View Full Version : Fun and Profit in the Netherworld

Mr. M
2013-06-17, 03:35 PM
The call had gone out. In the wake of the Overlord's death, ambitious young demons assembled before the selected structure, that legendary yet abandoned power base...

...the Unopened Soda factory!

Maybe three hundred feet by one fifty, and several stories high, the purple-grey factory looks sturdy but neglected. The only windows seem to be on the ground floor and far too grimy to see through. There is a wooden front door down one long side, securely locked. One side wall hosts a huge wooden shutter made from thick planks - perhaps a deliveries entrance? Those who try the doors can swear they heard noises coming from inside.

At least it's isolated. Only places nearby are a crummy little "town" and a dubious ninja academy, and they're still hours of walking away.

No, this purple-grey concrete factory is a safe home from which to launch a campaign for the only prize worth having - the throne!

But we're getting ahead of ourselves. These plucky hellrazers aren't even done introducing themselves:

2013-06-17, 03:57 PM
Alistair could do nothing more then stare at the abandoned soda factory. When he was forced to leave school to protect the family fortune he was expecting to have to deal with some hardship but nothing like this. This better be worth it if I have to put with living conditions such as these. Taking his mind off where he would be forced to sleep he turned his attention to the group that would be part of the bid to become Overlord. He only vaguely recognised the pint sized samurai chick which only served to emphasis just how much of a rag tag group they really are. All he could do was shrug his shoulders and hope that somebody has a plan for getting the conquest started.

2013-06-17, 04:22 PM
Shiina looked around at those who had gathered, recognizing Alistair but not remembering his name. "So, this is the whole group, huh?" She took a glance at the abandoned factory. "And this is the place we have to sleep? Could be worse, I suppose." She then looked over to Hideyoshi, her android companion. "Remember to clean before you unpack my things." He simply nodded in confirmation.

2013-06-17, 04:36 PM
"Not only is this structure sturdy, repairing it will provide a source of funds for this little campaign of ours'," the angel standing behind the group shifted its wings nonchalantly. Holding out a hand, Marcus materialized a mace out of glowing yellow energy. "Unfortunately, those sounds from within hint at a pest problem. We ought to clear them out with much haste. You there." The angel pointed at a Prinny dragging a chest up behind the group. It jumped and turned to salute. "You and he are to guard the supply chest out here and keep watch." Gesturing between the Prinny and one of the two Zombies following him around, the angel turned away towards the factory doors. "If anything is missing when I return, it comes out of your penance. Penny, Charles, you are with us for the clean-up." A second Prinny and Zombie moved up next to Marcus. The second Zombie was carrying under one arm, of all things, a basketball.

2013-06-17, 05:15 PM
With a heavy shove, one of the factory's inner doors slams open, a single, exhausted looking prinny waddles out, followed by an incredibly gorgeous looking angel with black bat wings, huge horns and a spade tipped-tail, not to mention her neatly conservative outfit of skintight white leathers. She laughs like a bell as she pecks it on the cheek, giggling more when he staggers. Behind her, a number of heavy looking suitcases have been neatly arranged in a stack.

"Oh my heavenly stars, you wonderful little tyke, you didn't have to carry it allll the way out here, but thank you soooo much. she starts, seeing the prinny to the door and letting them out. "I'll have to keep in mind what a friendly neighborhood we live in." With that, she slams the door in its face, and unwittingly leaves the undead construct to wonder how far a hike back to town he has in front of him.

Finally noticing the others, as if for the first time, she beams at them. "Oh my! Good to see we're all getting set up, but do you think we should have brought more furniture?"

Batpope Scott
2013-06-17, 06:43 PM
Kazetora stands away from the group, watching them in amusement. If one of these becomes overlord we will have a rather interesting time of things.

2013-06-17, 07:35 PM
Fanta looks around, considering the place and its advantages and disadvantages. Comfort of the place wasn't a concern, he can just sleep inside the space within his jacket . On the bright side- isolated, not a lot of people to disturb his naps outside this ragtag bunch of friends. On the downside, it's isolated, so any impromptu runs to town to acquire snacks will have to be planned. Thinking how the actions of his friends indicate will have to clear the place out, he prepares by grabbing at the motes about him, slapping one onto the arm to form a set of electric claws, upon his sleeve to form bracers of ludicrous darkness, and upon his neck to form a necklace of anger and fire. "So, how much you think we are going to have to clear out of here?"

