would even break the eternal silence simply to hear their song!
And he awoke and called out in silent sorrow, a cry that echoed in every star and reverberated in every crystal. The pure note of sorrow and loneliness formed veins of palladium that whirled in fractal patterns through the heart of the metal moon and from them were born creatures of unending sorrow that slept beneath the surface of music manifest...
This creation having gone unnoticed by Shad Sherad, he departed the Edge in search of companionship, friendship and perhaps even romance. Never would he be lonely again.

AP: 10
Boring Creation: Shades of Solitude. These creatures of metallic glass and spirit sleep beneath the surface of the Metal Moon, singing to themselves a dirge of sorrow and loneliness that spreads copper and palladium throughout the lead and gold of the Moon.
AP: 8

2013-06-26, 09:15 AM
After a quick check, Joshua said in an off-handed manner, "You know, it doesn't look like your angels have much to hunt there. Hmmmmm..." This was going to be a bit of a problem for the winged predators, truly. Especially since the things they hunted had nothing to eat themselves. A problem to fix soon... Well, soon enough, anyway. The angels could sustain themselves for a while longer, and Joshua was so close to ascending... "I think I can-"

There was suddenly a bright blue flash and the Phoenix "Squarked" as it flew away from the, now on fire, rock that it had been sitting on. It looked about sheepishly and Joshua put his face in his palm. And thus was the first facepalm of the universe performed.

Hank McBadass
2013-06-26, 01:38 PM
From within the glorious Center of all things, Asher looked across the universe. The Conquered god in his belly had not yet claimed life or death and the others minded their creations. Death was at bay; there was nothing for Asher to do.

If there was more life, Death would have more to feed on.

With but a thought, Asher could start it all. And so he did.

Somewhere, on some forgotten planet far away from the recent commotion, a molecule began to copy itself. Then on another, and then another, until on the various worlds life began appearing in ever more complex arrangements. From self-replicating molecules came archaea and, over time bacteria.

Asher laughed. So much death awaited! Soon, the new life began to die.

AP: 0 + 1 (6/25) + 1(6/26) = 2 - 2 boring creation = 0

So this is like a cosmic decree – Life will spontaneously appear and evolve where it can and might attempt to other places where it can't. Not every planet will have life but a sizable percentage will. A few will even be lush like earth, in time. I didn't imagine this leading to human-like intelligent species and am agnostic about whether these new creatures have souls.

Assume any life will be carbon-based or sufficiently similar to be recognizable to an Earthling. This life will die.

2013-06-26, 02:02 PM
Elceir looked at his first world. It was in shambles. It didn't matter. Elceir went to work. He crafted pure beings. They had fins to swim through the ocean quickly. They held a reverence for life and hunted only what they needed to live. When the creatures began to swoop down from the sky and kill their kind they became angry.

And so the devils began laying traps for the angels. It was the only time they killed not for food. They did it only to protect their numbers. They wished the Angels no ill will, but they would not be hunted.

2 AP
-2 AP: Boring Creation: Devils They swim on the planet, fly on the inverse planet.
0 AP

2013-06-26, 02:03 PM
Asher took the bits of flesh of the fallen Tyrant, leaving only the dead god’s bones to wander the Center. Into himself he went.

Musician, I have spared you. Your song need not end so soon.

The shadow of Asher’s guts were replaced with colorless carbon crystals of perfect clarity and stunning facets. But what good are diamonds in the Dark? What good is life in defeat?

A tendril, or maybe just a force – no one can claim to have seen it – reached out to Goven’s skeleton as the acid drained away. To the gory mess of Andragore’s remains, Asher dragged him.

Eat and live. Or don’t and die. The choice is yours.

Goven Looked at the gruesome feast, and then looked at his rusty worn oxidized hands and weak meager flame, and most of all he couldn't hear any music. So he partook of the god flesh in that dark cave. . . he ate and gorged himself. There was no other choice.

Hank McBadass
2013-06-26, 09:28 PM
Goven feasted. All things fear Death, it seemed, even the thrashing god of metal. As Goven took bites of the Tyrant’s flesh, his power began to return to him. But the flesh had begun to decay, not in the same way that mortal flesh would in the presence of the new bacteria that had quickly populated the planets with previous life, but in that some of its power had been dispersed. Goven was alive, but still weak, to weak to survive the Center.

Suddenly, the darkness gave way to light. Sharp, painful light replaced it, shattered into a billion colors by the diamond prison.

Goven, oldest of this world, do you know why you are here and not in Death’s everlasting embrace?

2013-06-26, 09:34 PM
"They will eventually, and after all it isn't like there are many of them to sustain."
The cloudy god watched as the Angels hunted and expanded their numbers slowly
"I just hope they will be safe here from the other Deities for at least a little while. Perhaps you would like to aid me in protecting them? Share patronage over the whole Shattered Lands, until it is inevitably destroyed of course. Like Goven's Hell."

Aneros watched as the longest-surviving species began to form societies, primitive tribal ones but a civilization was still there, barely
As he watches divine magic flows through him faster, his power doubling in strength

Boring Creation: Create the Angelic Tribe. A primitive society based around sharing food and making a pile of dead unflighted animals for more consistent meals.
Most if not all Angels do go out and Hunt but they bring the food back rather than eating it on the spot

Gain divinity: Civilization (Progress) to represent Aneros being the first to have a society

2013-06-26, 10:20 PM
Watching his tribal Angels he knew their days were numbered, all things were in this gridark universe just look at the first planet!
But, that doesn't mean they had to die immediately...but what would stop the rampaging Gods from wiping them from Creation with a fingersnap?
Unless...maybe another God?

Yes, someone to focus their attention on.

With a smile the god of Air and Civilization grabs a single (uninhabited) chunk of the Shattered Lands and crushed it, infusing the piece with Divine Energy.
His hands coming away from the glowing rock as it begins to take shape...
Enter: Shady

2013-06-26, 10:28 PM
As it falls, it forms into a dancer's form, thin, easily breakable, contrary to it's nature, it appears to be covered in scars, bloody, and painful.
What should have been a beautiful face is marred by bloody cuts, and sharp metal spikes stuck into it.

"You are, Aneros?"

2013-06-26, 10:30 PM
Goven feasted. All things fear Death, it seemed, even the thrashing god of metal. As Goven took bites of the Tyrant’s flesh, his power began to return to him. But the flesh had begun to decay, not in the same way that mortal flesh would in the presence of the new bacteria that had quickly populated the planets with previous life, but in that some of its power had been dispersed. Goven was alive, but still weak, to weak to survive the Center.

Suddenly, the darkness gave way to light. Sharp, painful light replaced it, shattered into a billion colors by the diamond prison.

Goven, oldest of this world, do you know why you are here and not in Death’s everlasting embrace?

Goven did not fear Death, per se. Instead he feared the end of the song. The song of everything. He devoured the flesh before him, each gruesome bite was a bitter note. Each tearing of the the meat was a dire crescendo. Each breaking bone a noticeable sad caesura.

Even in the light, he didn't shy away or close his eyes, he was too pathetic to even raise his hands or stop gorging himself on the Tyrant himself. Between mouthfuls and without any rhythm he spurted an answer. No pride here in the belly of Death.

Because you didn't want the song to end.

2013-06-26, 10:39 PM
"I am yes. I am your Creator."
The Dancer watches his creation grow and take shape
"I believe you know the reason for your creation?"

2013-06-26, 11:07 PM
"I do, as anyone knows their place in creation, I do not shy from my fate, creator."
She bowed.

2013-06-26, 11:13 PM
"For what its worth I am sorry for your purpose, but in this world even ones such as us are likely to die regardless of goal."
Aneros explains, his cloud looking darkened and blue
"Go forth my daughter, live life and distract the barbaric ones from the Angels."

2013-06-26, 11:57 PM
Watching the other God create the new Goddess, Joshua leaned over and asked, "So then, still want some help with the angels themselves, or do you and your daughter have this covered?" The Lord of Life seemed to be finding all of this rather humorous, to be honest. A new God to replace the Tyrant was a welcome addition, though she might not last too long if she went out of her way to annoy other gods...

2013-06-27, 12:12 AM
"An alliance will be most fortuitous. my daughter is merely to distract indirectly, the Angels are still vulnerable to an actual attack."

2013-06-27, 12:20 AM
"An Alliance? I need no alliance. It's my job, and I should honestly get to it. Now... give me some time to figure things out... This would be so much faster if I had the ability to access more power... Hmmmm..."

2013-06-27, 12:28 AM
"Have you tried letting your thought just go while staring at the Angels? Thats what I did and I'm now the God of Civilizations."

Queen Sapes
2013-06-27, 12:48 AM
The swarm that was Atum moved through the span of worlds looking for something interesting to do. It was on this travel that he found what had happened to his air rot. Some other god had forced it onto a small handful of planets. He hadn't destroyed Atum's first creation, but he had removed it from ever spreading through creation. There was little chance that his first plague would ever spread beyond these twelve planets. But a little chance was still some.

The swarm of Atum condensed itself back into his humanoid form, and with a flick of the wrist sent twelve scarabs to all twelve of the planets. The scarabs hit the layer of toxic muck that covered the surface, burrowing deep into it. They continued down until they reached the surface, and then they continued deeper until they reached the cores of the planets. Then the beetles mutated rapidly, expanding and fusing to the planet, then expanding more until they took shape. When the process was complete, they uncurled into massive monstrous insects coated in the toxic substance. Every quick beat of their massive gossamer wings threw the air rot back into the air for it to spread through the worlds. But Atum wasn't finished with his work just yet.

Three more scarabs crawled out of the form of Atum, mutating on his body like the first one had so long ago. They departed, carrying their cargo to three of the massive Blight-Carriers. Once there, they let it all go, the new diseases mixing with the old air rot and overwriting it to become new horrors. Atum distributed these plagues evenly over their carriers until each disease was carried by three of the creatures. Then lashing his arm out, the beasts flew out into creation to spread their new horrors with the worlds around them. Atum smiled to himself and let out a long laugh that disappeared into the buzzing of thousands of scarabs as he departed to find something new to do. And to watch his work play.

Start AP - 5
3 Days of Rollover - 3
New Start AP - 8
2 - Boring Creation: The Blight-Carriers. Basically planet-sized dragonflies that are each carrying one of Atum's diseases. As they move, the diseases break off of their forms and spread through the surrounding area, affecting any mortal that comes into contact with it. There are twelve of them in existence. Three carry Air Rot, causing it to re-spread, three carry Waterflesh, three are for the Bone Rash, and the final three carry Silent Eye.

2 - Boring Creation: Waterflesh. Waterflesh is the subtlest of the diseases, only manifesting two symptoms before reaching its final stage. A person infected with Waterflesh would complain about sweating a lot, and feel like their skin feel fairly loose, but other than that they would feel fine. However, Waterflesh works subtly, inside the skin. What a person feels as loose skin is actually the disease causing the skin cells to dissolve their outer walls, causing them to join together into one massive blob of partially functional flesh. It also works below the skin, doing the same task on a slightly slower and smaller level to the muscles, tendons, and organs. The disease is smart in that it keeps enough cells together to maintain a person's skin before reaching its final stage, where it destroys everything keeping a person together and allowing what was once their body to collapse into a mass of liquids that were once a body. As with Air Rot, unless specifically built to withstand Waterflesh, all life is succeptible to it. Waterflesh spreads through any kind of water, even what appears to be clean water. It can also spread through contact with an infected's bodily fluids.

2 - Boring Creation: Bone Rash. Bone Rash is the most angry, yet survivable disease Atum created. As the name implies, Bone Rash directly targets the victim's bone marrow, causing it to become inflamed and causing great discomfort. As it spreads through the bones, the already infected areas become more and more painful, often leading the victim to try and claw through his body in an attempt to stop the pain. This action often leads to limb loss or even death. However, it is survivable, as removal of an infected bone will stop the spread. And after a certain amount of time, the inflammation stops altogether and the disease dies within the body, resulting in the infected gaining an immunity to Bone Rash. This disease spreads through any and all means, going by air, sea, and between human contact.

2 - Boring Creation: Silent Eye. The quietest of Atum's plagues, Silent Eye is a disease that targets a victim's nerves and brain. It works by directly killing off a person's nerve cells at stage one, meaning they lose feeling in their body for the first week or so as the disease does its work. At stage two, the disease targets the spine, disabling it and causing a victim to lose the ability to move their limbs, resulting in permanent paralysis. At stage three, where the full effect of the disease is apparent, the disease begins attacking the brain. It removes all ability to interact with the outside world, but still allows the victim to receive all kinds of stimuli. They can still hear, see, and smell, but they cannot interact in any way with these stimuli. The victim's eyes are the only thing they can move anymore, and this often leaves a terrified look in the victim's eyes, where the name 'Silent Eye' comes from. At the final stage, the disease destroys the brain nearly completely, only leaving behind an empty, but living, shell. Silent Eye spreads through contact between an infected individual and another person during stage one, where the disease is still throughout surface cells and can reach another person.
End AP - 0

Hank McBadass
2013-06-27, 08:47 PM
Asher was amused at the audacity. Second rate musicians always did think they were at the center of things, didn’t they?

The song? Your song is a wonderful bit of theatrics, I will admit, but it is only a pleasant distraction. You see, I wasn’t quite honest about the Creator’s last wish.

Asher took a shadowy shape within his own belly, mirroring the outline of Goven.

Oh yes, the Creator wanted an heir, but not to rebuild the cosmos and destroy it again. Well, you’ve seen it haven’t you?!

A hand grabbed Goven’s head and lifted him up. Asher’s fingers slipped into Goven’s brain. Memories flooded into Goven’s consciousness, some his, others foreign.

Look at this universe, at our inception! Do you see it? Do you? It is there! Time is there! Space is there! The Creator’s remains are there! And the reverberations that would spawn us, there! You see, the Creator failed!

He sought to destroy everything, even history, but did not. He sought to leave a blank slate – The Blankest Slate – but failed. He was a failure. His heir will need to rectify this situation. Yourself and Joshua were plotting to interfere with this, one way or another, and it had to be stopped.

Joshua will have to be taken care of sooner than later, but you? You may be useful. But first . . .

Asher grabbed ahold of Goven’s tongue and pulled. From the root, he ripped it out; the god’s blood leaked out in viscous torrents. A trophy, but one he wouldn't long keep.

This will serve as a warning to Joshua as the punishment for any further plotting, against me or the Serpent.

2013-06-27, 08:54 PM
As Kararet looked down upon his creations, those that could take any form, he realized something. While hate was what sustained him, brutality and death was not always the way to break open the floodgates. Instead of a burst of suffering, there could be a subtle flame that grew over time, and what would be better to achieve such a thing than deception? Actions committed by those who they thought they loved, hatred seeping through societies, small atrocities. These could be the tools of the coming destruction.

3 AP
Gain Domain: Trickery (Deception) (+2 Defense)
0 AP

2013-06-27, 08:58 PM
His voice - that's what was stolen from Goven in the pit which was Asher's being. In Asher's shadowy hand laid Goven's Silver Tongue, which could weave every song which could have ever been or may have been made. It could make the most honest truths and tell the most beautiful lies. It was the truth because it was music and music was the first thing in this brutal world.

Goven mumbled something unintelligible and collapsed weeping in the cavernous crystal intestines of the executor. He began to cry, molten mercury down his face. His hands stained with the black bile and blood of the decaying corpse of the Tyrant.

He was breaking, and without music he would break completely. Trembling he began to tap his fingers on the crystal cave in a beat. A pathetic two cord beat that did not match up, punctuated only by baritone sobs.

Ok - SO when Goven was "killed" I Re-set His AP to 0. So now he has 3 AP left.

2 Boring Creation: The Silver Tongue of The Musician. Anything the wielder of this says will be thought of as TRUTH, by any non-divine beings.

2013-06-27, 10:30 PM
Elceir looked at his original planet. It's tempests were dwindling now that the noisy one had been silenced. The metal planet ceased to grow, it source of power having been destroyed.

The fire burned within him. He could contain it no longer. His skin did not remain bronzed. It erupted in fire. His eyes began blazing. His anger had been repressed too long.

He lashed out grabbing the nearest god by the throat. "DIE!"

Attacking Zamir

2013-06-27, 10:49 PM
Joshua almost smiled. Almost. Asher did realize that while he could hear anything that was near death, the Lord of life could hear what life heard, correct? Especially since that life had been close enough to Joshua to be directly acted on by him. Arrogant prick. But unlike Asher, Joshua did not go off and act on what he had heard. Nor did he reveal what he knew. Instead he held the information and any inkling that he might know of it... and he planned.

And part of this plan involved growing.

With this knowledge held close, the Lord of Life felt out around the universe, feeling the spark that Asher had placed. Oh, the madman was intelligent. Very good at hiding his true intentions. He had started sparks of life where none had been before, which didn't exactly scream "Plans to destroy everything", now did it? That would make Joshua's job a little harder... But regardless of its propagator, Joshua still had to care for the life coming into being. Give it direction. Nurture it. Grow it.

Evolve it.

His body warped slightly as he drew to a new level of power, seeming to change shape and size before becoming a liquid for just the barest of seconds... then he settled back into his normal form. The runic wings unfolded from his back slightly as the structure of the markings along his body became ever so slightly harder. Ready to protect its new master.

And then Joshua Thought. And life... accelerated.

"There, that should take care of your food problem. Now, what else is there to do?" The numbers would pose some difficulty here, after all these "Angels" did not seem to breed the fastest of all beings...

AP: 3

-3 AP: Gain Domain: Evolution (Direction) (+2 defense)

0 AP: Spark rapid evolution. Using Asher's concept, we now have life evolved to the "before dinosaur" times almost everywhere in the Universe. Plant life is abundant on most planets that can sustain it, though most of that is aquatic for the time being. One planet actually has a whole mess of lizards and newts crawling about, while on the shattered world of the Angels, plants and their food source have become more than adequate to sustain their dwindled numbers.

2013-06-28, 12:20 PM
As Kararet watched the Shapeless grow, learning the strength of their powers of deception, he realized that those who were taking forms were dying quickly. He wondered for a moment, then felt a shadow of suffering fall over the world he had populated with the Shapeless. Looking up, he saw a monstrous creature, as big as the planet itself. And it was coming, it's mighty wings thrashing the void as it approached the world of the Shapeless. Instinctively, he thrust out a hand, and dark fire raced around the planet, converging in a great gate that appeared in a burst of flame in front of the Blight-Carrier, blocking its path and that of all others that would threaten his creations.

2 AP
Boring Creation: The Gate of the Shaper: Nothing that would harm the Shapeless can cross into the area surrounding the planet.
0 AP

2013-06-29, 09:33 AM
...So what to do now. Chemoshmancy was all well and good but they needed more things to create. First though he needed to create a race who lived off of Chemoshmancy. He created a race of creatures based off of his being. Creatures who always looked like children and who mastered the Chemoshmantic arts easily. Naturally they have an incredibly high number of Chemoshmancers. It will weird to see them without at least one undead serving them to help with their needs and weak body. They feed off sunlight without need for food, air or drink. Next he created the idea of zombies. They were half-intelligent and can follow the demands set out by the Chemoshmancer who commanded them. Finally Chemosh created a plane full of life and death where Chemoshmancy is strengthened and undead never rot.

Just for reference Chemoshmancy includes the entire necromancy field and Conjuration (Healing) because it is ridiculous that conjuration conjures healing over a school who's entire focus is on life forces. The zombies have an intelligence of 5 but no will of their own. The plane is connected to the worlds through a single invisible portal to each planet. Due to their lack of needs they spread throughout a lot of the worlds.

0 AP+6ap from rollovers-6 ap from Boring creations.

Hank McBadass
2013-06-30, 02:44 PM
Time in Goven's prison was a variable thing. For 10,000 years Goven wept. He was nothing he thought. But Asher would not let him die.The pain, physical and of lost music would last eternal. In time even the hope of Death's release was gone from Goven. Nothing. There was nothing left of the once proud god that had entertained conspiracy against Asher. He was now strong.

You thought you were the front man. You were mistaken. But the music does not need to end. Join us and take the life that was meant for you.

From the shattered Metal Core suspended in the Center, Asher drew a piece and formed it into a mighty Axe. A thousand strings stretched across the instrument. Asher felt his mind shudder as he tried to comprehend what he had made – he tossed it aside before it consumed him. The Silver Tongue could create any music possible. The Iron Axe could create only the sounds of madness and annihilation.

You have seen my wrath; now see my mercy.When you are able to play this, you will be ready again for the world beyond.

Time accelerated within Asher’s belly. It would take time for Goven to learn his new instrument, if it was knowable. Asher tried his. A new song erupted from Asher’s mouth. A song of destruction, of revenge, of retribution, and the one who would destroy the past to make way for the glorious future. It echoed in the souls of all things.

AP: 0+3 rollovers = 3 - 2 (boring creation) = 1

Iron Axe of Annihilation -- Whenever this is played, all mortals that hear go made with rage. Brother will kill brother, mothers will feast on the flesh of their children, and war will rage eternal. It takes a really long time to learn to play the Axe.

2013-06-30, 05:41 PM
Kararet knew that soon the gate would be broken by divine wrath provoked, so though it held for now, against the bringers of the plague, it would soon be torn asunder. So he would protect his creations another way. He floated over to the Gate of the Shaper. It extended all ways, protecting the world from the onslaught of destruction that his brethren carried throughout the Web. He struck it with his weapon of agony, and a piece of the Gate broke off, spinning through space. He grasped it firmly and brought it to himself, forming a handle to let his arm through. But his creations might have to protect themselves, so he took the first and sparked their Shaped nature. Some became angels, soaring through the stars to join the others, and some became the spawn of Chemosh- and here he paused. How would they join the world of undead they inhabited? So, pausing in his work, he flew down to the planet and tore a hole through space, creating a rift where all possible worlds joined. And he sent the undead-masters through this gate, where they appeared on the planet of boosted Chemoshmancy.

4 AP
Boring Creation: The Shield of the Shaper (+1 Defense)
Boring Creation: The Rift of Worlds
0 AP

2013-06-30, 08:07 PM
Time in Goven's prison was a variable thing. For 10,000 years Goven wept. He was nothing he thought. But Asher would not let him die.The pain, physical and of lost music would last eternal. In time even the hope of Death's release was gone from Goven. Nothing. There was nothing left of the once proud god that had entertained conspiracy against Asher. He was now strong.

You thought you were the front man. You were mistaken. But the music does not need to end. Join us and take the life that was meant for you.

From the shattered Metal Core suspended in the Center, Asher drew a piece and formed it into a mighty Axe. A thousand strings stretched across the instrument. Asher felt his mind shudder as he tried to comprehend what he had made – he tossed it aside before it consumed him. The Silver Tongue could create any music possible. The Iron Axe could create only the sounds of madness and annihilation.

You have seen my wrath; now see my mercy.When you are able to play this, you will be ready again for the world beyond.

Time accelerated within Asher’s belly. It would take time for Goven to learn his new instrument, if it was knowable. Asher tried his. A new song erupted from Asher’s mouth. A song of destruction, of revenge, of retribution, and the one who would destroy the past to make way for the glorious future. It echoed in the souls of all things.

AP: 0+3 rollovers = 3 - 2 (boring creation) = 1

Iron Axe of Annihilation -- Whenever this is played, all mortals that hear go made with rage. Brother will kill brother, mothers will feast on the flesh of their children, and war will rage eternal. It takes a really long time to learn to play the Axe.

For Ten-Thousand years, Goven Wept, without sound and without his own voice. For Ten-Thousand years he was alone - his metal oxidizing and growing green and then brown with rust. He was like a bronze statue submerged in the briny ocean for hundreds of years, his fire dying. There was no passion in his eyes anymore. He was the dark madness that comes from isolation - the slipping sanity that confinement brings. He used to be music. Used to be song. But now he was just refuse floating in a Crystal void within another god. He was not silence. He was just wasted notes.

And then he was given an Iron Axe with Ten Thousand Strings. One string for each year of his captivity. It was beautiful. And terrible. It had been so long since someone had given him a gift. When he was young and full of life someone had once given him a piano. Someone else had given him a drum set made out of a moon! But that was another life.

He strummed the Axe. There was no sound. There was only silence since his soul died. But he felt the music vibrating through the void. It shouldn't and couldn't but it did. There are millions of chords. There are millions of numbers. And everyone forgets the one that is a zero. But without the zero, numbers are just arithmetic. Without the empty chord, music is just noise. This was the sound of the empty cord. This was the sound of silence itself.

For the next Ten Thousand years he practiced. It was all he could do in that darkness within Asher. Anti-Harmonies flew from the Axe and went on to nowhere and forever. There on the brink of madness this thing that could not be called music but was the closest thing to it, saved him from the precept.

Or so he thought

Gain Domain. Loss (Isolation) Gain 6 HP.

2013-07-01, 04:27 PM
Joshua had been still long enough. It was time for another infusion... and perhaps it was time for another... No, not yet. Focusing his attention, Joshua once again accelerated the evolution of life, populating the worlds with many terrestrial creatures, from lizards to insects to the most basic of mammals. But that was not enough. He had so much power built up and it needed to go somewhere.

So Joshua began to create.

He created humans, men that looked like him... er, without the tattoo that glowed and flashed in the dark. Looking at them, he then decided that he could do better and created bigger humans. He called them giants. But they were boring, so he modified them slightly, granting them powers over the elements and magical abilities to protect themselves from harm.

And finally, he created Time, binding the universe into one linear progression.

And he sat back and whistled happily, plans for the future turning in his mind.

AP: 8

-2 Boring Creation: Humans. Just normal, everyday old humans, who can do literally anything if they get their head out of their personal and social problems long enough to realize their potential. Not individually, to be sure, but if they really, really set their minds to it, they could probably invent or believe a god into existence. Oh, right... humans have a powerful "faith" aspect encoded into their genetics, making them natural channels for divine energy.

-2 Boring Creation: Giants (of every element). Like D&D giants of every element. Basically it.

-2 Boring Creation: Time. The Universe is now bound by the laws of time, so things now progress at the same rate as everything else unless a God acts and specifies their actions are altering or acting outside of time.

2013-07-01, 05:19 PM
Elceir's rage was unforgiving. The god stood little chance. He reached out and grabbed the beings throat, and ripped it out. Blood went every where, but it was not enough. The bloodlust was not yet satiated. Elceir threw the god down on the metal planet. He grabbed his arms and pulled them behind his back. He placed a foot on his spine and pulled until the arms were gone.

He took the arms and beat Zamir mercilessly until nothing remained but blood and the arms. He looked down at the metal planet, blood had joined the metal, tainting parts of it red. He noticed one type of metal resisted the blood. Its stream was untouched, any of Zamir's blood that touched it boiled instantly and was gone.

It was then that Elceir began to calm. A new idea formed into his head. He removed the hands from the arm and placed them around the speakers. He started the sphere of speakers spinning, they were bound in place by the hands. As light filtered through the fingers it cast shadows. Elceir took the rest of the arms and stretched them along the cables. The speakers now accepted shed blood as a way of making metal. Each species created a different kind, and the metal sphere of their soul indicated what type of metal it was.

Elceir was left with only bones. He thrust them into the planet of water below, plugging some of the holes. But it also made 4 large white mountains. They were grouped into two main sets, with smaller mountains surrounding them.

If death now creates...more life is needed to allow for more death. Elceir began to create again. First he drew land up from out of the water. The land varied in size, from large continents to chains of islands. One island was composed only of the mountains from the dead god's bones he had thrust into the planet.

Then he removed his second planet from its reflective shield. He desired exact copies. He placed unto the land a great number of humans. He gave them no morals, they hunted the devils and each other alike. This angered the devils. They began to hunt man as well as angles. Unlike the humans though, the devils could identify different groups of humans. They hunted only those that hunted the devils. Still beings of mercy, they never hunted these bands into extinction. Instead they left enough alive to repopulate, always hoping that the culling would change the humans ways.

Elceir placed the planet back into its reflective shield. He created more life, this time great beings that swam through the water. They had short blunt teeth and relied on eating scraps. He called these beings whales. Their opposite was dinosaurs. He created a multitude of fish, immune to the harsh water. Their opposite was woodland creatures. He removed the planet from its shield again. He drew each species from the two planets, and placed them all unto the opposite planet from their origin. This doubled the land dwellers on the 2nd planet.

Content for now, Elceir returned his 2nd planet to its shield once again.

10 AP
-2 AP Create Land/Water
-2 AP Create Whales
-2 AP Create Dinosaurs
-2 AP Create Fish
-2 AP Create woodland creatures
0 AP

2013-07-02, 10:16 AM
Kararet turned to the planet, soaring past the Gate of the Shaper. Looking down on the Shapeless, he discovered that they were fighting among themselves, not capable of getting anything done. Angry, he swooped down upon them and demanded, in a voice that resounded across the planet, that they stop fighting. Endowing the first Shapeless with a shard of divine power, Kararet proclaimed it to be the king, and told it to choose its advisors.

2 AP (before rollover)
Boring Creation: Shapeless society
0 APLife (Protection)

2013-07-03, 01:31 PM
Mr. Flame

In the middle of space, in the core of the sun, a new god was formed out of heat energy. Ignis Flame had awoken. His legacy of destruction would shatter the cosmos. He awoke with a bang; In his first moment, he set fire to the governing force of progression. Chaos ensues. This monstrous god had an appetite that would not be sated by mere concepts. With Time out of the way, he could see his main course. As some events, even worlds are different in their relative time's now, and some events even take place backwards, Mr. Flame fed off of the echos, as it prepared to consume it's next meal.

