View Full Version : Looking for Help

2013-06-17, 02:38 PM
Hi everyone :)

I was really looking for someone who could help me out learn D&D.

I never played it. Once I played an RPG where we would create characters for something resident-evil style. However, we had a short one-day campaign and never reunited again.

For a long time, I played in play-by-post forums but we had our own set of rules. However, we didn't use dice system, pure roleplaying with a master stating the outcome.

I would really, really love to play D&D on one of the Play-By-Post games, but I'm kinda ashamed, since I don't really know the rules and I'm not sure if I'm suitable for any of the games. When I got into 'Player Registry', well, I wasn't really sure how I could tell my preferred gaming system (since I never played one) or what my character style would be (I'd bet on Bard maybe, but I'm afraid I will sound too Elan-ish).

Is there anyone who could lend me a hand and tell me if I'm suitable for the play-by-post forums? Is it something I should study first, understand the rules, play the 'live' game (which is hard for me because I hardly can make time for it)?

I appreciate any help that can be given :).

Thank you all very much!

2013-06-17, 03:28 PM
If you're only starting out, I'd recommend popping by the unofficial IRC (Gamesurge.net, #giantitp) because live feedback is a lot handier than a forum for figuring stuff out.

As for learning, the D20 SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/) is a very good place to start. Just click on the first link under Core Rules and keep reading.

2013-06-18, 12:02 PM
Uh well, thank you Flickerdart! Sounds really nice and I'll surely spend some time on it!

Thanks again!