2013-06-17, 08:24 PM
Val dismounted from her trusty stead Vindelhiem and took in the factory. Her emerald armor glinted as she moved and her white desert robes flowed from her waist as she landed on the ground. She flexes her legs and her claws. " Meoh I imagine that we'll clear out as much as we need. Now wont we? I know our little swordwoman will be happy for the practice. . She said it with a glint of mischief in her eyes. Not knowing what lay ahead Val secures Vindelhiem and unsheathes her sword and sniffs at the air. Her clan was well known for their tracking skills and while Val had walked a different path than they she still kept their lessons at heart


Using the scent ability to see if Val can smell anything of worthy note like what kind of creatures are in there or anything like that

2013-06-18, 01:56 AM
"Hopefully the clear up won't take too long, as while I don't mind dirtying my hands to get the job done, I hate the idea of having to literally apply it." Turning to the rest of the party Alistair gave a small shrug before continuing to speak. "Before we begin go I believe we should actually introduce ourselves to the group. I am Alistair Serpenthelm, son of Dervin Serpenthelm one of the previous overlords vassals and head of the Serpenthelm house."

Mr. M
2013-06-18, 04:16 AM
The smells from inside the factory are sweet and sugary, like someone making candy. There's an undercurrent of kind of a mix between prinny hide and a pig sty.

There's also the faintest waft of... something burning?

2013-06-18, 05:10 AM
"Fantas Malificent is the name, however little title and prestige is attached to it. Say anybody here know how to pick a lock? This place looks barred, and I'd like to have backup when I head in. Of course, I can just walk through the door, but like I said, backup is nice."

Batpope Scott
2013-06-18, 07:11 AM
"I could pick the lock."

Kazetora walks over to the door and standing in front of it to wait for the signal that everyone was ready. "My name is Kazetora, if you were wondering."

2013-06-18, 08:28 AM
"I am Akayuki Shiina." She steps up to Kazetora and smiles. "At least I don't have to ruin the door to get in." Shiina makes a couple quick motions with her hand. Byakko sits down next to her things and Hideyoshi comes to the door.

2013-06-18, 02:24 PM
"You may call me Marcus," the angel in the back stated simply. Marcus idly spun his mace around in his hand as he waited for the ninja to unlock the door. With his free hand, he gestured to the Prinny and Zombie beside him, "These are Penny and Charles, respectively. The other two have not earned their names yet."

2013-06-18, 03:03 PM
Val Swiftpaw. Thunderclaw and second born to my father clan leader Damian Swiftpaw of the netherdesert. This fearsome reaver here is Vindelhiem and he has been my companion across dune and mountain. This place smells of prinnys and pig...maybe orcs" . Val sniffs the wind once more and furrows her brow. "It also smells like something is burning perhaps but I can't tell what."

Batpope Scott
2013-06-18, 06:01 PM
"We should hurry, then." Kazetora gets to the door and does his best to open it.

[roll0] Disable Device

Mr. M
2013-06-19, 05:33 AM
The lock easily gives way under Kazetora's gentle touch. Opening the door just a crack and peering through, he can see:
Immediately, there is a wide open floor, with just a few badly packed pallets of boxes on it. There are two Prinnies (poorly) hiding behind the stacked pallets.

Beyond that is an immense metal still of some kind. A large pipe runs out and to the left at about the 15ft mark. A green slime is in front of the still, looking up. Looking up himself, Kazetora can see that the still appears to be open-topped and that there are gantries suspended from the ceiling near the tops of the stills. Also, the roof over the still appears to be a huge trapdoor?

Beyond the still, he can make out some of kind a big hole in the floor.

The inhabitants don't seem to have noticed his sneaky ninja door crack peering.

Batpope Scott
2013-06-19, 09:23 AM
"I see two prinnies and a slime. Wonderful."

Kazetora attempts to silently open the door while turning invisible. He starts into the room to get a better look around.

2013-06-19, 10:55 AM
Shiina grabs onto Hideyoshi and smiles. "Showtime. Hideyoshi, become my weapon." She magichanges Hideyoshi into a gun and draws her blade with her other hand. "Good thing you only take one hand, would be trouble if they got too close and all I could use was you."

2013-06-19, 11:33 AM
"Ah yes, a fight. Hoping this place would be empty for the taking. Guess we'll have to do some fighting before settling in." As much as he would like to only use his claws, he's more than aware they need time to recharge, so he scrounges through his jacket for a moment before pulling a spear out of it, never mind there's no way that works out spatially. Instead of following the others through the door, which is like a choke point, he decides to come through the walls to come at the enemy from the side.