He sought after the slowest moving target first to feed his flames. He lauched a fireball in Heathrow's general direction.

Starting AP:5
Awesome Destruction: -1 Time has been immolated; You heard it, time is on fire, and ceasing to function uniformly throughout the universe. Faster and slower in some places, and even backwards for some.
I would like to initiate RCR with AgentIndy.

2013-07-03, 05:05 PM
Elceir sat and studied. He had killed another god, now a strange feeling washed over him as if he had absorbed part of the god in the killing. He looked at the metal planet, the blood running through it. He gained a shimmer of clarity. He understood what the dead one had wanted. He would gift him this, he would allow this 1 thing for his dead brethren.

He created them, but he removed their god's seeming weakness. He created beings of the dark. They would resemble humans. They had longer fangs that could be retracted. They could float and levitate themselves. They could not fly, however they could reach heights of 30' vertically and needed no ground to walk upon. They were born from the blood of combat, thus they would always thirst for more blood. It would sustain them. They would fall upon their victims and drink their blood.

But what would it be if these dark ones had no feed. He made them food, food that would thrive on its own and fight the dark ones to survive.

4 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Vampires. They are not weak to silver.
-2 AP Boring Creation: Humans
0 AP

2013-07-03, 09:53 PM
Elceir sat and studied. He had killed another god, now a strange feeling washed over him as if he had absorbed part of the god in the killing. He looked at the metal planet, the blood running through it. He gained a shimmer of clarity. He understood what the dead one had wanted. He would gift him this, he would allow this 1 thing for his dead brethren.

He created them, but he removed their god's seeming weakness. He created beings of the dark. They would resemble humans. They had longer fangs that could be retracted. They could float and levitate themselves. They could not fly, however they could reach heights of 30' vertically and needed no ground to walk upon. They were born from the blood of combat, thus they would always thirst for more blood. It would sustain them. They would fall upon their victims and drink their blood.

But what would it be if these dark ones had no feed. He made them food, food that would thrive on its own and fight the dark ones to survive.

4 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Vampires. They are not weak to silver.
-2 AP Boring Creation: Humans
0 AP

Irony, thou art a cruel mistress

These, "Vampires," were overpowered, and feeding on the weak, which made Mr. Flame, who sends a cloud of sparks over them, very angry. The sparks grew, and seared the living flesh from the vampires inside out. Forevermore, they will be charred at the smallest flame, and seared whenever making physical contact with a particular metal, known as silver. This did not seem like enough, so Mr. Flame burned their defenses to ashes, and let them decide to go into hiding for fear of their new most debilitating weakness. Humans can cause them to burst into flames, merely by staring at them for about 15 seconds. Their forms mutate so that they are barely recognizable as humanoid, more akin to monstrous fiends.

Starting AP: 4
Awesome Destruction: -1 Vampires are now seared by silver, very weak to fire, and spontaneously combust if stared at by a human for about 15 seconds. Their forms mutate to fiendish shadows of what they once were, barely humanoid.
Ending AP: 3

2013-07-04, 09:10 AM
Chemosh smiled as he started creating again. First he created a society for his people seeing that seemed to be all the rage. Next he created a giant world to be a school for learning the magic he had given everything else. Next he decided to add some other forms of magic just so he could name it. Protectomancy, Formomancy, Fakomancy and Predictomancy...he gave it to all the creatures to learn and use. Creation was always an interesting way to break the monotony of being a god. Another god fight was in progress but after a while they got dull like everything else and he ignored it.

Forgot to spend ap so I have a massive amount now. I think 10. I made the, illusion, transmutation, abjuration and divination schools.

Hank McBadass
2013-07-05, 12:00 AM
Asher shrouded himself in a new cloak formed of his utter victory over the Tyrant and Goven. This universe was his for the taking, until the heir of the creator took his prize.

The Suicide Crown clicked upon his head, reminding him of his place in this universe. He might not be the victor, but his would be utter victory@

The universe bent to his will; space was nothing to Asher -- and Asher appeared before Kararet while simultaneously filling the thousands of light year span of the center.

One who will conquer all: Look what I have brought for our cause!

Black fluid spewed from Asher. Goven appeared on the plane, or the pitiful remnants of him.

10 AP - 3 AP gain domain = 7 AP

Domain -- Destiny (Kings)

2013-07-05, 08:36 AM
Asher shrouded himself in a new cloak formed of his utter victory over the Tyrant and Goven. This universe was his for the taking, until the heir of the creator took his prize.

The Suicide Crown clicked upon his head, reminding him of his place in this universe. He might not be the victor, but his would be utter victory@

The universe bent to his will; space was nothing to Asher -- and Asher appeared before Kararet while simultaneously filling the thousands of light year span of the center.

One who will conquer all: Look what I have brought for our cause!

Black fluid spewed from Asher. Goven appeared on the plane, or the pitiful remnants of him.

10 AP - 3 AP gain domain = 7 AP

Domain -- Destiny (Kings)

Goven appeared - brown and green with rust and oxidation. He was colored verdigris, as if weathered and exposed to air or seawater over a period of time. As if acid was dripped over him for twenty thousand years. And in his hands was the Terrible Axe. A thousand strings, and each note a little Death.

The black oil receeded, and Goven stood kneeling in front of the God of Hate and The God of last Wishes. And he played a song for them. The strings spoke of nothing - the deep abyss of lonliness and isolation - they weaved together a song that cried. It was mortal song. One that spoke of endings.

As the strings played, all the metal souls made by goven that were free of their flesh prisons gravitated towards the center of the universe, and once there - around Asher and Kararet they began to meld and fuse together until they became a vast tower. The tower was so huge that it stretched through any possible other world - it was the hub of the universe - all the universes - and it was built brick by brick with the souls of mortals.

The Three gods found themselves at the very pinnacle of the tower - a throne room designed for one king - there was only one Throne. And guarding that throne - surrounding the tower the string wrought a terrible pressence of metallic beings, made of swords and only swords, hands of swords and eyes of swords and souls of swords. These were the Sworn Sword Sons of the Throne. Power denizens of the Tower of God, who would act as the god's agents.

Goven kept on playing his music as the Sworn Sword Sons of the Throne began to salute. Time was on fire, Music was dead, the Tower has risen. And Goven was broken.

10 AP

-2 The Tower of God: a vast tower in the center of the universe
-2 Afterlife for metal souls: overridding whatever the afterlife before this was - all metal souls gravitate towards the center to add their essence and material towards the Tower of God.
-2 Sworn Sword Sons of the Throne: basically they are inevitables made of swords and their only programming is to follow whatever anyone on the throne says.

6 AP

2013-07-05, 08:50 AM
Chemosh frowned, someone was trying to steal his souls. He shrugged and simply decided to do something he had always wanted to do. He made a second invisible and sizeless soul for his minions to collect and count. This way that person could have his souls and he had an easy way to count and to give the souls to his followers for resurrection. This actually freed up quite a lot of space for him. That was a bit of fun and the academy was learning uses for his magic and their growth made him happy.

+2 from roll over-2 from splitting souls in half and sharing with Goven.

2013-07-05, 09:16 AM
He had too much power stored up... It was time to create again. With a wistful sight, Joshua looked to his Phoenixes and thought to himself, I can do better. But he would need a new star to do so.

And so he imagined the single hottest thing in all the universe. It burned so brightly that it literally burned away all light and matter that might have been on it. It was a black star, made of the purest of all energies in a constantly turning mass. Hydrogen was not its main component, hydrogen could not dream of being so hot. Instead, this star just was, inevitable as both life and death. And it would never, ever, burn out.

Unfortunately, it also burned too brightly for a soul, both physical and non, to survive on it, so Joshua had to execute this next step perfectly. From this fire he crafted a single Phoenix, one that survived in much the same way as the star itself. Of course, if something could get close enough to the bird to harm it, the bird could die... but as of now no mortal in the universe was equipped for such a task. Then Joshua sighed and multiplied his creation, making five such stars and birds that were scattered throughout the Universe.

That should be enough for now, though yet another idea had begun to turn in his mind... save that for later. For now, it was time to sit down and wait. And try to figure out a way to fix a broken God.

AP: 2

+8 Rollover

-2 Black Star: Read the above post to see the full description, but a star that cannot be seen normally that never runs out of fuel. Nothing made by mortal hands can get close enough to observe it. Each star is the host to a single Black Phoenix.

-2 Black Phoenix: Again, read the above post. This Phoenix is like the others with a few minor differences. One, it cannot be reborn, as its body burns too brightly to possess a soul. Two, it does not die of age, as the same energy that fuels the Black Star is what fuels the bird. Three, it burns so brightly that even other Phoenixes are damaged by it. It is not a bird you want to be around.

-2 Replication: There are 5 Black Stars in the Universe, far, far away from all other astral bodies. This is for the good of the other worlds and stars, as you might imagine.

2013-07-05, 10:34 AM
Elceir regarded this new god of flame with a cool gaze. He was too young to have witnessed what happened to the last god subject to Elceir's wrath. Though he seemed keen on interrupting Elceir's work. It was a lesson to be taught another day. The modifications made by the fool put his gift to the god of night at risk. Such things would not stand. He made new life for the vampires to hunt. They were shorter and rounder than the humans. They were more resilient to the vampires attacks to make up for their decreased speed. He placed them onto the planets. These beings would work for food on either of his planets, yet their ability to tunnel into the ground might just yet save them.

4 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Dwarves
2 AP

2013-07-05, 02:12 PM
Remember that in this universe there was no sound at all. Sound itself was shredded and laid broken on the floor by the hand of the Great Glass Dragon. When the God of music had been whole he only cared about the music - the song of life and had gifted each mortal with a physical metal soul that laid within their flesh. He had done thus, so that mortal may be able to talk and hear each other - or at least have their voices resonate in their souls. Literally.

Then when he had been ingested and regurgitated by the God of Last Wishes, he willed those souls which he made, to return to serve his new master. The God of Undeath who had until then taken the burden of collecting the metal souls for his own world of flesh - cleaved them in two - the physical soul and the etheral soul. And Goven allowed it, for only the physical resonated the music of life; and despite his changes, the God of Music only cared for the material.

But when the God of Giants and Mortals smashed his beloved breathens' souls into five parts, the consequences were not what he was expecting. But he was a young god, not used to making mistakes. The souls resonated the music of life - the music of community and ones surrounding. To break that music into five physical peices before death? Five conflicting songs in the soul of a mortal? Insanity.

And that is exactly what happened. The Giants on their world would turn on each other. They went mad, hearing voice from the past, from the future, from other lives and lives that might have could have been and never were. They took each other and ripped out their eyes, they stranggled and beat each other with broken hands. They feasted upon their own flesh and the flesh of their brothers and sister. They were broken by their own God.

Eventually the destruction and mayhem stopped - but only because the giants that remained. The very few giants that had remained were all alone and too deep into madness to go looking for each other. And on their planet the giants once a proud species had become a rarity. But perhaps like the Angels before them - the giants could survive and live past this apocalypse. For they were a young race, and the older races have survived far worse.

4 AP

Destruction: Giants Go Crazy from having their very souls split into 5 peices and kill each other and everything around them. Very few giants survive. Lets say one hundred and five :smallwink:

3 AP left

2013-07-05, 02:37 PM
As Kararet stood before the God of Last Wishes and the God of Loneliness, he felt the hate condense around them, the souls bringing it in waves of fury like he had never felt before, and he laughed. Laughed as the shattered creature who once ruled music itself brought into being creatures of pain and death with swords as their very souls. Laughed as, very slowly, the universe began its slow unraveling, beginning with the destruction of Time itself and the utter insanity that started with the Giants and spread as a malevolent plague. Laughed... and then stopped, abruptly, turning maddened eyes to the others. "It is good! But there are those who would wish to take it from us," he said to Asher. "We must destroy them afore they can do the same to us. Who shall be the next to know the glory of our reign?"

8 AP
Boring Creation: The Madness of the Shattered Souls begins to spread across the Web, attacking every creature's soul and breaking it, inducing the madness that Mystic described in every creature it encounters.
6 AP

2013-07-05, 07:55 PM
As he continued leasing loose his fire on Heathrows, Mr. Flame consumed each part of Heathrows that was burned, and fueled a brighter, fuller flame. The flames grew to take on form and shape. New creatures made of flame that can not be extinguished grew. The essence of fire itself, personified. And a new place in the cosmos would form, where fire is everywhere and could not be extinguished. These Fire elementals, if slain, would return here, where they will return to full health, and be able to teleport to anywhere where there is even a little fire, anywhere in the cosmos. And thus the plane of elemental fire had formed. Their battle was almost at an end when Mr. Flame received a secret message from Terrus. Mr. Flame threw flames up and down the parchment, leaving a reply charred into the paper itself, and returned it to Terrus.

I don't imply that AgentIndy is dead yet, he has until 2:30 pm tomorrow to post in answer to my challenge before he loses by proxy. I do imply that I am winning, but it has no crunch to it.
Starting AP: 3
2 days rollover: +2
-2 Boring creation, Fire elementals; Not much explanation needed, except that they are hungry for everything flamable.
-2 Boring creation, The plane of Elemental Fire. When slain or destroyed, Fire elementals return here. This does imply that you must destroy the plane of elemental fire first, because if you destroyed the fire elementals, they would respawn. Here, they can regenerate, and teleport to anywhere where there is fire. If that is too much, I can drop some things. It might be too much.
Remaining AP: 1

2013-07-06, 02:26 AM
Shah Sherad is rather self-absorbed

Even as the Universe around him succumbed to burning of time itself, Shah Sherad cared not. It held no meaning for him, there was nothing within it that he cared about, nothing that he desired to protect. Truly he was alone. Countless billion stars, planets beyond counting, yet no creature to serve as a fitting companion. Not even something that would make a suitable pet.
But still... He searched every one. He would find one of his kind, even if reality had to be ground to dust...

Starting AP: 10
Boring Creation: The Empty Quarter
One quarter of the Universe is now lifeless, each planet having been visited by the tempest that is Shah Sherad in his search for companionship and scoured clean by fire and glass.

Finally beginning to tire, he floated toward the centre of creation. Odd... There was a tower that was not there before, and he sense that others were there. Still, they meant nothing to him. He merely wanted to rest and the metal structure looked the perfect spot.
His wings wreathed in flames and trailing a cloud of glass needles, he descended to the highest level and alighted on the throne. Gold and jewels were the proper bed for a dragon, but none were available and a throne would do nicely...
Completely ignorant of whosoever was witness to this strange turn of events, Shah Sherad curled up on the throne as it expanded in size to properly fit him, and fires sprang up behind it to keep him warm.

Boring Creation: The Fires of Authority
Unable to be extinguished, these white flames keep the pinnacle at the perfect temperature for a napping dragon.

Remaining AP: 6

2013-07-06, 10:39 AM
But as the madness swirled around the Web, it grew in power, becoming such that even the rune of the planet god and the mirror that reflected it could not withstand its onslaught, and they twisted, becoming inverse to what they once were, increasing the power of the insane fury that overtook every creature.

8 AP
Boring Creation: The Mark of Ma'at becomes the Mark of Isfet, amplifying the force of the madness upon all.
Boring Creation: The Mirror of Inversion becomes the Mirror of Madness, inverting only sanity and goodness while enhancing chaos and destruction.
4 AP

Hank McBadass
2013-07-06, 01:29 PM
Asher convulsed. The insolence! The Glass Dragon was loafing on the throne without a care in the world. It was . . . unimaginable!

You . . . Dragon . . . Get off! Shoo!

Righteous anger flowed from Asher it was not the Dragon who should set on the throne! Or at least Asher didn’t think it was. It filled the Center, and the Web dispersed it, and at the broken connections, spewed it throughout the universe. A new thoughts filled mortal’s hearts and reverberated in their souls: Kingly Right and War!

Throughout the universe, some few were selected as those with the right to rule. It was there right! And they, and those who recognized their claim, were willing to kill – to kill everything – for that claim. Because of the madness overtaking them, they were willing to destroy the kingdom to take the throne. Even the Phoenixes, who avoided Asher's web when possible, were not immune.

AP – 7 + 2 (7/5) + 2(7/6) = 10 (cap :smallfrown:)

-2 Boring Creation: Divine Right of Kings (Every mortal race now recognizes the right of an individual with divinely appointed right to rule)

-2 Boring Creation: Claim Disputes (From time to time there will be conflicting claims on thrones or competing claims to territory. Claims do not expire at defeat or conquest. This basically assures there will be more or less constant warfare with only brief periods of peace.)

= 6 AP

Given the madness that overcoming Mortals, they are not worried about destroying the kingdom to claim the throne.

Asher stopped. The Web. It had been broken. The spewing, irritated anger he felt at the Dragon was replaced with white rage. Was it hot or cold? Asher didn't know. Joshua might even call it so hot that it went dark. Asher's mind had set him against the Tyrant and enslaved Goven, but now his spirit called him to do worse things to this upstart who had destroyed the Web, the mighy monument to the great destruction that had come before.

Let us see about this intruder first. It probably knows not what it does. Perhaps it can be reasoned with. Then I know exactly who we should humble before our glory.

Asher looked across the universe straight to this puny, upstart Terrus. Just a whisper rang out, but the Silver Tongue of the Musician made it terrible in its fury.


2013-07-06, 02:16 PM
The madness filled the cosmos, and this was good. But still there weee a few minds untouched by the insanity, and this was not. So Kararet took his weapon in hand and drove it into his newly created mirror. Shards of pure madness exploded outwards, leaving just a piece of the mirror orbiting the god's planet. He gathered the shards with a sweep of a great arm, and with a flick of his wrist, the storm of shards cut through space and slammed into the planet of Chemosh, each finding a mind and burrowing insidiously in. And slowly, the great and terrible madness overtook them too.

4 AP
Boring Creation: All undead are affected by the madness.
2 AP

Hank McBadass
2013-07-06, 02:58 PM
Asher looked with contempt at the young god. Asher’s nephew? As if a mortal could ever claim relation to Asher . . . except one. A crust formed over Asher’s molten rage.

You are not the enemy – It is Joshua who is the enemy of us all and the heritage that the Creator wanted to give us. You probably don’t know what you’ve done, do you?

One of Asher’s eight arms reached out toward Terrus. Can you hear her? Of course the god could if he chose to listen: the sounds of pain, of sadness, of betrayal. The sounds of Asher’s daughter crying. The sounds of a broken web. Who would have listened before?

I’ve hidden her from the gods to protect her from those who would hurt me through her – from Joshua. I thought as long as I kept the Center safe, she would be safe. But you struck her deep. One day she was to serve as the gateway between worlds, now that is gone to her.

The Silver Tongue of the Musician played in the former mortal soul. Persuasive as it was to other gods, it was irresistible to mortals. Would Terrus look hard at Asher's claim with all his godly facilities? Would he look to the past and see that the Web was not alive until Asher’s first words? Asher would not give him the chances.

If you are honorable, do as you say and right your wrongs. If you are in leagues with Joshua, then I will not expect much from you, but tell me now so that I might help her. But whatever you do, do not cross me!

Asher’s rage boiled up again.

6AP - 2 = 4

Boring Creation: The Web is now a living thing. Things that are nice to it and bring it sacrifices (preferably living) can travel on it. The web is a growing girl, so she needs a lot of food for long trips or a sacrifice of sentient life. She particularly likes phoenixes. I will be RPing her and mortals using her from time to time, especially if Asher gets killed.

2013-07-06, 03:54 PM
Chemosh frowned at the madness going around. He would have ignored the madness but it spread to the undead and he couldn't let that happen. It could spread to his plane or even the academy. Time to make an ultra specific spell to take this out...at least in the magic heavy society like the Beloved had.

Making a weak spell that cures madness in Chemosh's creations. It is another part of Chemoshmancy and a level 1 spell

+2 ap (possibly another +2)-2 ap from creating the spell

2013-07-06, 04:29 PM
At last, the battle between Mr. Flame and Heathrow came to an end. Though Heathrow fought valiantly, he was consumed by the flames. Heathrow, upon defeat, was seeded with flames, fire would burn off of him until his divine power ran out, a very long lasting fuel source. Heathrow is dead enough that he could not regain power, as his godly figure feeds a fire that will burn incessantly, not until the end of time, since time itself has been immolated. He is not gone, however, as the power of a god takes a long time to burn up. Mr. Flame banished this now burning corpse to the plane of elemental fire, where it would feed the fire elementals, and the energy of the plane itself.

Mr. Flame was satisfied with this feast of power, and to celebrate, he unleashed a mighty belch of flames, revealing to all his power. It felt good, winning, like walking on water. His hunger grew.

Heathrow is dead, I don't care for domains that don't count for anything, and since i destroyed time, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to take the time manipulation domain. If possible, the death method on the table should say, "Burned by Mr. Flame."
Starting AP: 1
+1 rollover
Remaining AP: 2

2013-07-06, 06:09 PM
Goven stood playing low notes on the Iron Axe of Annihilation. When the glass dragon landed upon the throne, and lit the white fires of authority the old fire that burned within Goven flared briefly but subsided back into his rusted skin. He looked towards his master and saw him annoyed. Annoyed? The Asher Goven knew for the last twenty thousand years he dwelt within him would not let such a blaspheme exist if the Glass Dragon was not the creators heir. He wasn't that much was clear.

Goven always assumed that it was the God of Hate which Asher had chosen. . .

But regardless . . . what has become of Asher to let such a transgression go?! Thinking of his own past transgression against the god, he clenched his hand till mercury ran from his veins over the Iron Axe. His crimes were not even a fracture of Shah Sherad! And then this new born fledging god transgresses and is given the choice to submit?! What! And blesed be the god of Hate who stood so near to Goven at that moment, for hate flowed through him - but not at Asher, for that hatred had long been quieted in the dark eons he spent alone - but at the breaker of music, the destroyer of sound.

And so he raised his rusted hand and brought it down against all thousand strings of the Axe, a sound intended to break the proud dragon!

Ap 5

[roll0] (+2 from ability and +5 from AP)

AP 0

2013-07-06, 06:48 PM
Strengthened by the madness and hatred which flowed through the universe, Kararet simply raised a hand and the hatred, pain and suffering that flowed out from the attack changed direction, turning back on Shah Sherad. Laughing, he channeled the agony such an attack produced back into the loop, and its powwr thickened.

2 AP
Boring Creation: The Loop of Infinite Agony. Attacking Shah Sherad: [roll0]
0 AP

Hank McBadass
2013-07-06, 08:22 PM
Asher did not approve of Goven’s actions. Perhaps the dragon could have been made into an ally against Joshua, but perhaps not. Goven’s attack might have been the right course of action. But it was not Goven’s place to lead. He would be punished.

AP correction -- 0 remaining.

2013-07-07, 09:13 AM
Joshua felt around the life of the univers and staggered back under the weight and fury of the madness he found there. So much pain... so much agony... so much suffering. He had to fix it, had to end it, it had to stop! Stop before everything was destroyed. He reached out a hand and-



He would not be a cleanup man again. He would not fix a mess only to have it come back, worse. He was done with this. Enough! "Enough." The whisper was all the warning that there was to give.

Everything else happened in an instant.


"Elcier, you already slayed one God, help me destroy one that threatens every one of your creations now." Joshua whispered to the old God, who had created silently as others destroyed. "Help me end Kararet, and save your creations."


He was only next to the God of Undeath for a moment or two when he whispered, "Chemosh, though you have saved your undead for now, we both know it will not last. Though Asher might be no threat to you, the god of Suffering will not rest until he has crushed the very existence of your creation into dust under the weight of suffering and madness. You cannot talk to him or plead a case, for he does not care about anything but the propagation of pain. Please realize, he must be destroyed, for the sake of the living, the dead and even your undead."


"God of Fire, you are new to this world and I do not expect you to care about what has happened and what is happening, but I do exxpect that you care about beings of fire. Yes? Good. Help me burn the God of Suffering to Ash, and the Phoenix are yours to do with as you please." A simple message, hopefully an effective one. Then Joshua was gone once more, still in that single instant...


"Aneros, it is time to avenge your Angels. Help me slay the God of Pain, and the madness shall be dealt with." The next part was the hard request, "And please, help the Chrystal Dragon. I cannot fight three gods on my own." As much as it pained him to help someone fight Goven, he could not do anything else. This was the only option left open to him. And Joshua finally moved on to the last God he could count on...


The protector of the Angels was easy to find. "My lady, I and your Father's creation needs your help. The angels are consumed with Madness and suffering, and the now dwindle at the twilight of their life. I need your strength to help me slay the monster that attempts to destroy them. Please, lend that to me just this once." Yes, that was it.

Now it was time to attack.


"Enough." It was the only warning Joshua gave as he appeared, lunging and lashing out at Karaket with all but a small scrap of his power. This he used to forge an amulet about his neck, which glowed a pure silver and strengthened the rune on his body all the more. Using the left over energy from this creation, he erected an energy field in between the Dragon and her attackers before his form shifted, and Joshua, as a dragon himself, swept out to bite the god of Suffering in half.

4 AP

+4 Rollovers

-2 Boring creation: Amulet of Protection. Gives Joshua +1 to his defense (that's basically it). This is used to add to the Dragon's defense roll as well.
-6: Add to +6 attack.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Added defense: [roll1]

2013-07-07, 09:28 AM
Elceir watched the other gods start their battle. Now would be the time then.

He made small creatures. They were humanish in looks, but much shorter. They were far luckier too, and excelled at fighting against those larger than them. They did not seek out combat but they did not shy away from it either. They were quick, relying on multiple fast attacks over brute strength.

As Elceir finished his work he felt it. He was growing. He liked it.

6 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Halflings
-3 AP Gain Domain: Nature(Plants) +2 Attack
1 AP

2013-07-07, 10:52 AM
Joshua felt around the life of the univers and staggered back under the weight and fury of the madness he found there. So much pain... so much agony... so much suffering. He had to fix it, had to end it, it had to stop! Stop before everything was destroyed. He reached out a hand and-



He would not be a cleanup man again. He would not fix a mess only to have it come back, worse. He was done with this. Enough! "Enough." The whisper was all the warning that there was to give.

Everything else happened in an instant.


"Elcier, you already slayed one God, help me destroy one that threatens every one of your creations now." Joshua whispered to the old God, who had created silently as others destroyed. "Help me end Kararet, and save your creations."


He was only next to the God of Undeath for a moment or two when he whispered, "Chemosh, though you have saved your undead for now, we both know it will not last. Though Asher might be no threat to you, the god of Suffering will not rest until he has crushed the very existence of your creation into dust under the weight of suffering and madness. You cannot talk to him or plead a case, for he does not care about anything but the propagation of pain. Please realize, he must be destroyed, for the sake of the living, the dead and even your undead."


"God of Fire, you are new to this world and I do not expect you to care about what has happened and what is happening, but I do exxpect that you care about beings of fire. Yes? Good. Help me burn the God of Suffering to Ash, and the Phoenix are yours to do with as you please." A simple message, hopefully an effective one. Then Joshua was gone once more, still in that single instant...


"Aneros, it is time to avenge your Angels. Help me slay the God of Pain, and the madness shall be dealt with." The next part was the hard request, "And please, help the Chrystal Dragon. I cannot fight three gods on my own." As much as it pained him to help someone fight Goven, he could not do anything else. This was the only option left open to him. And Joshua finally moved on to the last God he could count on...


The protector of the Angels was easy to find. "My lady, I and your Father's creation needs your help. The angels are consumed with Madness and suffering, and the now dwindle at the twilight of their life. I need your strength to help me slay the monster that attempts to destroy them. Please, lend that to me just this once." Yes, that was it.

Now it was time to attack.


"Enough." It was the only warning Joshua gave as he appeared, lunging and lashing out at Karaket with all but a small scrap of his power. This he used to forge an amulet about his neck, which glowed a pure silver and strengthened the rune on his body all the more. Using the left over energy from this creation, he erected an energy field in between the Dragon and her attackers before his form shifted, and Joshua, as a dragon himself, swept out to bite the god of Suffering in half.

4 AP

+4 Rollovers

-2 Boring creation: Amulet of Protection. Gives Joshua +1 to his defense (that's basically it). This is used to add to the Dragon's defense roll as well.
-6: Add to +6 attack.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Added defense: [roll1]

Mr. Flame was pleased with this opportunity to put his flames to work. He would like the new toys he could pick up, pheonixes. Mr. Flame joined on this fillet of the fallen knight of madness. With a barange of fireballs and sticky magma.
Starting AP:2
Boring creation: mr. Flame assaulted kararet by coming to Joshua's aid.
Ending AP: 1

2013-07-07, 11:15 AM
Chemosh frowned as Joshua ran off trying to solve problems through violence yet again. Though he had to admit for once they did seem to be right. There was little reasoning with the mad and maybe they did have to be stopped but rushing off helped no one. He should have gathered his power and waited, destroyers always stagnated and more time could have only benefitted the fight. Well he wasn't going to rush off without preparing first. He gained strength as he waited and watched.

0 ap+2 ap from rollover +2 ap that I missed-3 gaining domain Power (Magic) +2 to defence=1ap

2013-07-07, 01:07 PM
Tumbling from the moment of his birth through a vain of broken time, Bravo could see it all. The death of time and sound. The spreading of plague and beasts of pure horror. The destruction of stars.

But as he watched Kararet, supposed thing of vengeance agonizing the minds of mortals who had done him no wrong other then daring to exist...

Joshua had the right of it, "Yes... Enough..." he said in a whisper.

He was there in an instant, a bolt of silver crashing into The Dagger's Venom head long, driving the Hate God inexorably into the fanged wrath of life itself.

"Oathborn," he cried, "I revoke your right to Hope, there shall be no escape!"

Awesome Destruction -3 joinign fight with bonus damage.
[roll0] Dog-piling Kararet
Remaining AP:2

Hank McBadass
2013-07-07, 09:39 PM
Asher watched the consequence of Goven’s actions.

As I thought. Some level of tact was necessary.

Asher grabbed Goven by the neck and was off, away from the center. As he left he sent a parting shot. Asher didn’t want to fight, but he could not let one survive that stood against him. Death, that force to which all will succumb, was called onto the Glass Dragon. To the farthest reaches of existence Asher fled, where nothing, not even the Web, existed.

0 AP+ 2AP = 2AP - 2 boring creation (attack Glass Dragon) = 0


2013-07-08, 08:37 PM
Elceir watched the divine combat taking place. He knew it wouldn't be long before the combat spilled over and targeted other gods. He prepared himself.

He touched his cloak and infused it with a small portion of his own power. It seemed to grow, cloaking his form even more.

4 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Cloak of shadows +Defense

2013-07-09, 03:54 AM
Upon the Throne Sits the Greatest of Creatures, But Not the Greatest of Gods

Shah Sherad opened one eye and looked at the irritable deity before him. Though silence still reigned supreme in the Universe, the Glass Dragon was not the kind to let that get in the way of understanding exactly what grievance was being brought to his attention. But it was unimportant, so he fixated instead on another matter. Treasure.
"Why do you wear that Fool's Bauble as your crown?"

And then it happened. Sound. Sound so violent, so pure, it broke through the silence like a knife through a sheet of felt. There'd be time to quiz the Angry One with the Stupid Crown after he'd gotten out of the way.
Ow! Sherad! Pain! Pain everywhere... The Loud One had a friend. Damnation!
Glass... Cracking... It took all he could to withstand this attack, and he doubted he would be able to.
A reprieve. Fascinating. But more importantly, extremely helpful.
Shah Sherad rose to his full height and addressed those before him.
He absorbed the bolt of energy from Asher and spread his wings, forming a barrier of crystalline glass. As he did so, great quantities of Inevitables rose up from the tower to shield their interim king from harm, adding their substance, however temporary, to the wall.
With the few seconds provided by this barrier, Sherad looked within himself for the requisite energies to turn back the destructive forces he had absorbed from Asher, without his triumph, they would destroy him. Using his soul, his very essence, he turned back time itself.
Health, vitality... The vigour of a youngling... Shielded by the aftermath of birth...

Starting AP: 8
Boring Creation: Gain +3 health. Shah Sherad turns back time to an age where he possessed a greater amount of vitality. In essence, he de-ages himself to when he was shiny and new.

Boring Creation: Add to defence. Shah Sherad raises a crystalline wall to keep back the attacks sent against him by his foes.

Boring Creation: Add to defence. Shah Sherad temporarily fuses the Sworn Sword Sons of the Sword to the wall to make it stronger.

Boring Creation: Add to defence. Shah Sherad's body fills with rampant energies. Far from harming him, they counteract the destructive energy sent against him.

Okay... Here we go. I'm on negative five health. I've added three to defence, which would bring me to negative two. I must now proceed to roll a three.


2013-07-09, 06:11 AM
Mr. Flame was not finished; Wasn't it Goven who started this all? The power to start a war between so many gods. . . Would be mine. Mr. Flame wreathed flames over Goven, in attempt to burn him to the ground, and take his power. Mr. Flame attacks!.

Starting AP:1
2 rollovers: +2
Boring creation: attacking Goven during a fight between Goven and Shad Sharad.
Ending AP: 1

2013-07-09, 06:47 AM
What do you know... That actually worked

Having managed, somehow, to weather the attacks sent against him, Shah Sherad turned on his attacker. That accursed God of Noise! Had it not been so omnipresent and so loud, he wouldn't have had to destroy it.
Roaring, albeit silently, Shah Sherad sent a blast of white hot flame at Goven, shattering his walls and barriers and impregnating the blast of flame with shards of molten metal and glass. This struck at Goven with all the fury of a burning star that refused to be extinguished for eternity.

Attack roll: [roll0]

(+2 is from my domain)

Lady Serpentine
2013-07-09, 07:08 AM
A woman dressed in form-fitting leather, covered in gnawed, bloody, bones steps from the air near the fighting, a burning, blackened, blade in her hands, a swarm of strange shapes, terrible and lovely in equal measure, visible through the rent in existence that she had torn... And, on seeing Asher fleeing after launching a last attack on Shah Sherad, she speaks, smoke and ash billowing forth as she does.

"For your flight I name you Coward."

With that, she points the blade at his back, sending a vicious bolt of hellfire, corrosive and white-hot, capable of burning through nearly anything, and infused with the myriad torments of those in her hell, as well as the essence of a Pride demon, to claw at Asher's mind, at the death god.

Boring Creation - Corruption (-2 AP): A blackened blade covered in flames that generate a surprising amount of oily smoke, Corruption feeds on the wrongs done by anyone struck with it. (+1 Attack)

Awesome Destruction - +3 to attack (-3 AP): Channel a bolt of hellfire through Corruption to blast Asher.

[roll0] (+2 from Hell (Debasement), +1 from Corruption, +3 from burning three AP on Awesome Destructions.)

Edit: Ought to be at 1 AP right now, as this has been sitting there due to being unable to actually post since yesterday morning.

2013-07-09, 07:19 AM
Chemosh watched the fighting with interest. So much stuff happened and he wasn't sure how to keep up with it. It did however give him an idea for a class of spell...destroymancy. While he was at it he made Summonmancy but there wasn't much too actually summon with it. Then he went back to watching the fights with interest. These were always so entertaining even if they were a waste of power.

1+6 ap from rollovers -4 ap from creating evocation and conjuration for 3ap (Done before days rollover)

2013-07-09, 09:28 AM
Joshua's jaws snapped down with brutal efficiency. Though it did not actually snap the God of Suffering in half, it did, along with the attacks of the Knight and Mr. Flame, ended any resistance Kararet may have had before it began. But the god in his maw was not finished yet. Joshua's teeth began to glow with divine energy, crackling and stripping Kararet's divinity from him as the God of Life shook his head from side to side, Joshua threw the broken god against the wall, which made a sickening crunch as the body of a fallen deity impacted it.

And still, even without his divine energies, which crackled in Joshua's draconic mouth, and despite his massive injuries, Kararet still was not dead. That would be too easy.

Joshua tasted the God's domains, to see what all the hubub was all about. The taste of Suffering was bitter, horrible and just downright unappetizing. No, that one was not even going to be considered. The taste of retribution and hate on the other hand... Oh, that was good. So very, very good. Why not absorb it and use it to give Kararet exactly what he deserves? Why not just take it as his own? Why not sink to his level? A voice asked Joshua sarcastically.

And Joshua knew that he could not do it.

But Kararet would know the suffering he had caused.

It was a simple creation, one that was elegant and incredibly basic in design. It kept Kararet in the middle, and then from the universe it drained suffering, madness and hatred in massive amounts and channeled it directly into the God of Suffering's body. And without his divine protections, Kararet did not absorb the suffering. No, for the first time he felt it. And he did not even have the ability to scream, which was a pity, because it was designed to destroy itself and everything within it the instant Kararet begged for an end. Something else about the sphere that Kararet was trapped in... it accelerated time so that every second in the real world felt like a century in there.

It continued to take the hatred and suffering in for ten seconds, draining all but the smallest scraps from the Universe... and then Kararet finally whispered, "Please, no more." And like that, it was over. The sphere collapsed, obliterating the hatred and Kararet's broken body, ending the God of Suffering an all of his madness with a faint, choked off scream.


And Joshua considered the scraps of Kararet's creations that were left over. Honestly, without the God of Suffering maintaining and feeding off of it, this hatred and madness and pain seemed almost... benign. Joshua still considered destroying the last of it, and then he stopped. Life seemed to be addicted, it had grown used to the horror that plagued it, and had adapted accordingly... as if the suffering, madness and hatred were some kind of drug. And what life remained had become stronger because of them. So Joshua hesitated... and then he decided to show some mercy. It had been the extremity and severity of the God of Hate's creation that had almost driven Life to extinction... though Joshua was pleased to note that his Phoenix were almost completely purified anyway. At least their madness had faded completely, returning them to the noble, majestic creatures they had been.

But Joshua still had to get rid of Kararet's power somehow. It was getting rather uncomfortable holding it in his mouth... and then he saw the perfect target. Unleashing Kararet's fading divinity as a beam, Joshua fired the power as a breath attack at Aher's fleeing form. Let the coward pay.

AP: 0

+4 from rollovers.

-2 Boring creation (of doom!): Kararet's orb of retribution. This orb absorbed most of the hatred, suffering and madness that Kararet had created in the universe and forced him to feel it. Time within the orb was accelerated and the torment continued until Kararet finally begged for death, where upon the orb destroyed itself and the powerless god within, along with most of the emotional creations of the god himself. This leaves only trace amounts of suffering and madness within the universe, about what we would consider "normal" amounts (though in some areas it is more concentrated). This creation did, in fact, destroy itself, so it is now gone from the universe.

-2 Join combat (boring creation): Joshua fired the God of Suffering's essence at the fleeing Asher, joining the Goddess of Hellfire in her assault.

Attack roll: [roll0]

0 AP remaining. 9 creations in my current domain.

0 domains takes from Kararet.

2013-07-09, 10:37 AM
The tiny crystal that had floated around creation since its start shuddered for a moment, before shattering. Unfurling from it was a tall, red god made of crystal. Long Hair made of obsidian fell on the figures shoulders as what could only be described as mages robes made of onyx wrapped around him. In his right hand a long blue sword made of stone and crystal formed and he clutched it in his hand. Taking one look around, he spotted the fleeing Asher and smiled, a fire sparking in his eyes.

"I have slumbered for to long. Cowards and reality breakers have been born once more. Now is the time to correct this."

Pointing the sword at the fleeing Asher, he launched a shard of crystal from the tip.

2 AP: Boring Creation: The Crystal Shard: A sword made of crystal that holds remarkable amounts of energy which it can form into new crystal. The blade shifts forms to the preferred style of its current wielder. +1 to Attack

2 AP: Join Combat

1 AP: Awesome Destruction (+1 to Attack)


2013-07-09, 10:55 AM
Elceir watched the other gods fight. They seemed to be enjoying themselves. Alas, it was not yet time to join in their fray. He would let them dog pile amongst one another. They expended too much of their divine power. He continued to prepare for the combat that would come his way.

He crafted a great curved sword. It was light yet deadly. It's massive blade able to shred foes.

5 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Great Curved Longsword. Can be wielded as a 1 or 2 handed weapon. Curved much like a Falchion, but its point is able to thrust as well. +1 Attack
3 AP

2013-07-09, 03:43 PM
Goven was dragged from the Tower angry at everything and alone in his anger - the Glass Dragon had lived through the ordeal - but he was something less now - that was good. Goven had the guilty desire to drag in every other god through the same pit from which he crawled out from and through and yet still remained. How could they understand the music of his soul now unless they also understood despair and loss?

Then a storm of fire and glass hurtled itself through the burning time and silent space toward Goven who held held up the Axe of Annihilation, which was connected to his body with heavy chains of slavery wrought in darkness. The Chains wrapped themselves around his rusted body, and they dug into his skin so you could see black oil blood and the flames of the old god of revelry within.

At the same time four other gods began to shout "COWARD" and attacked his master - Goven only showed the merest of flinch at thinking of Asher as his master, there was a time where he would have joined the others, after all he was the first to attack the coward, but now after all these years - he was beaten into submission, and so he struck a cord and music surrounded Asher shielding him from some of the Harm. The Music was the music of the chains, the music of servitude and the hatred and yearning for freedom, but most of all it was the music of blind obedience that could not even comprehend that while it wishes for freedom that freedom would ever be granted to it.

6 AP

2 Creation : The Chains of the Axe of Annihilation (+1 to defense)
2 Creation : A bubble of noise around Asher (joining in his defense)

2 AP

Roll to Defend Myself: [roll0] - +2 from the two defense artifacts i yield
Roll to defend Asher: [roll1] +2 from the two defense artifacts i yield

2013-07-09, 04:37 PM
Elceir scoffs at this new god and his belief that he can create a new land. He is weak, he should have learned to work with the land he and the others had already provided. It mattered not, the lesson would be learned.

Elceir took up his sword and sliced the ring into countless pieces. He then took the pieces and formed them into a pendant he placed around his neck. The pendant could still sustain life, however only creatures that were tiny or smaller could survive there now.

3 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Make the ring of land a pendant artifact. Grants +1 defense
1 AP

Hank McBadass
2013-07-09, 08:47 PM
Death was coming for him. Too early! Much to early! The attacks of the mob were gaining. So much left undone! With the Silver Tongue of the Musician he spoke to all creation what he assumed to be his dying words:

Coward, you whore? Is that why you only dare attack me in a group, when victory is assured? I have attacked when outnumbered and stood victorious! But I have a higher calling, one that beckons me to flee a fight that was not mine.

You have been fooled by Joshua! This world will forever be plagued by destruction as long as the past remains. Do you doubt me? Think how much easier it is to destroy than create! That bastard merely wants his dominion to stretch eternal. He could have had it too, had he only asked.

Feeling Goven’s protection, and seeing the rabble’s eager eyes on his prize – Not theirs! – he uttered the words that would haunt the dreams of slaves for all eternity:

Your life. Your will. Your freedom.

Asher turned against the attack and struck deep into the throng. With all he was, the god struck at the enemy of this world, ignoring the children in his path.

Defense: [roll0]

Attack: [roll]1d6+7[roll] die+ 2 ability+ 1 suicide crown + 4 AP

2013-07-10, 05:59 PM
Next to create more undead to be used by Chemoshmancers. First he created a creature called a Lich that could be created through Chemoshmancy. Next he decided to create something to liven life up once every year. First he created a race of undead creatures that focused entirely on creating things such as toys and furniture. The creatures anatomy were different depending on what they were supposed to make. Next he created an undead creature who's entire job was to walk arround etherally readings people's material wants. Then he created a race of creatures who went around the world dropping off gifts once every year...of course there is no time so this happens for now wheneve they feel like it. Finally he gave a name for it... Chemoshmas

3ap +6 ap from rollovers (Done after today's roll over)-2 ap from creating Chemoshmancy-2ap from creating that weird undead creature-2ap For creating an etheral undead creature that goes around and records everyone's wants and needs-2ap for creating a race of flying invisible undead creatures that drop off presents to those who wanted them=1 ap left

2013-07-10, 06:14 PM
Elceir looked at the pendant. It was so tiny and small. Clearly its original creator had intended to place life upon it. But now that he had changed that creators plans he had abandoned his creations. Such a loss.

Elceir gifted the planet the life for which it was begging. He made tiny humanoids capable of flight. Quick and agile, with sharp minds. Their smaller size made them seem precious, fragile, and adorable to other races.

4 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Fairies
2 AP

2013-07-10, 11:34 PM
Rand laughed slightly as Asher launched himself. His bodies color shifted from red to a deep blue and the grin faded from his face. With a passive, almost bored look, he moved to assist the third god. His hair was shorter now and his robes had shifted and changed into a simple cloak, his body within hidden totally by shadow.

+1 AP Rollover = 3 AP
- 2 join combat

Defense roll: [roll0]

2013-07-11, 11:21 AM
Joshua did not move, nor did he flinch or even shift his stance as Asher launched towards him. Instead, the God of Life changed his form back from a dragon to that of a rune marked man, his runic wings laying calmly upon his back. He recognized that Asher was going to attack him. And he did not seem to care. He had more pressing matters to attend to first.

Despite what he had done with Karaket, Life was still being harmed and destroyed by the constant changing flux and timbre of time, which still burned and warped from the God of Flame's influence. This would not do. Allowing himself to be distracted for the moment, Joshua willed the flames to go out and for time to get off its lazy butt and stabilize itself already. Which it did, with varying degrees of success. After its ordeal, time was not an objective, absolute truth. It was relative based on the speed at which you moved, and while there were no longer extreme swings between time being stopped completely and an eon passing each second there still existed areas where time would pass slightly faster or amble along slightly slower. Mortals would not really notice it, he supposed...

And then something in his head clicked. Even though he did all of this, in the end it did not matter unless there was someone to protect the changes, preserve hope and comfort the weak. Unless there was someone to protect Life. And as the position was open, that is exactly what Joshua became.

And then the protector of Life turned his gaze to Asher. Again, he did not flinch, he did not cry out, he did not raise a barrier and he did not move out of the way. Instead he raised his hand, and let Asher's attack slam into him full force. And though the God of Life, Evolution and Protection's wings unfurled to their true width and glory, he was not moved and he was not harmed*. And then Joshua whispered, "You are wrong, Asher. You were always wrong."**

"You said that the a single god had to be standing at the end of the Universe, greater than all of his peers and the sum of all their powers. I reject this. The creator gave you a last wish that there would be one to take his place as the greatest, but did he say that there must be death to accomplish it? No, I do not believe so. And a god can be seen as the greatest among his or her peers, rise to power undreamable and then accomplish the same feat as the god who brutally murders his brothers and sisters for their glory and their power. You merely assumed that he meant that we must die endlessly to appease the whims of a mad god, much the same as I assumed that you would be my enemy and that made it true. Much as you assumed that I would remain your enemy, which again made it true. But there is something that you assumed that is just plain wrong. You assumed that one or both of us have to die here. But Asher, this is not the case."

"The only reason I would kill you would be that you, making assumptions based on the creator's last actions, believe that the Universe must be destroyed entirely, and that the last god standing must destroy himself as well to bring this about. This is quite simply a delusion. If the creator had wished, he could have destroyed the very seeds of the ideas of our existence before destroying himself as much as one can possibly do so. And yet, he did not. Look at the knight, who watched as the Creator destroy reality and yet lived through it. Look at me, who was made from the energies of life that the creator not only did not kill, but that he did not end within himself. Look at Goven, who awoke in fire and fanfare and, going to be completely honest here, disruptive noise. And then look at yourself, god of dying wishes. You exist to guide and fulfill the last requests of those who have died. Why would that make sense if he wanted everything to be ended? And why do you not hunt down and destroy the rest of the seeds that he sewed before they can become the Gods they were meant to be? It would be too easy, you know. Entirely so. And yet, you don't. So realize this, Asher. The creator gave us this Universe as a gift. He gave us the Blankest of Slates to work with and shape into things of beauty. And as for creation and destruction, what better way for the gods to stretch and grow and improve their creation than struggling against adversity to make improve it or at least change it?"

"So no, you do not need to fight, Asher. Nor must you die." The hand flicked out once again, and the Suicide Crown cracked, the clicking and turning cogs shuddering for an instant before a rather loud ratcheting pop sounded out, and the whole crown simply fell apart into its individual components, one of which, the kill switch, floated to Joshua's hand, where he crushed it out of existence. "I do not expect you to understand now, but I have given you the gift of time, so that you may do so. Asher, your fight is still with me and it always has been, because you are too blind to see what is in front of you. And even though I will not kill you, for this reason I will stop you."

And Joshua sent a pulse of Asher's opposite, a bolt of life force that is absolutely pure in shape and form, into Asher's body. For this was the battle that the God of Life had been preparing for for so long now... and he knew exactly what he was going to do.

*I've got a +6 defense at this point (so a minimum roll of 7) and Rand gave me 6 defense to assist me. think this is okay to assume.

**As of his third domain, Joshua has changed quite a bit and evolved. I'm denoting this with a new voice color.

AP: 0

+6 (three rollovers)

-2: Recreated time, which functions as our own form of time with the slight twist that high gravity areas slows it, while low gravity ones accelerate it. This brings me up to 10 boring creations for this domain, which means...

-3: Gain domain, Protection (Creation) (+2 defense).

-1: Destroyed the Suicide Crown.

Oops, forgot to add attack and defense. >.> And a /spoiler tag... I'll do teh rolls in the OOC.

Lady Serpentine
2013-07-11, 12:55 PM
"I attacked alone, you discarded son of a fly-blown, mange-ridden, pig and a pox-blind, worm-raddled, demon-infested, toothless old whore whose mind was too far gone with the madness passed down in her family to even care, so long as there was a little piece of copper for her at the end!

I did not have a slave to defend me; I did not attempt to spin honeyed words on a silver tongue when it looked a risk to fight. Is it my fault that others, seeing your actions, chose to agree with my assessment?

And answer this, too - how could I be influenced by Joshua when he had done nothing I could have seen before I attacked? Your patchwork of half-truths and lies is meaningless."

She raises Corruption, arms blurring as she does, using it to tear a hole trough the world, which she then steps into, forcing her way out behind Asher, bringing the blade down just shy of his back, the smoke billowing from it forming all-too-solid tentacles that wrapped around Lord of the Dead, seeking to pin him.

"And now, dog it is time you were put on a leash!"

AP: 3

Awesome Destructions - 3 AP: Rend the fabric of the universe and step out behind Asher, restraining him with solid smoke. If it works, then he'll be enslaved by Valshaksis, who gets the Tyranny (Imprisonment) Domain from him. Death (Dying Wishes) goes to Joshua, while Destiny (Kings) is Rand's, per a prior agreement made last night.

[roll0] (+2 from Hell (Debasement), +1 from Corruption, +3 from Awesome Destructions.)

2013-07-11, 01:17 PM
As Asher struck Joshua, time began to heal - but Goven had not. Joshua's wings were spread out and he radiated benevolence (Goven remembered a time before the immolation and cremation of time itself and in that time he and Joshua. . . had spoken. . . Goven remembered . . . a piano, lovely notes used to play out and even now his verdigris fingers unconsciously played a rythm). Asher was stopped in his assault, the suicide crown on his head broken. And all Joshua did was raise his hand.

The Glass Dragon Forgotten - it was after all a momentary rage. Slaves don't have the privilege of holding grudges.

But the bonds of servitude were not so casually broken. As Valshaksis, the new born goddess of debasement spoke blasphemy, Goven reached out, the strings of the Axe, being chains they wrapped around her as she attempted to strike down his master. His master - the rusted form of Goven wept and died whenever he thought those words. But it was his master and as the God of Loneliness he must save even that connection for even with than relationship, loneliness was kept at bay. And there was nothing worse.

6 AP

-2 Creation: create Chains from the strings of the Axe to help defend Asher

[roll0] +2 from 2 separate artifacts i made previously

4 AP

2013-07-11, 01:44 PM
Rand dashed forward, his sword in hand. He wanted to make sure this god died. His clothes shifted and a cloak now flapped around him. The inside seemed to eat the light. His sword flashed as he brought it up, aiming to stab Asher through the back and end this here and now.

"Fools don't deserve to survive."


-2 Join Combat.

2013-07-12, 01:26 PM
Elceir had grown bored of watching the other gods fight. He wished to do something about it, but they hunted as a pack. Only jumping on another god when they sensed blood. And so as they hunted, so should he make such a creature.

It would be vicious, representing its inspiration. They would be solitary beasts, ever in tune with one another though. If they sensed a weak foe and thought profit could be had, they would race to the site and try to kill it.

8 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Phantom Dragons. They travel quickly from world to world as needed. They do not fear the heat of the pheonix for they are immune. They travel in pairs at most, but once blood is shed hundreds more may arrive.
6 AP

2013-07-12, 09:08 PM
Chemosh frowned at a soul that had just come in. Why they would write it on a soul before sending it was unclear. He couldn’t understand why they didn’t just talk to one of his creatures or come to him. At least they seemed interested in the undead and didn't just blast away randomly without talking. First though he might as well create another few planes seeing there wasn't much else he could think to do. First he created a plane made of pure magic where casters gained immense power at the cost of their mind. Then he created a plane where magic simply did not work however it took quite a tool on the subject’s body. After he finished creating he decided to check on the Academy. One student particularly impressed him with their power. He watched as they disassembled hundreds of training skeletons without breaking a sweat.

Argh, can I be done now? I know Chemoshmancy is important and all but I have been working on some Predictomancy spells and I really want to keep working on them. The Beloved said frowning as they talked to what could only be assumed to be her teacher.

...Don't dishonor our god with your heresy, Jessica. You have been blessed with knowledge and aptitude for the First and the Strongest of the magics do not spit in his face and choose a weaker school. Predictomancy does not deserve to even be mentioned in these hallowed halls and I will give you a detention if you mention it again in my class. It hardly has its uses and it is by far the weakest of the schools made only for the weakest of casters and you should not be concerned with creating more spells for that dead school. Now reanimate those skeletons for the next person and head back to your dorm to work on spells. The professor said with a sneer. He just couldn't comprehend how someone with so much power could be so short sighted. She had so much potential and yet she wasted it on Predictomancy of all things. Everyone knew that school was added in as an afterthought by Chemosh and the only reason he allowed it to be taught here was because he wanted to give those poor Predictomancers a chance at learning real magic.

Several hours later and a whole lot of spells, Jessica was leaving the halls and heading back to her dorm when she saw another Beloved that she had never seen before. He was eerily beutiful. His pale dead skin, his thin brittle hair and best of all that cracking noise he made when walking. It was like a god has crafted him from the very essence of beuty. Weirdly enough he seemed to be heading toward her.

Hello there, that was quite a display you did out there with the skeletons. I couldn't have done it better myself...well I could have but I doubt very few others could have. So I hear you have a thing for Predictomancy? Chemosh said smiling as he walked next to Jessica. She was deffinately not the most cute Beloved out there. Her hair was full of body, her face flushed and she barely creaked when she walked. Yet the evidence was there, she was strong...very strong.

Uh...Hello? Do I know you? Yes, I do like Predictomancy...if you plan to make fun of me please get it over with now. I still have a lot of studying to do. Jessica said flushing a bit. She always hated when she flushed, it always reminded her of just how different she was from the other Beloved.

Just keep working on your studies; I have a plan for you. Just remember destruction is never the answer to any problem. Even Destroymancy can some constructive uses, never result to the most obvious destructive answer even if it is the easiest answer. I will be watching...Good bye. Chemosh said nodding as he dissappeared in a flash of smoke.

Jessica frowned at the display. This was obviously a joke that was being played by an older student. It could have been a worse joke though, it that was mostly reassuring and they pranks they played usually ended with her crying. She continued on her way to study.

Chemosh having left Jessica teleported to who ever it was that teleported him. You wanted to talk to me about my new evolutions in undead? Chemosh said smiling. No one had ever really wanted to discuss undead with him. This conversation could be interesting but not nearly as interesting as Jessica could well prove to be.

1+6 from roll over-2 ap to create a plane (Strengthens spells casts on it but forces saves or take wisdom damage)- 2 ap to create a plane (Magic does not work on it, forces saves or take constitution damage)-2ap to make a Hero (Jessica)=1 ap. Done after day change.

2013-07-13, 04:21 PM
Yeah, they are collecting people's wants and needs so that the crafters know what to make. Then once a year another undead comes around and drops off what they wanted during the year. I call it Chemoshmas. It is always interesting to see what people want and it breaks the monotony of life. Thank you, I like magic as well. Chemosh said smiling.

1ap+3ap=4 ap done after day change

2013-07-13, 07:19 PM
Other than it being fun and kind? Not really. I did it to just break the monotony of life and to have fun. Chemosh said as he tried think of a use of this. Of course he had a mind reading race that few could see and none could remember plus a race devoted to the mass production of items. Those could have another purpose but not much of one that Chemosh could see.

2013-07-13, 09:20 PM
So who was the lady? Terrus mused, winking she must be popular being called beloved by everyone. They talked about Chemoshomasy as well what is that? Questioned Terrus as he regained his stern look.

Let me get this straight. You can pay enough attention to catch even the most trivial of conversations between a god and a mortal but you haven't noticed a race that has been alive...er undead since before time was destroyed? The Beloved of course are the race I created. The full name for them is The Beloved of Chemosh but thankfully they have finally shortened it to a more reasonable length. Also how do you know of magic but not the schools of it? Chemoshmancy is a school of magic that focuses on the manipulation and creation of life forces. It's most notable use is making undead and bringing back the dead and me being the god of undeath I decided to name it after myself. Chemosh said frowning. He didn't quite get why the god winked at him when asking about his find but probably best not to question it. The oddest part about this God's questions though was he was pretty sure no one called her beloved... who identified someone by their race and not by their name? Assuredly this god already knew that and was just feigning ignorance to start a conversation. Atleast he talked, that was better than some of the other deities.

2013-07-14, 12:05 PM
Elceir felt the world was lacking. It needed more life, but the creatures were so boring. They were struggling to survive in such an environment. This must be corrected, but he refused to intervene directly. Instead he made nature capable of tending itself.

The first creation was trees, on a massive scale. They grew faster near the acid soaked waters. They absorbed the acid, thriving on it. The creatures could eat their fruits and be healed. The fruit was so powerful a creature on the edge of death could slowly be brought back by eating the fruit.

Elceir felt that one plant simply was not enough. The water was boiling, too hot for most life that wasn't made to survive in it. Most of the land mortals could scarcely touch it. He made plants that absorbed the heat. They burrowed into the ground and instead provided regulated heat to the earth, keeping the climate controlled.

-2 AP boring creation: Tree of Life. This tree uses the acid from the serpents and transforms it into a nectar that has immense healing properties. The higher the does, the more potent the healing.
-2 AP boring creation: Thermal Seaweed. This seaweed absorbs the excess heat leaking from the core and pumps it into the land. It maintains a set temperature (tropics).
5 AP

2013-07-14, 07:34 PM
Elceir admired his creations. He was not yet done. The mortals were so pitiful with all their tribes. But he had a solution to help the creatures! He would make it so they naturally came together. And the more of them that were together the faster their population would grow. This would allow them to advance faster, as more individuals led to more creations. Yes, it would be so.

8 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Civilizations. Creatures now naturally come together to form greater civilizations than tribes. Larger populations begin to naturally expand their knowledge and abilities without direct divine influence.
6 AP

2013-07-14, 07:35 PM
Magic is a form of power. It is designed to be useful for just about any situation with near infinite uses. One of my greatest creations second only to the Beloved. It's a shame none of the other races take advantage of the magic school I set up...or even use a lot of magic. I mean it has the power to heal all wounds, raise the dead and even construct mansions in a second but only the Beloved really practice and train in it to gain it's full potential. Chemosh said frowning. He felt stronger again as his energy restored so he created randomly as he talked. Odd, the thing that used to bring him joy from his monotony and now he was just casting it aside and using power at random. It was interesting what he created though, they all seemed to be geared towards exploring. A city that was made from the dead and always bright, a moving fortress on the plane checking the world for invaders and finally an interesting woods around the school. Perhaps that is what he should turn to now, new places to explore.

4ap+3 ap-2 ap to create a city of light and bones on my bone planet-2ap to make a moving stronghold on my plane-2 ap to surround my wizardry school with a magical forest that makes those who enter get horribly lost=1 ap

Done after day changed

2013-07-15, 10:51 AM
As Rand stabbed Asher in the back, Goven felt some of chains disintergrate and vanish into iron dust. But not all of his chains. In a wordless painful yell he cried out in fury, grief, envy and happiness. His mind was fractured. His soul was broken. He did not know what to think. But he did not have to think. His master was still alive. And so he strummed the strings of annihilation, and they spread from him in all direction. Strings and chains that played the music that wasn't music. The chain/strings struck at the gods, but were turned away. They struck again. And were turned away. And again. And Again. Again. Again. Again.

To no avail. He was to weak. Damned by his weakness. He had no tongue, covered in slavery in a world devoid of sound and a shattered soul. He cried out and grasped for more power. And in doing so his string/chains began to wrap and rip at the very fabric of the universe. And there high above the tower of God, they tore open a hole. The hole was everything that Goven was, not what he used to be. It was Lonliness.

It was a black hole.

And while gods are not bound by the laws of physics, they may submit to them and into the black hole he was drawn and stretched and crushed and vanished from sight. And while Goven vanished, his chains (not all of them) wrapped themselves around the Tower of God, and fell.... dragging it down. . . in the universe devoid of dirrection but still down . . . keeping it from falling up. . . into the black hole above. The Sworn Sword Sons, did not move. If the Throne of the Tower of God did not itself fall, neither would they. They emotionlessly guarded their current master, the great glass dragon, while they looked at their creator vanish into the darkness.


Elsewhere, in the recess of the universe Goven huddled his rusted knees to his chest and made no sound. Once again alone.

10 AP:

2 Black Hole above the tower of God.
2 Chains on the tower of god to avoid falling into the Tower of God.
2 Throne of the Tower of God - makes the sworn sword sons cost 1 more destrcution action to destroy.

4 AP left

2013-07-15, 03:28 PM
Enough time had passed and Joshua had enough energy built up that, honestly, he could not save anything more for Asher. He had to use this. And so he turned to the Humans, and decided that, yes, they could use some divine help.

So Joshua gave them a way to draw upon the magic of the divine, considered this for a second, and then spread this method to all beings that believe in a God. With this power they could channel the power of their gods in ways that would baffle the mortal mind; kill, heal; empower, weaken; poison and cure. All depending on their God's temperament.

Almost, Joshua was pleased. And then he felt the distress of one of his greatest children cry to him. Joshua snarled and stared through the chaos that the combat of the gods created to see one of his five Black Phoenix, the eldest of its kind, fighting hundreds of what appeared to be dragon-like shadows. How could they get close enough to touch her, let alone damage the great bird? Oh. Oh that was it.

Their immunity to all heat was... well, ingenious, but it did not make them invulnerable. All he had to do was replace the flame with what the Phoenix was actually made of. It was no longer heat that emanated from the bird, for nothing burned that hot. Nothing, and yet this impossibility immolated in the universe, rejecting conventional wisdom. For it burned so hot that it froze what it touched, and then evaporated what was left. It eradicated matter and spirit (Of course, their spirits were immune to their flames, and they had never had metal souls to begin with, so this does nothing to them). Even the divine would have to take precautions if they tried to touch one directly. The Black Phoenix stopped crying out as the wraiths around it simply ceased to be. It used this as an offering to the Web, and then it returned to its home star, which also radiated this same energy. Safe from all mortals that would seek to touch it again.

9 AP

-2 AP: Create divine magic. Each branch of magic differs based on the God that it is being channeled from (based on their domains), but other than that it functions as divine magic in D&D.

-2 AP: Black Phoenix flames cannot be resisted by anything but the divine, as they no longer count as flames but as a mixture between magic and the essence of heat itself.

5 AP remaining

2013-07-15, 04:03 PM
Life of the party

Mr. Flame brought about a scepter to control his fire Elementals. He called it, "The Scepter of Controlling Fire Elementals." The fire Elementals summoned could aid in combat, even divine combat. Next, he created a super-hot star. It would normally have the energy to plasmify any mortal that approaches, but a god or fire elemental could get through to its core. At its core was a portal to the elemental plane of fire. If something could get through the star, it would physically travel to the Elemental plane of fire. Mr. Flame also created a vat of energy in the physical world, that many things could potentially draw on, but could feed fire Elementals in space, or where there is no fuel. Mr. Flame then leaped at Atum with the scepter at hand, and challenged him to divine combat.

Starting AP:1
6 days rollovers: +6
-2 Boring creation: Artifact: The Scepter of Controlling Fire Elementals, grants a +1 attack in combat.
-2 Boring creation: The superhot star with a portal to the plane of fire at its core.
-2 boring creation: The energy vat, which fire elementals draw upon when no fuel or air is available. Adaptable to feed other purposes.
Ending AP: 1
Attacking Atum: [roll0]+2 domain fire(consuming) +1 The Scepter of Controlling Fire Elementals.

2013-07-15, 05:31 PM
Interesting, another god has made more magic. I shall see you later if you have any more questions but I must investigate this. Chemosh said smiling. He then left as he went to see Joshua. For once he didn't do something aggressive or destructive...even if this divine magic seemed more restrictive than necessary. It did have the advantage of having different powers depending on the god instead of being restricted to what was predesigned by himself which would be interesting.

Congratulations on making something useful. Hopefully with out the need of study or natural selection more people will use magic. So what are your future plans on sustaining it? Are you going to open up a school focused on it? Create a centre of religion where clerics thrive? Chemosh said smiling. Developing this might help a lot and he figured making a sister race of the Beloved focusing on this magic wouldn't be out of line. So he created an inquisitive undead race that focused on spiritual enlightenment and investigation. As always they were childlike in features and form but they had pointed ears and looked more lively than The Beloved. They would make natural divine casters and though most of these Kender didn't follow Chemosh they still had a natural bond with The Beloved. What is more they also had a need to explore that Chemosh had been feeling recently and the ability to get almost anywhere if they really tried. Finally Chemosh dotted his landscape with temples for them to rest their weary feet after a long day of exploring.

1 ap+3 ap-2ap to make temples across my lands to work on Divine magic -2ap to make the Kender=0ap Done after day change

2013-07-15, 09:16 PM
The Eye of Oblivion

Shah Sherad watched as divine war raged before his borrowed throne as the Sworn Sword Sons stood in silent ranks before him. Goven had fled into the Dark Star above before anchoring the Tower and the remainder of the conflict had no meaning for him. The Fool's Bauble had been destroyed and the Winged God of Benevolence had shown his power and divinity to be greater than any yet known of by the Glass Dragon. With his vitality greatly diminished, rest would be the best course.
But how best to assure that rest? The Throne was his. None seemed really concerned about it and he remained upon it. But he could not take that chance. It would not be long before some upstart with youthful vigour or some greater being came to claim it as their own.
The Fires of Authority flickered and flared behind him as they adjusted to the temperature swings caused by the battle, throwing off light that shifted and occasionally refracted into rainbow patterns as it went through his form. Personally, he would have preferred a glass tower, but the metal architecture had its own appeal. It was settled. He would take up residence here, at the Tower of God. He merely needed to ensure his continued dominion...

As the battle raged around him, a faint flame that shimmered in all colours of the rainbow spread around the Tower. Though faint, it was hard and its light turned aside all that wished to approach. Meanwhile, shards of glass that littered the floor flew together and merged into a single stately pendulum, its etched surface proclaiming that all that rest at the Tower need not fear the rigours of time.
Admittedly the Pendulum's presence was merely so that Shah Sherad could determine if the somewhat fractious laws of reality affected how a pendulum should function, despite its capabilities. But the fire, The Sentinel Light, it was key. He was its master and it would only part for those who he wished to enter.

As he did this, he felt himself grow stronger. And while his form was still not as strong as it once had been, he felt his power grow to heights he had never before experienced. Despite the battle around him and his desire to stay out of it, he could not resist the temptation to spread his wings dramatically and let loose a blast of fire into the air above. Now his fire was many-coloured rather that the plain white it had once been and he found himself feeling a great deal of satisfaction.

AP: Seven rollovers, so seven.
Boring Creation: The Sentinel Light - This faint rainbow sheen of fire which surrounds the Tower of God prevents access to anyone who doesn't have Shah Sherad's permission, leaving is not prevented. In short, ask or destroy the barrier.
Boring Creation: The Glass Pendulum - This pendulum swings behind the throne amongst the Fires of Authority, trailing wisps of flame with it. It anchors the Tower in the time stream. Time will always progress here at the rate of one second per second. In addition, decay is halted as long as the Pendulum swings.
Gain Domain: Light (Fire) +6 HP

2013-07-16, 09:34 AM
Let us say there was a pit. This pit was filled with all the vileness that ever was or could have been. This vileness feasted on itself and yearned for freedom and then dragged itself down further into the pit. Now say there was a being whose purpose was companionship. This being existed to make other beings - not necessarily happy - but keep them company. Now place this being in the pit. Would the being emerg unmarked?

Actually. . . yes. For that vileness was still something else. It still had ears and eyes and feelings. Instead imagine a pit. . . no but a pit had walls . . . imagine nothing, actual physical nothing. Can you? No one can for even space is not nothing, the light of stars and the ebbs of magics. No imagine nothing and then fail at imagining nothing and place that being of companionship in that nothing?

Each God is defined by their domain - and defined by their opposites. The God of Life pales if surrounded by Death. The God of Fire would sputter out in the face of the Cold. And the God of Music? Not silence. But Solitude. And now as the God of two conflicting domains - what can Goven do? What does he do?

He plays the Piano.

A haunting tune. It was Joshua's Piano, moved through time and space to that nowhere where Goven fled from the Black hole, for God's don't understand the notion of contrived convienece. The Piano resonated in every soul. The music was the music of soltidue, depression and sadness, but there - you could almost grasp it - was a seed of hope. Whimsy and Fun, bright and loud and so faint in the darkness. The music spoke in a voice that told each soul that it had a hard life - that life was hard - and it would alsways be hard, and it had no purpose - it was a voice of nihlism. But in that nihlism it said these words


And so Goven played the piano - the sounds becoming the faint echo of the soul - an even fainter echo within the Tower of God. And Goven's chains did not fall off, for they had fused into his metal, but a metal halo of bismuth - square and rigid, formed bright around his head. And bit by bit - in the smallest fraction.

Goven Healed.

For Music never dies.

AP 6

Creation AP 2: Echoes of Goven's Piano: Every Mortal is healed of madness (if they weren't) and becomes slightly more hopeful.

Gain Domain: Healing (spirit) Defense +2

AP 1 left.

2013-07-16, 10:50 AM
An Unexpected Harmony

As Goven's song of solitude and loneliness spread across creation, it resonated in the souls of every living thing. But there was one race whose hearts it harmonised with more strongly.
The Shades of Solitude, the unexpected creations of Shah Sherad from what seemed like so long ago. Long had they sung of the sorrow and loneliness felt by the creator, and at last, they felt someone who shared their song. Leaving their twisting trails of copper and palladium, they flocked to the source of this new song like moths to a flame.
And there, in this place of nothing, they joined in harmony, a chorus of those who had never known companionship accompanying one who had once known friendship.

2013-07-16, 10:58 AM
Elceir witnessed the dragon's deaths. It was odd that they should attack the pheonix, there was nothing to gain from it. Yet instead of finding a balance another god had committed genocide to protect his creations.

Elceir would protect them as well. They would remain safe, in a fashion. He took their utter cold and made it colder. He compressed it. The stars of deep cold were now the prisons for the black phoenixes. They would be bound into their stars, unable to leave. There they would remain safe.

Elceir was not done yet though. He felt his divine powers being waned. Some fool had gifted the power of the divine to the mortals. But the mortals were reckless with the power, they consumed it constantly. A God was nothing without his power, and so it began to sap all their strengths. Elceir would not have this. His powers would not be taken, any mortal that wished to use his powers or those of nature must first worship one or the other. This worship would in turn provide Elceir with more power, enough power to counter act the drain of mortals.

9 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Deep Cold Prisons. Every Black Pheonix is now trapped in its star, unable to leave. If they move, their cold reforms the prison around them.
-2 AP Boring Creation: Divine Worship. Divine worship now powers Elceir to counter-act the drain divine magic has on his powers.
5 AP

2013-07-16, 06:39 PM
Elceir heard it again. Ever so faintly. The music, it had resumed. How odd, he was gladdened in truth. While the death of mortals fueled the creation of metals, adding music to it would make the metal produce faster.

If the metal was being produced faster, it was now time. He would give them a gift. Hopefully one of which they could take advantage. So he imparted unto his highly sentient creations, not the lesser ones, the ability to mine the metal. They would become extremely adept at doing so, and their works with it would be masterpieces. They would make nothing mundane, they made only high quality crafts and they made it as fast as most would make something of normal quality. But they would have to access the metal, so he revealed to them the wires connecting the planet. They would have to discover how to get to them, and where they led on their own. But such a discovery would greatly increase their power.

ooc: Sorry for double posting
8 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Metal Familiarity. All Elceir's previous and future creations are able to mine metal faster than average. They have a +5 bonus to mining. They also create masterwork pieces for the same cost and time as mundane ones.
6 AP

2013-07-17, 02:31 AM
With a sigh, Joshua knew the battle was over, and now Joshua had full control over the defeated God's immediate fate. Even only a short while ago, this would have sent Joshua's mind a-tingle with pleasure and thoughts of how to exact the proper torment and punishment... but that was a different man, who would have taken the powers of the God of Torment as his own, and who would have turned his back on everything for a chance at revenge. That man no longer existed. Once again, Joshua's voice was no more that a whisper, "Asher, I strip you free from the chains of your responsibility." Joshua stripped Asher's divinity from him as a butcher would cut away the fat. Asher was left with nothing, cleaned of all that he had been. And Joshua took the responsibility of fulfilling Last Wishes as his own, spreading the other domains to his companions who had assisted him in the battle. Younger gods they may be, but they had proven... useful. So they were rewarded.

This left Asher with Nothing. But for a God, even Nothing can become a part of who and what you are. "Asher, I give you the blankest slate for yourself. From here you are truly free. Free of your past vows, free of responsibility, free of life itself if you so choose. But Asher, know this. From now on, it is your decision and your choice that determine your actions and your fate. Others may influence you, but they do not control you." And with that, the haze of combat faded to nothing and Joshua turned to Chemosh, leaving Asher to the whims of the Goddess who had attacked the fallen god, for she had been the true leader of that battle, so she had a say in what happened with the God of Nothing now.

"Ah yes, Chemosh. I did finally do something that you might consider useful, but then again there are not many things that inhabit that list, so I suppose I should feel honored to have claimed a place. Now, as for my plans... up until now I had none. But, what with your example showing me how much better it works to have some organization..." Joshua established his churches... only, they were not churches in the traditional sense. Most likely because they were alive, scaled and had rather large bodies and wings. Oh, and they had a breath attack.

That's right, Joshua's religion was run by Dragons. Mother freaking Dragons (who do happen to know who their father and Lord is). It was through these great beasts that the magic of Life was channeled, and the church and Joshua's word lived. They were able to take miniscule amounts of divine magic and turn them into incredible fonts of power, though they did not create the divinity themselves, they made it so that there was no strain on Joshua when his magic was called on. And along with this magical focus came individuals who specialized in different schools, dragon priests, mages and mortals that mimicked the voice and breath of the titanic lizards. These were primarily humans, for now, as most other races did not worship the God of Life or even know about his existence. That would likely change rather quickly, but for now it was just humans...

And after a second of thought, a race to protect and guide the natural world that looked sort of like humans, but was more in-tuned with nature than they were belief. They also had pointy ears, were natural hunters and worshiped both Elceir and Joshua. These were the Wild Elves, naturally free and lords of the hunt.

Oh, and it seems that Elceir had caused some problems with Joshua's favored children. No matter, this just pushed forward something the Lord of Life should have gotten to earlier... For eight now, despite their noble bearing and demeanor the Phoenix just were not able to interact with other mortals, because they burned to hotly. So, Joshua gave them a way to overcome that. He allowed them to mask their flames, to turn from beings of pure flame to beings of flesh and blood and back again. They still kept their natural immunity to the heat and cold, but their lives became much longer in this form, and they could now interact with other beings without instantly turning them to ash. All the bonus.

And it meant that the Black Phoenix could be freed of their prisons. Which is what happened after two years, when a particularly inquisitive group of Phoenix went to the black stars to find out what had happened to their greater bretheren and found the large blocks of ice. Joshua also modified their power so that, while they still burned hot enough to freeze, they never actually killed with their flame. Instead, if the Blacks ever turned on their flame, they and all beings around them would be sent into a perfect stasis, just awaiting the time when the thaw came and awoke them from their slumber.

The Black Phoenix were quickly freed of their icy cage and got to the matter of preening their majestic feathers as they listened to the echos of Goven's song. So very sad... and beautiful The blacks felt drawn to it, and so the five came, their fires no longer a danger to themselves or any other being. And they listened... and they added their song, a song of rebirth to the choir.

8 AP

-2 Boring creation: Make Dragons: Just one kind of dragon for now (White, though the color is as of now no indicator of alignment or breath type). They are the guardians of Joshua's followers and the fonts of mortals who wish to wield Joshua's divine powers. They can cast divine magic and their breath attack is made of pure positive energy (which deals extra damage to the undead, since they are technically opposite energies). They are loyal to their Father and they can replicate his energy as long as he feeds them ever so slight amounts. They are worshiped by humans as a proxy for Joshua, who does take the second hand belief and replenishes his stores of divine energy with it. With this creation also come all of the "dragon" classes (you know what they are) And PrC's (again, you know).

-2 Boring Modification: Grant Phoenix the ability to become corporeal, allowing them to drop their flames and interact with normal mortals or matter without burning it. Phoenix who live their entire lives without being aflame generally live for 300 years. They have a breath attack while in this form.

-2 Boring Creation: Wild Elves: Elves that naturally shun most of society, they live in tribes and small communities, worshiping both Joshua and Elceir. They live for a few hundred years and have a strong sense of personal freedom, and they have a natural connection to all things "nature".

-2 Boringly necessary modification: Black Phoenix no longer kill with their flames (or new breath attack), instead they freeze the area where their special brand of heat touches, putting all living beings in perfect stasis, to be woken once they are thawed out.

0 AP

2013-07-17, 04:16 PM
Mr. Flame realized the potential of his creations. He grew in power to accommodate another aspect of fire. He laughed maniacally to celebrate while in the midst of combat with Atum.

Starting AP: 1
2 rollovers: +2
Gain domain -3
Fire (energy) +2 Attack
Used creations: Fire elementals, The Elemental Plane of Fire, The Scepter for Controlling Fire Elementals, The Superhot star, and the Energy Vat.

2013-07-17, 05:23 PM
I deem a lot of things useful...however attacking randomly, making artifacts of war and destroying don't appear on that list. Anyways, glad that at least you see the beauty of magic. Few seemed to care for my form when it was made even with all it's uses. Sure it was hard work or required one to be of magic blood but I still would have thought other gods would have seized the chance to increase their mortal’s power. Chemosh said smiling at the god of life. Hardly focusing while talking he created an artifact to keep his new find safe from wanton destruction.
It’s odd, I would have thought we were entirely dissimilar but magic proves that is not entirely true. Therefore I must get to know you so that I can tell how similar we truly are. Know what would be fun and a good way to get to know each other? If we each made a hero, prepared them as well as possible, manipulated them to work together with some others and watched as they adventured together. We could set up little quests and encounters for them to do slowly getting harder as they get stronger. It would be interesting to watch as they fought, explored and grew in experience. Plus at the end of it, we have a couple of heroes well above the grade the others have unless if they to set this type of thing up. If other gods got into it as well maybe they will be less likely to randomly blow things up in a fit.

0ap+6 ap from rollovers-2 ap to create an artifact that protects Jessica so that a god has to spend another ap to affect here-3ap to gain domain Curiosity (Exploring) +2 to defence= 1ap

Done after day change

2013-07-17, 09:24 PM
Elceir noticed another god had created a new breed of dragons. So it would be. Phantom and White dragons now existed, but it was so boring. The phantoms hungered for riches and power. Perhaps a little fun could be had. He made a new dragon, a black deeper than midnight. They would be named nightstalkers. They hunted all other dragons for sport. They were careful in their hunting, only attacking a dragon of equal power and never the young or old and wise. Youth must be given a chance and knowledge preserved.

The nightstalkers would be effective at their task. While many phantom dragons existed, Joshua's meddling had cut their numbers severely. Now the white dragons would be the prime target of nightstalkers. This would not do, so from the blood of the other dragons he made his newest beasts. They would glimmer red, as if their scales were constantly bleeding. They directly opposed nightstalkers, seeking to defend all dragonkind from them.

The conflict was great. The cosmos was broiling with combat of dragons. Thousands leaping upon another in massive battles. Other mortals stood by, watching the carnage and learning from it. It was soon learned that the dragons held great knowledge, knowledge that could advance another mortal race rapidly. Other mortals began to hunt the dragons for their hides and knowledge. While the Blood dragons protected other dragons from the hunters, the knowledge would still roam free.

Elceir feared this knowledge would be toxic, advancing civilizations faster than they could handle. He then made guardians of draconic knowledge. These dragons were white as snow. They were ever wise, and policed the other dragons making sure they shared no knowledge with other mortals that these mortals could not handle. These snow dragons also sought to keep dragon combat from affecting mortals. The tactics used by dragons were often far more advanced than average civilizations deployed.

9 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Nightstalkers. Black dragons that hunt other dragons.
-2 AP Boring Creation: Blood Dragons. Red Dragons that seek to defend other dragons
-2 AP Boring Creation: Moon Dragons. Gaurdians. They seek to keep draconic knowledge from prematurely advancing other races.
3 AP

2013-07-18, 10:32 AM
Such a Panoply of Dragons

Secure in his new fortress, Shah Sherad waited for the recently battling Gods to leave, feeling the swing of his pendulum and comparing it to the scientific knowledge he had somehow been born with. As he slowly curled up to sleep upon the throne that he had secured for himself, admittedly with substantial aid from the little winged one, he listened to their talk of creation, of justice and order, of magic and society, of dragons and-
Wait... Dragons? Instantly he was fully awake. They had made others of his kind. He should have felt insulted but in a way he felt relieved. He was not alone in this cold and empty Universe, but surrounded by hundred, no, thousands of similar creatures. He raised his head to catch sight of them across the cosmos and saw them for the first time and his heart fell. They were weak, not his kind at all. Where he was a creature of pure fire, glass and blood, their blood was merely contained by flesh and bone. Substandard materials by anyone's reckoning. With this in mind, he confronted Joshua.
Why have you made them so weak? They are already hunted and they already die. As an artisan and progenitor of life, truly uoir skills have declined. You have failed in this task and bequeathed to the Universe insignificant creatures where once you brought into being living fire itself. Why did you not simply take the template of my form? Truly they would fare better against the trials of life with the strength of glass and the power of fire to fuel their soul.
I have half a mind to try and repair them but that would merely spoil my work. Culling the lot of them is a much more practical method of ending their suffering. But alas, you are quite obviously attached to these insignificant echoes of my majesty, so instead, I will show you what a true artisan can accomplish.
Opening his mouth, showing in the process his bloodstained glass teeth, Shah Sherad breathed a stream of fire before him. As the fire dissipated, a red hot orb of glass was revealed. With great skill and dexterity, yet also great speed, Shah Sherad used his wings and claws to carve the glass sphere into the shape of a great winged lion. Its feathers were as sharp as swords and its teeth and claws even more so. Shah Sherad settled back to watch as the lion's eyes began to glow with fire that refracted through the body of the creature and set its surface glittering.
I proclaim you Nalsanat, my attendant and castellan.
And the lion shook its glass mane and roared silently as the thousands of glass strangs caught the light.

Starting AP: Two rollovers, so four.
Boring Creation: Nalsanat - The aforementioned winged lion. Nalsanat is immortal and nigh indestructible by mortal means. If shattered, the shards simply return together and the cracks slowly mend. It is highly intelligent and would be able to speak if the Universe allowed sound. In addition, he is hot to the touch, enough so to boil water.

2013-07-18, 11:28 AM
Elceir watched his dragons romp about. They were entertaining for sure, but something just felt...missing. Ah that was it. This new magic that the others were making, the dragons needed it. He wouldn't use their creations though, no no, he would make his own magic.

Elceir crafted great magic. He gifted it to the dragons. They were now able to use their breathe as a weapon. They gained increased resistances to the elements. Most of all, they learned to wield magic as well as they did their own natural weapons. Their magic was not only offensive though. Their magic was defensive as well. Their spells revolved around nature and naturally occurring phenomenon.

As Elceir dumped so much time into these dragons he felt his power growing, somehow almost linked to his focus on the beasts. He embraced the new power, wondering where it might next lead him. As he embraced it he understood. Magic existed. Dragons could use magic, nature was filled with it. It would not be long before mortals would learn to harness it on their own. Nature would need its own natural guardians of balance.

6 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Dragon Magic. Dragon Magic is both divine and arcane. It is separate from the other magics. The spells are all nature based, and the ability to heal is added in. Their are also several armoring spells that increase natural armor.
-3 AP Gain Domain: Nature (Magical Beasts) + 2 Defense
1 AP

2013-07-18, 05:31 PM
I deem a lot of things useful...however attacking randomly, making artifacts of war and destroying don't appear on that list. Anyways, glad that at least you see the beauty of magic. Few seemed to care for my form when it was made even with all it's uses. Sure it was hard work or required one to be of magic blood but I still would have thought other gods would have seized the chance to increase their mortal’s power. Chemosh said smiling at the god of life. Hardly focusing while talking he created an artifact to keep his new find safe from wanton destruction.
It’s odd, I would have thought we were entirely dissimilar but magic proves that is not entirely true. Therefore I must get to know you so that I can tell how similar we truly are. Know what would be fun and a good way to get to know each other? If we each made a hero, prepared them as well as possible, manipulated them to work together with some others and watched as they adventured together. We could set up little quests and encounters for them to do slowly getting harder as they get stronger. It would be interesting to watch as they fought, explored and grew in experience. Plus at the end of it, we have a couple of heroes well above the grade the others have unless if they to set this type of thing up. If other gods got into it as well maybe they will be less likely to randomly blow things up in a fit.

"It sounds like... it could be an interesting idea." Joshua admitted, "And I would much rather perfect and grow my creations than have another war with my fellow gods, believe it or not. So yes, I agree to join you. And perhaps... I'll talk to Goven as well, and see if the God of Music would be willing to participate." If that song meant that Goven was now repaired, then Joshua wanted to talk to the other god who was... hopefully... still his friend. Or at least friendly. But why had Goven not spoken yet?

... The tongue that Asher carried was Goven's, wasn't it? Oh. Then Joshua would have to give him a new way to speak. So Joshua made a new form of communication. They conveyance of thoughts, emotion and music without the need for a voice... for all things that lived had this voice. Joshua had finally figured out how mortals could communicate through their life force, and those born deaf of mute would know how to instinctively. Others could learn it after a time, through focus or through need. It was an effective way to communicate for privacy, as only the people you wished to hear would be touched... but there was a little bit of a draw back. After all, you could not lie while using this. It was just too difficult to mask what actually lay inside of your soul, though you could hide your deepest secrets, as you only revealed what you wished to reveal.

So while this was to help Goven find his voice, this also took care of that annoying eavesdropping habit the other Gods seemed to have... Two metaphorical birds with one stone. The real birds, you know the Phoenix, actually were helped by this technique, as it gave them a voice. (This is the only way these birds will communicate in the future.)

And then Joshua made his "champion", a human who seemed to have draconic powers that manifested itself in his words... maybe it came from his connection to a particularly ancient dragon, maybe it was just some kind of ancestry or blessing... but the Human, named Simon, was what is known as a Dragon Fire Adept. For now, Joshua would leave Simon to his own devices and powers, but he would set one or two challenges up for the new hero to meet up with Chemosh's beloved. His words, though, were only little things right now. Nothing actually powerful, just small tricks and tips, not nearly enough to deal with bandits or wolf packs or anything of the like. So Joshua gave these words Power. They drew upon the True Names of objects and commanded even the air itself to obey the will of the Namer... and Joshua called this form of magic Invocation. And so did Simon have power that his mortal brothers did not even comprehend. Yes, that made him a leader that other men would follow, a small party that went out to try and bring order and justice to a naturally chaotic world. That would make for a few grand adventures.

And then that arrogant dragon began to speak.

Such a Panoply of Dragons

Secure in his new fortress, Shah Sherad waited for the recently battling Gods to leave, feeling the swing of his pendulum and comparing it to the scientific knowledge he had somehow been born with. As he slowly curled up to sleep upon the throne that he had secured for himself, admittedly with substantial aid from the little winged one, he listened to their talk of creation, of justice and order, of magic and society, of dragons and-
Wait... Dragons? Instantly he was fully awake. They had made others of his kind. He should have felt insulted but in a way he felt relieved. He was not alone in this cold and empty Universe, but surrounded by hundred, no, thousands of similar creatures. He raised his head to catch sight of them across the cosmos and saw them for the first time and his heart fell. They were weak, not his kind at all. Where he was a creature of pure fire, glass and blood, their blood was merely contained by flesh and bone. Substandard materials by anyone's reckoning. With this in mind, he confronted Joshua.
Why have you made them so weak? They are already hunted and they already die. As an artisan and progenitor of life, truly uoir skills have declined. You have failed in this task and bequeathed to the Universe insignificant creatures where once you brought into being living fire itself. Why did you not simply take the template of my form? Truly they would fare better against the trials of life with the strength of glass and the power of fire to fuel their soul.
I have half a mind to try and repair them but that would merely spoil my work. Culling the lot of them is a much more practical method of ending their suffering. But alas, you are quite obviously attached to these insignificant echoes of my majesty, so instead, I will show you what a true artisan can accomplish.
Opening his mouth, showing in the process his bloodstained glass teeth, Shah Sherad breathed a stream of fire before him. As the fire dissipated, a red hot orb of glass was revealed. With great skill and dexterity, yet also great speed, Shah Sherad used his wings and claws to carve the glass sphere into the shape of a great winged lion. Its feathers were as sharp as swords and its teeth and claws even more so. Shah Sherad settled back to watch as the lion's eyes began to glow with fire that refracted through the body of the creature and set its surface glittering.
I proclaim you Nalsanat, my attendant and castellan.
And the lion shook its glass mane and roared silently as the thousands of glass strangs caught the light.

Joshua's eyebrow raised. Almost, he regretted saving its life from Goven... but then, the glass dragon was another God. Joshua could not regret saving one of his... "brothers". And now was the perfect way to test out his new form of communication! Win-annoyance! "Weakness? Hmph, no. I did not choose to create a perfect form of life, as another god would have decided to make something... better. This way, I can continue to build up my new children, and... Oh would you look at that?" Joshua almost had to keep from laughing as Elceir pumped some extra magic into his Divine Dragons. The new, almost ageless mortals already had power constantly flowing into them and they were designed to amplify all magical power gifted to them...Which meant that Elceir's divine energies were now empowering the Divines, making it two gods that gave them strength, oh, and a second breath attack. This one was just normal, every day old fire... but really hot fire. And it accompanied the life force beam that the Divines already were able to breath. With such magical power, the Dragons gathered thousands of followers to themselves, enough to be a danger to anything that threatened their life or their rule. Elceir had wanted his blood dragons to actually be a challenge, right? Joshua shook his head, still chuckling. "Glass Dragon, I did not wish to make another being that breathed flame because then they would be vulnerable to the beings that could hunt the Phoenix as well. Plus, it would be rather boring and repetitive of me to only make beings with fire, now wouldn't it? Besides, while they are my Sons, I did not want to make them so great that they usurped the roll of my Daughters completely." A Phoenix preened itself to his right, nodding in acceptance of her father's words. "Oh, and I doubt that they were insignificant to begin with. Think about it, when each is born I give them the divine energy to create an ant, and they are able to grow this and perform miracles... naturally.

Now they have the energies of two gods at their fingertips. I do not believe there are any mortals beyond my Black Phoenix that could challenge them now and live.

Of course, if you wanted to prove that you can make better dragons, more power to you. Go ahead and show me where I erred in my creation, whether it was making scales harder than the strongest metal, or the ability to use magic or the diversity of their defenses. But remember that there is no such thing as perfection... only the journey and drive to achieve it. Oh, also remember that the things that hunt my dragons are themselves dragons, so being hunted by one that should be your "equal" is no weakness. Just keep that in mind, would you?"

0 starting AP

+6 (two rollovers)

-2 Boring communication: Life-speak: This kind of communication connects the life force of two beings, allows for instantaneous sharing of ideas and emotion, and can be used to convey music or sound to and by those that cannot experience either. It is incredibly intimate, as it bares one's soul at least partially to another being, and most mortals only ever use it to communicate with their closest friends and family. Once a connection is made, it can work over any distance and lasts until one party or the other dies. The thoughts and words exchanged are kept secret between individuals, and one cannot lie while using this technique.

-2 Boring Magic-ish stuff: Invocations: The power used by Warlocks, Dragonfire Adepts and classes like them. A brand of magic that relies on Names and channeling the true forms of objects.

-2 Raise mortal: Simon: A human Dragonfire Adept that leads a small party of humans out into the worlds, seeking to do good and be famous. He is immortal, open minded and a natural party leader. Not so much the ruler material, he is better with people like him. You know, PC adventurers.

2013-07-18, 07:19 PM
Mr. Flame saw all the gods creating dragons and saw the potential for fire, he wanted to give his bit. "When a dragon is injured or afraid, use my strength to make your enemy burn to a crisp! You may all now breathe fire!" He liked what he saw. He Thought to use them for his own purposes, but that would have to wait.

Starting AP:0
Rollover +2
-2 Boring creation: Fire breathing. All dragons may now breathe fire every 2d4 rounds. The breath weapon is always fire, is a 30 ft cone, and deals 5d12 fire damage to mortals (This is not RCR, this means nothing for our game, it only means anything for mortal adventurers trying to act on the 'everything works like it does in DnD' thing.)
Ending AP: 0

2013-07-19, 04:39 PM
Goven played his piano, sweet tunes: he played memories, although he wasn't really sure how they went. But it was sad and it was sweet; and it used to be complete when he was a younger god still. And as the Shades of Solitude flocked towards him he shared with them a drink called loneliness but it was better than drinking alone.

And so he played as the Shades filtered in, they became his family - HIS family and no one else's for that is the bond, the sacred covenant that his soul promised to them and them to him. He knew that together they would heal each other - he knew that he would murder any that would harm them - they were his bridge to sanity, but if that bridge was broken would he not fall further. They were the light at the end of the tunnel, and to them he was the only god that truly understood them.

And so he played his piano and played the Axe with it's chains, and so raised a new world of mercury rivers surrounded by three orbiting suns, and one hundred moons. The night sky would always be beautiful there, but it would always be day - and as such trapped in gorgeous twilight.

And there he crafted new bodies for the Shades of Solitude - legs, arms, and long slender bodies made of metal, their serpentine forms engraved as tattoos made of black gold on their bodies. Intricate and exquisite. At a moments notice they would be able to shift from one form to another - metal serpent to metal man, and as such the world was filled with both.

Over the years, as Goven healed he wandered the world - the Shades of Solitude, who now called themselves the Musicians, named him the Reforged Bard. And while he was still rusted and green, and covered in chains, he had a wild gleam of his old fire in his eyes. He traveled the world teaching them how to play music. He couldn't talk - but he played the music and they heard them in their souls. And they were adapt at it! In fact it was their language - sung not spoken. Beautiful words, and angry drum beats for punctuation. The world was a party - forged and made to keep loneliness at bay and far away.

AP 10

Create Planet : The planet which is the home of the Shades of solitude
Create: The Shades of Solitude: new forms. Basically elves made of metal who can transform into metallic oriental dragons.
Create: The musicians are well . . . the BEST musicians ever !
Create: Music Magic : Bardic magic :smallsmile:

2013-07-19, 05:14 PM
Elceir looked at the dragons. They were beautiful, but alas too powerful. He wished to make a race similar to the dragons, yet more in line with the other mortals. Ah! He had it, why make a new race. Why not simply allow the dragons to gift some of their power to mortals.

And so it was done. Any of the dragons could now make a pact with a mortal. This mortal would share a blood bond with the dragon. Any of the mortal's descendents would retain this dragon's blood. The affected mortals would gain new abilities from the blood. They would also manifest stronger abilities, which ability depended on their chosen profession.

Elceir was pleased. He looked unto his dragons to see the effects of his new blessing. That is when he noticed it, something odd. All the dragons were breathing only fire. This was not right. A foolish god had tampered with his creations. Instead of punishing the offender, he decided to allow it. Yet the dragons should be different. Each dragon now breathed fire in addition to its regular breath weapon. The effects could be combined into one attack if the dragon so wished.

4 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Dragon Blood. Dragon blood mortals gain +2 to any stat. They gain energy resistance of one type. Their blood turns the color of the dragon to which their family has a bond. Only 1 blood bond may be made. They also progressively gain more boosts as they grow stronger.
-2 AP Boring Creation: Dual Breaths. Dragons now retain their original breath weapon and add on the fire breath weapon. Both breath weapons may be used at once. This counts as only one attack. The limits of the fire breath are still intact. (Blood dragons do 2d4 con damage (Fort save for half, minimum 1); Blood dragons do 2d4 dex damage (Ref save for half, min 1); Moon Dragons do 2d4 int damage and 2d4 wis damage (Will save for half, min 1 each))
0 AP

2013-07-20, 03:47 PM
He was bored yet again; it took some time for others to make heroes. Apparently not everyone produced oodles of energy at a quick rate. He spread around magical items to all the races as a way to challenge and reward the heroes. Next he create random dungeons across the plane that held random gold, treasures and monsters smart enough to enter the dungeon but oddly enough not smart enough to use the treasure. Then he made orcs and goblins whose entire purpose in life was to walk around in packs and to live in dungeons harmlessly. They are even downright helpful to the townsfolk, working for very little money so that they can afford to be better equipped in case they ever came across a hero. Then when someone who is a hero gets within 10 miles of them they become aggressive and start searching everywhere for that hero so that they can attack them. After killing the hero they then leave the scene and return to whatever they were doing before the hero came. That bout of creation done he sat back waiting for more heroes to be made.

1+8 ap from roll over-2ap to create magical items to give to everyone-2ap to make dungeons-2ap to make orcs-2 ap to make goblins=1 ap. After day change

2013-07-20, 07:58 PM
The dragons sensed the new treasure. the phantom dragons most of all began to seek it out and hoard it in sercet caverns. These became the hardest dungeons to run, as they were dragon lairs as well. some lairs amassed enough wealth to house several hundred dragons.

Hank McBadass
2013-07-21, 09:47 PM
Asher drifted in the Center. The gods had forgotten about him, putting attention to their own kind. Alone, forgotten, weak: Asher despised himself.

Does time have meaning to a god not thinking about it? Asher didn't know how long had passed. He was nothing, with nothing to reference against the passage of time. Then his salvation came. A pillar of crystal gabbed him and held him tight.

Father! Move, live, They have not killed you.

Sweet child, haven't they? I am nothing. I am dead but haven't the mercy of nonexistence.

For another indeterminate amount of time the Web wept over her father. His duty stripped from him, her hope had been that they would be together. But he refused to grab life, beaten and battered as he was, and sat motionless for lack of will. Until she responded:

Father, you can still have a purpose. The gods have neglected their creations for the most part. They need guidance. You could be the one!

Asher didn't answer. He never answered. What was the point. He had made his daughter strong. She had no need of him. And that was a past life.

Damn it Father, I didn't think you were just like them! Those barbarians who attacked you. I thought you cared.

I did care. Once.

And no more?

Sweet child. I've realized that nothing matters. This world is a sham. Maybe, an illusion imagined by some sick bastards in another world all together but nothing more.

You're wrong father! I'll show you.

The Web hurled Asher through her tunnels of twisted physics toward one of her planets. Asher didn't resist. Maybe he could have -- he didn't know -- but what was the point? As she tossed him, she molded him into the form of a human. The former Asher would have fought such humiliation, but his one didn't care. Might as well be a human as anything.

Asher landed on the planet of Hirsch. And lay there. If his daughter had hoped he would explore and see the lands and the people there, she would be sorely upset. He just lay there in the dirt, unmoving.

2013-07-22, 10:31 AM
Reforged Bard continued his travels among Musicians. It was a peaceful life - memories of lives past began to fade, not forgotten, but stored elsewhere. The society of the Musicians slowly evolved - three kings, who were chosen each decade in a grand music contest. While strangers might think it unwise to have a system of government dictated by who is the best bard it was not strange to the Musicians. Afterall music was the most important thing and how could a leader lead without mastery over the essentials of what a Musician was all about? And so the Three Kings were a singer, a harpist, and a flutist. They were chossen by popular consent and they have been choosen over and over - their children, as the Reforged Bard witnessed in his immortality, inherrited their skill. A sort of musical aristocracy developed.

Meanwhile a religion sprung up among the Musicians. The Reforged Bard was the God of Music - a properly honored as such. Whenever he appeared their would be a concert and celebration and then he would leave to the next town. As the God of Music they worshipped him, but they also challenged him. Each year a royal or a noble would challenge him for his Axe or Piano, items of legend - and each year they would lose. But to them he was simply the God of Music, not Music and thus they never thought of him an infallible. They also worshipped their creator, Shad Sherad - they thought of him as the God of Metal.

And so life went on as memories evarporated.

AP 2 + 2 rollovers = 8

Create 2 musical Nobility
Create 2 Religion of the Musicians

Rollover = 7 AP

2013-07-22, 03:36 PM
It was nice that the dragons made lairs from the dungeon. They would make interesting challenges if the heroes ever got to be that strong. Now what else would be good to add, maybe a creature that mimicked objects within a certain size. Villagers could hire them as guards for their valuables or literal doormen. Some of them even went into the dungeons to get their share of the loot. Woe to those who tried to rob them of their gold or tried to steal from their masters.

Next he made a race of undead shadows and a greater version of themselves. They were all True Neutral with no possibility of them being created any other alignment. They function as law enforcement in the Beloved cities where they travel in packs followed by a Beloved supervisor. Anyone found to be controlling one that was not part of the police force will be punished by conversion to the Shadows.

Then he created hundreds of cities filled with uncontrolled undead that keep reappearing as they were taken over and destroyed. He filled it with fortunes worth of gold but those who carried gold taken from those hallowed halls become cursed to be forever chased by undead. It became quite the destination for poor chemoshmancers down on their luck who could not afford to replace their zombies and several met their deaths trying to steal some gold to make ends meet.

Finally for fun he created a giant floating city. It would became a hive for those blessed with any form of magic to come and enjoy. It was filled with huge and insanely valuable libraries, catacombs constantly filled with the dead, hundreds of temples praying to every god or goddess and even sported a giant auditorium in which the city could gather for discussions on magic or for votes.

1ap +8 ac from rollovers-2 ap to make mimics-2 ap to make great shadows (and ultimately shadows)-2ap to make the cities across my plane-2 ap to make the city=1 ap

Hank McBadass
2013-07-22, 06:16 PM
Dust blew and and the rains came and again the sun scorched the earth on the edges of Hirch's middle desert. Shepards, traders, and soldiers all passed Asher without seeing him. The dirt had crusted over his black form, camouflaging him perfectly with his surroundings. And so he lay there as the years crept by, indifferent to the shadows of nothingness that fleeted past his senses. Until one day a girl named Julia grasped his head.

"There you are! I knew someone was watching me!"

Of course had Asher chosen to notice or remember, we would know the girl well. Much of her life, the important aspects anyway, had taken place right at this spot. The night of her conception, when her mother was dragged from her shack for the pleasure of a soldier, fresh from his recent conquest; the day she should have died after being bitten by a desert cobra but refused to feel the poison; the day the slavers came and rounded up her sisters but could not finder her in the brambles; the day her mother died and was buried in the ground. But Asher didn't remember any of it. He didn't care to.

Julia felt the strange naked man as she put her knife to his throat. Dead weight. But he was not dead. She could feel his pulse and see the light in his eye.

"Hey you, stop playing dead. Get up now, slow like."

Asher didn't respond.


Julia let out a swift and viscous kick right to the naked man's testicles. Again, no response. Julia stood in shock before putting the knife tight to his throat again.

"I've heard of this! You are a spy from the West aren't you. You must be! I should have known with your black skin. King Limm will want to see you, all right. Oh wow! I'm sure there will be a big reward in this. He's told of about you Westerners trying to interfere with us and the need for war, but . . . Well no you must be."

A length of leather appeared almost as if by magic, the girl never taking the knife off the silent man's throat. She tied him up.

"Come now Rourky," she said to her lizard as she tied the man to his back. "I know he's such a heavy, ugly man, but when we take him to the city we'll make lots of money and her Ladyship might get a new monopoly grant that she's been wanting," Julia said in a cooing voice. The lizard let out an unintelligible squawk as she rubbed it behind the ear.

Asher lay passively on the lizard's back, bound tight. He took in this new series of illusions with no more interest than the other infinite series of meaningless events.

Based on past events and their general nature, I think this is a perfectly plausible setup that takes no AP on my part.

2013-07-22, 09:50 PM
Elceir had waited for so long. Evolution was not occurring at a rapid enough pace. And so he decided to help it along. More creatures needed to exist, but he did not wish to make them all himself. Instead he used his powers to efficiently make hundreds of creations. He accelerated time 1000 years. Entire empires were born and fell in the time. To them time occurred as normal, every other god knew it simply took 1 second, and life had evolved 1000 years. Already existing civilizations had advanced to the point of erecting giant monuments. Countless new life had arisen. Several sentient populations found their way into being. Even more mundane life had come into existence. These effects were felt throughout ever plane of being.

Elceir wasn't done yet. He had more work to do. He made a new beast. The Gryphon was gigantic (3x the size of D&D griffons). It used divine magic to heal and protect. It roamed about the cosmos from planet to planet protecting the innocent.

And yet he wasn't done. He learned of cheomancy. The dark arts intrigued him, but such darkness had to be countered. He was not yet ready to make his own magic. Instead he made beasts that were bringers of light. The beasts stood 5' tall. They were made of stone, whenever they became gravely injured, the turned into hardened stone. There obsidian form allowed them to quickly heal, although they were unable to move. They remained in this form for at least 3 days. In their normal form they had ash grey skin, round heads, at least 2 small horns (but up to 4 dozen) arrayed on their scalp, their claws were sharp, their feet made them excellent climbers. Lastly they had draconic style wings. The gargoyles were hunters of the undead. They sought out undead wherever they were and leached their souls. It was through the souls of the undead that they were able to greatly prolong their own lives.

8 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Quick Evolution.
-2 AP Boring Creation: Gryphons
-2 AP Boring Creation: Gargoyles
2 AP

2013-07-23, 10:12 AM
Mr. Flame waged war on Atum until there was nothing left of Atum. He was burned to a crisp, and his power wasted. Mr. Flame created many things from the power burned into energy from Atum. He roared with energy, and spat fire. He created the Thorn of Fire, an armband made of enchanted barbed wire. It would dig into the skin of whatever wears it, and be a perpetual annoyance as it burns into the skin. Upon command, the wearer can launch an incredible fireball at any foe in line of sight. He also created 4 new inhabitants for the Plane of Elemental Fire. Bone Serpents, Fire dwarves (Azers), Fire imps, and Fire ants. Normally, they do not leave the Elemental Plane of Fire, but if some dumb mage's apprentice opened up a portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire for some reason, they would pour through.

Bone serpents are magical beings native to the Elemental Plane of Fire. They look remarkably like giant snakes made of bones, like a spine except looser. Their head looks like the skull of a dragon, which isn't a coincidence. Dragons who are near the end of their life can undergo a ritual in which they transform into bone serpents. Bone serpents kill giant creatures, and add their spine columns to their length. They can grow to be 500 feet long, though few ever will. Most grow to be a hundred feet long. They can swim, swim through lava, and even swim through earth and stone. Fire does not harm them, neither does lava. Few ever leave the Plane of Elemental fire.

Fire Dwarves (Azers) are the only sentient societal creature on the Elemental Plane of Fire. They build massive spires for their inhabitants, and boats made of bone to cross the fiery seas. They have societies much like any dwarves would.

Fire Imps are sentient, but not societal. They are scarce, but when encountered, they are tricky. They don't appear to be very well fit, but they can leap 15 feet in the air, and across great distances. They are small. They can shoot fire at things that come nearby, and they can summon each other across great distances, though only do as a last ditch effort, since they don't get along very well. They don't often try to fight travelers, but enjoy playing with them, and tricking them.

Fire Ants are the worst. They can eat anything, and often move in large numbers to their prey. Their venom is actually lava that they hold inside their bodies. A bite from one would mean that lava is injected into your bloodstream, probably killing you. They have a hive mind, and work as a group. They are about the size of a motorcycle.

Starting AP: 0
5 rollovers: +10
-2 boring creation: The Thorn of Fire (Artifact, +1 Attack, bringing my attack up to +6)
-2 Boring creation: Bone serpents
-2 Boring creation: Azers
-2 Boring creation: Fire imps.
-2 Boring creation: Fire Ants
Remaining AP: 0

Also Atum was burned by mr. Flame

Hank McBadass
2013-07-23, 01:27 PM
What a god such as Asher, one of the Creator's children, perceives is reality. And so the tomfoolery of the other gods had no traction on Hirsch. The laws of other places didn't matter, and to the people there it seemed as if such always was.

6 AP-2 AP Create Relic: Apathy Shield = 4 AP

Since Asher couldn't care less about the happenings of the other gods, those under his focus -- namely Hirsch and the Web -- do not feel the affects of god's actions. Ironically, such abject apathy protects them.

Oh, and there is sound here. Because Asher doesn't give a ****.

2013-07-23, 08:29 PM
Elceir had waited for so long. Evolution was not occurring at a rapid enough pace. And so he decided to help it along. More creatures needed to exist, but he did not wish to make them all himself. Instead he used his powers to efficiently make hundreds of creations. He accelerated time 1000 years. Entire empires were born and fell in the time. To them time occurred as normal, every other god knew it simply took 1 second, and life had evolved 1000 years. Already existing civilizations had advanced to the point of erecting giant monuments. Countless new life had arisen. Several sentient populations found their way into being. Even more mundane life had come into existence. These effects were felt throughout ever plane of being.

Elceir wasn't done yet. He had more work to do. He made a new beast. The Gryphon was gigantic (3x the size of D&D griffons). It used divine magic to heal and protect. It roamed about the cosmos from planet to planet protecting the innocent.

And yet he wasn't done. He learned of cheomancy. The dark arts intrigued him, but such darkness had to be countered. He was not yet ready to make his own magic. Instead he made beasts that were bringers of light. The beasts stood 5' tall. They were made of stone, whenever they became gravely injured, the turned into hardened stone. There obsidian form allowed them to quickly heal, although they were unable to move. They remained in this form for at least 3 days. In their normal form they had ash grey skin, round heads, at least 2 small horns (but up to 4 dozen) arrayed on their scalp, their claws were sharp, their feet made them excellent climbers. Lastly they had draconic style wings. The gargoyles were hunters of the undead. They sought out undead wherever they were and leached their souls. It was through the souls of the undead that they were able to greatly prolong their own lives.

8 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Quick Evolution.
-2 AP Boring Creation: Gryphons
-2 AP Boring Creation: Gargoyles
2 AP

The Gargoyles quickly found footholds in the wealthy cities of undead where they could constantly feed on undead without any serious threat to themselves. However elsewhere they didn't have it nearly as easy. The Beloved handily defeated them when challenged and shadows could kill them with enough touches. It was even worse when they headed to the strongholds. Other than some mysterious disappearances of the Beloved they were ultimately ignored as a minor threat.

Chemosh however was not amused. It would be best to nip this in the bud before these evil things could actually become effective at murder. The solution he came up with was a creature made of pure acid that usually ate rocks. Fast and dangerous they had the ability to fly making them insanely dangerous if they were to actually attack anyone. Thankfully the only creature they really targeted were Gargoyles, since they were after all made of rock.

That done he went back to the afterlife. He hadn't did anything interesting with it lately so he might as well add something to that while he was at it. Therefore he made a book...not just any book, this book kept a perfect record of who died, how many times they died, all their life's achievements, all the good they did and all the evil they did. In essence it did nothing but it was always an interesting read and surely some use could come from it.

1ap+4ap-2ap to make flying Gelatinous Cubes with a speed of 60ft (flying (Their flight is poor)and moving) and acid that can effect metal and stone-2ap to make a cosmetic artifact: The Chemoshnomicon=1 ap

Hank McBadass
2013-07-23, 09:55 PM

Matilda is the Marquis of the Hill Country, a vassal of King Limm's sprawling realm. She is from the north and the people resent having a foreign ruler. She doesn't believe that Asher is really a Western spy but she is going to use this to her advantage, especially since the king is getting ready to call up troops for another war. So she makes a theater of it.

As she rewards Julia, the light catches the child's eyes green with metalic gold flecks. Julia calls the child back and takes her away, much to the puzzlement of the court. Later the common folk will tell of her ladyship's kindness to an orphan girl.

Marquis Matilda sat at court. The room was abuzz with the rumors of a Western spy caught by a little girl. The Marquis doubted it was really a Western spy, but all the better to monger up a little fear before the King declared war.

"Guards bring in the Westerner."

Her silver hair glistened in the sun. Matilda would use this to her advantage. The locals had bristled under her rule. She was a northerner who had inherited the Hill Country march quite by accident. The things that the former lords could get away with would send the common folk in revolt against her. They had learned to hate her people when King Limm's father had turned his armies northward. It was time that they had a common enemy.

A naked black man was dragged before Matilda. The crowed hissed and spit on him, but he was unmoving.

"Are we sure he is alive?" Matilda asked.

"Yes your ladyship. We checked. He is alive but makes no movements or any response.

"Ahh. Western sorcery then!" Matilda stood up. Her flowing blue dress, the same color as her eyes, fluttered in the wind. "And where is the girl who found her? The brave thing that to show us that Western tricks will not work on the East?"

"Here I am your ladyship. I caught him staring at me bathe." A girl of about twelve shot her hand up.

What ridiculousness thought Matilda. As if such a fine specimen as this would be peeping after such a little girl. No, Matilda was sure this brute would want a woman's touch. What a shame he could not have been brought to her . . . more discretely.

"No doubt, no doubt. Western perverts and probably would have had his way with you had you not acted so quickly. Of course that is want they want with us: to take your daughters and wives! To Lay their savage hands on us!"

A rabble went up from the crowd. Angry shouts punctuated the din.

"We will send this spy to the King and let him know of these evil Western plots! Never fear he will protect us!"

A cheer rose up from the court. Matilda smiled inside. Very good. Now a show of generosity to the orphan girl -- she was of course an orphan since otherwise her mother or father would be here to present the captive.

"Girl, you have done the realm a great service. Take this reward for your loyalty."

The Marquise produced a purse of gold and handed it to the bailiff. The girl approached bashfully to take the money. Matilda had half turned away when the girl walked through a ray of light entering one of the open windows.

Her eyes shot back onto the girl.

"Child! . . . Come . . . Come here child. No, no, don't be afraid, just come here. You are an orphan right? Julia is your name?"

Julia walked up to the seat, unsure of herself.

"Yes your ladyship. My mother died and I never knew my father."

"Ah. I see." Matilda saw the child's eyes -- green with flecks of metallic gold. And the hair! Deep red! The color of freshly dried blood. "Well, for your loyalty, you will be raised in my house. It is people like you that make this realm great."

There was stunned silence throughout the throne room as Matilda took the child away.

2013-07-24, 09:31 AM
The Reforged Bard sat alone on a mountain top, shaded from the suns by a silver tree. The Bard had his Axe on his lap, the Axe that if strummed could end this planet. He did not touch its chains. The fires in his eyes dimmed as he rested, old scars rusted over.

"My Lord?"

The fires blazed as he awakened. He turned his head with a creak and saw a Musician dressed in a white tunic and blue pants. He seemed to be made of plantinum. A nobleman. This would mean another challenge for one of his instruements. He did not tolerate the challenges, he encouraged them - for the challenges created wonderful music.

He nodded but stayed silent. The Musician looked unsure of himself but then lifted his head and continued walking towards the silver tree. He stood their for a couple seconds hovering over the god, and then kneeled and laid himself prostrate. The God of Music said nothing.

"My Lord. I come not to challenge you but to give myself to you - please my sister is dying, the bards have been able to do nothing, as the God among Mortals can you please raise your hand and help?"

And the little mortal was right - he was no longer just the God of Music. He was the God of Lonliness and Health. And so he pressed his thumb against the Nobleman's forehead, branding and burning the mark of a Healer into his metallic skin. In that gesture he created all the healing arts, magical and non magical. And then he spoke:

You will be one of my Doctors. You have the power to save your sister, but your curse would be to forever wander the world and save others who need saving. You will be the first among your order. You will be my first son.

And with that Nobleman solemly promised his devotion and walked down the mountain. Only after he left the God's presence did he even realize that the god had cloaked him in a white robe.. . . .

Spoiler 10 AP

Create 2 Healing Arts
Create 2 Order of Medical Doctors
Create 2 White Robe of Health - to destroy a Doctor you must first destroy the robe!

Rollover = 7

Hank McBadass
2013-07-24, 10:46 AM

Matilda is about 30 years old and a smokeshow, though kind of a bitch. Her son, Theodore was betrothed to marry a powerful duke's daughter but Matilda broke the engagement. Whatever Matilda saw in Julia, it was clear that her husband, Baron Albert, saw it as well.

Attention is now going to Asher.

Theodore stomped in from his trip to the capitol. "Mother what is the meaning of this! I've heard you've broken my engagement to the Duke of Liana 's daughter. Why?"

"Why, indeed?" A gruffer voice called out. "You'd better have a good explanation, woman."

Matilda's sharp voice pierced the air, "Or what?"


"Have you forgotten, dear husband and precious son that I rule here? That I speak with the authority of King Limm and the Gods themselves? Doubly for you Albert!" Her cold eyes burnt.

The gruff man's face fell. How could a man live like this? He was under the heel of a woman 15 year's his junior. Sure, his son would be Marquis of the Hill Country one day in addition to the Baron of Coryell, but he'd be damned if it was worth putting up this this white northern bitch.

Matilda continued. "Theodore up to your chambers, your father and I need to talk."

"Yes mother." Theodore skulked past her grand table, toward the south stairs. Matilda watched him leave.

"Now Albert. I trust you've heard about our new daughter then as well?"

"Yeah. So what? Some peasant girl, right? You've always wanted a daughter, I know that." The setting sun was shining through the breezy patio, bouncing wonderfully off his wife's pale breasts. Ah! That's why he could manage it! Albert thought of her alabaster skin turning red under his lips, her flushed cheeks as he pulled her silver hair---

"Albert, focus!"

"Well, you are still young my dear . . . barely thirty, and still as youthful as ever. There is still time . . ." He gave a stupid, half grin.

Matilda smiled in amusement. Albert such was a lecherous old goat, she supposed he was trying to be seductive. "No. I could never have a daughter like this. Nurse, bring in Julia."

The nurse scurried off and brought the child in tow.

"Here sweet thing. Meet your father, the Baron of Coryell. Albert, take a look into the child's eyes."

Julia walked in deliberately. Party because her governesses had been showing her how to walk properly and partly because she didn't want to disturb what she was sure was dream. Albert bent over to look at her.

"Well aren't you a . . . spry little thing?" He bent over to look at her as Matilda played with the girl's hair.

"My lord."

Albert didn't respond. His eyes grew wide and he stood up slowly.

"You don't think . . ."

"I do, husband. I do indeed. And war is coming soon."

"Gods! This changes everything." Albert started laughing. "Now where is this Western prisoner? Lets get rid of this messy business now. No need to parade him to the capital"

2013-07-24, 11:00 AM
Elceir saw his gargoyles were under attack. It was such a shame, he'd only meant the beasts to keep the undead from spreading like a plague. Now they were being hunted. He found sat and thought for a time. A yes, he would armor his gargoyles. The armor would make them guardians and wardens of the undead. He applied the armor to his gargoyles, reducing the effectiveness of the cube's acid. The beasts could still die, but the cubes had a harder time of it.

Simply armoring the beasts wasn't enough. He had neglected the great plants of the world. The ones that would be considered sentient by others. So he shaped two guardians of plants. The first watched over all the trees. They themselves were massive trees, able to rise from the ground and move. They watched over the forests and groomed them. They were slow to anger, but fiercely watched over their forests, eliminating great threats that sought to eliminate the forest. They did not harm the average wood cutter, for their work was not substantial enough to cause the forest lasting harm.

The next was a gigantic beast with 4 arms. It was like a moving mountain, covered in thorns. This Briarvex was the forests avenger. Often the warriors for the Ents, the Briarvex were warriors all. They survived off of nature itself, needing only water and limited sunlight to live. They could venture into caverns and places without the sun, however their stay was limited to a fortnight.

Elceir was not yet done, however the creation had left him weaker. He waited to see how the other gods responded to his new work before continuing.

10 AP
-2 Boring Creation: Acid Armor. Gargoyles are now resistant to attacks that target stone. This acid also injures flesh.
-2 Boring Creation: Ents
-2 Boring Creation: Briarvex
4 AP

2013-07-24, 03:28 PM
Forty years pass - time may have been healed, but any good doctor can tell you that when you set the bones they may sometimes set wrong. Here, where Goven and the Shades of Solitude have fled and grew up, time passed much faster than where the other Gods politics, placed each other into pyres or simply did nothing. Regardless our attention turns not to the reforged bard but in this time of Dragons and Mortal it turns appropriately to the Musicians themselves. And now. . . the curtain opens


The building was imposing compared to the buildings back at Cesilicia's home town. It was hewn of rock and was sqaut with small windows - usually Musician architecture was tall spires made of glass. This was merely a sanded squared off hill. And as such it was unique and demanded attention. The eye, used to flowing clear lines, was struck by the brutal exact construction. The symbol of the Reforged Bard, a lyre, was carved on the door. The symbol was encircled by twin dragons, the symbol of the order of Doctors, who called the Reforged Bard the Lord Teacher.

Cesilicia smiled, he was here to become a Doctor, perhaps the worlds second most honarable profession (the first being a performer, but in a world full of performers one had to . . . you know . . . actually earn a living). He knocked on the door, and waited. Quickly enough it was opened by a woman, made of silver the same mark on the door on her forhead wearing a white robe. A Doctor.

"I've come for instruction Mistress"

The Doctor looked at the boy, and then let him in.

"All Right, we will adminster a written test and a musical aptitude test"
"Musical aptitude? I already know some Magic?"
"Magic is not the same as Healing. Do you know how to use music to see an obstruction in the veins? Or to see the tear in a lung? No, we will simply determine your wealth of medical knowledge at the moment and to see if your music is of the type to be able to learn our arts. Then we will make a decision."
"oh.. . . "

The test proceeded nervously enough - they were carried out in front of a panel of ten other Doctors, who minus the woman, simply seamed bored. The musical peice he was given to play after the complicated the written test was a thousand times more complicated. The finger movements was insane. When he first messed up he stopped looking embaressed, but it seemed like no one noticed, or at least cared. By the time he messed up the fifteenth time halfway through, he did not even pause with the music.

After the test he was placed in a waiting room, his hopes for getting into the school dimmer than when he entered the strange building. After what seemed like days, a young man, made of pewter, came into the room, the young man was wearing a light blue tunic and loose pants. With a freindly smile, he motioned to Cesilicia with his two thumbs.

"Congrats. . . Classes start in a month! See you then."

Cesilicia didn't even ask him his name and sighed in releif. He was going to be a Doctor.

Medical Colleges
Musical Science : People on this planet do Magic AND science entirely in musical notation and in song.
AP 3

Hank McBadass
2013-07-24, 10:39 PM
"Just cut his head off. No pomp and circumstance necessary."

Matilda's mind was the fortune that had fallen on her house. The odd's were . . . Well incalculable. Her son would not stand on the periphery of the kingdom but at it's heart. This so called Westerner was just an afterthought.

The executioner was clad in all black with a hood covering his face. His measured steps echoed around the hall as he came forward to do his liege's bidding.

His axe glinted in the evening light as he raised it above his head. And with a determined efficiency he brought it down, toward the accused Westerner's neck.

Asher put up no resistance. Apparently , death was but forestalled for the former hegemon.


A crystal hand stopped the blade.

Would you raise a hand to Asher? Creator of the Web, the founder of all Kingdoms, and the propagator of life?

The Web, in human form, appeared. Such a form had never been seen and would never bee seen again on Hirsch. In her wake old men, convinced that the world was ugly and cruel, would cry at it's beauty. Young boys would find every other female form unsatisfying and die alone, dreaming of that vision of beauty from their youth. Women would spend days in front of a mirror, noticing flaws they never had before in comparison to her.

For so is this prisoner: My father, Asher.

The room stood still. Matilda and Albert did not move.

If any harm comes to him all of you will experience an eternity of hell at my hands. He has been defeated by those that seek to destroy goodness in this world, but he will rise again

With that the crystal form was gone, at least to the eyes of the mortals.


Were you really going to let them kill you father? Mortals? How uncouth!

What does it matter, sweet child? I am already dead.


Matilda, terrified of offending the gods whose capricious whims the entire world depended on, build a fabulous shrine to Asher. Obviously, only the servants of the finest blood could wait on Asher.

The day's events only confirmed her beliefs about Julia. Soon, everything would change.

2013-07-25, 02:36 PM
Elceir was bored. He had long steered clear of the other gods. He concerned himself with only nature. He cared little for the things he created, outside helping them survive. He realized that not everything could be saved. But he also felt his luck would run out sooner than he hoped. He drew upon the power of his creations. He armored himself in their being. He wished he could say love, but his creations were almost as fickle as he. They acknowledge his existence and worshiped him as their creator, but they felt little devotion towards him.

He desired to have a creation that cared about him. So he made a creation that worshiped him, edifying love, or at least lust. But he was the god of nature, and nature could also be cruel. The beings were sought after by all mortals, and they lived off the life forces of others. Every kiss stole 2 years of life. Anything further...well the price was dear indeed. These beings worshiped Elceir as more than just a creator. They were his servants like no other. They were eternally devoted to him, never wavering in their devotion. They served no other cause than Elceirs.

8 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Tunic of the Nature God. +1 Defense (has other effects for mortals)
-2 AP Boring Creation: Succubus (Reflavored). Capable of charming almost any creature. +6 Charisma, -2 Str. LA +2 (other boosts, not laid out here)
4 AP

2013-07-25, 05:45 PM
The gargoyles' adaption seemed to be a fair, at least they were less of a threat now. They could even be an interesting challenge for adventurers. Now what to do with so much power. Might as well make some new powers even though most people would never use them. He created a power that worked through names and a power that worked through the mind. He didn't even bother to make a race for it, he just made it and let the races figure it out.

Next he created undead beings that embodied all that was good. Creatures he called Angels. He created creatures he liked to call Solars and another he called a planetar. Naturally they would be undead like everything else he made.

The Beloved cities hardly changed at all from a thousand years. That is the flaw with undead cities. Very few people die and very few are born so that culture is pretty much stuck as it was before the accelerated evolution.

Jessica frowned as she preserved an organ. It was such simple and repetitive work that it was almost insulting that she had been stuck doing the job. She passed the organ to the next person who stuck it into the cooler for it to be recast tomorrow. All she was doing was preserving organs for zombies. Gentle repose worked better but she had used those spells up quickly. This was punishment for focusing on predictomancy instead of Chemoshmancy she thought glumly. Only 5 more of these bloody hearts and she was done her work day. On the bright side she had several days of training after today.

1 ap+8ap from roll overs-2 ap to make truenaming (we will need to fix that later)-2 ap to make psionics-2ap to solars-2 ap to make planetars. Both are undead creatures not outsiders.

2013-07-26, 02:19 AM
Joshua finally woke up.

It had been a fine nap, and he had needed it after all the fighting from before. He wasn't all that used to the rigor, and silently hoped that he never would be. Now, what had happened while he had been gone? Some new life, mostly those rock things... gargoyles. And the cubes. The cubes amused him. But they were not important now.

For Joshua had fallen behind on his upkeep duties. With a yawn the God of Life looked at what could be done and what should be, and decided that he would just make what came to mind. But first, he listened to the last wishes that had come in during his rest... it was a long list. Actually, too long. He should make something to delegate and fulfill... aha! First creations.

To fulfill the Last Wishes of the mortals, Joshua created a new race. Well, really he changed the souls of what used to be "Angels" (the original angels who were almost killed off) into beings that guarded and fulfilled the last wishes of the fallen. True last wishes, though, not whimseys like, "I don't want to die yet" or "I wish I had been rich", only things with substance. True last wishes, things that could be granted even after death and still actually matter to the world. Nothing too grand, but small miracles would be more than doable. The beings he so empowered were called "Guardian Angels", as their job for some reason tended to entail watching over the families and friends of the fallen. Apparently, that was often the most pure of wishes... and so often rose to the surface that it defined this insubstantial race. Though they rarely, if ever, participated in combat because so few could see them, let alone interact with them, the Guardians were more than capable of helping themselves, with access to the magics of the Gods of Air and Life, as well as the arcane magics that Chemosh had created. Well, to a degree, at least. Not too major of one, but nothing to sneeze at either.

Next, why not make a race of Dragon that practiced the magics of Chemosh, and amplified them like the Divines? He made dragons with scales as blue as sapphire, through whom all kinds of Arcane magic could be channeled and amplified. They spent their days not surrounded by wealth, but by curiosity and change, so caves of just normal every-day old treasure did not excite them. On the other hand, strange places and places with incredibly powerful concentrations of magic and artifacts drew them like moths to the flame. So it was these treasure rooms that the Azure dragons guarded when found in the wild. They also tended to come to their Divine brethren, as the silver dragons were themselves fonts of power that the blues found... intriguing.

Now for the divines. They were powerful, yes. They were rulers. Indeed. And they channeled his divine power... but there was something lacking. Ah, yes. They lacked the ability to come back from death's door. Joshua could fix that... Joshua could fix that nicely. He created a spell called "Genesis", divine magic that was restricted to the Dragons and Joshua's most powerful followers. It basically was a contingency plan. In case the Dragon or caster of the spell perished, it would resurrect them with all of their spells memorized for the day without the need to actually wait until someone decided to come around and revive them. This spell could be cast a month in advance, giving the caster time to recover from its costs and protecting them from death until it faded.

Lastly, Joshua created a bunch of different rings. Well, it was the same ring, but the mortal ones were different shapes and sizes from the one meant for a certain God. These were the Rings of Regeneration, powerful tools that could heal lost limbs and the greatest of injuries in a matter of minutes. And all the bearers had to do was put them on their fingers... But the one made for the Gods was special. And made for a particular individual...

And to deliver his gift, the God of Life shifted himself so that he could find and talk to Goven. It was in the other God's new place of life that Joshua first witnessed the musicians... and was pleased. "Hail, God of Song. I see you keep my old piano in good shape." He called cheerfully through his life force, holding the ring that could heal Goven's tongue in his palm. In fact, it could likely restore at least part of Asher's old glory... though not nearly enough to bring the cast down God back to true power. "I was hoping you would want to talk."

AP: 10
-2: Guardian Angels
-2: Azure Dragons
-2: Create spell: Genesis
-2: Rings of Regeneration
-2: Ring of Godly regeneration (This ring is able to heal all bodily harm done (aesthetically) to a God, and is able to restore stripped domains as flavor domains. Regained domains do not count towards your domain total.)
0 AP

2013-07-26, 09:12 PM
Elceir knew it was time to create again. There were not enough beasts in the world. Yet he longed for simpler creatures. He could spin time forward yet again, but perhaps he wouldn't just yet.

The trees seemed lonely. Perhaps he would give them some company. The creatures would guard their groves without mercy. They would have the body of a deer, and a torso of a human. They would have antlers. Their hair and eyes would be colors of their grove. Each dryad would be in charge of a groove. As they mated with each other, their groves would join together. Children would expand the grove, until they were of age to move out on their own. At that time they would seek out another grove, often near their parent's.

8 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Dryads
6 AP

2013-07-26, 10:44 PM
Elceir looked at his dryads. Ahh, yes. The dryads were working out nicely. But the seas were now lonely. So he made dryads for the seas. He also made them great groves of coral and plants. The average mortal would call them merefolk, but they were dryads non the less.

He was pleased with his work. He would rest and wait for a time. It wouldn't be long before he had the power to make more.

6 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Sea Dryads
-2 AP Boring Creation: Coral
2 Ap

2013-07-27, 11:10 AM
Mr. Flame would go on to create a little bit more before he sought a new prey. He created a new take on red dragons, who are bigger than traditional dragons, and have a mightier fire breath weapon. He created a portal to the plane of elemental fire at the core of every planet that wasn't already occupied by something else, and every volcano. He also two beads, each with a similar power. The first bead must be destroyed before the Elemental plane of fire could be destroyed. The second bead must be destroyed before the first bead can be destroyed.

Starting AP: 0
4 rollovers: 8
-2: Boring creation: better red dragons
-2: Boring creation: portals to the plane of elemental fire.
-2: Boring creation: The first bead of fire.
-2: Boring creation: The second bead of fire.
Ending AP: 0 AP
Mr. Flame now qualifies for a 3rd domain, however, he has not the AP to take it.

2013-07-27, 01:12 PM
In the back of Joshua's mind, things continued to turn and propagate, new ideas forming within new ideas. Now, Elcier had given Simon the ability to channel the strength of the Dragons, and the human Hero had decided to draw a line to the Divine Dragon ancestry. Good for his silver self. But he still was vulnerable to the whims and fancy of the other Gods... might as well fix that, right?

It was a simple change. Simon barely even felt it as he was put into what can only be described as an infinite loop, where he was stationary until he died, whereupon his soul and life force spun through the loop, got caught back in his body and then brought him back to life. Of course, another god could destroy the loop, but that would just take extra effort. Something else about the loop was that it stabilized time on whatever world Simon stood upon completely, preventing further tampering to the evolution or the destruction of Time were a God to get it in their fancy to do so...

And he felt something tugging at him, but for now Joshua ignored it as he directed evolution once more, creating small mammals, and bears and wolves, on most worlds. And he also created a rather small, rather weak race of almost-humanoid beings that he called "Kobalds". Now, though they were weak these lizard-mammals who had evolved from some gods-forsaken thing were incredibly numerous. They traveled in large packs, up to three hundred strong, and liked to live in caves that were oddly accessible to low-level adventurers. They also liked shiny things, which they usually stole from the houses of random farmers or mayors, and very, very rarely there would be a Kobold intelligent enough to try and seek peace with its neighbors, who would "Invite" a guest over. Unfortunately, they never seemed to be smart enough to actually get the right person, or to sit down and talk, so it looked like they kidnapped the mayor's daughter. All of these things provided simple quest hooks for the beginner traveler, and kept the population of kobolds down (a necessary thing, as the buggers could likely be found under every grain of sand on a beach if they were allowed to breed out of control...). That should allow some more new heroes to get a foothold on this whole "saving civilization" thing.

And now he was ready to evolve.

Embracing the changes he had made to the beings he had created, Joshua became that embodiment of growth and change. At his brow, a small, incredibly simple crown began to form, growing from his rune to crest his head as his skin hardened to protect him all the more.

Now back to Goven. Let him respond, if he wished.

6 AP (2 rollovers)

-2 AP: Repetitive loop of Stability: Added to Simon to make him 1 AP harder to destroy and to provide some stability to Time.

-3 AP: Gain domain: Change (Growth) +2 Defense

-0: Evolve mammals: Simple mammals like squirrels, dogs, wolves, bears, etc. Not anything that can actually get magic or anything Dire. Just normal animals.

-0: Evolve Kobolds: The lowest CR humanoid in the game. Normal, every day old kobolds.

1 AP

2013-07-27, 07:58 PM
Elceir looked around. He hadn't been to his newest planet it quite some time. He ventured over to it and noticed that his creations had not been getting mirrored. How odd... he investigated further and found the tampering of another god. He drew out the madness filtering in his mirror shield. He balled it up into an orb and released it. It floated there above his new planet, giving the planet 2 suns. It greatly extended the day, however there was still a night.

6 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Madness Sun (mirror shield fixed)
4 AP

2013-07-27, 09:06 PM
Chemosh started to get bored again. He decided to spend power on random things to see if anything interesting came from it. He created a race of headless horsemen that wandered the wandered the world, a race of skeleton horses, a race of undead floating heads and a race of explosive green zombies called creepers.

1ap+8ap-2ap headless horsemen-2ap to make skeleton horses-2ap to make floating heads-2ap to make creepers. None of these breed naturally (unlike other undead I made) and can only be made through magic or through unlucky circumstances (Like decapitation)

2013-07-28, 10:47 AM
Now that the his 2nd planet had 2 suns, it would see a long day. Yet his creations still needed 8 hours of rest. With so little darkness, this was wasted time. Instead Elceir gifted any who worshiped him (includes his creations) with the ability to rest for only 4 hours and still feel completely rested. They need only spend these 4 hours resting for their spells to be ready as well. There was a caveat however, they must worship Elceir. They must help erect temples in his honor (often natural groves) in any town or city that has none. They must also pray once a day for 1hr in these temples. A traveling worshiper may carry a charm instead for use while in the wilderness. Traveling worshipers must pray to the setting and rising sun, splitting their worship time equally. Any who failed to do this lost the benefits of reduced sleep until they atoned with Elceir.

But he was not done yet. He had more creatures to make. His people had learned to use horses for work, yet even horses were slow compared to his new creation. Elceir gave some horses wings. They were harder to tame than ordinary horses, however they moved at twice the speed over ground. They flew as fast as other horses ran, and had good maneuverability. These Pegusi (Pegasus) would make great mounts for any that could tame them.

5 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Rest of Elceir (reduced sleep requirements for worshipers)
-2 AP Boring Creation: Pegasus
1 AP

2013-07-28, 04:50 PM
Chemosh frowned at how a race had an advantage over his for magic. The easiest solution of course is probably going to be the best one in this case. He just made it so any creature needed 4 hours of rest to reprepare their arcane spells. This wouldn't affect how long the race needed to rest in general to function normally just how long it took to prepare spells.

Next he made it so that arcane caster working in concert could create spells of greater power. If enough wizards cast spells together the resulting spell could have become very, very effective. Anything from long range fireballs to casting spells that last for insane periods of time, it could do it all as long as enough spell slots and other casters are used.

1ap+4ap-2ap for the 4 hours rest thing-2ap to make it so arcane casters can give up spell slots to raise the caster level of a spell that they are casting with others=1 ap

Down after day change

2013-07-28, 05:08 PM
Elceir had gathered much power. It had eluded his grasp earlier, however he had found it again. He began to create on a larger scale. So many flying creatures, yet so few that roamed the earth. He made a mighty beast, one that would be feared by all. But he made 5 for each planet. They would be great challenges for any adventurer. All would know of the beast and fear them.

Next he made a mundane, but deadly beast. A tiger, larger than normal. It was more hardy and stronger than average. It represented a decent challenge for new adventurers. They stayed away from villages, unless the villagers disturbed them or their homes.

He made apes the same as the tigers. The apes though had 6 "arms" instead of the normal 4. They were also more aggressive. Highly territorial they attacked any foreigner that roamed into their territory. They lived in packs of no more than 50, but often roved in small groups or pairs. The most fierce would roam alone.

Next Elceir turned his attention back to his first planet. He drew from it great mountains, so tall that they altered the environment about them. For the first time ever, snow began to fall.

9 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Taraqsue
-2 AP Boring Creation: Dire Tiger
-2 AP Boring Creation: Dire Gorillion
-2 AP Boring Creation: Mountains
1 AP
OOC: The big AP gain is from bad accounting earlier. It is no more AP than I would normally have.

2013-07-29, 01:36 AM
Joshua was getting annoyed with something. The universe was too... ordered to honestly grow. These stupid rounds and turns and silly restrictions and demands on life seemed to be a sloppy, inaccurate way for the purpose of just having some kind of structure. Life could work rather well on its own, without all of this... overhead, often times illogical ruling over its head.

Besides, the mortals wouldn't notice a difference. Especially if Joshua made it a game children played instead, letting them grow out of it like other childhood fancies...

And so Joshua removed the rules of Dungeons and Dragons from the universe, setting them to be just for games instead. Oh, rules did still exist. After all, there were natural laws that were already in place before D&D was even thought of, let alone imposed. Now things moved naturally, a smooth pace was set to the universe where the flow of a second was not divided into clusters of six to perform actions. Where a spell took as long as a spell took, not an arbitrary amount of time, but however long it took the caster to mumble the phrase or get out the components, or even how long it took them to make a short hand. Those that fought through strength of body now no longer had to swing a certain amount of times in six seconds, they could train to be faster or use defensive techniques effectively. There was no "Stat pool" that determined the limits of a person's potential. No skill points to determine who was best at what menial task without adding in external psychological stresses, weather or the true impossibilities of some things. Nor was there a level system that did away with the majority of luck and chance. And there were no gods damned meta-gamers either. Hate those guys...

Instead, life was... life. Though experience did make a man or woman better than most of their peers, it did not make them invulnerable. Without feats, people just had to learn things the normal way, and did not have restrictions imposed by a level system that did not count on dedicated training in what would be considered a "feat" without needing level ups. Through persistence, any task could be learned and mastered, and through ingenuity any obstacle conquered. It just needed the right motivation. The tasks that would now find and assault the champions he and Chemosh had created would now actually be rather interesting to watch, as they adapted to the new-old rules and found things to be actually challenging for a while.

5 AP (1 + 1 rollover)

-2 Boring Creation: Changing the Rules. As the rules of D&D are fundamentally broken in some way in every version, Joshua has changed them so that they no longer run the universe and are instead a game that kids (and sometimes adults) play. Instead, the regular, real life laws run the universe, meaning that there are many more options for characters to choose, but that it is much easier for them to fall or otherwise fail. (the universe is run basically by pbp freeform rules, with no dice rolls and no major differences to the real world despite all the magic).

3 AP

2013-07-29, 07:42 PM
Elceir was content. His powers were growing. He was happy he'd had the chance to increase his power. He let it flow through him. It was odd, he was accustomed to growing more powerful in his focus of nature, but now his power seemed to also stem from the mortals themselves.

5 AP
-3 AP Gain Domain: Nature (Adventurers) + 2 Defense
2 AP

2013-07-29, 07:55 PM
Chemosh found himself growing in power and he felt a bit more like a hero. He wasn't quite sure what to do to celebrate. Everyone moving out of sync with the rest was quite annoying. It made it so harder to predict what everyone was going to do at any given time. He created an artifact that could predict the different possible futures and see into the past so he could have some fun and help himself know what to make.

1ap +4 from roll over-3ap to gain Domain People (heroes) +2 defence, sorry it is close to your domain deadlykire but I had been setting up for this for a while so I went for it even though there are similarities...also yay rank up-2ap to make a cosmetic artifact that can predict any possible future and see the past.

2013-07-30, 02:39 PM
Joshua finally woke up.

It had been a fine nap, and he had needed it after all the fighting from before. He wasn't all that used to the rigor, and silently hoped that he never would be. Now, what had happened while he had been gone? Some new life, mostly those rock things... gargoyles. And the cubes. The cubes amused him. But they were not important now.

For Joshua had fallen behind on his upkeep duties. With a yawn the God of Life looked at what could be done and what should be, and decided that he would just make what came to mind. But first, he listened to the last wishes that had come in during his rest... it was a long list. Actually, too long. He should make something to delegate and fulfill... aha! First creations.

To fulfill the Last Wishes of the mortals, Joshua created a new race. Well, really he changed the souls of what used to be "Angels" (the original angels who were almost killed off) into beings that guarded and fulfilled the last wishes of the fallen. True last wishes, though, not whimseys like, "I don't want to die yet" or "I wish I had been rich", only things with substance. True last wishes, things that could be granted even after death and still actually matter to the world. Nothing too grand, but small miracles would be more than doable. The beings he so empowered were called "Guardian Angels", as their job for some reason tended to entail watching over the families and friends of the fallen. Apparently, that was often the most pure of wishes... and so often rose to the surface that it defined this insubstantial race. Though they rarely, if ever, participated in combat because so few could see them, let alone interact with them, the Guardians were more than capable of helping themselves, with access to the magics of the Gods of Air and Life, as well as the arcane magics that Chemosh had created. Well, to a degree, at least. Not too major of one, but nothing to sneeze at either.

Next, why not make a race of Dragon that practiced the magics of Chemosh, and amplified them like the Divines? He made dragons with scales as blue as sapphire, through whom all kinds of Arcane magic could be channeled and amplified. They spent their days not surrounded by wealth, but by curiosity and change, so caves of just normal every-day old treasure did not excite them. On the other hand, strange places and places with incredibly powerful concentrations of magic and artifacts drew them like moths to the flame. So it was these treasure rooms that the Azure dragons guarded when found in the wild. They also tended to come to their Divine brethren, as the silver dragons were themselves fonts of power that the blues found... intriguing.

Now for the divines. They were powerful, yes. They were rulers. Indeed. And they channeled his divine power... but there was something lacking. Ah, yes. They lacked the ability to come back from death's door. Joshua could fix that... Joshua could fix that nicely. He created a spell called "Genesis", divine magic that was restricted to the Dragons and Joshua's most powerful followers. It basically was a contingency plan. In case the Dragon or caster of the spell perished, it would resurrect them with all of their spells memorized for the day without the need to actually wait until someone decided to come around and revive them. This spell could be cast a month in advance, giving the caster time to recover from its costs and protecting them from death until it faded.

Lastly, Joshua created a bunch of different rings. Well, it was the same ring, but the mortal ones were different shapes and sizes from the one meant for a certain God. These were the Rings of Regeneration, powerful tools that could heal lost limbs and the greatest of injuries in a matter of minutes. And all the bearers had to do was put them on their fingers... But the one made for the Gods was special. And made for a particular individual...

And to deliver his gift, the God of Life shifted himself so that he could find and talk to Goven. It was in the other God's new place of life that Joshua first witnessed the musicians... and was pleased. "Hail, God of Song. I see you keep my old piano in good shape." He called cheerfully through his life force, holding the ring that could heal Goven's tongue in his palm. In fact, it could likely restore at least part of Asher's old glory... though not nearly enough to bring the cast down God back to true power. "I was hoping you would want to talk."

AP: 10
-2: Guardian Angels
-2: Azure Dragons
-2: Create spell: Genesis
-2: Rings of Regeneration
-2: Ring of Godly regeneration (This ring is able to heal all bodily harm done (aesthetically) to a God, and is able to restore stripped domains as flavor domains. Regained domains do not count towards your domain total.)
0 AP

The Reforged Bard did not look up, he felt the voice in his soul . . . no beyond that in the part of his soul that wasn't encased in his own metal. It was a pure voice, a friendly voice, a voice that spoke of freindships lost past and long forgotten and never defended nor avenged. At this point the reforged bard, made of metal and covered in chains, sat alone under a tree, with the angelic god with white whigs floating before him. What were his feelings about Joshua now? Grief? Happiness? Anger? Envy? Sadness? Joy? It was hard to express and it was hard to talk.

Yellow lines appeared, as small inconsequestial cracks in Goven's skin, and they slowly began to pulse. Slow yellow pulse. Veins of Uranium. He looked up at Joshua, his eyes fire, but now the fires of atoms being split upon anvils of creation. Irradiating everything before him.

And he played a song. Lines of radiation, chains of emotion and music flew far and wide, around Joshua as he played the piano. Dragons accorss the universe, some, very few, rare, recieved his gift. They grew eight wings, and seven heads, and in addition to their breath they were surrounded by spheres of entropy and radiation and never ceasing song. It was not a malicious act, it was simply what Goven was. For while he was the god of Music he was also the god of Reverly, and these would be his heralds of unrestraint emotion - emotion that was too dangerous to shackel. This was no mere radiation of nuclear half lifes - but instead emotional radiation. Each metal held an emotion. Gold would hold happiness, Lead would hold depression, Pewter would hold curiosity, Platinum would hold innocence. And these metals would decay and would release these emotions constantly in a sphere around themselves - sharing.

And with this song. . . he spoke to Joshua. He did not ask where the other god went when he was enslaved, or what the other god thought of him now, or what he did with Asher - instead he asked:

What Now?

AP 10 (Lost quite alot , but luckily. . . )
2 Create: Emotional Radiation
2 Create : Uranium Dragons. Metalic dragons are now 8 winged, 8 headed monstrosities that have realyl powerful emotional radiation. So a gold Uranium dragon would make everyone around them really really happy - a Platinum Uranium dragon would make everyone aroudn them really naive and innocent.
2 Uranium veins around goven +1 Defense
3 Gain Domain: Radiation (Emotion) +2 Attack

2013-07-30, 08:39 PM
Chemosh was bored and worried that war would come. Eventually it must and even though he was peaceful he might need to defend himself. So he made some skeletal armor and a bone helmet to protect himself from threats.

0 ap+5 ap from rollover- 2ap to make armor of defence-2ap to make a bone helmet=1 ap

2013-07-31, 03:46 AM
Not... the response Joshua had been expecting. But most definitely better than what he had expected. Well, better than most of the things he had expected. "Now? Well, now I hope we can talk... and that you will accept this gift." Last time Joshua had given Goven a gift, everything had sort of exploded rather quickly afterwords... But regardless, Joshua let the ring float through the air to the muted God of Music. He also felt the little crown on his head, which he removed and stared at curiously. How had that gotten there?

He looked at the Dragons that Goven had created and smiled slightly. "So then, you are into the business of creating mortals as well, I see... I may have a proposal for you, then." Joshua whispered through his Life Connection. "Chemosh and I are building up mortals as heroes, champions, so that gods do not have to fight one another for dominance, and may instead challenge each other through their champions... or something like that. Personally, I just want to grow my creations to be their best, and I was hoping that you might want to join us."

And then he had to spend some of his growing power before it exploded out of him. So Joshua created new life once more, a race of rather nasty creatures that naturally used the psionic magics that Chemosh had created. Not only that, but they were talented at magic and had natural resistances to both magic and physical weapons! Their only down side was probably the fact that they looked like freaky fish people, but... that was neither here nor there. They also did not handle sunlight very well, and their numbers tended to be rather small... but woe to those that found more than two, especially in their den. For the Mind Flayers were not known for their mercy. The artifacts they guard are incredibly powerful and sought after... but the danger of facing such creatures to get them has turned away more than one intrepid adventurer.

Next, Joshua made a Holy Order amongst his followers and another among the Dragons of the Arcane. His Orders were named for their purpose, Ordo Vita worshiped the God of Life and used their powers for healing and to protect those that could not protect themselves, while Ordo Herreticus abandoned worship of all gods and instead worked with the Azure dragons to discover and create new magics and arcane wonders. With these two orders came new ideas, both fueled by Joshua for a footnote's worth of divine power.

Ordo Vita created what are known as "Healing circles", which allowed many followers of Joshua to come together and form an area that allows them to heal all harm done to any in the perimeter, and allows them to reject all but the greatest of assaults on their wards and their persons. They were the ultimate defensive bubbles, and could be maintained as long as at least five powerful clerics maintained them.

Next were the members of Ordo Hereticus, who had developed a spell of such great power that it shattered the mind. For they had created a spell that could do any one thing the caster desired... even if it broke the laws of the universe to do so. Joshua would have been stunned, if it was not something that he had designed his humans to be capable of, for they had created a spell that could, in a small part at least, liken them unto Gods. All they had to do was... Wish it.

10 starting AP

-2: Create Mind Flayers, but with higher SR and twelve levels in any Psionic class and without the mind eating thingy.
-2: Create order (Ordo Vita), a holy Order dedicated to protecting and preserving life in the Universe. Their employment of the Healing circle technique allows them to act as moving healing camps, if they so wish.
-2: create Order (Ordo Herreticus), a blasphemous Order that is basically a Mage Guild. Their HQ is full of magic from all over the universe, and they are close allies to the Azure Dragons.
-2: Healing Circles, areas errected by multi0ple clerics channeling Joshua's power together. Grands massive regeneration (around 40) can resurrect the fallen and acts as an anti-magic field for the purpose of hostile spells.
-2: Wish, the Arcan spell Wish. It has no school and is level 10 (meaning that only epic-level casters, sorry.)

0 AP remaining.

2013-07-31, 02:05 PM
Not... the response Joshua had been expecting. But most definitely better than what he had expected. Well, better than most of the things he had expected. "Now? Well, now I hope we can talk... and that you will accept this gift." Last time Joshua had given Goven a gift, everything had sort of exploded rather quickly afterwords... But regardless, Joshua let the ring float through the air to the muted God of Music. He also felt the little crown on his head, which he removed and stared at curiously. How had that gotten there?

He looked at the Dragons that Goven had created and smiled slightly. "So then, you are into the business of creating mortals as well, I see... I may have a proposal for you, then." Joshua whispered through his Life Connection. "Chemosh and I are building up mortals as heroes, champions, so that gods do not have to fight one another for dominance, and may instead challenge each other through their champions... or something like that. Personally, I just want to grow my creations to be their best, and I was hoping that you might want to join us."

And then he had to spend some of his growing power before it exploded out of him. So Joshua created new life once more, a race of rather nasty creatures that naturally used the psionic magics that Chemosh had created. Not only that, but they were talented at magic and had natural resistances to both magic and physical weapons! Their only down side was probably the fact that they looked like freaky fish people, but... that was neither here nor there. They also did not handle sunlight very well, and their numbers tended to be rather small... but woe to those that found more than two, especially in their den. For the Mind Flayers were not known for their mercy. The artifacts they guard are incredibly powerful and sought after... but the danger of facing such creatures to get them has turned away more than one intrepid adventurer.

Next, Joshua made a Holy Order amongst his followers and another among the Dragons of the Arcane. His Orders were named for their purpose, Ordo Vita worshiped the God of Life and used their powers for healing and to protect those that could not protect themselves, while Ordo Herreticus abandoned worship of all gods and instead worked with the Azure dragons to discover and create new magics and arcane wonders. With these two orders came new ideas, both fueled by Joshua for a footnote's worth of divine power.

Ordo Vita created what are known as "Healing circles", which allowed many followers of Joshua to come together and form an area that allows them to heal all harm done to any in the perimeter, and allows them to reject all but the greatest of assaults on their wards and their persons. They were the ultimate defensive bubbles, and could be maintained as long as at least five powerful clerics maintained them.

Next were the members of Ordo Hereticus, who had developed a spell of such great power that it shattered the mind. For they had created a spell that could do any one thing the caster desired... even if it broke the laws of the universe to do so. Joshua would have been stunned, if it was not something that he had designed his humans to be capable of, for they had created a spell that could, in a small part at least, liken them unto Gods. All they had to do was... Wish it.

10 starting AP

-2: Create Mind Flayers, but with higher SR and twelve levels in any Psionic class and without the mind eating thingy.
-2: Create order (Ordo Vita), a holy Order dedicated to protecting and preserving life in the Universe. Their employment of the Healing circle technique allows them to act as moving healing camps, if they so wish.
-2: create Order (Ordo Herreticus), a blasphemous Order that is basically a Mage Guild. Their HQ is full of magic from all over the universe, and they are close allies to the Azure Dragons.
-2: Healing Circles, areas errected by multi0ple clerics channeling Joshua's power together. Grands massive regeneration (around 40) can resurrect the fallen and acts as an anti-magic field for the purpose of hostile spells.
-2: Wish, the Arcan spell Wish. It has no school and is level 10 (meaning that only epic-level casters, sorry.)

0 AP remaining.

The Reforged Bard did not pick up the gift that the angelic god had granted him. Instead he looked at him with his eyes of nuclear fire and asked

So you wish for Mortals to die in our stead?

The God of Music did not play any song at that moment, and there was just silence.

2013-07-31, 04:29 PM
The Reforged Bard did not pick up the gift that the angelic god had granted him. Instead he looked at him with his eyes of nuclear fire and asked

So you wish for Mortals to die in our stead?

The God of Music did not play any song at that moment, and there was just silence.

The simple answer was, "No." The full one was, "If it were my choice, the Gods would not fight at all. If it were my choice, we would have a true peace, and though we might squabble from time to time there would be no need to come to blows or send mortals to fight and die. If it were my choice, they would grow with song and love and peace through their entire life... If it had been my choice, you would never have suffered at Asher's hands."

"But none of that is up to me, and I have learned that I must live with it."

"I fought it, and I suppose I still do, to a degree. I was given the problem of trying to keep bloodthirsty and relentless gods from preying on their younger and weaker brothers. I tried to stop it through might, but still other gods fight one another even at this moment. So instead I tried to focus on mortals, hoping that at least they would be spared from the chaos. I tried to create mortals strong enough to defend themselves and the other creations from the fires of war, and yet my brothers made beings to hunt my greatest creations, and sought to trap my daughters with their own flame. The other Gods beyond Chemosh have shown no interest in diplomacy, but he is the one that made the suggestion that I now hold on to like a lifeline. For I have no perfect solutions, I have no remedy for the madness. So I'm grasping with what I have to the hope that if we do this, at least the Gods will not have to die... Or so That no one will destroy one that cannot be revived or replaced... That no God will cause harm to the being of another."

Whispered with through the True Words, Goven could feel the extent that Joshua's almost broken conviction went as he whispered, "It's the only hope I have left." And the Lord of Life looked to the battle that now raged between Terrus and Rand, raising his hand to erect a perfect field of force in between Terrus's attack and his unsuspecting target. "No. Not any more," He whispered out loud, exhaustion staining his voice.

4 AP from rollovers

2 left over

Added to defense (roll in OOC): +10 for Rand

2013-07-31, 11:16 PM
Elceir's power was at it's peak. It gathered so much faster than it used to, he realized he would have to work to expend it more often. So he began creating. First he made a group dedicated to nature, druids they would be called. Druids could shift into mighty forms of animals they'd encountered. Their shifting was nearly limitless, however they did need to know enough about the beast in order to shift into it.

As always Elceir donned more armor to represent his increased power. This time he choose to cover his face in a mighty helm. The helm represented all that nature was or could be.

While time being orderly was well, the laws in the universe had killed magic. It was so thoughtless, Elceir brought its wonders back into being. Elceir made his planets follow the rules of d&d so that the wonder could be brought back. It was not simply a game played. Any who did not use these rules were barred from entry. This included advanced weapons and civilizations that progressed too far beyond those already on the planets.

Next Elceir greatly expanded the groves. He made any grove that was being tended by a druid grow at double the rate. Groves tended by dryads progressed normally. Untended groves began to wither away until the landscape around them overtook them.

10 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Druid Class (Requires Knolwedge check before wild shaping (autopsy kind of thing))
-2 AP Boring Creation: Helm of Thorns + Defense
-2 AP Boring Creation: D&D Rules for those that want them
-2 AP Boring Creation: Shield of "equality"
-2 AP Boring Creation: Tending Bonus
0 AP

Hank McBadass
2013-08-01, 09:17 AM
Asher's cathedral was overflowing as King Limm and his captains entered the sanctum to pray over the god's unmoving body. The armies had been raised, supplies gathered, battle plans drawn. The king was ready fro war.

In the commotion, Matilda took the counsel of her father and brothers.

"And you are quite sure that no one knows this of her? No one at all?" Her father asked. His voice had a musical quality to it, more of the poet than the warrior.

"She has been kept shrouded these four years. The arrival of Asher has given us the pretense." Matilda said, her usual curtness in check.

"Well religion is a funny thing, isn't it? As far as I can see all the mighty Asher does is lay there, yet the king bends his knee and seeks blessing before heading off to war. I find it hard to believe he could be god of kings. And he can only be touched by shrouded virgins? Why the hell would that be the case?"

"The singers tell of his defeat. And of his rising again." Titus piped in.

"The ****ing singers! Ha! I guess you believe that they have a god their own too? What drivel!" Nathan snorted. He was a little drunk after all.

"Yes, well maybe. Anyway, Titus, how are the Southern tribes?"

"Agitated; hungry for war; restless."

"Hmmm. Well, Matilda, tell your husband Albert to be prepared for when the moment is right."

"Yes, father. He feigns illness to avoid the call to war, as if that could stop him."

. . . .

Julia gathered the oils for the post-worship rituals, her face covered by a black shroud. She didn't think the god honestly cared about such things, but such was her station.

A familiar voice rang through the chamber. Heather, the other Attending Priestess skipped up the "Julia! You aren't going to say goodbye to your noble husband to be?"

"Theodore is too focused on all the gallant warriors, and I've been told to stay away from the nobles, especially the King's company."

"Oh yes! You have to maintain your virginity after all." Heather laughed as she moved around and gave Julia's ass.


"Oh this dead lump doesn't care. If you want Theodore to want you, stop treating him like a brother."

"But he is my brother!"

"Oh please, just by adoption. And you've been kept away from him since the betrothal."


The Web appeared before Asher, invisible to the girls.

"Oh for gods' sakes father. You have to listen to this drivel all the time?"

Asher spoke through his soul to his daughter. "Oh I don't know, sweet child. It is not as bad as the grandiose talk of the gods pretending their actions matter."

-2 AP Raise Demigod --just making clear that the Web is a demigod. She will add one defense.

2013-08-01, 09:38 AM
Chemosh wondered what to do. He still had to prepare for war but he felt that he had a limit for how much he could prepare. He wasn't at it yet but he better create anyways. He created a child size wooden shield engraved with an image of a beautiful Beloved. Next he created a glove that appeared to be made entirely from knuckle bones. Finally he made a pair of pants...they looked entirely normal but they were very hard to destroy. Finally he felt like he was at the limit of defensive capabilities for now...hopefully it would be enough.

1ap+5ap from rollover-2 ap to make shield-2ap to make gloves-2ap to make pants. All give a bonus to defence.

2013-08-01, 12:32 PM
Elceir returned to his planets. He noticed his creations dieting off. He was infuriated. He looked around and discovered the cause, some idiot had cooled the planet massively starting an ice age. His creations were dieing by the droves. He quickly undid the other gods work. He added more heat to the core, bringing ocean temperatures back to tropical levels. He took care so that the polar ice cap remained, he was not so careless. He then acted on his vengeance and made them.

Tiny dragonsn suddenly sprouted from the ground. They began to hunt with an unmatched fevor. They hunted any creation of Terrus to near extinction. they were merciless in doing so, leaving a massive trail of corpses. Each kill granted them even more power. He had no choice, the lesser god continued to act without thought or regard for others work. His mortals would now serve as a lesson. With enough time, all of Terrus' work would be undone.

5 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Thermal Core
-2 AP Boring Creation: Pseudodragon

2013-08-01, 07:20 PM
His work of creating defence done, Chemosh started paying attention to the world again. He noticed immediately another mage guild was created. A way to share spell easily without those giant tomes currently in use to hold all the spells would be useful. Some people already had a magic item that could help if they looted it from dungeons or crafted it but there was no where enough of them for everyone. So Chemosh made an artifact in the university that if someone inserted 12500 gp worth of items into it and they got A Blessed Book Of Chemosh from it in return instantaneously. The books had ten times as much room as the regular books and it didn't cost anything for the magical ink to write in them. Only the higher up wizards could really afford it but already they had started to work towards buying a blessed book for everyone and to make compilations of spells that wizards could study from to learn new spells or to craft items. As a sign of faith they sent a beautifully crafted set of spells to the Ordo Herreticus detailing every spell known to the Beloved worth millions of gold.

0ap +5 ap from rollover-2 ap to make a cosmetic artifact that produces blessed books (A magical item in D&D)=3ap

2013-08-02, 12:28 PM
The simple answer was, "No." The full one was, "If it were my choice, the Gods would not fight at all. If it were my choice, we would have a true peace, and though we might squabble from time to time there would be no need to come to blows or send mortals to fight and die. If it were my choice, they would grow with song and love and peace through their entire life... If it had been my choice, you would never have suffered at Asher's hands."

"But none of that is up to me, and I have learned that I must live with it."

"I fought it, and I suppose I still do, to a degree. I was given the problem of trying to keep bloodthirsty and relentless gods from preying on their younger and weaker brothers. I tried to stop it through might, but still other gods fight one another even at this moment. So instead I tried to focus on mortals, hoping that at least they would be spared from the chaos. I tried to create mortals strong enough to defend themselves and the other creations from the fires of war, and yet my brothers made beings to hunt my greatest creations, and sought to trap my daughters with their own flame. The other Gods beyond Chemosh have shown no interest in diplomacy, but he is the one that made the suggestion that I now hold on to like a lifeline. For I have no perfect solutions, I have no remedy for the madness. So I'm grasping with what I have to the hope that if we do this, at least the Gods will not have to die... Or so That no one will destroy one that cannot be revived or replaced... That no God will cause harm to the being of another."

Whispered with through the True Words, Goven could feel the extent that Joshua's almost broken conviction went as he whispered, "It's the only hope I have left." And the Lord of Life looked to the battle that now raged between Terrus and Rand, raising his hand to erect a perfect field of force in between Terrus's attack and his unsuspecting target. "No. Not any more," He whispered out loud, exhaustion staining his voice.

4 AP from rollovers

2 left over

Added to defense (roll in OOC): +10 for Rand

The Reforged Bard looked at the other god, and then nodded.

I am sorry, but I need time to heal. I will join you and Chemosh in your pantheon of peace when me golden heart mend and my silver tounge grows back. But I warn you, the music of destruction has not stopped, it will never stop. You must steal your heart for the losses about to come - and if you cannot, you are welcome to lie on my lap - and we can heal together.

2013-08-02, 02:08 PM
Chemosh was bored again. It was taking forever to start the game. Maybe there was something else to do but what? He created another plane that was a perfect replica of his first plane only this one followed the rules of D&D again. The he inserted some mindless creatures to work as quest givers if the gods wanted to hand the characters a quest.

That done Chemosh went on to fix some things that was annoying him. First he made positive energy and negative energy the same thing. If someone channeled the energy they can choose for it to heal or to hurt at the time of casting. There is absolutely no difference between the energy that healed undead and the energy that healed regular creatures now. Finally he made the Dracolich, a race of undead dragons that could breed as all undead could but a dragon adept in Chemoshmancy.

3 ap+5 ap-2 ap to make an exact replica of my original plane-2ap to make mindless creatures that can act as conduits for the gods to speak through (They come in any race and can be used by anyone...though it is clear which deity is controlling the creature simply by looking)-2ap to combine the current energies into a gray energy-2 ap to make the Dracoliches

2013-08-02, 10:45 PM
Elceir was content, the psuedodragons were doing their jobs. They left 2 dozen survivors of every race they hunted, insuring they could continue to survive. Once the populations reached 100, they returned to feast more.

Elceir longed to create more than just death. He decided that having druids was not enough. He made mortals capable of living of the land, stalking through the forests undetected. Their animals weren't as loyal as a druids, nor as strong, same with their magic. These rangers though needed not stay in a grove, and they were more adept at martial disciplines than the druid.

Elceir also gifted a special tree to the druids, this tree had to be tended by a druid to continue to grow, however when its wood was harvested it was lighter and harder than any other material. Each druid was gifted a tree, and every dryad a seed. Dryads were unable to grow the trees, but they harvested the seeds and saw that every druid got one upon attaining a significant level in the druidism.

8 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Ranger Class
-2 AP Boring Creation: Unbending Tree

2013-08-03, 03:37 AM
The Reforged Bard looked at the other god, and then nodded.

I am sorry, but I need time to heal. I will join you and Chemosh in your pantheon of peace when me golden heart mend and my silver tounge grows back. But I warn you, the music of destruction has not stopped, it will never stop. You must steal your heart for the losses about to come - and if you cannot, you are welcome to lie on my lap - and we can heal together.

"Then please, take this, Goven." Joshua said, stepping forward and pressing his ring into the other god's hand. "It does not make up for my failure, it's not even a pittance compared to that, but if it can help you move on even slightly, then please. Take this and wear it and let me help you heal." And then Joshua drifted back from Goven, finally ready to leave. "And if you can find the strength in you to do so... I hope that one day you will forgive me for failing you, my brother." And then Joshua was gone, back to the concerns of mortals and... Dragons. Oh so many dragons, plaguing the everything. Why had he thought making the Divines would have been a good idea? Sure they had been impressive... at the time. But then Elceir had some sort of inferiority complex or something, and things got messy...

Look at this world, it was starting to become a mess. Someone needed to clean it up. And, with a wince Joshua realized that it would take a Dragon to clean up the mess of a Dragon. But it was time for a new color... a nice green would be just what the doctor ordered. So Joshua created a new set of Dragons, who's one and only job consisted of fixing the damage done by the conflict of their draconic brothers and sisters. Their bodies were designed to take damage and bounce back, rivaling the Terrasque with their base ability to regenerate. Now, fire and all was good for other dragons, but did that fit the dragons meant to repair damage done by by their deadly romping. No, instead they had a venom that coated their mouth and teeth that acted as a deadly neurotoxin that could be sprayed out in gaseous form. No fire would come from these beasts, but to make up for its loss they would be able to call upon the powers of nature to heal the scarred land, remolding and repopulating scorched earth and dragon claw marks with the same wave of their claw. They would not have the gift of flight, but their ability to burrow into and through the ground faster than any living being could cross above it gave them the advantage of not needing to.

And he might as well make another odd dragon while he was at it... he created a dragon with an odd, mismatched orange, purple and yellow color coding to them. They were not all that large, in fact they were barely larger than a human if they raised their wings straight up, and to be quite honest, these Qrtzequotle were basically court jesters. Adorable little buggers, they were... but no less deadly for all of that. Though cute and more than happy to be peaceful, these dragons were there to protect the rulers of every country. Their ability to use psionic, divine and arcane attacks in tandem with one another, as well as the fact that they only used sound as their breath attack, left the ancients of other dragon breeds in abject terror of the smaller beings. It was said that just one Qrtz could fell an entire flight of other dragons, so then it was a good thing that there was only one per kingdom that stayed until it was bored or somehow slain. Otherwise, it would be impossible for power to truly shift as dictators could rely on their pet dragons to fight off their intruders. But there was one stark reality to these little dragons, even if you slew them all with the sword in one year, they would only come back the next to serve their new leaders. N one knew where their clutches lay hidden, or even if they had any, but these "King's Dragons" were never truly extinct... by mortal means, at least.

Next, Joshua found that the silliness of that game system was still being imposed on part of the real world... why couldn't Elceir have had at least the common courtesy of putting it on a different dimension like Chemosh had? Hmp. Oh well, if he wanted his worlds... Joshua would make sure they would not be disturbed. He merely made the web into two different beings, one for Elcier's worlds and one for everyone else. He made the split painless, almost unnoticeable really beyond a slight tugging, as he did not wish to cause the powerful being any real agony. He just wanted things to be a bit more... sensible.

With a final sight, Joshua leaned back and admired the new helpers and the proper flow of the universe. And he sent Simon off to investigate the Worlds of the Undead... to kick start the hero's (Almost legend's) newest adventure.

Ordo Herreticus, more than enthused with the spell books, sent all of their research and copies of the spell Wish to their new undead allies. This was... wonderful! Another organization that created and experimented with magic. But what about where magic came from? How could they harness it properly? These were Questions of Research that must be answered, and now!

10 AP
-2 Green Dragons: The "Repair" men of the dragons, they have Terraforming which allows them to undo damage to to the land, Terrasque regeneration, burrow through the ground instead of flying, and have all instances of "fire" replaced with "Venom" when it comes to breath attacks.

-2 Qrtzequotel: Odd dragons of oddness. They are massively naturally psionic, can draw upon Joshua, Elcier and Chemosh's divine magic as long as they do the right thing, and they can use any king of Arcane magic. They act like fools most of the time, until whatever leader or leaders they guard are threatened. Fully grown, they are only about the size of bobcats (though they have really long wings). All instances of Fire when it comes to their breath attack are replaced by the element "Sonic".

-2 Separate the parts of the Web that lead to the 3.5 system from the much larger parts that do not. This leads to their being two webs that do nothing with each other. This split was painless for the web.

-2 Philosophical ramblings have risen from Ordo Herreticus to explain why magic is so diverse, and where it comes into being.

2013-08-03, 02:22 PM
The University of Chemosh remained silent on the matter of where magic came from. It was entirely clear to them where it came from and hopefully it would become clear to them eventually that the magic came from the God Chemosh. After the first exchange of knowledge there wasn't much else to do with each other. Every so often the university gave some undead to the Ordo and of course they always had a lot of Onyx so they gave every so often with the research they obtained on Chemoshmancy. Meanwhile Jessica was on her way to the alternate dimension on a research project. Due to the lack of knowledge of the plane they first had to find the portal to the other plane. The Beloved wouldn't even have realized there was another plane if Jessica hadn't found it with her divinations.

Chemosh meanwhile made a new class of powers. A group of people who could use simple magic but could also borrow or steal power temporarily from people. Next Chemosh made a school for Psionics for those who wished to take advantage of it.

0ap+5ap-2ap to make Spell Thief-2ap to make a school of Psionics=1ap

Feel free to have Simon meet up with Jessica while she is searching for the portal to the other world.

2013-08-03, 11:16 PM
Elceir looked at the mortals he'd made. He looked at the plants. The healing trees were working well. Yet the mortals had not seemed to try to push their knowledge further. They just took the healing for granted. He soon learned of the other gods' work. They had created groups for healing. he would mimic them, making it a profession for heros. These heros would be dedicated healers, capable of astounding feats of recovery. They could wade into battle and not fear being harmed. They would have the protection of the god they worshiped. They would be devoted, and their devotion repaid by the gods.

It would not do for these new clerics to simply use arcane magic. No they must use divine magic, and their schools of magic must be the from those their god represents. And so Elceir made the first domain, nature. His clerics would have access to powerful nature spells. They would rely mostly on buffing, minor healing, and using nature to control the field of battle.

9 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Clerics
-2 AP Boring Creation: Cleric Domain (Nature)
5 AP

2013-08-04, 06:45 PM
Chemosh continued to make things. First he made the plane of infinite dungeons. It is just one giant dungeon that went on and on forever and forever. Next he made the elemental plane of Onyx complete with onyx golems. Then he built an elemental plane of Diamond. He was excited for the heroes thing but until it was ready there was nothing to do.

3 ap+5 ap-2 ap to make the infinite dungeon plane-2ap to make onyx plane-2 ap to make onyx golems- 2 ap for plane of diamond.

2013-08-04, 09:41 PM
Elceir decided that only the gods were fit to decide professions for the greatest of mortal heros. They might go about their mundane jobs as commoners,merchants, and nobles, only gods though could make the type of professions a hero would need. And so his will was done. Any class not made by a god did not exist for an adventurer.

Elceir looked at his creations, he was sad that their lives were so short. He could make them immortal, and the sap of life almost granted it, but it was not enough. He felt mortals should be able to make mighty machines that would not die, but they could make them in their own image. So he granted the knowledge of sentient constructs. They would come to be called the warforged, because their forging would lead to great wars ravishing the cosmos.

He made a new class, one that revolved around the tranquility of nature. The monks were wise and hardy. They were wise enough that after a point they no longer needed to rely on their strength to attack. They had the ability to modify their attacks with some weapons to deal non-lethal or lethal damage as they saw fit.

The druids would need a way to organize themselves. They would need a body of people to govern themselves. And so he made an order of druids, they would select those that could join their ranks. They would also deem when one might receive their seed.

10 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Divine Decree: Only classes made by gods can be used
-2 AP Boring Creation: Warforged
-2 AP Boring Creation: Monks
-2 AP Boring Creation: Druidic Order
2 AP

2013-08-06, 09:01 AM
Mr. Flame

Mr. Flame rose in power again, spending some of the power he had been sitting on. He took in the essence of Air, this time, as Air was necessary to kindle most fires. Well. . . Not his fires, but most fires. He crafted a blade from pressurized air, held in place by magic. It would work in space because of the same magic. It rips apart anything the blade touches as a 500 mph wind might. Mr. Flame saw many slow moving gods, and began to burn them, and so he torched Bravo, Rand Tryoth, Valivian, and Aneros.

Starting AP: 10
-3 gain domain: Air (wind). +2 Attack
-2 create artifact: The Blade of Air, +1 Attack
My total attack is now +9, and I'm feeling lucky today.
Rolling attack against Bravo:
Rolling attack against Rand Tryoth: [roll1]
Rolling attack against Valivian: [roll2]
Rolling attack against Aneros: [roll3]

Oops, major skrew up with rolls
I accidentally rolled 3d6. I can't change it or it will yell at me. . .

Bravo: [roll]1d6+9
Rand Tryoth: 1d6+9
Valivian: 1d6+9
Aneros: 1d6+9

Now why didn't that work?

2013-08-06, 09:48 AM
Elceir looked across his creations. These mortals were thriving, but they could do better. They needed a way to identify and organize themselves better. They needed to group up beyond simple tribes and cities. They needed to begin to form nations. And so he implanted the suggestion. And the mortals went to war, they produced massive numbers of warforged to wage this war for them.

Some of the mortals began to defile nature. This angered elceir, until nature rose up to defend itself. It did not take long for the mortals to cease their attacks. They quickly learned that their greatest enemy would be nature itself if they did not take care of it.

Elceir also made a great beast that resemebles a giant. It is mishapen, and larger. These athach's would wander the lands, owing no race fealty. They would form together in small bands, and perhaps even a nation one day. They ignored the wars of other mortals unless it came to their doorstep.

And so the great war lasted 1000 years. Empires rose and fell, races forged alliances and pacts. They betrayed one another and held fast to their beliefs. In the end nature stayed mostly intact and each race held a nation unto themselves. One great island nation was a safe haven for all races, it was neutral in every war, refusing to get involved. Mercenaries could be bought here, almost entire armies, but none belonged to the nation. Elci it was called, kept its army of 10000 warforged intact and guarding the borders. Another 40000 soldiers of various races made up the remaining army. Elci became a great trade nation, flourishing in the time of war as any country was welcome to purchase and sell their goods here. Trade was largely unrestricted. There were laws, paramount was that no quarrel from outside Elci may be resolved in Elci. If so, both parties' lives were forfeit.

7 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Nations
-2 AP Boring Creation: Athach
-2 AP Boring Creation: Elci
1 AP

2013-08-06, 12:01 PM
Chemosh watched in disgust as they ganged up on another god. At first it was interesting to watch but that god wasn't doing anything. The classes thing was interesting so that he created a bunch of new classes. They still hadn't met up with Jessica yet and until then there wasn't much to do.

0ap+10-2 ap to make class: Wizard-2ap to make class: Sorcerer-2 ap to make class: Psions-2ap to make class: Cleric of Chemosh (essentially a mixture of arcane and divine it will need to be homebrewed later I think)-2ap to make class: Initiate of the Chemosh Veil (Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil)= 0 ap

Meta-Meta gamer
2013-08-06, 12:27 PM
The edge of the universe

Screams tearing though the veil, there so much pain, so much, POWER
Sin ripped though the barrier between worlds, into reality. He hurled himself through time and space. No into time and space, he saw everything, everyone, all of time, and it was brilliant, but he felt his power fade. Returning had taken to much energy, he could only maintain the base of his power, terror filled him until he fell into slumber.
He awoke in a frozen wasteland, to weak to take physical form Sin drifted to the nearest life, a polar bear. He fondly remembered causing them to maul people in the past, but his trip to memory lane was disturbed by a hoard of pseudo-dragons arriving over the horizon and slaying it!
Now Sin was awake, the pure animal rage had fed him filled him with power. The pseudo-dragons saw him as a massive black scaled hydra with a hundred heads, fangs dripping with blood. They backed away only to become breakfast for the gluttonous god. "Tasty, but I hunger for more."
Sin remembered his vision of time and chose an easy target first, aneros the god of wind, and Sin spat, and creator of the angels. Holy or not, an ancient hate broke to the surface along with a thousand small monsters, imps born to spread the evil sin's arrival brought.
Meanwhile Sin himself came to the shattered lands, spreading terror and hate wear-ever he stepped, like on the face of a poor angel. Sin read his mind before it was smeared on the ground, finding away to bring out aneros, war.
the repeated cataclysms against the angels had divided them into nation-tribes, since they(do to aneros' over-sight) were never united, there were many old hatreds and oaths to be exploited. Sin would use these wars to draw out the wind god and kill him.
Months later five tribes were in conflict, this drew the wind god. He probably wasn't expecting to have his face melted with venom, but thats what you get

starting ap 5
imps, imps are actually quite powerful, and sneaky with the abillity to posses animals become incorporeal and read/manipulate mortal minds,empathetically -2 AP

Darkness at the heart, Divine decree. -2 AP all things (even inanimate objects see bottom* )have a dark side, a sort of psychic shadow, reflecting what they fear, hate, ect. This shadow is a split from the person, a reflection of everything negative affecting them, as well as everything negative that has affected them in the past.
this is normally undetectable and dosn't affect/show at all, but an evil, or troubled person may unlock the next stage. (all imps and Sin himself know when this happens) Where the shadow splits from the main personality and begins tempting the "reflected" person to do evil, offering power**,(see below) release(from pain, manotany whatever) and information. (comes from an imp)
at this stage the person begins to change, becoming evil, and they're appearance changes as well, the eyes become fully black, may grow horns, hairy palms and other mutations.
Once successfully tempted by they're shadow an imp will come and finish the deal, and by that I mean rip the shadow from the person and returning to sin with the negative side of that person, which he eats

* A note on negatively charged items and locations, this acures when many negative acts happen in the same place, or are done with the same item. In "shadowy" (for lack of a better term) places its easier to be tempted to evil and shadows, can in particularly evil places, activate on they're own.
shadowy items wish to repeat the acts that made them shadowy in the first place, if this is done, and people around the item will be tempted to do it. The item will awaken they're shadows.
both mutate as well becoming darker, more disturbing.

** a note on dark power. a shadow will "aid" actions that are evil, increasing the chance of success up to but not exceeding double the original force. the shadow can aid spells, speeches, shooting, ect but only if it would have negative consequences.

finally an note on good verses evil
this does not make it impossible to be good, in fact most will never experience the shadow or tempted, but it does make evil a theat for the greatest of heros to defeat
oh and im at 1 AP
EDIT attack on OoC post 760

2013-08-06, 06:05 PM
Another god had spawned and had immediately targeted nature. Why were these young ones so foolish? So be it, the imps could take over animals, it would be their end. He blessed all life against the imps. Whenever an imp took over a life it was trapped. It would act like an aggressive virus, once it bonded the animal would die within 2 days. The imp would be trapped within the animal. If an imp made the pact for a soul, the virus would instead just infect the imp. It would spread across the imp slowly, killing it within a week. Any imp infected in the 2nd manner could spread the infection to other imps it came into contact with.

He sat and watched for some time. The virus worked well, the imps suffered greatly before their death and so did the animals. He grieved for causing such pain to the creatures, but sometimes for nature to survive, it must die and adapt. The imps seemed to persist, no doubt the will of their creator, but they were no longer able to survive in great numbers. The threat had been minimized.

Elceir noticed the darkness creeping in on his planets. He was dismayed, but he had a solution. He moved the two planets closer together, so that both were affected by the double sun. He linked the two planets together, they balanced one another in their orbits around the double sun stopping the shadows. He was content for now. He knew the others would be unable to resist meddling further. Perhaps they would realize there were still thousands of planets available for their meddling, they need not destroy his.

6 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Imp Kiss Virus
-2 AP Boring Creation: Bond of Duality
2 Ap

2013-08-06, 07:19 PM
Enough silent watching had occurred, in Joshua's estimation. Especially with all of these chaotic gods running amok... "Chemosh, might I have a word with you please?" The Lord of Life asked softly, pleasantly.

And while he waited for a response, Joshua created once more. First, he made life from the air itself to enforce order upon the Angels, who's mindless destruction of their race would cause them to become extinct otherwise. These elementals of air were masters of their element, able to use the air to restrain and even kill if they must to carry out their purpose: Stop mortals from committing Genocide. There, that should contain that...

Next, Joshua found that he agreed with Elcier about the refinement of Divine magic, so he created the school of "Life" magic, dedicated to healing, repair and protection magics, as well as judgement for those that would seek to end life and empowerment for those that had to fight back.

After that, Joshua decided to deal with the Shadows of the real world. It was simple, really. All he had to do was modify it so that, while everyone knew the "Shadow" existed, and that items would eventually gain fragments of corruption, no one was actually "infected" by the shadow at all unless they chose to be so. It also did not appear to anyone on its own, so lazy buggers who didn't go through the rather strenuous effort of summoning it did not get to have it. The number of shadowy warlords rather suddenly plummeted.

Next, he decided to remind everyone that this realm was not run by an alignment system, so he made it an absolute. Nothing that existed on the plane of the real world would only do "evil" in the spam of their lives, and no individual would do only "good". There were no pure or irredeemable beings. There was only people and their differing morals, making even the definitions of "good" and "evil" blurred and hard to determine.

Finally, Joshua threw another wall of force into place to protect the dormant God of Air... Though once again it would likely be worthless and futile. Some day soon, those gods would have to either settle down or be taken care of. Joshua only hoped that he would not have to play executioner once more...


Simon watched the undead below him, curious as to why they walked outside of a city. Were these those... "Civilized" undead that Ordo Herreticus had talked about? He would find out soon enough. The Dragonfire Adept folded his wings to his side, a blessing from his dragon patron, and he landed on the field ahead of them with his small entourage of loyal traveling companions landing beside him. "Hail, dead ones. What brings you to the world of the Walrus?" So aptly named as it had the largest and most varied species of walrus on it. Even other life had begun to mimic the bloody things... In fact, he had just seen a bear the other day with walrus-like tusks standing just at the edge of the tree line... This world was weird. Why did he come to it again? Oh right, the plot. Stupid railroading...

10 AP (with a good bit wasted, unfortunately)

-2 AP: Air elementals: Basically an incorporeal police force that goes about the Universe preventing Genocide. They can bind people in air, create a vacuum around an individual void of all oxygen, enter a person and suffocate them and the strongest can summon gail-force winds that, if focused, can scar solid rock.

-2 AP: Life Magic: The school of Joshua's magic. It closely resembles the basic cleric of good's spell list, but with better healing spells, fewer offensive spells and a few homebrewed "judgement" spells.

-2 AP: Modify the Shadow in the Real World so that it infects nothing but items and can only tempt those that go through the trouble of summoning it.

-2 AP: Good and Evil are relative in the Real World, and no one can be fully good or evil.

-2 AP: Aid the God of Air's defense.

Defense roll: [roll0]

2013-08-06, 08:30 PM
Sure, what would you like to discuss? Perhaps the newest rampage of murders that the other gods are attempting again? Maybe, about how our heroes finally found each other? Hopefully this will be as interesting as I hoped. Chemosh said smiling as he watched the first meeting with clear delight.

Jessica looked up at the flying thing. The creature looked a lot like a human but it also seemed to have some dragon like aspects particularly wings. Greetings, human looking thing. I am Jessica and these are just my zombies. You can basically ignore them. I'm here looking for a specific portal. Namely one that goes to an alternate version of my home world that is still in the old version of the universes laws. You wouldn't happen to have seen a portal that leads to a plane where everyone does things in 6 second intervals, would you? Also, why are you here? You don't look very walrusy. Jessica said staring at the thing unblinking. Meanwhile the zombies without commands started playing patty cake with each other and tag. A couple of them even tried to touch Simon before Jessica gave them a talking to.

Sorry, they mean well but they have some serious problems. The academy couldn't even spend the time a resources to give me colleagues that had the Awaken Undead spell cast on them...well except for Bill. Bill looks up from playing patty cake and waves before going back to playing. He was made before the change and well...the odds weren't in his favor for the spell. We think his intelligence is only slightly better than the average. Jessica finished whispering.

2013-08-06, 10:04 PM
Sure, what would you like to discuss? Perhaps the newest rampage of murders that the other gods are attempting again? Maybe, about how our heroes finally found each other? Hopefully this will be as interesting as I hoped. Chemosh said smiling as he watched the first meeting with clear delight.

Jessica looked up at the flying thing. The creature looked a lot like a human but it also seemed to have some dragon like aspects particularly wings. Greetings, human looking thing. I am Jessica and these are just my zombies. You can basically ignore them. I'm here looking for a specific portal. Namely one that goes to an alternate version of my home world that is still in the old version of the universes laws. You wouldn't happen to have seen a portal that leads to a plane where everyone does things in 6 second intervals, would you? Also, why are you here? You don't look very walrusy. Jessica said staring at the thing unblinking. Meanwhile the zombies without commands started playing patty cake with each other and tag. A couple of them even tried to touch Simon before Jessica gave them a talking to.

Sorry, they mean well but they have some serious problems. The academy couldn't even spend the time a resources to give me colleagues that had the Awaken Undead spell cast on them...well except for Bill. Bill looks up from playing patty cake and waves before going back to playing. He was made before the change and well...the odds weren't in his favor for the spell. We think his intelligence is only slightly better than the average. Jessica finished whispering.

"Why not both?" Joshua asked, chuckling. "The new gods are... rather alarming these days, aren't they? Attacking their elders like a pack of vultures. I do not think we should be isolated anymore... if any of them come for one of the older, active gods then we should work together to stop them. Agreed? And I do apologize for Simon's tardiness... He is a very difficult man to direct." Free will was such a bother some times.

"Huh? A portal? Well yes, I suppose I did... but why would you want to go into that place? It's so... well, it's rather odd." Maaaaybe not as odd as the zombies behind this one, though. Simon's companions watched them warily... and with massive amounts of confusion. This was not usual undead activity, not at all. Usually, undead were trying to eat their faces at this point in time. "I can see what you mean about that one... Bill, was it?" Simon mumbled back, "Doesn't seem to have all of his marbles..."

2013-08-07, 01:22 PM
They are very destructive. Hopefully they will calm down before they try to attack the strongest. I agree if either of us are attacked we can defend each other. Chemosh said smiling

We live for quite some time you see and lot of nostalgic Beloved who still remember the days of old would love to have a vacation there. It also has a second version of the University of Chemosh and a ton of beloved. It has a lot of potential to benefit both worlds. Jessica explained. To clarify, very few zombies have all their marbles. In old terms, they have an intelligence of 5 putting them into the mentally slow category. Newer ones have a much more varied intelligence but they are still all like this. There is also a spell called Awaken Undead that usually raises the intelligence of undead with low to none of their own. It is very high level so they can only do it every so often. Bill's intelligence hardly increased from it however. Jessica said whispering the last part. Some dribble comes from Bill's mouth as he raised his hands triumphantly from "winning" patty cake.

0ap +5ap from roll over-2ap to make Bill into a hero (We need a meat shield and he would be perfect)-2 ap to make an artifact that makes it cost another ap to destroy him=1ap

2013-08-07, 06:09 PM
Elceir decided to make 2 new creatures. They would be fearsome warriors in their own right. Nothing yet existed quite like the one, the other looked like a darker orc.

The first was the Hemeri. They were part man and part jackal (looks like Anubis), with light colored short fur. Their skin is leathery and also light earthen tones. The next creation were the Nyxi. They looked much like orcs, except they were midnight, obsidian, or other dark blacks. Men were usually bald, although all Nyxi were able to grow dark thick black hair. Nyxi were much smarter than the average orc, though some were strong and other hardy. Their fearsome appearance though always made it hard to relate with other races.

7 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Hemeri
-2 AP Boring Creation: Nyxi
3 AP

2013-08-08, 07:48 AM
They are very destructive. Hopefully they will calm down before they try to attack the strongest. I agree if either of us are attacked we can defend each other. Chemosh said smiling

We live for quite some time you see and lot of nostalgic Beloved who still remember the days of old would love to have a vacation there. It also has a second version of the University of Chemosh and a ton of beloved. It has a lot of potential to benefit both worlds. Jessica explained. To clarify, very few zombies have all their marbles. In old terms, they have an intelligence of 5 putting them into the mentally slow category. Newer ones have a much more varied intelligence but they are still all like this. There is also a spell called Awaken Undead that usually raises the intelligence of undead with low to none of their own. It is very high level so they can only do it every so often. Bill's intelligence hardly increased from it however. Jessica said whispering the last part. Some dribble comes from Bill's mouth as he raised his hands triumphantly from "winning" patty cake.

0ap +5ap from roll over-2ap to make Bill into a hero (We need a meat shield and he would be perfect)-2 ap to make an artifact that makes it cost another ap to destroy him=1ap

"Thank you, Chemosh. Losing another of my birth-brothers right now would not go well for me..." He mumbled sadly, looking over to the soon to be dead God of Air as he said this. "I might just go as crazy as dear old Asher over there... And as you might suspect, that would end poorly." For everyone.

"Well, if you put it that way, then..." Simon hesitated and then gave a nod, "Alright, I can show you the way to the portal thing... but I want you to know that if there is any funny business from your zombies there, I probably won't be able to keep my companions back..." Simon mumbled, gesturing to his two companions, a master swordsman and a cleric. The Swordsman is called Elden, while the Cleric is Hesua. Both of them looked sort of run down and wary, and both were heroes in their own rights... just no quite the level of the Undying Knight (Simon). Speaking of Simon, the winged silver and white scaled human had begun to walk in the direction of the aforementioned portal that Jessica had been searching for...

AP: 8

-2: Create Trueblade class. The normal Trueblade, as per the ToB.

-2 AP: Raise Hero (Elden). He is a human Trueblade with the blood of a Qrtzequotle in his veins. Thus he had slight psionic abilities, but has not delved into them yet...

-2 AP: Raise Hero (Hesua). Hesua is another of the Divine Dragon bloodline, a cleric of powerful faith and abilities.

2 AP remaining.

2013-08-08, 01:00 PM
Don't worry, as long as they don't do anything stupid nothing should happen. Just be wary, they might not look like much but they can be deadly if enraged. Jessica said smiling. It was probably a bad idea to just follow a random person to random place they just happened to know how to get to. They were outnumbered though by the zombies. The zombies might not be the strongest but the number helped a lot.

The zombies seeing it was time to go picked up the backpacks of equipment they were carrying and their simple weapons. Bill didn't have a pack himself seeing he was a supervisor and but he still pretended to pick up a pack himself before he put his gauntlets back on. He then double checked to see if his bow and swords were still in place...he was not quite sure why he did that but he remembered something in his past saying it was important.

1ap+5 ap-2 ap to make a race undead swarm of rats (That have hive mind)...because why not?-3ap to get Domain People (The Beloved) +2 to defence=1 ap

2013-08-08, 04:16 PM
Elceir looked out upon the world. It did not yet have enough classes. He made a class for merry folk, that liked to sing. They were friends to all and even had a bit of arcane ability.

Elceir made a class of savage fighters. They were capable of being brutal and effective in combat. They would gain a bloodlust in combat that made them into machines of death. They were less accurate in their unthinking rage, but could swing far faster.

Next came the builders. They were capable of creating masterful items without much thought. They still held a reverence for nature though, always using as few materials as possible and giving back to nature what they took.

8 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Bards
-2 AP Boring Creation: Barbarians (Whirling Frenzy Variant)
-2 AP Boring Creation: Artificers (Must repay 50% of materials used to nature)
2 AP

2013-08-09, 12:31 PM
Chemosh watched Jessica with interest. He felt stronger and that meant making something to give more defense. So he made the most generic unnamed object ever. Then he crafted an onyx dispenser in the universities of Chemosh. No real reason why seeing they were always supplied but he figured he might as well

1ap +6 ap from rollover-2ap to make Generic Defensive Object-2 ap to make a cosmetic artifact=3 ap

Hank McBadass
2013-08-09, 03:17 PM

King Limm is about to be killed but Theodore gets badass for some reason and saves him. King Limm knows why.

A giant Western-man crashed through the line. "This was it then?" Thought Theodore. "The last battle." King Limm's army had won victory after victory on the campaign. The armies of the West were much smaller than they had expected. And now it was clear why: allies from across the great mountains had gathered and soon King Limm's army was outnumbered three to one. The king laughed at the turn of events. Theodore remembered his boasts. "Well, now we might at least have a fair fight!" The King had shouted. But the momentary look of concern was missed by no one.

The Westerners overtook the first line and headed straight for the command hill. Theodore, as the squire to a general, had not had to draw blood to this point. He had often said how he wished he was in the thick of things. Now his mind had changed.

The largest Western-man was at the front of the group. What magic he had Theodore couldn't say, but no matter how many volleys of arrows the group was never hit. The melee was in full swing on the battlefield.

"To the King!" A crier shouted. Theodore and the rest of the command garrison rushed to aid the king. To no avail. Nothing could stop the man-giant and his posse. He cut through the well armored nobles as if they were small children. Finally he was to the king. The rest of the group engaged the contingent and kept pushing them back.

King Limm raised his great sword against the giant. Eight blows from the Western-man's axe were swung, and eight returns were made by King Limm. With the ninth, however, the king fell. The giant let out a laugh as he raised his axe for the killing blow. King Limm's Qrtzequotle was guarding his throne. Victory was but a swing away.

Theodore saw all this from behind the line formed by the other westerners. His king was going to die!

"NOOOO!" Theodore Cried. He lowered his shield and charged. He broke through the line and was at his King's side just in time to raise his shield.

The shield snapped in two and Theodore's left arm shattered. A giant gloved hand followed soon after, across Theodore's face. He fell to the ground as he struggled to maintain consciousness.

The Western-man stood over King Limm. "It is too bad bravery alone doesn't win wars, no? Look at him! Let those that have died for you sit on your heart in your last seconds of life."

But neither Theodore or the King would die that day. Theodore felt a warming presence rising from his left cheek. It grew until it became a raging inferno spreading through his body. All pain besides that fire were gone. His mind was consumed by it. Only death would end it, Theodore could tell that. Those that saw him rise told of a patch of gold on his face. They said it must have been the work of the gods. King Limm saw it as well, but he knew better.

In an instant Theodore was beside the king once again. In a single stroke he cleaved the giant in half. Before the shattered fragments of his sword had hit the ground, he had grabbed the giant's axe and turned on the rest of the Western-men. With thirty swings of the axe, thirty Western-men were killed.

Theodore felt himself return to his body as he walked next to King Limm. His bones were mended and the axe, which would be too heavy for him to wield mere minutes before , felt light in his hands. The King was the only one to get a good look at the two golden lip marks on Theodore's cheek before they faded away.

The king looked into Theodore's brown eyes with his own gold-flaked green ones. Was it disappointment Theodore saw? King Limm broke into a smile. "Call the charge, my boy! We'll whip those Western scum together!" So they did.

2013-08-09, 05:57 PM
Elceir gained even more power. He took control of the weather itself. He made 2 seasons, summer and winter. They varied in length, summers were times of prosperity and good fortune. Winters were harsh, times of turmoil and angst. Continents experienced seasons together. During the summer it mights still snow, but it was always lighter than during the winter.

Next Elceir looked down at the pendant on his neck. He remembered having made it. It was one of the first times he'd unleashed his wrath. It gave him idea for a spell. It was a mighty magical shield that greatly augmented ones combat ability.

7 AP
-3 AP Gain Domain: Nature (Weather) +2 Defense
-2 AP Boring Creation: Seasons
-2 AP Boring Creation: Wrath of Nature +1 Attack
0 AP

Hank McBadass
2013-08-10, 10:59 AM

"WHAT DO YOU CALL IT THEN?" Heather yelled back.

"Well . . . I don't know . . . It wouldn't be becoming if I just started sucking his face. That's his job."

"Listen, Julia, you need to take what you want. You will be his wife one day; do you want him going about and finding women who WILL kiss him on the lips instead of the cheek?"

The back and forth continued in Asher's sanctum while the Web sat invisibly tending to her father.


Father, you seem to have taken an interest in these mortals.

Well you wouldn't let them kill me sweet child, so what else am I to do?

Does this mean you will stop laying here and do something?

No. I don't really care that much.

The Web let out a sigh. Fine. Well I'm going to talk to someone more interesting.

Very well.


Another priestess entered the sanctuary.

"Lady Julia. Your father wants you."


Albert stood in the throne room. His wife was right of course: It was time. But would it be like the legends said? The baron hoped not.

"Ahh, Julia! There you are."

"Hello father! You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Pack your things. We are headed to the capital with reinforcements against the Southern tribes. I thought you might like to see the city."

"THAT WOULD BE AMAZING! Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you!"

Albert smiled. "Very well. Bring your dagger in case any of the soldiers try to get fresh."

Julia ran upstairs to her chambers. Would he lose his daughter after it was over? He had always been ambivalent about having a daughter, but now there was nothing more precious to him. He took the letter asking for reinforcements for an immanent battle in Frio and threw it into the fire.


If Julia had been more experienced in war she would have been suspicious. The retinue was not merely for support of the capital -- they were marching for battle. But she went along oblivious talking about the sights she would see at the capital. The imperial palace, the grand pantheon, the shipyards so full of vessels that one couldn't even see the water! On and on she went. Albert played along, but it made his captains uneasy. There were murmurs that it was a mistake to bring her along. That she was just a silly girl. That nothing but folly could come from the Marquis's plan. On the tenth day they arrived at the battlefield. The Lord Marshal would drive the southerners to them. When the Southern army arrived, it was larger than expected. Banner's extended across the plain.

Albert looked down at his beloved daughter. He hoped they were right. "Darling, you must stay with me no matter what. Even if we charge the line. Now mount up." They got on the back of their lizards and the baron called for lines to be formed. The officers looked uncomfortable with the 17 year old girl amongst them. But none of them said a word. A rough spear was pushed into her hands.

Julia wanted to sob, but she didn't want to embarrass her lord father. She was no stranger to fighting. She had done a lot of it before she had moved to the castle. This was different though; this was worse. She finally settled on silent tears.

That is until the battle started. Something changed. Was it something in the air? Julia sat on her lizard in rapt attention. There was beauty here: the men in the front lines, marching bravely to their almost certain death as arrows rained from the heavens; the focus of the combatants, trying to sense all around them to save their puny lives; the silly chivalry, letting you opponent get up instead of killing him on his back!? Ha! Julia saw every part of the battle. Every killing blow and savored it. But it was the smell that affected her the most. GODS THE SMELL! HOW WONDEROUS! The smell of death! The smell of killing! The smell of terror! The smell of BLOOD!

Albert looked over at his daughter. She was leaning forward on her lizard, mouth open, eyes wide, eager. It must be true. The officers had noticed as well. Some were smiling, other's fear was plain. They all knew what it meant. Or at least they thought they did.

The baron called out. "Calvary! Prepare to charge!" Calls went down the line. "Julia, darling, are you ready?"

"Oh really father!? Yes! Yes! YES!" Julia was giddy. Her dark red hair blew in the wind as she fidgeted in her saddle. "Hurry up father! Call the charge!" The gold flecks in her green eyes were practically glowing.

Baron Albert called the charge and the cavalry stormed down into the battle. It was quite a sight. At the center, amongst armor-clad knights, was a girl in court clothing waving a spear in pure glee.

Real spoiler in AP expenditures. I just needed to get them out asap since I'm at the cap.

10 AP

-2 Create Species: Blood Daemon (aka Vampires)
-2 Create Plane: Spirit Realm
-2 Create Artifact: Daemon Rift
-3 Gain Domain: Life (Redemption)

= 1

Those things make Julia possible. I will flesh out later

2013-08-10, 11:39 AM
Chemosh was bored...so he made some more classes for people to be. He made the archivists, Dread Chemoshmancers and Dusk Blades. He had so much power lately and he just felt that if he didn't spend it all then he would lose it.

3ap+6 ap from rollover -2 ap to make archivists-2ap to make Dread Necromancers named Dread Chemoshmancers-2ap to make Dusk blades= 3ap

2013-08-10, 01:58 PM
Elceir gathered his power unto himself. He found that mortals lacked any real magic to use. So he gifted their heros with new schools. Those of animals, death, and luck.

6 AP
-2 AP Boring Creation: Animal Domain/School
-2 AP Boring Creation: Death Domain/School
-2 AP Boring Creation: Luck Domain/School

2013-08-11, 12:44 PM
Meanwhile in the D&D realm it took a different turn than the original plane of death. A researcher finds out how to make use a spell and a selection of feats to kill everyone in an entire city. After killing several towns the entire plane surrendered to them. The university quickly moved to strengthen it's position by taking the moving strongholds in their realm. They bombed the cities full of loot and magic items and just kept bombing it every time the undead reappeared. They put more money into military and prepared to enter the other worlds. First though they had to find and fortify all the portals in this plane so they could not be surprised and surrounded when the expansion happened. So they prepared and grew stronger in their secluded and isolated plane.

3ap+6 ap-2ap to make an artifact the protects the plane of death-2ap to make- 2ap to make lead lined tombs in the planes filled with items and magic items...in the new plane it is used to train and hold their doom mages-2 ap to make a class called doom mages=3 ap