2013-06-19, 11:40 AM
Smiling to himself Alistair pulls out his gun and begins to ready himself for the coming combat. "So how should we make the first kill? A bullet to the head, a shot to the heart, or maybe something even crueler?" With that said he began to visualise the kill and where best to place his shot.

2013-06-19, 12:49 PM
"Do proceed then. I'll be hanging back, in case you require medical attention."

Should we roll Initiative?

2013-06-19, 03:54 PM
"Excellent, just give the word and well descend on them. If possible on should be captured to interrogate. We don't know who else is in here. Meroh". Val's muscled bunched as she prepared to charge. Lightning played across her left paw as she harnessed the power of the storm to her cause. She had been trained in the traditions of the thunderclaw warriors and not dishonor them through lack of discipline even if the enemy was mere prinnys.

Mr. M
2013-06-19, 04:55 PM
As the invisible ninja opens the door, the hiding Prinnies get pretty confused.

Being able to see more, Kazetora can see a couple of rooms walled off over to his left, one of which has an Orc leaning against the door. Sweeping to his right, he can see a second still and a large room into which the pipes run. Some sort of elevator sits in the corner.

There are three more Prinnies, one of whom has cautiously left cover.

"... dood? Anyone there, dood?"

Zoomed-In Combat Map (http://oi40.tinypic.com/xor2a9.jpg)

2013-06-19, 05:35 PM
Shiina hears the prinny speak and all her restraint is lost. She rushes in and takes a shot at the nearest Prinny. "Your reaper's here!"

Attack: [roll0]
Initiative when it's needed: [roll1]

Edit: Missed a word, it's fixed now.

2013-06-19, 07:52 PM
Initiative Rolls
Marcus: [roll0]
Charles: [roll1]
Penny: [roll2]

Marcus waits outside for now, letting the crowd around the door clear up. At a gesture from Marcus, Charles moves in and directly to the left (right from map POV) of the door. Penny also moves in, and directly to the right (left from map POV), and fires a Wind Blast at the Prinny Shiina fired at.
Touch Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Extra d4 if its two Prinny HD count as a character level for damage: [roll5]

2013-06-19, 08:17 PM
Initiative for attack

2013-06-19, 09:32 PM
Fanta continues his drive at the opposition, his necklace seeming to become darker as he swells in size, soon towering above most in the room. Who needs fusions to take up extra room? Not this dude!
Using Blood Ape totem ability and moving, keep in mind my AC is 2 higher than my sheet (+2 from size increase, +1 NA and +1 deflection from passive abilities of soulmelds,-1 from decreased Dex, -1 Size).
Moved so that 2 squares upwards of prinny 3 is my lower left corner (I take up the square above, the square to the right of it, and the one adjacent to those two.)
Initiative: [roll0]

Batpope Scott
2013-06-20, 02:43 AM
Kazetora reacts swiftly to the action and goes to throw a shuriken at the first prinny after using his Jutsu to make himself a little more resilient and a little better at hitting weak spots.

Jutsu points going to DR/4 and +4 to damage.
[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Critical Confirm
[roll2] Damage
[roll3] Critical Damage

2013-06-20, 03:02 AM
Alistair joins in the charge with his pistol drawn as he attempts to shoot the first Prinny he lies eyes on.

Alistair moves 5 squares down and one square to the right before firing his pistol.
[roll2] If the Prinny is already dead then he does not attack an enemy and instead just moves straight.

2013-06-20, 12:41 PM
Val's muscles release all the energy she had stored. Sprinting and pounding towards her foe. The hunt was in her blood and she would have them

Pounce attack after charge: nearest alive prinny
No fatigue thanks to desert dweller feat

Attack(scimitar): [roll0]
Dmg if hit: [roll1]

Attack (touch): [roll2]
Dmg if hit: [roll3]

Natural attack: [roll4]
Dmg: [roll5]

2013-06-21, 06:27 AM
Bubbly Angelique just seems to stay back behind everyone, and starts to introduce herself before the others open the doors.

Oh! We have guests already? she asks with a lit before hefting up a rather egregiously large axe with a sing edge. Yet the first thing she does, without warning, is to fire off a blazing blue bolt of fire in the direction Kazetora and Alistair fired their shots. She doesn't even seem to have paid attention to what she's firingat, just going long with it as if it were a big game.

"Helllooooo! My name's Angelique and I'm an angel of JUSTICE! she greets with a laugh.

Attack, Firebolt (range 30, Point blank shot is in effect: